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Psychomusicology A Journal of Research in Music Cognition Furuya, Shinichi Smith, Leigh M. Kaneshi - Probing Neural M

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Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

2013, Vol. 7, No. 3, 237244

2013 American Psychological Association

1931-3896/13/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0032139

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Task Type on

Malevolent Creativity

Daniel J. Harris and Roni Reiter-Palmon

James C. Kaufman

University of Nebraska at Omaha

California State University at San Bernardino

Malevolent creativity (MC), or intending to inflict harm in original ways, is an aspect of creativity that
has received little empirical attention. It reasons that generating malevolently creative products in
response to a problem is dependent upon individual differences and environmental factors, especially
with regard to the social and emotional content of a particular problem. A personality variable strongly
associated with how individuals acknowledge and respond to such social and emotional content is
emotional intelligence (EI). Individuals with higher EI often solve problems in cooperative, beneficial,
and positive ways, which seems contrary to solving a problem with MC. In addition to testing whether
EI is negatively related to MC in general, we analyzed whether that negative relationship would persist
even after controlling for cognitive ability and task effects. Those questions were examined across two
studies. Results suggest that individuals with lower EI are more likely to respond to different types of
problems with increased instances of MC even when the social or emotional content of those problems
are factored out. The implications and limitations of these studies, as well as future directions for the
study of MC, are discussed.
Keywords: malevolent creativity, emotional intelligence, task effect, creative problem solving

counterproductive work behaviors. Note that MC is not synonymous with any of those acts by themselvesalthough most of
those examples are necessarily harmful, they are not always original.
The dark side of creativity has garnered much interest in
recent years (e.g., Cropley, Cropley, Kaufman, & Runco, 2010).
For example, attention is being given to the application of creativity in criminal activities and lawbreaking (Eisenman, 2008;
Cropley & Cropley, 2011). Likewise, empirical evidence supports
the notion that individuals who are better divergent thinkers are
more creative liars (Walczyk, Runco, Tripp, & Smith, 2008) and
creative individuals are more likely to be dishonest (Beaussart,
Andrews, & Kaufman, 2012; De Dreu & Nijstad, 2008; Gino &
Ariely, 2012). However, empirical research on the construct of MC
is rather limited. Clark and James (1999) found that individuals
will respond to unjust situations with MC. Situational justice was
manipulated in their study through the use of lottery tickets.
Participants were instructed to perform a mundane task and were
told they would receive one to six lottery tickets that would go
toward a $50 raffle, depending on their performance. Participants
in the just condition received all six tickets whereas participants in
the unjust condition received no tickets. After participants either
received or did not receive their tickets, each participant responded
to two problem-solving tasks. One task instructed participants to
generate creative ways of raising funds for a nonprofit organization that was having financial problems; this problem was framed
to be positive and beneficial. The other task instructed participants
to generate creative ways of clandestinely giving a potential client
defaming information about a competitor; this problem was

Creativity is often defined in terms of ideas and products that are

original and valuable, especially if they are socially valuable
(Mumford & Gustafson, 1988). However, consider ideas and products that are original but not socially valuable, or rather ideas that
attempt to solve problems in original and harmful ways.
Malevolent creativity (MC) is defined as creativity that deliberately leads to harmful or immoral results (Cropley, Kaufman, &
Cropley, 2008). The related construct of negative creativity allows
for creativity to accidentally lead to undesirable outcomes (James,
Clark, & Cropanzano, 1999). We believe that the definition of MC
may be too broad, and for the purposes of this paper we would like
to expand on a definition of creativity offered by Plucker, Beghetto, and Dow (2004). They define creativity as the interaction
among aptitude, process, and environment by which an individual
or group produces a perceptible product that is both novel and
useful as defined within a social context (p. 90)to which we add
that are intended to materially, mentally, or physically harm
oneself or others.
Examples of MC include original instances of terrorism, spreading rumors, theft, spying, abuse, suicide, aggressive humor, and

This article was published Online First April 29, 2013.

