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The Intervention Brigade: Legal Issues For The UN in The Democratic Republic of The Congo

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The Intervention Brigade:

Legal Issues for the UN in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo


Cover Photo: South African troops with

the Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) of
the UN Organization Stabilization
Mission in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo (MONUSCO) pour out of an
armoured vehicle at an operation site
during a training session in Sake,
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
July 17, 2013. UN Photo/Sylvain


SCOTT SHEERAN is Senior Lecturer in the School of Law
and Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, and a
former New Zealand government legal adviser and
STEPHANIE CASE is the Emergency Protection Manager
for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in South
Sudan, and a former legal officer in the UN Assistance

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this

paper represent those of the authors
and not necessarily those of IPI. IPI
welcomes consideration of a wide
range of perspectives in the pursuit of
a well-informed debate on critical
policies and issues in international

Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

In addition to desk research, the report draws on the
experience of the authors, two panel events at UN

IPI Publications
Adam Lupel, Director of Publications
and Senior Fellow

headquarters, and consultation with other legal academic

experts, military lawyers, delegates, UN officials, and civil
society. The authors wish to particularly thank Tristan

Marie OReilly, Associate Editor

Ferraro, Charles Garraway, Larry Johnson, Adam Lupel,

Marisa McCrone, Assistant Production

Bruce Oswald, Adam Smith, Marten Zwanenburg, and

Sophocles Kitharidis.

Suggested Citation:
Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case,
The Intervention Brigade: Legal Issues
for the UN in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, New York: International
Peace Institute, November 2014.
by International Peace Institute, 2014
All Rights Reserved

IPI owes a debt of gratitude to its many donors for their

generous support.


Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Parameters of Action and Using Force:

Interpreting the Mandate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Standards that Apply:
Laws of War and Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Legal Protections for UN Peacekeepers . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Detainees: Treatment and Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Responsibility and Accountability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

UN Peace Enforcement and International
Law: Broader and Systemic Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19




Allied Democratic Forces


African Union


Department of Field Support


Department of Peacekeeping Operations


Democratic Republic of the Congo


Forces Armes de la Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo


Forces Dmocratiques de Libration du Rwanda


International Armed Conflict


International Criminal Court


International Court of Justice


International Humanitarian Law


International Human Rights Law


Lords Resistance Army


Mouvement du 23 mars


United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central

African Republic


Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali


United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic

of the Congo


Non-international Armed Conflict


UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


United Nations Operation in the Congo


Rules of Engagement


Status of Forces Agreement


Troop-Contributing Country


United Nations


United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo


United Nations Operation in Cte dIvoire


United Nations Operation in Somalia II

Executive Summary
In March 2013, the United Nations Security
Council adopted Resolution 2098 establishing the
Intervention Brigade within the UN Organization
Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (MONUSCO). This provided
MONUSCO with an unprecedented UN
peacekeeping mandate for offensive operations to
neutralize armed groups in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC). While the mandate
was both innovative and controversialfor
political, operational, and legal reasonsthe
Intervention Brigade has been seen by many as a
success and a future model. The Security Council
renewed the Intervention Brigades mandate in
Resolution 2147 in March 2014 without any significant modifications.
It is clear that the legal issues for the Intervention
Brigades mandate were not fully considered or
understood in March 2013, and that they have
political and practical consequences. This report
analyzes the legal issues and reaches the following
key conclusions:
The Intervention Brigades mandate to use all
necessary means to neutralize armed groups
permits it to use force, including deadly force,
and, in this instance, reflects UN forces moving
toward a more traditional war-fighting, rather
than peacekeeping, posture.
MONUSCO as a whole, and not just the
Intervention Brigade component, is considered a
party to the armed conflict. As the UN is now a
party, all military members of MONUSCO will
have lost the protections afforded to them under
international law (i.e., under international
humanitarian law [IHL], the Convention on the
Safety of United Nations and Associated
Personnel through the status of forces agreement
[SOFA], and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court), and therefore no
longer enjoy legal protection from attacks. This
may impact the willingness of troop-contributing
countries (TCCs) to provide forces to
MONUSCO premises and bases can be catego-

rized as a military objective under IHL, and UN

civilian staff may become collateral damage in an
attack. This may give rise to additional responsibilities on the UN for its civilian staff in
The Intervention Brigades mandate is likely to
lead to more instances of detention or internment by MONUSCO. This may generate IHL
and international human rights law (IHRL)
concerns, including the UNs practical capacity
to meet obligations of treatment, transfer of
detainees to national forces, and legal authority
for sustained detention or internment.
While responsibility and accountability are
especially important for the Intervention Brigade
given its combat operations, MONUSCOs
mechanisms for complaints and claims are
limited and not independent of the mission, and
they focus on private law claims, not human
rights or other violations of international law.
The UN also may assert that it has little responsibility to remedy or pay compensation for deaths,
injuries, or damage to property caused by
peacekeeper actions in the course of carrying out
their operations.
The Intervention Brigade appears to go beyond
all three of the agreed basic principles of UN
peacekeepingconsent, impartiality, and nonuse of force except in self-defense (including in
defense of the mandate). The brigades mandate
to use force, strictly speaking, is inconsistent with
peace enforcement (e.g., using force to protect a
peace agreement or ceasefire) that the UN asserts
characterizes this component of MONUSCO. It
is rather focused on eliminating or neutralizing
particular partiesnonstate armed groupsto
an armed conflict. Both these points raise
questions for the scope, role, and design of UN
operations in carrying out offensive mandates
beyond traditional or even robust peacekeeping.
MONUSCOs pre-existing protection of
civilians mandate provided the ability to use
force against the main armed groups in the DRC.
The addition of the Intervention Brigades
mandate may reflect deficiencies of political will
and capacity, more than it does the legal

* The UN Security Council this year extended the Intervention Brigade deployed in the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (MONUSCO) to neutralize and disarm rebel groups in the country. This policy report builds on a prior IPI issue brief from July 2013 on policy and
operational issues for the Intervention Brigade by examining the legal issues. The report is a review of the difficult legal issues, including for non-lawyers.

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

authority to use force. The Intervention Brigade

may therefore risk undercutting the legal
interpretation of MONUSCOs and other
missions long-standing mandates for the protection of civilians.
While UN peace operations mandates continue
to evolve and become more robust as required
for particular situations, there is a general need to
have greater transparency and open debate of the
legal issues. This will help to achieve optimal
outcomes and better promote the UN Charters
purposes and principles. The legal issues are both
complex and at times unclear or contentious,
which, in turn, creates practical problems for
operational guidance and implementation on the

The Intervention Brigade in MONUSCO was both
welcomed and controversial at its inception. In
March 2013, the UN Security Council noted the
lack of progress in the DRC and unanimously
adopted Resolution 2098 establishing the first UNled overtly offensive force. There was a recognized
need to address the cycle of violence in the eastern
DRC with a more robust response.1 The
Intervention Brigade was given an unprecedented
mandate to neutralize rebel forces, something that
neither the UN peacekeeping mission nor the
Congolese government had been able to successfully address up to that point. The UN Secretariat
asserted that it was a peace enforcement mission,
not a peacekeeping mission, the first-ever
offensive combat force, and that the Security
Council authorized it on an exceptional basis and
without creating a precedent or any prejudice to

the agreed principles of peacekeeping.2

While many applauded the bold move, others
were quick to point out that the UN was stepping
into uncharted territory without fully considering
the potential ramifications of its actions.3 In late
April 2013, the UN secretary-general met with
Security Council members during a retreat where
the traditional boundaries of peacekeeping and
alternatives were discussed, which had been
triggered significantly by the Intervention
Brigades mandate.
Over the last year, the Intervention Brigade in
MONUSCO has been hailed largely as a success.
Equipped with attack helicopters, long-range
artillery, armored personnel carriers, special forces,
snipers, and even drones, the Intervention Brigade
has been able to carry out and support Congolese
government offensive operations forces in a way
that MONUSCO was unable to and has produced
military results. The UN reporting on Intervention
Brigade activities has tended to emphasize a
supporting role to Congolese national armed
forcesthe Forces Armes de la Rpublique
Dmocratique du Congo (FARDC)more so than
the media reporting on its activities,4 despite the
leadership, superior capacity, and firepower
deployed in UN operations in the DRC.
The Intervention Brigade of 3,069 troops
deployed into the eastern DRC in July 2013, and
rebel forces around Goma were given a 48-hour
ultimatum to disarm by August 1, 2013.5 The
Intervention Brigades offensive operations began
that August and have continued since, employing
the full range of capabilities.6 In November 2013,
the Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) rebel group
ended its insurgency after more than a year and a

1 United Nations, Special Report of the Secretary-General on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes Region, UN Doc. S/2013/119, February 27,
2013, paras. 25.
2 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), Un Doc. S/RES/2098, para. 9; and United Nations, Intervention Brigade Authorized as Security Council
Grants Mandate Renewal for United Nations Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo, Press Release SC/10964, March 28, 2013. See also the mandate renewal,
UN Security Council Resolution 2147 (March 28, 2014), UN Doc. S/RES/2147, para. 1.
3 For example, see Security Council member Guatemalas Explanation of Vote after the Vote, March 28, 2013, available at .
4 For example, compare the language in media reports to the language used in the secretary-generals report preceding the renewal of the Intervention Brigades
mandate: Though purely offensive operations have yet to be undertaken by MONUSCO, the Mission is currently providing support to the offensive operations of
the Congolese armed forces against ADF around Kamango, launched on 16 January 2014. See United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UN Doc. S/2014/157, March 5, 2014, para. 39.
5 UN News Centre, UN Mission Sets Up Security Zone in Eastern DR Congo, Gives Rebels 48 Hour Ultimatum, July 30, 2013, available at .
6 See, for example, UN Helicopters Strike Congolese Rebels, Al-Jazeera, August 29, 2013, available at ; Agence France-Presse, UN Gunships Strike Ugandan Muslim Rebels in DR Congo,, March 1, 2014, available at ; and Kenny
Katombe, U.N. and Congolese Troops Attack Rwandan Hutu Rebels, Reuters, March 12, 2014, available at .


