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Paparella: Volume I: Basic Sciences and Related Disciplines Section 6: Pharmacology Chapter 28: Antibiotics Leonard P. Rybak

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Paparella: Volume I: Basic Sciences and Related Disciplines

Section 6: Pharmacology
Chapter 28: Antibiotics
Leonard P. Rybak
The history of antibiotics goes back many centuries. The Chinese knew of the
therapeutic utility of applying moldy soybean curd to skin infections over 2.500 years ago
(Sande and Mandell, 1985). Pasteur and Joubert (1877) reported that anthrax bacilli could be
administered to an animal in large numbers without causing illness if the other bacteria were
co-administered. The modern age of chemotherapy of infectious disease began with the use
of sulfanilamide in 1936 and accelerated with the introductions of penicillin in mass quantities
in 1941. Further momentum was brought about by the discovery of streptomycin in 1944. The
search for nontoxic, highly effective antimicrobial agents continues.
Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by living organisms (bacteria, fungi, or
actinomycetes) that inhibit the growth of other microorganisms and may eventually kill these
other organisms. A number of naturally-occurring substances have been modified chemically,
creating the so-called semisynthetic antibiotics, which behave as prodrugs or which have
enhanced therapeutic to toxic ratios. Finally, some substances such as isoniazid or ethambutol
are completely synthetic and are useful in the treatment of tuberculosis (Sande and Mandell,
The choice of a drug for treating an infection depends on a number of factors. One
such factor involves the activity of the drug against the pathogenic organism. Other factors
include the intrinsic toxicity of the drug and the patient's clinical status such as the presence
of renal failure, allergies, or pregnancy. Another consideration may involve cost when other
factors are nearly equal.
Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole
The sulfonamides were the initial chemotherapeutic agents to be used systematically
to treat bacterial infections in humans. The name sulfonamide includes a series of synthetic
derivatives of sulfanilamide. Sulfonamides exhibit a broad range of antimicrobial activity
against both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. The sulfonamides exert mainly a
bacteriostatic action. These agents are active against group A Streptococcus pyogenes, S.
pneumoniae, some strains of Bacillus anthracis and Corynebacterium pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae and H. ducreyi, Brucella, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia pestis, Nocardia,
Actinomyces, Calymmatobacterium granulomatis, and the agents responsible for trachoma,
lymphogranuloma venereum, and inclusion conjunctivitis (Sande and Mandell, 1985).
Sulfonamides are not longer used for gonorrhea because of the emergence of resistant strains.
Many strains of Neisseria meningitidis and Shigella are resistant to the sulfonamides. Some
strains of Escherichia coli isolated from patients with urinary tract infections are sensitive to
sulfonamides. Other enteric bacteria tend to be resistant in vivo, although they are sensitive

in vitro.
The mechanism of action of sulfonamides is thought to involve the competitive
antagonism of para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) utilization by bacteria. Sulfonamides appear
to prevent bacteria from incorporating PABA into the folic acid molecule. Thus, bacteria that
do not require folic acid or that can utilize preformed folic acid are not affected. The
bacteriostatic action of sulfonamides is competitively antagonized by PABA. Trimethoprim
exerts a supra-additive effect in combination with a sulfonamide. Certain sulfonamides such
as sulfasalazine are designed for local effects in the bowel, such as in the treatment of
ulcerative colitis and regional enteritis. This drug is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract. The other sulfonamides are rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
Subcutaneous injection of sodium salts of sulfonamides results in antibacterial levels in the
blood. After systemic administration of adequate doses, the sulfonamides reach cerebrospinal
fluid concentrations that are effective in meningitis. The sulfonamides are acetylated and
oxidized primarily in the liver. The acetylated forms of some of the older sulfonamides are
less soluble and contribute to crystalluria and renal complications. Most of the excretion of
sulfonamides occurs in the urine by glomerular filtration. The sulfonamides can be divided
into three groups: (1) agents that are rapidly absorbed and excreted, such as sulfisoxazole; (2)
agents very poorly absorbed orally which are active in the bowel lumen, such as sulfasalazine;
and (3) sulfonamides used mainly for topical use, such as sulfacetamide, mafenide, and silver
The recommended daily oral dose of sulfisoxazole for children is 120-150 mg/kg of
body weight; one-half of this dose is given as a loading dose, followed by one-sixth of the
daily dose every 4 hours but not exceeding 6 grams in 24 hours. For adults, the oral dose is
2 to 4 gm initially, followed by 1 gm every 4 to 6 hours.
Sulfisoxazole is highly soluble in urine compared with the older sulfonamides.
Therefore, sulfisoxazole only infrequently causes hematuria or crystalluria (0.2 to 0.3 per
cent), and the risk of anuria is very small. However, it is recommended that patients taking
this drug ingest an adequate amount of water. Sulfisoxazole and all absorbable sulfonamides
must be used with caution in patients with impaired renal function. All sulfonamides may
produce potentially fatal hypersensitivity reactions.
Sulfamethoxazole is a compound that is structurally related to sulfisoxazole, but its
rate of oral absorption and urinary excretion are slower. Precautions must be used to prevent
crystalluria because of the acetylated rather insoluble metabolite in the urine. The dosage
schedules for children are: 50 to 60 mg/kg initially, followed by 25 to 30 mg/kg in the
morning and the evening. The dosage for adults with mild infections is 2.0 gm, followed by
1.0 gm every hours; for severe infections, the maintenance dose (1 gm) is given every 8
Sulfacetamide is a very soluble sulfonamide used topically for ophthalmic infections.
Very high aqueous concentrations are nonirritating to the eye and yet are effectively
bactericidal. This drug should not be used in patients allergic to sulfonamides. The initial dose
of sodium sulfacetamide solution is one or two drops of 10 to 30 per cent solution applied
topically to the eye every 2 hours for severe infections, and 3 to 4 times a day for chronic
conditions. An ophthalmic ointment is also available.