Daniel J. Harris and Roni Reiter-Palmon, Department of Psychology,
University of Nebraska at Omaha; James C. Kaufman, Learning Research
Institute, California State University at San Bernardino.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Daniel J.
Harris, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 6001
Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182. E-mail:

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.



framed to be negative and harmful. Ideas were deemed negatively

(malevolently) creative if they were original solutions offered in
response to the negative problem, and ideas were deemed positively creative if they were original solutions offered in response to
the positive problem. Participants in the fair condition were more
positively creative and participants who perceived their treatment
to be unfair were more negatively creative. This study therefore
offers evidence that MC is a genuinely distinct construct from
creativity, and also that MC can be influenced by situational
Lee and Dow (2011) found that certain individual differences
are related to the number of malevolently creative ideas generated
in response to divergent thinking tasks. The two tasks were to
generate ideas for the uses of a brick or a pencil. Specifically, the
results indicated that males were more malevolently creative than
females, trait physical aggression positively related to MC, and
conscientiousness was negatively related to MC. Ideas were
deemed malevolently creative if they were harmful in some way,
such as using a brick as a weapon. These results suggest that
individual differencesspecifically gender, trait physical aggression, and conscientiousness can relate to ones ability or propensity to generate malevolently creative ideas.
Kaufman, Cropley, Chiera, and White (2012) studied how people perceive acts of varying malevolence. They presented many
possible responses to scenarios that ranged in their degree of
goodness versus evil (i.e., from peaceful protests to bombs). Kaufman et al. (2012) found that people believed morally complex or
ambiguous actions to be more creative than more straightforward
actions (either benevolent or malevolent).
These studies offer evidence that MC not only exists, but is also
affected by situational factors and individual differences. However, the operationalizations of MC in the studies by Clark and
James (1999) and Lee and Dow (2011) were problematic. Clark
and James (1999) operationalized MC as an original solution
offered in response to a negatively oriented problem, whereas Lee
and Dow (2011) operationalized MC as a harmful idea offered in
response to a divergent thinking task. We believe that operationalizing MC in those ways is not ideal. In the case of Clark and
James (1999), it is possible that negatively oriented problems can
be responded to in positive, albeit original, ways, which would not
constitute being original in harmful ways. Similarly, positively
oriented problems can be responded to in negative ways that are
also original. Likewise, in the case of Lee and Dow (2011), just
because an idea is harmful does not mean it is original. We
therefore believe MC should be operationalized as an idea or
solution that is both original and harmful.
MC is probably influenced by factors that affect how individuals
interact with others and how socially oriented problems are solved.
As evidenced by Lee and Dow (2011), MC is likely related to
certain personality variables. A personality variable that might
relate to MC, and also influences how people respond to social
interactions and social-oriented problems, is emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the ability to process
ones own and others emotions, or in other words the ability to
tend to, understand, use, and manage emotions (Mayer, Salovey, &

Caruso, 2004, 2008). People higher in EI can acknowledge, understand, and control their emotions better than people lower in EI
(Fulmer & Barry, 2004). That emotional control may affect how
problems are responded to; people with higher EI are more likely
to respond to problems in positive and collaborative ways, whereas
people with lower EI are more likely to respond to problems in
negative or avoidant ways, both at the individual (Jordan & Troth,
2002a,2002b; Morrison, 2008) and team (Ayoko, Callan, & Hrtel,
2008; Jordan & Troth, 2004) levels.
Children and adolescents with higher EI have been rated by their
peers as more cooperative and less aggressive and were rated by
teachers as more prosocial (Mavroveli, Petrides, Rieffe, & Bakker,
2007; Petrides, Sangareau, Furnham, & Frederickson, 2006).
Lower EI was found to be related to problem and deviant behaviors, and poor interpersonal relationships (Brackett, Mayer, &
Warner, 2004; Siu, 2009). EI was also found to be related to
coping styles, with high EI being positively related to adaptive
coping styles but negatively related to maladaptive coping styles
(Mavroveli et al., 2007; Mikolajczak, Petrides, & Hurry, 2009).
Several studies have explored the relationship between EI and
creativity. EI was found to be related to higher readiness to create
and innovate in a sample of employees from various organizations
in the United Arab Emirates (Suliman & Al-Shaikh, 2007). In
addition, Wolfradt, Felfe, and Kster (2002) found that selfperceived emotional intelligence, particularly a facet called emotional self-efficacy, positively related to creative performance and
self-perception of creativity. Snchez-Ruiz, Hernndez-Torrano,
Prez-Gonzlez, Batey, and Petrides (2011) also found that creative performance positively relates to EI. Finally, individuals with
higher EI might prefer thinking styles that are more complex and
creative (Murphy & Janeke, 2009). However, Ivcevic, Brackett,
and Mayer (2007) did not find a significant relationship between
EI and creativity. In those studies, creativity was divided into
cognitive creativity and behavioral creativity. Cognitive creativity
was operationalized with both a divergent thinking (consequences)
task and the Remote Associates Test. Behavioral creativity was
operationalized based on self-reported scales of artistic activity
and artistic expression and appreciation. Overall, an individuals
creativity might be positively related to, or even influenced by, his
or her own EI only in certain contexts, especially socially oriented
contexts with emotionally laden content.

