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Electronic Media and Print Media

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The key takeaways are about the relative strengths and weaknesses of various media like print media, television, radio and new media for advertising purposes.

Print media has advantages like message has better shelf life and can be referred later but disadvantages are lack of drama and emotion. Newspapers have regular readership but low advertising impact.

Television has advantages like creative opportunities, wide coverage and selectivity but disadvantages are fleeting message, high costs and transient messages. It can impact viewers adversely if overused.

BM 4061 Advertising and Brand Management

Assignment on:
Electronic Media and Print Media
Relative strengths and weakness of various media

Submitted to:
Ms. Suparna Purkayastha
Assistant Professor
NERIM Group of Institution,
Guwahati - 22

Submitted by:
Gautam Chutia
Abhinab Saikia
2013-15 Batch
MBA 4th Semester
NERIM, Guwahati.

Media is important to the advisers critically for two reasons. First, advertisers
need media to reach the audience that are likely to buy the brands. Not much of the
mystery there. Secondly, when advertisers choose their media, these choices
ultimately determine which media companies earn the billions of dollars spent on
newspaper, magazines, television/cable, and radio.
Print, television, and radio media represent major traditional available to advertisers
for reaching audiences.

Electronic Media:
This is a very popular form of advertising in the modern day marketing. This
includes Radio, Television. Let us look into detail about these:

Television is used for advertising because it works like the movies. It tells
stories, engages the emotions, creates fantasies, and can have great visual impact.
Because its an action medium, it is also good for demonstrating how things work. It
brings images to life add personality to a brand.

Advantages of Television:
The specific advantages of this medium are as follows:
1. Creative Opportunities:
He overriding advantage of television compared to other media is the ability to
send a message using both sight and sound. With recent advances in transmission and
reception equipment, households now clearly visual and stereo- enhanced audio to the
further increase the impact of television advertising. Now, with HDTV capabilities
becoming mainstream, all sorts of new creative opportunities present themselves.
2. Coverage, Reach, and Repetition:
Television, in one form or another, reaches more than 98% of all households.
This household represents every demographic segment, which allows advertisers to
achieve broad coverage. We can see that television option provides reach to hundred
of millions of household through out the world. Further, no other medium allows and
advertisers to repeat a message as frequently as television.
3. Cost per contract:
For advertiser that sell to broadly defined mass market, television offers a
cost-effective way to reach million of members of a target audience. The average
television program or top-rated show can reach more than million households. This
brings an advertiser cost-per-contract figure down unmatched by any other media
option- literally fractions of a penny per contract.

4. Audience Selectivity:
Television programmers are doing a better job of developing show that attracts welldefined target audiences. Narrowcasting is the development and delivery of
specialized programming to well-defined audience. Television is the far away the
most selective option. The ability to narrowcast is enhanced even further when cable
is combined with other media, as the Doing It Right box highlights.

Disadvantage of Television:
Television has great capabilities as an advertising medium, but it is not without
limitation. Some of these limitations are seriously enough to significantly detract from
the power of television advertising.
1. Fleet Message:
One with the sight and sound of the television advertising is that is gone in an
instant. The fleeting nature of the television message, as opposed to print ad, make
message impact difficult. Some advertisers invest huge amount of money in the
production of television ads to overcome this disadvantage.
2. High Absolute Cost:
While the cost per contract of television advertising is the best of all tradition
media, the absolute cost may be worst. The average cost of airtime for a single 30second television spot is very very expensive. These costs make television advertising
prohibitively expensive for many advertisers.
3. Poor Geographical Selectivity:
While programming can be developed to attract specific audience, program
transmission cannot target geographic area nearly as well. This is especially true for
satellite subscribers. For a national advertiser that wants to target a city market, the
reach of a television broadcast is too broad. Similarly, for a local retailer that wants to
use television for reaching local segments, the television transmission is likely to
reach a several-hundred-mile radius, which will increase the advertisers cost with
little likelihood of drawing patrons.
4. Poor Audience Attitude and Attentiveness:
Since the inception of the television advertising, consumers have bemoaned
the intrusive nature of the commercials, just when a movie is reaching its thrilling
conclusion - on come the ads. The involuntary and frequently intrusion of
advertisement on television has made television has made television advertising the
most disturbed form of advertising among consumers. In one of the few surveys
tracking consumer sentiment, only 17% of the consumers surveyed felt that television
advertising affected the in their purchase of the new car, compared with 48% who
claimed that direct mail advertising was a factor in their decision. But be aware that it
is not fundamentally the job of the television advertising to motivate an immediate
purchase. Image building and brand awareness are the key achievement for television

