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All About History Book of The Battle of Britain

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The Battle of Britain was a pivotal air battle between the RAF and Luftwaffe in 1940 that resulted in a decisive victory for Britain. It halted Hitler's plans for invading the UK and marked Britain's resilience against the Nazis.

The Hurricane and Spitfire were the two main British fighter aircraft used during the Battle of Britain. The Hurricane was sturdier and could take more damage but the Spitfire was more maneuverable. Together they helped the RAF gain air superiority over the Luftwaffe.

The RAF used a network of radar stations along the English Channel and south coast to detect incoming Luftwaffe aircraft raids. This early warning system allowed RAF fighter squadrons to scramble in time to intercept the bombers and fighters.


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The Second World War will always hold a legendary place
in Britains history, and indeed the history of the world. Few
campaigns within either of the world wars are as well-known and
remembered as the Battle of Britain. Immortalised in Churchills
speech before the battle even began, it was foremost a conflict in
the sky, but its effects were also felt keenly on the ground. In this
special 75th anniversary edition, youll find incredible images of
the battles people and planes, its devastating effects, and in-depth
information about key moments and strategies. Youll also find
fascinating insights into how people experienced the war, with
facsimiles of documents including letters sent home to loved
ones, instructional pamphlets used by pilots, and morale reports.
Discover the battle through the eyes of those who saw it, and
honour the sacrifices made three-quarters of a century ago.


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Text copyright: Richard Overy
The content in this book appeared previously in the Carlton book The Battle of Britain Experience
All About History Book Of The Battle of Britain 2015 Imagine Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781785460647

Part of the

bookazine series

Battle of Britain


A depiction of Spit res ying triumphantly over
the countryside of England, as onlookers admire
them. In the foreground, a downed Luftwaffe
plane lies abandoned in a eld.

The Exhibits

The Battle of Britain



Battle of Britain

A group of Hawker Hurricanes y in formation
over southern England. The Hurricane was the
rst operational RAF aircraft that was capable
of ying at a top speed in excess of 300mph.


The Exhibits


The Battle of Britain


Forgotten heroes

75 years ago,
Hitler was on the
verge of becoming
master of all of
Europe. Only the
Royal Air Force
stood in his way

n 18 June 1940, Winston Churchill stood

up in Parliament. The mood was gloomy.
France had just surrendered, most of
Europe was now under Nazi control and Britain
faced Germany alone. The Battle of France is
over, he announced. The Battle of Britain is
about to begin. Hitler knows he must break us in
these islands or lose the war. If we can stand up to
him, all Europe may be freed. But if we fail, then
the whole world will sink into the abyss of a new
dark age.
Churchill had been warning of war for years
but few had listened. The Nazis had spent much
of the 1930s building the modern war machine
that had just ravaged most of Europe. By contrast,
British rearmament had only begun in earnest
just six months before the conflict began. What
little preparations had been made, however, would
prove to be enough. But only just.

Hitlers planned seaborne invasion of the British

Isles, codenamed Operation Sea Lion, was risky.
To succeed, the German Luftwaffe needed to
first gain complete air superiority. Although the
campaign began on 10 July, the true purpose of it
wouldnt become apparent until Hitlers so-called
Eagle Day on 13 August. Between those two dates,
skirmishes over the Channel, as the Luftwaffe
picked off British shipping convoys, disguised the
fact that on the mainland two huge air fleets were
being assembled at newly captured airfields.
By the time Eagle Day arrived, the Germans
had amassed about 2,500 aircraft with the aim
of annihilating the RAF and its 660 serviceable
fighters. All that now stood between Hitler and
his new dark age were the courageous souls who
would take on that monstrous armada. Most of
them were barely out of their teens, and history
would come to remember them as The Few.


Hed go on to become a poster boy

for the RAF, but the career of this
legendary fighter pilot almost didnt
get off the ground
12 August 1940, the day before
Eagle Day, witnessed the first
major bombing of an RAF
airfield as Luftwaffe units
probed inland, testing Fighter
Commands resolve before the
battle ahead. That day, RAF Manston in Kent was
playing host to 65 Squadron, and among its ranks
was Brendan Finucane. The son of an IRA man,
Finucane would go on to become one of Fighter
Commands greatest aces, but the 19-year-old was
lucky to survive the Luftwaffes opening gambit.
With news that a significant force was headed
their way, 65 Squadrons pilots scrambled.
Finucane and his pals sprinted to their Spitfires
and clambered into their cockpits. As they were
preparing for take off, however, dozens of German
fighters and bombers appeared overhead. Hangers,
workshops and vehicles began exploding all
around them. As Finucane raced to get off the
ground, craters began appearing in the runway
before him.
Miraculously, however, he got airborne, as
did all but one of his comrades. Within minutes
they were hurtling through the skies, chasing
the Germans back across the Channel. By the
time Finucane landed, hed shot down the first of
what would be many enemy aircraft. When the
swashbuckling Dubliner was killed in action two
years later, hed added a further 27 kills. In those
dark days, Britain was desperate for heroes, and
Finucanes bravery had made him famous. Over
3,000 grateful Britons attended his funeral mass.


LEFT: Finucanes heroism

soon spread beyond RAF
ranks. Models of his Spitfire
with its distinctive Irish
shamrock nose art were even
sold in toy shops.


The Battle of Britain


He was just 18 when the Battle of Britain started, and officially the RAFs youngest
fighter pilot
Geoffrey Wellums first sorties
as a Spitfire pilot had come
in May 1940, covering the
evacuation of the British army
from Dunkirk. He then flew
several sorties a day from his
base at Biggin Hill, Kent, during the opening part
of the Battle of Britain, protecting shipping in the
Channel. Nothing, however, could prepare the
teenager for what he was to witness on 13 August
1940, when the Luftwaffe sent 1,500 aircraft to
destroy RAF bases.
In his 2009 memoir First Light, Wellum vividly
recalls the spectacle he encountered. Within
seconds were among them, he wrote, each
man for himself, fighting his own private battle.
Things move terribly quickly. There seem to be
hundreds of aeroplanes with everybody shooting
at everybody else. I am taken by surprise by the
sheer size of this battle in this tremendous arena.
Wherever I look the sky is full of aircraft.
I clamber for height and I have an
uninterrupted view. Its magnificent yet appalling.


ABOVE: After recovering from his wounds, Nicolson returned

to active service. In 1945, a plane he was in crashed off the Indian
coast. His body was never found.


Fighter Commands sole recipient of

the Victoria Cross, not just of the
Battle of Britain, but of the whole of
World War II
Despite the extraordinary
heroism of The Few, just one of
their ranks received Britains
highest military honour, the
Victoria Cross. When youre
fighting alone high above the
clouds, finding witnesses to corroborate individual
acts of valour can be tough. In James Nicolsons
case, however, his heroics happened low enough
to be seen by astonished observers on the ground.
By 16 August, the German raids were relentless.
British losses were mounting and things were
getting desperate. Around noon a wave of German
planes descended on Southampton. Hurricanes
from 249 Squadron were scrambled to intercept
them. Among the pilots was 23-year-old Nicolson.
Moments into the fray he was jumped by German
fighters. Shells smashed into his plane, hitting his
left eye and foot. The petrol tank was also hit. Fuel
poured into the cockpit where it was ignited by the
engine. With his cockpit ablaze, Nicolson slid back
to bail out, but at that moment an enemy bomber
swung in front of him. Despite his plane fast
becoming a fireball, Nicolson climbed back into
his seat. With only one good eye, up to his waist
in flames and his hands blistering on the controls,
he closed in on the German plane. Only when hed
destroyed it did the badly burned Londoner bail
out, landing unconscious outside Southampton.



Junker and Heinkel bombers split up, their

formations largely decimated, as they head back
towards the coast. A Junkers goes down well and
truly on fire.
Yet another plummets to the ground. Three of
the crew bail out and only one chute opens, the
other two Roman candle. I can see the man at the
end of one quite clearly, arms and legs thrashing as
he plunges earthwards.
A Spitfire spins down and a Hurricane dives
away, a long trail of black smoke behind it and, at
its base, a bright angry red flame. I am transfixed.
I dont see anyone bail out. Yet another aircraft
goes down in a steep dive. A large one, looks like a
Heinkel. My God hes shifting for a big plane and,
oh goodness, streaming out behind is a man on
the end of a parachute, caught up round the tail
and flailing about like the tail of a kite. He may
be a Hun, but I wouldnt wish a death like that
on anyone.
BELOW: Decorated for heroism, the huge psychological strain of
aerial warfare eventually told on Wellum (back row, right). He was
withdrawn from combat operations in 1943.

Forgotten heroes


The wee young woman from

Edinburgh who proved she was as
brave as any man
Without women like Elspeth
Henderson and the Dowding
System that she helped
operate, Fighter Command
would have soon succumbed to
the mighty Luftwaffe.
Named after Air Chief Marshall Hugh
Dowding, the system was the worlds first


ground-controlled interception network. It

linked observation posts and newly developed
radar stations via phone lines to airfields and
anti-aircraft batteries. Its ability to forewarn of
attacks meant already overstretched squadrons
didnt need to constantly patrol the skies but
could instead be scrambled in a heartbeat. Its
role was to prove pivotal and people like 27-yearold Henderson soon found themselves on the
front line.
Towards the end of August, RAF Biggin Hill,
where Henderson was stationed, was under
daily attack. On 30 August, one raid hit a shelter
there killing 39 and entombing many others.
Henderson was among the first to start digging
them out.
The following day, as she was managing the
phones in the operations room, the bombers

returned. This time they scored a direct hit on

the building that she was in. It was engulfed
in flames, and the survivors were ordered to
evacuate immediately.
Henderson, however, remained at her post and
continued to pass on vital information to those
who required it. Only when the smoke became
overwhelming did the young Scot go about her
escape via a shattered window as bombs exploded
all around her.
Just six women in the Women's Auxiliary Air
Force won the Military Medal during the war.
Henderson was one of them. Her citation noted
that shed been awarded it for displaying courage
of an exemplary order.
BELOW: Henderson with Air Chief Marshall Dowding. Houses
now stand where RAF Biggin Hill once did, and Henderson has a
road there named after her.


The Battle of Britain

BELOW: Lock shot down 26 enemy aircraft
during the campaign.







This farm workers son from

Yorkshire took huge risks to
bag 18 kills and become the
highest-scoring lower-rank
pilot of the Battle of Britain
By 30 August
23-year-old James
Lacey was heading
back to the coast
after a dogfight
that had left his
plane riddled with 87 bullet holes.
His engine gave out, but Lacey was
determined to get his Hurricane home.
Figuring that he had just enough
altitude, he decided to glide back to
land roughly 15 miles. Not only did
Lacey reach land, but he also managed
to put his plane down perfectly on the
runway at RAF Gravesend.
I was lucky, Lacey later recalled.
I was shot down nine times in the
16 weeks the Battle of Britain lasted
Waiting to go up terrified me. Waiting
for that Tannoy to say scramble!. It
could make me physically sick. I didnt
have butterflies in my stomach back
then, I had vultures.



The highest-scoring RAF

ace of the entire Battle of
Britain, who managed to
shoot down three enemy
aircraft in one brief sortie

Made from leather, lined with
chamois and with a layer of cotton
padding between, each helmet was
customised by the airbase tailor so
that the earpieces fitted the wearer.

The brass frames were usually
blackened and the backs of them
trimmed around the edges with
faux-fur for extra comfort. The
laminated lenses also had a blue-green
tint to deal with sunshine.


The wool and chamois oxygen mask was
fitted to the helmet. The front housed
both the inlet for the oxygen tube and the
attachment point for the microphone.

With no in-plane heating, sheepskin jackets
were worn over the top of the uniforms.
As the collars could restrict visibility, some
pilots would cut them off.

Being shot down over the Channel was a
real risk, so pilots wore a cotton and rubber
inflatable life vest. Pilots nicknamed it a
Mae West in honour of the notoriously
buxom Hollywood star of the day.

Pilots would grab their parachutes
and strap them on shortly after being
scrambled. Shoulder, waist and leg straps
met at a single point and clipped into
a quick-release clasp on the chest.

By the start
of September,
many pilots had
already notched
up more than
five kills, giving
them the coveted title of Fighter
Ace. On 5 September, 21-year-old
Eric Lock joined them by shooting
down three enemy planes in a
matter of minutes.
His combat report reads: We
intercepted a formation of enemy
aircraft, attacking the bombers first
I engaged a He111, which I followed
down until it crashed. I climbed
back up to 8,000 feet, saw
another He111, engaged that
and set his starboard engine
on fire. I closed in to about
75 yards and fired two long
bursts. Smoke came from the
fuselage. I was then attacked
by a Me109 who wounded me
in the leg. As he banked away,
he stall-turned. I fired at him.
He exploded in mid-air.
The understated tone of
Locks report belies the true
terror. By the time his squadron
intelligence officer had typed this
report up, Fighter Command had
lost over 500 planes while nearly
250 pilots had lost their lives.


Kevin McGivern

ABOVE: After the campaign, Sergeant Lacey

was promoted to Pilot Officer. He ended the
war with a final tally of 28 confirmed kills, and
four probable kills.

Forgotten heroes
LEFT: Bader was shot down over France
in 1941 and captured. While a POW, he
tried to escape so often that the Germans
ended up confiscating his tin legs.


From dawn until dusk every day for
16 weeks, Fighter Commands pilots
had to be ready to meet the Nazi
threat in the skies
All fighter pilots days started at dawn
with a cup of tea brought to them by a
junior rank. They wash and dress before
being driven in lorries to the dispersal
area. Here, by the runway, they eat breakfast if
they have the time and wait.
By mid-morning, the radar stations start
picking up incoming enemy aircraft.
The dispersal area phone rings. The
duty officer answers, nods his head,
then clicks on the tannoy and shouts Scramble!
into the receiver and across the airfield.
Having raced to their planes, clambered
into their parachutes and climbed into
their aircraft, which fitters will already
have started for them, pilots begin to
taxi down the runway and take to the air.
With the planes now airborne, through
their headphones they hear vector two
five zero, bandits 200 plus, angles three
zero, which is code for them to steer a
course for 250 degrees, where more than 200
enemy aircraft are incoming at 30,000 feet.
Enemy planes are spotted heading in
from the east with the sun behind them.
A dogfight begins, as planes begin oneon-one duels with the German fighters,
or go after the slow-moving bombers that are
bristling with guns.
German fighters can only fight over
English airspace before their fuel starts
running out. The RAF pilots then either
chase them back over the Channel or
pick off any remaining bombers.
Those pilots that havent been shot
down return to base. Upon landing they
are interviewed by an intelligence officer
who compiles a combat report detailing
any enemy and RAF planes that have been shot
down or damaged.
Pilots are scrambled again. At the height
of the campaign, pilots flew combat
missions two or even three times a day.
As dusk approaches, after 16 long hours
of suspense punctured by minutes of
extreme violence in the skies, the pilots
are stood down. Those who have
survived end their day with a pint at the local.



This legendary ace lost both his legs in a pre-war flying accident, but that didnt
stop him help turn the battle in Britains favour
At the age of 30, Douglas Bader
was older than most RAF pilots
and his leadership was to prove
inspirational to the younger
men. On 15 September, the
Luftwaffe launched its largest
attack in the belief that Fighter Command was so
stretched it could destroy its remaining aircraft.
With the fighter squadrons attacking in big
wing formations of up to 60 planes a tactic Bader
endorsed the RAF inflicted colossal damage on
the Luftwaffe at little cost to themselves. For Bader
it would prove a particularly successful day.
Just after noon, his wing ran into a great mass
of aircraft, both British and German, outside


of London. In fact, the skies were so busy

that, according to the report he later gave an
intelligence officer, his wing had to wait until
Spitfires and Hurricanes engaging the enemy
broke away. Once they had, Bader sent his Spitfire
force to attack the German fighters, while he and
his Hurricane pilots got stuck into the bombers.
His report reveals: [Bader] opened fire at 100
yards in a steep dive, and saw large flash behind
the starboard motor of the Do17 as its wing caught
fire As all the bombers were destroyed S/Ldr
Baders comments are worthy of repetition. It
was the finest shambles Ive been in. For once we
had position, height, and numbers. 15 September
proved to be the tipping point of the campaign.


The Battle of Britain



The pilot who was fighting to free his

homeland from the only place left that
he could still take on the Nazis
Many exiled Poles flew with
the 303 Squadron, men whod
seen first hand what the
Nazis did to countries they
conquered. Many also had
families in occupied territory
and this may partly explain their fearsome
reputation and never-say-die attitude. Walerian
ak, whod go on to lead the squadron, summed up
these qualities on the morning of 27 September.
aks was one of 11 pilots who attacked a bomber
formation protected by a mass fighter escort.
Despite being heavily outnumbered, they shot
down 15 aircraft including seven bombers.
Two pilots were killed and aks own plane
caught fire. As did he. Bailing out was his only
option, but fearing his parachute would catch fire
too, ak elected to free fall thousands of feet in
the hope itd extinguish the flames. His gamble
worked and, though badly burned, the 29-year-old
then opened his parachute and landed safely.


LEFT: ak settled in Britain after the war. His medals, including

the DFC hes being awarded here, can be seen today at Londons
Imperial War Museum.
BELOW: Despite his injuries, Lewis returned to active service
within three months of being shot down. He later served in the Far
East and survived the war.



The courageous son of empire who gave nearly everything

to defend what he would have called the mother country

As well as Britain
and Europe,
Fighter Command
pilots came from
all over the British
Empire. One of
the finest was South African Albert
Lewis, and as the campaign began
drawing to a close at the end of
September, he experienced the best
and worst that life as an RAF fighter
ace offered. On 27 September, he shot
down an astonishing six aircraft in
one day, taking his tally for the war
to 18. The very next day, however, he
was shot down himself.
While returning from a patrol,
the 22-year-old was jumped by a pack



of German fighters. His plane was

hit at 30,000 feet. Shrapnel tore
through his legs and his Hurricane
caught fire. Flying at 350mph,
the blaze soon whipped up into
an inferno. When I pulled back
the canopy, he later recalled, the
flames roared up around my face. I
pulled the release of my harness and
got out. The suddenness with which
I parted company with the plane
caused me to be shaken around like
an old rag.
Lewis landed safely but had
suffered severe burns to his legs,
hands, throat and face. His eyes were
also so badly scorched that he was
blind for two weeks.


ABOVE: The plane that Holmes rammed out of the sky hit shops
close to Victoria Station. His plane crashed nearby at Ebury Bridge
on Buckingham Palace Road.


This pilots heroics saved Buckingham Palace from certain destruction and he
did it without bullets, too
By 11 October, the Battle of
Britain was over. Hitler hadnt
officially cancelled the invasion,
but he had formally postponed
it. It marked a true turning
point in the war. It was Nazi
Germanys first defeat and proof that the Fhrers
ideologically driven killers werent invincible.
What didnt stop was the bombing of Britain,
which only intensified over the next seven
months as the Battle of Britain became the Blitz.
London had first been bombed on 24 August,
accidentally and against the express orders of
Hitler himself, as it turned out. But the revenge
bombing of the city of Berlin by the RAF the very
next day so infuriated him that the focus of the
Battle of Britain was switched from destroying
Fighter Command and its bases to destroying
Britains infrastructure.
On Sunday 15 September, a force of 100 bombers
and 200 fighters approached London. As they
were tracked by the radar station at Uxbridge,
where Churchill just happened to be visiting, 250
fighters were despatched to deal with them.
By noon, the surviving bombers arrived over
central London. Here, they were engaged by
Hurricanes from 504 Squadron. One was being
piloted by 24-year-old Ray Holmes, who attacked
several bombers, before latching onto a badly


damaged one heading straight for Buckingham

Palace. Holmes wasnt to know, but the plane was
actually unmanned. Itd been so badly shot up
over south London that its crew had bailed out.
Its pilot, Oberleutnant Robert Zehbe, had left the
plane on a fixed course before parachuting to
what he thought was safety. Coming down near
the Oval cricket ground, however, he was attacked
by an angry mob and later died of his wounds.
Crewless it may have been, but Zehbes bomber
still had a full payload. Holmes closed in behind it,
lined it up in his sights, but he was out of ammo.
The Liverpudlian then made a desperate decision.
There was no time to weigh up the situation, he
revealed afterwards. [The German] aeroplane
looked so flimsy. I just went on and hit it for six. I
thought my plane would cut right through it.
Flying at more than 400mph, Holmes rammed
the German bombers tail. It caused his Hurricane
to plunge into a steep nosedive. He was forced to
bail out, but the impact had snapped the bomber
in two, and had flipped the remaining fuselage
over that the g-force ripped both its wings off.
The bomb load then fell free, though part of it
did hit the palace, the bulk missed. The plane was
knocked clear. It ended up crashing by Victoria
Station without further loss of life. Holmess
courage had ensured a vital part of Britains
heritage would survive the war.


With 111 kills between them, the top

three Luftwaffe pilots accounted for
seven per cent of all RAF losses


Wick was the highest-scoring pilot of the
battle. The 25-year-old became only the
fourth member of the German armed
forces to be awarded the Kings Cross of
the Iron Cross with Oak Leaf Clusters. He
was killed in combat in November 1940.



Galland would go on to become the
youngest general in the German military,
attaining the rank of general of the
fighter arm in 1941. His total number of
kills for the war was 104, despite being
banned from combat between December
1941 and the end of 1944 by Hitler himself.



By the time the Battle of Britain started,
Oesau was already a veteran of the
Spanish Civil War, the invasion of Poland
and The Battle of France; he had 14 kills.
By the time he was killed in May 1944
by an American pilot, hed extended that
tally to 127.


The Battle of Britain

A group of RAF ghter pilots race to their waiting
aircraft after receiving the signal to scramble! Every
minute lost before take-off would be advantageous to the
enemy, as they could have allowed the pilots to gain
extra height above the advancing plane formations.


Forgotten heroes


The Battle of Britain


The two-seater version of a TR9, this Spitfire helped train future

pilots for the perils of airborne warfare

he Spitfire is almost ubiquitous when

discussing Britains war in the skies
during War World II. There were 22
different versions of the classic interceptor fighter
built during the height of its time in the RAF.
One of these was the SM520, a two-seater plane
based on the TR9 model, which itself came from a
Spitfire Mk IX.
The conversion from one to two seats was a
post-war program, with the first SM520 arriving
in 1948. The project helped provide flight and
gunnery practise for new recruits to the RAF,

such as the Irish Air Corps (IAC) Seafire fleet and

many other air forces in what was to become the
Commonwealth of Nations.
This particular model was constructed as a oneseater TR9 in a West Bromwich factory and was
first delivered to the RAF in November of 1944. As
the war came to an end, the fighter was involved
with the mass RAF disarmament measures and
was sold to the South African Air Force (SAAF) for
the sum of 2,000.
In Africa, it helped train pilots who were to be
sent to the conflict in Korea and prepared them for

BELOW: The enduring Spitfire design means it is the only Allied

fighter built during the war that was used until the 1950s. More
than 20,000 were built in total.

YEARS BUILT: 1948-1951
LENGTH: 9.58M (31FT 5IN)
WINGSPAN: 11.23M (36FT 10IN)
RANGE: 724KM (450 MILES)
ARMAMENT: 2 X .303


flying in the American-made SAAF P-51 Mustangs.

After a series of changes in ownership, the singleseat SM520 was converted into a two-seater in
2002, renamed G-ILDA (in honour of a previous
owners granddaughter) and was then passed on
to the Boultbee Flight Academy, where it is
currently located.
The original British paint scheme was revived
and it is now in a camouflage grey/green scheme
as seen on the European Standard Day Fighters
that helped Britain defend its borders in its hour
of need.

Spitre SM520

RIGHT: Pilots of the 611

West Lancashire Squadron
launching a Spitfire off
Biggin Hill Airport in 1942.


The Battle of Britain


The aircraft that embodies the spirit

and resolve of the British in the
summer of 1940 is remarkably easy to
pilot. Simple to start, the Merlin engine
nearly always fired after two blades
and was very reliable with each and
every cockpit virtually identical and
compact. Pilots past and present have
commented favourably on its ease of
handling as well as the iconic sound
of its engine. As with many aircraft of
the era, the Spitfire became harder to
control when it neared its top speed.
However, its light control column
allowed it to be more manoeuvrable
than its rival, the Messerschmitt Bf
109. During the Battle of Britain. It
would often turn out of dives much
quicker than its German equivalent.
Without powered controls, these turns
were achieved by the power of the
pilots muscles alone.


Spitre SM520
BELOW: Unlike the Messerschmitt, the
Spitfire never took to the use of cannon
and relied on its dual machine guns.

BELOW: The cockpit of the

SM520 is authentic, down
to the spade-like control
column and the throttle
control on the sidewall.


ABOVE: When not in use,

the opening of the machine guns barre
was taped to prevent the mechanism
from freezing at high altitudes.

In the summer of 1940, the RAF had a foolproof

plan against the oncoming Luftwaffe. The
Hurricanes would go after the German Junker
87 and 88 bombers while Spitfires would face
off against the fighters. This decision was tailor
made for the RAF aircraft, as the guns on the
Spitfire were positioned narrower than those
on the Hurricane, making it easier to engage
the Messerschmitt fighters. At full capacity, the
Spitfire could have eight Browning machine
guns with 300 bullets. The amount of bullets
at a pilots disposal meant those with poor aim
could at least hit something.



Fresh from preparation in the Condor
BELOW: Serving across all fronts and
in all theatres, the Bf 109 was integral to
Legion in the Spanish Civil War, the
the Nazi war machine.
Luftwaffes Messerschmitts were ready
to take the battle to the British over the
Channel. 33,000 were made in total during
the war and it provided the spine of the
Luftwaffe fleet. The Messerschmitt only
had two machine guns but these contained
magazines of 1,000 rounds each.
They had two 20mm cannons useful
against bombers, but they struggled
to cope with the manoeuvrability of
Spitfires and Hurricanes. Its Achilles heel was its short
range, preventing it from doing more damage. Despite its
loss in the Battle of Britain, the Bf 109 shot down the most
Allied planes in the war. Its longevity was due to its simple
and direct design and was still frequently used even in the
later years of the war when the jet-powered Me 262 came
into production.


The Battle of Britain


With its origins in World War I, the RAF roundel was

used to identify British planes from the ground and
in the heat of a dogfight. The Union Flag was initially
put forward but due to its likeness to the German
cross, the roundel was incorporated.
The first Spitfires were painted brown and dark
green while the underside fuselage was white to
allow for easy identification. As the fight against the
Luftwaffe approached the Channel, the paint scheme
changed from brown to grey as the new colour
blended in with the sea. This was employed from
then on with the odd variation. These included pink
or dark blue for reconnaissance missions at low and
high levels respectively and light brown for Middle
East missions. Even the roundel was dropped, as in
operations over Japan it was deemed too similar to
the red disk Hinomaru emblem of the Japanese Zeros.
BELOW: After the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire assumed more of a
reconnaissance role and was even occasionally painted in pink to add to
its camouflage.

