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Mabayo Farms Vs CA - G.R. No. 140058. August 1, 2002

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[G.R. No. 140058. August 1, 2002.]

MABAYO FARMS, INC., herein represented by its President MRS. RORAIMA SILVA, petitioner,
Don P. Porciuncula for petitioner.
Oscar L. Karqan for private respondent.
Petitioner bought the respective portions of the lawful possessors of the subject lot and
entered into a compromise settlement with six other persons occupying the property and
then filed an application for land registration which was decided by then Court of First
Instance in petitioner's favor. Subsequently, a group of occupants entered the land.
Petitioner filed a complaint for injunction with damages, with a prayer for a temporary
restraining order (TRO), docketed as Civil Case No. 6695 with the RTC. The trial court issued
the TRO. Thereafter, the trial court issued a writ of preliminary injunction which was also
served upon respondent who was occupying a portion of the lot. Private respondent filed a
special civil action for certiorari with the Court of Appeals alleging among others that he was
not a party to Civil Case No. 6695 and that it was grave abuse of discretion for the trial court
to enforce the injunctive writ against him since it did not have jurisdiction over him. The
appellate court decided in private respondent's favor. Hence, the instant petition.
In affirming the decision of the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court ruled that the persons
specifically enjoined in the order granting the writ of preliminary injunction were the
defendants in Civil Case No. 6695 or persons acting in their stead. Petitioner admitted that
private respondent was not a defendant in the said civil case since at the institution thereof
in 1997, he (private respondent) did not have a right over any portion of petitioner's lot.
Neither was he a trespasser then. Also, nothing in the records indicate that private
respondent was acting on behalf of any of the defendants. Taking all these into
consideration, the Court held that the writ of preliminary injunction thus cannot be made to
apply to private respondent. A preliminary injunction is not a cause of action in itself but
merely a provisional remedy, an adjunct to a main suit. Thus, a person who is not a party in
the main suit, like private respondent in the instant case, cannot be bound by an ancillary
writ, such as the writ of preliminary injunction issued against the defendants in Civil Case
No. 6695. He cannot be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger. cSIACD
an order granted at any stage of an action prior to final judgment, requiring a person to
refrain from a particular act. As an ancillary or preventive remedy, a writ of preliminary
injunction may therefore be resorted to by a party to protect or preserve his rights and for
no other purpose during the pendency of the principal action. Its object is to preserve the
status quo until the merits of the case can be heard. It is not a cause of action in itself but
merely a provisional remedy, an adjunct to a main suit. Thus, a person who is not a party in
the main suit, like private respondent in the instant case, cannot be bound by an ancillary
writ, such as the writ of preliminary injunction issued against the defendants in Civil Case
No. 6695. He cannot be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger. IcDCaS
ID.; ACTIONS; INTERVENTION; NOT COMPULSORY. Intervention in an action is
neither compulsory nor mandatory but only optional and permissive.

ID.; ID.; ID.; REQUISITES. [T]o warrant intervention, two requisites must concur: (a)
the movant has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, and (b) intervention must not
unduly delay or prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the parties nor should the claim of
the intervenor be capable of being properly decided in a separate proceeding. The interest,
which entitles a person to intervene in a suit, must involve the matter in litigation and of
such direct and immediate character that the intervenor will either gain or lose by the direct
legal operation and effect of the judgment. AaHcIT
This petition for review seeks to reverse the decision 1 promulgated on August 27, 1999, of
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 51375. The appellate court enjoined the enforcement
of the writ of preliminary injunction dated April 14, 1998, issued by the Regional Trial Court
of Balanga, Bataan, Branch 1, in Civil Case No. 6695 against private respondent, Antonio
Santos. DCcSHE
The factual antecedents of this case are as follows:


On August 22, 1969, the Bureau of Lands declared Francisco Domingo, Reynaldo Florida,
Cornelio Pilipino and Severino Vistan, lawful possessors of Lot 1379 of the Morong, Bataan
Cadastre. Lot 1379 consists of 144 hectares. Domingo, Florida, Pilipino and Vistan through
their forebears and by themselves had been in open, notorious, and exclusive possession of
portions of Lot 1379 since 1933 in the concept of owners. The Bureau then directed them to
confirm their titles over the property by filing the appropriate applications for the portions of
the property respectively occupied by them.
In October 1970, petitioner bought the respective portions of Domingo, Florida, Pilipino and
Vistan, totaling 69,932 square meters and entered into a compromise settlement with six
other persons occupying the property, whose applications had been rejected by the Bureau.
Petitioner then filed an application for land registration docketed as LRC Cad. Rec. No. N-209
with the then Court of First Instance of Bataan, Branch 1. The application was contested by
several oppositors, among them the heirs of one Toribio Alejandro.
On December 20, 1991, the trial court decided the land registration case in petitioner's
favor. The losing parties appealed to the Court of Appeals, where the case was docketed as
CA-G.R. CV No. 40452. On March 14, 2000, the appellate court affirmed the lower court's
decision. 2
In June 1997, a group of occupants entered the land, destroyed the fences and drove away
livestock owned by petitioner.
On October 9, 1997, petitioner filed a complaint for injunction with damages, with a prayer
for a temporary restraining order, docketed as Civil Case No. 6695, with the RTC of Balanga,
Bataan. Named as defendants were Juanito Infante, Domingo Infante, Lito Mangalidan, Jaime
Aquino, John Doe, Peter Doe, and Richard Doe.
The trial court issued the temporary restraining order (TRO) and on January 16, 1998, the
sheriff served copies on the defendants. The sheriff accompanied petitioner's president to
the property where they found five (5) persons cultivating the land. The latter refused to
give their names or receive copies of the TRO. They claimed that they were only farm
workers of a certain Antonio Santos who allegedly owned the land. 3
On April 14, 1998, the trial court issued a writ of preliminary injunction restraining the
defendants or persons acting on their behalf from entering and cultivating the disputed

property. The aforementioned writ was also served upon respondent who was occupying a
portion of Lot No. 1379. 4
On February 24, 1999, private respondent filed a special civil action for certiorari docketed
as CA-G.R. SP No. 51375 with the Court of Appeals. Private respondent averred that he only
learned about the writ of preliminary injunction on February 16, 1999, when he secured a
copy of the order. He claimed that he was an innocent purchaser for value of the property
from Francisco, Armando, and Conchita, all surnamed Alejandro and the injunction prevented
him from using his property. He alleged that he was not a party to Civil Case No. 6695 and
that it was grave abuse of discretion for the trial court to enforce the injunctive writ against
him since it did not have jurisdiction over him.
On August 27, 1999, the appellate court decided CA-G.R. SP No. 51375 in private
respondent's favor, thus:
WHEREFORE, premises considered the instant Petition is hereby GRANTED. Public
respondent is enjoined from imposing the questioned writ of preliminary injunction dated
April 14, 199[8] against petitioner [Santos].
Hence, the instant petition, submitting the following issues for our consideration:
We find the lone issue to be: Is private respondent bound by the writ of preliminary
injunction issued by the trial court?
First, petitioner contends that the injunctive writ of April 14, 1998 was issued not only
against all named defendants in Civil Case No. 6695, but also against three unnamed
"Does." It now argues that the "Does" in the complaint are all those who violated its rights,
including private respondent. Petitioner asks us to note that the writ of injunction was served
not only against the defendants in Civil Case No. 6695, but also against other persons who
were seen entering and cultivating petitioner's property, including private respondent. Since
the latter personally received the injunctive order on June 5, 1998, he was already
forewarned to intervene in Civil Case No. 6695 if he had any right or interest to protect in
the disputed property. This he failed to do. Since private respondent did not then take the
opportunity to present his side, he cannot now claim that he was denied due process when
the writ was enforced against him.
In his comment, private respondent counters that he was not legally bound nor required by
law to file his pleadings in Civil Case No. 6695 as he was not a party in said case. Likewise,
he was not required to act on or protest the injunctive writ in the aforementioned civil case.
Private respondent avers that what petitioner wants is to have a continuing writ in its favor,
to include not only the defendants in Civil Case No. 6695 but also all those who may
subsequently intrude into the land dispute. Private respondent submits that the court a quo
committed no error in describing petitioner's posture as a violation of the fundamental rights
to notice and hearing.
We have minutely scrutinized the order granting the writ of preliminary injunction and are
unable to say that the writ applied to private respondent. The order merely stated "[L]et a
writ of preliminary injunction be issued enjoining and restraining the defendants or any
person or persons acting in their place or stead from further entering and cultivating the

