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Table of contents


Section 1: The URBACT III Programme

Section 2: Action Planning Networks



Main objectives and expected results

Transnational partnerships
Main activities for Action Planning Networks

Section 3: The thematic coverage

Section 4: 2-phase approach for Action Planning Networks

Section 5: Phase 1 Application (including details on the composition

of the initial transnational partnership for Phase 1)

Section 6: Budgetary elements for Action Planning Networks

Section 7: Procedure for the creation of Action Planning Networks

(including details on the procedure for the creation and submission
of Phase 1 Applications)

Section 8: Important dates

Section 9: Useful resources

The URBACT III Operational Programme (CCI 2014TC16RFIR003) was
officially adopted on 12th December 2014 by Commission Implementing
Decision C(2014) 9857. The adopted OP can be found on the URBACT
The URBACT III Monitoring Committee adopted the present Call for
Proposals for Action Planning Networks on 10th March 2015.
In this context, the Commissariat Gnral lgalit des
territories (CGET) (France), Managing Authority of the URBACT III
Operational programme, issues a



This Call for Proposals is open from XXX March 2015 until 16 June
2015, 03 pm CET2.

1 The URBACT III Operational Programme is available at the following link:
2 The online tool for submitting Proposals for Phase 1, Synergie-CTE 14-20, will
close at 3 pm CET on 16 June 2015. More details on the submission procedure
for Phase 1 proposals are provided in the section 7 of the present Call for

Section 1: The URBACT III Programme

The URBACT III Programme is part of the European Territorial Cooperation
Objective of the Structural Fund policies for the period 2014-2020. The
URBACT III Programme is financed through the ERDF, for which principles
and regulations are laid down in EU Regulations N 1303/2013, 1301/2013
and 1299/2013.
URBACT is a know-how programme that promotes exchange and learning
between cities. It uses European Structural Funds to achieve its goals. It
does not finance investments nor does it carry out pilot projects.
URBACTs mission is to enable cities to work together and develop
integrated solutions to common urban challenges, by networking, learning
from one anothers experiences, drawing lessons and identifying good
practices to improve urban policies.
As stated in the Operational Programme, URBACT III is driven by the
following specific objectives:

To improve the capacities of cities to manage sustainable urban

policies and practices in an integrated and participative way

To improve the design of sustainable urban strategies and action

plans in cities

To improve the implementation of sustainable urban strategies and

action plans in cities

To ensure that practitioners and decision-makers at all levels (EU,

national, regional and local) have increased access to URBACT
thematic knowledge and share know-how on sustainable urban

The main strand of activities of the URBACT III Programme is represented by

the transnational exchange and learning networks. URBACT transnational
exchange and learning networks aim to impact local policies and practices in
the perspective of designing and implementing sustainable and integrated
urban policies. For Action Planning Networks (object of the present Call for
Proposals) the impact on local policies and practices shall be ensured through
the creation of URBACT Local Groups and the production of the Integrated
Action Plans (see section 2.1).
The principles and regulations for transnational exchange and learning
networks to be implemented within the programme are laid down in the
URBACT III Operational Programme.
In addition to the Operational Programme the URBACT III Programme has
developed a series of Fact Sheets to be included in the official Programme

Manual3. These Fact Sheets were approved by the URBACT III Monitoring
Committee in February and March 2015. In particular the following Fact
Sheets are recommended reading for potential candidates:

Fact Sheets 2A Action Planning Networks

Fact Sheet 2D Network Creation
Fact Sheet 2E Network Management

In addition, a series of Guidance documents 4 are also available for

Applicants. These include:

Guide to Action Planning Networks

Guide to Network creation and submission
Guidance notes on project management

Section 2: Action Planning Networks

2.1 Main objectives and expected results
Building on the experience of Thematic Networks funded under URBACT II,
Action Planning networks are a key element of the Exchange and Learning
activities of URBACT III for 2014-2020.
The main objective of Action Planning Networks is to improve the capacity
of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and more especially to
strengthen the capacity to design integrated strategies for sustainable
urban development.
Action Planning Networks are expected to support an organised process of
exchange and learning among peers across Europe, with a view to
improving local policies through concrete action planning.
By taking part in an Action Planning Network, cities exchange and share
experiences, problems and possible solutions, generating new ideas to
address challenges related to sustainable urban development.
As a starting point, cities willing to get involved in Action Planning
Networks shall identify a policy challenge they want to address at local
level. Then, they shall commit to develop an Integrated Action Plan that
will address this challenge. This Integrated Action Plan will thus be both a
driver of the exchange and learning activities, and a key concrete output
of their participation in the Action Planning network.
Cities willing to get involved in Action Planning Networks shall also commit
to work on their policy challenges using a participatory approach that is
involving all relevant stakeholders (from within the local administration
3 Link to the Programme Manual will be added after the official approval by MC
(approval of Written Procedure n1)
4 Guidance document are currently being developed. Hyperlinks will be added as
soon the documents are uploaded in the URBACT website (in any case before the
launch of the Call)