ABOVE: Prince Harry is flown

in the back of Boultbees
restored Spitfire SM520 over
the Isle of Wight needles.


Spitre SM520


On 13 August 1940, better known as

Adlertag or Eagle Day, the Luftwaffe
appeared over the skies of Kent and
Sussex, beginning the Battle of Britain.
The Spitfire is famous for Britains
resounding victory, but in the following
months and years, the RAF and the
Luftwaffe jostled for air supremacy.
The constantly updated
Messerschmitts actually began to
outperform the Spitfire by 1941, but the
British clawed back the advantage with
the development of the better and faster
engines in the Spitfire IX. With this new
power system, the Spitfires and Seafires
had a much broader role in the RAF
and Royal Navy. The improved models
could now take down V-1 rockets before
they hit their target, saving many lives
and cities in southern England.
BELOW: Spitfire pilots would attempt to stop a
German V-1 by nudging it off course.


The Battle of Britain

BELOW: The engine
was a good all-rounder
and was also used in
Lancaster bombers,
Hurricanes and the
USAAF P51 Mustang .



Spitre SM520

fuel-injected, so there was a danger of it cutting
out in steep dives.
However, this was mostly fixed in 1941 by the
addition of a new diaphragm in the engines float
chamber. This was affectionately known as the
Miss Shillings Orifice after its designer Tilly
Shilling. Even after World War II the Merlin was
still in assembly, and production only ceased in
1950 after 150,000 had been made to help Britain
win the war.
BELOW: The Spitfire was very nearly called the Shrew, which
wouldnt have been quite as intimidating .




CEILING: 10,668M (35,000FT)
LONGEVITY: 1938-48 (20,351 MADE)


CEILING: 10,972M (36,000FT)
LONGEVITY: 1937-44 (14,583 MADE)

Images: Alamy, Getty

Despite being used in more than 40 aircraft

during World War II, the Merlin is most
commonly associated with the Spitfire. Named
after the bird of prey, the engine first took to
the skies in February 1935 and was a marked
improvement on the previous Rolls Royce
instalment, the Kestrel.
The engine was so good that both the Spitfire
and the Hurricane were built to accommodate
it. As efficient as it was, the Merlin certainly
wasnt without its faults. Unlike the engines of
the German Messerschmitts, the Merlin wasnt

BELOW: The Hawker

Hurricane served in all major
theatres of World War II.


Battle of Britain



o other battle in recent British history

has been accorded the same status as
the Battle of Britain, fought out over
the skies of England in the summer and autumn
of 1940 between the Royal Air Force and the
German air force. The Battle followed on from the
defeat of France in June 1940 and the expulsion
of British forces from Continental Europe during
the Dunkirk evacuation. The general expectation


in Britain was of a German invasion at some point

later in 1940. One way of ensuring that invasion
might be postponed was to deny the German
forces air superiority over southern England.
The onus of achieving this fell on RAF Fighter
Command. The failure of the German air force to
eliminate British fighter defences played a critical
part in persuading Hitler and his commanders
that invasion was too risky.

Fighter Command was not the only reason

that Hitler hesitated. Deteriorating weather, the
threat of a powerful Royal Navy and the prospect
of Bomber Command attacking the invasion
beaches were all factors that contributed to the
decision not to invade. But if Fighter Command
had failed in its task of preventing the enemy
from dominating the skies of southern England,
the outcome might have been different. This

Battle in the skies

victory depended on many things, including the

radar detection screen and high levels of aircraft
output and pilot training. The many factors that
affected the battle are explained in what follows.
This book is an invitation to explore the contest
from many different angles. Each spread is rich
in photographs and images from the time. There
are also documents, maps and diaries that bring
alive the sense of what it was like to endure that

dangerous summer when it seemed that the

German army, only 35 kilometres (22 miles) away
across the Channel, might soon be tramping
along English roads. The conflict certainly did
not decide the war, which was won only five years
later with powerful Allies at Britains side. But
it ensured that Britain, unlike much of the rest
of Europe, did not have to come to terms with
defeat and occupation. Like the destruction of

the Spanish Armada 350 years before, the Battle

of Britain has won a legendary place in Britains
island history.
Richard Overy, 2010
BELOW: The wreckage of one of the first two German aircraft
shot down on British soil, a Heinkel He 111 bomber which crashed
near Edinburgh in Scotland on 16 October 1939. The bombers
were caught by two Spitfire squadrons as they attacked shipping
in the Firth of Forth.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits

While en route to inspect defences in Kent,
a Messerschmitt Me 109 crashed near Dover,
at Church Whiteld. On seeing the wreckage,
Churchill stopped the car to inspect the scene,
joined by his bodyguard.


Battle of Britain



hen a German aircraft dropped a bomb

on the port of Dover on 24 December
1914, it marked the first successful
aerial attack on British soil. What followed was
an intermittent series of attacks that increased
in intensity by the middle of the First World
War and petered out again after May 1918, six
months before the wars end. In total, Britain was
subjected to 51 attacks by German airships and
52 attacks by aircraft. This was on a small scale
compared with the air battles of the Second World
War, but the first Battle of Britain had important
repercussions for the greater battle fought a
generation later.
Air power was in its infancy in 1914 and the
German decision to attack British targets from the
air was based on unfounded speculation about
the possible effects of aerial bombing. Most of the
early attacks were undertaken by a few aircraft
at a time and their impact was negligible. More
dangerous was the German decision to undertake
an offensive using airships, most of them the
famous Zeppelins, that could carry large loads of

bombs of varying calibre and which were at first

virtually free to roam over British territory. The
first airship attack was made on the night of 1920
January 1915 and the last was mounted on 56
August 1918.
The threat posed by air attack was met at first
by anti-aircraft guns stationed around vulnerable
areas of the south-east of England and a limited
number of fighter aircraft. The airships faced great
difficulty in navigating successfully and unloaded
their bombs when and where they could, but the
efforts of the few defensive squadrons of the Royal
Flying Corps were equally hampered by weather,
slow speeds and a lack of suitable armament for
destroying airships. Gradually, improved fighter
aircraft managed to inflict losses on the Zeppelin
fleet, but it was impossible to disguise the
inadequacy of much of the early air defence effort.
Yet by the end of 1916, the airships had dropped
only 160 tons of bombs in two years. Neither side
was in a position to do anything very decisive in
the air war over Britain. The situation changed
with the German decision to mount a campaign
LEFT: Damage caused to housing
as a result of a German air raid.
During 191718, 836 people were
killed in attacks by German bomber
aircraft and 1,982 injured.
RIGHT: The burnt-out hull of a
German airship that landed next
to a cottage in southern England.
Airships proved very vulnerable
to poor weather conditions,
and to enemy fire from fixed
anti-aircraft artillery or from
British fighter aircraft.


BELOW: The wrecked

German Zeppelin L15 lies in
the Thames Estuary after
being shot down on 31 March
1916 by the anti-aircraft
battery at Purfleet. One of
the crew members drowned
and the rest were saved by a
British destroyer.

Appointed in April 1918
as the second chief of the
air staff in succession to
General Trenchard, Frederick
Sykes had the task of nursing the fledgling RAF
through its first year. Sykes joined the army as a
volunteer at the start of the South African War
(18991902) and gained a full commission in 1901.
In 1911, he learned to fly, and in the pre-war years
played an important part in the formation of the
Royal Flying Corps. He became its first chief of
staff in 1914 under General Sir David Henderson,
but arguments with the army over the use of
aircraft led to a posting to the Royal Naval Air
Service in the Mediterranean. In 1918, he took
up his role as chief of staff of the new RAF, a
position he held until January 1919 when he went
to the Paris peace talks as head of the British Air
Section. He ran civil aviation in Britain for three
years from 1919 and entered parliament as a
Conservative. He retired from politics in 1945.

The rst Battle of Britain


ABOVE: The early air attacks called for improvised civil defence. Here a car carries the all clear sign after an air alarm in October 1917,
a month when south-east England was attacked both by Gotha bombers and by Zeppelins. By this stage of the war Britain was already
using black-outs in threatened areas at night.

in 1917 using heavy bombers. In the spring of

1917, the German high command was looking for
a way to bring pressure to bear on Britain to pull
out of the war. Alongside unrestricted submarine
warfare they chose air attacks on London as
a possible way of undermining popular warwillingness among both the public and politicians.
The plan for a long-range bomber assault had been
proposed by General Ernst von Hoeppner. Under
his guidance the so-called England Squadron
was activated, commanded by Captain Ernst
Brandenburg. Using heavy aircraft produced by
the Gothaer Waggonfabrik usually known as
Gotha bombers the squadron made its first attack
in daylight on 25 May 1917 against the Kent port of
Folkestone, killing 95 people.
The public response was of panic and anger.
When a raid on 12 June hit a school in the

London district of Poplar, killing 18 children,

the outrage was intense. The bombing raids had
an immediate effect. The London Air Defence
area was set up and large numbers of antiaircraft guns, searchlights and fighter aircraft
made available. A war cabinet committee under
General Smuts sat to consider possible solutions,
and his recommendation of the creation of an
independent air force paved the way for the
foundation of the Royal Air Force, which was
formally established on 1 April 1918 with a
strength of 165,000 men. The air defence system
was overhauled by Brigadier General Edward
Ashmore so that proper warning could be given.
By the end of the war, London was defended
by 304 guns, 415 searchlights and 11 fighter
squadrons of 24 aircraft each. The result in
autumn 1917 was to force the German bombers

Jan Smuts played a key

role in the creation of
the Royal Air Force. A
former Boer commander
in the South African
War, Smuts fought on
the British side in Africa
during the First World War before coming to London
as a member of Lloyd Georges war cabinet. It was
in this capacity that he chaired the committee that
organized the air defence of London in 1917 and
recommended the formation of an independent air
force. In August 1917, his proposals were accepted
and, despite army opposition, a bill to create an
air force passed through parliament in November.
Smuts foresaw the widespread use of bomber
aircraft in a new strategic role. After the war, he
attended the Paris peace conference and then
returned to a political career in South Africa where
he became prime minister in 1919. He was a close
friend and adviser of Churchill during the Second
World War, and played a part in drafting the United
Nations Charter in 1945.

to shift to night raids, which made accurate

bombing impossible. British night-fighters began
to impose heavier losses on the attacking force
and by May 1918 the German offensive came to an
end. The 103 attacks had resulted in 1,400 deaths
and 3,400 serious injuries. The strategic result
was in the long run disastrous for the German
side. Britain remained in the war but also came
to understand the nature and limitations of air
defence. In 1940 Britain would be much better
prepared for an air assault than it had been in 1917.

BELOW: Soldiers and onlookers surround a crashed German Gotha

bomber in Kent. In total, 54 of the bombers were lost through enemy
action or accidents. One was forced to land in neutral Holland.


Battle of Britain


BELOW: An aerial view of the Hendon Air Display, held annually
in the 1930s at the RAF airfield in north London. The display
shows new aircraft models on show to the public.

ABOVE: A formation of ArmstrongWhitworth Siskin aircraft from 41 Squadron

RAF in flight. The single-seat biplane fighter
was designed by the motor company
Siddeley Deasy in 1919 but was taken
over by Armstrong-Whitworth two years
later. It was noted for its high aerobatic
performance and was a favourite at air
displays. It was retired from service in 1932.

he development of the RAF during the

interwar years suffered from an evident
contradiction. On the one hand, most
leading airmen and air theorists assumed that
air power was most effective when used in an
offensive bombing role. On the other, Britains
evident vulnerability to air attack, demonstrated
during the First World War, made the development
of an effective air defence against enemy bombing
imperative. For much of the interwar period, it was
assumed that the balance of advantage lay with
the attacking bomber aircraft. The difference in
performance between fighters and bombers was
too small to give fighters much chance of getting
into the air, finding the enemy and shooting them
down. The general view was that possession of
a bomber force which could threaten a potential
enemy, a posture that was called deterrence,
would be sufficient defence against attack.
Not until the mid-1930s was this view finally
challenged by the development of a sophisticated

air defence system in the United Kingdom, the

only one of its kind in existence when war broke
out in 1939.
In 1925, the RAF was reorganized under the
title Air Defence of Great Britain. The bomber
squadrons were concentrated on airfields in the
central and southern areas of the country, and the
fighters in a narrow belt to the south of London.
For much of the next 10 years the only likely
enemy was considered to be France and aircraft
were deployed to meet that implausible threat.
After 1933, the rise of Hitlers Germany created a
menace which the existing ADGB organization
was inadequate to face. In 1936, the ADGB was
abolished and replaced with separate functional
commands Bomber Command, Fighter
Command and Coastal Command. The forces
were then redistributed to meet the more likely
German challenge. Bomber bases were shifted
to eastern England, in Yorkshire, East Anglia and
Lincolnshire, where beforehand there had been

BELOW: An event at the Hendon Air Display in 1928. A

favourite feature was to stage a mock bomb attack on a
reconstructed African or Arab village, a form of combat
known in British Empire conflicts as air policing.


The Conservative
politician Stanley
Baldwin is perhaps
best remembered for
his remark made in the
House of Commons on
10 November 1932 that
the bomber will always get through. His view
of future air war as something that would utterly
destroy civilization played an important part
in shaping popular fears of bombing during the
1930s. He was three times prime minister between
1923 and 1937. Under the National Government,
set up in 1931, he was effectively deputy prime
minister with the title of Lord President of the
Council. It was during this period that he played
a part in helping to set up the Disarmament
Conference in Geneva and it was partly from
the hope that he could achieve a real measure
of disarmament in the air that he embarked on
his scaremongering campaign. When he became
prime minister in 1935, he oversaw the early
stages of British rearmament, despite his lasting
commitment to appeasement, seeing it as a better
way to avoid the prospect of a terrible war.

Air defence between the wars

only a single RAF base. Fighter aircraft were
redeployed to cover the whole area of southern
and eastern England, from Southampton to
Newcastle. By 1939, there were 138 airfields
instead of the 52 available five years before.
Fighter Command was supplemented by a chain
of radar stations, developed between 1936 and
1939 to give early warning of approaching aircraft,
and by ground observers to track incoming
aircraft. From 1936 onwards, under pressure from
the government, the RAF also shifted the balance
between bomber and fighter production, which
had previously favoured offensive aircraft. By
the outbreak of war, the RAF was structured both

BELOW: Two young children try out the new respirators (gas
masks) distributed to almost everyone in Britain during 1939 and
1940. Beside the standard adult mask was a special respirator for
babies and the small childrens mask illustrated here.

to defend against an enemy air offensive and to

mount an offensive against the same enemy on
the untested assumption that their opponents
defence against bombing would be less adequate
than the RAFs own.
The government was also aware that the threat
of bombing created widespread public alarm.
Alongside the advent of an active air defence
came developments in ground defences and civil
defence. Anti-aircraft artillery had been used in
the First World War and although its effectiveness
was questionable, the presence of guns helped
to reassure the local population. In 1937, an
Ideal Plan was formulated for a system of guns,
searchlights and barrage balloons. By 1939, only
570 heavy guns had been made available out of a
planned 1,264, but much of the shortfall was made
good in the first nine months of the war.
More important for public morale were civil
defence preparations. These had been almost
non-existent when bombing began in the First
World War. In 1924, the government set up an
Air Raid Precautions Sub-Committee, run by the
Home Office, whose task was to plan and prepare
for possible bomb attack. During the 1930s these
plans were finally given real substance. In 1937,
a comprehensive Air Raid Precautions law was
introduced, requiring local authorities to establish
a nationwide ARP structure, to be organized and
supervised by Regional ARP Commissioners.
Huge numbers of volunteers came forward to act
as air raid wardens and emergency personnel.
By 1940, there were 828,000, including 108,000
full-time civil defence workers. Local councils
were obliged to begin a programme of air-raid
shelter construction and, together with the police,
to organize exercises in blacking out towns. By
1939, Britain was the only country to distribute a
gas mask to every man, woman and child (on the
assumption that a ruthless enemy was almost
certain to use gas or germ warfare in the event

The most important
post in the RAF during
the Battle of Britain was
held by the chief of the
air staff Cyril Newall.
He began his military career in the army in 1905,
learned to fly in 1911, and served in the Royal Flying
Corps during the First World War, reaching the
rank of brigadier general. In 1917 he was assigned
to organize an aircraft wing for retaliatory raids
on Germany and became convinced that bombing
could have serious strategic effects. He became
deputy chief of the air staff between 1926 and
1931 and chief of the air staff in 1937. He played an
important part in expanding the pre-war RAF, both
its defensive capability and the power to hit back
with heavy bombers. He protected the fighter
force from Churchills demands for more aircraft in
the Battle of France, and remained in office until
the end of October 1940, when that battle almost
over. He became governor general of New Zealand
until 1946.

of war). A comprehensive evacuation scheme was

prepared for children and mothers, to come into
force as soon as war was declared. The system was
far from complete when war did eventually break
out, but it was sufficiently advanced to provide
a measure of warning and shelter to most of the
threatened population.
BELOW: Workmen assigned to air raid precautions work dig
trenches in Londons Hyde Park on 28 September 1938. That day
the British public waited to hear if war over Czechoslovakia had
been averted. Fear of bombing dominated public anxieties during
the crisis which ended with the Munich agreement, signed two
days later.


Battle of Britain


ighter Command was only four years

old when the Battle of Britain began.
It formally came into existence on 14
July 1936 when the RAF was divided into four
separate commands Fighter, Coastal, Bomber
and Training. The new force was placed under
the command of Air Marshal Hugh Dowding and
its headquarters sited at Bentley Priory on the
outskirts of London. Although fighter squadrons
had existed in the old air defence system,
Dowding faced the remarkable challenge of having
to create an entirely new and effective fighting
organization in a matter of a few years.
The force was divided into a number of groups
to defend particular geographical areas, and each
group contained a number of sector stations
where the operational aircraft were based. The
south-east of England was defended by 11 Group;
the Midlands and East Anglia by 12 Group; and
the north and north-east of England were the
responsibility of 13 Group. In response to the
threat to Britains ports and shipping, 10 Group
was set up in July 1940 to defend the west and
south-west. Eventually 14 Group and 9 Group were

formed to protect Scotland and the north-west,

particularly against attacks on naval shipping. The
groups could collaborate and offer mutual support,
but the operational commanders were responsible
only for the sector aircraft covered by the territory
of their group.
The heart of the new Command was the system
of operational control and communication which
allowed information on raids supplied by radar
and visual observation to be fed back to Fighter
Command headquarters and then passed on to the
operational groups and sector stations. The central
control of the fighter defence force made success
possible in the Battle of Britain. Operations rooms
were set up at Bentley Priory and at the Group
headquarters. Here special map rooms were
created which allowed the accurate plotting of
incoming enemy aircraft and of the operations
of the fighter forces scrambled to intercept them.
Communication was by phone line, maintained
by Post Office engineers. The information was
taken from a chain of radar stations around
the coast and from the men and women of the
Observer Corps, staffed by volunteers to provide

BELOW: Barrage balloons being hoisted above the

Thames from river barges. The balloon screen was
partly to allay public fears and partly to force enemy
aircraft to fly higher or risk an accident. On the first
day of the war, 624 balloons were erected around
the vulnerable target areas.

ABOVE: A trainee RAF pilot using a Link trainer

in 1940. Fighter Command expanded its training
programme as rapidly as possible after the
outbreak of war to provide around 1,200 pilots
available for operations for most of the battle.


The command headquarters of Fighter Command
was based in the eighteenth-century country
house of Bentley Priory in Stanmore, Middlesex.
The house began life as an aristocrats estate,
but by the late Victorian age it was a hotel,
and then briefly a girls boarding school. The
estate was bought by the RAF in 1926 and was
originally the site of RAF Training Command. In
the summer of 1936, the newly created Fighter
Command moved its headquarters to the Priory
from Uxbridge. Under its first commander-inchief, Hugh Dowding, the Priory was modified to
incorporate an operations room and filter room
to allow close central command over the whole
fighter force. The Observer Corps also moved to
Bentley Priory and the Anti-Aircraft Command
was stationed nearby. An underground
operations block was added in early 1940
and was in use by March of that year, but the
headquarters suffered almost no bomb damage
throughout the war. The Priory was finally
abandoned by the RAF in May 2008.

Fighter Command
LEFT: A flight of three RAF Defiant fighters
from 264 Squadron on 9 August 1940. The
Boulton Paul Defiant was designed to be able to
fire at bombers from below, from its rear turret,
but it had no forward-firing armament. It was
introduced in December 1939 but suffered heavy
losses to superior enemy fighters.

BELOW & RIGHT: Two images show the importance

of communication at the heart of the Fighter Command
organization. BELOW: the filter room at Fighter Command
headquarters at Bentley Priory where information from radar
stations and the Observer Corps were marked on a large
tabletop operations map. RIGHT: a schematic diagram of the
whole structure of Fighter Command communication in 1940.

Alfred Warrington-Morris was the second commandant
of the Observer Corps attached to Fighter Command.
He saw service throughout the Battle of Britain. Morris
joined the Royal Navy in 1899, rising to the rank of
commander in the Royal Naval Air Service during the
First World War. In 1918 he joined the Royal Flying Corps
and by 1919 became a wing commander in the RAF. He
was an air commodore and commandant of the RAF
Signals Branch at his retirement in 1934. He was then appointed deputy commandant
of the new Observer Corps, and became its commandant in April 1936. He helped
transfer the Corps to Fighter Commands control and was still commandant when the
title Royal was added and the Corps became a uniformed part of the RAF in 1942. He
finally retired from RAF duties in 1944.

detailed information from ground observation

of the direction and number of enemy aircraft.
The corps came directly under Dowdings
command and by 1940 comprised some 30,000
full-time and part-time members, organized
into 32 different groups, each one made up of
approximately 50 observer posts.
In addition to the Fighter stations and the
Observer Corps, Dowding also acquired control
over the Balloon Command set up under Air Vice
Marshal Owen Boyd in November 1938 and the
Armys Anti-Aircraft Command, led by Lieutenant
General Frederick Pile, a personal friend of
Dowding. His command headquarters was posted
to Bentley Priory on 28 July 1939 and the two men
had regular discussions day after day on potential
defence priorities and tactics. The opposition
offered by Fighter Command to the Luftwaffe
in 1940 was greatly strengthened by the close
integration of the fighter force with various other
forms of static defence.
The force that Dowding led was slowly
converted from obsolete biplanes to the fast
monoplane Hurricane and Spitfire fighters which
became the mainstay of the Command. At the
outbreak of war there were 35 fighter squadrons,
but only 22 had the modern aircraft. By June 1940
Dowding had 48 squadrons with more in the
process of formation equipped almost entirely
with the latest models. The expansion in 193940
was aided greatly by mobilizing the Auxiliary Air
Force (the air equivalent of the Territorial Army),
which manned 14 squadrons during the battle,
and by using the almost 5,000 men trained in the
RAF Volunteer Reserve scheme (begun in April
1937 to train pilots in peacetime). The Reserve
supplied almost one-third of the pilots who
fought in the Battle of Britain. By the summer of
1940, poised to await the German assault, Fighter
Command was one of the best-equipped and most
efficient elements of Britains armed forces.


Battle of Britain

A map of the United Kingdom showing the disposition
of air defences in July 1940. The map shows the sector
and group boundaries, and details of radar, Observer
Corps and Fighter Command stations.


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain

On 24 September 1940, Squadron Leader Harold
Bird-Wilson was shot down by the German
ace Adolf Galland over the Thames. This is a
photograph of the Hurricane he was ying.


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain


he German air force was reborn in March

1935 when Hitler formally announced
that Germany was rearming in defiance
of the Treaty of Versailles. The first German air
force was abolished in 1919 when the terms of
the Treaty denied Germany any military aircraft
or an organized air force. During the 1920s, the
German army kept abreast of current aviation
developments and, following agreements in 1922
and 1926 with the Soviet Union, German pilots
were given facilities at Soviet air bases to try out
new aircraft. The Defence Ministry had an office
of air affairs and when Hitler came to power in
January 1933, it was hoped that this could form
the nucleus for secret air rearmament.
Hitlers close political ally, Hermann Goering,
former commander of the Richthofen squadron
at the end of the Great War, was unwilling to
allow the army to create a new air force. He was
appointed Air Minister in Hitlers government,
and undertook the task of reviving a military
aviation industry and secretly recruiting and
training a new generation of pilots.
Many of those who joined the secret air force
had had experience in the numerous flying and
gliding clubs set up in Germany in the 1920s.
The key aircraft manufacturers Ernst Heinkel,
Willy Messerschmitt and Hugo Junkers all had
experience of developing high performance

Hans Jeschonnek was
appointed Chief of the
German Air Force Staff
by Hermann Goering on
1 February 1939 after a
meteoric rise through the ranks of the fledgling
German air force. He joined the German army
aged 15 at the outbreak of the First World War
and rose by 1917 to be a lieutenant, at which point
he enrolled in the air service. He subsequently
returned to army duties and joined the revived air
force in September 1933 when it was still secret.
He became operations chief in February 1938 and
a year later chief of staff. He favoured tactical
air power in support of the army, but argued in
September 1940 for terror attacks against British
cities to achieve a quick end to the war following
failure in the Battle of Britain. Struggling later in
the war to keep the Allied bombers at bay and
subject to growing criticism, he committed suicide
at Hitlers headquarters on 18 August 1943.


