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A.E. and E.D.


evidence of the importance to human health
of soil vitality, with special reference
to national planning

24 Russell Square
First published in mcmxliii
by Faber and Faber Limited
24 Russell Square, London W. C. 1
Second edition February mcmxliv
Third edition June mcmxliv
Fourth edition January mcmxlv
Fifth edition August mcmxlv
Sixth edition March mcmxlvi
Seventh edition June mcmxvii
Eighth edition March mcmxlviii
Revised edition mcmxlviii
All rights reserved

Soil erosion. Nature of soil. Law of Return. The case outlined.
The Medical Testament. Decline in health. McCarrison
Experiments. Orr's Experiment. Primary cause of disease. Papworth.
McMillan Nursery School. Mount Pleasant.
Deterioration in food. Deterioration in animal health.
Deterioration in plant food. Liebig Theory. Decline infertility. The Law
of Return. Definition of Humus. Humus Manufacture. Indore process.
Sheet composting. Compost v. muck. Howard's Experiments.
Mycorrhizal Association. Soil Ecology. In search of a starting
point. Rayner Experiments. The complexity of compost action.
Compost v. equivalent salts. Mycorrhizal responses. Inoculation
experiments. Conclusions. Lawson's Cypress.
Facts proved at Wareham. Wider application. A. new light.
Mycorrhizal Association in crop plants. A report on cotton. Function
of Mycorrhiza. Neilson-Jones investigation. Toxicity in soil. Soil
aeration. The fungus in cultivated soils. Cellulose decomposition.
Indirect effect of compost action. Fungus nutrition. Soil fertility and
the fungus.
I. PLANTS Plant diseases. Results of compost treatment.
Parasitic larvae. Predacious fungi. Soil ecology. Earthworms. Insect

II. ANIMALS Animal feeding experiments. Vitamin B. Dr.

Rowland. Soil-less culture. Sir John Russell. Satisfying quality of
humus-grown food. Foot-and-mouth. Rabbits. Scour in pigs. Baker and
Martin. Animal preference. Palatability. 'Fertility' bread. 'Quality'.
III. MAN Human feeding experiments. Africa. England. New
Zealand. Singapore. Personal experience. Results in Cheshire.
Health. Wholeness, Fragmentation. Hunza. Value of skin. Hunza
diet. Hunza farming. Hunza to-day. Faroe Islanders. Icelanders. An
experiment in Denmark. Polar Eskimos. Tristan da Cunha. North
American Indian. Rural China. The common factor.
Need for proof. Pioneering and the individual. Alice Debenham.
Need for a clear-cut issue. The Problem. The programme. The
Haughley Research Trust. The Soil Association
Revolution in outlook. Practical first steps. Repercussions of soil
erosion. Switching labour. Humus mines. Utilization of town wastes.
Cost of farm composting. Machinery as labour. Necessity for mixed
farming. Rural housing. The Pollitt Plan. Fertility stored in vegetation.
The value of weeds. Agriculture a service. Interests of town and
country do not conflict. Education. Need for control. Public v. private


When, on the occasion of this book's debut in America, I lightheartedly agreed to

revise it and bring it up to date, I had no idea how formidable a task I had undertaken.
When the book was first published I sent a copy to a friend, warning him that it
contained very little original work. He was kind enough, in his reply, to say that while
most of my bricks might have been made by others, the mortar which held them
together and the design of the building were both essentially mine.
I have told this story only because I want to use his metaphor to explain my
difficulties with the present edition and to excuse the results of my labours.
One repercussion of the 'building's' first appearance was that people from all over
the world began sending me more bricks. Some of them were so important or
interesting that I felt compelled to add them to my building. So an extra gable here or
an added bow window there kept appearing every time a new edition went to print.
Sometimes my collection of new bricks even necessitated building outhouses.
My plan, when I undertook to rebuild and modernize, therefore, was to pull down
parts of the building and re-design them to incorporate all these afterthoughts--these
tacked-on excrescences--into the main structure, together with the newest lot of
When I began, however, I found I had forgotten the landscape. My building was
erected in 1942 surroundings, and do what I would I could not design a 1948 building
that would tone with them.
So I was faced with two alternatives; either I had to demolish the whole structure,
cart the materials away and rebuild from the foundation in a 1948 setting, or I had to
be content to compromise by pulling down the many extensions and, with the addition
of some of the newest bricks, rebuilding them into a modem wing while leaving the
main structure unaltered. I chose the latter course. The result is a house of mixed
periods--like so many that exist in England. Parts now tone with the landscape and
parts do not. Every now and then the levels of the floors alter with an odd step up or
down--up to 1948 and down again to 1942. If this proves to be a little more confusing
to a new-comer, than a house that is all of a piece, I can only hope that it will not be
less interesting on that account.
The fact is--to drop the metaphor--that I wrote this book, not only in wartime, but
at that period of the war when the invasion of this country seemed--and indeed was--a
daily possibility; when large parts of London had been destroyed, and when the drone
of enemy aircraft overhead was still our nightly lullaby. While the war is only rarely
mentioned in the book, it was the background to my thoughts when I wrote it, and as
such coloured the style of the writing. I found that to try to bring the whole book up to

date, merely by altering dates and correcting tenses simply did not work, it only
resulted in making the sentences, and the sentiment behind them, seem unreal.
So in the end all I have been able to do, is to incorporate the various afterthoughts
into the main text, and to bring, as far as possible, my facts up to date while leaving
their setting unchanged.
After all, even the facts won't stay up to date for long, so rapidly is new
knowledge being acquired on this most dynamic and vital of subjects--the Living Soil.
January 1948.


In this book I have attempted something which my friends tell me cannot be

done. I have tried to write for both the specialist and the layman. If I have failed, if
what I have written proves to be unintelligible and boring to the layman, and at the
same time trite and superficial to the specialist, I shall be unable to plead that I was
not warned, but my only alternative was not to write at all--a depressing one for the
would-be author suffering from the belief that he has something important to say. At
any rate I have refused to accept such defeatism, preferring to attempt the supposedly
impossible. For there is a good reason why this book could not be written for a limited
section of the reading public.
My subject is food, which concerns everyone; it is health, which concerns
everyone; it is the soil, which concerns everyone--even if he does not realize it--and it
is the history of certain recent scientific research linking these three vital subjects.
Now since it concerns health, and food, and soil, and science, it also concerns
post-war planning, and because it concerns all these things, it concerns the legislator,
the politician, the voter, the tax- and rate-payer; the farmer, the gardener, the
veterinary surgeon, the doctor; the sanitary inspector, the public health authority, the
school teacher, the priest; 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor . . .'--in fact, the Citizen. So
there was no third choice; I had to write for everyone or not at all.
I have, however, tried to arrive at a compromise, whereby what I have written
will, I hope, be acceptable both to the citizen who is also a specialist, and to the
citizen who--perhaps because of our modern tendency to urbanize everything--goes
by the name of 'the man in the street'.
I have avoided as much as possible the inclusion of too much technical detail in
the main text, but have included, in a special section at the end of the book, additional
technical data on most of the subjects dealt with. To these the specialist can refer
should he want more precise detail concerning the evidence presented.
As it has been impossible to avoid entirely the use of technical and scientific
terms, particularly in Chapters IV and V, I have provided a glossary for the benefit of
those to whom these terms may be unfamiliar. It is my earnest hope that by these
means I shall have confounded the pessimists, for it is quite impossible to
overestimate the importance of the subject. That this is becoming increasingly
realized, is shown by the spate of publications that have appeared recently concerning
it. I make no apology for adding to their number. There cannot be too many, and no
two people approach a subject as complex as this from exactly the same angle.
The reader will find that much of this book consists of quotations. I make no
apology for this either. The information required to present the picture as a whole-and the subject really amounts to the ecology of life--is so scattered, that the ordinary

citizen could not possibly be expected to hunt it all up for himself, even if he knew
where to look. One of my objects in undertaking this book, has been to bring together,
within the covers of a single volume, a summary of certain recent scientific research
on nutrition and on soil fertility, including results that have been obtained in many
different parts of the world by practical application of the principles involved.
The cumulative evidence which these results provide of the interrelationship
between soil vitality and the health of plants, animals, and man, is of so important a
nature, and of such far-reaching implication, that it is high time the general public
were given an opportunity to study it, and to form its own judgement thereon: and
here, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, I would like to insert a note on
First. Soil fertility. This term is used throughout this book to denote vitality. It is
not used as a synonym for productivity. Increased productivity can, and usually does,
result from increased vitality. But for a limited period it can also be induced at the
expense of vitality. In the former case the increase represents increased income, in the
latter it represents reduced capital.
Second. Artificial (or Chemical) Fertilizers. These words as used throughout this
book refer to manufactured synthetic inorganic chemicals, or more simply still,
fertilizers not derived from living, or once living, matter. 'All artificial things are
invented, and all are "made" by man. All natural entities are born, and all are grown
by Nature." (G. Scott Williamson, M.D.) Quite definitely the term artificial, used in this sense,
does not include such organic products as chalk, guano, pure bone or fish meal, etc.
Obviously the addition to the soil of animal residues such as these cannot detract from
its vital quality, which is the point at issue. The basis of the whole theme is an
ecological one, centring round the mutual relationship of the organism and its
environment. Considerable light is thrown on the importance to health of a living
environment, by the evidence recently published in The Peckham Experiment, by
Pearse and Crocker, (Allen and Unwin, 1943. See p. 216.)
I am very much aware of the magnitude of the task I have undertaken in
attempting to present so vast a theme, and of the impossibility of covering the subject
adequately in the space of a single volume. All I can hope to do is to convince the
reader of the importance of the issues involved and to whet his appetite for more
information. If I succeed in achieving so much, the writing of this book will have
been worth while.
I need hardly say that I could not have attempted to write it unaided. The number
of people to whom I am indebted for assistance of one kind or another is so large that
it is impossible to list them all individually, but as everyone's help was, without
exception, of the most generous and disinterested kind, any, whose names I have
failed to acknowledge here, will know that they are nevertheless included in my
thanks. Special mention must however be made of the following:
Dr. L. J. Picton, for invaluable help with the pamphlet of which this book is really
an enlargement. Dr. M. C. Rayner and Professor Neilson-Jones, not only for the
contribution of vital material, but also for critical advice, given whenever asked,
without stint, and at considerable expenditure of time and trouble. But for the

generous way in which these two experts put their knowledge at my disposal, the
evidence which I have been able to present in this book would have been very much
less complete. Mrs. Ysabel Daldy, for giving me invaluable information concerning
New Zealand. The personnel of The Association for Planning and Regional
Reconstruction, for the trouble taken in ferreting out tiresome statistics for me. Then
there is the long list of those who have supplied me with material and information, or
have allowed me to quote from their writings. These include, in addition to all the
above, Captain R. G. M. Wilson; The County Palatine of Chester Local Medical and
Panel Committees; the Earl of Portsmouth; Dr. G. T. Wrench; Sir Albert Howard;
Messrs. Jacks and Whyte; Dr. K. E. Barlow; Lord Northbourne ; Mr. C. C. J.
Bullough; Viscount Bledisloe, and many friends who follow the honourable
profession of tilling the soil.
My thanks are also due to the following publishers and editors, without whose
co-operation the permission of the authors concerned would have been inoperative.
Daniel & Co. Ltd.; Dent & Co. Ltd.; Faber and Faber Ltd.; the Oxford University
Press; the Cambridge Press; the editors of Forestry (the Journal of the Society of the
Foresters of Great Britain); the editor of the Journal of Agricultural Science; the
editors of Nature; the editor of The Empire Cotton Growing Review; the editor of The
Compost News Letter.
I am also indebted to the following for some of my facts: P.E.P. Biological
Reviews; Dr. Charles Drechsler ; the Winsford U.D.C. ; Mr. F. H. Billington; Messrs.
Baker and Martin; Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction; and various
journals and newspapers.
Lastly I must acknowledge the source of some of the photographs which form the
illustrations to this book. Plate II, Figs. 1, 2, and 4, are from original
photomicrographs lent by Dr. Rayner. Fig. 3 is from an original drawing by
McLennan (Annals of Botany, 1926). Plate XI is from a drawing by Dr. C. Drechsler
reproduced from Mycologia (1937). Plate XII is reproduced by courtesy of the
Director Californian Earthworms Farms U.S.A. All the other Plates, with the
exception of Plates 1, XIII and XIV, are reproductions of photographs appearing in
Forestry. My grateful thanks are due to the authors and editors concerned for
permission to reproduce these plates.
I have only to add that any author's profits which I may derive from the sale of
this book, will be devoted to the furtherance of the experimental work described in
Chapter VIII.
February 1943.
December 1946.
January 1948.

'Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.'
World Broadcast, 22nd March 1943


'Who builds a ship, must first lay down the keel

Of health, whereto the ribs of mirth are wed. . . .'

It is almost impossible to open a newspaper to-day without finding reports of

speeches, writings or discussions on the future of the human race. The topic is given a
great variety of names, 'The New World Order', 'Reconstruction', 'Post-War Planning',
and many more. It is good that we should be thinking of these things. But too often
the would-be reformers of society, while planning the visible details of this new
world, forget entirely to consider the foundation upon which the edifice must be built.
Society, like a house, does not start at ground level, but begins quite literally beneath
the surface of our planet, within the soil itself. For out of the soil are we fashioned,
and by the products of the soil is our earthly existence maintained. If we destroy our
soil--and it is not indestructible--mankind will vanish from the earth as surely as has
the dinosaurus.
'Man cannot live by bread alone', but neither can he survive in his present form
without it. The symptoms of spiritual revival in our age are among the most hopeful
signs for the future, but the earthly habitat of man's spirit is his body, and the roots of
his physical and mental well-being spring from the soil itself, whether the individual
be town or country dweller.
We are fond of extolling the achievements of man and are apt to talk with pride
of his 'conquest of nature'. This is at present of the same order as the Nazi conquest of
Europe. As Europe is in revolt against the tyrant, so is nature in revolt against the
exploitation of man. When man preys upon man it is a form of cannibalism. When
man sets out to 'conquer' nature by exploitation, it is no less a form of cannibalism, for
man is a part of nature. If he is to survive, he must learn to co-operate with the forces
which govern nature as well as with his fellow man. If he refuses to learn this lesson,
nature will hit back and exterminate him no less surely than the oppressed masses of
tortured Europe are already hitting back, and will shortly exterminate the tyranny that
has been ruling them since 1940.

'If mankind cannot devise and enforce ways of dealing with the earth, which will
preserve the source of life, we must look forward to a time--remote it may be, yet
clearly discernible--when our kind, having wasted its great inheritance, will fade from
the earth because of the ruin it has accomplished.'
Those words were written by Professor N. S. Shaler of Harvard University in
1896, in the National Geographic Magazine of that year. To-day that time of which
he spoke can no longer be termed remote. Does this sound like a wild and exaggerated
statement? Those who have made a study of soil erosion throughout the world know
only too well the truth of it. Read this summary of what is happening in our world today.
'Erosion is always going on, even on some soils which are in a good state of
fertility. It begins to matter when the rate of erosion exceeds the rate at which life can
invade the mineral rock underlying the soil and convert it into soil. That rate is
variable, but always very slow; of the order of one inch in 500 to 1,000 years. It
matters desperately when the rate of erosion mounts up to very much higher rates than
that, as it often does. A high erosion rate in a few limited areas would be regrettable;
but when it covers whole continents, as it does to-day, the fate of the world, and of
man with it, must be hanging in the balance. It is very difficult to form a scientifically
reliable estimate of the real extent of erosion; but there is enough evidence to show
that its incidence is world-wide and severe. No country is wholly exempt, but the big
continental areas are generally the most seriously affected. There is a fairly large and
growing amount of literature on the subject. Probably the most comprehensive survey
is The Rape of the Earth by Jacks and Whyte.
'The country which has received most attention in this connection is the U.S.A.,
and deservedly so, for America as usual is out for records. Alarming statistics can be
quoted endlessly. On 56.4 per cent of the land surface of the U.S.A., a quarter or more
of the soil has been lost. The total loss of fertility has been estimated at 30 to 50 per
cent of the total originally available. The amount of soil annually reaching the sea is
between 500 and 1,000 million tons, representing 2,000 million dollars' worth of plant
food, or twenty-one times the amount annually removed in crops; but that represents
only a fraction of the total damage. Fifteen million acres have been totally destroyed,
but this is "an insignificant part of the story, for it is the less violent forms of wastage-sheet erosion--which is doing the bulk of the damage to the land". The Missouri
basin has lost an average of seven inches of top soil in twenty-four years. (Professor
Chamberlin has estimated the mean rate of soil formation as only one inch in 10,000
years.) In California and elsewhere the new deserts are called "dustbowls". The
biggest one has advanced in places as much as forty miles in one year, destroying
2,500 farms. Efforts to stop it by tree planting, etc., have failed. The grazing lands of
the West are not exempt, for over-grazing and fires have removed the natural cover.
Obviously every other problem with which America is faced sinks into insignificance
in comparison with this one. It is already too late to do more than save something
from the wreck.
'Much the same is true of many other countries. Australia is probably going faster
than America, but has only been under "civilized" influence for one-third of the
period. Overstocking and unsound cultural methods are the chief troubles there; there

is much gully erosion. The wheat lands of New South Wales are said to be getting
visibly worse each year.
'In Africa, the Sahara desert is moving southward at a mean rate of over half a
mile a year, the Turkana desert eastward at six or seven miles a year. But the whole
continent is suffering from erosion in every known form, the extension of deserts and
the creation of new ones. It is well known that Kenya is rapidly becoming infertile
and is beginning to suffer from locusts. This is no new phenomenon in Africa, for it is
known that the northern Sahara was once the granary of Rome, and it is believed that
in Roman times the Congo forest reached nearly to Khartoum, from which it is now
separated by 1,500 miles of desert or semi-desert. Erosion is not new, perhaps, but the
whole process has been enormously accelerated in the last few years.
'China presents remarkable contrasts between the best and the worst. Some of the
best cultivation in the world is practised over extensive areas (the reader is referred to
Professor King's classic, Farmers of Forty Centuries), yet over areas far more
extensive the worst types of erosion prevail. The well-cultivated areas are by no
means immune from its effects. Chinese industry and care for the land is unequalled,
yet it cannot prevent the periodical destruction caused by the Yellow River floods.
This river alone carries down 2,500 million tons of eroded soil a year, equal to one
foot on 2,000 square miles. Its bed gets silted up between embankments, which must
be consistently raised till its bed is well above the surrounding land. Nothing can save
that land or its people when an embankment bursts. All that is largely because fuel is
scarce in China and the hills have been denuded to provide it. In this way what was
once the hunting-ground of Jenghis Khan has been turned into the Gobi desert.
'In Russia erosion on a serious scale has been going on for a long time, though no
reliable estimate of its extent seems to be available. The important feature there is that
it has been very greatly accelerated by the much-vaunted large-scale mechanical
cultivation which has been introduced in recent years. Russia, with her vast areas of
low rainfall and high winds, may be well on the way to rivalling America as a recordholder in rapidity and extent of desert formation.
'In Canada, South America, and India the same tendencies are observable in
varying incidence, with, so far as can be seen, no compensating tendency towards
increase of fertility. Increase of production must not be confused with increase of
fertility. Increased production for human use can be and usually is secured by cashing
in on existing fertility and using it up, with the disastrous effects described.
'Most of the land area of the world has now been mentioned, with the exception
of Europe. In Europe actual erosion has not occurred on a spectacular scale.
Nevertheless it is known, for instance, that in Greece the hill-tops were once forests
and the slopes were covered with soil and grass. They are not so to-day. It is also
known that there has been a progressive desiccation of the soil in the whole
Mediterranean region during at least the past 300 years. Terraced cultivation used to
be more prevalent and more carefully maintained than is the case to-day, and forests
have been destroyed for fuel. There is reason to suppose that the washing-down of
hillsides is proceeding in places at a dangerous rate; for instance, in Savoy at least
100,000 acres of good land have been spoilt by coarse silt deposited on them during

floods. In England the blowing away of certain of the light fen soils has attracted
attention recently.
'But serious erosion is only the culminating stage of a process of which the initial
stage is usually loss of fertility of one kind or another. Loss of fertility is vastly more
extensive in its incidence than erosion. A picture of the extent of erosion gives merely
an indication of the much greater incidence of loss of fertility. If erosion represents
the death of the soil, and is as extensive as it appears to be, how much land is partway
towards death? The question would be pertinent if the rate of erosion were steady. But
it is not steady, it is increasing very rapidly almost all over the world. Probably more
soil has been lost since 1914 than in the whole previous history of the world. (Italics mine
[author]) This is not a natural phenomenon in the ordinary sense of the word. There
cannot be any doubt that so far as the modern growth of deserts is concerned it is not
nature but man who is the desert maker. It is not unlikely that most of the great deserts
of the world are of his making. When we consider how he sets about it now in
conjunction with the fact that traces of high civilization are found in many areas now
desert, the probability of his past guilt becomes greater. And the exhaustion of the
fertility of the soil is no new thing, nor is the temptation to practise it for immediate
gain. The new feature in the situation is that man has recently enormously extended
his physical powers by the use of mechanical devices. One man can now do what used
to be the work of dozens or even hundreds, and can do it faster.
'Natural erosion is either very slow, or, where it is relatively rapid, it occurs only
under special conditions, such as are found on high and barren mountains. Nor does a
high rate of erosion necessarily accompany cultivation. Some areas, for instance parts
of China, have been highly cultivated for at least 4,000 years without loss of fertility,
and probably with an accretion of fertile soil rather than with a loss of soil.
'Man sets about his desert-making in various ways. He alters the texture of the
soil by using up humus and failing to replace it-by failing to feed the soil with organic
matter; livestock are the great converters of otherwise unwanted organic matter to a
form in which it can be used by plants. Stockless farming, understocking, burning
straw, etc., are all cases of failure to observe the "Rule of Return" which is the
essence of farming. Only by faithfully returning to the soil in due course everything
that has come from it can fertility be made permanent and the earth be made to yield a
genuine increase.' (Lord Northbourne, Look to the Land (Dent & Co., 1930).
Some of the repercussions of the rapidly extending area of man-made deserts will
be considered in a later chapter. At the moment the sentence in this quotation to which
I want specially to draw your attention is 'If erosion represents the death of the soil ...
how much land is partway towards death?' This phrase,'the death of the soil' is no
figure of speech. Soil is a substance teeming with life. If this life is killed, the soil
quite literally dies. It is the living organisms in soil, and the products resulting from
their activities, that differentiate soil from subsoil.
Subsoil is derived from the crumbling surface of the rock which forms the earth's
crust. It is therefore classified as mineral, and measured in terms of inorganic
chemistry. The mistake has been to extend this conception to top soil, for by the time
subsoil becomes soil it is no longer wholly inorganic. Soil is a mixture of the
disintegrating mineral rock, and humus, with its population of micro-organisms. The

number of micro-organisms in soil has been estimated to reach tens of millions to the saltspoon full! F. H. Billington, Compost
(Faber and Faber, 1942). The two are inseparably intermingled, and growth and reproduction
cannot long be maintained under natural conditions in the absence of humus, for
besides the growth-promoting substances which it contains, it is the humus which
gives to soil its texture, its stability, and much of its capacity for retaining moisture.

Humus is 'a product of the decomposition of animal and vegetable residues

brought about through the agency of micro-organisms' (Waksman) but it is far from dead
in the sense of having returned to the inorganic world from which all life originally
sprang. It is still organic matter, in the transition stage between one form of life and
another. Once the inorganic passes into the organic, and this is a constant process, it is
subject to continual change within the organic cycle, the variety in the forms of life
through which it may pass being almost endless.
In our modern world, which is largely ruled by chemistry, we have tended to
overlook this continuity of the living principle in nature. Chemists have discovered
that we, and all other living things, consist of a few chemicals and a lot of water, but
their methods are incapable of revealing the essential nature of the most important
ingredient of all, because that ingredient does not survive the tests necessary to
determine the others. I refer of course to the ingredient of life itself, which permeates
each individual cell of all the countless millions that go to make up the plant or animal
Our over-reliance on the chemist, and our readiness to accept his negative
outlook on life, have led to a host of troubles, not least of which has been our attitude
to the soil, and our habit of thinking of birth and death--in so far, at any rate, as the
physical world is concerned--as a beginning and an end, instead of as merely two
phases of a continuous process, of which other phases are growth, reproduction and
decay, all equally important.
This ever recurring cycle of birth, growth, reproduction, death, decay, decay
passing once more into birth, is often called the Wheel of Life. Such similes irritate
some people and are helpful to others; I have rather a weakness for them myself,
though they can often be misleading. In this case, however, I would choose to liken
life to a continuous cable rather than to a wheel, the organic cycle represented by one
of its strands, and each phase of it, birth, death, etc., as one of the threads in that
strand. For there are other strands in life. The inorganic cycle is one; spiritual values
are another. These various strands run parallel to each other, but are nevertheless
interwoven at every point just as are the separate strands of a cable, so that if any
thread of any of these strands is broken the whole cable is thereby weakened. This
book is mainly concerned with the strand representing the organic cycle, for it is
man's ignorant interference with this cycle which has produced the effects now
threatening his very existence. By ignoring the law of return man has weakened the
thread called decay. It is perilously near breaking. If we let it break beyond repair we
face starvation.
'Out of the earth are we and the plants and animals that feed us created and made,
and to the earth we must return the things whereof we are made if it is to yield again
foods of a quality suited to our needs.' (McCarrison. See page 27.)

Evidence is steadily mounting to suggest that our failure to conform to this law of
return is already producing, even in this country, the first signs of a dying soil, and the
first symptoms of starvation in our population, namely an increase in the many
ailments that spring from malnutrition. These are evident in our crops and livestock,
as well as in ourselves.
It is the first purpose of this book to present some of this evidence and to show
that, when considering matters of health, it is misleading to separate man, animals,
and plants. All are part and parcel of the same nutrition cycle which governs all living
cells. If we attempt interference with it, other than along the general lines of cooperation, dire results follow. This fact is admirably explained and described in a
recent book by Dr. K. E. Barlow, The Discipline of Peace, Faber and Faber, 1942. But
even his comprehensive survey has omitted a vital link in the cycle. He shares the
common misconception that soil can be considered as an inorganic raw material. 'The
dependence of the animal on the plant,' he writes, 'is in respect of energy and
discipline, exactly parallel to the dependence of the factory upon the steel works.
Animal food is a modified product, just as metal is . . . life first of all encounters the
inorganic and elaborates certain materials from it by a process which is called
metabolism. As we pass from the plant to the animal cell, life no longer encounters
what is inorganic; the raw material on which it now works is metabolised material.
What has happened has been that a second cycle of metabolism has been integrated
with the first, and with each new cycle, the scope and perfection of the discipline
practised within the living organization is increased.'
This first cycle, by which the inorganic enters the organic, is certainly one of the
strands in my metaphorical cable, but it is not the only one with which plant life is
concerned. Interwoven with it is one of the threads of the organic cycle. The vegetable
kingdom has for too long been considered as a sort of factory concerned only with
converting inorganic salts into metabolised material for the benefit of the animal
kingdom, without payment. It is now becoming realized however that to fulfil this
function it demands its price. If the inorganic world supplies much of the raw
material, the world of micro-organisms must supply much of the motive power; these
micro-organisms in their turn depending upon the animal and vegetable kingdoms for
their sustenance.
In other words, by the time food reaches the animal, much of it is entering, not its
second, but its third and even fourth cycle of metabolism, for recent research has
provided evidence, as I shall later show, that part at least of the food utilized by plants
is a highly complex material already metabolised by bacteria and soil fungi from the
organic substances of the higher plants and animals, thus completing the full cycle of
life, death, decay, and rebirth.
Quite a strong case can be made out for believing that it is, at least in part,
because we have ignored the dependence of plant life upon the action of soil fungi,
that sickness to-day costs Great Britain, directly or indirectly, the formidable sum of
300 million pounds sterling every year. ('Nothing like a balance sheet can be drawn up of the total annual
economic loss suffered by the nation through accidents and sickness, but it is important to realize what ill-health is costing. We
have discussed the available data in Chapter XV, and shown that the total burden of ill-health probably runs into at least 300
millions a year.' P.E.P. Report, 'The British Health Services'. See also Ref. No. IA, p. 227.)

It is as though man's ignorant and greedy exploitation of the soil had put into
reverse the wheel of health. Luckily there still remain on this globe one or two notable
exceptions, where the law of return is still practised; where nature's cycle is whole and
unbroken, and where perfect health is to be found, in crops, in livestock and in their
human consumers. Some account of these beacons of light in the surrounding gloom
will be given in Chapter VII.
It is a pity that it is not part of the training of every doctor to study these oases of
health in a desert of sickness, in order to discover what lessons can be learnt from
them, for the mere fact that they exist, and under widely differing external conditions,
suggests that the birthright of man is full health.
What do we mean by health? Should we be content to define it as the military
'A.1' category? Does this definition imply 'health in the full dictionary sense of the
word of wholeness, namely sound physique of every organ of the body without
exception, and freedom from disease? . . . We want to know what is full health,
whether the tremendous part illness and ailments play in modern civilized countries is
really necessary, and if not, upon what primarily does health depend. We can
ourselves attain to health--or at least with our modern skill in investigation we should
be able to do so.' ( G. T. Wrench, M.D. [London], The Wheel of Health, Daniel & Co., 1938).
Is there any evidence that we can? I think there is, and it is the second purpose of
this book to present this evidence also. Those research workers who have provided it,
whether they be doctors, botanists or soil specialists, have been brought, as a result of
their investigations, to an acceptance of the wholeness of the cycle of life. From
whatever angle these investigators may have approached the subject, and whatever
disagreements they may have had with each other on the road, they appear to have
arrived at the common conclusion that a close connection exists between soil fertility
and health. Here their roads separate again a little. The more cautious among them
give it as their considered opinion that though there are gaps in the argument, though
critical scientific proof is as yet lacking at points in it, the strength of the indications is
nevertheless overwhelming. Others, content to base their views on these indications
backed up by circumstantial evidence, go so far as to assert their conviction that the
health of man, beast, plant and soil is one indivisible whole; that the health of the soil
depends on maintaining its biological balance, and that starting with a truly fertile
soil, the crops grown on it, the livestock fed on those crops, and the humans fed on
both, have a standard of health and a power of resisting disease and infection, from
whatever cause, greatly in advance of anything ordinarily found in this country; such
health as we have almost forgotten should be our natural state, so used have we
become to subnormal physical fitness.
These are far-reaching claims, and it is because the implications of them are so
momentous that I wish to put before you the evidence and indications on which they
are based, so that, having duly considered them, you may be in a position to form
your own opinion. My purpose is to present a case, but to leave the judgement to my
readers. In the course of stating the case, my position will, in the main, be that of a
recorder of the work and conclusions of others, but, the case once presented, there
will remain two important questions still to be dealt with. In discussing these I must
accept full responsibility for any views expressed.

The first is to consider means of providing irrefutable evidence. Obviously if the

case holds water at all, it is a matter of the utmost urgency to devise means whereby
what amounts, at present, merely to strong supporting evidence, may be converted
into conclusive proof.
The second is to discuss the situation which would arise should such proof be
In my view, conclusive proof can only be provided by a large-scale, long-term,
experiment, designed to collect the scattered evidence and reproduce it under
controlled conditions in such a way that the issue shall be clear cut. The procedure for
such an experiment has already been worked out, and will be described in Chapter
VIII. The organization necessary to carry it out (subject to provision of the necessary
financial backing) is in existence, and the foundations for it have in fact been laid.
If, when it is concluded, the results of this, or other similar experiment, were to
prove beyond any reasonable doubt that health is in fact to a large degree dependent
upon correct soil management, then we should be faced with a revolutionary situation,
for clearly in that event, any Public Health system of the future would have to be
based on soil fertility. Such a conclusion would present a formidable array of practical
problems, and it is this issue which most other writers on the subject have shirked. I
intend to be bold enough to walk where the more learned have feared to tread, and in
the penultimate chapter I shall attempt to indicate, by what I hope are constructive
suggestions, some of the ways in which, in a reconstituted, post-war world, the
Government departments of Trade, Health, Food, and Agriculture should, in my view,
go hand in hand to serve, instead of to exploit, the soil; to save, instead of to destroy,
our citizens' birthright.


'Man ist was man isst'

German Proverb.

It has been announced in the press that a smaller number of people are suffering from
malnutrition to-day, under wartime conditions, than was the case in the days of peace,
and that the general health of the public has not deteriorated. We are rather proud of
these facts, but it is not really a matter for congratulation, for it is less a tribute to our
wartime organization than a grave reflection on our pre-war standards.
It has been estimated that 31 million weeks of work are lost each year through
illness, B.M.A. Report published by the Industrial Health Research Board. Medical Research Council.) and that we
spend 185,000,000 annually on curing the sick, (See ref. No. 1B, p. 227.) a figure
representing over 3 per head of the total population of the United Kingdom. Why is
this necessary?
Let us turn first to the Medical Profession for an answer to this question. The
Committee representing the General Practitioners of the County of Cheshire have
drawn up their answer to it in a paper which they term a 'Medical Testament'. This
was published in 1939, and it shall speak for itself.
'After more than a quarter of a century of Medical Benefit under the National
Health Insurance Act we, the Local Medical and Panel Committee of Cheshire, feel
that we are in a position to review our experience of the system.
'Constituted by the statute to represent the panel of an area, such a Committee is
in touch with all the family doctors--in the case of Cheshire some 600--within and on
its borders.
'How far has the Act fulfilled the object announced in its title--"the Prevention
and Cure of Sickness"?
'Of the second item we can speak with confidence. If "postponement of the event
of Death" be evidence of cure, that object has been achieved the greater expectation of
life which is shewn by the figures of the Registrar General is attributable to several
factors; but certainly not least to the services of the panel.

'The fall in fatality is all the more notable in view of the rise in sickness. Year by
year doctors have been consulted by their patients more and more often, and the
claims on the benefit funds of Societies have tended to rise.
'Of the first item, "the Prevention . . . of Sickness" it is not possible to say that the
promise of the Bill has been fulfilled.
'Though to the sick man the doctor may point out the causes of his sickness, his
present necessity is paramount and the moment is seldom opportune, even if not
altogether too late for any essay in preventive medicine. On that first and major count
the Act has done nothing. 'We feel that the fact should be faced.
'Our daily work brings us repeatedly to the same point: "this illness results from a
life-time of wrong nutrition!"
'The wrong nutrition begins before life begins. "Unfit to be a mother" --from
under-nutrition or nutritional anaemia--is an occasional verdict upon a maternal death.
For one such fatal case there are hundreds of less severity where the frail mothers and
sickly infants survive.
'The reproach of the bad teeth of English children is an old story. In 1936 out of
3,463,948 schoolchildren examined 2,425,299 needed dental treatment. Seeing that
the permanent teeth develop from the 17th week of pregnancy and that certain foods,
accurately known since 1918, are the condition of their proper growth, that is a
reproach which should be removed. With it would go the varied host of maladies that
spring from diseased teeth. That its removal is practicable is shewn by Tristan da
Cunha. Most of the population of the little island, people of our race, living on the
product of sea and soil, have perfect teeth which last them their lives.
'Rickets, for which England was a byword when Glisson described it in 1650, is
still with us. Gross deformities are rarer, but the big heads, tumid abdomens, flaccid
skins, bulged joints and pinched chests are a commonplace of infancy; and even at
school age 3,457 cases of rickets with 6,415 others of spinal curvature were found in
1936 by the School Medical Officers in 1,727,031 inspections.
'Yet its prevention by right feeding is so easy that every dog breeder knows the
'Rickets is a heavy contributor to the C 3 population. The Maternal Mortality
Committee found that there is much less in Holland where butter, milk, and cheese are
plentiful and the women by virtue of their generally healthy skeletal development are
protected against the risks that are commonly faced by women in the industrial areas
of England.
'Nutritional anaemia is of two kinds, one subtle and apt to happen during
pregnancy, the other simple and due to too little iron in the food. It is known that
anaemia especially of the latter kind is common, especially among children, and
women, who need much more iron in their food than men. An inquiry into the food of
1,152 families showed that 10 per cent spent 4s. a week per head on food, 10 per cent
spent over 14s. whilst four more groups, of 20 per cent each, spent 6s., 8s., 10s., and

12s. respectively. The food of the three lower groups was definitely deficient in iron.
It is certain from this that nutritional anaemia amongst the poorer classes is far
commoner than is recognized. Here is an example: The blood colour was tested in two
groups of schoolchildren, one a "routine sample" of children, the other specially
selected on account of poverty. Only half the poor children and only three-quarters of
the supposedly normal children had a blood colour of 70 per cent of normal.
'The final item of our indictment is constipation. Advertised aperients are a
measure of its prevalence and the host of digestive disorders which result from it are a
substantial proportion of the conditions for which our aid, as doctors, is sought. Yet
the cause in every case--apart from rare abnormalities--is the ill choice or ill
preparation of food. It is true that we are consulted on these conditions when they are
established and have to deal with the effects-gall stones, appendicitis, gastric ulcer,
duodenal ulcer, colitis, and diverticulitis--of years in which the body has been denied
its due of this constituent of food or burdened with an excess of that. Other means of
cure than proper feeding are called for at this late stage; but the primary cause none
the less was wrong nutrition.
'Those four items, bad teeth, rickets, anaemia and constipation will serve as the
heads of our indictment; but in truth they are only a fragment of the whole body of
knowledge on food deficiencies which different investigators from Lind and Captain
Cook to Hopkins and the Mellanbys have unlocked.
'But it seems to us that the master key which admits to the practical application of
this knowledge as a whole has been supplied by Sir Robert McCarrison. (Major-General Sir
Robert McCarrison, C.I.E., M.D., F.R.C.P.)

'His experiments afford convincing proof of the effects of food and guidance in
the application of the knowledge acquired.
'In describing his experiments, which were made in India, he mentions first the
many different races of which the population, 350 million, is composed.
'"Each race has its own national diet. Now the most striking thing about these
races is the way in which their physique differs. Some are of splendid physique, some
are of poor physique, and some are of middling physique. Why is there this difference
between them? There are, of course, a number of possible causes: heredity, climate,
peculiar religious and other customs and endemic diseases. But in studying the matter
it became evident that these were not principal causes. The principal cause appeared
to be food. For instance, there were races of which different sections came under all
these influences but whose food differed. Their physique differed and the only thing
that could have caused it to differ appeared to be food. The question then was how to
prove that the difference in physique of different Indian races was due to food. In
order to answer it I carried out an experiment on white rats to see what effect the diets
of these different races would have upon them when all other things necessary for
their proper nutrition were provided. The reasons for using rats in experiments of this
kind are that they eat anything a man eats, they are easy to keep clean, they can be
used in large numbers, their cages can be put out in the sun, the round of chemical
changes on which their nutrition depends is similar to that in man, and, a year in the
life of a rat is equivalent to about twenty-five years in the life of a human being. So

that by using rats one gets results in a few months which it would take years to get in
man. What I found in this experiment was that when young, growing rats of healthy
stock were fed on diets similar to those of people whose physique was good the
physique and health of the rats were good; when they were fed on the diet similar to
those of people whose physique was bad the physique and health of the rats were bad;
and when they were fed on diets similar to those of people whose physique was
middling the physique and health of the rats were middling. . . .
'"Good or bad physique as the case might be was, therefore, due to good or bad
diet, all other things being equal. Further, the best diet was one used by certain hardy,
agile, vigorous and healthy races of Northern India." [Note: the Hunza, Sikh and
Pathan.] "It was composed of freshly ground whole wheat flour made into cakes of
unleavened bread, milk, and the products of milk (butter, curds, buttermilk), pulses
(peas, beans, lentils), fresh green leaf vegetables, root vegetables (potatoes, carrots),
and fruit, with meat occasionally.
"'Now in my laboratory I kept a stock of several hundred rats for breeding
purposes. They lived under perfect conditions; cleanliness, roomy cages, good
bedding, abundant fresh water, fresh air and sunlight--all these things they had; and,
they were fed on a diet similar to that of a race whose physique was very good. They
were kept in stock from birth up to the age of two years--a period equivalent to the
first fifty years in the life of human beings. During this period no case of illness
occurred amongst them, no death from natural causes, no maternal mortality, no
infantile mortality except for an occasional accidental death. In this sheltered stock
good health was secured and disease prevented by the combination of six things: fresh
air, pure water, cleanliness, sunlight, comfort and good food. Human beings cannot,
of course, be so sheltered as these rats were, but the experiment shows how important
these things are in maintaining health.
'"The next step was to find out how much of this remarkably good health, and
freedom from disease, was due to the good food: food consisting of whole wheat flour
cakes, butter, milk, fresh green vegetables, sprouted pulses, carrots and occasionally
meat with bone to keep the teeth in order. So I cut out the milk and milk products
from their diet or reduced them to a minimum, as well as reducing the consumption of
fresh vegetable foods while leaving all other conditions the same. What was the
result? Lung diseases, stomach diseases, bowel diseases, kidney and bladder diseases
made their appearance. It was apparent, therefore, that the good health depended on
the good diet more than on anything else and that the diet was only health-promoting
so long as it was consumed in its entirety, so long, in fact, as it contained enough
milk, butter, and fresh vegetables.
'"Many more experiments were done which showed that when rats or other
animals were fed on improperly constituted diets, such as are habitually used by some
human beings, they developed many of the diseases from which these human beings
tend to suffer: diseases of the bony framework of the body, of the skin covering it and
of the membranes lining its cavities and passages; diseases of the glands whose
products control its growth, regulate its processes and enable it to reproduce itself;
diseases of those highly specialized mechanisms--the gastro-intestinal tract and lungs-designed for its nourishment; diseases of the nerves. All these were produced in
animals under experimental conditions by feeding them on faulty human diets. Here is

an example of such an experiment: Two groups of young rats, of the same age, were
confined in two large cages of the same size. Everything was the same for each group
except food. One group was fed on a good diet, similar to that of a Northern Indian
race whose physique and health were good, and of which the composition is given
above. The other was fed on a diet in common use by many people in this country; a
diet consisting of white bread and margarine, tinned meat, vegetables boiled with
soda, cheap tinned jam, tea, sugar and a little milk: a diet which does not contain
enough milk, milk products, green leaf vegetables and wholemeal bread for proper
nutrition. This is what happened. The rats fed on the good diet grew well, there was
little disease amongst them and they lived happily together. Those fed on the bad diet
did not grow well, many became ill and they lived unhappily together; so much so
that by the sixtieth day of the experiment the stronger ones amongst them began to
kill and eat the weaker, so that I had to separate them. The diseases from which they
suffered were of three chief kinds: diseases of the lungs, diseases of the stomach and
intestines, and diseases of the nerves; diseases from which one in every three sick
persons, among the insured classes, in England and Wales, suffer."
'These researches were minutely made on a large scale and, but for the food, the
conditions of each group were identical and ideal. Their results to our minds carry
complete conviction--especially as those of us who have been able to profit by their
lesson have been amazed at the benefit conferred upon patients who have adopted the
revised dietary to which that lesson points. (See Chapter VI.)
'It is far from the purpose of this statement to advocate a particular diet. The
Eskimos, on flesh, liver, blubber and fish, the Hunza or Sikh, on wheaten chappattis,
fruit, milk, sprouted legumes and a little meat; the islander of Tristan on his potatoes,
seabirds' eggs, fish and cabbage, are equally healthy and free from disease.
'But there is some principle or quality in these diets which is absent from, or
deficient in, the food of our people to-day. Our purpose is to point to this fact and to
suggest the necessity of remedying the defect.
'To descry some factors common to all these diets is difficult and an attempt to do
so may be misleading since knowledge of what those factors are is still far from
complete; but this at least may be said, that the food is, for the most part, fresh from
its source, little altered by preparation and complete; and that, in the case of those
based on agriculture, the natural cycle

is complete.
'No chemical or substitution stage intervenes.
'Sir Albert Howard's work on the nutrition of plants, initiated at Indore and
carried from India to many parts of the world, seems to constitute a natural link in this
cycle. (Sir Albert Howard, C.I.E., M.A. See next chapter.)

'He has shewn that the ancient Chinese method of returning to the soil, after
treatment, the whole of the animal and vegetable refuse which is produced in the
activities of a community results in the health and productivity of crops and of the
animals and men who feed thereon. . . .
Though we bear no direct responsibility for such problems, yet the better
manuring of the home land so as to bring an ample succession of fresh food crops to
the tables of our people, the arrest of the present exhaustion of the soil and the
restoration and permanent maintenance of its fertility concern us very closely. For
nutrition and the quality of food are the paramount factors in fitness. No health
campaign can succeed unless the materials of which the bodies are built are sound. At
present they are not.
'Probably half our work is wasted, since our patients are so fed from the cradle,
indeed before the cradle, that they are certain contributions to a C 3 nation. Even our
country people share the white bread, tinned salmon, dried milk regime. Against this
the efforts of the doctor resemble those of Sisiphus.
'This is our medical testament, given to all whom it may concernand whom does
it not concern?
'We are not specialists, nor scientists, nor agriculturists. We represent the family
doctors of a great county, the county, said Michael Drayton, of "such as soundly
feed"; a county which gives its name to a cheese than which there is none better,
though to most Englishmen, alas, only a name; a county where the best farming is still
possible, which should minister to the needs of its own industrial areas and of a far
wider circle.
'We cannot do more than point to the means of health. Their production and
supply is not our function. We are called upon to cure sickness. We conceive it to be
our duty in the present state of knowledge to point out that much, perhaps most, of
this sickness is preventable and would be prevented by the right feeding of our
people. We consider this opinion so important that this document is drawn up in an
endeavour to express it and to make it public.'
(Signed by the Members of the Local Medical and Panel Committees).
JOHN KERR (Chairman).
N. A. BOSWELL (Vice-Chairman).
J. BARRY BENNETT (Hon. Treasurer).
LIONEL JAS. PICTON (Hon. Secretary).
I think you will agree that this is an impressive document deserving of a far wider
publicity than it has received. It lends point to the classic German pun which heads
this chapter: 'man is what man eats'.
Let me repeat the opening sentences of the major indictment of this remarkable
testimony: 'The fall in fatality is all the more notable in view of the rise in sickness.
Year by year doctors have been consulted by their patients more and more often, and
the claims on the benefit funds of Societies have tended to rise. . . . On that first and
major count (prevention) the Act has done nothing.'

This suggests that our national health is deteriorating; yet other authorities have
published statistics to show that it is on the contrary very much better than it used to
be. How can these two views be reconciled?
The following medical opinion, which is widely held, contains the answer, I
think: 'The infective diseases are under far better control, but degenerative diseases-such as blood pressure diseases, heart diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, nervous
disease, kidney disease, gastro-intestinal disease, cancer and mental disease--which
impair the prime of life, or what should be the prime of life, are admittedly more
Lord Portsmouth, in his book Famine in England, (Witherby Ltd.) published in 1938,
wrote, 'Dr. Howard Mummery, Chairman of the Association of Industrial Medical
Officers, revealed the other day that workers insured under the National Health
Insurance Act lost on an average twenty-eight days of work a year through illness,
compared with 16.5 days of work fifteen years ago.' (G. C. Anderson, Secretary of the British Medical
Association, writing to the Daily Telegraph on 5th February 1943 stated that over 50 per cent of registered panel patients attend,
or are attended by their doctors in the course of a year.)

This would seem to support the view that ill

health is increasing.
Some part of this increase may indeed be due to the adoption of a different
standard of 'disablement', and a greater readiness to consult a doctor. But this in itself
points to a significant preoccupation with bodily states, a diminished power of
resisting and throwing off incipient ailments. Certainly it does not suggest any
advance in the prevention of sickness commensurate with advances in medical
knowledge, Public Health services, housing and sanitation. That this view is shared by
members of the Medical Profession in the United States of America, where health
services are unsurpassed, is shown by the two following quotations
'Great gains in health have been achieved since the beginning of this century.
Tuberculosis is being vanquished. Deaths from infantile diarrhoea, diphtheria, typhoid
fever, etc., are being eliminated. All diseases of bacterial origin have decreased in a
striking manner. The average length of life--that is, the expectation of life at birth-was
only forty-nine in 1900. To-day it has gained more than eleven years.
'The chances of survival for each age up to maturity have notably augmented.
Nevertheless, in spite of the triumphs of medical science, the problem of disease is
very far from solved.
'Modern man is delicate. Eleven hundred thousand persons have to attend the
medical needs of 120,000,000 other persons.
'Every year, among this population of the United States, there are about
100,000,000 illnesses, serious or slight. In the hospitals 700,000 beds are occupied
every day in the year. The care of these patients requires the efforts of 145,000
doctors, 280,000 nurses or student nurses, 60,000 dentists, and 150,000 pharmacists.
It also necessitates 7,000 hospitals, 8,000 clinics, and 60,000 pharmacies.
'The public spends annually 143,000,000 in medicines. Medical care, under all
its forms, costs about 700,000,000 yearly.

'Obviously, disease is still a heavy economic burden. Its importance in modern

life is incalculable. (Dr. Alexis Carrel, Man the Unknown, p. 114, Hamilton, 1935).
'Although it is true that our life span has been increased, yet an analysis of that
gain shows it is confined almost entirely to lower age groups. Excluding infant
mortality and the diseases of childhood, and excepting also our control of the major
pestilences the chances of dying after you reach thirty-five are about as great to-day as
they were a hundred years ago. The human race still digs its own grave with its teeth.
The man who said this probably uttered one of the greatest truths. Until recently we
did not know that disease could be absolutely proved to be intimately connected with
diet. . . .
'Working hard when you are young and earning a competence on which you can
retire and enjoy yourself sometime after you are fifty will bring you little happiness if
you are not well enough to enjoy those years. Most of the diseases which we associate
with this period are the direct results of an improper diet in youth.' (Victor Heiser, M.D., You're
the Doctor. Jonathan Cape, London, 1939).

Bearing this last point in mind, let us now examine in rather more detail the
evidence of the Rats of Coonoor. Dr. Wrench in his book The Wheel of Health
discusses the results of McCarrison's experiments at some length. His observations
seem to me important, and at the risk of some repetition I must now record part of
what he has to say:
'In 1921 Sir Gowland Hopkins had made public his work on accessory food
factors, to which Casimir Funk a year later gave the name of vitamins. McCarrison,
reading the work, at once thought that maybe a very important clue to the enigma of
goitre lay in a deficiency of vitamins in the food which goitrous people eat. So he
began experiments in the Kasauli laboratory designed to give pigeons goitre. He fed
them on diets defective in vitamins. Something different happened. The birds did not
develop goitre but some of them, as was expected, developed a disease called
polyneuritis. Then it was found that these birds were overrun by specific microbes.
Now came the surprise. Some of the healthy birds, the stock of the laboratory who
were well fed before any experiments were tried upon them also harboured these
microbes, but they were not ill. The ill-fed birds, on the other hand, were mortally
sick. If, however, the healthy birds were fed on the food defective in vitamins, they
too got the polyneuritis and died. Good feeding, it seemed, protected the birds against
the microbes, but faulty feeding led to a microbic triumph. Thus was McCarrison
brought into a field of "deficiency diseases", that is to say, diseases due definitely to
faulty food.'
The rat experiments described in the Medical Testament were undertaken (after
McCarrison's appointment in 1927 as Director of Nutrition Research in India) at his
laboratory and headquarters at Coonoor. In the first experiment, in which he
transferred the exceptional health of the Hunza, Sikh, and Pathan to his rats, 1,189
were fed on the diets of these healthy peoples, and watched from birth to the twentyseventh month, the age which, you will remember, corresponds to that of about fiftyfive years in the life of man.

Describing the results, in a lecture given at the College of Surgeons in 1931,

McCarrison told how throughout the course of this two and a quarter years he had
been unable to discover any case of illness in this 'universe' of albino rats, either
clinically, or at post-mortem examination. Wrench commenting on this result writes:
'Now the reader might think that a statement that any small "universe" had been
freed from disease would have created a profound impression amongst medical men.
It did not do so, any more than Lister's announcement of the first results of antiseptic
surgery created any stir. In Lister's days surgeons were so accustomed to pus and
blood poisoning, they could not think in terms of surgery without them. Similarly,
medical men are so accustomed to a great number of diseases, they cannot think of
any small "universe" without disease. In all revoluions this is the case. It is the
established profession, or class, or aristocracy, which finds it most difficult to think in
terms of the change. 'This is very noticeable in the professional comments of that time
upon McCarrison's lectures. Actually they were very meagre. . . . The British Medical
Journal . . . did, however, devote a leading article. This article treated McCarrison's
work purely from the point of view of diseases which diet would prevent or help to
prevent. It overlooked the astonishing relation of a remarkable health of human
groups being transferred to rats as a perfect health. . . . The health was transferred by
foods. . . . The only thing . . . that was common to rat and man in this first experiment
was the diet. Here in the great cleft of Hunza was a little oasis of a few thousand
beings of almost perfect health, (See Chapter VII) and here in the cages of Coonoor was a
little oasis of a thousand and more albino rats also in perfect health. The only link
connection between these two otherwise dissimilar sets of living things was a similar
kind of diet.'
In subsequent experiments, as recounted in the Medical Testament, the rats were
linked to other Indian peoples by their diet. In every case the average standard of
health of a given human group was faithfully mirrored in the rats, including the
percentage incidence of specific diseases. Nor was this reflection confined to bodily
ailments, for neurasthenia, and bad-temper, you will remember, showed themselves in
the rats fed on the common English diet. During the course of this series of
experiments, McCarrison found, and listed, diseases of every organ of the body
among the 2,243 rats fed on faulty Indian diets. (For complete list see Technical Ref. No.
2)'Considering . . . the simplicity of the rat, and its limitation in things human,' writes
Wrench, 'the list is, comparatively speaking, almost as complete as the list of contents
of a stately text-book of medicine. "All these conditions," said McCarrison, "these
states of ill-health had a common causation; faulty nutrition with or without
Sir John Orr, writing about these experiments (Food, Health and Income, 1936) points out
that 'such experiments with rats, of course, do not carry the same weight as
observations on human beings'. Wrench, discussing this point, writes:
'This criticism is particularly interesting because it follows, not only a brief prcis
of McCarrison's work, but also one of a valuable, similar and later experiment of Orr's
upon rats fed upon "the average diet eaten by a working-class community in Scotland
(with its) daily variation, thus mimicking the food habits of human beings". There
was, however, a small addition to the quantities of milk, as rats could not be bred

without the larger allowance (Journal of Hygiene, Vol. 35). The results were in the main similar
to those of McCarrison.
'Now, the noticeable thing about this criticism is that Orr fragments the
experiments of both McCarrison and himself. He separates the experiments upon rats
from the observations on human beings.
'In actual fact McCarrison's experiments were preceded by, and due to,
observations upon human beings. The men were observed first and then the rats. Orr's
experiments were due to the example of McCarrison and observations of the
unsatisfactory state of the Scotch working-class. Ill-health was transferred to rats by
men's faulty food. Without the observations on man the experiments would never
have been undertaken.
'The criticism shows the hold fragmentation has upon the mental habits of
scientists. Orr no sooner reaches McCarrison's truth by his own experiment than he
separates himself from it owing to this habit.
'A further comment might be made, namely, that the food would never have had
such a full effect if the healthy rats had not been cleanly and airily housed and
enjoyed sheltered lives, even though these conditions were also those of the sickly
'Air, or rather oxygen, it can rightly be maintained is a part of the food. When the
human being is in the womb, oxygen is not separated in any way from the other
elements of food, but is brought with them by the mother's blood. It remains a food
after birth, but it has peculiar importance in assisting at so many vital processes of
movement and energy that it has constantly to be sprayed into the blood by the special
apparatus of the lungs.
'Hence the airy cages of the rats of Coonoor were a healthy asset, but that is all.
They did not save the sickly rats. . . .
'The inescapable conclusion is that in a very large number of diseases faulty food
is the primary cause. The suspicion is that faulty food is the primary cause of such an
overwhelming mass of disease that it may prove to be simply the primary cause of
'Up to the present day, it seems, the medical profession and the public have had
to be satisfied with a fragmentation of causation, that is to say, a very great number of
secondary causes and often enough no real causes at all., but causes as fictitious as
they are popular.
'For the purposes of illustrating and emphasizing the really immeasurable
importance of this contrast, if correct, let us take some few of these illnesses and put
their causes as given in medical text-books and as shown by the rats of Coonoor in
parallel columns.
'Let us first take that dangerous disease, pneumonia. Pneumonia is due to a
microbe, the pneumococcus, which is found in masses in the lung in true lobar

pneumonia. The pneumococcus, says the text-book, is a resident of the human mouth.
It is found in 80 to 90 per cent of normal healthy individuals. Something more, then,
than the mere presence of the pneumococcus must be the cause of pneumonia;
something that makes this domesticated microbe suddenly become dangerous. In
other words, the pneumococcus cannot be called the primal cause of pneumonia.
Something has to precede it-some weakness of the barrier.
'The weakness of old age is given first of the orthodox causes in the text-book. . .
'Pneumonia is more common in cities than in the country and in males than in
females. Any weakening habit, such as that of over-drinking, becomes a cause, and
also makes the microbes more lethal. Yet robust men may be attacked. Cold is a cause
if it weakens, but not if a man finds it a tonic and reacts to it. A previous attack makes
a second attack more probable. Another illness, such as chronic kidney or heart
disease or one of the acute infectious fevers, gives opportunity to the pneumococcus.
So also pneumonia may follow a blow on the chest.
'Now let us place these causes from text-books in juxtaposition with that of the
"small universe" of Coonoor.


Weakness of old age.

Debilitating habits.
Previous attack.
Some other illness,
chronic or acute.
A blow on the chest.
Pneumococcus microbe.

Faulty Food.

'. . . Summing up the text-books' causes, one may call them a number of added
weaknesses to an inferior barrier against disease. The barrier gives way readily at this
or that point. In other words the barrier has degenerated.
'By his skilled science man is actually able to get a partial picture of what this
barrier is. It is in fact an actual barrier. It can be seen through the microscope. It can
be seen if it looks healthy or degenerate. It can be photographed, and the photograph
of a healthy barrier has clear outlines and demarcations and that of a degenerate
barrier is blurry. This barrier is the fine skin which lines the tubes and cells of the
nose, windpipe and bronchial tubes, of the mouth, throat, stomach and small and large
gut. The fine interior skin is much the same as the outer skin of the body, only it is
thinner and softer. But both have an outer layer of cells called epithelium, and it is the
epithelium that can be particularly well seen under the microscope. It is the epithelium
that forms the visible barrier and which shuts out microbes and other intruders. It does
not by any means form the whole barrier, but it constitutes a part of it, which can be
seen as clear and definite or blurred and indefinite, according to whether it is itself
well or ill fed. The contrast picture gives anyone with even a little knowledge of the

microscope a good idea of what can be termed the barrier or, more accurately, the first
line of defence. It is not fiction.
'So we can understand how it is that faulty food can stand alone under the
heading Coonoor against the juxtaposed text-books' list of the causes of pneumonia. It
can be placed there as primary, and thereby able to make all the causes in the textbooks possible; it can activate them. Without it they would be inert.
'Now let us look at the common infection of the middle ear. Mellanby found this
infection in a fifth of his faultily fed rats. It was common among the ill-fed rats of
Coonoor, but absent in the well-fed. On the other hand, a well-known text-book, such
as Politzer's Diseases of the Ear, does not mention faulty food as a cause, any more
than faulty food was mentioned under pneumonia. That the whole basis of modern life
may be wrong and that that is why such large text-books have to be written has not as
yet appeared in the text-books themselves.
'Putting the causes of acute infection of the middle ear into juxtaposed columns,
we have:


External atmospheric conditions.

Colds in the head.
Infectious diseases, such as
measles pneumonia and influenza.
Sea baths.
Nasal douches.

Faulty Food.

'There must be therefore, in faultily fed people, a fear of cold night air, colds in
the head; other people coughing and sneezing; schools where children mingle with
children; bathing in the sea; and keeping off the "flu" by snuffing lotions or using
nasal douches, as recommended by advertisers. Any of these things may lead to
passing of the barrier and the defences of the tissues of the ear.
'The eyes are even more commonly affected by faulty food than the ears. The
sickly rats of Coonoor got inflammations of the eyes, ulcers, and a particular "dry"
eye leading to blindness. All of these the well-fed rats escaped.
'The text-books all accept defective food as a cause of "dry" eye of it if not too far
advanced. With this exception there is no direct reference to faulty food as a cause of
diseases of the eye. There is only the general statement that these diseases are more
common among the poor and debilitated.
'A medico-surgical disease which is of particular interest is peptic ulcer, or ulcer
of the stomach or duodenum. It is of particular interest because of its proven direct
relation to faulty food. It happens to be very common amongst the poorer classes of
Southern Travancore--so common that both Lt.-Col. Bradfield, I.M.S., and Dr.
Somervell asked McCarrison to put rats on the foods as prepared and eaten by these
people. (This contains a high proportion of tapioca.) He put a batch of rats on the food as prepared
and cooked by the poorer folk of Southern Travancore for 675 days, and at the end of
that time peptic ulcer was found in over a quarter of them.