One the high-tech side, channel grazing or using a remote control to monitor
programming on other channel while advertising is being broadcast, is the favorite
way to avoid commercial.
Two modern ways how audiences avoid advertising and blocking them are by
installing V-chip and TiVo on their television.
5. Clutter:
All the advantage of television as an advertising medium has created one
significant disadvantage i.e. clutters. The major television network runs about 15
minutes of advertising during each four-hour programming and cable channels carry
about 14 minutes of advertising per hour. Research has found that 65% of a surveyed
group of consumers felt that they were Constantly bombarded with too much

The radio listening experience is unlike interaction with any of the other
media, which creates both challenges and opportunities for radio. It can be a more
intimate experience, because we tend to listen to it alone, particularly for those people
wearing headphones. It can also engage the imagination more because it relies on the
listeners mind fill in the visual element. That means radio drama and ads can involve
the audience on a more personal level. Radio can deliver a high level of frequency
because commercials, particularly jingles, which are commercial set to music, lend
themselves to repetition.
Advantage of radio:
While radio may not be most glamorous or sophisticated of the major media
option, it has some distinct advantages over newspaper, magazines, and television.
1. Cost:
On both a per-contact and absolute basis, radio is often the most cost-effective
medium available to an advertiser. In addition, production costs for preparing radio
ads are quite low, an ad often cost nothing to prepare if the spot is live during a local
2. Reach and frequency:
Radio has the widest exposure of any medium. It reaches consumers in their
homes, cars, offices and backyards and even while they exercise. The wireless and
portable features of radio provide an opportunity to reach consumers that exceeds all
other media. The low cost of radio time gives advertisers the opportunity to frequency
repeat messages at absolute cost and cost per contract.
3. Target Audience Selectivity:
Radio can selectively target audiences on a geographic, demographic and
psychographic basis. The narrow transmission of local radio station gives advertiser
the best opportunities to reach narrowly defined geographic audiences. For a local
merchant with one store, this is an ideal opportunity. Radio programming formats and
different day part also allow target audience selectivity. CBS Radio made the decision

several years ago to convert four of its 13 station to a rock n roll oldies format to
target 35-to-49-years olds- in other words, the baby boomers. Morning and
afternoon/evening drive time attract a male audience. Daytime attracts predominantly
woman, nighttime, teens.
4. Flexibility and Timeliness:
Radio is the most flexible medium because of very short closing periods for
submitting an ad. This means an advertiser can wait until close to an air date before
submitting an ad. With this flexibility, advertising can take advantage of special
events or unique competitive opportunities in a timely fashion.
5. Creative Opportunities
While may be unidimensional in sensory stimulation, it can still have powerful
creative impact. Recall that radio has been described as the theater of the mind. In
additional, the musical formats that attract audience to radio stations can also attract
attention to radio ads. Researcher has discovered that audience who favor certain
music may be more prone to listen to an ad that uses songs they recognize and like

Disadvantage of Radio:
As good as radio can be it also suffers from some severe limitations as an
advertising medium. Advertising strategists must recognize these disadvantages when
deciding what role radio can play in an integrated marketing communication program.
1. Poor Audience Attentiveness:
Just because radio reaches audiences almost everywhere doesnt mean that
anyone is paying attention. Remember that radio has also been described as audio
wallpaper. It provides a comfortable background distraction while a consumer does
something else hardly an ideal level of attentiveness for advertising communication.
Consumers who are listening and travelling in a care often switch station when ad
comes on and divide their attention between the radio and the road.
2. Creative Limitation:
While the theater of the mind may be a wonderful creative opportunity, taking
advantaged of the opportunities can be difficult indeed. The audio-only nature of radio
communication is a tremendous creative compromise. An advertiser whose product
depends on demonstration or visual impact is at a loss when it comes to radio. And
like its television counterpart, a radio message creates a fleeting impression that is
often gone in an instant.
3. Fragmented Audiences:
The large number of the station that try to attract audience the same audience
in a market has created tremendous fragmentation. There are probably four or five
different station that play the kind of music we like. This fragmentation means that the
percentage of listeners tuned to any one station is likely very small.
4. Chaotic Buying Procedures:
For an advertiser who wants to include radio as part of a national advertising
program, the buying process can be sheer chaos. Since national networks and

syndicated broadcast do not reach every geographical market, an advertiser has to buy
time in individual market on a station-by-station basis. This could involve dozens of
different negotiations and individual contracts.

Print Media:
Print media is a very commonly used medium of advertising by businessman.
It includes advertising through newspaper, magazines.

