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Mark of The Beast Saturn Star of David

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The term "Novus Ordo Seclorum," A New Order of the Ages, was adapted by Charles Thomson in

1782 who, while designing the Great Seal of the United States, was inspired by a line in Virgil’s
Ecologue IV from the first century:

Now the last age by Cumae’ Sibyl has come and gone,

And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew:

Justice returns, old Saturn’s reign

With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.

On do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom

The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,

Befriend him, chaste Lucina: ‘this thine own Apollo reigns….

He shall receive the life of gods,

And see Heroes and gods commingling,

And himself be seen of them,

And with his father’s worth.

Saturn & the Cross

Saturn was a symbol of the Sun in the form of a Sun-cross.

"The cross, according to the alchemist, stands for Light..." - 1124:231

"Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: 'To the one we call Saturn
they give a special name, 'Sun-Star'." - 93:39

"...Franz Cumont offered...'Saturn-Chronus'...'the strange god Ninub, of whom little more is

known and that he was sometimes regarded as the nightly representative of the sun and was
therefore, in spite of Marduk, considered the 'mightiest' of the five planets'." - 54:29

"Four primary streams of light appeared to radiate from Saturn, dividing the Saturnian band into
quarters. The symbols of these four streams are the sun-cross Å and enclosed sun-cross.
Mythically, these are the four rivers of the lost paradise, the four winds, and the four pillars of
Saturn's cosmos. The enclosed sun-cross is thus the universal image of the 'unified state' on our
earth, for every terrestrial 'holy land' was a copy of the ideal kingdom above." - 93:330

"Many...ancient towns, villages and cities have been built on the principles of the Celtic Cross or
the Solar Wheel. With the spread of the Sun religion, temples and palaces conformed to solar
principles. Says Michell, 'A palace retains the solar power of the emperor and like all centers of
government throughout the world, is approached by long straight avenues which conduct the
power throughout the kingdom. Thus Versailles, the seat of the French Sun King, was laid out like
a wheel to function as a solar center." - 167:54

The Sun-cross symbolized Satan's rebellion against God.

"Thus, we are dealing with a very serious form of idolatry in the symbolism of the cross as a
representation here of sun worship. It must also be recalled that this process of the four divisions
of the celestial system is represented not only by the division of Israel into the four groups of three
tribes around the tabernacle as typified by Numbers 10. It must also be understood that the very
symbols used to denote these tribes, such as the Bull (of Ephraim), the Lion (of Judah), the
Serpent/Eagle (of Dan) and the Aquarian Man of Reuben, are themselves representative of the
divisional symbols of the Covering Cherubs of God’s Government, represented in Revelation 4:7-
9. These Lion-headed, Bull-headed, Eagle-headed and Man-headed creatures are the four
archangels, the Seraphim or Covering Cherubs of God’s Government. Thus, by the appropriation
of the symbolism to sun worship, we are seeking to transfer the centrality of the authority of God
the Father to the Man-headed Cherub who was Azazel, now Satan. The sun cross is, thus, the
symbol of the rebellion. This cross symbolism is then transferred into various aspects of idolatry
and is then imported into Christianity with further idolatrous consequence." - 1123
1123. "The Cross: Its Origin and Significance," Christian Churches of God:

The Symbolism of the Rose-Cross

The basic rose cross symbol is that of a rose appended to the junction of the two
lines of the cross - the center point. But the traditional Rosicrucian symbol is a
cross of 6 squares whereon is a red rose of five petals. The cross is of 6 squares for
a number of reasons. It relates the cross to the number six which is the number of
the Tree of rife Sphere to which it corresponds, (See the Tree of Life diagram in the
appendix) that is, the Sphere of Tiphareth (Beauty) also known as the Sphere
of the Sun. The cross of six squares is also the unfolded cube of six faces. The
perfect cube has been used to represent the Holy of Holies since Old
Testament times. We know the tabernacle was 10 cubits in length, breadth, and
height. The Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon's Temple likewise was cubically
shaped using the measure of 20 cubits (666). In Revelation (21:17-18) the
New Jerusalem is likened to a perfect cube of pure gold. Gold is related to the
cube, cross, and Sun sphere for a number of reasons. Gold is the metal associated
with the sun. But also Qabalistically, the cube unfolds to a cross of six; this means
that the units around the cross (the perimeter) add up to 14. The Hebrew word
zahab means gold and the letters of the word add up to 14 (Zain + Heh + Beth or 7
+ 5 + 2 = 14). In addition, all these symbols that correspond to six
correspond geometrically to the hexagram.

