Newberg Jeff Resume 2013d
Newberg Jeff Resume 2013d
Newberg Jeff Resume 2013d
Curriculum Vitae
Andrew B. Newberg, M.D.
Home Address:
November 1, 2013
Haverford College
Haverford, PA 19034
M.D. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Military Service:
Not applicable
Faculty Appointments:
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University and
Professor of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital
Specialty Certification:
August, 1997
September, 1998
and the
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Science and
Religion Course Award for teaching the course, The
Biology of Spirituality, in the Department of
Studies, University of Pennsylvania.
Gold Medal for Intellectual Curiosity, Institute for Patient
American College of Nuclear Physicians Residents Scientific
Program Award.
Philadelphia Nuclear Medicine Conference Award for Best
American College of Nuclear Physicians Residents Scientific
Program Award.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine
Perceptual and Motor Skills
Academic Radiology
Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Head and Neck
Hospital Physician, Series Editor on Alternative Medicine
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Academic Committees:
Lectures by Invitation:
August 14, 1997
June 5, 1998
October 4, 1998
October 5, 1998
Why God Wont Go Away. Embracing the Spirit Conference, The Caron
Foundation. Wernersville, Pennsylvania.
Images of the Mystical Mind. 25th Annual Conference of the Yoga Research
Society, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
May 2, 2000
The Mystical Mind. Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science, Philadelphia
April 2, 2001
Why God Wont Go Away. The Mind Science Foundation Speaker Series. San
Antonio, TX.
Why God Wont Go Away. Mind and Supermind Evening Lecture Series.
Santa Barbara, CA.
Wired to God: The Connection Between the Brain and God. Cathedral for the
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Spring Lecture Series. Philadelphia, PA.
June 2, 2001
June 2, 2001
Why God Wont Go Away: The Biology of Belief. Summit for Clinical
Excellence: Innovations in Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health Care.
Philadelphia, PA.
June 3, 2001
Why God Wont Go Away: The Biology of Belief. The Ross Institute. East
Hampton, NY.
September 19, 2001 Neuropsychology of Religious Experience: Exploring the Link Between
Religion and Health. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Philadelphia, PA
October 2, 2001
October 3, 2001
Why God Wont Go Away. Pickwick Salon Presentation for the Free Library
of Phildelphia, Philadelphia, PA (October 21, 2001).
November 1, 2001
November 8, 2001
December 3, 2001
Why God Wont Go Away. Har Zion Synagogue Adult Education Program,
Philadelphia, PA.
Why God Wont Go Away. Health Care Professionals Division of the Jewish
Federation of Southern New Jerseys Allied Jewish Appeal. Cherry Hill, NJ.
Spirituality: The Connection to Physical and Mental Health. Mind, Body &
Medicine Conference, 92nd Street Y. New York, NY.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Public Seminar
Series. Washington, DC
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Old
Donation Episcopal Church. Norfolk, VA.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. St. Pauls
Episcopal Church. Virginia Beach, VA.
April 8, 2002
May 4, 2002
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Spirituality and Health Seminar Series, Howard University,
Washington, DC.
August 24, 2002
The Neuropsychological Correlates of the Self in Religious Experience.
Science and the Spiritual Quest Symposium, Center for Theology and the
Natural Sciences, Granada Spain.
September 12, 2002 Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Memorial Health Lecture Series. Savannah, Georgia.
September 24, 2002 Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Integris
Health System Womens Health Forum, Oklahoma City, OK.
September 25, 2002 Imaging Spirituality Guest Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Integris
Baptist Medical Center. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
October 7, 2002
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Chestnut
Hill College, Chestnut Hill, PA.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Languages Sacred and Profane Series, Sponsored by The Catholic
Studies Program and the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics.
Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
January 9, 2003
Brain, Mind, and Soul: Science at the Limits. Grand Rounds, Department
of Neurosurgery. Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA.
April 2, 2003
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished Lecturer, Rollins College, Winter
Park, FL.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Honors Society Guest Lecturer. Albright College, Reading, PA.
May 1, 2003
September 5, 2003
Spirituality and Pain: Exploring the Link. Keynote Speaker. American
Academy of Pain Management Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
September 12, 2003 Research in Mind Body Medicine. Complementary and Alternative
Medicine Research Seminar. University of Pennsylvania Health
System. Philadelphia, PA.
October 8, 2003
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. Penn
Humanities Forum. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.
November 6, 2003
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. 9th
Norman Vincent Peale Lecture, Hershey Medical Center, Penn State
College of Medicine. Hershey, PA.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Medical University of South Carolina, Spirituality and Health Interest
Group. Charleston South Carolina.
February 6, 2004
The Role of PET Scanning in the Diagnosis and Staging of NSCLC. Update
in the Multidisciplinary Management of Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung
Cancer. CME Program. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Emotional Transformation Therapy Annual Conference. Philadelphia,
October 7, 2004
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Religion in Medicine Symposium. Washington University. St. Louis,
December 2, 2004
December 9, 2004
April 1, 2005
April 2, 2005
Is God Good for you? Effects of Religion on Physical and Mental Health.
Seminar at Saint Thomas Moore Chapel, Yale University. New Haven,
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Thomas E. Golden Fellowship Lecture. Yale University. New Haven,
June 7, 2005
September 21, 2005 Measuring Faith: How Religion and Spirituality Influence Substance
Abuse. Panel Discussion, National Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse at Columbia University Conference, New York, NY.
October 6, 2005
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.
November 2, 2005
Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.
Vivian J. Lamb Lecture Series, Villanova University, Villanova, PA.
December 2, 2005
February 3, 2006
August 21-25, 2006 Mind, Brain and Spirituality: Exploring the Link. 5 day continuing
education course. Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, MA.
September 15, 2006 Why We Believe What We Believe: How Our Beliefs Affect Health.
Integrative Medicine Grand Rounds. Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
October 3, 2006
October 4, 2006
Why We Believe What We Believe. Center for Theology and the Natural
Sciences, Public Forum. Berkeley, CA.
October 5, 2006
Why We Believe What We Believe. Mind Body Spirit Expo. Valley Forge,
November 2, 2006
March 1, 2007
September 26, 2007 Born to Believe: God, Science, and the Origin of Ordinary and
Extraordinary Beliefs. Princeton Lectures in Religion and Cognition.
Center for the Study of Religion. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
October 1, 2007
November 6, 2007
December 5, 2007
Why We Believe What We Believe: How Our Beliefs Affect Our Health.
National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
2007 Annual Conference. Hilton Head, SC.
Why We Believe What We Believe: How Our Beliefs Affect Our Health.
Integrative Medicine Program Lecture Series. M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center. Houston, TX.
May 3, 2008
Why Belief in God Persists: Why We Believe What We Believe. The Pew
Forum on Religion and Public Life. Key West, FL.
August 18-22, 2008 Spirituality, the Mind, and Beliefs. 5 day continuing education course.
Cape Cod Institute, Cape Cod, MA.
September 11, 2008 Why God Doesnt Use Biostatistics: Science and the Study of the Mind,
the Body, and Spirituality. Beyond the Mind-Body Problem
Conference. United Nations, New York, NY.
October 17, 2008
Why We Believe What We Believe: How Our Beliefs Affect Our Health.
2008 Turner Conference on Faith and Medicine. Ball Memorial
Hospital. Muncie, IN.
November 6, 2008
Why We Believe What We Believe: How Our Beliefs Affect Our Health.
Spirituality and the Mind: Investigation and Application. 2008
Spiritual Care Research Conference. Mayo Clinic. Rochester, MN.
November 17, 2008 Why God Wont Go Away. 2008 Stoner Clark Lecture. California
Lutheran University. Thousand Oaks, CA.
