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Thermal Power Plant - General Technical Requirements

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The document outlines various technical requirements that must be followed for the Ash discharge pipe and return water system package of the Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant project. It discusses codes, standards, design considerations, safety measures and more that are required to ensure a reliable and efficient plant is built.

The Work shall comply with Laws, Rules, and Regulations of Vietnam and with the current editions of relevant internationally recognized Codes, Standards, and Regulations such as NFPA codes, local fire authority requirements and more. The Codes and Standards in Annex 2 are preferred.

The plant design must consider reliability, proven technology, ease of operation and maintenance, environmental protection, personnel safety and more. Equipment must be of excellent quality to minimize maintenance.

Ash discharge pipe and return water system package



Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant



The Work shall comply with Laws, Rules, and Regulations of Vietnam and with the current editions of relevant
internationally recognized Codes, Standards, and Regulations. Where the Contractor's Standards differ from
those specified but comply with the standards of the country of origin, a complete list of such Standards
shall be included in the Schedule of Deviations of the Bid Proposal including a comparison with the
specified Standards. The Contractor shall submit five complete sets and one CD of the proposed
Standard(s) together with cross-indexed references for each item of deviations with the specified
Standard(s) during engineering stage for approval.
In the event of conflict between Standards, the prevailing ruling shall be the one which requires the
highest quality of workmanship and materials and the highest degree of safety to personnel, or as
interpreted by the Employer, the decision of which shall be final.
Where no Standards or Codes are specified, the Equipment shall be designed, manufactured, installed,
and tested in accordance with the best current power station practice.
Where a Standard is specified, that Standard shall be the latest published edition thereof, unless
otherwise stated. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to adopt the latest editions even if these
editions should be published after the award of Contract.
The plant and Equipment shall comply with the local authorities Rules, Regulations, and statutory requirements
including but not limited to health, safety, environmental protection, civil, building, and structural works. The fire
fighting and protection shall comply with NFPA codes and of local fire authority requirements.
The Contractor shall submit two complete sets and one CD of all Codes/Standards applied to the design,
calculation, testing, inspection, etc. for all equipment and piping or each type of equipment for the whole
Project to Owner review and approval. This submission shall be made within 60 days after the Contract
The Codes and Standards which are preferred over other alternatives codes are listed in Annex 2.




The Contractor shall be responsible to provide a fully integrated and complete operating plant with the
function and performance intended by the Contract. It is understood that design, Codes and Standards,
materials and methods specified in this Specification are indicative only of the minimum performance and
quality requirements for the plant. This Specification has stated preferred processes for the plant and this
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to meet the Performance and Guarantees of the
Reliability of the Equipment is of the major importance. Design of the plant and Equipment supplied shall
be of proven quality, reliable, and of advanced technology to enable the plant to achieve high availability,
reliability, and efficiency. Experimental, prototype, or first of a kind equipment will not be accepted.
The plant shall be easy to operate and maintain and meet the requirements of environmental protection
and personnel safety. Plant protection shall be provided that will safely allow the plant to be operated with
minimum staff. System stability, operational simplicity, maintainability, convenience, and complete safety
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of personnel and equipment under normal and abnormal operating conditions shall be essential features
of the plant design.
Equipment and materials shall be new and original and of excellent quality to keep maintenance can be
kept to a minimum.
The Contractor shall pay due consideration in the design and selection of Equipment and facilities
intended for outdoor service, including electrical, instrument and control equipment, pipe and steel
structures incorporating effective measures of protection from rain and salty mists contained in the



The Contractor shall thoroughly investigate and familiarize himself with conditions of the Site and the
surrounding area.
Expenses arising through lack of knowledge or understanding on the part of the Contractor regarding the
conditions of the Site shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and no additional payment thereof shall
be made by PVN.
The site data provided in this Specification and Exhibits or Appendices or Annexes thereto are to assist
the Contractor in assessing site conditions in general. Such information is provided to the Contractor in
good faith and the Contractor accepts responsibility for interpretation of such data. The Contractor shall
decide the extent of additional testing and studies necessary to confirm the site data.
The plant shall be capable of meeting its performance requirements under any combination of ambient
conditions likely to be encountered.

The Site ambient conditions are shown in Exhibit 1.

The hydro-meteorological data investigation report is included in Appendix 1.

The topographical investigation report is included in Appendix 2.

The engineering geological condition report is included in Appendix 3.

The geophysics investigation report is included in Appendix 4.

The assessment report on seismic hazards is included in Appendix 5.

The geotechnical investigation report is included in Appendix 8. Seismic Data

According to the seismic investigation and evaluation report produced in March 2008 by the Institute of
Geophysics of the National Institute of Technologies and Sciences, the seismic features of the project
Site are as follows:

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Among the faults (fractures) within a radius of 100 km or more from the studied area, the most
noticeable the Linh Son Cam Pha fault that runs at a distance of 8 or 9 km northwest of the

The maximum seismic level at the Site is I max = 7 (MSK-64; MM), and the Peak Ground
Acceleration (PGA) amax = 142 cm/s2 (amax = 0.145g where g is gravitational acceleration); this is
caused by the maximum earthquake intensity Mmax = 5.5, damping depth h = 12km may happen
on the Linh Son Cam Pha fault at a distance of 8.1km from the Site.

It is recommended the Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) be the maximum earthquake at a

probability of occurrence of more than 10% in 1,000 years and a repeat cycle of 9,500 years, that
translates to IMDE = 7 (MSK-64; MM) and a MDE = 131.63cm/s2; and the Operation Basic
Earthquake (OBE) be the maximum earthquake at a probability of occurrence of more than 10%
in 50 years and a repeat cycle of 475 years, that translates to I OBE = 7 (MSK-64; MM) and a OBE =

The detailed seismic investigation and evaluation report is included in Appendix 5. Site Datum
Plant set-outs and elevations shall be referenced to the site datum and grid reference shown in
Specification Drawing, Plot Plan, drawing No. TB2-0-DW-000-101 and TB2-0-DW-000-002.


Coal supply for the power plant is fine dust coal Grade 6B and Grade 5 from mines in Hon Gai and Cam
Pha regions. The boilers shall be designed and manufactured so individual coals can be efficiently
burned. The coal is briefly described in the following table:







Higher Heating Value, asHHV

received basis


4568-5225 5205

(ISO 1928)

Lower Heating Value, as

received basis


4406-5092 5055

(ISO 1928)

Total moisture




(ISO 589)

Volatile Matters




ISO 17 246 for

fixed carbon

Ash Content




(ISO 1171)

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The detailed coal and ash specifications are shown in Exhibit 2.

Fuel Oil

Heavy Fuel oil Type 2B in accordance with TCVN 6239-2002 will be used as secondary fuel for boiler
start-up. The heavy oil is briefly described in the following table:


Density at 15 C, t/m

Test Standard
No. 2B


TCVN6594:2000 / ASTM

Sulphur, by weight, (%)


D2622/ASTM D129/ASTM




Diesel oil will be used in the auxiliary boiler. The diesel oil is briefly described in the following table:



Test Methods

Sulfur Content, mg/kg, max.


TCVN 6701:2002 (ASTM D 2622)/

ASTM D 5453

Cetane Index, min.


ASTM D4737

Distillation, oC, 90% vol, max.


TCVN 2698:2002/ (ASTM D 86)

Flash Point, oC, min.


TCVN 6608:2000 (ASTM D 3828)/


Viscosity at 40 oC, mm2/ s

2- 4.5

TCVN 3171:2003 (ASTM D 445)

The fuel oil specifications are shown in Exhibit 3


Limestone supplied for the power plant is from limestone mines in Trang Kenh Mountain, Thuy Nguyen
District, Hai Phong City. The limestone parameters are briefly described in the following table:




Analysis, dry basis


wt %
wt %
wt %
wt %

96.43 99.12
0.42 2.73

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(Guarantee) Value
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(Guarantee) Value


wt %
wt %
wt %
wt %



The limestone specification is shown in Exhibit 4.

Cooling Water

Cooling water will be taken from the Tra Ly River, through the intake canal to the cooling water
Due to the vicinity of the intake canal to the sea (the plant Site is approximately 3 km from the estuary),
the flow regime in Tra Ly River at the power plant Site is strongly influenced by tides. Cooling water may
be fresh, brackish or totally saline.
Seawater shall be the basis for plant design, of which the quality is shown Exhibit 5.

Fresh Water

Freshwater will be taken from the Diem Ho River via pipeline to the power plant.
The freshwater quality is shown in Exhibit 6.


The design life of the plant shall be at least 40 years for Civil Engineering and Building Work and 25 years
for Equipment and components subject to wear and tear
Design shall consider the likely fatigue effects and the affect upon the life cycle maintenance costs
associated with the various modes of operation. Contractor shall assume throughout the design life the
whole plant will operate within the intended design parameters and loading limits, without replacement of
equipment, other than recognized wear parts that are normally expected to be replaced during routine
For plant items operating in the creep range of their constituent materials, the design life shall be at least
200,000 hours. The thickness of such components shall be no less than those required by the approved
design Codes and Standards based on 200,000 hour creep stresses and design / calculation pressures
based on rated conditions at the highest calculated design temperature.


The plant shall be designed and configured so an outage or failure of any one single component shall not
cause reduction of the unit output unless otherwise stated. Critical systems, equipment and components
shall be duplicated to provide standby redundancy in either a 2 by 100% or a 3 by 50% duty configuration.
The electrical supply for the duty and standby equipment/component shall be taken from two different
sources and the latter shall be designed to auto-start on failure of the former. The duty and standby
electrical supply cables and raceway shall be physically routed two separate ways. Common auxiliaries

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including electrical supply shall be provided with sufficient redundancy to allow their outages for
maintenance without affecting the total output of the plant.



The plant layout shall be generally as indicated in the Specification Drawings.

The Contractor shall optimize the plant layout taking into consideration cost, constructability and
maintainability of the plant and equipment. There shall be a requirement to demonstrate these features
by the provision of suitably detailed drawings and walk through presentations by the Contractor during
design review stage. Perceived inadequacies shall be rectified by the Contractor at its cost.
The arrangement and handing of each of the two units shall be substantially identical.
Provision shall be made for platforms, stairs, ladders, walkways and maintenance lifting beams to allow
for safe, fully accessible operation and maintenance of the plant. Equipment, including valves, shall be
positioned to allow unobstructed and safe access for operation and maintenance from access ways or
from floor level.
Equipment or components requiring dismantling for maintenance that cannot be physically handled in
accordance with governing workplace health and safety requirements shall be provided with lifting and
handling facilities.
The Contractor shall include in the layout drawing, the area required during construction phase to house
its facilities, which would include offices and amenities, workshops and stores, and assembly yards. The
Contractor shall also indicate on the layout drawing the area(s) proposed for laydown of materials, and
the estimated duration of occupancy of each area. As other contractors will be working on the Project
Site, the allocation of these various areas will be coordinated and determined by the Employer. Use of
Thai Binh 2 area for any purpose is not acceptable.


The plant shall be designed and constructed to operate with the least amount of noise. Acoustic
treatment shall be provided to ensure required noise is in compliance with the Contract when the plant is
operating at any load up to and including its maximum capabilities.
In accordance with QCVN 26:2010 National Technical Regulation on Noise shall be as follows:

Special area

Day (06:00 to 21:00 hrs) - 55dB(A) / Night (21:00 to 06:00 hrs) - 45 dB(A)

Common area

Day (06:00 to 21:00 hrs) - 70dB(A) / Night (21:00 to 06:00 hrs) - 55 dB(A)

In normal operation conditions, including plant start-up and shut-down, running-up and slowing-down, and
load changes, the maximum noise generated by plant equipment shall not exceed the following levels at
1.0 meter distance from the source:

110 dB(A) for immediate noise

85 dB(A) for 24-hour average noise

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An exception is made for the boiler start-up operations or for other large pressure reducing devices
operating e.g. during emergency periods only and for safety valves.
After commissioning, noise level measurements shall be taken by Contractor in the presence of the
Employer in various working areas in the plant, along the boundary of the Site and in the nearest
residential area in a manner to be agreed between the Contractor and the Employer in order to verify the
noise levels conform to the Contract requirements.
Should the measured noise levels exceed these limitations, the Contractor shall proceed to take
appropriate steps to reduce the levels to within acceptable limits.


Plant and equipment for environmental control shall be designed in accordance with the rules and
regulations imposed by local regulatory authorities.
Specific care shall also be taken to prevent the discharge or overflow of any toxic or dangerous fluids into
the local environment. To this end, dangerous goods shall be suitably bounded and/or trapped to both
prevent release and to recover such fluids in the event of a major emergency e.g. chemical spill or major
transformer fire.



The Contractor shall provide maximum standardization and interchangeability of equipment and
consumables wherever feasible, to simplify maintenance, reduce spare parts inventory, training and
support requirements. This includes, but is not limited to valves, piping, flanges, pumps, fans, motors,
transformers, switchgear, cables, conveyor belts, instrumentation and controls.




Not used.


Rated Output

Not used.




Maintenance Isolation System

The Contractor shall install sufficient isolating facilities to allow the safe and efficient maintenance of all
items of the plant. This shall allow the complete isolation of any item of the plant that is to be
maintained while associated or adjacent equipment is in service. It shall be possible to isolate standby
equipment completely while the duty equipment remains in service.
It is a requirement that valves, including drain and vent valves that can be used for isolation shall be able
to be locked in the isolated position using standard padlocks or multi-lock devices.

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Electrical switches shall be able to be locked in an isolated position so they cannot be closed either
manually or remotely. Earth switches shall be able to be locked in the closed position and be unable to
be opened remotely.
Current transformers (CT) and voltage transformers (VT) shall also have provision for shorting and
isolating as required.
The isolation system shall be designed to allow the isolation of equipment during the commissioning and
start up phase to accommodate any phased commissioning of any system or where there is an
interconnection with the other units.

Plant Maintainability

The plant shall be designed and constructed to facilitate routine, periodic, and possible forced outage
maintenance. This shall include the provision of facilities such as equipment withdrawal spaces,
including access ladders, stairs and platforms, crane access and lifting points, and laydown areas.
Isolating facilities shall be provided to allow the safe and efficient maintenance of all items of the plant.
Road access shall be provided to outdoor equipment.

Maintenance Facilities

The power Plant shall be provided with:

Sufficient capacity (including, laydown areas, crane facilities and crane access) for the efficient
execution of the complete overhaul of one unit and associated equipment.

A means of transferring a transformer from its normal secure location to a low-loader trailer of a
size readily available, without the need for a large mobile crane. The transformer may be
partially dismantled before it is moved onto the trailer.

The Contractor shall ensure full accessibility is provided for operating and maintaining the plant and this
shall include but is not limited to:
Valves that need to be operated during start-up, shutdowns and in emergencies shall have
permanent operator access.

Instruments that need to be maintained and calibrated shall have permanent access.

Local indicators shall be placed where they are easily read when standing in a normal position
and at a distance that the scale and reading is easily discernible.

Traps and bypasses shall have permanent access; they shall not be placed on the outside (over
the rail) of walk ways.