Genesis of the Cosmos Paul A. LaViolette pg 177

“Several key aspects of this physics of cosmogenic process are summarized in the Rose Cross,
an emblem consisting of a single circular rose at the center of an equal-armed cross. During a
lecture in 1785, Alessandro Cagliostro, a renowned Sicilian scholar of the esoteric, reportedly
stated that the ancient magi wore the Rose Cross around their necks on a golden chain.
Its origin was attributed to the god Hermes-Thoth, founder of the Order of the Magi. It was
said that four letters were written between the branches of the cross, each letter expressing a
mystery of nature. According to Cagliostro, these letters, taken from the 22 character “Alphabet of
the Magi are as follows:
So as not to reveal this sacred word to the profane, the magi replaced these letters on the
Rose Cross with the four zodiac figures that compose the sphinx. The bull (Taurus), lion
(Leo), eagle (Scorpio) and water bearer (Aquarius). The meanings ascribed to these four
sacred letters of the magi alphabet correspond to the four sacred Hebrew letters yod he
vav he. According to Sefer Bereshit, these four letters designated the divinity and were said to
contain the key to all the sciences, divine as well as human. Yod signified the masculine unity
principle; he, the femine duality principle; vav, the dynamic linking or uniting of these active and
passive principles; and the second he signified the transition from one world to the next. The
Rose Cross also relate to this creation theme. The cross signifies the implicit order, yod-he-vav.
Like the Egyptian ankh and Tibetan dorjes, it symbolizes the crossing and coupling of the two
primary ether transmutation streams, that unique juncture in the ether transmutation network that
give birth to our physical universe. The rose, which is superimposed on the cross, apparently
signifies the higher-level manifestation represented by the second he. Like the blooming
cosmic lotus of Egyptian and Hindu mythology, it represents the physical creation.
Applies to spiritual evolution, the Rose Cross also signifies the rebirth of the spirit into the

The crown of the magi is the sign which the magus decorated himself when he reached the
highest degree of initiation.
Talismans of the Magi

"Theophrastus Paracelsus revived, in the XVIth century, the ancient doctrine of

Talismans, which he claimed to be able to use successfully in the treatment of illnesses and
accidents. This medical doctrine, derived from the Cabala, or secret tradition of the Jewish
rabbis, was said to be borrowed from the ancient occult sciences of Chaldea and Egypt.
The talisman (tsilmenaia) signifies an image, a figure, and was engraved in the form of an
emblem or symbol on metals consecrated to the genii of the seven planets. This magical
task had to be carried out at a fixed time of a certain day, with the firm intention of attracting to the
talisman the beneficent influence of the genius which was invoked, whether for health or any other
protective measures...

The Talisman of Saturn

Talisman of Jupiter
The Talisman of Mars
Talisman of the Sun
Talisman of Venus
The Talisman of Mercury
The Talisman of the Moon

"These are the principal Talismans whose traditions have been preserved for us by the most
ancient monuments of the highest magical art and by the most reliable archaeologists in this type
of research. These talismans are recommended under the name of Teraphim by the Hebrew
Qabalists of the Middle Ages, who replace the names of the planetary Genii of Egypt by
those of: Oriphiel (REMPHA), Zachariel (Pi-Zeus), Samael (Ertosill), Michael (Pi-Rh3), Anabel
(Suroth), Raphael (Pi-Hermes) and Gabriel (Pi-Ioh). These Cabalists add another seven talismans
to which they attribute the power of conjuring the influence of seven demons who, according to
their doctrine, share with the seven planetary angels the government of the divine creation.
Against the angel of Saturn they set the demon Nabam; against the angel of Jupiter the demon
Acham; against the angel of Mars the demon Nambroth; against the angel of Venus the demon
Lilith or Naemah; against the angel of Mercury the demon Astaroth or Tharthac; and against the
angel of the Moon the demon Sathan, See Judges xvii and xviii in the Bible. The Teraphim
appear to correspond to the serpent images or seraphim. which in turn are said to derive from
the Kabeiri Assyrian divinities worshipped at Hebron (Beni Anak). The Daimons or male spirits of
the planets are now given by esoteric students of the Qabala as: Adonai=sun, Evoe=Moon.
Saba=Mars, Astaphoi=Mercury, Eloi=Jupiter. Ouraioa=Venus and Ilde-baoth, or according to the

"Now, the name SATURN in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar
knows, consists only of four letters, thus - Stur [ed. Star?]. This name contains exactly the
Apocalyptic number." (Hislop, p. 269)

S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
= 666

The Cross is connected with the Star

of David
The Kenites who claim to have descended from Cain wore the mark of the Tau Cross,
the letter of Saturn, on their foreheads.

"In this overlapping form [the Star of David] is the mark of the double messiah: the
priestly ... messiah and the kingly...messiah. As such it is the only true sign of Jesus, and it
carries the extra meaning as being the representative of the BRIGHT STAR OF DAVID'S
LINE THAT AROSE IN THE MORNING. If the Star of David is a symbol of the unified
messiah-ship of Jesus, it should be the mark of Christianity. Then the question has to be,
what is the symbol of Judaism? The answer is the cross. This is the mark of the 'TAU' and it is
this shape of cross upon which Jesus was crucified. The TAU was the mark of
Yahweh...the Kenites bore ON THEIR FOREHEADS long before Moses came across them
in the wilderness... " - The Hiram Key (162:140-141)

“TAU... [is the] letter of Saturn...” Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn (153:215)

The Chaldean number for Saturn is 666, suggesting that the mark of Cain was a prototype of the
mark of the beast—the six-pointed star received by those who will worship the god Saturn during
the Golden Age of Saturn , the occult millennium (which will be shortened to 3 1/2 years). Some
Jewish sources also say the mark of Cain was the Seal of Solomon or Star of David.