and also outside, civil society, private sector, associations, etc.) in the
action-planning process. These key stakeholders will be gathered in an
URBACT Local Group. They will be actively involved in the transnational
exchange activities and in the development of the Integrated Action Plan
to be produced by the city. The participatory approach shall improve the
action-planning process and the subsequent delivery of the local policies
(strengthening the evidence base, ensuring ownership of the problems
identified and of the solutions/ policies developed, creating the conditions
for a successful delivery, etc.).

2.2 Beneficiaries
For transnational exchange and learning activities (and thus for Action
Planning Networks), the URBACT III Operational Programme identifies the
Programme area and defines two categories of beneficiaries: the main
beneficiaries (city partners) and other beneficiaries (non-city partners).
The URBACT III programme area consists of:
The 28 EU Member States

Partner States Norway and Switzerland. Partners from Norway and

Switzerland cannot make use of ERDF allocations, but as official
partner states in the URBACT III programme cities are co-financed at
50% by national funds.
Instrument for Pre Accession (IPA) countries. Partners from IPA
countries can participate in operations using IPA funding, without
receiving ERDF co-financing
Other countries. Partners from other countries, anywhere in the
world, can participate with their own funding.

The main beneficiaries (city-partners) for Action Planning Networks

shall be cities from EU 28 Member States, Norway and Switzerland willing
to develop integrated strategies and action plans for sustainable urban
Under URBACT III, the beneficiary city refers to the public local authority

Cities, municipalities, towns;

Infra-municipal tiers of government such as city districts and
boroughs in cases where they are represented by a politicoadministrative institution having competences for policy-making and
implementation in the policy area covered by the URBACT network
concerned in which they are willing to get involved;
Metropolitan authorities and organized agglomerations in cases
where they are represented by a politico-administrative institution

implementation in the policy area covered by the URBACT network.
There is no limit of size (population) for cities wishing to participate in
URBACT activities.
In addition to city partners, Action Planning Networks can also include a
limited number of other beneficiaries (non-city partners). The list of
other eligible beneficiaries (non-city partners) is defined as follows:

Local agencies defined as public or semi-public organisations set up

by a city, partially or fully owned by the city authority, responsible
for the design and implementation of specific policies (economic
development, energy supply, health services, transport, etc.)
Provincial, regional and national authorities, as far as urban issues
are concerned;
Universities and research centres, as far as urban issues are

In order to be eligible, other beneficiaries (non-city partners) must be

public authorities or Equivalent Public Bodies5.
For Action Planning Networks, other beneficiaries can join the partnership
only after the first approval for Phase 1. The final partnership for Phase 2
can include a maximum of 3 non-city partners
2.3 Transnational partnerships
Transnational partnerships are cornerstones of URBACT Action Planning
Each network has to appoint a Lead Partner. Lead Partners are key
actors of transnational partnerships for Action Planning Networks. They
take over the full responsibility for management, coordination of activities
among the involved partners, implementation of work programme and
5 Based on EU Public Procurement Law, equivalent public body refers to any
legal body governed by public or private law :1. established for the specific
purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or
commercial character (which does not exclude bodies partly having an industrial
or commercial character), and
2. having legal personality, and
3. a) either financed, for the most part, by the State, or regional or local
authorities, or other bodies governed by public law,
b) or subject to management supervision by those bodies,
c) or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half
of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by
other bodies governed by public law.