November 17, 2008 Why We Believe What We Believe. 2008 Stoner Clark Lecture. California
Lutheran University. Thousand Oaks, CA.
February 5, 2009
How God Changes Your Brain. 2009 Brown Symposium: Science and
Religion: Conflict or Convergence. Southwestern University.
Georgetown, TX.
April 3, 2009
April 5, 2009
Brain Wave Lecture Program. Rubin Museum of Art Lecture Series. New
York, NY.
How God Changes Your Brain. Nour Foundation Lecture Series. New
York, NY.
The Aging Brain and Spiritual Capacity. 12th Annual Spirituality Research
Symposium. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.
October 1, 2009
December 2, 2009
December 3, 2009
How God Changes Your Brain. Bowles Chapel Lecture Series. Memorial
Hermann Healthcare System. Houston, TX.
November 5, 2010
How God Changes Your Brain The Open Center Lecture Series. The
Open Center. New York, NY.
December 6, 2010
January 4, 2011
January 5, 2011
Functional Brain Imaging with PET and SPECT: Clinical and Research
Perspectives. Radiology Grand Rounds. Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
April 6, 2011
God and the Brain: Where Do Science and Religion Meet? Department of
Religious Studies Discussion Series. Michigan State University.
Lansing, MI.
September 23, 2011 Why God Wont Go Away. First United Methodist Church. Downers
Grove, IL.
September 24, 2011 Why We Believe What We Believe. First United Methodist Church.
Downers Grove, IL.
September 24, 2011 How God Changes Your Brain. First United Methodist Church. Downers
Grove, IL.
September 24, 2011 Principles of Neurotheology. First United Methodist Church. Downers
Grove, IL.
October 20, 2011
How God Changes Your Brain. Mind, Body, Spirit Expo. Oaks, PA.
March 7, 2012
November 4, 2012
How God Changes Your Brain. 38th Annual Yoga Research Society
Symposium. Philadelphia, PA.
November 6, 2012
November 13, 2012 Neuroimaging, Psychiatry, and God. Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Cooper
University Hospital. Camden, NJ.
December 14, 2012 Spirituality and the Brain: Implications for Neurology. Neurology Grand
Rounds. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA.
January 17, 2013
March 5, 2013
Words Can Change Your Brain. The Open Center Guest Lecture. New
York, NY.
November 7, 2013
November 8, 2013
November 8, 2013
How God Changes Your Brain. Texas Health Resources Attending Clergy
Association Annual Meeting. Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Dallas, TX.
Kumar A, Newberg AB, Alavi A, Smith R, Berlin J, Reivich M. Regional cerebral glucose
metabolism in late life depression and Alzheimer's disease: A preliminary positron
emission tomography study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
90:7019-7023, 1993.
Alavi A, Newberg AB, Souder E, Berlin J. Quantitative analysis of PET and MRI data in
normal aging and Alzheimer's disease: Atrophy weighted total brain metabolism and
absolute whole brain metabolism as reliable discriminators. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 34:1681-1687, 1993.
d'Aquili EG, Newberg AB. Religious and mystical states: a neuropsychological model.
Zygon 28: 177-200, 1993.
d'Aquili EG, Newberg AB. Liminality, trance and unitary states in ritual and meditation.
Studia Liturgica 23: 2-34, 1993.
Kumar A, Newberg AB, Alavi A, Miller D, Berlin J, Gur RE, Gottlieb G. MRI volumetric
measures in Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to clinical and neuropsychological
variables. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2:21-31, 1994.
Newberg AB. Changes in the central nervous system and their clinical correlates during
long-term space flight. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 65:562-572,
Newberg AB. Space motion sickness (reply). Aviation, Space, and Environmental
Medicine 66:87, 1995.[letter]
Newberg AB, Alavi A. The study of the neurological disorders using positron emission
tomography and single photon emission computed tomography. Journal of the
Neurological Sciences 135:91-108, 1996.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. The study of the brain using PET and SPECT: Implications for
space and underwater neurology. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 136:1-9,
d'Aquili EG, Newberg AB. Consciousness and the machine. Zygon 31:235-252, 1996.
Alavi A, Newberg AB. Metabolic consequences of acute brain trauma: Is there a role for
PET? Journal of Nuclear Medicine 37:1170-1172, 1996.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Neuroimaging in patients with traumatic brain injury. Journal of
Head Trauma Rehabilitation 11(6):65-79, 1996.
Kumar A, Miller D, Ewbank D, Yousem D, Newberg A, Samuels S, Cowell P, Gottlieb G.
Quantitative anatomic measures and comorbid medical illness in late-life major
depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 5(1):15-25, 1997.
Newberg AB, Newberg SK, d'Aquili EG. The philosophy and psychology of
consciousness. American Psychologist 52(2):177-178, 1997.
Mozley PD, Sadek AM, Alavi A, Gur RC, Muenz LR, Bunow BJ, Kim H-J, Stecker M,
Jolles P, Newberg A. Effects of aging on the cerebral distribution of technetium-99m
hexamethylpropylene amine oxime in healthy humans. European Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 24:754-761, 1997.
Alavi A, LaRiccia PJ, Sadek AH, Newberg AB, Lee L, Reich H, Lattanand C, Mozley PD.
Neuroimaging of acupuncture in patients with chronic pain. Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine 3(suppl 1):S47-S53, 1997.
Alavi A, Mirot A, Newberg A, Alves W, Gosfield T, Reivich M, Gennarelli T. F-18 PET
evaluation of crossed cerebellar diaschisis in head injury. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 38(11):1717-1720, 1997.
Newberg AB, Newberg SK. Incorporating stress management into clinical practice.
Hospital Physician 34(6): 52-58, 1998.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Changes in the central nervous system during long-duration space
flight: Implications for neuroimaging. Advances in Space Research 22(2):185-196,
Newberg AB, Alavi A, Bhatnagar A, Baime M, dAquili E. The neurophysiological
correlates of meditation: Implications for neuroimaging. Journal of the Indian
Academy of Clinical Medicine 3:13-18, 1998.
d'Aquili EG, Newberg AB. The neuropsychology of aesthetic, spiritual and mystical states.
Zygon 35(1): 39-52, 2000.
Newberg AB, d'Aquili EG. The creative brain / The creative mind. Zygon 35(1): 53-68,
Newberg AB, Alavi A, Alavi J. Contralateral cortical diaschisis in a patient with cerebellar
astrocytoma after radiation therapy. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 25(6): 431-433, 2000.
Newberg AB, Mozley PD, Sadek AH, Grossman M, Alavi A. The regional cerebral
distribution of [Tc-99m] HMPAO in patients with progressive aphasia. Journal of
Neuroimaging 10:162-168, 2000.
Buchpiquel C, Alavi A, Crawford D, Freeman E, Newberg AB. Changes in cerebral blood
flow associated with premenstrual syndrome: a preliminary study. Journal of
Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 21: 157-165, 2000.
Newberg AB, d'Aquili EG. The neuropsychology of religious and spiritual experience.
Journal of Consciousness Studies 7(11-12): 251-266, 2000.
Newberg A, Cotter A, Udeshi M, Alavi A, Clark C. Metabolic imaging severity rating scale
(MISRS) for the assessment of patients with cognitive impairment. Clinical Nuclear
Medicine 28(7): 565-570, 2003.
Newberg A, Pourdehnad M, Alavi A, dAquili E. Cerebral blood flow during meditative
prayer: Preliminary findings and methodological issues. Perceptual and Motor Skills
97: 625-630, 2003.