Rationale for Study 1

As evidenced in the reviewed literature, people with higher EI
often approach and solve socially oriented problems in positive
ways. On the other hand, people who solve problems with the use
of MC likely do so with the intent to harm others in some way.
Although EI has been found to be positively related to creativity,
the kind of creativity assessed in previous studies can be likened to
positive or benevolent creativity. EI, a construct largely associated
with prosocial and beneficial outcomes, is likely negatively related
to MC, a construct largely associated with aggressive and harmful
Individuals probably solve socially oriented problems based on,
and in response to, the social and emotional content of the situation
in which that problem is posed. Because of the positive ways in
which people high in EI likely frame their social worlds, and the
aggressiveness and negative cognitions that are likely required to


respond to problems in malevolently creative ways, we think that

EI negatively relates to MC even after social and emotional content is factored out. However, EI is a type of intelligence, and
creativity is positively associated with cognitive intelligence. To
further parcel out the strength of the relationship between EI and
MC, we wanted to test that effect above and beyond cognitive
ability. We hypothesize that EI is negatively related to MC even
when controlling for cognitive ability and the specific content of a
socially oriented problem-solving task.

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Study 1
Participants. One hundred ninety-two students from a Midwestern university received extra credit for participating in the
study, with 65 males (34%) and 127 females (66%) having a mean
age of 22.56 (SD 5.00).
Procedure. Undergraduate students signed up to participate in
this study in exchange for extra credit for their classes. When
participants arrived in the designated testing room, they were given
an informed consent sheet to read and sign. They were then given
one of the three problem vignettes and were asked to generate as
many solutions as possible in response to the problem they received. They then completed the BarOn EQ-I test and filled out a
demographic survey. All materials were administered in paperand-pencil format. Participants were then debriefed, thanked for
their time, and assured that they would receive extra credit for their
Problem-solving task. Each participant generated multiple solutions in response to one of three randomly presented problems.
The problems pertained to Sally, Brian, and ACME. Sally is a
timid new student to a college and is assigned a roommate, who
smokes marijuana, which makes Sally uncomfortable. However,
despite her timidity, she is afraid that the situation will escalate if
nothing is done about her roommates behavior. Brian is an upand-coming manager at a large bank who hired a friends sister
into his department. Although Brians friend highly recommended
his sister and she gets along well with coworkers, her work and
meeting attendance have been substandard. Brian also has to
consider that a majority of the employees in his department are
men. Finally, ACME has an engineering department that has
recently seen increased turnover and decreased productivity. Headhunters are enticing potential engineers away from ACME, and the
department has a hold on wage increases to a particular percentage.
All three problems have been used in previous studies (e.g.,
Reiter-Palmon, Illies, Cross, Buboltz, & Nimps, 2009).
The three problems differed in their social and emotional content, likely due to the different values elicited within each problem
(i.e., values and beliefs about smoking pot, handling troublesome
employees, or the appropriate means by which to financially revive
an organization). Sixty-four participants responded to Sallys problem, 62 participants responded to Brians problem, and 66 participants responded to ACMEs problem.
Emotional intelligence. The measure of EI used in this study
was the BarOn EQ-I test (Bar-On, 1997). The measure contains
133 items with a 5-point response scale (1 very seldom or not
true of me, 5 very true of me or true of me). Bar-On (1997)