communication on the project and dissemination of project outputs. The

Lead Partner also bears financial and legal responsibility and liability for
the whole partnership towards the Managing Authority.
Only cities (according to the definition provided under section 2.2) from
the 28 EU Member States and from Switzerland and Norway (Partner
States) can be Lead Partner of Action Planning Networks.
A city may not be Lead Partner in more than one project at a time (this
includes also participation as Lead Partner in Transfer and Implementation
Transnational partnerships for Action Planning Networks shall be
constituted in two steps, following the two-stage approach of project
creation in URBACT III (approach described under section 4).
An initial partnership shall be set up for the submission of the Phase 1
Application (details on the composition of the initial partnership for Phase
1 are provided under section 5). If the project proposal is approved for
funding of its Phase 1, initial partners will have to complete the
partnership during Phase 1, in order to commit for the Phase 2 Application.
A city may not be partner in more than two approved Action Planning
Networks at a time.
The final transnational partnership for Action Planning Networks must
be composed by a minimum of 8 up to a maximum of 12 partners from at
least 3 different Member and Partner States.
The final transnational partnership can include a maximum of 3 other
beneficiaries/non-city partners (as defined under section 2.2). Non-city
partners included in the final partnership must be public authorities or
equivalent public authorities.
The final partnership shall be balanced with candidate from Less
Developed and More Developed Regions, with 4 partners from Less
Developed Regions6 minimum.
A beneficiary (city and non-city partners) may not be partner in more than
two approved Action Planning Networks at a time.
2.4 Main activities for Action Planning Networks
The activities to be implemented by Action Planning Networks, in each of
the 2 phases, are organized around work packages. Each work package
has specific objectives, defined actions and related expected deliverables.
6 Transition regions are a category of their own. Cities from Transition regions are not
assimilated to cities from Less Developed regions. A detailed map with eligible areas for
EU Cohesion Policy 2014 is available at the webpage DG Regional and Urban Policy of the
European Commission.

Phase 1 shall be structured around 2 work packages:

Work package 1 Project management and coordination

Work package 2 Project development

Phase 2shall be structured around 4 work packages:

Work package 1 Project management and coordination

Work package 2 Transnational exchange and learning

Work package 3 Impact on local governance and urban policies

Work package 4 Communication and dissemination

In order to support the implementation of the activities of Action Planning

Networks, the URBACT Programme provides to each approved Action
Planning Network with an additional specific budget for the appointment
of experts (see section 6.3 for budgetary elements). Experts support
partners in implementing their transnational activities with both thematic
content and methods for exchange and learning.
More especially, the expertise envelope should provide all partners with a
package of services including:

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and

learning activities
Thematic expertise
Expertise support to partners in designing and delivering integrated
and participatory policies

Detailed information concerning specific objectives, activities and

expected outputs under each Work Package as well as concerning the
additional expertise available for Action Planning Networks are provided in
the Fact Sheet 2A of the URBACT III Programme Manual and in the Guide
to Action Planning Networks.
Section 3: Thematic coverage
As defined in the URBACT III Operational Programme, the thematic
coverage of the URBACT III Programme 2014-2020 is in line with the
Thematic Objectives (TO) of the EU Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020 and
thus strongly linked with the pillars of the Europe 2020 strategy for
innovative, sustainable and inclusive growth.
The URBACT III thematic coverage includes the following Thematic

Strengthening research, technological development and innovation

Enhancing access to and use and quality of ICT (TO2)

Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs (TO3)

Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors
Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and
management (TO5)
Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency (TO6)
Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key
network infrastructures (TO7)
Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility (TO8)
Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty (TO9)
Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning by developing
education and training infrastructure (TO10)

A detailed description of the urban dimension of the 10 Thematic

Objectives for EU Cohesion Policy 2014/2020 is available in the Fact Sheet
1 of the URBACT III Programme Manual.
Over the Programming period 2014-2020, URBACT III will concentrate 70%
of resources for exchange and learning activities on Thematic Objectives
1, 4, 6, 8 and 9.
Nevertheless the present Call for Proposals for Action Planning networks is
open to all 10 Thematic Objectives.
When considered from an integrated approach perspective, all 10 topics
are strongly inter-related. Fostering economic competitiveness goes hand
in hand with improving social inclusion, and vice-versa. It is expected that
the thematic objective chosen will be the main entry point into the
network while allowing partners to explore connections with other
thematic objectives.
Candidates should also take stock of the available results and knowledge
from existing networks in URBACT II and other programmes.

Section 4: 2-phase approach for of Action Planning Networks

In order to improve the quality of networks approved for funding, the
URBACT III Programme foresees a two-phase process for Action Planning
Networks. The process includes:

Phase 1: Action Planning Networks approved by the Monitoring

Committee enter in the 6-month Phase 1. The main aim of Phase 1
is to provide partners of Action Planning Networks with time and
resources to ensure:
o the development of a common vision of the policy
challenges/issues to be addressed through the Integrated
Action Plan,
o the enlargement of the initial partnership and the

consolidation of a coherent final partnership

o the elaboration of a shared methodology for the exchange
These elements shall be included in the Proposal for Phase 2 to be
submitted at the end of initial 6-month Phase 1.