Sulfasalazine is used in ulcerative colitis and regional enteritis.

Mafenide cream is used as a topical preparation for the prevention of infection of
burns by a wide variety of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It appears to be highly
active in inhibiting the implantation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa but should not be used for
established infection. There is rapid systemic absorption of mafenide. Adverse reactions
include pain on application, allergic reactions, and loss of fluid by evaporation since occlusive
dressings are not used. The drug inhibits carbonic anhydrase; the urine becomes alkaline, and
metabolic acidosis may occur. Compensatory tachypnea with hyperventilation resulting in
respiratory alkalosis can also occur.
Silver sulfadiazine is also used extensively for topical therapy of burns. Silver is
slowly released and is toxic to microorganisms. This drug prevents invasion and can also
eradicate P. aeruginosa and other sensitive microorganisms from burns.
Also, sulfonamides are potentially dangerous drugs. The overall incidence of reactions
is about 5 per cent. Certain untoward effects preclude the subsequent use of these agents: drug
fever and reaction involving the blood, bone marrow, kidney, liver, skin and peripheral nerves
(Sande and Mandell, 1985).
Hematopoietic side effects include acute hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis,
thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia (extremely rare), and eosinophilia. Renal side effects
include crystalluria, toxic nephrosis, and hypersensitivity nephritis. The risk of crystalluria is
reduced by large urine volume brought about by high fluid intake. Alkaline therapy can be
used if urine pH is low.
Hypersensitivity reactions include vascular lesions, which may resemble polyarteritis
nodosa; skin and mucous membrane manifestations (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), serum
sickness, anaphylactoid reactions and drug fever. Liver damage may occur rarely. Other
reactions include goiter, hypothyroidism, arthritis, neuropsychiatric disturbances, peripheral
neuritis (very rare), anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Premature babies may develop kernicterus
because of displacement of bilirubin from plasma protein binding sites. Enzymes that acetylate
sulfonamides are poorly developed in newborns.
The combination of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole has been used extensively since
1968, mainly for the treatment of gram-negative infections. The antibacterial spectrum of
trimethoprim is similar to that of sulfamethoxazole, although the trimethoprim drug is 20 to
100 times more potent than the sulfamethoxazole (Sande and Mandell, 1985). The
combination is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria but resistance
may develop. Resistant organisms include P. aeruginosa, enterococci, and Bacteroides
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is a bacteriostatic combination; however, bactericidal
activity may be found against some microorganisms. This combination works by acting on
two levels in the pathway for the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid in bacteria. The
sulfonamide inhibits the incorporation of PABA into folate, and trimethoprim blocks the

reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate (Sande and Mandell, 1985). The optimal ratio
for synergism of these two agents against most bacteria is 20 parts of sulfamethoxazole to one
part of trimethoprim.
The pharmacokinetic profiles of the combination are designed to achieve a constant
ratio of 20 to one. The half-lives of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are about 11 and 10
hours, respectively. The recommended daily dose for children for treatment of urinary tract
infections and otitis media is 8 mg/kg of trimethoprim and 40 mg/kg of sulfamethoxazole,
given in two divided doses every 12 hours for 10 days. The combination should not be used
in infants under 2 months of age, during pregnancy (at term), and in nursing mothers.
The usual adult dose is 800 mg of sulfamethoxazole plus 160 mg of trimethoprim
every 12 hours for 10-14 days.
Little toxicity has been observed in the routine use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
The most common side effects involve the skin. However, severe cutaneous toxicity such as
exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or toxic epidermal necrolysis is rare.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, and stomatitis are relatively common. Allergic
cholestatic jaundice may be mild and transient. Headache, depression, or hallucinations may
occur. A variety of anemias may be induced, especially in folate deficient patients. Aplastic,
hemolytic, or macrocytic anemia may occur. Coagulation disorders, granulocytopenia,
agranulocytosis, purpura, Henoch-Schoenlein purpura, and sulfhemoglobinemia have been
reported. Permanent renal disease may follow the use of the combination in patients with
renal disease (Sande and Mandell, 1985).
Therapeutic indications include urinary tract infections, acute exacerbations of chronic
bronchitis, acute otitis media, and acute maxillary sinusitis. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
should not be used to treat streptococcal pharyngitis, since it does not eliminate the organism.
It may be used to treat shigellosis, and typhoid fever, to eradicate salmonella carrier states and
to treat acute diarrhea caused by enteropathogenic E. coli. Pneumocystis carinii infection in
immunosuppressed host, such as AIDS patients, is effectively treated by high-dose therapy.
Acute gonorrheal urethritis, chancroid, and Nocardia and Brucella infections, respond to
therapy with sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
This large group of antibiotics includes the penicillins, cephalosporins, and two new
classes of antibiotics, the carbapenems and the monobactams. This class of antibiotics inhibits
steps in bacterial cell wall synthesis or maintenance. More recent research has revealed that
penicillins bind to specific proteins located between the cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall
of bacteria. These penicillin-binding proteins play a critical role in maintaining the structure
of the bacterial cell wall (Curtis, 1981). A series of penicillin-binding proteins have been
identified and classified according to their molecular weight (Eng, 1984). Six difference betalactamases produced by bacteria have been identified. Some of these enzymes are
penicillinases, some of which have activity against oxacillin. Others are cephalosporinases.
Some bacteria may resist beta-lactam antibiotic action because of the inability of the antibiotic
to penetrate the gram-negative cell wall (Eng, 1984). Therefore, the susceptibility of bacteria
to a beta-lactam antibiotic depends on three factors: (1) the stability of the antibiotic to