Foot traffic areas including walk ways shall be kept clear of tripping hazards and valves that are
at head height. Computerized Maintenance Management System

The Contractor shall provide the initial baseline maintenance schedule for the equipment. Data attributes
shall be in a format suitable for loading into a management system.
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The control system for the Works shall be designed and constructed to meet the following objectives:

Operator skill requirements to be minimized by incorporating comprehensive safety features,

automatic operation, diagnostics and alarms with alarm prioritizing,

Logical commissioning, start-up and shut down sequences with controls and indications grouped
to reasonably minimize staff skill requirements and wasted time,

Comprehensive automatic control of:


Critical and important process conditions (pressures, temperatures, levels),

Starting of standby equipment under fault conditions,

Secure reliable protection of Plant from damage due to fault conditions, operator errors or
process excursions. Protection related functions shall only be capable of overriding through
keyed interlocks,

Control selection (and related indication) to ensure no item of Plant can be controlled from more
than one location at any time,

Indication of significant analogue quantities and Plant status information,

Prioritized indication of Plant alarm and fault conditions so the operators attention is led to the
most critical faults first. Conditions leading to unit trip and pre-trip shall be alarmed and be
provided with sequence of event monitoring facility to capture the event with one millisecond

High reliability through appropriate use of features, and

Prompt, effective communications between the operating units

Start-Up and Loading

The overall system shall be designed with sufficient automation and remotely operated equipment so no
more than two operators can safely start-up, shut down, monitor and control the Plant from the control
room and, after an initial line up of equipment and valves, require no more than one additional trip from
the control room into the Plant for either a "cold" start-up or a "hot" start-up to close manual drain valves.
Except for supervision from the Plant Control Room, individual items of the Plant shall be able to operate
continuously and unattended. In the event of failure of an item of Plant, it shall be automatically made
safe and an alarm generated to the supervisory control system.

Fault Conditions

Fault conditions shall, where possible, initially provide warnings to the plant operator to permit remedial actions to
be taken. A continued or further degrading fault condition shall cause the Plant to automatically fail into a safe
condition. Initial assessment will be undertaken by the control room operator who will take corrective action as
necessary and possible from the Plant Control Room and call out roving operator/maintenance staff to take
local corrective actions.
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Design, Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be provided for Systems, Sub-systems and System
Manuals containing comprehensive details in the operation and maintenance procedures for items of
plant and equipment shall be supplied under this Contract.
Operation and maintenance manuals shall be supplied in separately bound volumes in durable binders
bearing the Project Description and shall be suitable for the addition of further information and documents
arising from changes or revisions in plant description or procedures.
Procedures in operation and maintenance shall be written in English in a clear and concise manner, and
be limited to simple sentences as far as possible. They shall be easy to read and be technically complete
and accurate. Adequate space shall be incorporated to allow translation to Vietnamese by users. The
procedure shall be developed using vendors and manufacturers drawings and documentation consistent
with the format specified herein.
The manuals shall be developed with the objective of providing standardized methods of performing
operation or maintenance functions by personnel with different levels of experience. Specific procedures
to cope with unusual and critical situations shall also be described with the objective that the plant or
equipment in this or connected with this Contract shall not be jeopardized in the process.


These shall include but not be limited to:

Lists of applicable drawings,
System flow/piping and instrumentation diagrams and elementary diagrams,
Heat, material and power balance diagrams,
Pertinent design considerations,
System description including principle and mode of operation, hydraulic gradients,
Equipment description including performance and characteristic curves (eg. head-capacity curve),
Equipment tests itemizing function, number, performance and technical data, power, water, air,
steam or other requirements,
Instrument list itemizing function, type, number range with provision for coding by the Employer,
Complete list of DCIS inputs and outputs, including identification, description, action, ranges and
setpoints and other information as required for complete description,
Complete list of control system inputs and outputs for autonomous control systems, including
information described above,
Complete list of information transmitted between autonomous control systems to DCIS via data
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Line and valve lists.

List of trips and alarms complete with set points.
The draft design manual shall be submitted 18 months after award of Contract.


The Contractor shall develop Operation Manuals designed to improve operator skill and knowledge of the
specific equipment/system being installed at the Plant. To help meet this goal, the Contractor shall
develop plant specific Operation Manuals that will be used in both plant operations and training by the
plant personnel. The Manuals shall be developed so their proper use will result in improved performance
resulting in higher plant availability, thermal performance and safety.
For each system or piece of equipment supplied under this Contract, the following shall be developed:
A detailed System Description (SD) including descriptions of major flow paths, major components,
instruments, alarms,
A detailed Operating Procedure (OP) to give plant operators a specific set of step-by-step
instructions on how the plant systems are to be operated, alarm response procedures and valve
and power supply check lists,
Procedures and instructions for commissioning, start up, normal operation, shut down, standby
and emergency conditions,
Color Coded Flow Diagrams,
Valve operation lists,
Normal range of system variables,
Operating limits and hazards including trip and alarm trip limits,
Routine testing and checking requirements, and
Effect of loss of normal power.
The draft operation manuals shall be submitted 6 months prior to start of first commissioning activities or
24 months after award of Contract whichever is the earlier.
The Contractor shall develop Operations Manuals consisting of System Descriptions and Operating
Procedures. The System Descriptions shall be written in a clear and concise manner that is easy to read
and at the same time technically complete and accurate. The Operating Procedures shall be clear,
concise and limited to one sentence steps.


The Contractor shall develop maintenance manuals for equipment supplied in this Contract.
The manuals shall be developed with the objective of providing standardized methods of performing
preventive and corrective maintenance by maintenance personnel with different levels of experience.
For each piece of equipment supplied under this Contract, the following shall be developed:

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A step by step procedure covering preventive and corrective maintenance of the specific piece of
equipment. Both types of maintenance shall be covered under one procedure, with each having
its own relevant section,
Detailed dismantling and assembly procedures with associated routine tests and checks prior to
returning equipment to service,
Detailed assembly drawings and illustrations necessary to complement, support and clarify
assembly procedures specified herein including parts lists and numbers for replacement ordering,
Setting and running clearances and tolerances,
Cleaning and preservation procedures,
Instrument calibration requirements and procedures,
A Preventative Maintenance Schedule for equipment covered by this Specification,
A Lubrication Schedule showing requirements and Specifications for equipment covered by this
Printed Circuit Board Schematics and Module Schematics,
Detailed Drawings and method of use of Special Maintenance Tools, and
List of Recommended Spare Parts.
The draft maintenance manual shall be submitted 6 months prior to start of first commissioning activities
or 24 months after award of Contract whichever is the earlier.


As-built Process and Instrumentation drawings, and final Design, Operation and Maintenance manuals
shall, in addition to the twelve hardcopies, be provided in CD-ROM format and shall be based on
Microsoft software. Two sets of the CD-ROMs shall be submitted to the Employer.


Contractor shall provide formal comprehensive training for Employers employees. The training shall
cover the operation and maintenance of equipment and systems of the Works. Training shall consist of
both classroom training and "on the job" training.
The formal training classes shall be conducted by experienced instructors on equipment comparable to
that installed, using course materials prepared by Contractor that have been specifically prepared for the
The various courses shall be staggered or repeated if required by Employer. The training program shall
be structured and shall:
Provide the knowledge and skills required to perform the required operation and maintenance
Demonstrate that each trainee has acquired the skills and knowledge, and
Document that Contractor has tested each trainee to the required level and qualified the trainee
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to operate or maintain the Plant

Detailed training requirements are provided in Annex 9.



Within 90 days after the award of Contract or before start of fabrication, whichever is the earlier, the
Contractor shall submit to the Employer an Inspection and Test Plan for approval that shall include
pertinent manufacture and inspection operations. The Plan shall show the Hold Points for inspection by
the Employer before the item concerned can be released for further manufacture or shipment.
Contractor shall give Employer at least 14 days prior notice in writing of the date on and the place at
which any Works shall reach a Hold Point or shall be ready for independent inspection and testing.
Unless Employer advises Contractor not to proceed with the inspection and testing prior to 7 days before
the date the Contractor has stated in its notice, Contractor may proceed and any inspection and tests
shall be deemed to have been made in Employers presence, and Contractor shall forthwith forward to
Employer duly certified copies of the inspection and test results.
Contractor shall provide to Employer full cooperation and assistance in any factory inspection at the
premises of Contractor or any other place of manufacture of items supplied hereunder (or components
thereof) and Employer shall have the right to request this inspection, provided reasonable written advance
notice has been given to Contractor.
Contractor shall at a monthly meeting with Employer, provide the Employer an updated list of tests to be
performed in the next month and the date scheduled for these tests.
Contractor shall develop a Construction Inspection and Test Plan to cover construction activities
undertaken by Contractor and its Subcontractors. The Plan shall include inspection and test procedures,
the applicable item of equipment being tested, equipment used, the standards and method of testing, and
shall state a proposed test date. Inspection and test procedures shall be submitted to the Employer for


The Contractor shall provide as part of the Inspection and Test Plan, a comprehensive list of factory tests
for the works.
The Employer shall be given the opportunity of witnessing factory, shop, or manufacturing facility tests,
accordingly the Contractor may commence any test after giving at least 14 days prior notice to the
At least, the tests as listed in Annex 4 shall be carried out before dispatch from the manufacturers works.


The Contractor shall carry out site tests to prove compliance with the Specification, independent of tests
carried out at the manufacturers works.
The Employer shall be given the opportunity of witnessing on Site testing, accordingly the Contractor may
commence any test after giving at least 7 days prior notice to the Employer. Tests/activities that require
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witnessing by the Employer shall be carried out during the normal working hours. The Contractor shall
provide test equipment and instrumentation which, prior to the testing shall be calibrated by an approved
authority or laboratory at the Contractors expense. Test and calibration certificates shall be submitted by
the Contractor.
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant ANSI/ASME/ASNT and other Standards as
applicable. The tests shall include Vietnamese mandatory codes/standards.
The test schedule shall be incorporated either in the detailed erection schedule and the detailed
commissioning schedule.
At least, the tests as listed in Annex 5 shall be carried out before commissioning and start up of the Plant.


The time and duration of visits by the Employers representatives shall be finalized by the Employer after
the submission of Inspection and Test Plan schedule.
Key activities to be witnessed by the Employers representatives shall include, but not necessarily be
limited to the following:
Low voltage switchgear tests
Motor control centers tests
Other tests as required by the Employer
The Contractor shall submit the Inspection and Test Procedures 3 months after Contract is awarded.
The shop test reports shall be submitted within 1 week after the completion of the test.


Permanently and legibly mark pipe in general accordance with the guidelines in ASTM A700 and with
information required by the applicable ASTM or ASME material specification. Marking shall not result in
harmful contamination, reduce the effective minimum wall of the pipe, or create any sharp discontinuities.
Marking shall withstand shipping, handling, storage at the job site, and shall remain legible during
Mark each designed and prefabricated pipe section with paint or securely fastened metal tags that refer to
the mark number indicated on the pipe erection drawings/spool sheets. Marking shall withstand shipping,
handling, storage at the job site, and shall remain legible during erection. Markings shall be 180 apart
and located at each end.
Use waterproof materials containing less than 100 ppm leachable chlorides for sealing austenitic stainless
steel parts.
Properly protect all openings with watertight coverings to prevent the entrance of moisture, dirt, or debris.
Protect projecting parts and machined surfaces with suitable metal or plastic caps, or equal methods. All
end/opening protectors shall be sealed with a minimum of two (2) wraps of waterproof tape. Open ends
and branches of shop fabricated pipe shall be securely closed as follows to protect the interior cleanliness
and end surfaces during shipment.

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Submit instructions for any special storage requirements a minimum of 90 days in advance of shipment to
allow for necessary preparation. Identify any special materials, equipment, consumables, services, and
procedures to properly store all items. The storage procedure shall include recommendations for on-site
Unless otherwise specified, all materials and Equipment permanently incorporated in the Work shall be
new, and both workmanship and materials shall be of utility quality. Materials and Equipment shall be as
stated herein.
Examine welds in accordance with ASME B31.1, paragraph 136.4.1, Nondestructive Examination or in
accordance with ASME B&PVC, Section I, as applicable. Design temperature and pressure for
determining nondestructive examination requirements are either defined in the detailed specification or
indicated on the Drawings. All non-destructive examinations on ASME P-Numbers 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 6 and
15E material welds shall be performed after post weld heat treatment is performed.
Cold Reheat piping welds shall be examined as follows regardless of the design conditions and wall
thickness. Radiograph all butt welds, radiograph branch connections over DN 100, magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant branch connections DN 100 and less and perform visual examination for all fillet, socket,
and seal welds.
Examine areas where lugs or attachments to power piping are removed or repaired by magnetic particle
or dye penetrant methods to meet accepted standards stated in the applicable Code. Remove linear
indications and retest the area. Repeat the procedure until no indications are noted.
Re-inspect repaired welds, using the same method which originally detected the discrepancy.
Nondestructive testing personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of
SNT-TC-1A and CP 189.
Personnel performing or supervising welding inspection shall be responsible for verifying that all aspects
of the welding operation are in accordance with the applicable Codes, Standards, welding procedures,
and this Contract. All welds shall receive 100 percent visual inspection. Personnel performing the visual
inspection of welds shall be qualified as Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) in accordance with the
requirements of AWS QC 1.
All NDE results shall be provided in an NDE Report that is evaluated, interpreted, and accepted by Level
II or Level III NDE personnel.
At the completion of the work, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer, for record purposes, the
complete Documentation Package which shall include, as a minimum:
Shop and/or field records of procedures, tests, inspection, nonconformance reports and other
data required by codes and standards as specified herein, to be turned over after last material
shipment from the shop and/or prior to de-mobilizing from the site.
Completed ASME data forms for ASME B&PV Code, Section I work and/or boiler external work,
including documentation indication the forms have been properly submitted to the required
One record set of marked-up design drawings documenting all field changes made, to be turned
over prior to de-mobilizing from the site.
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Weld Procedures and Procedure Qualifications.

Welders Qualifications including Welders symbol traceable to Welders Qualifications.
Material Test Reports and certification of material conformance.
Repair Procedures including method of defect removal, NDE, application of Pre-heat and Welding
Procedure to be used.
Visual inspection Reports traceable to welds.
NDE Personnel certifications.
NDE Reports (other than Visual) traceable to weld examined.
Heat treatment Reports including Time Temperature Charts traceable to welds that were heat
Nonconformance report.
The completed documentation shall be submitted in an organized manner preferably in 3 ring binders or
as agreed to with the Employer.
The Contractor shall hydrostatically test piping in accordance with the applicable Code and submit the
results of testing to the Employer for the record.
Hydrostatically test Boiler External Piping in accordance with the requirements of PG-99 of ASME Section
I of the ASME B&PVC. Hydrostatic test shall be performed in the presence of an Authorized Inspector.
Hydrostatically test all new non-boiler external piping or piping systems at 1.5 times the design pressure
in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 137.4 of ASME B31.1.
Components subjected to sub-atmospheric pressures shall be hydraulically tested to at least 1.05 bar(g).
Pneumatic testing shall not be allowed, except where approved in writing by the Employer. Requests
shall be written and received at least 21 days in advance of the test.




