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Rangevision ScanCenter 2015.2 - Smart - en

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RangeVision Smart

ScanCenter 2015.2

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Warnings ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Technical specifications...................................................................................................................................... 2
System requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Preparing to work............................................................................................................................................... 3
Package contents ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Before the first start ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Scanner settings ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Scanning zones ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Start RngeVisin SnCenter ............................................................................................................................ 7
Calibration .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Scanning ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Requirements for the scanned object.............................................................................................................. 12
Scanning principle and methods ...................................................................................................................... 12
Creating a new project ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Placing an object .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Adjusting the exposure and brightness ........................................................................................................... 14
Viewing the model ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Scanning without markers ............................................................................................................................... 16
Scanning with markers ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Scanning with texture ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Solutions to possible problems ........................................................................................................................ 20

Thank you for choosing RngeVisin product! Please
read the instructions for setting up and scanning before
using the RngeVisin Smart 3D scanner, as well as
familiarize with the manual in processing the scan data in
RangeVisin SnMerge. Here are described the
procedures for preparing the scanner, installing the
required drivers, calibration procedure, scanning
procedure, and tips for acquiring high quality threedimensional object model.


Do not expose the scanner to liquids

Do not store or use the scanner in dusty or humid environment
Do not expose the scanner and its components to contamination, shock or drops
Do not connect power supply to the faulty wall outlet
Do not aim the scanner on the people and animals in order to avoid contact with eyes of the
harmful bright light projector

Technical specifications
Scanning zone

Scanning area (mm)




3D resolution (mm)




3D point accuracy (mm)




Resolution of cameras
Diagonal of the matrix
Camera housing material
Scanning time
Model calculation time
Dimensions (W x H x D)

1,3 Mpix
~12 sec
~8 sec
160 55 150 mm

Format of 3D model
Source of light
Weight of the scanning module
Calibration time

0,7 kg
~ 5 min

System requirements
Operating system - Windows XP and later versions
Processor - not worse than Intel Core i3 1.7 GHz
Graphics card with the ability to connect projector
RAM not less than 4GB
3 free USB ports

Preparing to work
Package contents

Scanning module with LED projector

2 USB cameras
Cables (USB+HDMI)
USB drive with the software
License key
Desktop flexible tripod
Projector power supply
The key to adjust the position of the cameras
Calibration field for scan zones 1,2
Calibration field for scan zones 3
Magnetic stand for calibration fields
Scanning markers
Carrying Case

Before the first start

Before you install the scanner on the tripod and connect it to your computer, you need to install the
drivers and software.
Insert the USB drive into your computer, launch "RngeVisin SnCenter setup" and follow the instructions
of the installer.
Choose Install program, if you perform the installation for the first time. To update already installed version,
select Update the program.
Select version of the program in accordance with your operating system. Specify the software installation
After the installation, select drivers and system libraries necessary to work with the scanner. For Windows 8
you may need to install the latest version of DirectX from the official Microsoft website.
When installing camera drivers, the IDS Camera Manager is also installed. Run it, and connect the cameras
using the USB-cable.
Caution! Cameras must be connected without the use of USB - hubs, adapters or splitters. The list of cameras
must display two cameras that are connected scanner.

Both cameras must be available. If one of the cameras is busy, check any third-party software that can
make use of it (for example, Skype, ICQ, etc.). Also, go to the menu "Additional functions" and put check mark
in front of "Idle state": Disable.

Turn off the screensaver, sleep mode and power-saving mode.

Turn on the projector and connect the HDMI-cable to the computer. After recognizing the projector in
the system go to the menu Screen resolution. Set the mode of multiple displays - Expand these screens. Set
the resolution of the projector: 1280*720.

Connect the electronic USB-key to your computer. It is required for the operation of scanner software.
Installing or configuring the drivers is not required. The electronic key can be connected via USB hub.

