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Normal Operators, The Spectral Theorems, Isometries, and Positive Operators

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Lecture 18: Normal operators, the spectral

theorems, isometries, and positive operators (1)

Travis Schedler
Tue, Nov 16, 2010 (version: Tue, Nov 16, 4:00 PM)
Goals (2)
Normal operators and the spectral theorem
Nice corollaries (slides (7)(10)) which I plan to skip, but you should
Positive operators
Polar decomposition
Spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators (3)
From now on, all our vector spaces are finite-dimensional inner product
Theorem 1 (Theorem 7.13+). T is self-adjoint iff T admits an orthonormal
eigenbasis with real eigenvalues.
Proof for F = C: we already know that M(T ) is upper-triangular
in some orthonormal basis.
Then, T = T iff the matrix equals its conjugate transpose, i.e., it is
upper-triangular with real values on the diagonal.
Now let F = R. In some orthonormal basis, the matrix is block uppertriangular with 1 1 and 2 2 blocks.
Then, the matrix equals its own transpose iff it is block diagonal with real
diagonal entries and symmetric 2 2 blocks.
However, in slide (6) we show that the 2 2 blocks are anti-symmetric.
So there are none.

Spectral theorem for complex normal operators (4)

Motivation: Which T admit an orthonormal eigenbasis but not necessarily
with real eigenvalues?
Definition 2. An operator T is normal if T T = T T , i.e., T and T commute.
Theorem 3 (Theorem 7.9). Let F = C. Then T L(V ) admits an orthonormal eigenbasis iff it is normal.
Pick an orthonormal basis so that A := M(T ) is upper-triangular.
Then T is normal iff AA = A A.
In coordinates A = (ajk ) (with ajk = 0 for j > k), this means |ajj |2 +
+ |ajn |2 = |ajj |2 , j. (dim V = n)
This is equivalent to: ajk = 0 for j < k. So T is normal iff A is diagonal.

Spectral theorem for real normal operators (5)

Motivation: What does it mean for a real operator to be normal?
Theorem 4 (Theorem 7.25). Let F = R. Then T is normal iff it admits
an or

aj bj
thonormal basis in which M(T ) is block-diagonal with blocks (j ) or
bj aj
The complex eigenvalues are j R and aj i bj .
Pick an orthonormal basis so that A = M(T ) is block uppertriangular.

Then, T is normal iff AA = A A.

For the rows with 11 blocks, this again means |ajj |2 + +|ajn |2 = |ajj |2 ,
i.e., aj,j+1 = = ajn = 0.
For rows j, j + 1 with
Pn2 2 blocks, adding the corresponding sums for both
rows, this implies k=j+2 |aj,k |2 + |aj+1,k |2 = 0, i.e., aj,k = aj+1,k = 0 for
k > j + 1, so A is block diagonal.
Finally, we apply the following proposition to the blocks.
2 2 case (6)
We need just one final detail (F = R and dim V = 2):
Proposition 0.1 (Lemma 7.15, essentially). Suppose that T L(V ) is normal
 that T has no eigenvalues. Then, in any orthonormal basis, M(T ) =
a b
, where a bi are the roots of the characteristic polynomial of T .
b a

Recall that for two-by-two matrices A, the characteristic polynomial is x2

(tr A)x + det A, and this does not depend on the choice of basis so makes sense
for T .

a b
Write M(T ) =
in the orthonormal basis.
c d
Since T is normal, |a|2 + |b|2 = |a|2 + |c|2 , so b = c.
Since there are no real eigenvalues of M(T ), b = c 6= 0.
Since T is normal, ac + bd = ab + cd, so (d a)b = (a d)b. So a = d.
Corollaries (7)
Corollary 5 (Corollary 7.8). If T is normal, then eigenvectors u, v of distinct
eigenvalues are orthogonal.
Proof: In an orthonormal eigenbasis (ej ) so that M(T ) is (block) uppertriangular, an eigenvector v of eigenvalue is a linear combination of the
ej with the same eigenvalue.
So u, v cannot have nonzero coefficients of the same ej , i.e., u v.
Corollary 6 (Corollary 7.7). Let T be normal. If v is an eigenvector of T of
eigenvalue , then it is also an eigenvector of T of eigenvalue .
Proof: Again, v must be a linear combination of the ej that are eigenvectors of eigenvalue .

Since M(T ) = M(T ) , these ej are eigenvectors of T of eigenvalue .

A characterization of normal operators (8)
Proposition 0.2 (Proposition 7.4). If T is self-adjoint, then hT v, vi = 0 for
all v iff T = 0.
Assume hT v, vi = 0 for all v. Then hT (v+u), v+uihT (v), vihT (u), ui =
0 for all v, u.
Thus, hT (v), ui + hT (u), vi = 0 for all u, v.
When T is self-adjoint, this says 2<hT (v), ui = 0 for all u, v.
Plugging in iu for u, also 2=hT (v), ui = 0 for all u, v. Thus T (v) = 0 for
all v, i.e., T = 0.
Corollary 7 (Proposition 7.6). An operator T is normal iff ||T v|| = ||T v|| for
all v.
||T v|| = ||T v|| hT v, T vi = hT v, T vi h(T T T T )v, vi = 0.
Since T T T T is self-adjoint, by the corollary, the last condition is
satisfied for all v iff T is normal.