enzymatic breakdown; (2) the ability of the antibiotic to penetrate the cell wall in order to
reach the site of action (periplasmic space); and (3) the ability of the antibiotic to bind to
various penicillin-binding proteins (Eng, 1984).
The series of antibiotics in the penicillin and cephalosporin categories of beta-lactam
antibiotics have been clustered into various "generations" of compounds with similar
properties within a given generation. Succeeding generations have indicated new series of
compounds with new properties and a new antimicrobial spectrum of activity. Four
generations of penicillins and three generations of cephalosporins have been described.
The discovery of penicillin and the determination of its spectrum of action and
chemistry opened up a new era of antimicrobial therapy. In the 1950s, penicillin was
successfully employed to treat infections caused by streptococci, staphylococci, Neisseria, and
pneumococci. It soon became obvious that penicillin G lacked certain desirable qualities.
Unaltered penicillin is rapidly excreted by the kidneys. This problem requires frequent dosing
of the drug to maintain proper blood and tissue levels. Penicillin G is susceptible to
inactivation by beta-lactamases, and is inactive against gram-negative rods, because of its
inability to penetrate the cell wall to reach the site of action (Izaki et al, 1966). These
limitations to the action of penicillin G led to the development of new generations of
penicillins with extended spectrums of action. The penicillinase-resistant group of penicillins
(methicillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, cloxacillin, and dicloxacillin) are generally less active than
penicillin G, but their stability to the action of penicillinases makes them useful for the
treatment of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. However, infections due to
methicillin-resistant S. aureus are of increasing importance in the United States. Strains of
methicillin-resistant S. aureus are also resistant to all penicillins; however, vancomycin is
effective against all strains of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (Watanakunakorn, 1982).
Methicillin resistance is not caused by enzymatic inactivation. It is intrinsic, chromosomally
mediated, and heterogeneous. Methicillin resistance is related to decreased affinity of the
penicillin-binding proteins in the cell wall for methicillin (Eng, 1984).
The second generation penicillins include the ampicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin,
hetacillin, cyclacillin and bacampicillin). These compounds have chemical properties that
allow penetration of the cell wall of enteric gram-negative rods and H. influenzae. Amoxicillin
has the identical antimicrobial spectrum to that of ampicillin, but amoxicillin has a longer
serum half-life and increased absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby resulting in
a lower incidence of diarrhea (Neu, 1974). These drugs are susceptible to hydrolysis by betalactamases produced by a number of H. influenzae strains as well as Klebsiella pneumoniae.
To combat the beta-lactamase produced by H. influenzae and Klebsiella pneumoniae,
clavulanic acid has been added to amoxicillin (Neu and Fu, 1978). Clavulanic acid is a natural
product of S. clavuligenes and has a structure similar to penicillin. Although this compound
has little intrinsic antimicrobial activity, it is able to tightly bind and inhibit many betalactamases (Aoki and Okuhara, 1980).
Members of the third generation of penicillins have activity against P. aeruginosa.
This group includes ticarcillin and carbenicillin, both of which have reduced activity against
gram-positive organisms and most enteric gram-negative rods. These compounds have activity

against P. aeruginosa as opposed to earlier generations of penicillins. They have activity

against Bacteroides fragilis comparable to that of penicillin G. These compounds must be
given in large doses, resulting in a significant sodium load, and they are susceptible to
breakdown by beta-lactamases. However, the combination of ticarcillin and clavulanic acid
is available.
The fourth generation of penicillins include the so-called ureidopenicillins mezlocillin, azlocillin, and piperacillin. These compounds have a broad spectrum of activity
that includes the spectrum for penicillin G plus activity for H. influenzae, enterococcus,
Klebsiella, and P. aeruginosa. However, these agents are susceptible to hydrolysis by betalactamases. The broad spectrum of activity of the fourth generation penicillins has encouraged
some clinicians to use them in combination with aminoglycosides for serious infections
suspected of being caused by P. aeruginosa. The exact place of the fourth generation
penicillins in antimicrobial therapy has not yet been clarified (Neu and Wise, 1982).
Methicillin is readily destroyed by the gastric acid and, therefore, is not used orally.
Isoxazolyl penicillins (oxacillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacillin) are acid stable and are absorbed
from the gastrointestinal tract. Food delays absorption, so that peak serum concentrations are
obtained later and are about one-half of those achieved in fasting patients. Oral cloxacillin
produces serum level one and a half- to 2-fold higher than oxacillin, whereas, after oral
dosing, dicloxacillin serum levels exceed those of cloxacillin by a factor of 1.5 to 2. The oral
absorption of nafcillin is irregular. Penicillinase-resistant penicillins are widely distributed in
various body fluids, but traverse the normal meninges poorly. Nafcillin achieves higher
concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), both in patients with normal meninges and
those with meningitis. Nafcillin is excreted by the liver and achieves extremely high biliary
concentrations. It is excreted by the kidneys only to a small extent. Renal failure only slightly
alters nafcillin pharmacokinetics, thus no dosage adjustment is required in patients with renal
Cephalosporins inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis and are thus classified as
bactericidal antibiotics like penicillin. These antibiotics can be used as alternatives to
penicillin in the treatment of pneumococcal and streptococcal infections when patients have
a history of skin reaction to penicillin. Established indications include prophylaxis against
wound infection in surgery. It is convenient to use a cephalosporin for initial therapy when
the bacterial pathogen is unknown or is in the process of being identified, since these
compounds possess a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Cephalothin is active against
many gram-positive bacteria including S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, and nonenterococcal
streptococci. It is also active against some gram-negative rods, including E. coli, K.
pneumoniae and Proteus (Rybak, 1982). Like the penicillins, the cephalosporins have been
characterized into generations of compounds based on stepwise modifications of the parent
compound cephalothin.
First-generation cephalosporins are active against most gram-positive cocci and gramnegative bacilli as discussed above. They are not effective against Serratia, Enterobacter, and

Enterococcus species; P. aeruginosa; B. fragilis; or H. influenzae.