Scanner settings
Scanning zones
RngeVisin Smart scanner can be configured to 3 scan zones. By changing the distance between the
cameras and the follow-up calibration, changes the size of the scanning zone. For each scanner area, a
separate calibration plate is used. Scan zone 3 has higher surface detail, but obtaining a model of a large
object will require a greater number of scanned fragments. On scan zone 1 one capture results a model of
a large fragment of the object surface, but with lower detail. The optimal choice of scan zone is when an
object is placed in the scan area and is comparable in size to the calibration plate. Evaluate the size of the
object and select a suitable scanning zone.
Disconnect USB cable from the cameras, and using a wrench loosen the mounting of cameras. Install the
cameras, aligning the marks on their housing with the marks on housing of the scanner. On the smallest scan
zone 3 the cameras are as close as possible, on scan zone 2 they correspond to the medium position,
and scan zone 1 - furthest. Please note, in order to set up the scanner to scan zone 1, first you must
perform the calibration for the zone 2, therefore, the initial position cameras should be 2 or 3. After
installation of cameras tighten cap screws and connect USB cables to the cameras. In the figure below, the
position of cameras corresponds to the scan zone 3.

Start RngeVisin SnCenter

Run the Rngevisin ScanCenter. You may need administrator rights to do this. Turned on projector and
cameras must be connected in advance.
At the first start, you will encounter a window, where you have to select the configuration settings of the
scanner. After starting the program this menu item is available in Settings - Configuration options.
In the tab Projector select Acer smart. On the cameras tab you should select model XS (determined
If all settings are correct, after starting the program will appear a window with a warning regarding the
warm-up cameras.
Caution! Warming-up cameras is required for the stable operation of the scanner.
Otherwise, errors can occur during the scanning and calibration procedures.

The warm-up time depends on the temperature in the room - the approximate working temperature of
cameras is about 50C. After warm-up, you should see an image from the cameras. The current temperature
of the cameras after the warm-up is displayed in the Toolbar.
Cover one of the cameras by your hand. If the image from one camera belongs to the other one or is
reversed, go to the Configuration settings in the Cameras tab and select Swap cameras.

Take a calibration plate in accordance with the selected zone: large for zones 1, 2 and small one for
zone 3. Install the plate on the magnetic stand in front of the scanner. The approximate distance to fields is
specified in the table.
Scanning zone,
Distance, cm




Install the plate in such a way as to ensure that the blue markings on the view from one of the cameras
has matched with furthest marks on the calibration plate, as shown in the figure below. Move the plate closer
to or further away from the scanner, until the image from the camera will not display that the vertical lines
of grid cross the furthest marks on the plate. On the figure, the right-hand camera determines the working
distance. The distance from the scanner cameras to the plate shall be maintained in this position during
calibration and scanning (hereinafter - working distance). The image from the second camera is not needed
at this stage.

Without changing the working distance, turn the scanner so that the plate is in the centre of images from
both cameras. Turn on the mode Lines and stripes and adjust the focus of the projector, so that the lines are
as sharp as possible. Setting up is carried by scrolling a wheel next to the projector lens.

As the cameras are not focused yet, the image may be blurred. Evaluate the adjusted sharpness by the
calibration plate.

Run the Full calibration on the Settings tab.

When calibrating the scanner makes snapshots of the calibration plate in 11 different positions.
Calibration field is pre-measured with high accuracy. Size of calibration plate is specified in the table on the
backside of each plate. This option should be used during the first calibration in Edit plates.
Be careful when selecting the plate, specifying its size, and during calibration! When the calibration is
incorrect there may be problems when scanning and you will receive model with distorted size.
Specify the added plate in the list Select plate. When making a selection, settings of Lenses will
automatically be changed. RngeVisin Smart always has focal length of the lenses of 4.3 mm.
Calibration is performed without illumination with natural light, when you start the calibration dialogue,
the mode "Black light" is activated. Using the slider in the toolbar increase the value of exposure of the
cameras. If the image of the plate is still dark, increase the brightness of the external lighting.
After this, click Capture. Camera will focus on the calibration plate. Visually inspect the sharpness of the
cameras after focusing.


If the cameras are focused, you will get a snapshot of the plate in the first position. At the calibration
during shooting both the scanner and the calibration plate must be fixed relative to each other! Capture
images in the remaining positions. Carefully observe the position of the plate during each capture! Do not
change the distance to calibration field, if this is not stated in the prompt. To set the plate to the desired
position, change the position and tilt of magnetic stand, or the position of the scanner on a tripod.
After the last snapshot will be performed an analysis of the data for calibration.