half of fighting, an event that has been seen by

many as validating the Intervention Brigades
efforts. Now that the Intervention Brigade is
turning its focus toward other armed groups in the
eastern DRC, including the Forces Dmocratiques
de Libration du Rwanda (FDLR, Democratic
Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) and the
Ugandan rebel group the Allied Democratic Forces
(ADF), hope remains high that recent military
successes will continue. In March 2014, Security
Council Resolution 2147 renewed the mandate of
the Intervention Brigade within MONUSCO, and
little was changed of substance in the Intervention
Brigades mandate.7
From a legal standpoint, while various issues
have been raised and debated, the implications of
the Intervention Brigade have not been completely
clear or resolved. In the Security Council retreat in
April 2013, council members received an overview
from the UN Office of Legal Affairs on
MONUSCOs possible loss of protected status
under IHL. Some council members expressed
surprise that Resolution 2098 might have such legal
The Intervention Brigades mandate to engage in
combat operations against particular parties in this
conflict represents a clear departure from the
traditional basic principles of UN peacekeeping
(i.e., consent, impartiality, and non-use of force
except in self-defense, including in defense of the
mandate).9 Furthermore, controversy remains
surrounding the close military relationship
between the Intervention Brigade and MONUSCO
with the FARDC. The UN missions credibility has
been previously called into question as a result of
its support to the FARDC, who have been credibly

accused of committing serious violations of human

rights and IHL. Most recently, components of the
FARDC have been accused of mistreating M23
detainees, carrying out mass rapes, killing civilians,
committing sexual violence and other forms of
torture, and looting and burning of villages.10
The UN Security Council was careful to express
in Resolution 2098 that the Intervention Brigade
would not set a precedent. However, its actual or
perceived success in the DRC heightens the
possibility that this type of peacekeeping model will
be repeated. As stated by the permanent representative of France to the UN at the time of the
mandates renewal: [N]ow we have tested our
idea, the Intervention Brigade, and it works. So we
hope it could be a model when necessary for the
future.11 It is therefore important to understand
the legal implications of this type of UN force for
now and the future.
Before addressing the practical legal issues and
consequences of the Intervention Brigade, it is
necessary to set out a few key points about international law in general as it applies to UN
peacekeeping missions and personnel. UN
peacekeeping is not explicitly provided for in the
Charter, which is the constitutive legal instrument
of the organization. It has developed ad hoc and by
necessity to meet the changing circumstances
associated with the UNs responsibility for
maintaining international peace and security. The
practice of UN peacekeeping has significantly
influenced the development of the UNs relevant
institutional law and policy, often resulting in ex

The one change of note for the general MONUSCO mandate was that protection of civilians language was changed to remove the qualifier imminent.
Security Council Report, Democratic Republic of the Congo, July 2013 Monthly Forecast, New York, June 28, 2013, available at .
9 See, originally, United Nations General Assembly, Report of the Secretary-General: Summary Study of the Experience Derived from the Establishment and Operation
of the Force, UN Doc. A/3943, October 9, 1958, para. 127. The interpretation of these principles, particularly the meaning of self-defense, has expanded and been
endorsed by the UN General Assembly, Security Council, and Secretariat. See also United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, Report of the Panel on
United Nations Peace Operations (also known as the Brahimi report), UN Doc. A/55/305 and S/2000/809, August 21, 2000, ix; and UN Department of
Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and UN Department of Field Support (DFS), United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines (also known as
the Capstone Doctrine), January 18, 2008, 34.
10 For example, see UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and MONUSCO, Report of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office on
Human Rights Violations Perpetrated by Soldiers of the Congolese Armed Forces and Combatants of the M23 in Goma and Sake, North Kivu Province, and in and
around Minova, South Kivu Province, from 15 November to 2 December 2012, May 13, 2013, pp. 910, available at; Can the DRC Army Stop Abusing Human Rights? IRIN News, August 12, 2013; UN
News Centre, UN Human Rights Office Disappointed by Ruling in DR Congo Mass Rape Trial [of FARDC members], May 6, 2014; and UN Security Council,
Ensuring Future Stability in Democratic Republic of Congo Will Depend on Evolving Situation, Simplified Mandates, Mission Chief Tells Security Council, press
release, UN Doc. SC/9820, December 16, 2009 ( the FARDC have also committed human rights violations, including massacres ).
11 Permanent Mission of France to the UN, DRC/CAR/Ukraine: Remarks to the Press by Mr. Grard Araud, Permanent Representative of France to the United
Nations, March 28, 2014, available at .

post facto legal justifications of peacekeepers

The legal authority for UN peacekeeping is
provided by a quasi-constitutional interpretation of
the Charter. In the landmark Certain Expenses
opinion (1962), the International Court of Justice
(ICJ) held that the Security Council had the general
implied power under the Charter to establish a UN
peacekeeping operation, and that this was
necessary to carry out the UNs functions
effectively. The court stated that when the UN
takes action which warrants the assertion that it
was appropriate for the fulfillment of one of the
stated purposes of the United Nations, the
presumption is that such action is not ultra vires
[beyond the powers of] the Organization.13
A UN peacekeeping mission operates under the
international legal personality of the organization.
A mission is considered a subsidiary organ of the
Security Council, as is the case for MONUSCO,
and the UN usually concludes a binding status of
forces agreement (SOFA) with the host country.
This means, generally speaking, that the UN is
responsible under international law for the UN
missions and its peacekeepers actions.14 The
missions command and control rests ultimately
with the secretary-general, through, in turn, the
under-secretary-general of the Department of
Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), the special
representative of the secretary-general (head of
mission), and the force commander.
Many of the legally binding standards of conduct
for the organization, which are applicable to its
peacekeepers, derive from customary international
law and even the Charter rather than specific
treaties.15 Unlike many states, the UN is not party to
the Geneva Conventions (1949) or the Additional

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

Protocols (1977), or to the International Covenants

on Civil and Political Rights, and Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (1966). The legal obligations of
the UN are not always exactly the same as for states,
especially the state hosting a peacekeeping
operation, and their precise content is often
unclear or contested.16

Parameters of Action and

Using Force: Interpreting
the Mandate
The key element of the Security Council mandate
provided to the Intervention Brigade is its
authority to use force. International law makes a
clear distinction between the authority to use force
(jus ad bellum) and the legitimate means and
methods of using force in armed conflict (jus in
bello). The latter is also known interchangeably as
the international law of armed conflict or international humanitarian law (IHL).
Resolution 2098 created the Intervention Brigade
within MONUSCO and under the same force
commander as the rest of the force. It explicitly
authorized the Intervention Brigade to take all
necessary measures to carry out targeted
offensive operations to prevent the expansion of
all armed groups, neutralize these groups, and to
disarm them.17 This was to reduce security threats
in the eastern DRC and provide space for stabilization activities. It was an unprecedented offensive
mandate to use force for a UN-led mission, which
was reaffirmed in Resolution 2147 (2014)
extending the Intervention Brigades mandate.
While other missions have had robust mandates,
none have gone quite as far as the mandate for the
Intervention Brigade in terms of explicit authoriza-

12 See, for example, International Court of Justice (ICJ), Certain Expenses of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 1962 (July 20, 1962), p. 15.
13 Ibid., p. 168. The ICJ also reasoned that the organizations powers will depend upon its purposes and functions as specified or implied in its constituent
documents and developed in practice (emphasis added), p. 180.
14 See International Law Commission, Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations, 2011, Article 10, available at ; and United Nations, Revised Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the
United Nations and Troop-Contributing Countries, Article 9, available at .
15 This position is reflected in United Nations, Secretary-Generals Bulletin: Observance by United Nations Forces of International Humanitarian Law, UN Doc.
ST/SGB/1999/13, August 6, 1999; and United Nations, Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non-United Nations Security Forces,
UN Doc. A/67/775S/2013/110, March 5, 2013, which states that support by the UN to non-UN security forces must be consistent with the Organizations
purposes and principles in the Charter and its obligations under international law to respect, promote and encourage respect for international humanitarian,
human rights, and refugee law.
16 For instance, years of debate surrounding the applicability of international humanitarian law to UN forces led to the secretary-generals bulletin on this issue (see
ibid.), which seeks to clarify the fundamental principles and rules. However, these issues continue to be debated as various interpretations are possible.
17 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), UN Doc. S/RES/2098, para. 12(b) (emphasis added).


tion of use of force against parties to the conflict.18

for the entire UN mission.

The word neutralizeor neutraliser in the

original French resolutioncan be interpreted in a
broad or narrow way. A narrow interpretation might
mean simply to render ineffective,19 which would
likely preclude use of deadly force where other
options are available. However, in the context of the
resolution it is clear that neutralize does not
constrain the Intervention Brigades ability to use
deadly force.20 The UN has stated that the Intervention Brigade was created to carry out peace
enforcement, rather than peacekeeping, and that the
troops would have authorization to use lethal force
against armed groups. A broad interpretation of
neutralize could translate into a range of authorized
actions including capture, detention, or killing, and
this reading is most consistent with other related terms
in the resolution, such as offensive and targeted.

The mandate authorizes the Intervention Brigade

to use force against all armed groups.21 This
clearly extends beyond the M23, whose occupation
of Goma in November 2012 was a significant
catalyst for the Intervention Brigade.22 After the
Intervention Brigade had neutralized the M23 in
November 2013, it shifted focus toward the FDLR,
ADF, and the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), which
is reflected in the renewed mandate. However,
many other dangerous rebel groups remain. It is
estimated that there are at least three dozen other
armed groups operating in the eastern part of DRC,
all of different ethnicities and backgrounds.23

In principle, the rules of engagement (RoE) for

the Intervention Brigade could adopt elements of
more traditional RoE, reflecting military doctrine
for war-fighting rather than regular peacekeeping.
Such doctrine focuses on the use of force against
hostile forces (i.e., armed groups), a relatively
clearer concept for soldiers than using force in
response to hostile acts or hostile intent of
armed groups against the mission or its mandate
(e.g., protection of civilians). The MONUSCO RoE
are not publicly available, but there are unconfirmed suggestions that there is only one set of RoE

The mandate to target all armed groups provides

the UN Intervention Brigade forces with flexibility,
but it also comes with responsibility, including
strategic and operational choices of which groups
to target. There is also a definitional issue of who
may be considered a member of an armed group
for mandate purposes and use of force. This will be
reflected in the RoE for MONUSCO. While an
armed group may be equated to the IHL concept
of organized armed groups (OAGs), it is not clear
that all armed groups mentioned in resolutions
2098 and 2147 reach the threshold of OAGs under
IHL.24 The RoE therefore might have to, as an
alternative, also reflect the targeting of individuals
or groups (e.g., the Mayi-Mayi) based on their
taking an active part in hostilities.25