'This striking result has not yet appeared in the text-books. As is the way of new
knowledge, it passes into currency by a process of slow percolation. Until the time
comes when it reaches the text-books the causes of peptic ulcer placed in
juxtaposition, appear as follows:


Occupation: anaemic and dyspeptic

servant girls, shoe-makers,
Associated disease such as anaemia,
heart disease, disease of liver,
appendix, gall bladder, teeth,
Nervous strain.
Disturbances of the circulation.
Large superficial burns.
Certain families are said to be more
Increased acidity of the stomach.
Several of the above in combination.

Primarily faulty food.

Specifically such food as
that of the poorer classes
of Southern Travancore.

'The last disease I propose to take in these few illustrations is tuberculosis. As

regards this dreaded disease, McCarrison, in the Cantor Lectures, turned from his own
work to one of the most remarkable of human experiments, that of the Papworth
Settlement, so intimately associated with the name of Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones.
'Papworth is a settlement for sufferers from tuberculosis, mostly in the form of
consumption of the lungs. The patients are, of course, ill when they come to the
settlement, but under a care, really quite like that given to the rats of Coonoor, namely
adequate food supply, good housing, and ventilation and freedom from anxiety in the
form of loss of employment, there are remarkable and sustained recoveries.
'All patients at Papworth have sputum pots and pocket flasks into which they
must spit. The infected sputum is at once made innocuous. Moreover, public opinion
in the village enforces their use by attaching shame, not to the users, but to those who
dare to be forgetful.
'In Papworth there are many married couples. The children of these couples live
in the settlement. They are in frequent contact with tuberculosis and are protected
from the disease by the general use of the spitting pots and flasks and by good food,
or in Varrier-Jones's own words "the child's resistance to disease is maintained by
(a) adequate nutrition, and
(b) the absence of mass dose of infection."
'Now comes the outstanding fact. The Papworth village has been in existence
twenty years, yet not one of the children of these married couples has developed any
form of tuberculosis. "Our experience proves", writes Sir Pendrill in his report for
1936, "that no tuberculosis disease need be transmitted so long as village settlement

conditions of housing and employment are properly utilized. Any question of

'heredity' is now generally discredited."
'In face of this testimony to the power of resistance to tuberculosis given by good
food and housing, and with spitting pots to avoid mass infection, the text-books put
forward "pre-disposition" as a widely accepted medical tenet. . . .
'This terrible Calvinistic doctrine, by which certain people, and particularly
artisans of the cities, are born predestined to get tuberculosis has therefore been
challenged by the good food, security, and the avoidance of mass infection at
'The Papworth results suggest the following juxtaposition


Infection with tubercle bacilli.

Inherited predisposition.
Living in dark, close alleys,
and tenement houses, excess
of alcohol and other
weakening habits.
Confinement in prisons, workhouses
and workshops.
Catarrh of respiratory passages.
Diabetes, kidney disease and other
chronic affections which lower

Inadequate nutrition.
Mass dose of infection.

'If the list of the text-book is carefully examined we see how the causes there
given are all, except that of diathesis, to be found contained in the two Papworth
causes. Infection with the tubercle bacilli in the one column is duplicated by the mass
infection of the other. Frequent inhalation of quantities of the microbes gives greater
opportunities to them to breach the barriers. All the rest are the fragmentation of
"inadequate nutrition".
'Living in dark, close alleys and tenements means also faulty food. The impure
air of slums means one food, namely, oxygen, being defective, but it means also that
people who breathe it have not the money for foods that cannot, like oxygen, be got
for nothing. Alcohol in excess destroys the appetite. So do the poisons of such
diseases as diabetes and kidney disease. So does confinement in prisons, workhouses,
and workshops. None of the people debilitated by such places or such diseases eat
heartily of good food. As to catarrh of the respiratory passages, that in itself was
produced by McCarrison and also by Mellanby by faulty food. The barrier breaks
down before the catarrhal microbes. A mass attack of tubercle bacilli may do the rest.
'If then, one can put aside the predestination theory of tuberculosis, there lies one
thing behind all the other causes given, and that is faulty food and, moreover, as we
shall see, faulty food may account for the apparent predestination.
'Fortunately there is another triumph in establishing the general cause of many
diseases and ill-health in poor English children. With just as unpromising human

material as that of the Papworth children the late Miss Margaret McMillan gained this
success, which is described in her book The Nursery School (1930).'
This is an open air school in Deptford, and the children are drawn from the
surrounding slums. It is on a sufficiently large scale for the results to have critical
importance. During the years described in Miss McMillan's book, it consisted of two
hundred and sixty children from the ages of two to five, of which eighty continued
under her care, until they reached the age of fourteen or fifteen. Dr. Wrench does not
minimize the importance of the all round care devoted to these children, but obviously
regards 'well considered food' as being one of the most important factors in the truly
remarkable results achieved. 'Next door to the school,' he writes, 'is "our own"
Deptford Clinic for sick children. School and clinic under that one authority present
themselves as human replicas of the rats of Coonoor.
'Here is Miss McMillan's description of the food of the school. "Out all day in
moving air, children are always hungry at meal-times, but no food is given between
meals. In summer they have fruit from the old mulberry-tree, and we give small
spoonfuls of orange juice. Fruit and fresh vegetables are needed by everyone, but
especially by growing children, and most of all by children of the poorest classes in
cities. Their bones are literally starved of mineral salts. They suffer from starvation in
the way of nitrogenous food and of all that nature supplies in green food and fruits.
Bread, bread, and always bread in surfeit is their portion. Our fresh vegetables, meal
and milk work wonders."
'The test of a diet is the wholeness of those who eat it. This is the description of
the children of seven, after four years spent in the school "They are all straight, wellgrown children, alert, sociable, eager for life and new experience. . . . The abyss
between him and the child of yesterday yawns deepest, perhaps when we compare the
state rather than the achievements of the nurtured child with that of the other. The
nurtured seven-year-old is a stranger to clinics; he knows little about doctors. He sees
the dentist, but hardly ever, or perhaps never, needed any dental treatment."
'To "our clinic" come the sick children of Deptford. They are just ordinary poor
children who go to other schools and have other homes than hers. They present the
picture of the sickly rats of Coonoor; Miss McMillan draws the contrast, though not in
juxtaposed columns.
'"There, ranged on seats by the walls, sit scores of sufferers. Blepharitis,
impetigo, conjunctivitis, skin diseases of many kinds, these are not seen in our school.
They are seen in the clinic-thousands of cases all preventable." There follow further
illnesses seen in the clinic-adenoids, bad tonsils, colds, coughs, bronchitis,enlarged
glands, gastric and intestinal troubles-in short, the list which afflicted the sickly rats of
'Now both Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones and Miss McMillan have been exceptionally
imaginative in seeing that all the conditions of life in those under their care were
made wholesome, things of the mind as well as those of the body, and it is to this
wholeness that they attribute the health of their wards. They do not select food as the
primary cause of the health. They regard the whole as resulting in health.

'This is so reasonable that I think no one reading their results would care to
diminish any one guard of healthy life which they have erected, such as modern
housing and hygiene.
'Yet, apart from proofs and arguments already put forward to maintain the vital
primary claim of food, there is one very exquisite human experiment made by Dr. G.
C. M. M'Gonigle, Medical Officer of Health of Stockton-on-Tees, which strengthens
this claim in a manner that may be called one of accidental finality.
'Stockton-on-Tees is an ancient market town which has grown rapidly in the last
three-quarters of a century and now has a population of 67,722 (1931). Of this
population in that year 40 per cent of the males between fourteen and sixty-five were
'Stockton has slums, and the Town Council recently carried out a vigorous policy
of better housing. It was this that gave M'Gonigle an opportunity to exercise his
excellent powers of scientific observation.
'A survey of housing needs was taken in 1919, and the largest section of the town
scheduled as an unhealthy area was dubbed "Number 1 area". It was decided to
demolish a part of Number 1 and transfer its inhabitants to a new up-to-date municipal
estate, agreeably named Mount Pleasant. In 1927, 153 families, comprising 710
individuals, were transferred to Mount Pleasant, leaving behind in Number 1 area 289
families with a total of 1,298 individuals.
'Here, then, were contrasting conditions of new and old, of good housing and
slum. Naturally everyone thought the transfer to Mount Pleasant would be a
betterment. But M'Gonigle watched.
'Even he, however, watched at first according to the routine of his official
position. It was only when he found that something odd was happening and the
expected success was not coming off, that he concentrated a keen and skilled
observation upon the anomaly.
'His attention was drawn to it by the fact that the health of the inhabitants of
Mount Pleasant, instead of improving or at least remaining stationary, began to
deteriorate, whereas that of those families and people left behind in the slums did not.
'M'Gonigle then began to test out what was happening statistically. The
standardized death-rate of the first five years following upon the transfer was 33 per
1,000; that of the unchanged slum 22 per thousand. The rate for the Mount Pleasant
estate of "3355 per thousand, appears to be extraordinary, in view of the fact that it
represents an increase of 46 per cent over the mean standardized rates for the same
individuals in the previous quinquennium," is M'Gonigle's comment. The increase
was not due to any peculiarity of infant mortality, epidemic, or other recognized
cause. It was just there steadily throughout, and it represented an increase in the
various groups, from 0 to 10, between 10 and 65, and over 65. It was a characteristic
of the whole people of Mount Pleasant. It was "a real increase and beyond the
probable extent of fortuitous variation".

'What was it due to? The better housing? It seems absurd that something better
should prove something worse. Yet, in spite of the best intentions, this happens if
primary things are forgotten. Man lives primarily by food, not by housing, and the
food of the Mount Pleasant people was what had deteriorated.
'When living in the slums these people paid rents which averaged 4s. 8d. a week
per family. In 1928, on the Mount estate, the rent was 9s. a week, and by 1932 it had
risen to 9s. 3d. per week, or double the original rent.
'Consequently there was less money to spend on food.
'M'Gonigle worked out the average amount spent on food per individual for
Mount Pleasant and for slum by carefully prepared and corrected statistics. It is
obvious, in view of the different rents paid, that Mount Pleasant was worse off.
Particularly was this shown in the case of unemployed of both areas. The food per
"man" per week at Mount Pleasant cost 34.7 pence, that in the unchanged slum 45.6
'M'Gonigle was, therefore, forced to the conclusion that the deterioration of food
led to the deterioration of health. "Such environmental factors as housing, drainage,
overcrowding or insanitary conditions" could obviously be excluded. These secondary
factors were not worse at Mount Pleasant. They were a great deal better. That was the
good fortune of this illuminating experiment. The secondary things, namely, housing
and sanitation, were made better first, and in making them better money was
withdrawn from the individual's primary need-food.
'The experiment emerges as an example of putting the building of new houses
and of organizing physical drill on a par or as prior to food in policy of health. They
are both good things, but they are not primary.
'Muscular energy and activity follow right feeding naturally, and physical
training can follow upon the muscular energy. No one indeed disputes this
proposition--except in their acts and public policies. There is a general, rather
indefinite feeling that sound food is the primary cause of health, but when this shapes
itself out of the mist, there appear secondary, not primary forms--good housing,
hygiene, physical drill.
'M'Gonigle showed that food took the primary place to good housing and
I would ask you specially to note this last point in view of the number of
prominent people who to-day give housing first place in their plans for reconstruction.


'All destructions ordered by God are mere

quarryings of His building materials.'
Abbott Vonier.

If 'faulty food' is the correct reply to our question, 'Why so much sickness?'--if we
are, in fact, what we eat--then the logical next question is: 'What is the matter with our
food?' For while it seems clear that much of the blame must rest on our often illchosen diet, the complete answer must go deeper than this. In the U.S.A., for
example, a very great deal of attention is paid to the proper balancing of diet, and
milk, green leaf vegetables, and raw salads (McCarrison's 'health foods') are eaten in
large quantities, yet America's '100 million illnesses a year' does not suggest that her
people are markedly healthier than we are on that account. Dr. Alexis Carrel states
that 'modern man is delicate'. If the primary cause of this decline in vigour is faulty
nutrition, then the natural conclusion is that there must be something lacking in the
quality of our foods themselves; something which was not lacking in the foods of our
more robust forefathers.
In this chapter I shall present the evidence supporting the view that this
conclusion is correct. Some part of this deterioration in food is, indeed, readily
demonstrable and is due to the commercial development of 'processed food' wherever
this has involved submitting it to treatment which profoundly alters its bio-chemical
The case of white flour is an outstanding example of such alteration. In removing
the germ, modern methods of milling have removed those parts of the wheat berry
which contain the vitamins B and E, a removal which, until the introduction of the
National loaf and except for a brief period during the last war, has been complete
since 1872. The everyday results of this are well illustrated in the following anecdote
from Adrian Bell's Men of the Fields.
'I found a man of over seventy cutting up a fallen tree. . . . He used a curious
phrase to justify the conditions under which the men of his father's generation had
worked. "Well, they had their life," he said. "Mind you, I couldn't work to-day like
they worked--not if I was young, l couldn't work like I worked as a young man. The
bread to-day hasn't got the stay in it. I know, because I've worked on it. When I used
to go to work and we baked at home, when I'd had my breakfast that'd stay by me to
dinner-time. But when we took to bakers' bread, why, after you'd worked for an hour
that'd be gone and you'd feel faint inside."'
Expressed in more scientific language:

The introduction of steel roller mills nearly seventy years ago has 'resulted in the
reduction of the nutritive value of the protein, in serious lowering of the content of
calcium, phosphorus and iron, in reduction of the vitamin B1, and vitamin B2 complex
content, and probably in complete removal of the vitamin E, all representing dead loss
nutritionally.' (A. M. Copping, 'The Nutritive Value of Wheaten Flour and Bread', Nutrition Abstract and Reviews, 1939).
When it is remembered that B1 is the vitamin essential to the proper nourishment
of nervous tissue, and that vitamin E plays an important part in reproduction and
probably also in general vigour, there is cause for reflection upon the increase of
nervous disorders and the falling birth-rate in the present generation. May not these
conditions, too, be attributable to faulty diet?
It is generally admitted that wheat germ oil is one of the richest known sources of
fertility. It is widely used in both human and animal medicine in the treatment of
sterility. ('In 1932 Vogt Muller treated 20 sterile women with an extract of wheat germ oil, and 17 of them had living
children. Dr. Currie, of Leeds, in 1936 related success in curing habitual abortion, while in 1940 C. G. Collins (et al.) cured 21
out of 25 similar patients. In both series of cases wheat germ oil was the main factor in the cure.' Quoted from letter to The

Its restoration to our national loaf may well

benefit the nation in more ways than in the mere saving of shipping space. (The rise in the

Times, 1st May 1942, by L. J. Picton, O.B.E., B.A., B.M.)

birthrate for 1942 is significant in this connection.)

Further possible evils resulting from food processing are suggested by Dr. F. J.
Poynton, who, writing in the British Medical Journal of 21st October 1933, records
his opinion that infantile scurvy is on the increase. He reports no less than three cases
at one time in his ward at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for children.
'This seems remarkable,' he writes, 'when we realize the great work that has been
done on vitamins, and when we look upon the position of Vitamin C as one of the best
understood among them.' Discussing the possible causes of present-day infantile
scurvy, he writes: 'I am not prepared to do more than direct attention to the vast
quantities of dried milk now in use and to raise a question which I have raised before,
whether such foods even given with precautions, make for the best constitutions in
years to come. We know that some children do not take to fruit juices well, or are
thought not to take them well, and these are then discarded; and should infantile
scurvy really be on the increase, and my experience not be only a hospital
coincidence, it is clear to me that many diets must touch the border line of a
pathological metabolism.'
'Note. The insecurity of reliance upon orange juice to correct the damage done to
milk by heating it (pasteurizing, boiling, or drying) is rendered more obvious by the
common use of cold storage for oranges, as, according to Professor Plimmer, vitamin
C is slowly destroyed by freezing.' (Quoted from the References to the Medical Testament.)
'Dr. Evelyn Sprawson, London Hospital, stated that children in the institution in
which he worked who were fed on raw milk had perfect teeth, whereas others in
circumstances identical in all, respects except that their milk was pasteurized, had
defective teeth.' (Quoted from the References to the Medical Testament.)
This is a point worth underlining in view of the present agitation in favour of
compulsory pasteurization. (For a brief discussion of the pros and cons of this controversial topic see Technical
Ref. No. 3.) There would appear to be some, as yet undefined, harm done to foods by long

storage of any kind, whether frozen, heated and tinned, or dried (probably least by
drying). McCarrison states
'There is something in freshness and quality of foods which is not accounted for
by the known chemical ingredients of food: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and
vitamins.' (Quoted from the References to the Medical Testament.)
'It is certain that this "something" plays a part in that perfect combination of eye,
muscle, nerve, blood-vessels and endocrines, which enables the heron to avoid the
hawk; and in that other protective equipment-serenity and courage, clean blood
plasma, and lively reticuloendothelial system-which wards off infection and
constitutes a natural active immunity.' (L. J. Picton, O.B.E., M.A., M.B.,'The Problem of Natural Food',
Medical Press and Circular, 8th November 1939).

Systems of processing and storage, however, are not the only factors responsible
for deterioration in the vital quality of human food, for these foods themselves, when
in the living state, show a decline in resistance to ailments; a lowered 'quality' and
vigour exactly parallel to that found in the human race.
The loss to the livestock industry caused by such complaints as mastitis,
contagious abortion, Johne's disease, foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever, swine
erysipelas and white scour--to mention only a few--runs into millions of pounds
annually and is on the increase. I well remember, for example, that when I was an
agricultural student in 1915 we were told by our lecturer on animal hygiene that footand-mouth disease need not concern us, since the disease was obsolete in this country.
It is commonly held that the prevalence of foot-and-mouth in the last decade is due to
imported meat. Col. G. P. Pollitt, in his little book Britain Can Feed Herself,
Macmillan & Co., 1942, expresses this view. 'The repeated outbreaks in this country,'
he states, 'are primarily, if not wholly, due to our imports of uncooked meat.' I find
this explanation unconvincing; the imports of meat into this country in 1913, shortly
before the disease was said to be obsolete, amounted to 1,163,911 tons. (Board of Trade) In
1936, when it was most emphatically not obsolete, imports were 1,404,069 tons,
(Whitaker, 1938) only 240,158 tons more, while in the summer of this war year of 1942,
when imports must have been very much less, there were nearly 700 outbreaks of
foot-and-mouth. (Since this was written certain information has been given to me, but which I am, unfortunately, not
permitted to publish, which lends considerable support to Col. Pollitt's view that outbreaks of foot and mouth disease are due, in
the first instance, to imports of uncooked meat. But even if this should be proved beyond doubt it still would not suffice to
explain why farms in the middle of an infected area escape infection, while others with less direct contact succumb. Sound
feeding will not of course remove sources of infection, but may, and probably does, give protection against anything less than

When the prevalence of

this disease is considered in conjunction with the increase in most other diseases, it is
impossible to avoid the conclusion that our livestock is less robust than it used to be.

mass doses of infection. Further evidence on this point is given on p. 69 and in Chapter VI.)

Disease in crops shows a similar upward grade. Potato diseases of various kinds,
'Take All' in wheat, blight, white fly and other parasites, and innumerable fungus and
virus diseases are increasingly rife.
This close parallel in the decline of health in crops, livestock, and man is very
significant, and evidence will presently be given indicating that the cause in all three
is the same-faulty nutrition.

The food of our crops and domestic animals has undergone as marked a change
during the last hundred years as that of man, and the change has been of a similar
'We are so made as to derive our sustenance from what was alive so recently that,
somatically, it is still living' writes Dr. Picton.
It seems that it is not only desirable for our own food, whether animal or
vegetable, to be as fresh as possible, but for those foods themselves also to be
nurtured on a living diet. Until the war forced us to look once more to our own soil for
the sustenance of our farm animals, this all-important element of 'freshness' had to a
large extent been eliminated from the feeding of our livestock by the introduction of
crushed seed cakes, and other imported processed foods. And the crops which we
grow, whether for direct human consumption or as food for our livestock, are likewise
being fed on substitutes for their natural diet of living organic matter. This change has
resulted in our soil being seriously denuded of its humus content, with a consequent
loss of fertility.
History suggests that a decline in soil fertilty is always accompanied by a
corresponding decline in the vigour of the people who dwell upon it. To those who
doubt this, I recommend a study of the fall of the first Roman Empire. The point was
stressed quite recently in a broadcast by the Minister of Agriculture who affirmed that
the basis of a strong nation lay in the fertility of its soil. The necessity to-day is to redefine the word fertility. I would remind you of a sentence in the Survey of Soil
Erosion, quoted in the first chapter, that 'Increase of production must not be confused
with increase of fertility. Increased production for human use can be, and usually is,
secured by cashing in on existing fertility and using it up with the disatrous effects
This is what has been happening throughout the world, but in this country the
process did not really begin in a way that was serious until about 100 years ago, when
chemical fertilizers were introduced. Before that time soil fertility was maintained by
a combination of suitable crop rotations, bare fallows, and the application to the land
of various forms of organic matter, principally farm-yard manure. In 1840 the famous
German chemist, Liebig, published an essay, 'Chemistry in its application to
Agriculture and Physiology', which has profoundly affected Western civilization. In
this he propounded his theory of mineral plant foods. Roughly this rather naive theory
is that everything required by a living plant is to be found in the mineral salts present
in the ash of such a plant after all organic matter has been destroyed.
It seems a curious thing that this theory should have gained such ground as to
overthrow all the experience and practice of the ages. This can only have come about
through the confusion of thought with regard to fertility mentioned above. Man's
understanding was blinded by the increase in production which the application of this
theory at first brought about. Only the true peasant, the man who, despite all modern
agricultural science, still has a truer understanding of the soil than any theorist, was
not taken in. He shook his head and foretold the evils which were to come. Once more
his views are well expressed in Adrian Bell's Men of the Fields:

'He had further ideas about food. "If people ate more of what's grown with muck,
there'd not be half the illness about. People say that what's grown with artificial
manure does you as much good as what's grown with muck. But I know that's wrong.
What's grown with chemicals may look all right, but it ain't got the stay in it."'
But the age of science had dawned. Intuitive judgements were 'unscientific' and
'old-fashioned.' Liebig's theory could be 'proved'. Ocular demonstration was what
counted. A given quantity of these new fertilizers produced the promised increase in
yield. The methods of our forefathers were clearly out of date. 'There is a prevailing
popular tendency to seek to replace "intuitive" methods, wherever they may be found,
by "scientific" procedures. In this attempt we sometimes find that anything which can
be dubbed "intuitive" is treated as though it were simply baseless speculation,
whereas mere planned communicable routine often glories in the name of "science".'
(R. C. Oldfield, The Psychology of the Interview, Methuen, 1941.) This tendency may have helped to
establish the new soil science, in any case it was steadily gaining ground when it
received a greatly quickened impetus after World War No. 1, through the necessity
which faced those manufacturers of explosives, whose factories were equipped for the
fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, to find other markets for their products. This
resulted in the manufacture and use (assisted by a vast advertising campaign) of huge
quantities of sulphate of ammonia and other synthetic fertilizers.
For some time, while the original supply of humus in the soil lasted, all seemed to
go well, and in the difficult days of cut-throat competition that intervened between the
two wars, when quantity rather than quality became the standard of efficiency,
cultivators generally formed the habit of basing their manurial programmes on the
cheapest forms of nitrogen, phosphates, and potash on the market.
All this time the 'man of the fields' remained unconvinced. 'Wait'; he said, with
that patience only close contact with the soil can give, and now the indications are
mounting that the day of his vindication is at hand, for there are signs that yields are
declining, and that increasing quantities of fertilizers are required to produce a given
return. But this is not all; quality is declining even quicker than yields. Fertility, as
will presently be shown, depends on humus. The accelerated growth induced by
chemical fertilizers has the effect among others, of speeding up the rate at which
humus is exhausted. As this depletion of humus proceeded, troubles began. Parasites
and diseases appeared in the crops, and epidemics became rife among our livestock,
so that poison sprays and sera had to be introduced to control these conditions.
A very clear example of this is to be found in the case of some of the
Lincolnshire potato lands.
The silt land area south of the Wash, now famous as the chief potato growing
district in England, was, until a hundred years ago, equally famous for its pasture.
This was so fertile that it was capable of producing prime fat bullocks without the
assistance of any additional corn or cake. When these pastures were first ploughed up
they produced abundant crops of healthy potatoes of good-keeping quality without the
aid of fertilizers or poison sprays. Potato growing became so profitable that whole
tracts of fertile grass land were turned over to the production of arable cash crops,
with the result that farming became thoroughly unbalanced. Gradually chemical
fertilizers became necessary to maintain yields, then diseases made their appearance,

and spraying with copper salts had to be introduced to control blight. To-day it often
happens that all the potato tops have to be destroyed with sulphuric acid before they
are mature, in order to 'preserve' the tubers underneath. Lately a new trouble, eel
worm, has become alarmingly prevalent. This, too, the experts are attempting to check
by chemical means. The fallacy of this method when applied to eel worms will be
shown in Chapter VI.
In recent years some Lincolnshire farmers have abandoned the use of fertilizers
in favour of organic composts, with the result that health has been restored to the
crops and the use of poison sprays is becoming unnecessary. I do not intend to suggest
by this that all so-called artificial fertilizers are necessarily harmful in themselves, but
as will be shown in the next chapter, other standards than those of chemical
composition alone, are needed with which to assess their value. In any case, harmful,
harmless, or beneficent, their use without adequate supplies of organic matter can
never serve to replace the top soil which is mechanically removed from the land by
the lifting of root crops. Such crops not only take from the soil the nutrients required
to grow them, but large quantities of actual soil are carted bodily from the field in the
process of harvesting. If this is not replaced by organic matter, the soil loses its 'life'
and with it the humic cement which holds it together. It then becomes subject to
erosion by wind or rain.
'The illusion that fertility can always be restored by applying some of the huge
amounts of artificial fertilizers now available has been shattered by the recognition
that fertility is not merely a matter of plant-food supply (for even exhausted soils
usually contain ample reserves of plant food), but is also closely connected with soil
stability. An exhausted soil is an unstable soil; Nature has no further use for it and
removes it bodily. . . .
'The earlier stage of erosion is loss of fertility. Whatever the cause of the loss, the
result is invariably a corresponding loss in soil stability; the soil is deprived not only
of its productive power, but also of its capacity for remaining in place. Fertility is a
term that should be applied to the soil and vegetation together, for the soil derives its
capacity for producing life from the vegetation, as much as plants derive their
capacity for growth from the soil. Apart from the indispensable plant-food elements
and humus returned to the soil by the dead vegetation, the living vegetation protects
the soil in many subtle ways from the erosive effect of wind and rain. . . . The
capacity to absorb and retain water is a very characteristic property of mature, fertile
soil. It is scarcely, if at all, developed in bare weathered rock formations (except
heavy clays) that have never carried vegetation, and contain no humus. Normally the
water-holding capacity of soil is confined mainly to a few inches on the surface where
fresh humus, formed from decaying plant and animal remains, accumulates. Sheet
erosion, by removing the most absorbent layers, not only greatly increases the amount
of run off water which is the principal eroding agent, but equally decreases the value
and usefulness of the rainfall. . . .
'The processes of wind erosion are less complex than those of water erosion. The
predisposing conditions for wind erosion are (1) an absence of protective covering for
the soil and a low fertility level, causing the soil to pulverize; (2) a dry period, as wet
soil does not blow appreciably; and (3) a broad, flat or slightly undulating region
across which wind and soil can move unhindered. Nature has arranged that where

water cannot punish man for his ignorance and misdeeds, the wind can. When a large
open area has been consistently mismanaged and its fertility reduced below the safety
point, wind erosion can produce chaos within a few days.' (Jacks and Whyte, The Rape of the Earth,
Faber and Faber, 1939.)

This was very noticeable in 1942 on the sugar-beet lands of Lincoln, Norfolk and
Suffolk. This crop is nearly always grown with large quantities of fertilizers, and in
many areas of these three counties, the conditions for wind erosion have been
produced. During the period of high winds which occurred in May of that year, very
many acres of land in these three counties under sugar-beet and carrots had their top
soil blown clean away, carrying the crop with it. Some farmers had to sow as many as
three times.
The appearance, in a crop, of parasites and disease is often the first symptom of
that loss of fertility which, if ignored, is liable to lead to lack of soil stability. Such
visitations therefore should be regarded less as an enemy to be attacked direct, than as
a danger signal, warning the cultivator, while there is still time to repair the damage,
that a serious misuse of the land is taking place.
'The policy of protecting crops from pests by means of sprays, powders, and so
forth is unscientific and unsound, for even when successful, such procedure merely
preserves the unfit and obscures the real problem--how to grow healthy crops.' (Howard,
Speech at Crewe, 22nd March 1939. Reprinted New English Weekly, 6th April 1939.)

We shall see that the need for such protection seldom arises in those areas of
cultivation where the tradition of peasant farming has never been broken, for the
keystone of that tradition is the return of all wastes to the land. In almost every other
type of farming, the soil has, during the last 100 years, been losing its organic matter
faster than it is being replaced. This is due, not only to the excessive quantity of
chemical fertilizers now in use, although this has accelerated the process, but also to
the shortage of available organic matter which modern standards of civilized society
have brought about, the three main factors being, the introduction of the petrol engine,
the movement of the rural population into large urban areas (which the industrial
revolution induced) and, perhaps most serious of all, modern sanitation.
When horse traction gave way to the internal combustion engine the land was
robbed of millions of tons of horse manure previously produced in town as well as
country, and when water-borne sewage was introduced into our cities, the capital of
the soil--its fertility--which is removed from it year by year in the form of crops and
livestock, no longer found its way back to the land in the form of the waste products
of the community, but was poured into the sea or otherwise destroyed.
'On the basis of the data of Wolff, Kneller and Carpenter or of Hall, the people of
the United States and of Europe are pouring into the sea, lakes and rivers, and into the
underground waters, from 5,794,300 to 12,000,000 pounds of nitrogen, 1,881,900 to
4,151,000 pounds of potassium and 777,200 to 3,057,600 pounds of phosphorus per
million of the adult population annually, and this waste we esteem one of the
achievements of our civilization.' (G. T. Wrench, M.D., The Wheel of Health.)
King, in his classic, Farmers of Forty Centuries, writes: 'Man is the most
extravagant accelerator of waste the world has ever endured. His withering blight has

fallen upon every living thing within his reach, himself not excepted: and his besom
of destruction has swept into the seas soil fertility, which only centuries of life could
accumulate-fertility which is the substratum of all that is living.'
He points out that the Mongolian races with a population approaching 500
million, occupying an area 'little more than half of the United States, tilling less than
800,000 square miles of land and much of this during twenty, thirty or perhaps forty
centuries, unable to avail themselves of mineral fertilizers, could not tolerate such
waste and survive.' (Jonathan Cape, 1933, quoted Wrench.)
Nor shall we be able to survive indefinitely if we do not mend our ways.
The consequence of this process of denuding the soil of its fertility is only just
beginning to be realized in Western countries. McCarrison has stated: 'These (certain
natural foodstuffs), when properly combined in the diet, supply all the food essentials,
known and unknown, discovered and undiscovered, needed for normal nutrition,
provided they are produced on soil which is not impoverished, for if they be proceeds
of impoverished soil, their quality will be poor and the health of those who eat them,
man and his domestic animals, will suffer accordingly.' (Quoted in References to Medical

Thus it will be seen that we cannot safely separate human health from the health
of farm produce whether animal or vegetable. All have their origin in a fertile soil.
Under field conditions a fertile soil is a live soil, and maintenance of life in such soil
depends on humus.
This proposition is nowadays generally accepted in theory, but it is little
understood in practice. Much of the existing confusion has arisen through a too
frequent misuse of the word 'humus'. The term 'giving the land humus' is too often
taken as a synonym for treating it with any form of organic matter, such as ploughing
in green crops or grass, or applying farmyard manure. But all these substances are
merely some of the raw materials from which humus can be made. They cannot
become humus until they have been metabolised by soil organisms. It is essential that
this fact should never be lost sight of.
Humus is a product of decomposition of plant and animal residues, through the
agency of micro-organisms. It has been simply yet accurately defined as the product
of living matter and the source of it. 'The chemical composition of humus is
determined by the nature of the residues from which it is formed, by the conditions of
its decomposition, and by the extent to which it is decomposed. Chemically, humus
consists of numerous organic complexes, the major group of which consists of lignins
and lignin derivatives, and of proteins; a minor group contains carbohydrates, fats,
organic acids, alcohols and other carbon compounds. The formation and mutual interrelations of these two groups of substances hold the key to the facts explaining the
chemistry of humus.' (Waksman, Humus. (Baillire, Tindall and Cox, 1937.)
Under natural conditions such as obtain in virgin forest or prairie, a constant
supply of raw material is provided by the native flora and fauna which live and die, so
to speak, in situ. Their residues and remains are continually converted by the soil
organisms into humus from which fresh life can spring. A perfect balance between

growth and decay is established, and the fertility of the soil is permanently
In ordinary farm cultivation we have a very different picture. Here, the vegetable
and animal life raised from the soil is continually, and more or less permanently,
removed from the site of its origin. If this process is to continue, fertility can only be
maintained in one of two ways; either by supplying large quantities of organic raw
materials from which humus can subsequently be manufactured in the soil itself, or
else by deliberately manufacturing humus outside the soil, and applying it to the land
as a finished product.
Ploughing in green crops and applying farmyard manure are methods of
accomplishing the first of these alternatives, but they do not of themselves supply
humus. The higher the yields required of a crop, the more necessary does it become to
convert the available raw materials into humus before they are applied to the soil. For
natural humus formation in soil is a slow process, and heavy cropping tends to
exhaust the supplies faster than they can be replenished; moreover, raw organic
matter, which is mainly cellulose, cannot become fully available to plants until it has
become humus, and the organisms responsible for the conversion, require, for the
process of manufacture, many of the elements also needed by plants.
'Humus is a manufactured product with a carbon: nitrogen ratio of about 10 to 1,
prepared from vegetable and animal wastes with a carbon: nitrogen ratio of about 33
to 1. The conversion, which is carried out by fungi and bacteria, is naturally
accompanied by the evolution of large volumes of carbon dioxide and requires a
corresponding amount of atmospheric oxygen. Besides air, the organisms concerned
in the manufacture also need water, a base to neutralize excessive acidity, and
sufficient minerals, particularly combined nitrogen. Their demands are almost
identical with those of the roots of plants. It follows therefore that any attempt to
prepare humus in the soil itself is almost certain to interfere with the crop. Hence the
injurious effects on growth which almost invariably follow the addition of straw, and
very frequently, of green manure to the soil. In such cases, the decomposition of these
materials impoverishes the soil solution, contaminates the soil atmosphere, and often
depletes the soil moisture. The result is that the soil is overworked and a poor crop is
obtained. This overwork can be avoided by taking care to prepare humus outside the
field rather than in the soil itself, and to restrict green manuring to localities where all
these factors can be relied upon to yield a satisfactory result. (As for instance, in biologically
active soil where the ploughing in is done in July or August between the spring and autumn nitrogen cycles.) The Chinese
were the first to grasp and act upon the master idea that the growth of a crop involves
two separate processes: (1) the preparation of humus from vegetable, animal and
human wastes, which must be done outside the field, and (2) the growing of the crop.'
(Howard, Manufacture of Humus by the Indore Process. Royal Society of Arts, 1935).

There are districts in China where the Chinese peasant, by adhering to this
principle, has intensively and continuously cropped his soil without loss of fertility for
forty centuries.
By 'humus manufacture' is meant deliberately speeding up the normal rate of
cellulose decomposition. The process by which this is achieved is called 'composting'.

Composting is as old as agriculture. There is some evidence that many of the

ancient civilizations, when in their prime, based their cultivation on systems of
composting and irrigation, but whereas the primitive methods were, presumably,
devised empirically, in recent years the knowledge contributed by biology, mycology
and bio-chemistry has enabled a much more scientific approach to be made to the
whole question of humus manufacture, and very exact and greatly improved methods
of composting have resulted. While different methods vary as to certain factors and
details of procedure, one fundamental principle underlies all successful compost
making. Decomposition must take place by fermentation, and not by putrefaction.
This involves careful control of the air supply, moisture content, and temperature
developed in the compost heaps. Where these points are not properly attended to, the
process has no right to be called composting, and the resultant product is not humus.
It would be tedious in a book of this kind to describe in detail the different methods of
composting in current use. To those who would like to make a comparative study of
them I recommend a booklet by F. H. Billington, called Compost, (Faber and Faber, 1942)
which contains a summary of them and also an excellent bibliography showing where
further information can be obtained. Here I shall confine myself to a description of
one method only; that devised by Sir Albert Howard in the course of his research
work in India, and now generally known as 'The Indore Process of Humus
My reasons for choosing this method are, firstly, that I have practical experience
both in its manufacture and in the excellent results following its use, and secondly
because, of all the purely organic methods that I know of, Howard's seems to me to be
at once the most adaptable to all systems of farming or gardening, and the most
foolproof. This is an important point, for no method is likely to be widely adopted by
practical cultivators, unless it is capable of being reduced to a formula, which, while
precise, must also be simple. Howard points out that:
'When the Indore process in its final form was devised between the years 1925
and 1930, the scientific approach to the utilization of crude organic matter left much
to be desired. The chief organic residues--farmyard manure, green manure, vegetable
residues, municipal wastes, sewage sludge, and crude sewage, were being studied
separately, and not as parts of a single subject. Much of the scientific work had been
done, but the various fragments were lying around in the literature very much like the
materials in a builder's yard, before the building itself is erected. On the practical side
difficulties were being experienced. The results of green manuring were erratic; most
of the methods of managing agricultural residues resulted in the loss of valuable
nitrogen; some were elaborate, and some expensive; there was no idea of examining
the experience of old cultivation systems like the Chinese, the successful continuance
of which over several thousand years is proof of efficiency, and illuminating them by
the light of modern science.
'It is claimed that the Indore process has solved these difficulties. What was
needed was the welding together of the separate fragments into a single well-ordered
method, elastic enough to be introduced into any system of agriculture. In the course
of its working out, the Indore process has been founded on correct bio-chemical
principles, and is not far removed from Chinese or other more primitive practices
evolved empirically in many parts of the world.' (Howard, Manufacture of Humus by the Indore Process.
Royal Society of Arts, 1935).

The manufacturing process itself takes place in compost heaps or pits. The
technique is simple, but must be followed with precision.
The materials needed are animal and mixed plant wastes, a base for reducing
acidity, air, and water.
The plant wastes may include all vegetable and crop residues to be found on the
farm or in the garden, such as weeds, leaves, grass, tree and bush prunings, hedge and
bank trimmings, straw and chaff, and dust-bin refuse.
If the proportion of fresh green material is likely to exceed 30 per cent, any
excess must be withered before composting begins, otherwise there is a danger that
silage rather than humus will result from the operation.. This rule does not apply to
small garden heaps. These can safely be made exclusively of fresh green material,
provided very soft fine wastes like lawn mowings are mixed with the coarser rubbish.
It is only in the large farm heaps that over-consolidation is liable to occur. The
different categories of plant wastes should be well mixed, and where these are very
long it is helpful to break or cut them into shorter lengths.
The greater the variety of materials that go to make up a compost heap the better
will be the quality of the end product, nevertheless very good compost can be made
with FYM and straw only. (See Chapter VIII.)
Any available animal manure may be used, but it is important that the urine of the
animal be carefully preserved because this contains the drainage of every cell and
gland in the animal body and is therefore rich in accessory growth substances.
As a base, earth, wood ash, chalk, sea sand, or a mixture of some of these
substances should be used. Quick lime (CaO) should be avoided as its action is too
fierce in the heap. Slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) is better, but some form of calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) is greatly to be preferred. This will neutralize excessive acidity
and at the same time provide suitable conditions for the fixation of nitrogen. Whether
heaps or pits are employed will depend on local conditions, of which the site chosen
and the rainfall are among the most important. If the site is sheltered, and there is any
danger of waterlogging, heaps are best; but they must be protected from too much
exposure to cold drying winds. Pits have the advantage of retaining the heat better and
of requiring less water. In this country heaps are usually the most satisfactory, and the
method of assembling is as follows:
The heap should be made 10 feet wide, up to any total length required, but the
length should be made in 5-foot sections, each section being completed before the
next section is begun.


Each section should be built up to a height of between 4 and 5 feet. That is to say,
the ground plan of each section will be 10 feet x 5 feet, and the elevation not less than
4 nor more than 5 feet. The mass should sink, after settling, to a height of about 3 feet.
Failure to do so is an indication that insufficient air has made its way into the heap or
that the heap is too dry, in either of these cases humus manufacture will be delayed.
As each section is completed, two vertical air vents should be made with a
crowbar or similar implement, which must be worked sideways to leave a hole 4
inches in diameter. In practice the easiest way to do this is to place two six-foot stakes
in position before the section is begun, and then to build up the section round them.
They can be worked backwards and forwards in the course of construction, and easily
withdrawn when the section is completed.
The sections are built up in layers. First, a layer of mixed plant wastes, 6 inches
thick, then a layer of farmyard (or other animal) manure, 2 inches thick, then a thin
sprinkling of earth, not more than two or three shovelfuls, containing some wood ash,
or chalk, or whatever base is available. This sandwich process is repeated until the
requisite height is reached, each section being finished off with a liberal covering of
earth an inch or more in thickness. (See Fig. 1.) Where heavy material like ordinary
FYM forms the principal ingredient of the 'animal' layer, the sections should be made
without standing on them or over consolidation will take place with a consequent
interference with the air supply.
In theory the ratio of plant and animal wastes should be such as to supply 1 lb. of
nitrogen to every 1001b. of dry vegetable matter. In practice, it has been found that it
is sufficiently accurate if the ratio of mixed plant wastes to farmyard manure is 3 to 1
by volume.

If the material is dry, the layers must be watered as they are made.
After three weeks the heap should be turned from one end by slicing it vertically
like bread, so that the different layers become thoroughly mixed, but care must be
taken to see that the outside dry material is put in the centre.
As each section of the turned heap is remade (but this time only three feet high),
the air vents should also be remade, and the layers watered again if necessary. At no
time should the heap be dry, but it should not be sodden. Too much moisture causes
the heap to pack, and interferes with the air supply. The amount of moisture should
resemble as far as possible that of a squeezed-out sponge. At the end of a further three
weeks, the heap should be turned again in the same way, but no further vertical air
vents are required.
Soon after the heap is first made an intense fermentation sets in, accompanied by
a rapid rise in temperature to about 160.0 F., which continues for a long time, with a
gradual downward gradient to about 90.0 F. This range fits in well with the optimum
temperature required by the organisms which break down cellulose. The aerobic
thermophilic bacteria thrive best between 148.0 F. and 180.0 F., and the fungi
between 97.0 F. and 130.0 F.
When the first turn is made the whole mass will be found to be covered with
greyish-white mycelium: About seven to ten days after this first turn, the material
begins to crumble and darken in colour. Bacteria from now on take the leading share
in the manufacturing process, which at this stage becomes anaerobic.
Six weeks after the second turn, that is to say about three months from the
beginning, the carbon nitrogen ratio of 33 to 1 in the original mixture will have fallen
to about 10 to 1. The whole mass has become humus, resembling in colour and
texture old leaf mould. It is now ready for the land.
At first sight this procedure may appear complicated, but I can state explicitly
from personal experience that in practice it is quite simple.(A still further simplified method is
described in a few paragraphs. For the small garden cultivator see Technical Reference No. 4.) I must, however,
repeat that for optimum results it is essential that the routine be closely followed. The
reason for this is that the value of a compost to plant life depends not so much upon
its chemical composition, as upon its biological reaction, particularly in relation to the
activities of soil fungi. Proof of this will be given in the next chapter. If the proper
temperature is not achieved at the right time, it means that a less desirable set of
organisms are at work.
'The vigour of fungal action at the earlier stages of the composting process is
evident from the abundance of mycelium present and the profusion of sporophores
intermittently produced on the surface of the heaps. A relatively early stage of
decomposition is marked by great activity of thermophilic organisms, indicated by the
development of temperatures ranging from 50 to 70 C. It is believed that the
chemical changes brought about during this stage of composting are of critical
importance in determining the value of the final product.' (Professor Neilson-Jones, 'Biological
Aspects of Soil Fertility, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 31, part 4, Cambridge Press, 1941. Republished in Problems in
Tree Nutrition, by M. C. Rayner and W. Neilson-Jones, Faber and Faber, 1944.)

A wet airless mass of rotting vegetation is decomposed not through the activities
of these aerobic organisms but through the agency of putrefactive bacteria.
Some specialists never think of making compost without the aid of a
thermometer, but there are plenty of signs which the compost maker very quickly
learns to recognize, which tell him if the process is developing correctly.
Among the good signs are: (1) copious 'steaming' from the ventilation holes; (2)
the spontaneous appearance of sporophores (In cold weather these will be found just under the surface of
the heaps.) on the heaps referred to above (see Plate 1); (3) an even distribution of
mycelium, appearing like greyish-white mildew throughout the heap at the first turn;
(4) the invasion of the heap by earthworms, which should be evident at, or soon after,
the second turn; (5) a sweet earthy smell.

PLATE I. Recently made compost heaps showing spontaneous appeareance of

sporophores (toadstools)

Signs of faulty manufacture are: (l) absence of the good signs listed above; (2) a
'bad' smell, or else a smell of ammonia; this last means that loss of nitrogen is taking
place, and is a sign of faulty aeration-it usually indicates that the heap is too wet or
too tightly packed; (3) flies frequenting the heaps or breeding on them; (4) failure of
the heap to settle; this usually means that it is too dry.
All that is required to avoid mistakes is attention to detail and a little experience
as to how to vary these details slightly to meet different weather conditions.
'Over-acidity, faulty aeration, too much moisture, or an unsuitable site-any of
these may present a passing problem in this country (owing to cold and wind). Such
problems must be tackled in the light of the special circumstances giving rise to them.
In no case yet have they proved insoluble.' (Howard, 'Manufacture of Humus by Indore Process'.)
I can assure you that composting is a fascinating game that grows on you.

When you make compost for the first time according to this recipe, it seems like a
miracle that no matter what activator is used-pig muck, blood, night soil, or sewage
sludge--the final product is inoffensive to crumble with the bare fingers, and has the
pleasant earthy smell of old leaf mould.
It is not always feasible to collect all vegetable wastes of a farm for composting
in heaps. Some of these wastes will be crop residues still growing in the field, or else
grass and clover leys to be ploughed up, or even crops specially grown for ploughing
in as green manure. In these cases the operation known as sheet composting can be
adopted. There are two methods of accomplishing this. The first is to dress such crops
with farmyard manure during the summer while they are still growing (in the case of
grass the best time is directly the first cut of hay is off), next allow the crop to grow
up through the manure to a height of eight inches to one foot, then plough-not too
deeply--while there is still enough warmth in the soil for decomposition to take place.
September is the latest month in which this can be done. This method is very
successful, complete decomposition taking place in good time for an autumn seeding.
The second method is essentially the same, but the manure is deposited on the
crop by close grazing with livestock, instead of being made in the yards and carted on.
When this method is used the stock must be removed in time to allow the crop to
grow to the requisite height before the August or September ploughing.
'One of the earliest and most effective examples of this process was originally
devised by Mr. Hosier on the poor chalk pastures of Wiltshire. Following the
introduction of the bail system, (Under this system the cows are kept in out-door folds, the movable milking plant
known as the bail following them round the fields.) the undecayed organic matter in the original turf
was rapidly converted into humus by means of the urine and dung of the cow. The
herbage improved until about the fifth year when no further progress was made. The
turf was then ploughed up and converted into humus for the benefit of two or three
straw crops, followed again by a temporary ley.' (Howard, 'The Manufacture of Humus by the Indore
Process', Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, 1938).

It is often asked whether the time and trouble involved in composting can be
justified financially, so let us look at some of the advantages of the operation.
First and foremost must be placed the high degree of disease resistance in both
crops and livestock that appears to follow liberal applications of well-made compost.
Evidence on this point will be considered later. Second, the process enables all
rubbish, wastes, and weeds of the farm to be utilized profitably. Third, the loss of
nitrogen which usually occurs in the ordinary manure heap is avoided, as well as the
bad smell and the formation of fly-breeding sites, and lastly, three times the bulk can
be made from the same head of livestock, and there is evidence to show that the
resultant product is superior. A large scale test, involving forty fields, was made on
the late Sir Bernard Greenwell's estate of humus manufactured by the Indore process
versus best quality farmyard manure, that is to say, well-rotted manure that was
practically pure dung. Load for load the compost showed in every case better results.
(Journal of the Farmers' Club, 1939).

In 1942 I carried out a somewhat similar test to determine the relative merits, ton
for ton, of Indore compost and fresh farmyard manure. The crops chosen were
potatoes and brussels sprouts, followed, in 1943, by oats and barley respectively. In

the case of the potatoes, compost at 6 tons per acre produced substantially the same
result as farmyard manure at 12 tons per acre. In the case of the sprouts, where the
compost and farmyard manure were both applied at the rate of 7 tons per acre the crop
was markedly better on the composted portions. In both cases the 1943 cereal crop
was better where compost had been used, showing that the previous year's results
were not merely due to plant food in the unrotted farmyard manure not being fully
available to the first season's crop. A detailed description of this experiment is given
in Chapter VIII. The results, which fully endorse Sir Bernard Greenwell's findings,
have an important bearing on the economic aspect of composting, for they indicate
that the output, in farmyard manure, of a given head of livestock is capable of
maintaining the fertility of two or three times as much land when it is made into
compost as when it is applied to the soil direct, since the proportion of farmyard
manure to vegetable rubbish in compost is one-third by volume. This is an important
point, especially in war-time when the livestock population is so much reduced. The
objection to composting on the grounds of labour costs is a point which I shall discuss
later. Many farms are now solving the problem through mechanization, but I may just
observe at this point that, using the Indore method, two men can by hand manufacture
1,000 tons of finished compost per year, and that once land has been restored to
fertility, an average of five tons per acre per year is sufficient to maintain fertility.
This means that two men can make enough compost for 200 acres. This, translated
into cost of man hours per acre, compares favourably with the amount many 200 acre
farms now spend on artificial fertilizers and poison sprays. In war-time, however, the
difficulty is likely to be less a question of the cost of labour, than of shortage of
labour. Where, for this or other reasons, it is found impossible either to sheet compost,
or to manufacture humus by composting in heaps, the next best method of handling
farmyard manure is as follows: Use much more litter in the yards than is the usual
custom, so that the right proportion of cellulose to dung is achieved at the outset. (As
a rough and ready guide to the amount, always keep the yards looking clean, and
never 'mucky'.) Make as much variety as possible in the littering, using in rotation all
the different cereal and pulse straws that are available on the farm. Any portion of a
root crop, hay, or silage fed to the cattle, and not eaten, also of course becomes
incorporated in the bedding. The chalk and soil can be added from time to time, as
well, or the whole yard spread with a layer of these materials immediately before it is
cleaned out so that it gets automatically mixed during the process of carting. The
addition of soil when composting is thereby rendered unnecessary except for a top
covering as each section is completed. By this method all the ingredients are
assembled together while still under the cattle. When the yards are cleaned out, cart
the manure to the field where it is to be used if possible not less than three months
before it is necessary to apply it. There make it into a 'muck hill', but build it up in
sections exactly as if it was compost. That is to say use stakes for ventilation holes,
and avoid standing on the sections. It is permissible to make the sections one foot
bigger in all directions, than compost sections, i.e. 6 ft. x 12 ft. x 6 ft., but in this case
it is advisable to make three ventilation holes. In three months, even without any
turning, the material in the heap, though not fully decomposed, will be found to be
short and friable, and will smell like compost and not like manure. It is half-way to
compost, and while not so ideal as the latter, is greatly superior to ordinary farmyard
manure. If time can be found to turn it, perfect compost results. One point more.
Compost can be applied at any time of year and in any quantity. It should be used
either as a top dressing, or ploughed or harrowed into the top few inches of soil,
where the aerobic organisms live. It should never be buried deeper than 6 inches.

Some mention must now be made of Howard's research work in India in the
course of which the Indore process was evolved. Just as McCarrison succeeded in
preventing disease among his rats by diet alone, so did Howard succeed in the
prevention of disease among his crops and livestock by treating the soil with
manufactured humus. In fact a very significant parallel exists between the
experimental work of these two men.
Although their investigations were carried out quite independently, one in the
medical and the other in the agricultural field, these can now be seen to have been
complementary, forming two parts of a connected whole.
Both McCarrison and Howard began their research work on nutrition from the
conventional approach of pathology. Both came to see that in order to discover the
secret of health it is necessary to study the healthy and not the diseased organism.
Both had the good fortune to be provided at a critical moment in their careers with
ample facilities for untrammelled research. McCarrison, when he was appointed
Director of Nutrition Research in India and given his laboratory at Coonoor, and
Howard when he was appointed Imperial Chemical Botanist to the Government of
India at Pusa. Here, he tells us, he was for the first time provided with 'real facilities
for work, land, money, and freedom to grow crops in my own way, and to observe
among other things the reaction, to insect and fungus pests, of suitable varieties when
properly grown. My real education as an investigator then began-six years after taking
my degree and after obtaining all the paper qualifications then needed for research.
My duties at the Pusa Research Institute, fortunately for me, had not been clearly
defined and I escaped the fate of many of our agricultural investigators-a life devoted
to a research organization already becoming obsolete. It was possible, therefore, to
attempt to break new ground and to try out an idea which had occurred to me in the
West Indies, namely, to see what happened when insect and fungus diseases were left
alone and allowed to develop unchecked, and where indirect methods only, such as a
combination of better varieties and improved methods of agriculture, were employed
to prevent attack.'
He took up all the land that was still available at Pusa, some seventy-five acres,
and spent his first five years in India ascertaining by practical experience the
principles underlying health in crops. He found that his best teachers were the
peasants of India themselves, and the insects and fungi which attack crops.
'By 1910,' he writes, 'I had learnt a great deal from my new instructors--how to
grow healthy crops practically free from disease without any help from mycologists,
entomologists, bacteriologists, agricultural chemists, statisticians, clearing-houses of
information, artificial manures, spraying machines, insecticides, fungicides,
germicides and all the expensive paraphernalia of the modern Experimental Station.'
In the course of the work which resulted in this very considerable achievement,
Howard formed the opinion that the key to disease resistance was a fertile soil, and
that soil fertility could not be brought about by the use of artificial fertilizers, but was
absolutely dependent on adequate supplies of humus. His subsequent experiments
convinced him that the best results are obtained when humus is scientifically
manufactured outside the field, and that this humus is only fully effective if composed
of both vegetable and animal waste products.

Before the Indore process was evolved, tests were made to see if the same results
could be obtained without the compost containing any proportion of animal wastes;
but the peculiar power of humus to give resistance to disease was markedly less when
the animal element was omitted.
'Ill-advised attempts in Ceylon to make compost with vegetable wastes alone
have resulted in failure for the investigator himself and hindrance and discouragement
for the other planters who were tempted to follow his example. The actual growth
following the application of compost made from vegetable wastes alone is definitely
improved, bu no resistance to disease is established-indeed, a reverse effect has been
'On the other hand, I have before me two reports from estates in Africa where
animals have lately been included in the estate economy solely for the purpose of
making up the necessary complement of animal wastes in the compost heaps, with
extraordinarily impressive results. Large-scale experiments will soon provide
incontrovertible evidence on this point; but it has been clear to me since the inception
of the Indore process that animal wastes, even if (as in certain places in Great Britain)
such substitutes as dried blood are resorted to in the absence of farm yard manure, are
absolutely necessary.' (Howard, Humus. Revista del Instituto de defensa del Cape de Costa Rica, 1939).
An explanation for the failure which usually results from the omission of the
animal element will be given in Chapter V.
Howard further reached the conclusion, as a result of his experiments, that crops
have a natural power of resistance to infection, and that proper nutrition is all that is
required to make this power operative. Here was a close parallel to the rats of
Coonoor; but in comparing the work of McCarrison and Howard, a point of particular
interest emerges. When McCarrison's rats reached an age comparable with the fifties
in human life, those which had been fed on the sort of food common among English
working people were found, you will remember, to suffer from the same degenerative
diseases which are rife amongst our population, while complete freedom from such
diseases was displayed by the rats fed on the food of Hunza or Sikh, but McCarrison
did not, so far as I am aware, attempt to cure the sick rats by a return to the Sikh diet,
nor does he appear to have tested the two groups for their comparative powers of
resistance to infective diseases.
The results of Howard's work on the other hand suggest that crops and livestock
raised on land made fertile by his methods of humus treatment attain a high measure
of immunity from infective and parasitic, as well as from degenerative diseases.
Further, it would appear that this treatment is curative as well as preventative. (See
Chapter VI.)

In three centres in India, Howard was in control of extensive areas of land for a
period of twenty-one years, and there he was able to carry out tests to prove his
He claims to have found that the factor 'that matters most in soil management is a
regular supply of freshly made humus, prepared from animal and vegetable wastes
and that the maintenance of soil fertility is the basis of health'. (Howard, quoted from Medical

He further claims that his crops grown on land so treated resisted all the pests
which were rife in the district and that this resistance was passed on to the livestock
when these were fed on crops so grown.


'I then took steps to have my own oxen and to ascertain from firsthand experience
the reaction of well-chosen and well-fed animals to diseases like rinderpest, Johne's
disease and so forth which are common in India. After a short time my animals duly
came into contact with other oxen suffering, among other things, from foot-andmouth disease.
'I have myself seen my oxen rubbing noses with foot-and-mouth cases. Nothing
happened. The healthy, well-fed animal reacted towards this disease exactly as
improved and properly cultivated crops did to insects and fungi-no infection occurred.
'These preliminary results suggested that the birthright of every crop and of every
animal is health and that the correct method of dealing with disease is not to destroy
the parasite but to make use of it for keeping agricultural practice up to the mark-in
other words to regard the diseases of crops and livestock as Nature's Professors of
Agriculture. These ideas were put to the test during the next twenty-one years at three
centres in India, at all of which I had to manage large areas of land, and look after
numerous oxen: Pusa (1910-24) ; Quetta (summers of 1910-18); Indore (1924-31).
Everything possible was done to grow crops properly; everything possible was done
for the livestock as regards food, hygiene and general management. The result was
freedom from disease.' (Howard, quoted from Medical Testament.)
These remarkable results are by no means isolated.
The Indore process has since been put to the test in other parts of India, and also
in many widely separated places throughout the world, including this country. Its
adoption has been attended by remarkable, and sometimes even spectacular, results.
Representative examples of these results will be given in a later chapter, but first,
in order that you may be in a position to form an unbiased judgement on the value of
the evidence that can be deduced from them, it is necessary that the true nature of
compost action should be made clear. Its behaviour differs widely from that of an
ordinary manure, and it is important that this fact should be grasped, and the reasons
for it understood.


'The soul dares not believe its own marvellous guesses and instincts
unless it can fall back on definite dogma for confirmation.'
Coventry Patmore
(*This chapter, and the one following it, are very important to the argument of the book, but it is not
essential that they should be read by the non-scientifically minded, or by those who are only interested in
the conclusions to be drawn from them. Any reader, therefore, who finds them stiff, will lose little by
reading the rest of the book first.)

I have stated that Howard and others claim to have proved by practical field tests
extending over a number of years, that humus treatment confers on plants a power of
disease resistance amounting in some cases almost to immunity, and that a like result
is not, and cannot be, obtained by the use of artificial fertilizers. These views,
however, are by no means universally accepted; it is therefore necessary to examine in
some detail the scientific evidence in support of them.
As this assumes the probability that the soil micro-flora plays a direct and
important part in the nutrition of the higher plants, I must first present the evidence on
which this assumption is based.
This is an extremely complex subject, and a wide diversity of views exist
concerning it, many of them still controversial. That soil fungi are capable of utilizing
complex organic substances not directly available to higher plants, and of breaking
these down into simpler forms, is an established fact. That many of these fungi also
excrete substances that appear to act as a stimulant to growth also seems clear from
the evidence. But the now very considerable and growing body of research work on
mycorrhizal association seems to suggest that very many plant species and families
benefit from the presence of specific soil fungi in a particular and intimate way.
The history of this research goes back nearly 100 years. Thread-like structures
within the root cells of certain vascular plants were noted as early as 1829, and by
1847 were identified as being fungus mycelium. Frank described the 'dual structure
formed by the tree root with its associated mycelium' under the name of Mycorrhizal
and the name has stuck. (From Myco=fungal, and Rhiza=root. Should strictly only be used to denote a true fungus
root, but is often loosely used to describe all mycorrhizal infection.)