The Contractor shall provide spare parts for turn over to the Employer at Unit acceptance. An
independent and complete set of spares shall be provided for each Unit. The spare parts shall include,
but not be limited to the following:
Parts listed in the Schedule of Spare parts
Consumable items sufficient for a plant operational period of 24 months
Essential parts to cover the event of a breakdown which will affect the availability or safety of the
Spare parts recommended by individual equipment vendors
Spare parts required to perform the first service on equipment

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Parts ordered shall be interchangeable and suitable for use in place of the corresponding parts supplied
with the Plant. They shall comply with the Specification and shall be marked and numbered for
identification and prepared for storage under tropical conditions prevailing at Vietnam.
The Contractor shall submit the List of Spares to be handed over to the Employer. This list should include
the tag number, description of the item, a sketch showing major dimensions and materials, the number of
items, the price and a cross-reference to the relevant equipment drawing.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the appropriate packing of the spares. The packing provided shall
ensure preservation of the spare parts and materials stored within. Spare parts or materials containing
electrical insulation shall be delivered in cases for storing the insulation over a period of years without
The spares shall be delivered to the Employer's stores where they shall be unpacked and neatly
arranged. Relays, meters, transducers and electronic cards or modules shall be tested and calibrated at
site before handing over. Empty cases and debris shall be removed from the Employer's stores by the
Contractor. Copies of the hand-over certificates shall be prepared by the Contractor for the inspection.
Instruction for the proper storage and maintenance of parts and spares shall be provided in a separate
and independent manual to be turned over with the spare parts


Where special tools are used by the Contractor's construction team to install and set equipment during
the installation stages but is essential for future maintenance of the plant and need to be used during the
inspection at the end of the Defects Liability Period, such maintenance tools shall be retained at site as
the properties of the Employer. Also, tools for pumps, motors and support stands for rotors are
considered as part of special tools and shall be supplied accordingly. Over and above this requirement,
one complete set of unused special maintenance tools shall be included for the Equipment supplied under
this Contract. The set of unused special maintenance tools shall include the identical set of special
maintenance tools used by the Contractor to maintain the equipment.
The scope of special tools to be supplied by the Contractor shall not be limited to the list submitted during
the Tender Proposal stage. The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of other special tools used
by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit drawings showing details and method of use of the Special Maintenance
Tools to be handed over to the Employer. The maintenance manuals shall also make reference to the
Special Maintenance Tools.


The International System of Units (SI) shall be used. The KKS numbering system shall be adopted for
plant component classification and identification system. Numbering shall be from North to South and
East to West.

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Nameplates, process flow indication, identification labeling and warning signs shall be provided for
Equipment throughout the Plant. Nameplates shall be in English with a minimum letter size of 6.4 mm.
SI Units shall be clearly stamped on nameplates. Nameplates including electrical panels shall be made of
stainless steel and fixed with stainless steel screws or bolts. Lettering shall be of enamel or abrasion
resistant paint.
Names and numberings of tanks, vessels, motors, heaters and equipment are to be written in bold sign
writing on the respective shells or bodies of the tanks, vessels, heaters or equipment. The size, color and
the orientation shall be submitted to the Employer for the record.


Un-insulated and insulated pipes including insulated pipes in trenches shall have pipe markings on the
piping or jacket as applicable, complying fully with ASME A13.1, "Scheme for the Identification of Piping


Wall mounted signage consisting of 2.5 mm solid aluminum plate of minimum 25 micrometers anodizing,
and etched with graphics, and coated with paint of approved color shall be provided at floors and
platforms to indicate the allowable loadings. The signage shall be provided to indicate the floor levels at 4
prominent locations on every floor.


Unless otherwise specified, equipment and materials supplied under this Specification shall have
protective coatings in accordance with the requirements of this Annex 7. Coating Colors shall be as
defined in Annex 7.



Install insulation with tight seams and joints using wire loops or straps. Sectional and segmental pipe
insulation sections shall be securely wired or banded in place, using no less than three ties or bands for
each one meter section. For DN 200 and larger piping, 4 ties or bands shall be used for each one meter
section. On piping DN 750 and larger straps shall be used. Cracks, voids and depressions shall be filled
with insulating cement suitable for the piping temperature and finish to form. Surfaces shall be made
smooth and uniform before application of outer coverings.
Mineral fiber pre-formed pipe insulation and fiberglass blankets on freeze protected piping shall be
secured with wire loops, straps or 25 mm wide filament tape on 150 mm centers.
When multiple layers of insulation are installed, longitudinal and circumferential joints of the two layers
shall be staggered. Each layer shall be separately wired or strapped as described above. Cracks, voids
and depressions in the first layer shall be filled before application of the outer layer.
Stop ends of pipe insulation a sufficient distance from flanges to permit bolt removal clearance.

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Insulate where hazardous," or for "personnel protection," is indicated and in locations accessible to
personnel. Extend at least 3 meters above the floor, platform or stairway.
Insulation for flanges and flanged valves shall be of a design that shall permit the flanges and bolts to
heat up quickly, uniformly and to be maintained as close to the pipe temperature as possible.
Piping and piping components in a system shall be insulated unless specifically excluded by the
drawings. Piping components include valves, bends, flanges, strainers, flow nozzles, pipe supports and
other miscellaneous specialties.
Steam trap bodies and unions in steam trap piping shall be left un-insulated. Taper the insulation to a
neat finish at these points to enable removal of the steam traps without damage to the insulation.
Thermowells shall not be buried. Thermowell lagging extensions shall extend beyond the pipe insulation
so insulation will not drop into the thermowell when the temperature element is removed.
Float switches, pressure switches, temperature switches, level controllers, float gages and flow meter
caps shall not insulated unless noted on the Drawings.





Where called upon to design, fabricate, supply, deliver to site, erect, test and commission piping systems,
the Contractor shall install such systems in accordance with the requirements of ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code (B&PVC), ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3, unless otherwise specified.
Piping systems shall be designed to have sufficient flexibility to prevent pipe movements from causing
failure due to overstress of the pipe material or anchors, leakage at joints or detrimental distortion of
connected equipment resulting from excessive thrusts and movements. Flexibility shall be provided by
changes of direction in the piping through the use of bends and expansion loops. Swivel, ball joints,
corrugated pipe, bellows or flexible metal hose shall not be used to absorb thermal movements.
Overhead pipe including insulation when applicable shall have a minimum headroom of 2.5 meters above
floor level.
High piping points shall have vents and low points in the system shall have drains. Intermediate pockets
shall be avoided. The drain pipes shall run to the nearest drain sump or trench in a safe and adequate
For piping transporting water and steam with design temperatures up to but not exceeding 427C, carbon
steel piping shall be used. Where temperature/pressure ratings permit, the following pipe material and
minimum schedules shall be supplied:

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Nominal Bore Size

Pipe Material

Up to and including DN 50

ASTM A106 Grade B Seamless, Schedule 80

Over 50 mm up to and including DN 300

ASTM A106 Grade B Seamless, Schedule 40

Over DN 300

ASTM A106 Grade B Seamless, Standard Weight

Pipe that is DN 32, 90, or 125 shall not be used for general system design. However, it is
recognized that short segments may be required at connections to equipment.
The use of ASTM A53 piping shall be limited to low pressure and low temperature applications. ASTM
A53 shall not be used in applications with design conditions above 10 bar or 100C.
ASTM A106 Grade C seamless piping shall be used for feedwater system piping.
For design temperatures over 426C but not exceeding 565C, ASTM A335 Grade P22 seamless pipe
shall be used and with pipe thickness determined in accordance with this Specification.
Where flashing may occur, including heater drains service, ASTM A335 Grade P5 chromium alloy
seamless steel piping materials with a minimum of 3.0 mm corrosion/erosion allowance shall be used.
Stainless steel 316L piping materials shall be used as follows:
Piping applications requiring a high degree of cleanliness, generally including instrument and
service air piping, lubricating oil/sealing oil piping, demineralized water piping and sampling piping
after process isolation valves.
Piping generally subjected to corrosive service applications.
Whenever stainless steel pipes are used, the associated fittings and valves shall also be of the same
stainless steel material.
Notwithstanding the above, stainless steel material shall be used wherever specifically called for in this
The fire water spray system piping shall be hot-dip galvanized ASTM A53 Type E or S, Grade B of
standard thickness.
Helical seam piping is not acceptable for any service.


Piping systems shall be checked for correctness of pipe size, dimensional accuracy and choice of
material for the specified operating conditions. They shall be designed to function adequately for all
modes of operation throughout the life of the plant. Steam systems shall be designed and fabricated to
include sufficient pitch in the cold condition to be self-draining under cold and hot conditions to selected
drain pockets for condensate disposal.
Minimum wall thickness of straight pipe under internal pressure shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of ASME B31.1, Part 104.

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Horizontal drainage lines for steam drains, condensate return and gravity flow drains shall be sloped at a
uniform pitch of 6 mm per 300 mm ( 2% slope) where practical, but in no case less than 3 mm per 300 (
1% slope) in the cold position unless otherwise specifically indicated on the drawings and checked for a
positive slope in the hot position based on the movements identified in the stress analysis.
Allowance for variations from normal operation, consideration for local conditions, and transitions shall be
in accordance with the requirements of Paragraphs 102.2.4 and 102.2.5 of ASME B31.1.
The value for allowable stress, SE, shall not exceed that given in Appendix A of ASME B31.1 for the
respective material at the design temperature. These values include the weld joint efficiency. For Boiler
External Piping and Nonboiler External Piping per ASME B31.1, the minimum wall thickness calculation
shall utilize the Allowable Stress Values as shown in Appendix A of ASME B31.1.
The value for corrosion allowance A shall be selected to compensate for material removed in threading,
corrosion, and erosion and to provide mechanical strength. The following minimum allowances shall be
Special wall piping DN 65 and larger - The value A shall be at least 0.25 mm on alloy steel pipe
and 1.5 mm on carbon steel pipe.
Schedule wall piping DN 65 and larger - The value of A shall generally be 0.25 mm on alloy
steel pipe and 1.5 mm on carbon steel pipe except when additional thickness is considered
necessary for a specific service.
Schedule wall piping DN 50 and smaller - The value of A shall be selected to provide adequate
mechanical strength. The minimum A value of 0.25 mm on alloy steel pipe and 1.5 mm on
carbon steel pipe is suggested, but is not mandatory.
Threaded piping - The value of A shall not be less than the depth of thread.
Special Wall Piping is addressed in the Piping Line Specification. The pipe is listed by nominal outside
diameter and minimum wall thickness.
Tolerances for all special wall piping shall be in accordance with the applicable standards specified in the
Piping Line Specification and this Specification.
The maximum weight of special wall piping shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM/ASME
A/SA530 and ASTM/ASME A/SA999 as applicable. The permissible variations in outside diameter,
ovality, and straightness shall be as stated in the applicable material specification.
The following guaranteed minimum inside diameters shall be provided for the special (minimum) wall pipe
on this Contract.

(OD) in.

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Rolled and welded steel plate piping, where allowed by this Contract, shall be of the straight seam welded
type unless specified otherwise herein.
The pressure-temperature ratings for seamless and ERW (welded with no filler) schedule wall pipe shall
be based on minimum wall values, which are 87 percent of the nominal pipe wall thickness per ASME
B31.1. This allows for the minus 12 percent manufacturing tolerance on wall thickness.
Fittings shall be constructed of materials equivalent to the pipe with which they are used. Unless
otherwise specified herein or indicated on the Drawings, steel fittings DN 65 and larger shall be butt
welding type and steel fittings DN 50 and smaller shall be socket welding type or threaded type. All
fittings used in lube oil and hydraulic oil lines shall be butt welding type regardless of size.
Fittings shall be seamless unless specifically specified otherwise on the Drawings.
Safety/relief valve nozzles on the piping systems shall be set on weldolet or forged nozzle types. All
nozzles shall be designed for the control of flow-induced vibration. Nozzles shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of ASME B31.1 Appendix II Rules for the Design of Safety Valve
Installations including area replacement requirements per ASME B31.1. Nozzles shall be designed for
dead weight and dynamic loading associated with safety/relief valve discharge and the design conditions
provided in the Data Sheets. The internal geometry and dimensions as shown on the drawings shall be
adhered to. A summary of the calculation results for the safety valve nozzle design including area
replacement and drawings of nozzles shall be submitted for review to the Engineer.
The maximum allowable fluid velocities shall be as follows:


LP saturated 200 kPa
LP superheated 200 kPa
MP saturated 1400 kPa
MP superheated 1400 kPa
HP superheated v 0.0624
HP superheated v < 0.0624

35 m/s
61 m/s
51 m/s
71 m/s
76 m/s
71 m/s
150 m/s maximum

Intermittent turbine bypass

200 m/s maximum

Where v = specific volume, m3/kg

Heater Drains

2.5 m/s maximum

Extraction Steam:
Superheated Steam (Any pressure)

100 m/s maximum

Saturated Steam (Any pressure)

60 m/s maximum

General service
HP boiler feedwater
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3 m/s
6 m/s
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Pump suction - low NPSH

Pump suction - high NPSH
Salt Water

1.8 m/s
3 m/s
3.6 m/s

Compressed air (700 kPa)

23 m/s


30 wt%
30 wt% to 50 wt%
51 wt% to 70 wt%
0 wt% to 10 wt%
10 wt% to 30 wt%
31 wt% to 50 wt%
51 wt% to 70 wt%

1.5 m/sec to 3 m/sec

1.5 m/sec to 3 m/sec
6 m/sec to 3 m/sec
1 m/sec to 3.7 m/sec
1 m/sec to 3.7 m/sec
4 m/sec to 3 m/sec
6 m/sec to 3 m/sec
2.4 m/s
0.9 m/s

Vent and Drain Piping Design Criteria

Vent and drain piping through design shall be consistent with the piping for the main piping system.
Vent connections shall be provided at high points in liquid piping and high points in other piping, including
steam lines, that will be hydrostatically tested.
Drain connections shall be provided at non-drainable low points in liquid piping and other piping that will
be hydrostatically tested.
Drain and vent connections shall be provided between the isolation valves for inline equipment such as
pumps and strainers if not already included on the equipment.
Piping systems such as steam systems may have the high point vent valve omitted following hydrostatic
testing, with the vent connection plugged by welding a cap/plug in place on the vent valve.
Vent and drain connections that require frequent operation shall be piped to a suitable drain away from
walkways or work areas. Vent or drain connections that normally require operation with hot fluids shall be
piped to a safe termination point (drain funnel or floor area discharge) away from walkways or work areas.
Other connections shall terminate with the isolation valve.
Piping high point vents shall be valved and shall be DN 20 minimum size for piping sizes being vented
that are equal to or greater than, DN 20. Vent and drain valves shall be provided with a chained cap/plug.
Vent and drain valves requiring frequent operation shall be readily accessible from walkways, platforms,
or permanent man-ladders. Other less frequently used vents and drains may be accessed via temporary
ladders, man lifts or temporary scaffolds. This would include vents required solely for system hydrostatic
testing, filling, and, draining and manual drains from the bottom of steam drip pots.
Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings root connections on horizontal or sloping lines shall not be
located below the centerline of the pipe. Root connections for service on steam and condensable vapors
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or wet gas shall be taken from the top side of the pipe or from any point between the top and the side.
Root connections for service on liquids shall be taken from the side or top of the pipe, with the root nipple
horizontal. Root connections for service on dry gases shall be taken from the top of the pipe. Double
block root valves on high energy systems shall be supported from the header the line is tapping in order
to reduce stresses at the connection.

