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Letter To ASIO 5

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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

ASIO Central Office
GPO Box 2176
Security and Terrorism Unit
ASIO Central Office
GPO Box 2176
Attention: War Plans For The World and Australia for

American Full Dominance Control Of The World

Dear Director

And team members, first off may I say

thank you to you all and I ask the Director to take time
out and go around and thank you for the work you do at
keeping Law, Order in our beautiful country.

Our politicians whether it be Liberal / National Coalition

Prime Minister Tony Abbott or Labour Opposition
Leader, not one of these gutless, weak sell out, Puppet
Stooges to the Americans will ever stand up and say
thank you for the position your in at the moment you
have to work under with the turmoil what is going on in
the World.
So thank you on behalf of the rest of my fellow
Australians for the work you do.

War Plans America has to

implement for the Full and Utter
take over of the Whole World Full
Dominance and Control
Oceans, Land, Countries and Oil, Gas, Resources,
Minerals and Financial Banking, and Trade Treaties.
Sept 11th 2001 Was when America declared War Upon The
Whole World and its countries & people of the World.
Project For The New American Century, this is
their plans what they have for the Whole World
including Australia.
The Clean Break Plan & The Greater Israel
Plan, this is what the current carry on in the Middle
East is about draw USA and NATO and any Coalition
of the stupid into a big Vortex War thus achieve
those plans, ideas, goals.
ASIA and Africa, they will use the Al Qaeda &
South America Plan, that is to say how much do
people know about history?
What America did to all those South American countries
armed groups, gangs with weapons which then these
rebels went to bat to fight against their Governments,
these South American Governments where destroyed and
chaos rules, then American Military moved in.

And brought calm to the place while Multi National

Companies went in and brought Resources, Minerals and
State Assets for pennies on the dollar.
Truth be known all except for Castro he kicked the
Americans out and demanded they pay a fair price for
Resources and Minerals and the Break Up of State owned
Assets hence Cuba went on for years even until today as a
country out on their own.

How America Plans to take down Australia

and the rest of the Pacific Asian African
1) Using that TPP Trade treaty which has nothing to do
with trade, but handing control over to America and
the Big Multi National Goblaist & Banking Cartels,
which are pushing America for Full and Utter control
including World Government.
2) Using the Al Qa`eda Muslim Radical Plan and the
South American Option upon all these countries.
E.G 2 A) Al Qa`eda Muslim Radical Plan arm all these
Radical Muslims in all these countries with weapons
through different sources within their own countries, so
then they will be armed and then put out to fight against
their own Governments to introduce Sharia Law Rubbish.
E.G 2 B) The South American Option, within these
countries arm street gangs, bikie gangs and anybody out
there like that to fight against their Government.
This is basically American and The Pentagon CIA Plans
are for taking Australia and the rest of the countries
about down.

My Plan Is Called
Operations Clean Out & Mop Up
Seen Labour & Liberal State and Federal Governments
wont do the following, some of us We The People
are going to have to stand up, take action and do things,
implement things here and there which not only will
render any Blow Back Australia gets from WW111
and The Middle East War which is taking place.
But it will help strengthen our Country, and stop other
things, which might feed into this Blow Back and
make yours and the State & Federal Police harder at
keeping Law and order.
In turn we beat America at their own game, have
strengthen our own society, crack down on Lawlessness,
and will make it harder for the Americans to take us over,
with the plans they have for us eventually.

Operations Clean Out & Mop Up

1) New Legislation is introduced into the Parliament
about Muslims and Mosques.
A) All Muslim Mosques in Australia are raided and
cleaned out of any weapons they may have
stored there, Guns, Knives etc.
B) Any Muslim Mosques caught with weapons of
any kind that Mosque will be closed down and
the Leaders Prosecuted to the Fullest.

C) Any Muslims caught going overseas to fight in

the Middle East Wars their Australian
Citizenship is cancelled and they cannot claim
any Australian Governments Benefits or apply
for an Australian Passport for 5 years.
D) They are recruited to The Australian Military to
serve a period of 5 Years service, as a way of deprogramming them from their radical ways and
the Military can make them into productive
people putting back something to the country
and their Government and fellow citizens.
2) All Bike Gangs in Australia Raided for Weapons
Knives, Guns and a total clean out of these Bike
Gangs Weapons take place.
Legislation introduced into the Parliament
A) Outlawing Bike Gangs to have weapons of any
type knives, guns, Leaders of these Gangs are
Prosecuted to the Fullest and after fines etc are
recruited to the Military for 5 Years Service, the
Military can make them into productive people
putting back something to the country and their
Government and fellow citizens.
3) The Government to re-introduce Compulsory Military
Service 5 Years for everybody Man, Woman, Kids
from 16 to 35 Years old
Young people will have a choice stay on and study till
Grade 12, and then go to College or University or get a
If they cant get a job, they are recruited to the Military for
5 years Service to teach then a trade, Carpentry,
Plumbing, Mechanics etc.

Hence the Government will solve Youth Unemployment,

Clean up Society of all these teams of Youth Gangs
Roaming the streets, Lebanese, Muslim Youths etc.
So when it comes Australias turn to be taken down by
America we have dis-armed all the possible people that
could be armed to fight against our Government, ASIO,
Police and Military, hence we have pulled American teeth
out so our society will be Protected _ Boarders Secured
from within from any and all type of up rising which might
happen for a complete and utter take over.
I am not talking about turning Australia into a Police
State none of us want to see that, my God I am against a
Total Police State and One World Government of which
Australia has to surrender it people and Sovereignty to.
No, No, No, No.
But what I am concerned about we should be making
plans for our eventual take over, whether by America,
China or Russia, America is the only threat at the moment
to Australia and its people.
The above will squash (Any & ALL) forms of Radical
Blow Back Australia may get with other problems
like youth Unemployment and Gangs Problems, Bikie
problems this country faces and have to deal with, these
things feeding into the Blow Back from the Middle

Does that make sense?

Anyway this is my 2 Bobs worth, I hope I have given you
some plans, goals, ideas to work on and upon to
implement to help keep Peace and Order in our country.

Now begins the hard job of selling the above to Puppet

Stooges, Bubble Head Politicians I wish you luck and
These clowns in Canberra have done everything to date
with that Terrorism Legislation they are introducing into
Parliament, I just think the areas talked about above they
left out and were over looked, and nobody took into
consideration, talked to anybody about first.
So I feel more work like I talk about above should
seriously be looked at and implemented.
Thanks for reading and listening!
Yours truly
Lloyd T Vance

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