'The outstanding results of Frank's preliminary investigations, were, firstly, the

recognition of root infection as a widespread phenomenon in trees, and the bestowal
upon it of a distinctive name marking its existence as a morphological entity; and,
secondly, the rejection of the accepted view of parasitic invasion of these roots,
whether by truffles or other soil fungi, and the substitution of his theory of a

symbiotic relationship beneficial to the trees. The far-reaching character of this

hypothesis was a direct incentive towards the collection and interpretation of new
facts bearing on the subject.' (M. C. Rayner, D.Sc., Mycorrhiza. Cambridge Press.)
This collection and interpretation has gone on ever since. It is a fascinating story,
and has been fascinatcngly told by Dr. M. C. Rayner in her monograph on the subject.
(M. C. Rayner, D.Sc., Mycorrhiza. Cambridge Press.)

Since ignorance concerning this aspect of plant nutrition is very widespread, it

may be helpful to give a very brief description of the mycorrhizal habit.
Mycorrhizas are usually classified, according to their structure, into two main
groups, called ectotrophic and endotrophic, though these structural types are not
nowadays considered to be sharply marked off one from the other.
The mycorrhizas of many trees and shrubs belong to the former group. These can
easily be recognized by their outward appearance as distinct from ordinary rootlets.
They form the short root system of such trees as pines and spruces, and members of
the oak and beech family. A sheath of mycelium is formed over the tip of the young
rootlets, and the internal fungus infection is mainly intercellular.
Members of the second group resemble ordinary roots to the inexperienced
observer, though it is often possible to identify them by irregularity in diameter and
differences in opacity. The fungus infection of this group is mainly intracellular, the
mycelium within the cell walls eventually undergoing complete digestion by the plant
cell. This process is plainly visible under a microscope (see Plate II). It is to this group
that the mycorrhizas of the majority of crop plants belong.

PLATE II. Fig. 1. Longitudinal section through a mycorhizal root of Tea, showing
coils of active hyphae within the cell, and passing from cell to cell. Magnified about
450 times. Fig. 2. Ditto, showing disorganized and digested hyphae within a cell.
More highly magnified than Fig. 1. Fig. 3. Longitudinal section through micorrhizal
root of grass (Lolium Temulentum) showing adanced stage of digestion of intracellular hyphae. Fig. 4. Longitudinal section through a micorrhizal root of Lawson's
Cyprus showing coils of active hyphae within the cells. A vesicle formed by the
infesting fungus is shown towards the left of the photograph. Figs. 1, 2 and 4, from
original photomicrographs. Fig. 3 from an original drawing.

The function of mycorrhizal association has been, and to a certain extent still is, a
matter of controversy. The views of the early investigators ranged from the theory that
the association was an accidental parasitic attack injuring the roots, to that of a
mutually beneficent symbiosis, playing an indispensable part in plant nutrition.
The effect of the most recent research is to discredit entirely the first view. A
phenomenon can hardly be accidental that occurs 'in wild and cultivated plants; in
those growing in tropical forests and within the Arctic Circle; in habitats so different
as the high Alps and the salt marsh, affecting an immense number of species of
diverse families and occurring regularly under the most varied conditions of climate
and soil.' (Rayner, 'Mycorrhizal Association in Crop Plants', Empire Cotton Growing Review.) The list of known
mycorrhiza-formers is being continually extended; at present it includes among
tropical and sub-tropical crop plants, tea, coffee, sugar-cane, oil palm, coconut, cocoa,
rubber, and tobacco; and among those grown in these islands and Europe, grasses

including the cereals, potatoes, vine, hops, clovers, peas, beans and other leguminous
crops, as well as many wild plants. Truly 'the habit challenges attention as a factor of
significant potential importance to practical growers'. (Rayner, 'Mycorrhizal Association in Crop
Plants', Empire Cotton Growing Review.)

The theory of parasitism is equally untenable. In some highly specialized groups

such as some of the orchids and heaths, the mutualism is so clearly defined that in
some cases normal seedling development depends, under natural conditions, on the
presence of the fungus. (For example Ling or Scotch Heather (Calluna Vulgaris). See Rayner, Mycorrhiza, p. 96.)
In others the host plant dies or suffers from completely arrested development without
its fungus associate. See below. Also experiments with beech described in Mycorrhiza, p. 24.) In other less
specialized varieties, it has been noted, among all those that have been closely studied
under natural conditions, that the healthiest, most vigorous plants are those with the
most active and widespread fungus infection, whereas in poorly developed and
unhealthy plants, infection is weak and localized or even absent, so that to accept the
theory of parasitism 'involves the paradoxical assumption that healthy growth is
invariably accompanied by decreased resistance to parasitic attack, and by the
production of an absorbtive system the major part of which is hampered by fungal
interference'. (Rayner, Forestry, 1939.)
Since vigorous fungal activity in soil is dependent on adequate supplies of
humus, it should now be clear that some knowledge of the part played in the life of
the higher plants by soil microflora and fauna in general, and mycorrhizal association
in particular, is an indispensable equipment of any would-be entrant into the arena of
the Humus v. Chemical controversy, yet it is my experience that the majority, if not
all, of the disinterested advocates of chemical fertilizers are totally ignorant of the
subject, and that their ignorance is shared by many of their opponents in the humus
This ignorance is perhaps excusable when it is remembered that even to-day few
botanical text-books give an adequate or unbiased account of mycorrhizal association,
(An exception is Biology of Flowering Plants by Skene.) and still fewer indicate the potential practical
importance of this widespread habit among vascular plants.
Indeed the extent to which the whole subject has been ignored, even by accepted
experts in soil science and plant physiology is difficult to understand. It is probably
due to a variety of causes, of which the principal one is, I think, the over-emphasis on
chemistry which, since Liebig, has been a feature of agricultural and horticultural
research. This has resulted in soil chemists rather than soil biologists being placed in
control of experimental stations. Secondly, soil biologists have tended to focus their
attention on specialized groups of soil organisms such as, for example, nitrogen-fixing
bacteria, and specific parasitic fungi. They have largely overlooked the general
relationship of the soil micro-flora with normal plant growth.
This fragmentation, while understandable, nevertheless seems to me to be the
curse of much modern research. Whatever we study, our tendency is to break it up
into little bits, thereby destroying the whole, and then to study the effect or behaviour
of the separate pieces as though they were independent, instead of--as in fact they are-interdependent.

The importance of the science of ecology in all fields of living matter has been
increasingly realized in recent years, and it is recognized that the study of plant
ecology is still in its infancy. Using the same analogy one might justly say that the
study of soil ecology is in the pre-natal state. There are, however, signs that the birth
pangs have begun, and the infant, when it arrives, promises to be a lusty one, destined
perhaps to play a vital part in man's better understanding of how to live.
When this happens no research worker will have a greater claim to rank among
the chief assistants at its birth than Dr. Rayner. Her recent work on mycorrhizal
association has been mainly concerned with trees, and her investigations are quite
separate from, and independent of, any of the aspects of soil fertility and health dealt
with in this book. Their importance in connection with this subject rests mainly on the
fact that an incidental result of her work has been greatly to elucidate the nature of
compost action, and the effects of its application on the soil population.
The exact manner in which associated or other soil fungi benefit higher plants is a
question on which experts still differ. I discuss some of the different theories in the
next chapter. The accurate answer to the question is of immense scientific interest but
from the practical point of view it is more important to establish the fact that the plant
does benefit, and in a way that is vital, either directly from the presence of these
fungi, or from soil conditions which also favour free fungal development, for
obviously if such a fact were fully established in regard to crop plants the implications
would be very far-reaching. Among other results would be a complete justification of
Howard's conclusions, for, as already stated, fungi thrive in humus and cannot live in
soil without it; moreover there are indications that soil fungi are inhibited by many
chemical fertilizers. (See chapters V and VI.)
The difficulty of providing critical proof of the beneficent action of soil fungi on
crop plants arises from the paucity of direct scientific evidence regarding the
physiological role of endotrophic groups of mycorrhizal fungi in plant nutrition, from
the scattered nature of the circumstantial evidence, and from the extreme complexity
of the subject. This last may well be responsible for the different results sometimes
obtained by different investigators concerning the relative merits of organic versus
chemical soil treatments.
My difficulty, therefore, in adventuring into this sea of cross currents was to find
a really secure anchorage from which to start. When, in the course of extensive
reading on the subject, I obtained access to the reports of Dr. Rayner's recent work on
trees at Wareham Forest, I decided, rightly or wrongly, that I had found such a
starting point.
True, these investigations were concerned with the ectotrophic mycorrhizal
responses in coniferous trees growing on natural soils, and might at first sight appear
to be totally inapplicable to crop cultivation, nor do I claim that they are directly so
applicable. The great advantage of them, as a starting point from which to consider
the evidence in a wider field, is that while most of this other evidence is at best only
circumstantial, though none the less cogent, the evidence of Rayner's experiments
provide, in the case of certain important conclusions, critical scientific proof of so
definite a nature as to preclude the possibility of doubt concerning the correctness of
the deductions.

This being so, I felt that despite the specialized nature of the material under
investigation at Wareham, here was a yardstick by which some of the scattered
evidence covering a much wider field of material and conditions might perhaps be
measured. My reasoning ran thus: In the course of Rayner's investigations on pines,
certain soil treatments produced certain responses in the tree seedlings. The reasons
for the results obtained were definitely and fully established. If it could be shown that
similar treatments produced similar responses in crop plants on cultivated soils, then a
prima facie case would have been made out for assuming that in both cases the same
cause was operating.
I received early encouragement to pursue further this line of thought when I
learned that the indigenous vegetation growing in the experimental area at Wareham
did in fact respond to certain treatments in much the same way as the trees.
In the next chapter I shall develop further the hypothesis that an analogy exists
between the Wareham experiments and crop cultivation. First I wish to describe two
of the experiments themselves. The first proved that compost does not act like an
ordinary manure by supplying nutrients to the pine roots direct (although this
discovery when originally made was quite incidental to the work in hand), but that it
acts indirectly by stimulating the activity of soil fungi. The second proved that the
action of these fungi, in association with the pine roots, stimulated both root and shoot
development in a manner far surpassing anything obtained by inorganic chemicals,
this being demonstrated not only by the size of the tree seedlings under investigation,
but also by their health and vigour, and powers of disease resistance.
I am greatly indebted to Dr. Rayner, and to the editor of Forestry (The Journal of the
for permission to use abstracts and quotations from the
papers describing these experiments, and to reproduce some of the photographs which
illustrate them.
Society of Foresters of Great Britain)

Dr. Rayner is perhaps the first botanist to realize that the question of the exact
function of mycorrhizal association in trees, so long a matter of controversy, can
never be finally answered in the laboratory.
'Modern research on mycorrhizal problems has been marked by recognition of the
extraordinary frequency of the phenomenon in nature and by the application of more
precise methods of research involving isolation and pure culture of the fungi
concerned. Investigations of this kind are laborious; extraction of the mycorrhizal
fungi and the synthesis of fungus and host in pure culture present difficulties, while
evidence of behaviour under fully controlled conditions must be applied with the
greatest caution to those in nature. The mycorrhizal habit, possibly of critical
importance to plants exposed to full competition in the field, may play an insignificant
part in the nutrition of the same species sheltered from such competition. For the
latter, the rooting conditions are relatively simple and static; to the former they must
present a succession of complex and continually shifting problems complicated by the
direct competition of other soil organisms for food materials, and also indirectly by
changes in the environment conditioned by these and other microbiological activities.'
(Rayner, Forestry, 1939.)

Holding these views, it was only natural that Rayner should be on the look-out
for opportunities of conducting research on mycorrhizal reaction under natural
conditions, and of supplementing laboratory tests by field tests.
An admirable opportunity occurred in connection with the afforestation under the
Forestry Commission of a tract of 3,454 acres of very poor infertile land at Wareham
Forest in Dorset.
The early attempts at tree planting there had met with very irregular results, a
large proportion of the seedlings having died outright or passed into a condition of
'more or less complete check'. Rayner records that 'It is still possible 14-16 years after
these original sowings, to find surviving seedlings a few inches high. The root
systems of such plants from untreated soil even when quite young, were defective,
with intermittent die back of the younger roots, and corresponding poverty of
mycorrhizas.' (Rayner, Forestry, 1939.)
In 1930 Rayner began her series of researches into the cause of infertility for tree
growth in the Wareham soil. She formed the opinion that in those places where tree
growth was inhibited a toxic factor in the soil was operating. This view was
subsequently proved to be correct by independent investigation and the toxin was
shown to be of biological origin. (Professor Neilson-Jones, 'Biological Aspects of Soil Fertility', Journal of
Agricultural Research, Vol. 31, Part 4, October 1941. (See also Chapter V and Bibliography.) This peculiarity in the
Wareham soil greatly facilitated the investigation. One of the factors adding to the
difficulty of mycorrhizal research under natural conditions is the liability of roots to
suffer attack by parasitic fungi, when conditions favouring mycorrhizal association
are upset. In untreated Wareham soil all fungal growth is more or less inhibited, and
thus experiments designed to determine mycorrhizal responses were exceptionally
free from any confusing issues.
The earlier experiments at Wareham proved conclusively that mycorrhizal
association in pine is causally related with healthy growth, and experimental soil
treatments were designed to ameliorate the conditions believed to be responsible for
inhibition of fungal activity, and ultimately for defective root growth of the pines
sown or planted in the area. Chief among the treatments adopted by Rayner to this end
was the use of different kinds of carefully prepared organic composts. The results
were startling. (See Plates III-V.) They were published in the 1936 issue of the
Journal, and caused a flutter in forestry circles; also some controversy, for while the
results of her treatment could not be disputed--they were there for all to see--her
conclusions were not always accepted. At that time proof was still lacking of the
correctness of her initial hypothesis of the biological origin of soil infertility at
Wareham, and it was argued that it was the chemical nutrients in the composts that
affected the growth of the trees, and not their effect upon biological soil activities. An
experiment was therefore designed as an answer to this criticism.

PLATE III. Experimental Field Plots at Wareham Forest, Dorset. Scots Pine, sown
April, 1933, photographed July, 1935. Fig. 1 Control plot untreated. Fig. 2. Plot
treated 10 lb. compost Cl. Fig. 3. Plot treated 10 lb. compost C5. All from more
exposed area.
Plates III to X reproduced by the courtesy of the Editor of Forestry

PLATE IV. Fig. 1. 7 months from sowing. Figs. 2 and 3. 15 months from sowing.
Fig. 1 shows representative pots of controls (C0) and plants treated C1 and C5
respectively; at this age condition in each series was uniform. Fig. 2. Representative
pots of controls and plants treated C1; all pots uniform within series. Fig. 3.
Representative pots of controls and plants treated C5. Controls uniform in all pots of
series; range of variations in treated plants illustrated.

PLATE V. Fig. 1. Lodgepole Pine (Pinus Contorta) roots from untreated soil (C0)
and from soil treated with C5 compost (field plot). Fig. 2. Ditto, roots from untreated
soil (C0) and from soil treated with C1 compost (pot cultures).

Field observations had already indicated the complex nature of compost action.
For example, tests were made with two composts of almost exactly similar
appearance and chemical composition. One was made with 75 per cent softwood
sawdust and 25 per cent fallen beech leaves, and the other with 75 per cent softwood
sawdust and 25 per cent chopped straw, both were composted with 1 per cent of
nitrogen in the form of dried blood. When these were applied to field sowings of
Scots pine, the first produced 'well-balanced, vigorous growth with free development
of mycorrhizas of normal structure', while the second produced results 'little better
than the untreated controls'. Yet the same two composts when applied to another
species of pine (Pinus Contorta) both produced equally vigorous growth, in marked
contrast to the controls.
The whole of the experimental area suffers from a marked phosphate deficiency.,
and the application of phosphate in certain forms (notably basic slag and bone meal)
has brought about effects in kind similar to that induced by compost treatment, though
the extent of growth stimulation is greater with composts (see Plates VI and VII). On
the other hand phosphate applied in some other forms, superphosphate for instance,
proved lethal to the trees.

PLATES VI AND VII. Wareham Forest, Dorset. Comparative effects produced by

two composts (C1 and C5) and Basic Slag on field sowings of Corsican pine.
Photographs at representative patches 17 months from sowing. Fig. 1. Control
untreated. Fig. 2. Treated 2 oz. basic slag at sowing. Fig. 3. Treated 2 lb. of C1
compost at sowing. Fig. 4. Treated 2 lb. C5 compost at sowing.

These various observations are held to support the view that compost, and very
probably phosphate also when applied in the form of basic slag or bone meal, act
indirectly, and that their organic constitution, and their effect on the soil micro-flora,
are more critically important to the growth of conifers, than the quantity of available
nutrients which they may contain. In order to put this hypothesis to the test the
following experiment was carried out.' See Forestry, 1939 issue, or Problems in Tree Nutrition, Faber and

Several series of pot sowings of Scots pine were made in imported Wareham soil.
In two series, two different composts (C 1 and C 5) were added at the time of sowing.
Two other series received the amount of salts needed to supply nitrogen, potash,
phosphoric acid, and lime, in the same quantities as those present in the compost. (For
exact analyses, and details of technique, see Technical Ref. No. 5b p. 235.) A fifth series was sown in the
experimental soil with cow manure added at the same rate as the compost. The control
series consisted of sowings in the experimental soil without any addition.
C 5 compost is made from hop waste, and C 1 compost from chopped straw. In
this experiment both were composted with 1 percent nitrogen in the form of dried

All series were run in two alternative ways. In one group any excess of water
which drained from the pots was discarded. In the other it was collected in darkened
containers, in which the pots stood, and was regularly returned again to the pots. In
this second group, therefore, no soluble nutrients were lost through leaching. The
plants were watered with rain water throughout the experiment which lasted for two
Rayner reports that all cultures were 'entirely satisfactory in respect to health of
the seedlings, uniformity of growth within each series, and range of variation within
the populations of individual pots.'
At the end of the first year's growth control seedlings in the untreated Wareham
soil 'made defective root and shoot growth and produced short needles of a bad
colour'. The series receiving equivalent salts were 'quite healthy and vigorous' but
were markedly smaller than the plants of either composted series. (See Plate VIII,
top.) Both these last made much more growth than any of the other series, the
maximum being obtained with C 5 compost. In both, 'shoot and root development
were greater, needles longer and of better colour'.

PLATE VIII. C0Wareham soil untreated. C5 same plus 25% C5 compost. C5 salts.
same plus equivalent nutrient salts of C5. C1 same plus 25% C1 compost. C1 salts.
same plus equivalent nutrient salts of C1. Group 1. Drainage not returned, on left.

Group 2. Drainage returned, on right. Top: six months from sowing. Middle and
bottom: 18 months from sowing.

There was very little difference in any of the series between the two groups, one
with and one without having the drainage water returned. During the second season
the differences in growth between the various series was maintained. (See Plate VIII,
middle and bottom.) But by the end of that year when the experiment was brought to
an end, a marked difference had become apparent within the different series between
the groups receiving and not receiving the return drainage water. This affected not
only the size but also the health and vigour of the seedlings.
In the case of the compost treated plants, and those with cow manure, the return
of drainage water proved to be beneficial, the dry weights of the seedlings in these
series, exceeding those of the same series in the group not receiving the drainage
water by from 2.2 per cent in the case of cow manure up to 1221 per cent in the case
of C 5 compost. In the case of the control seedlings in untreated soil and those
receiving equivalent salts, the reverse effect was apparent. Here return of the drainage
water proved to be deleterious. In this case the dry weights of the seedlings in these
series were less than the same series in the group not receiving the return drainage
water, by amounts ranging from 23.7 per cent in the case of C 5 salts up to 32.5 per
cent in the case of the controls.
A further interesting point was noted, the increases and decreases in the dry
weights were calculated separately for the root and shoot systems and it was found
that where the return of the drainage was beneficial, the increase in dry weight was
greatest in the case of the root system, whereas in those series where the return
drainage proved to be deleterious the decreases in dry weights were greatest in the
shoot system.
The detailed table of weights is given in Technical reference No. 5c. Tables 3 and
3A give a summary.
Increase weight
Wareham Soil + C 5 compost
Wareham Soil + C 1 compost
Wareham Soil + Cow Manure

.7 2


Decrease weight
Wareham Soil untreated
Wareham Soil + C 5 equivalent salts
Wareham Soil + C 1 equivalent salts

Rayner's observations on this result are as follows:



'The presence of soil substances actively inimical to root growth was inferred at
an early stage of the Wareham researches. It was, indeed, the conclusion derived from
this inference, that the marked infertility of this soil for tree growth is more closely
related to the presence of such toxic substances than to poverty of nutrients, that led
originally to the use of organic composts as a means of alleviating the unfavourable
'In view of the purpose of the present experiments, however, it is regarded as
highly significant that return of drainage water over considerable periods has provided
evidence of a depressing effect upon growth, far exceeding in magnitude any
beneficial effect derived from return of leached nutrients, in all cases except those in
which the soil received additions of organic matter in the form of composts or cow
manure. The results of the present experiments thus confirm conclusions already
reached in respect to the existence of deleterious substances in the soil solution, and
clarify previous observations on the beneficial effects of leaching in pot cultures. Not
only so, but they afford convincing evidence in support of the hypothesis that compost
treatments operate mainly by bringing about fundamental changes in the organic
residues, whereby the microbiological activities of the soil and their ultimate byproducts are profoundly and permanently modified.
'The experiments show that increase in the supply of available nutrients plays a
relatively insignificant role in the steady maintenance of healthy and vigorous growth
that follows addition of composts to the soil. They show further that addition of
mineral salts is practically without influence on the production of substances
deleterious to growth, whereas that of composts--and to a less extent of cow manure-puts a stop to the production of undesirable by-products, thereby rendering the
leachings innocuous and permitting utilization of any nutrients returned with them.'
Examination of the root systems for mycorrhizal reaction at the end of the
experimental period showed that in these pot experiments, 'All plants showing
maximum size, health and vigour, showed also a maximum development of
mycorrhizal fungi.' (Space does not permit the inclusion of a detailed description of the mycorrhizal responses in the
different series of this experiment. Readers are referred to Dr. Rayner's paper in the 1939 issue of Forestry which is published as
a reprint by the Oxford University Press, or to her book Problems in Tree Nutrition, Faber and Faber.)

Discussing the results of this experiment Rayner writes:

'The experiments described in this paper were designed to meet the criticism that
addition of mineral nutrients to the soil, in amounts corresponding to those in
composts, would produce similar effects on growth, and to establish the correctness of
conclusions put forward in an earlier communication. For the soil under investigation,
these conclusions were that the use of organic composts produced qualitative changes
in the humus constituents and that these, rather than increase in the supply of
available nutrients, are the fundamental cause of restored fertility. The failure of
growth and irregularity of behaviour observed in the trees were interpreted as bound
up with biological activities yielding inimical by-products, and not merely as a
resultance of poverty in available nutrients.
'The evidence derived from the pot-cultures in Series 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the present
experiments affords direct support for this hypothesis of compost action. It proves that
increasing the supply of nutrients in this poor soil by addition of soluble salts of

nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid, corresponding in amounts to those in the

composts, evokes surprisingly little response in pine seedlings, even when potential
loss by leaching is compensated for by return of all drainage throughout the period of
the experiment. It thus provides a complete refutation of the criticism that the action
of the composts in promoting the healthy growth of young trees on certain soils is
mainly due to increased supply of directly available nutrients, confirming the
conclusion that the action of the compost in stimulating the growth of pine seedlings
differs essentially from that of ordinary manures. . . .'
I have described this experiment in some detail, because the point which it
emphasizes cannot be too often repeated, namely, that the value of compost as a
treatment for crops cannot be measured only, or even mainly, in terms of its chemical
It may be argued that no such general deduction can be made from the results of
experiments carried out on conifers, and on a soil type so extreme as that at Wareham.
I offer my answer to this possible criticism in the next chapter, when the whole
question of the wider application of the Wareham experiments will be considered. At
this point I go no farther than to assert that in so far as the pine seedlings under
consideration were concerned, the experiment just described definitely established the
claim that compost does not act like an ordinary manure. Further, it demonstrated that
while compost possesses the power to remove factors inhibiting fungal activity,
continued application of nutrients in the form of chemical salts does not.
That mycorrhizal activity follows the application of compost was proved by
examination of the root systems concerned. That this increased activity was due to
stimulation of the fungi already present, and not to active mycelium introduced with
the compost was proved by the fact that mycorrhizal activity was also found to follow
applications of sterilized compost.
Although these vigorous mycorrhizas formed by healthy seedlings treated with
compost show marked structural differences from those growing in untreated soil,
there is no question of a different fungus being responsible. In natural Wareham soil
only one species of fungus has ever been observed as forming association with Scots
'All mycorrhizas, whether normal in structure or otherwise, are formed by
association with B. bovinus identified in the case of each type by isolation of the
mycelium and comparative study in pure culture.'
We now come to the second point. The series of experiments which established
the fact that it was the stimulation of the mycorrhizal fungus, by whatever means
induced, that was responsible for the restored fertility. Proof of this has been supplied
by a series of experiments, the results of which are described in a paper by Rayner
and Levisohn published in the 1941 issue of Forestry. (Reprinted in Problems in Tree Nutrition,
Faber and Faber.) These experiments took the form of isolating the mycelium responsible at
Wareham for the formation of mycorrhizas in pine, and then using different forms of
the pure fungus in a series of soil inoculations. Tests were also made with humus

These investigations were carried out both in field plots and in pot experiments.
In the latter, the sequence of events already observed in compost treated plants
followed in all cases, whether the inoculum employed consisted of pieces of natural
sporophores, fragments of humus from suitable soil (see Plate IX), or pure fungus
culture raised on laboratory media. In all these cases inoculation was followed by
development of the short root system of the seedlings, and the subsequent rapid
conversion of these roots into mycorrhizas. A marked improvement in the health and
growth of the seedlings then took place.

PLATE IX. Fig. 1. Lodgepole pine. A Wareham soil. B ditto plus 5 gm. inoculum of
Californian soil. C soil from E1 Dorado National Forest California, all 13 months
from sowing. Fig. 2. Norway spruce. C0 Wareham soil untreated. C1 ditto plus C1
compost. 18 months from sowing. Fig. 3. ditto. Right-hand pot, Wareham soil plus 5
gm. inoculum Swedish soil. Left-hand pot Wareham soil plus C1 compost plus 5 gm.
inoculum Swedish soil. 18 months from sowing. Fig. 4. ditto. C0 (left) Wareham soil
untreated. C0 (centre) Wareham soil plus 5 gm. inoculum of Swedish soil. C5
Wareham soil plus C5 compost plus 5 gm. inoculum Swedish soil, all 27 months
from sowing.

In the field plot experiments the inocula were inserted here and there throughout
the plots, a few inches below the surface. In this series of investigations the resulting
responses were much more variable than in the pot experiments, but in all cases an
improvement in growth as compared with the controls took place, though in some of
the pure culture inoculations this was considerably delayed.
Plate X illustrates the results on one of these plots.

PLATE X. Fig. 1. Scots pine control seed plot, Wareham experimental area,
untreated soil. Fig. 2. Ditto, seed plot Wareham experimental area, treated with
inoculum of Bolitus Bovinus in pure culture 14 months from sowing.
Both photographs 8 years from sowing and on same scale.

In these field plot inoculation experiments, the improvement in the health and
growth of the seedlings in the plots treated began with those growing nearest the
points of inoculation, and gradually spread outwards from them, through the plot.
Stimulus to growth must therefore 'originate in these inocula and is evidently
biological in character. . . . It is legitimate to infer that the biological constituent
concerned in all these cases is mycelium of a fungus or fungi known to form
mycorrhizas with the tree species under observation; known to be introduced in the
inoculum and observed to be present in the mycorrhizas subsequently developed. . . .
The conclusion follows, therefore, that soil activities leading to the stimulation of
plant growth are induced by the introduction to seed-beds of suitable inocula, whether
of soil fragments or sporophore tissue, or pure cultures of specific mycorrhizaformers,' and 'This stimulus to root production is directly related in some manner-at
present unexplained-to the results of fungal activity in the soil.' (For detailed technique of this
experiment the reader is again referred to Forestry, 1939 issue, or Problems in Tree Nutrition, Faber and Faber.)

As a result of the two series of investigations just described, it must be conceded

that in the case of pine seedlings grown on Wareham soil, the following facts are fully
(a) Compost treatment produces healthy growth absent in the controls.
(b) This is not due to the available plant nutrients contained in the compost.
(c) Nutrients supplied in the form of inorganic salts fail to correct the toxic
condition, and their continued application increases it.
(d) The vital factor governing restored fertility is stimulation of mycelial activity.
Before proceeding to the next step in the building up of my case there is one
more of the Wareham results which must be mentioned. This is concerned with
observations made on Lawson's cypress. This conifer, unlike pines and spruces, forms
endotrophic mycorrhizas in common with ordinary crop plants (see Plate II, Fig. 4). It
is a native of the northern Pacific States of the U.S.A. and is commonly planted as an
ornamental tree in gardens in this country. It is 'not fastidious in respect to soil and
climate under these conditions'. (Rayner, Forestry, 1941.)
During the earlier afforestation attempts at Wareham a few experimental
plantings of this tree were made there. The seedlings used were transplants from
nursery soil. Some were transplanted into untreated Wareham soil, others received 2
oz. of basic slag at the time of planting. When Dr. Rayner's attention was first drawn
to these seedlings, four years after planting, they were 'conspicuous for the vigorous
growth made on very poor light soil . . . both the control plants and those that had
received phosphate were equally healthy and vigorous; in both the foliage was green,
and there were no symptoms of malnutrition.'
This behaviour was so surprising in view of the natural habitat of this tree, and so
at variance with the usual experience at Wareham, that an examination was
undertaken of the root systems of seedlings growing at Wareham, of others in the
original nursery soil, and of a third series sent from Oregon, U.S.A.
In plants from all these sources 'the whole root system including the young active
roots proved to be mycorrhizal, showing deep-seated infection by the mycelium of a
fungus of the vesicular-arbuscular type'. Pot sowings were then undertaken in order to
find out if this fungus was ordinarily present in Wareham soil, or had been introduced
with the transplants. One series was sown in untreated soil, two in soil receiving
varying amounts of basic slag, and another series in soil plus an addition of C 5
compost. Here are the results. The controls in untreated soil were 'very small with
poor root development and discoloured foliage. Addition of basic slag at the rate of 5
grammes or more per pot was deleterious to growth; at the rate of 2 grammes per pot
produced no detectable effect. Addition of C 5 compost gave marked improvement of
growth comparable with that already observed for pines and other conifers. In none of
the experimental plants was any trace of mycorrhizal infection present.' This result
was later confirmed by further experiments. The fungus had thus clearly been
introduced with the transplants.

The sequel to the story is particularly interesting. In 1939 the cypress seedlings
growing at Wareham began to show signs of ill health: first yellowing of the foliage
and then cessation of growth. Laboratory examination of the roots of these plants
revealed that 'mycorrhizal association had disappeared from the roots of the plants
treated with basic slag, and was present only as traces of fungal infection locally in
those of the control plants.'
Obviously mycorrhizal association plays a critical part in the normal nutrition of
this tree. The two most interesting points in this investigation seem to me to be: (a)
that while the fungal associate of this cypress (a forest tree in its native U.S.A.),
clearly does not exist in Wareham soil, it does presumably exist in the garden soils of
this country; and (b) that in the pot experiments the seedlings made healthy growth in
the presence of compost even without forming mycorrhizal association.
In connection with this, an interesting thing occurred last winter (1941-2). Dr.
Rayner tells me that in the course of a pot experiment with seedlings of this cypress, it
was found necessary (not as part of the experiment) to let the pots stay out of doors all
the winter. As most of us are not likely to forget, it proved to be the hardest winter
known in this country for many years. The severe frost proved to be too much for the
pot seedlings growing in untreated Wareham soil, or in soil with an addition of basic
slag; the plants growing in compost-treated soil on the contrary, not only survived the
winter, but remained outstandingly robust and healthy. (See Chapter VIII for a similar experience
with beans.)

Tests are now being made at Wareham with this tree to determine whether
applications of compost at the time of planting will maintain the activity of the
associate fungus introduced with the transplants, and further tests are being made to
discover whether this cypress can continue to thrive without its fungus if compost
treatment is given. I await the results of these further experiments with lively interest,
for I feel that Lawson's cypress, which, like crop plants, forms endotrophic
mycorrhizas, may afford a link to bridge the gap in the present knowledge of the
The knowledge which has been accumulated in respect to the ectotrophic
mycorrhizal habit in trees is now very extensive, as this chapter must have indicated.
The endotrophic mycorrhizal habit in crop plants on the other hand has been
shockingly neglected. ('The part played in nutrition by the fungi present in endotrophic mycorrhizas, and the
biological significance of root infection in relation to differences of soil and other external factors, continues to be a subject of
controversy. There is a strong prima facie case for a beneficent action upon the nutrition of the host based upon cytological and
microchemical evidence. To supplement this, data derived from pure culture experimental researches on certain groups is now
slowly accumulating.' See also Technical Ref. No. 6.) The fact that trees are long-term plants, so that
seedlings can be observed over several years growth has, no doubt, made them easier
to study, and therefore more attractive to research workers. The ordinary crop plant
which reaches maturity in a single season must obviously present greater difficulties
to the would-be observer. This is where I feel that a study of Lawson's cypress may be
of assistance. If this tree should prove capable of survival without mycorrhizal
association in compost-treated soil, then a close study of its behaviour might lead to
an explanation of the undoubted fact that on species of crop plants not believed to
form mycorrhizal association, (For example, members of the cabbage family.) compost treatment
often produces results as spectacular as those resulting from the same treatment on
known mycorrhiza formers.

This is an important point sometimes lost sight of. It will be more fully
considered in the next chapter.


'Nature is often greatest in her smallest creations.'

M. S. Devere

In this chapter I undertook to show that a connection exists between Dr. Rayner's
research work on coniferous trees at Wareham Forest, and the everyday cultivation of
food crops.
In order to marshal the evidence in an orderly fashion, I will now recapitulate
under six headings certain facts proved at Wareham. I then propose to take these six
points in order, and to see if any evidence exists for believing that to any, or all of
them, a parallel can be found in ordinary farming practice.
Here is the list:
(1) Mycorrhizal association plays a critical part in the nutrition of pines, the
fungal activity producing substances that stimulate the growth of lateral roots.
(2) Infertility for tree growth at Wareham is not due to absence of the appropriate
associate fungus, but to a toxic condition which inhibits all mycelial growth. This
toxin is of biological origin, being a by-product of the metabolism of some soil
(3) The application of nutrient salts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash, fail to
alleviate the toxic condition, the relatively small improvement in growth of the
seedlings resulting from their application not being maintained.
(4) The application of composts made by fermenting vegetable wastes with 1 per
cent of nitrogen in the form of dried blood, not only rapidly removes the toxic
condition, but is self-propagating in that the soil so treated does not regain toxicity.
This result is not obtained in so great degree when an inorganic chemical activator is
substituted for the dried blood.
(5) The action of the compost is not due to the plant nutrients it contains, but to
its biological reaction which has the effect of fundamentally modifying the soil
(6) The restoration of health and vigour in the pine seedlings, brought about by
compost treatment, is not due to direct action of the compost on the plant roots, but to
indirect action due to stimulation of mycorrhizal and other soil fungi, and the removal
of the substance previously inhibiting their growth.

These six points were proved in so far as the particular case of tree growth in
Wareham soil is concerned. On the extent to which they can now be shown to apply
also to other soils and crops, depends their importance to farming practice, and
national health. Taking these points in order then, the first question to be answered is
this: Does mycorrhizal association play a vital part in the nutrition of other
mycorrhiza formers growing on ordinary soils? If so, in what does the benefit to the
host plant consist?
The following is the opinion of a Professor of Botany on this point 'The plant
physiologist is simplifying unduly the problem with which a plant growing in soil is
faced in obtaining nutrients by means of its roots, if it be assumed that conditions
approximate to those of experimental laboratory cultures in which mineral salts are
supplied to the roots for absorption. In soil, the activities of various micro-organisms
complicate the natural roots' environment in many ways: not only by direct
competition but by controlling the forms in which available nutrients are presented
and the production of substances beneficial or deleterious to growth; also, by forming
beneficent or harmful associations with the root tissues. The fact that probably 80 per
cent of flowering plants form mycorrhizal relationships is alone sufficient to suggest
that the simple picture of mineral salts absorbed through root hairs represents only
part of the mechanism of root nutrition--in many cases quite a small part of all the
processes intervening between addition of organic matter to the soil and absorption of
nutriment by the plant. Presumably, the difficulty of precise quantitative investigation
of the nutritive relations of mycotrophic plants is responsible for retention of the
convenient fiction that this form of nutrition is casual and exceptional, when in point
of fact it appears to be normal and regular for a majority of mature flowering plants in
soil.' (Neilson-Jones, 'Biological Aspects of Soil Fertility'. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. 31, Part 4, October 1941.)
In a pamphlet, printed in 1939, of which this book is really an enlarged and
revised edition, I suggested that the part played by mycorrhizal fungi in forming a
bridge between humus in the soil and the roots of plants, was a discovery of very
recent origin.
It will be seen from the previous chapter that this is not factually correct, Frank
having held the view, as long ago as 1885, that 'Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relation to
which probably all trees under certain conditions are subject. It is formed only on
soils containing humus or abundant plant remains, and its formation waxes and wanes
with the abundance or otherwise of these constituents in soil. The root fungi carry to
the trees not only the necessary water and salts but also soluble organic material
derived from the humus, thus lending a new significance to leaf-fall and the
accumulation of humus in woodland soils.' (Rayner, Mycorrhiza.)
But even though this discovery was made by 1885, I still do not feel inclined to
retract my original statement, for while it may not be true in the letter, I maintain that
it is true in the spirit. In support of this view I again refer to the inadequate treatment
of the subject in textbooks, and agricultural teaching. Although research work on
mycorrhizal responses has been going on for 100 years, it has been principally
confined to trees, orchids, and heaths, and mainly conducted in the laboratory. That
the possible importance of the habit in ordinary crop plants has been largely
overlooked is clearly shown by the first of the above quotations. Not till Rayner's field
experiments demonstrated the connection between compost treatment and

mycorrhizal responses in trees, was the clue apparent to explain results being
obtained, by some other users of compost, on crop plants.
The clue may have been on record for close on 100 years, but Rayner presented it
in a new light, and Howard had the brain-wave to see where it led.
How new was this light, is proved by the fact that it was found necessary to
arrange a special experiment in order to demonstrate that the beneficent effect of
compost bears little relation to its chemical composition, and that its biological
reactions are of more importance than either its physical properties or the plant
nutrients which it may contain.
As already explained, this elucidation by Rayner of the complete nature of
compost action, including its ability 'to alter profoundly the soil bionomics', was quite
incidental; her compost treatments, conceived for a special purpose, having no
relevance to 'compost experiments' in the usual sense. It is for this very reason that it
required something in the nature of an inspiration on Howard's part to see a
connection between the forestry experiments at Wareham, and certain results being
obtained in India on tropical crops.
This is how he himself describes this discovery:
'How does humus affect the crop generally and how does a factor like this
increase resistance to disease? The large scale trials of the Indore process now being
carried out on coffee, rubber, cacao, and other crops in the tropics have furnished
some interesting information on these questions.
'In a number of cases, in tea and rubber in particular, very striking results
followed closely on one dressing of compost applied at the rate of five tons to the
acre. There was a marked improvement in growth and also in the resistance to insect
pests such as red spider, Tortrix and mosquito blight (Helopeltis). Two applications of
compost have also transformed a derelict tea garden into something above the average
of the locality.
'In a recent tour of tea estates in India and Ceylon I have seen these results for
myself, and have discussed matters on the spot with the men who have obtained them.
'When these cases were first brought to my notice towards the end of 1936 and
during 1937, I found considerable difficulty in understanding them. If humus acts as
an indirect manure by (1) recreating the crumb structure and so improving the tilth,
and (2) by furnishing the soil population with food from the use of which the soil
solution eventually becomes enriched to the advantage of the crop, such factors would
take time and we should expect the results, if any, to be slow. The improvement
following humus was the reverse of slow-it was immediate and spectacular. Some
other factor besides soil fertility appeared, therefore, to be at work.
'After much thought it occurred to me that the explanation would be found in the
active root system of tea and rubber, and that the remarkable results recently obtained
by Dr. M. C. Rayner on mycorrhiza in relation to forestry at Wareham in Dorset
would apply to tropical crops.

'The simplest and most obvious explanation of the sudden improvement after one
application of compost is the well-known effect of humus in stimulating the
mycorrhiza which are known to occur in the absorbing roots of tea, and which in all
probability are to be found in rubber, coffee, and other cultivated plants in the tropics.'
Howard's realization that mycorrhizal association might be a key factor in the
proper nutrition of a very much larger range of plants than had hitherto been
suspected, led to the careful examination of the roots of a large number of crop plants
of both tropical and temperate climates. This revealed that a very large number indeed
are mycorrhiza formers. The examinations were carried out by Dr. Rayner and her
assistant Dr. Levisohn. A surprising parallel to the Wareham experience resulted.
In all the specimens examined vigorous healthy growth was invariably
accompanied by extensive fungus infection of the roots of the plants concerned. This
was defective or absent when the plants were poor and unhealthy. Crops grown with
compost, or ample quantities of farmyard manure always showed maximum
mycorrhizal development, in marked contrast to those grown with artificials.
In a circular letter to correspondents dated 15th July 1938, Howard lists some of
the crops examined with the following notes on their reaction to different soil
'(1) Cotton. The Indian cotton crop provides an interesting pointer on the relation
between a fetrtile soil and disease resistance and quality. In Central and South India
thousands of examples of intensive cotton growing exist in the zones of highly
manured land round the villages. Here cotton always does well and there is practically
no disease: the yield and quality of the fibre are satisfactory. Surrounding these areas
are stretches of extensively farmed land low in organic matter where the yield is
uncertain, the quality average and the damage done by various pests often
'Many attempts have been made to increase the crop by means of artificial
manures but the results I have seen have never been quite convincing: the benefits
following chemical manures are not the same as those conferred by a fertile soil. If
cotton is a mycorrhiza-former these differences would be explained. The mycorrhizal
relationship would provide channels of sustenance between a soil rich in organic
matter and the plant. The first of the appended reprints shows that cotton, like tea, is a
mycorrhiza-former. In this note the bearing of this fact on production and future
research is explained: the investigations of to-morrow in cotton will have to start from
a new base line-soil fertility. Very much the same considerations apply to future
research on tea.
'(2) Grapes. During a recent tour in the Midi some attention was given to the
cultivation of the vine, a crop I studied for eight years on the western frontier of India.
In the South of France grapes are raised very largely by means of artificials: the many
diseases are combated by poison sprays.
'In Baluchistan, on the other hand, the vine is always manured with farmyard
manure: artificials are not used: the crops have no need of fungicides and insecticides
because disease is practically non-existent.

'On one occasion only near the village of Jouques, Bouches du Rhne, did I come
across vines which at all resembled the vigour and health of those to be seen on the
western frontier.
'These were manured with pig manure and had never been treated with artificials:
the yield was excellent and I was told the vineyard had an excellent reputation for
'Specimens of surface roots were found to be heavily infected with mycorrhiza.
This interesting bit of Nature's machinery is used to good effect by the tribesmen of
Baluchistan; it is largely side-tracked by the cultivators of France.
'(3) Hops. Several of the merchants who handle the hop crop have assured me
that the quality has deteriorated since artificials have come in and that really good
quality hops can only be obtained by means of farmyard manure. Unquestionably the
hop is much more liable to disease than it was in 1903-5 when I worked on this crop.
In the course of some large scale trials of the Indore process at Bodiam in Sussex
samples of the surface roots of this crop were found to be heavily infected with
'(4) Sugar Cane. As is well known, what amounts to a new sugar industry has
arisen of late years in the plains of India as a result of the research work done at
Shahjahanpur and Coimbatore--two Experiment Stations I helped to bring into
'The splendid crops at Shahjahanpur were always raised on humus and were to all
intents and purposes free from disease.
'This was my experience at Indore on the black soils where the Shahjahanpur
methods were followed. Reports have recently reached me from India that where
artificials are used the cane is being attacked by insect pests. If the sugar-cane is a
mycorrhiza former, a simple explanation of these differences would be provided. The
first set of cane roots obtained from Central India show that sugar-cane is a
mycorrhiza former. Further examples from Louisiana, Brazil and Natal are expected
'(5) Bananas. The new banana industry of the West Indies is threatened with
serious disease. In India I cultivated this crop successfully for some years and I also
saw a good deal of the indigenous plantations. In all cases cattle manure was used and
no disease trouble was ever brought to my notice. If the banana is a mycorrhiza
former these results are understandable.
'The first set of banana roots I have just obtained from a rich garden soil in India
shows abundant mycorrhizal infection.
'(6) Strawberry. The strawberry area near Southampton is rapidly contracting on
account of poor soil conditions followed by disease. 'The small Experiment Station
maintained by the Hampshire County Council at Botley is little more than a collection
of pathological material. On the other hand commercial growers in this
neighbourhood who use humus are getting satisfactory crops.

'Similar results are to be seen in South Lincolnshire and in other parts of England.
Humus prepared from vegetable and animal wastes or farmyard manure produces
healthy crops of good quality.
'The long continued use of artificials is followed by disease and indifferent fruit.
The strawberry is a mycorrhiza former: the type of association being similar to that in
tea. Subscribers interested in tea who grow strawberries can very easily compare the
effect of humus and artificials on the health of the plants and on the quality of the
'These widely different examples--cotton, grapes, hops, sugar-cane, bananas and
strawberries--tell the same story and afford interesting confirmation of the views in
the report on my recent tour of tea estates in India and Ceylon. Nature has gone to the
trouble of creating a link between humus in the soil and the plant. It behoves us to
make the fullest use of this provision.'
Rayner summarizes her observations on one of these examinations--that of
cotton--as follows:
'The cotton plant is a regular mycorrhiza former, infection taking place under
favourable conditions at an early stage. The incidence of infection is closely
correlated with the nature of the rooting medium and in the same soil varies markedly
with different manurial treatments.
'Differential behaviour on the part of the endophyte was particularly well-marked
in respect to applications of inorganic as compared with organic manures, and a
response was also apparent following the use of different forms of organic manures.
'That these differences should be observable is in itself significant, and the
relation of the incidence and character of mycorrhizal infection with the growth and
vigour of the hosts under crop conditions is obviously worthy of close attention and
'The observations are in general agreement with those made on Citrus in southern
California some years ago and are believed to justify similar conclusions.
'It is not proposed to discuss here the character of the symbiotic relationship in
the type of mycorrhizal association represented in cotton. It is evident that it differs
fundamentally from that in ordinary parasitic attack and that there exists in the
arbuscular-sporangiolar and vesicular apparatus a mechanism capable of functioning
for nutritive exchange. (See Technical Reference No. 6.) Coincidence of vigorous growth of the
host with maximum infection may be observed in cotton as in other plants showing
the same type of association, and this together with the histological evidence available
supports the view that there is a substantial balance in favour of the vascular partner.
Whether such exchange follows the lines elaborated by Frank and Stahl; whether it is
concerned with major nutrients or takes a more subtle form such as that indicated in
Butler's suggestion that "The vesicles and the arbuscular-sporangiolar apparatus are . .
. mainly concerned with the accumulation of fatty material (possibly with accessory
nutrients (See Technical Reference No. 6.)) and its transference to the higher plant," is, in my
view, of secondary importance at this stage of the inquiry.

'The immediate point of interest incidental to the cultivation of cotton or other

mycorrhiza formers is to confirm the view here put forward, that the fluctuations in
mycorrhizal behaviour that undoubtedly occur are causally related with changes in the
root environment brought about by manuring and other soil treatments and the
responses of the host plants thereto.
'My interest in the matter has been stimulated by the opportunity recently
provided to examine root material of a large number of species grown as crop plants
both under tropical conditions and in the British Isles, among others, tea, coffee,
sugar-cane, oil palm, coconut, cocoa, hops, vine. The conclusions now offered have
been confirmed and strengthened by these observations. In all cases for which
comparative material was available-including a majority of the samples--that
collected from plants recorded as specially healthy and vigorous showed a maximum
development of mycorrhizas with structural features believed to indicate a balanced
'It is not hereby suggested that in all cases of regular mycorrhizal association the
habit is obligate or that some degree of mycotrophy is necessary for complete
nutrition. The view held is rather that for species growing in nature the mycorrhizal
condition in a healthy plant represents one of physiological equilibrium. Mycorrhizal
association, often ignored or treated as an accidental and casual phenomenon, is a
manifestation of biological soil activity, and as such cannot be profitably overlooked
in the study of soil factors likely to promote healthy growth and maximum resistance
to disease. . . .'
As already stated authorities are not agreed on the exact function of mycorrhizal
association. Howard's view is that the root cells, acting very much like the stomach of
an animal, obtain in the process of digesting the invading fungus, a protein food rich
in nitrogen and phosphorus, and that:
'The mycorrhiza appears to be the machinery provided by Nature for the fungi
living on humus in the soil to transmit direct to the active area of the roots the
contents of their own cells. Whether this is the only means by which such things as
accessory growth substances can safely pass from humus to plant, or whether the
fungi provide essential materials for their manufacture in the plant itself, has yet to be
determined with certainty. Some such explanation of what is taking place seems
exceedingly probable. If the accessory growth substances contributed by humus were
to pass from the soil organic matter into the pore spaces of the soil they would have to
run the gauntlet of the intense oxidation processes going on in the water films which
line these pore In this passage any substance of organic origin would be almost certain
to be seized upon by the soil population for food and oxidized to simple substances,
such as the plant ordinarily takes in by the root hairs. If, as seems almost certain,
freshly prepared humus (obtained from animal and vegetable wastes) does contain
growth-promoting substances (roughly corresponding to the vitamins in food), it
would be necessary to get these into the plant undamaged and with the least possible
'The mycorrhizal association in the roots, by which a rapid and protected passage
for such substances is provided, seems to be one of Nature's ways of helping the plant
to resist disease.'

There is no direct proof that this theory is correct, but it is an interesting

hypothesis. It is now recognized that the inclusion of a proportion of fresh raw food in
the diet of man and beast is the surest way of supplying those vitamins essential to the
avoidance of malnutrition an the deficiency diseases caused thereby. (See Technical Reference
No. 14.) Will this rule prove to apply als to plants? If so, the fact that disease should
follow the under nourishment which would result from the omission of this living
element from their diet, would be a perfectly logical sequence of events.
There is however a weak point in this theory, for it fails to explain the response to
compost treatment of non-mycorrhiza formers.
It seems more likely that it is the action of soil fungi in general, which in some
way--as yet unexplained--releases growth-promoting substances, and that mycorrhizal
association is only one factor in the case though of prime importance to mycorrhiza
formers. It seems clear tha this is the view which Rayner at present favours.
Discussing the observed fact that introduction of active mycorrhizal material into the
soil at Wareham was followed by an impetus to short root formation this root growth
preceding infection by the fungus mycelium--she states:
'Of the exact nature of the stimulus to root production nothing is known; the term
"growth-promoting substance" is used in a quite general sense. Nor is it known
whether the capacity to bring about such stimulus to root production is limited to
those fungal species capable of forming mycorrhizal associations. To the writers it
appears improbable that this should be the case. . . .
'The view reached is that mycorrhizal association is a highly specialized aspect of
the ecological balance normally maintained between the higher plants and their
fungus competitors. The study of mycorrhizal association as an isolated phenomenon
may obscure its real significance as an edaphic factor, a liaison aspect of soil
bionomics linking the microbiological activities concerned in the maintenance of soil
fertility with the nutrition of vascular plants. The specific bacterial and fungal
associations exemplified in nodules and mycorrhizas are special cases of a complex
ecological system embracing members of the surface vegetation and those of the soil
The leguminous crops which form nodules in association with the bacteria
referred to, and thereby are enabled to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, may prove to
be a fruitful field for further research into this question. All the members of this
family that have been examined are also mycorrhiza formers, but with crop plants of
this family, such as pulses and clovers, nodules and mycorrhizas have never yet been
noted on the same rootlets. These have either formed nodules only, or mycorrhizas
only, maximum development of the latter being associated with those plants showing
also maximum vigour.
There seems little doubt that the health and quality of this group of plants suffer
when mycorrhizal association is absent. Howard, writing on this point, states:
'A long experience of the cultivation of leguminous plants in India has
completely shattered my belief in the idea that these crops can be grown successfully
without organic matter, and that the nitrogen fixation in the nodules is the complete

story as far as the supply of combined nitrogen is concerned. Farmyard manure or

compost, as already stated, is essential for keeping these crops healthy and for making
them form seed in the Indian Monsoon. Organic matter always stimulates both root
and nodular development. . . .
'There is a further point of some interest in this matter. When plants like French
beans are grown on poor soil by means of the nodules only, or by means of artificial
manures, the produce is tasteless and of poor quality. For real taste and quality in the
produce it is necessary to use humus (made from both vegetable and animal wastes)
or farmyard manure. A supply of combined nitrogen appears therefore to reach the
plant by way of nodules and root hairs; the materials which are needed for quality
appear to be absorbed by the mycorrhiza.
'The leguminous plant therefore promises to be a very valuable instrument in
separating out the various factors concerned in this question. Will, as seems to be the
case, quality and disease resistance only be obtained when the mycorrhiza mechanism
functions? Will disease resistance and quality turn out to be the same thing?' (Howard,
'Insects and Fungi in Agriculture', Empire Cotton Growing Review, 1938.)

It is of vital importance that a correct answer to this question should be found, but
without waiting for the research which will assuredly one day provide it, one can go
so far as to say, I think, that the evidence already submitted here, justifies the
conclusion that mycorrhizal association is a habit that can no longer safely be ignored
in the study of the nutrition of crop plants. Our first question has thus been answered
in the affirmative.
The next three points on the list can be taken together. They all concern the toxic
condition of Wareham soil. At first sight it would appear extremely improbable, if not
impossible, that any parallel to this condition should be found in cultivated soils. Two
things however are noteworthy, first, that while Wareham is an extreme case of its
kind, its condition is one of degree rather than of essential peculiarity (Neilson-Jones,
'Biological Aspects of Soil Fertility', Journal of Agriculaural Research, Vol. 31, Part 4, October, 1941.) and second, that
even in cultivated soils certain soil treatments have definitely been shown to depress
mycorrhizal activity, and therefore it can be assumed that inhibition of fungal activity
generally, can exist in such soils.
Our next question then, can be formulated thus: Does any evidence exist that
where fungal activity is inhibited in cultivated soils a toxin may be operating of a kind
comparable to that present in Wareham soil?
There can obviously be no great body of direct evidence on this point until many
different soils have been subjected to the same type of intensive investigation as that
carried out by Professor Neilson-Jones on Wareham soil, but a close study of his most
interesting report of this investigation, notably in regard to some of the methods
employed to increase and decrease toxicity, and a comparison of some of his results
with certain causes and effects well known in farming practice, give rise to a not
inconsiderable weight of circumstantial evidence. The Neilson-Jones experiments
prove that the toxin indirectly inimical to the growth of higher plants in Wareham
soil, is a by-product of some soil organism which operates directly by inhibiting
fungal growth.

In the course of the investigation strong evidence was forthcoming that the
organism concerned is anaerobic in habit. Waterlogging for example greatly increased
the toxicity; partial sterilization by steaming for short periods, or by air drying, had
the effect of inactivating the organism, but toxicity was regained when waterlogged
conditions were restored. It required complete sterilization by steaming for an hour or
more, baking under pressure, or soaking for long periods in alcohol to kill the
organism. Soil so treated in the laboratory did not regain toxicity spontaneously under
waterlogged conditions but required re-inoculation with untreated soil before doing
The identity of the organism responsible has not yet been definitely established,
but the group of bacteria capable of reducing sulphates was suspected. This group was
found to be present in Wareham soil in unusually large numbers. In the process of
reducing sulphates these bacteria produce the poisonous gas sulphuretted hydrogen
(H2S). They can produce it either from sulphates applied as chemical salts, or from
imperfectly decomposed organic matter, of which, as will presently be shown, there is
also a high proportion in Wareham soil.
Although the presence of H2S in Wareham soil has not been proved by direct
chemical tests, all the observations and experiments made with soil samples in the
laboratory are in conformity with the view that this gas may be responsible, at least in
part, for the arrest of fungal growth. An account of one such experiment will suffice
'A series of cultures of once steamed soil was set up in flasks or Petri dishes of
which half received an addition of 0.1 per cent NaCl (sodium chloride) solution, the
remainder a corresponding addition of Na2SO4 (sodium sulphate) solution, each
culture receiving sufficient to produce a waterlogged condition. A period of twelve
days was allowed to elapse during which stimulation of the activity of H2S-producing
bacteria might take place, after which all cultures were exposed to air infection. A
month later, all flasks that had received NaCl solution showed a profuse growth of
Mucor spp. and Penicillium spp., whilst those that had received Na2SO4 solution
showed either no mycelial growth or very sparse growth of Penicillium spp., any
fungal development that had appeared in the earlier stages having retrogressed.
'The increased toxicity of soil to which sulphate is added is explicable if the
toxicity is related in any way with a slow and continuous evolution of traces of H2S
derived from the activity of bacteria capable of reducing sulphates.'
Neilson-Jones adds that: 'This interpretation is purely speculative in that it is
based on an isolated observation'; but he then proceeds to describe further tests and
observations, all corroborating the one just described, in the course of which it was
shown that the mycelium of airborne fungi 'is highly sensitive to H2S, the smallest
trace being sufficient to check growth.'
Many soils contain sulphur-reducing bacteria, particularly clay soils. It is well
known to cultivators of clay soils that good crops usually follow a well-made bare
fallow. Bare fallowing does not mean simply leaving a field derelict, as many laymen
seem to think; it is, on the contrary, an expensive preparation for a subsequent crop,
and consists of several ploughings, and constant surface cultivation throughout the

summer. The effect of this, in addition to killing weeds, is to thoroughly air dry the
top six or more inches of soil.
In his investigation on Wareham soil Neilson-Jones found that 'Air drying has an
effect on soil somewhat similar to steaming: on remoistening the toxic reaction is
found to have disappeared and mycelium grows as readily though with less vigour
than on steamed soil. In fact, complete air drying may be regarded as a mild form of
partial sterilization, the capacity of the soil for supporting a vigorous superficial
fungal growth subsequently being due as with steamed soil, to the removal of the
toxic reaction of the soil and the provision of an additional source of food--in this case
presumably from the organisms killed by desiccation.'
There is an old saying that a bare fallow is as good as a coat of muck. (Bare fallowing
is, of course, not suitable to all climates. Soil aeration is frequently best achieved by use of the wheel subsoiler and by growing
It appears that this may be literally true in that both have the power to
discourage organisms capable of producing a toxin inimical to fungal growth, the
difference being that the effects of one are temporary, while the other produces
conditions which tend to be self-propagating and therefore permanent, or semipermanent.

deeprooting crops.)

