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Linux Commands Glossary

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A Linux utility for converting text files into files in the Adobe PostScript format.
The term for video cards that have their own onboard processors, with consequent enhanced
address masquerading
In Linux, a security feature that allows system administrators to use a single Internet-connected server to
act as a gateway. This machine uses a different name from the true hostname, enabling internal hosts on
that domain to remain hidden.
An alternative, usually shorthand, name for a particular entity, such as a mail address or a command. In
general, an alias can be for a file, device, or other object, but in Linux it generally refers to a shorter
version of a command.
The creation of fictitious but functioning e-mail addresses. An alias address links directly to other, "real" email accounts in a specified domain, and any messages sent to it are automatically placed in the linked
A free web server that is used to host over 60 percent of world web sites. The source code is freely
available and can be modified by anyone. Apache was originally developed for UNIX, was adapted for
Linux, and is now widely used by Linux systems. Its main advantage is that it enables Internet service
providers to run multiple web servers on one machine.
An acronym for Application Programming Interface, a specification that allows access to the functionality of
a library or other system resources when writing a program.
Application Programming Interface
See API.
A command that provides documentation and manual pages relevant to a chosen keyword.
A tool that enables users to select sources from which to get new packages.
A value or option that is used by a command when executing. This can include information that is
operated on by the command or information that modifies the behavior of the command.
Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a binary code that is used for text as
well as communications and printer control.
AT commands
Cryptic commands that make up an INIT string used for modem configuration.

The process of identifying users' machines before allowing a connection to be established. Two commonly
used authentication protocols are PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), used by a client to authenticate
a server, and CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), used by a server to authenticate a
A default option for a device that allows it to be automatically mounted at boot time.
A process that discovers device configuration information.
A program that responds with a prewritten message when a user submits an e-mail. It is generally used to
confirm receipt of a message.
A utility that allows the user to search for, filter, and manipulate strings of characters in text files.
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The environment in which certain jobs have no priority over the system's resources and only run when
resources are not being used for a job in the foreground. Linux can run an unlimited number of jobs in the
A copy of the filesystem or part of the filesystem that is stored on another medium and can be used to
recreate the original.
bad sectors
A faulty portion of a disk that cannot be used dependably by the operating system for storing information.
As these sectors are unreliable, the hard drive does not allow data to be written to them.
Acronym for Bourne again shell, the default shell in Linux. See also csh and pdksh.
A job that consists of a series of processes in a queue executed sequentially.
Baud rate
1. Based on the Baud unit, which is defined as one symbol (state or level transition) per second.
2. Defined as one electronic change per second, this is one of the main methods of measuring the rate of
data transmission.
A command used when a job is stopped, to send it into the background.
1. A type of program that has already been compiled and is ready to run.
2. A base 2 number system having exactly two unique digits, on which computers are based.
Acronym for basic input/output system, firmware that loads the operating system after ensuring that the
hardware is functioning properly. The BIOS is located on a ROM chip on the motherboard.
The term for specific piece of information held on a storage device, such as a disk drive. Common block
sizes are 512 and 1024 bytes.
block device
A type of storage device that handles data in units of a particular size, known as blocks.
block special file

A UNIX or Linux file which points to the device driver for a device, such as a disk drive, that requires data
in a block, or blocks.
boot floppy
A floppy disk that contains a bootable operating system.
boot loader
A program that finds and loads the kernel at boot time.
boot manager
A program that loads the operating system and may let the user choose which operating system is booted.
An e-mail that cannot be delivered and which is returned to the sender's mailbox via the mailer daemon.
A command that exits completely from the innermost level of a loop. It enables users to exit embedded
loops easily.
broadcast address
An address used to reach all of the nodes on a network.
A temporary storage area, usually in RAM.
built-in command
A command that is part of the shell program.
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cable lock
A hardware device used for securing computers and other devices so that they can't be moved.
caching nameserver
A server that stores resolved DNS addresses to save time when these addresses are next needed.
A command that is used to create a conditional statement in a shell script to match a defined pattern to
a string.
A program that sends the contents of a file to the standard output.
Abbreviation for Color/Graphics Adapter, the first video display standard for IBM PCs. It has been
superseded by VGA.
Abbreviation for Common Gateway Interface, a standard for data transfer between a server and a CGIcompatible program. CGI files are executables that run on web pages.
character special file
A UNIX or Linux file which points to the device driver for a device, such as a terminal, that requires data in
Those symbols which require one byte to store them, including all the ASCII and extended ASCII
A Linux utility for automating conversations between a computer and its modem, thereby allowing the
automatic Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections. It is possible to specify a chat script via the
command line, but it is more common to store the information for an automated connection in a plain text
file containing sets of expect-send strings. This allows reactions to various modem responses to be
anticipated to enable automatic connection.