Brunswick DJ, Amsterdam JD, Mozley PD, Newberg AB. Greater availability of brain
dopamine transporters in major depression shown by [(99m)Tc]TRODAT-1 SPECT
imaging. American Journal of Psychiatry 160(10):1836-1841, 2003.
van Rhijn SJ, Glosser G, de Vries JJ, Clark CM, Newberg AB, Alavi A. Visual processing
impairments and decrements in regional brain activity in Alzheimers disease. Journal
of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 26(1):11-23, 2004.
Newberg AB, Plssl K, Mozley PD, Stubbs JB, Wintering N, Udeshi M, Alavi A,
Kauppinen T, Kung HF. Biodistribution and imaging with I-123 ADAM: A serotonin
transporter imaging agent. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 45(5):834-41, 2004.
Lee BY, LaRiccia PJ, Newberg AB. Acupuncture in theory and practice: Part 1: Clinical
and research implications. Hospital Physician 40(4):11-18, 2004.
Liebeskind DS, Ances BM, Newberg AB, Jacobs DA, Alavi A. FDG-PET of poststroke
oculomotor repair. Neurology 62(7):1183, 2004.
Lee BY, LaRiccia PJ, Newberg AB. Acupuncture in theory and practice: Part 2: Clinical
indications, efficacy, and safety. Hospital Physician 40(5):33-38, 2004.
Newberg AB, Plssl K, Mozley PD, Stubbs JB, Wintering N, Udeshi M, Alavi A,
Kauppinen T, Kung HF. Biodistribution and imaging with I-123 ADAM: A serotonin
transporter imaging agent. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 45(5):834-41, 2004.
Chow KL, Colcher A, Hurtig HI, Stern MB, Ravina B, Newberg A, Mozley PD, Siderowf
A. Diagnostic accuracy of [99mTc]TRODAT-1 SPECT imaging in early Parkinsons
disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 10(6):375-379, 2004.
Lee BY, Newberg AB, Liebeskind D, Kung J, Alavi A. FDG PET Findings in Patients with
Encephalitis. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 29(10):620-625, 2004.
Gardiner SA, Morrison MF, Mozley PD, Mozley LH, Brensinger C, Bilker W, Newberg AB,
Battistini M. Pilot study on the effect of estrogen replacement therapy on brain
dopamine transporter availability in healthy, postmenopausal women. American Journal
of Geriatric Psychiatry 12(6):621-30, 2004.
Ances BM, Liebeskind DS, Newberg AB, Jacobs DA, Alavi A. Early uncoupling of cerebral
blood flow and metabolism after bilateral thalamic infarction. American Journal of
Neuroradiology 25(10):1685-1687, 2004.
Chiang S, Cardi C, Matej S, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A, Karp JS. Clinical validation of
fully 3-D versus 2.5-D RAMLA reconstruction on the Philips-ADAC CPET PET
scanner. Nuclear Medicine Communication 25(11):1103-1107, 2004.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. The role of PET imaging in the management of patients with central
nervous system disorders. Radiological Clinics of North America 43:49-66, 2004.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. PET in seizure disorders. Radiological Clinics of North America
43:79-92, 2004.
Weintraub D, Newberg A, Cary MS, Siderowf AD, Moberg PJ, Kleiner-Fisman G, Duda JE,
Stern MB, Mozley PD, Katz IR. [99mTc]TRODAT-1 SPECT imaging correlates with
neuropsychiatric symptoms in Parkinsons disease. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46:
227-232, 2005.
Swanson RL, Newberg AB, Acton PD, Siderowf A, Wintering N, Alavi A, Mozley PD,
Plossl K, Udeshi M, Hurtig H. Differences in [99mTc] TRODAT-1 SPECT binding to
dopamine transporters in patients with multiple system atrophy and Parkinsons disease.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 32(3):302-307, 2005.
Newberg AB, Saffer J, Farrar J, Pourdehnad M, Alavi A. Stability of cerebral blood flow
measures using a split-dose technique with 99mTc-exametazime SPECT. Nuclear
Medicine Communications 26(5):475-478, 2005.
Newberg AB, LaRiccia PJ, Lee BY, Lee L, Alavi A. The cerebral blood flow effects of pain
and acupuncture: A preliminary SPECT imaging study. Journal of Neuroimaging
15(1):43-49, 2005.
Lee B, Newberg A. Neuroimaging in traumatic brain injury. Journal of the American
Society of NeuroTherapeutics 2:372-383, 2005.
Lee B, Newberg A. Religion and health: A review and critical analysis. Zygon 40:443-468,
Newberg A, Lee B. The neuroscientific study of religious and spiritual phenomena: Or why
God doesnt use biostatistics. Zygon 40:469-489, 2005.
Siderowf A, Newberg A, Chou KL, Lloyd M, Colcher A, Hurtig HI, Stern MB, Doty RL,
Mozley PD, Wintering N, Duda JE, Weintraub D, Moberg PJ. [99mTc]TRODAT-1
SPECT imaging correlates with odor identification in early Parkinson disease.
Neurology 64(10):1716-1720, 2005.
Newberg AB, Amsterdam JD, Wintering N, Ploessl K, Swanson RL, Shults J, Alavi A. 123IADAM binding to serotonin transporters in patients with major depression and healthy
controls: A preliminary study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46(6):973-977, 2005.
Newberg AB, Wang J, Rao H, Swanson RL, Wintering N, Karp JS, Alavi A, Greenberg JH,
Detre JA. Concurrent CBF and CMRGlc changes during human brain activation by
combined fMRI-PET scanning. Neuroimage 28(2):500-506, 2005.
Acton PD, Newberg A, Plossl K, Mozley PD. Comparison of region-of-interest analysis and
human observers in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease using [(99m)Tc]TRODAT-1 and
SPECT. Physics in Medicine and Biology 51(3):575-585, 2006.
Newberg AB, Wintering NA, Plossl K, Hochold J, Stabin MG, Watson M, Skovronsky D,
Clark CM, Kung MP, Kung HF. Safety, biodistribution, and dosimetry of 123I-IMPY: A
Novel amyloid plaque-imaging agent for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 47(5):748-754, 2006.
Acton PD, Newberg A. Artificial neural network classifier for the diagnosis of Parkinson's
disease using [(99m)Tc]TRODAT-1 and SPECT. Physics in Medicine and Biology 51
(12):3057-3066, 2006.
Sydow BD, Srinivas SM, Newberg A, Alavi A. Deep venous thrombosis on F-18 FDG
PET/CT imaging. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 31(7):403-404, 2006.
Newberg A, Wintering NA, Morgan D, Waldman MR. The measurement of regional cerebral
blood flow during glossolalia: A preliminary SPECT study. Psychiatry Research:
Neuroimaging 148(1):67-71, 2006.
Newberg A, Amsterdam J, Shults J. Dopamine transporter density may be associated with
the depressed affect in healthy subjects. Nuclear Medicine Communications 28(1):3-6,
Peres JF, Newberg AB, Mercante JP, Simao M, Albuquerque VE, Peres MJ, Nasello AG.
Cerebral blood flow changes during retrieval of traumatic memories before and after
psychotherapy: a SPECT study. Psychological Medicine 1-11, 2007.
Tumeh PC, Houseni M, Alavi A, Greenfield A, Chryssikos T, Newberg A, Torigian DA,
Moonis G. Structural and functional imaging correlates for age-related changes in the
brain. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 37(1):69-87, 2007.
Newberg A, Lerman C, Wintering N, Ploessl K, Mozley PD. Dopamine transporter binding
in smokers and nonsmokers. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 32(6):452-455, 2007.
Amsterdam JD, Newberg AB. A preliminary study of dopamine transporter binding in
bipolar and unipolar depressed patients and healthy controls. Neuropsychobiology 55(34):167-170, 2007.