Pipe Design Pressure and Temperature

The design pressure for piping shall be consistent with conditions established for the design of the
associated system.
The design pressure of a piping system generally shall be based on the maximum sustained pressure,
which may act on the system during normal or upset operating conditions plus 175 kPa, unless otherwise
noted in the specific design parameters for the system. The piping system design pressure values shall
be rounded up to the next 100 kPa increment, unless otherwise noted. On systems with pumps, the
maximum sustained pressure is generally the pump shutoff head at the maximum possible suction
pressure based on cold water.

High Energy Piping Design Pressure NOT USED




Joints in carbon steel and alloy steel pipes shall be made by butt welding for pipe sizes DN 65 nominal
bore and over, and by socket welding for the smaller sizes.

Joints in the control oil and turbine lube oil piping shall be made by butt welding for all pipe sizes. Socket
weld joints in the turbine hydraulic control oil, turbine lube oil and boilerfeed pump and turbine lube oil
systems will not be accepted.
Butt welded joints shall be made without the use of backing rings. For pipes conveying steam ,
feedwater, condensate, oil (control oil, lube oil), and all stainless steel butt welds the root pass weld shall
be by the tungsten inert gas process, the balance of the weld being completed using the shielded metal
arc process. For other services butt joints can be by the shielded metal arc process throughout.
Consumable insert rings may be used where considered necessary.
Electrode, filler wire and consumable insert materials shall be selected to match the mechanical and
chemical characteristics of the parent pipe.
Butt-weld profiles shall be in accordance with ASME B16.25.
The proximity of adjacent welds shall be no less than 6 times the thickness of the material being welded.
In the case of two different thickness of material to be welded, the thicker material shall govern.


Flanges shall be in accordance with the details and pressure-temperature ratings specified in ASME
Flanges shall be constructed of materials equivalent to the pipe with which they are used.
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Unless otherwise required, steel flanges DN 65 and larger shall be of the weld neck type and steel
flanges DN 50 and smaller shall be of the socket type. Steel flanges shall have raised face flange
preparation except when mating with valve or equipment where either material or manufacture results in a
flat face flanged connection.
Carbon steel flanges shall not be used for temperatures exceeding 427 C. Material
The jointing material used for flanged joints shall be selected to accommodate thermal cyclic stresses and
movements that will occur during all conditions including cyclic operation of the unit.
Compressed fiber gaskets shall be used with flat face flanges and slip-on raised face flanges. Spiral
wound gaskets shall be used with raised face flanges other than slip-on flanges. The use of asbestos is
Compressed fiber gaskets shall be in accordance with ASME B16.21 and materials shall be suitable for
the maximum design pressure and the maximum design temperature of the service. Gaskets shall be
dimensioned to suit the contact facing. They shall be full faced for flat face flanges and shall extend to
the inside edge of the bolt holes on raised face flanges. Gaskets for plain finished surfaces shall be no
less than 1.6 mm thick and for serrated surfaces shall be no less than 2.4 mm thick.
Spiral wound gaskets shall conform to ASME B16.20 and shall be constructed of a continuous stainless
steel ribbon wound into a spiral with non-asbestos filler between adjacent coils. The gasket shall be
inserted into a steel gage ring whose outside diameter shall fit inside the flange bolts properly positioning
the gasket. The gage ring shall serve to limit the compression of the gasket to the proper value.
Compressed gasket thickness shall be 3.3 mm 0.13 mm.
Rubber gasket materials shall be cloth inserted sheet rubber and shall conform to ASME B16.21.
Gaskets shall be full face and 1.6 mm thick unless otherwise required.
Ring joint gaskets shall be octagonal in cross section and shall have dimensions conforming to ASME
B16.20. Material shall be suitable for the service conditions encountered and shall be softer than the
flange material.

Screwed Connections

Screwed ends shall have thread dimensions in accordance with the Pipe Threads, General Purpose,
ASME B1.20.1 and be limited to DN 50 and smaller pipe sizes. Screwed connections are not permitted
for underground piping. Connections
Branch connections shall be made by attaching the branch pipe directly to the run pipe by welding. If this
procedure warrants the use of branch reinforcement as determined from ASME B31.1 then a branch
fitting manufactured by a qualified supplier with successful experience shall be used, that shall provide a
branch having a bursting strength equal to that of the unpierced run pipe. Connections
Grooved end connections in accordance with AWWA C606, Grooved and Shouldered Joints are
acceptable for water service and air supply.
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4.11.5 General Fabrication Requirements

Circumferential butt welds shall not be located in the arc of any bend. Bends shall be smooth, without
buckles, and truly circular. Allowable flattening, as defined by the ASME B31.1 Code, shall not be greater
than 5 percent of the average measured outside diameter of the pipe before bending.
The Contractor shall provide allowance for thinning of the pipe wall, in accordance with its experience, its
bending procedure, and the requirements of ASME B31.1, to ensure that the minimum wall thickness after
bending is not less than the wall thickness as permitted by ASME B31.1 paragraph 102.4.5(B) utilizing the
design conditions specified, the corrosion allowance specified, manufacturing tolerances, and bend
thinning as applicable.
Pipe bending may be by the hot or cold bending method and to any radius that will result in a bend
surface free of cracks or other defects and meet the design requirements for minimum wall thickness.
Where sand filled hot bending of pipe is utilized the pipe inside diameter shall be sand filled, tamped, and
the pipe ends capped except where the wall thickness prior to bending is sufficient to ensure that no
buckling of the bend will result when no interior sand packing is used.
Hot bending or other hot forging operations shall not be carried out on piping outside the temperature
range of 899C to 1093C.
After bending, the Contractor shall verify the minimum wall thickness requirement for the pipe. Pipe bend
thickness measurements shall be taken along the tension side of the bend arc, beginning at either
tangent location and recorded for minimum wall thickness verification.
Hanger lugs, connections and structural attachments welded to the piping shall be of the same chemical
composition to the piping and shall be in accordance with ASME/ASTM Standards. Such attachments
shall be carefully designed to ensure the presence of sharp edged stress raisers is eliminated.
Attachments (e.g. welded lugs and ears) for support of piping systems which shall be stress relieved shall
be shop welded on fabricated pipe prior to stress relieving.
Thermal insulated pipes are to be supported by steel sleeves attached to the pipes. The outside diameter
of these sleeves shall be covered by insulation.
Each fabricated pipe component shall be identified with its piece mark number painted on each end 180
apart. The same number and the location of the pipe to which it refers shall appear on the finalized piping
arrangement drawings.
4.11.6 General Welding Requirements
The Contractor shall be responsible for the welding performed by its organization and shall establish its
own welding procedures. The Contractor and its subcontractors shall be responsible for the development
and qualification of all Welding Procedure Specifications, welders, and/or welding operators required to
perform the Work including the supply of all testing materials and filler material required for the
qualification of these procedures.
Welding shall be performed with qualified welding procedures which comply with Section IX of the ASME

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Welders/welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with the test requirements of Section IX of the
ASME B&PVC. Welders to be engaged for site work shall pass the welder qualification test at the site.
Welder qualification from a previous employer is not acceptable.
Any welder who fails to meet the requirements of the Code shall not be accepted for a retest within the
period of six months.
When welding with a gas shielded process, the wind velocity in the weld area shall not exceed 5 mph.
The welding filler metal shall have a chemical composition as similar as possible to the base metals to be
welded. The finished weld as deposited, or after post weld heat treatment (PWHT) when required, shall
be at least equal to the base metal as to strength, ductility, notch toughness, corrosion-erosion resistance,
or other physical or thermal properties.
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas-shielded flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), submerged arc
welding (SAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), or the gas tungsten inert gas welding (GTAW) process
shall be employed in the Work. Other welding processes may be used only if specifically accepted by the
Engineer/Owner. Requests to utilize other welding processes shall define where and to what extent the
Contractor would propose to use the procedure.
Use Argon gas of purity at least equal to that of commercial welding grade as a purge to the reverse side
of all GTAW welds, except for ASME P Numbers 1, 3, and 4 materials. Maintain this inert purge on the
root pass and subsequent passes as necessary to prevent oxidation on the reverse side of the weld joint.
The argon gas shall have a dew point of minus 40 degrees C.
Welding filler metal chemistry shall match that of the base material. Similar metallurgical properties, i.e.,
yield strength equal to or greater than base metal, equal or better corrosion-erosion resistance, and equal
or better thermal properties, shall be produced.
As-welded surfaces are permitted, provided the surface of the weld/ welds shall be sufficiently free from
course ripples, grooves, overlaps, abrupt ridges and valleys to permit the proper interpretation of
radiographic and other nondestructive examinations as required by the Code.
Store welding filler metal and welding flux in their original unopened containers and in such a manner to
ensure no moisture accumulation occurs in the weld rod. Storage, handling, and drying of SMAW
electrodes and SAW flux shall, as a minimum, be in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendations. In addition, SMAW low-hydrogen type carbon and low alloy steel electrodes shall be
stored in ovens at 121C minimum after the hermetically sealed or vacuum packed container is opened.
Bare rod in straight lengths shall be individually flag tagged, stamped, or otherwise identified with the
AWS classification or product classification. Each spool of solid or cored wire shall be tagged, labeled, or
otherwise identified with the AWS classification or product classification. Any SMAW low-hydrogen type
electrodes that have been wet or have damaged coatings shall not be used. Any welding filer metals or
fluxes not readily identifiable shall not be used. Reconditioning of electrodes is prohibited.
When electrodes are removed from the storage ovens they shall be issued in portable ovens to mitigate
the possibility of the electrodes being exposed to moisture.
A maximum inter-pass temperature of 315C shall not be exceeded when welding carbon steels and low
alloy steels.

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Shop and Field personnel not qualified and certified as welders or welding operators are prohibited from
performing any welding activity on materials designated for permanent or temporary installation by the
Contract, such as tack welds or temporary welds.
4.11.7 Post Bending Heat Treatment
A post bending or post forming heat treatment is required on all carbon steel materials with a nominal wall
thickness greater than 20 mm unless the bending or forming operations are performed and completed at
a temperature of 899C or greater.
Ferritic alloy piping with a nominal pipe size of 100 mm and larger or with a nominal wall thickness of 13
mm or greater which has been heated for bending or other forming operations shall receive a tempering
heat treatment.
All stainless steel pipe subject to bending shall be solution heat-treated in accordance with the
requirements of the ASTM specification applicable to that pipe material.
Cold bending and forming of carbon steel having a wall thickness of 20 mm and greater shall receive a
stress relieving treatment.
Cold bending of carbon and ferritic alloy steel pipe in sizes and thicknesses less than those specified
above may be carried out without the need for post heat treatment.
4.11.8 Pre-Heat of Welds
Butt weld joints in carbon and alloy steel piping shall be pre-heated to requirements specified in ASME
B31.1. The base metal temperature prior to welding shall be at or above the specified minimum
temperature in all directions at a distance as specified in ASME B31.1. Preheating shall be applied prior
to any welding, cutting, or gouging operations.
Preheat treatment shall be performed with electric resistance, induction heating, or air-fuel gas torch
heating methods. The use of oxy-fuel heating sources that introduce oxygen gas are prohibited such as
gas rosebuds, welding or cutting torches is prohibited. Preheat and interpass temperature shall be
monitored and checked by temperature indicating crayons, thermocouples, thermometers, or surface
contact pyrometers.
Austenitic stainless steel components shall have a maximum interpass temperature of 177 C. Heat input
for welding shall not exceed 55,000 joules per inch. Minimum preheat shall be 10 C.
Where preheating above 10 C is required, the interpass temperature shall be maintained at least equal
to the preheat temperature.
4.11.9 Post Weld Heat Treatment of Welds
Post weld heat treatment of welds shall be in accordance with ASME B31.1.
When post weld heat treatment is performed in a furnace or locally, sufficient thermocouples shall be
properly attached directly to the materials to accurately indicate the metal temperature uniformity
throughout the heating, soak, and cooling cycle. Post weld heat treatment recorders shall be calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturers standard or other suitable standard to ensure the accuracy of the
recorded temperatures.

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Thermocouples and thermocouple wire shall be Type K chromel/alumel. Thermocouple wire may be
temporarily attached directly to materials by using the capacitor discharge method of welding. The
capacitor discharge method of welding shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the
applicable Code.
Shop welds shall be stress relieved in a furnace, by local electric induction coils or by radient heating
coils. Site welds shall be stress relieved locally by means of electric induction or electric radiant heating
The proposed post heat treatment procedure including the time temperature chart for piping that is heat
treated shall include the heating rates, cooling rates, holding time and holding temperature and shall be
submitted to the Employer for the record.
Upon completion of post heat treatment of welds, shop and field piping welds shall be further examined
by radiography or 100% ultrasonic testing where required by Table 136.4 of ASME B31.1.
4.11.10 Cleaning
Upon completion of fabrication and prior to shipping, all scale, weld spatter, sand, oil, dirt, and other
foreign matter shall be removed from the inside and outside of piping by a pickling process or an
approved method and grade of shot blasting.
Immediately following the pickling process, the outside of the piping shall be painted with a rust inhibiting
paint to protect it from corrosion during shipping and storage and the inside protected from corrosion by
an application of an approved rust inhibitor. Piping ends shall be provided with plastic or metal end-caps
that are taped on to protect the internal surfaces from corrosion and foreign matter during transportation
and site storage.
Clean all austenitic stainless steel piping, shop and field/job site, with rotary turbine cleaner, using new
austenitic stainless steel rotary elements, after which piping shall be blown out with compressed air free
of moisture and halides.
All tools used in fabrication of stainless steel shall be protected in such a way as to prevent contact with
steel alloys or free iron. For wire brushing, bristles shall be stainless steel. Brushes shall be identified and
controlled. Grinding shall be performed with resin or rubber bonded aluminum oxide or silicon carbide
grinding wheels which are identified and controlled for their use on these materials only. Antispatter
compounds, marking fluids, marking pens, tape, and other tools shall have a total halogen content of less
than 200 parts per million.
Thoroughly clean all external carbon steel and alloy steel pipe and pipe support surfaces of loose dirt,
rust, and mill scale in accordance with the requirements of SSPC SP 6/NACE No. 3, and apply a primer
coat(s) of inorganic zinc silicate paint to within 75mm of field weld connections to obtain a total dry film
thickness (DFT) of 3.0 mils minimum. Surface preparation shall be in accordance with the paint
manufacturers recommendation if more stringent than the requirements of SSPC SP6/NACE No. 3. Mix
and apply coating in accordance with the requirements of SSPC- PA 1 and the paint manufacturers
recommendations. Omit paint from all areas of field welding, contact surface of field bolted connections,
stainless steel, copper, plastics and other corrosion-resisting surfaces, and all nameplates.