RIGHT: A German
pilot and crew in the
cockpit of a German
bomber in September
1939. German air
personnel were
highly trained and
their aircraft among
the most technically
sophisticated in the
world at the time.

civil aircraft before 1933. After 1935 the air force

expanded rapidly.
By 1939 there were around 600,000 personnel
and a front-line strength, on the outbreak of war,
of 3,609 high-quality aircraft. Goering became
commander-in-chief of the new air force in 1935
and appointed other airmen he had known from
the war years to high office. His deputy was the
former Lufthansa director, Erhard Milch, who was
the real driving-force behind the development
of the force and its organization. The rapid
expansion also relied on recruiting people with
an army background, including the first chief of
air staff Walther Wever and his successor, Albert
Kesselring. The army officers brought with them
a view of air power quite different from the British
experience. The main emphasis in German air
strategy was on co-operation between army and
air force to give maximum hitting power to any

BELOW: An aerial panorama of the destruction of the Polish

capital Warsaw during the German-Polish war in September 1939.
The Polish authorities were determined to defend the city and the
German air force was used to bring about a speedy surrender.

ground assault. Fighters and dive-bombers were

expected to attack and destroy the enemy air
force while bombers attacked the enemy frontline
and areas of supply. There was no plan for longrange independent bombing attacks, which
were regarded as costly and of dubious strategic
advantage. A long-range bomber, the Heinkel He
177, was under development in 1939, but it was not
expected to be available in numbers until 194243.
The air force was organized into four air fleets,
each one made up of a component of fighters,
dive-bombers, bombers and reconnaissance
aircraft. Within each air fleet there would be one
or two air divisions, also composed of a mix of
aircraft types. The object was to ensure that an air
fleet could be assigned to particular army group
areas to provide overall air support. The system
worked very effectively in the campaign in Poland
in 1939 and France in 1940, but it was not designed

The Luftwaffe
RIGHT: German twin-engined destroyer aircraft, Messerschmitt Me 110s,
flying over Paris on 15 June 1940, two days before the French sought surrender.
Paris was earlier declared an open city to avoid German air attacks, but Hitler had
already been reluctant to order raids on Paris because of its architectural beauty.

Dive Bomber

t: 12 8
gth: 35 4 Heigh
Span: 45 3 Len


ABOVE: Junkers 87B and

Messerschmitt 109 spotter cards.

Span 32
eat Fig (D.B 60l)
5 Len
gth 28
3 Hei
ght 8 4

BELOW: A long line of Messerschmitt Me 109 fighter aircraft under construction in a factory in 1943. The fighter
was the mainstay of the German fighter force but was produced in quantities too small for what was needed in 1940.
Mass production and rationalization only began to make an impact on German aircraft output later in the war.

to undertake an independent air campaign as

would be required in the Battle of Britain. The
medium bombers carried small bomb loads and
had limited range; the fighters were only able to
penetrate into a limited area of southern England,
even from the bases captured in France and the
Low Countries.
Little provision was made in the new German
air force for the air defence of Germany, much of
which was left to anti-aircraft artillery. Although
German scientists had developed radar as well,
there was no comprehensive system of air defence
based on radar and independent fighter units.
For this reason it proved difficult for German
commanders to grasp the nature of the system
they confronted in Britain in the summer of 1940.
The German air force was compelled to adapt to an
operation for which it had not been well prepared
against an enemy who had anticipated well in
advance the kind of campaign to expect.


BELOW: A Heinkel He 111 bomber under camouflage at

Marquise near Calais in August 1940 during the Battle
of Britain. German bases were close to British bombers,
and aircraft had to be dispersed and concealed to avoid
destruction on the ground.

Messerschmitt was the most famous German aircraft

designer of his generation, responsible for the
standard German air force fighter, the Me 109, and the
development of the first successful jet aircraft, the Me
262. The son of a wine merchant, Messerschmitt showed
an early fascination with the novelty of aircraft design.
In 1917, he served briefly in the German army, before
studying engineering in Munich. It was during his studies
that he founded the Messerschmitt Aircraft Construction Company in Bamberg.
Later on, he also worked closely with the Bavarian Aircraft Works (founded in 1927),
and the two companies eventually merged. This explains the prefix Bf (Bayerische
Flugzeugwerke) originally attached to the 109 series fighter. He joined the National
Socialist Party in 1933 and supported policies including the use of concentration
camp labour to build his aircraft. He was banned from working on aircraft after his
denazification hearing, but in 1955 was again designing aircraft for the German air force.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits

A poster showing the cutaway interior of the
Messerschmitt Me 109 (originally designated the
Bf 109) single-seat ghter, the mainstay of the
German ghter force in 1940.


Battle of Britain



here was a striking contrast between the

two commanders who faced each other
for the Battle of Britain in the summer of
1940. Hugh Dowding was effectively commander
of the defensive battle, although he was also
responsible to the chief of the air staff, Air Chief
Marshal Sir Cyril Newall and, from October 1940,
(acting) Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal.
Hermann Goering, promoted to Reich Marshal
by Hitler in July 1940 as a reward for the success
of the air force in the conquest of France, was the
German commander-in-chief for the air campaign
against Britain. Dowding was a man of 58 with a
long and distinguished career behind him. As a

ABOVE: Dowding inspects a passing out parade of aircraft

apprentices at the Halton School of Technical Training on 19
December 1933. Dowding was the Air Member for Supply and
Research at the time, with a strong interest in the technical
development of the force.

BELOW: Hermann Goering with air

force officers on one of his visits to
the French front during the Battle of
Britain. To his left is the German fighter
commander Adolf Galland.


commander he was older than was usual and had

been due to retire in 1939.
His replacement suffered an accident and
Dowding was kept in post. Twice more in 1940
once in March and again in July he was told
he must retire, but at Churchills insistence was
kept on as commander until November, when the
battle was effectively over. Dowding was born in
Scotland, the son of a schoolmaster, joined the
army in 1899 and served in India and the Far East.
He was a keen sportsman and skier, and learned
to fly before the First World War. He joined the
Royal Flying Corps in 1914, but was posted to
organize training in 1916. He was retained in the
post-war RAF and became director of training in
1926. In 1930, he became responsible for supply
and research in the Air Ministry and it was in this
capacity that he oversaw the introduction of radar
and the development of modern fighter aircraft.
In July 1936, he took over as chief of the newly
created Fighter Command.
Dowding had a solid reputation as a talented
organizer and commander, but his personality
was reserved and awkward. He could talk at
length about his interests but did not tolerate
contradiction or incompetence. He proved to
be a single-minded defender of the fighter force
against all attempts to divert fighters to functions
other than the defence of the United Kingdom.
He brought to his command a great deal of
technical and tactical experience and understood
the many problems faced by pilots in trying to

Goerings direct opposite
on the British side
was the air minister,
Archibald Sinclair. But unlike the German system,
the air minister was not simultaneously the
commander-in-chief of the air force. Sinclair
began an army career in the Life Guards, and
served in France throughout the First World
War. He became Churchills secretary at the War
Office between 1919 and 1921. In 1922, he began
a political career as Liberal MP for Caithness and
Sutherland, a constituency he represented until
1945. In 1940, he was appointed air minister
by Churchill and became an enthusiast for the
strategic bombing of Germany, a policy that he
defended against all criticism in parliament.
He was defeated in the 1945 election, and was
created Viscount Thurso in 1952, acting as leader
of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords. He
retired from public life in 1964.

intervene effectively against incoming bombers.

His judgement about the possibility of effective
defence, and his strenuous efforts to strengthen
his force and reorganize its operational practice
were vital elements in the outcome of the Battle
of Britain.
Hermann Goering was, like Dowding, a young
army officer before 1914 who became fascinated

Dowding versus Goering

UDET (18961941)
A well known air ace from the First World
War, Ernst Udet flew with the famous
Richthofen squadron under the command
of Hermann Goering. In the 1920s, he
became a popular air stuntman and film
star until he was recruited by Goering
to join the German air force. He joined
the National Socialist Party and in 1936
became head of the air force Technical
Office where he advocated dive-bombing
as the most effective form of bomb attack. In 1939, he was created
General Quartermaster of the Air Force in charge of all procurement
and technical development. A bon viveur and womanizer, Udet was
completely inadequate for his job. When it was evident that German
aircraft production and development had stagnated due to his failures, he
committed suicide in November 1941 and was given a state funeral.

ABOVE: Hermann Goering and the head of the air force

technical office, Ernst Udet, watch air manoeuvres on the German
Pomeranian coast in the late 1930s. Although unschooled in either
strategy or aviation technology, Goering took a very active part in
shaping the German air force in the 1930s.

by flying. He was posted to the new German air

force and on the death of von Richthofen, the
famous red baron, he became commander of the
squadron. After the war, he became a commercial
traveller who flew occasional air show stunts.
In 1922 he met Adolf Hitler and his future was
transformed. He commanded the Stormtroopers
(SA) in 1923 at the time of Hitlers failed coup in
Bavaria and was forced to flee abroad. He returned
in 1927 and threw himself into politics. He became
one of the first National Socialist parliamentary
deputies and by 1932 was president of the German
parliament. In 1933, he entered the Hitler cabinet
and remained a minister until 1945. In 1935, he
was appointed commander-in-chief of the German
air force, a post he held until almost the end of
the war, when Hitler stripped him of office in the
belief that Goering was trying to supplant him.
Unlike Dowding, Goering had no administrative
or command experience. He was a gaudy,
ambitious and ruthless individual who used his
many offices to create a sumptuous, almost regal
lifestyle. He relied on others to undertake much
of the routine work of high office, but was always
quick to take the credit for their achievements.
He was neither stupid nor entirely indolent, but
he lacked the capacity to make serious technical
decisions and, despite his jealous guardianship
of the air force, was unable to prevent it being
used largely in support of Germanys powerful
and influential army. He contributed little to the
air battles of 1940 except to bully and exhort
his subordinates. In 1940, he was given the
opportunity to show what the air force could
achieve on its own in the Battle of Britain. Its
eventual failure to subdue the RAF began the slow
erosion of Hitlers confidence in Goerings capacity
to deliver what he promised.

LEFT: After the war

Goering was captured
and put on trial at
Nuremberg for a range of
war crimes. He sits on the
far left, second row in this
courtroom photograph
taken during the trial.
BELOW: King George
VI and Queen Elizabeth
visit Dowding at Bentley
Priory in September 1940.
She later complained that
Dowding never stopped
talking. He could seem
reserved, but on issues
which interested him was
notoriously voluble.


Battle of Britain



he situation facing Adolf Hitler in the

summer of 1940 was quite unexpected and
left him uncertain as to his next moves.
When German forces launched their attack on
the Western states on 10 May 1940, there was no
certainty that a quick victory would be the result.
Yet so effective was the German battle plan,
Operation Sickle Cut, that the combined forces
of the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Britain
were unable to prevent a swift and comprehensive
defeat. The Dutch army surrendered on 14 May,
and the Belgian army on 28 May. The British
Expeditionary Force was forced to retreat back to
Britain from Dunkirk, undefeated but without its
equipment. On 17 June, France sued for an armistice
and the war on Continental Europe ended after just
six weeks of fighting.
German leaders thought that with the French
defeated, Britain would now sue for peace since
there no longer seemed any sense in continuing
the war. On 23 June, Hitlers Propaganda Minister,
Joseph Goebbels, told his staff, We are very close
to the end of the war. Hitler informed the army
chief of staff that he regarded an invasion as very
hazardous, and he expected that political and
diplomatic pressure would bring Britain to the
conference table. Nevertheless, the German armed
forces had already begun to plan for possible action
against England. The German navy had been
preparing contingency plans for an invasion since
November 1939, and in May and June the navys
commander-in-chief, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder,
suggested to Hitler the possibility of just such an
operation. Later in June, the German army also
began preliminary research into an invasion of
southern England. Not until 7 July did Hitler order
the armed forces to prepare definite plans for the
continuation of the war against Britain and only on


16 July did he sign War Directive 16 for Operation

Sealion, the codename for an invasion.
Hitler still counted on Britain seeking a political
solution. Various hints from British sources
suggested that a peaceful settlement might be
possible and on 19 July in a session of the German
parliament, Hitler gave a speech designed to open
the way for a possible negotiated settlement. He
said he had no desire to destroy the British Empire
and was prepared to consider terms, albeit as a
conqueror. The British government rejected the
proposal formally on 22 July, since Churchill and
his cabinet had no reason to trust German good
faith. On 23 July, Goebbels told a press conference,
Gentlemen, there will be war! Plans were set
in motion to mount a seaborne invasion of the
southern English counties of Kent and Sussex with
13 divisions of 260,000 men. There were strong
doubts expressed through July about its feasibility,
from Hitler downwards. It was evident that only the
elimination of the RAF and the bombing of British
military targets would create conditions to give an
invasion any chance of success. The preliminary
destruction of British air power, and a combined
air and naval assault on British shipping and ports
were authorized as the first stage of Germanys
Battle of Britain.
There has been much speculation about whether
Hitler was ever serious about invading Britain. At

BELOW: The French destroyer Bourrasque

sinking off the French port of Dunkirk
laden with troops during the Dunkirk
evacuation in late May and early
June 1940. The loss of almost all
British equipment in France
persuaded Hitler that an
invasion of England
might be possible.

ABOVE: A cavalcade of cars on its way to the German Reich

Chancellery during the victory parade for the defeat of France on
6 July 1940. The victory opened the way to German domination of
Continental Europe.

Adolf Hitler was born
in Braunau am Inn,
Austria, the son of
a customs official.
He had ambitions to
become an architect,
but lacked sufficient talent. In 1914, he
volunteered for service in the German army and
became a runner between the lines, decorated
twice for bravery. In 1919, he joined a small radical
nationalist party, the German Workers Party, and
by 1921 had become its leader under the changed
title of National Socialist German Workers Party.
He staged a failed coup dtat in 1923 and was
briefly imprisoned. He campaigned against the
Versailles Treaty and demanded a national revival
and German living space. On becoming ruler
of Germany in 1933, he launched large-scale
rearmament. By 1938, when he became the armed
forces supreme commander, he had formed plans
for German expansion in Eastern Europe. In 1939,
he attacked Poland in the belief that Britain and
France would back down. During the world war
that resulted he tried to conquer most of Europe
and Western Asia in order to establish a German
empire. He also authorized the mass killing
of Europes Jews. In 1945, with Allied armies
closing on Berlin, he committed suicide in his
underground bunker.

Hitler turns to Britain

BELOW: An aerial reconnaissance photograph of barges collected by German
forces in the harbour at Dunkirk ready for the planned invasion of southern
England in mid-September 1940. The barges were attacked regularly by aircraft
of RAF Bomber Command throughout the period of German build-up.

In the summer of 1940, the SS officer Walter Schellenberg,
responsible for counter-espionage in Office IVE of the Gestapo
organization, helped make a comprehensive guide for the SS and
secret policemen who would be trying to make Britain a secure
part of Hitlers empire after the success of Operation Sealion. The
handbook covered the main areas of public life, including the masons,
the churches and the British intelligence services. Appended to
the survey was a list of those who might be subject to arrest and
imprisonment once the Germans had arrived. An SS colonel Dr Franz
Six, later tried for war crimes, was to have been the commander of
the Einsatzkommandos (Action Commands) carrying out the arrests.
The list included both Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill, and
the distinguished philosopher Bertrand Russell. Some 20,000 copies
of the handbook were made, but were destroyed in Berlin during a
bombing raid in 1943.

the same time as Operation

Sealion was being prepared,
preliminary discussions
began between Hitler and
his military staff about a
possible blow against the
Soviet Union. On 31 July,
Hitler announced for the
first time the possibility
of an invasion in the east
as a means of removing
any prospect Britain might
have of continuing the
war by relying on Soviet
assistance. There is, nonetheless, little doubt that
Hitler looked for a possible cheap victory in the
West as long as the RAF could be eliminated and
Britain, as a result, frightened into submission. If
results of air warfare are unsatisfactory, he also
announced on 31 July, invasion preparations will
be stopped. The defeat of the RAF thus became the
central aim of German strategy, without which a
more ambitious campaign against Britain could not
be mounted with any serious chance of success.

ABOVE: Heinrich
Himmler, head of
the SS.

ABOVE: Native troops man Italian

artillery in Egypt on 13 October 1940.
Italys North African army crossed into
Egypt in September to put additional
pressure on Britain at the height of the
invasion scare.
BELOW: Hitler addresses the German
parliament in the Kroll Opera House in
Berlin on 19 July 1940 in order to make a
peace offer to Britain. Behind Hitler sits
Hermann Goering, who was also president
of the Reichstag.


Battle of Britain


Operational order to the chiefs-of-staff of the German army from General
Halder on 17 July 1940, ordering them to prepare for the invasion of
England in Operation Sealion.

B) Within Army Group A, A.O.K. 9 takes over
the section on both sides of the Seine.
Proposal for a new dividing line between
A.O.K. 16 and A.O.K. 9 is to be submitted by
Army Group A.
C) Take-over of command is to take place as
soon as possible.
Army Group B shall report after
agreement with Army Group A, when takeover can take place.

The Fhrer has ordered preparations for the attack
on England.
The preparations will take place on the principle:
That one Calais (A.O.K. 16) attack wing is deployed
from the Ostendmouth of the Somme area against
the enemy coast between Margate and Hastings.
One Le Havre (A.O.K. 9) attack wing is deployed
from the DieppeCaen area against the enemy coast
between Brighton and Portsmouth.
One Cherbourg (A.O.K. 6) attack wing is deployed
from the area around Cherbourg against the enemy
coast, both sides of Weymouth.


The Exhibits

The units designated for the parade in
Paris will not be transferred until after
the parade. The units will fall under the
command of the appropriate army once
they arrive at their new army section.

This document gives an overview of
the transport for the army. It lists the
transport unit, where and at what time
loading should begin and end, where they
should unload and where higher staff
should join to immediately load.


Battle of Britain



ven before any decision had been taken to

undertake an invasion of Britain, German
air and naval forces had already begun
operations against British trade and shipping. The
German navys commander-in-chief, Grand Admiral
Raeder, favoured a blockade of British trade by
sea and air attacks which would cripple Britains
capacity to supply its armed forces and feed the
population. The idea of blockading Britain was
approved by Hitler and it remained an important
element in German strategy throughout the period
of the Battle of Britain and the subsequent Blitz.
Between June 1940 and the end of the year, more
than three million tons of merchant shipping was
sunk, of which around 350,000 tons was accounted
for by air attack. The quantity of goods imported
into Britain fell by one-fifth during the period.
During June and July, the German air force,
operating from its new bases spread across northern
France and the Low Countries, began a series
of probing attacks against targets in southern
England to test the defences there and to help in
developing effective tactics for attack. Since the
German side had not expected to wage a war of
this kind, the preparatory attacks were useful in
giving pilots experience of what to expect when
the full air battle was joined. They attacked in small

formations, but the targets selected were so random

that British commanders could make little sense
of them. One attack on 31 July left bombs scattered
from eastern Cornwall to Monmouth, on the Welsh
border, most of which fell in open country or on
small villages and towns. By the end of July, 258
civilians had been killed but only limited damage
done to military facilities. The early attacks also
gave Fighter Command the opportunity to refine
its operations and discuss tactics. The protective
fighter belt was spread further to the west with
the creation of 10 Group and some additional radar
stations were built. Both sides waited for the real
battle to begin.
German air commanders only finalized the
operational plans for the elimination of the RAF
late in July 1940. On 1 August, Hitler issued a
directive calling on the German air force to
overpower the English air force in the shortest
possible time. The German side was confident that
the RAF could be defeated quickly. The army chief
of staff, General Franz Halder, was told that the
operation to secure air superiority would take at
most between two weeks and a month.
German air intelligence assumed that the RAF
was already weakened by the battle in France and
estimated British aircraft production at only half
its true figure. The difficulty faced by the German
air force was the uncertainty about whether an
invasion would actually take place and the wide
range of different targets they were ordered to

ABOVE: Life in an English country pub continues almost as normal

following a bombing raid in July 1940. Small hit-and-run raids were
carried out all through the summer as the German air force probed
the defences and refined their tactics.


RIGHT: The German longrange reconnaissance and

bomber aircraft Focke-Wulf
200. Known as the Condor,
the aircraft played an
important early role in the war
against British shipping but
was vulnerable to faster-flying
fighter aircraft.


Erich Raeder was

of the German navy at
the start of the Second World War, a post he
had held since 1928. Born in the port city of
Hamburg, Raeder joined the navy in 1894 and
rose rapidly through the ranks. He was not
an enthusiast for Hitler, but recognized that
in the Third Reich he could fulfil his dream of
rebuilding a powerful German navy. He realized
how weak his force was in 1939 when faced with
the British and French fleets, but hoped that a
successful sea-air blockade might force Britain
out of the war. After a series of naval disasters,
he was finally relieved of office in 1943. He was
tried at the Nuremberg trials in 194546 and
sentenced to life imprisonment, but served only
nine years before his release.

The battle begins

attack. On 2 August, Goering ordered what he
called Eagle Attack against RAF bases, ports,
factories and units of the Royal Navy; the following
day the air force chief of staff, Hans Jeschonnek,
additionally ordered attacks on radar stations. The
actual start of the campaign known as Eagle Day
had to be postponed in early August because of
bad weather and the slow recovery from the heavy
losses inflicted in the battle of France. In the end,
Eagle Day was launched only on
13 August.
The two air forces that faced each other for the
battle in August 1940 were more evenly matched
than the popular view of the battle suggests. By
9 August, Fighter Command had 1,032 fighter
aircraft with a further 424 in reserve for immediate
use. The German single-engine fighter force on 10
August numbered 1,011. Fighter Command had on
average 1,400 fighter pilots available during the
weeks of August, the German fighter force only
1,1001,200, with 800900 regularly available for
operations. In addition the German Air Fleets 2 and
3 in northern France and the Low Countries, and
Air Fleet 5 in Norway, mustered around 250 twinengined fighters, 280 dive-bombers and 1,000
serviceable bombers. British Bomber Command
had around 500 bombers by August. These were
the forces that fought out the Battle of Britain when
the German onslaught was finally launched.

BELOW: The wreckage of Stanley Street in the south coast city

of Portsmouth after a heavy raid in August 1940. Portsmouth was
one of a handful of ports hit heavily over the summer months,
and long before the onset of the Blitz on London and other cities.

Coastal Command
was created in the
reorganization of 1936.
Its role was to provide a
dedicated air force for
attacks on enemy shipping in the seas
around Britain, for protection of British convoys,
and for reconnaissance over sea and coastal areas.
On the outbreak of war, it was commanded by Air
Chief Marshal Frederick Bowhill with three Group
headquarters at Plymouth, Chatham and Rosyth,
where the airmen worked side-by-side with naval
staff. Coastal Command had 19 squadrons of
largely obsolescent aircraft on the outbreak of war
but expanded rapidly as the war at sea became a
greater threat in 1940. From May 1940 onwards,
Coastal Command had to undertake dangerous
long-range reconnaissance missions over the
North Sea and the Channel, and losses of its slow
and vulnerable aircraft were high. Over a sixthmonth period, the command lost 158 aircraft and
600 crew out of an August 1940 strength of only
470 planes. In the war at sea, the command could
contribute little with old-fashioned or ineffective
equipment. It became a more modern and effective
fighting force only from 1941 onwards.

ABOVE: The Welsh port of Swansea at dawn after a third night

of bombing in August 1940. German aircraft attacked port cities
as part of a broad plan to blockade Britain into surrender and to
disrupt the British war economy.
TOP RIGHT: An RAF sergeant plotting a course at an RAF Coastal
Command base in January 1940.


Battle of Britain

British Home Intelligence reports from 23 August 1940. The reports were collected
from local informers and sent to the Ministry of Information where they were
used to draw up daily assessments of morale. Despite the onset of bombing, the
London report noted the widespread return of evacuated children.


While the reports may have assured the
Ministry that morale was high, the Blitz
of 1940 and 1941 meant that rescues from
the rubble, like the one shown here, were
all too often necessary.


Battle of Britain



wo aircraft, the Hawker Hurricane and

Supermarine Spitfire, were the mainstays
of Fighter Command during the Battle of
Britain. They were both developed in the mid-1930s
during the period when the RAF was searching for a
high-performance modern monoplane fighter. Both
depended on the simultaneous development of the
Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, without which the high
performance of the two fighters would not have
been possible.
The Hurricane and Spitfire were very different
aircraft but were created at almost exactly the
same time. The Hurricane was designed in 193435
by the Hawker Aircraft Companys Sydney Camm
in response to an Air Ministry specification. His
first design was turned down, but he immediately
began a private venture design built around the
Merlin engine which the RAF liked and ordered into

BELOW: The Supermarine Spitfire Mark 1A flying

over cloud. The legendary fighter was
introduced slowly during 1939 and early
1940, but by the time of the battle
made up around 35 per cent
of Fighter Commands

BELOW: A flight of six Hawker Hurricane

Mark IIB fighters from 601 Squadron
RAF stationed at Duxford in
Cambridgeshire. They are
seen here flying over
Thaxted in Essex.

R. J. Mitchell began his engineering career
helping to design high-performance
locomotives. He learned aeronautics in his spare
time, and became an aeronautical engineer for
the Vickers Supermarine works in Southampton,
where he was appointed chief designer in 1919.
He designed some 24 aircraft, but is best known
as the designer of the Spitfire, which he began
working on in summer 1934. He based its high
performance on his designs for the Schneider
Trophy-winning S6B racing aircraft and another
fighter project, the Type 224, which the RAF
rejected. He was a shy but single-minded
personality, who struggled against ill health in
the last years of his life while completing the
Spitfire. He died of cancer in June 1937, and
his design was taken over and improved by his
successor, Joseph Smith.

production in June 1936. The design was based on

the techniques used in Hawkers successful biplane
fighters, and the thick wing, covered with fabric
rather than metal, and two-blade propeller made
the aircraft obsolescent by the standards of the new
generation of fighters being produced in Europe. It
was nevertheless a very sturdy aircraft, with a tight
turning circle. It was easy to fly and easily repaired.
By December 1938, it was in service with the RAF
and 500 had been delivered by the outbreak of war.
The Spitfire named by the owner of the Vickers
Supermarine Aircraft Company after his daughter,
a little spitfire began life as Type 300, an
advanced fighter design by the chief designer at


Supermarine, R. J. Mitchell. It, too, was planned

around the evolving Rolls-Royce PV-XII engine,
soon to be christened the Merlin.
Mitchell adopted a number of new advances,
many drawn from the United States aviation
industry, including a retractable undercarriage,
light thin wings with a characteristic elliptical
shape, and a closed cockpit. It was modern
monoplane design with an all-metal fuselage,
light, easy to handle and capable of regular
modification and upgrading. It had a top speed
during the Battle of Britain of at least 560 kph
(350 mph) compared with around 530 kph (330
mph) for the Hurricane. The Air Ministry ordered

ABOVE: Reginald Mitchell (far right), designer of the

Spitfire, at work on an S6B seaplane which won the
Schneider Trophy in 1928 at a speed of 528 kph
(328 mph).

The Hurricane and the Spitre

The Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, named after
the small bird of prey, was one of the wars
most successful aero-engines. Around 150,000
were produced, used principally in the British
Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster, Halifax and
Mosquito, and later in the American P-51
Mustang fighter. A liquid-cooled V12 piston
engine, the Merlin, first designated the PV-12,
was developed in 193435. It suffered a great
many teething problems until the war, by which
time Rolls-Royce had produced an engine of
high reliability, capable of regular modification
and upgrading. When used with high-octane
fuels, the engine gave British fighters a great
boost during the Battle of Britain, though it
could not be used easily in a steep dive until
the invention in March 1941 of Miss Shillings
orifice, a diaphragm developed by the engineer
Beatrice Shilling to prevent fuel from escaping
from the carburettor during a dive.