Second-generation cephalosporins represented the next breakthrough in expanding the
activity of cephalosporins because of their activity against B. fragilis (cefoxitin) and H.
influenzae (cefaclor, cefamandole, cefonicid, ceforanide, and cefuroxime). Cefaclor is the only
cephalosporin given orally that is effective against H. influenzae including ampicillin-resistant
strains. It has been used to treat otitis media because of its activity against H. influenzae,
Diplococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus, especially if ampicillin resistance is suspected.
Cefuroxime has good CSF penetration. Both cefuroxime and cefoxitin are active against
penicillinase-producing N. gonorrheae but must be administered parenterally.
Third-generation cephalosporins include compounds with activity against gramnegative bacteria. These agents are very active against H. influenzae and N. gonorrheae
strains, which are highly resistant to the penicillins. These agents are active against P.
aeruginosa and against anaerobes including B. fragilis. The so-called "extended spectrum"
cephalosporins have gained gram-negative activity but have lost some activity against grampositive organisms.
Cefotaxime has greater activity in vitro against many cephalosporin-resistant gramnegative organisms. Moxalactam is the most active third-generation cephalosporin against B.
fragilis, with its activity in vitro approaching that of cefoxitin. In addition, moxalactam is
active against H. influenzae and N. gonorrheae. Moxalactam, however, has been associated
with severe bleeding disorders. Although cefoperazone has enhanced antipseudomonal activity,
it cannot be relied on for single agent therapy for these infections. Compared with cefotaxime,
ceftizoxime, and moxalactam, cefoperazone has less activity against most Enterobacteriaceae.
Ceftriaxone has excellent CSF penetration. All third-generation cephalosporins require
parenteral injection.
Moxalactam prolongs the prothrombin time, and patients have had bleeding
complications that are related to moxalactam administration. Some bleeding complications
have been reported with cefoperazone therapy as well. Patients with ethyl alcohol in their
blood or tissue suffer acute symptoms of nausea, vomiting, flushing, and hypotension
(disulfiram effect) when they receive moxalactam, cefoperazone, or cefmenoxime because of
structural similarities (Eng, 1984).
Because none of the preceding beta-lactam antibiotics can be used alone to treat
systemic P. aeruginosa infections, cefsulodin and ceftazimide were developed. Both of these
agents have good activity against P. aeruginosa. The pharmacokinetics of cephalosporins is
Adverse Reactions
Immediate reactions include anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, and urticaria. Delayed
reactions include maculopapular rash, drug fever, and eosinophilia.
Although the chemical structures of penicillins and cephalosporins are similar, crosssensitivity between these two groups is low. A patient with a history of allergic reaction of
the delayed type to penicillin, such as a rash, probably has less than 5 per cent chance of

having the same reaction to a cephalosporin. However, in those patients with a history of
anaphylactic or immediate reaction to penicillin, it is not recommended to administer a
cephalosporin or any other beta-lactam drug. Large doses of cephalosporins have been
associated with a positive Coombs test, which is rarely associated with hemolysis.
Imipenem is an antibiotic member of the new carbapenem class of antibiotics. The
parent compound, thienamycin, is produced by Streptomyces cattleya. The carbapenems have
the 4:5 fused ring lactam of the penicillins with a substitution of carbon for sulfur in an
unsaturated 5-membered ring (Birnbaum et al, 1985). Thienamycin itself is unstable but the
N-formidoyl derivative, imipenem, is stable.
It was soon discovered that carbapenem antibiotics undergo extensive metabolic
inactivation in the kidney by a brush border enzyme, dehydropeptidase-1. A highly selective
enzyme inhibitor was searched for and discovered. MK 0791, or cilastatin, significantly
inhibits the degradation of imipenem (Birnbaum et al, 1985). This novel combination of a
beta-lactam antibiotic (imipenem) and an enzyme inhibitor (cilastatin) has proved highly
effective in experimental and clinical infections.
Imipenem has the broadest spectrum of the beta-lactam antibiotics (Birnbaum et al,
1985). It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria,
including Enterococcus, P. aeruginosa, Serratia and all species of Bacteroides (Birnbaum et
al, 1985). It is bactericidal even against bacteria resistant to aminoglycosides and the newer
cephalosporins. Even beta-lactamase-producing H. influenzae, Acinetobacter, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, and N. meningitidis are susceptible to imipenem. However, activity is low or
absent against P. maltophila, P. cepacia, Streptococcus faecium, Flavobacteria, and some
diphtheroids. Also, a broad range of susceptibilities is found among methicillin-resistant
staphylococci (Jones, 1985). This overall excellent antibacterial activity of imipenem is the
result of the lack of a permeability barrier for bacterial penetration; a high affinity for
penicillin-binding protein 2, a critical protein in cell wall synthesis of gram-negative bacteria,
and for critical penicillin-binding proteins in gram-positive organisms; and above all, its great
beta-lactamase stability (Neu, 1985a).
Neither imipenem nor cilastatin is appreciably absorbed orally and, therefore, must be
given parenterally. Plasma half-life averages just less than 1 hour for both drugs with plasma
clearance of about 200 mL/min (Drusano and Standiford, 1985). The half-life of imipenem
is prolonged by renal failure, and the drug is removed by hemodialysis (Gibson et al, 1985).
Adverse reactions among 2516 patients treated with this antibiotic include nausea, vomiting,
local injection site reactions, and rash. A very low frequency of drug-relates seizures and
transient elevation of the liver function test values were observed (Calandra et al, 1985).
Clinical experience with imipenem/cilastatin has been fairly extensive. This drug combination
was found to be efficacious in bacteremia (Eron, 1985), pneumonia (Salata et al, 1985),
osteomyelitis (MacGregor and Gentry, 1985), urinary tract infections (Cox and Corrado,
1985), skin infections (Fass et al, 1985), surgical infections (Solomkin et al, 1985), and
endocarditis (Donabedian and Freimer, 1985). Overall, imipenem and cilastatin appear to be
relatively safe and highly effective. With regard to head and neck infections, the striking
efficacy against anaerobes, including anaerobic bacteria, is notable. It should also be an

important agent for selected nosocomial infections (Neu, 1985b).