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Machined parts shall be covered with a rust inhibiting grease and openings shall be protected and sealed
to prevent damage to weld ends and contamination of the pipe bore during handling, shipping and
Following site erection, water piping system shall be flushed through with clean water to remove rust.
The velocity of the flushing water shall be maintained at 60% above the normal operating velocities until
no improvement in the cleanliness of the cleaning agent is observable. Air piping shall be blown with
compressed air while steam and fuel piping shall be steam blown to remove foreign matters. The
Contractor shall submit the details of steam blow to the Employer for the record.
4.11.11 Pipe Flexibility and Stress Analysis
The Contractor shall ensure the piping systems meet the requirements of ASME B31.1 with respect to
thermal expansion and flexibility.
Where it is required that a comprehensive stress analysis be undertaken, those systems should be
analyzed for the following conditions:
Pipe (and equipment) cold with full account being taken of cold spring incorporated in the line and
due allowance being made for the dead weight of the piping. Tabulate maximum cold terminal
Pipe hot with two thirds of actual cold spring incorporated in the line and due allowance being
made for the dead weight of the piping. Tabulate maximum hot terminal reactions.
Pipe hot with no allowance for cold spring and with due allowance for dead weight. For this
calculation, the modulus of elasticity shall be the "cold" (i.e.; as erected) value for the material
being used. Tabulate position and magnitude of maximum expansion stress and compare with
the allowance stress range as defined in ASME B31.1.
The following information shall also be tabulated from the above calculations:
The displacement of pipe elements from the "as erected" position to the post cold spring
position and from the post cold spring position to the final hot position.

The dead weight of the system to be supported at each hanger position.

The Contractor shall perform complete pipe flexibility and stress analysis using reputable, verified
computer software.
Flexibility and hanger and load calculations shall be based on nominal pipe dimensions.
Flexibility analyses shall be made for each mode of operation of the equipment and the piping shall be
designed for the worst case.
When requested for specific cases, the results of the analyses shall be submitted to the Employer in the
form of tabulations and isometric sketches for the record. The location and magnitude of loads to be
shown on the drawings together with pipe movements at support positions from the "as erected to "cold
pull condition and from the "cold" to "hot" condition. The reactions at terminal points due to the
restrained thermal expansion of the pipe shall also be included in the isometric drawings.

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The main steam piping system and feed water piping system shall be designed to safely withstanding the
stresses under normal operating condition as well as stresses resulting from on-load testing and rapid
load changes. Similarly, the piping system shall withstand the stresses resulting from rapid valve closure
on steam turbine trip under any load conditions. Systems shall be designed in accordance with the
operating cycles as specified elsewhere in this Specification and shall also be capable of withstanding the
normal piping stress reversal cycles that will occur during the life of the unit.
4.11.12 Hanger Design and Construction Requirements
Piping systems shall be supported in accordance with the requirements of ASME B31.1. The hangers
and accessories shall be designed to avoid interference due to pipe movement and shall support the pipe
under conditions of operation, allow unrestricted expansion of the piping and prevent excessive stress
resulting from transferred weight being induced into the pipe or terminals. Supports shall be designed in
accordance with the rules of MSS SP-58. Angle iron hangers and brackets shall not be used. A schedule
for hangers shall be submitted by the Contractor before site erection. It shall contain hanger types,
settings, maximum spacing between hangers, loading and travel for hot and cold condition. Locations of
hangers shall be included on piping drawings, which shall be submitted to the Employer for the record
prior to site erection.
The hangers shall be supplemented where necessary by spring type dampeners to eliminate pipe sway.
Hangers shall be designed with linkages to permit lateral and axial movements of pipe due to normal
thermal expansion. Where these movements are excessive, the hanger assemblies shall be offset in the
"as erected" condition to ensure proper vertical alignment when the piping system is in operation.
The use of constant load type hangers shall be indicated when the maximum vertical movement of the
pipe at the support position exceeds 63 mm. The supporting force exerted by constant load hangers shall
not vary over the range of travel by more than 2 per cent from the rated load and they shall embody a
suitable means for field adjustment of the supporting force through a range of 10 per cent of the rated
Spring and constant load supports shall have a total travel range of at least 25 mm in excess of the
specified maximum movement of the supported load. Travel scales shall be provided to indicate the
position of the supported load and fitted with Hot and Cold indicators.
In determining the actual travel range of each supported load due recognition shall be given to load
movement due to cold pull as well as that due to thermal expansion.
For hydrostatic tests, hangers shall be furnished with a removable travel stop, thereby preventing
excessive pipe deflections due to dead weight.
When riser clamps are utilized stops or lugs shall be shop installed. Conventional pipe covering
protection saddles shall be supplied for the cold reheat and feed water piping.
For alloy steel piping, alloy plate pipe covering protection saddles shall be supplied for use on under pipe
and trapeze type assemblies.
Supports shall have screw adjustments workable when loaded. Threaded members shall have a true and
complete depth of thread. Nuts, clevises, sleeves and turnbuckles shall have their full length of thread in

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complete service while in use, and the amount for available adjustment plainly visible. Sight holes are to
be provided for visibility of parts where necessary to permit inspection.
Locknuts or other locking devices shall be furnished where necessary for adjustment, in which case, the
locknuts should be on the right hand thread end if possible.
Hanger rods shall be designed with a minimum safety factor of 5, based on the ultimate strength of the
material. Hanger rod diameters shall be compatible with the other component parts of the hanger
Notwithstanding the above, horizontal pipe clamps for rigid hangers shall be heavy duty 3-bolts
construction fitted with locknuts as a minimum. Band and ring-type hangers for horizontal pipe runs shall
not be used. The beam bracket for the hanger rod and welded/attached to the structure steelworks, if
used, shall be one-piece construction.
Where additional supporting steel is required for the proper support of the pipes, this steel shall be
indicated on the hanger sketches and shall be provided by the Contractor. Slight inaccuracies in
punching shall be corrected by reaming, but unfair holes shall not be enlarged by drifting. Critical
connections shall be assembled with high tensile steel bolts and set by torque wrench.
4.11.13 Rubber Lining NOT USED
4.11.14 Field Run Piping
Piping DN 50 and under shall be field run. Pipes shall be provided with spacing between pipes, doors,
hatches, equipment, manways, structures, etc. to facilitate inspection and maintenance. Free access for
valves and other in-line equipment operation and maintenance shall be provided, to permit unrestricted
operation, component removal and sufficient maintenance letdown area.
4.11.15 Buried Piping
Underground carbon steel piping shall be complete with insulating flanges, wrapping/coating, and
cathodic protection.




4.13.1 GENERAL
This section of Specification shall be read in conjunction with other relevant sections to enable a proper
application and selection of valves to suit the equipment and system requirements.
Valves shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of ASME B16.10, ASME B16.34 and ASME
Connections DN 65 and larger in nominal size shall be butt welded. Connections DN 50 and smaller in
nominal size shall be socket welded. Weld ends shall be in accordance with ASME B16.25 Figures 4, 5B,
or 6B for GTAW root pass in piping systems requiring a GTAW root pass.

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The type of valves selected and supplied shall be suited to perform their respective system functions
including the following:
Isolation with tight shut-off on closure
Minimum flow restriction when open
Regulation of flow
Back flow prevention
Pressure regulation
Pressure relief
Valves, except otherwise specified, shall be rising stem, outside screw and yoke. Non-rising stem
designs may be used where space limitations dictate and compliance with code requirements are
mandatory (such as NFPA), in which case a valve position indicator shall be installed.
In this Specification, ASME valve ratings have been specified. The Contractor may supply valves in
accordance with the ratings specified in other acceptable national standards which have equivalent or
superior pressure and temperature ratings at the design conditions.
The selected valves shall not require tightening of gland, sealing and connections during unit shutdown
and various modes of start-up operations.
The Contractor shall design and select the valves with noise level not exceeding 85 dB (A) at a distance
of one meter from the valve under operation conditions including start-up, normal and emergency
The Contractor shall engage the valve manufacturers specialist to commission steam turbine bypass
control valves, boiler safety valves and feed water flow control valves.
The valves shall be suitable for the maximum design conditions of the system in which they are installed.
Valves shall close against full flow and pressure and open against full design pressure.
The valves shall be capable of continuous safe and proper operation under the design operating
conditions without undue strain, wear, vibration, corrosion, erosion or other operating problems.
A valve list, outlining the valve tag numbers, service description, sizes, materials, manufacturer and other
pertinent data shall be submitted.
Valves shall be installed with the stem in an upright position.
Valve catalogues, design calculation, valve characteristic and sectional drawings showing valve
components and materials, including description and codes, shall be submitted prior to manufacture.
Parts, particularly seats and discs, subject to wear, corrosion or other deterioration requiring adjustment,
inspection or repair, shall be accessible and capable of reasonably convenient removal when required.
Valve internals shall be capable of being removed with the valve body in position.

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ASTM, ASME, ANSI and MSS Standards and Specifications shall be considered as minimum
Packing rings shall be used for stem and shaft sealing on all types of valves.
Isolating valves shall be of bubble-tight and leak-proof design.
Valves shall have weld ends or flanges to ASME Standards.
The end connections of valves shall be of same internal diameter as the pipes to which they are
Alloy steel valve with welded ends shall be supplied with welding ends of compatible material as the
associated pipe.
Valves of similar make, size and type, shall be interchangeable.
Bolts, nuts and washers for stainless steel flanges shall be stainless steel.
The selection of valve trim materials shall be based upon their tensile strength, chemical stability and
corrosion resistance at operating temperature. Hardness and toughness, coefficient of expansion relative
to the valve body and properties of seat and disc facings shall prevent seizing of their surfaces when one
slides over the other.
The seat material shall retain adequate compressive properties at operating temperatures and be immune
from chemical change due to temperature. The seat shall also resist oxidation and corrosion to retain a
smooth surface essential for tightness.
Process isolating valves operating at or over 4.0 MPag, shall be arranged in tandem. The outboard valve
shall be the sacrificial valve and the inboard valve shall be the positive isolating valve.
Notwithstanding the above, drain and vent valves operating at or over 4.0 MPag shall also be arranged in
tandem, with the inboard and outboard valves as specified above.
Additional design requirements for valves required for regulation of flow, pressure regulation and pressure
relief are included elsewhere in this Specification.
Check valves shall be suitable for operation in either a horizontal or a vertical position.
Permanent lifting beams shall be provided for valve internal parts in exceeding 50 kg.
Isolation valves and bypass valves shall be provided for control valves to facilitate maintenance.


Not used.





Valves on low pressure service in ratings ASME Class 600 and below and sizes up to but not including
DN 65 shall have cast steel bodies provided with socket weld ends.

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Valves except those for oil, sea water and demineralized/reserved feed water services on low pressure
service in ratings ASME Class 600 and below in sizes DN 65 and larger shall have cast steel bodies and
flanged ends.
Fuel oil valves shall be cast steel or stainless steel to match the piping system. Fuel oil valves shall
generally have socket weld ends for sizes up to but not including DN 65 and butt weld ends for sizes DN
65 and larger.
Gate valves on low pressure service up to but not including DN 65 shall have the following:
Repacked under pressure
Screwed bonnet
Globe valves on low pressure service up to but not including DN 65 shall have the following:
Solid plug
Repacked under pressure
Screwed bonnet
Check valves on low pressure service up to but not including DN 65 shall have the following, unless noted
Steel seating disc
Swing check
Gate valves on low pressure service DN 65 and larger shall have the following:
Steel trim
Rising stem
Check valves on low pressure service DN 65 and larger shall have the following:
Swing check steel disc
Steel body

Butterfly Valves

On low pressure, low temperature water service, butterfly valves of either the wafer or flanged-type will be
considered for isolating applications only. Butterfly valves shall not be considered where valves could be
used for the throttling. Wafer-type butterfly valves are not preferred especially where space permits. If
provided, they shall be clamped between welded neck flanges with cap screws, so either flange may be
removed without leakage.
Butterfly valves used as main isolating valves for CW pumps and along condenser sea water pipelines
shall be rubber lined (body and disc) and provided with solid rubber adjustable sealing device so
adjustment of seals can be made without removing the valves.
Butterfly valves shall be designed and tested in accordance with MSS SP-67.

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Ball Valves

The use of ball valves shall be in accordance with the requirements of API 6D, ASME B16.5, ASME
B16.34 and MSS standard practice.
Ball valves shall have full port area with an unobstructed flow through path, Teflon seats and seals and
stainless steel ball. The valves shall not require lubrication.
Valves DN 50 and smaller shall be socket weld type and valves DN 65 and larger shall be butt weld type.
Stems shall be blowout proof.
Ball valves in fuel handling services shall be of the fire-safe design. The valves shall have a secondary
fire-resistant seat to provide shutoff in the event of failure of the Teflon seat.
Valve body shall be designed to allow removal of stem, ball and seats without disturbing the end
Balls, stems and seats shall be interchangeable between similar size valves.
Ball valves DN 100 and smaller shall be furnished with an operating lever.
Ball valves DN 150 and larger shall be furnished with a gear type operator as specified herein.

Fire Fighting Valves

Fire fighting valves used shall be FM/UL listed. ASME Class 125 valve bodies may be of cast iron or
ductile iron construction. ASME Class 150 valves and above, if used, shall have cast steel valve bodies.
Valve pits shall be provided for maintenance and access purposes for valves installed underground.

Slurry Valves

Diaphragm valves shall be straight-away or weir bodies with flanged ends faced and drilled for installation
between ANSI flanges. The use of these valves shall be in accordance with the pressure temperature
ratings specified by the manufacturer.
Knife gate valves used in slurry applications shall be push through seal design. The gates shall be
constructed of 317LM stainless steel or higher-grade nickel alloy. The seals shall be constructed of
elastomer appropriate for the duty. Valves DN 25 and larger shall be hydraulically actuated.
Pinch valves used in slurry applications shall be elastomer-sleeved valves. Valves used for isolation shall
be straight through type valves. Valves used as control valves shall utilize cone type sleeves.
Valve bodies shall generally be constructed of materials equivalent to the pipe with which they are used.
Valve body and trim materials of construction shall be in accordance with applicable ASTM and ASME


Vacuum Service

Valves subject to vacuum operation shall be furnished with lantern type glands with a connection on the
gland housing for sealing water application. Condensate shall be used as sealing medium. The complete
sealing water system shall be included as a part of this Specification. For small valves where gland

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sealing application is not practical, packing on valves shall be designed to prevent entrance of air without
seal water.

Sea Water Service

Unless otherwise specified, valves for sea water service DN 65 diameter and larger shall be rubber lined.
For valves smaller than DN 65 diameter, 316L stainless steel shall be used for sea water service. The
use of FRP type valves will also be considered if the Contractor can prove sufficient experience.

Steam Turbine Bypass NOT USED

Bleed Steam NOT USED

Feedwater Pump Recirculation NOT USED

Cold Reheat Check Valves NOT USED

Demineralized Water NOT USED



Valves, irrespective of type shall be manually operable and shall be furnished with the manufacturer's
standard malleable iron handwheel operators.
Gear type operator units for manual valve operation shall be designed to require an input force of no more
than 18 kg to develop the full operating torque for the specified service.
Gear type operator units shall consist of totally enclosed, lubricated, self-locking, spur, bevel or worm type
gear actuators operating either with or without linkages and fitted complete with anti-friction type thrust
and load bearings. Handwheels shall be provided with provisions for pneumatic wrench operation.
Wheel gearing shall be high strength bronze and pinion gearing shall be of hardened steel enclosed
within a weather-proof cast iron or steel housing. The driving shaft shall be at right angles to the run of
the valve.
The valves shall be furnished with mounting brackets and operating parts completely assembled.
Valves operated from floor level shall include pedestal mounted handwheels and drive connections to the
main and bypass valves and shall be designed to accommodate movement caused by thermal expansion
of the piping. Floor mounted pedestals shall include valve position indicators and limit switches for control
and position indication, if required.
Motor operated valves shall be supplied with electric actuators incorporating an overload protection
device in the form of a centrifugal clutch or other device that ensures the driving motor does not engage
the drive until the motor has reached full speed. A torque switch arrangement shall be included to prevent
over travel of the valve in either direction. A handwheel for emergency operation shall be included that
will automatically declutch when the electric motor is operating. Motor actuators shall be equipped with
contactless type calibrator which enables the adjustment of limit switch and torque switch without opening
up the cover of the actuator.