Mitchell to produce a prototype in January 1935

and the first Spitfire flew on 5 March 1936, four
months after the first Hurricane. It proved so
successful that in June 1936 the Ministry ordered
over 300 aircraft, but production hold-ups led to the
proposed cancellation of the model in 1938. Vickers
succeeded in persuading the RAF to persevere with
it and within three years the Spitfire had become
the backbone of the British wartime fighter force.
The first Spitfires entered service on 4 August
1938 with 19 Squadron stationed at Duxford, near
Cambridge. The last Spitfire flight with the RAF
took place in 1957.
Spitfire production took some time to get going
during 1939 and 1940, and during the Battle of
Britain there were more Hurricane than Spitfire
squadrons. The Spitfire also took higher losses,
partly because they were detailed to attack the
German Me109 fighters while the Hurricanes
mainly engaged the slower-flying bombers. At
the end of the battle there were still 33 Hurricane
squadrons against 20 Spitfire squadrons. The
Hurricanes had some disadvantages in combat
but the decision to replace the two-blade propeller
with the standard Rotol constant-speed propeller,

which became standard during the battle, improved

performance a good deal. So too did the decision to
replace fabric wings with metal-covered wings. The
biggest disadvantage was the position of the fuel
tank in front of the pilot, which resulted in severe
burns for pilots when their tanks were hit by enemy
fire. The Merlin-powered Spitfire was a successful
design except for the inability to dive sharply
without losing fuel supply to the engine or placing
undue stress on the pilot.
In all, some 14,000 Hurricanes were built during
its combat lifespan, including modified designs
such as the Sea Hurricane, which operated from
aircraft carriers. There were 20,351 Spitfires built,
the most of any wartime Allied fighter, and there
were 24 variants. There was also a version for use
at sea, the Seafire. Over the years it is the Spitfire
that has become the iconic aircraft of the Battle of
Britain, but the sturdy workhorse Hurricane also
contributed a great deal to the success of the RAF
in 1940.
BELOW: The Spitfire production line at the Vickers Supermarine
factory in Southampton c.193940. Production was decentralized
to avoid the risk of bomb damage and a large factory set up by the
Morris car manufacturer, Lord Nuffield, at Castle Bromwich.

ABOVE: The Merlin engine under construction. Here the

crank case assembly bay can be seen, with cylinder studs
in the process of being fitted.


Battle of Britain


These are extracts from the pages of the ofcial Pilot's Notes for Spit re ghters.
It was produced by the Air Ministry for distribution to all pilots. The notes give the
pilots useful information and advice about a wide range of subjects, including the
problems that may be encountered when undertaking aerobatics. The annotated
diagrams of the plane's port and starboard sides of the cockpit are particularly
fascinating, and would have been vital knowledge to have.


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain

An emotional scene as a female ARP
warden rescues a young girl from
a bombed London building in 1940.
Female civil defence workers were vital
to rescue and rehabilitation.


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain



n 1934, the Air Ministry established a scientific

committee to investigate the whole question of
effective air defence. It was chaired by Henry
Tizard and included the Air Ministrys own Director
of Scientific Research, H. E. Wimperis. At its first
meeting it was decided to ask the superintendent
of the Radio Department at the National Physical
Laboratory, Robert Watson-Watt, to supply advice
on the possibility of using radio waves either to
disable aircraft or to detect them in flight. WatsonWatt rejected the first, but suggested that radio
pulses could indeed be reflected from aircraft and
the results recorded, so allowing enemy aircraft to
be tracked.
On 26 February 1935, a first experiment was
carried out at Weedon in Northamptonshire which
clearly demonstrated that an aircraft reflected
electro-magnetic energy and that those reflections
could be detected by the use of a cathode-ray
apparatus. This experiment launched the British
development of what became known as RDF or

ABOVE: A group of airmen and WAAF operators at work in the

receiver hut at the radar station at Ventnor on the Isle of Wight
during the battle. The information from radar detection could be
sent immediately by telephone to Fighter Command headquarters.


radio direction finding, and later still came to be

called radar. Radar research was not confined to
Britain. In the mid-1930s research and development
work was also carried out in Germany, Japan,
France, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands
and the Soviet Union, though the most significant
use of radar was to be found by the outbreak of war
only in Britain and Germany.
The first British radar sets for detecting
aircraft were operational by the end of 1939. The
possibilities of radar were regarded in Britain as
so important that plans were laid down as early
as the autumn of 1935 for a protective string of
radar stations around the British coast. The system
became known as Home Chain and final approval
for a network of 20 stations using so-called Home
Chain radar was granted in August 1937. By this
time Watson-Watt and his team had developed
effective transmitting and detecting equipment.
When war came in September 1939, there were
18 Home Chain stations operational around the
English coast and two in Scotland.
The importance of radar lay in the system
designed to transmit the information seen on the
radar screen quickly to the operations rooms of
Fighter Command. The information was first sent
to a filter room, then on to the Commands chief
operations room at Bentley Priory and from there to
the fighter sectors involved. Radar could generally
detect incoming aircraft at around 130 kilometres
(80 miles) distance and the development of an
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system meant
that it was possible to distinguish enemy from
friendly aircraft. A number of Home Chain Low
stations were also developed to cope with aircraft
flying at lower than 300 metres (1,000 feet),
but could detect aircraft at a distance of only 50
kilometres (30 miles). Radar did not yet work


Robert Watson-Watt, a descendant of James
Watt, the inventor of the steam engine, was a
radio engineer who began his career with the
Meteorological Office in 1915. Here he began work
on predicting thunderstorms by the use of radio
signals. He was assigned to the Air Ministry and
in 1927 was made director of the Radio Research
Station in the National Physical Laboratory. His
work attracted the attention of the Air Ministry
in the 1930s and he led the team that pioneered
the first true radio detection of aircraft in 1935.
In 1938, he became Director of Communications
Development in the Royal Aircraft Establishment
and a year later was appointed Scientific Adviser
(Telecommunications) for the Air Ministry. After
the war he became an engineering consultant in
Canada and the United States. In 1966 he married
Dame Katherine Trefusis-Forbes, the woman who
had been the first commander of the Womens
Auxiliary Air Force.

BELOW: A photograph of the White Cliffs of Dover taken from a

German aircraft during the Battle of Britain. The radar chain towers
are clearly visible and in the background smoke can be seen from a
bombing raid on Canterbury. The German air forces failed to attack
the radar stations heavily or consistently.

Detecting the enemy

effectively inland, so that Fighter Command was
forced to rely on ground observation of aircraft
once they had crossed the coast. This was the job
of the 30,000 members of the Observer Corps
whose posts were supplied with grid maps, a height
estimator and a telephone linked directly to the
Fighter Command communications network.
Although ground observation could supply
estimates of height that were widely inaccurate, the
general direction of attack could be observed and
aircraft scrambled to intercept.
Radar was an important element of the air
defence system but it was not entirely reliable. It
was possible for height estimations to be wrong,
and the time between a sighting and the order to
scramble could take a minimum of four minutes
while the detected aircraft could be across the
English Channel in only six. Improvements in radar
technology, important though they were, left some
radar stations temporarily inoperable while the
new equipment was being installed. Nonetheless,
the system worked well enough to permit a
reasonable knowledge of the enemys intentions.
The German side never guessed the extent to which
radar was integrated into the whole fighter control
system and failed to press home attacks on radar
stations when these were ordered in mid-August
1940. As a result, the Home Chain continued to
supply radar intelligence throughout the battle.

BELOW: The cover of a popular book on aircraft recognition. Books were

sold in thousands so that ordinary people could tell friend from foe, but it
was easy even for skilled pilots to mistake their own aircraft for the enemy.

ABOVE: An Observer Corps crew in an observation post

during the Battle of Britain. The 30,000 observers were a
vital link in the web of detection and communication.

Henry Tizard wanted
a career in the Royal
Navy but was prevented
by poor eyesight
from joining. After
studying chemistry and
mathematics at Oxford,
he began a study of
aeronautics. During
the First World War
he became an officer
in the Royal Flying
Corps responsible for
experimental equipment
and ended the war in
1919 as an officer in the
RAF. He returned to Oxford but then took a post
in the government Department of Scientific and
Industrial Research. In 1929, he became rector
of Imperial College, London, a post he held until
1942. In 1933, he was appointed chair of the Air
Ministrys Aeronautical Research Committee
where he played a key role in the development
of the British radar defences. Between 1948
and 1952, he was chief scientific adviser to the
Ministry of Defence, where he pioneered the
serious scientific study of UFOs.
ABOVE: A portrait of Sir Henry Tizard. In 1933 Tizard
became chairman of the Aeronautical Research
Committee and was a pioneer of operational radar.

ABOVE: Observer Corps armband.


The Battle of Britain


13 AUGUST 1940

he official start of the campaign to destroy

the RAF, codenamed Adlerangriff (Eagle
Attack) was supposed to start on 5 August,
following Hitlers directive of the first day of that
month. The German air force staff decided to wait
until 10 August, but poor weather reports brought
postponement for a further day. The decision
was finally taken to begin the campaign, despite
unreliable weather, on 13 August. This was to be
Adlertag, Eagle Day.
Following operations against the radar network
the previous day, the first wave of attacks began
early in the morning. Some 200 German bombers
and fighters of Air Fleets 2 and 3 approached
on a broad front from bases around Amiens,
Dieppe and Cherbourg. They were met in the
first instance by 120 fighters, already alerted by
radar to the approaching threat. The bombers
failed to attack any Fighter Command station,
while the inability to supply an effective fighter
escort exposed many of them to repeated attacks
by British fighters. A further operation around
midday was undertaken by Me 110 twin-engined

A cousin of the famous Red Baron, Manfred
von Richthofen, Wolfram was commissioned
in a German hussar regiment in 1913 before
training to fly in 1917. In 1918, he became a
pilot in his cousins squadron. After the war
he trained as an engineer and returned to the
army in 1923, where he worked in the secret
preparation of a new German air force. In 1933
he became chief of the Development Division in
the newly formed German Air Ministry, and was
promoted in 1936 to lieutenant colonel. He led
the Condor Legion sent by Hitler to aid Franco
in the Spanish Civil War and was responsible for
ordering the notorious air attack on Guernica in
April 1937. He also led the German air force unit
that attacked Poland first, early on the morning
of 1 September. In the Battle of Britain he was
commander of the VIII Fliegerkorps, which he
continued to lead in the Balkan campaign in
1941 and in the assault on the Soviet Union.
He was promoted to field marshal in 1943, but
the following year was diagnosed with a brain
tumour. He retired from service and died in an
American POW camp on 12 July 1945.


fighters, which arrived over England without

the bombers they should have been escorting,
flying in a circle to provide each plane with fire
cover. The pilots nicknamed the tactic the circle
of death. The force was mauled by squadrons of
10 Group scrambled from Warmwell and Exeter,
and a squadron of 11 Group from Tangmere. Five
German planes were shot down.
In the afternoon, a second major wave, made
up of around 120 aircraft, was sent from Air Fleet
2 against targets in Kent and Air Fleet 3 against
the air base at Middle Wallop and other targets in
TOP RIGHT: Barrage balloons on the skyline over London.
London was defended by a mixture of balloons, anti-aircraft guns
and a network of fighter stations on the fringes of the capital.
RIGHT: A German squadron commander receiving the reports of
his squadron crews after returning from a mission over southern
England on 13 August 1940. German aircraft flew a total of 1,485
sorties that day and lost 47 aircraft.
BELOW: A group of German officers look across the English
Channel at the White Cliffs of Dover. Like Napoleon, this was as far
as the German armed forces were to get.


On 18 November 1939,
two squadrons of German
bombers were activated as
pathfinder units tasked
with leading bombers
accurately to distant
targets. On 13 July 1940, a third squadron was
activated. The force was named Kampfgruppe
100 (Bomber Group 100) and received special
training in navigating with a new system of
radio beams known as X-Gert. Using four radio
beams from different directions, the force
was able to arrive over the target with a high
level of accuracy. During the Battle of Britain,
the unit was commanded by Captain Kurt
Aschenbrenner. On the night of 13 August, the
group first attacked the large Spitfire factory at
Castle Bromwich in Birmingham with 11 bombs,
doing little serious damage. Later Kampfgruppe
100 led the major raids against British cities
during the Blitz.

the Southampton area. Warned well in advance,

there were squadrons from 10 and 11 Group
waiting for the new incursions. The attack on the
Southampton area was met by a vigorous counterattack, but this time the bombers were escorted
by a large element of Me 109s and fierce dogfights
broke out. The bombers failed to find the Middle
Wallop station and scattered their bombs widely
over the southern counties in their path. The
aircraft from Air Fleet 2 took advantage of cloud
cover over Kent, but the bombers only succeeded
in attacking a Coastal Command base while
others dropped their bombs blind. Over the whole
of Eagle Day, no damage was done to Fighter
Command stations or to radar installations.
The balance of losses on the first official day of
the campaign strongly favoured the defence. The
German air force lost 47 aircraft, while Fighter
Command lost only 13, with seven pilots saved.
The greatest failure exposed that day was the Ju
87 dive-bomber, which was too slow in combat
with British fighters. Over the first few days of
Eagle Attack some dive-bomber units had 50 per
cent losses. On 18 August, they were withdrawn
from combat. In the days following Eagle Day,
except for 15 August, the weather prevented
heavy attacks, but the air fleets continued to
probe the British defences. Air Fleet 3 sent over
small numbers of unescorted bombers aimed at
particular targets, but they faced heavy opposition
and found it difficult to locate targets. On 15
August, it was possible to send over a heavy force
again and the fighting that day was fiercer than
it had been on Eagle Day. That day bombers were
also sent against targets in northern England
from bases in Norway. The German forces lost 75
aircraft, Fighter Command some 34. A repeat of
heavy raids on 18 August produced the fiercest

fighting of the battle, with 100 German aircraft

lost, for the loss of 74 British fighters.
Eagle Day was a disappointment to the
German commanders. Both air fleets failed to
identify a clear pattern of targets and difficulties
encountered in the battle meant that even those
targets selected were either subjected to minor
damage or not hit at all. Over the following days
an effort was made to co-ordinate attacks more
effectively and to identify targets that might really
undermine the capacity of Fighter Command to
maintain its concerted and deadly resistance.

ABOVE: A German air force reconnaissance

photograph of the airbase at Coltishall in
Norfolk in 1940. Careful aerial reconnaissance
enabled German aircraft to pinpoint their
attacks on individual air stations.

RIGHT: The American journalist

Edward R. Murrow at work in
London during the battle and
the Blitz. The young 32-year old
Murrow became a household
name in America with his reports
of the fighting for CBS Radio.
His broadcasts all began with
the phrase, This is London.
He stayed throughout the
bombing that followed the
air battle and returned to the
United States in late 1941,
shortly before the attack on
Pearl Harbor.

BELOW: A German Heinkel He

111P medium-bomber shot down at
Charterhouse in Somerset by 92 Squadron
on 14 Augus. The bombers were no match
for the new fast interceptor fighters.


. 110 (2-D, B, 601

Twin-Engine Fig
Span: 53 3 Len
gth: 40 0 Hei
ght: 10 9


Battle of Britain

A German map for the period 1416
August showing aircraft losses for both
sides, airelds hit and the radius of
the raids. This period saw the onset of
sustained attacks against RAF Fighter
Command stations and auxiliary airelds.


The Exhibits

An extract from a report from the British Wireless
Intelligence Service for Adlertag on 13 August 1940.
The service was able to intercept a large amount of
German wireless trafc, some of which was sent en
clair without the need for deciphering. This report
covers German air activity in the North Sea area.


The Battle of Britain



he assault on Fighter Command which

began with Eagle Day was supposed
to result in the elimination of the RAFs
capacity to contest the skies over southern
England in four days of intensive operations.
The attacks on RAF airfields, radar stations and
communications began on 12 August and went
on with differing levels of intensity until early
September, long after the four days originally
assigned to the campaign.
Between 12 August and 6 September, there were
53 main attacks against RAF airfields, though
only 32 targeted fighter stations. There were also
a great many smaller attacks which were designed
to keep up the pressure on the RAFs organization,
which the German air force later calculated at a
figure of 1,000 raids. All but two of the attacks
against the fighter bases were made against Parks
11 Group in the south-east of England. The scale
of the attacks was at times limited by the weather,
but also by the degree of resistance shown by
Fighter Command in the endless dogfights that
developed between the two sides over the three
weeks of the campaign.
The assault began on 12 August with six major
raids against radar stations. These achieved very
little, partly because Fighter Command had
organized subsidiary facilities in case a Home
Chain station was temporarily out of operation.
After this, raids against radar stations were few in
number, since the German side assumed that they
were difficult targets to destroy and, moreover,

ABOVE: When the approach of enemy planes was

reported, RAF squadrons were scrambled to intercept
them. Here pilots run towards their waiting Hurricanes.
RIGHT: German Junkers Ju 87B dive-bombers flying
over the English coast during the Battle of Britain. The
dive-bombers were used to attack convoys and shipping
as well as RAF installations but they took such high
casualties that they were withdrawn from the battle.


understood little of the integrated nature of the

Fighter Command early warning system. From
13 August, the fighter stations and subsidiary
airfields became the main battleground. Lowflying German aircraft attempted to destroy
British aircraft on the ground, as they had done
in Poland and France, but although 56 were
destroyed in total, this occurred mainly at the
start of the battle. Fighter bases were ordered
to disperse and camouflage all aircraft, and a
network of subsidiary airfields made it possible
to avoid easy detection and to continue flying if a
major air station was briefly made inoperable.
By 20 August, it was evident that the order to
eliminate the RAF in four days had failed. German
attacks began to move further inland against
more distant RAF targets, while Goering ordered
the final destruction of the RAF with ceaseless
attacks by day and night against military and
industrial targets. Every few days, German air
intelligence assured Goering that the battle was
almost won. At the end of the month he was told
that Fighter Command had lost 791 aircraft against
a German loss of only 169. In reality, the losses
were more or less even: 444 RAF fighters between
6 August and 2 September; 443 German fighters

Quintin Brand, the son of a South African
policeman, moved to Britain in 1915 to join
the Royal Flying Corps. After serving on the
Western Front, he commanded one of the first
night-fighter squadrons in Britain in 1918. He
remained in the RAF and was knighted in 1920
for an attempted record flight from London
to Cape Town. He worked at the Royal Aircraft
Establishment in the 1920s, and was DirectorGeneral of Aviation in Egypt from 1932 to
1936. He became commander of 10 Group,
Fighter Command, when it was activated in
1940 and played an important part in the
defence of southern England in 1940. He
retired from the RAF in 1943 and moved to
Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1952.

The assault on Fighter Command

One of the great failures in the Battle of Britain
was the German air intelligence organization.
It was led during the Battle of Britain by
Colonel Josef Beppo Schmid. The reports
produced by his staff about the strength,
deployment and operation of Fighter
Command, and about the levels of British
aircraft production played an important
part in encouraging wildly exaggerated
expectations about the defeat of the RAF. On
7 August, Air Intelligence reported that the
radar stations would tie British squadrons
closely to their local airfields and prevent
any concentration of effort. Schmid failed
to grasp the nature of the link between
radar, observation and operations and so
underestimated the capacity of Fighter
Command to intercept German attacks.
Thanks to a stream of poor intelligence
provided by German secret agent Ostro,
British aircraft production was estimated at
only half its true volume. In early September,
Schmid relayed to Goering the news that
Fighter Command had been reduced at one
point to only 100 serviceable aircraft when
the true figure was six times as great.

between 8 and 31 August. Total German losses for

that period amounted to a little under 900 aircraft
of all types. By the end of August, the cumulative
strain on both air forces from three weeks of
continuous attritional warfare was profound.
The success of Fighter Command in
withstanding the assault on its organization was
due to a number of factors. Much of the German
effort was devoted to air bases near the Kent and
Sussex coasts, particularly Lympne, Manston and
Hawkinge, each of which was out of commission
for only a few days during the battle. These were
regarded by Park and Dowding as emergency
fields, while vulnerable aircraft could be pulled
back to airfields further inland. Because of the
early warning system, the withdrawal of aircraft
made little difference to the ability to intercept
bombers. Park could also call on the more distant
ABOVE LEFT: German air intelligence officers scrutinize images
taken during the Battle of Britain.
BELOW: A view looking down on the filter room at Fighter
Command headquarters where the information was collected
from radar and observers, and then fed back to the frontline

fighter squadrons of 12 and 10 Groups to support

his own activities, and on a supply of pilots
from other parts of the country who replaced
tired and battered squadrons at key points in
the contest. Park ordered standing patrovls at
low level to prevent a surprise bombing attack
while Hurricanes were ordered to concentrate
on destroying the bombers, since they were
responsible for the damage on the ground.
Meanwhile, the higher performance Spitfires
engaged enemy fighters.
The German force reacted to these tactical
changes by withdrawing the vulnerable Ju 87
dive-bombers and the Me 110 twin-engined
fighters, both of which had suffered high
casualties, and by trying to lure Fighter Command
aircraft into unequal battles further out over the
English Channel. But there was little that the
German side could do to undermine the British
communications system, while the high toll on
both fighters and bombers led to a sharp decline
in the number of serviceable aircraft and to a
shortage of skilled pilots. By early September,
despite the largely exaggerated estimates of
British losses made on the German side, it was
evident to all that the Eagle Day campaign had
failed to achieve its objectives.
BACKGROUND: A sketch of the aerial battle over an airfield in
south-east England drawn by Fred Goodwin, a member of RAF
ground crew in summer 1940. He kept a record in pictures of his
experience during the war.


Battle of Britain

Air Vice-Marshall Keith Park's letter to all group controllers with
details of changed tactics in response to the German attacks on
ghter stations in mid-August 1940. The requests to 12 Group to patrol
and protect airelds north of London were not always complied with.



Airmen in Canada boarding the train in Ottawa at the
start of their long journey across the Atlantic in order to
assist their allies in the battle. Thousands of Canadians
ew in Fighter and Bomber Commands.


Battle of Britain



omen played an important though

often neglected part in the Battle of
Britain, not only as volunteer members
of the Womens Auxiliary Air Force (created
in 1939), but also as members of the Womens
Voluntary Service formed in 1938 to offer welfare
help during future bombing raids. Women were
also well represented in the workforce of the rapidly
expanding armaments and aviation industries.
They were not allowed to fly in combat, but they ran
all the risks that servicemen did if they were based
at airfields or in operations rooms.
During the bombing, women helpers were
exposed to the same dangers faced by the male
civil defence personnel. There had briefly been a

Womens Royal Air Force in 191820. On 28 June

1939, a new service was created out of 47 RAF
companies in the Auxiliary Territorial Service
(formed in 1938). It was called the Womens
Auxiliary Air Force and its members became
usually known by the acronym WAAFs. In
September 1939, there were 1,700 members, but
by 1943, after conscription had been introduced,
there were 175,000. A table of ranks was introduced
in December 1939 equivalent to male ranks, but
women were paid only two-thirds of the amount
paid to men.
The Auxiliary Air Force performed a wide
variety of support roles for the RAF. They acted
as drivers, clerks, telephonists and a host of other

ABOVE: A famous image from the early years of war shows an RAF
pilot and a WAAF standing side-by-side. The first womens air force
had existed at the end of the First World War but was closed down.
The WAAF was founded again in June 1939.

ABOVE: Fighter Command Operations Room in which the WAAFs had a key
role to play in collecting and collating information and making sure the plot
maps were kept entirely up to date.

The first commander of the Womens Auxiliary Air Force in the
Second World War was Katherine Trefusis-Forbes, a redoubtable
woman who ran a kennel business until she volunteered for
emergency service work in 1935. She had been a member of
the Womens Volunteer Reserve during the First World War and
achieved the rank of second lieutenant. In 1939, she played a key
part in organizing the support role of women in the RAF, rising
to the rank of air chief commandant by October 1943, when she
was succeeded by Mary Welsh. She promoted womens services
abroad from 1943 and returned to civilian life in 1945. In 1966, she
married Robert Watson-Watt, the pioneer of British radar.


ABOVE: Members of the WAAF pack parachutes to

be used by pilots when they have to bail out of their
aircraft mid-flight.

service jobs. Their most famous role was during

the Battle of Britain when WAAFs could be found
at radar stations and in operations rooms helping
to plot attacking aircraft and direct the fighters to
intercept them. But they also had an important role
in interpreting aerial reconnaissance photographs
and in other areas of air intelligence. There was
also a separate RAF Nursing Service, though female
doctors were integrated into the ranks of the RAF
medical services. Later in the war, German women
performed many of the same duties as auxiliaries
in the German air force.
In June 1938, a second all-female organization
was established to cope with the expected threat of
air attack. The Womens Voluntary Service for Air
Raid Precaution was founded in June 1938 under
the auspices of Lady Reading, a volunteer nurse in
the First World War and widow of a former Viceroy
of India. Its members, recruited countrywide, had
a distinctive uniform of green tweed jackets and
matching hats. In January 1939, the name was
changed to Womens Voluntary Service for Civil
Defence to reflect the wide range of roles that
women were expected to undertake in a bombing
war. The motto of the service was, The WVS never
says no! The members functions were chiefly
concerned with post-raid welfare, though an

Women in the Battle of Britain

important part of their work early in the war was
to help administer the vast evacuation of mothers
and children from the threatened cities and to place
evacuees with families in the reception areas.
With the onset of heavy bombing, the WVS
helped to collect clothes and equipment to help
bombed-out families and to provide temporary
accommodation for those whose homes had been
destroyed. They also manned rest centres in or near
air raid shelters, and organized mobile canteens for
men posted to distant air stations and observation
points. Women were to be found providing direct
support to the main civil defence branches: air raid
precaution (ARP), the fire service, the ambulance
service and public transport.
Not all women accepted that war was necessary
or that bombing could not be resisted by different
means. The pacifist writer Vera Brittain, who
had also been a nurse during the First World
War, became a spokesman in 1937 for the pacifist
Peace Pledge Union and during 1940 could be
found at demonstrations against war in general
and against bombing as an instrument of war
in particular. Her Letters to Peace Lovers were
published every fortnight during 1940, distributed
to pacifists all over the country. In 1941, during the

Blitz, she helped to found a Bombing Restrictions

Committee which campaigned for the RAF not
to retaliate in kind for German attacks. Though
always a small minority, women pacifists helped
to give voice to many of the anxieties felt by other
women as they came to terms with the demands of
total war.