Newspapers primary function is to carry news, which mean the advertiser with
news to announce, such as a special sale or sale price, may find them a comfortable
environment. Studies have consistently found that people consider ads commercial
information to be news, too, and they read newspapers as much for the ads as for the
news stories.
Newspaper readership has been declining for years, although it remains fairly
healthy advertising medium. If we just look at the local newspaper and compare them
to a network TV, the then the newspaper continue to be the large single medium.
Although newspapers go to a mass audience, they do not have market selectivity that
allows them to target specific consumer groups using these methods. Examples of
market selectivity are special interest newspaper, special interest section (business,
Sports, Lifestyle and advertising inserts delivered only to particular zip codes or

Advantage of Newspapers
1. Geographical Selectivity:
Daily newspaper in cities and tows across offer advertisers the opportunities to
reach a geographically well-defined target audience. Some newspapers are beginning
to run zoned editions, which target even narrow geographical areas within a
metropolitan market. Merchants doing business in the local area typically use zoned
2. Timeliness:
The newspaper is one of the timeliest of the traditional major media. Because
of the short time need for the producing a typical newspaper ads and the regularity of
daily publication, the newspaper allows advertiser to reach audience in a timely ways.
3. Creative opportunities:
While the newspaper page does not offer the breath of creative option
available in the broadcast media, there are things advertiser can do in a newspaper
that represent important creative opportunities. Since the newspaper page offers a
large and relatively inexpensive format, advertisers can provide a lot of information to
the target audience at relatively low cost. These important of product or service with
extensive or complex features need lengthy and detailed copy.

4. Creditability:
Newspaper still benefits from the perception that if its in the paper it must be
5. Audience Interest:
Regular newspaper readers are truly interested in the information they are
reading. While overall readership may be down, those readers that remain are loyal
and interested. Many readers buy the newspaper specific to see what on sale at the
stores in the local area marking this an ideal environment for local merchants. And
newspapers are the primary medium for local classified advertising despite an early
concern that the Internet would cut deeply into classified revenue.
6. Cost:
In terms of production and space, newspapers offer a low-cost alternative to
advertisers. The cost per contract may be higher than with television and radio
options, but the absolute cost for placing a black and white ad is still within the reach
of even a small advertising budget.

Disadvantage of Newspapers
Newspapers offer advertisers many good opportunities. Like every other media
option, however, newspapers have some significant disadvantages.
1. Limited Segmentation:
While newspaper can achieve good geographical selectivity, the ability to
target a specific audience ends there. Newspaper circulations simply cut across too
board an economic, social and demographic audience to allow the isolation of specific
targets. The placement of the ads within certain section can achieve minimal targeting
by gender, but even this effort is somewhat Fruitless.
2. Creative Constraints:
The opportunities for creative executions in the newspapers are certainly
outweighed by the creative constraints. First, newspapers have poor reproduction
quality. For advertiser whose brand image depends on accurate, high-quality
reproduction, Newspaper simply has severe limitation compared to other media
options. Second, newspapers are unidimensional medium no sound, no action. For
brand demand a broad creative execution, this medium is often not the best choice.
3. Cluttered environment:
The average newspaper is filled with headlines, subheads, photos, and
announcements not to mention the news stories. This presents a terribly cluttered
environment for an advertisement. To make things worse, most advertisers in a
product category try to use the same section to target audience. For example, all the
home equity loan and financial service ads are in the business section, and all the
womens clothing ads are in the metro, or local, section.

4. Short Life:
In most households, newspaper are read quickly and then discarded. The only
way advertisers can overcome tis limitation is to buy several insertion in each daily
issue, buy space several times during the week, or both, In this way, even if the reader
doesnt spend much time with the newspaper, at least multiple exposures are a

By the nature, magazine must fill a niche with unique editorial content to
satisfy specific group of readers. Readers also tend to spend more time reading a
magazine than they do newspaper, so there opportunity to provide in-depth
information. Quality of reproduction is one the biggest strength of magazine
advertising because it allows the advertisers product to be presented in format
superior to newspapers. In deciding in which magazines to place ads, advertisers need
to consider factors such as format and technology.