found that the testretest reliability of this scale was .85 after 1
month and .75 after 4 months. Using Cronbachs alpha, the reliability of the composite measure in this study was .96.
Cognitive ability. Self-reported college GPA has been found
to be an adequate proxy measure for cognitive ability (Mumford,
Supinski, Baughman, Costanza, & Threlfall, 1997). As such, selfreported college GPA was used to measure cognitive ability.
Solution ratings. Solutions to the problems were rated for
originality and negativity. A solutions originality was determined
by how unique it was, how imaginative or humorous it was, and
how structured it was by the problem. Originality was rated by two
trained raters using a 6-point Likert-type scale. Each rater first
scored the solutions individually, and then they reached consensus
on their ratings (e.g., Reiter-Palmon et al., 2009). Solutions rated
a 1, 2, or 3 were unoriginal, with 1 being very unoriginal, and
solutions rated a 4, 5, or 6 were original, with 6 being very
original. A solution was deemed original if it had a score higher
than a 3.
A solutions negativity was determined by its harmful nature. A
positive solution was one that attempted to solve the problem
without using physical or mental harm against oneself or another
party, including organizations, groups, or other individuals. On the
other hand, a negative solution was one that attempted to solve the
problem through the use of physical or mental harm to oneself or
another party. Note that this rating is onlyfor the negativity (i.e.,
harmfulness) of a solution, not its negative creativity. The negativity of the solutions was rated by using the Positivity versus
Negativity Solution Evaluation Scale (PNSES), a rating scale
created specifically for this study. The PNSES, like the originality
scale, was used by two trained raters. The raters judged the
solutions in three steps. First, the raters placed each solution into
either a positive category or a negative category so as to have
maximum agreement. Second, the raters gave each solution a score
from the 6-point scale, with 1 being highly positiveand 6 being
highly negative. Third, and as with the originality ratings, the raters
were asked to reach consensus regarding their ratings. A solution
was deemed negative if it had a score higher than a 3.
After the solutions were rated on originality and negativity,
those two scores were evaluated together to determine whether a
solution was malevolently creative. A solution was deemed malevolently creative if it was both negative and original. The main
dependent variable of this study was the number of malevolently
creative solutions generated by each participant.

Results and Discussion

The correlations and descriptive statistics for GPA, EI, and the
number of malevolently creative solutions generated are presented
in Table 1. The positive correlation between MC and GPA, although marginally significant (r .12, p .065), suggests that
there might be a relationship of some sort between cognitive
ability and MC deserving further attention. The negative correlation between EI and MC, also marginally significant (r .11,
p .076), partially supports our hypothesis that people with
higher EI generate fewer malevolently creative ideas.
To test our hypothesis we used hierarchical multiple regression
predicting number of malevolently creative solutions from GPA,
problem type, and EI (see Table 2). Both control variables (GPA
and problem type) were found to be significant. EI was found to be



Table 1
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations of GPA, EI, and Number of Malevolently Creative Solutions for Study 1

1. GPA
2. EI
3. Number of malevolently creative solutions

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.







M Mean; SD Standard deviation.