ABOVE: A young girl is rescued from a bombed building by a

female ARP warden during the bombing of London in 1940.
Women civil defence workers played a large part in the rescue and
rehabilitation of bomb victims.
BELOW: The commander of the womens section of the Air
Transport Auxiliary (ATA), Pauline Gower, with a group of female
pilots and staff from No. 5 Ferry Pilots Pool based at Hatfield,
Berkshire. Women began ferrying aircraft in 1939 and eventually
166 served with the ATA, 15 of them losing their lives.

During the early stages of
the war, women workers
were recruited to fill the
jobs vacated by men as a
result of conscription. Even
before the war, around
a quarter of the British
workforce was female,
but it proved necessary
to move many of them
from inessential industries
to work with armaments. The proportion of
women workers in the motor and aircraft
industries rose from nine per cent in 1939 to 23
per cent two years later, and eventually to over
36 per cent in 194344. Women were generally
paid at a much lower rate than men, and their
work often classified as unskilled even when
they performed similar functions to men. In
1940, new wage rates were negotiated but
they were still well below male levels, and led
to considerable complaint among the growing
army of women employed in armaments,
who were essential for keeping British war
production going.
ABOVE: Female workers in a Supermarine Spitfire
factory in April 1941.


Battle of Britain


Hitler makes his historic address at the Kroll
Opera House on 19 July 1940. He suggested here
that Germany make a "peace offer" to Britain.
Behind Hitler sits Herman Goering, president of
the Reichstag.


The Exhibits


The Battle of Britain


30 AUGUST 1940

iggin Hill in Kent was perhaps the most

famous of all the RAF fighter bases
during the Battle of Britain. By the end
of November, when two Spitfires shot down an
Me 109 over the Channel, the station claimed
600 enemy aircraft destroyed. The aces who flew
from Biggin Hill included Max Aitken (son of Lord
Beaverbrook and a member of the Millionaires
Squadron), Sailor Malan and John Mungo-Park.
The most remarkable thing about Biggin Hill was
the fact that it continued to act as a fighter station
even when almost all its buildings had been
destroyed in air attacks in late August 1940.
The airfield had begun life in January 1917
during the First World War when the Royal Flying
Corps established a Wireless Testing Park there.
During the interwar years it remained a site for
testing RAF equipment, with an emphasis on
radio communication. At the start of the war in
September 1939, the station was home to two
Hurricane squadrons, including 32 Squadron,
which had been based there since 1932, and a
squadron of twin-engined Blenheims. With the
onset of the Battle of Britain, Biggin Hill found
itself in the frontline of 11 Group airfields, a
natural target for the German air force in the
Eagle Attack of August 1940. During the course
of the battle the station was home to a total of
six squadrons, though the system of rotating
squadrons to safer airfields for rest meant that
there were seldom more than two squadrons
operational at any one time.

BELOW: Entrants in their competing planes line up for

the start of one of the Grosvenor Cup races at Lympne
in the 1930s.

The fighters from Biggin Hill formed part of

the defensive ring around Kent and Sussex. They
were used to attacking incoming aircraft often far
from their base. The defence of their own station
only began with an opening attack on 12 August,
the day before Eagle Day. The bombers attacked
generally in small groups, often from low level,
and were difficult to intercept or divert. The first
attacks did limited damage, but the attacks on 15
and 18 August and two final devastating attacks
on 30 August destroyed almost every building
standing on the base. There was scant protection
provided for the staff of the base but the number
of dead was small except for the major attack on
30 August. Thirty-nine people were killed and
24 injured, including the only death among the
almost 200 members of the Womens Auxiliary
Air Force stationed at Biggin Hill. The exceptional
heroism displayed by the WAAFs at Biggin Hill
brought three of their number the award of the
Military Medal. Only three more of these medals
were awarded to WAAFs throughout the whole of
the war.
Fighter Command had anticipated attacks
against its airfields and mobile squads of labourers
were directed to repair damage to the runways so

BELOW: A group of pilots from 79 Squadron at Biggin Hill in July

1940. The Hurricane squadron was posted north to recuperate
and returned to Biggin Hill, the only squadron still to be operating
from the battered station. On 8 September the squadron was
posted away for a further rest.

The airport at Lympne in Kent, founded in 1916
as an emergency landing ground for Royal
Flying Corps aircraft, played an important part
during the Battle of Britain acting in a similar
role for aircraft from the fighter stations in
Kent and Sussex. Lympne became a civil airport
in the interwar years, host to airmail aircraft
and, from 1923, annual air races. The final race
staged before the war was on 5 August 1939,
by which time it had been requisitioned by the
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. Though not a fighter
station, it was heavily bombed on 15 August
and temporarily put out of action. A raid on
30 August killed five local workmen. Fighters
landed there only to refuel or in emergencies.
Later in the war, Spitfires and Typhoons were
stationed at Lympne for the war in Europe. Civil
flying and racing was restored in 1946, but the
airport finally ceased commercial flying
in 1974.

BELOW: The pilots stationed at Biggin Hill

would relax in the White Hart pub in Brasted,
Kent, near the Biggin Hill base. The board on
which they all signed their names was still in
existence after the war.


Biggin Hill
RIGHT: A group of Mark
1A Spitfires from No. 610
Squadron, based at Biggin Hill
JulyAugust 1940, fly
in formation over Kent, in
July 1940.

Height: 9 3
Span: 36 10 Length: 29 11

ABOVE: Spitfire spotter card.

that aircraft could continue to fly. The operations

room was destroyed in one raid but an emergency
operations room was set up in a local village shop
so that the flow of information about incoming
aircraft and instructions to the pilots could be
maintained. The station staff and the pilots were
housed in villages around the air base to avoid
casualties, and every effort was made to conceal or
camouflage the aircraft, remarkably few of which
were ever destroyed on the ground.
During September, the heavy raids suddenly
ceased with the switch to the bombing of London.
In mid-September, a squadron of night fighters
was posted to Biggin Hill to meet the challenge of
German night bombing, but after three days it was
transferred to Gatwick because of the difficulty of
organizing two different sets of operations from
the same base. During September and October,
the fighters at Biggin Hill continued to challenge
the raids on London. So destroyed was the air
base that there was little left for the enemy to
attack, but it remained operational, the hub of
an effective organization dispersed around the
surrounding Kent countryside. In October and
November, 92 Squadron and 74 Squadron, the
latter commanded by Sailor Malan, engaged
in regular dogfights with high-flying German
intruders. On 30 November, two Spitfires took off
without orders to try to shoot down the stations

ABOVE: A visit to Biggin Hill by Lord Dowding, the former

commander-in-chief of Fighter Command, in July 1951 to lay the
foundation stone of the Biggin Hill Chapel, pictured below.
RIGHT: A German air force reconnaissance photograph of
Manston airfield taken during the battle.
BELOW: Spitfire and Hurricane replicas outside the RAF chapel
at the Biggin Hill air base in 1966.


600th enemy aircraft. A group of eight Me 109s

was spotted near Deal and a straggler destroyed by
the two Spitfires.
After the war, Biggin Hill was used by RAF
Transport Command, but then again became
a regular fighter base. In 1958, the station was
closed, leaving an RAF Officer and Aircrew
Selection Centre. This, too, was abandoned in 1992
and Biggin Hill became a fully civilian airport and
the host for regular air shows.

Manston, situated on the Isle of Thanet in Kent,

was an RFC and RAF station from 1916 to 1999. It
was the most heavily attacked air base during the
Battle of Britain and was rendered unserviceable
for six days and five nights between 14 August
and 12 September, despite strenuous efforts by
large mobile teams of workmen organized by the
Air Ministry. Manston began life as an Admiralty
aerodrome in 191516, but then became home
to Royal Flying Corps aircraft defending against
Zeppelins and Gotha bombers. At the start of the
Second World War, it was a major Fighter Command
base for 11 Group. Later in the war the airfield was
used by aircraft testing Barnes Walliss bouncing
bomb and subsequently the first squadron of
RAF Meteor jet fighters was based there. After the
war, Manston was taken over by the United States
air force as a base, but in 1961 the base returned
to RAF use until its closure in 1999. It is now Kent
International Airport.


Battle of Britain

A letter to Section Ofcer D.J.G. "Bunty" Nash
from Robert Holland, a pilot with 92 Squadron
stationed at Biggin Hill during early September
1940. He writes with enthusiasm that the house
he was stationed in was a "wizard billet".

Poor old Bill Williams and Drummond
were killed this morning, they must move
us soon for a rest, Tony Bartley, Alan
Wright and myself are the only original
members of the Squadron left

Well I returned some days ago and we
are at it all day and every day, my
God, the peace of Pembrey after this
place would be heaven.


The Exhibits

So we are having an anniversary party
to-night. By the way did you know that
Alan Wright, Bring Kingcombe and Tony
Bartley all had D.F.C.'s (Distinguished
Flying Crosses).

P.S. I am enclosing my mess bill, could you
hand it in for me, it will save a stamp.


The Battle of Britain



The commander chosen
to lead the Norway-based
Air Fleet 5 for attacks
on British ports and
shipping was a former
Prussian army officer,
Hans-Jrgen Stumpff. He was
commissioned in the army in 1907 and served
as a staff officer during the First World War. He
stayed on in the small peacetime army and as a
lieutenant colonel was made head of personnel in
the secret German air force in 1933. He became air
force chief of staff in 1937 in succession to Albert
Kesselring. He held the post until January 1939
after which he held combat commands, first of Air
Fleet 5, based in Scandinavia, then, from January
1944, as commander of the home defence of the
Reich against the Combined Bomber Offensive.
He was one of the three German signatories of the
unconditional surrender of May 8 1945 in Berlin.
Captured by the British, he was released in 1947.
ABOVE: A photgraphic portrait of Lieutenant General
Hans-Jrgen Stumpff, who led attacks on British ports
and shipping.

BELOW: The wreckage of one of the first two German aircraft

shot down on British soil, a Heinkel He 111 bomber which
crashed near Edinburgh in Scotland on 16 October 1939.
The bombers were caught by two Spitfire squadrons as they
attacked shipping in the Firth of Forth.


he Battle of Britain is often thought of

as a campaign fought out in what was
called Hells Corner in the south-eastern
counties of Kent and Sussex. However, the air
battles were also fought over other parts of
the country and particularly along the British
North Sea coastline where ports and shipping
were targeted by German aircraft stationed in
Norway and Denmark, and by the bombers of
German Air Fleet 2 stationed in north-eastern
France. These attacks began in the autumn of
1939 and continued long after the end of the
fighter battle in 1940.
The northern areas of Britain, from the Humber
Estuary to the Orkney Islands, which housed
the Royal Navys main base at Scapa Flow, were
integrated into the overall defensive air plan, but
were not strongly defended. The Home Chain
radar stations were set up as far north as the Firth
of Forth, while three divisions of anti-aircraft
artillery defended the vulnerable port areas from
the Humber to the Forth. A separate Orkney and
Shetland Defence Area was also established,

under the control of the Scottish-based 3rd

Anti-Aircraft Division. The southern part of the
region, from Lincolnshire to north Yorkshire,
was defended by the aircraft of 12 Group, Fighter
Command. Northern England and Scotland
were defended by 13 Group. Plans were made to
establish 14 Group to defend northern Scotland
more effectively, but the organization could not
be set up fully in time for the Battle of Britain. By
early August, 12 Group had 14 squadrons while
13 Group had 13 squadrons, though only three of
these had Spitfires.
Between the outbreak of war and the late
summer of 1940, attacks on the area had been
made by single aircraft or small groups of bombers
which attacked the Humber area, Tyneside,
Dundee and Aberdeen. For the German side, these
were dangerous operations. Flown almost to
the limit of range across wide areas of water, the
prospects of finding targets with much accuracy
were never good. Aircraft with battle damage
or mechanical problems faced the prospect of
crashing into a hostile sea long before they could
LEFT: German Junkers Ju
52 troop transport aircraft
at an Oslo air base on 9 April
1940. The German invasion
of Norway opened up the
possibility of attacking targets
in northern Britain from
Scandinavian bases.

The other battle

LEFT: A rear gunner of a Boulton-Paul
Defiant from 264 Squadron, taken on
9 August 1940 at the 12 Group station
at Kirton-in-Lindsey, near the Humber
Estuary. Attacks on northern England
were to be repelled by aircraft from both
12 and 13 Groups.

BELOW: The result of one of many

bombing raids on the port of Hull during
194041. Around 600 tons of bombs
were dropped on the city during the
Blitz. The first night raid took place on
24 August 1940 by aircraft stationed in
France, but the heaviest bombing came
later. Around 1,500 were killed in Hull by
bombing during the war.

reach land. When Eagle

Attack was launched on 13
August, Air Fleet 5, stationed
in Scandinavia, was expected
to play its part in attacking
northern Britain to tie down
or destroy RAF forces, and to
damage British trade and port
facilities. On 15 August 1940,
100 aircraft from bases in
Norway, made up of 65 Heinkel
He 111 bombers and 35 Me 110s
used to escort them, set off for an attack on the
east coast around Tyneside and north Yorkshire.
This proved to be the one major battle over
northern Britain.
The fighters of 13 Group were alerted to the
incoming force by radar and 72 Squadrons
Spitfires were detailed to intercept over sea.
The squadron was resting at Acklington after
a gruelling few weeks at Biggin Hill. It met the
German planes head on and forced the attackers
to split up their forces. As the bombers reached
the coastline, they were attacked by three further
squadrons. The German aircraft inflicted no
damage on airfields or factories, but destroyed

Richard Saul was the commander of 13 Group
during the Battle of Britain, and later of 12
Group. He was born in Dublin and entered an
army career in the Royal Army Service Corps.
He joined the Royal Flying Corps and became
a squadron commander by the end of the war.
He was a keen sportsman and was RAF tennis
champion twice, in 1928 and 1932. He was sent to
Basra in Iraq in 1933 to command a squadron but
returned to command 13 Group in 1939. He went
on to command 12 Group and then the Eastern
Mediterranean Air Defences. In June 1944, he
retired from the RAF and became head of the
UNRRA branch in the Balkans before moving to
Rome as the vice chairman of the International
Transport Commission. He left Rome in 1951 and
became the manager of a university bookshop
until retiring for good in 1959.

24 houses in Sunderland. They were harried the

whole way, losing 15 aircraft, including 20 per
cent of the Me 110s. A second attack by Junkers
Ju 88 bombers stationed at Aalborg in Denmark
was more successful. They targeted the RAF
bomber base at Driffield in Yorkshire, causing
heavy damage. Though met by four squadrons
from 12 Group, it proved impossible to prevent
the bombers pressing home the attack. Some
eight German aircraft were shot down. In both
operations that day, Fighter Command lost none
of its planes. So severe was the rate of loss for
German forces that Air Fleet 5 suspended any
further daytime attacks, vindicating Dowdings

decision to establish the defensive air shield as far

north as possible.
On the same date, 15 August, the German
air force mounted night raids against widely
dispersed targets in Yorkshire and the north east.
This set the pattern for the subsequent air battle
in the north. Night raids were undertaken against
ports and major cities throughout the region
weeks before the onset of the Blitz against London
in September. On 31 August, there was a major raid
against Liverpool. Although the fighter battle was
confined to the major raids on 15 August, the north
was never free of the air threat throughout the
Battle of Britain.

BELOW: Hurricane aircraft from 111

Squadron being refuelled at the north
Scottish base at Wick in April 1940.
Aircraft in northern Scotland were
intended to protect the Royal Navy and
merchant convoys, and to supply photo
reconnaissance of possible German
invasion plans from Scandinavia.


Battle of Britain

Churchill is pictured visiting the
aftermath of a bomb attack on the
borough of Battersea on 10 September
1940. The devastation throughout
London fuelled his wish for vengeance.


The Exhibits


The Battle of Britain



inston Churchills extraordinary

reputation rests more than anything
else on his defiant leadership of the
British people during the Battle of Britain, a phrase
that he himself first used on 18 June 1940 when he
announced that the battle for France was over and
the battle of Britain is about to begin. At the very
height of the battle, he famously told the House of
Commons that the pilots of Fighter Command, the
few, were battling to save civilization for the many.
Churchill had always had an interest in air
power and had helped to initiate long-distance
bombing in 191415 by the Royal Naval Air Service
against German airship bases. His understanding
of the nature of air power was nevertheless
unsophisticated and throughout the air battles
of the summer of 1940, senior commanders
battled to resist Churchills demands to use up all
available reserves regardless of the consequences.
In May 1940, shortly after Churchill became prime
minister, there developed a crisis over the supply of
BELOW: Standing with the commander of British anti-aircraft
defences, Sir Frederick Pile (left), Churchill looks anxiously at the
sky during the air battles over London in September 1940.

fighter aircraft to assist in the land battle in France.

Churchill wanted to send as many squadrons as
possible until finally persuaded on 19 May to agree
to suspend any further transfers. High wastage
continued however, and at a tense cabinet meeting
on 3 June Dowding, using a graph showing the
current loss rates of Hurricanes, made it clear to
Churchill that the air battle in France would have to
be ended in favour of conserving Fighter Command
for the expected German assault.
Churchill was aware how much numbers counted
and appointed Lord Beaverbrook to the new post
of Minister of Aircraft Production to speed up the
supply of fighters. He found it difficult to grasp the
effort needed to accelerate production and was
impatient for instant results. In mid-August 1940,
he demanded of the Air Minister, Sir Archibald
Sinclair, why the 1,600 pilots assigned to staff duties
and the 2,000 pilots involved in training were
not in the skies resisting the Germans, and had
to be persuaded that many were well over age or
essential to keeping up the supply of trained pilots.
Throughout the battle, Churchill insisted on being
supplied with regular reports of the number of
available aircraft and pilots each day.

ABOVE: Churchill in the cockpit of a Short biplane at

Eastchurch on 29 November 1913. Churchill was an air
power enthusiast from its inception just before the First
World War.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was
born into the Marlborough family, son of
the Conservative politician, Lord Randolph
Churchill. He was educated at Harrow and
the army college at Sandhurst, and gained his
first commission in the Queens Own Hussars
in 1895. He saw action in northern India and
the Sudan before resigning his commission
in 1899. He became a Conservative MP in
1900, switched to the Liberal Party in 1904
and back again to the Conservatives 20 years
later. He achieved high office at a remarkably
young age and by 1910 had been appointed
Home Secretary, then a year later First Lord
of the Admiralty. In the First World War he
resigned over his handling of the campaign at
Gallipoli, briefly served on the Western Front,
then returned to Britain where he became
Minister of Munitions in 1917. During the 1930s
became an isolated backbencher, opposed to
appeasement. In 1939, he was again appointed
First Lord of the Admiralty and on 10 May 1940
became prime minister. Defeated at the 1945
election, he returned as prime minister in
1951 before retiring from political
life in 1955.

LEFT: Churchill leaving No. 10 Downing Street.

When he became prime minister on 10 May
1940, he later wrote that he felt then that he was
walking with destiny.
BELOW: On 28 August 1940, Churchill was driving
to inspect defences in Kent when a Messerschmitt
Me 109 crashed nearby at Church Whitfield outside
Dover. Churchill ordered his car to stop and walked
over to view the plane with his personal bodyguard
Inspector W Thompson (right).


Churchill and the few

It was at the high point of the battle that Churchill
made his famous few speech, on 20 August 1940.
A few days earlier he had visited the headquarters of
11 Group and had been heard to mutter to himself in
the car afterwards the most memorable phrase of his
speech: Never in the field of human conflict was so
much owed by so many to so few. The speech was
made in the House of Commons,
where a small audience gave it
little attention. Churchill said
three times as much about Bomber
Command as he did about the
fighter squadrons. The impact came
with the wider public, who grasped
the notion that Fighter Command
was playing David to Germanys
Goliath, and found in the concept
of the few a fitting testament to
British heroism.
By coincidence, Churchill was
also present at Parks headquarters
in Uxbridge on 15 September, the
day later remembered as Battle of Britain Day. On
that morning Churchill watched as Park ordered
his squadrons into service. As more aircraft were
scrambled Churchill asked Park what reserves
there were and received the reply, There are none.
Churchill interpreted this as evidence that the force
was close to crisis, though Park had only intended
to indicate that all his squadrons were
currently operational and needed
the additional support of 12 Group.
The experience left a sombre impact
on Churchill which was reflected
in the account of the battle in his

later history of the war. The experience of the Blitz

also had a profound impression on Churchills
outlook. The relative failure of the night air defences
against German bombers provoked a crisis at the
Air Ministry which resulted in pressure to remove
Dowding from command, and although he had long
admired him, Churchill in the end made no effort to
save Dowding when he was finally
transferred in November 1940.
Churchills role in the summer
and autumn of 1940 was not
primarily to assist with the
practical problems in winning
the Battle of Britain, but to
rally popular support for the
continuation of the war, and to
provide the public with evidence
of British defiance and fortitude
in the face of a brutal enemy.
Even though the numbers of air
crew and fighters available were
almost always higher than the
number of German fighter pilots and crew, Churchill
also succeeded in cementing in the popular memory
of the battle the idea that it was won by the few.
ABOVE: A helmeted Churchill watches the dogfights overhead
from an observation post in Dover during a days fighting in
August. He enjoyed being in the thick of the action, and made
regular visits and reviews during the course of the Battle of
Britain and the Blitz.
BELOW: Churchill visits the aftermath of a heavy bomb attack on
the London borough of Battersea on 10 September 1940. It was
the sight of the ruins in London that inspired in him a strong wish
for vengeance against the German enemy.

A close friend of
Churchill, William
Maxwell Aitken was
a leading newspaper
proprietor and
politician. He was
born in Canada,
where he made his
fortune, then moved
to Britain where
he became an MP
in 1910. During the
First World War, he
bought the Daily
Express and two
years later launched
the Sunday Express.
He was created Lord
Beaverbrook in 1917.
In 1923 he added the
Evening Standard
to his list of papers. He served as Minister of
Information in 1918 but did not achieve high
political office again until Churchill made
him Minister of Aircraft Production in 1940.
He succeeded in speeding up fighter output
at the cost of the wider aircraft production
programmes. In 1941, he was moved to the
Ministry of Supply and between 1943 and 1945
was Lord Privy Seal. His son served in the socalled Millionaires Squadron during the battle.


Battle of Britain

Douglas Bader in 1940 with a crew relaxing in front of a
Hurricane. Bader was the principal spokesman for the
idea of Big Wings, the idea of sending up at least three
squadrons together to attack with strength.


The Exhibits

The page notes from Winston Churchills speech to
the House of Commons on 20 August 1940 in which
he talks about the few. The praise was tempered
by his immediate reminder that bomber pilots
endured even more difcult combat conditions.


The Battle of Britain


he life of a pilot during the Battle of

Britain had much in common on both
sides of the conflict. Both air forces were
an elite, more highly trained than almost any
other units in the armed forces. Compared with
an army, the numbers involved in flying and
fighting during the Battle of Britain were tiny.
The squadron organization put together small
numbers of men who had to work as a team to be
successful. Losses of squadron members made it
necessary to create a system where newcomers
could be integrated into established fighting
units. Pilots could regard themselves
as special, but the harsh reality of
combat was a high rate of death
and disablement.
The German air force in
1939 had a larger and more
sophisticated system of pilot
recruitment and training than
any other European force. There
were an estimated 50,000
aircrew available when war
broke out, trained in a total
of 100 training schools. The
British system was much
smaller but was expanding
rapidly in 1939, and became
RIGHT: A Defiant spotter card.

BELOW: The crew

of a Hurricane
aircraft camp out
in a caravan on the
airfield awaiting the
call to scramble in
April 1940.


capable by the time of the battle of supplying

more fighter pilots per week than the German
air force. The pattern of training was similar,
though German pilots had many more flying
hours, including 150 on basic
flying training and a further
50 specialized in flying on the
aircraft they would fly in combat.
The German Flying Training
Regiment was the equivalent of
the British Initial Training Wing.
Here pilots were familiarized
with military life. There followed
actual flying training in elementary
flying training schools in Germany.
Similar schools in Britain were
supplemented from April 1940
onwards by the creation of the
British Empire Air Training Scheme,
agreed between the countries of the
British Commonwealth at Ottawa in
Span: 39 4 Length: 35 4

RIGHT: Pilots of 504

Squadron outside the
White Hart Inn, Brasted
in Kent. The Hurricane
squadron was stationed
in Scotland at the start of
the battle but was moved
south during August.

12 2

ABOVE: An RAF trainer aircraft, the American-built North

American Aviation Harvard, landing at Brize Norton airfield
in July 1940. The RAF bought 400 of the sturdy trainers in the
1930s, and they were used from 1939 onwards as the first step in
preparing pilots for the transition to the new high-performance
Spitfires and Hurricanes. A further 1,173 were made available in the
war under Lend-Lease.

December 1939. By its peak in 1942, the scheme

could turn out 28,000 aircrew per year. Most of
the RAF crew trained abroad came from schools in
Southern Rhodesia, South Africa and Canada.
With the coming of war, basic training was
supplemented by an intermediate stage of combat
training on the aircraft that a pilot was destined
to fly. In 1939, operational training schools were
set up in Germany and operational training units
in Britain. These units took some of the aircraft
and skilled pilots needed on the aerial front line,
but it was essential that pilots should become
familiar with an aircraft and with the principles
of air combat before having to fight. In Britain,

The most famous German air ace
of the Second World War, Werner
Mlders claimed 100 enemy aircraft
destroyed as his remarkable tally
of victories. He joined the German
army in 1931, and after learning
to fly was posted to the German air force in 1934 as
a lieutenant. Despite debilitating physical reactions
to flying, Mlders became an effective combat pilot.
In April 1938, he joined the German Condor Legion in
Spain, fighting for Franco, where he scored his first
15 kills. He led a unit in the Battle of France and on
19 July was promoted to major and given command
of JG51 (51st Fighter Squadron), a unit that became
distinguished for its remarkable fighting skills. By the
end of the Battle of Britain, Mlders had claimed 30
more kills. His unit was posted to the Soviet war in
1941, where his grand total of aircraft destroyed finally
passed the record set by the Red Baron, Manfred von
Richthofen. He was promoted to colonel and made
Inspector General of Fighters in August 1941 at the age
of only 28. On 22 November 1941, travelling from Russia
to Berlin for the state funeral of Ernst Udet, he died in
an air crash. His state funeral followed shortly after.

The pilots
BELOW: A dead German airman in the wreckage of his
Junkers Ju 87B dive-bomber brought down over Sussex in
August 1940. German pilot losses escalated dramatically
during August and September, and included many experienced
crew trained in the 1930s.