Final precision is 0.** shows the calibration accuracy. Memorize the measured value and close the
calibration menu.
Orientation function is used to test the accuracy of calibration. This is a simplified version of full
calibration, the calculation occurs after the one capture of calibration plate in the initial position (at the
working distance from the scanner). Orientation is also used to configure to the scan area 1.
After performing the Full calibration before the scan, perform Orienting. Measured value of Final
precision must be less than 0.1 pix. If the value has proved to be greater, perform calibration again, taking
care of warm-up of the cameras, the position of calibration plate and the size of the plate specified in the
Example 1: A complete calibration result was final precision 0.095 pix, after Orienting - 0.076 pix. Scanner
calibration has been performed.


Example 2: A complete calibration result was final precision 0.124 pix, after Orienting - 0.11 pix. Scanner
calibration has not been performed, it is necessary to calibrate again.
To calibrate for the scanning zone 1, first you must perform calibration for scanning zone 2. Then
you need to close the SnCenter, move the cameras to the position for the zone
1 (to do this you will have to temporarily disconnect USB cables) and restart SnCenter.
Letting cameras to warm up, install calibration plate on the distance 65 - 70 cm from the scanner and
perform Orientation. Turn on Stripes and Lines and check the projector focus.
Some advice on calibration:
Do not change the distance from the center of the plate to the scanner when turning the plate. The
exception are only snapshots in positions 10 and 11.
Do not rotate the plate at a very high angle. Ensure that all marks on the plate are visible from both
cameras, when you turn the table.
Be careful with calibration plates! It is not permitted to contaminate or perform any mechanical
damage to the surface with the marks. After the use, store the plates in designated case.
Before the calibration procedure, ensure that cameras and cables are secure in the designated
After calibration, the calibration plate should be put inside the carrying case in order to avoid the
damage or contamination!


Requirements for the scanned object
The scanner analyses structured light reflected from the surface of the object, therefore, scanning
should be carried out in premises without direct sunlight, as well as free of dust and vibration. For the
same reason scanning of the following objects is not possible or is too difficult.
too dark and black objects
transparent objects
flecking and glossy objects
To work with such objects it is recommended to process them with special aerosol products prior
scanning, which leave a very thin coat of white powder on the object after drying.
HELLING Developer solution U89
Sherwin D-100
Developer solution -33
There are also some difficulties when you are scanning objects with sharp edges, deep grooves or holes,
thin wall objects. Objects that contain large contrast areas (for example, black lettering on white paper) can
also cause problems. Geometrical distortion may appear in places with strong contrast.

Scanning principle and methods

If you are shooting a single fragment (scan) - you get a three-dimensional model of the object surface.
To create a full object model you need to obtain surfaces of the object, that together entirety replicate
the form of the object, i.e. scan the object from different angles.
Obtained fragments are combined in the special software by the surface geometry, hence there is
another requirement - the object must be rigid and do not change its shape during the entire scanning
procedure. Otherwise, the geometry of the same area of the object surface of different scans may be
different, and it will be impossible to unite the pieces into a coherent whole.


In RangeVision 3D scanner there are 3 scan options available, which are different, in the first place,
by the fragment alignment method:

Scanning without markers

Scanning with markers
Scanning on the turning table (optional, not included in the standard kit)

Creating a new project

To start scanning create a new project in accordance with the selected scan method.

Specify the location where you want to save the project and scan data. When you choose the
path where you want to save the project, consider a large volume of scan data. Scan data are saved
in a folder
"Project name_folder" .
If you have created a project with markers, appears a dialogue box where you may choose the
parameters of these markers, it is described in more detail in the chapter Scanning with markers. After
creating a project, you must select the scan mode - with texture or without.


Placing an object
After you create a project, place an object in front of the scanner at the working distance from the
cameras. The approximate distance to the surface of the object is specified in the table in Calibration
section. The object must be mounted securely to avoid vibration and change of the position during the
scan process. If the object does not fit entirely into the scan area, you should not move the scanner
further to "increase" the area to be scanned. This will lead to the decreased quality of the model. Scan
the object in a few positions, for example, the top and the bottom parts separately, and then unite
these parts. Using the auxiliary materials for securing an object, take into account the possibility of
their removal from the 3D model.

