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Ad Hoc Networks For Cooperative Mobile Positioning

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Ad Hoc Networks for

Cooperative Mobile Positioning
Francescantonio Della Rosa1, Helena Leppkoski1, Ata-ul Ghalib1,
Leyla Ghazanfari1, Oscar Garcia1, Simone Frattasi2 and Jari Nurmi1

University of Technology (TUT), Finland.

2Aalborg University (AAU),

1. Introduction
Wireless ad-hoc networks have received huge attention during recent years due to the
potential applications in different fields such as emergency, disaster relief, battle-fields,
automotive, social networks and entertainment. They are rapidly deployable, selforganizing, and require no fixed infrastructure for communications. (Huang et al., 2008)
At the same time, localization in wireless networks is becoming a hot topic for society,
industry and research. The needs of location information has driven companies to build
mobile handsets with embedded GPS receivers (which is nowadays the most popular mass
market solution for positioning), causing huge increase in costs, size, battery consumption,
and a long time for a full market penetration (Sayed et al., 2005). However, it is also known
that the GPS is not always the most suitable solution for localization. In adverse
environments, such as outdoor urban canyons and indoor, it is not an easy task to obtain
location information, due to the signal blocking, multipath conditions and the infeasibility to
have a continuous tracking of at least four satellites (Mayorga et al., 2007).
The Fourth generation (4G) communication systems also stimulate the need of providing
alternative ubiquitous localization solutions, regardless the environment (i.e., outdoors and
indoors), which should overcome, or at least complement, the drawbacks of GPS-based and
GPS-free systems (Della Rosa, 2007). Traditional alternative technologies make use of time
difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements from the serving cellular system where the Base
Stations (BSs) are considered as fixed reference points (Sayed et al., 2005).
Different type of measurements, such as received signal strength (RSS), are widely used in
local area scenarios, where Wi-Fi Hot Spots deployed in big cities allow user terminals to
predict their locations by means of known fixed positions (Sayed et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, when localization is performed in indoor environments the accuracy is
highly dependent on the wireless channel conditions since several error sources cause huge
signal fluctuations detected at terminal level, severely decreasing the final location
estimation accuracy (Della Rosa et al., 2010).
Recently, in alternative to traditional methods, a new branch of positioning techniques has
been developed: the Cooperative Mobile Positioning (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010), which makes
use of hybrid schemes and exploits the benefits in terms of accuracy of short-range
measurements provided by the ad-hoc networks (Della Rosa, 2007).


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

In this chapter we will explain the basics of Cooperative Mobile Positioning and
demonstrate the applicability of the technique in real cases, demonstrating that the
exploitation of the most reliable RSS measurements detected in the ad-hoc links represent a
valid and complementary approach to traditional non-cooperative methods, and that the
hybrid network model adopted is the most natural environment in which cooperation among
terminals is established and best exploited without additional hardware components
(Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa et al., 2010).

2. Mobile positioning

(a) Outdoor Scenario

(b) Indoor Scenario

Fig. 1. Conventional Positioning

Several different radio navigation methods, based on different measurements and operation
principles, have been used in practical positioning applications (Sayed et al., 2005;
Syrjarinne, 2001). The positioning techniques can be categorized as mobile based and
network based methods. In mobile based methods, the mobile station (MS) measures
parameters from signals it receives from BS and uses the measurements to determine its
position. In network based methods the base stations measure parameters from signals
coming from the mobile, and the position calculation is performed in a positioning server
connected to the network. The following measurements and positioning techniques can be
used for positioning a MS in communication systems:
2.1 Angle Of Arrival (AOA)
AOA utilizes multi-array antennas which are used to estimate the angle of the line of arrival
of the signal. The position of the MS can be located at the intersection of the lines if more
than one AOA measurement is performed, as shown in Fig.2.a. This positioning method is
called triangulation. Antenna arrays capable for AOA measurements are large in size, and
thus more suitable to be measured by BS rather than MS. Therefore AOA lends itself easily
to network-based positioning. The AOA is considered mainly as outdoor positioning
method using BSs of cellular networks (Sayed et al., 2005), but results on AOA positioning
in WLAN infrastructure have also been reported (Wong et al., 2008). Reflections and nonline-of-sight (NLOS) conditions distort the direction of arrival of the signals, deteriorating
the accuracy of AOA positioning.
2.2 Time Of Arrival (TOA)
TOA information from the MS to a station with known coordinates (navigation satellites,
BSs of wireless communication networks, etc.) or vice versa can be estimated if both entities


Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning

(a) Angle of Arrival (AOA)

(b) Time of Arrival (TOA)

Fig. 2. Angle of arrival and Time of Arrival based positioning

are precisely synchronized in time. The distance between MS and BS can be obtained from
TOA, since electromagnetic waves propagate at constant speed of light. To estimate the
position of the MS, TOAs to at least three stations in different locations are required for
trilateration; all the BSs have also be perfectly synchronized to each other (Rappaport et al.,
1996). In trilateration the position estimate is the intersection of circles with radii determined
from TOA measurements and centers at the known BS coordinates, as shown in Fig.2.b.
Reflections and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions distort the TOA of the signals.
2.3 Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA)
TDOA is based on estimating the difference in the arrival times of the signals coming from
two different transmitters to the receiver. Geometrically a particular TDOA value defines a
hyperbola between the two receivers on which the MS may be located. As seen in the
(Fig.3.), the position of the MS can be estimated at the intersection of the hyperbolas if more
than one TDOA measurement is performed (Misra et al., 2006). One of the benefits of this
technique is that it does not require knowledge of the absolute time of the transmission, i.e.,
the receiver time does not need to be synchronized with the transmitter, but the transmitters
need to be synchronized with each other.

Fig. 3. Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

2.4 Received Signal Strength (RSS)

In RSS based positioning, the MS location is estimated using models that relate the strength
of the received radio signal either to the distance between the MS and the signal emitter or
to the MS location directly. Typically at least some parameters in the applied models are
determined experimentally to adapt the model to the application environment. RSS based
positioning methods can be divided into three main categories: cell identifier based,
pathloss-based, and fingerprinting. For consumer market positioning applications, the RSS
observables are considered to be more easily available than AOA or TOA, as the RSS can be
passively listened from the access points (APs) of the infrastructure WLAN, without adding
any extra load to the network. According to IEEE 802.11 standard, the infrastructure APs
periodically transmit beacon frames, which contain information for network identification,
broadcasting network capabilities, and for other control and management purposes
(Wallbaum et al., 2005). The MS can sweep from channel to channel and record information
from any beacon it receives. This process is performed regularly to determine the AP with
the best link quality. This allows the MS to determine the cell identifiers and signal strengths
of all APs visible for the MS. In many mobile devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs and
laptop computers, this information is easily available through Application Programming
Interfaces (API) of standard WLAN services.
2.4.1 Cell ID based positioning
In cell identifier method, the MS scans the available WLAN channels. As the position
estimate it reports the position of the AP from which it received the strongest signal (Fig.4).
In cell identifier method, a MS needs prior information about the locations of APs and their
unique Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. Therefore, the system set-up for positioning
is relatively easy. Granularity of the position estimate is determined by the distances
between MS and AP. Because of the coarse granularity of the estimate and noise introduced
by the environment, this method is applicable in scenarios where rather coarse accuracy is

Fig. 4. Cell ID positioning based on RSS measurements

2.4.2 Fingerprinting
Fingerprinting approaches are based on experimental models that relate the measured RSS
values directly to the measurement position. These models are generated from off-line
collected data from several locations that sufficiently cover the area where positioning is


Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning

needed. The principle of fingerprinting based positioning is illustrated in Fig.5. For each
location, from the off-line collected data a typical signal pattern is extracted and saved to the
fingerprint database with the coordinates of the location (Fig.5.a). In positioning phase, the
current set of RSS measurements from the APs in the coverage area are compared to the
patterns stored in database. The coordinate estimate is obtained from the database entry
whose stored signal pattern has the closest match with the measured signal vector (Fig.5.b).
Compared to other RSS based methods, fingerprinting algorithms are considered to be more
robust against signal propagation errors such as multipath or attenuations generated by
walls and other structures; fingerprinting actually make use of these location dependent
error characteristics of radio signals. In estimation phase, new measurement vectors are
related with the information stored in fingerprint database. A known disadvantage in
fingerprinting approaches is the fact that the collection of the data for fingerprint database is
laborious and time consuming (Wallbaum et al., 2005; Bahl et al., 2000).