Here then, in two methods proved to be effective in removing the toxic reaction
from Wareham soil, namely compost treatment and air drying, we have a close
parallel in ordinary farm practice. Farmyard manure, and the bare fallow. What of the
conditions shown to increase toxicity?
The deliberate waterlogging in the laboratory tests also has its counterpart on the
That it is impossible in ordinary farm practice to grow good crops on waterlogged
land is a truism the reason for which is recognized as being a question of aeration..
Where the pore spaces in the soil are filled with water, air is excluded. 'Absorption by
roots, being a process dependent on the action of living cells, is directly affected
adversely by absence of oxygen,' but Neilson-Jones points out that 'a survey of the
area at Wareham Forest made it clear that the inhibition of growth observed there was
not due solely to such direct action. The work now recorded shows that factors of
many kinds are concerned, and provides evidence that plant growth may be affected
adversely or the reverse through causes inherent in the soil bionomics, members of the
soil population showing great sensitiveness to aeration and to the nature of additions
to the substrate whether derived from their own metabolic activities or from external
Once more we have to question whether this state of affairs is peculiar to
Wareham soil. Here I think I can furnish some evidence from my own observation. I
know a farm in Scotland, one lying in a notably fertile area, the land of which has
been associated for generations with heavy crops, and noted for the excellence of its
sheep and cattle. A few years ago this farm became part of a much larger unit the
whole of which was turned over to mechanized farming. The live-stock disappeared,
and in their place was seen the artificial manure distributor, and the harvestercombine. Temporary leys have recently been reintroduced on this farm, and a
considerable head of livestock is once more being kept. But towards the end of its

stockless period, although the land was still yielding heavy crops a definite increase
took place in certain weeds usually associated with water-logged soils, or soils with a
pan. Now on this land the appearance of these weeds is certainly not due either to bad
cultivation or to waterlogging, nevertheless a condition is developing which points to
faulty aeration. What is the factor, or factors, responsible? Possibly they include a
reduction in the earthworm population. This usually occurs where artificials have
been substituted for farmyard manure, and earthworms are great soil aeraters. (See
Chapter VI, also Technical Ref. No. 8.) Conditions inimical to earthworms are equally
unfavourable to fungal activity. Both worms and fungi appear to be highly sensitive to
certain chemical salts (See Chapter VI, also Technical Ref. No. 8.) notably sulphate of ammonia. It
seems a plausible hypothesis therefore, that the appearance of conditions suggesting
faulty soil aeration may be connected with poisonous products resulting from the
interaction between sulphate reducing bacteria and ammonium sulphate applied as
In stockless farming I am told that the bare fallow is an absolute necessity. (On
stock farms the well-mucked root crop, or the green crop folded by sheep usually
takes its place.) In view of the evidence already presented in this chapter this is at
least suggestive.
In the case of another mechanized farm, this time in East Anglia, the owner a few
years ago boasted that there was not a single animal on the place, and that he had been
growing heavy crops of wheat and barley continuously, with the help only of large
dressings of artificial fertilizers. A year or two after this, the expert who advised him
as to his fertilizers, told me himself that the ravages of 'Take-all' in the wheat on this
farm had reached such disastrous proportions, that he had advised the ploughing up of
all corn land and putting the entire acreage into sugar-beet.
There is no question but that this disease is on the increase; the chemists are
trying to find a seed dressing or spray that will stop it, but this is on a par with looking
for an anti-toxin for a deficiency disease. Even if it succeeds, you are but curing a
symptom. The two examples I have just given are merely straws in the wind, but the
evidence is considerably strengthened by an incident that occurred on my own farm.
Howard's view is that 'Take-all' in wheat is a deficiency disease, and that the principal
primary cause is lack of aeration, this interfering with normal mycorrhizal association.
The following personal experience supports this view to a startling degree. I have an
eighteen-acre field, which was, for many years, badly in need of draining; in winter it
was invariably waterlogged in patches. The soil in question is medium clay loam on a
clay subsoil with pockets or drifts of sand in it. In the course of time drains passing
through these sand gaults collapse and a kind of pond is formed in the area. There
were several of these places in the field varying in size from a few square yards to as
much as half an acre and even more. I worked the field for some years before being in
a position to drain it, and came to know all these patches well, for whenever the field
was sown with winter grain such as wheat, the crop never survived on these patches,
which produced only a kind of water grass. The outline of these places was irregular
in shape, but well-defined, and year after year, exactly the same outline was
invariably visible in the growth of the water-grass, and the absence of the crop. One
year, shortly after I had first met Howard, and studied his work, we had an
exceedingly dry autumn, winter and spring. The field was under wheat, and as that
year there was no waterlogging because there was no rain to speak of, the crop

germinated and grew evenly over the whole field. At the flowering stage there was no
observable difference between the wheat on the 'wet' places and that on the rest of the
field, but by harvest time the wheat growing in the patches normally waterlogged, was
all blighted with 'Take-all'. The area of the diseased wheat followed exactly the
outlines of the badly drained patches. All the rest of the wheat was perfectly sound.
So much for the one time theory that the disease is air-borne.
Now the patches were not waterlogged that year, but by-products of past years of
anaerobic conditions were almost certainly still present, and it is safe to say that
although the plant roots must have obtained sufficient oxygen in that season, fungal
growth, even if inhibitory factors were not present, would not have re-established
itself in the time.
Neilson-Jones makes this observation in connection with his investigation of
Wareham soil:
'Chief among the initial causes of inhibition of mycelial activity in natural soils is
probably low oxygen pressure which depresses fungal activity directly and may do so
indirectly from the nature of the byproducts of anaerobic metabolism. Deleterious byproducts in the soil may be slow to disappear, even when the causes responsible for
their accumulation, such as lack of oxygen, are no longer operating.'
My experience suggests that this applies also to cultivated soils. These are some
of the examples of circumstantial evidence which bear on points two, three and four,
and I think it must be admitted that they suggest, if no more, that the lessons of the
Wareham researches, in connection with soil toxicity, may well be applicable to a
much wider field. The evidence concerning the fifth and sixth points on the list can
also be considered jointly. These present the question as to whether, in the case of
ordinary crop plants, compost acts directly on the roots by supplying plant nutrients,
or, as at Wareham, indirectly by stimulating the activity of soil fungi.
On the relationship between fertility and soil fungi in general, Neilson-Jones has
this to say
'Study of the causes of soil infertility in Wareham Forest justifies the
generalization that in organic soils of the acid type, possibly in all soils, maintenance
of the activity of fungi, whether those responsible for the breakdown of organic
detritus or those specialized forms concerned in the production of mycorrhizas, is of
critical importance. It is not suggested that organisms belonging to other groups are
not vitally concerned, but it appears that fungi form an essential link in a mechanism
whereby organic detritus is incorporated into humus of a fertile soil and that therefore
their activity can be used as an index of fertility; infertility may result either from
absence of appropriate fungi or from the presence of factors hindering their activity.'
Lack of aeration is one such factor operating not only directly but also indirectly
by favouring the activity of such anaerobic organisms as sulphur-reducing bacteria,
which, as mentioned above, can produce H2S or other volatile sulphur compounds
either from sulphates applied to the soil as chemicals, or from organic matter when
normal decomposition is arrested. Such activity forms a vicious circle, since the H2S
produced by the bacteria inhibits the activity, among others, of those fungi responsible

for the decomposition of organic matter, and the resulting arrest of normal
decomposition further encourages the production of H2S.
One effect of compost is to break this vicious circle, and the enormously
increased rate of cellulose decomposition in soil to which compost has been added is
one of the proofs of its action through the medium of soil fungi.
In an experiment designed to measure this factor cotton-wool pads of known
weight were buried for four months in untreated Wareham soil, in ordinary woodland
soil, and in Wareham soil plus C 5 compost. At the end of the period what was left of
these pads was dried and reweighed. Representative results based on many repetitions
of the experiment showed that in untreated Wareham soil only 10 per cent of this
cellulose had been decomposed, in the woodland soil the figure was 33.6 per cent, but
in Wareham soil plus compost the percentage of decomposition was over 91 per cent.
This experiment indicates a very simple way of testing for fungal activity, and the
effects upon it of different soil treatments. It could easily be undertaken on cultivated
soils as a regular routine, in conjunction with ordinary field analysis tests for
determining soil requirements, and as a measure of fertility. I only know of one place
where any attempt to carry out such a test on agricultural land has been made. (See
Chapter VIII, also Technical Ref. No. 9.) These tests have not been going on long enough yet for
the results to have much significance, but so far the indications are that the highest
rate of cellulose decomposition would be found in fields that had received compost,
and the lowest in those that had received artificials.
This matter of cellulose breakdown is of vital importance to the whole question
of the nutrition of living cells, for it has been shown by experiment that raw cellulose
can be as injurious to plants Of great significance also are the changes in resistance to attack by soil fungi that
accompany alteration in the soil environment. In Wareham soil a severe attack on the roots of pine seedlings by M. atrovirens,
here normally innocuous, can be induced by the addition of 5 per cent of pure cellulose to the soil of pot-cultures. In another
heath soil of similar type, Rhizoetonia silvestris behaves in like manner, producing pseudomycorrhizas encrusted with massive

as it is
indigestible to animals, and in both the soil and the digestive tract of herbivora,
cellulose decomposition is largely performed by fungi. (See Chapter VI.)

sclerotia on addition of 5 per cent pure cellulose. In both cases the health of the seedlings suffers severely. [Rayner] )

Such soil treatments, therefore, as ploughing in straw or green crops can only
prove successful if conditions for the subsequent breakdown of the cellulose are
present. It is useless to apply organic matter in this form while at the same time
inhibiting, by the use of certain artificial fertilizers, the fungi capable of converting
that organic matter into humus. The increasing use of harvester-combines even on
moderately sized farms makes this a question of very particular importance, for the
problem of such farms is the disposal of the straw left on the field by the harvesters.
Burning is wasteful, and ploughing it in not only presents mechanical difficulties, but
is not found particularly satisfactory in its results on the subsequent crop--sometimes
definitely the reverse. This adverse factor is not difficult to understand when it is
remembered that farms using such implements are usually those on which large
quantities of chemical fertilizers are also used, and where nitrogen is given largely in
the form of sulphate of ammonia. Sulphates, as we have seen, encourage toxinproducing organisms which inhibit the fungi needed to break down this straw. There
are various ways of overcoming the difficulty, one of the most effective being to
under-sow the corn with some leguminous crop which is allowed to grow through the
scattered straw and then fed off by livestock, but on the stockless farm the 'solution'

sometimes adopted is to sweep the straw left by the combine into a heap and to
compost it according to the recognized formula of 1 lb. of nitrogen to 100 lb. of dry
matter; but the nitrogen generally used for this purpose is sulphate of ammonia! True,
this has the effect of breaking down the cellulose and producing a finished product of
well-rotted material, not unlike other compost in appearance, but, as the Wareham
experiments clearly show, the value of a compost depends upon its organic
constituents, and not upon its appearance or its chemical analysis. Failure to recognize
this is responsible I think for some of the discrepancy of view regarding the value of
compost. The source of the nitrogen used in composting appears to be of considerable
importance to the value of the final product. Composts made with chemical activators
may increase yield in crops, just as chemicals alone also do--for a time--but the
growth of healthy crops showing maximum disease resistance has, so far as I can
discover, only been obtained when the activating agent is of animal origin. The one
exception seems to be in the case of compost the raw materials of which consist of
mixed garden refuse including leaves and young weeds in full growth. Such compost
can be activated by certain herbal extracts such as those developed by Miss M. E.
Bruce with results in the subsequent crops apparently in all respects equal to that of
animal activated compost. Such raw materials are, of course, extremely rich in a wide
range of trace elements and the resulting compost is rapidly invaded by an immense
earthworm population which automatically introduces an animal element. For her
work with conifers Rayner found that dried blood produced far better results than any
other activator used. The best activating agent for Indore compost for ordinary crops
in this country is, in my experience, fresh farmyard manure in which the urine is
preserved; this last is very important. I have, however obtained quite satisfactory
results by composting with both raw and coagulated blood, and also with sewage
sludge, alone and in mixture with muck or blood. The point is that for maximum
results in the quality of the crop subsequently grown with it, compost must include
some product of animal origin. People who advocate sulphate of ammonia or 'Adco',
or other inorganic products for breaking down cellulose in the compost heap, are still
suffering from the illusion that humus nourishes the plant direct. The Wareham
experiments clearly show that this is not the case. Rayner's findings in this respect
were fully endorsed by the independent investigation cited in this chapter.
'That the fundamental effect of the compost is to alter profoundly the soil
bionomics is proved by the enormously accelerated rate of cellulose breakdown and
the stimulation of the fungus flora in general in soil that has been treated with
compost. That the basis for these changes lies in the organic constituents of the
compost rather than in the inorganic nutrients it contains is evidenced by the efficacy
of leached compost, by the differential effects of composts differing only in respect to
organic constitution, by the dissimilar effects wrought by the same composts on
different organic soils, and by direct experiment with additions of salts of nitrogen,
potash and phosphoric acid equivalent to those contained in a given compost (Rayner,
1939). It is suggestive that the growth-promoting action of compost on fertile garden
soils is often negligible or comparatively small; here presumably conditions are
already favourable to fungal activity so that additions of compost can do little to
improve fertility by modification of the micro-flora.' (Neilson-Jones, Biological Aspects of Soil

This supports the view that the effectiveness of compost in cultivated soils
depends, just as it does at Wareham, not on its value as a direct plant food, but on its

capacity to stimulate the activity of soil fungi. This explains why adherence to
fundamental principles in the making of compost heaps is so important, and also why
chemical activators fail to produce the degree of disease resistance in plants that result
from the use of such composts as those advocated by Rayner and Howard, and also
why negative results are reported by users of the putrefactive heaps misnamed
compost. Chemical activators will quickly rot vegetable rubbish, but there is much
more to the manufacture of humus than this. It involves the creation of what is at once
a habitat and a food for soil organisms, but more than this, it must be so fashioned as
to favour the activity of the beneficial species and discourage others. There are many
species involved besides those responsible for cellulose decomposition, the
mycorrhizal fungi forming at least an equally important group.
These various fungi feed on the humus in the soil, and it is the product of their
metabolism which is of such vital importance to the complete and balanced
nourishment of the plant.
Once this is understood, the necessity for the inclusion of animal, residues in the
compost heap at once becomes clear, for fungi require a mixed diet of organic matter.
Not only are they unable to take their nourishment exclusively from inorganic
chemicals, but they are not even purely vegetarian.
'In 1894, so noted a botanist as Hooker, speaking of the fungi, observed: "these
plants seem to invert the order of Nature and to draw their nutriment, in part at least,
from the animal kingdom, which it is held to be the function of the vegetable kingdom
to sustain."' (M. C. Rayner, Mycorrhiza.)
Thus it will be seen, that once you accept the view that soil cannot be fertile when
soil fungi are inhibited, then Howard's view on the value of compost and the harm
done by many chemical fertilizers and poison sprays, is shown not to be a fad, as
some people seem to think, but a perfectly logical conclusion based on practical
experience, and supported by scientific evidence.
I sum up this chapter with a final quotation from the paper already cited.
'The prescription for compost treatment advocated by Rayner to correct a special
case of infertility in a natural soil clearly envisaged removal of unfavourable byproducts, with alteration of the soil processes responsible for producing them, in
addition to promotion of mycorrhiza formation. The remarkable and persistent
improvement in tree growth that followed from this treatment brings the experimental
results at Wareham into line with records recently provided describing the action on
crop growth of composts manufactured by the Indore process when applied to
cultivated soils in many parts of the world (Howard, 1940). The great emphasis laid
by Howard on the significance of mycorrhizal activity is a welcome and long-overdue
recognition from the practical side of the important part played by this habit in crop
nutrition; the indifference displayed to this aspect of soil research by soil specialists is
difficult to understand. But the mycorrhizal habit, although widespread is not
universal in vascular plants; the soil possesses fertility in its own right as reflected in
the growth of non-mycorrhizal as well as mycorrhizal plants. It is the free action of
fungi that is regarded as essential for the development of soil fertility; (Italics mind (author.)
that some of the species concerned also form mycorrhizal associations with certain of

the higher plants may be to the advantage of the latter, but this is additional to and
different from the generalized service that fungi, mycorrhizal or not, perform in the
soil--it provides an alternative channel uniting mycelial activity in the soil with the
nutritive processes in vascular plants.
'The analyses of a particular case recorded in the present researches shows very
clearly some of the ways in which a condition of biological inertia in the soil,
however produced, may bring about infertility for growth of the higher plants, and has
yielded direct evidence of some of the ways by which additions of organic material
operate in restoring fertility.
'It is realized that there are gaps in the argument as presented in this paper; it
could hardly be otherwise in view of the complexities involved. Nevertheless, the
evidence is so striking that disturbance of microbiological equilibrium in the soil by
inhibition of fungal activity is a potent factor in bringing about infertility for growth
of vascular plants, its direct relation with the results of forestry researches so
impressive and the possibilities of wider application so evident, that publication at the
present stage of the work appeared to be justified.' (Neilson-Jones, Biological Aspects of Soil Fertility,
Cambridge University Press, now published as part of Problems in Tree Nutrition, Rayner and Neilson-Jones, Faber and Faber.)

It seems that the equation in the Medical Testament should be redrawn thus:

3 The word Fungus is here used to denote various groups of fungi in association with other micro-organisms.


'The test of a diet is the wholeness of those who eat it,'

G. T. Wrench, M.D.

In the last two chapters I sought to explain the complex character of compost action,
and to show that humus in the soil benefits the plants in three ways: mechanically, as
a direct plant food, and by fundamentally modifying the soil bionomics. Of the three,
this last, hitherto largely ignored, is probably the most important.
I have shown that the action of soil fungi plays a vital part in the nutrition of
certain plant species, and have given evidence of strong indications that the health of
all plants growing in soil is affected to a greater or less degree by the activity of the
soil micro-flora in general, and that it is the natural habit of the great majority of our
crop plants also to form direct association--probably symbiotic--with specific soil
fungi. Keeping this aspect of plant nutrition in mind, we are now in a position to
consider the value of further evidence bearing on the relationship between soil fertility
and health.
In Chapter I, I gave a summary of the far-reaching claims made by many
advocates of humus farming. Let me remind you what these are. That if the fertility of
the soil is built up with adequate supplies of humus, crops do not suffer from diseases
and do not require poison sprays to control parasites; that animals fed on these plants
develop a high degree of disease resistance, and that man, nurtured with such plants
and animals can reach a standard of health, and a power of resisting disease and
infection, from whatever cause, greatly in advance of anything ordinarily found in this
Some mention of the evidence on which these claims are based has already been
made. It is now time to consider a wider field of such indications as exist in support of
Let us take plants first. The claim speaks of resistance to disease and parasites.
We must consider the evidence under these two categories separately.
By plant disease, is usually meant those ailments which are caused by virus,
bacteria, or special parasitic fungi. It is well known that a shortage of certain essential
soil ingredients, besides causing derangement in the plant's metabolism, can also
induce some of these disorders; in fact in some cases the particular soil deficiency can
safely be deduced from the appearance in a crop of the disease in question. As an
example, 'finger and toe' in turnips indicates a lack of lime in the soil, and very many

diseases are now explained by lack of some essential trace element. Deficiency
diseases, in other words, are not confined to the animal kingdom.
This being so, it does not require a great feat of credulity to accept the view that if
any aspect of normal plant nutrition depends on fungal activity, then the disease
resisting capacity of any plant will be weakened by removal of this element from its
diet. Particularly should we expect to find such lowered resistance resulting from
inhibition of mycorrhiza) fungal activity in those plant species which normally form
mycorrhiza) associations. Yet the condition of mycorrhiza) activity is seldom taken
into account by plant pathologists.
'No true picture of the soil as an environment in which the root system of
vascular plants passes its life can be formed if there is omitted a biological component
so frequently present and often so abundantly developed as the mycorrhiza) system.
For example, although there may be at present no information as to the interaction of
this habit with the organisms, and soil factors, operative in root diseases, yet it would
appear dangerous to assume none to exist. Nevertheless, instances are not wanting in
recent researches in which the normal condition of the root tissues in respect to
mycorrhiza) infection, even in well-known and admitted mycorrhiza formers, is
completely ignored in pathological investigations.' (Rayner, Empire Cotton Growing Review.)
In cases of disease due to parasitic fungi, there are good grounds for believing
that the power of the host plant to resist attack may be closely bound up with
mycorrhiza) association. In discussing this point with regard to pines, Rayner states
'Study of these soil inoculation experiments raises a matter of practical
importance in relation to mycorrhiza) associations in general. It is already clear that
the damage inflicted by soil fungi such as the forms of M. r. atrovirens and
"Rhizoctonia" now under discussion does not depend merely upon the propinquity of
mycelium to the roots. Apart from direct effects of the soil environment it is
conditioned by other factors such as the vigour of the root system as a whole, the
presence of suitable mycorrhiza formers, and the capacity of the host for mycorrhizal
association. In cases where root response is satisfactory in these respects, there
appears to be more or less complete immunity from parasitic invasion.'
Elsewhere she writes:
'Discussing this matter in reference to certain plant diseases, especially those of
sugar-cane, it has been pointed out recently that disturbance of the normal activity of
the mycorrhiza) fungus may lead to secondary invasion of roots by bacteria or
parasitic fungi, e.g. species of Marasmius or Rhizoctonia (Constantin, 1924).'
My own experience recorded in the last chapter, concerning 'Take-all' in wheat
on the badly drained field, is very probably a case of this kind. The interaction, if any,
of the mycorrhiza) fungus with the activity of the fungus responsible for 'Take-all' has
not, so far as I know, been studied, but since wheat is a mycorrhiza former it is more
than likely that some such connection exists.
In fact, once accept as a likely hypothesis that under normal conditions plants
derive some part of their food (something possibly analogous to vitamins), from

substances resulting from the activity of certain soil fungi (and in view of the
evidence it is difficult not to accede so much), then the recorded cases of plant disease
being cured or prevented by compost treatment are readily explicable. That many
such cases do exist is incontestable. Examples have already been given in respect to
tea, cotton, grapes, sugar-cane, and strawberry. This year Howard records the
following further experience with strawberries:
'I grew in heavily composted soil a collection of Royal Sovereign strawberries,
badly infected with a common virus disease, alongside some healthy stock. This year,
1942, the strawberries raised from these two sets of plants were about the best I have
ever tasted. I found no trace of the virus disease. Similar results have been obtained
by several of my correspondents.'
Results of the use of compost are in fact now available from all over the world.
Here are a few representative examples. Mr. R. Paton of the Morib Plantations Ltd. of
Banting in the Federated Malay States, writes:
'We started to keep livestock on a fairly big scale in 1930 for the purpose of
manuring our coconuts, and this was done in conjunction with composting of husks,
fronds, etc. in trenches two feet deep along the centre of each row. . . . Our average
yield per acre was below nine piculs of copra, and the palms were then beyond the
age at which one would expect any appreciable response in yield. Nevertheless, they
have yielded over fourteen piculs per acre average for each of the past five years, and
look like doing even better. Fine results have been obtained also in our rubber areas,
particularly in young replantings, where the growth is all that could be desired, and
not one ounce of artificial fertilizer has been used.' (Compost News Letter No. 1. A four-monthly
periodical published by the County Palatine of Chester Local Medical and Panel Committee. Later incorporated into Soil and

A good example from Europe was to be seen before the war on Dr. Pfeiffer's
farm, near Flushing in Holland. Neither his green-house nor his outdoor crops
received any artificial fertilizers. He succeeded in producing heavy crops of a flavour
and keeping quality far in excess of those in the surrounding neighbourhood.
Moreover, he never needed to use poison sprays because he was not troubled with
insect or fungus diseases. Dr. Pfeiffer follows the bio-dynamic method of agriculture
advocated by the late Dr. Rudolf Steiner. It includes the production of high quality
compost, fortified by various herbal and other organic preparations. E. Pfeiffer, Byo-Dynamic
Farming and Gardening, published in the U.K. as Soil Fertility, Renewal and Preservation, Faber and Faber, 1947.) Dr.
Pfeiffer is now engaged in important research work in the United States of America.
Africa has provided many indications in recent years. In a foreword which Lord
Bledisloe contributed to the pamphlet on this subject (referred to in Chapter IV) he
records 'the amazing justification' of the Indore process of humus manufacture which
met his eye 'in every direction' when he visited south Central Africa in 1938 as
Chairman of the Rhodesian Nyasaland Royal Commission. 'There I found,' he says,
'on the one hand, vast areas of desiccated and exhausted land, utterly destitute of
humus, which provided sustenance for neither man nor beast and where disease was
rampant among the native tribes, and on the other hand, in striking contrast, bumper
crops of tea, coffee, cotton, tobacco and maize being harvested by natives who were
relatively healthy, the secret being the use of compost, made (generally by the Indore
system) out of decayed vegetation associated with animal and human residues.

'The fact that the discoveries of McCarrison indicated that immunity from
degenerative human disease followed the ingestion of a fresh, well-balanced diet of
unprocessed natural foods, and that those of Howard disclosed a marked similar
resistance capacity, to both degenerative and infectious maladies, as a consequence of
returning to the soil a sufficiency of carefully prepared waste products may be
regarded as something other than a coincidence. In the latter case both crops and
livestock showed this salutary immunity.'
From Rhodesia Captain Timson reports 'that the resistance of maize to the attack
of witchweed, a flowering semi-parasitic plant, was raised to a point approaching
immunity by manuring with Indore compost.' (Howard, Letter to The Times, 10th August 1939.)
This result was confirmed by Captain Moubray of Chipoli who also records
(1942) that in an exceptionally dry season (only two inches of rain fell between the
end of January and middle of March) the pollen on the maize 'just dried up'
nevertheless 'lands throughout the colony that were well composted stood up well and
gave good results. The government', he states, 'are now appealing to everyone to make
as much compost as possible.' Another 'outstanding fact' has been the seed production
from composted sunn hemp as compared with that where no compost had been added.
This seed crop he reports as being very bad throughout the colony, the average yield
being only about one bag per acre, but 'notwithstanding bad rain conditions' his own
composted crop yielded three bags an acre. He gives it as his considered opinion that
it is not really profitable to grow sunn hemp for seed without the addition of compost.
(Compost News Letter No. 4.)

Coming nearer home, the effect of organic manuring on quality in vegetable

growing can be seen on a large scale on Mr. Secrett's farm at Walton-on-Thames. 'Mr.
Secrett uses practically no artificials and raises his produce on fermented stable
manure. He stands at the head of his profession as regards quality.' (Howard.)
Lord Portsmouth has made an interesting contribution to this question in
connection with keeping quality. Wheat straw is used for thatching many of the
cottages on his Hampshire estate. By keeping careful records over a number of years
he found that, although the crops in question were grown side by side on the same
type of soil, thatch made with straw from wheat grown with humus lasted twice as
long as that grown with artificials.
One of the most impressive examples of large scale humus farming in this
country is to be found at Surfleet near Spalding in Lincolnshire, on the Iceni Estate,
owned and farmed by Captain R. G. M. Wilson. This particular farm, consisting of
nearly 300 acres, is of special interest because of the interdependence of its market
garden, and more normal farming departments, but in connection with the special
subject matter of this chapter, I am concerned with a result which he has noted in
connection with the use of compost (Made on the bio-dynamic principle.) on glass-house
tomatoes. This case is of interest because it is an example of the beneficent effect of
compost on a presumed non-mycorrhiza former. When he first started growing
tomatoes on a large scale, Captain Wilson tells me he was much troubled by that
uneven ripening of the fruit which is such a frequent cause of loss to commercial
growers of this crop. He first tried the treatments advocated by expert consultants
without any very marked success. Then he adopted his humus methods and this

trouble disappeared; moreover he has now grown a crop of tomatoes in his houses for
eight consecutive years without changing or sterilizing the soil and, so far, can detect
no falling off in yield or quality. This is usually considered by experts to be
impossible. (This result has been confirmed by several other commercial tomato growers. Again and again they have
reported the complete disease control by the use of compost only. Incidentally, the tomato is one of the plants that thrives best on
compost made from its own waste materials.)

The high quality of the Iceni produce is famous wherever it is known, and
Captain Wilson has demonstrated very clearly that quality, even to-day, has a very
definite commercial value. This is often contested by the users of chemical fertilizers
who argue that successful competition under modem marketing conditions involves
putting quantity before quality. Recently during one of the periodical bad slumps in
the demand for cabbages, brought about by a seasonal glut of that vegetable, Captain
Wilson sent a van load of cabbages to the market of a town in the Midlands. When the
name on his van was spotted, it was quickly surrounded by buyers, and the whole load
was easily disposed of. Afterwards, rather than return empty, the van loaded up with
the unsaleable cabbages sent, on the same day to the same market, by other growers.
These were taken back to Surfleet and added to the compost heaps.
Plant pathologists when visiting Surfleet have jokingly called it 'a most
uninteresting place', because it is, as they put it, 'so boringly healthy'. If the primary
cause of disease in plants (as in man) is faulty nutrition, then Captain Wilson can
claim that his organic treatment supplies his crops with a balanced diet.
We must now turn to the question of parasites proper. These can be divided into
those that live in the soil and attack the roots or stems of plants, and those (such as
insects) that live outside the soil, and usually attack the leaf structure.
We have seen that the beneficial effect of compost in controlling virus or fungus
disease is probably due to increased fungal activity, and the part this plays in
providing the plant with a balanced diet. I now hope to show that there exists an
equally plausible reason to explain the decrease in attack by parasitic grubs, which so
often follows humus treatment. One of the most interesting examples of the kind is
the effect on eelworm which has recently been noticed in South Africa and Ceylon
following applications of compost. An account of this appeared in the Rhodesia
Herald of 4th September 1942 as follows:
'Some years ago Mr. S. D. Timson, Assistant Agriculturist, noticed a garden in
which the vegetables were strong and healthy and the flowers bright and vigorous. He
was surprised to learn that three years earlier cultivation had been almost abandoned
because of the heavy infestation of eelworm. The excellent conditions he saw
followed a good dressing of compost.
'He immediately began to observe the results of compost in regard to eelworm,
make practical tests and induce farmers to experiment. Once the inquiry was begun
evidence began to pour in.
'At Darwendale Mr. O. C. Rawson had applied five tons of compost per acre to
infested tobacco land. In the first year there was a reduction of eelworm, and in the
second year, without a further application, the eelworm disappeared. Other tobacco
farmers began to report similar experiences. . . . The compost, of course, was applied

for its fertilizing value and the consequences on the eelworm population were a
'It now seems that the same effect has been noticed in other countries where
compost was being tested out. In Ceylon members of the Department of Agriculture
were able to report last year that the most promising method of ridding the soil of
eelworms was one they had only recently discovered. It had been found that if large
quantities of organic material, such as compost, green manure, or cattle manure, were
added to the soil the population of eelworms was greatly reduced. Examining into the
causes of this effect, their conclusion was that it was due to the increase in the soil,
following the addition of organic matter, of organisms like fungi, and insects, and
other nematodes, which preyed on the eelworms. . . .'
This result would not have been a surprise if the machinery for coordinating the
results of research in different branches of science were less rusty. No less than fiftysix different species or forms of fungi have been recorded by mycologists as
'subsisting by the capture of motile animals'. (Charles Drechsler, 'Predacious Fungi', Biological Review,
Vol. 16, 1941, pp. 278 and 290.) The first account of this phenomenon appeared as early as 1888
(Zopf). Of these fifty-six forms, twenty-five are known to capture and consume
nematodes, twenty-three kill and eat amoebae, five live upon rhizopods and the three
remaining species are aquatic.
The methods by which these fungi trap their prey vary. The majority of the
nematode-eating species form loops or bales of mycelium, which also usually excrete
an adhesive substance. When an eelworm crawls through these bales, they close round
it, holding it captive despite its violent struggles which may last for as long as two and
a half hours. When the captive becomes inert, the fungus bores through the skin of its
prey, making a narrow penetration. A globous body is then formed by the penetrating
mycelium, which increases in size until in an hour or two it has filled a transverse
section through the animal's body. Lateral elongated branches then grow from this,
passing between the captive's internal organs, until they fill its entire length. This
causes paralysis and death of the eelworm, after which the fungus consumes all the
internal fatty material of its body, leaving the cuticle untouched. This gruesome
process is well shown in Plate XI.

PLATE XI. Arthtobotrys musiformis (Fig. 1) and Dactylella lysipaga (Fig. 2) Two
species of predaceous fungi, showing method of capture and destruction of
eelworms. From drawings by C. Drechsler. Mycologia 29 447 1939.

Nematodes appear to form the normal diet of some forms of predacious fungi,
other forms, it seems, eat such active prey only in the absence of other food.
Comparatively recent investigations have disclosed the fact that many more forms of
fungi are predacious than has been supposed. These forms have all the appearance of
non-predacious species until brought into close proximity with their mobile prey.
Then, and only then, do they develop the catching apparatus.
Many forms of these fungi are normally found in rotting vegetable matter and the
dung of animals. An examination has also revealed their presence in very large
numbers in compost.
Besides capturing and eating the active larvae of nematodes parasitic to plants-such as wheat cockle and sugar beet eelworm, and the rootknot parasite of pineapple-some forms also capture and consume the larvae of many animal parasites. These
larvae, which are present in the dung of affected animals, are quickly snared and
killed by the fungal species concerned. (See Technical Ref. No. 7a.)
This probably explains the greater liability to attack by parasitic worms to which
cattle and sheep are subject on worn out pastures deficient in humus, for it is unlikely
that predacious fungi can thrive in the absence of humus, any more than other soil
Whether or not these groups of fungi are among those concerned with the
production of growth-promoting substances is not known. It would be rash, in the

absence of precise knowledge, to assume that they are not. If they are, then the
deliberate destruction of eelworms by chemical means, may, even where successful,
do more harm than good by destroying the natural food of these beneficial fungi. The
normal presence in dung of both nematodes and the fungi which eat them, certainly
suggests that a balance between them exists in nature, particularly as some nematodes
and rhizopods appear also to eat fungi, if not first eaten by them. These organisms
provide an instance of the importance of the study of soil ecology, and of the possible
evil consequences of upsetting nature's balance of species.
'"There is no human being who is not directly or indirectly influenced by animal
populations, although intricate chains of connection often obscure the fact . . . not
only do animals have this influence on man, but man has an increasing power over the
fate of the animal populations that still throng the world." It seems that considerable
caution should be exercised before "ordering the destruction of a species on the
chance that it may be doing harm to human interests." (Bureau of Animal Population at the University
of Oxford--Annual report, 1936-37, quoted from The Rape of the Earth.)

'We cannot condemn the prairie gopher, the Australian rabbit, the African
termite, or the locust, without first discovering to what extent, if any, some action of
man has upset an equilibrium in animal ecology, and therefore indirectly in plant
ecology, and so affected the conservation of vegetation, soil and water.' (Jacks and Whyte,
The Rape of the Earth, Faber and Faber, 1939.)

Man is certainly responsible for the devastations caused by the Australian rabbit,
though in this case he upset nature's balance by the introduction, not the
extermination, of a species. As for the African termite, Captain Moubray has recently
shown that it can serve a very useful purpose. He uses large quantities of compost on
his citrus farm in Rhodesia, and he has described (April 1942) how he has recently
been able to make use of the termite in providing an additional source of food for his
'We have a small box-making plant,' he writes, (Compost News Letter No. 4.) 'and until
recently sawdust was looked upon as a waste product. Now it is spread on the grove,
where the termite or white ant of the insidious variety has made its home. This insect
has the property of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, which enables it to digest cellulose
and convert it into protein, which is a valuable source of nitrogen.
'We used to look upon the insidious termite as a pest and sawdust as waste. By
combining the two we make a valuable product. The termites do no harm to the trees.
The American representative of Cyanogas pays me regular visits, and has been
watching this particular experiment with great interest.'
In a later letter Captain Mowbray writes: 'Re termites, I now think the correct
explanation is as follows; the termites take the sawdust underground and use it in the
manufacture of their mushroom beds; this particular termite makes nets about the size
of a cricket ball, only a few inches below the surface. When finished with, these beds
decompose, nitrification takes place, and the nitrogen is available to the roots of the
orange trees. As regards eelworm in tobacco, our experts appear to be fairly satisfied
that this pest is now controlled by good applications of compost. Up till recently it
was generally accepted that once lands became badly infested they were lost to
tobacco forever. Many more have repeated Mr. Rawson's and Captain Timson's trials

with the same results. I found this out on tobacco years ago, but people then treated it
as a joke.' (Note: the expert advisers on sugar beet and potato eelworm in this country
still treat it as a joke.)
Whenever pests appear in unmanageable numbers, it is probably safe to assume
that nature's balance of species has in some way been upset, and in most cases it
would be profitable to suspect that the root of the trouble is man's mismanagement.
For example, there is some evidence for attributing the increase in insect pests, which
has been reported in some areas, to the wholesale destruction of hedges, undertaken in
the interests of mechanized farming, for with the hedge has gone the shelter for the
small birds who prey on the insects. Similarly, any soil treatments which tend to
inhibit fungal activity are probably a direct or indirect cause of the increase in many
different forms of parasitic larvae. In Hawaii successful control of root-knot parasite
in pineapple has been achieved by treating the soil with large quantities of organic
matter applied with the deliberate intention of encouraging predaceous fungi. (See
Technical Ref. No. 7B.) Farmers on the eelworm-infested potato lands in Lincolnshire might
do well to follow this example.
In addition to the undoubted presence of predaceous fungi in such substances as
compost and dung, other factors concerned with the balance of the soil population are
probably called into play as a result of organic soil treatment. There are indications,
for example, that attacks by wire worm on newly ploughed up pasture are noticeably
less severe if the grass receives a heavy dressing of farmyard manure before

PLATE XII A pair of Meyer lemons showing greater all-round development of the
plant on the right which was implanted with Soilution earthworms eighteen months
(Reproduced by courtesy of the Director, Californian Earthworm Farms)

Not the least important effect of replacing chemical fertilizers by farmyard

manure or compost, is the increase which this brings about in the earthworm
population. Darwin found that the weight of worm casts deposited on the surface of
ordinary field soil in good heart may exceed ten tons per acre per year. The

importance of this (see Plate XII) and its direct bearing on plant nutrition, becomes
clear when you consider the estimates of other experts, notably Dr. L. C. Curtis of the
Connecticut Experimental Station, that worm casts contain five times more nitrogen,
seven times more available phosphate, eleven times more potash, and 40 per cent
more humus than is normally to be found in the top six inches of soil, and this is not
their only contribution to soil fertility.(A list of some of the further beneficial activities of earthworms will be
found in Technical Ref. No. 8.) The late Sir Bernard Greenwell attached great importance to the
part played by earthworms in pest control and in the production of healthy crops
generally. In a paper which he read to the Farmers' Club in 1939 he stated:
'I am afraid very few of us realize what a good friend this little fellow is to the
farmer, and if we can only increase the population of the earthworm in the soil he will
do a lot of our deep cultivation for us and aerate the soil gratis. Where we manured
our grassland with artificials, we found the worms disappeared, but the following year
a compost was applied made from town rubbish mixed with dung, and immediately
the worm casts reappeared. It is a known fact that the nomad tribes in Central Africa
always pitched their camp on ground covered with worm casts as they found that this
was the best grazing. . . . I am certain that the fertility of the soil is bound up with
organics which are a great encouragement to the worm. There is very little doubt that
he is a scavenger and if he disappears you will find his place taken by the leather
jackets and other insects detrimental to the crops.' (It has also been suggested (Dr. Joad, in a Brains
Trust session) that the increase in such pests as wireworm, and leatherjacket, may be attributable to the speed of the multifurrow
tractor plough, which does not allow the grub eating birds sufficient time to secure their prey before the fresh-turned soil is
covered up again by the next furrow. This is very plausible, and there is probably something in it.)

When it is remembered that as many as eight million earthworms may be found

in a single acre, and that their burrows are capable of penetrating the subsoil to a
depth of five or six feet, it is clear that their presence must have an appreciable effect
on soil aeration, and thus indirectly on humus formation.(See Technical Ref. No. 8.) Faulty
aeration, which interferes with humus formation underneath the turf, is perhaps the
commonest cause of infertile grassland.
Sir Bernard Greenwell found that he could obtain an improvement in poor
pasture by subsoiling, equivalent to that normally obtained by dressings of basic slag.
It will be remembered that some of the Wareham experiments suggested that the
improvement in tree growth brought about by slag was due less to its phosphate
content than to its indirect action on soil fungi, including no doubt those responsible
for humus formation. It seems fairly clear that an increase, however induced, in that
part of the soil population beneficial to plant life may well be accompanied by a
decrease in others of a parasitic nature.
We come now to consideration of the claim that compost treatment also confers a
resistance to attack by insect parasites. Here the reason is more difficult to understand.
At first sight one would have thought that the healthier a plant, the more appetizing
would it be to such pests. The recorded cases of such resistance following applications
of compost, are however too numerous to ignore. My own experience extending over
several seasons has convinced me that crops of the cabbage family, if grown from
seedlings raised on humus rich soil, and transplanted on to land treated with compost,
show markedly greater resistance to caterpillar and aphis attack than those grown with
artificials or even with ordinary farmyard manure. (See Chapter VIII.) I have also grown
onions in soil rich in humus which produced an abundantly healthy crop in a season

when practically the whole onion crop of the surrounding district was destroyed by
onion fly.
Howard records the following interesting experience with fruit trees found
growing in the garden of his house at Blackheath when he bought it in 1934. He
records that this garden 'was completely worn out through no fault of the previous
owner. It was a veritable pathological museum--the fruit trees, in particular, were
smothered with every kind of blight. Steps were taken to convert all the vegetable
wastes into humus with the help of stable litter. Even after one year the pests began to
retreat. In three years all had disappeared, the woolly aphis on one apple tree being
the last to leave. During this period no insecticides or fungicides were used and no
diseased material was ever destroyed. It was all converted into humus.'
Every year that passes brings an ever increasing number of carefully recorded
results of a like nature, for organic farming and gardening is daily becoming more
common. Among the outstanding features of all these reports are the disappearance of
disease, the increased size, and improved germination of seed, and the increased
resistance to drought and pests, all following upon a change from orthodox cultivation
to compost only. In none of these cases has a diminution in yield resulted--usually the
reverse. (These results are now being collected and checked by the Soil Association. See Chapter VIII.)
I have evolved my own theory to explain the effect of compost on insect pests,
which I advance here merely as an hypothesis. In watching caterpillar and aphis attack
I have noticed that both compost- and chemically-grown plants will be attacked, but
whereas the plants grown with chemicals (if left unprotected) will, in a bad season, be
stripped to the rib, those grown with compost (with the exception of an occasional
isolated plant) are only slightly damaged and quickly recover. This suggests two
things: first, that the vigour of growth is so strong in the case of the compost-grown
plants, that they are able quickly to repair the ravages of the pest, and secondly, that
the compost grown plant may be more nourishing and the parasite consequently
satisfied with less. The evidence on which I base this theory will be found in the next
We now come to the second claim made on behalf of humus, namely that the
health of the crops grown with it can be transmitted to animals. This is not easy to
prove, but as an example of the instances given, I will briefly summarize the
experience of Mr. Friend Sykes, farmer of a 700 acre all-organic farm. For many
years Mr. Sykes farmed some of the richest land in the country, where he built up
famous prize-winning herds of Friesian cattle and Berkshire pigs, yet when the
accredited milk scheme was introduced, and he was asked to lead the way by having
his herd tested for tuberculosis, 66 per cent of his cows reacted. As can be imagined
this caused him many heart searchings. For the conclusions he reached, and the
reasoning by which he arrived at them, readers must study his book, (Friend Sykes, Humus and
the Farmer, Faber and Faber, 1946.) but the practical upshot of them was that he decided radically
to alter his system of farming, and abandon orthodox methods. He sold his rich land
farm (at 100 per acre) and in 1936 bought 750 acres of downland in Wiltshire over
800 feet above sea level and worth only 4 an acre.

This land was so poor that it was said to be incapable of growing grain crops, and
the herbage was so scant that the whole area, when he first moved in, was incapable
of sustaining fifty head of cattle, and heavy purchases of feeding stuffs had to be
made to keep them alive. Disease of every sort soon showed itself: contagious
abortion, Johne's disease, mastitis, tuberculosis.
He decided to plough up the whole 750 acres, to rely thereafter solely on home
grown food, and to attempt to re-establish fertility without recourse to any purchased
artificial fertilizers. He records the result in the following words: 'After seven years of
heart-breaking toil with the added difficulties of wartime conditions thrown in for
luck, we have (touching wood) (1) almost completely rid the farm of disease, (2) built
up a large herd of attested dairy cattle tubercle free for over four years now, and of a
soundness of constitution to all critical appearances such that no expert would believe
that any scourge had ever visited the farm, and (3) as each succeeding generation of
young stock is born we have unmistakable evidence of still greater stamina and
This remarkable achievement was brought about by a combination of ley farming
(four years seeds, four years arable), heavy cultivation including sub-soiling, and
intensive controlled grazing by cattle, sheep and horses. Beyond this heavy sheet
composting the land received nothing, yet the farm, once so poor, is now selfsupporting, carries 250 head of cattle, and grows heavy crops of roots and grain,
which are as healthy as the livestock. In 1944 the wheat crop reached seventy-two
bushels per acre, and this on land said to be unsuitable for wheat both on account of
quality and altitude.
The farm is still on the up grade, and now that Mr. Sykes is composting all his
straw by the method of open yards and a mechanical muck shifter he expects to be
able to carry a much larger head of livestock still.
Now this conversion of derelict and infertile soil into something much above the
average for the best, through no agency other than the dung and urine of the livestock
fed on the farm's own produce, while grain and milk are sold off the farm, cuts clean
across the orthodox view of what is possible. By all the rules a serious mineral
deficiency should have taken place. The reverse appears to have happened.
If animals fed on compost grown food are healthier than those fed on the same
foods grown by other means the explanation is probably to be found in a combination
of many factors, and to single out any one of them is perhaps to fall into the error of
fragmentation. Nevertheless since vitamins have already been singled out for special
investigation in recent research on this subject, and since they undoubtedly do appear
to be one of the factors concerned, some of the available evidence in connection with
them must now be given.
In Madras McCarrison found that grain produced with farmyard manure
contained more vitamins than that grown with minerals. In the Journal of Medical
Research, Vol. XIV (1926), p. 351, the following results of one of his rat feeding
experiments demonstrates this:

Percentage gain in
bodily weight


Basic ration plus stable-manured wheat

Basic ration plus chemically grown wheat
plus vitamin supplement
Basic ration plus chemically grown wheat


The two wheat crops were grown on adjoining plots. (Memoirs of the Department of
Agriculture in India, IX, No. 4, 8927. Quoted. Pfeiffer.)

A striking confirmation of this finding in the case of a particular vitamin--'B--'is

to be found in an experiment carried out by Rowlands and Wilkinson of the
Knightsbridge Laboratories.
The following account of their experiment appeared in Compost News Letter No.
4 and was abstracted from the Biochemical Journal, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, 1930.
'Mr. Rowlands, having noticed that pigs grown on home-grown barley and wheat
did better than pigs on bought barley and wheat, decided to try the effect of artificial
manure versus natural manure. The crop tested was, not barley or wheat, but the seeds
of clover and grass; and the experimental animals were rats. Two groups of rats were
fed respectively on the seeds from the artificially manured field and the naturally
manured field; and the upshot was that, on the seeds of the naturally manured grass,
the rats grew nearly twice as well as those on the artificially manured grass. Both
preventive and curative tests were made.
'Here are the details:
Preparation of field

1925 Cabbages grown.

1926 Potatoes grown.
Wheat sown in autumn.
1927 Grass seeds with a small
quantity of the different
clovers sown amongst the
growing wheat.
After harvest, the aftermath
was lightly grazed.
1928 Field cut for hay and grass.
In autumn the field was
divided and half was manured
with natural manure and half
with artificial thus:



Pig manure mixed with straw

20 loads per acre.
How the pigs which produced
the manure were fed
50 per cent middlings (i.e.
ground bran with adherent
40 per cent barley meal
10 per cent of the
following mixture:
meat meal, rye and
wheat embryo (rich
in vitamin B),bone meal
and cod liver oil

20 cwt. basic slag and 3 cwt.

Kainite (sulphate of potash,
salt and magnesia) per acre

1929 In the spring 1 cwt.

sulphate of ammonia per acre.

'In July 1929 the crops were cut on both parts of the field; harvested in separate
barns, and threshed.
Analysis of Grass and Clover Seeds (percentages)


natural manure

artificial manure



Preventive Tests
'The rats were given Professor Drummond's "B deficiency diet" which consists of
rice starch, caseinigen, salt mixture and cod liver oil, and with this, one lot got 20 per
cent of "Dung Seeds" (seeds grown with natural manure) for twenty-one days and
thereafter 25 per cent of "Dung Seeds" for eleven days, whilst the other lot got the
same weights of seeds grown with "artificials", for the same periods. The result is
shown in Fig. 2.

Curative Tests
'Both lots of rats to be tested were given the "B deficiency diet", with no seeds,
for eighteen days, at the end of which all were losing weight. Then to the diet of one
lot 25 per cent of "Dung Seeds" were added, and they at once began to grow
normally. (See Fig. 3.)

'To the diet of the other lot 25 per cent of seeds grown with "artificials" were
added: they did not improve, but got steadily worse. Three days later they looked as if
they could only live a few hours. "Their condition was one of typical vitamin B
deficiency; they were wasted, hunched and shedding hair". Then Professor
Drummond saw them and suggested changing from seeds grown with "artificials" to
"dung seeds". The immediate result was that the rats rapidly recovered and showed
normal growth. (See Fig. 4.)

'The authors observe "It would seem that a plant may absorb vitamin B from the
land, and that the vitamin B content of any food may be dependent upon the amount
of this vitamin in the land." The earlier view that "the vitamin B is manufactured
entirely in the plant and stored in the embryo" thus seems to be incorrect. Then they
make this shrewd remark: "One worker states that in his experimental work a certain
food contains vitamin B ; another worker, using the same type of food, differs entirely
in his findings; and we consider that the food that is being tested is not the only point
which is of importance. If these results are correct they have a considerable bearing
upon agriculture and nutrition."
'A further detail: They found that the dung of the pigs which they employed
contained vitamin B. (They extracted it with slightly acidified 50 per cent alcohol,
concentrated the extract by distillation in vacuo, and then fed the concentrate to rats
losing weight on the "B deficiency diet". The rats began to grow at once.)'
This experiment dealt with vitamin B only. Very probably it could be extended to
include others. A similar result, but without an attempt to isolate the cause, is
recorded of the late Dr. Rowlands
'In his case he took an acre of land that had never had a crop on it, divided it into
two half-acre plots, ploughed, harrowed it, and made a seed-bed of the whole acre.
One half-acre was heavily fertilized with cow dung, the other half-acre with chemical
fertilizer--both plots seeded down with the same cereal--barley I think it was--both
plots had good crops with strong straw and well-filled heads, the seeds were kept
separate and again two groups of rats from the same families were divided in equal
halves--the one group fed from the chemically fertilized plot showed every evidence
of malnutrition--those fed from the farmyard manured plot had a perfectly normal
healthy growth.' (Personal letter to the author from Mr. J. Tustin, late of United Dairies.)
As against such experiments as these I must in fairness record certain contrary
evidence. First there is the increasing development of soilless culture, or hydroponics
as I believe it is called in the U.S.A. It is usually described as growing crops in a

nutrient solution, either in water tanks or in sterilized sand or gravel, though it is

sometimes forgotten that water or sand when exposed to the air does not remain
sterile. Considerable progress has been made in this method. It has even reached a
commercial scale in some places. Satisfactory crops have resulted, and Professor R.
H. Stoughton, who is engaged in carrying out investigations in the process at Reading
University, has recently recorded that in order to determine the nutritional value of
crops so raised, 'chemical analysis of the carbohydrate, protein, inorganic
constituents, and vitamin C content were carried out. No significant differences could
be established between plants grown in gravel and those grown in soil.' (Nature, Vol. 150,
No. 3797, 8th August 1942.)

The first question, of course, which springs to the mind is 'what kind of soil?' If
chemically treated soil, then one would not expect to find much difference, but apart
from this my reactions to these investigations are, firstly, that the results will be
inconclusive until feeding tests have been carried out such as those undertaken by Dr.
Rowland. It is very possible that the difference in nutritional value between humus
and chemically grown plants is not, as yet, detectable by chemical analysis. It must
not be forgotten that until very recently vitamins defied analysis. 'About twenty years ago I was
induced to preside, during the annual meeting of the British Association, over a joint conference of its Agricultural and Medical
sections arranged to discuss Vitamins. The subject was handled with considerable scepticism by the medical participants in the
discussion. I well remember, prior to its taking place,' I wrote to several well-known physicians asking them their opinion on the
value of Vitamins. Their replies were almost without exception hostile to their alleged efficacy, and in some cases derisory. And
yet who to-day would dare to challenge the therapeutic value of these 'accessory food factors'? Viscount Bledisloe, 1940.)

Secondly there is no indication at present that plants raised by soilless culture can
continue to reproduce for consecutive generations. It is customary for the seed used to
be raised in soil. (Mrs. Hilyer records in her book Hydroponics having successfully raised second generation peas and
potatoes but her methods are not entirely inorganic.) Thirdly, plants grown in such very controlled and
artificial conditions present a very different picture from those growing in open
competition in the field. The danger of basing deductions exclusively on laboratory
experiments when dealing with such natural phenomena as mycorrhizal association,
for example, has already been pointed out. Of more importance to our subject
therefore, is the evidence of Sir John Russell, F.R.S., late director of the Rothamsted
Experimental Station. In 1939 he wrote as follows:
'We have searched diligently for evidence that organic manure gives crops of
better quality than inorganic fertilizers, and so far our experiments made jointly with
the Dunn Nutritional Laboratories at Cambridge, have all given negative results. No
difference has yet been found.'
How can such results be reconciled with those of Dr. Rowland? I am not in
possession of sufficient data to hazard an answer, but several lines of inquiry occur to
me. Firstly, in this case also, no evidence is forthcoming that feeding tests were
undertaken. Secondly, I would like to know the manurial treatment which the soil
received in the years immediately preceding the experiments, for the effects of both
organic and chemical manuring are cumulative. If the operative factor is a question of
fungal activity, it is obvious that this must be so. Thirdly, I should like to know the
form of the organic treatment given, for, as we have seen, not all treatments called
organic do stimulate the soil population in the desired manner. (A recent visit to Rothamsted
revealed the fact that no tests have been made with properly made organic compost. 1948)

It must be remembered that the inorganic enthusiasts tend to overlook in their

claims that application of inorganic chemicals to a field crop does not so much test the

effect of chemical nutrients as such, as of chemicals plus humus. This is why the
humus enthusiasts demand long-term tests. Their view is that it is the presence of
humus which softens the effects of inorganic chemicals, and the presence of inorganic
chemicals that prevents compost treatment being fully effective. In other words, while
it is only when the humus content of the soil becomes seriously lowered that the
harmful effect of inorganics becomes fully apparent, feeding value nevertheless is
probably affected long before this stage is reached. The only short-term tests therefore
which could possibly provide a true comparison would be one undertaken with
subsoil; in the one case with inorganic nutrients added, and in the other case with the
addition of humus. I believe it is a fact that the seed used on the famous Broadbalk
field at Rothamsted is invariably fresh seed, imported each year. This must weaken
any nutritional argument based on the reaction of this seed to soil treatment, for since
the effect of both organic and inorganic treatment is cumulative, it becomes more and
more evident with each succeeding generation. One of the reasons for this is no doubt
that continued applications of inorganic chemicals appear to have a serious lowering
effect on the fertility principle, while organic treatment, as already noted in the case of
sunn hemp, stimulates it. A similar result has been noted with clover by Mr. R. G.
Hawkins of Braintree who writes (May 1942):
'For some years now I have inspected crops of Essex red clover and I have noted
that the yield of seed is invariably higher on those farms which keep stock, so that the
land receives a periodic dressing of dung. The difference is most pronounced in those
years when clover seed is generally a poor crop. . . .' (Quoted from Compost News Letter No. 3.)
The factor responsible for lowering reproductive powers, is probably the same as
that affecting feeding value. In both cases it is reasonable to assume that it is almost
certainly a vital factor. The argument that living forces are unnecessary to living
organisms, and that these require nothing for health, growth and vigour that could not
be supplied by synthetic chemical products, will remain unconvincing until such time
as scientists succeed in creating life itself. Dr. Innes Pearse maintains that the
relationship of humus to the seedling, is exactly comparable to that of the placenta to
the foetus. (See also Technical Ref. No. 14.) In any event, the mere fact that such startling
discrepancy of view as that cited above can co-exist among scientists is in itself a
sound indication of the importance of carrying out further tests.
There are very many indications now available contradicting the Rothamsted
results and they are not confined to rats.
In the course of feeding trials carried out by the late Sir Bernard Greenwell at
Marden Park in Surrey, in 1939, 'the effect of a grain ration raised from fertile soil
was compared with a similar one (purchased on the open market) on poultry, pigs,
horses and dairy cows. In all cases the results were similar. The animals not only
throve better on the grain from fertile soil, but they needed less--a saving of about 15
per cent was obtained. The grain from fertile soil was found to contain a satisfying
power not produced by ordinary produce. But this was not all; resistance to disease
markedly increased. In poultry, for example, infantile mortality fell from over 40 per
cent to less than 4 per cent. In pigs, troubles like scour disappeared. Mares and cows
showed none of the troubles which often occur at birth.' (Howard, quoting Sir B. Greenwell's paper
read to Journal of Farmers' Club, 1939.)

The possibility that grain grown on fertile soil might result in a quantitive saving
is an important point, particularly in war-time. If a wide adoption of humus farming
were to result in a 10 per cent to 15 per cent reduction in animal feeding stuffs
throughout the country, a large amount of shipping space would be saved, or
alternatively more livestock could be kept. These are worth-while considerations in
themselves, quite apart from the economic benefit that would accrue from any general
improvement in the health of our livestock, were this to result. I might remind you
here how Howard found that his oxen in India, fed on compost-grown food, failed to
contract foot-and-mouth disease even when 'rubbing noses' with infected animals.
In connection with this Lord Portsmouth told me an interesting story. A few years
ago he approached the heads of the Government Veterinary Department, whose
responsibility it is to decide on the policy to be followed during epidemics of such
infectious diseases as foot-and-mouth disease. At present, as is well known, the policy
in the case of this disease, is to slaughter not only all infected animals, but also all
contacts, at the same time prohibiting any movement of stock in an area fifteen miles
around the site of the outbreak. Anyone who has studied the outbreaks in recent years,
cannot fail to have been struck by the way in which farms next door to the one where
an outbreak has occurred, so often escape infection, while others, more widely
separated, succumb. It is difficult to reconcile this with the official theory that the
spread of infection is due to birds, or ground vermin.
Lord Portsmouth, with his personal experience of the effects of humus farming,
suggested an experiment to these Veterinary Authorities, to be tried when foot-andmouth next occurred in a suitable locality, such as the Isle of Wight, where a whole
area could be effectively isolated. His idea was that instead of adopting the slaughter
policy, they should prohibit any movement of stock to or from the island, and let the
disease take its course, carefully noting the farms that escaped and comparing the
system of farming in practice there, with that on the farms to which the disease
spread. The 'vets' 'threw up their hands in horror' and said 'Do you suggest that half
Europe is badly farmed?'
'Yes,' said Lord Portsmouth, 'just that.'
They then drew his attention to a large wall map. It covered the Continent from
the Baltic to the Mediterranean, and from the Atlantic to Russia. It was studded with
small flags, each flag representing a confirmed outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease.
Lord Portsmouth told me that he looked from this map to the 'vets' in
astonishment. 'Doesn't that map show you something?' he asked.
'Only', was the reply, 'that the disease is very prevalent.'
Lord Portsmouth then told me that he had an intimate knowledge of some parts of
southern Europe, and had travelled large tracts of it on foot, including the Balkans. He
said that from his personal knowledge of the farming methods undertaken in this
mountain area, he was able to notice that very often the flags stuck into the map
stopped where traditional peasant farming began. He pointed this out to these
authorities, saying, 'Do you mean to tell me that birds flying south stop when they get
to this valley or that region.'

I asked him what reply was made to this, and he said: 'Oh! They just thought I
was mad!'
There is nothing harder than to introduce a new idea into the official mind.
A further contribution to the indications concerning animals and artificials, is
contained in the following letter to the Spectator of 17th October 1941, by Dr.
Sanderson-Wells, Chairman of the Food Education Society.' (T. H. Sanderson-Wells, M.B.E.,
M.D., F.R.C.S.)