Adjusting the exposure and brightness

After you place an object at the needed distance, switch the projector to the Lines and Stripes lighting
mode. Adjusting exposure of the cameras (the slider in the toolbar), get maximum exposure value, which
does not cause red dots to appear on the lines. Areas of the image, not relating to the scanned object, do not
matter. Red colour mark the areas of the excess lighting. The scanner does not digitize such areas. On the
figures below you may see the examples of too high exposure value (the object is in excessive light) and too
low value (the object is too dark).

When working on battery, the brightness of illumination is

lowered. Projector with fully charged battery may work about an
hour without being connected to a power supply.
Due to close distance to an object, it may be necessary to
lower the brightness of lines and stripes in the menu Brightness
settings. Set the brightness of lines at approximately 2 times
greater than the one of the stripes. Visually lines and stripes must
be the same brightness. In addition, you may lower the brightness
of the projector itself.

Viewing the model

To see the whole preview model you can rotate, zoom and pan the 3D view. For the convenience of
scanning procedure, you may switch the display mode: only display from the cameras, only 3D-model or


Rotation of the model

Left mouse button

Rotation of the model in the plane of the


Left mouse button on the edges of the view

Dragging the model in the plane of the screen

Right mouse button

Middle mouse button (press mouse wheel)

You can simplify preview for decreasing time of redraw model. You can do this in the Preview options
menu. For this drag the slide control, change the degree of model simplification from 0 to 10:

0 non-simplified model
10 the most simplified model

The left side of the main software window contains project tree, which specifies all scans contained in
the project. When you select a project - the field of viewing 3D model displays all scans, when you select an
individual scan - it will be the only one displayed. To delete bad fragment just select it in the tress and press
Delete. For convenience, each fragment has its own colour.


Scanning without markers

When scanning without markers, the fragments of the model surface may not be oriented in relation to
each other, which decreases the scanning speed and the process of gaining a 3D-model.
This scanning method may be used if the surface of the object has expressed asymmetrical relief, which
will later serve as basis for fragments registering.
Sequence of actions when scanning without markers:
Prepare the surface of the object to be scanned (if needed)
Create new project without markers or open an existing one
Perform Orienting to check the calibration of the scanner
Put the object in front of the scanner at a working distance
Turn on the Stripes and lines mode, check the sharpness of the projector and with the slider
calibrate the exposure of the cameras
Start scanning with the corresponding button
Aim the scanner at the object at a different angle to obtain the next segment
Scan the object from desired sides, controlling the quality of obtained scans in the 3D model
viewing area.
After the end of scanning Go to ScanMerge to process obtained data. The example of data
obtained when scanning without markers:


Scanning with markers

This scanning method is more convenient than scanning without markers. In addition to construction of
the object surface, in this mode the scanner finds marks and calculates their coordinates. If each of the
following scans has enough related marks from previous ones, new fragment automatically will be placed in
the desired position. In this way, all the pieces will automatically form a three-dimensional object model,
making it easier for further processing of the scan data.
Found the marks form a reference grid. You can create a reference grid in advance, and then scan the
object. And each scan will be stitched to the reference grid,
and not to the previous scan, without need to create overlap between these
scans. Thus, you can stick fewer markers to an object. Switching between
creating a reference grid and scanning is done in the control panel.
Reference grid can be used repeatedly, if you're using auxiliary object for your scanning process
(surface with markers). Reference grid can be uploaded in different formats: bsegrid, b, txt from
third-party sources, for example, from photogrammetric system, that allows you to scan large objects
without significant loss in accuracy. If you want to create the reference grid press the File Save
reference grid.
When sticking markers to an object it is desirable to choose flat areas. In this case, on obtained model
you can cut the section with the mark, and cover the blank space without significant losses in a result.
Markers should be attached as chaotic as possible. Avoid expressed patterns or curves, as this may
provoke incorrect detection of markers. If the new fragment is not correctly oriented in relation to the
model, delete it to create a next scan. When using auxiliary surface, object should not move in relation to
the markers during the scan!
If there are not enough markers on the new scan
(less than three) or the software is unable to joint
scan to already existing ones, an error message is
sent and the scan is considered unsuccessful.
Brightness of the projector light when identifying
markers can be changed. Turn on the illumination mode
Markers and open the Brightness settings. Specify the
brightness value, at which the markers can be clearly
seen on the output from the cameras.
Using a dark surface, which is "invisible" for the
scanner, simplifies removing extra fragments when
processing the model.