18 In the early 1960s, the UN Operation in the Congo (ONUC) was mandated to take vigorous action, including the use of the requisite measure of force, if
necessary, for the immediate apprehension, detention pending legal action and/or deportation of all foreign military and paramilitary personnel. See UN Security
Council Resolution 169 (November 24, 1961), UN Doc. S/RES/169. The UN Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II) was mandated in 1993 to take all necessary
measures against all those responsible for attacks against the UN including their arrest and detention for prosecution, trial, and punishment, See UN Security
Council Resolution 837 (June 6, 1993), UN Doc. S/RES/837.
19 NATO glossary of terms defines neutralization fire as fire delivered to render a target temporarily ineffective or unusable. See NATO, NATO Glossary of Terms
and Definitions, AAP-06, 2013 ed. (Brussels, Belgium, 2013). See also, US Department of Defense, DOD Dictionary of Military Terms, available at .
20 For example, see Bruce Oswald, The Security Council and the Intervention Brigade: Some Legal Issues, American Society of International Law Insights 17, No. 15
(June 6, 2013), available at .
21 See UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), UN Doc. S/RES/2098, paras. 8, 12(b): the M23, the FDLR, the ADF, the APCLS, the LRA, the
National Force of Liberation (FNL), the various Mayi-Mayi groups and all other armed groups.
22 United Nations, Special Report of the Secretary-General on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes Region, UN Doc. S/2013/119, February 27,
2013, para. 5.
23 For an overview of the various rebel groups operating in the DRC, see Briefing: Armed Groups in Eastern DRC, IRIN News, October 13, 2013, available at .
24 The organized armed groups (OAGs) concept is not clearly defined in international humanitarian law (IHL). The treaty law sets out a narrow definition. See
Additional Protocol II, Article 1(1) of the Geneva Conventions, which provides that OAGs must be under responsible command, [and] exercise such control
over a part of [a states] territory as to enable them to carry out sustained and concerted military operations and to implement this Protocol [emphasis added]
(i.e., and not for the purposes of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions). The case law and expert commentary have suggested a more pragmatic, broad,
and purposeful definition. See International Committee of the Red Cross, How Is the Term Armed Conflict Defined in International Humanitarian Law?
Opinion Paper, March 2008, p. 5 (which refers only to a minimum of organization). See also Nils Melzer, Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct
Participation in Hostilities Under International Humanitarian Law (Geneva: ICRC, May 2009), p. 27, available at ; International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Judgment, Case No. IT-94-1-T (May 7, 1997), paras.
18283; and UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, UN Doc. A/HRC/21/50,
August 16, 2012, para. 134 (indicating that anti-government armed groups in Syria should be considered OAGs that are accountable under IHL).
25 Melzer, Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities; Ashley Deeks, How Does the UN Define Direct Participation in Hostilities?
Lawfare (blog), October 21, 2013, available at .

The Standards that Apply:

Laws of War and Peace
For the conduct of MONUSCO activities, there are
two main legal frameworks that are applicable:
IHL26 and IHRL.27 The former regulates the UN
peacekeeping mission only when it is considered a
party to a conflict, and the latter is relevant at all
times, although the applicability of IHRL may be
limited in scope during times of armed conflict.
While the UN is not party to the relevant treaties
for IHL and IHRL, it is accepted that the same legal
rules may apply to the organization and its
peacekeepers.28 The Security Council takes the view
that both bodies of law are applicable to the
situation in the eastern DRC.29 The two key
questions that determine how IHL and IHRL apply
to MONUSCOs activities are whether the mission
is considered party to the conflict or conflicts, and
if so, then whether it is MONUSCO as a whole or
only the Intervention Brigade component.
The potential application to MONUSCO of IHL,
which regulates conduct of hostilities, is triggered
by an armed conflict. While there is no formal
definition of an armed conflict, it is considered to
occur once hostilities between warring parties have

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

reached a minimum level of intensity. The

threshold of intensity differs depending on whether
the armed conflict is characterized as international
or non-international.30 Given the nature and extent
of the violence in the eastern DRC, which has been
described by the secretary-general as overwhelming,31 it is without serious question that the
conflict meets the requisite level of intensity
regardless of the category of conflict, including
during the period for which the Intervention
Brigade has been active.
The specific rules of IHL that apply to a given
conflict depend on whether it is an international
armed conflict (IAC), concerning conflicts
between states, or a non-international armed
conflict (NIAC), concerning a much broader
category of conflicts but often within a single state.
As the conflicts in DRC primarily concern government forces fighting with various nonstate armed
groups, the NIAC classification is more relevant.32
Where multinational armed forces fight alongside
or in support of state armed forces against
organized armed groups, such as in DRC, the
predominant view is that the conflict may be
referred to as a multinational NIAC.33 Some
commentators take the view that particular armed
groups in the eastern DRC are so intertwined with
armed forces of neighboring states (e.g., claims that

26 IHL consists of a number of treaties, the core of which are the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the two Additional Protocols of 1977, as well as customary
international law. IHL primarily sets forth the legal framework for the conduct of armed conflicts of an international or non-international character involving
states and armed groups.
27 International human rights law (IHRL) consists of a set of rules, set out in treaties or custom, which traditionally prescribe limits of state action and also impose
certain responsibilities toward individuals and groups. It is also comprised of non-treaty-based principles, which help to shape and inform the body of human
rights law.
28 While it is generally accepted that the UN and its peacekeepers are bound by international human rights law, the precise scope of obligations of UN peacekeeping
operations is still unclear. See We Are United Nations Peacekeeping Personnel annexed to the memorandum of understanding between the UN and troopcontributing countries, requiring compliance with relevant directives on IHL and the applicable portions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the
fundamental basis of standards [of conduct], available at ; and United Nations, Report of the Special
Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group on the 2007 Resumed Session, UN Doc. A/61/19 (Part III), June 12, 2007, Annex, Annex H. See also
discussion in Scott Sheeran, A Constitutional Moment?: United Nations Peacekeeping in the Democratic Republic of Congo, International Organizations Law
Review 8, No. 1 (2011): 7684.
29 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), UN Doc. S/RES/2098, para. 34 (b)(iii).
30 ICTY, Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, paras. 561568. The ICTY has defined armed conflict as the resort to armed force between States or protracted armed violence
between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups in a State. See ICTY, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory
Appeal on Jurisdiction, Prosecutor v. Tadic, Case No. IT-94-1, A.C. (October 2, 1995), para. 141.
31 United Nations, UN Secretary-Generals Remarks to Second Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework
for the DRC and the Region, September 23, 2013, available at .
32 The qualification of the situation in DRC as a NIAC, while practical, may be nevertheless controversial for a number of reasons. First, the classification of conflicts
in which multinational forces are involved is not yet settled. However, it is the authors point of view that, in this case, where MONUSCO is fighting alongside a
government against nonstate armed groups, this is best described as a NIAC rather than an IAC. Second, the connection between some of the armed groups in
DRC to neighboring countries, such as Uganda and Rwanda, may be relevant in considering the classification of the conflict. For an otherwise internal conflict to
be considered international in character, the armed groups fighting against the state would have to be under the effective control of another state, which
requires the extent of support to go beyond financing, training, supplying, and equipping. Although it is well known that armed groups in DRC are operating with
the backing of other states, the extent and nature of such support is far from clear. See ICJ, Case Concerning the Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against
Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Judgment, 1986 ICJ 14, 25 Intl Legal Materials 1023 (June 27, 1986).
33 ICRC, International Humanitarian Law and the Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts, Report for the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross
and Red Crescent, Geneva, October 2011, p. 10, available at .


Rwanda supported the M23) that it can also be

characterized as an IAC.34
It is widely accepted that two main conditions
must be fulfilled for a NIAC to exist,35 for example,
as in the eastern DRC. First, there must be a
minimum level of intensity that goes beyond mere
internal disturbances, riots, and isolated or
sporadic acts of violence.36 The threshold of
intensity required for a NIAC to exist is higher than
that required for an IAC.37 Second, the nonstate
forces involved in the fighting must exhibit a
minimum degree of organization, such as the
existence of a chain of command, ability to plan
and carry out military operations, and distinguishable uniforms.38 International tribunals have
generally concluded that IHL applies to the whole
territory of the state affected by the NIAC and is
not limited to the area of armed conflicts, in this
case the eastern DRC.39
The scope of application of IHL rules regulating
MONUSCOs activities in this current situation is
also connected to whether the Intervention Brigade
may be considered a party to the armed conflict,
and whether this classification extends to the rest of
the UN forces. IHL imposes certain obligations on
the parties to a conflict, including the requirements
to distinguish between civilians and combatants at
all times, to follow the principle of proportionality
in launching an attack,40 and to treat civilians in a
humane manner. It also allows the parties to attack

their military objectives even when it results in

so-called collateral damage to civilians, which is
considered legal if it is proportionate to the military
benefit.41 However, being classified as a party to the
conflict also makes that party vulnerable to lawful
attack under IHL. This means that if the
MONUSCO mission as a whole were a party to the
conflict, then not just the Intervention Brigade, but
also military members of MONUSCO and the
supporting UN mission infrastructure would
become legitimate military targets for armed
groups such as the M23.
Prior to the Intervention Brigade, the UN
Secretariat had never publicly acknowledged that
UN peacekeepers were party to a conflict in which
they were involved.42 This was even when the UNs
use of force reached a significantly intense level
such as during the UN Operation in the Congo
(ONUC, 19603) and the UN Operation in
Somalia II (UNOSOM II, 1993). At a deeper level,
that reflected an approach that when UN
peacekeepers used force, they did so to maintain
international peace and security on behalf of the
international communityakin to a world
policemanrather than as a party to the conflict.
In May 2013, however, the UN legal counsel
foreshadowed that MONUSCO would become a
party to the conflict,43 and since then the UNs legal
position has been referred to in various public
contexts.44 This was despite that the International

34 For example, see United Nations, Letter Dated 22 January 2014 from the Coordinator of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo Addressed to
the President of the Security Council, UN Doc. S/2014/42, January 23, 2014, paras. 2024; and Louise Arimatsu, The Democratic Republic of the Congo 1993
2010 in International Law and the Classification of Conflicts, edited by Elizabeth Wilmshurst (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012).
35 See Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, and Additional Protocol II, as the DRC is party to both. The ICRCs position is that most of Additional
Protocol II has reached the level of customary status and is therefore binding on non-signatories as well. See Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Study on Customary
International Humanitarian Law: A Contribution to the Understanding and Respect for the Rule of Law in Armed Conflict, International Review of the Red
Cross, 87, No. 857 (March 2005), available at .
36 See Additional Protocol II, Article 1(2) of the Geneva Conventions. For relevant elements to take into account, see ICTY, Prosecutor v. Bokoski, Judgment (Trial
Chamber), Case No. IT-04-82-T (July 10, 2008), paras. 177193.
37 See Sylvain Vit, Typology of Armed Conflicts in International Humanitarian Law: Legal Concepts and Actual Situations, International Review of the Red Cross
91, No. 873 (March 2009): 76, available at .
38 For example, see ICTY, Prosecutor v. Fatmir Limaj, Judgment, Case No. IT-03-66-T (November 30, 2005), para. 94134; and ICTY, Prosecutor v. Haradinaj et al.,
Judgment, Case No. IT-04-84-T (April 3, 2008), para. 60.
39 The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has decided, for example, that once the conditions for applicability of Common Article 3 and Additional
Protocol II are fulfilled, their scope extends throughout the territory of the State where the hostilities are taking place without limitation to the war front or to
the narrow geographical context of the actual theatre of combat operation. See ICTR, Prosecutor v. Semanza, Judgment (Trial Chamber), Case No. ICTR-97-20T (May 15, 2003), para. 367.
40 This principle, which is recognized as a norm of customary international law in IACs and NIACs, prohibits the launching of an attack in which the expected
incidental loss or damage to civilian life and/or objects would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
41 See comments of the force commander of the Intervention Brigade, Brig-Gen James Aloizi Mwakibolwa, in, NGOs Concerned about New DRC Intervention
Brigade, IRIN News, May 31, 2013, available at .
42 Patricia OBrien, Respecting IHL: Challenges and Responses, statement made at 36th Roundtable on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law, San
Remo, Italy, September 5, 2013, available at .
43 Patricia OBrien, statement by the under-secretary-general for Legal Affairs and UN legal counsel delivered to the International Law Commission, Geneva, May
23, 2013, available at .
44 Ibid.; See also UN Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) representative Mona Ali Khalil, panel discussion, Humanitarian Law, Peacekeeping/Intervention Forces and
Troop-Contributing Countries: Issues and Challenges, Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), United Nations, New York, August 21, 2013;
and Mona Ali Khalil, Peace Forces at War panel discussion at the annual general meeting of the American Society of International Law, April 712, 2014.

Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) considered

MONUSCO party to the conflict before the
MONUSCO had already been engaged in offensive
combat actions against armed groups, for example,
as early as 2006 and twice in 2012.46
According to the UN Secretariat, the issue of
whether UN peacekeepers are party to the conflict
in the DRC is determined by a legal test unique to
the UN context. The 1999 Secretary-Generals
Bulletin on Observance by United Nations Forces of
International Humanitarian Law provides the
relevant guidance. The bulletin states that IHL is
applicable to UN forces when in situations of
armed conflict they are actively engaged therein as
combatants, to the extent and for the duration of
their engagement.47 This test is challenging to
apply in practice and a departure from usual
approaches in IHL, and it is still not universally
The secretary-generals bulletin does not apply
the common approach from IHL that once a NIAC
is determined to exist, the state and organized
armed forces are considered party to the conflict
for its entire duration. Under the bulletins test, UN
peacekeepers can become party to the conflict for a
limited period of timethey can lose protection
from attack only for the duration of active engagement, and then regain protected status afterward.
This approach has some similarities with the IHL
concept of the direct participation in hostilities
by civilians.48 The bulletin reflects the UN
Secretariats position on IHL applicability and is

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

not generally accepted by the ICRC, which has

suggested this approach may confuse the international law on use of force and IHL (i.e., jus ad
bellum and jus in bello).49 The ICRCs perspective is
that regardless of the UNs mandate or intention
for deploying a UN peacekeeping operation, the
question of whether the UN is a party to a conflict
(and therefore whether IHL applies) is similar as
for other parties: it is a factual determination based
solely on realities on the ground.50
The ambiguity concerning the UN peacekeeping
forces possible status as a party to the conflict
largely disappears when it comes to the
Intervention Brigade. The brigades mandate
makes clear that its purpose is to use offensive
force, which has been reflected in its operations. As
Lieutenant-General Carlos Alberto dos Santos
Cruz, MONUSCOs force commander, has stated:
We are going to protect the civilians, eliminate
and neutralize the threats. We are not going to
wait for the threat to come here against the
civilians.51 In light of the Intervention Brigades
obvious combat role, it would be extremely difficult
to argue that it was not a party to the conflict, and
that IHL did not apply. It is likely for these reasons
that the UN has not sought to deny it is party to the
conflict in DRC when it comes to this classification.
This all supports a more traditional approach to
IHL application to UN forces, rather than the test
prescribed in the secretary-generals bulletin,
which may not have fully anticipated such robust
operations as the Intervention Brigade.
A more difficult question, which has been the

45 For example, see the legal arguments by ICRC Legal Adviser Tristan Ferraro, The Applicability and Application of International Humanitarian Law to
Multinational Forces, in special edition on multinational operations, International Review of the Red Cross 95, No. 891892 (December 2013), available at .
46 United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UN Doc.
S/2012/355, May 23, 2012, para. 16; and United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, UN Doc. S/2013/96, February 15, 2013, para. 37. (MONUSCO forces were alongside FARDC and in some cases by themselves
at the front.)
47 United Nations, Secretary-Generals Bulletin: Observance by United Nations Forces of International Humanitarian Law, UN Doc. ST/SGB/1999/13, August 6, 1999,
s. 1.1. (emphasis added).
48 Civilian loss and restoration of protection against direct attack is contingent upon their direct participation in hostilities. The duration of the loss of protection
depends on the beginning and end of the direct participation in hostilities. See Melzer, Interpretive Guidance on the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities
Under International Humanitarian Law.
49 Ferraro, The Applicability and Application of International Humanitarian Law to Multinational Forces. See also ICRC, Expert Meeting on Multinational Peace
Operations: Applicability of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law to UN Mandated Forces, Geneva, December 1112, 2003,
available at .
50 This includes the fulfillment of the conditions for armed conflict derived from the relevant provisions of IHL (in particular Common Articles 2 and 3 to the
Geneva Conventions of 1949). See ICRC, statement made in the Fourth Committee, UN General Assembly, New York, October 31, 2013: The applicability of
IHL to UN forces, just as to any other forces, is determined solely by the circumstances prevailing on the ground and by specific legal conditions stemming from
the relevant provisions of IHL, irrespective of the international mandate assigned to the forces by the Security Council. The mandate and legitimacy of a UN
mission are issues which fall within the scope of the Charter of the United Nations, and have no bearing on the applicability of IHL to peacekeeping operations
(emphasis added).
51 Congo and the General, Al-Jazeera, February 6, 2014, available at .


focus of significant debate, is whether MONUSCO

as a whole or just the Intervention Brigade is party
to the conflicts in the DRC. Some major TCCs, for
example Pakistan, have been clear they consider
that the Security Councils separation of the
Intervention Brigade and MONUSCO mandates
within Resolution 2098 suggests a distinction
between the two forces for IHL purposes. This
position is likely underpinned by concern for safety
of regular MONUSCO peacekeepers, as those
peacekeepers do not have the same offensive
mandate to attack armed groups. The Security
Councils decision to bestow a different mandate
on a specific brigade within a broader UN force was
unprecedented, both in terms of language and
concept, and opened the door to different interpretations for IHL purposes.
The position of the UN Office of Legal Affairs as
well as the ICRC is that the military members of
both the Intervention Brigade and regular
MONUSCO forces are party to the conflict. This is
supported by a legal rationale.52 When the Security
Council established the Intervention Brigade, it did
not create a separate legal entity; from a practical
and legal perspective, the brigade was clearly a part
of MONUSCO. The peacekeepers all operate as
part of a single military force, with the same UN
emblems and blue helmets, under a single force
commander.53 The shared use of military bases,
communications, logistics, and other support
structures is also common. While it might be
possible for the Intervention Brigade to be configured in a way to justify differential treatment, in
terms of the regular MONUSCO classification of
being party to the conflict, this was not achieved by
Resolution 2098 and its implementation, and no
significant changes were made in Resolution 2147.
A second potential legal basis for MONUSCOs
status as a party to the conflict in DRC concerns its

support to the FARDC.54 The UN may become

party to the conflict as a result of its direct logistical
and tactical support to the FARDC, the latter being
a party to the conflict with the various armed
groups. Admittedly, this support-based approach
is a relatively new concept for IHL and the development of which must be further discussed. It is not
expressed or set out in the treaty law and associated
customary international law of IHL.55 However, the
approach complements the normal determination
of IHL applicability, is logical in principle, and
particularly relevant to whether the UN forces
would be a legitimate target under IHL, for
example, for the M23.56
The focus of the debate on the application of IHL to
the Intervention Brigade and MONUSCO as a
whole has not been matched by discussion of the
logical corollary, the extent to which international
human rights law (IHRL) may apply. The scope of
potential IHRL application is significantly reduced
if MONUSCOs activities are subject to IHL. While
application of IHRL to UN peacekeeping
operations is a complicated issue, the organization
clearly accepts that it has human rights obligations
in the peacekeeping context.57 One key area where
this is relevant is detention, as the UNs Interim
Standard Operating Procedures on Detention in
UN Peace Operations (the UN Detention SOP) are
generally predicated on the application of IHRL.58

Legal Protections for UN

The impact of the Intervention Brigades mandate
on safety and security of MONUSCOs
peacekeepers is a significant issue. UN peacekeepers, both military and civilian, benefit from
legal protections from attack under various legal

52 Ferraro, The Applicability and Application of International Humanitarian Law to Multinational Forces.
53 For example, see comments of the Intervention Brigade force commander in NGOs Concerned about New DRC Intervention Brigade, IRIN News.
54 For example, see Maj. Gen. Patrick Cammaert and Fiona Blyth, The UN Intervention Brigade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, New York:
International Peace Institute, July 2013, p.10.
55 See arguments in Ferraro, The Applicability and Application of International Humanitarian Law to Multinational Forces.
56 It appears that both the ICRC and UN Office of Legal Affairs may be in agreement that regardless of the Intervention Brigade, MONUSCO is party to the conflict
in DRC due to its support of the FARDC. This at least appeared to be the view offered by Tristan Ferraro, ICRC, and Mona Khalil, OLA, in Peace Forces at War
panel discussion at the annual general meeting of the American Society of International Law, April 712, 2014.
57 See United Nations, Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non-United Nations Security Forces, Un Doc. A/67/775S/2013/110, March
5, 2013. See also letter dated April 1, 2009 from UN Office of Legal Affairs to the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations cited in Jeffrey Gettleman, U.N.
Told Not To Join Congo Army in Operation, New York Times, December 9, 2009, available at .
58 DPKO/DFS, Interim Standard Operating Procedures on Detention in United Nations Peace Operations, Ref. 2010.6, January 25, 2010, para. 2. There is a difference of view whether the SOP may exclude IHL situations from the scope of its procedures. On the face of it, para. 2 suggests it does, while para. 9 states that
nothing in the SOP affects the application of IHL. This is another potential point of difference between the UN and ICRC.