Phase 2: Action Planning Networks approved by the Monitoring

Committee enter in the 24-month Phase 2 for the implementation of
the activities at transnational and local level as foreseen in the
Phase 2 Proposals

As a consequence of the 2-phase approach, the creation of Action Planning

Networks in URBACT III is a two-stage process described below:
a) Submission of Phase 1 Applications
The submission of the Phase 1 Applications is the first stage. Its purpose is
to select and approve projects to enter a 6-month Phase 1.
The main information to be provided by applicants in the Phase 1
Applications is introduced under Section 5 of the present Call for Proposals
and detailed in the Guide to Action Planning Networks.
Detailed information on how to create and submit a Phase 1 Application
through the online system Synergie-CTE 14-20 is provided under Section 7
of the present Call for Proposals and in the Guide to Network Creation and
Phase 1 Applications are checked against the eligibility criteria by the
Secretariat and assessed by an independent panel of experts, the External
Assessment Panel (EAP). Eligible applications, assessed by the EAP, are
submitted to the URBACT Monitoring Committee for approval. Only Action
Planning Networks approved by the Monitoring Committee will receive
funding to implement the activities planned for Phase 1.
Eligibility and assessment criteria for the selection of Action Planning
Networks for Phase 1 are presented under section 7 of the present Call for
b) Submission of Phase 2 Applications
The submission of the Phase 2 Applications at the end of Phase 1 is the
second stage. Its purpose is to assess the quality and relevance of project
proposals, improve the quality of projects whenever necessary, and
approve projects to enter a 24-month Phase 2.
Phase 2 Applications are checked against the eligibility criteria by the
Secretariat and assessed by an independent panel of experts, the External
Assessment Panel (EAP). The EAP may organize hearings of candidate
Lead partners and Lead experts as part of the assessment process. Eligible
applications, assessed by the EAP along with recommendations, are

submitted to the URBACT Monitoring Committee for the final approval.

Only Action Planning Networks approved by the Monitoring Committee will
receive funding to implement the main activities planned for Phase 2.
Eligibility and assessment criteria for Phase 2 Applications are presented
under section 7 of the present Call for Proposals.

Section 5: Phase 1 Application

Projects wishing to apply for funding within the frame of this Call for
Proposals are invited to complete the Phase 1 Application online, through
Synergie-CTE 14-20 in English.
Proposals for Phase 1 mainly cover the initial 6 months (in terms of work
programme and budget) but also introduce first thematic and
methodological components related to Phase 2 so as to provide elements
on what will be implemented if the project is approved.
Here below the list of the main sections to be completed in order to submit
a Phase 1 Proposal:

Presentation of the project proposal: applicants shall define the

main issue/policy challenge to be addressed by the network,
highlighting the link with the EU2020 strategy and the Thematic
Objectives for Cohesion Policy 2014 as well as explaining how the
project will contribute to the specific objective for Action Planning

Presentation of the main approach proposed: applicants shall

describe the methodological approach they want to apply in order to
facilitate the transnational exchange activities at transnational level
and the local activities for the co-production of Integrated Action
Plans. Under this section applicants shall demonstrate how the
proposed methodological approach, actions and deliverables are
logically interlinked.

Presentation of the proposed initial partnership for Phase 1:

as already stressed above, transnational partnerships for Action
Planning Networks shall be constituted in two steps following the 2stage approach for network creation. In the framework of the Phase
1 Application applicants are requested to present only partners
included in the initial partnership. More especially applicants are
requested to highlight:

The local situation of initial partners in relation to the

policy issue/topic addressed by the network
The experience of initial partners in dealing with the
policy issue/topic addressed by the network and their
potential contribution to the exchange and learning
The specific needs and expected results of initial

Initial partnership for Action Planning Networks

The initial transnational partnership for Phase 1 shall respect a
series of principles that form part of the eligibility criteria for the
Phase 1 application (See Section 7). Concerning the initial
partnership these criteria require that the partnership shall:
o Include a candidate Lead Partner. Only cities can be candidate
Lead Partners

o Be composed by minimum 4 and maximum 6 cities including

the Lead Partner. Only cities can be included in the initial
Description of the main activities to be implemented during
o Include
cities from
at least
3 different
Partner States
1: applicants
how the
main activities
o Be balanced in terms of cities from Less Developed and More

Developed regions, with 2 cities from Less Developed regions


and Coordination and WP2 Project development) will be

implemented. More especially applicants are requested to detail the
proposed approach for the enlargement of the initial partnership
during Phase 1 as well as for the production of the Baseline study.
Detailed information concerning the Baseline study is available in
the Guide for Action Planning Networks.

Budget for Phase 1: applicants shall provide information about the

budget required to deliver the activities proposed based around 5
budget categories. An individual project partner budget shall also be
provided. More detailed information on budgetary issues can be
found in section 6 of this document.