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The anti-cavitation, low noise and low vibration type velocity control valve shall be provided for the
superheater and reheater spray control, and feedwater control valve.
The control valves shall also be designed as a block valve to withstand boiler operating pressure.
Velocities throughout the valve shall meet the following requirements without the use of downstream
orifices, mufflers, diffusers or other fixed flow devices.
The valve trim shall be of the quick change type. No components shall be screwed or welded into the
valve bodies or bonnets.
Trim of valves shall be removed for line cleaning and its flexible gasket shall be replaced by a new gasket
after cleaning.
Means shall be provided to ensure an equal pressure distribution around the valve plug.
The valve shall be designed to minimize the induced flow vibration and entrapment of the pipeline trash
between the closure member and the valve trim.
Noise measured 1m from the downstream pipe, shall not exceed 85 dB(A) under normal and emergency
operation conditions.


The liquid velocity through the valve inlet and outlet shall not exceed 18 m/sec.
The liquid velocity exiting the cage or trim shall not exceed 30 m/sec.
A sufficient number of discrete pressure drop stages shall be provided to avoid erosion, vibration and




The valve/actuator combination shall provide seating force to meet with MSS-SP 61 seat leakage

Valve Identification

Valve name plates shall conform to the following:

The Contractor shall supply name plates for valves except those specified for instrument service.
The nameplates shall be of the polished 1.6 mm thick stainless steel circular type fitted under the
handwheel nut. If this is not possible, they shall be neatly and securely strapped to the actuator
or pipe.
The name plates shall be engraved with a description of the service, with unit number, system
titles, and valve tag numbers.

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Accessibility to Valves

The Contractor shall ensure valves and handwheel operators shall be located so direct access from floor
level for operation and maintenance of the valve is possible.


The vessels shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(B&PVC) Section VIII, Pressure Vessels and the Local Statutory requirements.
Pressure vessels and heat exchangers shall be manufactured by an approved ASME U-stamp holder and
shall be tested at shop to 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) at new and cold
condition. Pressure retaining materials shall be furnished in accordance with ASME standards.
2:1 semi-ellipsoidal seamless head shall be used.
A minimum corrosion allowance of 3 mm shall be provided for vessels.
Each vessel shall be a complete unit including nozzles, support legs, drains and instrumentation.
The vessel design requirements for the various services shall be as specified elsewhere in this
Manhole with davit shall be provided to facilitate inspection. Nominal manhole size shall be 500 mm.
Small vessels that cannot accommodate a manhole shall be provided with a handhole.
Lifting lugs shall be provided for vessels. The vessels shall be supported on saddle or support legs.
Support skirt shall not be used except approved by the Employer. Direct welding of non-pressure parts
such as lifting lugs, saddle/supports legs to the pressure parts shall not be allowed. Buffer pad plate of
similar material as the shell shall be used.
Thin-wall horizontal vessels with a large diameter shall be supported near the heads. Long thick-wall
horizontal vessels shall be supported where the maximum longitudinal bending stress at the saddles is
nearly equal to the stress at the mid span.
Reinforcing plates of similar material as the shell shall be provided. 6.4 mm diameter telltale holes shall
be provided and to be located on the horizontal centerline, and open to atmosphere.
Nozzles shall be of seamless material and shall be of the full penetration weld type.
Nipples, nozzles, pipes and tubes welded directly to the pressure vessels shall be arranged normal to the
surfaces unless specified otherwise.

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This section covers the general requirements for field erected atmospheric tanks. The Contractor shall
also refer to other relevant sections for the service, quantities, capacities and sizes of the tanks.
Where minimum tank capacities are specified herein, the specified capacity shall be the usable capacity
which is recoverable through the pumping and piping system provided by the Contractor.
The design, fabrication, erection and testing shall be carried out in accordance with API STD-650,
including supplements.
The shell plates shall be designed in accordance with the "One Foot Method" of API STD-650 and have a
minimum thickness of 6.4 mm.
The bottom plates shall have a minimum thickness of 8 mm.
A corrosion allowance of 3.0 mm shall be provided for plates.
The tanks shall be provided with truss-supported cone roofs having a minimum plate thickness of 6.4 mm.
The roof shall be designed to support dead load plus a live load of no less than 122 kg/sq m of projected
area. The cone angle with the horizontal shall not exceed 2 in 12.
Roof plates shall be welded on the top side only with continuous full fillet welds at all seams. The roof
shall be attached to the top angle of the tank by a continuous fillet weld, not exceeding 4.8 mm in size, on
the top side only.
Top angle sections shall be joined together by double welded butt joints having complete penetration and
fusion. The top angle shall have minimum dimensions of 63.5 by 63.5 by 6.4 mm and the outstanding leg
shall extend outwards to facilitate the insulation of tanks.
Each tank shall be provided with two spare nozzles, of the same nominal diameter as the main process
Each tank shall be provided with level measurement for local and remote indication.
Tank openings greater than 50 mm diameter shall be reinforced. Reinforcing pads for manholes, shell
nozzles, and segments thereof shall be provided with 6.4 mm diameter telltale holes, located on the
horizontal centerline and open to atmosphere.
Openings for nozzles, manholes and sediment sump shall be cut in the plates. Reinforcing plates shall
be welded at the openings.
Tank nozzles, manholes assemblies, sediment sumps and internal piping and fittings shall be fabricated
complete and shipped in separate boxes.
The roof shall not have depressions that will permit accumulation of water. Bottom plates shall be
vacuum tested for leak.

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Each tank shall be supplied with an access staircase to the roof manhole, complete with landing platforms
and guard rail. Handrails all around the roof edge shall be provided. Tank roofs shall be interconnected
by bridging platform and guard rail. Isolated radial loads caused by the access staircase shall be
distributed by rolled structural sections mounted in a horizontal position.
Each tank shall be provided with minimum two 750 mm access manholes complete with covers, gaskets,
bolts and nuts, to be located at tank top and side. The thickness of the manhole frame and reinforcing
plate shall no be less than the shell thickness. The thickness of the cover plate and manhole attachment
flange shall be 6.4 mm minimum.
Tank seams shall be positioned so they do not pass through nozzle connections. Tanks comprising two
or more sections shall have their longitudinal seams offset.
The tanks shall be supplied with spiral stairways and platforms, with guard rails, from tank bottom level to
the roof top.
The spiral access stairways treads shall not be welded directly on the tank shell. Adequate clearance
shall be provided between the staircase and the tank shell.
The tank shall be provided with a 750 mm diameter drain sump complete with a DN 80 suction pipe. The
space between the sump underside and the tank foundation shall be filled with approved material.
Mechanical attachments and supports which are directly attached to the tank surfaces including bottom
plates shall be welded to pads of suitable materials.
The tank air vent shall be fitted with air filter of a replaceable type to filter out atmospheric dust down to 60
mesh in size with a suitable area to maintain an air velocity below 150 m/min at maximum tank filling or
draining rates. The air vent shall be of stainless steel construction and fitted with weather hood.
Underside surface of tank bottom plate shall be shot blasted to SSPC-SP 10 and painted with protective
coal tar epoxy coating of 100 micron dry film thickness.
Tanks shall be designed to rest on a finished grade of premix asphalt. The grade shall be crowned from
the outer periphery to the center with a slope of 1 in 100.
Unless otherwise specified, the tanks shall be fabricated from ASTM Standard or materials as specified in
API STD 650.
Upon completion of tank erection and prior to application of tank internal lining, the Contractor shall carry
out water filling hydraulic test and other tests in accordance with API-650 code requirements.


This section covers the general requirements for shop fabricated vessels. The Contractor shall also refer
to other relevant sections for the service, quantities, capacities and sizes of the tanks.
Vessels shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with ASME B&PVC, Section VIII, Division 1 and
shall be stamped with the ASME Code Stamp.
Vessels shall be designed for the temperature, pressure and storage capacity specified when operating
in the ambient conditions specified in the Site Specific Data.
Space and dimensional requirements for the vessels shall be as shown on the Drawings.
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Components of the vessels that provide attachment to the foundation shall be designed with the capability
to transfer seismic and wind forces to the foundation. Seismic and wind forces shall be determined in
accordance with the guidelines specified in the Site Specific Data and as specified herein.
Materials for vessels and accessories shall be ASME Materials:
Each vessel shall be suitable for the installation (horizontal or vertical) shown on the Drawings.
Dimensions shall be as shown on the Drawings.
Gooseneck type vents and vent overflow combinations, when shown on the Drawings, shall be provided
with support saddles.
Vertically mounted vessels shall have supporting skirts or legs as shown on the Drawings. Supporting
skirts shall be designed to permit access inside the skirt for maintenance of the vessel and skirt.
Horizontally mounted vessels shall be provided with supporting saddles, as shown on the Drawings.
Supporting saddles shall be drilled to accept anchor bolts.
Ladders and platforms shall be provided where identified on the Drawings. The Employer will establish
final ladder and platform locations on the Contractor's Drawings prior to approval of the Contractor's
outline drawing of the vessels.
Ladders and platforms shall be as specified in the Technical Specifications.
Manholes shall have bolted flange-type covers complete with gaskets, nuts and bolts, davits and
handgrips or lifting lugs. Circular manholes shall be as shown on the Drawings.
Permanent lifting lugs shall be provided for installation and maintenance. Lifting lugs shall be arranged to
distribute weight equally when lifting, and shall be capable of lifting the entire load.
Insulation pins or support rings shall be on 300 mm centers on vessels that are indicated to be insulated
on the Drawings.
Vessels shall be full-penetration butt-welded. Buttwelds shall be ground smooth on internal surfaces,
and shall adhere to the minimum radii required by the coating Manufacturer. Crevices shall not be
Vessels shall be constructed so openings in the shell and shell reinforcements do not intersect
longitudinal or circumferential joints.
Gaskets for manholes on tanks with a design pressure of 600 kPag or greater shall be Flexitallic 300
series stainless steel with non-asbestos filler.
Vessels shall have 2 ground lug pads located on opposite ends of the tank and consisting of 80 mm by
80 mm by 150 mm angles with two, 15 mm diameter holes spaced 25 mm on center in compliance with
NFPA No. 30.
A 1.6 mm corrosion allowance shall be provided over the Code computed or minimum wall thickness, as
appropriate, for the tank shell, heads (or bottom and roof), nozzles, manhole necks, and cover plates for
all tanks.
Vessels shall have a minimum wall thickness not less than 6.4 mm, excluding corrosion allowance.
Welding on tanks and piping shall be in accordance with the requirements of the ASME codes.
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Welding of steel for ladders and platforms shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1.
Tanks shall have internal piping as noted or shown on the Drawings.
accordance with ASME B31.1.

Internal piping shall be in

Internal piping shall be supported to ensure rigidity during operation. Supports shall be designed to
permit thermal expansion of internal piping for the specified design temperature.
Reinforcing pads shall be provided where required for distributing piping loads to the tank.
Weld attachment pads shall be provided where indicated on the Drawings for field welding supports to
vessel shell.
The vessels shall have all necessary openings, weld ends, and flanged connections, including those
shown on the Drawings.
The Contractor shall provide connections for controls and instruments required by the Employer.
Connections DN 65 and larger shall have butt weld ends, except where flanged connections are shown
on the Drawings. Connections DN 50 and smaller shall have socket weld ends, unless noted otherwise
on the Drawings.
Weld end preparation for interface connection with the Employer's piping shall be in accordance with
ASME B16.25 and the Drawings to match the connecting piping.
Flanged connections shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5. Flange bolt holes shall straddle the
principal centerlines.
The location, size, type and quantity of openings, connections, including instrument connections and
fittings shall be shown on the Contractor's outline drawings. Locations shall be subject to change during
engineering and design prior to release of the drawings for fabrication. Such changes shall be at no
further cost to the Employer.
Nozzles having a nominal diameter of DN 300 or greater shall have a minimum nozzle length of 250 mm.
Nozzles having nominal diameters between DN 65 and DN 250 shall have a minimum nozzle length of
150 mm. Nozzles having nominal diameters between DN 15 and DN 50 shall have a minimum nozzle
length of 100 mm.
Nozzles shall be reinforced in accordance with the requirements of the design code applicable to the
vessel, and as indicated on the Drawings.
The Contractor shall add reinforcement where required to accommodate the Employer's piping loads.
Vessels shall be designed for normal operating loads. Vessels shall also be designed to resist, in
combination with operating loads, applied loads from wind or induced loads resulting from an earthquake.
Where required, the effects from sloshing of liquid contents during an earthquake shall be considered in
the design of the vessel.
Exterior ladder with a top landing shall be provided where shown on the Drawings. Ladders shall be
attached to the tank extending from the bottom to the top of the tank as shown on the Drawings. Ladders
and rails shall be of welded construction and designed in accordance with the requirements of OHSA Part
1910.23 and Part 1910.24 as applicable.
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Top landing platforms shall be covered with steel grating with handrail and toeplate. Platforms shall not
be less than 800 mm wide and positioned for best access and most economical use of space.





The rating parameters and plant specifications are based on IEC Standards and the voltage levels of
10 kV and 400 V shall be adopted as follows:
10 kV, 3 phase 3 wire for motors rated above 300 kW and for bulk power distribution;
400 V 3 phase 3 or 4 wire, for motors rated up to 300 kW and for other 3 phase loads;
230 V A.C. 2 wire for small loads requiring single phase power;
220 V D.C. 2 wire for essential control circuits and emergency drives.
48 V D.C/ 24 V D.C. 2 wire for tele-communication and instrumentation equipment
Equipment requiring AC power supply at voltages other than those described above shall be used only
with the approval of Employer, and in such cases the Contractor shall provide devices to transform,
regulate or control the specified power supplies to those required by the equipment. Total galvanic
isolation shall be achieved between systems operating at different voltage levels.
Doors and front panel control switches shall be lockable, three sets of individual keys and five sets of
master keys shall be provided for lockable items.
Where 230 V single phase power supply is required, the load on any circuit shall not exceed 35 A. Where
the equipment contains several single phase loads and the total load exceeds 35 A, the equipment shall
be supplied at 400 V 3 phase, and the individual loads balanced across the three phases as equally as
Equipment provided shall be entirely suitable for operation between the limits of variation in the specified
A.C. power distribution system as described below:
Under steady-state conditions the frequency may vary between 52.5 Hz and 47.5 Hz. with shortterm excursions down to 46 Hz.
Under steady-state conditions the voltage may vary between 5% of nominal voltage, at 21 kV
phase-isolated bus. Additional voltage drop at equipment load terminals due to cable impedance
shall be a maximum of 5% of nominal voltage.
During the starting of large motors, short-term voltage excursions of up to -10% may be
experienced at the source of supply. The total allowable voltage drop at equipment load terminals
under these conditions including cable impedance volt drop shall be limited to 15% of nominal
Equipment supplied shall be capable of withstanding complete loss of, or sudden restoration of, the A.C.
power supply system without suffering any damage.