(a) Generating fingerprint database

(b) Positioning using fingerprints

Fig. 5. Fingerprinting
2.4.3 Pathloss-Based positioning
Pathloss models of radio signals are used to translate RSS measurements to distances
between the MS and APs. After the distances are estimated from RSS measurements,
trilateration methods are used to estimate the position of the MS (Fig.6). To obtain a unique
solution, the MS needs from measure RSS to at least three distinct APs. As in cell ID based
methods, the MS needs prior information about the MAC addresses and locations of APs,
which is easily acquired, at least when compared with fingerprint databases. In indoor
environments, multipath and attenuation caused by walls, other structures, and even people
complicate the modeling of signal propagation. Because of this, the positioning errors in
pathloss-based positioning are typically larger than in fingerprinting (Bahl et al., 2000). On
the other hand, methods that utilize path-loss models to estimate distances are needed for
example if signal properties of ad-hoc WLAN connections between two MSs need to be used
for positioning, because dynamic information about moving AP locations is difficult if not
impossible, to be incorporated in fingerprint databases. Because of the low system set up
cost of pathloss-based positioning, and its better suitability for incorporating measurements
from ad-hoc connections, we concentrate on pathloss-based positioning in this research.


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

Fig. 6. Pathloss based positioning

3. Cooperative mobile positioning

Cooperative Mobile Positioning is a recent research topic for wireless communication
systems (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Sand et al., 2008) concerning the development of
innovative techniques and positioning schemes to enhance location accuracy in adverse
scenarios, where conventional methods are not able to offer desired levels of accuracy. In
such context, heterogeneous technologies and mobile terminals coexist and cooperate with
the objective of helping each others for enhancing accuracy of their estimated positions. This
can be accomplished by sharing link information with peer nodes connected in ad-hoc mode
and exploiting their spatial diversity with advanced positioning algorithms (Sand et al.,
Raising up as a new branch of positioning techniques, the fundamental idea is simple:
making use of the short-range mobile-to-mobile measurements connected in ad-hoc mode,
where usually unreliable long-range measurements coming from the deployed fixed
reference points are provided (Frattasi & Monti, 2007) (Della Rosa, 2007). In this scenario adhoc connections play the dual important role of serving as medium for collecting the RSS
information and exchanging data among neighboring nodes.
The exploitation of spatial proximity estimated within a group of neighboring mobiles has
the strong potential to enhance the location estimation accuracy (Mayorga et al., 2007) and it
can be easily applied in case of (i) outdoor environments, by merging the measurements
from the cellular links and ad-hoc networks; (ii) indoor environments, by replacing the
cellular and ad-hoc segments with wireless local area network (WLAN) communications in
infrastructure and ad-hoc mode, respectively; and (iii) GPS-equipped mobiles, where the
location estimation can be enhanced in areas where the stand-alone GPS might not be
sufficient (Mayorga et al., 2007). Sharing radio signals that are just enough to ensure
network connectivity among mobiles, the ad-hoc network model achieves better
performances over the stand-alone cellular one (Della Rosa et al., June 2007) (Mayorga
et al., 2007).


Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning

(a) Outdoor Scenario

(b) Indoor Scenario

Fig. 7. Cooperative Positioning

3.1 Data-fusion and cooperative filtering
The use of data-fusion and positioning algorithms is fundamental to combine heterogeneous
long- and short-range measurements and estimate the final location of MSs. Efficient
methods and mathematical models able to deal with error sources are needed in wireless
positioning. The most promising approaches proposed in (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010)
(Frattasi, 2007) (Della Rosa et al., June 2007) make use of Least Squares (LS) methods and
Bayesian filters. LS methods allow the estimation of the position by minimizing the error
between detected and expected measurements, by making use of Non-Linear-least-Squares

(a) Conventional

(b) Cooperative

Fig. 8. Block Scheme for conventional and cooperative positioning (Della Rosa et al., June
2007) (Della Rosa et al., 2010).


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

(NLLS) and Weighted- Non-Linear-least-Squares (W-NLLS) (Frattasi, 2007), where the