'A dig-for-victory plot on the edge of a golf-links was limed, planted and treated
with artificials. Luxuriant heavy-green cabbages, sprouts and other vegetables
resulted. To increase the family meat ration, part of this crop was fed to rabbits, who
ate without relish, became apathetic and smelt unpleasant. When later grass mowings
were substituted the rabbits ate voraciously and became vigorous and sweet-smelling.
'A correspondent writes: "Cabbages and sprouts grown too fast with nitrate and
phosphate are a curious 'wrong' colour. If over 50 per cent of the greenstuff given to
rabbits is of this sort the rabbits die. Permanent pasture dressed with phosphate
produces a luxuriant field. If the phosphate goes beyond a certain point the field takes
on an unnatural green, and is deserted by wild rabbits."
'Salesmen use this fact as a recommendation. One told me: "Use any soluble
phosphate fertilizer and keep the rabbits away." Another said "Use enough nitro-chalk
and you will get big greens that rabbits will scarcely touch: if they do, they die."
Animal instincts may be sound guides to food values, which are actually soil values,
because food is nothing more than the "conveyancing agent" or "agent of transfer" of
the soil's qualities into the bodies of man and beast; land in good heart supporting
bodily health, vigour and stamina; poor unbalanced soils producing ill health and
debility. For instance, the liking of birds for hips, haws and many other hedgerow
fruits has led to the discovery that these contain high concentrations of mineral salts,
vitamins, and other essential food elements.' (Reprinted in Compost News Letter No. 3.)
The soundness of this idea that food is an agent of transfer for the qualities of soil
has been demonstrated to me many times by my own experience in the raising of
young pigs. Pigs bred under modern housing conditions (defined by someone as 'cold
and concrete'), are very prone to the disease of white-scour when they reach the age of
about one month. If the attack is serious it can cause considerable financial loss, even
if it does not actually kill the pigs. The textbooks give the cause as lack of iron and
recommend dosing with some iron preparation such as Parrish's Food; feeding such
weeds as chickweed (which is rich in iron), or, as a third alternative, taking up pieces
of turf and giving these to the young pigs.
I have made many experiments in connection with the curing and prevention of
this trouble. From the turf remedy I tried experiments with ordinary soil from arable
fields. It was not long before I found that soil gathered from a field rich in humus,
where no chemicals have been applied, was quite as effective as turf, curing the pigs
within forty-eight hours. Whereas soil from exhausted land, or land treated with
chemicals had no effect in curing the disease. I also noticed that young pigs running in
the open on good pasture, provided it was not too hard for them to rootle (as for

instance in hard frost, or very prolonged drought), never suffered from this disorder. It
is never a menace to my herd now under any conditions, even in long spells of severe
winter weather when the ground is covered with snow and the pigs have to be entirely
housed up. Under such conditions I no longer wait for the first sign of scour, but
regularly collect the soil of fresh mole hills, newly thrown up above the snow, on land
I know to be fertile. Collected daily, this soil is friable in the hardest frost, and it is
equally good in very wet weather, for it is never sticky. The pigs eat it voraciously in
incredible quantities, starting when about a week old. I sometimes add a little chalk to
it, which the pigs seem to like.
This experience ties up in an interesting way with the research work of Baker and
Martin (F. A. Baker and Rollo Martin, Zbl Bakt. II, 1937.) and brings us back once more to the role of
the fungus. Baker and Martin have shown that a group of fungi indigenous to the
caecum of the rabbit, guinea-pig, and horse is responsible for the breakdown of
cellulose ingested by these animals, and their research work on the behaviour of these
fungi in vivo has provided strong evidence for the view that their relationship to the
host animal is a symbiotic one. (Some of these organisms incidentally are also
indigenous to the human mouth.)
These investigators have not experimented with the pig so far as I am aware, but
it is reasonable to suppose that the breakdown of cellulose in the pig's digestive tract
is very probably also dependent upon the presence of fungi. It is also reasonable to
suppose that the pig's gut, at birth, is more or less sterile. This being so, before he can
cope with green food or cereals, he must presumably inoculate himself with
appropriate fungi. If this is, in fact, what occurs, it explains the pig's very early
appetite for soil. It also explains why soil heavily dressed with artificials is not
effective in stopping the indigestion which causes white scour at about the age when
the pig normally begins to eat green food, since in such soil fungal growth is largely
An alternative explanation, put forward by certain medical friends, is that the
scour is bacterial in origin, and that some bactericidal agency is introduced with the
soil. This explanation is possible of course, and the recent discovery by an American
scientist of a soil organism possessing curative powers very much akin to penicillium
lends colour to the theory, but I still lean towards my own hypothesis, more
particularly since research, more recent than that of Baker and Martin, has provided
evidence that the digestive tract of all mammals is the normal habitat of fungus flora,
symbiotic in habit, whose function is not confined to assisting the digestion of
cellulose, but is also concerned with making certain vitamins available. If the initial
source of fungus infection should prove to be the soil, or even natural raw herbage,
one is prompted to wonder whether the inability to digest coarse natural foods, such
as raw salads, and wholemeal bread, which is sometimes exhibited by modern city
dwellers who have subsisted for years on sophisticated, processed and tinned foods,
may not be associated in some way with faulty fungal activity brought about through
the prolonged absence from their diet of those same natural foods. At any rate, in the
case of the pigs, all the recent research is consistent with my interpretation, which also
seems to be supported by the well-known fact that when cooked potatoes are fed to
pigs they must be washed before boiling, whereas raw potatoes can only be safely fed
if the soil is left on them. It would appear from this that live soil enables pigs to digest

raw potatoes (in moderation), while cooked potatoes not only do not require this aid,
but the soil, when sterilized, appears itself to be indigestible.
Older farm workers have told me that they never remember scour in young pigs
when 'they were young', and one of the more noticing among them told me that in his
view this was because in those days when roots such as mangolds were cleaned for
the cows, the part trimmed off, with the soil attached, was always thrown to the pigs,
and that in 'those days, these crops were always grown with muck'.
There seems little doubt that we can make much more use than we do at present
of the information which animals themselves are very ready to give us in estimating
quality in food. For instance, cattle are often better judges than the chemist as to
whether or not land requires liming. In the winter of 1941-2 I chalked part of a
meadow which the soil experts, after analysis, told me did not require it. The
following summer, and again during the summer of 1943, the verdict of the cattle was
very different; that part which received chalk was grazed as close as a billiards table.
The rest was fed off only when there was nothing left on the chalked portion.
The Rev. Willis Feast, of Booton, Norwich, records how a young farmer told him
that he grew Swedes, some with and some without artificials : 'He fed the "withouts"
first, and when they were finished had the greatest difficulty in persuading his beasts
to start eating the "withs".' (Compost News Letter No. 3. See also Chapter IX.)
The preference of cattle for mucked or composted pasture is very marked.
Howard describes a case of this kind which he was able to observe personally, since
the six fields in question were in front of his house at Heversham. 'All are first-class
rye pastures,' he writes, 'with nothing to choose between them as regards soil, aspect
or drainage. Nevertheless in 1941 the sheep and cattle, which had access to all six
fields at the same time, consistently neglected one of them, the grass of which was
allowed by the animals to grow at will. This particular field alone of the six had
received a large dressing of artificials.'
One winter I noticed that the farm cats refused potatoes boiled for the pigs when
these had been purchased from a grower who uses artificials, but that later in the
season, when I started to use the small potatoes from our own crop, grown with
humus, the cats ate them with avidity.
Stories such as these are indications, because they are reported from so many
different quarters. They are not proof, because they have not been reproduced to order
under strictly controlled conditions. I must confess, however, that my own personal
taste entirely concurs with that of the animal. To me the flavour of vegetables grown
with farmyard manure, and more particularly compost, is noticeably superior to that
of the same vegetables grown with chemicals. It would be in keeping with nature's
usually sensible arrangements if palatability were to prove an indication of nutritional
value. Unfortunately, in so far as civilized man is concerned, such guides are no
longer reliable, generations of faulty feeding having developed in us a liking for many
things that do us little good, such as refined sugar and white flour. The natural choice
of animals, however-even domestic animals-is almost certainly worth noting, and
investigations based on it would probably yield interesting results.

The examples just given of animals obviously preferring compost-grown food,

coupled with the experience of Sir Bernard Greenwell and others, that a smaller
quantity of such food is required to produce a given increase in weight, certainly
suggest that such food is more complete and balanced.
A doctor of my acquaintance holds the view that, 'It is a likely hypothesis that the
appetite-satisfying qualities of compost-grown food are due to a greater content of
hormones and vitamins. Similarly when the vitamin content of such a food as bread,
for instance, is deliberately strengthened by the addition of extra germ, provided that
that is fresh and, except for the baking, raw, its power of satisfying hunger is notable.'
This doctor lives in Cheshire, a county where, before bread rationing, a special
wholemeal bread was available. This bread was known as 'Fertility Bread'. It was
made from locally grown wheat; about 66 lb. of the latter with about 33 lb. of raw
wheat germ added, and was baked within thirty-six hours of the meal being ground.
He told me the following story as an illustration of the satisfying power of this
'One rainy night, called to a distant and unknown patient, I returned from a
fruitless inquiry to find a man standing by my car in conversation with my wife. She
was saying--"I call a 4d. loaf expensive." And his reply was, "Well, I don't, Mrs.-- -You see I put it this way: I can make a good meal on half a fertility loaf and nothing
more except the butter and perhaps a lettuce; and I am satisfied. That's 2d. aside
from the butter and so on. But if I must have white bread I want as much and more,
and a piece of beef or a chicken's leg as well; and against I've done, my dinner's cost
me more than double."'
This same doctor used a vivid analogy to illustrate the same theme. He likened an
attempt to satisfy hunger on white bread, to eating Christmas pudding with intent to
find the threepenny bit. 'It is not in the first helping, so you have another, after that
you feel full, but though you do not really want to eat any more, you go on because
you are still looking for something which is not there.' This analogy also expresses my
theory of the susceptibility of chemically grown vegetables to caterpillar and insect
attack. For example, a commercial tomato grower carrying out an experiment recently
between a tomato house treated with compost only and one treated with compost plus
chemicals noted a greater number of white-fly in the compost houses but no visible
injury to the plant or staining on the fruit, while in the other house, the fruit was so
badly stained that every tomato had to be wiped although the number of insects
present was visibly less. If the vegetable lacks something which the caterpillar or
insect needs, he may go on eating long after satiety in an effort to find it. As already
stated, this is a purely personal hypothesis. I have no proof that it is so, it merely
seems to me probable in view of the evidence available.
If it should be conclusively proved that humus, whether through the agency of
soil fungi or otherwise, can restore to plants some virtue otherwise missing,
something which can best be summed up in the word 'quality', embracing as it would

seem, palatability, keeping quality, and health, and that such plants do act as a
conveying agency, passing on this quality to animals; then the foundation would be
well and truly laid for further investigations as to the extent to which this same quality
can be further transmitted to the human race. The claim that it can be so transmitted
has already been made, but the moment we attempt to provide evidence involving
human beings, we are faced with a much more difficult task, critical proof is almost
impossible to obtain, for you cannot treat people as though they were laboratory
guinea-pigs. Nevertheless many indications supporting the claim do exist, and a few
examples must be given.
In many districts of India rice is the staple diet. I have been told that in those
areas where the rice crop is sown broadcast in the paddy fields, the standard of health
of both crop and population is low, but that in other districts where it is the custom to
sow the rice in a seed-bed of soil rich in humus, and thence to transplant the seedlings,
both crop and people are remarkably healthy.
That the incidence of malaria may also be connected with methods of crop
cultivation is indicated in the following quotation.
'There are multitudinous examples of the retreat of the crop and of the animal and
of mankind before the parasite, but we are only now beginning to get examples of the
reverse process. In two cases--malaria and sleeping sickness--there are signs that soil
fertility is the real method of dealing with these diseases.
'I will take malaria first. In one of the most intensely malarious areas of India, the
Terai--a strip of forest at the base of the Himalayas--malaria is so bad in the early
rains, June to September, that it is regarded as a death trap both by Europeans and
Indians. Nevertheless, in this area a tribe exists who are practically, to all intents and
purposes, immune to malaria. They go in for intensive agriculture and their villages
are very clean. . . . What we want is a McCarrison to follow this clue out still further.
That malaria depends on the way crops are grown is supported by other facts. In
Western Bengal where rice is not properly grown, there is intense malaria; in Eastern
Bengal (Mymensingh) where rice is exceedingly well grown, there is very little
malaria. Further, in the rice areas, when these are invaded by the water hyacinth, the
conditions for malarial mosquitos seem to be removed. Incidentally the water
hyacinth will provide the humus needed to grow rice really properly.
'As regards sleeping sickness, the evidence is not so complete: never, the less it
exists. In Nigeria it has been found that the use of cattle manure for raising fodder
crops is followed by a distinct increase in resistance to the Tsetse fly disease. There
are some indications that the same thing occurs in Tanganyika. What we really need
in the fly belt of Africa is a fairly large area of really fertile soil, so that we can see
what the effect of this is on the incidence of sleeping sickness. (Compost News Letter No. 2,
Howard quoting Major Clyde's report.)

In East Africa 'Major Layzell found that the vegetables grown for his labour force
on the land manured with humus, made largely from sisal waste, resulted in a marked
improvement in the general health, physique and efficiency of his workers. The men
performed their tasks much more easily than was the rule before the new system of

nutrition was introduced. Major Layzell is now engaged in starting this work at a new
centre.' (Howard, Letter to The Times, 10th August 1939.)
Corroboratory evidence comes from a large preparatory school near London at
which both day boys and boarders are educated. The vegetables consumed in the
school are provided from its own garden. Until a few years ago these were raised with
artificials, then a change over was made to Indore compost. The head master records
the result as follows:
'Formerly, in the days when artificials were used, cases of colds, measles, and.
scarlet fever used to run through the school. Now they tend to be confined to the
single case imported from outside. Further, the taste and quality of the vegetables
have definitely improved since they were raised with compost.' (Personal letter to Sir Albert
Howard from the Head Master concerned.)

This experiment is of particular interest when it is considered in conjunction with

a somewhat similar one undertaken in New Zealand. The truly devastating effects of
soil exploitation, past and present, are nowhere more evident than in that beautiful
Mrs. Ysabel Daldy, founder of The Physical and Mental Welfare Society of New
Zealand Incorporated, has been kind enough to supply me with the official facts,
figures, and statistics which fully endorse this statement. 'With a perseverance worthy
of a better cause' she writes in a summary of the situation, 'New Zealand has for years
past been carrying out a nation-wide experiment whose outcome has proved beyond
reasonable doubt that a people reared upon eroded and otherwise exhausted soils
becomes a people whose condition gradually deteriorates.' She quotes Professor
Worley, M.A., D.Sc. (Chief of the Department of Chemistry, University of New
Zealand) as stating that when New Zealand was first colonized the country was
'almost entirely covered with rich vegetation, chiefly forest, which covered the hills
and extended up the mountain sides to a height of some 3,000 to 4,000 feet. The floor
of this forest was a porous layer of priceless humus, the product of thousands of years
of formation. In this humus were the mineral salts extracted from the subsoil and the
rocks, by the roots of the plants and trees. In our unthinking exploitation of the land
we have destroyed the forests over the major portion of the country and millions of
pounds' worth of soil fertility have been sent sliding into the sea by erosion--one of
the consequences of deforestation.'
'The whole of New Zealand food supplies', writes Mrs. Daldy, 'are now grown
from soils manured with ordinary chemical fertilizers,' and gives Professor Worley's
comment on this practice.
'By what we add, as well as by what we fail to restore to the soil, we are
profoundly affecting its chemical composition, its biological content and its physical
nature. We are thus affecting the quality of the food grown on such soil, and, in
consequence, the health and vitality of the population. It is now recognized that much
of our food has serious deficiencies, and that very many of our ills are due to this

What are these ills? It is said that figures speak; in New Zealand they shout.
During the twenty years between the two world wars New Zealand's population (by
births and immigration) increased 36 per cent. In the same period the birth-rate
decreased from 23 to 17 per thousand of the mean population; mental cases increased
by 100 per cent; and admissions into public hospitals showed a gradual increase up to
126 per cent. Maternal mortality is a little higher in New Zealand than in Great
Britain. Infant mortality is certainly the lowest in the world, but the incidence of
illness among New Zealand toddlers between two and five years of age is alarming.
Every year, of children of pre-school age, some 80 per cent are found to be physically
defective in some way.
Of every hundred children who enter New Zealand schools fifteen show signs of
needing medical attention, fifteen need observation, many show signs of nose and
throat trouble, and at least two-thirds have dental caries. In this connection, the New
Zealand Ministry of Health has published the fact that 30 per cent of all pre-school
children suffer from nose and throat troubles, 23 per cent suffer from gland troubles,
and 2 per cent have some form of lung trouble. The official figures for illnesses
among children at school are: 5 per cent suffering from enlarged glands; 15 per cent
suffering from incipient goitre; 15 per cent suffering from enlarged tonsils; 32 per
cent suffering from dental caries; and 66 per cent suffering from other physical
Lord Bledisloe reports that during his term of office as Governor-General of New
Zealand he ascertained that about 60 per cent of the inmates of the Dominion's public
hospitals had previously suffered from malnutrition. He has also stated that 'for many
years natural soil deficiencies have caused widespread animal disease, bush-sickness
being found traceable to a lack of iron and cobalt, dopiness in sheep to a lack of lime,
Waihi disease to a lack of phosphates, and goitre to a lack of iodine.'
Mr. H. B. Tennent, the agricultural editor of The Weekly News (New Zealand's
leading agricultural journal), wrote in 1938: 'Of all primary producing countries in the
world, New Zealand is probably most lacking in some important soil elements
essential to healthy plant and animal growth. Animal sicknesses and the rapidly
increasing populations of hospitals and mental institutions can in a great many cases
be directly traced to mineral and other deficiencies in the foods produced from
improperly balanced soils.'
It was against this background that Dr. G. B. Chapman (of the Physical and Mental Welfare
Society of N.Z. Inc. Now the President of the N.Z. Humus Society.) carried out a notable feeding
experiment. An article by Mrs. Daldy describing it, appeared in the issue of Nature
for 8th June 1940, and I am indebted to the editor of that journal, as well as to the
author, for permission to quote from it. It was begun in 1936 at the hostel of the
Mount Albert Grammar School, the second largest grammar school in the city of
Auckland. The subjects were 'some sixty boys, teachers and staff'.
'At the time of the inception of the experiment,' writes Mrs. Daldy, 'the dietary at
the hostel was liberal, being well above the customary standard for boarding-schools;
yet the boys consistently suffered (as was the case in other New Zealand schools and
institutions) from colds, catarrh, septic tonsils, epidemics of influenza, dental caries,
and other preventable complaints. . . .

'Dr. Chapman opened his campaign in 1936 by delivering a few short lectures to
the resident teachers and boys, advising the growing of the hostel's fruit and
vegetables from soils to be treated by properly prepared humus. He was successful in
arousing the interest of the teachers, the boys, the matron and the staff. The reform
was put in hand and the change made from "chemically grown" fruit, salads and
vegetables to the "naturally produced" foods now in use.'
Since much of the boys' food, such as meat, bread, etc., had still to be obtained
from outside sources, this portion of their diet continued to be the produce of 'depleted
soils'. Dr. Chapman therefore gave the boys a daily extract of vitamins A and D to
counteract the deficiencies in these foods. The Matron of the school has submitted a
report on the results of the experiment.
'The first thing to be noted,' she wrote, 'during the twelve months following the
change-over to garden produce grown from our humus-treated soil, was the declining
catarrhal condition among the boys. Catarrh had previously been general and, in some
cases very bad among the boys. In specific cases the elimination was complete. There
was also a very marked decline in colds and influenza. Colds are now rare and any
cases of influenza very mild. Coming to the 1938 measles epidemic, which was
universal in New Zealand, the new boys suffered the more acute form of attack: while
the boys who had been at the hostel for a year or more sustained the milder attacks,
with a much more rapid convalescence.
'During the past three years there has been a marked physical growth and
development during terms of heavy school work and sport' (actual heights and
weights are quoted). 'In some cases boys go through a period of indisposition for
several weeks after entering the hostel. This would appear to indicate that the method
of feeding causes a certain detoxication period which when cleared up does not return.
Excellent health gradually ensues in all cases, and is maintained. There are fewer
accidents, particularly in the football season, which would possibly indicate that the
foods in use contain the optimum amount of minerals and vitamins, thus ensuring a
full development of bone and muscle and a greater resiliency to fracture and sprains.
The satisfactory physical condition described is maintained during periods of rapid
growth and development of mind and body. Constipation and bilious attacks are rare.
Skins are clear and healthy, while the boys are unceasingly active and virile.
'Since the change to naturally grown garden produce, the periodical reports in
regard to the boys' dental condition have been more than gratifying.' (At the beginning of the
war 40 per cent of the recruits volunteering for New Zealand's armed forces were temporarily rejected because of the condition
of their teeth.)

It may be argued that the remarkable improvement in health brought about by this
experiment was due to the vitamin treatment and not to the altered method of
vegetable culture. Obviously further experiments are required to provide definite
proof on this point, but when considered in conjunction with other evidence presented
in this chapter, particularly the cases immediately preceding and following this New
Zealand example, and when due weight has been given to the proved deficiency in so
much of New Zealand's soil, then it must be conceded, I think, that Dr. Chapman's
experiment serves considerably to strengthen the indications.

My next example is also of more than usual interest, for it comes from Dr. J. W.
Scharff, who until the tragic fall of Malaya was Chief Health Officer at Singapore.
Here is his first hand account as published in Mother Earth, the journal of the Soil
'The editor of this magazine has kindly invited me to record the sequel to my
wartime effort of introducing the Indore method of composting into the village life of
certain communities in Malaya.
'The interruption of these developments following the Japanese invasion is so
complete that the picture now presented is almost the reverse of what was then in
progress. It therefore remains for me to describe the story of the experiment and to
amplify some of the reasons which lead me to the conclusion that there must be
exceptional quality in fresh compost-grown foodstuff. I believe that the further
development and understanding of this subject is of the utmost importance.
'The original intention of the experiment had been to prepare Singapore and
neighbouring territories against the advent of war by increasing food production. It
was evident that if organic wastes could be fully utilized in compost-making, the
danger of starvation in the event of a blockade around the coast of Malaya might be
'From January 1940 until January 1942 I therefore had a unique opportunity, due
to wartime needs, of watching the progress of a campaign for growing vegetables, and
seeing that they were eaten by a labour force of nearly 500 Tamil coolies. These men
were employed by the Singapore Health Department in various parts of the island of
'As soon as England became involved in war this emergency made it possible to
allocate an area totalling about 40 acres of vegetable allotments on favourable terms
to men engaged in sanitary duties. My labourers were granted these allotments on
condition that they prepared compost and used the vegetables and fruit grown therein
for themselves and their families only. Sale of the produce was not allowed. Thus it
was ensured that these goods were used at home. The local Agricultural Department
lent their inspectors and staff to teach the men how best to grow vegetables, and
demonstrations in cooking and preparation of the foodstuff were organized for each of
the labour settlements. Compost-making was started on a large scale and during the
months previous to opening of the campaign a supply of over a thousand tons of
compost was ready to launch this experiment.
'During the course of the ensuing months, apathy and indifference on the part of
the labourers gave way to interest and enthusiasm as soon as it became apparent how
well plants would grow on soil rendered fertile with compost. A number of vegetable
shows were arranged, at which the healthy produce of fertile soil was exhibited and
prizes were awarded. Within six months the accumulated stocks of compost were
used up and more active steps were taken to augment the supply as well as to satisfy
the growing demands of other enthusiastic gardeners inspired by the achievements of
my men.

'At the end of the first year, it was obvious that the potent stimulus to this
endeavour was the surprising improvement in stamina and health acquired by those
taking part in this cultivation. Debility and sickness had been swept away, and my
men were capable of, and gladly responded to, the heavier work demanded by the
increasing stress of war. But for the onslaught by the Japanese which overwhelmed
Malaya, I should have been able to present a statistical record of the benefit resulting
from this widespread effort of vegetable culture on compost such as would astonish
the scientific world. The results were all the more dramatic in that I had not expected
this achievement.
'The numbers taking part in this venture were so large as to preclude any
possibility of mistake. It might be argued that the improvement in stamina and health
amongst my employees was due to the good effect of unaccustomed exercise or to the
increased amount of vegetables consumed. Neither of these explanations would
suffice to explain the extent of the health benefit observed amongst the women,
children and dependants of my labourers who shared in this remarkable improvement.
'Shortly before the tragic disaster which brought Singapore within the hateful
grasp of the Japanese invader, it became apparent that the health of men, women and
children, who had been served consistently with healthy food grown on fertile soil,
was outstandingly better than it was amongst those similarly placed but not enjoying
the benefits of such health-yielding produce.
'The scene on my return to Malaya with our victorious army early in September
1945 was vastly different from that which was observed during the previous period of
plenty and prosperity. Most of the labourers employed in scavenging, and their
families, had been obliged to leave their homes to seek other work. Many were
ensalved by the Japanese for enforced labour on the railways in Siam. Soil cultivation
was neglected and there was no security for those who attempted to carry on. Produce
was stolen and equipment destroyed; misery, sickness and starvation stalked
throughout the land.
'This is the broad outline of the passage of events up to the time of our triumphal
re-entry into Singapore less than a year ago. Since then, thanks to the energy and
enthusiasm of my colleagues, a great deal has been done to repair the devastation and
to revive the organization which yielded such satisfactory results. Still many more
years of toil and effort will be needed to approach the point at which the foregoing
experiment on soil cultivation can be repeated in Malaya. In the meantime, there is
urgent need of better knowledge of the underlying principles in the health benefits
coming from fresh food grown in compost-fed soil.
'Mr. Donald Hopkins (Chemicals, Humus and the Soil. Donald P. Hopkins, Faber and Faber, 1946.) has
recently questioned my conclusion that these good effects were attributable to the
compost, and suggests that vegetable produce grown in any other way might have
given equivalent results. Such criticism is welcome if it leads to further investigation
on compost-grown foodstuff, which the Soil Association so urgently desires; so it
may be useful to take this opportunity to point out that my observation was made
upon a stable labour force, consisting of men who had been in regular employment for
many years. Malnutrition had not previously been apparent amongst them, and there
was no shortage of ordinary vegetable produce in the village markets. The women and

children were in regular attendance at rural welfare centres, and the men were in
receipt of a regular salary amply sufficient to satisfy their needs. The reason for my
insistence in getting them to grow and eat compost-grown vegetables was to promote
a system of sanitation which would make the community, as nearly as possible, selfsupporting when the tide of war spread against Malaya. The healthy response which
eventually greeted this undertaking was unexpected, and was one which I had not
hitherto experienced in many years of trial on the means of improving public health.
The conclusion that "an oasis of food health had become established founded upon a
diet of compost-grown food" therefore rests upon a firm foundation. At the present
time, when shortage of food supply is a major issue, this lesson of Malaya's wartime
experience is one which should be considered and confirmed by further studies.'
I hesitate to advance my own personal experience among these examples, but I
have decided to do so for two reasons. Firstly, because I think it merits the appellation
of an 'indication', and secondly, because people who recommend any course of human
action or behaviour which lays itself open to the accusation of claiming to be a 'cureall', so often appear to others to be themselves more than usually in need of the 'cures'
they advocate. I feel therefore that I owe it to my readers to forestall the question,
'Have you tried it on yourself?'
I have lived a healthy country existence practically all my life, and since 1918 I
have been actively engaged in farming. I am physically robust, and have never
suffered a major illness, but until 1938 I was seldom free from some form of
rheumatism, and from November to April I invariably suffered from a continual
succession of head colds, while my annual visit to the dentist always involved a series
of 'stoppings' and occasionally an extraction.
In 1938 I was introduced to the humus theory, the McCarrison experiments, and
the effect on health of 'whole' diets as described by Dr. Wrench in The Wheel of
In so far as I was able I immediately put the theory into practice. I started to make
compost by Howard's method using it first on the vegetables for home consumption.
After harvest I saved some of my wheat crop from a field which for several seasons
had received only farmyard manure. This I ground, just as it was, on the ordinary farm
mill kept for grinding grain for livestock. Thereafter, in place of the baker's loaf, I ate
home-made bread baked from this home-grown, home-milled, whole wheat.
That winter, 1938-9, I had no colds at all, and almost for the first time in my life
was free from rheumatic pains even in prolonged spells of wet weather.
In 1939 the only wheat available was grown on rather poor soil deficient in
humus, and that winter, 1939-40, much to my annoyance and disappointment I had a
slight return of winter rheumatism and caught three colds. But it was the first war
winter. Rationing and other restrictions had been introduced, and thus there were
other differences in my diet. Notably, less butter (for we did not make it) and no
cream, previously plentiful. I therefore thought it probable that if my partial relapse
was due to diet at all, any, or all of these differences might be responsible.

In 1940 I was once more able to save wheat for home baking that had been grown
on fertile soil. Restriction in other portions of my diet of course remained. That
winter, 1940-1, my rheumatism, except for one short attack lasting about a week,
again disappeared, and I caught one cold only, and this despite exceptionally long
working hours by day, and nights constantly disturbed by civil defence duties. Up to
the time of publication (Autumn 1943), this state of good health has continued. I have
had no colds or rheumatism this winter.
Now as to teeth. I had my usual crop of stoppings in the summer of 1938. A year
later, during the autumn of 1939, for the first time that I can remember my dentist
could find nothing to do. I did not visit him again until October 1942. All that then
needed to be done, after this interval of four years, was one small stopping in a place
where an old filling had worn away.
I do not claim for this experience that it provides anything in the nature of proof
(though it certainly provides me with every inducement to continue to eat compost
grown food). The interest lies in the fact that this is a case in which no change took
place in the articles of diet, only in the way in which they were grown.
Lastly, I conclude this list of indications by quoting three cases experienced by
members of the Panel Committee of the Doctors of Cheshire, as reported in the
references to the Medical Testament. These cases are of great interest, especially the
first, which is I think the most complete account of a whole diet experiment yet to be
recorded in this country.
'These have no pretensions to be scientific research but are submitted as
examples of the effects of diet noted over and over again in ordinary family practice.
'The reality of the value of using fresh, well chosen food is shown in a practice in
a Cheshire village. The County ante-natal scheme makes provision for a woman's own
family doctor to supervise her in pregnancy. Her nutrition is his first concern. In the
village referred to the local Mothers' organization conducts a "child-welfare" each
month to which the local doctor is honorary M.O. A fair percentage of the mothers of
the neighbourhood, mostly, but not all, his patients, attend and thus receive his advice
upon the nurture of the children some eight to twelve times a year; and a thorough
mutual understanding has grown up. The food of the mother, during her pregnancy, is
wholemeal bread, one to two pints of milk (raw), generally including half a pint at
breakfast taken with porridge (medium oatmeal scattered into boiling water and
stirred till it thickens); eggs are used freely; salads in abundance, including celery and
dandelion leaves; green leaf vegetables plunged into boiling water for five minutes
and eaten with butter or poached eggs-or with meat, but the amount of meat taken is
very moderate; liver weekly; herrings twice or once a week and a little cod liver oil
except on herring days; fruit in abundance-such is an outline of their food. The
evening meal is often begun with soup of the Scots broth type, but carrots, unpeeled,
are grated into it just before serving. Apples are eaten in their skins or baked in their
skins, and other fruit is used freely. Potatoes are baked in their skins or boiled in their

skins (dropped into boiling water and boiled till they "smile", then the water is poured
off and a crumpled cloth put in the pot whilst it is drawn to the side of the fire).
Cheshire cheese, grated into a salad, with a hard egg, is advised and popular.
'The wholemeal bread in question is fertility bread, that is, locally grown wheat,
ground (or rather dashed to pieces by a steel fan revolving 2,500 times a minute) in a
local mill, mixed with half its weight of raw wheat germ fresh off the rollers of a
Liverpool mill and--a point to be rigidly insisted upon--baked at once, within thirtysix hours at most--a rather close but very palatable bread, requiring no little skill in
baking, though a number of bakers in the neighbourhood have acquired it.
'If her haemoglobin be 80 per cent or under, the mother receives iron, ferrous
sulphate, or other.
'With rare exceptions, and those almost always "strangers", the mothers feed their
infants at the breast nine months and then wean them by a year or a little more. The
nursing mother's food continues as in pregnancy, including the greens and salads. The
feeding times are 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.--and very seldom in the
small hours.
'The children begin to bite the wholemeal crusts at from seven to nine months and
then often get a little raw turnip juice made by putting Barbados sugar (Muscovado)
into a hollowed out swede or other turnip.
'Except custard (egg and also "beast milk") and junket, no milk puddings are
used, except when occasionally rice which still has its germ and silver skin, can be
obtained. Ordinary rice is discouraged.
'Furmity (Frumenty) is not yet forgotten by the indigenous people and its use is
'No patent or "processed" food of any kind whatever is employed, with the
exception of Marmite and of dried yeast.
'Broth, red gravy, brains and marrow bones are used for the children from nine
months onwards.
'The children are encouraged to go barefoot, which suits them well; but only a
very few of the mothers, so far, are entirely cordial about this.
'When the regime grew up little by little, many years ago, there were a thousand
minor difficulties; fruition was slow. But it has now been established long enough for
the generation it has fostered to be studied.
'The teeth are a good index of the fidelity of the mother in carrying out the
regimen, both before and after the baby was born; and it may be said that perfect sets
are becoming more common.
'The children are splendid. As infants they sleep as well as could be wished, grow
well, are not over fat but weigh well and very seldom "ail anything". Broncho-

pneumonia, for instance, is almost unknown amongst them. One of their most striking
features is their good humour and happiness. They are sturdy-limbed, beautifulskinned, normal children.
'It is not desired to give the impression that the child population of this village is
perfect or that complete compliance with the dietary advised is secured even amongst
all who attend the centre; but it is a fact that the mothers follow it substantially and
with good results, which those concerned think they recognize.
'The benefits are visible in the households. "We have all taken to brown bread
now; and I'm sure we're the better for it."--"No white bread comes in this house: it's
all wholemeal and there's no trouble with constipation."--"We've got that fond of the
meal bread that when we went to the seaside and they gave us white we all looked at
each other!"- -And a number of families seriously cultivate their gardens for growing
a succession of saladings.(Proper compost making is fostered in the cottage gardens. Instruction in how to make it is
given, and garden competitions are held for the best vegetables grown with compost. Author.)

'A young woman, town bred, resident in a large public institution where she was
a technical instructress, married a farmer. That is to say she passed from a mnage
where white bread and contract butter were the invariable rule whilst green vegetables
were the rare exception and subjected to prolonged cooking in steam jacketed pans at
that, to one where good fresh food was available if trouble were taken. It was taken;
but it was too late. Anaemic and constipated as she was, her pregnancy confirmed the
fear that she was in no fit state to become a mother. Despite all efforts she passed
through the kind of experience which seems to justify the notion that to be gravid is to
be ill. All forms of the toxaemias of pregnancy, anorexia, hyperemesis, albuminuria
and oedema were exhibited by turns; and a foul otorrha of old standing awoke to
virulent activity. Despite all this she arrived at term and underwent an anxious,
lingering and difficult confinement. The infant, resuscitated by prolonged artificial
respiration, was sickly and emaciated. His respirations were intermittent and after
some sixty hours he breathed his last. The mother was febrile and exhausted, her
condition anxious; but she hung on to life and almost imperceptibly her condition
drifted--or rather was led, for she was surrounded by the utmost solicitude--into a
slow convalescence.
'All this detail has been related as a contrast to the sequel. Being active-minded
she began to take a quickened interest in her surroundings, the farm. Little by little
she came to do a real share of the normal work of a country-bred farmer's wife.
Strength and the look of health came to her. The improvement was not fortuitous. It
was decided from the start that a real attempt should be made to rebuild her physique.
Her food was the fertility bread, farm or Empire butter, salads in variety and
abundance, with grated carrots, soup and barley, potatoes in their jackets and
unlimited fruit. Marmite and dried yeast were used. She took about a quart of milk a
day fresh from their own cows, and she gradually came to take as many eggs as she
wished, herrings freely and occasionally liver. She enjoyed life and it was obvious in
about a year that she was in abounding health.

'Then she announced that she was again pregnant. A time of excellent health
followed, no drawback. The confinement was normal, birth being spontaneous. The
baby was in first-rate condition, lactation was established and maintained fully and
easily for over nine months, finishing finally in about a year. With the exception of a
mild influenzal attack, the mother's health has been good. Furthermore, the chronic
otorrha of many years' standing has at last dried up.
'The baby is as good, physically and in morale, as could be wished.
'In May 1938 I was consulted by a young Irishman. His age was about twentythree. He complained that he was "very poorly and had been sick and vomiting for
three days". I found he was suffering from catarrhal jaundice. He had come over from
the West of Ireland two months previously and was employed on a road construction
scheme in Cheshire.
'I questioned him about his diet. I found that his breakfast consisted of bacon,
white bread and tea. His dinner he took to his work and was mainly sandwiches of
white bread and ham or beef with tea, and his evening meal was white bread and
butter, sometimes an egg, and sometimes a bit of meat and tea.
'My examination revealed to me, despite his illness, a physique and an alertness
of mind and body which it was a delight to behold. He was well over six feet in height
with jet black hair and a ruddy complexion, and in his jaws there were thirty-two
healthy and symmetrical teeth. He possessed a supple body and limbs of good
proportion, and apart from his gastric condition was of sound constitution.
'I thought him to be as fine a specimen of humanity as I had ever seen. He
aroused my interest and I wondered how had such a body been nurtured.
'On inquiry, he informed me "they were very poor in the west of Ireland and food
was very poor indeed". "What did they have for breakfast?"--"Porridge and milk and a
little bit of fat bacon."
"'What did they have for dinner?"--"Porridge and milk and a little bit of fat
bacon, buttermilk and potatoes, and sometimes broth." His mother made grand broth
of vegetables which they grew in the garden--carrots, turnips, potatoes, green
' "What did they have for tea?"--"Oatcakes, scones and butter with milk and
plenty of buttermilk, sometimes a little tea with bread and eggs." On further inquiry I
found they might have an old fowl with bacon and potatoes for their Sunday dinner.
"His mother made very good gooseberry and blackberry jam."
' "Did they have any fish?"--"Oh yes, they always had a bit of dry salted fish and
as they lived near the river they sometimes got a bit of salmon." "They had very little
meat, but they could always get a rabbit." "The potatoes were often baked for supper."

'It would appear that his body had been nurtured on the natural products of the
west of Ireland.'
What happens when complete communities live for successive generations on
whole diets raised on fertile soil will be described in the next chapter.
The main argument developed in this chapter is that disease resistance, in so far
as it is due to the immunity of the host, depends on the ability of correctly nourished
tissue to prevent the successful attack of pathogenic organisms. It is fully realized,
however, that immunity may also follow when the medium is rendered unfavourable
to the growth of pathogens owing to the activities of other organisms, whether by
competion for nutrients, or by the production of inimical by-products. Recent
researches on certain moulds--e.g. species of Penicillium--suggest the possibility that
factors responsible for the increased disease resistance observed in compost grown
plants may be connected, in the broadest sense, with the ecological inter-relationships
and activities of members of the soil population. At present one can only surmise that
such factors may also be operative in the animal kingdom.


'A sense of the whole is a sign of a sound mind,

and there is nothing more to be desired at the present moment.'

In the Introduction to his book, The Wheel of Health,

(Unless otherwise stated, all quotations in this

Dr. Wrench makes this thought-provoking statement: 'After

debating the question--Why disease? Why not health?--again and again with my
fellow students, I slowly, before I qualified, came to a further question--Why was it
that as students we were always presented with sick or convalescent people for our
teaching and never with the ultra healthy? Why were we only taught disease: why was
it presumed that we knew all about health in its fullness? The teaching was wholly
one-sided. Moreover, the basis of our teaching upon disease was pathology, namely,
the appearance of that which is dead from disease.'

chapter are taken from this book.)

This view, that the professional attitude to sickness is one-sided is shared by the
compilers of the P.E.P. Report (1936) on the British Health Services. The authors
express it as follows:
'Health means more than not being ill. A new attitude is needed, involving not so
much a departure from the old as a more thorough grasp of the different elements in
health policy. Many people are at any given moment suffering from defects, injuries
or sickness so pronounced as to make them unable to carry on ordinary occupations
and leisure activities. These are the "cases" with which a large part of the organized
health services mainly deal. But in addition there are far larger numbers of people
suffering temporarily or permanently from less acute defects, injuries, or
inadequacies, which are not sufficient to unfit them for work or play, and may not
even be noticed at all, but nevertheless suffice to place them in an unnecessarily weak
position for creating and maintaining good physique, energy, happiness, or resistance
to disease. . . . No contemporary health policy can be considered adequate which does
not deal with the second group as well as the first. . . .
'While efforts at effecting the cure of diseases cannot be relaxed, efforts at
prevention of ill health can and must be increased. The aspect of raising standards of
nutrition and of fitness should be given much prominence. Health must come first: the
mere state of not being ill must be recognized as an inacceptable substitute, too often
tolerated or even regarded as normal. We must, moreover, face the fact that while
immense study has been lavished on disease no one has intensively studied and
analysed health, (One such intensive study now exists. See The Peckham Experiment, Pearse and Crocker. Allen and
Unwin, 1943.) and our ignorance of the subject is still so deep that we can hardly claim
scientifically to know what health is.'

The theory which I have endeavoured to expound in this book is that the only true
conception of health is one of wholeness, dependent upon both the continuity and the
completeness of the cycle of life. I shall make no attempt to discuss the philosophical
aspect of this conception, I am concerned only with presenting certain evidence
suggesting that it is biologically sound. For the sake of clarity in this presentation, the
argument has been divided into two parts. The first states that the determining factor
in health is food, and the second suggests that the health giving property of food is
dependent on the way it is grown, prepared and consumed.
There is always an inherent danger in making arbitrary divisions where no true
division exists, but in the present case this could hardly be avoided. The risk of failing
to see the wood for the trees must sometimes be taken in order to discover how large a
number of trees go to make a wood. In the previous chapters--to pursue the same
analogy--I have invited you to examine some of the trees. In this chapter I want you to
take a look at the wood as a whole. This, research has, so far, largely failed to do.
Research workers in chemistry, biology, mycology, botany, veterinary science, and
medicine, have for too long been working in watertight compartments, each busily
dissecting his own tree, until in the process the wood has become so sadly
dismembered it is small wonder that we sometimes cease to be aware of its existence.
It may be objected that I have followed their example of fragmentation in laying
so much stress on the role of the fungus in nutrition. In so far as this accusation is
well-founded, my defence is that this is the link in the life cycle which is most
frequently omitted, but which is at the same time the easiest to restore. In emphasizing
its importance, however, I have never intended to suggest that it forms other than a
part, however important in itself, of the complete cycle of nutrition and health which
is wholeness.
McCarrison in the Cantor Lectures states that 'The diet of the Sikhs is only
health-promoting so long as it is consumed in its entirety', and, as Dr. Wrench points
out, with their whole diet these people 'have preserved the wholeness of their health, a
thing which we have failed to do'.
'In the writings of the scientific experts on nutrition, there are very numerous
part-diet experiments based on synthetic or specially made-up diets, omitting or
cutting down the quantity of one or more of the factors which compose a diet. One
scientist will cut down the quantity ol protein given and watch the effect of this upon
animals; another will cut down the fats and note the resulting sicknesses; another will
give vegetable or irradiated vegetable fats in place of customary animal fats; another
will give a diet in which vitamin A is defective, B is defective, C is defective, and so
'The experiments are skilfully devised and carried out with consummate
technique. They lead to a mass of knowledge about proteins as things in themselves;
fats as things in themselves; vitamins as things in themselves; but whether these can
be things in themselves and are not really relative to a host of other conditions in
nutrition is as yet scarcely considered. . . .
'Our health or wholeness has fragmented no less than our diet. A swarm of
specialists have with the invention of science settled on the fragments to study them.

A great deal is found out about each several disease; there is a huge, unmanageable
accumulation of knowledge, and this and that disease is checked or overcome. But our
wholeness has not been restored to us. On the contrary, it is fragmented into a great
number of diseases and still more ailments. We have lost wholeness, and we have got
in its place its fragmentation with a multiplexity of methods, officially blessed and
otherwise, dealing with the fragments in their severalty.'
This fragmentation has resulted, among other things, in a host of contradictory
views among dietitians, each one of the different diets advocated possessing a
company of followers ready to argue its exclusive merits with almost religious
fervour. Thus you have the vegetarian; the fruitarian; those who never eat proteins and
starch at the same meal; and those who stew all their foods together in the same pot;
those that say you must drink before meals; others that believe in drinking after meals;
those that drink between meals, and besides all these, and many more, there is the vast
majority that eat what they want when they want it (or can get it) and drink when they
are thirsty. This majority is given to labelling all the others as faddists, and indeed
there does not seem to be a very noticeable difference in health between any of these
groups. No wonder then, that the average person is apt to be a little sceptical when he
is told that health depends on diet.
What then should be the reply to the would-be seeker after health who asks 'What
shall I eat that I may be whole?'
For an answer let us go to those people from whom Dr. Wrench, in his student
days, felt instinctively that such knowledge should be sought, namely the ultrahealthy. Not the occasional individual of whom one says that he is 'abnormally
healthy' (a revealing adverb) but to whole groups of people to whom a state of full
health is normal.
Five such groups exist, or have existed, about which a good deal of statistical
data is available. We will examine these in turn, noting how they live and what they
eat, and see if we can discover among them a common factor of which it is
permissible to say-here lies the secret of health.
We will take first the people of Hunza, a small native state in the extreme
northernmost part of India attached to the Gilgit Agency. The origin of these people is
somewhat of a mystery. Both in physical characteristics and language they differ from
their neighbours, and indeed from all the other peoples of the Indian sub-continent.
Only one thing seems certain, that they have inhabited their valley since the extremely
distant past. The massive stone walls, the building of which must have preceded their
admirable terraced agriculture, have a parallel only in the masonry left by the
Peruvian civilization which preceded the Inca conquest.
The Hunza valley is a gorge running east and west cleft in a towering mountain
range. It is arid in summer and bitterly cold in winter, but owing to the system of
irrigation, it is extremely fertile and an immense variety of fruits and vegetables are
cultivated by these industrious people.
Something of their superb health and stamina has already been indicated in
Chapter II. All travellers passing through their valley speak of their outstanding

physique, courage and good humour. McCarrison, who for some time was Medical
Officer to the Gilgit Agency, has said of them:
'These people are unsurpassed by any Indian race in perfection of physique. They
are long lived, vigorous in youth and age, capable of great endurance and enjoy a
remarkable freedom from disease in general.
'During the period of my association with these people I never saw a case of
asthenic dyspepsia, of gastric or duodenal ulcer, of appendicitis, of mucous colitis, of
cancer. . . .
'Among these people the "abdomen over-sensitive" to nerve impressions, to
fatigue, anxiety, or cold was unknown. The consciousness of the existence of this part
of their anatomy was, as a rule, related solely to the feeling of hunger. Indeed, their
buoyant abdominal health has, since my return to the west, provided a remarkable
contrast with the dyspeptic and colonic lamentations of our highly civilized
communities. They are admirable cultivators, 'far famed as such and "conspicuously
ahead of all their neighbours in brain and sinew" stated Shomberg Their big irrigation
conduit, the Berber, is "famous everywhere in Central Asia. . . ."
'Amongst the peoples of the Agency not only are they "as tillers of the soil quite
in a class apart, they alone--and this always strikes me as truly remarkable--are good
craftsmen." As carpenters and masons, as gunsmiths, ironworkers, or even as
goldsmiths; as engineers for roads, bridges or canals, the Hunza men are outstanding.'
The Hunza are favoured in their fertile valley, but their perfect health cannot be
put down to the locality in which they live, for next door to them is another, and
equally fertile, valley, also running east and west and separated from Hunza only by a
20,000-foot mountain wall. In this valley live the Ishkomanis. These people, 'though
living under apparently like conditions to their neighbours, were poor, undersized,
undernourished creatures. There was plenty of land and water, but the Ishkomanis
were too indolent to cultivate it with thoroughness; and the possibility of bad harvests
was not enough to overcome their sloth. . . . "They had no masons or carpenters or
craftsmen in their country. Many of them showed signs of disease."'
We can thus rule out climate as the secret of the Hunza health. Now, let us look at
their mode of life and their diet. For ten months of the year they can be said to live in
the open-air, for men, women, and children work in the fields. They remain mainly
indoors during the period of severe winter storms, but their houses are better, and
better ventilated than those of their neighbours, their sanitation is also better and
follows the 'immemorial custom of the Far East'. Unusual care is also taken to protect
their drinking water by storing it in separate covered cisterns.
Their diet is a very varied one. It consists of: 'Wheat, barley, buckwheat, and
small grains; leafy green vegetables; potatoes (introduced half a century ago), other
root vegetables; peas and beans, gram or chick pea, and other pulses; fresh milk and
buttermilk or lassi; clarified butter and cheese; fruit, chiefly apricots and mulberries,
fresh and sun-dried; meat on rare occasions; and sometimes wine made from grapes.
Their children are breast fed up to three years, it being considered unjust to the living
child for its lactation to be interrupted by a maternal pregnancy.

'The Hunza do not take tea, rice, sugar or eggs. Chickens in a confined area
destroy crops and are not kept.'
Except for the wider range of small grains and the very occasional meat, this
closely resembles any European lacto-vegetarian diet, and, at first sight, seems to
support the view so widely held by nutrition experts, McCarrison among them, that of
all diets the lacto-vegetarian is the healthiest. That it is a good diet is incontestable; it
will, however, presently be shown that there are other peoples whose health and
stamina is equal to that of the Hunza whose diet is the very opposite of theirs.
The Hunza foods then are not unlike our own, but there are important differences
in the normal methods of preparation and cooking. Both we and the Hunza are great
bread-eaters, and both prefer wheat bread, but the Hunza wheat is eaten freshly
ground, and the unleavened bread made with it invariably contains the whole of the
grain, with its vital germ and its protective skin, both of which are removed in the
process of milling white flour.
Dr. Wrench, writing on the properties of skin in general, points out that skin does
not protect only in a mechanical way as a mere covering, but in a living way. All
skins 'can regrow themselves if injured, and beneath and within them they stork
substances upon which they can call to strengthen their efforts.' The value of bran, the
skin of wheat, is well known to all stock feeders. All carnivorous animals relish the
skins of their prey. The Greenlanders, Wrench points out, eat the skin of the narwhal:
'The Chinese and other peoples also eat the skins of animals and birds. Everything
living has a skin of some sort to protect it. It protects it by its extra toughness, but also
if microbes and other minute enemies do attack, it is there on the frontier that the
battle is waged. In and near the skin are marshalled the protective forces. Any creature
that eats the skin of vegetable, fruit, or animal, also eats these protective materials
marshalled on the frontier, and may benefit in its own protection thereby. Whether
such a pretty hypothesis is true or not, there are suggestion s that skins possess a
peculiar value. . . . The skin and adjacent part of the potato is the best part, as the Irish
know. So also is it the case with the carrot, and, it is said, with young marrows,
cucumbers, gherkins, artichokes, radishes, and celery. There is, therefore, a little
evidence for the hypothesis.'
A fondness for skin is an outstanding feature of the Hunza, they do not peel their
vegetables, or wash and soak them to the extent we do. Vegetables play a great part in
their diet and are very commonly eaten raw. 'They are fond of raw green corn, young
leaves, carrots, turnips, and, as it were to exaggerate their veneration for freshness,
they sprout their pulses and eat them and their first green. This eating of sprouting
pulse or gram is widespread in northern India, and undoubtedly within it there is a
health which there is not in the pulse itself.'
Fuel in Hunza is scarce, and when they do cook their vegetables they are boiled
in covered pots as is the usual habit in this country.
'But the process is more comparable to our way of steaming and cooking in their
own juice. Very little water is added. When this has been used up more is added. The
water in which the vegetables are cooked is drunk either with the vegetables or later.
The point is that it is part of the food. It is not thrown away.'

This taking of vegetable water is obviously sensible, for many of the valuable
mineral salts which vegetables contain pass into the water in which they are cooked,
particularly if the vegetables are peeled before cooking. 'There is abundant evidence
from the scientists of the loss that occurs through the throwing away of vegetable
water of phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, sulphur, etc. Quite a considerable
proportion of the pharmacopoeia seems to have arisen owing to this waste. Quite a
considerable number of the doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines may be due to
the need to replace the salts of the food in those who suffer from this loss. The
similarity of the medicines and the lost salts is too close for one not to be profoundly
suspicious that the methods of cooking cause or contribute to the subsequent need of
the medicines.'
The Hunza drink milk in considerable quantity, they drink it whole and they boil
the fat from it to form clarified butter or ghee, which they spread on their bread and
also use for cooking. They drink the buttermilk which remains, and both this and their
whole milk they preserve in hot weather by souring. Meat is a 'rare pleasure', most of
their livestock being dairy animals. They rarely eat meat more than once in ten days,
and often only about once a month. When they do, they eat all that is edible in the
carcass and stew it together with their vegetables and pounded wheat. But ranking
above all the foregoing in the Hunza diet is fruit. "'The Hunza are great fruit eaters,
especially of apricots and mulberries. They use apricots and mulberries in both the
fresh and dry state, drying sufficient of their rich harvest of them for use throughout
the autumn and winter months." (McCarrison.) They eat the fruit fresh in season,
cracking the stones and eating the kernels as well. Otherwise they take them,
particularly sun-dried apricots, and eat them as they are, or rub them in water to form
a thick liquid called chamus. Dried mulberries they put into cakes as we do sultanas.
They do not cook their fruits. "Fruit is really the Hunza staple. It is eaten with bread,
far more so than vegetables, as it is more abundant."' (Schomberg.) ...... Even the
animals," said Durand, "take the fruit diet, and you see donkeys, cows and goats
eating the fallen mulberries. The very dogs feed on them, and our fox-terriers took to
the fruit regimen most kindly and became quite connoisseurs."' They ferment some of
their fruit juices and on festive occasions drink their own home-made wine.
So far the main differences between the Hunza diet and our own seems to be that
the Hunza foods are all natural foods, they are eaten fresher than ours, and they are
consumed whole, but there is one more difference, the most fundamental of all, and
this lies in the way in which these foods are grown.
In their system of agriculture which has been continued 'century after century' the
chief factors in their plant food have been two.
'Firstly, there is the continuous slight renewal of the soil by a sprinkling of the
black glacier-ground sand, which is brought to the fields by the aqueducts.
'Secondly, there is the direct preparation by man of food for the plants, given in
the form of manure.
'The Hunza, in their manuring, use everything that they can return to the soil.
They carefully collect the cattle manure and store it in the byres. They collect all
vegetable parts and pieces that will not serve as food to either man or beast, including

such fallen leaves as the cattle will not eat, and mix them with the dung and urine in
the byres. They use the human sewage after keeping it for six months. They take silt
from special recesses built in their irrigating channels. They collect the ashes of their
fires. All these they mix together and make into a compost. They also spread alkaline
earth from the hills on their vegetable fields on days when the fields are watered.'
O. F. Cook of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U.S.A. Department of
Agriculture has written: 'Agriculture is not a lost art, but it must be reckoned as one of
those which reached a remarkable development in the remote past and afterwards
declined.' As an example he cites the system of the ancient Peruvians which enabled
them to support large populations in places 'where modern farmers would be helpless'.
('Staircase Farms of the Ancients', National Geographic Magazine. May 1916.)

Travellers who have visited both Peru and the North West Indian Provinces have
been struck by the resemblance between the stone aqueducts and mammoth walls that
support the terraced fields of both areas. Describing those of Hunza the late Lord
Conway wrote: 'The path that leads up to Baltit, the capital of Hunza, is bordered on
either side by a wall of dry cyclopean masonry the undressed component parts of
which are very large and excellently fitted together . . . a monumental piece of simple
engineering . . . the valley between the cliffs and the edge of the river's gorge is
covered with terraced fields. . . . The cultivated area of the oasis is some five square
miles in extent. When it is remembered that the individual fields average as many as
twenty to the acre, it will be seen what a stupendous mass of work was involved in the
building of these walls and the collection of earth to fill them. The walls have every
appearance of great antiquity, and alone suffice to prove the long existence in this
remote valley of an organized and industrious community. . . .
'To build these fields was the smaller part of the difficulties that husbandmen had
to face in Hunza. The fields also had to be irrigated. For this purpose there was but
one perennial supply of water-the torrent from the Ultar glacier. The snout of that
glacier, as has been stated, lies deep in a rock-bound gorge, whose sides are for a
space perpendicular cliffs. The torrent had to be tapped, and a canal of sufficient
volume to irrigate so large an area had to be carried across the face of one of these
precipices. The Alps contain no Wasserleitung which for volume and boldness of
position can be compared to the Hunza canal. It is a wonderful work for such toolless
people as the Hunzakats to have accomplished, and it must have been done many
centuries ago and maintained ever since, for it is the life-blood of the valley.'
Thus it can be seen that the Hunza appear to form a direct link between the
present day and that 'remote past' in which agriculture reached such a 'remarkable
development'. They are a people perhaps as ancient as the Incas, but who, unlike the
Incas, have survived, and in their survival have preserved their ancient lore, and in the
preservation of that lore have preserved the wholeness of their health and that of their
crops and livestock, which Dr. Wrench tells us is on a par with their own.
The blight which Western civilization usually casts on such people, has so far
escaped them. Whether it will continue to do so is another matter. Since they have
come under British suzerainty their population has increased from about six thousand
to fourteen thousand, and this has resulted in a shortage of food in the pre-harvest

'Colonel D. L. Lorimer, who was Political Agent at Gilgit, 1920-4, and revisited
the Hunza and lived amongst them at Alibad, 1933-4, four miles from the capital,
Baltit, told me that not only did they seem smaller to him at his second visit, but that
the children appeared undernourished for the weeks preceding the first summer
harvests half-way through June; and, moreover, that the children suffered at that time
of the year from impetigo, or sores of the skin, all of which vanished when the more
abundant food came.'
A sign, incidentally, that it is not by virtue of their race, or habitat, or housing,
that they are normally immune from bodily ailments.
We will now go from Latitude 37 to the northern and Arctic regions from the
lacto-vegetarian diet of the Hunza to the carcass diet of the islanders of Faroe,
Iceland, and Greenland. Early records of these peoples show them to have been every
whit as healthy as the Hunza, yet these people are, or were, almost entirely
'These Danish possessions are three isolated lands from which no Western
civilized person would expect to glean wisdom. But, as we have already seen in the
case of food and health, isolation locks up the most valuable secrets. The peoples of
these three lands, living either near or actually within the Arctic Circle, offer in three
degrees, from Faroe to Greenland, an increasingly animal-fish-bird diet. It must not be
called a meat diet; that is inaccurate as will be seen. It was largely a diet from the sea,
and with the great health of the sea, a "soil" outside the realms of terrestrial man.
'The diet of the Faroe Islanders, when they were more isolated than now, was
given in a book published by the Edinburgh Cabinet Library in 1840. It was mainly a
whole carcass diet of animal, bird and fish. The islanders ate not merely meat, but
everything that could be eaten. There was no such thing as offal. They also made the
carcasses gamey by hanging for weeks and even months. In addition to their whole
carcass food they had barley meal, unleavened barley bread, a few vegetables such as
cabbages, parsnips and carrots.
'They drank milk, beer, and, on festive occasions, brandy. But the main food was
animal, bird and fish.
'The islanders numbered a few thousands, were of the same origin as the
Icelanders, and were, "in general, remarkably intelligent. They are extremely healthy,
and live to a great age, and an old man of ninety-three years lately rowed the
governor's boat nearly ten miles". One danger they incurred was an epidemic catarrhal
fever, such as we call influenza, which "prevails after the arrival of the ships from
Denmark in the spring", after the winter's scarcity. It spreads rapidly and was
sometimes fatal. Otherwise, "but few diseases are prevalent amongst them".
'The inhabitants of Iceland offer a similar and even more interesting picture of
carcass diet. McCollum and Simmonds, in The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition (1929)
summarize the chief facts. "This island was settled in the ninth century by colonists
from Ireland and Scandinavia, who took with them cattle, sheep and horses. Their diet
was practically carnivorous in nature for several hundred years. Martin Behaim
(quoted by Burton), writing of Iceland about 1500, stated, 'In Iceland are found men

of eighty years who have never tasted bread. In this country no corn is grown, and in
lieu, fish is eaten.'"
'Burton, quoting Pearse, states that rickets and caries of the teeth were almost
unknown in Iceland in earlier times. . . . The health conditions were good and dental
caries was unknown until after 1850. Stefansson exhumed ninety-six skulls from a
cemetery dating from the ninth to the thirteenth centuries and presented them to
Harvard University. They have been described by Hooton (1918), who found no
evidence of caries in any of them. There were but three to four defective teeth in the
entire series, and these had suffered mechanical injury. During the last half century
caries has steadily increased in Iceland.
'Modern Iceland had not the isolation of the period which Burton described.
There had been a great advance in civilization and population. Fifty per cent of the
people now live in towns or trading stations. There are four agricultural schools.
Potatoes, turnips, and rhubarb are cultivated. Iceland imports the trade foods, such as
flour, sugar, preserved fruits and tinned foods. Caries has become common, as have
many other ailments.'
That this regrettable decline in health cannot be attributed to the change from
country to town life, is proved by a remarkable experiment carried out in Denmark
itself during the last war.
'The blockade, following the entry of the U.S.A. into the war, put the Danes in a
very serious position. Professor Mikkel Hindhede, Superintendent of the State
Institute of Food Research, was made Food Adviser to the Danish Government to deal
with it.
'The problem that faced him was this; Denmark had a population of 3,500,000
human beings and 5,000,000 domestic animals. She was accustomed to import grains
from the United States for both. There was now a shortage of grain foods.
'In this crisis Hindhede decided that a drastic reduction in the livestock must be
made. So some four-fifths of the pigs were killed and about one-sixth of the cattle.
Their grain food was given to the Danes, and it was given . . . as wholemeal bread
with the extra coarse bran that is not put into ordinary wholemeal bread, incorporated.
'In addition to this bread, or Kleiebrot, which was made official for the whole
country, the Danes ate porridge, green vegetables, potatoes and other root vegetables,
milk, butter, and fruit. No grain or potatoes were allowed for the distillation of spirits,
so there were no spirits. Half the previous quantity of beer was permitted.
'As some pigs were left, the people on the farms got meat; the people in the
cities--40 per cent of the population--got very little meat. Only the rich could afford
'The food regulations were begun in March 1917 and were made stringent from
October 1917 to October 1918.