regimesgeneral rules of IHL, the Convention on

the Safety of United Nations and Associated
Personnel (1994) and its Optional Protocol (2005),
and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
Court (1998). However, these legal protections are
not absolute and the Intervention Brigades
mandate and actions may negate their applicability
to MONUSCOs military forces.
The general approach of the secretary-generals
bulletin is that UN peacekeepers may be considered
legitimate targets when, and for the duration of the
time, they are actively engaged in armed conflict.
This is because, under IHL, attacks against
peacekeeping personnel including military
members are prohibited, so long as those personnel
are entitled to protections given to civilians.59 The
civilian members of the UN mission continue to
have civilian status under IHL, even if the UN
military peacekeepers are party to a conflict.
However, for MONUSCO, both the UN Secretariat
and ICRC agree that the whole military mission has
attained the status of a party to the conflict and
would therefore not be subject to any ongoing
assessment of active engagement (as would be the
case for civilians directly participating in hostilities).60 This has been reflected in UN public
statements about killings of MONUSCO military
members, which have condemned the killings but
not suggested a violation of IHL.61
This legal perspective, while easy to understand
and apply, does lead to a certain tension. For
regular MONUSCO troops, there is some logic
that they should regain protection from attack in
between periods of active fighting, to implement
their impartial protection of civilians and other
non-offensive mandates. However, a key problem

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

is the ability to distinguish and separate the regular

MONUSCO forces from the Intervention Brigade.
As the M23 spokesman stated in May 2013: Blue
helmets come with an offensive mandate while
others are deployed in the same areas with a
peacekeepers mandate. They have really to
separate areas so that we can make the distinction.62 Under IHL, parties to the conflict need to
distinguish who they may legitimately target from
whom they may not.63 This can be very difficult and
may impact the parties legal obligations.
The Intervention Brigade troops are not only
wearing the same UN emblem and blue helmets
but also using the same bases and transport as the
other MONUSCO forces, which are not authorized
to use force in the same offensive manner. The
complexities of this relationship were illustrated
when an unarmed MONUSCO helicopter carrying
out a reconnaissance mission came under direct
fire from positions held by the M23 rebels in the
DRC. While the attack was strongly condemned,64
the UN helicopter would have been able to gather
information useful for Intervention Brigade attacks
on the M23.
In addition to attacks on UN military personnel
in MONUSCO, there may be attacks against the
UN missions premises and property. In usual
circumstances, UN buildings, vehicles, and equipment would not constitute military objectives
under IHL and attacks on them would be unlawful
so long as they remained civilian in character.65
However, in practice, UN bases are used by both
regular MONUSCO forces and the Intervention
Brigade, as well as for supporting the activities of
the Intervention Brigade, and therefore are legitimate targets under IHL.66 This leads to safety risks

59 This has been cited as a rule of customary international law by the ICRC. See Rule 33, in Customary International Humanitarian Law, eds. Jean-Marie
Henckaerts and Louise Doswald-Beck, vol. 1 (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; ICRC, 2005), available at .
60 An argument can be made that the actions of the Intervention Brigade, and possibly MONUSCO as a whole, would still fall under the direct participation in
hostilities framework if its members can be considered to have a continuous combat function. The issue with that argument is once the civilians satisfy the
continuous combat function test, they are effectively regarded as members of an organized armed group, and not really in effect as civilians.
61 The killings may, however, be violations of national law of the DRC. See Martin Kobler, Head of MONUSCO, Strongly Condemns the Killing of UN Peacekeeper
by M23, MONUSCO Press Release, August 28, 2013.
62 NGOs Concerned about New DRC Intervention Brigade, IRIN News.
63 Rule 33, in Customary International Humanitarian Law, eds. Henckaerts and Doswald-Beck.
64 For example, the UN Special Envoy for Africas Great Lakes region, Mary Robinson, immediately condemned the attack, and remind[ed] the M23 leadership that
any act aimed at obstructing MONUSCO in the exercise of its mandate, as stipulated by the United Nations Security Council 2098, is unacceptable. See UN News
Centre, DR Congo: Attack on Peacekeeping Helicopter Unacceptable, Says UN Envoy, October 12, 2013, available at .
65 See Rule 10 and Rule 33, in Customary International Humanitarian Law, eds. Henckaerts and Doswald-Beck. Article 7 of the Convention on the Safety of
United Nations and Associated Personnel prohibits any attack upon UN and associated personnel, their equipment, and premises. See also Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court, 1998, Article 8(2)(b)(ii).
66 The Intervention Brigade has been operating out of bases in Goma, Munigi, and Sake, where internally displaced persons have occasionally taken shelter.


for UN civilian staff members co-located on these

bases who may become caught up in an attack, and
potentially to a responsibility on the part of the UN
to relocate civilian staff to safer premises.67
The status of UN peacekeepers under IHL is also
directly related to legal protections available under
international criminal law and the 1994 Safety
Convention.68 The Rome Statute criminalizes
attacks against the personnel and property of a UN
peacekeeping mission as long as they are entitled
to the protection given to civilians or civilian
objects under the international law of armed
conflict.69 Decisions of the International Criminal
Court (ICC) and the Special Court for Sierra Leone
have affirmed the test in the secretary-generals
bulletin, that UN forces enjoy protection from
attacks unless and for such time as they take a
direct part in hostilities or in combat-related activities.70
The 1994 Safety Convention provides protection
from attack for all UN personnel, including
military forces, but it has an IHL-related
exception.71 The conventions protections do not
apply to a UN operation that the Security Council
has authorized as an enforcement action under
Chapter VII and in which any personnel are
engaged as combatants against organized armed
forces and to which the law of international armed
conflict applies.72 The conventions text and
drafting history suggests that UN peacekeepers
would only lose their protections if they were both
in an IAC and acting under a peace enforcement
mandate.73 However, it was not foreseen at the time
that the UN would engage in peace enforcement in


NIACs, as MONUSCO presently does in the DRC.

Furthermore, the secretary-generals bulletin on
IHL was intended to operate in the alternative to
the Safety Convention and has been more recently
understood as extending to NIACs.74 Therefore, a
more logical and purposive interpretation for the
convention in todays context is to understand its
legal protection as capable of being excluded in
NIACs, as well as IACs. The issue may also depend
on the precise wording in the SOFA between the
DRC and UN that makes the principles of the
Safety Convention applicable.
While the DRC is not currently party to the
Safety Convention, it is understood that the SOFA
signed between the UN and DRC for MONUSCO
incorporates a reference to the principles encapsulated in the Safety Convention. However, even if
the Safety Convention applies, it is reasonable to
conclude that members of the Intervention Brigade
would have lost their protection from attack as a
result of their direct engagement in hostilities.
Furthermore, by virtue of Article 2(2) of the Safety
Convention, it appears that all military personnel
of MONUSCO would lose potential protection of
the convention. This article provides on the face of
it that the moment any member of the UN military
force acts as a combatant, the entire operation is
excluded from protection under the convention.75
It appears from the Security Council retreat in
April 2013 that the notion the Intervention Brigade
and the broader MONUSCO operation would
become lawful targets under IHL was not well
understood at the time of adopting Resolution
2098. For this reason, it is unsurprising that the

67 Under UN Security Council Resolution 2098, the secretary-general is required to report to the Security Council the [r]isks and their implications for the safety
and security for the UN personnel and the facilities as a result of the possible operations of the intervention Brigade as well as measures taken to strengthen their
security and mitigate risks (para. 34(vi)).
68 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, December 9, 1994.
69 Rome Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(iii) and (e)(iii).
70 International Criminal Court (ICC), Prosecutor v. Abu Garda, Case No. ICC 02/05-02/09, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges (Pre-Trial Chamber I),
(February 8, 2010), paras. 78 and ff. in particular para. 83; ICC, Prosecutor v. Abdallah Banda et al., Case No. ICC 02/05-03/09, Decision on the Confirmation of
Charges (Pre-Trial Chamber), (March 7, 2011), paras. 61 and ff. Special Court for Sierra Leone, Prosecutor v. Hassan Sesay, Judgment (Trial Chamber), Case No.
SCSL-04-15-T, (March 2, 2009), para. 233.
71 Safety Convention, Article 2(2).
72 Ibid., Article 2(2) (emphasis added).
73 See Christopher Greenwood, Protection of Peacekeepers: The Legal Regime, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 7, No. 185 (1996): 197200. In
2000, the secretary-general stated: The exclusion from the scope of application of the convention of Chapter VII United Nations operations carried out in
situations of international armed conflict gives rise to the suggestion that enforcement actions carried out in situations of internal armed conflict (UNOSOM II
type operations) are included within the scope of the convention and subject to its protective regime (emphasis added). See United Nations, Report of the
Secretary-General: Scope of Legal Protection under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, UN Doc. A/55/637, November 21,
2000. The ICRC has been critical of the Safety Convention on the point that its legal protections are broader than IHL, which may, in turn, have a negative impact
on respect for IHL.
74 There is greater scope for this in the secretary-generals bulletin, sections 1.1 and 1.2 (e.g., refers to protections in international law of armed conflict rather than
law of international armed conflict).
75 See Safety Convention, Article 2(2).


council stated in its Resolution 2098 its condemnation of any and all attacks against [MONUSCO]
peacekeepers, emphasizing that those responsible
for such attacks must be held accountable.76 The
lack of IHL protection was subsequently debated
and recognized in a Security Council press release
in August 2013,77 including at Rwandas instigation.
However, the issue appears largely to have been
ignored in the mandate renewal in Resolution 2147
in 2014, and the same call was made for accountability for attacks against UN peacekeepers. In this
sense, the Security Council has largely ignored the
legal changes brought about by the Intervention
Brigade and may be evidencing a lack of
understanding of applicable IHL.