Every man and woman is a star.
— Aleister Crowley The Book of the Law
Vitruvian man

Shape, sound, number

"It is in the work of Dr. Hans Jenny that we can begin to see the relationship of form and sound in
the physical world. Jenny’s experiments have shown that sound frequencies have the propensity
to call into arrangement random, suspended particles, or to organize emulsions in hydro -
dynamic dispersion into orderly, formal, periodic patterns. In other words, sound is an instrument
through which temporal frequency patterns can become formal spatial and geometric patterns." -
From Sacred Geometry by Robert Lawlor.

Dr. Hans Jenny extensively studied the relationship between waveforms and matter, how sound
vibrations affect and create physical form. He would send constant pitches into materials such as
a droplet of water, and a thin surface covered with licopodium powder, as well as others. When
the pitch sounded it would create incredible geometric patterns in the substances. They would
look like pentagonal stars, hexagonal cells, spirals, leaves, and complex Mandalas.

One interesting fact related to Dr. Hans Jenny's work are the Yantras used in ancient Vedic and
Tantric practices. A Yantra is a type of Mandala that corresponds to a particular sound, (Mantra)
which in turn relates to a particular energy (symbolized by a deity or aspect of god). When these
sounds were put to similar tests as Dr. Hans Jenny's they were found to create their
corresponding Yantra exactly. One example is that of the sound OM and its corresponding Yantra,
the Shri Yantra. Modern biochemists, astrophysicists and yogis all agree that at the molecular
level of reality, our bodies are systems of vibrating atomic particles. Each part of our body, each
cell, gland and organ resonate with different frequencies and hence can be said to have its own
particular keynote. In a very real sense then, at the very core of our being, we are composed of
sound. Being composed at our core of vibration it would make sense that the vibrations around us
would have impact on us, but how? Through the principle of resonance and entrainment, two
objects containing similar vibrational makeup are said to be in sympathetic vibration, or
resonance. The body as a total system vibrates at a rate of approximately 7.8 to 8 cycles per
second when it is most natural and relaxed. The alpha brain waves, which correspond to a state
of relaxation, are also in the 8 per cycle range. The Earth itself vibrates at the same vibrational
frequency of 8 cycles per second. The nervous system of each life form is attuned to this
fundamental frequency. We vibrate at a certain frequency, the earth vibrates at a certain
frequency, sacred geometric patterns vibrate at a certain frequency, so does it follow that the crop
formations are created by specific sound frequencies? As Dr. Jenny discovered in his
experiments, as the pitch went higher in frequency the patterns became more and more complex,
much in the way that crop formations have grown more complex over the years.

The basis of Yantra operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The idea is
that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy pattern. Examples of old beliefs in
shape energy are the Yantras and Mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five
pointed star (pentagon), the Christian and Celtic crosses, the pyramids and so on. Certain
'powers' are also ascribed to the various shapes. Basically Yantras are secret keys for
establishing resonance with the benefic energies of the macrocosm. Very often the Yantras can
put us in contact with extremely elevated energies and entities, being of invaluable help on the
spiritual path. Are the crop circles “Yantras in the fields”? And are they a tool for planetary

Cymatic patterns, Dr. Emoto’s frozen water and numerous natural geometries tantalisingly
demonstrate the morphology of the cosmos and that consciousness can re-mould the material
world. The Star of David is an Alchemical representation of the Quintessence [i] the force that
controls the essence of organic life. This would lend Solomon’s Seal (the Star of David) a more
profound level of meaning. Is it a deliberate geometric description of the life force? -

[i] The alchemists of the Middle Ages used first and foremost as a general symbol
representing the art of alchemy and secondly as a sign for combinations of water and fire.
Combined these two triangles formed the symbol for fire water, the essence or spiritus of
wine: alcohol. It was also used as a sign for quintessence, the fifth element. Available at

The Star of David is used by occultists to represent “wine”. Who was the god of wine?
Bacchus/Dionysus. His ivy mark was branded on Jews during the time of Maccabees.

666 - "Star of David?"

Occult sources reveal the Mark of the Beast (Lucifer).

a. The great seal (mark) of Lucifer is the six-pointed star.

"I" Sail with the Seal

by John M. Tapia

*I*am that I am the *I* as I am

in you as I am in all things.
*I*give you my peace to mankind
my peace the peace of *I*
*I* made heaven for those who are
worthy to be aware of all of light
*I* made you because of love,
you are my family of the greater whole
of the universe.