'The result of this enforced national diet was a remarkable lowering of the deathrate. The death-rate, which had been 12.5 in 1914, now fell to 10.4 per thousand,
"which is the lowest mortality figure that has been registered in any European country
at any time." (Hindhede.)
'Hindhede puts this impressive result in another way. Taking the average from
1900 to 1916 as 160, in the October to October year it was 66. Even in men over
sixty-five the figure fell to 76.
'Hindhede attributes this extraordinarily rapid and marked change to two things:
(1) less meat, (2) less alcohol. He regards the bran as having largely filled the gap of
the scanty or absent meat, bran having a good proportion of vegetable meat or protein.
He regards the experiment as a triumph for his previous teaching. "The reader
knows", he writes in the Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift of March 1920, "how
sharply I have emphasized the advantages of a lacto-vegetarian diet. I am not in
principle a vegetarian, but I believe I have shown that a diet containing a large amount
of meat and eggs is dangerous to health."'
And yet we have only to turn to another Danish possession (ironically enough) to
find a refutation of this rather narrow view.
'The north-west coast of Greenland, where the Polar Eskimos live, is within the
Arctic Circle. It is the most isolated and the least affected by civilization of these three
possessions of Denmark.
'Some attempts at gardening have been introduced by the Danes, but previously
the only vegetable food the Eskimos got was from the profuse but, in species, limited
vegetation of the Arctic summer. Otherwise they lived mainly on sea animals and sea
birds. There was no offal. They ate everything that could be eaten. When it was frozen
they often ate it raw. The thick, heavy skin of the narwhal is particularly favoured.
The millions of sea birds which visit their coast supply a winter store of meat and
'The Eskimos are also exceptionally healthy. "The fact that the Eskimos of this
polar tribe have such excellent physique, hair, and teeth, and such superb health
without any trace of scurvy, rickets, or other evidence of malnutrition," write
McCollum and Simmonds, "is interesting in the light of their restricted and simple
'It is also interesting as a counterweight to Hindhede and other nutritionists who
plump for the excellent lacto-vegetarian diet. There are other excellent diets, and the
whole-carcass one of the polar Eskimos is one of them.'
From the far north our next jump is to the Island of Tristan da Cunha in the South
Atlantic. 'The people of this island are people of our own race living on the products
of sea and soil, most of them have perfect teeth which last them all their lives. . . .
'Mr. James R. A. Moore, L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng.), visited the island in 1932 and
again in 1937. In 1932 he examined 156 persons and 183 in 1937. Of the 3,181

permanent teeth in the former year, there were 74 carious and of the 3906 in the latter
year there were 179 carious.
'He speaks of the physique of the people as being good. They are well set up,
clean and well nourished. The children are breast fed and are not weaned until at least
one year old. Fish and potatoes are the staple diet, meat occasionally, milk and butter
sufficient. Eggs form a big item of the island diet and are mainly Mollyhawk and
penguin. Vegetables are not plentiful, but beetroot, lettuce, beans and onions are now
being grown. Imported flour and sugar are regarded as luxuries, but they have been
brought in to a greater extent latterly, which may account for the tendency of the teeth
to deteriorate.
'The fat in adequate amount is provided by rendering down the carcasses of
young Mollyhawks and petrels and is used extensively for frying. Sea water is
evaporated to provide salt." (Refer to the Medical Testament.)
It will be seen that the people of this island, also noted for their sound health, (For
further information on health conditions in Tristan da Cunha see Tristan da Cunha, by Erling Christophersen, English translation
have a more varied diet than that of the Eskimo, though like
them much of it is derived from the sea. Eggs form a large part of their diet-one of the
items condemned by Hindhede. It is worth noting that a marked difference exists
between the methods of cooking adopted by the Tristan Islanders and the Hunza, for
whereas the latter cook everything together in one pot, the people of Tristan never
partake of more than one kind of food at the same time.
published by Cassell & Co., 1940.)

For our fourth example of a (once) superlatively healthy race, we must go to the
North American Indian of the pioneer days. Observation of these people since they
have been forced to live in reservations has been very carefully recorded.
'All who observed the Indians in their primitive state agree that most of them
were exceptional specimens of physical development. With few exceptions, however,
during two generations, they have deteriorated physically. The reason for this is
apparently brought to light by a consideration of the kind of food to which they have
restricted themselves since they have lived on reservations.
'There is no group of people with a higher incidence of tuberculosis than the noncitizen Indian. As wards of the Government they have been provided with money and
land, but have in general shown little interest in agriculture. They have lived in
idleness, and have derived their food supplies from the agency stores. In addition to
muscle cuts of meat they have, therefore, taken large amounts of milled cereal
products, syrup, molasses, sugar and canned foods, such as peas, com, and tomatoes.
In other words, they have come to subsist essentially upon a milled cereal, sugar,
tuber, and meat diet. On such a regimen their teeth have rapidly become inferior and
badly decayed. They suffer much from rheumatism and other troubles which result
from local infections. Faulty dietary habits are in great measure to be incriminated for
their susceptibility to tuberculosis.
'Other classes of Indians, who have become successful farmers, have not
deteriorated as a result of contact with civilization, except in so far as they have
suffered from alcohol and venereal infections. The noncitizen Indian has suffered, not

because of contact with civilization, but because he has been forced into dietary habits
which are faulty.' (McCollum and Simmonds.)
In the days of their prime these people subsisted mainly on the wild game of
virgin forest and prairie, regions in which, as was pointed out in a previous chapter,
the law of return operated fully.
For the last example I go back to the continent of Asia, to the people of rural
China. Their diet is nearer to that of the Hunza than to any of the other examples we
have looked at. Fruit, vegetables and sprouted grain are staples of both diets, but
unlike the Hunza the principal cereal of the Chinese is rice, not wheat, and they also
eat meat, birds, fish and eggs. They are in addition, as is well known, great tea
drinkers. In common with the other four groups they eat the whole carcass and the
whole grain or vegetable. In the matter of preparation they resemble the Hunza in that
everything is eaten together. But are we justified in claiming that they are healthy?
Sooner or later all advocates of organic farming cite the Chinese, going so far as
to call them the Fathers of good husbandry. Their authority for doing so is almost
always Professor King's famous book, Farmers of Forty Centuries. The critics of the
'organic school', however, challenge the accuracy of King's report. They say that he
was only in the country for a few weeks, that the Chinese people as a whole have an
abnormally high death rate, and that the whole country is riddled with disease, most of
which is sewage borne because the peasants fail to compost their human wastes.
I have made great efforts to check these two opposing views. The truth seems to
lie in the statement from Lord Northbourne's Look to the Land, already quoted in the
first chapter of this book, that 'China presents remarkable contrasts between the best
and the worst'. It is a vast country. Undoubtedly conditions are very bad indeed in
some areas, particularly in the overcrowded cities, both as regards health and sewage
disposal. But there seems equally little doubt that in certain rural areas composting of
a very high order, amounting to a fine art, has been practised for centuries. But,
however the overall picture should be painted, one fact seems indisputable, namely,
that through the operation of the closed cycle (i.e. without the importation of chemical
fertilizers) the soil of China has--despite periodic floods and famines--supported a
huge population and a high culture for a period of 4,000 years. For this reason, I feel
quite justified, after having drawn attention to the other side of the picture, in once
more quoting King. He was, after all, Chief of the Division of Soil Management in the
United States Department of Agriculture, and as such a qualified observer, recording
facts as he found them. The references to the Medical Testament contain an admirable
summary of King's findings, and it is from that document that the following account is
'King frequently inserts into his pages the cheerful, vigorous and healthy
appearance of the Chinese lower classes, the Shanghai coolies, "fully the equal of
large Americans in frame, but without surplus flesh"; "their great endurance", "both
sexes are agile, wiry, and strong" (Hong Kong) ; "lithe, sinewy forms, bright eyes and
cheerful faces, particularly among the women, young and old" (Canton) ;
"everywhere we went in China the labouring people appeared healthy and contented,
and showed clearly that they were well-nourished". Cheerfulness is, indeed, common
to those peasantries who follow the old agricultural ways.'

'The average of seven Chinese holdings . . . indicates a maintenance capacity of

1,783 people, 212 cattle or donkeys and 399 swine--1,995 consumers and 399 rough
food transformers per square mile of farmland. These statements for China represent
strictly rural populations. The rural population of the U.S.A. in 1900 was placed at 61
per square mile of improved farm land and there were 30 horses and mules. . . .'
'They (the Chinese) have long realized that much time is required to transform
organic matter into forms available for plant food, and, although they are the heaviest
users in the world, the largest portion of this organic matter is predigested with soil or
subsoil before it is applied to the fields. This is at an enormous cost of human time
and labour, but it practically lengthens their growing season and enables them to
adopt a system of multiple cropping which would not otherwise be possible. By
planting in hills and rows with intertillage it is very common to see three crops
growing upon the same field at one time, but in different stages of maturity-one nearly
ready to harvest, one just coming up, and the third at the stage when it is drawing
most heavily on the soil. . . .'
This disposes of the theory that increased production and heavy cropping have
been responsible in this country for our diseases in crops. The Chinese have been
cropping in this way for forty centuries.
'The Chinese manure or compost is made of everything that can be collected
which once got its life from the soil, directly or indirectly. They are mixed together
until they form a black friable substance which is readily spread upon the fields. King
describes a number of different processes he saw in different parts of China. One he
describes as being carried out in compost pits at the edge of a canal, a process
entailing "tremendous labour of body and amount of forethought". For months before
his visit men had brought waste from the stables of Shanghai, a distance of fifteen
miles by water. This they had deposited upon the canal bank between layers of thin
mud dipped from the canal, corresponding to silt collected in and taken from the
recesses in the Hunza aqueducts, and left to ferment. The eight men at King's visit had
nearly filled the compost pit with this stable refuse and canal silt. The pit was in a
field in which clover, with its peculiar power of taking nitrogen from the air, was in
blossom. This was to be cut and piled to a height of five to eight feet upon the
compost in the pit, and also saturated layer by layer with canal mud. It would then be
allowed to ferment twenty to thirty days, until the juices set free had been absorbed by
the winter compost beneath and until the time that the adjacent land had been made
ready for the coming crop. The compost would then be distributed by the men over
the field.
'At another time he saw a compost pit within a village in which had been placed
all the manure and waste of the households and streets, all stubble and waste roughage
of the fields, all ashes not to be applied directly, mixed up with some soil. Sufficient
water was added to keep the contents of the pit saturated and to promote their
fermentation. All fibres of organic material have to be broken down, which may
require working and reworking, with frequent additions of water and stirring for
aeration. Finally the mixture becomes a rich complete fertilizer. It is then allowed to
dry and is finely pulverized before it is spread upon the land.

'Every foot of land, says King, is made to provide food, fuel, or fabric. "The
wastes of the body, of fuel, and fabric, are taken back to the field; before doing so
they are housed against waste from weather, intelligently compounded and patiently
worked at through one, three or even six months, in order to bring them into the most
efficient form to serve as manure for the soil or as feed for the crop."'
These then are the five peoples (It appears that to this list should be added the people of Prince Edward
either still enjoy an exceptional measure of health, or else until very recently have
done so. What have they in common?

Island. See report by Dr. Enid Charles in the Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, vol viii, 1942.)

Not race, for the groups include white, brown, red, and yellow races.
Not climate--there could hardly be greater contrasts than between the plains and
hills of rural China or the prairies of North America and the precipitous mountain
crags of the northern provinces of India, or than between the frozen north and the
luxuriant warmth of Tristan da Cunha.
Not diet--in the ordinary sense--for these range from the lactovegetarian diet of
the Hunza to the almost purely carnivorous diet of the Eskimo, with almost every
variant in between.
Not methods of preparing their food either, for though there are certain
resemblances--as between Hunza and Chinese for example--no methods are common
to all five.
In fact it seems clear that it is not in kind at all that we must look for our common
factor, but in quality.
All five groups have good air to breathe, but that cannot by itself be the secret of
their health, or our own hill and country dwellers would have health to compare with
theirs, which, unfortunately, they have not.
The only discernible common factor, other than good air, seems to be that the
diets of all five groups are 'whole' diets in the full sense of the word. That is to say:
(a) every edible part contained in the diet is consumed. (b) In every case the foods are
grown by a system of returning all the wastes of the entire community to the soil in
which they are produced. For the sea too is a 'soil' in this sense, supporting its teeming
population by means of the rule of return--the everlasting cycle of life and decay. (c)
All the foods are natural unprocessed foods. (d) The diets start before life begins; the
parent is as healthy as the child.
There is a complete and continuous transference of health from a fertile soil,
through plant and/or animal to man, and back to the soil again. The whole carcass, the
whole grain, the whole fruit or vegetable, these things fresh from their source, and
that source a fertile soil. Herein appears to he the secret. If this be true, then the
answer to our question, put at the beginning of this chapter, would appear to be that
any diet is a health-promoting diet so long as it conforms to these three rules, and the
first of these is a fertile soil.

'The importance of the method of culture of food is primary, radical, and

fundamental in the matter of health. It exceeds all other aspects of nutrition--if, that is,
one separates any aspect of what is a whole.'
In the case of diets based on agriculture, such a view brings us back again to
humus farming.


'My faith not only dares the searching light of reason, but demands it.'
Coventry Patmore

The evidence laid before you in the preceding chapters presents the case for a view
on health that can be summed up under five propositions.
(1) The primary factor in health (or the lack of it) is nutrition.
(2) Fresh unprocessed natural whole foods (such as wholewheat bread, and raw
vegetables and salads) have a greater nutritive value than the same foods when stale,
or from which vital parts have been removed by processing, or have been destroyed
by faulty preparation.
(3) Fresh foods are more health-promoting than preserved foods (dried, canned,
or bottled).
(4) The nutritive value of food is vitally affected by the way in which it is grown.
(5) An essential link in the nutrition cycle is provided by the activities of soil
fungi, and for this and other reasons the biological aspects of soil fertility are more
important than the chemical.
My own view is that of these five premises, the first two have been pretty
conclusively proved, but that the last three have still to be fully established.
Nevertheless while admitting that critical scientific proof is at present lacking, I
maintain that the indications in support of them are so strong, that it has become a
matter of the utmost national urgency to submit them, without delay, to a final and
conclusive test.
For many years now the Government of the day has been constantly pressed by
those in high places who support the biological school of thought to establish such a
test, but so far without result. It is notable that opposition to a long term experiment
designed to determine the issue comes from the orthodox agricultural chemists and
not from the humus enthusiasts who are willing and eager to put their theories to the
proof. The inference is obvious--either the chemists are, at heart, not sure of their
ground, or else, suspecting that they are wrong, they are fighting to preserve their
vested interests at the possible expense of national health. If it had not been for this
obstruction, this vital question would surely have been answered long since. It may be
asked, why have not some of the humus enthusiasts carried out such a test on their
own initiative. One reason is, that few have been in a financial position to do so, all

large scale experimental work is expensive, but I believe there is a deeper and more
fundamental reason; a psychological one. In attempting to explain it, I must ask you to
make allowances for the error inherent in all generalizations.
Broadly speaking then, the mentality of the large scale users of chemical
fertilizers is, I think, in the main a commercial mentality; the mentality that measures
values in terms of money and is out for quick returns, whereas the 'composters',
inevitably made alive all the time to the biological factors of soil, develop different
standards. They are very much aware of their responsibility; their outlook is one of
service to the soil, not exploitation; farming to them is a vocation, not a trade. When
they become convinced that their biological approach to the soil is right in the
interests of the soil itself, any soil treatment which runs counter to this, becomes such
heresy to them that they cease to be capable of a detached and purely scientific atitude
to the problems involved.
I am aware of this danger in myself, but I have been brought up with a
sufficiently scientific background to be able to control it, in the interests of truth. For
it is quite clear to me that if humus is indeed the basis of health, we shall get no
further towards achieving health until evidence is provided of so conclusive a nature
that scientists are ready to accept it as proof. Scientists are always slow to accept any
new principle because scepticism is a necessary part of their make up. Without it they
would not be scientists. This scepticism only ceases to be a virtue when suspicion of
any new theory is carried to the length of obstructing work designed to provide proof.
Unfortunately, the history of new scientific discoveries is interwoven with just such
obstruction from the very people whom one would expect to welcome investigation.
A good example of this is provided by the history of Pasteur and Lister. The
Cheshire doctors provide a notable exception to it.
Thus it seems to me that the initiative in this, as in so many other new
developments of science or of social reforms, must be taken by private enterprise.
Governments in this country follow but seldom lead new movements. If all enterprise
in our past history had waited on Governments, there would be no such thing to-day
as the British Commonwealth of Nations, and probably little also in the way of health
'Unquestionably', state the compilers of the P.E.P. report, 'many of the greatest
achievements of the British health services up to the present time have been due to
voluntary initiative.' They go on to say that 'The scope for work by voluntary bodies
in the health services appears to fall into five classes: (a) work in which freedom of
opinion in teaching or research is absolutely vital; (b) work which is of a controversial
nature; (c) work which is of a pioneering character and contains an element of risk;
(d) other "charitable" work which no public body thinks part of its duty although its
value is generally recognized; (e) work where the disease or health problems involved
affect the social life of the individual and there is scope for personal influence or
example.' (P.E.P. Report on British Health Services,1936.)
In a democracy, then, it seems that pioneering, even in matters of health, must be
the function of the individual. Luckily great causes usually produce their pioneers.
First must come those who make the initial discoveries, and after them men of vision,

prepared, in the face of all difficulties, to prove that the discoveries are worth official
recognition. As an example, one might cite Columbus, who discovered America, and
Raleigh, who founded the first English colony.
The new world (if such indeed it prove to be) which is appearing on the horizon
as a result of the probable relationship between humus and health, has not lacked its
Columbus, and it has had at least one Raleigh too, in the person of the late Alice
Debenham. The tragedy is, that she died at the very outset of her great purpose,
leaving to others the task of bringing to fruition the seed she sowed.
A practical farmer, trained in science and medicine, and during the latter years of
her life an invalid, Alice Debenham saw very clearly the potential importance of the
evidence concerning soil fertility and health. She saw equally clearly that this
scattered evidence must be collected and reproduced under controlled conditions if it
were to convince the scientific world, and that unless science is convinced,
Governments will not act.
Outstandingly public spirited, she founded a Research Trust to carry out this
work. As custodians of it, she appointed the East Suffolk County Council. By this
means the Trust immediately gained an official status that a purely private body
would not have achieved, while, at the same time, the terms of the Trust gave it a
much greater freedom of action than would have been possible to a Government-run
concern, even including a provision to delegate the work should that seem desirable.
In 1939, she presented, to this Trust, under a deed of gift, about eighty acres of farm
land together with a limited number of farm buildings and an admirably modernized
farm-house. This eighty acres marches with a 150-acre holding which I had been
farming since 1919 and it was agreed between us that this land should be leased or
sold to the Trust so that the total experimental area should not be less than two
hundred acres. (See Fig. 5.) This was considered to be the minimum acreage needed
for carrying out the experiment for which the Trust was chiefly formed, namely to
divide a farm into three sections for the purpose of making a comparison from the
health point of view of three different systems of farming based on three different
conceptions of the true nature of nutrition. The first system is based on the ecological
conception of nutrition as a cycle--a flow of materials from the soil and back to the
soil--in which a vigorous soil population forms an essential sector, being the agency
through which humus feeds the plant indirectly. The second system is based on the
belief that all food materials needed by plants can be provided in the form of soluble
chemical nutrients, provided physical conditions are favourable to water retention.
The third system is based on the now orthodox view that all farmyard manure, and
other humus-forming materials available, should be returned to the soil, but that these
must be supplemented by soluble chemical fertilizers because farmyard manure or
compost (except in such heavy dressings as to be out of the question practically) are
deficient in essential plant food.

Miss Debenham was very vividly aware of the urgent need for a long term
comparative test of these three theories, on a field scale and under controlled
conditions, and she was partly prompted to her generous gift because of the extreme
suitability, for this experiment, of the proposed site at Haughley. Firstly the fields are
all small, averaging 6 acres or thereabouts, and are all divided by deep ditches; this
enables each plot to be one whole self-contained field isolated from the neighbouring
plots so far as the drainage system is concerned. At the same time the small fields
make it possible to carry out the whole experiment within a fairly small total area
(236 acres). Secondly the land is all flat, so that differences in aspect hardly arise.
Thirdly, the character of the soil is fairly uniform--clay loam, on mixed clay and sand
sub-soil, overlying chalk. Such variations as do occur are distributed in such a way
that all soil types can be represented on all three sections. (See Fig. 6.)

In 1940 the preparatory work was begun. The gradual development of the
programme through its preliminary stages has been fully described in earlier editions
of this book. I do not propose to recapitulate them in detail here since my object is to
bring the story up to date. In order to do so I must make a slight digression to
introduce the Soil Association.
In 1943, while the work of the Trust was gradually developing, the first edition of
this book was published. The many hundreds of letters which I received in
consequence, made it very clear indeed that a deep and ever-growing conviction was
taking place among all sections of the community that the right approach to health is
the positive one of promoting vitality rather than the negative one of preventing
disease. These letters also made me aware of how many farmers and gardeners were
themselves trying experiments in organic cultivation, and how much more valuable
their work would be if these experimenters had any means of comparing notes and
learning from each other.
The desire for some clearing-house of information was frequently voiced by my
correspondents. By 1945, the demand had become so great that an attempt had to be
made to translate wishes into action. A group of men and women representing
farmers, gardeners, doctors, dentists, housewives and students, met in London and
took the first steps to form the Soil Association. It took nearly a year to thresh out the

Constitution, but the new Society was eventually launched at an inaugural meeting in
May 1946. By that time it had already grown into something much bigger than a mere
information centre. Its three declared objects are:
(1) To bring together all those working for a fuller understanding of the vital
relationships between soil, plant, animal and man.
(2) To initiate, co-ordinate and assist research in this field.
(3) To collect and distribute the knowledge gained so as to create a body of
informed public opinion.
The Association is managed democratically by a Council (elected from among
the members) which is assisted by a Scientific and Technical Panel. (Names and descriptions
of the Panel and the 1948 Council are given shortly.)

By the end of 1948, over 2000 members and associates had joined the
Association, representing among them over fifty different professions. While the bulk
of these members are naturally citizens of the British Isles--where the Organization
started--the Association is already on the high road to becoming an international
body. It has members in all the English-speaking countries, in many European
countries, and one or two in India and the Middle East.
Members are kept in touch with each other, and with the latest development in
organic research, through a quarterly illustrated journal and a monthly news bulletin.
A Research Fund has been established and is steadily growing, 25 per cent of all
members' subscriptions being allocated to this.
By the autumn of 1947 the Association had so grown in numbers, in strength, and
in influence, that the Haughley Research Trust decided to delegate its work to this
new body.
Before leaving the work of the Trust to follow this new development however, a
few of the interim observations of these early days are, I think, worth recording. In the
case of wheat, for example, by the sixth generation, the proportion of small and
withered grain was so great in the chemically grown wheat that, when dressing over
sieves in order to recover a sample of a certain size of seed, twelve sacks had to be
dressed in order to obtain eight. Only ten sacks of the compost-grown crop were
needed in order to obtain the same amount.
Beans reacted adversely to the absence of animal manure quicker than any other
crop. In the first generation the compost-grown beans yielded 20 bushels per acre and
the ones grown with fertilizers 18 bushels per acre. In the second generation (1945)
the compost beans went up to 28 bushels, but those grown chemically fell to 8
bushels. A likely explanation is that legumes are directly dependent upon the activity
of micro-organisms--the nodule-forming bacteria certainly, and probably mycorrhizal
association as well. Another probable factor is the greatly increased resistance to frost
that occurred in the compost-grown beans. In the hard winter of 1945 hardly a plant of
this crop was lost, whereas fully 30 per cent of the chemically grown beans

succumbed. The explanation for this probably lies in the increased root development
which follows compost treatment. (See Plate XIV.)


No. in

of root

Treatment at
time of sowing





5 cwt. per acre

Ammoniated Bone

1942 Clover
First cut taken
Second cut ploughed in



1942. Barley treated

with sewage sludge


5 cwt. per acre

Ammoniated Bone

1942. Barley treated

with Limphos and Sulphate
of Ammonia



1942. Wheat
1941. Fallow
1940. Kale, grown with compost,
the residue fed off
with sheep


5 cwt. per acre

Ammoniated Bone

1942. Oats
1941, half fallow.
Mustard fed
off with sheep.*

Oats and


Previous cropping
and treatment
1942. Beans

*This field now belongs to the 3rd (mixed) section.

Barley on the other hand has so far almost always yielded the heaviest crops on
the chemical section.

I attribute this to the very short growth period of this plant. My experience, when
comparing compost and chemically grown crops by eye, is that in the early stages of
growth the latter usually look the more forward of the two. If at that stage you dig up
some of the plants, the difference in the root development is startling. Later, the
compost-grown crop, having first established a tremendous root system, starts its
visible top growth and soon catches up and finally passes the other, but this process
takes a certain time. It is possible that Spring barley, which is shallow rooted and very
quick growing, can thus be more readily stimulated inorganically, but it is also true
that chemically grown barley is much more liable to lodge at harvest time than the
stiffer-strawed compost-grown crop.
When the new management took over the direction of the work in 1948 it was
decided to sow all three sections once more with seed of common origin, thereafter
each section will again produce its own seed for all crops for which this is feasible.
This self-contained seed policy will continue for a minimum duration of the next
rotation period. In consequence another seven years must elapse before grain of
seventh generation stock is again available, therefore from the 1948 harvest (the last
under the old management), wheat and barley from all three sections are being
subjected to feeding tests by independent research workers so that there shall be some
basis of comparison at the end of the next rotation period.
Early in the work at Haughley, a comparison was made between compost and
farmyard manure. Potatoes on the organic section, and brussels sprouts on the mixed
section being chosen for this test.
Four acres of potatoes received F.Y.M. and compost alternately in acre strips, the
F.Y.M. at the rate of twelve loads per acre, the compost at the rate of six loads per
acre. At the flowering stage no difference could be observed between these strips.
(This has been recorded in photographs, see Plate XIII.) At harvesting the same
uniformity of yield and size in the potatoes appeared to exist, but representative rows
were gathered and weighed to test this. The results were as follows:
6 loads Compost
King Edwards (per acre)
Majestic (per acre)

12 loads


Twice the quantity of F.Y.M. thus resulted in only a few hundredweight

increased yield. (See Plate XIII, Figs. 1 and 2.)

PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Majestic potatoes. Right of flag 10 tons farmyard manure. Left
of flag 5 tons compost. Photographed July, 1942. Fig. 2 as Fig. 1 showing potatoes
in rows at harvest, October, 1942. Fig. 3. Taken from same place as Figs. l & 2
showing oat crop. Harvest 1943. Fig. 4. More distant view of oat crop. (NOTE. This
field has received no artificial manure of any kind for over twelve years.)

Health. The crop was not sprayed. Some disease was present in the King
Edwards; more in those grown with F.Y.M. than in those grown with compost. The
Majestics were all equally free from blight, but some of those grown with F.Y.M.
showed slight traces of scab, especially in those strips grown with long muck, and
where the field is a little wet. The compost-grown ones all had beautiful smooth fine
skins. After six months storage in clamp the keeping quality and size were also
determined, with the following results:


Grown with Compost
Grown with F.Y.M.
per cent
per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent











Grown with Compost
Grown with F.Y.M.
per cent
per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent









*Ware = Too big to pass through a 2-inch mesh.

Seed = Passing through 2 inches but not 1 inches.
Chatt = Passing through a 1-inch mesh.

It will be noted that the difference in keeping quality between the potatoes grown
with compost (at six loads per acre) and those grown with F.Y.M. (at twelve loads per
acre) is negligible, being slightly in favour of the compost in the case of the King
Edwards, and vice versa in the case of the Majestic. It is interesting however that the
compost produced a markedly higher percentage of large potatoes in both cases. This
crop was followed by oats. (See Plate XIII, Fig. 4.) It was not possible to harvest these
strips separately but the photograph clearly shows the greater length of straw in the
compost strip (the division is marked by the arrow). The total crop yielded 80 bushels
per acre. This particular field, incidentally, has received nothing since 1930 but
farmyard manure or compost, at an average rate not exceeding 5 tons per acre per
Six acres of brussels sprouts received basic slag throughout, and F.Y.M. and
composts of different types in acre strips. This time all at the rate of 7 tons to the acre.
Key to types used:
F.Y.M. (a) Farmyard manure from a hill, with a little chalk added when building.
F.Y.M. (b) Farmyard manure unrotted direct from yards.
S.M.Compost made from straw, F.Y.M. and sewage sludge.
M.B.Compost made from straw, F.Y.M. and raw blood.
S.B.Compost made from straw, sewage sludge and blood.
C.I.Standard compost, Straw, and F.Y.M. (mainly pig).

All the composts, of course, were made with the necessary admixture of chalk
and soil. One acre was left untreated as a control.
Result. Plants of both F.Y.M. strips were bigger than those in the control acre. At
first those with F.Y.M.(b) were better than F.Y.M.(a). Later this was reversed,
suggesting that the undecomposed cellulose in F.Y.M.(b) developed a depressing
effect on growth.
All compost strips produced better plants than the F.Y.M. as to size, and were
markedly freer from caterpillar attack. The difference between the three composts
S.M., M.B. and S.B. was negligible, if anything those which included blood were
slightly better than S.M.
The results of C.I. are interesting. Two acres were treated with this. One acre
received a very well-made batch of the compost, weather conditions being just right,
and correct temperatures being obtained in the course of manufacture. The other acre
received compost made in exactly the same way, but under less favourable conditions,
so that the resulting product was rather too wet.
The plants on the first of these acres were outstandingly the best in the field, both
as to size and colour and as to freedom from insect attack. The second acre, although
better than those receiving F.Y.M., were less good than those receiving M.B. and S.B.
This demonstrated the importance of correct making, and the fact that chemical
composition plays only a secondary part in the value of compost.
These results were noted by independent observers.
By the summer of 1948 the transfer of the Haughley Research Farms to the Soil
Association was completed, and the following year a booklet was issued describing
the research programme and appealing for funds to carry it out. As this booklet brings
the whole story of the enterprise up to date I now reproduce below the major portion
of it. The document itself, with a complete field history and guide, is obtainable on
application to the Soil Association, price 2s.


DR. G. SCOTT WILLIAMSON (ex officio). MedicalPractitionerand Director of
Pioneer Health Centre, Peckham.
MR. R. ST. BARBE BAKER. Founder of Men of the Trees.
DR. K. E. BARLOW. Medical Practitioner.

MISS MAYS E. BRUCE. Author and originator of Q.R. Herbal Activator for
MISS M. DE BUNSEN. Journalist.
MR. HENRY DECK. Director of Ransome Sims & Jefferies.
MR. R. DE LA MARE. Publisher.
MR. L. F. EASTERBROOK, O.B.E. Agricultural Correspondent.
MR. ROLF GARDINER.Farmer and Landowner.
SIR CECIL OAKES. C.B.E. Solicitor.
DR. INNES PEARSE. Medical Practitioner and Director of Pioneer Health
Centre, Peckham
LT.-COL. W. E. SHERWELL COOPER. Horticultural Adviser.
MR. E. MAURICE WOOD. Farmer and Miller.
MR. C. D. WILSON. (Hon. Sec.). Manager of Pioneer Health Centre.


LORD TEVIOT (ex officio).
DR. G. E. BREEN. Medical Practitioner and Editor of Medical Press.
MR. E. BRODIE CARPENTER. Dental Surgeon.
MR. C. C. J. BULLOUGH. Farmer and Sanitary Engineer.
MR. N. P. BURMAN. Bacteriologist.
MR. J. L. H. CHASE. Horticulturist.
MR. D. J. DUFFY. Farmer (Bio-Dynamic).
DR. IDA LEVISOHN. Botanist and Mycologist.
MR. A. A. McINNES. Retired Banker.

MR. H. C. MAUDE. Land Agent.

MR. J. J. W. MENZIES. Publicist.
MR. J. B. MILLER. Farmer and Market Gardener.
CAPT. R. G. M. WILSON. Farmer and Market Gardener (Bio-Dynamic).
DR. J. W. SCHARFF (Hon. Sec.). Medical Practitioner and Malariaologist.
Organizing Secretary: LADY EVE BALFOUR.
Hon. Auditor: SIR HARRY PEAT.
Registered Office.




Published by the Soil Association in the interests of the human race.
For too long the emphasis in food production and the focus of agricultural
research and advisory services has been on increased yields, to the exclusion of
quality. This policy has led to soil exhaustion and has been accompanied by an
increasing incidence of disease in plant, animal and man.
It is urgent and vital that we should now turn our attention to the study of quality
and the means of restoring and maintaining it. If food is deficient in vitality and in the
minerals and vitamins essential to health, mere bulk will not sustain vigorous life.
When quality is sacrificed to quantity, total food supply diminishes. This sounds
like a paradox, but the truth of it is proved by the ever-increasing area of man-made
Where quality is put first, soil fertility and crop yields are maintained
indefinitely. Where quantity is the aim and quality is neglected, soil devitalization and
exhaustion lead ultimately to dust-bowl, desert and famine.
This booklet describes the concerted effort of a disinterested and public-spirited
body of men and women determined to prove the importance of quality in living
things, and to seek its source in the soil from which they gain their nourishment. It
therefore directly concerns everybody.

The Research here outlined represents a fundamentally new approach to the study
of the Soil, in that it relates Fertility to the qualitative aspects of Nutrition.
It is based on systematic and carefully-controlled differential comparisons,
conducted on a farming scale, and will extend over many generations of crops and
livestock. The main purpose is to ascertain the effect of biological soil activity-directly upon plants and indirectly upon animals fed thereon
(i) as reflected in quantity and quality of output;
(ii) as affecting genetic and transmissible characteristics;
(iii) as influencing positive health and disease-resistance.
The results obtained will clearly have an important bearing on questions of
human nutrition and will be placed at the disposal of all workers in that field.
The foundation for this work has already been laid.
This research is being conducted by the Soil Association under the jurisdiction of
a Board of Referees consisting of the following:
The Rt. Hon. Sir John Anderson, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., M.A., D.SC., LL.D., F.R.S.,

The Lord Forrester of Corstorphine, M.A., F.I.I.A.

The Rt. Hon. Lord Hankey, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.
F. C. Scott, Esq.
The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Scott.
Sir George Stapledon, C.B.E., F.R.S., M.A.
Statement by Referees
"Humanity has been badly frightened by the invention of the atomic bomb. Yet
the slower but more widespread devastation wrought by exhausting the soil upon
which we depend for subsistence, is ignored by the majority of people, who think of
calamity only in terms of sudden disaster or of war.

"Wasteful exploitation of the soil's fertility is due in part to the desire for quick
cash returns, but in a greater degree to ignorance. Many scientists and agriculturalists
now realize that their knowledge of the natural processes underlying soil fertility is
incomplete. They recognize that these processes are only partly explicable in terms of
agricultural chemistry, and that the purely inorganic approach to the study of soil
science is a line of thought as dead as the mechanical determinism of nineteenthcentury physics.
"'Dead' is the appropriate word, for the missing factor is that of life itself. Biology
is the science of life, and Ecology is that part of it which treats of the relationship
between living organisms and their environment. We have reason to believe that soil
biology and soil ecology--both comparatively neglected branches of science--can fill
the gaps in our knowledge of the foundations of health in the soil and in the plants,
animals and human beings which depend upon it, directly or indirectly, for
sustenance. This broad conclusion is based upon a considerable amount of evidence,
much of which has been published.
"The Soil Association, a non-profit-making organization, supported by many
prominent members of the agricultural and medical professions, was formed to link
together people in many lands who are thinking and working upon these lines. It is
concerned especially to meet the growing demand for research into the wider
implications of soil vitality and the right ways of maintaining and promoting it.
"It is not a fantastic statement to say that in twenty years' time people may be
dependent for their lives upon the results of research in this fuller biological sense.
For man-made deserts, mass migrations and widespread malnutrition and disease, all
proclaim the failure of research and education, upon existing lines, to prevent the
waste and destruction of soil fertility.
"Circumstantial evidence has been accumulating in recent years to the effect that
maintenance of a correct biological balance in the soil is of critical importance to the
vitality of plants, animals and man. We consider this evidence significant enough to
warrant the view that further investigations are a matter of national urgency.
"Many people will ask why this work could not have been done at established
research stations. The answer is that the ecological aspect of the problem demands
experimental work upon the full scale of ordinary farming operations, for which the
small-plot system usual at agricultural research stations is inadequate.
"The distinguishing, and in some respects novel, feature of the Haughley method
of research will be the comparison of contrasted systems of soil management.



"The 210 acre experimental farm where this work is now in progress has been
divided into three sections. In No. 1 section no mineral fertilizers are used, but only
animal manure and vegetable residues in the form of organically-prepared compost. In
No. 2 no animal manure is used, but inorganic chemical fertilizers are supplemented
by ploughing in green crops. No. 3 is run on the lines of orthodox mixed farming; that
is to say, farmyard manure and compost are used in conjunction with both organic and
inorganic fertilizers. This third section thus provides the control for measuring the
different results and comparative values of the systems used on sections 1 and 2.
"If soil fertility and cropping experiments are to be carried to their logical
conclusions, feeding experiments on farm animals as well as laboratory animals will
be needed. These will have to be continued through many generations of crops and
livestock. So far as can be discovered, there is no provision at existing research
stations for this integration of manuring and feeding through successive generations.
Yet without it, no experiment seeking to determine ultimate food values can be
Signed by:

Research on the lines proposed in Part I cannot be done quickly. To determine
causes, effects must be studied over a long period of time. More and more people are
beginning to realize that health does not lie solely in a planned diet, but also in the
way in which that diet is grown. Even in mineral content there is a pronounced
difference in the same vegetable when grown on fertile or infertile soil. In vitality--a
much less measurable quality--the difference may be incalculably greater. How much
greater we do not as yet know.
Biology and ecology, working hand in hand with chemistry and physics, may
supply the answers to these questions. Meanwhile it is possible to observe certain
effects on the health and stamina of plants, animals and human beings, following
upon organic soil treatment. Such effects are often immediate and dramatic, But they
will not convince the independent observer until the hidden processes out of which
they arise can be more fully explained. To diagnose the weakness in presentday soil
science, orthodox methods of cultivation and soil treatment must be practised under
controlled conditions, alongside those methods of organic cultivation which
experience suggests (though science has yet to prove) may supply the missing factor.
The groundwork of such field experiments has already been laid at Haughley by the
Haughley Research Trust.
The Haughley Research Trust

This Trust was founded in 1938 by the late Miss Alice Debenham to investigate
the causes of positive health in crops and livestock, and particularly the relationship
between the health of the soil and that of the crops and animals raised upon it. In
1940, 210 acres of land, partly owned by the Trust and partly leased, was divided into
three sections as described in Part I.
The arrangement of these sections has been carefully made so that any slight
differences in soil type are equally represented in all three. When the Soil Association
took over the Haughley Research Farms from the Haughley Research Trust, it was
1. That the experiment should be designed to compare the three methods of
farming and to answer the following questions. Does organic farming:
(a) Produce food of better quality than the other two methods;
(b) Increase the resistance of plants and animals to disease; and
(c) Enhance the fertility of seed and animal.
2. That the division of the fields, as made by the Haughley Research Trust in
1940, should remain, and should comprise an all-organic and an orthodox section,
each supporting identical classes of livestock of common origin, and a stockless
The livestock on the all-organic and the orthodox sections will comprise in each
case a small herd of Guernsey cows, a flock of poultry and two breeding sows with
their progeny. The foundation stock for these flocks and herds have now been
purchased. In the case of the cattle heifers have been obtained in pairs from selfcontained herds where the past history is known, each pair being by the same bull
and out of cows of similar records, this being the most likely way to obtain pairs of
animals with fairly uniform characteristics so that one of each pair can be placed in
each herd.
In the case of the poultry the auto-sexed breed Golden Cambar has been chosen,
and the setting eggs for the foundation stock all originate from the same breeding pen
of birds.
The foundation sows for the two herds of pigs have been picked from litter
sisters in the existing herd of Essex pigs which have been home-bred at Haughley for
several generations.
Much consideration was given by the Soil Association experts to the difficult
problem of the sires. Finally it was decided that as the sire is the most important
factor in breeding, one bull would have to be used for both herds of cattle and one
boar for both herds of pigs. This has obvious disadvantages, but it is considered that
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. These sires will be kept and treated as
part of the organic herds, but will be used on both. To those who have an organic bias
this will seem to give an advantage to the mixed herd, but it is much better to do that
than to give the advantage the other way round.
During the first rotation, or stabilizing, period no arrangements can be made to
feed the produce of the stockless section to livestock at Haughley, but produce from
all three sections will be offered to nutritional research laboratories for feeding tests.

3. That the attempt to have identical rotations and to make a year by year, field by
field, comparison is the wrong policy for the following reasons:
(a) Basically the experiment was designed to compare three methods of farming.
Each section, therefore, should represent, as far as possible, the very best farm of its
type. Clearly a rotation which was right for one method of farming would not
necessarily be right for another.
(b) In practice, it would not be possible to carry out all field operations
simultaneously in all three sections, so that an accurate field by field comparison
would in any case seldom be possible.
4. That in view of the above, the comparison must be a long term comparison, not
less than rotation period by rotation period.
5. That since the aim must be to make each section the best possible farm of its
kind, the general management, cropping, rotation, manuring, etc., must in each case
be put under the direction of a recognized expert in that method of farming.
The supreme advantage of this system of triple control is that with three experts,
each satisfied that his own method is the best, and each competing with the other to
demonstrate this, we shall achieve a degree of impartiality such as would be
impossible under any single directive.

The following have accordingly been appointed Directors of Farming Operations

in the three sections:
Organic Section: Mr. Friend Sykes and Mr. D. J. Duffy.
Stockless Section: Mr. F. P. Chamberlain.
Orthodox Section: Mr. William Alexander.
6. That while the first object of the experiment is to compare three methods of
farming, the second is to arrive, if possible, at a scientific interpretation of any
differences that may result. For this purpose a full-time experimental officer has been
In the early years at Haughley a beginning was made to determine and compare
the biological activity of the soil in the different sections by use of the cellulose
decomposition test. (See Technical Ref. No. 9.) Earthworm experiments were also
started. These experiments will be continued under the supervision of the
experimental officer, and frequent soil tests will be made in all three sections. These
will include the usual chemical analyses for phosphorus, nitrogen, potash and lime,
and also biological tests to determine the extent of fungal activity and, so far as
possible, the behaviour of the soil population generally, including earthworms.
Particular attention will be paid to mycorrhizal activity, and the relationship of this to
the different soil treatments. All field tests will be supplemented wherever possible
by pot experiments under laboratory conditions. These various tests will continue
throughout the whole course of the experiment so that the results of them can later be
correlated with any results obtained in feeding experiments. A great deal of
importance is attached to the mycorrhizal examinations. Dr. Rayner has stated: 'It is
my deliberate opinion, as has already been stated elsewhere, that variations in

mycorrhizal response can be used as an index of health and growth, and that correct
interpretation of these responses is an essential move towards better control of the
soil conditions promoting health, vigour and maximum resistance to disease.
Research along the lines indicated is yielding results of practical value to forestry.
'As a first step it is essential in the case of every species known to be a regular
mycorrhiza-former to learn to recognize the mycorrhizal characters associated with
health and optimal growth of the host. In wild species this is not difficult, but in those
long in cultivation the best that can be done is to obtain a composite picture by
numerous comparative observations on individuals from various sources and of
varying vigour. The next step involves comparative study throughout the growing
season in the species under observation of experimental material subjected to various
soil treatments in the field and, if possible, also under controlled conditions.'
This view seems so obviously sound that eventually a permanent resident
member of the experimental staff will probably have to be a botanist or mycologist
specially trained in this work.

Note from Soil and Health Library: The edition used to render this book for the
internet contained an errata notice inserted at this point in the book, stating:
Correction for page 186
Mr. Alexander is no longer directing the orthodox (mixed)
section of the Research Farm. The Council of the Soil Association
is in contact with a probable successor, but at the time of going to
press it is regretted that a final announcement as to the name cannot
yet be made.

7. Costing.The prime purpose of the experiment is, of course, to determine which

of these three methods of farming is the most successful in obtaining vitality in all its
products, on what foresters call a sustained yield basis. Taking a long term view, the
method which proves the best in this respect must, of course, be ultimately the most
profitable. Nevertheless, it was agreed that it was important to compare the economic
aspect on a shorter term basis as well. Each section will, therefore, be costed
separately and the results between them compared, but this comparison will also be on
a rotational basis and not year by year.
The Ministry of Agriculture has agreed to give the Management Committee a
free hand in planning these experiments, so as to free the farm from cropping orders
and similar restrictive regulations which have hitherto hampered the experimental side
of the work. The Soil Association is also indebted to the National Research Station at
Rothamsted for valuable co-operation and advice.
An issue of 3 per cent Debentures has been made, and fully subscribed, to cover
the purchase of the land and buildings and to provide sufficient working capital to
initiate the next stage of the experiments. To staff, equip and carry it through, further
financial support is needed immediately.
Haughley and the Soil Association
The Soil Association was established several years after the initiation of these
experiments at Haughley, but its Executive Council is so firmly convinced of their

potential importance that it has decided not only to sponsor this appeal but to accept
the task of controlling and directing the future developments of the work.
In this decision it was influenced by the suitability of the land, the availability of
accommodation for research staff, and in particular by the value of the seven years'
preparatory groundwork which had already been done. These conditions could not be
found elsewhere in this country.
To carry the Haughley project through its next stage of development,
commencing in January 1949, which includes feeding and breeding experiments
within two of the three self-contained sections, the Soil Association is launching an
appeal for a special research fund of at least 10,000. The group of prominent people
who have signed the first part of this document are serving as a Board of Referees.
The duties of this Board are:
1. To ratify the appointments of the scientific and technical advisers and
2. To select official observers to watch and report upon the conduct and progress
of the experiments.
Four out of six of these Referees are outside the membership of the Soil
Association and have had no previous connection with the work at Haughley. In this
fact lies the public's guarantee of complete impartiality and objectivity in the
recording and interpretation of results.
The Soil Association is convinced that the interlinked subjects of soil
conservation, soil fertility and nutrition are as vital to the future of the world as is the
control of atomic energy. It invites your serious consideration of the problem of
feeding the increasing populations of the world for the next hundred years on an
inadequate and diminishing acreage of partly exhausted soil. It believes that
Haughley, with its background of seven years of preparatory work, offers the
optimum conditions for research into this problem.
The sum of money for which this appeal is made represents only one fivehundredth part of 1 per cent of the sum which is said to have been expended on
atomic research. We ask you to back this project financially, to the utmost of your
ability, in sober realization that the land is a trust in which is vested the health and
well-being of our children and their children after them.
This is a vital issue which we all must face.
Do we want to go down to history as the generation which was too preoccupied
with instruments of death to study the resources of life? Or shall we be remembered
as those who first stemmed the advance of sterility by restoring and maintaining the
vitality of the soil on which all life depends?

Organic Section: Mr. Friend Sykes and Mr. D. J. Duffy.

Mr. Sykes is a well-known organic farmer. His 700-acre farm on the Wiltshire
Downs is entirely self-contained, providing all the feeding stuffs necessary for a large
herd of Guernsey cows and also growing very heavy crops of corn, no fertilizers
being used. Mr. Sykes is also well-known as the author of Humus and the Farmer.
Mr. Deryck Duffy is the Director of Westhall Farm Schools, Oyne,
Aberdeenshire, which is a well-known training centre for students of both sexes in
practical agriculture and horticulture. Some of the farms are run on organic lines and
some on orthodox lines.
Stockless Section: Mr. F. P. Chamberlain.
Mr. Chamberlain is a very well-known Oxfordshire farmer. He farms an
extensive acreage and is a foremost exponent of green manuring. Much of his land
has been successfully farmed without any livestock since 1894.
Orthodox Section: Mr. William Alexander.
Mr. Alexander farms 1,200 acres in Kent. He was for many years a member of
Kent War Agricultural Committee and is recognized by all authorities as one of the
very best mixed farmers in the country. He has a famous self-contained herd of
Friesian cattle.

Mr. N. L. Ferguson, B.Sc.

Mr. Ferguson obtained his degree in 1935, and a post-graduate travelling
scholarship to the States and Canada. Since then he has had considerable research
experience and was for three years botanist at St. Ives Research Station and from
1943 to 1947 was Research Assistant to the North of England Animal Diseases
Research Committee at King's College, Newcastle. During the war he was in the
Sudan Government Agricultural Service.

Mr. E. K. Allan
Mr. Allan is a thoroughly practical farmer, having farmed all his life both here
and in Australia. He left the National Agricultural Advisory Service to take up his
post at Haughley.
SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ADVISERS to the project include Biologists,
Botanists and Mycologists, Agricultural Chemists, Pathologists and a Veterinary

The Soil Association maintains a guest house at Haughley and welcomes visitors
to the research farm. All communications including inquiries for accommodation,
application for membership, and donations to the research work, should be addressed

The Organizing Secretary, The Soil Association Ltd.,

New Bells Farm, Haughley, Suffolk.


'Promotion of health is a more desirable objective

than is the treatment of sickness.'
Dr. J. P. S. Jamieson

It is my opinion that no plan for a new Britain can be laid on a sound foundation
unless the question is first answered as to whether a connection exists between
biological soil activity and health. In this chapter I wish to amplify that statement. In
order to do so, I must ask you to imagine that the experiment outlined in the last
chapter has been carried out, and that the result of it has been to prove that wherever
the ecological balance of the soil is seriously disturbed, disorders in crops, animals,
and man follow.
That such a result is at least possible must, I think, be conceded as a result of the
evidence that has been presented. If it should indeed prove to be the truth, then the
implications would reach into almost every activity within the life of the nation.
A short time ago Sir William Beveridge, broadcasting on his report for social
security, said that security against sickness was one of the two factors of
reconstruction that did not raise any big political issue, but this would not be true if it
were shown that the primary factor in the prevention of sickness lay in soil
management, for in that event, any, government, if it is to fulfil its duties of serving
the common good, would have to exercise a wide control, not only of land utilization
and management, but also over the whole range of subsidiary interests that at present
handle the production and distribution of the nation's food supplies, as well as over
the methods employed for disposing of municipal wastes. Among those concerned in
this wide range of activities are some very powerful vested interests, and thus any
programme for the promotion of health that was based on soil fertility would raise
political issues of the first order.
I now ask you to face some of these issues squarely and see where they lead us,
because as citizens of a democracy, the matter will rest ultimately in your own hands.
First and foremost would be the need for a complete revolution in outlook. If the
nation's health depends on the way its food is grown, then agriculture must be looked
upon as one of the health services, in fact the primary health service. 'It is important . .
. to outgrow the attitude of confining the term health services to what are really
sickness services. The nation needs sickness services, but a nation which regards them
as a substitute for health services . . . is going to find the confusion expensive in
money and in suffering. Such confusion is the easier to fall into because many of the
developments most vital to health are considered primarily from other standpoints,
and many of the persons who can do most to assist health are not usually regarded,

and do not regard themselves, as having special responsibilities in that direction.' (P.E.P.
Report on British Health Services, 1936).

Once agriculture came to be regarded as a health service the only consideration in

any matter concerning the production of food would be: 'Is it necessary for the health
of the people?'; that of ordinary economics would take a quite secondary place.
In deciding whether or not new medical clinics should be opened or new schools
built, we do not ask 'Will they pay?' but 'Are they needed?' We regard them as
necessary social services and as such the whole community is expected, and in the
main is willing, to pay for them. The greatest social service of all is, or should be, the
provision of the people's food.
If fresh food is necessary to health in man and beast, then that food must be
provided not only from our own soil but as near as possible to the sources of
consumption. (See Case for a Service Agriculture, Technical Ref. No. 10.) If this involves fewer imports
and consequent repercussions on exports, then it is industry that must be readjusted to
the needs of food.
If such readjustment involves decentralization of industry and the reopening of
local mills and slaughter-houses, then the health of the nation is more important than
any large combine. That the welfare of the people as a whole must in future take
precedence over all narrow interests is a principle which has been accepted. This
acceptance has been expressed by Lord Elton in the following words: 'What are the
true objects of industry and commerce? Presumably they are the same as all activities
within the state, the material and physical well-being of all its citizens.' (St. George or the
Dragon. Collins, 1940).

If health demands adequate supplies of humus for the soil, then means must be
found to provide it; if this involves, among other measures, the complete
reorganization of existing sewage and town waste disposal plants, then local
authorities must put the needs of the soil first. Actually the claims of the ratepayers
coincide in this case with those of the soil, for this is a reform which would result in
practically every case, in a reduction in rates, (See Technical Reference No. 11.) but even if it had
the reverse effect, it would be better to receive health in return for rates, than to spend
the money in a perpetuation of the present wasteful system.
If a big increase in livestock is another necessary measure for the preservation of
soil fertility, then these must be kept, imports of meat being controlled to whatever
extent is necessary. If this upsets the world of finance, and reduces dividends to
investors whose capital is abroad, then still the nation's health is more important than
If further investigation should prove that certain chemicals injure the healthgiving powers of the soil, then application of these chemicals must be forbidden. If
this cuts across vested interests, then the nation's health is more important than any
vested interest, and are we not fighting this war to end exploitation of all kinds? If, in
order to serve the needs of the soil, and thereby serve every citizen of the land, instead
of just a few, it becomes necessary to turn the whole organization of food production,
preparation, and distribution, over to public ownership; if farmer, miller, butcher,
baker--all of us concerned with food--have to be incorporated into one vast social

service, decentralized, but nevertheless unified, equivalent to the proposed State

Medical Service, then even so drastic a step as that must be taken, for still the nation's
health comes first. These possibilities are an indication of what I mean by a revolution
in outlook. Such a revolution may be the price of health, are we prepared to pay it?
If the purpose of the planners of the New Britain is genuinely to prevent in future
the exploitation of the many by the few, then of all exploitations the most anti-social
is surely exploitation of the national health. Thus the more the implications are
considered, the more urgent does it become to provide a definite answer as to whether
health is dependent on the activities of the soil population.
Having plunged straight into some of the problems and complexities which an
affirmative answer to this question would provide, I shall now attempt a more
practical approach to the problems involved. In doing so, I am assuming to a certain
extent the changed outlook with regard to the position of agriculture, for given our
initial assumption, that soil fertility has been proved to be the basis of health, and
recognized as such, it is hardly conceivable that such a change would fail to follow.
But a changed attitude has got to be translated into action. We need to readjust
the balance of our whole national life as between farm and industry, as between man
and the machine, and as between real wealth and money. Machines and money must
be restored to their rightful place as the servants of man. There is a grave danger at
present that we may allow them to become our masters.
What practical steps could be taken then, by a government likely to be chosen by
such a democracy as ours, to bring about these necessary reforms? It is a formidable
task, but luckily the immediate post-war Government will have a unique opportunity,
such as is never likely to recur, for initiating a really constructive land policy. This is
because, firstly, it will be a long time before we shall be in any danger of having to
restrict food imports. The surplus farm produce of all countries will, for many months
and possibly years, be needed to replenish the European larder. We shall, therefore,
for some time to come, be forced to rely to a very large extent on our own soil, as at
present. Secondly, it is probable that in any case we shall never again see a complete
return to conditions in which home manufactured goods can be sure of a foreign
market in return for agricultural produce, for apart from the fact that many of the
countries where we used to sell now produce their own goods, the peoples of the new
worlds, the United States of America, the Dominions, and also some of the Colonies,
are becoming alive to the danger that threatens them from soil erosion, and the even
greater incidence of loss of soil fertility; a danger amounting to nothing less than
'For as a result solely of human mismanagement, the soils upon which men have
attempted to found new civilizations are disappearing, washed away by water and
blown away by wind. To-day, destruction of the earth's thin living cover is proceeding
at a rate and on a scale unparalleled in history, and when that thin cover-the soil-is
gone, the fertile regions where it formerly lay will be uninhabitable deserts; already,
indeed, probably nearly a million square miles of new desert have been formed, a far
larger area is approaching desert conditions, and throughout the New World erosion is
taking its relentless toll of soil fertility with incredible and ever-increasing speed.' (Jacks
and Whyte, The Rape of the Earth.)

It is difficult to take in the speed of this devastation. Jacks and Whyte bring home
its true significance by telling of a traveller to South Africa only seventy years ago
who stated that 'the greatest obstacles to pastoral farming in the Orange Free State
were the natural richness and excessive wetness of the pastures. The rich grasses have
now gone and the dried-up pools and springs are remembered only in place-names
like Bloemfontein.. . .
'A nation cannot survive in a desert, nor enjoy more than a hollow and short-lived
prosperity if it exists by consuming its soil. This is what all the new lands of promise
have been doing for the last hundred years, though few as yet realize the full
consequences of their past actions or that soil erosion is altering the course of world
history more radically than any war or revolution.'
It seems only too clear that these countries face a race against time if they are to
escape the fate of the ancient civilizations of north China, Persia, Mesopotamia, and
north Africa, all of which now lie buried under man-made deserts.
It is important to remember how the new deserts started, because it concerns us
very closely. The new worlds were offshoots of the old. They were 'colonized', they
'could not', to quote Jacks and Whyte once more, 'have been developed without the
help of foreign capital in the form of money, goods and services, most of which was
paid for by exporting soil capital--an apparently harmless procedure at a time when
fertility was reckoned in terms of the inexhaustible supplies of plant-food minerals in
virgin soils. Physical fertility was but little understood, still less was it realized that
physical and biological characteristics were much more important forms of soil
capital, more easily wasted and more difficult to restore, than chemical characteristics.
'To see the economic problem of erosion in proper perspective, it is necessary to
recognize the part played by huge transfers of financial capital from one country to
another and their repayment by drawing on soil capital. Movements of capital have
been an outstanding feature of the modern world. They may truly be said to have been
one of the mainsprings of progress, but capitalism has never seriously concerned itself
with its repercussions on the humus content and structure of soils. Nevertheless, the
repercussions have been shattering in their effect and can no longer be ignored. . . .'
These new worlds, then, must in the interests of self-preservation henceforth
concern themselves with soil conservation and the restoration where possible of lost
fertility. This will involve a refusal to pay for any more imports out of soil capital.
Thus we shall probably be forced, in any case, to readjust the balance between
agriculture and industry, since we shall no longer be able to look to these distant lands
for supplies of 'cheap food' in return for manufactured goods. For this we should be
profoundly thankful since it may well be the indirect means of restoring our own soil
A third factor which should assist towards this end, will be the need after the war,
of finding new outlets to absorb the labour which will be released from purely war
production. (This situation has not yet arisen [1947] but sooner or later it will.) There is no reason why
much of this labour should not be used to increase the most fundamental of all our
national assets-the fertility of our soil. The land itself could usefully absorb an
impressive amount of additional labour if the needs of the soil rather than its

exploitation were the primary consideration. For example, if all farmyard manure and
other farm wastes were manufactured into humus outside the field, this alone would
absorb over 300,000 additional workers. (Two men working together can make 1,000 tons compost per year.
Average of five tons per acre per year will maintain fertility, thus two men will make enough compost for 200 acres. Average
one man per 100 acres. Area of agricultural land, 32 million acres.) A further need is the large amount of
land reclamation and drainage still to be done, despite the energies of War
Agricultural Committees. In many cases, too, a partial return to horse traction would
be, not only labour absorbing, but of undoubted benefit to the land, if only because of
the additional manure thereby produced.