A command that changes the group that a file belongs to.
child process
A process that starts within an existing process. The existing process becomes the parent process.
1. A particular configuration of processors and associated hardware, mounted on a single circuit board.
2. In the context of video cards, the term for the logic circuit that controls the card. Also called the
accelerator or the video coprocessor.
A command that modifies permissions on a file or directory.
A command that changes the owner of a file or directory.
client/server computing
A computing model where the network is split into clients, who request services, and servers, which
provide the services and handle processing and data.
Acronym for complementary metal oxide conductor, a 64 byte memory component on which the BIOS
hardware configuration settings are stored when the machine is powered off.
An instruction to the computer to perform a task composed of a command name, arguments, and options.
command interpreter
An alternative term for a shell.
command line
The computer interface where commands are entered.
command substitution
The substitution of the results or output of one command for the input of another. This allows a series of
commands to be linked in the same command line.
A type of software that must be purchased before use. See also freeware.
Common Gateway Interface
See CGI.
The process of turning high-level source code into executable object code.
A program that reorganizes source code and translates it into a binary or executable program.
conditional statement
A statement that enables shell scriptors to control the program flow and force the shell to choose between
alternative actions according to the outcome of specific tests. It is included anywhere in a shell script.
A program that is a basic kernel configuration method. It supplies a simple text-based interface.
A hardware device, a computer with keyboard and screen that allows input of information or commands.
A command that causes the program to skip the remaining commands in an iteration of the loop, but stay
in the loop. It transfers execution to the bottom of the body of the loop.
A command that is used to copy files.
A utility that permits the copying of files. It is available on every Linux system. It can create an archive
containing multiple files or copy a directory hierarchy.
A person who breaks into computer systems.

cron job
A job that is stored in the system to be executed at a specified time in the future.
The study of transforming data into an unreadable format. The only way to read the data is to be in
possession of a particular key a large number that can unlock the data.
Abbreviation for C shell, one of the shells available in the Linux operating system. See also bash and
The command used to stop the job that is running in the foreground.
The command used to pause a job. The job will continue from the same point if it is restarted in the
background or foreground.
On a hard disk, the sum total of every track with the same track number on every disk surface.
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A process that is usually initiated at boot time but then runs in the background until it's requested.
See dgram.
A free distribution of Linux that is developed openly by developers over the Internet.
The process of finding and removing program errors.
default route
In networks, the route that information packets will take if no other route is specified.
demilitarized zone
See DMZ.
An attack on a computer system that results in depriving users of a specific service or resource.
The relationship between a compiled file and the file from which it is compiled. For example, an object or
executable file depends on a source file.
desktop environment
A group of utilities that provides users with a GUI interface for easy file management.
destructive partitioning
Partitioning that deletes all pre-existing partitions and their contents. See also non-destructive
Any hardware item that is part of or attaches to a computer. In Linux, device can refer specifically to
hardware that inputs or outputs data.
device name
A name used to represent the physical address of a hardware device.
A command that displays the disk space usage of storage devices.
Abbreviation for datagram, a data packet sent by the UDP network protocol.

Abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a software package that automatically assigns IP
addresses to client stations logging on to a TCP/IP network.
A command used to compare two files and display the differences between them.
In an Apache configuration file, an instruction used to configure a specific aspect of server operation.
A type of file that contains other files and a list of the names and other information about the files it
disk platter
The data storage area of a hard disk.
A variable that decides where display graphics will be painted.
display management
A process in which the X server software organizes the display area into windows and paints graphics to
the correct windows.
A software package that contains all the software necessary to install and run a customized version of
Abbreviation of direct memory access, this is a technology that allows data to pass between a device and
the computer's main memory via DMA channels without the intervention of the processor.
A command that displays boot time messages.
An abbreviation of demilitarized zone, a buffer zone between a company's internal network and the
Abbreviation for Domain Name System, a set of hierarchical databases that locates and maps domain
names to their corresponding IP addresses. This directory service is crucial to the delivery of e-mail.
Domain Name System
See DNS.
dotted quads
Another name for IP addresses, because they consist of groups of four bytes separated by dots.
A term that indicates the direction of data, meaning towards the output device.
A tool that enables users to remove and install packages, and retrieve general information about the
A software program that enables interaction between software and hardware by translating generic
input/output commands into specialized code.
A tool that is used to fetch, install, or remove packages.
A command that displays the amount of space used by any given file or directory.
dual boot
A computer configuration that allows you to start up your computer with either of two different operating
systems. The dual boot feature is contained within one of the operating systems.

