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The Research and Development of The Highway's Electronic Toll Collection System

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 31 2007

The Research and Development of the

Highways Electronic Toll Collection System
Guang-xian Xu, Jian-hui Liu, Zhi-yong Tao, and Xin-chun Li

AbstractETC (Electronic Toll Collection) is an electronic

automatism toll collection system that was been researching by the
world used in the highway, bridge and tunnel. Throwing information
change between electronic labels that held vehicle and RPID
antennas that was fixed the roadside or door frame, the center control
computer can identify the road user by the information stored in the
electronic label and deduct the pike from the road user advance
stored card or bank account. Its obvious advantage is no parking troll
collection. Thereby it can significantly improve the dispose
efficiency of the toll station and the traffic ability of toll road.
KeywordsElectronic toll collection, Vehicle identification
technology, Electronic label, Infrared wireless communication.



(Electronic Toll Collection) is an electronic
automatism toll collection system that was been
researching by the world used in the highway, bridge and
tunnel. Its obvious advantage is no parking troll collection.
The vehicle can at high speed throw the toll station instead
which has to slowdown before toll station and park to charge.
Along with the development of motor transport, the use of
highway traffic will be more and more. (This trend is very
clear in electronically developed areas.) The charge form of
manual and semi-manual will not meet demand of the
charging management system and arose many vehicle blocked
at entrances and exits causing huge economic losses when it
reached a certain threshold. The use of no parking on the
highway shows a great potential in solved these problems.

Fig. 1 The principle of ECT system

The system of automatic identification vehicle is composed

by on board unit, road side unit, loop sensor and other
components. And the center control system is consisted of
large database and the information of enrolled vehicles and
users. When vehicle pass the toll station gob, loop sensor
apperceive the vehicle; RSU sends out question signal; then
OUB responds and done two-way communication and data
exchange. Center control system fetch the identify vehicle
information like as cars ID and cars module and compare
these information to the database. According to situation, it
controls the center manager system do different operation.
Such as computer charge manager system deducts these
traveling expenses from his bank count or send instruct to
other assistant establishment. That realizes automatism
management to running vehicle. Other assistant establishment
mainly closed camera system of breaking vehicle, control
railings, traffic instructions to the traffic equipment. (As red
lights, green lights, yellow lights.)


ETC systems can wireless communication and information

change by the device fixed in the vehicle and road head device
which was fixed in the toll stations roadway. It composes by
automatic vehicle identification system, center control system
and other ancillary facilities.


Vehicles identify is the core technology to realize the
system of electronic toll collection. But whats mean the
vehicles automatic identify system? Its the technology
which can identify the vehicles passed without any action
adopted by the driver or observer, when vehicles passing the

Guang-xian Xu is with Department of Electronic Information Engineering,

Liaoning Technical University, HuLuDao, Liaoning, Postal Code: 125105,
China (e-mail:
Endowed by young science research fund of Liaoning Technical
University, Fund Number: 06A15.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 31 2007

especial dot. It can be applied not only in highways electronic

toll collection system, but also in highways transport such as
navigation, especially in highways transport, there is wide
and latent applied foreground.
The process of vehicles automatic identify is: when a
vehicle passes the Read module in roadside, the dual-board
transceiver being triggered, and launches codes can only show
vehicles identity, the retrieval unit antenna receives and
transmit information to the Read module, so the deferent
module to be checked for completeness and then transmitted
to the computer system for data-processing and storage. The
complex system with two-way communications also can
transmit the data back to the vehicle by the antenna.

include license plate numbers, car models or colors.

Because electronic toll collection system requires very high
reliability of communications, it requires almost 100%
reliable and all-weather, at the same time, high data
transmission rate is requires to ensure that the real-time
Therefore, the only AVI technology of high
communications ability, high reliability and high
environmental adaptability can be used to the reality of the
highway toll system. The application in world shows that the
technologies used in highway electronic toll are still
microwave and infrared technologies before certain technical
issues yet to be fully resolved.
B. Comparison of the Infrared and Microwave
Communication system usually distinct by the carrier
frequency and the position of the electromagnetic spectrum, it
is shown in Fig. 2.