Short EB, Kose S, Mu Q, Borckardt J, Newberg AB, George MS, Kozel FA. Regional
brain activation during meditation shows time and practice effects: An exploratory fMRI
study. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 10(3-4):121-7, 2007.
Clark CM, Davatzikos C, Bothaku A, Newberg A, Leight S, Lee VM-Y, Trojanowski JQ.
Biomarkers for the early detection of Alzheimers disease pathology. NeuroSignals
16(1):11-18, 2008.
Lundgren JD, Newberg AB, Allison KC, Wintering NA, Ploessl K, Stunkard AJ.(123)IADAM SPECT imaging of serotonin transporter binding in patients with Night Eating
Syndrome: A preliminary report. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 162(3):214-20,
Anastasi MW, Newberg AB. A preliminary study of the acute effects of religious ritual on
anxiety. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 14(2):163-5, 2008.
Chryssikos T, Parvizi J, Ghanem E, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. FDG-PET imaging can
diagnose periprosthetic infection of the hip. Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research
Dubroff JG, Ficicioglu C, Segal S, Wintering NA, Alavi A, Newberg AB. FDG-PET findings
in patients with galactosaemia. Journal of Inherited and Metabolic Disease 31(4):5339, 2008.
Crits-Christoph P, Newberg A, Wintering N, Ploessl K, Gibbons MB, Ring-Kurtz S, Gallop
R, Present J. Dopamine transporter levels in cocaine dependent subjects. Drug and
Alcohol Dependence 98(12):706,2008.
Musiek ES, Torigian DA, Newberg AB. Investigation of non-neoplastic neurological
disorders with PET and MRI. PET Clinics 3(3):317-34, 2008.
Dubroff JG, Newberg A. Neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury. Seminars in Neurology
28(4):548-57, 2008.
Buckle J, Newberg A, Wintering N, Hutton E, Lido C, Farrar JT. Measurement of regional
cerebral blood flow associated with the M technique-light massage therapy: a case series
and longitudinal study using SPECT. Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine 14(8):903-10, 2008.
Newberg AB, Ray R, Scheuermann J, Wintering N, Saffer J, Schmitz A, Freifelder R, Karp
J, Lerman C, Divgi C. Dosimetry of 11C-carfentanil, a mu-opioid receptor imaging
agent. Nuclear Medicine Communications 14(8):903-10, 2009.
Lundgren JD, Amsterdam J, Newberg A, Allison KC, Wintering N, Stunkard AJ. Differences
in serotonin transporter binding affinity in patients with major depressive disorder and
night eating syndrome. Eating and Weight Disorders 14(1):45-50, 2009.
Cohen DL, Wintering N, Tolles V, Townsend RR, Farrar JT, Galantino ML, Newberg AB.
Cerebral blood flow effects of yoga training: preliminary evaluation of 4 cases. Journal
of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15(1):9-14, 2009.
Khalsa DS, Amen D, Hanks C, Money N, Newberg A. Cerebral blood flow changes during
chanting meditation. Nuclear Medicine Communications 30(12):956-61, 2009.
Newberg A. The brain and the biology of belief: An interview with Andrew Newberg, MD.
Interview by Nancy Nachman-Hunt. Advances in Mind Body Medicine 24(1):32-6,
Moghadam-Kia S, Nawaz A, Newberg A, Basu S, Alavi A, Torigian DA. Utility of (18)FFDG-PET/CT imaging in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 12(3):281-2, 2009.
Moghadam-Kia S, Nawaz A, Newberg A, Basu S, Alavi A, Torigian DA. (99m)Tc-(V)
DMSA uptake in systemic AL amyloidosis and normal bone scintigraphy. Hellenic
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 13(1):69-70, 2010.
Newberg AB, Wintering N, Khalsa DS, Roggenkamp H, Waldman MR. Meditation effects
on cognitive function and cerebral blood flow in subjects with memory loss: A
preliminary study. Journal of Alzheimers Disease 20(2):517-26, 2010.
Newberg AB, Newberg S. Psychology and neurobiology in a postmaterialist world.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 2(3):119-121, 2010.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Normal patterns and variants in PET brain imaging. PET Clinics
5(1):1-14, 2010.
Dubroff JG, Newberg AB. PET imaging for traumatic brain injury. PET Clinics 5(2):199208, 2010.
Alavi A, Newberg AB. Positron emission tomography in epilepsy and other seizure
disorders. PET Clinics 5(2):209-222, 2010
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Role of positron emission tomography in the investigation of
neuropsychiatric disorders. PET Clinics 5(2):223-242, 2010.
Newberg AB, Wintering N, Waldman MR, Amen D, Khalsa DS, Alavi A. Cerebral blood
flow differences between long-term meditators and non-meditators. Consciousness and
Cognition 19(4):899-905, 2010.
Wang DJJ, Rao H, Korczykowski M, Wintering N, Pluta J, Khalsa DS, Newberg AB.
Cerebral blood flow changes associated with different meditation practices and
perceived depth of meditation. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 191(1):60-67, 2011.
Amen DG, Newberg AB, Thatcher R, Jin Y, Wu J, Keator D, Willeumier K. Impact of
playing American professional football on long-term brain function. Journal of
Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 23:98 106, 2011.
Cheng G, Newberg AB, Alavi A. Metastatic melanoma causing complete atrioventricular
block-the role of FDG PET/CT in diagnosis. Clinical Imaging 35(4):312-314, 2011.
Moss AS, Monti DA, Amsterdam JD, Newberg AB. Complementary and alternative
medicine therapies in mood disorders. Expert Reviews in Neurotherapeutics 11(7):10491056, 2011.
Beheshti M, Saboury B, Mehta NN, Torigian DA, Werner T, Mohler E, Wilensky R,
Newberg AB, Basu S, Langsteger W, Alavi A. Detection and global quantification of
cardiovascular molecular calcification by fluoro-18-fluoride positron emission
tomography/computed tomography-A novel concept. Hellenistic Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 14(2):114-120, 2011.
Ray R, Ruparel K, Newberg A, Wileyto EP, Loughead J, Divgi C, Blendy JA, Logan J,
Zubieta JK, Lerman C. OPRM1 A118G polymorphism is associated with brain mu
opioid receptor binding potential in smokers. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 108(22):9268-9373, 2011.
Amen DG, Trujillo M, Newberg A, Willeumier K, Tarzwell R, Wu JC, Chaitin B. Brain
SPECT imaging in complex psychiatric cases: An evidence-based, underutilized tool.
Open Neuroimaging Journal 5:40-48, 2011.
Newberg AB, Moss AS, Monti DA, Alavi A. Positron emission tomography in psychiatric
disorders. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1228(1):E13-25, 2011.
Alavi A, Yakir S, Newberg AB. Positron emission tomography in seizure disorders. Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences 1228(1):E13-25, 2011.
Chen Y, Wolk DA, Reddin JS, Korczykowski M, Martinez PM, Musiek E, Newberg AB,
Julin P, Arnold SE, Greenberg JH, and Detre JA . Voxel level comparison of arterial spin
labeled perfusion MRI and FDG- PET in Alzheimers disease. Neurology 77(22):197785, 2011.
Newberg AB, Hersh EV, Levin LM, Giannakopoulos H, Secreto SA, Wintering NA, Farrar
JT. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized pilot study of cerebral blood flow
patterns employing SPECT imaging in dental postsurgical pain patients with and without
pain relief. Clinical Therapeutics 33(12):1894-903, 2011.
Musiek ES, ChenY, Korczykowski M, Saboury B, Martinez PM, Reddin JS, Alavi A,
Kimberg DY, Wolk DA, Julin P, Newberg AB, Arnold SE, Detre JA. Direct comparison
of FDG-PET and ASL-MRI in Alzheimers disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 8(1):51-9,
Monti DA, Mitchell E, Bazzan AJ, Littman S, Zabrecky G, Yeo CJ, Pillai MV, Newberg AB,
Deshmukh S, Levine M. Phase I evaluation of intravenous ascorbic acid in combination
with gemcitabine and erlotinib in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. PLoS ONE.