two divergent thinking tasks and were instructed to generate as

many ideas as possible or to be as original as possible when
generating ideas to the tasks. Participants then completed an EI
measure and filled out a demographic survey. All materials were
administered in paper-and-pencil format. Participants were then
debriefed, thanked for their time, and assured that they would
receive extra credit for their participation.
Divergent thinking task. Each participant generated multiple
ideas for two divergent thinking tasks generating uses for a brick
and a shoe. When generating ideas to those two tasks, participants
received instructions to either generate as many ideas as possible
or to be as original as possible. Thirty-nine participants responded
to the tasks according to the instructions that emphasized generating as many ideas as possible, whereas 40 participants responded
to the tasks according to the instructions that emphasized generating as many original ideas as possible. Each participants ideas
were combined across the two tasks because no significant differences were found between how participants responded to the uses
for a brick versus a shoe.
Emotional intelligence. The measure of EI used in this study
was developed by Schutte et al. (1998). The measure contains 33
items with a 5-point response scale (1 strongly disagree, 5
strongly agree). Across various studies, those authors found that
the scale had a Cronbachs alpha of .87 and a testretest reliability
of .78 after 2 weeks. A different measure of EI was used in this
study for two reasons. First, from a psychometric perspective,
using a different measure can strengthen the generalizability of the
relationship between EI and MC. Second, from a pragmatic perspective, this measure is much shorter and takes less time to

marginally significant in predicting the number of malevolently

creative solutions generated while controlling for cognitive ability
and problem type ( .15, p .064). Because of the marginal
significance and small effect size of the relationship of interest,
these results offer partial support for our hypothesis that EI is
negatively related to MC even when controlling for cognitive
ability and the specific content of a socially oriented problemsolving task.
These results suggest that someone lower in EI might be more
likely to generate malevolently creative solutions than someone
higher in EI. It is important to note that EI, a construct seemingly
dependent upon the social and especially emotional content of
situations, predicted MC even after controlling for that content.
These results indicate that EI may be related to MC not only
because of the social and emotional content of a problem, but for
other reasons as well. We therefore conducted a second study to
test whether EI was also negatively related to MC even in response
to a nonsocial, nonemotional task.

Study 2
Participants. Seventy-nine students from a Midwestern university received extra credit for participating in the study, with 33
males (42%) and 46 females (58%) having a mean age of 24.50
(SD 7.37).
Procedure. Undergraduate students signed up to participate in
this study in exchange for extra credit for their classes. When
participants arrived in the designated testing room, they were given
an informed consent sheet to read and sign. They were then given

Table 2
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Predicting Number of Malevolently Creative Solutions From GPA, Problem Type, and Emotional


1 Constant
2 Constant
Brians problem
Sallys problem
3 Constant
Brians problem
Sallys problem
Emotional intelligence




Note. N 144. CI Confidence interval.

p .10. p .05. p .001.














95% CI
[2.05, 1.52]
[.13, .99]
[2.65, .70]
[.04, .98]
[.30, .91]
[.97, 2.17]
[1.71, 3.25]
[.01, 1.03]
[.42, .80]
[.97, 2.16]
[.01, .00]

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.


complete than the Bar-On EQ-I measure. The scales reliability in

this study was found to be .86.
Cognitive ability. Like the first study, students self-reported
college GPA was used as a proxy for cognitive ability.
Idea ratings. Ideas were coded for originality and negativity.
Originality was rated by two trained raters using a 5-point Likerttype scale (1 very unoriginal, 5 very original). Interrater
reliabilities for the originality ratings were adequate for the brick
task (rwg .82) and the shoe task (rwg .79). An idea was
deemed original if it had an average rating higher than 3.
The negativity of the ideas was again rated by using the PNSES.
The PNSES was changed to a 5-point Likert-type scale to match
the originality scale, and the valence was reversed (1 highly
negative, 5 highly positive) because the raters in Study 1
indicated that such a reversal would facilitate the rating process by
having a negative-to-positive spectrum rather than a positive-tonegative spectrum. Three trained raters rated the negativity of the
ideas. Interrater reliabilities for negativity ratings were adequate
for the brick task (rwg .81) and the shoe task (rwg .84). An
idea was deemed negative if it had an average rating lower than 3.
The criteria for establishing a malevolently creative idea were
the same from the first study, and the number of malevolently
creative ideas generated was again the dependent variable of

Results and Discussion

The correlations and descriptive statistics for GPA, EI, and the
number of malevolently creative ideas generated are presented in
Table 3. In this study, MC and GPA were not correlated. However,
a negative correlation between EI and MC was also found in this
study (r .24, p .022), which further supports our hypothesis
that individuals with lower EI produce more malevolently creative
We again used hierarchical multiple regression to test our hypothesis, predicting the number of malevolently creative ideas
from GPA, instructions, and EI (see Table 4). EI was found to be
marginally significant in predicting the number of malevolently
creative ideas generated while controlling for cognitive ability and
instructions ( .25, p .055). These results are even more
interesting because EI predicted MC within a context that had no
social problem-solving and was designed to elicit no emotions.
Because of the marginal significance and small effect size, the
results offer partial support for our hypothesis that EI is negatively
related to MC even when controlling for cognitive ability and
instructions in a nonsocial, nonemotional task.