Detainees: Treatment and

It is natural that the offensive operations conducted
by the Intervention Brigade are more likely to
generate detainees, including those who have been
captured, wounded, or surrendered. This raises
issues concerning the legal authority, treatment,
and transfer of detainees. While the UN emphasizes
publicly its offensive operations are in support of
the FARDC, there are media reports of armed rebels
trying to surrender to the UN forces, rather than the
government authorities, including due to fears of
being tortured or harmed by the FARDC.78
There is no truly comprehensive legal framework
that governs the taking, handling, and transfer of
detainees during UN operations.79 A collection of
rules from IHL and IHRL constitute the main legal
framework. This is reflected in the secretarygenerals bulletin and the UN Detention SOP,

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

which sets out minimum rules on the humane

treatment of captured persons and humane
conditions of detention facilities, both in armed
conflict and during times of peace. However, as the
former UN legal counsel has pointed out, neither
document was designed for a situation in which the
UN is actively engaged in armed conflict.80 The
Copenhagen Principles, which were recently
developed to help articulate principles applicable to
detainees held by international military forces, may
also provide some guidance, but it is unclear
whether those principles extend to UN forces.81 For
these reasons, it appears the UN has developed an
internment SOP to apply specifically to the
Intervention Brigades mandate to neutralize armed
groups, and for MONUSCO operations in support
of that mandate, and this is also reflected in a
supplemental arrangement to the UN-DRC SOFA.82
In the context of MONUSCOs status as party to the
armed conflict, the secretary-generals bulletin also
provides a useful basis of standards for detention.
The MONUSCO internment SOP and supplemental arrangement to the SOFA both do well to
capture and operationalize the legal standards and
UN responsibilities. There are three key legal issues
with respect to detainees and internees. The first
concerns whether, in practice, MONUSCO can
meet the various obligations of treatment set out in
the secretary-generals bulletin. These include
requirements to hold detainees in secure and safe
premises, including separate quarters for men,
women, and children, as well as obligations to
ensure all possible safeguards of hygiene and
health, access to medical attention, and entitlement
to food and clothing.83 In addition, the UN must
notify the ICRCs Central Tracing Agency, and

76 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), Un Doc. S/RES/2098, preamble.
77 See UN Security Council, Press Statement on Democratic Republic of Congo, UN Doc. SC/11108, August 29, 2013. They recalled that intentionally directing
attacks against personnel, installations, material, units, or vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as
long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict, constitutes a crime under international law.
78 James Verini, Should the United Nations Wage War To Keep Peace? special report, National Geographic, March 27, 2014, available at
79 Bruce Oswald, The Law on Military Occupation: Answering the Challenges of Detention during Contemporary Peace Operations, Melbourne Journal of
International Law 8 (2007), available at .
80 See OBrien, Respecting IHL. The Interim SOP on Detention does not apply where IHL applies, however, this is complicated in many cases by how IHL applies
to the UN, see para. 9.
81 The Copenhagen Process on the Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations: Principles and Guidelines, 2012, available at .
82 See OBrien, Respecting IHL; Draft of Standing Operating Procedures on Internment by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, 2013, copy on file with authors, paras. 23; and Draft of Arrangement on the Treatment of Persons Handed Over by the United Nations
Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo supplementary to the Agreement between the United Nations and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the Status of the United Nations
Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013, copy on file with authors, para. 2.
83 Ibid., para. 8(b)(f).


permit ICRC access to detainees.84 To comply with

these requirements, significant resources are
needed to create the necessary infrastructure, facilities, and supporting services to detain members of
armed groups on any kind of a short- or long-term
basis. While unconfirmed, it appears that the UN
has responded to the Intervention Brigades
mandate by building a central facility designed for
internment, although it may not yet be in use. Even
if it were to be put into use, it is unclear whether
MONUSCO would have the necessary supervisory
staff and medical or administrative services to run
adequate detention or internment facilities
according to requirements under IHL and other
The UN may be relieved of many of these obligations, especially where it is not in a position to
fulfill them, by transferring detainees to national
authorities, particularly the FARDC. This gives rise
to the second legal issue concerning when the UN
hands over detainees to government forces or
authorities. The former UN legal counsel indicated
that this is the preferred approach where detained
persons cannot be diverted into disarmament,
demobilization, and reintegration programs.86
However, government forces will usually want to
detain and screen captured members of armed
groups. These captives will likely have committed
serious violations of national law by taking up arms
against the national government. Under IHL and
IHRL, and according to the principle of nonrefoulement, transfer of any detainees to government authorities is prohibited where there are
substantial grounds to believe they would be at risk
of torture. The secretary-generals bulletin does not


make this express but provides indirectly for this

accepted obligation.87
This may be problematic for MONUSCO forces
that engage in detention of armed group members.
There is credible reporting that the FARDC has
engaged in serious human rights violations, and
there are also human rights concerns about
conditions in government detention facilities.88 To
comply with obligations under international law,
the UN forces would need to properly assess the
risk and ensure that any transfers complied with
the non-refoulement obligation, which in some
cases may be difficult. While it is likely the
Intervention Brigade tries to avoid taking
detainees, leaving it to the FARDC, this will not be
always possible.
The MONUSCO draft internment SOP and
supplemental arrangement to the UN-DRC SOFA
prohibit handover of detainees to DRC authorities
where there are substantial grounds for believing
that there is a real risk a detainee will be subject to:
(1) torture or cruel, inhumane or degrading
treatment or punishment; (2) threats to life or
freedom on account of race, religion, nationality,
membership of a particular social group, or
political opinion; (3) arbitrary deprivation of life;
(4) the death penalty (which is not illegal per se);
(5) enforced disappearance; or (6) a grossly unfair
trial.89 In practice, these prohibitions may present
some challenges when MONUSCO finds it
necessary to detain and transfer in the eastern
DRC, due to the evidence of the FARDCs mistreatment of detainees.
Another significant issue for detention concerns

84 Ibid., para. 8(a) and (g).

85 While the position of the authors in this report is that the conflict in DRC is a NIAC, should the circumstances suggest that MONUSCO is involved in an IAC,
this would have major consequences on the UNs obligations concerning detention under the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions. The exact circumstances
under which individuals may be detained in a NIAC and corresponding obligations on the detaining party are still contested. However, the position of the ICRC
is that internment is clearly a measure that can be taken in non-international armed conflict based on the provisions of Additional Protocol II, and that the
principles and rules of the Fourth Geneva Convention may serve as guidance in practice. See Jelena Pejic, Procedural Principles and Safeguards for
Internment/Administrative Detention in Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence, International Review of the Red Cross 87, No. 858 (June 2005),
available at . See also Royal Courts of Justice, Serdar Mohammed v. Ministry of Defence and Others, [2014]
EWHC 1369 (QB), (May 2, 2014), available at .
86 See OBrien, Respecting IHL.
87 The Copenhagen Process on the Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations: Principles and Guidelines, 2012, para 8(d).
88 In March 2013, the UN Report of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (MONUSCO-OHCHR) on Deaths in Detention Centres in the Democratic Republic
of Congo outlined the governments failure to provide adequate conditions in detention facilities, which resulted in high rates of disease and even death. See also
OHCHR/MONUSCO, Report of the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office on Human Rights Violations Perpetrated by Soldiers of the Congolese Armed Forces
and Combatants of the M23 in Goma and Sake, North Kivu Province, and in and around Minova, South Kivu Province, from 15 November to 2 December 2012,
May 13, 2013.
89 DPKO/DFS, Draft Standing Operating Procedures on Internment by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013,
copy on file with authors; Draft of Arrangement on the Treatment of Persons Handed over by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Supplementary to the Agreement between the
United Nations and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the Status of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, 2013, copy on file with authors.


Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

obstacles the UN may face if it does not hand over

detainees to government forces or authorities,
either as a result of logistical challenges or due to
concerns about potential human rights violations.
Even if practically possible, it is unclear whether
the UN has the legal authority under its mandate to
detain individuals for more than a short period of
time. The UN Detention SOP does not contemplate detention by the UN beyond seventy-two
hours, except in rare circumstances.90 The
MONUSCO internment SOP does not seem to
contemplate any particular time limits to the UN
retaining detainees.91 The MONUSCO mandates
authority to detain could be interpreted more
broadly in situations where it is unable to hand
over detainees to the FARDC or other national
authorities, and may find a basis in IHL, which
provides a party to the conflict with a legal basis to

in IHL or IHRL violations due to its support

provided to FARDC forces that commit such

Responsibility and

The UN is legally responsible in theory for the

UN peacekeeping forces activities only where it has
effective control over the act in question.94 This
may be challenging to establish for many violations,
as the conduct in question is unlikely to be part of
formal orders. However, the UN in practice tends to
take a broad view of what conduct is legally associated with the UN mission, particularly in the
context of asserting its broad immunities.95

With the Intervention Brigade forces operating

under more demanding conditions than most UN
peacekeeping forces, and carrying out high
pressure and timely combat operations, there is a
greater likelihood of mistakes being made in the
fog of war. Collateral damage, which may include
civilian deaths caused by MONUSCO operations, if
proportionate, is permissible when attacking
military objectives in the course of offensive
operations. This may inevitably lead to a greater
relevance of responsibility and accountability for
loss or damage caused by MONUSCO, and
possible violations of IHL or IHRL even if unintentional. There also have been serious issues raised
concerning the UN mission in the DRC, including
by UN special rapporteurs, of the UNs complicity

It is important to determine who is responsible

under international law for actions of MONUSCO
troops. This is especially so since MONUSCOs
military activities are carried out by military forces
from TCCs acting under UN auspices. The UNs
general position is that, in principle, it has exclusive
command and control of UN peacekeeping forces,
and therefore, the responsibility and related
immunities accrue to the organization.93 Military
personnel are generally considered to be under the
authority of the UN and therefore under the
control of the force commander. However, in some
cases, troops have carried out instructions of their
own governments, above those issued by the UN,
which creates ambiguity as to who has effective

As a general matter in IHL and IHRL, the UN has

obligations (depending on which body of law is
applicable) to provide a remedy or pay compensation for the deaths, injuries, or damage to property
caused by its actions.96 The UN is also required
under the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and
Immunities of the United Nations and the UN
Model Status-of-Forces Agreement for Peacekeeping
Operations to make provisions for settlement of
disputes of a private law nature (e.g., compensation

90 DPKO/DFS, Interim Standard Operating Procedures on Detention in United Nations Peace Operations, para. 74.
91 DPKO/DFS, Draft Standing Operating Procedures on Internment by the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2013,
copy on file with authors, paras. 311, 314.
92 See Cammaert and Blyth, The UN Intervention Brigade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, p.10; and Sheeran, A Constitutional Moment?
93 This was evident in the UNs various contributions to the International Law Commissions work on the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International
Organizations, 2011.
94 See International Law Commission, Report of the International Law Commission, UN Doc. A/59/10, 2004, 99 (emphasis added).
95 For example, see World News Radio, Should the UNs Legal Immunity Continue? November 14, 2013, available at .
96 See Hague Convention IV on the Laws and Customs of War on Land, October 18, 1907, Article 3; and Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions, Article 91.
The ICRC considers both to be customary international law and applicable to NIACs. See Rule 150 in Customary International Humanitarian Law, eds.
Henckaerts and Doswald-Beck, pp.54748; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (adopted December 19, 1966, entered into force March 23, 1976) 999
UNTS 171 (ICCPR), Article 2(3); and Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (adopted December 10, 1984,
entered into force June 26, 1987) 1465 UNTS 85 (CAT), Article 14.