7(1): e29794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029794, 2012.
Moss AS, Wintering N, Roggenkamp H, Khalsa DS, Waldman MR, Monti DA, Newberg
AB. Effects of an eight week meditation program on mood and anxiety in patients with
Kumar A, Newberg A, Alavi A, Smith R, Berlin J, Reivich M. High resolution 18-FDG PET
studies in late life depression. Biological Psychiatry 33: 51A, 1993.
Kumar A, Newberg A, Alavi A, Smith R, Berlin J, Reivich M. MRI volumetric studies in
Alzheimer's disease. Biological Psychiatry 33: 142A, 1993.
Newberg AB. Potential uses of functional neuroimaging in space. IVth International
Conference of the Space and Underwater Division of the World Federation of
Neurology. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. August, 1994.
Kumar A, Miller D, Ewbank D, Yousem D, Newberg A, Gottlieb G, Lucki I. Quantitative
anatomic measures and vascular risk factors in late life major depression: An MRI study.
American College of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1994.
Newberg AB, d'Aquili EG, Newberg SK. A neuropsychological model of multiple
personality disorder and dissociative phenomena. Annual Meeting for the Society of the
Anthropology of Consciousness. Berkeley, California. March, 1995.
Newberg A, Baime M, d'Aquili E, Duncan D, Alavi A. HMPAO-SPECT imaging during
intense Tibetan Buddhist meditation. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting.
Miami, Florida. May 1995.
Newberg AB. Space and the human body: What you need to know to live in space.
Institute for Religion in an Age of Science, 42nd Annual Conference. Star Island, New
Hampshire. July, 1995.
d'Aquili EG, Newberg AB. Consciousness and the machine. Institute for Religion in an Age
of Science, 42nd Annual Conference. Star Island, New Hampshire. July, 1995.
Newberg AB, d'Aquili EG. The quantum behavior of free will and predeterminism as it
relates to the mind and consciousness. The International Society for the Study of
Human Ideas on Ultimate Reality and Meaning. Toronto, Ontario. August, 1995.
Newberg A, Baime M, d'Aquili E, Duncan D, Veloso P Alavi A. Cerebral blood flow during
intense Tibetan Buddhist meditation measured by HMPAO-SPECT. American
Neuropsychiatric Association . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October, 1995.
Mozley PD, Sadek AM, Alavi A, Gur RC, Muetz L, Kim HJ, Stecker MH, Newberg A. The
non-linear effects of aging on the regional cerebral distribution of [Tc-99m] HMPAO in
healthy workers. University of Pennsylvania Institute on Aging, 1996 Conference on
Aging. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May, 1996.
Newberg A, Alavi A. Changes in the central nervous system during long term space flight.
31st Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly. Birmingham,
England. July, 1996.
Newberg A, d'Aquili EG. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence: What are we
searching for? 5th International Conference on Bioastronomy, IAU Colloquium No.
161. Capri, Italy. July, 1996.
Newberg A, Newberg S. Neurophysiology and mysticism: Transcending the boundaries of
science and the humanities. Presented at the symposium entitled, Psychology at the
Limit: Expanding Horizons of Psychology as a Science. American Psychological
Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario. August, 1996.
Alavi A, Sadek A, Newberg A, LaRiccia P, Lattanand C, Lee L, Reich H, Mozley PD. The
effects of pain and acupuncture on regional cerebral blood flow measured by SPECT
imaging. Physiology of Acupuncture: 1996 International Symposium. Arlington,
Virginia. September 1996.
Newberg A, Alavi A, Baime M, d'Aquili E. Cerebral blood flow during intense meditation
measured by HMPAO-SPECT: A preliminary study. American College of Nuclear
Physicians Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, California. February, 1997.
Newberg A, Sadek A, Alavi A, LaRiccia P, Lee L. Assessment of the effects of pain and
acupuncture on regional cerebral blood flow using Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT imaging.
American College of Nuclear Physicians Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, California.
February, 1997.
Newberg A, Alavi A. The study of the effects of long duration space flight on the central
nervous system using modern imaging techniques. 13th Conference on Space
Manufacturing, Princeton, New Jersey. May, 1997.
Newberg A, Alavi A, Clark C. FDG-PET findings and tau protein levels in patients with
Alzheimers Disease. University of Pennsylvania Institute on Aging, 1997 Conference
on Aging. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May, 1997.
Newberg A, Alavi A, Clark C. Comparison of FDG-PET and levels of tau protein in patients
with Alzheimers Disease. Philadelphia Nuclear Medicine Conference. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. May, 1997.
Mozley PD, Sadek A, Alavi A, Gur RC, Muenz LR, Bunow BJ, Kim H-J, Jolles PR,
Stecker MH, Newberg A. Non-linear effects of aging on the cerebral distribution of
[Tc-99m] HMPAO in healthy human volunteers. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 38:
284P, 1997.
Newberg A, Alavi A, Clark C, Mozley PD, Arai H. Metabolic imaging severity rating scale
(MISRS) for the assessment of cerebral dysfunction in Alzheimers disease. Journal
of Nuclear Medicine 38: 129P, 1997.
Newberg A, Alavi A, Baime M, Mozley PD, dAquili E. The measurement of cerebral
blood flow during the complex cognitive task of meditation using HMPAO-SPECT
imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 38: 95P, 1997.
A. Newberg, A. Cotter, G. Glosser, A. Alavi, C. Clark, P.D. Metabolism in brain areas not
usually involved in Alzheimers are associated with neuropsychological deficits.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 28: 1088, 2001.
Gladding R, Altman S, Shulli B, Newberg A . Initial observations noted in an attempt to
minimize myocardial uptake of FDG in whole body PET scans. Academy of Metabolic
Imaging 2001.
Alavi A, Surti KS, Newberg A . Preliminary report of performance of high resolution
Gadalinium Orthosilicate (GSO)- based dedicated brain PET scanner. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 43: 296P, 2002.
Udeshi M, Newberg A, Hurtig H, Siderowf A, Mozley PD, Stern M, Pl ssl K, Mozley L,
Leopold N, Wintering N, Alavi A, Acton P, Kung H. Dopamine transporter uptake
differentiates patients with progressive supranuclear palsy. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 44: 235P, 2003
Ances B, Liebeskind DS, Newberg A, Alavi A. Concomitant SPECT and PET reveal early
uncoupling of cerebral blood flow and metabolism after bilateral thalamic infarcts.
American Society of Neuroradiology Washington, DC. April, 2003.
Udeshi M, Newberg A, Hurtig H, Mozley PD, Wintering N, Stern M, Siderowf A, Pl ssl
K, Mozley L, Alavi A, Acton P, Leopold N, Kung H. Evaluation of dopamine
transporter uptake in patients with multiple system atrophy. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 44: 236P, 2003.
Wintering N, Newberg A, Udeshi M, Hurtig H, Pl ssl K, Siderowf A, Stern M, Mozley
PD, Alavi A, Mozley L, Acton P Kung H. Differentiating hemi-Parkinsons from
Parkinsons using TRODAT SPECT imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44: 236P,
Newberg A, Baltuch G, Mozley PD, Kung H, Hurtig H, Pl ssl K, Wintering N, Udeshi M,
Acton P. Longitudinal evaluation of dopamine transporters in Parkinson s patients
treated with subthalamic nuclei stimulation surgery compared to medication. Journal
of Nuclear Medicine 44: 119P, 2003.
