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Ali Akang Vs - Municipality of Isulan, Sultan Kudarat Province G.R. No. 186014 June 26, 2013 Facts: Issue

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G.R. No. 186014

June 26, 2013

was already barred by laches; that the Deed

of Sale was valid; and that it has been in
open, continuous and exclusive possession
of the property for forty (40) years.



Ali Akang (petitioner) is a member of

the national and cultural community
belonging to the Maguindanaon tribe of
Isulan, Province of Sultan Kudarat and the
registered owner of parcel of land located at
Isulan, Sultan Kudarat, with an area of
20,030 square meters.

Whether the Deed of Sale dated July 18,

1962 is a valid and perfected contract of

Sometime in 1962, a two-hectare

portion of the property was sold by the
petitioner to the Municipality of Isulan,
Province of Sultan Kudarat (respondent)
through then Isulan Mayor DatuAmpatuan
under a Deed of Sale executed on July 18,
1962 for P3,000 to be used purposely and
exclusively as a Government Center site.
possession of the property and began
construction of the municipal building.
Thirty-nine (39) years later or on
October 26, 2001, the petitioner, together
with his wife, PataoTalipasan, filed a civil
action for Recovery of Possession of
Subject Property and/or Quieting of Title
thereon and Damages against the
respondent, represented by its Municipal
Mayor, et al.
In his complaint, the petitioner
alleged, among others, that the agreement
was one to sell, which was not
consummated as the purchase price was
not paid.
In its answer, the respondent denied
the petitioners allegations, claiming, among
others: that the petitioners cause of action

The Deed of Sale is a Valid Contract
of Sale.
By the contract of sale, one of the
contracting parties obligates himself to
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a
determinate thing, and the other to pay
therefore a price certain in money or its
equivalent.The elements of a contract of
sale are: (a) consent or meeting of the
minds, that is, consent to transfer ownership
in exchange for the price; (b) determinate
subject matter; and (c) price certain in
money or its equivalent.
A contract to sell, on the other hand,
is a bilateral contract whereby the
prospective seller, while expressly reserving
the ownership of the subject property
despite delivery thereof to the prospective
buyer, binds himself to sell the said property
exclusively to the prospective buyer upon
fulfillment of the condition agreed upon, that
is, full payment of the purchase price.
In a contract of sale, the title to the
property passes to the buyer upon the
delivery of the thing sold, whereas in a
contract to sell, the ownership is, by
agreement, retained by the seller and is not
to pass to the vendee until full payment of
the purchase price.

The Deed of Sale executed by the

petitioner and the respondent is a perfected
contract of sale, all its elements being
present. There was mutual agreement
between them to enter into the sale, as

shown by their free and voluntary signing of

the contract. There was also an absolute
transfer of ownership of the property by the
petitioner to the respondent.

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