General Discussion
These two studies tentatively indicate that EI predicts MC after
controlling for cognitive ability and task effects. The results of the
second study in particular suggest that EI can predict an individuals MC even in situations that are not social or emotionally
laden. It must be noted that any implications drawn from the
results of both studies must be done so with caution because both
regression analyses were marginally significant with small effect
sizes, suggesting only partial support of our hypotheses. A particular strength of the current investigation, however, is that consistent effects were found across two very different experimental
contexts, which included two different creativity tasks and two
different measures of EI; the relationship between EI and MC,
while weak, may therefore be generalizable to other types of
situations. The results indicate that people lower in EI might be
more willing to disclose negative ideas, do not know such ideas are
inappropriate, or perhaps are not concerned with how others perceive them. If people lower in EI are willing to generate negative
solutions for others to see, then it is possible that those people are
willing to act on such negative ideas.
Theoretically, the results from these two studies offer several
points of interest. First, we have offered further evidence toward
strengthening the notion that MC is a distinct type of creativity.
These studies address a new area in the creativity literature that is
deserving of further attention. Second, we have offered a novel and
refined definition and operationalization of MC. We expanded on
the definition proposed by Cropley et al. (2008), defining MC as
the interaction among aptitude, process, and environment by which
an individual or group produces novel and useful ideas as defined
within a social context that are intended to mentally, materially, or
physically harm oneself or others (based on Plucker et al., 2004).
We combined components proposed in previous studies and operationalized MC as a product that is both original and harmful.
Those refinements will hopefully allow for more discerning and
precise research in the area of MC. Third, MC has been further
explained with regard to a personality-based antecedent. Finally,
our results suggest that the relationship between EI and MC may
not be related to, dependent on, or influenced by the social and
emotional factors of a situation requiring problem-solving.
Practically, these results suggest that EI may allow us to identify
people who are more likely to engage in malevolently creative
behaviors. EI may therefore become an important variable to
consider when hiring for certain occupations, such as those that are
high-stress or those in which the utilization and self-knowledge of
ones emotions is paramount to success and high performance.
Similarly, employees with lower EI could be trained to enhance

Table 3
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations of GPA, EI, and Number of Malevolently Creative Ideas for Study 2

1. GPA
2. EI
3. Number of malevolently creative ideas
Note. M Mean; SD Standard deviation.

p .05 (2-tailed).








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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Table 4
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Predicting Number of Malevolently Creative Solutions From GPA, Instructions, and Emotional


1 Constant
2 Constant
3 Constant
Emotional intelligence

















95% CI
[1.23, 1.57]
[.36, .50]
[1.20, 1.62]
[.38, .50]
[.31, .15]
[.22, 5.20]
[.34, .51]
[.25, .21]
[.04, .00]

Note. N 67. CI Confidence interval.

p .10.

their EI so as to help minimize the chances of them engaging in

malevolently creative acts. Even troubled students could receive
such training; their increased capacity to recognize and manage
their emotions might decrease their propensity to behave in malevolently creative ways in school.
It must be noted that the originality component of MC is what
makes MC particularly worrisome for employers, perhaps even
more so than unoriginal acts of harm. We suggest this because
original instances of harm are novel and therefore more difficult to
anticipate, detect, and respond to. Being unable to anticipate such
harmful behaviors, let alone detect and respond to them, is likely
far more damaging to organizations (with respect to both finances
and personnel) than instances of harm that are easily detectable
and can be readily responded to.