For the preparation of the Phase 1 Applications applicants are requested to

refer to:

Fact sheet 2A of the URBACT III Programme Manual

Guide to Action Planning Networks for detailed information
concerning the main activities to be implemented during Phase 1
and Phase 2
Guide to Network Creation and Submission for practical instructions
on how to complete and submit Phase 1 Proposals through SynergieCTE 14-20
Section7 of the present Call for Proposals for information concerning
the procedure (including deadlines) for submission of Phase 1


Section 6 Budgetary elements

6.1 URBACT III Eligible Intervention rates
The ERDF co-financing rate for an Action Planning network is calculated at
network level on the basis of the different co-financing rates for each
Partners from more developed regions shall be co-financed at up to
70% by ERDF
Partners from less developed and transition regions shall be cofinanced at up to 85% by ERDF
Partners from Norway shall be co-financed at up to 50% by
Norwegian national funds
Partners from Switzerland shall be co-financed at up to 50% by Swiss
national funds
6.2 Action Planning Network Budgets
The total eligible cost for an Action Planning Network shall be between
600.000 and 750.000. The total budget shall be calculated based on
the number of project partners and the specific identified needs of these
Action Planning Networks requesting the higher budget
allocation shall be required to justify this request by demonstrating a
higher number of project partners or increased project activity. The
Monitoring Committee can approve a lower than requested budget should
they consider this is justified.
Action Planning Networks shall be financed using European Regional
Development Fund and local, regional or national contributions from city
partners according to the rates outlined in section 6.1 above.
An Action Planning network shall operate in two phases. The total eligible
cost for the network combining Phases I and II shall be between 600 000
and 750 000. The initial budget for Phase I shall not exceed a total
eligible cost of 100.000.
Considering the foreseen workload required in Phase I to ensure a well
balanced and coherent partnership and a high quality baseline study and
Phase II application, the costs incurred for this first phase of work shall be
considered eligible for refund regardless of the approval of the project into
Phase II.
The budgets for Phase I and II shall be presented using 5 budget
categories as follows:

Staff costs
Expenditure on staff members employed by the partner
organisation, who are formally engaged to work on the project





Office and Administration Costs

Operating and administrative expenses of the partner
organisation that support delivery of project activities
Travel and Accommodation Costs
Expenditure on travel and accommodation costs of staff of
partner organisations and associated partners that relate to
delivery of the project. This category included travel costs,
accommodation costs, costs of meals, visa costs, and/or daily
allowances/per diems.
External expertise and services
Expenditure for external expertise and services provided by a
public or private body or a natural person outside of the partner
organisation. This category covers costs paid on the basis of
contracts or written agreements and against invoices or requests
for reimbursement to external experts and service providers that
are requested to carry out certain tasks or activities, linked to the
delivery of the project. All additional costs related to external
experts (e.g. travel and accommodation expense for external
experts) should be recorded under this budget category. This
category also includes all costs linked to the organisation of
Expenditure for equipment purchased, rented or leased by a
partner, necessary to achieve objectives of the project.

A separate Guidance Note has been developed providing detailed

information about the eligibility of costs, the methods for calculation and
programme specific rules.
6.3 Budget for Expertise
Each network shall have an allocation of 127 500 maximum to cover the
costs of expertise over the lifetime of the project (Phase 1 and Phase 2).
This budget available for expertise is additional to the project budget.
As the daily expertise fee for URBACT thematic experts is set at 750 euros/
day all taxes included, this budget corresponds to an envelope of 170 days
(including participation to training sessions and other activities at
Programme level).
Appointed experts covered by this dedicated envelop shall be selected
from the pool of validated URBACT Experts (see Programme Manual Fact
Sheet 2A)
The allocation covers days of expertise only. Travel and accommodation
costs for Expert shall be covered by the network budget.
Action Planning Networks can contract additional experts for specific tasks
(e.g. coordination of the URBACT Local Group, local animation, technical

assistance, etc.) through the network budget under the category External

Section 7 Procedure for the creation of Action Planning

Projects replying to this call for proposals shall be required to follow a
structured application procedure and will be subject to a selection process.
Each project shall be submitted twice to the URBACT III Monitoring
- firstly in the form of Phase 1 Application
- secondly in the form of Phase 2 Application
Decisions by the Monitoring Committee shall be final.
The procedure shall normally be implemented through a staged approach.
The stages are outlined in detail in the Programme Manual (Fact Sheet 2D
Network Creation) and can be summarised as follows:
1. Phase 1 Applications
Stage 1

Lead Partner creates and submits Phase 1 Applications and all

requested documents to the URBACT Secretariat by 16 June

Stage 2

URBACT Secretariat performs eligibility check.

Stage 3

External Assessment Panel carries out assessment and ranking

of eligible project proposals.

Stage 4

URBACT Managing Authority submits proposal for the approval

of up to 20 Action Planning Networks to the Monitoring
Committee. Monitoring Committee approves projects for 6month Phase 1. Action Planning Networks approved for Phase 1
shall receive a subsidy contract that marks the final stage of
approval of the project for Phase 1.