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The configuration of the 10 kV and 400 V networks shall be constrained by electrical interlocking and
functional switching arrangements achieved through the ICMS system to meet the following requirements.
10 kV System:
No paralleling operation permitted between any of the three supply points to the system i.e. the
system shall be constrained to run as single radial transformer supplies so fault levels applied to
the 10 kV system are held well within the 10 kV switchgear short circuit rating at all times. The
only exception is when it is required to parallel supplies temporarily in order to take one supply
out of service for maintenance reasons.
400 V System:
The system is configured to operate within the switchgear short-circuit rating subjected firstly to
the transformers running as single radial supplies. The only exception is when it is required to
parallel supplies temporarily in order to take one supply out of service for maintenance reasons.





In the determination of transformer impedance and rating, busbar rating and switchgear fault levels, the
following conditions shall be met:

A minimum 15% spare capacity on transformers (except for the generator transformer) shall be


Voltage regulation - shall maintain a minimum of 80% rated volts at the motor terminals while
starting the largest drive at full load with other connected loads under all system operating


The actual fault level on switchgear shall not exceed 85% of their rated fault level under system


Actual current loads of 10 kV circuit breakers shall not exceed 95% of their ratings.


Actual current loads of 400V switchgear shall not exceed 95% of their ratings.


A minimum 15% spare capacity on 10kV busbars and 400V busbars shall be provided.



Relevant standards
IEC 60228

Conductors of Insulated Cables

IEC 60502

Power Cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for Rated Voltages
from 1kVup to 30kV

IEC 60614

Specification for Conduits for Electrical Installations

IEC 61238-1

Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages
up to 30 kV

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IEC 60332

Tests on electric cables under fire conditions

ISO 834

Fire Resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction

IEC 60304

Standard Colors for Insulation for Low-Frequency Cables and Wires

Cables shall comply with the following requirements:

Conductor material shall be plain (bare) copper complying with IEC 60228.

Conductors of power, control and instrumentation cables shall consist of no less than seven

Except in cables supplying movable plant such as trippers, control and power conductors
shall not be included in the same cable.

Cables shall be suitable for correct and safe operation in the environmental conditions in
which they will be installed.

Cables shall not be jointed except in long runs where production lengths cannot be
manufactured to the desired length. These cables shall be maximum lengths in accordance
with the manufacturer.

Where it cannot be demonstrated that a cable run is either directly accessible/visible or that
it is effectively contained and sealed (e.g. in a conduit fire sealed at both ends), metallic
armoring shall be used to prevent damage from attack by vermin. Armored cables shall in
addition be provided with an overall CPE sheath. The armor shall be galvanized steel wire
armor except for single core cables in which case it shall be aluminum wire armor.

Cables shall not be direct buried. Cables which are run underground shall be installed in
Electrical wiring shall comply with the following requirements:

Insulation layer shall be EPR or XLPE with the voltage level of 0.6/1 kV.

Electric conductors shall be made of copper in accordance with IEC 60228. Each conductor
shall have 7 copper strands as minimum.

Conductor section shall be in accordance with each circuit to ensure the temperature shall
not exceed the acceptable level (as per manufacturers' recommendation) under normal and
emergency conditions.

Under all circumstances, conductor size shall meet with the following requirements:
1.5 mm2 when the length is less than 5 m.
2.5 mm2 when the length is more than 5 m.
0.5 mm2 for hardwired circuit.
The minimum conductor size for current transformer is 2.5 mm2 regardless of the cable length.
The selection of cable section shall be performed in accordance with the following:
To ensure the cable temperature not exceeding the permissible level (as per manufacturers'
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recommendation), the cable cross section shall be determined that the continuous current
rating (in the most onerous part of the installation) shall be higher than the device protecting
the cable (e.g. fuses, MCC switchgear).
The voltage drop at equipment load terminals due to cable impedance shall be less than 5%
of nominal voltage.
Cable shall be capable of any influence of the maximum failure current in maximum failure
current duration. The failure duration is the primary protection duration (standby relay) of the
relay protection system or the influenced fuse duration to fuse protection system.
Unless otherwise specified, all cabling and wiring shall include the following:
Design of cable routes and sizing of cables:
Supply and installation of cable raceways such as cable trays, conduits, and associated supports, cable
clamps or wooden cleats, and fire stops.
Supply, installation, termination and testing of AC and DC power, control, alarm, indication and instrument
cables including special control cables and screened thermocouple cables. Accessories required for a
complete termination such as cable lugs, bolts, insulation tapes, cable identification labels and terminal
identification labels shall be included. Excavation and back-filling of cable trenches and for ductbanks
shall be included.
Cables shall meet the flame test requirements in IEC 60332 Part 1 and IEC 60332 Part 3 (Category A).
The cable sheath and bedding shall have flame retardant characteristics corresponding to a critical
oxygen index of not less than 30 percent at an ambient temperature of 30C, and have a temperature
index of not less than 260C when operating in normal atmosphere.
Where cables are installed in air a normal ambient temperature of 40C shall be used to determine the
maximum continuous current carrying capacities of all cables. Where cables are installed in the ground a
normal temperature of 30C shall be used.
Where armored cables are provided, the armor shall be of galvanized steel wires to BS 1442.
Cables exposed to direct sunlight shall be sunlight resistant and protected with approved sun-shield.
Each cable end shall be identified with numbered labels. Individual wires of cables shall be terminated
with the approved lugs with insulating sleeves and hot stamped durable identification sleeves. The
information on the sleeves shall include the local terminal number and the remote panel and termination
numbers or the information on the sleeve can be the cable number if the cables are color coded. This
format of numbering system shall be submitted to the Employer for the record.
Wall and floor openings for cables, cable trays, conduits and ducts shall be provided by the Contractor
with fire stops of fire resistance of 4 hours for external walls and of 2 hours for all other walls and floors.
The constructions and materials of the fire stops shall be to the approval of the local authorities. Other
requirements shall be as specified in the Section "Sealing of Openings" in this Specification.
Wire used for internal wiring in a panel, switchboard, switchgear, distribution board and electrical
equipment shall be flame-retardant and heat-resistant type of 90C minimum temperature rating
complying to BS 6231. Wiring shall have sleeve type identification. The information on the ferrules shall
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include the local terminal number and the remote panel and termination numbers.
numbering system shall be submitted to the Employer for the record.

This format of

Cables shall be circular construction and fillers shall be used during the construction.

Scope of Work

This section covers the general requirements. It does not cover the manufacturing requirements of the
following cables:
Thermocouple extension
Mining and trailing cables
Mineral insulated cables
Any special cables for specific purposes

10 kV Power Cables NOT USED

600 Volt Power Cables

Cables other than those carrying instrument or control signals shall be classified and applied as power
cables. This includes cables supplying small single-phase motors in 230 volt systems.
The cables shall be rated 600/1000 volt and conductors of each cable shall be of the same size. The
following requirements on XLPE insulated power cables shall apply:
Cables shall be used on 400/230V AC and DC systems. EPR or XLPE insulated cables shall be
manufactured in accordance with IEC 60502 having stranded, copper conductors, EPR or XLPE
insulation, 0.6/1kV voltage grade, separation tapes and CPE or LSZH sheath, with galvanized steel or
aluminum wire armor and CPE or LSZH.
Cables cores and earth wires shall be colored as per current Vietnamese standards, e.g. red, yellow,
blue, and black for phase color and neutral.
The minimum conductor size shall be 2.5 mm.
Cables 50 mm and smaller sizes shall be 4 core (or 3 core in the case of single phase circuits) with the
fourth (or third in the case of single phase circuits) core to be used for equipment earthing.
Larger size cables above 50 mm shall be 3 core (3 phase 3 wire system) or 4 core (3 phase 4 wire
system) cables, with separate earthing cables.
Cables shall be selected with due consideration to load requirements of each feeder. In the selection of
cables, the short circuit current capacity of the cables shall also be taken into consideration in order to
prevent premature insulation failure. The prospective short circuit current at the 400 volt switchgear shall
be taken as 65 kA symmetrical for 3 seconds unless determined to be more by calculation.
For motor circuits, the cable shall have a current-carrying capacity at least equal to 115% of the full load
current rating of the motor after application of the appropriate de-rating factor.
The cables shall be sized to allow for a maximum of 20% (of nominal) voltage drop on motor starting or
for 3% running drop whichever is greater.
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Multicore Control Cables

The following requirements on control cables shall apply:

Cables shall be manufactured in accordance with IEC 60502 having stranded copper conductors, with
EPR or XLPE insulation, rated 600/1000 volt, separation taped, galvanized steel wire armor, CPE or
LSZH sheath and CPE or LSZH outer sheath with circular cable construction.
Cables shall have 25% (1/4 cycle) overlapped aluminum/polyester laminated tape screen with 7/0.3
tinned copper drain wires. For relay/contact type systems operating at 230 V AC or 220 V DC the cables
need not be screened.
Cable cores shall be colored white and each core shall be uniquely numbered in black in both words and
numbers at a spacing not exceeding 100mm.
At least 4 cores or 10% of total number of cores of a cable (whichever is greater) shall be provided as
spares. This does not apply to a two-core cable.
The conductor cross sectional area for relay/contact type systems shall be sized to meet the maximum
voltage drop of 5%.
The minimum conductor cross sectional area for solid state type system shall be 0.5 mm.

Instrumentation Cables

The instrumentation cables shall have stranded, copper conductors with EPR or XLPE insulation,
galvanized steel wire armor and CPE or LSZH outer sheath. The cores shall be formed a twisted pair or
twisted triples depending on the application.
The cables shall have an overall screen. For added immunity against electrical interference the individual
pairs of triples may also be screened. The screens shall be an aluminum/polyester laminate taped with a
minimum 7/0.3 mm tinned copper drain wire.
Each twisted pair or twisted triple shall be color and number coded.
The minimum cross sectional area of the conductors shall be 1.5 mm for single pair or single triple cable
and 0.5 mm for multi pair or multi triple cable. For "resistance temperature device" (RTD) circuits the
cross sectional area shall be such that voltage drop along the cable is minimized to ensure the required
RTD accuracy.
At least 2 pairs or 10% of total number of pairs of a cable shall be provided as spares. This does not
apply to single pair or single triple cable.
The conductor assembly shall be covered by a non-hygroscopic tape and overlaid by a shield of
aluminum bonded polyester tape applied in a spiral wrap, overlapped one-half of its width.

Communication Cable

Coaxial Cable

Coaxial cable between switchyard equipment and communication equipment room (outdoor) shall have
the following features:

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7/0.4mm tinned copper conductor, impedance of 753Q, solid polyethylene dielectric, copper
wire screen, galvanized steel wire armor ,PVC sheath and PVC outer sheath.

The wire armoring shall consist of single braid of 0.5 mm galvanized steel wire (with the coverage
factor of 94%).

The PVC outer sheath shall have the average thickness of 1.3 mm.

The maximum diameter of the coaxial cable shall be 14.6 mm (14.3 mm as nominated).

Coaxial cable within the communication equipment room (indoor) shall have the following features:

7/0.2 mm tinned copper conductor, impedance of 753Q, solid polyethylene dielectric, plain
copper wire braid screen, and PVC outer sheath.

Telephone cable shall meet with the following requirements: NOT USED

Cables for High Temperature Applications NOT USED

4.16.5 Control Circuit Wiring

This Clause covers connections for voltages not exceeding 400 V nominal and contained within
enclosures such as switchboards, switchgear, control cubicles, and interpanel wiring. It does not include
connections within specific components such as relays and circuit breakers.

Installation NOT USED

Wire Construction

Insulation shall be EPR or XLPE of 0.6/1 kV voltage grade.

Conductors shall be made of copper complying with IEC 60228. Each conductor shall have at least
seven strands.
The conductor cross sectional area shall be suitable for each particular circuit ensuring that temperatures
do not exceed acceptable levels (as nominated by the wiring manufactures) under any normal or
abnormal mode of operation.
In all cases, the size conductor shall be as follows:
1.5 mm for less than 5 m long.
2.5 mm for more than 5 m long.
0.5 mm for hardwired circuit.
Note: Wiring for current transformers shall be at least 2.5 mm irrespective of the route length.


Conductors shall be terminated onto terminal blocks by using ring tongue or locking fork compression
lugs. Current transformer and BMS (Steam Generator Burner Management System) tripping circuits shall
only use ring tongue lugs.
Conductors shall be terminated onto compression type terminals with the use of crimped electrical
connectors (ferrule) for terminations at instruments, and control systems.
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The connectors shall be manufactured from annealed copper and shall be electro tin plated. The size
and thickness shall provide a robust arid low electrical resistance connection
The connector and the crimping tool shall be compatible. The tool shall be of the type which cannot
release until the crimping action is satisfactorily completed.

Wire identification

Both ends of every wire shall be fitted with approved white non-flammable sleeves having recessed
identifying numbers and/or letters filled with a suitable black print to correspond with the numbering on
wiring diagrams. The sleeves shall encircle the wire. Sleeves shall be fitted so as to read from left to
right and be the correct way up irrespective of the side from which the wire approaches the terminal.
Where the wire approaches the terminal from above or below, the sleeve marking shall read from bottom
to top.
If a conductor identification is made up of more than one sleeve, the sleeves shall be of approved type
which interlock or which grip the cable insulation firmly.
In addition red sleeves marked TRIP or T shall be fitted to trip circuit wiring as follows:
At outgoing terminals of the circuit all wires connecting to the trip coil.
At other panels or cubicles remote from the circuit cubicle, inter-tripping wires
At outgoing terminals connecting to a trip circuit.

Current Transformer Circuits

Current transformer circuits shall use cables with 6 mm minimum stranded copper conductors, insulated
and jacketed in accordance with this Specification.

Special Control Cables

Special control applications may require extra flexible cables, high voltage co-axial signals cables,
shielded multi-conductor and twisted pair cables.
The conductor size wherever possible shall not be less than 1.5 mm 2 stranded, to minimize cable damage
during installation.
Cables for communication between Instrumentation and Control equipment shall meet the requirements
specified in the Instrumentation and Controls section of this Specification.

Connections to Field Instruments and Sensors

Control Device Circuits

Connections to locally mounted control devices, such as limit switches, pressure switches and flow
switches shall be made in accordance with the grouping procedure specified.
The trunk cable or cables from junction box or boxes to the I/O Cabinet, motor control center, switchgear
panel, or control panel, shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

Transmitter and Temperature Detector Circuits

Temperature detectors shall be wired to terminal blocks mounted inside local terminal or junction boxes
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located in an easily accessible position.

Thermocouple temperature detector circuits shall be wired using shielded thermocouple cables of the
same ISA type as the thermocouple.
Transmitter and RTD circuits shall be wired using shielded, twisted pair or triad conductor cables.
For the transmitter and temperature detector circuits, the earthing of the cable shield shall be done only at
one end, preferably at the field to the instrument earthing system.

High Temperature Instrument Circuits NOT USED

Conductors of Different Systems in Same Cable

Conductors used for AC and DC circuits shall not be mixed in the same multi-conductor cable.
Low level process signals shall not be mixed with other signals in the same multi-conductor cable.