Captain Wilson (See Chapter VI.) has on more than one occasion noted and recorded
the improved crops that result from horse ploughing on certain types of soil. This has
been particularly noticeable where tractors and horse teams were at work at the same
time and in the same field, the strips ploughed with horses were clearly reflected in
the subsequent crops.
There is some evidence also, that heavy land soil, continuously cultivated with
tractors, is becoming shallower, the opposite of the effect one would expect. (Given in
evidence before the Lord Justice Scott Commission, 1942). There are two reasons for this I think; one is
that on such land the pressure of the tractor (whatever the theorists may say)
counteracts the lifting power of the implements it hauls, (Improved types of tractor will probably
obviate this objection in time.) the other is that the depth of the tractor plough cannot easily be
continually adjusted to hard, and tough, or sticky patches in a field, the presence of
which is immediately felt by the horse ploughman.
Captain Wilson has given it as his considered opinion, based on personal
experience, that when properly farmed, a return to horse cultivation can be justified
economically on all but the lightest land. This reform alone would absorb a
considerable amount of additional labour.
The provision of outside sources of humus, which would be particularly
necessary to restore fertility at the outset of a changed agricultural policy, would, for a
time, absorb another great labour force. Much of this work would simply entail
quarrying and screening, for many of the controlled town 'tips' of ancient days now
consist of humus in a condition only requiring aeration to render it fit for direct
application to the land.
Howard has called these old tips 'humus mines', and their probable yield has been
estimated at some ten million tons or so of finished humus. That their potential value
has already begun to dawn on the powers that be is shown by an article which
appeared in the Evening Standard of 14th November 1942:
'A vast new scheme for doubling or trebling the fertility of the land throughout
the country is to be published soon by the Agricultural Research Council.
'The plan is the result of recent intensive research work designed to discover new
sources of raw materials out of which fertilizers can be made. A result of it may be the
gradual disappearance of the enormous refuse dumps which for years have been
eyesores along the Thames estuary.

'All this material can be crushed up in machines containing revolving sledge

'The product is a compound of great value on heavy lands needing humus. . . .'
Another direct measure which could, and should, be taken in the interests of soil
fertility and common sense, is to put a stop to the huge wastage of valuable soil
nutrients that goes on in most of our towns and villages. Modern standards of comfort
will not permit of the abolition of water-borne sewage in our cities, but a very great
deal could be done towards reducing the waste involved. The excessive dilution of
sewage could be avoided by arranging that rain and bath water are carried away by a
separate system of sewers. This would not create any difficult engineering problem,
and would have the great advantage of excluding from the sewage many poisonous
industrial effluents. The sewage proper should then be properly composted with the
town refuse. This latter consists of wastes of mixed vegetable and animal origin and
after the removal of foreign bodies, such as broken glass and tins, it makes, when
composted with sewage, an excellent manure. There already exist several examples
where this system has been adopted by local authorities with very great success, and
at a considerable saving in the costs of disposal. (See Technical Ref. No. 11.) It may be asked
why this reform has been so long neglected. The reason is, I think, partly the
reluctance of local authorities to scrap existing machinery, and partly the current error
of estimating the value of a compost from its chemical composition alone. This error
has a wide hold on the agricultural community and has caused in the past a smaller
demand for this urgently needed reform than would otherwise have been the case.
Actual experience, however, has proved to cultivators how valuable this compost can
be, (See Technical Ref. No. 11.) and those authorities which are making it have found no
difficulty whatever in disposing of it, in fact the demand has exceeded the supply. The
demand will grow more and more as it comes to be realized how much more
important, as Jacks points out, are the physical and biological aspects of soil fertility
than the chemical.
At first sight, the logical use of such urban sewage compost would be for the
fertilization of the area immediately surrounding the town or city concerned, but it is
doubtful if such use would be biologically sound because of the concentration of so
large a proportion of human waste on so small an area of land. Theoretically the waste
of an entire community--plant, animal and human--should be returned to an area of
land capable of supporting that community. (See Technical Ref. No. 13.)
Even at the tremendous productive capacity quoted for parts of China--nearly
three people per acre, apart from livestock--this would involve distributing the annual
production of compost from a town of only 50,000 inhabitants over nearly 17,000
acres. The transport difficulties of such a distribution may seem on first inspection to
be insurmountable. But are they? Our coal supplies travel quite as far and the trucks
usually return empty to the mines. With the industry nationalized, it would surely
make sense if, on their return journey, they carried municipal compost to the farming
districts through which they pass. If our criminally neglected waterways were restored
to full use, compost could also be carried from city to farm in barges, the cheapest of
all forms of transport. I think, therefore, that like most of the suggestions made in this
chapter, it is merely a question of priorities. If the national need were recognized as
being sufficiently great the means could be found.

If the municipal wastes of all our cities and larger towns were conserved and
composted in this way they would yield about 3 per cent of our total humus
requirements (Yield of finished compost from municipal wastes, 6,000 tons per annum, per 50,000 population. [See
Technical Ref. Nos. 10 and 11.] Area of farmland, 32 million acres.) a perfectly safe proportion, always
providing the composting has been properly carried out.
What then of the other 97 per cent? It is my firm belief that this amount is not
beyond the capacity-of rural areas to provide if a proper balance between livestock
and crops is maintained on our farms, and the abolition of waste made the rule in
country as well as in towns. The burning of straw or roadside grass mowings for
example would have to stop and a much fuller use than at present, made of bracken
and seaweed. All these now largely wasted materials should be converted into humus.
The amount of finished humus that can be made on any given farm depends very
largely on the farmer, but Howard cites a holding of fifteen acres at Lockerbie,
Dumfriesshire, where the owner, Mr. Kenneth Crawley 'applies every year 10 tons of
humus to each acre of his 14 acres of grass land, and 25 tons to his garden of one acre,
i.e. 165 tons from the wastes of 15 acres. This means that each acre of this holding
produces 11 tons of finished humus every year. An illustrated account of Mr.
Crawley's small farm was published in the Farmer's Weekly of 10th April 1941.'
This, of course, is an exception, but it is not sufficiently realized that on a mixed
farm in which well-managed, deep-rooting, four-year leys form part of the rotation,
enough fertility can be built up in the four years of controlled grazing to carry over
four years of arable crop production without any additional manures, compost, or
fertilizers of any kind.
Rotational grass, coupled with sub-soiling (by wheel sub-soiler not deep
ploughing) is the ideal method of maintaining soil fertility and could be introduced
with advantage even in market gardens. (See below.)
I have purposely not dealt in detail so far with the cost of converting all farmyard
manure and other wastes into compost (beyond the data given in Chapter III), because
in the New Britain which I am picturing, in which our object would be to be mainly
self-supporting and to draw labour away from the towns back to the country, the
needs of the soil will take precedence over cash profit. But while, on this basis, the
question of cost would be relatively unimportant, two points are worth noting in this
First, that once the routine of composting is adopted, it falls easily into the
general scheme of farming operations. Just as food for the livestock above ground
must be grown, prepared and mixed, so the food for the livestock below ground--the
soil population--must be prepared, even if, in this case too, special crops have to be
grown to feed them--i.e. for composting. Where all hand labour is employed such a
system would require one extra man per 100 acres. The practice, common before the
war, of turning off surplus labour during slack periods will not, we hope, return. It is
in these periods that the bulk of the compost can be made.
Secondly, against the actual cost of composting must be set, not only the saving
of expenditure on purchased fertilizers, but the even greater saving, still assuming that

this has been proved, that would result from the increased health and quality of the
The whole of the foregoing arguments are based on the theory that the first duty
of any nation is to feed its own people with fresh vital food, exports and imports
representing true surpluses only.
If this principle were applied in this country it would entail a drastic
redistribution of the whole population. A large proportion of those now engaged in
industry for the export trade, would have to switch over to food production for the
home market. It is my belief that such a policy will, in the course of time, be forced
upon us, but there is no indication that any British Government is likely to adopt it
voluntarily, so until sheer necessity brings it about, labour shortages will remain a
problem, and mechanization, even of the compost heap, may be the only short term
solution. Tools for this purpose are improving steadily. One of the most efficientis the
Rapier Muck Shifter invented by Mr. Friend Sykes of Chute in Wiltshire, and
manufactured by Messrs. Ransom and Rapier of Ipswich. In conjunction with open, or
semi-open cattle yards, where the correct proportion of cellulose to dung is achieved
at the outset in the manner described in Chapter III, this machine will assemble the
compost heaps, turn them (at the rate of 200 tons a day) and finally fill the carts or
wagons with the finished material. These machines at present cost from 500 to
1,000, according to type, no more than the price of a good tractor, thus they are
within the reach of every big farm. Until cheaper tools are available the small farm
could be catered for by contract machines, travelling from farm to farm.
Using this tool in conjunction with a simple mechanical spreader, consisting of an
axle driven, flat, spinning plate towed behind the cart or lorry, Mr. Sykes has
demonstrated that a farm's entire output of farmyard manure can be properly
composted, carted to the field, and spread, for an all-in cost (including interest on
capital and depreciation) of 2s. 6d. per ton. Thus the problem of cost, which has
hitherto been the chief objection to large-scale composting, can, even in terms of
orthodox accountancy, now be successfully solved. Whether, however, taking the
long term view, so-called labour-saving devices do in fact truly cheapen production,
when such questions as quality and soil conservation are taken into consideration, is at
least open to doubt. H. R. Broadbent, Engineer to the London Passenger Transport
Board, has pointed out that farm machinery, usually regarded as capital, should in
reality be classed as imported labour. In an article appearing in the Compost News
Letter, reprinted from The Cross and the Plough (1942), he puts this point of view as
'It is common practice in comparing the output-per-man from a mechanized farm
with that from a mixed farm using animal traction to say that a mechanized farm (In this
quotation Mr. Broadbent is clearly using the term mechanized farm to denote the extensive stockless farm. There are of course
such things as mechanized mixed farms.) is more efficient than a mixed, because the yield
measured as output-per-man-on-the-farm is higher. This is true, at least for a time,
because of the efficiency of mechanized traction and other machinery. Machinery is
efficient in this sense of the term that a man with its aid can do more work in a given
time than a man with hand tools or horse-drawn implements.

'Machinery is usually included as part of the farm's capital. It can, however, be

regarded in a different light. It can be considered as concentrated labour imported on
to the farm. If a direct comparison is to be made of output-per-man the machines
should be considered as imported man-hours. Not only the machines, but the fuel,
lubricants, and artificial fertilizers are all forms of concentrated imported labour. Each
has had man-hours spent on its production, selling and transport. Indeed, the work of
all men engaged in the whole line of production, selling and delivery, from the
growers of the food for the makers, processors, salesmen and carriers to the
accountant who finally balances his books, must be considered as a part of the
importation and should be assessed as such in the form of man-hours imported on the
farm. . . .
'The imported labour special to a mixed farm with animal traction (e.g. harness;
provision of more gates and buildings) cannot weigh very heavily in the balance
against that special to the mechanized farm.
'By how much would the mechanized output-per-man-on-the-farm be reduced if
the concentrated imported man-hours were charged in that form to the mechanized
farm? Would it fall below that of the mixed farm?. It is probable that no attempt has
ever been made to find the answer. The difficulties are too great. Indeed, it may be
argued that it is unnecessary to go to the trouble since the measure, output-per-man, is
only one factor among many which are covered by a second measure, net profit.
'The money exchanged in all the various transactions, from the original payment
for food for all workers in the chain to the final payment to the costs clerk, gathers
together all factors under a common heading. If this is so, mechanized and mixed
farms can be compared on a common basis, and if the mechanized farm shows a
greater money return it is said to be more efficient.
'This statement is fundamentally unsound, for in the assessment of costs on the
mechanized farm a vital factor is ignored. Little, if any, account is taken of the loss of
fertility, the loss of capital from the soils which provided the cheap food for the subdivided labour of machine production. . . . Machinery has been subsidized from soils
which are now eroded, destroyed or in course of losing their food-producing value.
Very little of this subsidy has as yet appeared in the cost of the machines.
'The argument that food from a mechanized farm is cheaper than from a mixed
farm is without foundation. Its roots lie in the deserts of the world. . . .'
Unquestionably the restoration of mixed farming would be an essential feature of
restored fertility. Captain Wilson is among those who consider the self-contained unit
or balanced farm to be of vital necessity. He attributes the success of his fruit and
vegetable growing at Surfleet largely to the contribution made to the market garden
by the straw and livestock produced on the rest of the estate. (See evidence before Lord Justice
Scott Commission.) Incidentally, this 300acre farm employs 33 men, 9 boys, 16 women and
girls, and 11 working horses, and the value of the produce from it in the year 1941-2
(March to April) was 25,186, an indication of the labour absorbing capacity of
intensive mixed farming.

So much for the contribution to soil fertility possible from our cities, our existing
towns and villages, and our farms. But our town planning organizations picture the
erection of many more villages both for housing rural workers and in the form of
garden cities for urban workers. When these are built, a real chance will occur to
break away entirely from the system of water-borne sewage, and thereby to contribute
immensely to the amenities and health of these new communities. Many years ago a
design for the building of a rural housing estate was put forward by Dr. L. J. Picton,
whose suggestion merits serious consideration to-day
'A plot of four acres should be taken on the outskirts of a town and twenty houses
built upon it. Suppose the plot roughly square, and the road to skirt one corner of it.
Then this corner alone will possess that valuable quality "frontage". Sacrifice this
scrap of frontage by making a short gravelled drive through it, to end blindly in a
"turn-round" in the middle of the plot. The houses should all face south--that is to say,
all their living-rooms should face south. They must, therefore, be oblong, with their
long axis east and west. The larder, the lobby, lavatory, staircase and landing will
occupy the north side of each house. The earth closet is best detached but approached
under cover-a cross-ventilated passage or short veranda, or if upstairs, a covered
bridge giving access to it. The houses should be set upon the plot in a diamond-shaped
pattern, or in other words, a square with its corners to north, south, east and west. (See
Fig. 7.) Thus one house will occupy the northernmost part of the plot, and from it, to
the south-east and south-west, will run a row of some five or six houses a side,
arranged in echelon. Just as platoons in echelon do not block each other's line of fire
so houses thus arranged will not block each other's sunlight. A dozen more houses
echeloned in a V with its apex to the south will complete the diamond-shaped layout.
The whole plot would be treated as one garden, and one whole-time head gardener,
with the help he needed, would be responsible for its cultivation. The daily removal of
the closet earth and its use as manure--its immediate committal to the surface soil and
its light covering therewith--would naturally be amongst his duties. A gardener using
manure of great value, not a scavenger removing refuse; a "garden rate" paid by each
householder, an investment productive of fresh vegetables to be had at his door, and
in one way or another repaying him his outlay, not to speak of the amenity added to
his surroundings instead of a "sanitary rate" paid to be rid of rubbish-such are the
bases of this scheme.' (See Technical Ref. No. 12.)

A still better method, and one which I feel sure Dr. Picton himself would have
substituted had this plan been conceived more recently, would be, of course, to
include pigs and poultry in the scheme and to manufacture humus by composting the
night soil with the animal manure and other refuse of the community, rather than to
apply it directly to the land. Besides being better for the health of the crops, and
consequently the community, this would also enable finished compost to be supplied
to the householders for use in their own gardens, for the houses ought to have private
gardens in addition to the main communal one.
A very interesting example of rural sanitation carried out on the above lines has
been successfully undertaken by Dr. Aubrey Westlake at his holiday camp in
Hampshire. (See Technical Ref. No. 12.) There is no reason why the system should not be
extended to permanent communities in the way that Dr. Picton suggests.
It is a particularly attractive idea that rates should be used to pay a gardener
instead of a garbage man, and small communities such as this, could, by this method,
be made self-supporting in vegetables, eggs, and bacon.
Another urgently needed reform is the opening of an entirely new line of
agricultural research based on health rather than pathology, and on soil and plant
ecology rather than on chemistry. There should also be legislation requiring
fertilizers, before being put on the market, to be subjected to tests to determine their
effect on the soil population in general, and on fungal activity in particular. There are
already several organic 'manures' in existence that would pass such a test (e.g. bone
meal, hoof and horn meal, guano, etc.) and at least one inorganic fertilizer (natural
rock phosphate). Some people would also include basic slag, and there is no doubt
that this slow-acting phosphate fertilizer is very much less risky than superphosphate,
but there is still a division of opinion in respect to it. Some practical organic farmers
and gardeners hold the view that even this fertilizer is ultimately harmful to the
biological balance of the soil. It is certainly true that mushrooms disappear from
meadows treated with it. Further research on this question is desirable. If and when
means can be devised to augment available plant nutrients without at the same time

upsetting the biological balance of the soil (and thereby also damaging its physical
properties), so much the better, for the issue is not between humus and artificials, as
such, it concerns the relative importance of the biological and chemical aspects of soil
fertility: it is a question of the respective merits of a living soil and a dead one. If it is
the life in the soil that is its most important property, then obviously we must stop
killing it with lethal chemical salts. We must apply the rule of making Nature our
teacher, to the inorganic as well as the organic strand in the life cycle. Nature supplies
the mineral needs of plants in a variety of more or less complex ways: nitrogen
through the nitrogen-fixing plants and soil micro-organisms, potash from decaying
leaf remains, calcium from oak leaves, phosphates through the action of earthworms
and deep-rooting plants and also through the combined action of humus and silicates.
These are a few examples of how the circulation of minerals is maintained in
Nature. Rain also plays its part, absorbing both oxygen and nitrogen from the air as it
falls. Mr. Secrett, the well-known market gardener, has made good use of this
knowledge and has obtained most remarkable results by adding these elements to his
irrigation water, by dissolving in it nitrogen salts, in a concentration which amounts to
an application not more than 2 lb. to the acre, and by pumping into it 5 per cent of
oxygen gas. The result of this last operation is to enable him to water his plants in a
hot sun without causing scorching, and by applying his fertilizers only in solution and
in the above 'homeopathic' doses he produces all the added growth stimulant usually
expected from normal fertilizer dressings. It is difficult to believe that Mr. Secrett's
method could be injurious to the life in the soil.
Colonel Pollitt in his booklet, Britain Can Feed Herself, (Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 1942),
recognizes the need for vast quantities of farmyard manure to maintain fertility, but
proposes, in addition, equally vast quantities of artificials, particularly sulphate of
ammonia (one of the most lethal both to fungi and earthworms). He expresses the
view that the more muck you use, the greater the quantity of artificial fertilizers
The reverse is certainly true; only large quantities of humus can avert the more
serious effects produced by continued applications of large quantities of acid forming,
water-soluble chemicals. In view of the evidence which has been presented here, it
seems clear that great caution would be necessary in accepting his view. His whole
approach to disease in stock and crops is one of accepting its control through the
agency of poison sprays and sera. It seems to me that this approach is a tacit
acceptance of a low standard of vigour, though he denies this. If the activities of soil
fungi do play a vital part in proper nutrition, then clearly it would be unwise to adopt
a programme such as he proposes without first testing the effect of these fertilizers on
fungal activity and on the nutritive value of the subsequent crops. As stated earlier,
this last can only be done satisfactorily by feeding tests, continued through several
I think a word is due here on the vexed question of the use or misuse of
fertilizers. One expert, writing in their defence as a supplement to humus, lists so
many possible misuses that one is left with the impression that they are such a
dangerous weapon in the hands of the nonscientist that their use should only be
permitted under expert prescription, like poisonous drugs. Wrong balance between

N.P. and K., wrong quantity, wrong time of year, or wrong sort of weather at time of
application, are all admitted to lead to serious consequences, and finally I read 'The
use of fertilizers in the absence of adequate supplies of humus, is a misuse of
fertilizers'. But in another place the same expert pleads that fertilizers are necessary
because adequate supplies of humus are not available. (Donald Hopkins, Chemicals, Humus and the
Soil, Faber and Faber, 1945.)

Both this view and Colonel Pollitt's are based on calculations of the amount of
minerals removed from the soil by crops, farmyard manure also being valued on its
chemical composition, but this is a highly unreliable method of estimating soil
requirements. It ignores both the biological effects of F.Y.M. and also the selecting
capacity of plants of which we know very little as yet. For example, tobacco ash is
very rich in potash and it was assumed from this that the crop would benefit by
applications of potash fertilizer. But on the plantation where this was tried a complete
failure of crop resulted in every case except in those plots where no potash had been
added! The oak, as has been mentioned, collects calcium, but the highest content of
calcium is found in oak woods growing in calcium deficient soil. Where the trees are
growing on limestone, the calcium content is much lower. Innumerable examples
could be given of this curious behaviour in plants. Chemical analysis of soil is equally
unreliable as a guide to treatment. The most conclusive demonstration of this took
place on one of Mr. Friend Sykes' fields. When he purchased his Wiltshire farm, some
account of which has already been given, there was one field of 26 acres of
exceedingly poor quality pasture but which Mr. Sykes suspected of possessing
considerable latent fertility. (See Chapter VII.) He had the soil analysed and it showed a
very marked deficiency in lime, phosphate and potash. With the analysis was sent a
fertilizer prescription, recommended for correcting these conditions. Sykes ignored it.
He applied neither fertilizer nor muck, he simply ploughed up the field, pressed it, and
sowed oats. He got 92 bushels per acre. He then sowed wheat, getting 68 bushels per
acre. He followed this with a thorough summer till, after which the soil was again
analysed. This time there was no deficiency in either lime or potash. Available
phosphoric acid was still low, but the deficiency was less marked than at the first
sampling. Once more no fertilizer or muck was applied, in spite of the expert view
that a cereal crop could not be grown without a heavy dressing of phosphates. The
field was sub-soiled and wheat was again sown, this time yielding 72 bushels per
acre! This crop was undersown with rye grass and clover and the following year
produced 2 tons of hay to the acre in one cut. The field was again ploughed, and
once more sown to oats, producing the record yield of 100 bushels per acre. By this
time a third analysis showed no deficiency of any kind, a result confirmed by the
improved crop yield.
This remarkable story is a very clear indication that the process of fertility in soil
is not entirely chemical. What then was the explanation? Probably this: at one time
this pasture had received plenty of dung, and the only true deficiency was oxygen. As
soon as the field was thoroughly aerated the poor herbage was converted into humus,
earthworms were given a chance to breed and get to work, and they and other soil
organisms were thus provided with food to work on, so that they prospered and
multiplied exceedingly, and as a result of their activities plant nutrients locked up in
the lower soil levels were brought to the surface and converted into a form which the
crops could use, and in quantities amply sufficient to leave a residue in the land after
growing the crop.

This is the answer to the argument most frequently used by the orthodox school
of thought, that under conditions of Western civilization the materials simply do not
exist to treat all our agricultural land with compost in quantities sufficient to supply
the known N.P.K. requirements of the crops we need to grow. We must therefore
either be content to grow much smaller crops, or else supplement these three plant
nutrients in the form of fertilizers. This argument is supported by the most impressive
facts and figures, and the humus school is criticized fiercely for ignoring the proof of
plain mathematics.
I think there is a real misunderstanding here and it is worth a digression to try to
clear it up. The biological school (I prefer that word to the humus school) does not
deny the chemists' estimate of the N.P.K. requirements of plants, nor does it claim
that these needs are met by the N.P.K. content of the compost dressing which they
consider sufficient. Their view is that the compost feeds the soil population, which if
not discouraged by the presence of inorganic chemicals, multiplies to such an extent
under this treatment that the by-products of its activities provide the balance of the
N.P.K. needed by the crop, and in a much more balanced and health-inducing form.
Four main ways are suggested as to how this service is performed: (1) through the
stimulation, by growth-promoting substances, of the action of deep-rooting herbs,
which can then fully exercise their capacity to collect minerals; (2) through
earthworms making available the nutrients locked up in the subsoil (and chemists do
not deny that these are to all intents and purposes inexhaustible); (3) by the
association of certain soil organisms with the roots of plants for nutritive exchange;
and (4) by the addition to the plant food supply caused by the decomposition of the
innumerable dead bodies of the innumerable soil organisms as they complete their life
cycle. The biological school ignores the chemist's mathematics, not because it
despises mathematics, but because it is convinced that an operative, though at present
unknown, numeral or set of numerals, is left out of his sum.
The biologist thinks in terms of life being lived, i.e. function, the chemist in terms
of analysis. You cannot study life in terms of chemistry alone because to analyse life
you have to destroy the very thing that you are investigating. When the chemist
studies an egg he does so from without inwards, separating its constituents, from the
shell to the germ, and analysing them. The most he can make of an egg from this
approach, as Dr. Scott Williamson so well puts it (G. Scott Williamson, M.C., M.D., Physician Heal
Thyself, Faber and Faber, 1945.) is an omelette, but when the biologist studies an egg, he does so
from within outwards. His problem is to cultivate a chicken.
The chemist tells us that all forms of nitrogen are converted to nitrates before
they can be absorbed by plants, and that there is therefore no difference between a
nitrate derived from dung and one derived from sulphate of ammonia. The plant,
itself, however, demonstrates that there is a considerable functional difference
between the two. This applies also to the entities called vitamins. 'A vitamin held in
the synthetic complex of a vegetable is not the same entity as a vitamin built up or
reconstructed from a physical analysate--chemically pure. Physical purity is
biological sterility, such a vitamin is a drug not a diet.' (G. Scott Williamson, M.C., M.D., Physician
Heal Thyself, Faber and Faber, 1945.) The classic example to explain what is meant by functional
difference is the fact that a baby's digestive ferments--pepsin and trypsin--if
transferred from the baby to a test tube will there successfully digest steak and onions,
but within the infant (living function) they can only digest its mother's milk.

The new line of research, therefore, must be the study of function, and one of its
many branches should include experiments in connection with the growing of special
weed and other crops for composting. There is little doubt that high fertility is stored
in natural vegetation and that this is made available directly to other plants often
without ever appearing in the form of detectable soluble nutrients in the soil itself. A
good example of this is to be found in the tropics:
'As soon as the natural vegetation is destroyed the first thing that disappears, with
astonishing rapidity, is soil fertility. This is particularly true of tropical forest soils in
which nearly all the nutrient material is locked up in the vegetation or kept in
continual circulation by the almost instantaneous decomposition of dead plant
residues. The mineral soil contains very little plant food. The fertility that produces
the most luxuriant plant association in the world is all contained in the vegetation
itself; the soil is little more than a foothold for roots and a passageway through which
nutrients are rapidly transferred from the dead to the living plants.' (Jacks and Whyte, The Rape
of the Earth.)

Howard has given an interesting account of the part played by trees in making
phosphates available to plants. (An Agricultural Testament, Chapter 9, Oxford University Press.) He tells
how the available phosphate in the surface soil at Pusa in India is only about .001 per
cent, the total phosphate also being abnormally low. Yet Pusa is known as 'the Garden
of India'. 'The soil is highly fertile,' he writes, 'the region maintains a population of
over 1,200 to the square mile: large quantities of seeds, tobacco, cattle and surplus
labour are exported: there is no import of phosphatic manure of any kind. The facts
relating to agricultural production flatly contradict one of the prevailing theories of
agricultural science, namely, the need for phosphatic fertilizers in areas where soil
analysis shows a marked deficiency in this element.'
In the course of his research work at Pusa, a detailed investigation of the roots of
the trees 'which are so abundant all over the "Garden of India",' revealed that they
'comb the soil down to twenty feet for minerals, which are carried up to the leaves in
the sap current, and finally reach the surface soil in the form of humus . . . the small
amount of phosphate present is thus kept in effective circulation.' (A similar function is
performed by earthworms in fertile soil. See Chapter VII.)

Sir George Stapledon and the late C. Alma Baker both introduced certain weeds
alongside pasture. The latter called these hospital areas, and they included such weed
herbs as yarrow, docks, sorrel, sow thistles and dandelion. These weeds, hitherto
regarded as a nuisance, are now recognized as possessing special properties, some
being valuable on account of their deep-rooting nature, and others for their richness in
what are usually called 'trace elements'. There is no doubt that the whole question of
our approach to weeds requires considerable modification. It is probably not
accidental that the little weed 'eyebright' is known in Scotland as the 'mother o' wheat',
and any compost-minded cultivator will rejoice at an abundance of chickweed
appearing on his land.
All the foregoing reforms could be instituted with immense benefit to our soil
without involving any violently revolutionary changes in land tenure. That some form
of public ownership of land (not necessarily nationalization) (See God Speed The Plough, A. J. P.
B. Alexander, also Alternative to Death, The Earl of Portsmouth.) will eventually come, I feel personally
convinced, but this will only be justified if a National Food Service is thereby created,

as part of a true Health Service. This would be something very different from the socalled Health Services of to-day which are, in reality, only Sickness Services.
I am fully aware of the dangers of increasing state control, but under existing
political and economic systems it will always be extremely difficult (or so it seems to
me) to prevent exploitation of soil or citizen while private profit remains the primary
consideration governing the handling of food at any point between the soil and the
consumer's table, and while propaganda, instigated in the interests of private profit, is
allowed such power that it can create an artificial demand for an inferior article. The
demand for white flour comes in this category. Before the war the majority of the
people were hoodwinked, and the minority victimized, for even those who knew the
value of wholemeal bread found it practically unobtainable. Pre-war brown bread was
more often than not made from white flour with the bran added, but still minus the
germ. People are beginning to know better now, and the demand for genuine
wholemeal bread is greatly increasing, but no encouragement is given by the Ministry
of Health--the reverse, in fact. A subsidy is given to the miller of national flour, but
none to the miller of wholemeal, despite the fact that white flour yields saleable byproducts and wholemeal does not. Stranger still, when in 1946, the decision was taken
to introduce a whiter loaf, the Minister explained that this would result it a better
quality loaf, while being only slightly less nutritious. 'What', as the Editor of the
Medical Press and Circular aptly asked, 'is this extraordinary quality in a primary
foodstuff that quite overshadows its nutritional food value?' I cannot refrain from
quoting also the final paragraph of the same editorial. 'The apologetics indulged in
whenever the national loaf is mentioned, and the implicit and persistent propaganda in
favour of white flour, has led some of our nutritionists to the conclusion that the
Ministry is in the hands of the milling interests. Perhaps it is; in any event one cannot
fail to contrast its publicity with that of the much-maligned B.B.C. Speaking on the
"Kitchen Front" a few days ago, our colleague, the Radio Doctor, said: "It's time
white bread went the way of the tight corset, the ten petticoats, and the penny-farthing
bicycle, and other anachronisms of the past." That is the sort of thing the Minister of
Food ought to be saying but won't. It is perhaps natural that a Minister should be
disposed to pander to the public, but it is unpardonable that he should attempt to
mislead it.'
The excuse that flour will not keep if it contains the germ will not bear
investigation. It is the practice of adding water to wheat before milling that prevents
wholemeal keeping. This practice is said to be unavoidable because the wheat must be
washed before grinding. Experienced millers, however, have proved that there are no
technical difficulties in dry cleaning wheat, and many millions of tons are in fact dry
cleaned annually. Whole wheat flour will keep long enough for all practical purposes
if the grain is dried before milling. The bread made from this flour is excellent. If a
foodstuff keeps indefinitely it is a sign that it has lost all vitality. It is sterile and dead.
It is fortunate that working mills still exist in this country, to prove the truth of these
facts, (Messrs. Clark & Leetham Ltd. of Hull, Mr. Prewett's at Horsham, Mrs. Horsefield's at Lindfield, Mr. Woods of Huby
near Leeds, Mr. Gray Jones, Heath Mill, Worplesdon, Surrey.) for the big combine millers would have us
continue to believe that wet cleaning of wheat is necessary, for the addition of water
to the wheat adds greatly to their profits.
Howard has asked: 'This is the crux of the matter. Does the public exist for the
profit of the millers, or is the real function of the millers the service of the public?'

The answer is of course: 'Under a system of private profit making--neither.' The

primary duty of an industrialist is to his shareholders. It is not his fault, but the fault of
the system, if in the process he has to gull the consumer. The case of flour has been
given as an example, but it is by no means the only one. The advisability, therefore, of
leaving the production of the prime necessities of life in private hands is very
questionable. If these were publicly owned there would still be ample scope for
private enterprise, and private capital, in the wide range of non-essential goods.
If, however, a form of nationalization of primary industries were ever adopted,
decentralization would be absolutely essential. If public ownership involved
centralized executive control from Whitehall, it would indeed be a case of out of the
frying-pan into the fire. If the country has to choose between private ownership, and
management from Whitehall, it would probably be wise to choose private ownership.
In practice, when private ownership, whether of land or industry, is regarded as a
trust, by an owner fully alive to his responsibilities, it probably gives better service to
the community than any form of nationalization. The trouble is that no machinery at
present exists for insuring that such standards shall be general. The result is that the
conscientious private owner is often prevented from fulfilling his obligations, and
carrying out what he knows to be his duty, because of the behaviour of his less
scrupulous competitors. Thus if the people of this country are in future to be given
health services as well as sickness services, some form of enlightened public control
would seem to be inevitable.
I do not pretend to suggest what form this control should take, beyond saying that
it should be in broad and reasonably elastic terms and that in so far as land is
concerned the cultivator's occupation must be subject to good husbandry, always
provided that he retains the right, should his trusteeship be called in question, to
appeal, and to call witnesses, before a truly independent tribunal.
A merger between the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, and Food would be
another step in the right direction, and would indicate a new and sounder attitude
towards the primary needs of the people. Agriculture is a service; it is not, never has
been, and never can be an industry. It is largely due to our error in calling it an
industry that there has arisen the absurd idea that the interests of the town and country
conflict. The town lives by the land no less than the country, and the country is
equally dependent on the town. Both will eventually prosper or decline in proportion
as their joint heritage, the fertility of their soil, prospers or declines.
It is tremendously important for the townsman to realize his dependence on the
country. It had been truly said that the soil is the organic foundation upon which
man's whole superstructure rests. 'Unless this organic foundation is sound . . . the
superstructure built upon it cannot be sound. So it comes about that an urban
civilization, which ignores the agricultural values, cannot itself be sound. Nor can any
of the reforms, which it institutes for betterment within itself, be anything more than
readjustments. They cannot be fundamental reforms. They can only result in
fragmentary, not radical improvements. . . .' (G. T. Wrench, Restoration of the Peasantries. Daniel & Co.

I should like to see widely extended a system which has been organized by the
Enfield Cable Company, and its associated factories. The management of this group

has provided a country house where the men working in the factory can have one long
week-end a year in addition to their annual holiday, and where they take their wives
and children with them. The place is run (under the supervision of a resident matron)
by these families themselves, and they keep it going by a small family payment
coupled with their own voluntary labour in house and garden. Here, each week-end,
among very many other advantages, complete family units from the city come into
direct contact with the land. They also meet the land-workers who grow the
vegetables for their factory canteen. The results have been quite dramatic from many
points of view, but the aspect of the experiment that I want to stress here, is that these
urban dwellers have come to realize their connection with the country, and the land.
Their interest has been aroused; they now want to know how the food they eat is
grown. The consumption of fresh, and even raw, vegetables has enormously increased
in the factory canteen, and a noticeable improvement in health has resulted. This
experiment has proved that the barrier between town and country is a quite artificial
one and that, given the chance, the townsman will break it down for himself.
Contact between town and country should be encouraged on every possible
occasion, and coupled with this the pursuits of farming should find a very definite
place in our system of education. Farming as a profession should be part of the
curriculum of all technical schools, and knowledge of our land and the fundamentals
of good husbandry coupled with good diet should be part of the curriculum of every
school, town or country. This view is beginning to be reflected in the management of
more than one school of which perhaps the most interesting is St. Columba's, near
Dublin. This public school for boys has built up, from small beginnings, a farming
side which has now become an integral part of its educational scheme. The farm is
now over 200 acres in extent, pays its way, is self-supporting (through the use of
compost) and produces almost all the food for the college. An interesting account of
this enterprise appeared in Sport and Country, March 1944 issue, from which the
following quotations are taken.
'Those in charge of the farm believe that one of the secrets of their success is that
the practical work was done first, and that that created a thirst for the theory of
agriculture. The other secret is that all the work done is purely voluntary and done in
spare time. . . . The health of the community generally has been unusually good, and
the work and games have continued with additional zest. The main significance is,
however, the fact that the boys are being educated to appreciate the rhythm of Nature
and to understand intelligently her influence on the whole of life, while their powers
of concentration and observation have increased. The experiment has also had the
effect of welding the ordinary school activities into a community life, with the feeling
that there is a contact between the School and the world outside.'
The land has been looked down upon hitherto as a career for the ordinary boy or
girl, because it is said to have no future. By 'future' is usually meant a bank balance,
but the function of education surely is to develop character, to produce vigorous,
healthy men and women capable of forming a sound judgement on ultimate values,
and of rendering their quota of service to the community.
The chief need in the world to-day, far transcending all others, is the need for a
spiritual and moral revival involving the adoption of a different standard of values. If
the farming profession were to be reorganized so as to fulfil its true function of

serving the community, then the land could play an important part in this revival.
There is a spiritual satisfaction in working on and for the soil, which few other
callings provide, and the qualities which spring from that satisfaction can make a
great contribution to the whole life of the nation, for it seems to me that of the many
attributes that man needs in life, four of the most important are: (1) sufficient humility
to recognize that a higher authority exists than himself; (2) sufficient self-confidence
and purpose to undertake great enterprise; (3) sufficient patience to take a long-term
view, and (4) the will to fight.
All four qualities are in the gift of the land. The life of the cultivator is one
continual fight, but his adversaries (apart from such things as world markets, which
should form no part of a farmer's hazard) are elemental things like storm, flood, and
drought, so that--in contrast to human fighting--to win a battle is all triumph, and no
bitterness: to lose it, no disgrace.
Watching things grow teaches patience, for do what you will you cannot hurry
the seasons, and all farm planning must be long-term planning. Close contact with
nature effectively counteracts any tendency to overrate the achievements of man.
Living and working in the permanent presence of the three great mysteries of life-conception, birth, and death--breeds humility, yet, at the same time, the very nature of
the work, concerned as it is with assisting the processes of life, bestows upon the
worker the confident pride of being, as it were, an agent of God, Who alone can create
that life. The net result is a balanced mind.
This gift of the soil; this health of spirit, mind, and body which a farm life can
bring, should be made available to all, in the new Britain of equal opportunity. At
present this aspect of life on the land is, with few exceptions, largely ignored in the
teaching given in our schools. Even country-bred children are encouraged to think
they are bettering themselves if they migrate to the cities, though frequently the jobs
which they obtain there are no more remunerative, even on a cash basis, than those
which they could have obtained on the land, and much less so in health and happiness.
That it is possible for an intelligent boy, taking up land work, to rise in his profession
was very clearly shown on the Higham estate, when this was under Captain R. G. M.
Wilson's management. This consisted of 7,000 acres. Each of the farms comprising
this estate was under the direct management of a foreman, and each group of two or
three farms under a bailiff. Every one of these bailiffs and foremen rose from the
bottom. All the personnel on the estate were imbued with consciousness of the
constructive value of their work. The whole community, for the corporate spirit ran
right through it, was a model of how large-scale farming should be carried on,
whether the ownership be in private or public hands.
Another interesting enterprise in rural corporate development, and one deserving
an equally close study, is that started by Mr. Rolf Gardiner in Dorset. (See England Herself,
Rolf Gardiner. Faber and Faber, 1943)

I have now tried to indicate some of the ways in which proof of the connection
between soil fertility and health would inevitably affect postwar reconstruction policy.
I have of course been unable here to do more than touch the fringe of this very big
question, but I hope I have succeeded in convincing you of the urgency of providing

this proof, one way or the other, and in suggesting the lines upon which some of our
future thinking should be done.
To sum up; first we must determine the factors governing healthy food, and
having done so, no private interest must be allowed to prevent such food being made
available to all sections of the public.
Secondly, our attitude must change towards refuse. It must no longer be
considered as useless and objectionable rubbish, to be got rid of as cheaply as
possible, but, on the contrary, as potential wealth.
Thirdly, we must educate our people to realize the interdependence of town and
country, and that a nation's soil fertility is its most precious asset, and lastly, we must
not overlook the implications of the definition of health arrived at as a result of the
only scientific inquiry into the nature of Health in Man that has so far been made."
The biologists who conducted this inquiry came to define health as 'mutual
synthesis of organism and environment', implying that 'a self-sustaining ecological
balance underlies health' and that 'unless both man and his environment are obeying
the biological law of mutual synthesis, there can be no health'.
Such a definition means that everything implied by the word vitality is as much a
property of the environment as of the organism, since a two-way flow between them
must take place. Health, they claim, 'is not a state at all. It is a process'." In other
words, organism and environment, both living, must grow and develop together, each
deriving its sustenance from the other. Thus to cultivate health one must first cultivate
a vital environment.
In plant life, and to a lesser extent with animals, the organism's environment can
be defined as the source of its food. Man's environment, however, 'is the source of his
food, and of his experience--mental, social, and spiritual'. (See The Peckham Experiment, Pearse
and Crocker. Allen and Unwin, 1943.) The biological law of mutual synthesis applies to his
environment as a whole. The fruits of his experience enrich or impoverish the quality
of the environment from which all his experience is drawn.
If one accepts this theory of mutual synthesis as a true definition of health-and
these investigators offer cogent evidence in support of it--then it follows that any
attempt to promote full health in the community must concern itself with maintaining
the vitality of the whole of man's environment, from the soil in which his food is
grown, to the 'soil' in which his spirit can expand. Success in such a venture cannot be
achieved in a society dominated by the science of pathology, or the philosophy of
materialism. It is for this reason that I have felt a postscript to this book to be not only
relevant, but unavoidable.


Where there is no vision the people perish.

Proverbs xxix, 18.

Those of you who have followed my argument thus far, will have realized that my
central theme has been our need for a 'sense of the whole'; a conviction that man's
health and happiness cannot be secured if the whole balance of life is out of gear. 'Soil
erosion has made a knowledge of the underlying principle of human ecology-the art
of living together with animals, insects, and plants-one of the most urgent needs of
mankind.' (Jacks and Whyte, The Rape of the Earth, see also The Peckham Experiment, a study of the Living Structure of
Society [Ch. 1 and 2]. Pearse & Crocker, Allen & Unwin, 1943)

When attempting to write on a theme so vast as human ecology, it is impossible

to leave the subject without making at least some mention of spiritual and moral
values, for certainly there can be no health, in the sense of wholeness, if that vital side
of man's personality is sick.
I have spoken of the need for a revolution in outlook with regard to agriculture,
but that need is only a part of a larger need for a revolution in thought regarding
ourselves, and our duties; to God, to each other, and to the State.
I believe that we are in the main alive to this need. If we are not, it is certainly not
for want of being told by many far abler pens than mine. I do not pretend to any
special qualifications for adding my quota to what has already been said and written
on the subject, rather the contrary. I am merely one of millions of other ordinary
citizens, who are at present thinking of these things, but since we are a democracy, I
see no reason why only our distinguished citizens should be permitted the indulgence
of doing some of their thinking aloud.
Nazi Germany has taught us what can be achieved when a whole people is
imbued with an ardent faith. We believe that faith to be inspired by a conception of
life which is essentially evil. But the fact that it is evil does not prevent it having the
power to 'move mountains'. That is why tanks and planes and guns will not suffice to
bring us victory unless, as a nation, we add to them the weapon of a faith, no less
fervent and positive than that of our enemy's, though utterly different in kind. In the
physical battle we have passed from the defensive to the offensive; we must do so
also in the spiritual battle. Anti-aircraft guns alone would not have saved us in the
Battle of Britain; we owe our deliverance to the offensive spirit of our fighter pilots.
So with our faith. It is not enough that it should be anti-Nazi, it must also be pro-God.
You may ask, what have all these platitudes to do with humus? The answer is, a
lot. Our attitude to the soil is dependent on our attitude to life in general. Lord Elton
has pointed out (St. George or the Dragon. Collins, 1942.) that we shall not win this war unless we

deserve to win it. Most assuredly we shall not win the peace unless we deserve to win
it. We shall not win it, unless we are prepared to let our personal, and national, and
international behaviour be ruled by the Christian ethic.
It is no good for us merely to hope for a better world after the war. Each one of us
must work for it and sacrifice for it, and go on working and sacrificing for it. A better
world is not like a manufactured article, which once you have made it, is finished, and
can be enjoyed at your leisure. It is a living organism, and a pretty turbulent one at
that. It has got to be managed, not driven. It is not an inanimate piece of mechanism
like a motor-car that can be taken out on fine days, and locked away in bad weather. It
is more like a colt that has to be exercised every day in all weathers, and skilfully
handled, and fed and cared for before your own comforts are attended to, no matter
how tired you are. That is one reason why health is so important. It is only the healthy
that have enough surplus energy to combine the business of earning their daily bread
with such energetic pursuits as colt breaking or new-world making.
This new world of ours is going to need all the energy we can bring to bear upon
it. More even than we are giving to the war, because its demands will go on
indefinitely. If we think it is going to be accomplished without effort and sacrifice, or
that it can be brought about by governments without every one of us playing his part,
we are heading for disaster. But if we are all to play our part effectively, we must
know what we are working for, and here is the rub, because since the human race is
composed of individuals, there are nearly as many views as to what constitutes a
better world, as there are people. When these views are closely examined, however, it
will be found that the vast majority differ only as to means, not as to ends. Therefore
to achieve unity--and only unity will produce results--we must focus our ideas on the
If our vision is fixed upon a genuine desire to build a Christian society, then all
the 'isms' capable of functioning within the framework of a democracy will be able to
co-operate, because from each will be removed the only stumbling block to cooperation, namely self-interest. If every individual were to accept the Christian ideal
as the rule for his everyday behaviour, we could have our new world overnight,
because this ideal involves putting the other fellow first. Capitalism and socialism
could go hand in hand if employers always put the interest of the workers before their
own, and if the workers always put the needs of their firm before their own comfort.
Private ownership would be no brake on the progress of a State if private owners
always put the needs of the community first. There would be no wars if every nation
put the interests of every other nation before its own, and of course if everybody
really did behave in this way, obviously nobody's legitimate interests would suffer.
Such an attitude of mind is not beyond the powers of human beings Individuals
have achieved it in every age. During the depression several businesses went under
because their owners refused to turn off labour, preferring to sink or swim with their
workers, and there must be few people who have not experienced cases where a sense
of responsibility for the welfare of others is so well developed in a given individual
that it supersedes self-interest. I once knew a farm worker who never slacked unless
he was on piece work. His attitude was that if he was on piece work and felt like
going slow, he was free to do so, because no one suffered but himself, whereas to
slack when he was being paid by time would be cheating. I knew another who refused

a rise in wages on the ground that the farm could not afford it. Not the employer-but
the farm. 'We can't afford it yet,' was the phrase used. Man is quite capable of holding
such points of view, and of living up to them. The problem is to devise a system of
education which will produce a nation of citizens among whom such an outlook is the
rule and not the exception. To learn unselfishness, a man, or a nation, must first
unlearn materialism. All our failures, as Lord Elton truly points out, have a common
root--an age of materialism. 'It was materialism which lead us to mistake increasing
comfort for progress, and materialism, elated by the rapid triumphs of science which
persuaded us to overrate the capacities of pure intellect, divorced from every other
human quality; with the twofold result that the goal of the "progress" which we
worshipped proves to be catastrophe, and that many of those who lead us towards it
have been men without judgement or courage. And so, since materialism is the root of
all our troubles, it follows that the change that is at once most necessary and most
radical is that we should cease to be materialists.' (St. George or the Dragon. Collins, 1942).
There are those who point out that no change of heart and no radical reforms,
however desirable, are possible under our present financial and economic system.
I agree that money ought to be restored to its original function of being merely
counters to represent real wealth, and that it never should have been allowed to
become a commodity in itself. I agree that if it were so restored we might see an age
in which plenty, security, liberty and leisure, went arm in arm, but I am neither
qualified, nor was there space in this book, to discuss economic reform. There is one
comment, however, I would make to those who consider economic reform the open
sesame to Utopia, and it is this: No mechanism, however perfect, or necessary, that is
purely materialistic will open that door. All reforms will fail that are not based on a
foundation of spiritual values.
If our experience of the last twenty years has not taught us sufficient humility to
realize that we are incapable of ordering our lives successfully in a Godless society,
then one is tempted to wonder whether as a species we are worth preserving. In every
activity, from the management of our soil onwards, we have regarded ourselves as
self-sufficient, and in every activity that attitude of mind has led to disaster. We are
the youngest of the world's species, and we have all the arrogance of youth. We have
played havoc with the elaborate structure that was laboriously built up before we
came, and now we find that we are not gods after all. We have been all-powerful in
our destruction, but we cannot recreate the life we have destroyed.
Human ecology demands that we should think less of our 'rights' and more of our
duties to all other living things, including each other. We must start again, with a new
and better attitude towards life. Indeed we must in some cases relearn that life exists.
'The outcome and production, both in vegetable and animal bodies, have been
hitherto considered so much under the prepossessions of chemical and mechanical
philosophy, that the physiologists have entirely lost sight of life. . . . But unless we
consider life as the immediate cause of all actions occurring in either animals or
vegetables, we can have no just conception of either vegetable or animal matter.' (John
Hunter, quoted from The Discipline of Peace, K. E. Barlow.)

In the Rape of the Earth Jacks lists certain attitudes of mind which determined
the development of the prairies, and which led ultimately to their ruin, and to that of
the settlers who held them. These attitudes are 'that Man conquers Nature; that natural
resources are inexhaustible; that habitual practices are best; that what is good for the
individual is good for everybody; that an owner may do with his property as he likes;
that expanding markets will continue indefinitely; that free competition co-ordinates
industry and agriculture; that land values will increase indefinitely; that tenancy is a
stepping-stone to ownership; that a factory farm is generally desirable; and that the
individual must make his own adjustments to calamity.'
Jacks goes on to say that these 'are the natural attitudes to adopt towards an
extremely productive, lifeless natural resource, as the soil was supposed to be. The
fact that the soil is very much alive and reacts violently against any treatment which
weakens its vitality makes all the difference to the attitude to be adopted towards it.'
But these attitudes have not been confined to man's approach to the soil. They
have frequently been his attitude to his fellow man. If we fail to realize our duties to
each other, how can we be expected to recognize our obligations to the soil?
How is it that we have made such a mess of things? It is easy to see how the age
of materialism led us to think we could get along without religion, but how did we
come to think that we could get along in opposition to nature, of which even
materialism recognizes that we are a part?
Dr. Wrench suggests that it is because a misunderstanding of nature's methods
led us to believe that her law was one of competition, and of survival of the fittest. We
certainly often talk, in a slightly patronizing way, as though we did better, of the
'prodigal waste in nature', but Dr. Wrench argues that there is no waste in nature, only
'The rule of return has been extruded by the dominant idea of the new era, which
permitted and established the individual in the pursuit of his own interest without
reciprocal duties or return. This freedom allowed the individual to pursue his own
interest in his own way, compelled all to enter into competition with each other or
groups with other groups. Those that succeeded best were pronounced the fittest.
'The biologists and scientific publicists of this era came to see a similar picture in
nature. They saw nature as producing a million seeds, of which a few became
individuals. They saw these individuals competing together and they termed the
surviving individuals the fittest. The whole of nature was regarded as a scheme to
secure the end-result of these fittest individuals. This it was, that constituted nature's
aim and meaning. The rest was ignored as failure.
'But in nature there are no life-failures: the seeds which fall upon the ground and
do not become individuals do not fail in the recurring wheel of life. They still fulfil
their part. (Dr. Pearse (Peckham Experiment) has suggested that this re-absorption into the environment of apparently
surplus individuals may be nature's method of modifying and developing the environment so that from it new or modified forms
of life can emerge. If so, without such re-absorption there could be no evolution.) The tree that is surrounded by
fallen seeds in spring, in course of time gathers some of these elements of life back
into itself. Other elements either enter into the verdure or more immediately into the

bodies of birds, insects, or animals. The elements of life, whether as fallen seeds,
leaves, or the tree itself migrate into other forms of life.... It is man, not nature, who
wastes in this cycle of life. It is he who causes soil-exhaustion by taking and not
returning.' ( Restoration of the Peasantries. C. W. Daniel & Co. Ltd., 1941.)
It seems then, that we must recognize that to be 'fit' in the sense of being a
successful competitor against nature, is not sufficient to ensure survival. In fact the
greater our apparent success in such a competition, the more surely are we sealing our
doom. Elsewhere in the same book Dr. Wrench expresses the view that 'The chief
problem which faces the next generation, the generation, that is, for whom we are
presumably seeking peace, is that of bringing agriculture and industry into some sort
of balanced relation. It appears to me that this can only be done by a revolution in
thought, as considerable and as important to the future as that which occurred under
the aegis of Newton, Descartes, and the other thinkers, who established the
philosophical world of materialism. Our world must be conceived as a kingdom of
life, wherein the performance of vegetation is recognized and respected. Agriculture
and industry must each be recognized as varying modes of human interference in this
kingdom. Man himself is to be recognized as a free subject, but his freedom is held in
fee and the price of it is his allegiance to, and participation in the performance of the
total ordered structure. The balance which remains to be struck between agriculture
and industry is demanded, not by the competition of these two activities, but by the
requirements that all man's manipulations shall represent an effort to co-operate with
the major performance of life.'
Much the same view is expressed by Jacks and Whyte as follows: 'The efforts of
agricultural peoples, if they are to survive, must be directed to the repair and
maintenance of the vegetation of their hills and valleys. But efforts of this sort are
very different to those to which they have been accustomed. In the first place, the
whole of the community must share in this endeavour, (Italics mine [author]) because the
geographical unit is the unit of administration. In the second place, the returns
obtained will not be immediate. Not only is the expenditure of their labour to be
charged to capital account, but the resulting capital is still not productive of
commodities. It is true that the organization will in time somewhat increase surpluses,
but the periods of time are long and the increase of surpluses slight. Accordingly,
large sums of money and considerable expenditure of labour must be laid out
unproductively. The outcome of such undertakings is fertility and not produce. Their
purpose is to promote and maintain the achievements of vegetation so that these may
continue to provide the conditions in which man himself can live.' (Rape of the Earth.)
Here is the task then, which faces mankind. A task as urgent as the winning of the
war, and one in which the spur to labour is the same--self-preservation, and the
survival of civilization.
Man is born selfish, but in moments of great national crisis he is capable of
sinking utterly his own interests for the good of the community. How often do we
hear it said that if only we were prepared to put into the constructive arts of peace, the
united effort in courage, sacrifice, labour and money, that we are prepared to exercise
in the destructive art of war, we should be assured of our better world.

One reason why we can rise to such heights in war, seems to be that only when
we are threatened by destruction from outside do we recognize that our own interests
are ultimately bound up with those of our fellow countrymen, and thus a common
danger brings unity of effort.
If it is a common danger that is needed to produce co-operation and unity, then
the whole world shares a common danger in the disappearance of its soil. At present
we are not awake to that danger. Our attitude to it is very reminiscent of our attitude
to the Nazi menace in the pre-war and early war periods. It took the rape of Europe to
make us fully alive to the Nazi menace. Must mankind wait until famine overruns a
whole continent before he realizes the danger that threatens him from encroaching
deserts? If so, our awakening will be an even ruder one than it was in 1940. Should
this happen, peoples will be faced with two alternatives. Either there will be a
scramble for what little remains of the habitable globe, or else once more, there will
be a 'United Nations'--this time of the whole world---to work shoulder to shoulder to
meet the common peril, in the labour and sweat of self-preservation.
Which choice the nations will make will depend on the extent to which they have
succeeded in abandoning materialism. But need we wait until man is threatened with
imminent extermination? How can we avoid such a calamity? Only, I think, by
educating the next generation to believe in other gods. The false idols of comfort and
money must be dethroned, and the Christian God of service put in their place. Service
to God, service to our soil, service to each other, and, through each other, to the
community and the world. That is the order in which they should be taught; in any
other, there would always be a danger of falling into the Nazi idolatry, of deifying the
Inherent in this education for service would be the teaching of good citizenship.
This once more involves the application of the law of return; the acceptance of the
principle that all rights carry corresponding duties. We have seen that to take from the
soil without return is a form of brigandage which ends by robbing ourselves. To
accept privileges from the State, which means the community, without making
payment in service is the same kind of theft, for the State belongs to its citizens, and
the citizen is a part of the State.
To think that, in a democracy, the interests of the State and its citizens can
conflict, betrays the same confusion of thought as that responsible for the fiction that
the interests of town and country conflict, or that man can 'conquer' nature. The State
is but the sum of the individual citizens that compose it, and the Government, the
freely chosen directorate of their corporate activities. This should be a truism, but the
almost universal tendency is to see the State and the Government, not as a part of
ourselves, working in a symbiotic partnership, but as some quite independent and
outside entity, there for the purpose of protecting us, doing things for us, or else
(according to our income level) taking our money. This attitude is prevalent even
among otherwise responsible and public-spirited people.
I know a top farm hand who has recently entered the ranks of the new income-tax
payers. Like many of his fellows in industry, he tries to keep his earnings down
because he does not want to 'give' his money to the Government. But since loyalty to
the soil has always been his guiding rule, he does not, like his city prototype, refuse to

work overtime; he works as many hours overtime as ever, but he refuses to be paid for
See what twisted reasoning is here; he will work for nothing, or rather he will
freely give his services to the land, but not his money to the community, even though
he too would ultimately benefit financially. He recognizes that the land is a part of
him (though he has probably never thought about it), but he cannot see any
connection between himself and the Government. It never occurs to him that, as
members of a community, when we contribute to its central funds we are merely
paying for our share of the privileges which we enjoy; that we are, in fact, exchanging
cash for goods or services.
Education is surely at fault here. In future citizenship must be taught as
something positive, and vital. The relationship of the individual to the State should be
one of complete mutualism. Citizenship should only be granted on that basis. A
period of service to the community should be the price of entry into the privileges of
I believe that, in this country, compulsory service, whether military or civil, is too
alien to our national character to be readily accepted in peace-time, but on the other
hand I believe a system would work in which full citizenship, with its political rights
and other privileges had to be earned.
Under this plan every boy or girl would have to pass some form of citizenship
test to show that he or she had some knowledge of the workings of the democracy in
which we live, and the commonwealth of which that democracy is a part. To qualify,
they would also have to give at least six months free service to the community,
whether in the armed forces or merchant navy, on road or farm, in mine or factory.
When possible, town dwellers should be directed for their service to the country, and
vice versa, thus would the sense of the interdependence of all citizens be kept alive.
Citizenship of such an organization as the British Commonwealth, or the larger
commonwealth which may some day come, is worth working for. Any national who
did not think it worth his while (and there would, I think, be very few) to qualify for
citizenship, would do the community little good as a citizen. It would be better in
every way if he remained a non-citizen resident, protected by the common law, but
without franchise.
When a new generation has arisen, taught to have a living faith in the Christian
ideals, to value and conserve its soil, and to put service before comfort, then not only
will our land have citizens worthy of it, but it will also be a land of happy contented
people, for it is important to remember that happiness is a by-product. It is, moreover,
a by-product of activity, not of ease. It cannot be found ready made. Nor can it be
fashioned out of those things usually covered by the term 'a higher standard of living'-material comfort, more leisure, more money, more gadgets. Important as they are,
these are static things. Happiness, which must not be confused with pleasure, results
only from those activities which develop personality and character. It can be achieved
in varying degree through the physical exertion of work or play, all though the mental
exertion of acquiring knowledge, through the spiritual exertion of creative effort,
through the exercise of skill, through service; perhaps most of all through service. If

we seek happiness as an end in itself, it will elude us; if we make service our aim,
happiness will follow automatically. This is as true for a nation as for an individual.
We shall never succeed in building a 'better and happier world' until we recognize it.
When we do, we shall discover that we are on the high road to building a Christian
society, for happiness through service is a creative force of unlimited power for good.
In its atmosphere ecology-the most needed of all the sciences-could flourish, and
could in time help us to become truly aware that everything in Heaven and earth is but
part of a single whole. Then for the first time in many a century could we justifiably
claim to be entering on an age of progress.

Reference No. 1, Chapter I

Many of the costs of ill health cannot be measured in money. 'The subjective
element in the endurance of pain and sickness cannot be estimated. It is impossible to
say what contribution might in happier circumstances be made to the community by
that regrettably large body of persons who 'enjoy indifferent health', whose energy is
all absorbed in struggling through the daily round.
But the cost of treatment and maintenance of sick persons is susceptible to
measurement in money; it would also be possible, if data were available to put a
money value to the work lost through sickness with absence from regular
After considering these costs it is appropriate to take stock of expenditure on the
prevention of ill health.
The figures in the following section refer, unless otherwise stated, to Great
The total number of working weeks lost by persons claiming National Health
Insurance sickness benefit was 29 millions in England and Wales in 1933, and in
Scotland 2.8 millions in 1936. This excludes most illnesses of less than four days'
duration, sickness for which benefit was not claimed, and the sickness of persons
working on their own account or earning more than 250 a year. Thus it probably
represents well under half of the total loss. Yet if the average wage of the persons
included in the above figures were 2 a week the money value of the work lost would
be over 60 millions a year. At a very moderate estimate the money value of all work
lost cannot be less than 100 millions a year. This estimate takes no account of the
dislocation in industry caused by sickness absence, but the loss is partly offset where
the work of the absentees is done by persons who would otherwise be unemployed.
The items in the annual cost of ill health which have been estimated above may
be summarized as follows:

State and State

Other ill health services
Insurance cash payments
including administration)

Voluntary and
private enterprise




This sum represents about one-twenty-fifth of the national income.