A. Several Major Vehicles Identification Technologies

1. Optical and infrared AVI systems
This system uses a signs code labels similar to the bar code
label which installed in a vehicle outside. The information
from the vehicle identity is showed by a series of width or
color changed lines, said that when the vehicles after
capturing modules, and the different number and colors of
light to be reflected on the Read module, which automatically
analyzes the uniqueness-identification, the identity of the
vehicle to show identification code information.
2. ICP AVI system
This system uses inductively coupling to transmit the data.
The roadside Read module regards the conventional loop as
antenna, which used to transmit signal to the vehicles from
roadside Read module or opposition. The inductance
dual-board transceiver uses simple loop or ferrite inspected
haulm to be antenna, the antenna size is related with the
wavelength of communication.
3. RF and microwave AVI systems
RF and microwave technology is the basis for some of
automatic vehicle identification system. It uses microwave
technology to achieve the transmission of data codes. Vehicle
dual-board transceiver is capable of transmitting or receiving
electric wave frequency range of 1000 Hz, trillion Hz and kilo
mega Hz. The advantage of microwave system is that it can
detect the data which transmitted by the rate much higher than
the rate of ICP-ring detection, by this, it increases the volume
of data the system can handle. For the antenna size is related
with the wavelength used, the microwave transceiver is
smaller than ICP transceiver in dimension.
4. SAW
SAW is the technical foundation for the identification
system developed in recent years. A SAW systems is
composed by a vehicle tag, one RF Read module and one
signal processing module, the signal processing module is
used to translate code labels and components to the
information transmitted to computer.
5. Image Processing AVI System
The Image Processing AVI System is composed by the
camera (CCD), image card and computer processing system.
The image incepted by CCD, after APD conversion, will be
transmitted to the computer system for image pretreatment
and identification, the content of identification generally

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Fig. 2 Waves frequency plan

For optical communication systems, the carrier wave is

selected from optical wave bands, which includes infrared
light, visible light and ultraviolet frequencies; the carrier wave
in infrared communication system is selected from the
infrared band.
For short-range wireless communication system, the use of
infrared communication technology than microwave
communication technology has significant advantages.
(1) Infrared communication bandwidth resource is rich,
theoretically, optical wave band could have the available
bandwidth is about 105 times the radio-frequency bandwidth;
only the infrared band in 700-1500nm would have exceeded
the available bandwidth 200THz.
(2) The use of frequency in infrared communication
systems could do without permission, but the carrier
frequency in microwave systems must obtain permission.
(3) Light wave has important significance to the security of
the information transmitted for its good resistance to
electromagnetic interference and high security.
(4) Infrared communication system is light intensity
directly modulating light-emitting devices through current, is
not a way to use high-frequency carrier. So it is relatively
simple circuit design system.
Therefore, the system uses infrared wireless
communication technology namely vehicles carrying
electronic label to identify vehicles automatically.
C. The Theory and Design of ETC Infrared
ETC infrared communication exchange the infrared
wireless communication and information through the OBU


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 31 2007

(Onboard unit) installed on vehicles and the RSU (Roadside

unit) installed in a toll booth lane. Vehicle System and the
base station antenna system both include optical antenna,
infrared transmitters and infrared receivers, to ensure two-way
communications to complete the exchange of information.
Communication between the OBU and the RSU divides
into uplink and downlink, as shown in Fig. 3. When vehicles
come into the communication region, the perception of
vehicles is from roadside sensors, RSU issues asked signals
through downlink, then OBU receives the inquired signals
from RSU, and sends information through uplink to RSU,
thereby, the two-way communication and data exchange
between vehicle system station and base station system are
completed, the base station system obtain vehicle
identification information.

2. The components of OBU system

The components of OUB modular hardware is shown in
Fig. 4.


Energy saving control


Monostable multivibrator
control signals

LCD Display

10 kbit/s


IC card

10 kbit/s



Circuit awaken

Wake up signal
demolition device

Power Supply




Battery supply area

Power supply area



Fig. 4 The components of OUB modular hardware





SCM is the OBU processor module and the core of the

number modules. Its function includes completed signal
processing and control function of OBU system. Such as: 1.
complete decoding function; 2. decoding the AM signal which
received by incept machine; 3. special coded the emissive
up-row data to meet the needs of real communication; 4.
achieved various control functions.


Fig. 3 ETC infrared communication link plan

3. OUB software functions

OUB software system should accomplish the following
(1) Achieved application logic of ETC.
(2) Implemented the interface to frequency transceiver
circuit; offered the transmitter NRZI encoding of 10Kbit/s rate
and received 10Kbit/s rate AMD encoding signals and awaken
signal from incepted machine to achieve the functions of
NRZI encoding and AMD decode.
(3) Achieved the agreement of SDL.
(4) Achieved the function of reading attribute information.
(5) Achieved the function of anti-demolition.
(6) Achieved the function of saving energy.

1. RFID (The radio frequency identification) technology

related to OBU
RFID has two kinds: fountainhead and no fountainhead
electronic labels; active and passive electronic labels.
RFID refers to the use of radiofrequency identification
signal to the identification of the object. ETC use RFID
mainly for automatic vehicle identification (AVI, automatic
vehicle identification), usually only 8~30m distance
communications, 915MHZ,2.45GHZ and 5.8GHZ were used
and researched internationally as such communication
frequency. As with other frequency, 5.8GHZ has better data
transmission rate, maintaining the same effective
communication distance higher transmission power, the
system carrier ratio and strong anti-disturbance, moreover,
because many of the equipment manufacturers have the
support system in the security and scalability on the character.
So, the system adopts 5.8GHZ as the communication
Using RFID technology in ETC is mostly that OBU stored
the relevant information related to the corresponding vehicle;
any information transmitted by OBU has relevant information
with its vehicle. OBU has two states, general, the entire circuit
of OBU unit is at the static state, only the awakened circuit is
all at work state, the electric current consumption is very low.
When vehicles passing the region which covered by RSU
antenna in the electronic toll collection, the circuit is
awakened, then the whole circuit is at work state.