An archive utility that can carry out various types of backup from a full backup to different levels of
incremental backups.
dynamic file
A file that contains data that changes frequently. Examples include user files, log files, and temporary files.
dynamically linked program
A program that contains sub routines that refer to shared libraries stored elsewhere.
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A command that displays specified text.
A line-based text editor that was developed for use with teletype terminals and allows the user to view and
work on only one line of text at a time. In Linux, it usually operates within vi.
A command that allows the user to define the amount of space a given user or group may use.
A command that searches a specified file or files for an extended regular expression pattern. See also
grep and fgrep.
Acronym for Extended ISA, a PC bus standard that extends the 16-bit ISA bus to 32 bits and provides bus
A screen-oriented text editor that offers an extensive list of features.
A command that directs the shell to display only a selection of the environment variables.
environment variable
In Linux and other UNIX-like systems, a variable that contains a value that determines some aspect of the
appearance or operation of the shell. Although many environment variables are configured automatically, it
is possible to change the settings manually using the set command. See also variable.
A process in which a metacharacter is treated as regular text.
This is the most commonly used LAN protocol and forms the basis of the IEEE 802.3 standard for the
lower networking layers of the Open Systems Interface model. 10Base-T and 100Base-T are the two main
Ethernet network types and allow data transfer rates of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps respectively.
A term that refers to a single command stored in the history file.
event number
A unique number given to each event listed in the history file.
executable file
In UNIX and Linux, a file that has at least one of its execute permission bits set and that can therefore be
invoked as a program.
To invoke a program.
A process in which a variable is extracted from a sub-shell or process and is made available as an
environment variable to all of the shell.
extended partition

A primary partition that is formatted to hold logical partitions. There can be only one extended partition per
hard disk. See also logical partition.
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A term used to refer to services when configuring how they are to generate log files.
A command that displays past events on the terminal screen.
Abbreviation for Fiber Distributed Data Interface, an ANSI standard token-passing network that uses
optical fiber cabling.
A program used to manage disk partitions.
A command that moves a job from the background to the foreground.
A command that searches a specified file or files for a simple string or list of strings. See grep and egrep.
Acronym for Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, a set of requirements and guidelines for file and directory
placement under Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems.
Acronym for First In First out, a special file in a UNIX or Linux filesystem that acts just like a pipe and is
used to pass information between processes.
1. A collection of related information manipulated as a single entity.
2. In Linux, a command that examines a file and displays what kind of file it is.
The storage structure for files on a hard disk. Each filesystem is associated with a specific part of the
directory tree. The primary filesystem or root filesystem corresponds to the / directory.
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
See FHS.
Filesystem Standard
See FSS.
A command that operates on a text stream.
A command that searches the filesystem for files.
A program designed to split an existing DOS partition without deleting the data on it.
A security system that restricts the type of connection that can be established with a network, usually
based on the data or application type.
A piece of software that is built into a hardware device.
First In First Out