Did the star of David originate with King David? Or perhaps a false Messiah?
The Thirteenth Tribe Arthur Koestler pg 136

Pg 137

Pg 137
Yahshua is the lily of the valley
Son 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
Strongs #7799: AHLB#: 1481-J (m)

1481) Ss% (Ss% ShSh) ac: ? co: White ab: ?: The pictograph s is a picture of the two front teeth. The
whiteness of the teeth. The white hair of the older men. (eng: six - with the exchange of the x and sh, ses is
A) Ss% (Ss% ShSh) ac: ? co: Linen ab: ?
Nm/f) Ss% (Ss% ShSh) - I. Linen: As white. [df: yss] II. Marble: As white. III. Six: [Unknown
connection to rootAlso meaning sixty when written in the plual form - miss or nits in
Aramaic] [freq. 322] |kjv: linen, six, sixth, sixty, threescore| {str: 8336, 8337, 8346, 8353, 8361}
fm/f) Iss% (Iss% Sh-ShY) - Sixth: [freq. 28] |kjv: sixth| {str: 8345}
jm) Nfss% (Nfss% Sh-ShWN) - Joy: As bright with cheer. [df: NwVV] [freq. 22] |kjv: joy,
gladness, mirth, rejoicing| {str: 8342}
E) Ass% (Ass% ShShA) ac: ? co: Sixth ab: ?
V) Ass% (Ass% Sh-ShA) - Sixth: To give a sixth. [freq. 1] (vf: Piel) |kjv: sixth| {str: 8338}
H) Ess% (Ess% ShShH) ac: ? co: Sixth ab: ?
V) Ess% (Ess% Sh-ShH) - Sixth: To give a sixth. [freq. 1] (vf: Piel) |kjv: sixth| {str: 8341}
J) Sfs% (Sfs% ShWSh) ac: ? co: White ab: ?
mm) Nsfs% (Nsfs% ShW-ShN) - Lilly: A white flower. [freq. 15] |kjv: lily| {str: 7799}
L) Ssi% (Ssi% YShSh) ac: ? co: Old ab: ?: The white hair of the older men.
Nm) Ssi% (Ssi% Y-ShSh) - Old: [freq. 1] |kjv: age| {str: 3486}
bm) Sisi% (Sisi% Y-ShYSh) - Old: [freq. 4] |kjv: ancient, aged, old| {str: 3453}
M) Sis% (Sis% ShYSh) ac: ? co: Marble ab: ?: A white stone.
N ) Sis% (Sis% ShYSh) - Marble: [freq. 1] |kjv: marble| {str: 7893}
Yeshua says, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his
own name, him ye will receive"(JOHN 5:43).
Num 24:17 I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not near. A star marches out
of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall dash the corners of Moab, and
break down all the sons of tumult.

Mat 24:30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens. And then all the
tribes of the land will wail. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of
heaven with power and much glory. Dan. 7:13
Mat 24:31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather
His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the heavens to their ends.

Is the Star of David a counterfeit sign of the true Moshiach?

The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the
mortal, of God with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.

The Star of David, or magen David ('Shield of David'), is a strong symbol of Jewish identity, and
as a hexagram it represents the interaction of the Divine with the mortal. It gets its name from
the tradition that David carried a hexagram-shaped shield during his defeat of the giant Goliath. It
has strong links with the Kabbalah, and is sometimes known as the Seal of Solomon or the
Creator's Star. When the Star of David is called the Creator's Star, the six points each represents
a day of the week and the center corresponds to the Sabbath.
The Hexagram is commonly called the star of David. David in ancient hebrew dwd
The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail. The meaning of this symbol
when it is combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the "Messiah" who
comes to rule the earth as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.

The "Star of David" is a symbol that represents that the adversary is going to try to counterfeit the
following prophecy of Isaiah
Isa 22:21 And I will clothe him with your robe and will fasten your sash on him. And I will give
your authority into his hand. And he shall be a father to the ones living in Jerusalem
and to the house of Judah.
Isa 22:22 And the key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder, so that he opens, and
no one shuts; and he shuts, and no one opens.
Isa 22:23 And I will drive him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a throne of glory
to his father's house.
Isa 22:24 And they shall hang on him all the glory of his father's house, the offspring and the
offshoots, all small vessels, from vessels of cups even to all vessels of jars.
Isa 22:25 In that day, says Jehovah of Hosts, the nail that is driven in the sure place shall be
removed, and be cut down, and fall. And the burden that was on it shall be cut off. Jehovah
has spoken.

“In retrospect, the six-pointed star was an Egyptian occult symbol which King Solomon
adopted when he went into idolatry and witchcraft and built an altar for Ashteroth (star). It
was seen in Arab associations with Jews (and these were obviously cabalists) till the 16th century
and the influence of the Cabalist Isaac Luria to the 17th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer
used it on his door. Then he changed his family name to Rothschild, meaning red shield,
incorporating it into his family’s coat of arms. Finally, it became the insignia for Zionism.” –
The Six-Pointed Star, 211:51-2

“This Chosen One of God is chosen from above to demolish the senseless forces moved by
instinct and not reason, by brutishness and not humanness. These forces...have overthrown all
forms of social order to erect on the ruins the throne of the King of the Jews; but their part will be
played out the moment he enters into his kingdom...
“Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: ‘Give thanks to God and bow
the knee before him who bears on his front the seal of the predestination of man, to which God
Himself has led his star that none other but He might free us from all the beforementioned forces
and evils.’” – Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion (Protocol 23), 799

1. The 6-pointed star is not a Jewish symbol, but an Egyptian symbol which Israel adopted in the
wilderness due to their apostasy


"On the first face is engraved...a pentagram or a star with five
points. On the other side is engraved a bull's head enclosed in a
SIX-POINTED STAR, and surrounded by letters composing the
according to the alphabet of the Magi." (Christian, p. 304-5)

The most important of the Titans was Cronus, in Latin Saturn.