for damage).97 The UN General Assembly has

arguably cut across or modified these obligations
by imposing certain restrictions on claims and
remedies against UN peacekeeping operations,
some of which are quite stringent.98 The most
relevant to the Intervention Brigade and
MONUSCO is that compensation is not available
for damage from operational necessity.99 The UN
General Assembly has endorsed the secretarygenerals broad definition of this term, which in
effect excludes any compensation arising from
peacekeepers actions in the course of carrying out
operations.100 However, there is a practice of
making ex gratia payments for deaths, injuries, or
damage to property by the UN and states
contributing personnel to these operations.
The UNs direct responsibility for MONUSCO
military activities is probably more theoretical than
practical, due to a lack of developed mechanisms
for monitoring and facilitating claims, and the
difficulties in investigating the conduct of UN
military forces. There is no human rights
complaint mechanism, forum, or body such as the
Human Rights Councils Universal Periodic
Review or UN Human Rights Committee, with
competence or jurisdiction over the UN or
MONUSCO. There is only a private law claims
process provided pursuant to the SOFA.101 This
process is not independent as it is part of the
mission. One of the only examples of a human
rights complaint mechanism in UN peacekeeping,
which is still limited in scope and powers, is the UN


Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

(UNMIK) Human Rights Advisory Panel.102 The
DRC, however, is party to the 1966 Optional
Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, which provides the UN Human
Rights Committee with jurisdiction over individuals complaints. A victim may therefore bring a
human rights claim against the DRC for not
ensuring a remedy in respect of UN forces actions,
in which the committee might be willing to
indirectly consider the UNs responsibility.
Further, in the unlikely situation the ICC considers
a case from the DRC against a UN peacekeeper, the
victims could also make an associated claim for
compensation in that forum.103
Legally speaking, the UNs immunities are
restricted to acts in an official capacity.104
However, procedurally, allegations often cannot be
investigated without the UN waiving the immunity
of mission members from legal process. The UNs
assertion of immunity will generally stand as valid
unless it is overturned by the International Court of
Justice (ICJ).105 Moreover, MONUSCO has no
general ability to waive the immunities for investigation and prosecution of military members of its
mission, even for IHL or IHRL violations, as the
soldiers are under the exclusive criminal jurisdiction of the TCC.106 There are complicated arrangements agreed between the UN and TCCs for
investigations, but they largely leave the power to
investigate and prosecute with the TCC, and not
with the UNs administrative processes.107

97 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, February 13, 1946, section 29; and United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General: Model
Status-of-Forces Agreement for Peace-keeping Operations, UN Doc. A/45/594, October 9, 1990, part VII.
98 UN General Assembly Resolution 52/247, Third-Party Liability: Temporal and Financial Limitations (July 17, 1998), UN Doc. A/RES/52/247.
99 Ibid., para. 6.
100 United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General: Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, UN Doc.
A/51/389, September 20, 1996, para. 14; and United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General: Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of United
Nations Peacekeeping Operations, UN Doc. A/51/903, May 21, 1997, para. 13.
101 United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General: Model Agreement between the United Nations and Member States Contributing Personnel and Equipment to
United Nations Peace-Keeping Operations, UN Doc. A/46/185, May 23, 1991, para. 53; and Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations,
February 13, 1946, section 29.
102 See UNMIK Human Rights Advisory Panel page, available at .
103 Rome Statute, Article 75.
104 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, February 13, 1946, section 18(a). See also United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General:
Model Status-of-Forces Agreement for Peace-keeping Operations, UN Doc. A/45/594, October 9, 1990.
105 See ICJ, Difference Relating to Immunity from Legal Process of a Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights, Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 1999
(April 29, 1999); and ICJ, Applicability of Article VI, Section 22, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, ICJ
Reports 1989 (December 15, 1989). See also discussion of Haiti and the cholera outbreak in World News Radio, Should the UNs Legal Immunity Continue?
106 United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General: Model Status-of-Forces Agreement for Peace-keeping Operations, UN Doc. A/45/594, October 9, 1990, para 51.
107 See, for example, United Nations General Assembly, Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, UN Doc.
A/59/661, January 5, 2005, in which the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services (ID/OIOS) investigated sixty-eight allegations of sexual exploitation
against MONUC peacekeepers. According to a 2007 General Assembly report, governments of national military contingents have the primary responsibility for
investigating allegations against members of military contingents and the ID/OIOS can only investigate if and when national government prove unwilling or
unable to conduct such investigations. See United Nations, Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group on the 2007
Resumed Session, UN Doc. A/61/19 (Part III), June 11, 2007, Article 7.


The Intervention Brigades combat operations

will lead to greater possibilities of damage caused
and mistakes made by UN forces, both during
periods of combat as well as during any detention
or internment by MONUSCO of armed group
members.108 There is an unresolved tension and
even contradiction between IHRL and IHL
standards for remedies and compensation on the
one hand with those the UN applies in its
operations based on the Convention on Privileges
and Immunities, the SOFA, and the General
Assembly resolution on claims in peacekeeping.
The accountability and claims processes that are
available are quite limited in scope and effectiveness, and are not independent. This leads to
concerns of human rights violations or that other
victims of UN actions or mistakes may not receive
justice or an adequate remedy.

UN Peace Enforcement and

International Law: Broader
and Systemic Issues
The UNs assertion that the Intervention Brigade is
peace enforcement rather than peacekeeping has
naturally attracted concerns that it contradicts the
agreed basic principles of UN peacekeeping
consent, impartiality, and non-use of force except
in self-defense (including in defense of the
mandate).109 The Security Councils Resolutions
2098 and 2147 recognized this issue by taking the
unprecedented step of noting that the Intervention
Brigades mandate was without any prejudice to
the agreed basic principles of peacekeeping.110
While there has always been debate about the
nature and scope of UN peacekeeping, the basic

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

principles are today agreed and mostly clear. The

2008 United Nations Peacekeeping Operations:
Principles and Guidelines (also known as the
Capstone Doctrine) provides a central and useful
articulation of the basic principles, although not
one without problems. It asserts that peacekeeping
operations are deployed with the consent of the
main parties to the conflict.111 Without the consent
of the main parties, a UN operation may be considered as peace enforcement (which the UN has
already conceded the Intervention Brigade to be).112
It is clear, for example, that the M23 constituted a
main or local party to the conflict in DRC and did
not consent even tacitly to the Intervention
Brigades deployment and mandate. For the M23 to
do so would be equivalent to it agreeing to force
being used for the M23s elimination.
The Capstone Doctrine explains that UN
peacekeeping operations should be impartial in
their dealings with the parties to the conflict and
also implement their mandate without favour or
prejudice to any party.113 In a NIAC situation, and
one in which government forces are responsible
and largely unaccountable for serious violations of
human rights and IHL, the Intervention Brigades
offensive mandate to neutralize the nonstate
armed groups and its relative silence on the
FARDC stretches the concept of impartiality. As
the Capstone Doctrine notes, the need for evenhandedness towards the parties should not become
an excuse for inaction in the face of behavior that
clearly works against the peace process.114
MONUSCO may now be taking sides in the
eyes of some in DRC and further afield.
Components of the FARDC have committed
violations of IHL and IHRL against civilians, and
the UN continues to be criticized about the lack of

108 Although unconfirmed, the draft SOPs on internment reportedly encompass the right of interned persons to make a claim for compensation for any bodily
injury or damage to property attributable to wrong action on the part of MONUSCO and related to the internment.
109 The basic principles have been endorsed by the UN General Assembly, Security Council, and Secretariat.
110 UN Security Council Resolution 2098 (March 28, 2013), Un Doc. S/RES/2098, para. 9; and UN Security Council Resolution 2147 (March 28, 2014), UN Doc.
S/RES/2147, para. 1.
111 Capstone Doctrine, 31 (emphasis added). See also the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace
Operations (also known as the Brahimi report), UN Doc. A/55/305 and S/2000/809, August 21, 2000, xi. (The Panel concurs that consent of the local parties,
impartiality and the use of force only in self-defense should remain the bedrock principles of peacekeeping. (emphasis added)); and Trevor Findlay, The Use of
Force in UN Peace Operations (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 4 (referring to the more or less voluntary consent of all parties to the presence
and activities of the mission).
112 Capstone Doctrine, ibid., 40. (The Security Council may take enforcement action without the consent of the main parties to the conflict, if it believes that the
conflict presents a threat to international peace and security. This, however, would be a peace enforcement operation.)
113 Capstone Doctrine, ibid., 33 (emphasis added); Brahimi Report, ix (Impartiality for United Nations operations must therefore mean adherence to the principles
of the Charter: where one party to a peace agreement clearly and incontrovertibly is violating its terms, continued equal treatment of all parties by the United
Nations can in the best case result in ineffectiveness and in the worst may amount to complicity with evil.); and Findlay, The Use of Force in UN Peace
Operations, p. 4 (referring to the peacekeepers impartiality in their relationships with the parties).
114 Capstone Doctrine, ibid., p. 33.


implementation of its Human Rights Due

Diligence Policy concerning its own support to the
FARDC.115 There are positive steps to address
FARDC accountability and discipline, but they are
more modest and less effective, for example, than
the Intervention Brigades operations against the
M23. These issues may impact the unique legitimacy and effectiveness of UN peacekeeping
operations and MONUSCO. Unlike for
MONUSCOs mandate for protection of civilians,
the Intervention Brigades mandate can be seen to
privilege security issues over impartiality and
human rights protection. It focuses on armed
groups rather than the FARDC, which is a key part
of the cycle of impunity and ongoing conflict, a
fact that the Security Council has recognized.116
Finally, the use of force only in self-defense by
UN peacekeepers is the most complex of the three
principleslegally, conceptually, and practically.117
This is largely because its extension to self-defense
including in defense of the mandate is both
unclear in scope and conceptually problematic
when used to justify pre-emptive or offensive use of
force.118 The Capstone Doctrine explains that:
The notion of self-defense has subsequently come to
include resistance to attempts by forceful means to
prevent the peacekeeping operation from discharging
its duties under the mandate of the Security Council.
The ultimate aim of the use of force [in UN
peacekeeping] is to influence and deter spoilers
working against the peace process or seeking to harm
civilians; and not to seek their military defeat.119

If the Intervention Brigades mandate to

neutralize armed groups in DRCwhich is
acknowledged to be peace enforcementis considered to fit the expanded rubric of self-defense, then
virtually any Security Council mandate for a UN
operation to use force would qualify as self-defense.
While the basic principles provide a framework
that tries to set boundaries for UN peacekeeping


under the Charter, they have not been particularly

influential in the UN Security Councils mandating
of missions. The Intervention Brigades mandate
may indeed be replicated for future UN missions,
notwithstanding the fact that the UN Security
Council stated in Resolutions 2098 and 2147 that it
was not creating a precedent. The apparent conflict
of the Intervention Brigades mandate with the
basic principles of UN peacekeeping raises
questions about how to define the proper role of
the UN (and by implication member states) in
carrying out mandates beyond traditional or even
robust peacekeeping.
The Intervention Brigades mandate may go even
beyond peace enforcement and toward war fighting.
Peace enforcement has an impartial connotation
not well reflected in an unambiguous mandate to
neutralize all nonstate armed groups in the
conflict.120 The Intervention Brigades military
operations are designed to eliminate particular
parties to the conflict. They are not, for example,
built on impartially enforcing a peace agreement or
ceasefire, or protecting civilians as a primary aim.
The mandate identifies that all armed groups are
to be neutralized and does not condition the use of
force on current threats to civilians or the peace (e.g.,
by some FARDC components). This robust
mandate has not yet created serious safety and
security risks for the UN missions members. The
armed groups capacities in DRC have not been
significant enough for conflict with MONUSCO to
escalate seriously, as perhaps was the case for the UN
in Somalia in the 1990s.
A further issue is whether the Intervention Brigade
is evidence that the MONUSCO protection-ofcivilians mandate was inadequate, or, rather, that
the UN peacekeeping forces have been unwilling or