Pl ssl K, Choi SR, Oya S, Newberg A, Kung H. Improved preparation of [I-123] ADAM
for human studies. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44: 100P, 2003.
Johnson G, Dadparvar S, Rebenstock A, Reich PE, Zhuang HM, Newberg A, Schuster S,
Alavi A. Critical role of FDG-PET imaging prior to radioimmune therapy in patients
with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44: 187P, 2003.
Rebenstock A, Dadparvar S, Johnson G, Reich PE, Zhuang HM, Newberg A, Schuster S,
Alavi A. Predictive value of FDG-PET for response to radiolabeled monoclonal
antibody treatment for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44:
188P, 2003.
Newberg AB, Wintering N, Amsterdam JD, Ploessl K, Swanson RL, Alavi A. Serotonin
Transporter Binding in Patients With Major Depression Using 123I ADAM SPECT.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 181-182P, 2005.
Yu JQ, Zhuang H, Hernandez-Pampaloni M, Edwards K, Alavi A, Newberg A, Barrett J,
Schall J, Charron M, Mascarenhas MR, Yu JQ. High fat content meal affects gastric
emptying and small bowel transit. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 224P, 2005.
Newberg AB, Wang JJ, Rao H, Wintering N, Swanson RL, Karp JS, Alavi A, Greenberg
JH, Detre JA. Concurrent CBF and CMRGlc changes during human brain activation
by combined fMRI-PET scanning. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 284-285P, 2005.
Urhan M, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Dadparvar S, Newberg A, Alavi A, Mandel S. FDG PET in
the management of well differentiated thyroid cancer with high TG level and negative
iodine scan. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 315-316P, 2005.
Yu JQ, Hernandez-Pampaloni M, Zhuang H, Maris J, Charron M, Takalkar A, El-Haddad
G, Dhurairaj T, Newberg A, Alavi A. Comparison of I-123 labeled MIBG diagnostic
scan with posttherapeutic I-131 scan in patients with neuroblastoma. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 46: 333P, 2005.
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Dhurairaj T, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Shuster S, Alavi A. FDG
PET in the evaluation of disease activity in systemic T-cell lymphoma. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 46: 375P, 2005.
Shrikanthan S, Cherian S, Lakhani P, Shuster S, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A FDG-PET
in evaluation of marginal zone lymphoma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 376P,
Mavi A, Urhan M, Zhuang H, Yu JQ, Newberg A, Schnall MD, Czerniecki BJ, Alavi A.
Correlation between SUV changes with dual time point FDG-PET imaging and
histopathology and tumor size in patients with breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 46: 402P, 2005.
Mavi A, Urhan M, Zhuang H, Dhurairaj T, Yu JQ, Houseni M, Newberg A, Kumar R,
Schnall MD, Czerniecki BJ, Alavi A. Dual time point imaging: an effective method for
improving accuracy of 18FDG PET imaging in assessing primary breast cancer after
diagnostic biopsy. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 403-404P, 2005.
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Bural G, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. Evaluating the
role of FDG PET imaging in assessing disease activity in sarcomas. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 46: 407-408P, 2005.
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Dhurairaj T, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. FDG PET
findings correlate with histopathological results after neoadjuvant therapy for
esophageal cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 423P, 2005.
Mavi A, Urhan M, Zhuang H, Yu JQ, Newberg A, Schnall MD, Czerniecki BJ, Alavi A.
The relationship between the receptor status and the SUV change over time on FDGPET dual time point imaging in patients with breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 46: 441P, 2005.
Mavi A, Urhan M, Yu JQ, Lakhani P, Zhuang H, Davis S, Soleimanpour K, Posteraro A,
Newberg A, Alavi A. Fluorine-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in normal breast: effect
of breast density, menopausal status and age. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 46: 441P,
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Bural GG, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Shuster S, Alavi A
Efficacy of radioimmunotherapy in mantle cell lymphoma. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 46: 451P, 2005.
Short EB, Kose S, Newberg A, George M, Kozel FA. Functional MRI investigation of
meditation. Society of Biological Psychiatry. Atlanta, GA, 2005.
Tang PH, Chryssikos T, Yang H, Garver J, Parvizi J, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. 18FFDG PET imaging vs. In-111 labeled white blood cell scan in evaluating infected hip
prosthesis: Correlation with Pre-scan Clinical Suspicion. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 47: 15P, 2006.
Tang PH, Chryssikos T, Yang H, Garver J, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. Evaluation of
FDG-PET imaging in the detection of infection associated with knee arthroplasty.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 16P, 2006.
Chryssikos T, Tang PH, Hochold H, Yang H, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. Comparison
of the diagnostic accuracy of FDG-PET imaging with MRI and planar X-ray in
detecting osteomyelitis of the diabetic foot. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 16P,
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Zhuang H, Cucchiara AJ, Newberg A, Alavi A. The relationship
between FDG uptake and the predictive and prognostic factors such as estrogen,
progesterone and c-erbB-2 receptor state of the primary breast cancer lesions.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 33P, 2006.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The comparison of FDGPET imaging findings for detecting axillary lymphatic metastasis to sentinal node based
biopsy results. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 39P, 2006.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Yu JQ, Urhan H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The effects of age
and menaupausal state on FDG uptake in normal breast tissue. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 47: 82P, 2006.
Newberg AB, Wintering N, Clark CM, Ploessl K, Skovronsky D, Seibyl JP, Kung M,
Kung HF. Use of 123I IMPY SPECT to differentiate Alzheimers disease from
controls. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 78P, 2006.
Cermik TF, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The potential value of dual time
point FDG-PET imaging for the detection of locoregional and distant metastasis from
primary breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 437P, 2006.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan M, Yu JQ, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. Dual time point
FDG-PET imaging detects breast cancer with high sensitivity and correlates well with
histological subtypes. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 439P, 2006.
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Srinivas S, Hochhold J, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Dadparvar S,
Shuster S, Alavi A. FDG PET in evaluation of bone marrow involvement in patients
with lymphoma - Correlation with subtypes and bone marrow biopsy patterns. Journal
of Nuclear Medicine 47: 452P, 2006.
Shrikanthan S, Berkowitz A, Hochhold J, Srinivas S, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A.
FDG PET Findings are predictive of Histopathological response after neoadjuvant
therapy for esophageal cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 47: 465P, 2006.
Newberg AB, Waldman MR, Wintering N, Maffei JA, Alavi A. Cerebral blood flow effects in
long term meditators. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 111P, 2007.
Cermik TF, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. Impact of FDG PET on the
preoperative staging of newly diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48:
138-139P, 2007.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan M, Puskulcu H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The effect of
receptor state of breast cancer on FDG uptake at dual time point imaging. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 48: 140P, 2007.
Newberg AB, Segal S, Alavi A. Effects of galactosemia on cerebral glucose metabolism
measured by FDG PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 250P, 2007.
Newberg AB, Hersh EV, Farrar JT, Wintering N, Maffei JA, Alavi A. Cerebral blood flow
changes associated with pain and pain relief in patients after third molar extraction.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 251P, 2007.
Chryssikos TJ, Iruvuri1 S, Flanagan H, Tang PH, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. Can
FDG-PET imaging accurately differentiate infected from non-infected painful hip
prosthesis? Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 281P, 2007.
Chryssikos TJ, Iruvuri1 S, Yang H, Flanagan H, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. Evaluation
of FDG-PET imaging in differentiating septic from aseptic painful knee prosthesis.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 281P, 2007.
Iruvuri S, Chryssikos TJ, Alzeair S, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. FDG activity in patients
with painful hip prosthesis and quantitative analysis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48:
282P, 2007.
