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MS3D Scripts An Introduction 200904

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Introduction to MineSight Scripts

MineSight is a powerful 3D data modeling and visualization package that offers great flexibility for geologic modeling, mine
planning, design, and evaluation. Scripts add to this flexibility by providing access to a wide variety of additional functionality.

cripts are a set of instructions written and interpreted

in the Python scripting language and many scripts are
included in the MineSight installation.

Scripts can be run from:

MineSight 3-D (MS3D).
MineSight Compass (MSCompass).
MineSight Interactive Planner (MSIP).
Outside the MineSight environment, from the
command line or from Windows Explorer.
In this article, we will discuss:
What types of scripts are available with the
MineSight installation.

No Prefix

Batch IP

MPython and running scripts.

Setting up an MSIP batch script to run outside of

Scripts in MineSight and what their prefixes indicate.

Scripts come in uncompiled form (suffixed .py) or compiled
form (suffixed .pyo or .pyc). The uncompiled versions can be
viewed in any text editor and contain information indicating
the purpose and usage at the top of the script.
All standard MineSight scripts will have one of five different
prefixes. Each of these prefixes indicates how the script
is intended to be executed. See the table below for a
description of each prefix.

Script is executed either as a standalone from Windows
Explorer or a Command Prompt, or from MS3D:
File | Scripts (e.g., shellRpt.pyo)
Script is executed as a MSCompass Procedure
(e.g., cp-ModelCalcTool.pyc)
Script is executed within MS3D: File | Scripts
Script is executed from MSIP Cut Design dialog
Script is executed in batch mode outside MineSight, using
data collected from a MineSight Planning Database (MSPD)
that has been populated with reserves data from MSIP.

Location in winexe


April 2009

MPython: Python Version

Conflicts Now a Thing of the Past.
In MineSight 4.50, changes were
made to how MineSight interacts with
Python 2.2.3. In previous versions
of MineSight, Python 2.2.3 was
installed in the C:\Python22 directory,
and the environmental variables
pointed to the location of critical
Python files.
But because Python is an opensource and very popular scripting
language, there was the potential for
other software packages, which also
use Python, to install or reconfigure
Python and thus cause conflicts.
Once this issue became clear,
Mintecs Software Development
group set out to find an adequate
resolution for this problem. Our
solution is the Mintec Python
Distribution or MPython. Rather
than the traditional Python 2.2.3
installation, MPython is a Python
2.2.3 installation that is stored within
the MPython folder in the MineSight
installation directory (winexe).
This upgrade will be completely
transparent to you while running
inside the MineSight environment
(e.g., from MS3D, MSIP, or
MSCompass). However, outside the
MineSight environment, MineSight
scripts need some indication to use
MPython rather than the standard
Python installation.

April 2009

From the Command Line

There are two ways to run scripts from the command line: either running in a
special MPython command prompt or using the MPython command file.
The MPython command prompt operates just like the standard Windows command
prompt, with the exception that it configures PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH to
find MPython. This special version of the Windows command prompt can be run
from the Windows Start menu (Start | Programs | MineSight | MPython | MPython
Command Line).

Figure 1. The new MPython Command Prompt. Notice the messages at the top indicating that
MPython is being used.

Scripts can also be run from the standard Windows command prompt using the
MPython command file (winexe\mpython.cmd). The syntax is mpython as shown in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2. Scripts can be run using MPython from the standard Windows command prompt.

Running Scripts from Explorer

You can also configure Python file extensions to provide the option to Run with
MPYTHON when right clicked in Windows Explorer.
From Windows Explorer, go to Tools | Folder Options, and navigate to the File
Types tab (Figure 3). In the Registered File Types window, scroll down to the *.py,
*.pyc, and *.pyo file extensions. These are the file extensions associated with
scripts in MineSight. We will configure each of them to run with mpython.cmd.
The *.py extension should already have this option following the MineSight
installation, however the *.pyo and *.pyc formats will not.

Figure 3. The File Types panel of the Folder Options in Windows Explorer.