said land of the plaintiff subject matter of this case until further order from the Court." 7 The
persons specifically enjoined in the order were the defendants in Civil Case No. 6695 or
persons acting in their stead. Petitioner itself admitted that private respondent was not a
defendant in Civil Case No. 6695 since "at the institution of the case in 1997, he (private
respondent) did not have a right over any portion of petitioner's lot." 8 Neither was he a
trespasser then. 9 Also, nothing in the records indicate that private respondent was acting
on behalf of any of the defendants. Taking all these into consideration, we must hold that the
writ of preliminary injunction thus cannot be made to apply to private respondent.
A preliminary injunction is an order granted at any stage of an action prior to final judgment,
requiring a person to refrain from a particular act. 10 As an ancillary or preventive remedy, a
writ of preliminary injunction may therefore be resorted to by a party to protect or preserve
his rights and for no other purpose during the pendency of the principal action. 11 Its object
is to preserve the status quo until the merits of the case can be heard. 12 It is not a cause of
action in itself but merely a provisional remedy, an adjunct to a main suit. 13 Thus, a person
who is not a party in the main suit, like private respondent in the instant case, cannot be
bound by an ancillary writ, such as the writ of preliminary injunction issued against the
defendants in Civil Case No. 6695. He cannot be affected by any proceeding to which he is a
stranger. 14
Second, petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals erred when it observed that petitioner
should have impleaded private respondent as defendant in Civil Case No. 6695 pursuant to
Section 11, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. 15 Instead, private respondent
should have intervened in Civil Case No. 6695 to protect his rights. Petitioner avers that at
the time the injunctive writ was issued, it had already rested its case and to require it to
amend its complaint to include private respondent was too late.
Private respondent counters that there was no reason why Section 11, Rule 3 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure should not be made to apply to Civil Case No. 6695. He argues that
contrary to petitioner's posture, his inclusion as a defendant in Civil Case No. 6695 is
procedurally correct since no final judgment had yet been rendered in said case. Moreover,
he avers that petitioner cannot insist that private respondent be vigilant in protecting his
rights by intervening in Civil Case No. 6695.
We agree with private respondent. First, private respondent had no duty to intervene in the
proceedings in Civil Case No. 6695. Intervention in an action is neither compulsory nor
mandatory but only optional and permissive. 16 Second, to warrant intervention, two
requisites must concur: (a) the movant has a legal interest in the matter in litigation, 17 and
(b) intervention must not unduly delay or prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the
parties 18 nor should the claim of the intervenor be capable of being properly decided in a
separate proceeding. 19 The interest, which entitles a person to intervene in a suit, must
involve the matter in litigation and of such direct and immediate character that the
intervenor will either gain or lose by the direct legal operation and effect of the judgment. 20
Civil Case No. 6695 was an action for permanent injunction and damages. As a stranger to
the case, private respondent had neither legal interest in a permanent injunction nor an
interest on the damages to be imposed, if any, in Civil Case No. 6695. To allow him to
intervene would have unnecessarily complicated and prolonged the case.
We agree with the Court of Appeals that to make the injunctive writ applicable against
private respondent, petitioner should have impleaded the latter as an additional defendant
in Civil Case No. 6695. Petitioner's insistence that it had rested its case and hence was too
late to include defendant finds no support in Section 11. The rule categorically provides that
"Parties may be dropped or added by order of the court on motion of any party or on its own
initiative at any stage of the action (stress supplied) and on such terms as are just." 21 We
find it inexplicable why petitioner pointedly resisted the advice of the appellate court to
implead private respondent as an additional defendant in Civil Case No. 6695.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED and the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals
in CA-G.R. SP No. 51375 AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs. DACTSH


Bellosillo, Mendoza and Corona, JJ., concur.

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