When creating project with markers, it is necessary to specify the type and size of used markers. Scanner
kit includes black markers with radius of 2.5 mm.
Sequence of actions when scanning with markers:

Stick markers on the object or auxiliary surface

Prepare the surface of the object to be scanned (if needed)

Create new project with markers or open an existing one

Perform Orientation to check the calibration of the scanner

If the reference grid of 3D-marks is already created - load it through File Load reference grid

Put the object in front of the scanner at a working distance

Turn on the Stripes and lines mode, check the sharpness of the projector and with the slider
Regulate the positions of the cameras

Start scanning with the corresponding button

Scan the object in the next position, visually observing the correctness of fragments stitching in the
3D model viewing area. If the scan during stitching is in obviously incorrect position, it is clear that
such scan should be deleted - select it in the tree and press Delete.

Go to ScanMerge for further processing or create a new project to scan the object from the other
Identified markers may appear in the following colours:

Marker found only once (not reliable)


Marker found on several scans (reliable)


Marker of the reference grid

Options menu displays the properties of the project. Depending on the type of the project, the number
of options may vary.
When scanning without markers in Settings you may
change the parameters for interception of the model by
planes. The scanner is building a 3D model only of those parts
of the object, which fall into the area, limited by near-end and
far-end clipping border. For example, if far-end and near-end
borders are 200 and -200mm respectively, and the scanner is
configured to the scan zone 2 with working distance of about
40cm, the model would be constructed only in the area of 20
- 60 cm from the scanner.
When scanning with markers besides the above-mentioned parameter in Settings you may also specify

marker properties. When using customized markers, specified their radius in the corresponding field.

Scanning with texture

3D scanner RangeVision Smart has a feature of coloured scanning. Obtaining a 3D model with texture
can be achieved both through scanning with or without markers. Choice of scan mode is performed when
you create a project:

Setting parameters of colour scanning is performed in the Settings for texture capturing.
When opening the menu the image gets coloured.
Before the scan, placing an object in front of the scanner at
the working distance, adjust the illumination brightness,
amplification and exposure. Set such values of the parameters
at which the colours on the image from the cameras will be
the most accurately matching the actual object colours.
Model with texture can be exported only in the OBJ
format. Detailed information on export of models is
contained in the manual on ScanMerge.


Solutions to possible problems

The image from the cameras is reversed/mixed up
Change the value of the parameter "Swap cameras" in Settings - Configuration settings - Cameras
and restart SnCenter.
There is an error "Unable to capture from the camera", the image from the camera is flickering
This error signifies low bandwidth of the USB-port. Check whether the cameras are connected through
adapters, USB-hubs. Lower the value of the parameter "Frequency for cameras" in Settings - Configuration
settings - Cameras. Recommended value - 18.
Resulting calibration value is greater than 0.1 pix
Check the correctness of calibration procedure, the position of calibration plates during capture, the
distance to the plate, whether the position of the cameras corresponds to the selected calibration plate.
Scanner does not identify markers during scanning
Check the scanner calibration, warm-up of cameras, and radius of markers in the project properties.
During scanning with markers the fragments are stitched wrong
Possible causes:
There is not enough marks in this area model for the normal pairing them with the reference grid
The reference grid contains expressed figure or pattern
The model has been moved on the plate with marks.
There is no image of the model during the scanning process
Possible causes:
Check operation of the scanner on the other computer!
Check that you run the software as Administration and there is enough disk space to record all data
Probably there are incorrect setting for clipping the model by planes or cylinder
When scanning with markers you turned on the mode "Only markers"


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