Limitations and Future Research

The studies had three main limitations. First, no causal conclusions can be derived from the current investigation because of its
cross-sectional nature, even though inferring causality makes sense
when framing EI as a trait. To offer evidence for causality, a
longitudinal study could be conducted whereby EI and MC are
measured at separate times. Second, the underlying process as to
how EI relates to MC, both in general and when factoring out the
cognitive ability and task effects, is unknown. In particular, nothing is known as to why EI relates to MC.
Third and finally, it is unknown how the results found in the
current study translate to actual behavior; responses to fictitious
situations may not be similar to responses in real life situations
(Reis & Gosling, 2010). Participants might have had fewer inhibitions in offering malevolently creative solutions because the
situations they responded to were fictitious, with no need to
strongly consider repercussions or the consequences of their ideas.
It would therefore be important to determine not only why people
generate malevolently creative ideas in the first place, but also the
extent to which responses to fictitious events translate to similar or
dissimilar responses in real life events. In a related sense, selfreported GPA is not the same as actual GPAparticipants may
overestimate or inflate their GPA for many possible reasons. The
measures of EI used were more personality-based and have been
criticized as not being reflective of the cognitive aspect of EI
(Brackett & Mayer, 2003).

Because the construct of MC is so new, exploring its antecedents and consequents can take many different directions. However,
of highest import is to further refine how MC is operationalized.
Operationalizing MC as an idea that is both original and harmful
instead of just one or the other is a step in the right direction, but
it is still short of fully encapsulating the theoretical complexity of
MC. Other operationalizations could include ratings that are common within the creativity literature, such as flexibility and elaboration. These additional ratings would provide evidence as to
whether different contexts and goals influence the type and amount
of thought put into original and harmful ideas, as well as any
variables that differentially predict complex ideas that are beneficial and original versus complex ideas that are harmful and original. Another possible approach would be to use historiometric
analysis (e.g., Simonton, 2009). Past incidents of MC could be
studied in terms of personal attributes of those who are more likely
to engage in MC, or in terms of the eventual repercussions of such
Also important is to study how MC relates to varying components of the creative process. This paper pertained only to idea
generation, but future studies could examine the relationship between MC and problem construction, information searching, idea
evaluation, and idea implementation. Individuals who are planning
to be harmful in some way might frame problems, and weigh goals
and constraints, differently than people who are planning to be
beneficial. Similarly, being harmful might require that individuals
seek out information that vastly differs from information sought
after when attempting to be beneficial. The evaluation and implementation of original ideas also likely depend on whether those
ideas are beneficial or harmful.
The next step in research pertaining to MC, with its refined
operationalization and a better understanding of how it relates to
the creative process in general, is to determine which cognitive,
affective, or motivational factors influence MC, at both the individual and team levels. Of particular interest would be to determine whether malevolently creative individuals exist, or rather
people who generally seem to interpret and respond to the world in
original, albeit harmful, ways. In the opposite light, a promising
line of research would be to determine which individual differences, like EI, are negatively associated with MC. For example,
our studies could be repeated using measures from positive psy-

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.


chology. Especially promising are constructs that influence more

positive ways of thinking and framing the world, such as optimistic
explanatory style (Peterson & Steen, 2009). After a nomological
network regarding MC has been fleshed out, the contexts and
situational factors that facilitate and promote, or likewise inhibit
and condemn, MC must be elucidated. Knowing those individual
differences and contextual factors could enhance school intervention programs, influence selection procedures, or even suggest
which individuals might be more likely to be violent in original
Continuing to study MC is crucial for the sake of saving resources such as time and money, but most importantly to possibly
save lives and minimize suffering. If students or employees, for
example, are original enough in their intent to harm, then they will
encounter few or no countermeasures that can subdue or even
anticipate their malevolent behavior. Such a lack of proper anticipation could cost companies millions of dollars or could likewise
result in the loss of lives through extreme violence. Overall, the
study of MC is an area of research that is not getting the attention
it deserves, especially when considering what and who can be
saved if MC is appropriately scrutinized.

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Received August 13, 2012

Revision received November 28, 2012
Accepted December 7, 2012

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