Aztreonam is the first drug in a new category of the beta-lactam group of antibiotics.
Its structure is composed of a single heterocyclic ring rather than the bicyclic rings of
penicillins and cephalosporins. A series of synthetic monobactams were prepared and tested
for biologic properties, and aztreonam was the first compound that was found to be useful in
this series, the monobactams (Sykes and Bonner, 1985).
Aztreonam's antibacterial spectrum is unique among beta-lactam antibiotics. Unlike
the majority of beta-lactam antibiotics, aztreonam exhibits little or no activity against grampositive organisms, such as streptococci or staphylococci, or anaerobes. Aztreonam is
primarily active against aerobic gram-negative bacteria commonly encountered in nosocomial
infections. In vitro, aztreonam was found to be as active as, or more active than, cefotaxime,
moxalactam, or gentamicin against the Enterobacteriaceae. Among non-Enterobacteriaceae,
aztreonam was highly active against H. influenzae (including ampicillin-resistant strains),
intermediately active against Pseudomonas, and poorly active against Acinetobacter (Sykes
and Bonner, 1985).
The mechanism of action of aztreonam is through interference with bacterial wall
synthesis. It has a high affinity for penicillin-binding protein 3, a protein important for cell
division in aerobic gram-negative bacteria. Aztreonam is highly resistant to enzymatic
hydrolysis by beta-lactamases produced by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Serum and urine levels of aztreonam after 0.5-, 1-, and 2-gram doses are potentially
therapeutic for susceptible gram-negative organisms. The drug is widely distributed in body
fluids and tissues. It is excreted primarily in the urine in an unchanged form. Protein binding
is about 50 per cent and it is distributed to the extracellular water space. Serum half-life is
1.7 hours, confirming a dosing interval of 6 to 8 hours (Swabb, 1985). Aztreonam has proved
to be extremely useful as sole therapy or in combination with other agents in treating urinary
infections, pneumonia, skin infections, and selected intra-abdominal infections. It offers an
alternative to using aminoglycosides and some of the broad-spectrum agents currently used
(Neu, 1985c). There appears to be little cross-sensitivity between aztreonam and other betalactam antibiotics. None of 41 patients with documented IgE-reactive skin tests to various
penicillin determinants demonstrated reproducible reactivity to any aztreonam fractions (Saxon
et al, 1985). Side effects that have been reported to date include mild transient taste sensation
during intravenous infusion, which was reported in 6 per cent of subjects. Mild fatigue, mild
pruritus, erythematous rash, sneezing, and nasal congestion were reported in less than 3 per
cent of subjects. Loose stools, fever, elevation of liver enzymes, and eosinophilia were found
in a small percentage of subjects. No evidence of renal dysfunction was associated with
aztreonam (Swabb, 1985). No apparent abnormalities of hemostasis were detected. An animal
study failed to show any evidence of ototoxicity (Myhre et al, 1985). Detailed reports of
aztreonam investigations have been reported in a recent symposium (Neu, 1985c). Dosages
of beta-lactam antibiotics are given.

Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that was isolated from S. orientalis. Its major
activity is against gram-positive bacteria with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC
values) as low as 0.25 microg/mL for the most sensitive bacteria such as streptococci. At
lower concentrations, vancomycin is bacteriostatic but becomes bactericidal at higher
concentrations against streptococci, staphylococci, corynebacteria, and clostridia, with doses
achieved clinically. However, only bacteriostatic concentrations can be achieved against
enterococci. Gram-negative bacteria (other than some Neisseria strains), mycobacteria, and
fungi are resistant to vancomycin (Perkins, 1982). Although in wide-spread use in the late
1950s and early 1960s, considerable problems with side effects of chills, fever, and occasional
hypotension were encountered (Cunha and Ristuccia, 1984). At least some of the side effects
were caused by impurities in the preparations, which have subsequently undergone better
purification (Riley, 1970). Currently, vancomycin has very few side effects, and is considered
one of the safest antibiotics available (Cunha and Ristuccia, 1984). In the late 1970s,
clinicians began to recognize the value of vancomycin in the treatment of severe grampositive infections such as bacterial endocarditis, especially in patients with known allergy
to penicillin. Vancomycin has also been used to treat gram-positive infections in dialysis
patients (Esposito and Gleckman, 1977; Polk et al, 1981). The emergence of methicillinresistant S. aureus and S. epidermidis strains particularly has brought about a renaissance in
the use of vancomycin (Watanakunakorn, 1982). Vancomycin is also useful in the treatment
of staphylococcal enterocolitis and pseudomembranous colitis caused by toxogenic
Clostridium difficile, since this antibiotic is not appreciably absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract (Perkins, 1982).
The mechanism of antibiotic action is thought to be an interference with cell wall
peptidoglycan synthesis (Perkins, 1982).
The peak blood levels of vancomycin after a 1-gram intravenous injection are 25 to
40 microg/mL. The serum half-life is 6 hours. The usual adult dose is 500 mg every six
hours, or 1 gram every 12 hours intravenously. Usual dosages for children are 25 to 40 mg/kg
per day. Dosage adjustments are needed in patients with renal insufficiency and in the elderly
(Cutler et al, 1984). In premature infants under 1 kg, a loading dose of 25 mg/kg is
recommended, followed by maintenance doses of 15 mg/kg every 12 hours; infants weighing
more than 1 kg should receive a loading dose of 1.5 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 10
mg/kg every 12 hours. Serum vancomycin therapy should be monitored to optimize therapy
(Gross et al, 1985).
Toxicity includes ototoxicity, anaphylaxis, nephrotoxicity, local thrombophlebitis, drug
fever, and transient neutropenia in adults but not in children or infants. Children have been
reported to develop skin rashes consistent with the "red neck" syndrome (Gross et al, 1985).
Although therapeutically synergistic with aminoglycosides in the treatment of serious
infections caused by enterococci or S. viridans, the toxicity may also be enhanced by such
combination therapy. It has been recommended that serum levels of vancomycin do not
exceed 50 microg/mL (Watanakunakorn, 1982).
Vancomycin has been suggested as the drug of first choice for treating infections
caused by nondiphtheric Corynebacteria in an immunocompromised host (Pearson et al,