The Roman god of agriculture concerned with the sowing of the seeds.

Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturnus (that became the namesake of Saturday),
equated to the Greek Kronos (the Titan father of Zeus) the Babylonian Ninurta and to the
Hindu Shani. Saturn's symbol represents the god's sickel.
In memory of the Golden Age of man, a mythical age when Saturn was said to have ruled,
a great feast called Saturnalia was held during the winter months around the time of the
winter solstice.

In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Cronus by
the Greeks, was, at the dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the
Seed and his wife, Ops, (called Rhea by the Greeks) was a Harvest Helper. Saturn was
one of the Seven Titans or Numina and with them, reigned supreme in the Universe. The
Titans were of incredible size and strength and held power for untold ages, until they
were deposed by Jupiter.

The Romans said that when Saturn’s son, Jupiter (go Zeus) ascended to the throne, Saturn
fled to Italy and brought in the Golden Age, a time of perfect peact and happiness, which
lasted as long as he reigned. In memory of the Golden Age, when Saturn reigned in Italy,
the great feast of Saturnalia was held every year during the winter. The idea of it was that
the Golden Age returned to the earth during the days it lasted.

The giants sprang forth from his blood. Cronus was lord of the universe, with his sister-
queen, Rhea (lat. Ops). His son, the future ruler of heaven and earth, whose name in
Greek is Zeus and in Latin Jupiter, rebelled against him.

Zeus punished his conquered enemies by bounding them in bitter chains beneath the
wide-wayed earth, as far below the earth as over earth is heaven, for even so far down lies

Ninurta-pg 326
Probably pronounced Nimrod and Enurta at times…Sumerian warrior-god, heroic winner
of many famous victories, god of agricultural and pastoral fertility. Son of Ellil.
Assimilated with Ningirsu. Temple E-padun-tila, chief shrine perhaps in Nippur. Leader
of the Anunnaki in Anzu. Epithet: ‘avenger/champion of Ellil’.

Acts 7:37-43 This is that whom our fathers wold not obey, but thrust him from them,
and IN THEIR HEARTS TURNED BACK AGAIN INTO EGYPT... And they made a calf in those
days, and offered sacrifices unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. Then God
turned, and gave them up to worship the HOST OF HEAVEN: as it is written in the book of the
prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices by the
space of FORTY YEARS IN THE WILDERNESS? Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch,
and the STAR OF YOUR GOD REMPHAN, figures which ye made to worship them: and I
will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Amos 5:26-27 But ye have born the tabernacle of your Moloch, and Chiun (Remphan)
your images, the STAR OF YOUR GOD, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore, will I
cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord...
Brown Driver's Briggs
BDB Definition:
Chiun = “an image” or “pillar”
1) probably a statue of the Assyrian-Babylonian god of the planet Saturn and used to symbolise
Israelite apostasy
Part of Speech: noun proper deity
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H3559

Footnote in the JPS pocket edition of the Tanakh on Amos 5:26

"astral deity Saturn-R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of Israel."

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol 1 pg 132

"Sabaism, or the worship of the stars, was one of the earliest deviations from the true system of
religion. One of its causes was the universally established doctrine among the idolatrous nations
of antiquity, that each star was animated by the soul of a hero god, who had once dwelt incarnate
upon earth. Hence, in the hieroglyphical system, the star denoted a god. To this signification,
allusion is made by the prophet Amos, when he says to the Israelites, while reproaching them for
their idolatrous habits: "But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves." (Amos v. 26)
This idolatry was early learned by the Israelites from their Egyptian taskmasters; and so unwilling
were they to abandon it, that Moses found it necessary strictly to forbid the worship of anything
"that is heaven above"; notwithstanding which we find the Jews repeatedly committing the sin
which had been so expressly forbidden. Saturn was the star to whose worship they were
more particularly addicted under the names of Moloch and Chiun, already mentioned in the
passage quoted from Amos. The planet Saturn was worshipped under the names of
Moloch, Malcom or Milcom by the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and the
Carthaginians, and under that of Chium by the Israelites in the desert. Saturn was
worshipped among the Egyptians under the name Raiphan, or, as it is called in the
Septuagint, Remphan. Stephen, quoting the passage of Amos, says, "ye took up the
tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan." (Acts vii.43)