2. Phase 2 Applications
Stage 5

Lead partner submits Phase 2 Application along with requested

documents 6 months after the approval for Phase 1. Phase 2
Proposal will be completed as part of the Phase I activities.

Stage 6

URBACT Secretariat performs eligibility check.

Stage 7

External Assessment Panel carries out assessment of eligible

project applications. EAP may interviews candidate Lead
partners and Lead experts and issues recommendations for
possible improvements of applications if relevant.

Stage 8

URBACT Managing Authority submits to the Monitoring

Committee proposal for the approval of Action Planning
Networks for Phase 2. Action Planning Networks approved for
Phase 2 shall receive a subsidy contract that marks the final
stage of approval of the project. Additional information on the
subsidy contract is available in fact sheet 2E Network
Management of the Programme Manual. The project shall then
be fully operational and can start working on Phase 2.

Stage 1 Creation and submission of Phase 1 Application

Projects wishing to apply for funding within the frame of this Call for
Proposals are invited to complete the Phase 1 Application online, through
Synergie-CTE 14-20 in English.
A Guide to Network Creation and
Submission is available for technical support.
The following additional documents shall be annexed to the Phase 1

Letter of commitment by all partners included in the initial

partnership. Letters of Commitment shall be signed by an elected
representative of the partner institution

CV of the Project Coordinator

CV of the proposed URBACT Expert

The additional document shall be uploaded in Synergie-CTE for submission

Only applications submitted using Synergie-CTE will be accepted. A PDF
version of the signature page of the application form shall be uploaded in
Synergie-CTE along with the other previously mentioned documents.
The deadline for the online submission of the Phase 1 Applications
16 June 2015, 03.00 pm CET.
After this deadline, the Synergie-CTE system will be closed.

The submission of the Phase 1 Applications is paper free.

Stage 2 Eligibility check of Phase 1 Applications
The URBACT Secretariat will check all received applications against the
eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria for Phase 1 applications are minimum
requirements, all of which must be fulfilled before a project can be
declared eligible for further assessment. They cover organisational,
administrative and commitment requirements. Only eligible projects can
be submitted by the Managing Authority to the Monitoring Committee for
The proposals submitted to the URBACT Secretariat within the deadline
and respecting the procedure outlined in the call will be checked for
compliance with the eligibility criteria listed below:
Phase 1 - Eligibility Criteria:
o The proposal is submitted in English and respects the procedure
outlined in the call for proposals and within the deadline set in the
o The proposal is complete including the required documents set out
in the call.
o The proposal is complete in terms of information and data required
in the documents (all sections in the Phase 1 Application and letters
of commitment have been properly filled in according to the
o All the documents required are signed, dated and stamped by the
candidate partners and uploaded into Synergie CTE 14-20
o The proposal fulfils the requirements for Phase 1 partnership
bringing together a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 cities (as
defined in section 2.2) from at least 3 Member/ Partner States, which
have designated one of the cities as candidate lead partner.
o The proposed partnership respects the balance between partners
from More Developed and Less Developed regions. More especially
the proposed partnership includes a minimum of 2 cities from Less
Developed regions.
o The candidate Lead partner is candidate Lead partner in one
URBACT proposal only.
o All the partners are eligible according to the programme rules.
o The maximum budget for Phase 1 applications (100k total eligible
cost) has been respected.
Stage 3 Assessment of eligible Phase 1 Applications
Eligible Phase 1 Applications will be assessed and ranked by the External
Assessment Panel. Information about the External Assessment Panel is