objective function to be minimized represents the main engine for processing the hybrid
measurements (Della Rosa, 2007). Bayesian filters are a valid alternative to the previous
ones. However, the non-linear characteristics between measurements and positions make
the common Kalman Filter (KF) not applicable for solving this problem. Better results come
from Extended Kalman Filters (EKF), widely used for both positioning and tracking by
linearizing the models and applying then the classical KF to the linearized system (Figueiras
& Frattasi, 2010) (Sand et al., 2008). In the examples proposed in this chapter, we will show
results achieved by using an EKF (Della Rosa, 2007) in simulations and a NLLS algorithm
(Della Rosa et al., 2010) in the experimental activity.
3.2 Ad-hoc networks and Measurements-Sharing protocol
Exploiting the ad-hoc connectivity in wireless communications has the advantage of not
depending on fixed infrastructures. A central BS (or AP) is not needed at all and the overall
serving area is self-defined by the area where the nodes (MSs) are deployed (Hekmat, 2006).
Ad-hoc networks can be formed fast, just when they are needed and for the specific needs of
each user. When used in a mesh fashion all the nodes are aware of the others within the
coverage range.
An interesting ability of the ad-hoc networks is also that it is self-configuring. If one of the
nodes linking the others accidentally fails, the overall network adapts the other nodes to the
new configuration and rebuilds by itself.
With the benefits offered by the ad-hoc networks, the cooperative mobile positioning can be
handled in terms of scalability, self-configuration, re-configuration and flexibility (Breed,
2007). In every-day life, peer-to-peer connections and data exchange are more and more
common among users, becoming one of the most efficient methods for exchanging intersystems data. During the years, several applications have been proposed for ad-hoc
networks but only recently it has also been recognized as a complementary technology for
enhancing location accuracy of mobile terminals (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa,
2007). However, using ad-hoc networks in localization is still not fully independent on fixed
infrastructures. On the other hand, the localization information obtained and shared by adhoc networks can complement and improve the infrastructure based localization, especially
in cases when relation between the localization result and fixed reference systems
(coordinates, geographic location) is desired.
Localization of mobile nodes is always a difficult task, due to the radio signal that is both
environment and hardware dependent. A common situation is that the receiving mobiles
are in NLOS (Fig. 9(a))with respect to the transmitting BS or AP, meanwhile measurements
coming from ad-hoc neighbors are much more reliable. Fig. 9(b) show the RSS measured in
a typical indoor environment as depicted in Fig. 17 where more fluctuating measurements
(in black) are detected at AP-MS link if compared with the short-range ones (in red and
blue) detected between MS-MS connected in ad-hoc mode.
Recognizing the beneficial impact of the ad-hoc links, the cooperative technique proposed
(Frattasi, 2007) (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa, 2007) can be applied as follows.
Assuming a cluster of MSs connected in ad-hoc mode in a mesh configuration, a MS can be
nominated as the cluster-head and its neighbors as cluster-members; (i) all the mobiles
perform long-range measurements (TOA/ TDOA or RSS)from the available BSs/ APs links
broadcasting the signals; (ii) the cluster-head looks for potential cooperative peers in the adhoc coverage area; (iii) it sends its cooperation-requests with an ack/ nack procedure;


Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning

(a) Long-range and short-range links.

(b) Long-range and short-range RSS measurements.

Fig. 9. Long- and short-range RSS measurements in indoor environments.

(iv) if cluster-members accept the request, the connected mobiles measure the RSS of their
ad-hoc links; (v) cluster-members measure the RSS from the available APs and send the
recorded data sets to the cluster-head; (vi) after receiving all the needed information, the
position of each member is obtained by a cooperative data-fusion method implemented in
each mobile by appropriately combining and weighting the long- and short-range raw
measurements using the chosen algorithm (EKF/ NLLS/ W-NLLS)(Della Rosa, 2007)
(Frattasi, 2007) (Mayorga et al., 2007)[10]. A potential protocol for outdoor and indoor
environments (using TDOA and RSS for long-range measurements respectively) is shown in
Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b).

(a) Outdoor
Fig. 10. Protocol for measurements and data exchange.

(b) Indoor


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

4. Results
This section analyzes the results, where computer simulations and experiments have been
performed by developing proof of concepts for different scenarios: (i) a hybrid cellular/ adhoc framework implemented in Matlab (Della Rosa, 2007) (Mayorga et al., 2007) and (ii)a
small-scale experiment using real devices in a WLAN/ ad-hoc network (Della Rosa et al.,
June 2007) (Della Rosa et al., 2010).
While the cellular/ ad-hoc scenario is a simulated hybrid MobileWiMAX/ WLAN system,
the WLAN/ Ad-hoc framework proves the feasibility of the cooperative techniques for
heterogeneous MSs with different embedded wireless cards. In the latter it is also shown
that the cooperation can be used to avoid long time-consuming calibration phases of
different mobiles when performing RSS-to-distance conversions for AP-MS and MS-MS
links(Della Rosa et al., 2010).
4.1 Outdoor: Cellular/Ad-hoc:
The system architecture of the simulator is shown in Fig. 11. While the cellular system is
simulated according to the IEEE 802.16e standard (Mayorga et al., 2007), the ad-hoc links
between MSs are modeled according to the IEEE 802.11a PHY (Mayorga et al., 2007). The
scenario reproduces four synchronized BSs, with maximum synchronization error of 1ms
among them. The cell radius is r = 3 km, and two MSs placed at distance of 20m from each
others. MSs are assumed to be connected to the serving BS, (e.g. BS1). A mobility model
simulates users moving with constant velocity of 3 km/ h along parallel straight lines.
Typically (Della Rosa, 2007) 20 meters are enough for establishing ad-hoc connections;
specially when the devices are in LOS, as in our simulated environment.
The full chain of blocks (cellular environment, mobility models, positioning estimators) is
depicted in Fig. 11 where the physical layer (PHY) of the IEEE 802.16e standard is
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. While in free-space the
traveling time of the radio signal is only dependent upon the distance BS-MS, in real
situations it is strongly delayed by channel impairments, having a direct impact on the
TDOA values estimated at the receiver. For this reasons a channel model has been simulated
according to (Della Rosa, 2007) (Mayorga et al., 2007).

