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Healthy West Chicago Community Action Plan

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Healthy West Chicago Community Action Plan

Our goal is to increase healthy eating and physical activity

in the City of West Chicago to make West Chicago
one of the healthiest communities in the region.

Prepared for Healthy West Chicago by Seven Generations Ahead


Changes to the design of communities, healthy food access, built environments, and the prevalence of cheap,
processed foods have altered the American lifestyle and the picture of health within our country. As a result, we
are now a nation of people who are less physically active and who eat less nutritious foods. The City of West
Chicago is no exception to these changes. Healthy West Chicago seeks to reverse these trends and make West
Chicago one of the healthiest communities in the region. This shift will require changes in the way people live,
work and play in West Chicago, and community-wide collaboration to make the healthy choice the easy choice.

A. State of the Nation

The Problem
As a nation, the United States is faced with rising incidences of preventable diseases including obesity and
diabetes in both youth and adult populations. When compared to other countries, Americans generally tend to
be less healthy due in part to a lack of both physical activity and proper nutrition. Advancements in technology
and transportation, increased length of the average workweek, and the adoption of a fast-paced, conveniencecentered mindset have impacted every aspect of life for the American people. The rise of fast-food restaurants,
pre-made meals, and grab-and-go food items has altered American eating habits and made the population less

Fast Facts: Americas Eating Habits (Changes to American Eating)

Consume More Calories

Americans average daily caloric intake increased from
1,955 in 1975
2,195 in 2010 1
Larger Portion Sizes
Overall increase evidenced in portion sizes of food items sold at restaurants, fastfood shops, and grocery stores2
Consume More Sugar
American sugar consumption is nearly two times the USDA recommended intake3
Increased Frequency of Eating Out
63% of children age 1-12 years old ate at a restaurant 1 to 3 times per week (2002) 4,5

Americans today are less active than in previous generations. The built environment caters to automobile
transportation and discourages physical activity through walking and biking. Sedentary jobs have increased
83% since 1950, with physically active jobs making up less than 20% of our workforce.6 In addition, schools
have scaled back on engaging children in physical activity. Currently, less than half (48%) of all American
adults meet the physical activity recommendations provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and less
than 3 in 10 high school aged students engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.7 In 2006,
only 2.1% of high schools, 7.9% of middle schools and 3.8% of elementary schools provided daily physical
education or its equivalent (225 minutes per week for middle and high schools and 150 minutes per week for
elementary schools) to all students for the full school year.8 At the same time, youth have become more

sedentary during their out-of-school hours. On a typical school day, 35.4% of adolescents in grades 912
spend three hours or more watching television.9
Lack of physical activity has been linked to increased prevalence of chronic illnesses with immediate and longterm effects on the health and well-being of those affected, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The
CDC reports that the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes has more than tripled in the period from
1980 to 2011, growing from 5.6 million Americans to 20.9 million.10 Statistics from 2014 support this trend.
Currently, a reported 29.1 million Americans have diabetes, and over 86 million American adults more than 1
out of 3 are pre-diabetic.11
Furthermore, across all age groups, the prevalence of obesity has been steadily increasing. Over 69% of adults
age 20 years and older are overweight, with roughly 35% of the American population categorized as obese.12
Additionally, obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.13
Between 19881994 and 20092012, the percentage of adults aged 20 and over with:

Grade 1 obesity [a body mass index (BMI) of 30.034.9] increased from 14.8% to
Grade 2 obesity (BMI of 35.039.9) rose from 5.2% to 8.6%
Grade 3 or higher obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) doubled, from 3.0% to 6.3%14

Although obesity affects people of all demographics, the prevalence rates are most alarming for certain racial
and ethnic minorities and lower-income families in the United States. Hispanic children are more likely to be
obese or overweight than non-Hispanic White or non-Hispanic Black children. Among Hispanic children and
adolescents ages 2 to 19, 38.2% are obese or overweight, compared with 35.9% of non-Hispanic Black and
29.3% of non-Hispanic White children and adolescents.15 Moreover, 22% of children ages 10 to 17 from
families below the poverty line are overweight or obese, compared with 9% of children in families making four
times that amount.16 Although there are many reasons that these disparities exist, a major factor is that lowerincome populations, which include many minority or rural communities, lack adequate opportunities for safe
physical activity and access to nutritious foods.
Today, obesity is the leading medical reason why applicants fail to qualify for military service. As 27% of
young people aged 17 to 24 are too heavy to serve in the armed forces and because overweight employees
reduce workplace productivity, obesity is quickly becoming a significant national security concern. Of
particular worry is the rapidly rising rates of obesity among children -- the future leaders and workers of the
nation. The prevalence of this epidemic demands action before obesity further erodes American competitiveness
and our national security. First Lady Michelle Obama said in prepared remarks: Military leaders tell us that
when more than one in four young people are unqualified for military service because of their weight, childhood
obesity isnt just a public health threat, its not just an economic threat, its a national security threat as well.17
The impact of lack of physical activity and poor nutrition are far-reaching and affect the entire nation. The
price of inactivity is costly, not only physically, but financially. As a nation, America spends 86% of its health
care dollars on the treatment of chronic diseases, many of which are preventable.18 In 2011, the CDC estimated
that healthcare costs exceeded $8,600 annually per capita, and that medical spending attributable to obesity was
estimated to be more than $1,400 higher than for normal weight individuals.19 Obesity in the United States
continues to rise, and the problem does not appear to be getting any better. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the national obesity rate rose again in 2013 to 28.3% of the adult population. The


growing epidemic is placing an increasingly greater burden on our health care system, and according to a 2013
study, the annual obesity-related health care costs are estimated to be as high as $210 billion.20
The Solution
The consequences and problems that stem from Americas ill health demand attention at all levels. Where we
live impacts our quality of life. Given that lower income communities are prone to more incidences of obesity,
diabetes, and other preventable diseases, reversing this trend will require policy action at all levels of
government. Policy actions are necessary to eliminate the barriers to physical activity and healthy eating, and
provide more opportunities for children and families to engage in healthy behaviors. The National Prevention
Strategy is a comprehensive plan created by the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health
Council in consultation with the public and an Advisory Group of outside experts. It recognizes that good
health comes from stopping disease before it starts, from safe outdoor spaces for physical activity, healthy
foods, violence-free environments and healthy homes. The National Prevention Strategy includes actions that
public and private partners can take to help Americans stay healthy and fit.

National Prevention Strategy: Prevention should be woven into all aspects of

our lives, including where and how we live, learn, work and play. Everyone
government, businesses, educators, health care institutions, communities and
every single Americanhas a role in creating a healthier nation. 21
There is significant evidence which indicates that many children do not have opportunities to be physically
active or have access to healthy foods on a daily basis. Moreover, the environmental barriers to healthy
behaviors are even larger in lower-income areas. Communities with high levels of poverty are significantly less
likely to have places where people can be physically active, such as parks, green spaces, and bicycle paths and
lanes.22 And although easy access to supermarkets that offer fresh fruits and vegetables is associated with lower
body mass index, many neighborhoods in racial and ethnic minority, lower-income and rural areas tend to be
affected by inequitable access to food stores and affordably priced healthy foods.23
Communities have the ability to support residents who choose to exercise and eat right by making changes on
the system and policy level. Improving the state of the nations health requires us to build an environment in
which the healthy choice is the easy choice, and to have that be reflected in all parts of the country.


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