Alexander Hislop Two Babylon's Chapter 7

The name of the system is "Mystery" (Rev 17:5). Here, then, we have the key that at once unlocks
the enigma. We have now only to inquire what was the name by which Nimrod was known as
the god of the Chaldean Masteries. That name, as we have seen, was Saturn. Saturn and
Mystery are both Chaldean words, and they are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the
Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *

* In the Litany of the Mass, the worshippers are taught thus to pray: "God Hidden, and my
Saviour, have mercy upon us." (M'GAVIN'S Protestant) Whence can this invocation of the "God
Hidden" have come, but from the ancient worship of Saturn, the "Hidden God"? As the Papacy
has canonised the Babylonian god by the name of St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the "martyr," so
by this very name of "Satur" is he also enrolled in the calendar; for March 29th is the festival of
"St. Satur," the martyr. (CHAMBER'S Book of Days)

To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name
Saturn in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of
four letters, thus--Stur. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:--

S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200

If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope,
as head of the Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the
original name of Rome itself was Saturnia, "the city of Saturn."

The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil, which showed that Lateinos, to whom the
Romans or Latin race traced back their lineage, was represented with a glory around his head, to
show that he was a "child of the Sun." Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular opinion, the original
Lateinos had occupied the very same position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was equally
worshipped as the "offspring of the Sun." Moreover, it is evident that the Romans knew that the
name "Lateinos" signifies the "Hidden One," for their antiquarians invariably affirm that Latium
received its name from Saturn "lying hid" there. On etymological grounds, then, even on the
testimony of the Romans, Lateinos is equivalent to the "Hidden One"; that is, to Saturn, the "god
of Mystery." *

Number of a man
Saturn, the hidden god,--the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets
were revealed only to the initiated,--was identical with Janus, who was publicly known to all Rome,
to the uninitiated and initiated alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had
the key of the invisible world. Now, what means the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in
Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient Chaldee, E-anush signifies "the Man." By
that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it first made its appearance. *

* The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might
expect "He-anesth," "the man," to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-
sarsiphon, Osarsiphon; and, in like manner, He-anesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of
a "Man-god," the name Oannes is taken by Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion
of the H' into O' among our own immediate neighbours, the Irish; what is now O'Brien and
O'Connell was originally H'Brien and H'Connell (Sketches of Irish History).

It was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan
contained the Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was "by far the most
probable name" of the beast from the sea. *

* IRENAEUS. Though the name Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became
thoroughly naturalised in the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more abundant evidence on
this important subject, the Spirit of God seems to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan
should be found according to the Greek computation, while that of Satur is found by the

The grounds of his opinion, as stated by him, do not carry much weight; but the opinion itself he
may have derived from others who had better and more valid reasons for their belief on this
subject. Now, on inquiry, it will actually be found, that while Saturn was the name of the visible
head, Teitan was the name of the invisible head of the beast. Teitan is just the Chaldean form of
Sheitan, * the very name by which Satan has been called from time immemorial by the Devil-
worshippers of Kurdistan; and from Armenia or Kurdistan, this Devil-worship embodied in the
Chaldean Mysteries came westward to Asia Minor, and thence to Etruria and Rome.

* The learned reader has no need of examples in proof of this frequent Chaldean
transformation of the Sh or S into T; but for the common reader, the following may be adduced:
Hebrew, Shekel, to weigh, becomes Tekel in Chaldee; Hebrew, Shabar, to break--Chaldee,
Tabar; Hebrew, Seraphim--Chaldee, Teraphim, the Babylonian counterfeit of the Divine Cherubim
or Seraphim; Hebrew, Asar, to be rich--Chaldee, Atar; Hebrew, Shani, second--Chaldee, Tanin,

That Teitan was actually known by the classic nations of antiquity to be Satan, or the spirit of
wickedness, and originator of moral evil, we have the following proofs: The history of Teitan and
his brethren, as given in Homer and Hesiod, the two earliest of all the Greek writers, although later
legends are obviously mixed up with it, is evidently the exact counterpart of the Scriptural account
of Satan and his angels. Homer says, that "all the gods of Tartarus," or Hell, "were called Teitans."
Hesiod tells us how these Teitans, or "gods of hell," came to have their dwelling there. The chief
of them having committed a certain act of wickedness against his father, the supreme god of
heaven, with the sympathy of many others of the "sons of heaven," that father "called them all by
an opprobrious name, Teitans," pronounced a curse upon them, and then, in consequence of that
curse, they were "cast down to hell," and "bound in chains of darkness" in the abyss. While this is
the earliest account of Teitan and his followers among the Greeks, we find that, in the Chaldean
system, Teitan was just a synonym for Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon, who was
universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all wickedness. It was Typhon, according to the
Pagan version of the story, that killed Tammuz, and cut him in pieces; but Lactantius, who was
thoroughly acquainted with the subject, upbraids his Pagan countrymen for "worshipping a child
torn in pieces by the Teitans." It is undeniable, then, that Teitan, in Pagan belief, was identical with
the Dragon, or Satan. *

* We have seen that Shem was the actual slayer of Tammuz. As the grand adversary of the
Pagan Messiah, those who hated him for his deed called him for that very deed by the name of
the Grand Adversary of all, Typhon, or the Devil. "If they called the Master of the house
Beelzebub," no wonder that his servant was called by a similar name.