Chryssikos TJ, Malay S, Flanagan H, Krekun S, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. The noninvasive detection of pedal osteomyelitis in the diabetic population: A comparison
between FDG-PET, MRI, and conventional radiography. Journal of Nuclear Medicine
48: 282P, 2007.
Chryssikos TJ, Hernandez Pampalonil M, Hochold J, Newberg A, Zhuang H, Alavi A. The
role of FDG-PET imaging in detecting early Charcot's arthropathy in diabetic patients.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 284P, 2007.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan M, Puskulcu H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. Dual time point
FDG-PET imaging in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 48: 366P, 2007.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan M, Puskulcu H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The
performance of FDG-PET imaging for detecting and staging of axillary lymph node
metastasis compared to sentinal node based biopsy results. Journal of Nuclear Medicine
48: 366P, 2007.
Cermik TF, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The potential value of dual-time-point
FDG PET in detecting extra-axillary lymph node and distant metastasis of newly
diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 366P, 2007.
Cermik TF, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The role of dual-time-point FDG-PET
in assessing radiologically suspicious lesions in the contralateral breast in patients with
newly diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 367P, 2007.
Mavi A, Cermik TF, Urhan M, Puskulcu H, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. Dual time point
imaging in differentiating post biopsy inflammation from invasive tumor in patients with
newly diagnosed breast cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 48: 367P, 2007.
Cermik TF, Mavi A, Zhuang H, Newberg A, Alavi A. The potential value of dual time point
FDG-PET imaging for the detection of noninvasive breast cancers. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 48: 368-369P, 2007.
Dubroff J, Wintering N, Scheuermann J, Clark CM, Newberg AB. FDG-PET brain
activation patterns in Alzheimers disease and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 49: 218P, 2008.
Dubroff J, Hernandez-Pampaloni N, Wintering N, Scheuermann J, Newberg AB. Effect of
chemotherapy on FDG-PET brain activation patterns. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49:
226P, 2008.
Newberg AB, Wintering N, Khalsa D, Roggenkamp H. Effect of chemotherapy on FDGPET brain activation patterns. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49: 230P, 2008.
Weyer A, Siderowf A, Weintraub D, Duda J, Wintering N, Clark C, Arnold S, Newberg A.
Reduced serotonin transporter binding in patients with major depression compared to
healthy controls: A SPECT study. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50:236P, 2009.
Newberg AB, Acton PD. Single photon emission computed tomography. In Factor SA,
Weiner WJ, (editors). Parkinsons Disease: Diagnosis and Clinical Management.
New York, NY: Demos Medical Publishing, pp. 293-304, 2008.
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT),
Technique. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. 2008.
Newberg AB. Spirituality, the brain, and health. Measuring the Immeasurable. Boulder,
CO: Sounds True, pp. 349-371, 2008.
Newberg AB. Brain science and belief. The Edge of Reason? London: Continuum
International Publishing Group, pp. 109-118, 2008.
Newberg AB. The Yogic brain. Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening.
Boulder, CO: Sounds True, pp. 117-126, 2009
Newberg AB, Alavi A. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT):
Technique. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 871-880, 2009.
Roggenkamp H, Waldman MR, Newberg AB. Religious experience: Psychology and
neurology. In: Banks WP, (Editor), Encyclopedia of Consciousness. Oxford: Elsevier,
Volume 2, pp. 273-287, 2009.
Wintering N, Newberg AB. Preclinical assessment of safety in human subjects. In: Gad SC
(Editor), Clinical Trials Handbook. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 71-86,
Lee BY, Newberg AB. The interaction of religion and health. In Monti DA, Beitman BD
(editors), Integrative Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 408-444,
Newberg AB. Religion and the Brain. In Cerebrum: Emerging Ideas in Brain Science.
Washington DC: Dana Press, pp. 152-174, 2010.
Newberg AB. Positron Emission Tomography. In Pretorius ES, Solomon JA (editors).
Radiology Secrets. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc., pp. 369-375, 2010.
Newberg AB. Bone scans. In Pretorius ES, Solomon JA (editors). Radiology Secrets
Plus. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc., pp. 376-381, 2010.
Newberg AB. V/Q scans. In Pretorius ES, Solomon JA (editors). Radiology Secrets Plus.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc., pp. 382-388, 2010.
Newberg AB. Thyroid scintigraphy. In Pretorius ES, Solomon JA (editors). Radiology
Secrets Plus. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, Inc., pp. 389-393, 2010.
dAquili EG, Newberg AB. The Mystical Mind: Probing the Biology of Religious
Experience. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. August, 1999.
Newberg AB, dAquili EG, Rause VP. Why God Wont Go Away: Brain Science and the
Biology of Belief. New York, NY: Ballantine Publishing Group. April, 2001.
Newberg AB, Waldman MR. Why We Believe What We Believe: Uncovering Our
Biological Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth. New York, NY: Free Press,
Newberg AB, Waldman MR. How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from
a Leading Neuroscientist. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 2009.
Newberg AB. Principles of Neurotheology. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.,
September, 2010.
Newberg AB, Waldman MR. Words Can Change Your Brain. New York, NY: Penguin
Books, 2012.
Newberg AB. The Metaphysical Mind: Probing the Biology of Philosophical Thought.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
Alternative Media Productions:
Newberg AB. God and the Brain: The Physiology of Spiritual Experience. Boulder, CO:
Sounds True, 2007. [Audio Program]
Newberg AB. Spiritual Practices for a Powerful Brain. Wheeling, Il: Nightingale Conant,
2012. [Audio Program]
Newberg AB. The Spiritual Brain: Science and Religious Experience. Chantilly, VA: The
Great Courses, 2012. [Video and Audio Program]
Alternative Media:
Brain Waves. Philadelphia City Paper: Philadelphia, PA (May 3, 1996).
ABC World News Tonight Interview on Neuroscience and Religion (February 23, 1998)
Scanning the Brains Sense of Divinity. Philadelphia Inquirer: Philadelphia, PA
(February 15, 1998).
Revelations In the Brain. San Jose Mercury News: San Jose, NM. (February 21,
Rituals Spark Brain Changes: The Bliss Machine. New York Daily News: New York
(February 28, 1998).
From Homeopathy to Herbal Therapy, Researchers Focus on Alternative Medicine. The
Chronicle of Higher Education (March 27, 1998).
Science and the Soul. Update: Newsletter for the Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA (March, 1998).
Religion Need Not Be At Odds With Science. Centre Daily Times: State College, PA
(April 18, 1998).
Seeking the Biology of Spirituality. Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles (April 26, 1998).
London Talk Radio Interview on Neuroscience and Religious Experience (May, 1998).
Alternative Medicine Moves Towards the Mainstream. Pennsylvania Gazette (May,
Meditation. The Infinite Mind, Radio Program (June 22, 1998).
Does God Exist?. To The Best of Our Knowledge, Radio Program (June 22, 1998).
Alternative Medicine Moves Toward the Mainstream. The Pennsylvania Gazette
(October 13, 1998).
Religion and the Brain. The Osgood File Radio Program (November 27, 1998).
The Higher Power. Update: Newsletter for the Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA (December, 1998).
Spirituality and Health. Penn Pulse, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania:
Philadelphia, PA (January, 1999).
Making Room for Spirituality. Penn Medicine, Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA (Spring, 1999).
Research on the Link Between Spirituality and Health. Institute on Aging Newsletter,
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA (Spring, 1999).
Book Review. Publishers Weekly (May 17, 1999).
Books in Brief. Publishers Weekly (May 31, 1999).
Healthwatch. Fox 10 OClock News. Philadelphia, PA (July 28, 1999).
City Talk. PAX Television. Philadelphia, PA (December 18, 1999).
Off the Shelf. Pennsylvania Gazette (February, 2000).