ABOVE: German airmen at a German flying school in Hanover

undergo instruction in navigation during the war. Standards of
navigation were high, maximising the impact that German air
forces had in attacks on British targets.
BELOW: A group of German pilots with their dogs stand in front
of a fighter aircraft at an air base facing the Channel coast in the
summer of 1940. Pilots on both sides showed the same strong
sense of camaraderie, superstition and courage.

the need to speed up the supply of pilots led to

the creation of so-called C squadrons made up
of five or six experienced pilots, whose job it was
to introduce newcomers quickly to actual combat
in relatively safe areas of the country before being
posted to south-east England. In general, German
pilots enjoyed more thorough training before
deployment and a longer period of pre-combat
flying, which explains their higher kill ratios in
battle and their better survival rate.
The Battle of Britain was fought by around
2,000 British and German fighter pilots, while
there were around 1,500 bomber pilots in the
German air fleets. The German fighter force
never had as many pilots on hand as the RAF,
averaging 66 per cent of British strength in the
weeks of the battle, and sinking to only 50 per
cent by November 1940. During August, British
operational training units were turning out 320
fighter pilots a month, though casualties reached
22 per cent of the force. The greatest pressure felt
on the British side was the shortage of trained
ground staff and technicians, both areas where
the German air force was better supplied. The
one advantage enjoyed by RAF pilots was to fight
over home territory. German pilots were lost to
the force once they had crash-landed or baled out.
In September, the loss rate for the German fighter
force rose to over 23 per cent; during the whole
course of the battle 967 German aircrew were
made prisoners-of-war, while 638 bodies were
identified. In contrast, many British airmen who
baled out over England found themselves flying
again the same day in a new aircraft. Those with
light wounds could be flying again after just a few
days of recovery.
High rates of casualty and the sheer pressure
of fighting over and over again made the pilots
lives particularly arduous. Badly mauled or tired
squadrons were withdrawn to recuperate while
new squadrons took their place. Those in combat

spent hours waiting for the order to scramble to

their aircraft and then endured anything from
several hours to a few minutes of dangerous flying
and combat; after the end of the days fighting,
pilots found themselves in the peculiar position
of once again being part of the local civilian
community in bars and clubs, and churches. The
element of daredevil was never very far from the
daily experience of a pilot, caught between the
normality of life on base or in the nearby towns
and villages, and the knowledge that only his
own skill, daring and luck might ensure that he
returned the following day. Aerial combat has
often been compared with medieval warfare with
its emphasis on chivalry and individual prowess
and the many memoirs and diaries of pilots
who fought through the battle show that this
comparison is not altogether unfounded.

On 18 November 1939,
two squadrons of German
bombers were activated as
pathfinder units tasked with leading bombers
accurately to distant targets. On 13 July 1940,
a third squadron was activated. The force was
named Kampfgruppe 100 (Bomber Group 100)
and received special training in navigating with
a new system of radio beams known as X-Gert.
Using four radio beams from different directions,
the force was able to arrive over the target with
a high level of accuracy. During the Battle of
Britain, the unit was commanded by Captain Kurt
Aschenbrenner. On the night of 13 August, the
group first attacked the large Spitfire factory at
Castle Bromwich in Birmingham with 11 bombs,
doing little serious damage. Later Kampfgruppe
100 led the major raids against British cities
during the Blitz.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits


An extract from Squadron Leader Barclays
illustrated version of the Air Ministry booklet on the
Battle of Britain rst published in March 1941. The
booklet de ned the battle for the rst time for the
British public and sold over one million copies.


Battle of Britain


An extract from the handwritten diary of Squadron Leader R.G.A.
Barclay for the period from 1-18 September 1940. Barclay ew
Hurricanes and on Battle of Britain Day, 15 September, he was buzzed
by a Spit re shortly after engaging with German bombers.

"We scrambled at about 3.00 pm and ew up
over London, above clouds at 18,000 [feet]!
My thoughts wondered to America and
lms, as I turned on the oxygen..."


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain

Pilots from the all-American 71 "Eagle"
Squadron, formed in September 1940. The
three existing all-American squadrons were
later absorbed into British-based forces.


The Exhibits


The Battle of Britain


he Battle of Britain produced a

confrontation between air commanders
of the highest quality. On the British side,
Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park, a New Zealander who
came to Britain in 1916, played a central part in
devising a set of tactics which would maximize
the impact that his force might have on the
enemy. On the German side, the two main air fleet
commanders, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring
and Field Marshal Hugo Sperrle both promoted
to their rank by a grateful Hitler in July 1940 after
the defeat of France also developed flexible
tactical approaches to the battle as it unfolded
over the summer of 1940.
The German side nevertheless laboured under
a large disadvantage. The conduct of operations
by Kesselrings Air Fleet 2 and Sperrles Air
Fleet 3 was overseen by the German air force
commander-in-chief, Hermann Goering. His
interventions, often prompted by discussions with
Hitler, seldom bore much relation to reality on the
battlefield. Although Kesselring and Sperrle were
allowed to argue over issues where they thought
strategic choices were wrong, they had little

BELOW: Erhard Milch (far right), the former director of

Lufthansa and state secretary in the German Air Ministry, at RAF
Mildenhall whilst on an official visit in 1937. He was shown the
British shadow aircraft factories and was impressed by what he
saw, but he was resented by Goering and excluded from much
decision-making in the years before the outbreak of war.


RIGHT: A festival for

the aviation sector of
the Hitler Youth at the
German Air Ministry
on 1 April 1940. The
grandiose building
was constructed on
Leipzigerstrasse in Berlin
and is still used today as
ministerial offices.


Keith Park was born in New Zealand, the son of a geologist. He
saw service as an artilleryman during the First World War, first in
the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli, then in the Battle of the Somme.
Wounded in France, he joined the Royal Flying Corps in December
1916. He became something of an air ace and ended the war as a
major commanding 48 Squadron. He remained in the post-war
RAF and in 1938 became one of Dowdings staff officers. He
took command of 11 Group as an air vice-marshal in April 1940,
but was posted away to Training Command later in the year. In
January 1942, he went to Egypt as the local air commander, and
then oversaw the air defence of Malta in the summer of 1942. He ended the war as Allied Air Forces
Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia. After promotion to air chief marshal, he returned to New
Zealand in 1946 where he took part in local politics until his retirement.

The Commanders

ABOVE: German air force commanders in dress uniform
at a reception held in Hitlers office on 4 September
1940. To Hitlers left stand Hermann Goering and Albert
Kesselring, commander of Air Fleet 2. To his right are
Hugo Sperrle, commander of Air Fleet 3, and Erhard
Milch, state secretary of the Air Ministry.

hope of overturning a decision once Goering

had made it. The best example of this was the
choice made in early September to switch to
attacks on London. Sperrle, who had commanded
the German Condor Legion during the Spanish
Civil War, understood well enough that Fighter
Command had not been defeated. He wanted
to continue to concentrate German efforts on
destroying Fighter Commands capacity to inflict
damage by means of attacks on airfields and
radar stations. Kesselring, on the other hand,
assumed that decisive combat with Fighter
Command could only be achieved by luring RAF
fighters up into the air and then defeating them
in open battle with German fighters. Since the
information available to Goering suggested that
Fighter Command was close to exhaustion, he
opted for the argument that London should now
be the target. This also satisfied Hitlers demand
that since Berlin was being targeted by the Allies,
any immunity for London should be removed.
Throughout the battle, Sperrle and Kesselring
sought ways to engage Fighter Command in
unequal combat. They used diversionary attacks,
operations only using large numbers of fighters
and regular flights over the Channel to tempt
British fighters over water (something that was
prohibited by Park). Some of the losses inflicted
on Fighter Command were due to these tactical
adjustments. Yet for German commanders,
however well they understood the tactical
dimensions of the effort to win air superiority,
the overall problem was the requirement laid
down in regular directives from Hitler and from
Goering to attack a wide variety of dispersed

ABOVE: A meeting of the British Air Council in March 1941. They

were governing body of the RAF, and included air commanders
and politicians. In the centre sit the air minister, Sir Archibald
Sinclair and the RAF chief of staff, Sir Charles Portal (right).

targets with a force of medium bombers and

fighters at the limit of their operational range.
Park had a difficult task in the face of the large
numbers of German aircraft and the certainty
that his Group would bear the brunt of the air
assault. He was a clear-sighted and organized
manager of the battlefield, and he was fortunate
in suffering much less intervention from on
high than his German counterparts. Parks
most important tactical priority was to ensure
that squadrons attacked or defended in pairs,
allowing enough strength to inflict damage
on the enemy, but not exposing too much of
the force to German counter-attack at any one
time. This choice meant that Fighter Command
took a high rate of casualty, with squadrons
often fighting against larger numbers. It also
meant that a wide number of targets could be
defended and that the approaching bombers
would understand that even if they evaded one

One of the most successful

air commanders of the
Second World War, Albert
Kesselring was one of
many young army officers who converted to the
German air force when it was created in 1933. He
was born in Bavaria and served in staff positions
in the First World War. In 1933, he was appointed
to run the administrative office of the newly
founded Air Ministry and learned to fly at the age
of 48 in order to understand his task better. In
1936, he became air force chief of staff, and in
1938 commander of the First Air Fleet. He led the
Second Air Fleet in the Battle of France, for which
he was promoted to field marshal. He continued
to command his fleet during the Battle of Britain
and later in the invasion of the Soviet Union, but
was posted as Commander-in-Chief South to
stabilize the campaign in the Mediterranean. He
led German forces in the Italian campaign, and
then took over command in north-west Europe in
March 1945. In 1947, he was condemned to death
for ordering reprisals in Italy, but the sentence
was commuted to life imprisonment and he was
released in 1952 in poor health.

series of attacks, they would be subject to more

over the course of their long and dangerous round
trip. Park was also successful in September in
persuading Dowding to send all the pilots who had
good combat experience to fight in south-east of
England, leaving the less imperilled squadrons
further north and west to cope with the more
inexperienced personnel.
Yet for all his successes in adapting his force
swiftly to new developments in the height of
battle, he suffered regular criticism from other
senior airmen who thought they could fight it
better. In November 1940, he was abruptly told
that he was to be relieved of his command. Hugo
Sperrle, on the other hand, was kept in place in
northern France throughout the four years leading
to the Normandy invasion in June 1944, when
he had the final ignominy of trying to combat
Eisenhowers 12,000 aircraft with the 170 aircraft
still left to him to defend the coast of France.


The Battle of Britain



mong the large number of non-British

pilots who flew in the Battle of Britain
were eight Americans who had
volunteered to fly aircraft on the Allied side.
They risked a great deal since they violated the
American Neutrality Legislation of 1937. The
penalty for fighting for a belligerent power was
loss of US citizenship, a fine of $10,000 and a
possible prison sentence. They were almost all of
them very enthusiastic flyers who were eager to
get out and do something more than perform air
stunts or fly freight.
A number of the volunteers were recruited
by the American mercenary Charles Sweeny,
whose network of contacts in the United States
and Canada was used to supply false papers and
money for potential recruits to the French air
force. Another recruiting agency, the Clayton
Knight Committee, supplied over 8,000 pilots
to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force and
the RAF. Though many later flew from British
bases, none of them served in the Battle of Britain.
Three of the Americans who did fight in 1940
Eugene Tobin, Andrew
Mamedoff and Vernon
Shorty Keough (who
was only 1.47 metres
(4ft 10in) high were
sent to France by
Sweeny, arriving in
early June 1940 just
as French resistance
to the German
invasion was
crumbling. They
fled south away

from the German army and managed to board the

last refugee boat to leave France for England on
23 June.
In Britain, the three Americans, with the help
of sympathetic MPs and influential Americans
living in London, joined the RAF. They were sent
for training in July and on 16 August they were
posted to the 11 Group fighter station at Middle
Wallop to join 609 Squadron. That same day the
first American to join Fighter Command, the
American Olympic bobsleigh gold medallist Billy
Fiske, was shot down. Fiske had spent much of his
time in Britain before the war and had numerous
friends in British high society. He joined the RAF
on 18 September 1939 and was posted in July 1940
to 601 (Auxiliary) Squadron, also known as the
Millionaires Squadron because of the wealthy
society men who had first formed it. Fiske was
a popular and skilful pilot but on 16 August a
German Ju 87 dive-bomber succeeded in setting
the reserve fuel tank of his Hurricane alight. Fiske
refused to bale out and flew his plane back, badly
burned. He died of his injuries the following day.
A second casualty in August was a young
American airman, Arthur Donahue. He had made
his way from Minnesota via Canada to London
in June 1940. He was signed up by the RAF,
and joined 12 Groups 64 Squadron on 3 August
1940. Nine days later he was hit by an Me 109
and although able to return to base, he was badly
burned. He survived, but did not see action again
until the battle was over. Three other Americans
flew during the battle: John Haviland, who lived in
Britain before the war, was posted to 151 Squadron
but crashed his Hurricane in training and saw no
combat during the battle; Phillip Lekrone came

General Spaatz (above centre) was the
commander of the US 8th Air Force in Britain
in 1942. He was chosen to go to Britain two
years earlier, in 1940, as an observer of the
Battle of Britain. He was a career airman, first
seeing action on the US-Mexican border in
1916 and again in France at the end of the First
World War. He served in various command
and staff positions in the interwar years,
and in November 1940 became Chief of the
Plans Division of the US Air Corps. After
serving in Britain in 1942 he was sent to the
Mediterranean as commander of Allied Air
Forces under Eisenhower. In December 1943 he
was also appointed commander-in-chief of all
US Strategic Air Forces in Europe. After the war
he became the first chief of staff of the newly
formed US Air Force in September 1947. He
retired from the service in 1948.

BELOW (FAR LEFT): A group of pilots from the all-American 71

Eagle Squadron, formed in September 1940. There were three
all-American squadrons until they were finally absorbed into the
British-based US Army Air Forces later in the war.
LEFT: Bobby Fiske, the American Olympic bobsleigh champion,
in RAF uniform in 1940.
BELOW: Three of the Americans who served in the Battle of
Britain. From left to right, Eugene Tobin, Vernon Keough and
Andrew Mamedoff. Keough was less than five feet in height and
was affectionately known as Shorty.


Americans in Fighter Command

via Canada in July and was posted to 616 squadron
in September, but flew only one combat mission
during the battle; the last was Hugh Reilley, who
posed as a Canadian to gain entry, and was posted
to 66 Squadron on 17 September. Reilley was shot
down by the German air ace Werner Mlders on
17 October. Of all the pilots who joined during the
Battle of Britain, only Haviland survived the war.
The American presence was eventually
acknowledged by Winston Churchill who agreed
to a suggestion from Sweenys nephew that a

separate squadron should be established for

American pilots. The Eagle Squadron, No 71, was
activated in mid-September 1940, one of three
eventually formed before all American units were
absorbed in September 1942 into the US Army Air
Forces 4th Fighter Group. Both the British and
American governments turned a blind eye to the
violation of the neutrality legislation. During the
summer of 1940, a delegation of leading American
airmen, including the future overall commander
of US air forces in Europe, Carl Spaatz, and the US

fighter ace from the First World War, Lieutenant

Colonel Frank Hunter, was sent to Britain to
observe and report on the air battle. Spaatz told
the chief of the Air Corps, Henry Arnold, that
in his view the Germans chance of destroying
the RAF was not particularly good. A second
delegation sent in October reported that the
Germans have been definitely defeated in day
fighting. American commanders drew important
lessons from the battle for the future conduct of
US air operations after Pearl Harbor.


ABOVE: The chief of the US Army Air Corps, Henry Hap

Arnold (left), and William Knudsen, the Danish-American car
manufacturer and head of the Office for Production Management
(right), inspect an American aircraft factory. By the time of the
Battle of Britain, a regular flow of aircraft was crossing the Atlantic
to meet British needs.
BELOW: A group of pilots from the American Flying Tigers,
volunteers who helped Chiang Kai-sheks Nationalist
forces in southern China during the Sino-Japanese
war, c.1940. American volunteers were to be
found wherever there was air combat
even though the United States
was formally a neutral

Two Americans, an uncle (above right) and

nephew both called Charles Sweeny, played an
important part in recruiting American citizens to
come to Britain and join the RAF in the summer
of 1940. The older man, a famous American
mercenary who had twice been expelled from
West Point, served in the French Foreign Legion
during the First World War (where he won the
rank of colonel), and then fought regularly in
the interwar years, including a spell on the
side of Spanish republicans in the civil war.
Colonel Sweeny recruited American pilots in the
United States to fight for Finland against the
Soviet Union, then to fight for France against
Germany. Some of his pilots ended up in Britain
in June 1940 where his nephew, who was an
influential businessman and socialite in London,
persuaded the RAF to take on American airmen
in designated squadrons. The Eagle Squadrons
were the result and Charles Jnr succeeded in
getting the RAF to make his flamboyant uncle an
honorary Group Captain of 71 Squadron in 1940.


The Battle of Britain



One of the Polish squadrons formed during
the Battle of Britain was 303 Kociuszko
Squadron, named after the eighteenth-century
Polish hero General Tadeusz Kociuszko. It
was formed on 2 August 1940 at Northolt, and
became operational at the end of the month
with 21 Polish pilots and 135 Polish ground staff,
together with RAF commanders to familiarize
the crews with Fighter Command requirements.
By the time it was withdrawn to rest on 11
October, the squadron claimed the highest
number of kills of all RAF squadrons. The 126
claimed was almost certainly an exaggeration
though subsequent research has shown at
least 44, the highest number for any Hurricane
squadron. It maintained its high scoring record
in operations over France in 194143 and came
top in a gunnery competition organized in 11
Group. It remained based in Britain for the
rest of the war and was the most successful of
the Polish squadrons. Its pilots were the only
Poles invited to the victory parade in London,
but they refused to attend because other
Polish units were not included. The unit was
disbanded in December 1946.

ABOVE (BOXOUT): Polish pilots from the 303 Squadron

meet the Air Minister, Sir Archibald Sinclair in October of 1940.
The Polish squadrons had among the highest scores of any in
Fighter Command.
ABOVE RIGHT: Canadian airmen boarding trains at Ottawa on
8 March 1940 at the start of a long Transatlantic journey to serve
in the RAF. Eventually thousands of Canadians flew in Fighter and
Bomber Command, or in units of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
BELOW: Trainee French pilots in Britain during a parade salute the
French flag. The Free French forces were constituted by Charles de
Gaulle in August 1940, but only a handful of French pilots actually
saw combat during the Battle.


lthough the large

majority of pilots in
the Battle of Britain
were British, around one-fifth
came from Commonwealth
countries and from the air
forces of nations already
conquered by German armies
by the summer of 1940. The
air effort was genuinely
international and became
more so as the war went on.
The largest number from
overseas came from New
Zealand, including the
commander of 11 Group
himself, Keith Park. Some 127 took part in the
battle, many of them volunteers from before the
war. There were 30 Australians, who also joined
before the outbreak of war. Most of the more than
100 Canadian pilots also arrived pre-war in order
to get the opportunity to fly, the motive which
had brought most of the volunteers from Australia
and New Zealand. In June 1940, the Canadian air
force also sent a squadron of Hurricanes to join
the defence of Britain and 1 Squadron, RCAF, saw
action with 11 Group from 18 August, flying out
of Northolt. It was renumbered 401 Squadron in
March 1941 to avoid confusion with the RAFs
own 1 Squadron. There were also 27 pilots from
southern Africa who came to Britain rather than
fight with the South African Air Forces. In 1939,
the Rhodesians also gave a gift squadron, No
266, which fought in Spitfires during the battle.
The Commonwealth pilots had none of the
problems faced by the European crewmen who
wanted to be integrated into Fighter Command,
partly because they shared a common language
and partly because they had generally been
trained in the RAF. The largest contingents from
Europe were the Poles and the Czechs, who
arrived by a number of routes from the occupation
of their countries. By June, there were around

1,500 Poles undergoing training. Problems of

language and discipline dogged the training
programme, but many of the Polish pilots were
already highly trained and demonstrably fearless.
Churchill was keen
to make use of
them and in early
July the British
cabinet approved
the formation of
Polish squadrons,
in general to be
commanded by
RAF officers. At
least 146 Poles saw
action in the Battle
of Britain, organized
in two squadrons,
numbers 302 and 303,
or scattered among
British squadrons.
The Polish air force
squadrons were
formed in July and
August 1940 and
achieved a high ratio of
kills to losses.
LEFT: Shoulder badge worn
by New Zealanders who flew
in the Battle. New Zealand
provided the largest number
of overseas pilots, 127 in all,
including Air Chief-Marshal
Keith Park.

Allies in Fighter Command

RIGHT: Two Polish pilots
pose with their Hurricane
fighter. Despite initial
distrust by the authorities,
Polish pilots proved to
be skilled and fearless in
combat, and were allowed
to form two squadrons of
their own during the Battle
of Britain.
BELOW LEFT: Shoulder
badge worn by Australian
members of the RAF. By
September 1940 Fighter
Command had become a
multinational force.


The first Czechoslovak Squadron was formed
at Duxford on 10 July 1940 flying Hurricanes.
It was the first squadron to be manned by
foreign pilots, but was commanded by an RAF
officer, Squadron Leader Douglas Blackwood.
It operated with 12 Group throughout the
battle and claimed 37.5 victories. In 1941, it
flew fighter sweeps over the Channel and in
October 1941 re-equipped with Spitfires. In
1944 it was converted to a fighter-bomber
role with the Spitfire IX for the invasion of
Normandy. In August 1945, it was flown to
Hildesheim in Germany and then on to Prague
where it became part of a new Czech air force.


badge worn by Canadian
pilots who flew in the Battle
of Britain.

There were also 88 Czechs serving in Fighter

Command, and many others who did ground staff
duties at Fighter Command stations. The Czechs
were also allowed to form two squadrons in July
1940, numbers 310 and 312, both at Duxford flying
Hurricanes, but 312 Squadron was then sent north
to defend Merseyside while 310 Squadron fought
over southern Britain.
In addition there were 14 French pilots, though
the first all-French squadron, No. 341 Alsace,
was not formed until 1943. In summer 1940, there
were about 500 French aircrew in Britain. They
were used to form the core of the Free French
Air Forces. Only a handful took part in the battle,
organized in a mixed Anglo-French squadron

stationed at Odiham in Hampshire. The rest were

organized in forces designed to operate under
the orders of Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free
French forces, and later saw service in Africa.
The contribution of the non-British airmen who
fought in the Battle of Britain has seldom been
acknowledged fully, but many of their names can
be read on the monuments to those who died in
the battle.
Their motives were mixed. Some joined from
a love of flying, some from a hatred of Hitlerism.
There was never any question about their quality
as pilots and they provided a much-needed core of
skilled airmen at a critical point
in Britains war effort.

ABOVE: The badge awarded to Czechoslovak pilots on

qualification. Squadrons 310 and 312 were Czech fighter sqadrons
although the top scoring Czech Battle of Britain Ace, Sergeant
Josef Frantisek, flew with the Polish 303 Squadron. He gained 17
victories in 28 days.
BELOW: Pilots from Australia, New Zealand and Canada
arriving in Britain at the height of the Blitz. Commonwealth crew
undertook their initial training in air training schools set up in
their own countries and completed operational flying training at
British-based training units.


The Battle of Britain



he first day of the Blitz is usually taken

to be 7 September 1940. The bombing
of ports and towns outside of London
had been going on since July, but the first major
operation against the capital and the largest
operation of its kind yet mounted by the German
air force during the battle marked a decisive shift
in German strategy.
This change has often been attributed to Hitlers
anger at a series of RAF raids mounted against
Berlin from the night of 2526 August. On 4
September in a speech to the German parliament,
Hitler promised that he would erase British cities
in retaliation. But the shift to city bombing had
been foreseen in German air force planning
once Fighter Command was regarded as close to
defeat. Poor intelligence assessments persuaded

Goering that the British fighter force was close

to extinction and the shift to bombing major
ports and industrial cities inland (particularly
aircraft industry targets) had already occurred
several weeks before Hitlers speech, with heavy
attacks on Bristol, Liverpool and Birmingham. On
2 September, Goering ordered heavy attacks on
London to begin, and on 5 September they were
finally approved by Hitler. The object was now
to try to undermine the British war economy,
continue the pressure of the blockade and perhaps
break the British will to continue the war. That day
Goering arrived at Cap Gris Nez to discuss the new
campaign with his commanders and, famously,
to be photographed staring at the White Cliffs of
Dover through binoculars. He told air force leaders
that the attack would produce a decisive effect,
perhaps within only a few days.
None of this change was yet evident to the
British side. On 7 September, Londoners basked in
exceptional autumn temperatures, expecting the

A career soldier who
joined the British
army in 1902 and
served in the Royal
Artillery throughout
the First World War,
Frederick Pile had
the responsibility
of organizing the
anti-aircraft artillery for the Battle of Britain.
He joined the Royal Tank Corps in the 1920s
and later served in Egypt from 1932 to 1936.
The following year he was made a major general
and posted to command the 1st Anti-Aircraft
Division guarding London. In 1939, he became
Commander-in-Chief Anti-Aircraft Command,
a post he held throughout the war. After the
war, he became Director-General of Housing,
Ministry of Works, helping to rebuild the cities
his guns had earlier defended.

ABOVE: Brigadier General Sir Frederick Pile with an anti-aircraft

gun crew in December 1942.
LEFT: A group of bombed-out survivors of the attacks on Croydon
airport and its surroundings on 7 September 1940.
BELOW: German ground crew load bombs onto a Heinkel He 111
during the daylight attacks on British cities. During the course of
the battle more incendiaries were used as German commanders
realized how much more damage could be done by fire.

ABOVE: King George VI (third

from left) visiting the East End of
London the day after the heavy
attacks of 78 September. A few
days later the first bomb fell on
Buckingham Palace.


The bombing of London

RIGHT: A large group of

Heinkel He 111 mediumbombers in a training flight near
the English coast in the autumn
of 1940. They were obsolescent
by 1940 and carried only a small
bombload of around 900 kg
(2,000 pounds).