A loop command that executes once for each item in an argument list. See also while and until
The environment in which a certain job has priority over the system's resources. Linux can run only one
job at a time in the foreground.
A process in which partitions on a drive are created to store files for a particular operating system.
In Linux and UNIX systems, a form of aliasing available to individual sendmail users that allows mail to be
redirected to one or more users, to a file, to a program, or to a combination of these.
A type of software that may be under copyright but can be used without charge.
A Linux program that checks filesystems and corrects errors. It can be run only on unmounted filesystems
or filesystems that are mounted as read-only. It can be run automatically at boot time.
Abbreviation for Filesystem Standard, a standard hierarchy for filesystems. The FSS specifies locations for
system files, user applications, data files, and configuration settings that are implemented across different
Linux distributions.
A series of commands within a script or program that is given a name and can be invoked and executed
independently of the rest of the code in the program.
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A text-manipulation utility, the GNU version of awk.
General Public License
See GPL.
A free interpreter for the Adobe PostScript formatting language that allows non-PostScript-enabled printers
to print PostScript files.
Abbreviation of group identification number, a number Linux uses to track users.
global variable
A variable that applies everywhere except where a variable by the same name is defined locally using the
local keyword.
Acronym for GNU Network Object Model Environment, a standard Linux desktop environment,
composed completely of open-source software.
Pseudonym used by the Free Software Foundation, the creators of the GNU/Linux operating system.
GNU Network Object Model Environment
A command that adds users to a group.

Abbreviation for General Public License, a license developed by the Free Software Foundation that
applies to Linux and other open source software. It allows for the free use, modification, and distribution
of software.
grace period
The period of time a user is given to comply with a warning. In Linux, this usually refers to the time
between a user exceeding their soft limit and having their account disabled.
A text filter that searches files to find particular strings.
A command that creates a new group.
A command that modifies the group name or its GID.
A command used to allocate the disk space that can be used by groups.
Acronym for Graphical User Interface, a type of interface that presents users with graphical
representations of files, directories, and applications for ease of use. The alternative is a command-line
A utility used to uncompress a tarball and extract the archive.
The utility used to compress a tarfile and create a tarball.
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hard limit
The amount of disk space a user can take up. This is the maximum that is actually available to the user,
not just the space they are authorized to use. See also soft limit.
hard link
The connection between files that share an inode.
A command used to display the beginning of a file.
head of a stream
An application that is generating data. A data stream is said to move from the application at the head of the
stream to the output device downstream.
A command used to inform the user about the commands that are built into the shell.
A command that displays all the events in the history file.
history file
A file that stores a record of commands that are issued to the shell. It is possible to modify the size of this
file and the number of commands it records.
horizontal scan rate
Also known as the horizontal refresh rate, a measure of how many scan lines of pixels a monitor can
display in one second, expressed in kilohertz (kHz).
A term used to refer to any computer on a network.

An access control file that contains a list identifying who can have access to specific services. See also
An access control file that contains a list identifying who is disallowed access to specific services. See
also hosts.allow.
The name given to a type of general Linux documentation.
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I/O address
An abbreviation for input/output address, a unique memory address that defines a memory region to be
used exclusively by a hardware device and used to reference all other addresses within the region in
communication between the device and the operating system.
I/O base address
See I/O address.
Abbreviation for Internet Control Message Protocol, which is a protocol used mainly for diagnostic
purposes. The other IP protocols, UDP and TCP, are the basic methods of communication between
programs running on different machines.
Abbreviation for integrated device electronics, a standard peripherals interface that allows for a maximum
of two devices to be connected to a single cable. IDE devices are so named because their controller
electronics are built into the actual device, although this is also true of most SCSI devices.
A command that is used to handle various types of arguments to create a conditional statement in a
shell script. These argument types include command output, variable values, and file status.
A program used to configure and monitor network interfaces.
The compressed Linux kernel. At boot time, the image is decompressed, loaded into memory, and
Pronounced "eye-map", the acronym for Internet Message Access Protocol, a protocol that listens on port
143 and is responsible for retrieving messages from the destination server. This protocol initially only
downloads the header of an e-mail rather than the whole message. IMAP4 is more advanced than POP3
and supports keyword searching and online, offline, and disconnected message access.
Industry Standard Architecture
See ISA.
inetd daemon
The Internet services daemon, also called the super server, a program developed by Berkeley Services
Distribution to reduce the system load entailed in UNIX and Linux by running multiple standalone
daemons. It is initiated at system startup and listens to multiple network ports at the same time for
incoming requests for network services. As soon as a service is requested, inetd invokes the appropriate
server to provide the service before continuing to listen for new requests.
A configuration file for the inetd daemon that contains a list of network services that inform inetd which
ports to listen to and which server programs to run. Each entry in the file defines the parameters for a
single service.