Advantages of magazine:
1. Target audience:
The ability of the magazine is to reach specialized audience is a primary
advantage of magazine. For example B2b would be very effective in reaching people
interest in business-to-business Internet marketing.
2. Audience Receptivity:
Magazines have a high level of audience receptivity. The editorial
environment of the magazine lends authority and credibility to the advertising. Many
magazines claim that advertising in their publication gives a product prestige.
3. Long life span:
Magazines have the longest life span of all the media. Some magazines such
as National Geographic and consumer Reports are used as ongoing reference and
might never be discarded. In addition, magazines have high reach potential because
they are passed along to family, friends, customers, and colleagues. People also tend
to read magazine at a comparatively slow rate, typically over a couple of days, so they
offer an opportunity to use detailed copy.
4. Format:
The magazine formats also allow creative advertising variety through multiple
pages, inserts, and other features.
5. Visual Quality
The visual quality of the magazine tends to be excellent because they are
printed on high-quality paper that provide superior photos reproduction in both black
and white and colour as fashion advertisers, in particular, appreciate.
6. Sales Promotion:
Advertiser can distribute various sales promotion devices such as coupons,
product samples, and information card through magazines.

Disadvantages of Magazines:
1. Limited flexibility:
Ads must be submitted well in advance of the publication date. In some
instances advertiser must be camera-ready full colour advertisement at the printer
more than two months before the cover date of a monthly publication. Magazine
earlier have adopted desktop publishing and satellite transmission cam allow
advertiser to submit ads just hours before press time. Magazines also limit the choice
for ad location.
2. Lack of Immediacy:
Some readers do not look at an issue of the magazine until long after it come
to them, so the ads may take a long time to have an effect on the reader.
3. High Cost:
The magazine advertising is its high cost. For a general audience magazine
advertising rates are quite high and magazines of this type do not compare favorably
with other media such as network TV in terms of cost to reach a broad mass audience.
4. Distribution:
The final disadvantage of magazine is their limited distribution. With the
expectation of magazines, which are distributed on newsstands throughout the states.
Many of the magazines that exist typically are not distributed to a broad spectrum of
potential audience member.

Relative strengths and weakness of various media:


Print Media

Message have a better shelf life
and can be read at leisure and
referred to when required
The urge to seek news put the
newspaper in better position to be
Reading a newspaper become a
matter of habit, hence it ensures
regular attention
Can cope with detailed coverage
High on national coverage

Local/Regional Newspaper
Strong reader loyalty
Local Coverage
Regional flexibility
Selective readership
High shelf value
Create a bond and empathy with
the readers
High on style, design and colour

Newspapers become stable in a


Lack drama and emotion

Overtaken by television in speed

Lacks empathetic readership

Bad news is often considered
good news
newspaper reading is very low;
hence advertising does not stand
much chance of being noticed.

Small circulation
Potential to be biased
Generally poor readership data.

High production cost

Long copy and cancellation dates
Expensive advertising medium

High printing cost


Reaches a wide audience

Sight, sound and colour give

dramatic possibilities

Larger than life image

Achieves viewers empathy

High on credibility

Expensive with regard to time and

problem, and poor anchors may
put the viewers off
Too much viewing bad for the
Tends to make people home
birds and a social
Too much viewing can have an


Wide choice of channels without

incurring extra cost
A family medium

adverse effect on impressionable

Too much sex and violence can
have adverse impact on society
Transient message


Wide coverage
High OTS among listeners

compared to TV and press
Long Broadcasting hours

High impact and immediacy

If used as transistor, a mobile

Suffers from apathetic listener

Audience use it as audio
TV preferred over radio if there is
a choice
Speed of broadcasting (short lead
Not a very interactive medium
Not very innovative


Impact a big screen with sound,

movement, and colour
Attracts young crowds
Theatre viewing a socializing
coverage possible which can gain
immediate impact

TV has eroded the cinema

audience base
Slow build of audience
Attendance is low and infrequent
Commercial shown either in the
beginning or at the interval, when
high attendance is not ensured

Outdoor Media (posters, billboards/hoardings)

High coverage and OTS

Large-sized billboards give large

than life image
Sites can be booked very flexibly

Can create drama with colours

and size
24 hours projection

Good reminder medium

A community medium

High printing cost of poster,

unless used on a large scale
Poor Audience research
Environmentalists have lunched a
crusade against them as they spoil
the landscape
High velocity winds often damage
the boards and lead to accidents
Only small message possible
They distract drivers

New Media
Global Network
Seamless coverage

Low access
Information overload


No hierarchical set up for access

of information
High interactivity

By and large a free-to-access

Instant connectivity

A store of knowledge
On-line Marketing
Mobile Phones and SMS
A commercial revolution
Reach not dependent on location
Reach the right target audience
Permission marketing possible
Emotional connotation
An all pervasive medium

Banner advertising recall not very

Low on research, hence not a
favorite medium with media
Message spillover to not required
Not a medium to suit all
demographic profiles
Requires time commitment

Nuisance value
Intrusion in privacy
A possible health hazard
Literacy barrier


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