LEFT: A group of Berliners look at damage done by an

RAF Bomber Command raid on 4 October 1940. Although
British attacks were small when compared with the Blitz, the
operations were designed to demonstrate to the German public
that they had no immunity from bomb attack.
LEFT: British firemen leaving a water-soaked building after
fighting fires started during the 10 hours of German bombing on
the night of 78 September 1940.

air battle to continue against more distant RAF

targets. Park was absent from his headquarters on
a visit to Bentley Priory. His squadrons and those
of 10 and 12 Groups were on standby to expect
further attacks on fighter stations. When, at a
little before 4 p.m., radar warnings arrived of a
substantial force approaching over the Channel, it
was assumed that their destination was an attack
on Fighter Command. The squadrons airborne
were thus positioned to defend airfields, and
not to attack a major bomber stream heading
for London. The first wave of attack consisted of
348 bombers escorted for the first time by a large
part of the fighter force, 617 Me 109s and Me 110s.
So large was the fighter force that when Fighter
Command eventually got 23 squadrons into the
air, they were forced to fight the German fighter
screen rather than penetrate to the bombers.
The bombers fanned out and attacked the area
surrounding the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, the
docks at West Ham and other docks and oil targets
along the Thames. Most bombers got through to

deliver their load of around 300 tons. The German

side lost 40 aircraft, but 28 RAF fighters were
lost, 16 heavily damaged and 17 pilots killed or
seriously wounded.
At 8 p.m., a second wave of around 300 bombers
attacked again, guided by the large fires burning
throughout the dockland area. The first bombs
dropped on Battersea, where the power station
was put out of action. Little could be done to
successfully attack the bombers and many of
the 264 anti-aircraft guns defending the capital
were in the wrong place to engage major raids on
central London. German bombers roamed over
the capital until 4 a.m. the following morning. A
further 330 tons of bombs were dropped and 440
incendiary canisters. A total of 436 Londoners
were killed. Churchill himself came out to view
the damage the following day. On 11 September,
he broadcast to the nation Londons resolve to
continue taking it. By that time, over 1,000
Londoners had been killed in the day and night
raids since 7 September.

One Polish squadron formed during the Battle
The Junkers medium bomber became the
mainstay of the German bomber force during
the Second World War and was also converted
to a major role as a night-fighter against the
threat of Allied bombing of Germany. Over the
course of the war, over 15,000 were produced.
Designed in 1936 by the Hugo Junkers company
in Dessau, it first flew on 21 December 1936.
Its high speed was undermined by insistence
from the air force technical office that it should
be capable of diving and by the decision to
install on-board armament. Technical problems
delayed its introduction; too few were available
for the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. The nightfighter version was introduced in July 1940.
The aircraft was vulnerable to fast modern
fighters and 313 were destroyed between
July and October 1940, but it later became
the backbone of the bomber force as well as a
versatile heavy fighter, torpedo-bomber, divebomber and reconnaissance aircraft.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits

Some of the bomb damage from the Blitz
included a crater outside Buckingham
Palace. Luckily, it only destroyed a part
of the wall and little else. This photo was
captured on 14 September 1940.


The Battle of Britain


BELOW: A Luftwaffe Dornier Do 17Z, sometimes known as the

flying pencil due to its thin frame an advantage as it was harder
to hit than larger heavy bombers. The Dornier was used for both
bombing and reconnaissance missions during the battle.


he air battles over southern England

on 15 September 1940 have long been
commemorated as Battle of Britain Day. At
the time it was believed that 185 German aircraft
had been destroyed in a single day, making for the
largest victory of any day of the battle. Only after
the war was it learned that the true figure was
just one-third of that number. This nevertheless
represented a heavy loss for the German side at a
time when its leadership was still hoping that the
RAF would be defeated in just a matter of days.
The day symbolized the terms of the conflict
between the day bombers and the British fighter
force, a numerous German enemy against a
smaller but well organized defence, and as such
it has remained firmly embedded in popular
memory ever since.
The weekend of 1415 September was also
popularly regarded as invasion weekend in
Britain. Troops had been put on high alert a
week before, and the Air Ministry issued the
attack imminent order to put the RAF at a state
of readiness to repel invasion. The German air
attacks that weekend were thus interpreted as a
prelude to a more serious threat, which perhaps
explains why the air victories of 15 September
were seen at the time as decisive. The German
attack that day consisted of two separate assaults
on London, aimed at the dock areas, with around
220 bombers supported by larger numbers of
fighters from Kesselrings Air Fleet 2. The German
commanders also planned small subsidiary
attacks on the naval base at Portland and the
Spitfire factory at Southampton with aircraft of
Air Fleet 3. The first wave of bombers formed up

around 11 a.m. over northern France and reached

the southern coast around 11.30. This gave Park
time to get at least 17 squadrons airborne, with
support from neighbouring 10 and 12 Groups, a
total of more than 300 fighters.
The bombers and their escort were harried all
the way to the target, and many German bombers
jettisoned their bomb-loads early or scattered
them over southern London. When they reached
London, the bombers met a big wing formation
flown by 12 Group from Duxford, which forced
them to shed bombs wherever they could before
turning tail. They were then attacked by four more
fighter squadrons as they flew back in scattered
formation over Kent and Sussex.
Kesselring then ordered a heavier attack to
form up around 2 p.m. Fighter Command had time
to refuel and reload and ample warning of the
approaching force, an advantage that Kesselring
could do little about since his own aircraft needed
rest time after the first assault. The losses and
damage of German fighter aircraft that morning
meant that fewer fighters were available for the
second wave, an important factor in the high

John Mungo-Park was a
descendant of the famous
explorer, Mungo Park. He
joined the RAF in 1937,
and was posted just after the outbreak of war
to 74 Squadron based at Hornchurch in Essex.
He was a flamboyant flyer and a popular
commander and was one of the top-scoring
British aces by the end of the battle, with at
least 12 kills to his name. He commanded a
squadron flight in September 1940 and took
over command of the whole squadron in
March 1941. During 1941, he took part in the
Fighter Command operations over northern
France and Belgium, known as circuses, and
was shot down and killed over the Belgian
town of Adinkerke on 27 June 1941.

BELOW: The Sector G Operations Room at Duxford in September 1940. The fighter
squadron callsigns can be seen on the wall behind the operator, third from left. The
controller is fifth from the left, and on the far right, behind the army liaison officer, are
the R/T (Radio Telephone) operators in direct touch with the aircraft.

ABOVE: RAF 66 Squadron pilots wearing their Mae Wests (life-jackets) resting in a crew-room between flights
during the Battle of Britain. Souvenirs of shot-down planes can be seen on the wall above the fireplace.


Battle of Britain day

LEFT: The view from the cockpit of a Heinkel He 111
bomber showing a Spitfire with smoke trailing after being
hit in September 1940.


losses sustained by the bombers. This time the

German formation was met by more than 25
squadrons of fighters posted in the air above
south-eastern England. Fierce dogfights broke out
in an increasingly cloudy sky; around 185 bombers
reached London and its outskirts but once again
the loads were scattered at random to avoid the
British fighters. One group of bombers was forced
to turn back when the commanding officer of the
Northolt sector, Group Captain S. F. Vincent, flying
unaccompanied in his Hurricane, appeared and
attacked them head-on.
A large amount of damage was done by the
bombers that did reach London, but it was widely
dispersed, hitting the main residential areas.
During the course of the day, Fighter Command
lost 26 aircraft and 13 pilots. The enemy lost 36
bombers and 26 fighters destroyed, with a further
20 bombers seriously damaged. This represented
a loss of approximately 25 per cent of the bomber
force, a rate of attrition that no air force could
sustain for more than a few days. The more serious
lesson for the German side was the knowledge
that the RAF was not only not close to defeat,

but was stronger than ever and more tactically

experienced than a month before. The following
two days poor weather prevented anything but
a few limited operations, but a further daylight
operation on 18 September resulted in further
heavy losses and the daylight campaign petered
out thereafter.
On the British side, the victories of 15 September
made it more certain than ever that a German
invasion could not be mounted that autumn.
Parks tactics to maximize the flexibility of the
defence by putting large numbers of paired
squadrons in the air ready to intercept the enemy
in small groups proved successful enough. The
holding back of reserve squadrons to harry
the returning bombers or to be thrown into a
dangerous point of the battle had also proved its
worth. Aircraft production in September exceeded
losses by a satisfactory margin, while the number
of pilots available by 15 September was the highest
since the battle began in July. Battle of Britain Day
saw the tide turn decisively in favour of the RAF
and marked the end of the major phase of the air
war by day.

Adolf Galland became

one of the youngest
commanders in the German air force when he
was appointed General of Fighters in 1941, a
post he held until January 1945. Fascinated
from childhood by the idea of flying, he
joined the still-secret air force in 1933 and
almost ended his career after two serious
crashes. He fought in the Condor Legion in
the Spanish Civil War, and in the early stages
of the Second World War became a highly
decorated fighter ace, achieving 58 kills by
the end of the Battle of Britain. He was shot
down three times in 1941, but survived. In
November 1941, he was promoted to General
of Fighters and a year later was promoted to
major general, when he was forced to stop
flying and organize the fighter force. In 1945,
after blunt arguments with Goering, he was
sacked. Following the war he became an
aviation consultant and businessman.

RIGHT: A Heinkel
He 111 spotter card.


BELOW: A policeman stands guard as a soldier

inspects a Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111K shot down in a
field in Surrey on 30 August 1940.

EL He.l

llK . Mk

. V. (2-J

MO 2iiD
3 Le
ngth 5
4 6 H
eight 13

Span 74


Battle of Britain


This combat report describes the rst day of heavy attacks
against London, 7 September 1940. It also includes references to
the amboyant Squadron Leader Douglas Bader.


The Exhibits


Battle of Britain

What looks like a scrapyard was actually an
important resource. Downed German aircraft
were recycled, and equipment was inspected to
see what could be learned.


The Exhibits


The Battle of Britain



RIGHT: A 1940 painting

he onset of a daylight bombing campaign
by Hans Liska of German
on 7 September forced both sides to
and Italian bombers, The
reconsider the way the battle was being
Fasces flying over England.
fought. Over the following week, the attacks by
The Italian Breda BR20
bombers (foreground)
day continued despite mounting German losses,
were stationed at bases
while at night attacks against industrial and
in Belgium but achieved
utility targets carried on. By the end of the month,
little, dropping a mere 55
tons of bombs and losing
large daylight raids had become so dangerous for
8 aircraft.
the German air fleets that they were finally largely
abandoned by early October and the bombing
effort switched to night attacks.
BELOW: A Hurricane
Between 7 September and 5 October there
information card.
were 35 major raids, 18 of them against London,
the heaviest of these on 15 September.
German bomber leaders insisted that
they had to have a heavy fighter escort
to avoid the high attrition rate suffered
during the August attacks against
airfields. German fighters were ordered
not only to fly in front of and above the
bomber stream, but also to weave in
and out of the stream itself. The slow
bomber speeds forced the guarding
fighters to fly a zig-zag course, using up
fuel needed for combat. Although the
tactic generally allowed some of the
Single -Seat Fig ight: 11 3
5 He
Span: 40 0
bombers to reach their destination,

During the critical
weeks of the Battle of
Britain, Charles Portal
was commander-in-chief of RAF Bomber
Command, a post he assumed in April
1940. He began studying law in 1912, but
volunteered as a dispatch rider in the Royal
Engineers in 1914. A year later he joined the
Royal Flying Corps and, after a distinguished
wartime career, joined the infant RAF in 1919.
He became director of organization in the Air
Ministry from 193739 and was air member
for personnel when he was posted to Bomber
Command. An enthusiast for long-range
bombing, he oversaw the first tentative
attacks on German targets during the summer
and autumn of 1940. In October that year, he
became Chief of the Air Staff and held the post
until 1945. In 1944 he was created Marshal of
the Royal Air Force. After the war he played a
part in the British nuclear energy programme
and was later chairman of the British Aircraft
Corporation from 196068.


German fighters lost the

flexibility they had enjoyed
in the dogfights over the British
fighter stations, increasing the loss rate of
fighters at a time when British numbers were
steadily expanding.
Park devised a new approach to the bombing
attacks. Since the German operations were
consistently mounted in three waves, Park
ordered 11 Group to keep six squadrons airborne to
meet the first wave, a second eight squadrons to
attack the next one, and the remaining squadrons
to attack the third and to protect vulnerable
targets. The fighters of 10 and 12 Groups were
responsible for defending the airfields and
facilities of 11 Group. To make sure there was
time to get airborne to a sufficient height, fighter
squadrons were drawn further back from the
coast to give them time to assemble. By relaying
false height references over the radio, they were
able to draw German fighters to lower levels and
then to attack them from above. Hurricanes were
detailed to concentrate on the bombers, Spitfires
on German fighters. The new tactics immediately
reduced Fighter Command losses, while the
German bomber force lost 199 aircraft in the first
week of attacks. In total, the German air force
lost 298 aircraft in a week, a rate that could not

BELOW: Hermann Goering on a visit to the Channel Coast in

September 1940 to receive reports about the bombing campaign.
Behind him is Major General Karl Bodenschatz, the liaison officer
between the air force and Hitlers supreme headquarters; to his right
is Field Marshal Kesselring.

Defeat of the day bombers

Long before the outbreak of war, the British
government began to plan the evacuation of
children and mothers from the main urban
areas threatened by bombing. By the outbreak
of war the plan was to move up to four million
people from their homes. In the end only
one-and-a-half million left on government
schemes, with an estimated two million leaving
voluntarily. Millions returned once it became
clear that there would be no bombing. When
the attacks on London started in September
1940, the government organized a second wave
of evacuees, but only 20,500 children were
moved out of London that month and a year
later the figure was still only 60,000. Many
families preferred to stay together and resisted
evacuation plans, with the result that there was
heavy loss of life among women and children
during the winter of 194041. Evacuees were
placed with foster families in less threatened
areas, though this did not guarantee safety.
Thousands were moved to Devon, but the
bombing of Exeter in April and May of 1942
resulted in the death of a number of those
evacuated there during the Blitz.

possibly be sustained. On 9 September, the next

time a heavy attack was mounted after the big
raid of the 7th, the bomber stream was diverted or
turned back, and only around 90 bombers reached
London. That day, 28 German aircraft were lost for
the loss of 19 RAF fighters. The pattern persisted
for much of September.
The German side switched to diversionary
fighter sweeps, or attacks with small numbers
of fighter-bombers to confuse the opposition.
Operations were mounted with smaller numbers
of bombers and larger numbers of fighters in
order to draw Fighter Command into unequal
combat. Attacks continued against London, but
were also carried out against aircraft production

ABOVE: A bomb crater outside the gates of Buckingham

Palace on 14 September 1940. The bomb destroyed railings but
otherwise did very little damage.

BELOW: Firemen and air raid precaution workers survey the

wreckage of a German plane which crashed on to Victoria Station
in London during the air battles in mid-September. Victoria was
rendered inoperable on several occasions during the Blitz.

in Southampton, Bristol and elsewhere. On 30

September, three waves of attack were mounted
against London with diversionary raids elsewhere,
but the defences destroyed 47 German aircraft
for the loss of only 20. The German commanders
at last drew the obvious lesson that Fighter
Command had never been defeated, and that the
high bomber losses which resulted made daylight
bombing too expensive to continue. From early
October onwards, the day assault was ended and
the night time Blitz began in earnest.

BELOW: A still from a news film of German

crew beside their crashed German bomber
at West Malling, Kent in September 1940. In
the first week of the bomber offensive the
German air force lost 199 bombers.


The Battle of Britain

ne of the major controversies
provoked by combat in the Battle of
Britain was over the optimum size
of the units Fighter Command put into the
air to meet enemy aircraft. So serious did the
arguments become that what was known as
the Big Wing controversy cost Keith Park
his job as commander of 11 Group and
contributed to the efforts to remove Dowding
from overall command.
The origins of the controversy were to be
found in the sector stations of 12 Group and in
particular the Duxford station, where Douglas
Bader was a squadron commander. Bader and his
fellow pilots were frustrated during the main part
of the battle at having to guard northern airfields
and installations rather than fight in the thick of
the combat in Hells Corner in Kent and Sussex.
This was a view shared by the commander of 12
Group, Air Vice Marshal Trafford Leigh-Mallory,
who resented the fact that Park, as commander
of 11 Group, was in the thick of the fight. Bader
developed the idea that by scrambling at least
three squadrons together it would be possible
to attack the enemy in real strength. These Big
Wings would be assembled north of London
at a height necessary to give the fighters the
advantage, and then thrown against the bomber


streams either as they attacked or, more probable

given the distances involved, when they were
in retreat.
During the attacks on the fighter stations of 11
Group, Park had many times asked Leigh-Mallory
to provide one or two squadrons to protect the
more northerly airfields. In a number of cases
the 12 Group squadrons had failed to appear.
Instead they were assembled in large wings of
up to five squadrons, which took a considerable
time, and sent out to engage enemy formations
in 11 Groups airspace. On 17 September, LeighMallory submitted an exaggerated report to
the Air Ministry claiming that in five such Big
Wing operations, 163 enemy aircraft had been
accounted for, for the loss of only 14 fighters and
six pilots. He found allies in the Air Ministry,
particularly Sholto Douglas, the assistant chief
of staff. Harold Balfour, Under Secretary of State
for Air, provided political support. During the
last part of September and early October, strong
criticism emerged of Parks tactics which he had
little time to contest.
BELOW: The floor of a Spitfire factory in the summer of 1940.
The high supply of fighter aircraft (over 1,900 during the months
of the battle) ensured that Fighter Command could endure the
attrition rates of battle and encouraged some commanders to
think about operating fighters in much larger numbers together

Commander of 12 Group during the Battle of
Britain, Leigh-Mallory went on to become
commander-in-chief of the Allied Expeditionary
Air Force for the invasion of Normandy. He joined
the Royal Flying Corps in the First World War
and then stayed in the post-war RAF. In 1938, he
was appointed to command 12 Group in Fighter
Command and retained his command throughout
the Battle of Britain. In December 1940, he
succeeded Park as commander of 11 Group. In
November 1942, he became commander-in-chief
of Fighter Command and then of the D-Day air
forces. In October 1944, he was posted to SouthEast Asia, but was killed in an air crash on his way
to take up the post.

Big Wings

ABOVE: Douglas Bader in 1940 at Duxford relaxing with crew in

front of a Hurricane. Bader was the principal spokesman for the
idea of Big Wings.
ABOVE: Hurricanes of 12 Groups 85 Squadron from Church
Fenton in north Yorkshire in flight on 23 October 1940. The larger
formations were supposed to be able to inflict heavier damage on
attacking aircraft but the evidence remained ambiguous.

ABOVE: A group of Italian airmen in North Africa in discussion

with General Italo Balbo in 1940. Big Wings were also known
by the nickname Balbos because of the Italian commanders
reputation for leading large air units.

ABOVE: The station orderly room at RAF Duxford in

Cambridgeshire with RAF, WAAF and civilian clerks at work.
Duxford was at the heart of the campaign for Big Wings.

Park had been compelled by the scattered

nature of German objectives and the size of his
force to operate squadrons in pairs. The difficulty
of ensuring rendezvous meant that squadrons
on many occasions intercepted the enemy on
their own. But using his aircraft in small groups
meant that every element of a German attack
could be opposed, while allowing some reserve
squadrons to be held back to throw into the most
dangerous parts of the battle. This system had
worked well with the help of aircraft from 10
Group, which had protected sector stations. 12
Group, on the other hand, had been reluctant to
supply help and on occasion arrived only after a
fighter station had already been bombed. Parks
complaints about Leigh-Mallory prompted a
high-level conference at the Air Ministry on 17
October at which all the issues were thrashed
out. Leigh-Mallory defied protocol by bringing
with him Douglas Bader, a junior officer, and at
the meeting Baders claims were used by Parks
critics as the basis for a comprehensive rejection

of his tactics. There followed a months campaign

in the Air Ministry to champion the idea of Big
Wings and to remove Park from command.
During late September and October, LeighMallory failed to co-operate effectively with
11 Group. For almost a month the Big Wings
regularly sent south from 12 Groups sector
stations failed to engage the enemy once. A
classic example was the German attack on 29
October when Park called for 12 Group wings to
intercept raids in the morning and late afternoon.
On both occasions the wings took so long to
assemble that they failed to intercept while
Park had 17 squadrons airborne at the critical
moment. None of these failings could dissuade
those hostile to Park (and increasingly hostile
to Dowding as well) from the idea that using
fighters in large numbers represented a tactical
advantage. In November, Park was notified that
he was to be relieved as commander of 11 Group,
to be replaced by Leigh-Mallory. Dowding had
already been informed that he was to be stood
down from the RAF and his replacement would
be Sholto Douglas, leading spokesman of the
campaign against Park.
During 1941 Douglas and Leigh-Mallory had
the opportunity to use Big Wings in regular
fighter assaults on northern Europe generally
known as Circuses. The outcome was an
exceptionally high level of casualties, with a
44 per cent rate of loss over the two years of
the campaign. The results demonstrated that
aggressively large numbers of fighters did not
necessarily represent a tactical advantage, as Park
had argued all along.

The son of a soldier,
Douglas Bader was one
of a generation of young
university graduates
attracted into a career
in flying. He joined the
RAF in 1928 but was
invalided out after crashing his plane late in
1931 and losing both legs. He proved able to
fly with artificial limbs, and on the outbreak of
war in 1939 managed to persuade the RAF to
reinstate him. He became a squadron leader in
June 1940 and was posted to Duxford air base
in command of a squadron of Hurricanes during
the Battle of Britain. He shot down his first
German aircraft of the battle in July. He was
an inspirational commander and a fine pilot,
recording at least 22 kills. In August 1941, he
was shot down in a raid over France. He tried to
escape from German POW camps on a number
of occasions and was eventually incarcerated
in Colditz Castle from where he was liberated in
April 1945.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits


Extract from the logbook of Squadron Leader Douglas Bader. It refers to the "Big
Wings" which Bader tried to champion in September and October 1940. Large
ghter groups were used in 1941 in intruder operations over northern Europe.


Battle of Britain

Formation south of the Estuary at
about 17.30. We were at 20,000! ... No
casualties in Squadron.


The Exhibits

Sighted large enemy formation & tried to
attack, but too low. Was attacked by ME
109s & had to break away. Spun off [pilot's
name]'s slipstream & out of the ght.


Battle of Britain


The Exhibits

The crew of a Hurricane aircraft are pictured
here camping out on the aireld, as they await
the call to scramble. This picture was taken in
April, 1940.


Battle of Britain


or Hitler and the German High Command,

the whole purpose of the Battle of Britain
had been to destroy the RAF as an effective
defensive force in order to open the way for a
rapid invasion of southern England in September.
Operation Sealion envisaged landing up to nine
divisions of the 9th and 16th German armies on a
front from Deal in Kent to Rottingdean in Sussex.
Rapid reinforcements, supported by air forces,
would then aim first for a line from Gravesend to
Portsmouth, then a second line from the Essex
coast to the Severn Estuary, including the capture
of London. The invasion date had been fixed
provisionally for 15 September.
On 30 August, the date was switched to 20
September to allow the navy to complete its
build-up. Barges, motor boats, tugs and large
transport craft were assembled in the ports along
the coastline facing southern England, a total of
3,494 vessels of all kinds. These were subjected
to persistent though not heavy attacks by
Bomber Command from July onwards, but fewer
than 10 per cent of the boats were destroyed or
damaged. The issues that mattered for German
planners were the weather, which was expected to
deteriorate steadily over the autumn weeks, and
the evident failure to eliminate the RAF, either
Fighter or Bomber Command. The Royal Navy
also constituted a serious obstacle to any possible

landing. In conferences in the first two weeks of

September, the navy commander-in-chief, Grand
Admiral Raeder, told Hitler that the conditions
for a successful landing had not been met and
recommended an indirect strategy of blockade. On
14 September, Hitler assembled his commanders
for a final conference on the England problem. He
told them that preparations were complete but the
risk from the air was still too great. He postponed a
final decision until 17 September, by which time the
air battles two days previously had demonstrated
decisively that the German air force had failed to
gain air superiority.
On 17 September Hitler decided to postpone
Sealion indefinitely, though he did not rule out an
operation in October. A directive two days later
ordered preparations to be scaled down and barges
and transports began to leave the Channel ports.
On 12 October, Hitler announced that any landing
in 1940 was ruled out but that the impression of
possible invasion should be maintained so as to put
continuous pressure on British resolve. German
air forces were now to bear the responsibility for
trying to force Britain out of the war by a sustained
campaign of night-bombing against major ports
and cities. On the British side, the German decision
was difficult to interpret. Photo reconnaissance
showed that the number of barges clearly visible
had declined from 1,004 on 18 September to

In the summer of 1940,
British forces prepared
for possible invasion. The
preparations included
two signals to be sent
out to forces in the event
of a probable German
landing. The first was for
eight hours notice, the
second, activated by the
codeword CROMWELL,
was for immediate action.
On 7 September, the
information suggested an imminent invasion and in the evening of that day
the signal CROMWELL was sent to all units in eastern and southern England.
The RAF had a three-level warning with number one, attack imminent, as
the most severe. On 7 September, that warning was also sent out to all air
squadrons. The warnings caused some panic and sightings were reported
of German parachutists and German boats, but all proved groundless. Not
until 25 October did the RAF release the signal to units that invasion was
improbable, by which stage it was evident that German forces were not going
to come that autumn.
ABOVE: Members of the Home Guard training with a Lewis gun in 1940. German
commanders had orders to treat them like partisans and shoot them.


ABOVE: The German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop

greets his Soviet counterpart, Vyacheslav Molotov, as he arrives at a
station in Berlin on 12 November 1940. Discussions proved fruitless
and Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union the following spring.

only 448 in the last week of October, but many

more could be seen waiting on canals not much
further inland. The state of readiness in Britain
was only relaxed towards the end of October,
but there remained strong fears that the German
threat would be renewed in the spring and British
planning had to be based on that possibility.
In fact Hitler had now turned to face a different
enemy. Already in July, he had hinted at a possible

BELOW: Two soldiers stand guard on a beach with a barbed wire

barricade in southern England on 2 September 1940. Five days later
the alert was given for imminent invasion.

Sealion postponed
One of the central features of German strategy
during 1940 was to find ways of blockading
British trade and undermining British warwillingness and the British war economy.
Throughout the Battle of Britain and beyond,
German aircraft and submarines attacked
British vessels around the coast, in port or in
the western approaches to the British Isles.
During 1940, over 1,000 ships were sunk,
totalling four million tons, one-quarter of
the British merchant fleet. By 1941, British
imports were down to 38 per cent of the level
of 1938. The food crisis was met by rationing
and large scale propaganda for turning gardens
and parks into allotments for growing food.
By the end of the war, there were 1.7 million
allotments, producing enough food to secure
reasonable rations and to reduce food imports
by half.

BELOW: German troops rehearsing the invasion of southern

England in the late summer of 1940. In the background is a ship
converted to a transport and landing role. German forces trained
hard for the amphibious operation but there was little experience
on which to draw.

swift blow against the Soviet Union in the early

summer of 1941. During September, planning
went ahead for the invasion, organized by General
Friedrich Paulus. From 1213 November 1940,
the Soviet foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov,
visited Berlin to try to negotiate new agreements
over spheres of influence in Eastern Europe. The
discussions, interrupted by an RAF raid which
forced Molotov and von Ribbentrop to shelter in
an underground bunker, showed Hitler that the
Soviet appetite for further gains was growing and
he finally approved preparations for an invasion.
On 18 December, he signed Directive 21 Operation
Barbarossa for an annihilating assault on the
Soviet Union in May 1941. He planned to settle with
Britain again after the defeat of the Red Army and
the acquisition of vast Russian resources.