Neuropsychological Correlates of Spiritual Experience. Institute on Aging Newsletter,
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA (Winter, 2000).
Practitioners Perspective. Spirituality and Medicine Connection, Newsletter for the
National Institute of Healthcare Research (Spring, 2000).
Wired for Ultimate Reality: The Neuropsychology of Religious Experience. Science &
Spirit Magazine (May/June, 2000).
Sciences Greatest Mysteries. Popular Mechanics (October, 2000).
Book Review. Christian Century (November, 2000).
Searching for the God Within. Newsweek (January 29, 2001).
On the Line. WNYC Radio, New York, NY (February 2, 2001).
The Image of God. The Ecologist (April, 2001).
Reality Check. FM4 Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Austria (April 6, 2001).
In God We Still Trust. Boston Herald (April 8, 2001).
Wired for God. Orange County Register, CA (April 8, 2001).
Introspect. KMPS AM, Seattle, WA (April 10, 2001).
11:00 AM News. KOMO TV, Seattle, WA (April 10, 2001).
Spirituality Interwoven with Biology. Laura Lee Radio Show, Seattle, WA (April 10,
Imagination Theatre. KNWX AM, Seattle, WA (April 10, 2001).
Talk of the City. KPCC FM, Los Angeles, CA (April 11, 2001).
Something You Should Know. Strand Broadcast Services, Los Angeles, CA (April 11,
Forum. KQED FM, San Francisco, CA (April 12, 2001).
Tech Nation. NPR, San Francisco, CA (April 12, 2001).
Pete Wilson Show. KGO AM, San Francisco, CA (April 12, 2001).
Morning Edition. KVON AM, Napa, CA (April 13, 2001).
Where Mind and Soul Meet. Lafayette Hill Journal, Philadelphia, PA (April 13, 2001).
God on the Brain. Wisconsin State Journal, Madison WI (April 15, 2001).
Exploring the Biology of Religious Experience. National Catholic Reporter (April 20,
Exploring the Biology of Religious Experience. New Scientist (April 21, 2001).
News. KUNM FM, Albuquerque, NM (April 21, 2001).
Whats the Connection: Belief and the Brain. Santa Barbara News-Press (April 22,
Voice of Santa Barbara. KEYT AM, Santa Barbara, CA (April 23, 2001).
Conversations of the Quantum Age. WMCR AM, San Francisco, CA (April 23, 2001).
Dark in the Morning. WCCO AM, Minneapolis, MN (April 26, 2001).
God is in the Neurons. Camera, Boulder CO (April 28, 2001).
God and the Brain. Newsweek (May 1, 2001).
Good Morning America. ABC. New York, NY (May 1, 2001).
A Scientific View of the Religious Experience. Providence Sunday Journal, Providence
RI (May 20, 2001).
Scientists Why God Explores Miracle, Biology of Spirituality. Albuquerque Journal
(May 20, 2001).
Spirit and the Brain. Sound Medicine, Syndicated Radio Talk Show (May 26, 2001).
Can meditation change your brain? Contemplative neuroscientists believe it can. CNN
Website Article. (October 26, 2010).
Yawning. NBC Channel 10 News, Philadelphia. (October 26, 2010).
A Spiritual Dimension for Jefferson Researcher. The Philadelphia Inquirer (November 8,
Neurotheology. Talk of the Nation NPR Radio Program (December 15, 2010).
Miracle Detectives. OWN Channel Television Program (January 26, 2011).
Science's 8 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries: Progress Report. Popular Mechanics
(February, 2011).
Science's 8 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries: Progress Report. Popular Mechanics
(February, 2011).
Coast to Coast. Nationally Syndicated Radio Program (March 12, 2011).
How Gen X and Gen Y Will Change Philadelphia. Philadelphia Magazine (March,
The Miracle Mysteries. Nightline Primetime: Beyond Belief (July 13, 2011).
The Other Side. Nightline Primetime: Beyond Belief (August 3, 2011).
Frontier Science. The Economic Times (August 12, 2011).
Gratitude. The Christian Science Monitor (November 21, 2011).
Anderson. CBS Nationally Syndicated TV Program (February 29, 2012).
Your Words Matter. Salon Online. (June 3, 2012).
Sweet Talk. Prevention Magazine (July, 2012).
A Pioneer in Neurotheology. Ivy League Christian Observer (Summer, 2012).
Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. Science Channel Television Program.
(August 10, 2012).
How God Changes Your Brain for the Better. The Baptist Times. (November 7, 2012).
Art Fennel Reports. Comcast Network Channel. (November 18, 2012).
One Week at a Health Spa Improves Your Health, Study Shows. Science Daily.
(November 19, 2012).
Channeling Spirits' Shuts Down Parts of Brain. Discovery News. (November 16,
When You Inject Spirit Mediums' Brains with Radioactive Chemicals, Strange Things
Happen. (November 18, 2012).
Health News: A week at a health spa improves health. UPI News. (November 20, 2012).
A week at a health spa improves health. BreitBart News. (November 20, 2012).
One-week spa treatment can help boost your health. North Korea Times (online).
(November 20, 2012).
Gazing Into Psychics' Brains May Reveal Mental Illness Secrets. MedScape Medical
News. (November 20, 2012).
Brazilian Mediums Shed Light On Brain Activity During a Trance State. Science Daily.
(November 20, 2012).
Brain Activity Of Brazilian Mediums Recorded Whilst In A Trance State. Medical News
Today. (November 20, 2012).
A week at a health spa improves health. Big News Network. (November 21, 2012).
Health Improvements Offered By A One-Week Stay At A Health Spa. Medical News
Today. (November 21, 2012).
Neuroscientific Evaluation of Mediums' Brains. Kardec Radio (International Radio
Program). November 24, 2012.
Scribes Who Take Dictation of the Dead. Philadelphia Inquirer. (November 26, 2012).
Study Shows Positive Health Effects for Spa-Goers. SPAR with Jamila Bey (DC and
NYC AM radio show). (November 26, 2012).
One-week spa therapy boosts health. Times of India. (November 26, 2012).
Apocalypse When? Interviewed for Television Program on Vision Television Channel
Canada. (November-December, 2012).
Envy and the Brain. Self Magazine. (December, 2012).
Interview. KYW News Radio. Philadelphia, PA. (December 1, 2012).
Have goals, will travel: Visit a destination spa and hit the road to better health. The
Daily (online magazine). (December 9, 2012).
Interview. Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show. GCN Radio Network. (January 8, 2013).
Get healthy the Hollywood way. Hollywood Reporter. (January, 2013).
Does Science Show What 12 Steps Know?. National Geographic Online. (August 9,
Why We Talk in Tongues. New York Times Sunday Review. (August 18, 2013).
NFL Concussion Lawsuit. Channel 3 Eyewitness News Report. (August 29, 2013).
Movies and Exhibitions:
What the Bleep Do We Know? Interviewed in Nationally Distributed Movie Starring
Marlee Matlin (September, 2004).
What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole Interviewed in Nationally Distributed Movie
Sequel Starring Marlee Matlin (March, 2006).
All Faiths Beautiful American Visionary Art Museum. Baltimore, MD. Exhibit featuring
brain scans. (Opened October 5, 2007).
Religulous Interviewed in Nationally Distributed Movie Starring Bill Maher (October,
The Religious Mind: The Art of Science, Religion, and Healing. Cabrini College, Grace
and Joseph Gorevin Fine Arts Gallery. Rosemont, PA. Exhibit featuring brain scans.
(Opened January 14, 2010).
The Nature of Existence Interviewed in Nationally Distributed Documentary Movie
(March, 2010).
DMT: The Spirit Molecule Interviewed in Nationally Distributed Documentary Movie
(September, 2010).