provided in the Fact Sheet 2D of the URBACT III Programme Manual. The
assessment criteria for project proposals are outlined below:
Criterion 1: Relevance of the topic/theme/policy issue addressed
The proposal contributes to the objectives of the EU2020 strategy and it is in
line with one or more of the Thematic Objectives for EU Cohesion Policy
The thematic approach proposed clearly identifies key urban
challenges/issues to be specifically addressed by the network
The Phase 1 application proposes an integrated response to the challenge
The proposal documents and demonstrates added value of the proposal
compared to previous URBACT networks on related issues. The relationship
to existing or previous non URBACT networks is made evident (e.g. Interreg,
NGOs. Etc)
Criterion 2: Coherence of the general approach proposed
2.1. The proposed methodology and activities will improve the capacities of
cities to design sustainable urban strategies and action plans (Specific
Objective 2 for Action Planning Networks in the Operational Programme
2.2. The proposal has a clear focus on exchange of experiences and it builds on
partners experience and knowledge
2.3. The proposed methodology is realistic and coherent (the activities are
logically sequenced and linked interlinked)
2.4. The proposal shows a clear understanding of what is expected in terms of
activities and outputs from Action Planning Networks for Phase 2, especially
in relation to the organisation of proposed Transnational exchange and
learning activities (Work Package 2) and the proposed Impact on local
governance and urban policies ( Work Package 3)
Criterion 3: Quality of the proposal for Phase 1
3.1(Clarity) The work plan for Phase 1 is clearly presented with description of
the planned activities and expected outputs
3.2(Coherence) The activities are logically interlinked and in line with the
objectives for Phase 1 (enlargement of the partnership, production of the
Baseline study, elaboration of the Phase 2 Application)
3.3The methodology for enlarging the partnership is clearly set out (e.g. call for
expression of interest, screening questionnaire, selection process)
3.4The Methodology for the production of the Baseline study including its
components of State of the Art, partner profiles and synthesis are clearly set
Criterion 4: Quality of initial partnership
4.1(Relevance) The urban challenges and types of possible policy response to
be addressed by the networks are relevant for each of the cities proposed in
the initial partnership
4.2(Diversity) The proposed partnership for Phase 1 covers a range of EU
settings. In cases where the geographical coverage is limited, this is clearly
justified in the Phase 1 application.
4.3(Coherence) The experience of cities involved in the initial partnership is
relevant to address the challenges identified in the Phase 1 application and
the cities are able to take steps to address these challenges (e.g. having
appropriate competence, resources, political support and motivation)


4.4(Quality of project partner Profiles) Each partner sets out in detail their local
situation, their needs and their expected results at local level and these are
logically connected
4.5Each local partner has identified an appropriately skilled and experienced
local coordinator.
4.6The designated URBACT expert(s) has relevant experience in supporting
transnational exchange and learning activities and relevant expertise in
relation with the issues to be addressed by the network
Criterion 5: Quality of leadership
5.1The Lead Partner demonstrates competency in managing EU co-financed
projects or can ensure adequate measures for management support
5.2The named person to act for the Lead Partner (project coordinator) has
experience (from attached CV) of this type of work
5.3The project coordination of the Lead Partner is well organised and clearly
presented (who will do which tasks) Sufficient resources are indicated for the
lead partner tasks
Criterion 5: Budget and finances for Phase 1
The project budget is proportionate to the proposed work plan and the
main outputs and results proposed.
The total partner budgets reflect real partner involvement (are balanced
and realistic)
The project budget is justified, clear and realistic.

Stage 4 Submission to the Monitoring Committee and approval

Building on the report provided by the External Assessment Panel, the
Monitoring Committee shall decide on the approval of projects to enter
Phase 1. Decisions by the Monitoring Committee shall be final.
After approval by the Monitoring Committee, the information on approved
projects shall be published on the URBACT website to give the opportunity
to other potential partners to join the project. The complete partnership
shall be finalised during Phase 1 of the project.
Approved applications shall receive a subsidy contract which marks the
final stage of approval of the Phase 1 project. Additional information on the
subsidy contract is available in Fact Sheet 2E of the URBACT III Programme
Manual. The project shall then be fully operational and can start working
on Phase 1.
Stage 5 Creation and submission of Phase 2 Application
During Phase 1, the Lead Partner and partners, with the support of the
URBACT Expert, shall complete the Phase 2 Application to submit their
final proposal for Phase 2. This will be done in English through the online
system Synergie-CTE 14-20 by updating and providing additional
information to the initial application submitted for Phase 1. Guidelines for
the completion of the Phase 2 Application will be provided by the URBACT
Secretariat to the projects approved for Phase 1. It shall include, amongst

other things, a detailed definition of the project objectives and expected

outputs, a work programme including a plan for the use and management
of experts and a budget by category and partner.
At the end of Phase 1, the Lead partner shall submit their Phase 2
Application and all requested documents to the URBACT Secretariat. The
Phase 2 Application shall be submitted to the URBACT Secretariat no later
than 6 months following the approval for the project to enter Phase I. The
procedure for the submission of the Phase 2 application will be provided to
applicants at the beginning of Phase 1.
Stage 6 Eligibility check of Phase 2 Applications
The URBACT Secretariat will check all received applications against the
eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria for Phase 2 Applications are minimum
requirements, all of which must be fulfilled before a project can be
declared eligible. They cover organisational, administrative and
commitment requirements. Only eligible projects can be submitted by the
Managing Authority to the Monitoring Committee for approval.
The proposals submitted to the URBACT Secretariat within the deadline
and respecting the procedure outlined in the call will be checked for
compliance with the eligibility criteria listed below:
Phase 2 Eligibility Criteria:
o The proposal is submitted respecting the procedure outlined in the
call for proposals and within 6 months from approval by the
Monitoring Committee for Action Planning Networks.
o The proposal is complete in terms of number of documents required
and includes the Phase 2 Application. The list of required documents
will be provided to approved projects, along with guidelines for
Phase 2 Application. It will include a letter of commitment for the
Lead partner and 1 letter of commitment per partner
o The proposal is complete in terms of information and data required
in the documents (all sections in the Phase 2 Application, letters of
commitment and other documents have been properly filled in
according to the instructions).
o All the documents required are signed, dated and stamped by the
candidate partners and uploaded into Synergie CTE 14-20
o The proposal fulfils the requirements for Phase 2 partnership
bringing together a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 public
bodies, from at least 3 Member and Partner States, which have
designated one of the authorities as candidate lead partner.
o The proposed partnership respects the balance between partners
from More Developed and Less Developed regions. More especially
the proposed partnership includes a minimum of 4 cities from Less
Developed regions.