Highlight the appropriate file extension (.pyo in our

example), and click the Advanced button.
This will bring up the Edit File Type dialog (Figure 4). This
dialog allows you to add new options for using or operating
on files with a particular extension. In our case we want the
option to run files with a .pyo extension using MPython
Click the New button to add the option. The name for the
option (entered under the Action field) will be Run with
MPYTHON. Then indicate the application; click the Browse
button and browse to mpython.cmd in the MineSight
directory (winexe). Select this, and click OK.

Figure 4. The Edit File Type and Editing Action windows.

Once this is done, when you click right on a file with the
edited extension (in this case, a *.pyo file), you should see
the Run with MPYTHON option on the right click menu:

Figure 5. The Run with MPYTHON option on the right click menu.

If you are not using any other version of Python, you can
configure all Python script extensions to open with MPython
by default when run from Windows Explorer. This can also be
done from the File Types panel in the Folder Options shown in
Figure 6. Select the appropriate file extension (*.py, *.pyo,
or *.pyc) and click the Change button. This will bring up
a dialog that prompts you to choose a program to open
the file type. If MPython is an option, select it and click OK.
Otherwise, click Browse and navigate to mpython.cmd in
the winexe directory. Select it, and click OK to set mpython.
cmd as the default for opening each file type.

April 2009

Figure 6. Set the default program for executing all Python scripts. If MPython does not appear in the Open
With dialog, add it using the Browse option.

Now, you will be able to simply double click scripts with these extensions from Windows
Explorer and run them normally, as it was in earlier versions of MineSight.

Setting up Batch files to run IP scripts outside MineSight.

Several IP scripts can be run outside MineSight from a batch file. In order to run these scripts, you must have previously set up
an IP Set (also known as an IP Plan) in MSPD and used MSIP to calculate reserves.
There are currently six standard IP scripts that can be run in this manner, including:,,,,, and All of these scripts perform the exact same function as their non-batch brethren. The only difference is
that these scripts can be run from a batch file outside MineSight. Below, we go through a step-by-step example on how to set
up The script name and batch file name can be altered so that this setup can be used with any batch
ip script.

April 2009

First, create a new text file using Notepad. Save the file as
IP_Accum.bat (or some other *.bat file). The text of the
batch file should use the following format:

The username and password can also be specified (along

with the DSN and IP Set name) inside the batch script itself,
provided you edit the uncompiled version of the script (the
one with the .py extension). Open the script in any text
editor and you will find the following statements near the top
of the script:

Figure 7. Basic format for a batch IP script.

As an example, see Figure 8. Here we use:

C: for the Drive_Name,
test\WINEXE\scripts\reserve for the filepath_of_
batch_ip_script, (in c:\test\WINEXE\
scripts\reserve) for the batch_ip_script_,
IPTrainingJan23 for the Data_Source_Name (DSN),
IPTraining1 for the IP_set_name.

Figure 10. Basic format for specifying the DSN (with login information) as
well as the IP Set in the batch ip script.

With the DSN and IP Set specified within the Python script,
you no longer need to include this information in the batch
file. The following format can be used for the batch file when
the DSN and IP Set are specified in the Python script:

Figure 8. Example batch file for running

In some cases, the DSN will require a username and

password. In those cases, the username and password can be
supplied in two ways: written into the batch file or coded into
the Python script itself.
To write the DSN username and password into the batch
file, the format of the batch file should be matched to the
screenshot below, where the username and password are
added to the file in the DSN/username/password format:

Figure 11. If the DSN and IP Set are specified in the script, they can be
omitted from the batch file.

Now, the batch file can be run from Windows Explorer in

any location that has access to the MSPD database through
an ODBC connection. Obviously, since cut selection cannot
be done outside IP, ip-accum will only provide cumulative
reserves. All other scripts should operate as normal. Also, in
all cases, IP batch scripts will not work for IP Sets containing
multiple areas and material sets, as the area and material set
cannot be specified in the batch file.

Figure 9. Basic format for a batch file including DSN username and
password information.

More information on specific MineSight Scripts

Script specific information for standard MineSight scripts can be found in the help documentation as part of the file scripts.
chm. This file is stored in the WINEXE\Scripts directory.
For each standard script, this document contains a basic summary of the scripts capabilities, dependencies, a revision
history, and information regarding user configuration options.

April 2009

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