Fig. 11. Simulator Blocks (Della Rosa, 2007).

TDOA measurements are calculated at terminal level for each MS by performing crosscorrelations of the signals arriving from the deployed BSs with respect to the reference one.

Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning


Also the IEEE 802.11a PHY is based on OFDM modulation (for more details the reader can
refer to (Della Rosa, 2007) and (Mayorga et al., 2007)). But, differently from the AP-MS links,
the MS-MS links measure RSS values, meaning that the implementation of a path loss model
with small scale fading effects for a LOS scenario is also required.
Finally an EKF is used as data-fusion algorithm and positioning filter according to
(Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa, 2007).
TDOA measurements are generated according to the 802.16e standard and combined with
the RSS measurements within the ad-hoc network in the cooperative case. In noncooperative case only TDOA measurements are considered.
Fig. 12 describes the simulated and estimated path of the users moving in parallel where the
estimated positions for MS1 and MS2, respectively, with and without cooperation are
shown. The average Root-Mean-Squared-Error (RMSE) is evaluated through the estimated
path and the resulting Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the RMSE describes the
improvements by using only two cooperative MSs in the simulated environment (Fig. 13). It
is worth mentioning that the proposed example requires the handsets to be equipped both
with WiMAX and Wi-Fi modules. The resulting performances achieved show that
cooperation reduces the average RMSE with respect to conventional stand-alone positioning
methods (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa, 2007).

(a) Estimated Path (b) Example of RMSE improvements for one MS.
Fig. 12. Estimated Path and RMSE with and without cooperation.

Fig. 13. CDF of RMSE With and Without Cooperation for two MSs.


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

4.2 Indoor: WLAN /Ad-hoc:

In this section a proof of the applicability of the cooperative techniques is shown with a reallife small scale experiment, performed in an indoor scenario as in (Della Rosa et al., 2010)
(Della Rosa et al., June 2007), where the long-range measurements are represented by RSS
from APs-MSs and the short-range measurements are the RSS measured at MS-MS ad-hoc
links. Having precise enough measurements is an important first step for wireless
positioning. However the behavior of data collected in real environments differ from the
simulated ones since unpredictable errors appear quite often, causing huge fluctuations in
RSS and consequently degradation of the final position estimation accuracy. Hence it is not
straightforward to understand the distance-dependent behavior of the wireless signals
propagating in the air. Converting power measurements for estimating the distance among
APs-MSs and MSs-MSs is a crucial and time consuming activity since several parameters
affect the accuracy of the measurements. Multipath, shadowing, presence of humans and
objects, signal blocking, overlapping channels, walls, noise and sensitivity of the wireless
cards embedded in the MSs (Della Rosa et al., 2010) introduce several complications when
developing positioning applications aiming to locate heterogeneous mobiles, especially
because different vendors use different chipsets with different Radio Frequency (RF)
Experiments (Della Rosa et al., 2010) show that different laptops placed at the same distance
from APs record RSS values which differ several dBm from each others due to the different
embedded wireless cards (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. RSS of laptops placed at same distance from AP, with different embedded wireless
Theoretical path-loss models provided in literature are not accurate enough to reach high
localization accuracy performances and exhaustive device calibrations are needed to find
precise models for each mobile in use. Even after calibration, the obtained model is usually
useful only for the calibrated one (Della Rosa et al., 2010).
What if we would like to develop robust and more scalable positioning applications? Every
mobile (every wireless card) should be accurately re-calibrated. The cooperative technique
helps in the aforementioned problem by exploiting ad-hoc connections and spatial
constrains allowing the on-the-fly calibration of peer heterogeneous mobiles with different
embedded wireless cards. We can imagine the situation described in Fig. 15.
One MS, (MS1) is calibrated according to the accurate procedure depicted in Fig. 15(a) ( and
discussed in (Della Rosa et al., June 2007) (Della Rosa et al., 2010)) and another MS, the non-


Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning

calibrated (MS2) enters the coverage area of the ad-hoc network. MS1 and MS2 are placed at
distances d1 and d2, respectively, from AP1 as shown in Fig. 15(b), and recording the RSS
from AP1. MS2 sends the recorded RSSs to MS1 via ad-hoc connection. MS1, after having
measured also the RSS of the ad-hoc connection with MS2, estimates the distance between
the MSs; it is assumed that the MS2 transmits also info about its transmission power. MS1
estimates the distance d1 from AP1 and the distance d3 from MS2. The distance d2 should
not exceed the radius of d3 estimated by MS1. At this point MS1 calculates a correction
parameter for MS2, to allow MS2 to apply the path-loss model of MS1. After receiving the
correction parameter, MS2 can finally estimate the distance from AP1.

(a) Conventional

(b) Cooperative

Fig. 15. Conventional and Cooperative calibration for multiple devices.

(a) Experimental pathloss for one MS

(b) Pathloss models with correction factor.

Fig. 16. Pathloss model for different mobiles.

It is worth mentioning that the closer the MSs are in the cooperative calibration phase, the
better accuracy in calibration can be achieved. This process is performed iteratively; it is
more precise if the two mobiles are static during the calibration procedure. Once the MSs are
calibrated, the cooperative mobile positioning technique can be applied using the protocol
proposed in Fig. 10(b).
The experiment took place at the 3rd floor of Tietotalo building, Tampere University of
Technology, Department of Computer Systems, Finland. A typical office area with
dimensions of 50x50 square meters was used as testing environment, where several objects,
rooms, walls and furniture are deployed inside the area, causing severe signal obstructions
between APs and MSs as expected.
Four APs Cisco 802.11 a/ b/ g and three laptops with their own embedded wireless cards
were used. A C++ application has been developed for measuring and recording real-time
RSS from each AP and also the RSS from ad-hoc links among MSs. All the measurements


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

were logged into text files and processed with Matlab scripts in both calibration and
positioning phase. A Cooperative-NLLS algorithm was performed according to (Figueiras &
Frattasi, 2010) (Della Rosa et al., 2010) (Frattasi, 2007) and results were compared with the
non cooperative approach (Mayorga et al., 2007).
Fig. 17 shows the averages of the estimated positions for the three MSs with cooperation
(circles with border) and without cooperation (circles without border). Laptops icons
represent the real positions of the mobiles. It is demonstrated as in such adverse
environments, the ad-hoc network has a beneficial impact in positioning accuracy for all the
devices. Moreover, as the number of cooperative users increases, also the positioning
accuracy gets improved (Figueiras & Frattasi, 2010).

Fig. 17. Estimated Positions.

The achieved performances are highlighted in Fig. 18 by showing the CDF of the RMSE of
the three mobiles.

5. Conclusion
In this chapter we have described the basics of Cooperative Mobile Positioning and the
exploitation of ad-hoc networks in adverse positioning environments. Our test results from
simulations and real life experiments show that, thanks to the short-range measurements
available from ad-hoc links, the positioning accuracy is improved when compared to the
accuracy of the non-cooperative approach. The ad-hoc link measurements present lower
absolute errors than measurements in long-range cellular links; they are more stable and
contain less signal fluctuations.
Although we have provided examples on Mobile WiMAX and WiFi technology, the
cooperative technique can be adapted and exploited by replacing one or both technologies
with different and newer ones.

Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning


Fig. 18. Cumulative Distribution Function of the RMSE.

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Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

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Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications

Edited by Prof. Xin Wang

ISBN 978-953-307-416-0
Hard cover, 514 pages
Publisher InTech

Published online 30, January, 2011

Published in print edition January, 2011

Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a
more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular
networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc
networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and
caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and
researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks.

How to reference

In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Francescantonio Della Rosa, Helena Leppkoski, Ata-ul Ghalib, Leyla Ghazanfari, Oscar Garcia, Simone
Frattasi and Jari Nurmi (2011). Ad Hoc Networks for Cooperative Mobile Positioning, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks:
Applications, Prof. Xin Wang (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-416-0, InTech, Available from:

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