4. The results of prototype for indoor and outdoor

Done experiment for prototype system in indoor and
outdoor. By the indoor experiment result analyzed, we can get
these conclusions: when we come to the surrounding
environment, the optical power received by receiver is
proportional to the optical power launched by receiver. When
the launching optical power is certain, if the receiver aims at
the transmitter, then the optical power is proportional to the
square of the distance. When the launching optical power is
certain, if the receiver is at the transmitter emits axis line, the
optical power received is proportional to the receive direction
cosine. Under these experimental conditions, the bit error rate
curves measured relatively coincide with the bit error rate
curve from theoretical analysis. This shows that the
conclusions analyzed are reasonable.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 31 2007

In the outdoor experiments, I tested the error rate of various

conditions; the final results analysis showed that the
prototype system produced can communicate in gear under
different weather conditions. So using infrared wireless
communication technology to upgrade the existing ETC
automatic toll system is feasible and it can reach the
maximum data transmission of 4Mbps.

information, and then transmit these to the center control.

Center control handle and judgment the data, memory location
information to the database, and make a decision whether
need for charge. The control center can return the direct
inquiries and notification to the vehicle terminals.
The main assignments are accomplishing communication
network function, information gathering function and
information processing function.



2. Billing and vehicle fee function

a) Vehicle billing function
Control center judges the vehicle location data received,
prepare it with the information network in database. After
judging whether a vehicle fee, and whether charge, and take
the amount of payments the vehicle should pay from the
charge rates in the database.

Since this system is at the stage of research, therefore, in

this paper, I mainly studied its feasibility and practicality
through the fashion of simulation system.
A. System Components
This simulation system is component of vehicle terminals,
center control and banks. Its structure is showed as Fig. 5.

b) Vehicle fee function

Control center will transmit the compared amount of
payments the vehicle should pay from the database and the
owners accounts together to banks. Bank simulation receives
the accounts and charges, and judge whether the charges are
successful. Results issued to the control center, the control
center sent inform to the vehicle terminals based on the results
of fee.
3. Systems and vehicle management function
a) Vehicle management function
Control center can inquiries, statistics, print statements the
registrant vehicles data or information (including the number
of vehicles, number plates, models, colors, drivers,
photographs and so on). It also can registries, deletes, update
the information of vehicle terminals.

Fig. 5 The structure of manager system

1. Vehicle Terminals
Vehicle terminals are as a data collection terminal and its
main function is collection positioning data. It is composed of
GPS, positioning module, communicate network module and
data stored module (mainly stored basic information of
vehicle and IC account).

b) Database management function

It can manage and maintain all types of data in system, to
ensure the safe and reliable operation. It also can backup,
restore and optimize the database.

2. Center Control
Center control as data processing center is the core of the
whole system. Its main function is completion the
decision-making of system. It is composed of database sever
and manager plat. Database main function are incepted the
information of vehicle terminals and banks, appropriate
treatment and send the result to the terminal unit.

C. Operating Environment of Terminal Simulation

Because the vehicle simulation terminal is programmed
with Visual C++6.0, the same as control center software, it
can run on any operation system above Windows98.
In order to a more realistic simulation of the data
transmission, the entire system hung an Internet when data
receiving instead only testing in LAN. Through the wide area
network, it connects to the system control center software
which links to ADSL. Then this system is closer to the actual
operating environment, in which the vehicle internal
equipment connected to the system control center software
through Internet. Through that, the research findings are
closer to the applying environment and more convincing.

3. Center Operation of Banks

The center operation of banks function is simulated bank
to charge. It accepts the vehicle owner bank account
information which was sent form center control, charge and
returns the result of charge to the center.
B. Logic Design of the Systems Functions
The main function of the system divided into three


1. Information gathering and communication network

Information gathering prefers to gather the location data of
mobile vehicle terminals, dictate response and identification

This paper mainly reviewed the research and development

work on the highway parking system. Using infrared wireless
communication realized the core technology of ETC; from


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 31 2007

theoretical and experimental analysis, designed and realized

outdoor prototype system for short-range wireless infrared
communication, and through software simulated the vehicle
terminals integrate highway parking process. And it also
realized the data exchange between terminal software and
system control center; completed the business functions and
system requirements of logical design phase; achieved the
desired objectives.



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Guangxian Xu (JianSu, China, 1977), Male, Master of Computer

Application Technology. The degree was earned in 2003 by Department of
Electronic Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, China.
Now I am a Lecturer of Department of Electronic Information Engineering,
Liaoning Technical University. Research Fields: Modern Information
Technology, Computer Networks and Industrial process Control.


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