Reference No. 2, Chapter II


Lung diseases: Pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pyothorax,

pleurisy, haemothorax.
Diseases of the ear: otitis media or pus in the middle ear.
Diseases of the nose and accessory sinuses: sinusitis. Diseases of the upper
respiratory passages: adenoid growth. Diseases of the eye: conjunctivitis, corneal
ulceration, keratomalacia, panophthalmitis.
Gastro-intestinal diseases: dilated stomach, gastric ulcer, epithelial new growths
in the stomach, cancer in the stomach (in two cases only), duodenitis, enteritis, gastrointestinal dystrophy, statis.
Diseases of the urinary tract: pyonephrosis, hydronephrosis, pyelitis, renal
calculus, ureteral calculus, dilated ureters, vesical calculus, cystitis, incrusted cystitis.
Diseases of the reproductive system: inflammation of the uterus, ovaritis, death of
the foetus in utero, premature birth, uterine haemorrhage, hydrops testis.
Diseases of the skin: loss of hair, dermatitis, abscesses, gangrene of the tail,
gangrene of the feet, subcutaneous oedema.
Diseases of the blood: anaemia, 'pernicious type of anaemia', Bartonella Muris
Diseases of the lymph and other glands: cysts in the sub-maxillary glands and
accessory glands in the base of the tongue, abscesses in the same, and occasionally

also in the inguinal glands, enlarged adrenal glands, atrophy of the thymus, enlarged
mesenteric, bronchial and other lymph glands.
Diseases of the nervous system: polyneuritis.
Diseases of the endocrine system: lymph-adenoid goitre, and very occasionally,
haemorrhage into the pancreas.
Diseases of the heart: cardiac atrophy, occasionally cardiac hypertrophy,
myocarditis, pericarditis, and hydro-pericardium. 'Oedema'.

Reference No. 3, Chapter III


In spite of the recent deputation to the Minister of Food by a group of doctors

said to represent the medical profession, this controversial subject remains one upon
which medical opinion is sharply divided. There is an equally sharp division in the
milk industry. The question is one which is usually debated with considerable heat on
both sides, the ordinary milk consumer may therefore care to see the pros and cons
stated side by side.
The two main groups in favour of compulsory pasteurization are some unknown
proportion of the medical profession, let us say half, and all the big milk distributors.
The attitude of the doctors is obviously disinterested. They say that safe milk is
better than so-called clean milk, and that compulsory pasteurization would abolish
tuberculosis of bovine origin, said to cause 2,000 deaths a year. They consider that
this would far outweigh any possible disadvantages.
The attitude of the big milk distributors is less disinterested. Under our present
system by which the milk for our cities often travels long distances, it is obvious that
only pasteurization would prevent it being sour by the time it reached the customer.
But this is no part of the argument, for in cities most of the milk is already
pasteurized. (A service agriculture--see Ref. No. 9--would obviate this necessity.) The
support given by the distributing combines to the call for compulsory pasteurization
springs from the fact that this would put the small distributor, including the producer
retailer, out of business, for they could not afford to instal the necessary plant. A
further point is that pasteurization enables the big distributor to sell milk several days
old without the customer being aware of the fact. Milk in towns left unsold one day,
usually goes out on the round the next.
The main groups opposed to compulsory pasteurization are the other half of the
medical profession, and all producer retailers. Here again the attitude of the doctors is
quite disinterested, they too want to abolish tuberculosis, but they do not think
pasteurization is the way to go about it. They point out that the incidence of
tuberculosis is higher in the big towns where milk is already pasteurized, than in the
country where it is usually taken raw. They say that it is insufficient milk, and other
protective foods which induce the liability to tuberculosis whether of bovine or other

origin; that both the vitamin and calcium content in milk are injured by pasteurization,
that raw milk in adequate quantities is the best protection we have against caries of
the teeth, and other evils of malnutrition, that the lactic acid bacteria in milk, which
are beneficent, and which attack disease organisms, are killed by heat, so that after
pasteurization milk is a perfect breeding ground for any contamination that may reach
it after delivery to the customer, and that in short, compulsory pasteurization would
produce more evils than it would cure.
The attitude of the producer retailers, like that of the big distributors, cannot be
free from an element of self-interest since compulsory pasteurization would put them
out of business, but many of them also argue, with a good deal of justice, that theirs is
the class of producer that has done most to improve standards of milk production, and
that the right way to get safe milk is to have clean milk from healthy cows. They point
out that by far the commonest source of tubercle bacilli in milk is manurial
contamination, because the great majority of tuberculous cows have intestinal
tuberculosis. A tuberculous udder is comparatively rare, and in a well-managed herd
should be quickly detected. Compulsory pasteurization would have the effect of
eliminating the producers who do not sell contaminated milk and would leave
untouched the dirty producers. For raw milk must be clean or it goes sour, only
pasteurization enables the dirty milkers to get away with it.
Summing up these arguments it seems to me that pasteurization can never be a
good thing in itself. It should be regarded even by its advocates as the lesser of two
evils. The necessity for it, where that exists, is a confession of failure. The aim should
be to abandon the practice just as soon as the need for it--unhealthy cows and dirty
methods--can be eliminated. In the meantime those producers who have eliminated
these conditions should be exempted from any compulsory order, while at the same
time penalties for dirty milk production should be very severe. For there is no excuse
for it. I have proved this. At a time when the only water supply on the farm was an
open moat I entered a county clean milk competition. With only this moat water to
use for washing the cows and the dairy utensils, and only a home-made sterilizer
consisting of a perforated container stood over a farm copper, I not only won the
competition, but my average bacterial count per c.c. was under 5,000, sometimes
under 500 (the maximum allowed for certified milk--the highest grade--is 30,000).
For many years I sold my milk retail, in a town over fifteen miles away. I guaranteed
its keeping quality for forty-eight hours in the hottest weather. Not once in a blue
moon did I have to replace a pint under this guarantee. Milk kept back for testing was
often sweet over a week old. My milk was frequently ordered by local doctors for
ailing babies, unable to digest other milk, or patent foods. I have their testimony that it
saved many babies' lives. This taught me that really healthy, safe, raw milk can be
produced by any farmer who cares to take the trouble. When produced in this way I
have no shadow of doubt that it is in every way preferable to pasteurized milk.

Reference No. 4, Chapter III


The Indore process was originally devised for dealing with comparatively large
quantities of wastes. . . . In gardens where the quantity of wastes is small two minor

difficulties are often encountered. Wind and rain interfere with the rate of
fermentation. Wind lowers the temperature of the outer layers of the heap and also
removes large quantities of moisture. Excessive rain, by making the whole mass
sodden, interferes with the air supply. Low temperatures, dryness and shortage of
oxygen are all harmful factors, because they impede the work of the fungi and
bacteria engaged in the synthesis of humus. These work best at temperatures ranging
from 150 to 90 F., when the heap is moist and when there is ample oxygen.
These difficulties can be overcome by the use of the New Zealand box. This has
been devised by the Auckland Humic Club for use in the gardens of New Zealand and
works well in this country. A suitable box can be made as follows:
Materials required. Six 3 ft. 3 in. lengths of 2 in. by 2 in. for uprights. Twentyfour 4 ft. lengths of 6 in. by 1 in. board for the four sides of the box. The unplaned
timber should be oiled with old motor oil to preserve it, but tar or creosote should not
be used.
E. F. G. H. I & J are the
uprights (each 3 ft. 3 in. long).
A, B & C are the sides
(each consisting of six boards,
each 4 ft. x 6 in. x 1 in., nailed
to the uprights half an inch
apart to allow ventilation).
D is the loose front (six boards).
K is the bar, provided with a
block at each end, to sit on top
of the sides A & C to stop
them spreading.

The box (see Fig. 8), which has no

bottom, stands on the ground, so that it can
be moved to a new site alongside. First nail
the side A to the uprights E and F. Next nail
the back B to the uprights G and H. Next
nail the side C to the uprights I and J. When
nailing the boards on to the uprights leave a
half-inch gap to provide ventilation. The
three sides of the box are now complete. The
sides and end are bolted together by means
of four bolts-each fitted with two washers
and a nut which unscrews on the outsidewhich join the back B to the uprights F and
I. The front D is made up of loose boards 6
in. by 1 in. slipped behind the uprights E and
J as the heap rises. To prevent the sides A
and C from spreading outwards use a wooden bar K 2 in. by 1 in. with two wooden
blocks (3 x 2 x 1 in.) as indicated in the ground plan and elevation below. (See Fig.

When the box has to be moved to a new site, remove the loose boards and the
four bolts and re-erect the box in a fresh place.
Making the heap. Having made the box, throw your mixed vegetable material
(broken or cut up if necessary into lengths a few inches long) into it as it comes to
hand, together with one-third the volume of manure, mixing the wastes and manure as
the box is filled. The proportion by volume of mixed vegetable wastes to manure
should be three or four to one. All garden or unused kitchen waste may be used
including weeds, lawn mowings, crop residues, leaves, hedge clippings and seaweed
when available. Where animal manure or soiled animal bedding are not available,
substitutes such as dried blood, hoof and horn meal, or fish manure may be used, but
in these cases only a very thin film, about a quarter to an eighth of an inch thick, is
needed for every six-inch layer of vegetable waste. If none of these substitutes can be
obtained the heap can be kept moist--not wet and sodden--by means of bedroom
slops. Animal wastes in some form are essential. Sprinkle every six inches of the
mixed vegetable and animal matter with a layer, about one-eighth of an inch thick, of
earth (mixed with wood ashes, powdered limestone or chalk or slaked lime if
available). A thin film to neutralize excessive acidity is all that is needed; too much
earth hinders the ventilation of the mass. Next water this sandwich with a hose fitted
with a rose, or with a watering-can, until it is wet but not sodden. Continue this
building and watering process until the total height is reached. Rain (which is a
saturated solution of oxygen) should be used whenever possible instead of the rose to
keep the heap moist. After the box is half full make and maintain three vertical
ventilation holes, one in the middle and one near each side, by thrusting a light
crowbar or stout garden stake into the heap and working it from side to side. The
holes should go as far as the earth underneath the box.
The box should be protected from rain and sun by means of two pieces of old
corrugated sheeting, each 58 in. x 26 in. These are kept in position by means of bricks
or stones.
Two things must be watched: (1) An unpleasant smell or flies attempting to breed
in the heap. This ought not to happen and is generally caused by over-watering or
want of attention to the details of making the heap. If it occurs, the heap should be
turned at once. (2) Fermentation may slow down for want of moisture, when the heap
should be watered. Experience will teach how much water should be added when
making the heap.
Turning the compost. Provided due care is taken in filling the box, only one turn
is necessary. After six weeks or so the contents should be moved to a convenient site
outside the box, watered if needed to keep damp, and allowed to ripen for a month or
six weeks under a suitable cover (such as old sacks or an old piece of tarpaulin). No
ventilation vents are needed in the ripening heap. The compost which weighs about a
ton is then ready for use and should be applied to the garden as soon as possible. If it
must be stored, it should be kept in an open shed and turned from time to time.
(Adapted from a leaflet issued by the Humic Compost Club,
Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. G. B. Chapman, President.)

See also Composting Pig Manure by J. W. Scharff, M.D., issued free as Advisory
Leaflet No. 7 by The Small Pig Keepers' Council, Turville Heath, Henley-on-Thames.

Reference No. 5, Chapter IV

(1) There is conclusive evidence that Wareham soil contains 'toxic' factors of
biological origin that operate as inhibitors to fungal growth. (See Neilson-Jones, Biological Aspects
of Soil Fertility, Cambridge University Press.) (2) In laboratory culture the inhibiting action has been
directly observed upon a number of soil-borne and air-borne fungi, including proved
mycorrhiza formers as well as other species that form pseudomycorrhizal associations
with tree roots. So far as is known the effects produced are not lethal, but are
evidenced as more or less complete inhibition of mycelial growth and of germination
of spores. There is evidence of differential susceptibility among the fungal species
observed. (3) The condition of biological inertia thus brought about in the soil is
manifested in many ways. It leads to the formation of a substrate unfavourable to root
growth and affects mycorrhiza formation directly by inhibiting mycelial activity,
although suitable mycelium may be present in the neighbourhood of roots. Reduced
fungal activity as compared with that in non-toxic soils of similar type is confirmed
by direct microscopic examination; fungus mycelium is relatively scarce and there is a
notable absence of the peritrophic fungus flora often conspicuous about roots and
mycorrhizas. These characteristics greatly simplify observation of the mycorrhizal
relationships in Wareham soil: there are present only few fungal species that form
mycorrhizal association with the roots of pines and other conifers, and there is a
notable absence of activity on the part of soil fungi known to cause parasitic or
pseudomycorrhizal attack on roots; the task of isolating mycelia of the fungus
associates from individual mycorrhizas is thereby made comparatively easy. (Rayner,
Forestry, 1941.)
Figures represent

percentage values in dry compost)

Potassium oxide (K20)

Phosphoric acid (P205)
Total nitrogen
Ammonium salts
Nitrate nitrogen



It was calculated that the two composts, C 5 and C 1, each applied at the rate of
10 lb. per square yard--the amount used in field experiments--would supply to a crop
available nutrients as shown in the following table.

Available nutrients in pounds per acre contained in compost
applied at the rate of 10 lb. per square yard.

C 5
C 1





The amount of salts supplied to the pots in Series 3 and 5 receiving equivalent
nutrients were calculated from figures kindly supplied by Dr. Robertson of the
Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, as shown in Table III. The calcium content of C
5 and C 1 were also calculated, the values found representing approximately 8 gm.
and 4 gm. of lime (CaO) per 250 gm. of dry compost respectively. As in pot
experiments generally, the amount of compost added to the experimental soil was at
the rate of one part of compost to three parts of soil, this being regarded as roughly
comparable with the 'dilution effect' obtained by the dressings used in the
corresponding field experiments. On this basis, the dry weights of composts required
for each experimental series was 231.5 gm. of C 5 (oven-dried) and 240.8 gm. of C 1
(oven-dried) per 12 pots,
Available nutrients per 250 gm. compost (air-dried)

Series 3 (salts of C 5 compost)

Series 5 (salts of C 1 compost)




or roughly 20 gm. per pot. Using the values for available nitrogen, potash, and
phosphoric acid set out in Table III there will be required, therefore, for the 12 pots of
Series 3 (receiving equivalent salts of C 5) and for the 12 pots of Series 5 (receiving
equivalent salts of C 1) the following amounts:


Series 3
(C 5 salts)

Series 5
(C 1 salts)

1.34 gm.
0.27 gm.
0.96 gm.

0.35 gm.
1.25 gm.
0.33 gm.

The nutrients were given as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), potassium sulphate

(K2SO4 anhydrous), and sodium disphosphate (Na2HPO4 anhydrous), as supplied by
British Drug Houses Ltd. for analytical purposes, there being required for the 12 pots
of Series 3, 3.83 gm. of NH4NO3, 0.49 gm of K2SO4, and 1.92 gm. of Na2HPO4, and
for the 12 pots of Series 5,1.03 gm. of NH4NO3, 2.3 gm. of K2SO4 and 0.66 gm. of
Na2HPO4. These salts were used in two solutions applied at the rate of 25 c.c. per pot
as follows:

Solution for
Series 3
Distilled water 1,000


Solution for
Series 5


It will be observed that the equivalent amounts of nitrogen and phosphoric acid
are relatively high in compost C 5, and the equivalent amount of potash relatively
high in compost C 1. By similar calculation from the figures supplied for the lime
content of C 5 and C 1, each pot of Series 3 required 1.1 gm. (1 gm.) of CaCO3 and
each pot of series 5 required 0.56 gm. (0.6 gm.) of CaCO3.
The composts were mixed with the soil at sowing, and the equivalent salt
solutions given in one dose per pot when the seedlings were emerging from the seedleaf stage and making active root growth. The amount of solution was just sufficient
to moisten the soil without draining through it. The calcium carbonate supplied was
powdered uniformly on the surface and worked in with a glass rod at the time of

Series + Treatment
1 Control
2 plus C 5
3 plus C 5 salts
4 plus C 1
5 plus C 1 salts
6 plus CM.
7 plus C 5 Extract
8 plus C 1 Extract

No. of


in gm.

Mean weight
per 100 plants


2 plus C 5
3 plus C 5 salts
4 plus C 1
5 plus C 1 salts
6 plus CM.
7 plus C 5 Extract
8 plus C 1 Extract





Reference No. 6, Chapter IV


(Extract from paper by E. J. Butler of the Agricultural Research Council

published in the Transactions of the British Mycological Society, Vol. 22, Parts 3 and
4, 16th February 1939.)
'. . . the roots of most flowering plants and ferns, and the prothalli of the
liverworts amongst the Bryophyta and of some of the Pteridophyta are subject to
invasion by fungi belonging, with few exceptions, to a homogeneous type
characterized by the possession of special organs, the vesicles and sporangioles.
These fungi are not found in all roots and appear to be rare in many plants in
particular localities. The evidence from cotton and the cereals shows, however, that
absence or rarity of the fungus in one place is not inconsistent with prevalence in the
same plant elsewhere. The association is, to a certain extent, casual, as has also been
pointed out by Miss Ridler (1923) in Lunularia, but it need not on that account be
without significance to either or both the partners in the association. Indeed the
elaborate mechanism for the manufacture of fatty substances and their rendering to
the higher plant can scarcely have no significance. With this mechanism must be
associated the peculiarities of the special organs of the endophytes in question. The
vesicles are constructed so as to store considerable volumes of an oily substance free
to be reabsorbed back into the mycelium without the intervention of a septum to block
the passage, and these stores of oil or fat are emptied into the root cells from the
sporangioles. The latter are so designed as to offer the maximum of surface to the
disintegrating action of the cell juices. They are not merely artifacts due to a
'digestive' action of the cell on the fine branches of the arbuscules as appears to be
suggested by some observers, but are definite bladders formed at the tips of these
branches and passing through a stage or turgidity before they break down. Nor are
they haustoria engaged in absorbing nutriment from the host cells as has also been
suggested, for their formation often marks the end of the vegetative activity of the
fungus in a particular region, or in a considerable area of fine roots simultaneously.
That they have some function in the developmental nutrition of the higher plant, as
most students of them have suggested, can hardly be doubted. The purely tentative
hypothesis is advanced that this is not the supply of fat as such but of some fat-soluble
growth or development promoting accessory substance. The extraction of sufficient
quantities of this hypothetical substance would present great difficulties so long as the
endophyte defies artificial cultivation; but in certain plants such as bamboos or
Ricinus communis, the volume of the endophyte may be very considerable in the
white roots and it might be possible to obtain appreciable quantities of the fungus.
from them at an appropriate season.'

Reference No. 7, Chapter VI


(Dr. C. Drechsler, Biological Reviews, Vol. XVI, 1941)

'When Rouband and Descazeaux (1939) added larvae of strongyloid nematodes
parasitic on the horse, belonging to the genera Strongylus and Tribonema, to agar

cultures of Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylella bembicodes, the very active

strongyloid specimens were captured and consumed in quantity. D. ellipsospora
showed similar though lesser predacious capabilities in relation to these parasites.
However, the very sluggish rhabditiform larvae apparently evoked very little
development of predacious apparatus.
'Descazeaux (1939a), in determining that strongyloid larvae of the genera
Strongylus and Tribonema were captured by Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylella
bembicodes, made use of nematodes newly hatched from a pasty mixture of dung and
powdered charcoal. The mixture was kept confined in crystallizing dishes covered
with inverted bases of Petri-dish cultures of the two fungi. Several strips of moist
paper placed vertically in the containers provided passageways suitable for migration
of newly hatched animals from the dung paste to the agar cultures. Predacious organs,
the formation of which began 24-36 hours after the relatively early arrival of
rhabditiform larvae, operated especially effectively against the tardier strongyloid
larvae, with the result that in 20 days all the larvae that emerged from the dung were
exterminated. In a later paper Descazeaux (1939b) reported that larvae of the family
Trichostrongylidae, which are parasitic in the digestive tracts of cattle and sheep, were
captured and killed in predacious apparatus formed after their addition to cultures of
Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylella bembicodes. Likewise, when conidia of either
fungus were added to water containing such larvae, predacious organs were formed
by means of which the animals were captured and killed.'
'Deschiens and his colleagues admit that possibly even under ordinary natural
conditions the predacious hyphomycetes in some measure carry on destruction of
infectious nematode larvae. By providing for increased mycelial development through
application of fungus material--the increased development reported by them seems
greatly in excess of expectations--they aim to augment the activity of the predacious
hyphomycetes to the point where it becomes effective as an important subsidiary, if
not principal, prophylactic factor. Manifestly their treatment by extensive application
of fungus material departs markedly in principle from the treatment investigated in
Hawaii, whereby large quantities of organic matter are incorporated in the soil. The
former treatment would seem to be based on the idea that nematode-capturing fungi
are meagrely distributed in nature, and yet are addicted to very aggressive saprophytic
development when brought into contact with foul natural substrata; whereas the latter
treatment postulates rather that the fungi in question are very generally distributed in
soil and decaying materials, that they subsist habitually on nematodes, and that.
accordingly they can best be stimulated in vegetative development and useful
predacious activity by first supplying them with larger quantities of saprophilous
living prey.'

Reference No. 8, Chapters V and VI


F. H. Billington, in his book Compost, mentions how as a result of the interest

aroused by the three volume book Our Friend the Earthworm by Dr. G. S. Oliver of

Texas, and the latter's enterprise in breeding earthworms to supply to farmers, and for
other purposes, 'much barren land from which the earthworm had been banished by
chemical manures and poison sprays, has been restored to fertility'. He gives the
American Nature Magazine of January 1941 as his authority for this statement.
He then supplies the following facts which make such claims understandable:
'(1) Darwin found that in an average English soil, earthworms brought to the
surface about ten tons of castings per acre per annum. These are now known to consist
of neutral colloidal humus, the only form immediately available to plants. It is safe to
assume that in a warmer climate, or with improved types of worms such as the
'Coolie', this figure might be much larger.
'(2) The estimated numbers of earthworms per acre in the soils of the Rothamsted
Experimental Station, England, are stated to be, very roughly: (a) 0.5 million on
unmanured land; (b) 2.75 millions on farmyard manured land; (c) 8.6 millions on
'(3) Earthworms render soil permeable to rain thus checking the tendency to
erosion by rain and wind. Aeration and nitrification are also stimulated.
'(4) They mix organic matter thoroughly throughout the soil and prevent its undue
accumulation in peat-like layers on the surface, e.g. old, matted, sour pastures.
'(5) Earthworms are excellent subsoilers; what they bring up of this soil is vastly
different to the crude material resulting from subsoil tillage. Soil and organic matter
swallowed by the worms are thoroughly pulverized in their fowl-like gizzards, and
mixed with digestive secretions.
'(6) Earthworms perform equally useful work in the compost heapabundance of
them is a sure sign that the process is going well, just as their eventual withdrawal, in
a normal way, is an indication that the compost is ready for use.
'Earthworms are very sensitive to acidity or purely chemical salts, whereas such
materials as the wastes of the onion family and natural sugary materials, encourage

Reference No. 9, Chapter VIII


The soils to be tested were removed from the fields concerned in sections 18
inches deep and transferred to large boxes so that the original layering remained
intact. These boxes were then sunk in the ground so that the level of the soil inside
and out was the same. After treatment the boxes were planted with cabbages to
reproduce field conditions.

Source of Soil and

previous treatment

Treatment on 11th July 1946

1. Arable field B1 (inorganic fertilizer

since 1940)

Ph. Value at
completion of

21b. chemically activated compost,

1/2 oz. superphosphate,
1/8 oz. potassium sulphate,
1/8 oz. ammonium sulphate


2. Arable field Ca
2 lb. farmyard manure, fertilizers
1946 meat and bone,
as in Box 1
1945, 1944, inorganic,
1943 F.Y. M. and compost


3. Virgin soil under

grass and natural
herbage. No treatment since 1920


4. Ditto

2 lb. standard compost

(FYM and mixed straw)




3/4 oz. superphosphate,

1/4 oz. potassium sulphate,
1/4 oz. ammonium sulphate


6. Same as No. 1

3/4 oz. superphosphate,

1/4 oz. potassium sulphate,
1/4 oz. ammonium sulphate


7. Arable field A6.

Compost or FYM
since 1940

21b. standard compost


Note: 25 oz. per box = 10 ton per acre.

1/4 oz. per box = 2 cwt. per acre.

The experiment was brought to an end in January, 1947. The results were as
Weight of cellulose cone as inserted in July


Weight of cellulose cone as recovered in Jan.


Difference: being actual weight

of cellulose decomposed

* The fibres recovered from box 3 proved on closer examination to be rot fibres
and not cellulose fibres. Percentage of decomposition therefore in this box is
presumed to be 100.

Percentage of
original cone
per cent

Arable Soil (Boxes l, 2, 6 and 7)
The following points are worth noting:
(a) The contrast between these boxes is nothing like so striking as that between
the three boxes of virgin soil, indicating the reduction it soil fungi and bacteria that
results from continually turning the top soil and exposing it to sun and air.
(b) Such differences as do occur suggest that soil treated with anima residues or
by-products possesses greater biological activity than soi where no such treatment has
been given. The greatest decomposition, it will be noted, took place in boxes 2 and 7,
the first of which received FYM plus meat and bone meal in addition to the NPK, and
the second of which was treated with compost only.
(c) The FYM plus meat and bone meal in box 2 appears to have counteracted the
depressing effect of the inorganic fertilizer, an effect which is very apparent in boxes
1 and 6 where inorganics are not accompanied by any animal manure or by-product.
(d) It is particularly noteworthy that the least decomposition of all took place, not
in the soil treated with pure inorganics but in that containing a mixture of inorganics
and chemically activated straw compost. Tentative deductions are that inorganic NPK
has a depressing effect upon the cellulose-decomposing organisms; that FYM and
meat and bone meal mitigate this effect; but that the addition of straw compost, when
activated by inorganic nitrogen, increases it.

Virgin Soil (Boxes 3, 4 and 5)

The result here is very much more striking. The contrast between 2 (compost
treated) and 4 (chemically treated) being over 50 per cent, with the untreated box
about halfway between.
The 83 per cent decomposition in the untreated box clearly indicates that a
larger number of organisms were initially present. That a single application of
compost should have so greatly increased their activities, and a single application of
NPK so greatly reduced them, is of considerable interest. That the result in box 3 was
not due simply to the introduction of the additional organisms present in the compost
is shown by comparing box 3 with box 7, each of which received the same amount of
(NOTE: The greatly increased population of soil bacteria present in ground which
had not been upturned or uncovered for many years would seem to be a pointer
towards explaining the success which some cultivators are having with the new nodigging technique; also long leys as restorers of fertility.)

Reference No. 10, Chapter IX


The following reasons for establishing a 'service agriculture' round our main
centres of population are taken from Broadsheets issued by the Association for
Planning and Regional Reconstruction, 32 Gordon Square, London, W.C.l. This
excellent and enterprising organization has worked out the technical details, with full
tables of figures, of how such a scheme might be organized. Readers interested in this
aspect of post-war planning should apply for Broadsheets Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7.
'A town or city's fresh food supply might be its first and most important health
service. Instead, it receives less attention than water, gas, electricity and sewerage,
and is regarded as a legitimate field for cutthroat commercial competition. Without a
constant supply of the vital fresh foodstuffs, bodily and mental health cannot be
The Case for a Service Agriculture
'There are good reasons why the vital fresh foods should be produced close at
'(1) Appearance, taste, food value, vitamin value, and water content are all
retained at their best.
'(2) Losses in transit (especially in hot weather), delays in transit (especially in
cold weather), and handling losses, are all reduced.
'(3) Transport problems and transport costs can be substantially reduced by good
planning, including the return of empty bulk containers to the farm without their ever
having left the district.
'(4) Waste organic matter can be returned to the land, either as scraps, swill or
compost; a local surplus of any product can be processed or otherwise used locally.
'(5) A healthy mixed farming tradition close to and surrounding the centres of
population means healthy land and healthy people; the green leaf area of the district is
increased and its period of activity lengthened; the humus content of the soil and
therefore the water content of the area is maintained.
'(6) The possibility of closer co-operation between town and country arises, and
in particular every child-as part of its education-is able to see the essential processes
that produce its essential food; the need for formal 'parks' is less, so long as
reasonable access to the land is allowed to the ordinary citizen and his family.
'(7) The quality of a vital fresh food depends on the primary producer; under
present conditions the processor and the distributor only delay the rate at which
deterioration takes place--they cannot improve quality; advisory control during
production of its vital foodstuffs therefore becomes a proper course for a community
to follow, instead of existing haphazard recriminatory control--by inspectors--of
process and distribution.

'(8) The fresh foods available to a community should be the best that that
community and its immediate surroundings can produce; there is no place in a healthy
community for vital foodstuffs of varying quality or doubtful origin, nor for cut-throat
advertisement and self-whitewashing by rival retailers who themselves frequently
have had no hand in production.
'(9) Every place where fresh food is produced or handled should be accessible
and available for inspection by any responsible citizen at any time, and designed

Reference No. 11, Chapter IX


Members of Town, Borough, and Urban District Councils, as well as Local

Government Electors are referred to the paper 'Sludge and Refuse as National Assets
in War and Peace' by C. C. J. Bullough, a practical Sanitary Engineer, and Associate
of the Institute of Sewage Purification. (Registered Office: 34 Cardinal's Walk, Hampton-on-Thames,
Middlesex. Hon. Sec. W. F. Freeborn.)

This paper was prepared for the special attention of the Institute's newly formed
Post-War Reconstruction Committee. Mr. Bullough goes very fully into the details of
the technique and costs of composting town wastes and sewage sludge. He presents
his subject in a highly readable form. The following is a summary, with quotations, of
some of the most important points in his paper.
'As is well known, means have already been found in certain works for the
utilization of the purified effluents: the author's present subject, however, is confined
to the sludge and screenings. In view of their important physical and, to a lesser
extent, of their chemical properties; and in view also of the fact that they so often
cause so much worry and anxiety in the operation of sewage works, it is most
unfortunate that in the past so little has been done to realize the latent value of these
materials and thus relieve sewage works operation of an incubus.
'This present Paper arises from the author's desire to bring to the attention of the
Post-War Reconstruction Committee the practicability of dispensing with sludge
handling, treatment and disposal processes, together with screenings disposal, by
using the materials in their wet state for the production, by natural fermentation, of
organic manure. That changes the aspect "sludge disposal" into the aspect "sludge
utilization" and, as the use of house refuse is involved simultaneously, the same
transformation occurs in the aspect from which house refuse may be regarded.
"Sludge" is taken to include screenings, and "refuse" to include all trade and other
wastes of an organic nature.
'All these substances have commonly been thrown away or deliberately destroyed
and it would seem that, since their simultaneous utilization in a favourable way can be
accomplished, with the additional virtue that components of the house refuse useful as
raw materials of industry are at the same time extracted in an efficient manner, this

whole subject appears particularly appropriate for consideration by the new

Mr. Bullough points out that three of the important problems of the post-war
period will be: (a) maintenance of soil fertility; (b) world shortage of ocean tonnage;
(c) the necessity for a greater measure of economic self-support. This last question is
very largely bound up with the 'prevention of waste'.
'It is not very difficult to recognize that the conditions outlined in (a), (b) and (c)
above exist also during the course of the war, and to an intensive degree. Whilst it is
obvious that they must be met after the war if the peace is to be won, an even more
fundamental consideration is that they must be met during the war if the war is to be
won; failing which the organization of the peace will be in hands other than those of
the members of this Institution!'
Answering the criticism that expenditure by municipalities on disposal plants
could not be justified in war-time he states:
'When it is considered how little money and materials need be expended on the
construction and operation of salvage plant, compared with the continuous flow of
vitally required products from such plant; and when it is realized that such procedure
affords immediate relief to a number of associated and equally vital functions of the
national war effort, the situation can be seen in a great deal better proportion. In the
way of example, it may be pointed out that the amount of steel alone that can be
recovered from a properly designed and efficiently operated plant in a year's working
amounts to several times the weight of steel employed in the construction of the plant.
This is just one out of many possible illustrations of the necessity for judging
carefully, and of the certainty of judging favourably, the question as to whether
expenditure of money and materials in this highly productive manner is not one of the
foremost duties of war-time policy as well as of any scheme of postwar
He divides the operating process of such plants into five phases '(1) removal of
"salvage" from the refuse; (2) screening of the residue so as to remove two grades of
"ash"; (3) pulverization of the material remaining; (4) addition of sludge to the
pulverized refuse by a process of "composting"; (5) storage of the compost for a
"maturing" period. . . .
'Works have been operating on these lines for years at Leatherhead and
Maidenhead and have been described elsewhere. Both these plants suffer from having
been installed before the possibilities and adaptability of the process had been
substantially developed; but their continued satisfactory performance is the more
creditable for that reason.'
Despite the adverse conditions 'the entire annual cost to the Borough Council for
"disposal" of Maidenhead refuse and sludge simultaneously is substantially less than
the average cost of disposal of refuse alone among the whole of the non-county
boroughs of the country, as given in the Ministry of Health returns. The plant is
operated under contract by the proprietors of the process. . . .

'The "wastes" in question can be completely and successfully converted into

saleable and much-needed products, by the methods here proposed, without the
assistance of machinery of any kind. It follows therefore that, provided the essential
principles of the process are known and implemented, the products will be entirely
satisfactory. The choice of plant and layout is governed by the familiar considerations
as to how far and by what means the various operations can be controlled and
mechanized in order to secure the greatest efficiency, reliability and economy
obtainable in local circumstances. The knowledge and experience now available
enable these factors to be readily determined.. . .
'Certain articles are removed from the refuse because (1) they are needed in
industry, (2) their sale provides a source of income, (3) some are either useless or
detrimental in the manure.'
A detailed description of the screening operation then follows. The material
which fails to pass through the screen has been found to be 99 per cent saleable as
salvage. The screened matter is then crushed in order: '(1) to render it more
homogeneous before composting; (2) to dissipate any remaining few lumps, e.g. of
clinker, wood, etc., that may have baffled the pickers or the screen and (3) to achieve
the all-important purpose of enormously increasing the free surface area of unit
quantity of material. Since composting and maturing consist of a series of 'attacks' on
the material by various agencies, they will be facilitated as the area of accessible
surface. . . .
'Composting enables the two remaining materials--crushed refuse and sewage
sludge--to be utilized in the production of manure. It enables the refuse-tip and the
incinerator to be closed down for good. It obviates the further use of open and covered
sludge drying beds, lagoons, filter-presses, chemicals, vacuum filters, etc. It involves
no permanently increasing immobilization of space. By means of composting, refuse
is no longer a generator of fire, smoke and vermin; sludge is no longer a cause of
smell, sourness and depreciation of site-values. Composting enables all expenditure in
connection with these factors to be avoided or put an end to. The cost of composting
is recoverable by sale of the manure produced.'
A detailed technical description of the composting process then follows, ending
with the following data for a 50,000 population. The figures given for expenditure and
revenue are all based on actual operating experience.
'Refuse 40-50 tons per day. Plant designed to deal with input of 9 tons per hour
leaving 3 hours per 8 hour day free for the men to carry out baling, sorting,
packing operations, etc., to shift compost, maintain the plant and so forth. Many of
such operations do not occupy one man's time and this principle avoids "specialists"
wasting most of their time, whilst providing for increase of population without further
plant. Receiving hopper 100 cu. yds. flush capacity, with heaping and side space of a
further 50-60 cu. yds. Six composting bays 14" wide 40' long. Belt conveyor under
receiving hopper, 30" wide 70' centres 25' per min. 9 tons per hour 5 h.p. motor.
Inclined conveyor passing through bottle picking shed and feeding screen: 30" wide
100' centres 40' per min. 9 tons per hour 5 h.p. motor. Rotary screen 6' dia. 18' long
5/16" and 1" mesh, 15 h.p. motor. Magnetic belt conveyor 30" wide 5" centres 25'
per min. driven from picking belt conveyor. Garbage separator: 48" wide 10' centres

10' per min. driven from screen drive. Picking belt conveyor 30" wide 32' centres 25'
per min. 9 tons per hour driven from crusher drive. Crusher 5 tons per hour 80 h.p.
motor. Crushed refuse conveyor 12" wide, 97' centres, 200' per min. 5 tons per hour 5
h.p. motor. Travelling scraper conveyor for distributing crushed refuse in composting
bays; 12" wide, 35' centres, 90' per min., 5 tons per hour, 5 h.p. motor. Portable
stacking conveyor for shifting compost: 20" wide 50' centres, 200' per min., 3 h.p.
motor or engine. Approximate cost excluding civil engineering work and ash hoppers
5,500. Approximate cost of civil work 5,000. Estimated annual consumption of
electricity 72,000 units, say 225. Motors for this class of work must of course be of
considerably greater horse-power capacity than that of their actual average load.
Sludge 36 tons per day 95 per cent water content. Income from salvage 5,000 per
annum. Income from ash 900 per annum. Production of manure 6,000 tons say
2,700 per annum. Cost for labour 2,400 per annum. Arable acreage required to
absorb entire output of compost, at 20 tons per acre: 300 acres annually. Area swept
by haulage radius of 4 miles: 32,000 acres, 10 miles: 200,000 acres.'
The following facts about the different materials composing municipal wastes are
of interest.
'Refuse. One of the Universal Variables. Town refuse is an unprepossessing
mixture that has nevertheless a heart of gold. Unless very fresh it develops a
disgusting odour and it is notorious for its dust. In spite of this it shares with sewage
the remarkable reputation that those who work regularly with them maintain
exceptionally good health, even in an epidemic, and are, in particular, notably free
from ailments so easily attributed to them. Refuse varies with locality and season in a
complex way. From the point of view of composting, town refuse may with advantage
be supplemented by slaughter-house waste, grass cuttings, gardening refuse, fish
offal, market sweepings and certain factory wastes such as pressed fruit pulp,
vegetable cleanings, and almost anything else of a vegetable or animal nature.
'Sludge. All forms of sewage sludge make successful compost. Screenings are
included in the category for this purpose. Digested sludge is perhaps a trifle slower in
action due possibly to its initially anaerobic nature but should be free from
pathogenes. Activated sludge surplus to plant requirements, in spite of its
exceptionally high-water content, composts very well indeed. The high nitrogen
content of its solid matter is valuable. The settlement and filtration properties of
activated sludge, which have caused so many difficulties, have no adverse effect on
composting except in so far as they involve the sludge reaching the plant at a very
poor degree of concentration. A little study of the many and violent differences
between a compost bed and thin, close, cold, lifeless long-term continuous-flow
media such as filters or drying beds will reveal many reasons for its superior
'Salvage. It can now be said that a useful purpose exists for every component of
refuse that is not wanted in the manure. This may sound an ambitious statement when
the mind turns to broken wash-basins, fragments of wood, discarded boots and the
like; but recent work in the author's knowledge establishes the fact so far as all
components known to him are concerned. It is unlikely that nothing whatever will be
thrown away on small plants and indeed there is a total in the Maidenhead records,
amounting to under 1 per cent, of such "reject" material; but means have been fully

worked out for very large plants to enable every single piece of refuse to be turned to
profitable purpose-some indeed on the works itself. The chief classes of salvage
regularly recorded at Maidenhead are tins, iron, non-ferrous metals, dry batteries,
lead, syphon tops, bottles, jars, milk bottles, cullet, paper, cardboard, rags, bagging,
carpet, gunny, horsehair, skins, bones, feathers, tyres and rubber. Nearly all these are
in practice considerably subclassified and they by no means complete the list. It may
perhaps be said without risk of contradiction that the diversity of articles obtainable
from refuse is equalled only by that of the things which are put into it!
'Ashes. The larger grade of ash is a very valuable fuel, and can be used with
success for heating buildings, glasshouses, brick-kilns, etc. "Cinders" recovered from
Halifax refuse are stated to have calorific value of 810,000 B.T.U.s per lb. and to be
used for raising steam at the sewage works. The fine dust is of great value in
agriculture. It contains the 'dust of the household, including the produce of vacuum
cleaners, which contains much wool and other textile fibres. Maidenhead ash,
screened through 5/16" mesh, has given astounding results, e.g. on extensive lawns as
a top dressing. When the user learned that labour was no longer available at the works
for screening he arranged for more material to be delivered in its raw state and had the
screening carried out locally!
'Remarkable work has been done on the agricultural applications of this material,
notably at the Hannah Research Institute by Dr. A. Fowler, Dr. S. Morris and Mr. W.
B. Strain. Fine ash at Ayr contained all the known important "trace" elements and
spectrographic analysis of the Maidenhead material confirms this finding. Organic
matter in this ash is from 20 per cent to 30 per cent of the dry matter through 5/16"
mesh. Whilst the ash is largely composed of coal residues it should be remembered
that coal is a vegetable residue. It is not surprising that fine ash provides so many of
the factors necessary for successful plant-culture.
'This "dust" is already in use in large quantities in the more enlightened
agricultural districts and the Ministry of Health lists some seventy sources in England
and Scotland where screening is employed at 5/16" to " gauge.
'Crushed Refuse. Pulverization effects remarkable changes in refuse. Flies, which
infest the raw material, are almost entirely absent beyond the crusher. The
objectionable smell disappears and a much fainter, less unpleasant aroma may be
detected. Mention must be made of the pioneer and almost classic work that has been
done at Southwark on the crushing of refuse for manure. This material has also been
extensively used for covering old refuse tips, without nuisance of any kind and at
some useful saving in cost. The author was giving evidence before a committee of the
House of Commons with the Borough Engineer of Southwark when Mr. Smart
brought out of his pocket a jar of the same day's crushed refuse to illustrate a point.
This was passed round and earnestly smelt by a number of M.P.s and others to their
evident pleasure and amazement.
'Compost. The wholesome fermentation of the crushed refuse and sludge is
probably responsible for its lack of attraction for flies and vermin. Occasionally ratholes are noticed in the maturing heaps when the weather is very bitterly cold. It is
evident that they seek warmth, for no sign is found of any attempt to consume the
material. As the material breaks down more completely it becomes progressively

cooler and takes on more and more the appearance of leaf-mould. Only the extreme
outside skin shows any significant detail of its origin. All odour has vanished save a
faint earthiness. Weed seeds and pathogenes have succumbed and not a green leaf
appears on the piles except for an occasional "annual" carried by the wind on to the
extreme surface of the pile, where the sun usually withers it promptly. The absence of
tomato seedlings will be of special interest to Sewage Works Engineers.
'Agriculturists kick the stuff with relish, as they do a newly turned clod. Laymen,
scientists, councillors, borough engineers, poke about in it delightedly with a walking
stick or even a very good umbrella. The fact of the matter is that there is nothing
about the process to be seen, that is impressive, except the manure. The manure is
certainly impressive. The rest is a matter of engineering technique and of economics-old bedfellows.
'Those, then, are the chief materials involved in sludge and refuse utilization.
What are the advantages to the public, as residents and ratepayers, of undertaking
such methods, apart from pure moral beauty --a quality sometimes regarded as
insufficient in those quarters?
'Perhaps the first practical advantage is that capital and operating costs for sludge
are swept right away altogether. The same applies to costs of refuse-disposal. These
solid savings of money and worry bring about at once a great improvement in
amenity. Site and rateable values improve in consequence and no more space is
written off the development programme every year. Relatively unskilled labour can be
used, without highly trained scientific administration. Costs and incomes associated
with the process are such that sludge and refuse can be lost sight of at a lower charge
on the rates than the normal cost of refuse disposal alone. That sensitive place having
been touched, it is perhaps permissible to recall the moral or logical position. There
can, in the circumstances outlined, be few ratepayers who will not endorse the total
prevention of waste and the fortification of the soil.'
In addition to Maidenhead and Leatherhead, the following places have
undertaken the utilization of municipal wastes:
Manchester. Pulverized humus from controlled tips.
Southwark. Crushed town refuse.
Kensington. Bacteriological conversion of town waste by Hyganic Ltd.
Ficksburg, South Africa. Composting night soil, slaughter-house refuse and town
rubbish. (Most other towns in South Africa have now followed suit.)
Nairobi, Kenya Colony. Composting coffee parchment, boma manure, tannery
waste, hair, wool and fleshings, horn and hoof, bones, cotton seed residues, chaff,
wood ashes, and crude limestone.
Many towns in India. Composting night soil and town rubbish.

In all these and other cases, the process has been entirely successful both from a
sanitary point of view, and in the ready demand which exists for the resulting compost
as manure. Messrs. Arthur Guinness, Son and Co. Ltd. use 10,000 tons of the
Southwark product annually in their hop gardens, where they compost it with ordinary
farm wastes.

Reference No. 12, Chapter IX


Under the above title, Dr. Aubrey Westlake (A. T. Westlake, B.A., M.B., B.Chir., M.R.C.S.,
has written an interesting account of the system of sanitation he has adopted at
the holiday centre and camping ground which he started in 1938 on his estate in
Hampshire.(Published in Compost News Letter No. 4.) As many as two thousand people passed
through this centre in pre-war days in a single season, and even under war-time
conditions, Dr. Westlake has a resident population of forty to fifty, so sanitation was
quite a problem.


At first he adopted the Dr. Poor method of placing the night soil in shallow
trenches, covering with earth and leaving to decompose. Special' earth closets were
provided at convenient places in the camping ground, and in all of them, whether for
men or women, separate urinals were provided. 'The advantages of this separation,' he
writes, 'are three: (1) and very important aesthetically, the closet keeps sweet and
remarkably free from smells usually associated with such structures, certainly much
more so than any chemical closet I know. The dried earth acts as the finest deodorant
I know. (2) The collection and emptying is made very easy and unobjectionable, and
(3) the decomposition of the faecal material commences immediately in the dry earth
Everyone told him that it would be impossible, in the case of women, to achieve
this separation, but he found it quite practicable. 'Considering that I deal with a
clientele brought up exclusively on W.C.'s I have been amazed with the way in which,
on the whole, the arrangements have worked satisfactorily.'
In the autumn of 1938 Dr. Westlake met Sir Albert Howard and decided
henceforth to compost the night soil with other camp refuse by the Indore process;
this system has been continued ever since. His method of collection and disposal is by
motor truck with a trailer tank. The night soil is emptied into the truck, and the urine
into the tank. The kitchen wastes and other refuse of the camp are collected at the
same time. It is then all taken to the garden, and there composted, by the Indore
process, with the garden rubbish. Wood ash, which happens to be available, is mixed
with the compost as well as soil and hydrated lime. The urine is used for moistening
the heaps. The compost is turned in the usual way and when mature is used on the
garden. Dr. Westlake records that 'The results of its use cannot be in doubt. From
growing practically nothing the garden is now most fertile and grows excellent crops.'
He concludes his account as follows: 'I feel that this has been a most successful
and useful experiment. It has solved in a very simple, practical and efficient way, and

I might add, a cheap way, what might have been an extremely difficult sanitation
problem. . . .
'It has demonstrated quite clearly that it is perfectly practical to deal with night
soil on the scale I have had to deal with it and there has been no shadow of any sort of
nuisance. Indeed, the heaps, either when being built or when completed are
completely inoffensive and have not even flies or any other nuisance infesting them.
(In very hot weather for an hour or two after pouring on the urine, there may be some
smell.) It is a complete vindication of the composting method as advocated by Sir
Albert Howard and shows quite clearly that such a scheme could be used by any small
village, and certainly by any camping ground or similar institution in the country.
Above all it is a constant source of satisfaction that one is doing one's small share in
increasing the fertility of our countryside, important now in war-time and infinitely
more in the days to come, and in restoring the complete natural biological cycle from
man to earth and back again, so adding to the actual and potential health of all who
come within the range of this experiment.'
An easier method than that adopted by Dr. Westlake of effecting a separation of
faecal matter and urine in earth closets was invented by Dr. L. H. Picton. It is
described and illustrated in his 1919 annual report to the Winsford Urban District
Council (of which he was for many years M.O.H.) who have given me permission to
reproduce this description and drawing. (See Fig. 9.)

'A galvanized iron bucket with a wide base. A strainer fits into the bucket; straw,
etc., is put in the strainer. Black dry garden soil is thrown upon the solid manurial
matter that falls on the straw. The urine runs through the strainer. This closet if
emptied every day or two is odourless, and the surface of the strainer's contents is a
layer of dry earth, through which the smell of the urine in the bucket below does not
Even when applied to the soil direct and not composted, Dr. Picton states that
'about one-quarter of a rod of garden will suffice to receive perpetually the nightsoil
of a cottage scavenged on this principle. The nitrifying organisms in the soil
completely and rapidly convert the manure to soil; in about three months the
conversion is quite complete. Provided the top layers, which alone contain the

nitrifying organisms, are used the soil retains all, and disinfects all, the bacterial
contents of the manure, and the subsoil water receives no contamination.'

Reference No. 13, Chapter IX

(Bio-Dynamic View)

The view referred to, is based on the theory that, in so far as the life cycle is
concerned, man must be considered as differing biologically from animals. It follows
therefore that human wastes cannot be regarded as an interchangable alternative to
animal wastes. Thus any compost used for growing crops for direct human
consumption must include the wastes of both plants and animals. Compost containing
vegetable and human wastes only should be used on crops for animal consumption,
for if the sequence is: man, soil, plant, and back again to man direct, the omission of
the animal element causes just as serious a break in the nutrition cycle as omission of
the fungus, or the plant. A break anywhere in this cycle is equal undesirable for
health, since health is wholeness.
The animal's nutrition cycle is not broken by omission of human wastes, partly
because plants and animals preceded man in evolution, and therefore the cycle
without man is complete in itself. This cycle was merely enlarged to include man, his
arrival does not mean that any part of the original cycle can be short-circuited with

Reference No. 14, Chapters V and VI

Extract from paper by Dr. Chalmers Watson (retd), September 1943.

'The existence of a "vital" function and "vital" property in foods was strikingly
suggested to me forty years ago from the extensive series of investigation on nutrition,
which extended over many years, in which many qualified researchers took an active
part, the term "vital" being defined as "instinct with life". . . . Some years later this
subject was brilliantly illuminated by the discovery of "vitamins" by Hopkins and
others. Immensely valuable as "vitamins" are in the treatment of sick men and sick
animals, a lengthy medical experience has convinced me of the pre-eminent
importance of securing these vitamins as far as possible from fresh foods grown in a
healthy soil.
'Great caution is necessary in accepting too readily the conclusions arrived at
from highly skilled laboratory research work as being applicable to the established
practical conditions which called for the research. This is emphasized by the
following experience. Many years ago the curative influence of sunshine on rickets
was fully established, as was also the special value of milk which had been irradiated
by the "ultra-violet rays", Vitamin D being essentially the responsible factor in the
cure. Curiosity then prompted the examination of a sample of irradiated milk by
highly skilled laboratory test to determine the presence and relative amount of

Vitamin D. The official report revealed the presence of Vitamin D, but "in very small
amount compared with that present in certain medicinal preparations of Vitamin D".
Neither the skilled finding of the laboratory test nor the bona fides of production of
the remedy were for a moment questioned. What did appear to me, however, to be
open to question was the too great readiness to apply conclusions from laboratory
findings alone or too largely, in the absence of the experience and opinion of the
skilled practical men in the industry who had an intimate knowledge of the practical
side of the problem which formed the basis of the research. To illustrate--I had just
then seen a few cases of advanced rickets which had been treated for some months
under careful hospital conditions, the treatment including the medicinal vitamins
referred to in the Report, in which, when the milk which had been used for some
months in the diet without any apparent benefit, was replaced by an equal amount of
milk which had been appropriately irradiated with ultra-violet rays, a very remarkable
recovery indeed took place in a few weeks, all the other conditions of treatment
having been maintained throughout. Taking the long view, I am satisfied that
"science" as sometimes now applied may become a grave national danger. . . .'


ALEXANDER, A. J. P. B., God Speed the Plough (The Richards Press Ltd., 1940).
BAKER, A., The Labouring Earth (Heath Cranton, 1940).
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BARRETT, T. J., Harnessing the Earthworm (Faber and Faber, 1949).
BILLINGTON, F. H., Compost (Faber and Faber, 1942).
BRUCE, MAYE E., From Vegetable Waste to Fertile Soil (Faber and Faber, 1943).
----------, Common-Sense Compost Making (Faber and Faber, 1945).
CARREL, DR. A., Man the Unknown (Hamilton, 1935).
CHRISTOPHERSEN, ERLING, Tristan da Cunha (Cassell, 1940).
DARWIN, CHARLES, Darwin on Humus and the Earthworm: The Formation of
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ELTON, LORD, St. George or the Dragon (Collins, 1942).
FORDHAM, M., The Land and Life (Routledge, 1942).
GRANT, DORIS, Feeding the Family in War-Time (Harrap, 1943).
----------, Our Daily Bread (Faber & Faber, 1944).
HOWARD, SIR A., An Agricultural Testament (O.U.P., 1940).
----------, Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease (Faber and Faber, 1945).
HOPKINS, D. P., Chemicals, Humus and the Soil (Faber & Faber, 1945).
HUME, E. DOUGLAS, Bchamp or Pasteur (Daniel, 1932).
JACKS, G. V. and WHYTE, R. O., The Rape of the Earth (Faber and Faber, 1939).
KING, E. H., Farmers of Forty Centuries (Cape, 1926).
KING, F. C., The Compost Gardener (Titus Wilson and Son, Ltd., 1943).

----------, Gardening with Compost (Faber and Faber, 1940).

LAKHOVSKY, GEORGES, The Secret of Life (William Heinemann (Medical
Books) Ltd., 1939).
MUMFORD, L., Faith for Living (Secker & Warburg, 1941).
NORTHBOURNE, LORD, Look to the Land (Dent, 1940).
OSBORN, F., Our Plundered Planet (Faber and Faber, 1949).
PEARSE, DR. I. H. and CROCKER, L. H., The Peckham Experiment: a Study of the
Living Structure of Society (Allen & Unwin, 1943).
PFEIFFER, DR. E., Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening (Steiner, 1938).
PFEIFFER, E., The Earth's Face and Human Destiny (Faber and Faber, 1948).
PFEIFFER and RIESE, The Fair Garden Plot (Steiner 1943).
PICTON, Thoughts on Feeding.
POLLITT, COL. G. P., Britain Can Feed Herself (Macmillan, 1942).
PORTSMOUTH, EARL OF, Alternative to Death (Faber and Faber, 1943);
----------, Famine in England (Witherby, 1938).
RAYNER, DR. M. C., Mycorrhiza (C.U.P., 1927).
----------, Trees and Toadstools (Faber and Faber, 1945).
RAYNER and NEILSON-JONES, Problems in Tree Nutrition (Faber and Faber,
SYKES, FRIEND, Humus-and the Farmer (Faber and Faber, 1946).
WAKSMAN, S. A., Humus (Baillire, Tindall & Cox, 1937). WILLIAMSON, G.
SCOTT, M.D., Physician, Heal Thyself (Faber and Faber, 1945).
WRENCH, DR. J. T., The Restoration of the Peasantries (Daniel, 1940).
----------, The Wheel of Health (Daniel, 1938).
----------, Reconstruction by Way of the Soil (Faber and Faber, 1946).

Broadsheets, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Issued by the Association for Planning and Regional
Reconstruction, 32 Gordon Square, London, W.C.1.
The Medical Testament with References (1939). Issued by the County Palatine of
Chester Local Medical and Panel Committees. (Reprinted by the Soil
Sludge and Refuse as National Assets in War and Peace, C. C. J. Bullough (1942).
Printedby the Institute of Sewage Purification. Hon. Sec. W. F. Freeborn, 34
Cardinal's Walk, Hampton-on-Thames, Middlesex.
Guide to a Vital Research (Soil Association, Haughley, Suffolk).

Mother Earth. Journal of the Soil Association. (Quarterly).
Health and the Soil. Edited by Dr. A. Campbell, Edinburgh.
Compost Club Magazine (published every two months by the New Zealand Humic
Compost Club, Box 1303, Auckland).
Organic Gardening, Emmaus, Pa., U.S.A., published monthly.

RAYNER, M. C., The Mycorrhizal Habit in Crop Plants, with a reference to
Cotton. Empire Cotton Growing Corporation publication, reprinted from Empire
Cotton Growing Review, Vol. XVI (3).


BAKER and MARTIN, 266 Bakt II (1937).
BUTLER, E. J., The Occurrences and Systematic Position of the Vesiculararbuscular Type of Mycorrhizal Fungi (Transactions of the British Mycological
Society, Vol. XXII, Parts 3 and 4, Feb. 1939).
DRECHSLER, DR. C., Predaceous Fungi (Biological Reviews, Vol. XVI, 1941).
GREENWELL, SIR B., Journal of Farmers' Club (1939).

McCARRISON, MAJ.-GEN. SIR R., Journal of Medical Research (Vol. XIV, p. 351,
----------, Nutrition and National Health (Faber and Faber, 1944).
McMILLAN, M., The Nursery School (Dent, 1930).
ORR, SIR J., Food, Health and Income (1936).
ROWLAND, DR. T., Biochemical Journal (Vol. XXIV (1), 1930).
WILSON, CAPT. R. G. M., Evidence before Lord Justice Scott Commission (1942).
WORLEY, PROFESSOR B., The Poor Earth (Wilson & Horton, Auckland, New
Zealand, 1938).

AEROBIC, dependent upon air for life.
AMOEBA, a genus of microscopic Rhizopoda (see Rhizopod).
ANAEROBIC, capable of living in an atmosphere without oxygen.
ARBUSCULAR, tufted, shaped like an arbuscle (i.e. a dwarf tree).
BIONOMICS, dynamic biology. Bionomy = the science of the laws of life, or of
living structure.
BLEPHARITIS, inflammation of the eyelid.
CAECUM, the blind gut. The first part of the large intestine which is prolonged
into a cul de sac
CASH CROPS, any crop sold off the farm for cash, as opposed to one consumed
on the farm by livestock.
DETRITUS, matter produced by the wearing away of exposed surfaces. An
accumulation of disintegrated material or debris.
DIATHESIS, a constitutional predisposition (inherited or acquired).
ECOLOGY, that branch of biology which deals with the relations of living
organisms to their surroundings and each other.
ECTO, outside.
EDAPHIC, pertaining to soil.
EMPIRICAL, method based on result of observation and experiment, not on
scientific theory.
ENDO, within.
ENDOPHYTE, a plant growing within an animal or another plant.
ENDOTHELIUM, the tissue lining blood vessels, etc.
FRUMENTY, a country dish made of boiled whole wheat and milk.
HAUSTORIUM, the sucker of a parasitic plant or endophyte which penetrates
the tissue of the host.

HISTOLOGY, that branch of anatomy which is concerned with the cell structure
of the body.
HYPAE, see Mycelium.
INTER, between.
INTEA, on the inside.
LIGNIN, an organic substance which forms the characteristic part of wood cells,
and woody fibres, making the greater part of the weight of most dry wood.
METABOLISM, the sum of the chemical changes within the body, or within any
single cell of the body, by which the protoplasm is either renewed or changed to
perform special functions, or else disorganized and prepared for excretion.
MORPHOLOGY, the science of the outer form and internal structure (without
regard to function) of animals and plants.
MOTILE, capable of deliberate motion.
MYCELIUM, the vegetative system of fungi consists of filiform branched or
unbranched cells called hypae. The hypae collectively form the mycelium.
MYCOLOGY, the science of fungi.
MYCORRHIZA, fungus mycelium which invests, and lives in association with,
the roots of many plant species.
NEMATODE, a class of worms, having a mouth and an alimentary canal and
separate sexes. Usually parasitic. Ex: round worm, threadworm, eelworm.
NODULE, a small knot or node in the stem or other part of the plant.
OTORRHOEA, a purulent discharge from the ear.
OPTIMAL (see Optimum).
OPTIMUM best.--temperature. That temperature at which the metabolic
processes are carried on with the greatest activity.
PAN. An impervious layer in soil which interferes with the passage of air and
water. Can occur at varying depths, and is due to a variety of causes.
RETICULUM, the network which pervades the substance of a cell and nucleus
enclosing the softer portion of the protoplasm.
RHIZOPOD, the lowest class of protozoa (primitive animal organisms).
SCHLEROTIA, a compact mass of hypae (see Mycelium) in a dormant state.

SILAGE, feed for cattle made by preserving fresh green fodder by compression
in a silo.
SOMATIC, pertaining to the body, or material organism as opposed to soul, spirit
or mind.--death = death of the body as a whole, i.e. all the cells of the body, as
opposed to death in any of its parts.
SPORANGIOL, small spore case.
SPOROPHORE, the spore-bearing organ of a fungus. Ex: mushroom, toadstool.
SYMBIOSIS, a living together of two organisms, each of which is necessary to
the other.
TROPHIC, pertaining to nourishment, or nutrition.
VASCULAR, containing clearly defined vessels or ducts for the circulation of
VESICLE, any small bladder-like structure, cavity, cell or the like, in a body.
XEROPHTHALMIA, dryness of the eyes.

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