115 For example, see Matthew Russell Lee, On DRC, ICP Asks Kobler of FDLR Delay, Inaction on Minova Rapes, Drone, October 27, 2014, available at . This article suggests that: After [MONUSCO SRSG] Kobler referred to the UNs stated Human Rights
Due Diligence Policy, Inner City Press asked him if any UN support was withdrawn over the DRC Armys 130 rapes in Minova and only two convictions.
Koblers answer did not mention any aid suspended.
116 For example, UN Security Council Resolution 1856 (December 22, 2008), UN Doc. S/RES/1856, stated that the accelerated building of credible, cohesive and
disciplined Congolese armed forces is essential for the implementation of MONUCs mandate.
117 For example, see Scott Sheeran, The Use of Force in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, in The Oxford Handbook of the Use of Force in International
Law, edited by Marc Weller (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015 forthcoming); and Findlay, The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations, pp. 2132.
118 Ibid.; and Findlay, The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations, pp. 1415, 74, 356.
119 Capstone Doctrine, pp. 3435; and United Nations, Report of the Secretary-General on the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 340 (1973), UN Doc.
S/11052/Rev.1, October 27, 1973, para. 5 (emphasis added).
120 See Capstone Doctrine, ibid, p. 19. (Such actions are authorized to restore international peace and security in situations where the Security Council has
determined the existence of a threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression.)


unable to implement it.121 Since 2008, the UN

mission in the DRC has been tasked with
protecting civilians in the eastern regions of the
country. The Security Council Resolution 1856
(2008) authorized the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (MONUC, the predecessor to MONUSCO)
under Chapter VII of the Charter to attach the
highest priority to addressing the crisis in the
Kivus, in particular the protection of civilians and
to ensure their protection under imminent threat
of physical violence.122 A UN report has recently
concluded that MONUSCO peacekeepers in DRC
were reluctant to implement the protection
mandate during the fall of Goma at the end of
The UN Secretariat has elaborated that to use
force for the protection to civilians under
imminent threat of physical violence includes a
proactive approach to those actors that threaten
civilians, and is not just reactive.124 Further, as the
UN Office of Legal Affairs has indicated, the
mandate and use of force applies equally to both
rebel groups and to government forces. In light of
the UNs position on protection of civilians, it is
unclear how much more the Intervention Brigade
mandate added to MONUSCOs original mandate,
given the clear record of the M23 harming civilians.
This is particularly since the Security Council
Resolution 2147 (2014) dropped the qualifier of

Scott Sheeran and Stephanie Case

imminent threat for the protection-of-civilians

mandate for MONUSCO generally, thereby
lowering the threshold of using force for protection
of civilians. It also may be that the rules of engagement for the regular MONUSCO forces and
Intervention Brigade are the same.125 The UNs
initial forty-eight-hour ultimatum to the M23 for
surrender of weapons and joining demobilization
and reintegration processes, which signaled the
commencement of the Intervention Brigades
operations, was clearly publicly cast in terms of
protection of civilians and not neutralizing the
armed groups.126
In some other UN peacekeeping missions,
protection-of-civilians mandates have been
interpreted broadly to allow for protective use of
force against those who present a threat.127 The
broader scope of interpretation for the protectionof-civilians mandate is contested by some TCCs.
This was reflected, for example, by UN
peacekeepers inaction as the M23 took over Goma
in November 2012 and threatened civilians.128 In
one recent example, MONUSCO peacekeepers
reportedly failed to respond to a massacre in
Mutarule on June 6, 2014, despite being alerted to
the fact that killings were underway. The
commander of the nearby MONUSCO peacekeepers contingent and base was reportedly told by
his national superiors to merely clarify the situation
and gather more information.129

121 See United Nations General Assembly, Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, UN Doc. A/59/661, January 5,
2005; United Nations, Evaluation of the Implementation and Results of Protection of Civilians Mandates in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, UN Doc.
A/68/787, March 7, 2014, para. 44; International Crisis Group, Congo Crisis: Military Intervention in Ituri, Report No. 64, June 13, 2003, p. 12 (the report
states the mission has proved totally incapable of fulfilling its protection mandate); and Verini, Should the United Nations Wage War To Keep Peace?
(noting that since the mission began, in 1999, the killing and rape and displacement have continued and the number of militias has increased, while
peacekeepers have earned a reputation for inaction.)
122 UN Security Council Resolution 1856 (December 22, 2008), UN Doc. S/RES/1856. See also UN Security Council Resolution 1925 (May 28, 2010), UN Doc.
S/RES/1925; and UN Security Council Resolution 2053 (June 27, 2012), UN Doc. S/RES/2053.
123 United Nations General Assembly, Evaluation of the Implementation and Results of Protection of Civilians Mandates in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations:
Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, UN Doc. A/68/787, March 7, 2014. The UN Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services, Carman
Lapointe, reported to the Fifth Committee that the UN cannot adequately protect civilians while troop-contributing countries do not instruct their contingents
to do all they can, including using force as a last resort. See Michelle Nichols, U.N. Study Finds Peacekeepers Avoid Using Force To Protect Civilians, Reuters,
May 16, 2014, available at .
124 For example, see DPKO, Specialized Training Materials on Child Protection for UN Peacekeepers: Trainers Guide, 2014, p. 128, available at , which provides: The protection of civilians mandate specifies
an imminent threat of physical violence. However, imminent does not imply that violence is guaranteed to happen in the immediate future. A credible threat to
civilians may exist if there is a reasonable belief that a potential aggressor has the intent and capacity to inflict physical violence. A threat of violence against
civilians is imminent from the time it is identified until such time that the mission can determine that the threat no longer exists.
125 Discussion of authors with an expert who had reviewed the ROE.
126 MONUSCO stated that if M23 forces did not surrender they will be considered an imminent threat of physical violence to civilians and MONUSCO will take all
necessary measures to disarm them, including by the use of force in accordance with its mandate and rules of engagement, UN News Centre, UN Mission Sets
Up Security Zone in Eastern DR Congo, Gives Rebels 48 Hour Ultimatum.
127 For example, in April 2011 in Cte dIvoire, the United Nations Operation in Cte dIvoire (UNOCI) successfully undertook military operations to protect
civilians in Abidjan, preventing the use of heavy weaponry against them. UN Security Council Resolution 1975 (March 30, 2011), UN Doc. S/RES/1975. See
UNOCI, Post-Election Crisis, accessed November 1, 2014, available at .
128 Barbara Plett, UN Under Fire over Fall of Goma in DR Congo, BBC News, November 21, 2012, available at .
129 Human Rights Watch, DR Congo: Army, UN Failed To Stop Massacre, July 3, 2014, available at .


The formation of the Intervention Brigade may

highlight the documented reluctance of some
TCCs to implement the mandate and to risk the
safety and security of their own forces,130 rather
than an inherent deficiency in the protection-ofcivilians mandate. The new mandate given to the
Intervention Brigade may have been a political
exigency. While it satisfied the need for more
robust use of force, it may also undercut the legal
interpretation of MONUSCOs and other missions
long-standing mandates for the protection of
The legal issues and associated practical problems
faced by the Intervention Brigade and MONUSCO
will resonate for other UN operations, such as the
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), and
the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated
Stabilization Mission in the Central African
Republic (MINUSCA). The high-threat environments and robust mandates of these two UN
operations, and their cooperation with national
armed forces, the African Union (AU), and French
military forces, make it likely they are or will
become party to an armed conflict. The UN forces
in Mali have already been engaged in significant
fighting, and in the Central African Republic they
could get drawn into such fighting due to attacks or
the threat posed by insurgents and other armed
When the Security Council passed Resolution
2100 (2013) establishing MINUSMA, Russia, the
only country to provide an explanation of its vote,
noted the connection between MINUSMA and the
Intervention Brigade. Russia expressed concern
regarding what it perceived as a trend in the use of
force in UN peacekeeping. The Russian
ambassador suggested that what was once the
exception now threatens to become unacknowledged standard practice, with unpredictable and
unclear consequences.131 While this was somewhat
an overstatement, the Security Council had


provided MINUSMA a robust mandate with

parallels to the Intervention Brigade, in particular,
to use force in support of the Malian authorities to
deter threats and take active steps to prevent the
return of armed elements to those areas [in the
North of Mali].132

The mandating of the Intervention Brigade by the
Security Council was a bold, innovative, and
controversial step. It was also a UN operation that
the consequences of which, particularly the legal
issues, had not been fully thought out. It is now
largely considered a success, and some consider it a
model for future UN peacekeeping operations.
While the focus has been primarily on its political
and operational aspects, the legal issues are real and
of practical consequence. This includes the lawful
targeting of UN forces and difficulties, for example,
in the UN operation meeting its international
obligations concerning detainees. It also brings
into focus broader issues such as the responsibility
and accountability of UN peacekeepers, and the
obligations of the organization, including under
the Charter. The Intervention Brigade goes beyond
peacekeeping and even peace enforcement, and
may be seen as taking sides in the conflict. The
UN operation in DRC may also lead to misunderstandings about the robust legal authority to use
force under the protection-of-civilians mandate.
This report intended to provide a considered
overview of the legal issues concerning the
Intervention Brigade. The legal frameworks and
applicable rules for UN peacekeeping operations
are often not understood, and the associated
interpretations and consequences not well known
or transparent. It is important for the effectiveness
and future of UN peacekeeping, including the
growth and need for more robust mandates, that
the debate is not confined to policy and operational
matters but also has a strong foundation in and
respects and promotes international law and the
UN Charter.

130 See United Nations General Assembly, Evaluation of the Implementation and Results of Protection of Civilians Mandates in United Nations Peacekeeping
Operations: Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services, UN Doc. A/68/787, March 7, 2014, para. 44.
131 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vitaly I. Churkin, Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the United Nations, during the Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Mali, April 25, 2013, available at .
132 UN Security Council Resolution 2100 (April 25, 2013), UN Doc. S/RES/2100, para. 16(a)(i).

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