1977). Vancomycin is also recommended for the treatment of serious staphylococcal

infections of the central nervous system, especially in patients with implanted foreign
materials, such as ventriculoperitoneal shunts (Banner and Ray, 1984).
Aminoglycosides and Aminocyclitols
Aminoglycoside antibiotics are a class of antibacterial compounds whose central amino
sugar is 2-deozystreptamine, a diamino hexose. Additional specific amino sugars are
connected to 2-deozystreptamine by single glycosidic linkages (Jackson, 1977). Streptomycin,
which has streptose, a monoamino hexose instead of the 2-deoxystreptamine, is often included
among the group of aminoglycoside antibiotics because of similarities in the rest of its
structure and in its biologic properties. Other antibiotics, such as spectinomycin, contain
aminosugars, but the other structural portions and properties are quite different. These drugs
are more correctly referred to as aminocyclitol antibiotics. The aminoglycosides include three
families: the kanamycins, the gentamicins, and the neomycins.
The aminoglycosides are bactericidal. They penetrate the bacterial cell wall and
cytoplasmic membrane and act on the ribosome by binding to proteins in the 30 s segment.
Protein synthesis is thereby inhibited, and cell death ensues (Edson and Keys, 1983). In order
to reach the site of action, the drug must be transported across the cell membrane. This
involve primarily active transport.
All of the 2-deoxystreptamine aminoglycosides have similar pharmacologic properties.
However, larger doses of kanamycin and amikacin are required to produce therapeutic
concentrations. The drugs are rapidly absorbed after intramuscular injection, but there is
minimal absorption in the intestine. Peak concentrations are reached in the serum 30 to 90
minutes after intramuscular injection. The half-life in patients with normal renal function is
about 2 hours. Protein binding is very low, between 0 to 20 per cent. Eighty-five to ninetyfive per cent of the drug is excreted by glomerular filtration into the urine within 24 hours.
Transport into cerebrospinal fluid is small, with drug concentrations reaching 8 to 25 per cent
of plasma concentration. Sputum levels achieved are about 10 per cent of plasma levels.
The pharmacokinetics of the aminoglycosides are consistent with a two-compartment
model. Small differences in renal functions can cause striking effects on the half-life of
aminoglycosides. The dosage and administration are given. Some specific discussions of the
individual indications of specific compounds in this category follow.
Streptomycin in combination with penicillin G, ampicillin or vancomycin is used for
enterococcal endocarditis. Streptomycin is also used to treat tularemia, plague, and is
combined with tetracycline to treat brucellosis. Streptomycin is used in combination with
agents such as isoniazid, ethambutol, and rifampin to treat tuberculosis. Streptomycin crosses
the placenta and may cause fetal ototoxicity.


This drug is used as a second choice agent for tuberculosis and is a nonabsorbable oral
agent for preoperative bowel surgery and for hepatic coma.
Amikacin is a semisynthetic derivative of kanamycin. Amikacin is more effective
against gram-negative bacilli than kanamycin and is also effective against P. aeruginosa.
Amikacin is effective against some strains of gentamicin-resistant organisms and may be the
aminoglycoside of choice for treating these organisms.
This antibiotic is useful to treat serious infections caused by P. aeruginosa,
Enterobacteriaceae, various other sensitive gram-negative organisms, and S. aureus, including
some methicillin-resistant strains. Gentamicin is rapidly absorbed after intramuscular injection
and peak serum levels of 3.5 to 5.0 microg/mL occur in about 1 hour. Serum peak levels
should not exceed 8 to 10 microg/mL, and trough levels should not exceed 2 microg/mL to
avoid toxicity. Intrathecal administration may be required in cases of severe gram-negative
meningitis (Rahal, 1974).
The indications for tobramycin are similar to those for gentamicin. Tobramycin is
more active in vitro than gentamicin against P. aeruginosa. Activity equal to gentamicin has
been demonstrated against E. coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Proteus. Synergism with
ureidopenicillins (carbenicillin, ticarcillin, and piperacillin) has been shown against some
strains of P. aeruginosa, including those causing malignant external otitis, and with penicillin
against enterococci.
Netilmicin is used for gentamicin-resistant strains of Pseudomonas. In gentamicinsensitive strains, it may be somewhat less effective than gentamicin. Netilmicin appears to be
considerably less ototoxic than other aminoglycosides (Kahlmeter and Dahlager, 1984).
Neomycin is rarely used systematically because of a severe ototoxicity and
nephrotoxicity. Its current use is limited to topical application, oral administration for hepatic
coma, and presurgical bowel preparation (Edson and Keys, 1983).
Adverse Reactions
A variety of hypersensitivity reactions can occur following the administration of
streptomycin. These include skin rashes, eosinophilia, fever, blood dyscrasias, angioedema,
exfoliative dermatitis, and anaphylactic shock (Sande and Mandell, 1985). Local reactions

may occur at the site of intramuscular injection.