o The proposed partnership does not include more than 3 non-city

partners (refer to the definition of non-city partners provided in the
section 2.2 of the present Call for Proposals).
o All candidate partners are beneficiaries of the programme as defined
in the Operational Programme.
o The candidate partners are not involved in more than 2 project
proposals for Phase 2 under the related call.
o All the partners are eligible according to the programme rules.
o The maximum budget for Phase 1 and Phase 2 applications together
(750k ) has been respected
Stage 7 Assessment of Phase 2 Applications
The External Assessment Panel shall proceed to the assessment of eligible
Phase 2 Applications, to be submitted to the Monitoring Committee for
approval for Phase 2.
Whereas the assessment of Phase 1 applications is aimed at selecting a
number of proposals out of all eligible proposals received, the assessment
of Phase 2 Applications shall aim to check the quality of the proposals and
to improve these proposals if relevant.
The EAP may seek clarification from the candidate Lead partners and Lead
experts by means of interviews and provide recommendations for
improvements if necessary.
Stage 8 Approval of Action Planning Networks for Phase 2
Based on the final assessment by the External Assessment Panel, the
URBACT Managing Authority shall submit to the Monitoring Committee a
proposal of projects to be approved for Phase 2. The Monitoring Committee
shall decide on the approval of projects to enter Phase 2.
Decisions by the Monitoring Committee shall be final.
Approved applications shall receive an amendment to their original
subsidy contract which marks the final stage of approval of the Phase II
project. Additional information on the subsidy contract is available in Fact
Sheet 2E of the URBACT III Programme Manual. The project shall then be
fully operational and can start working on Phase 2.
Section 8: Important dates
Applicants are invited to take note of the 5 following milestones:
Submission of proposals
Phase 1 Applications shall be submitted by 16 June 2015, 03.00 pm CET
latest, following the procedure outlined above in section 7.

Approval for Development phase

Eligible project proposals will be submitted to the Monitoring Committee
for approval of funding for Phase 1 on 10th September 2015
Training session at the beginning of Phase 1
Lead Partners and URBACT Experts of approved projects will be requested
to attend the Training Session organized in Paris from 30th September to
2nd October 2015
NOTA BENE: Lead partners shall foresee that their proposed URBACT
expert as well as the persons who will be in charge of project finances and
communication (so-called finance officers and communication officers)
attend this training session.
Training session on Synergie-CTE for project management
Projects coordinators and financial officers of Lead Partners will be
requested to attend the Training Session organized in Paris on 26-27
November 2015
Training for First Level Controllers
First Level Controllers will be requested to attend the training session
organized in Paris early 2016 (exact date to be confirmed)

Section 9: Useful resources

a) URBACT Secretariat


Applicants can submit by email questions to the members of the URBACT

For questions concerning thematic coverage, eligibility of beneficiaries,
composition of the partnership, objectives/activities/expected outputs of
Action Planning Networks, use of the additional budget for expertise,
applicants can contact Raffaele Barbato, Senior Networking Officer
For question concerning project management, Synergie CTE 14-20 and
budgetary elements, applicants can contact Adele Bucella, Finance
Manager (
b) Frequently Asked Questions
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section is available on the URBACT
website at the following link (The section will be hosted in the new
website. The hyperlink will be added as soon as the new website will be
c) Useful Documents
In preparing their Phase 1 Application applicants are invited to refer to the
following documents:

URBACT III Operational Programme

URBACT III Programme Manual, and in particular
o Fact Sheet 1 The URBACT Programme
o Fact Sheet 2A Action Planning Networks
o Fact Sheet 2D Network Creation
o Fact Sheet 2E Network Management
Guide to Action Planning Networks
Guide to Network Creation and Submission
Guidance notes on network management
URBACT Toolkit for Local Support Groups


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