Trunk Control Cables

Where a number of control devices (4 or more) such as limit switches, pressure switches, flow switches
and transmitters are located in close proximity, or within a radius of 8 meters and where they are to be
wired to the same I/O Cabinet, switchgear panel, motor control center or control panel, they shall be wired
to a marshalling box or boxes and a trunk control cable or cables shall then be used to connect to the
cubicles in order to minimize the number of long cable runs. Ten percent of the cable cores with a
minimum of 2 cores shall be provided as spare in each cable. Spare cores of a trunk control cable shall
be terminated at both ends.

Duplication of Conductor Coding Colors or Numbers

Except in the case of current transformer and voltage transformer circuits, where wires from separate
cables terminate at the same terminal, duplication of conductor coding colors or numbers on the same
terminal shall be avoided.

Cable Marshalling Boxes

The marshalling boxes shall be all welded 2.0 mm cold rolled steel with a minimum depth of 150 mm.
They shall have continuously hinged key lockable front doors with oil resistant gasket, be held closed with
captive screw clamps and properly labeled. The boxes shall be completed with removable internal 2.5
mm equipment panel. The exterior painting of cable marshalling boxes shall be ANSI No. 61. The interior
painting shall be white semi-gloss enamel. The degree of protection for the enclosure shall be IP 55
4.16.6 Cable Trays and Conduits


The Contractor shall provide cable trays and conduits for the power, control and instrumentation cables to
and from the equipment in his scope of supply.
Rigid and flexible conduits shall be provided between the equipment and cable trays.
The Contractor shall design, supply and install stainless steel type cable supports for his cables in cable
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Cable tray and conduits shall be supported in accordance with the appropriate standards.

Cable Trays

The Contractor shall select his own routing for the cable trays and conduit and shall avoid interference
with piping or other equipment. The trays shall be securely supported at intervals depending on cable
load and the strength of the tray selected and its size. Elbows, bends and tees, shall be selected to take
into account the bending radius of the cables. Layout shall be designed so no area of tray is made
In general, outer most trays of any vertical tray stack shall be protected by tray covers from floor level to 2
m above floor level, and top trays of any horizontal tray stack shall be protected by tray covers. In
addition, cable tray covers shall be supplied and installed at places where the cables are exposed to
mechanical damage or to the accumulation of debris such as on horizontal cable trays under walkways,
gratings and vulnerable sections of vertical cable trays. Cable tray covers shall also be provided at
places where cables are exposed to direct sunlight.
Cable trays for instrument cables shall be metal duct type with screw-on covers.
Cable trays shall have ten percent spare capacity.
Cable tray rung spacing shall be 228 mm.
Cable trays when exposed to weather or used in corrosive environment such as the EC Plant, screen
plant, CW Pump House FGD area, Limestone Preparation area, and Gypsum Dewatering area shall be
fabricated from stainless steel. Supports and accessories such as locknuts shall also be stainless steel.
Cable trays shall be numbered and marked using approved paint according to a cable tray numbering
system that shall be submitted to the Employer for the record.


The Contractor shall supply and install rigid and weatherproof flexible steel conduits for the routing of the
power and control cables from the cable trays to the auxiliaries and devices.
Conduits shall be fabricated from steel except the embedded conduits. Steel conduit and conduit fitting
shall be of heavy gauge type and hot-dip galvanized inside and outside to afford Class 4 protection
defined in BS 4568.
Conduits used in outdoor areas or areas exposed to weather shall be hot-dip galvanized and coated with
an additional epoxy paint coating.
Conduits, supports and accessories such as lock nuts, junction and pull-boxes used in corrosive
environment such as Screen plant, CW Pump house, FGD area, Limestone Preparation area, and
Gypsum Dewatering area shall be fabricated from high impact, corrosion resistant, UV resistant,
temperature resistant to 140oC and non-flame propagating material. Stainless steel shall be used in the
hazardous classified areas and corrosive environments.
Each conduit length shall be threaded at both ends.

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Conduit bends shall be smooth and free of kinks. Hydraulic benders shall be used for bends unless
manufactured bends are used. Conduit bends shall be such that cable manufacturer's recommended
minimum bending radii for cables with conduits shall not be exceeded.
Gaskets and sheet steel covers shall be used with the fittings as required.
Conduits shall be at least 150 mm clear of hot pipes and other heat sources.
Fire alarm cables shall be installed in conduits and fittings exclusively used for fire alarm system. The
conduits and fitting shall be painted bright red in color.
Conduits in hazardous areas shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of BS 5345. Conduits
installed in hazardous areas shall be sealed to minimize the passage of vapors or gases and prevent
passage of flames through the conduit system.
Spare conduits which do not have pull wires shall be blown clear of debris and capped at both ends.
Conduit installed in concrete shall have ends plugged or capped before the concrete is poured.
Conduits runs shall be cleaned to remove foreign matter and moisture prior to pulling in wire or cable.
Boxes shall be cleaned of foreign matter and threads in boxes shall be left clean and true upon
completion of work. Connections between motor terminal boxes and rigid conduits shall be by a short
length of flexible, plastic coated, moisture and oil proof conduit. The length of flexible conduit shall be
sufficient to enable removal of equipment without disturbing the rigid conduit. An earthing bond wire shall
be installed to ensure electrical continuity across the flexible conduit, unless the materials used and its
fittings are specifically designed to make the use of such bond wire unnecessary.
Conduits at boxes and cabinets shall be provided with double lock nuts and insulated bushings.
When conduits enter panel boards, pull boxes or outlet boxes, they shall be entered perpendicular to the
box surfaces.
When installed indoors in wet areas, and in outdoor locations, threaded conduit joints and connections
should be made watertight and rustproof by means of the application of a thread compound that will not
insulate the joint. Each threaded joint should be cleaned to remove the cutting oil before the compound is
applied. The compound should be applied only to the male conduit threads to prevent obstruction.

Exposed Surface Mounted Conduit

Conduit exposed on walls or ceilings shall be run parallel to or at right angles to the building lines and
shall be located so it will not interfere with apparatus and other services.
Conduit runs shall be grouped and attached to an approved hanger system, or to a solid surface. Where
conduits are run in a group the spacing shall be so conduits are accessible for maintenance or removal.

Junction and Pull Boxes

Junction and pull boxes shall be approved type made of galvanized sheet steel or cast aluminum and
shall have gasketed covers secured by cadmium plated steel screws. Boxes shall be sized and of rigid
construction and shall have a degree of protection of IP 55. In no case shall the steel sheet be less than
1.5 mm.

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Boxes above floor level shall have drain holes to permit condensed moisture to escape. Boxes shall be
securely mounted, shall be plumb with surrounding structures and shall be fastened in place
independently of conduits or cables entering them.
4.16.7 Installation of Cables NOT USED

4.16.9 Segregation of Cable Systems

Electrical segregation of cable systems shall be in accordance with industry practice and/or manufacturers
To ensure no single credible event will prevent the operation of a particular required plant function or of
more than one generating unit, the following cable separation guide-lines shall be observed:
Cable systems for each generating unit shall be separated from each other.
Cable systems for generating units shall be separated from cable system for the common or
station equipment.
Redundant cable systems shall be separated from each other including data and communication

Cables in Trays, Conduits, or Trunking

10 kV cables shall be installed in raceways that are separated from 600 volts power and control cables and
from instrumentation cables.
Long runs of power and control cables shall be in separate trays. However, over short distances, power
cables of systems up to 600 volts may be run with the control cables provided the control cables are:
rated 600 volts
used to control only that equipment supplied by adjacent power cables.
Instrumentation cables shall occupy separate duct-type trays.
Cables installed in stacked cable trays shall be arranged by descending voltage levels with the higher
voltages at the top.
Cables for fire alarm system shall be segregated from other cables.
Parallel power conductors shall be run within the same cable tray. Where it is necessary to use separate
cable trays the conductors within any one cable tray shall be balance in size, length and type of insulation,
and comprise an equal number of conductors from each phase and the neutral.
When installed in magnetic conduit, all phases and neutral (if any) of three-phase AC circuits and both legs
of single-phase AC circuits should be installed in the same conduit or sleeve.
Single core cables carrying alternating current for three phase working shall, as far as possible, be
arranged into a trefoil formation with the cables one diameter apart and where departures from the trefoil
formation cannot be avoided, approved arrangements shall be employed to minimize undesirable effects.

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The installation arrangements for fixing single core cables shall be of sufficient strength to withstand the
forces set up during short circuit conditions. The spacing of cleats for trefoil groups of single core cables
shall allow freedom for expansion under cyclic conditions of loading. Intermediate ties between cleats shall
be of stainless steel.
Power cables shall be clamped as close as possible to point of entry to or exit from cable trays. Three and
four conductor cables shall be laid in parallel runs and a spacing of 1.0 times the cable diameter shall be
maintained for cables 50 mm2 and larger using approved type of clamps. Cables smaller than 50 mm 2 may
be installed in cable trays without maintained spacing and up to 25 cables in a tray, but limits to one layer of
Cables shall be cleated or clipped over the whole of the appropriated section of their length before jointing
at either end is commenced. No cable shall be installed above the side rails of the cable tray except where
necessary at intersection and where cables enter or exit the cable tray system.
The maximum spacing of cleats for single core cables shall be 1.8 meters and for other cables 1.0 meter.
The maximum spacing of clips shall be 450 mm on horizontal runs and 600 mm on vertical runs. The
Contractor shall supply the supports necessary to prevent drooping of small diameter cables. Cables shall
be laid neatly on their respective trays.
Where necessary, cables shall be pulled through short rigid galvanized steel duct sleeves to permit
penetrations of isolated cable runs through floors, or walls. There shall be equivalent of not more than one
90 bend in sleeve used for this purpose.
Where it is necessary to run cables across the floor to motors, or in locations where cables could be
damaged, rigid conduits shall be used.
Cable tray and conduits shall be supported in accordance with the appropriate standards such as:

VE1, Metal Cable Tray Systems.


60423, Conduit systems for cable management Outside diameters of conduits for
electrical installations and threads for conduits and fittings.


61386, Conduit systems for cable management.


60981, Extra-Heavy Duty Electrical Rigid Steel Conduits.

Cables in Ducts NOT USED

Cable Labels NOT USED

4.16.10 Fire and Smoke Stopping NOT USED

4.16.11 Terminations

Cable Glands (only to be used by specific applications to be approved by the


Glands for electrical enclosures shall be metallic, metric, weatherproof and flameproof suitable for the
type of cable and having facilities to terminate the cable wire armor. The seal receptacle shall be tapered
to provide a tight seal on to the cable as the gland nut is tightened. Concentric variable diameter sealing
rings are not acceptable. Each size (diameter) of cable shall be fitted with the correct size gland. Cable
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glands shall be installed on gland plates provided with the enclosure. Correct size holes shall be drilled
to accept the various gland sizes.
Wire armoring on power cables shall be earthed at both ends and for control cabling at one end only
(same end as the screen).

Crimping NOT USED


The Contractor shall submit the following drawing/data to the Employer for information:
Cable Routing showing cable tray layout, cable trench layout conduit layout and associated
sectional views.
Cable ducts layout and details.
Technical data and construction drawing of cables.
Technical data, catalog, and installation details of:
Cable support system including trays, conduits, clamp, clips and other accessories.
Cable termination materials including cable glands(when allowed), cable lugs, wiring
connectors, 10 kV cable sealing end.
Fire stops.
Earthing materials.
Marshalling boxes and junction boxes.
Earthing systems for I&C equipment.
Power cable sizing calculation.
Method of earthing for cable shield and cable armor.
Cable schedules.
Cable termination schedules






The Contractor shall be responsible to hire an independent authorized unit of Vietnam for testing of CT,
CVT, and metering, metering circuit before put metering system on operation.
The Contractor shall be responsible for calculating the settings of relays for 220 kV switchyards together
with protection relays for the generator, generator transformer, unit transformer etc and submit to
National and Regional Dispatching Center for approval of final settings based on ENVs format.


Each Unit, Common system and its auxiliaries shall be equipped with the Microprocessor based
Distributed Control and Information System (DCIS). The system shall have functions such as regulating
control, interlock and protection, sequence/on-off control, interface with operator, data acquisition and
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display, historical data storage and retrieval system, performance parameter calculations, SOE inputs
storage and alarm processing. In addition, this system shall also be responsible for co-coordinated
control of turbine and boiler, boiler control, boiler auxiliaries, turbine control, turbine auxiliaries, boiler and
turbine protection, electrical system, water treatment plant (WTP), waste water treatment plant (WWTP),
coal supply system, limestone preparation, FGD, Gypsum dewatering and disposal, ash handling plant
and other ancillaries.
The control and monitoring system for each Unit and Common system shall be designed, manufactured
and supplied by the same control equipment supplier to achieve the integration requirements and the
standardization of operator and monitoring functions in the plant control room (PCR) at the Center
Control Building (CCB).
The alarm and protection devices shall be supplied to bring the operators attention to protect the
operators and minimize equipment damages from abnormal process parameters and equipment
malfunctions. Requirements included in the Specification illustrate the minimum extent of interlocking
and equipment protection. Additional equipment and process protection are to be provided as required to
make a complete safe and workable system.
The Contractor shall design and provide everything necessary for all process and equipment alarm,
critical and tripping status to be remotely monitored at the PCR for operator access and operation. The
Contractor shall also design and provide everything necessary for tripping points and pre-trip points to be
monitored by the sequence of events system (SOE) in DCIS.
Instrumentation, electrical equipment and wiring for voltages in locations where fire or explosion hazards
may exist due to flammable materials, gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dust, or ignitable
fibers shall comply with the relevant international and local safety standards as well as the requirements
in this Specification.
The power supply incomers to panels, DBs and Sub-DBs shall be provided with isolating breakers at the
panel itself.
Wire terminations shall use only ring type lugs for current transformers and BMS trip circuits. Other
wiring terminations shall use locking fork type compression lugs and if this is not possible, screw spring
type terminal blocks shall be used. Each terminal shall utilize maximum of two connections only.
Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) shall be used instead of fuses in electrical circuits.
Replacement items such as indicating lamps and fuses shall be standardized so as to reduce to a
minimum the types and sizes to be held in stock. Indicating lamps shall be LED or neon type, without
dropping resistor and visible clearly from outside of the panel from any angle.
Panels shall be earthed and the doors where electrical equipment is mounted shall have flexible earth
Fans and filters for electrical equipment shall be mounted so it can be maintainable safely and
conveniently without shutting down the system. Redundancy shall be provided for critical equipment.
Doors for use in Protection Relay Panels, Marshalling Boxes, Auxiliary Relay Panels and Control Panels
shall be installed with internal fluorescent lightings operated by limit switches. Such circuit shall operate
the lightings automatically when the doors are open.
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Thai Binh 2 Thermal Power Plant

Panels, cubicles, DBs, junction boxes and marshalling boxes shall have bottom cable entries. Circuit
breakers shall be key lockable.
Doors on equipment and control switches located outside the control room shall be provided with facilities
for locking.
Panels, equipment cabinets, control switches (outside PCR), enclosures and selector switches (outside
PCR) shall be key-lockable. Master key arrangement for the total plant shall be finalized by the Employer
during detail engineering stage.


Civil and Structural works under the Contract are stipulated in Section 22, Civil Engineering and Building
Work which covers the general requirements for the Work including environmental conditions, the
required civil design basis, and technical specifications that cover the entire scope of Work of the

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