Nearly 75 per cent of patients given 2 grams of streptomycin daily for 60 to 120 days
may exhibit vestibular disturbances. An acute stage, preceded by headache of 1 or 2 days
duration, becomes manifest as nausea, vomiting, and dysequilibrium for 1 to 2 weeks. Vertigo
in the upright position and difficulty sitting or standing without visual cues are prominent
findings. The acute stage is suddenly replaced by chronic labyrinthitis, characterized by ataxia.
This chronic stage is eventually replaced by a compensatory stage, in which adaptation is
accomplished by vision and proprioception. Full recovery may require 12 to 18 months and
some patients never recover. Tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss may also occur. Optic
nerve dysfunction may become manifest as an enlarging blind spot. Peripheral neuritis and
neuromuscular blockade may occur. Nephrotoxicity is the most frequent serious complication
(Sande and Mandell, 1985).
A review of prospective studies of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity was reported by
Kahlmeter and Dahlager (1984). Gentamicin and tobramycin were the most nephrotoxic, but
amikacin and gentamicin were the most cochleotoxic. Netilmicin was the least toxic to the
kidneys and the cochlea as well as the vestibular system. Compared with penicillins and
cephalosporins, the margin between toxic and therapeutic doses is narrow for the
aminoglycosides (Edson and Keys, 1983). Therefore, knowledge of serum antibiotic levels is
essential to achieve the desired therapeutic effect and to minimize toxicity. For determination
of peak serum levels, blood should be drawn 1 hour after the first maintenance dose and, for
determination of the through level, just preceding the next dose. Various nomograms have
been devised to plan dosage and intervals in patients with renal failure. Rising through levels
may be an early indicator of nephrotoxicity. Detailed recommendations for monitoring
ototoxicity of aminoglycosides have been published elsewhere (Rybak and Matz, 1988).
Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole compound which was found to have trichomonacidal
activity. In addition to this action, metronidazole is amebicidal and has been found to kill
Giardia lamblia and has activity against the guinea worm in dracontiasis. An important
finding was that metronidazole is bactericidal against anaerobes, including B. fragilis. It may
be valuable in treatment of deep neck abscesses, chronic sinusitis, and infected cholesteatomas
(Fairbanks, 1985). Metronidazole is administered either by the oral or the intravenous route
and rarely appears to cause toxicity. Metronidazole readily penetrates the blood-brian barrier
and may cause CNS side effects. It readily relieves the pain of Vincent's angina and can also
be used to treat pseudomembranous enterocolitis. The dose for anaerobic infections includes
a loading dose of 15 mg/kg intravenously, followed in 6 hours by a maintenance dose of 7.5
mg/kg every 6 hours.
Rifampin is an antibiotic with activity against pulmonary tuberculosis. It is also useful
as a prophylactic agent in nasopharyngeal carriers of N. meningitidis and H. influenzae and
can be given to infants and children in close contact with patients having documented H.
influenzae systemic infections, such as meningitis or epiglottitis. Rifampin can be used in
combination with aminoglycosides or cephalosporins to treat severe staphylococcal infections.

The dose for tuberculosis is 600 mg once daily in adults, given 1 to 2 hours after a meal.
Children are given 10 mg/kg but not more than 600 mg daily. For prophylaxis of
meningococcal disease, adults are given 600 mg twice daily and children 20 mg/kg daily for
2 days (Sande and Mandell, 1985).
Most gram-positive cocci, aerobic and anaerobic, are susceptible to erythromycin;
however, resistant strains are being reported. Increased interest in erythromycin has occurred
because of its activity against Legionella pneumophila. Most gram-negative bacteria are
Erythromycin is an organic base classified as a macrolide antibiotic. It acts on the 50
s ribosome to inhibit RNA-dependent protein synthesis. Erythromycin is mainly
bacteriostatic. Peak blood levels after 500 milligram oral doses are 1.0 to 2.5 microg/mL at
30 to 90 minutes after administration. The serum half-life is 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The usual oral
dosage is 250 to 500 mg every 6 hours; intravenously, 1 gram every 6 hours is the
recommended dosage. Erythromycin base is destroyed by gastric acid and is used primarily
as a bowel preparative antibiotic for colon surgery. Various esters are available that are better
absorbed than the stearate salt after oral administration. Excretion occurs primarily by the
gastrointestinal tract, so that no dosage adjustment is required in renal failure. This drug is
particularly useful in the treatment of infections caused by S. aureus when beta-lactam
antibiotics cannot be used because of allergy or bacterial resistance.
Adverse reactions are often gastrointestinal, with nausea, epigastric discomfort, and
diarrhea. Cholestatic jaundice and hepatitis occur rarely but are serious side effects that occur
exclusively with the estolate salt. Intravenous administration may cause thrombophlebitis. At
least 32 cases of bilateral, sensorineural hearing loss, which is typically uniform across
frequencies, have been reported in association with high doses of intravenously or orally
administered erythromycin (Rybak and Matz, 1988).
Lincomycin and Clindamycin
Lincomycin is an antibiotic produces by S. lincolnesis, and clindamycin is a derivative.
These drugs resemble macrolides, in their chemistry and antibacterial spectrum. These drugs
are active against gram-positive bacteria and most anaerobes including B. fragilis. Gramnegative bacteria are generally resistant. These drugs are usually considered bacteriostatic
antibiotics that inhibit the initiation of peptide chain synthesis. Peak blood levels of
clindamycin after 300 milligrams orally are 3 to 5 microg/mL 35 to 75 minutes after
administration. Serum half-life is 2 to 3 hours but may be prolonged by liver disease. The
usual oral adult dose is 150 to 450 milligrams every 6-8 hours and pediatric doses are 8 to
20 mg/kg per day. No dosage modifications are needed for renal failure. Parenteral doses are
300 to 600 mg every 6 to 8 hours intramuscularly or intravenously (Wilson and Cockerill,
The most serious complication is pseudomembranous colitis, which occurs in about
0.01 per cent of cases and is caused by Clostridium difficile exotoxin. Uncomplicated diarrhea
occurs more frequently. Transient abnormalities of liver function and hypersensitivity