"The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the SIX-POINTED STAR...according to the
Rosicrucians...was known to the ancient Egyptians." (Graham, p. 13)
Hexagram found on North pole of planet

NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged the feature over two decades ago. The fact that it
has appeared in Cassini images indicates that it is a long-lived feature. A second hexagon,
significantly darker than the brighter historical feature, is also visible in the Cassini pictures. The
spacecraft's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer is the first instrument to capture the entire
hexagon feature in one image.
The hexagon is nearly 15,000 miles across. Nearly four Earth's could fit inside.

Richard Hoagland states that this hexagonal figure is one hexagon within another that is made of
ammonia clouds. He states that it is hyper-dimensional
"SIX the Egyptian hieroglyphic for the ...Land of the Spirits." (Churchward,
p. 177)

"Ancient Egyptian Seal of Solomon" (Churchward, p. 188)

"In the Astro-Mythology of the Egyptians, we find belief in the first man-god (Horus I) ...and
his death and resurrection as Amsu"

"This (6-pointed star) was the first sign or hieroglyphic of Amsu"

"Amsu - the risen Horus - was the first man-god risen in spiritual form." (Churchward, p. 3, 65,

King Solomon reintroduced the 6-Pointed Star to the Kingdom of Israel.


1. Chiun, Certainly the Planet Saturn

One planet is certainly mentioned in Old Testament, and we may safely infer that the other
four were known, since this particular planet is the least conspicuous both in brightness and in
motion, and was therefore probably the last to be discovered. The reference to Saturn occurs in
Amo_5:25, Amo_5:26 : “Did ye bring unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty
years, O house of Israel? Yea, ye have borne the tabernacle of your king (the King James Version
Moloch) and the shrine of (the King James Version Chiun) your images, the star of your god,
which ye made to yourselves.” This passage was quited from Septuagint by Stephen in his
defense, “And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced
in the works of their hands. But God turned, and gave them up to serve the host of heaven; as it is
written in the book of the prophets,

“Did ye offer unto me slain beasts and sacrifices

Forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
And ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch,
And the star of the god Rephan,
The figures which ye made to worship them” (Act_7:41-43).

The difference between the names Chiun and Rephan, is due either to Rephan being local
Egyptian name for the planet Saturn, and therefore used by the Septuagint as its equivalent, or to
an actual error of transcription in the text from which they were translating: the initial of the
word being taken as rē sh (‫ )ר‬when it should have been kā ph (‫)כ‬, r instead of k. The word
should therefore be transliterated Kaivan, which was the name of the planet Saturn amongst the
ancient Arabs and Syrians, while kaimanu, “constant” or “regular,” was its name with the
Assyrians. The English Revised Version in Amo_5:26 adopts the reading of the King James
Version margin, “Siccuth your king,” Moloch meaning king; but the authority of the Septuagint
and the parallelism of the text and its general line of thought support the reading given by some
of the ancient versions and followed by the King James Version.

2. Saturn or Moloch Worship

The difficulty of the passage is that both Amos and Stephen appear to represent the worship
of the golden calf as identical with the worship of Moloch and of the planet Saturn; yet though
Kaivan is only mentioned here, the nature of the reference would imply that this deity was one
familiar both to speaker and hearers. The difficulty vanishes at once, if the plain statement of
Stephen be accepted, that when God permitted Israel to “go after the stubbornness of their heart,
that they might walk in their own counsels” (Psa_81:12) He “gave them up to serve the host of
heaven.” The worship of the golden calf was star worship; it was the solar bull, the constellation
Taurus, in which the sun was at the time of the spring equinox, that was thus represented. The
golden calf was therefore analogous to the familiar symbol of the Mithraic cult, the bull slain by
Mithra, Sol Invictus, if indeed the latter did not take its origin from this apostasy of Israel. See
And Moloch the king, the idol of the Ammonites and Phoenicians, was intimately connected
both with the solar bull and the planet Saturn. According to the rabbins, his statue was of brass,
with a human body but the head of an ox. On the Carthaginian worship of Moloch or Saturn,
Diodorus (book xx, chapter i) writes: “Among the Carthaginians there was a brazen statue of
Saturn putting forth the palms of his hands bending in such a manner toward the earth, as that the
boy who was laid upon them, in order to be sacrificed, should slip off, and so fall down headlong
into a deep fiery furnace. Hence it is probable that Euripides took what he fabulously relates
concerning the sacrifice in Taurus, where he introduces Iphigenia asking Orestes this question:
'But what sepulchre will me dead receive, shall the gulf of sacred fire me have?' The ancient
fable likewise that is common among all the Grecians, that Saturn devoured his own children,
seems to be confirmed by this law among the Carthaginians.” The parallelism of the text
therefore is very complete. The Israelites professed to be carrying the tabernacle of Yahweh upon
which rested the Shekinah glory; but in spirit they were carrying the tabernacle of the cruelest
and most malignant of all the deities of the heathen, and the light in which they were rejoicing
was the star of the planet assigned to that deity.
Moloch then was the sun as king, and especially the sun as he entered upon what might be
considered his peculiar kingdom, the zodiac from Taurus to Serpens and Scorpio, the period of
the six summer months. The connection of the sun with Saturn may seem to us somewhat forced,
but we have the most direct testimony that such a connection was believed in by the Babylonians.
In Thompson's Reports, obverse of No. 176 reads: “When the sun stands in the place of the
moon, the king of the land will be secure on his throne. When the sun stands above or below the
moon, the foundation of the throne will be secure.” The “sun” in this inscription clearly cannot
be the actual sun, and it is explained on the reverse as being “the star of the sun,” the planet
Saturn. No. 176 rev. reads: “Last night Saturn drew near to the moon. Saturn is the star of the
sun. This is the interpretation: it is lucky for the king. The sun is the king's star.” The connection
between the sun and Saturn probably arose from both being taken as symbols of Time. The return
of the sun to the beginning of the zodiac marked the completion of the year. Saturn, the slowest
moving of all the heavenly bodies, accomplished its revolution through the signs of the zodiac in
about 30 years, a complete generation of men. Saturn therefore was in a peculiar sense the
symbol of Time, and because of Time, of Destiny.