hT v, vi = 0 and anti-self-adjoint operators on R (9)

Proposition 0.3 (Proposition 7.2+). hT v, vi = 0 for all v iff either T = 0, or
F = R and T = T (T is anti-self-adjoint).
Note: anti-self-adjoint (T = T ) implies normal.
Take an orthonormal basis (ej ) in which A = (ajk ) = M(T ) is
(block) upper-triangular.
We claim ajj = 0 for all j. Indeed, hT ej , ej i = ajj = 0.
It remains only to show that A is block diagonal (since then the blocks
are antisymmetric).
Otherwise, if ajk 6= 0 above the block diagonal, then hT (ej + ek ), ej +
ek i = h(ajj +ajk )ej , ej i = ajj +ajk . For 6= ajj a1
jk , this is nonzero.

Anti-self-adjoint operators for F = C (10)

Proposition 0.4. For F = C, T = T if and only if T has an orthonormal
eigenbasis with purely imaginary eigenvalues (i.e., eigenvalues in i R).
In an orthonormal basis in which M(T ) is upper-triangular, T =
T means the matrix equals its negative conjugate transpose.
This means it is diagonal with purely imaginary diagonal entries.
Alternatively: anti-self-adjoint operators are normal, so admit an orthonormal eigenbasis; then hT v, vi = hv, vi = hv, T vi = hv, vi implies that
= for all eigenvalues . So they are purely imaginary.
Complex eigenvalues of real operators (11)
We have often spoken about complex eigenvalues of M(T ) when F = R.
Lets formalize it:
Definition 8. Let F = R. Then the complex eigenvalues of T are the complex
eigenvalues of M(T ) in any basis.
Why do these not depend on the basis? The change of basis formula! We
know that conjugate matrices A and SAS 1 have the same (complex) eigenvalues (directly, or by using complex operators).

a b
Example 9. The complex eigenvalues of any T such that M(T ) =
b a
a + bi and a bi.
Note: |a + bi| = 1 = |a bi| iff it is a rotation matrix, i.e., a = cos and
b = sin for some angle .

Isometries (12)
Let T L(V, W ), with V and W inner product spaces.
Definition 10. An isometry is an operator such that hu, vi = hT u, T vi for all
u, v V .
That is, isometries are operators that preserve the inner product.
Proposition 0.5. T is an isometry iff it preserves merely the norm: ||T v|| = ||v||
for all v.
Proof. The inner product is given by a formula from the norm (on the homework), so preservation of the norm implies preservation of inner product. The
converse is obvious.
Characterization of isometries (13)
Let V = W be finite-dimensional. Useful characterization: T L(V ) is
an isometry iff T T = I = T T . (In particular isometries of V are invertible!)
Theorem 11 (Theorem 7.37). Isometries are the same as normal operators
whose complex eigenvalues all have absolute value one.

First, isometries are normal by the characterization.

Given a normal operator, pick an orthonormal basis as in the spectral

theorem. Then M(T )M(T ) = I iff |i |2 = 1 and |ai |2 + |bi |2 = 1 for all
That is, in our usual orthonormal basis, an isometry has blocks which are
either numbers of absolute value one, or rotation matrices.
Positive operators (14)
Definition 12. A positive operator T is a self-adjoint operator such that
hT v, vi 0 for all v.
In view of the spectral theorem, a self-adjoint operator is positive iff its
eigenvalues are nonnegative (part of Theorem 7.27).
Theorem 13 (Remainder of Theorem 7.27).
T = S S is positive.

(i) Every operator of the form

(ii) Every positive operator admits a positive square root.


(i) First, T = (S S) = S S is self-adjoint.

Next, hT v, vi = hSv, Svi 0 for all v.

(ii) For any orthonormal eigenbasis of T , let T be the operator with the
same orthonormal eigenbasis, but with the nonnegative square root of the

Polar decomposition (15)

After the spectral theorem, the second-most important theorem of Chapters
6 and 7 is:
14 (Polar decomposition: Theorem 7.41). Every T L(V ) equals

S T T for some isometry S.

Main difficulty: T need not be invertible!

Lemma 15. For all v V , ||T v|| = || T T v||.

Proof. || T T v||2 = h T T v, T T vi = h( T T ) T T v, vi = hT T v, vi =
hT v, T vi = ||T v||2 .

null(T ) = null( T T ). We may
thus define S1 : range( T T )
range(T )

by S1 ( T Tv) = T v. Thus, for all v V , S1 T T v = T v. Also, ||S1 u|| = ||u||

for all u(= T T v) by the lemma. So S1 is an isometry.
Completion of proof (16)
We only have to extend S1 to an isometry on all of V .

Note that range( T T ) range( T T ) = V = range(T ) range(T ) .

Thus, the extensions of S1 : range( T T )

) to anisometry S:

V V are exactly S = S1 S2 , where S2 : range( T T )

range(T )
is an isometry.
Since these are inner product spaces of the same dimension, there always
exists an isometry, by taking an orthonormal basis to an orthonormal
Recall here that T1 T2 on U1 U2 means (T1 T2 )(u1 + u2 ) = T1 (u1 ) + T2 (u2 ),
u1 U1 , u2 U2 .

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