reactions such as rash or urticaria can occur. Shock and cardiac arrest with rapid intravenous
administrations have been reported.
Tetracyclines are active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (except
P. aeruginosa and Serratia), Rickettsia, and Mycoplasma. Minocycline and doxycycline are
more active against opportunistic pathogens such as P. cepacia, P. maltophila, and
Acinetobacter. Tetracyclines are bacteriostatic and act by inhibiting protein synthesis in
bacteria. Peak blood levels after oral administration of 250 mg are 1 to 3 microg/mL at 1 to
2 hours after administration. Serum half-life is 7 hours for chlortetracycline, 15 hours for
doxycyline, and 17 hours for minocycline. Excretion is primarily through the gastrointestinal
tract and kidneys. The usual adult dosage for minocycline is 200 mg initially, followed by
100 mg every 12 hours. The pediatric oral dose is 2 to 4 mg/kg per day, but tetracycline
should be avoided in children under 8 years of age. Gastrointestinal side effects such as
nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea are common. Hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity can
occur. Outdated tetracyclines may cause a Fanconi-like syndrome. Tetracyclines cause a
discoloration of teeth in children and could disrupt bone growth in the fetus and infants.
Photosensitivity, thrombophlebitis with intravenous administration, and vestibular toxicity
(minocycline) have been reported. Inhibition of gastrointestinal absorption of tetracyclines is
thought to occur by chelation by substances such as milk (Goth, 1981). For that reason,
tetracycline should not be given with milk or antacids, which contain aluminum, magnesium,
or calcium.
Chloramphenicol is a bacteriostatic antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity similar
to tetracycline. It is useful in the treatment of various rickettsial and enteric bacterial
infections (including typhoid fever). It is active against streptococci and staphylococci;
anaerobes, including B. fragilis; and H. influenzae, including ampicillin-resistant strains. Peak
blood levels after oral dosage of 500 mg are 3 to 6 microg/mL at 2 hours. Serum half-life is
2 to 3 hours. Chloramphenicol is one of the most effective antibiotics in penetrating the
blood-brain barrier, reaching over 50 per cent of serum concentrations in CSF when the
meninges are not inflamed. The drug is well distributed throughout the body tissues. It can
be given orally or intravenously but is not effective by the intramuscular route. The adult oral
dose is 250 to 500 mg every 6 to 8 hours or 1 gram every 6 to 12 hours intravenously. The
pediatric dose is 25 to 50 mg/kg daily. In neonates, 15 to 25 mg/kg per day is recommended.
Dose-related bone marrow toxicity such as anemia, low reticulocyte count, and
leukopenia are usually reversible. Aplastic anemia is the most serious complication reported.
It is irreversible, not dose-related, and occurs in one per 25.000 to 50.000 cases.
Gastrointestinal side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and pseudomembranous
colitis, can occur. Chloramphenicol attaches to the bacterial ribosomes (50 s subunits) and
prevents the binding of amino acids, thus interfering with the growth of the peptide chain in
bacteria. The action of this antibiotic seems to be largely bacteriostatic. In neonates or
premature infants, a potentially fatal toxic side effect known as the gray syndrome can occur,
which is related to the immaturity of the glucuronyl transferase enzyme of the liver of the
neonate, which normally detoxifies chloramphenicol. Symptoms of the gray syndrome include

cyanosis, vascular collapse, and elevated chloramphenicol levels in the blood.

Chloramphenicol is available for topical use as an otic and ophthalmic preparation.
Ototoxicity has been reported when high doses of chloramphenicol were used in some patients
(Rybak and Matx, 1988).
Fosfomycin is a unique epoxide antibiotic that contains phosphate within its structure.
This antibiotic is bactericidal and acts by interfering with cell wall synthesis. Fosfomycin has
been on the market in Japan since 1980 but is not yet commercially available in the United
States. It is active against S. aureus and gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli, Serratia,
Proteus, and P. aeruginosa. S. pneumoniae and S. haemolyticus are occasionally sensitive, but
anaerobes are typically resistant. Peak blood levels of 3.5 microg/mL are found 1 hour after
an oral dose of 500 mg. The serum half-life is 2 hours. In orthopedic infections, this drug can
be used as an agent of first choice if beta-lactams cannot be used. It is thought to penetrate
sclerotic foci of osteomyelitis better than other drugs because of its low molecular weight
(Hayashi, 1984). Fosfomycin can be combined with a beta-lactam or with an aminoglycoside
because of synergistic effects, and perhaps the combination could prevent the emergence of
fosfomycin-resistance (Hayashi, 1984). Not only is fosfomycin synergistic with
aminoglycosides against infections, but also animal experiments suggest that fosfomycin
protects the patient against the nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity caused by aminoglycosides
(Ohtsuki et al, 1983). The adult oral dose is 0.5 to 1.0 gm every 6 to 8 hours, and the same
dose is given intravenously every 6 to 12 hours. The pediatric oral dose is 40 to 120 mg/kg
per day, and the intravenous dose is 50 to 100 mg/kg every 12 hours (Hayashi, 1984).
The polymyxins are cationic detergents with molecular weights of around of 1000
daltons. Polymyxin B and E (colistin) are the most commonly used members of this group.
These drugs are bactericidal by virtue of their detergent action, which disrupts the cell wall
membrane complex. Peak blood levels after a 100-mg intramuscular injection of colistin are
4 to 8 microg/mL 30 minutes after administration. The serum half-life is 1.5 to 3 hours for
colistin and 4 to 7 hours for polymyxin. Excretion is via the kidneys. Systemic administration
of polymyxins is rarely employed except in serious life threatening infections caused by P.
aeruginosa. Polymyxins can be applied topically as a suspension or solution (eg, otic drops).
They have also been used for closed irrigation for the treatment of osteomyelitis (Hayashi,
1984). Nephrotoxicity has been reported in about 20 per cent of the patients receiving colistin
injections. Symptoms of neurotoxicity include paresthesias, dizziness, ataxia and weakness.
Respiratory arrest caused by neuromuscular blockade is reportedly rare. Oral administration
can be used for alimentary tract disinfection, since these drugs are not absorbed.


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