3. Mazzaloth, or Planet Worship

The connection between the worship of the golden calves, of the heavenly host and of
Moloch, and of these with divination and enchantments, is brought out very clearly in the
judgment which the writer of the Book of Ki pronounces upon the apostate ten tribes: “They
forsook all the commandments of Yahweh their God, and made them molten images, even two
calves, and made an Asherah, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal. And they
caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and
enchantments” (2Ki_17:16, 2Ki_17:17). The sin of apostate Judah was akin to the sin of apostate
Israel. In the reformation of Josiah, he put down the idolatrous priests that “burned incense unto
Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets (mazzā lō th), and to all the host of
heaven” (2Ki_23:5). He also destroyed the 'ă shē rā h and he “defiled Topheth ... that no man
might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech” (2Ki_23:10). “Moreover
them that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the teraphim, and the idols, and all the
abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away”
(2Ki_23:24). The idolatries to which the Israelites of both kingdoms were especially prone were
those of the heavenly bodies, and inextricably woven with them was the passion for employing
those heavenly bodies as omens, and in consequence for every kind of divination and witchcraft.
The word translated “planets” in 2Ki_23:5 is mazzā lō th, closely akin to the mazzā rō th of
Job_38:32. This rendering probably reproduces correctly the meaning of the original. R. C.
Thompson in his introduction to the Reports writes (xxvii): “The places where the gods stood in
the zodiac were called manzalti, a word which means literally 'stations,' and we are probably right
in assuming that it is the equivalent of the mazzā lō th mentioned in 2Ki_23:5. The use of the
word in late Hebrew is, however, somewhat more vague, for mazzā l, though literally meaning a
constellation of the zodiac, is also applied to any or every star, and in the Berē 'shī th Rabbā ',
cx, it is said 'One mazzā l completeth its circuit in thirty days, another completeth it in thirty
years.'” The two bodies referred to are evidently the moon with its lunation of about 30 days, and
Saturn with its revolution of about 30 years; these being the two planets with the shortest and
longest periods respectively. By a natural metonymy, mazzā lō th, the complete circuit of the
zodiac, came also to mean mazzā lō th, the bodies that performed that circuit, just as in the
present day we speak of a railway, which means literally the “permanent way,” when we really
mean the trains that travel upon it.

4. Gadh and Meni or Star Worship

The references in Old Testament to the planets other than Saturn are not so clear. In Isa_65:11
two deities are apparently referred to: “Ye that forsake Yahweh, that forget my holy mountain,
that prepare a table for Fortune (Gad), and that fill up mingled wine unto Destiny (Meni); I will
destine you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter.” It is clear that Gad and
Meni are the titles of two closely associated deities, and Gesenius identifies them with Jupiter
and Venus, the Greater and Lesser Good Fortunes of the astrologers; But as I have suggested in
the Astronomy of the Bible (133, 217), if any of the heavenly bodies are here intended (which
cannot as yet be considered certain), it is more probable that they are the two beautiful
starclusters that stand on the head and the shoulder of the Bull at the old commencement of the
zodiac, as if they marked the gateway of the year - the Hyades and Pleiades. Both groups were
considered traditionally as composed of seven stars; and the two names Gadh (the Hyades) and
Menī (the Pleiades) taken together give the meaning of the “Fortunate Number,” i.e. seven. The
lectisternia - the spreading the table and mingling the wine to Gadh and Menī ̌ - at the beginning
of the year to secure good fortune throughout its course, were therefore held about the time of the
Passover, as if in parody, if indeed they were not a desecration of it: heathen rites added to one of
the most solemn services of Yahweh.

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