ABOVE: A map of the planned German assault on southern

England in autumn 1940, to be mounted from three separate areas
on the southern Channel coast. The operation was designed to
secure a bridgehead in Kent and Sussex, then to seize London and
finally to reach a line from the Bristol Channel to East Anglia. By this
time it was hoped that the British government would sue for peace.
BELOW: Bombs explode during an attack by RAF Bomber
Command on barges at Boulogne destined to take part in the
German invasion. Almost 1,000 tons of bombs were dropped on
the Channel ports in September 1940 though only around 10 per
cent of German shipping was destroyed.


Battle of Britain


A letter dated 1 August from Sholto Douglas at the
Air Ministry to Dowding describing the different
states of alert in preparation for a German
invasion. On 27 August the order of the alerts was
reversed, causing confusion.

1 AUGUST 1940
It is appreciated that the nature of the
preparations to be undertaken must depend
largely upon the geographical location of
the expected attack, and whether by airborne or sea-borne forces.


The Exhibits


Just a note to say how bloody glad we all
were to see you get out of that Hurricane...
Hope you didn't nd the swim too cold.


Above is a letter that was sent to Squadron Leader Harold Bird-Wilson
while he was in hospital. It informs him of the air battle and sends
warm wishes from the rest of the Squadron.


Battle of Britain

Below is a telegram sent by Squadron Leader
Harold Bird-Wilson to his family on 24 September
1940, reassuring them that he was alive. On the
reverse is a 1999 archiving note, indicating that it
was used for a BBC programme that year.


The Exhibits

Above is a cypher message marked 'Secret' and
dated from 7 September. The message warns
of an "invasion imminent" for the following
day, 8 September. Cyphers were vital to
keeping intelligence safe during the war.


The Battle of Britain



he German change to night bombing in

October 1940 transformed the nature of
the air battle as Fighter Command had
to switch some of its effort to contesting the
new campaign. By 3 November, there were 11
night-fighter squadrons and one night-fighter
flight available, composed mainly of Blenheim,
Beaufighter and Defiant aircraft, but with 3.5
Hurricane squadrons as well. The night fighters
could achieve little without effective radar
equipment and interception of enemy aircraft
was largely accidental. It was the relative
failure of the night-fighter campaign that
contributed to the decision to remove Dowding
in November. During October 1940, the German
air force lost a further 365 aircraft, but more
than half the losses sustained by German
bombers from October onwards were the result
of accidents caused by poor weather, ice and
the difficulties of night-time navigation.
The day battle continued at a reduced level of
intensity and with changed tactics. German air
fleets sent over a large number of smaller raids by
day using aircraft converted to a fighter-bomber
role, usually protected by an extensive fighter
screen. The purpose of these small hit-and-run
attacks was to keep up pressure on the British
civilian population round the clock, and to lure
Fighter Command into fighter-to-fighter contests
in which it was hoped that a high rate of attrition
could be exacted from a force still thought to be
close to extinction. The fighter-bomber attacks
did not achieve a great deal, but RAF pilots

ABOVE: A crowd watches a newsreel on the RAF carried by a

mobile cinema in October 1940. The films were designed to help
raise money for the air effort, and thousands of pounds were
given to help communities buy and donate their own Spitfire.

Dowdings successor as
commander-in-chief of
Fighter Command was
Sholto Douglas, a career
airman with a reputation
for speaking his mind. He joined the Royal Flying Corps in 1914 and had a
distinguished career as commander of 84 Squadron. He worked briefly as
a commercial pilot before rejoining the RAF in 1920. In 1938, he became
assistant chief of staff and in November 1940 succeeded Dowding as
head of Fighter Command. In 1942 he was sent to be RAF Commanderin-Chief Middle East and in 1944 took charge of Coastal Command. After
the war, he became military governor of the British zone of occupation
in Germany from 194647. He retired in 1948 and became chairman of
British European Airways from 1949 to 1964.


ABOVE: As the days grew

colder in the late autumn,
aircraft left spectacular
vapour trails in the sky. Here
the Spitfires of 41 Squadron
leave their mark over
Hornchurch, Essex.

BELOW: German Dornier

Do17 bombers over southern
England during the Battle
of Britain. These and other
bomber aircraft engaged in
small hit-and-run raids during
October and November.

End of the battle

found themselves at a disadvantage against large
groups of high-flying German fighters, which had
better facilities and more effective engines for
combat over 6,000 metres (20,000 feet). Both
forces by this stage were strained by the weeks
of intensive combat, but many pilots now had
substantial combat experience and the dogfights
in October and November 1940 pitted rival aces
against each other.
To cope with the change in the pattern of
German attack, Park ordered a new tactical
approach. Standing patrols of high-flying
Spitfires were sent up to give advance warning
of approaching German fighters. Once the enemy
had been identified, other squadrons patrolling
at lower altitudes could be brought swiftly to
the height necessary to engage the intruders.
This did not solve the problem of the technical
superiority of the Messerschmitt Me 109 at
altitude, and 165 Spitfires and Hurricanes were
shot down during October. Many of the contests
were a result of Fighter Command rising to the
German challenge. In reality, the fighter attacks
represented little real risk to the British war
effort and might have been absorbed at a much
lower level of effort than Fighter Command
eventually mounted. During October, 253 raids
were mounted and in November a further 235.
This was a heavy burden for both tired forces

to sustain and by late November the campaign

petered out. Smaller German raids persisted over
the following three years of war until the arrival
of the vengeance weapons the V1 pilotless
bomb and the V2 rocket in the summer and
autumn of 1944.
The real crisis confronted by Fighter Command
in the autumn of 1940 was not the daylight
threat but the failure to stem the tide of German
night bombing. Despite high levels of attrition
exacted from the German air forces from August
onwards, it was difficult to prevent much of
the bombing from taking place. It was this that
contributed to the growing unease felt in the Air
Ministry and in political circles about whether
or not Dowding was adequate to the job of
defending Britain. Though admired by Churchill,
Dowding could do little about the whispering
campaign. On 13 November, he was informed
that he had been chosen to head a top-level
mission to the United States; four days later he
was told to give up his command immediately. It
was found that his designated successor, Sholto
Douglas, could not take over until 25 November
so for another week Dowding agreed to stay in
command. He sent a farewell message addressed
to his Fighter Boys in which he repeated
Churchills stirring phrase about the few and the
many as the only fitting tribute.

One of the leading German
air aces, Helmut Wick
joined the German air
force in 1935. He was
rapidly promoted and
in 1939 served in the
squadron commanded
by Werner Mlders. On
the outbreak of war, he
was flying with the Richthofen fighter wing
and shot down his first aircraft on 22 November
1939. He enjoyed continued success, and was made
a captain in September 1940 and commander of a
fighter group. In October, he was made the youngest
major in the air force and took over full command
of the Richthofen unit. On the morning of 28
November, Wick made his 56th kill, making him the
highest-scoring German ace, but just a few minutes
later he was shot down by a Spitfire close to the
Isle of Wight. Neither his aircraft nor his body were
subsequently found.

BELOW: The wreckage of a Messerschmitt Me 109 after it had

crashed into a haystack on a farm on the outskirts of London on 9
October 1940. The air battles that month took a high toll of both
sides for little strategic advantage.

RIGHT: A crashed Italian Fiat CR.42 fighter in Norfolk. At

Mussolinis instigation a small number of Italian units, with a
total of 170 aircraft, were based in Belgium for attacks on Britain
later in the autumn. The biplanes were obsolete by the standard
of the day.
BELOW: The altar of St Pauls Cathedral surrounded by debris
from the roof after a bomb attack in October 1940. The survival of
the cathedral later came to symbolize British defiance of Hitler.


The Battle of Britain



he decision by the German high command

to embark on a strategy of independent
bombing from September onwards rested
on an act of faith that bombing might as so
many had predicted between the wars force
an enemy to surrender without a the need for a
conventional ground invasion. It is not clear that
Hitler had much confidence in the outcome and
he insisted in September that the air force should
not engage in terror attacks for their own sake.
Most of the air force commanders accepted the
view that bombing people achieved very little,
except dead people, while focused attacks against
ports, shipping, stocks and communications
might actually disrupt the British war effort

sufficiently to produce the secondary effect

of demoralization.
Nevertheless, there were politicians and
commanders in Germany who hoped that the
campaign would turn into a campaign against
morale. The so-called England Committee in
von Ribbentrops Foreign Office favoured a short
terror campaign in autumn 1940 to force Britain
out of the war. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister for
Propaganda, authorized German newspapers
to publicize the bombing to help boost German
opinion, but he also believed the exaggerated
interwar predictions about how unendurable
bombing was. In November, he wrote in his diary,
When will Churchill capitulate? On 5 December,
he recorded the extensive bombing of the port of
Southampton: the city is one single ruin and
so it must go on until England is on her knees,
begging for peace. The German air force chief of
staff, Hans Jeschonnek was also among those who
imagined a terror campaign might produce real
results, but he had to accept Hitlers restraining
hand and the system of targeting continued to be
based on economic and military priorities.
The night Blitz was concentrated on London,
which experienced 57 consecutive days of
bombing from 7 September to 2 November, and
then intermittent and heavy bombing thereafter
until 10 May. 18,000 tons of heavy explosive
and incendiary bombs were dropped on London
compared with 1,228 tons dropped on Plymouth,
one of the most heavily destroyed targets after
London. Heavy attacks were made on Belfast,

The sturdy metal garden shelter designed in
1938 by William Paterson and Oscar Kerrison
was named after Sir John Anderson, the
government minister responsible for preparing
air-raid precautions. The shelter was made of
14 corrugated steel panels, with a curved roof
section which was supposed to be covered
by at least 0.4 metres (15 inches) of soil. They
were issued free to householders with an
income of less than 250 a year and there
was also help with installation costs. Some
3.6 million shelters were distributed between
February 1939 and the end of the war. They
held up to six people and could contain bunks
and other small items of furniture. The shelters
were not able to withstand a direct hit and
many became waterlogged. Those shelters
deemed by the authorities to be unsuitable
because of water either had a concrete floor
laid down or were removed altogether, forcing
the household to use local public shelters. At
the end of the war, they were supposed to be
returned to the authorities for scrap, but could
be kept on payment of a small fee.

ABOVE LEFT: One of many posters telling people

how to behave in the blackout. When blackout
regulations were introduced on 1 September 1939,
few people could have imagined that they would
become a permanent feature of the next five years.


BELOW: Air raid precaution workers in the ruins of

a London street following a raid on 7 October 1940.
Two-thirds of all bombs in the Blitz fell on London
where an army of volunteers helped to provide
emergency housing, food and medical assistance.

The night Blitz


ABOVE: Londoners listening to a concert in the London Underground station at Aldwych where they had sought shelter on 21 October
1940. This station was among the first converted to provide shelter in September 1940. It was closed to trains and the tracks were
covered in concrete.

Glasgow, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool,

Manchester, Sheffield and Hull. The attack on
Coventry on the night of 1415 November 1940
attracted more attention than almost any other,
partly because of the high number of deaths in
a single raid, an estimated 554. In total, around
11,800 tons of bombs were dropped on targets
outside London, and these accounted for around
50 per cent of the casualties. This was partly
due to the fact that areas outside London were
generally less well protected by anti-aircraft
guns and had a lower level of civil defence
preparation (and fewer shelters). The level of
casualties was high in Britain because bomb
attacks were directed against crowded workingclass districts around port facilities, and because
air-raid precautions were activated in an uneven
pattern across the country. Over the course of
the campaign, the German air force also tried to
work out more destructive forms of attack using a
higher ratio of incendiary bombs.

The reactions of the British public to the

effects of bombing were mixed. There were mass
flights from bombed towns into the countryside.
Crime levels temporarily increased with new
opportunities for looting. In London there was
some political agitation in the East End about
poor levels of protection and against the capitals
Jewish population, which was accused of seeking
shelter first. But in general, the reaction was one
of resignation and determination. Millions found
the courage and capacity to organize an army
of volunteers for air-raid precautions, auxiliary
fire services, first aid and the rehabilitation of
bomb victims. These were civilians who saw
themselves as soldiers of the home front and in
1942, to acknowledge their sacrifice, the Ministry
of Information published the booklet Frontline
19401941, designed to make it clear that total war
as waged by the German armed forces compelled
everyone on the home front to become a kind of
civilian-soldier whether they liked it or not.

Founded in 1937 by the anthropologist Tom

Harrisson, the poet Charles Madge and the
documentary film-maker Humphrey Jennings,
Mass Observation (MO) was intended to
record the feelings and outlook of ordinary
British people. Thousands of volunteers were
recruited who kept a record of conversations
they heard and behaviour they observed.
These records were used to help compile
consolidated reports on aspects of everyday
life. In September 1939, Harrisson took over
the running of the whole MO organization.
From September 1940 until the middle of
1941, a detailed record was kept of attitudes to
the Blitz. Harrisson himself toured round the
blitzed cities to form his own impressions. He
eventually went on to write Living Through the
Blitz, published shortly after his death in 1976.
There was some official hostility to MO, but
the organization shared some of its findings
with the Ministry of Information as the war
went on. Mass Observation left an invaluable
record of the impact on ordinary people of a
campaign of sustained bombing.

RIGHT: A Junkers Ju
88 spotter card.
BELOW: Earl Street
in Coventry following
the disastrous raid of
1415 November 1940.
Much of the city centre,
including the cathedral,
was destroyed. The
government chose to
release the details to the
press, the first time a city
had actually been named
in newspaper reports.
O 2ll)
Long Range Bomber

Span: 59 0 Length:
46 6 Height: 15 0


The Battle of Britain



he costs of the Battle of Britain are

difficult to assess with complete accuracy.
The number of Fighter Command crew
lost was once calculated at 449, but recent
estimates put it at 544. Total German aircrew
losses were much higher because the bombers
typically carried a crew of four or five. In addition,


The Guinea Pig Club was founded by the
patients of the remarkable New Zealand plastic
surgeon Archibald McIndoe. Its members were
aircrew who had required extensive surgery
as a result of severe burns. McIndoe set up a
unit for plastic and jaw surgery at the Queen
Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, Surrey
in 1939. He believed that patients needed
general care as well as surgery, and the club
ensured that those who had gone through a
difficult hospitalization would be able to share
their experience with others. The Guinea Pig
Club was founded in the summer of 1941 and
initially had 39 members from among the
patients McIndoe had treated since the air
battles of 1940, as well as the hospital staff.
There were eventually 649 members and they
produced a magazine called Guinea Pig which
appeared until 2003. McIndoe died in 1960 at
the age of 59, and is the only civilian interred
in the RAF church of St Clement Danes on the
Strand in London.


967 German aircrew prisoners were identified

from the period between 1 July and 31 October
1940, while only 638 of the many maimed and
burnt bodies that crashed on English territory
could be positively identified. Hundreds of
airmen on both sides were also injured, seriously
wounded or simply exhausted by the long period
of intense action.
The number of dead was tiny in comparison
with any ground action, or even the sinking
of a major ship, and small in relation to the
significance of the battle itself. In this sense
Churchills notion of the Few can be understood
more readily. There were also casualties among
ground crew and support staff, both male and
female, and a considerable amount of serious
damage to a handful of RAF stations. The losses
of pilots and aircraft were generally made good, so
that by the end of the battle Fighter Command had
more aircraft and pilots on hand than at its start.
By contrast, German losses caused a temporary
decline in numbers so that by the end of the year
the German fighter force was reduced by around
30 per cent and the bomber force by a quarter.
The nature of air conflict, in which trained men
and new aircraft can be prepared far from the
battlefield and thrown into the conflict at any
point, meant that although the RAF succeeded in
preventing German air superiority over southern
Britain, neither force could effectively be
destroyed by the other.
The cost of the battle was borne more
heavily by the civilian population,
which was subjected to regular
bombing from July 1940 onwards
and then to a heavy assault from
early September. During the
period up to the middle of
1941, over 43,000 people were
killed, almost half of them

in London and the surrounding area. A larger

number sustained major or minor injuries, but
the exact figure remains somewhat uncertain.
The high rate of expected psychiatric casualties
from bombing did not materialize; the number of
people admitted for treatment actually declined
during the period of the bombing. In addition to
the deaths and injuries, over 1 million housing
units were destroyed or seriously damaged.
This required evacuation to safer areas or the
billeting of bombed-out families on households
where there had not been damage. Schools were
destroyed and many young Londoners missed

ABOVE: Rescue workers pull a victim from the rubble trapped

in a bomb-damaged building following heavy air raids on London
during the Blitz.
BELOW: St Pauls Cathedral rises above the ruins
that have surrounded it during five years of war. An
elaborate plan was drawn up for the rebuilding of the
City of London but reconstruction lasted for
years, partly because of legal arguments
over ownership of the ruins.

The costs of battle

long periods of schooling at the height of the
bombing emergency.
The economic and military damage caused
by the bombing was a good deal lighter than the
German side had hoped. Aircraft production
was held up for a few weeks after attacks on
the Supermarine factories at Southampton
and the Spitfire factory at Castle Bromwich in
Birmingham. But the assault on British stores of
food and other materials in the major ports did not
prove too disruptive. In five months of bombing
a total of around 70,000 tons of food stocks were
destroyed but only 0.5 per cent of Britains stored
oil reserves were lost. Interruption to utilities and
services could be restored quickly and the overall
impact on the productivity of the British war
economy was small in relation to the cost to the
Germans of their assault.
The battle did have the effect of galvanizing
the British public in ways which defeat in France
or Norway had not. Some 600,000 volunteers
worked in the civil defence forces in addition
to the tens of thousands who worked in other
volunteer capacities for the home front. The
period of the Battle of Britain and the Blitz was
the point at which most British people came to
understand the dimensions of total war fought not
only between armed forces but against the civilian

Aircraft losses JulyOctober 1940
German air force 1,887
RAF Fighter Command 1,023
RAF Bomber Command 376
RAF Coastal Command 148

Aircrew losses JulyOctober 1940

German air force 2,698
RAF Fighter Command 544

(5 Belgians, 7 Czechs, 29 Poles,

3 Canadians, 3 New Zealanders,
2 Americans)

population as well. German hopes that British

morale on the home front might crack in 1940
proved misplaced, but the cost in suffering, loss
and dislocation caused was real enough.
RIGHT: One of the most famous British posters of the war
illustrates the heroic status enjoyed by Britains fighter pilots
after the Battle of Britain. Pilots joked that Churchills phrase
referred to their mess bills.
BELOW: A scrapyard of German aircraft from the air battles
over England. The materials were recycled to help with war
production while German equipment was carefully examined to
see what lessons the British could learn.


The Battle of Britain



emory of the Battle of Britain was

soon given official status when the
Air Ministry produced a small 32-page
booklet on the battle in March 1941. The Ministry
sold over one million copies in Britain, and more in
America and the Empire. The dates for the battle
were set as 8 August to 31 October, but by the
time the official histories were written the dates
generally accepted were 10 July to 31 October, to
incorporate the early raids and air battles. The
major operations on 15 September were chosen to
mark Battle of Britain Day and the first celebration
took place in 1945, shortly after the end of the war
with Japan, with a fly-past in London and a special
memorial service in Westminster Abbey.
The abbey was also the home of the Battle
of Britain Chapel, dedicated on 10 July 1947
to indicate clearly the day the battle was now
thought to have begun. Its centrepiece was a
stained glass window and a roll of honour was also
presented with 1,495 names of pilots and aircrew
from Fighter, Bomber and Coastal Command,
and the Fleet Air Arm. The chapel became the
site for an annual Battle of Britain service. In the
1950s, the Air Ministry searched for other ways of
commemorating the battle and in 1957 a Battle of
Britain Historic Flight was set up, including three
Spitfires and a Hurricane. It was renamed the
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight in 1969 and its
aircraft appeared regularly at air shows around the
country. To mark the sixtieth anniversary of the
BELOW: The Battle of Britain Memorial Day ceremony at Capelle-Ferne in Kent in July 2009. Veterans of the battle lay wreaths at
the statue of a fighter pilot, which dominates the memorial itself.


battle in 2000, the Imperial War Museum annual

air show at Duxford (the former Fighter Command
station) brought together all the remaining UKbased Spitfires still capable of flying for a final
historic fly-past.
The veterans of the battle also began to meet
regularly and in 1958 a formal organization, the
Battle of Britain Fighter Association, was formed,
whose first president was Hugh Dowding. On his
death in 1970, he was succeeded by Keith Park.
For a long time, there was no statue of Dowding to
celebrate his leadership during the battle, but in
October 1988 one was finally unveiled by Queen
Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, patron of the Fighter
Association, outside the RAF church of St Clement
Danes on Londons Strand. Other memorials
have followed. At Capel-le-Ferne in Kent stands
the Battle of Britain National Memorial, opened
in July 1993. Another Battle of Britain memorial
was erected near Croydon airport in 1991, site of
many attacks during the battle itself. In 2005,
a major monument was set up on the Victoria
Embankment in central London.
The many Fighter Command stations
from which the battle was fought have fared
unevenly in the post-war years. Biggin Hill and
Kenley retained a few buildings from the war
period, but the best preserved air station was at
Duxford, which became home to the Imperial
War Museums aircraft collection. The Uxbridge
control centre for 11 Group has also been preserved

In 1969, one of the most famous of all British
war films was released, Battle of Britain.
Produced by Harry Saltzman and S. Benjamin
Fisz, the films cast was a roll call of famous
British actors and actresses, including
Laurence Olivier as Hugh Dowding and Trevor
Howard as Keith Park. Unusually, the German
parts were played by native Germans and their
conversation subtitled. Over 100 aircraft were
used in making the film, including a dozen
airworthy Spitfires and three Hurricanes
still capable of flying. The German aircraft
were represented by Spanish versions of the
Heinkel He111 bombers and Messerschmitt
Me109 fighters which had served in the
Spanish air force. They were powered by
British Merlin engines. Filming took place at
four surviving Fighter Command stations,
including Duxford, where a hangar was blown
up for the film. Poor weather hampered
production and shots of clear blue skies were
filmed in Spain.

Remembering the battle

ABOVE: Douglas Bader (left), Arthur Clouston

(centre), and Keith Park (right) at a ceremony in
February 1948 to name a locomotive Fighter Pilot.

ABOVE: To the south of Croydon airport on the

Purley Way stands a Battle of Britain monument
erected in 1991. The 23 foot obelisk is topped by
a bronze eagle and bears on it the names of those
who died in the battle.

and restored in its entirety. Bentley

Priory was until recently still home to a
number of different RAF and Ministry
of Defence departments, including
the Air Historical Branch.
The Battle of Britain has
become one of the central
legends of Britains war
effort. It has benefited
from the persistent
image of an English
David taking on a
German Goliath. Its
enduring quality stems
directly from the historical
circumstances which made
it a necessary victory. The
threat of invasion against
the only country in Europe
still fighting against
German domination of the
Continent gave the battle the
same iconic status accorded
to the defeat of the Spanish
Armada or the victory at
Waterloo. The battle was also
fought and won by a handful of
young men rather than whole
armies. The image of the few,
even if it exaggerates the
extent of the disparity between
the two sides, resonates with
the idea of lonely defiance
against tyranny. Though the
Battle of Britain did not win the
war, it kept alive the prospect of
final victory.

ABOVE: The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, first set up in the

Fifties, now consists of a Spitfire and Hurricane fighter and an Avro
Lancaster bomber. The flight is used for formal fly-pasts and as a
spectacle at the air shows where the battle is still commemorated.
LEFT: In 1988 a statue to Dowding was erected outside
St. Clement Danes Church on the Strand in central London.
Dowdings ashes were buried in 1970 in Westminster Abbey under
the Battle of Britain memorial window.

The Battle of Britain Monument stands on
Londons Victoria Embankment not far from
the Houses of Parliament. It was formally
opened in September 2005 in front of 70 pilot
veterans from the battle and was the result
of collaboration between the Battle of Britain
Historical Society and Westminster Council.
The monument site granted by the Council was
a 25-metre (82-foot) granite structure which
had originally been built as a smoke outlet for
steam-powered underground trains. A walkway
was cut through the structure, and bronze
panels depicting the battle and Britain at war in
1940 attached on either side. A full list of those
who fought in the battle is included, organized
by nationality. The monument was sculpted by
Paul Day.


Battle of Britain

The publisher would like to thank the following
for their help with the production of this book:


Olivia Smales, IMG

Squadron Leader Stuart Balfour,
Royal Air Force
Peter Elliott, Nina Burls and Rebecca Dalley,
Royal Air Force Museum
Mary Hudson, Royal Air Force
Historical Branch
Hugh Alexander, The National Archives, Kew
Shaheeda Sabir, Curtis Brown
Gill Coleridge and Cara Jones, Rogers,
Coleridge and White.

The Royal Air Force Museum (UK Crown

Copyright. Reproduced with permission of the
Controller, HMSO, London), The Royal Air Force
Museum, The National Archives, Kew, Curtis
Brown Ltd, London, on behalf of the Estate of
Winston Churchill. Winston S. Churchill. (With
thanks also to the Churchill Archives Centre,

The vast majority of photographs reproduced in
this book have been taken from the collections
of the Photograph Archive at the RAF Air
Historical Branch.
Photographs from the following sources have also
been included with their permission:
RAF Air Historical Branch (UK Crown Copyright.
Reproduced with permission of the Controller,
HMSO, London), Corbis, Bettmann, HultonDeutsch Collection, Underwood & Underwood,
Getty Images, Popperfoto, Time & Life Pictures,
Imperial War Museum, The Kobal Collection:
United Artists,, The News,
Portsmouth, Press Association Images, Private
Collection, Rex Feature, Royal Air Force, HMSO,
Scal, Bayerische Staatbibliothe, Atelier Bieber/
Nather, Arthur Grimm, Herbert Hoffmann, Hans
Hubmann, Benno Wundshammer,,
Alinari, The Granger Collection, Ullsteinbild.
Every effort has been made to acknowledge
correctly and contact the source and/or copyright
holder of each picture, and Imagine Publishing
apologizes for any unintentional errors or
omissions, which will be corrected in future
editions of this book.
For more information regarding the rights and
ownership of specific images, please contact


With kind permission of:

Royal Air Force:
Royal Air Force Air Historical Branch:
Royal Air Force Museum:
The National Archives, Kew:
The Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge:



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