A command that displays documentation in a hypertext format.
INIT string
A sequence of AT commands that are used to configure modems.
initial RAM disk
Contains the information required for booting the kernel. It is created in RAM memory and enables the
kernel to access the boot device and continue the boot process.
A resource that contains information about a file and tracks the location of data within the file. Each file
has its own inode.
inode number
A unique identification number the kernel assigns to each physical file in the system.
A command for managing modules that allows the user to load a module manually.
integrated device electronics
See IDE.
1. A term that means the program is able to accept user input.
2. An adjective that describes a foreground or background process initiated from, and controlled by, the
The point at which two entities meet. This can be the user/computer interface, which could be a command
line or a graphical environment. It can also refer to the connection between a host computer and a
Internet Control Message Protocol
Internet Message Access Protocol
A signal that indicates that some event has occurred within a computer. Hardware interrupts are usually
exchanged between devices in the system and the CPU.
interrupt request line
See IRQ.
IP address
A 32-bit number which identifies a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. The address itself can be
expressed in binary, as four eight-bit octets separated by a period, or more commonly in dotted-decimal
notation, for example, where each dot-separated part can have the value 0-255.
IP chain
A set of rules for packet handling, implemented as part of a firewall.
An abbreviation for interrupt request line, a hardware line over which an interrupt can be sent from a
device to the CPU. There are 16 IRQs in most PCs today.
Acronym for Industry Standard Architecture, a 16-bit expansion bus commonly used in PCs. Plug-in
boards use it to control sound, video display, and other peripherals.
A tools package that allows users to implement the instructions in the configuration file.
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A series of separate, related processes started from a single command line.
job ID
The number assigned automatically to a print job in a queue that allows it to be identified individually.
job number
A number that is assigned to each job when it is sent into the background.
A command used to display the status of jobs running in the background.
jumper settings
The various options that allow you to configure the operation of a hardware device physically by placing
prongs on its electrical contacts.
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K Desktop Environment
See KDE.
Abbreviation for K Desktop Environment, a group of programs that provides users with a free, open-source
GUI environment that runs on most varieties of UNIX.
The core part of an operating system that communicates with hardware and regulates processes.
kernel space
An area of the system architecture that handles all of the low-level processes.
A Linux daemon that supports the automatic loading of a module or modules. It was introduced in version
1.3 of the Linux kernel. In 2.1 kernels, kerneld is replaced by kmod, which performs the same functions
but is part of the kernel.
An item that identifies a user, allowing them to access and modify files.
A file that defines the correspondence between characters and keys on the keyboard.
A command used to terminate processes.
A command used to terminate a selection of processes.
See kerneld.
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A command that searches and lists records of logins and logouts. Records can be narrowed to a given
user or terminal.
A command that searches and lists records of failed login attempts.

A shared object dynamic linker that reads the routines in the shared libraries at runtime along with the
code in the program file.
A utility that enables users to configure shared libraries.
A utility that lists all shared libraries that a program depends on.
A command used to display the contents of a file.
A collection of routines and functions that are made available to programs.
Acronym for Linux Loader, a standard Linux boot-up program.
A pointer to a file.
A software-based modem specifically developed for use in the Linux operating system, in which much of
the hardware functions are carried out by the chipset instead of specialized modem electronics.
1. A kernel for an operating system that was released by Linus Torvalds.
2. A multi-tasking operating system that is based on the Linux kernel.
Linux Loader
literal character
A symbol that has no specific meaning to an operating system. See also metacharacter.
A command that creates a link.
local variable
A variable that applies only within a particular function or script.
A command that finds items in the filesystem by checking the locate database.
A file that details the operation of a process.
logical AND operator
A term for an operator used in many programming languages that relates two expressions on a logical
basis. With the logical AND operator, the combined result of the two expressions returns true only if both
expressions are true.
logical OR operator
A term for an operator used in many programming languages that relates two expressions on a logical
basis. With the logical OR operator, the combined result of the two expressions returns true if either
expression is true.
logical partition
An additional partition within an extended partition. It is possible to have up to 16 logical partitions per
hard disk.
A command that allows automatic rotation, compression, removal, and mailing of log files.
loopback address
The IP address, used for internally testing the IP interface on a local machine.
loopback device
A system that allows a computer to address itself directly without having to go through a network.
loopback interface
A special type of network interface that allows a machine to make connections to itself.
looping statement

A code construction that executes a series of commands repeatedly until or while predefined conditions
are met.
A utility that is used to manage print queues. It can produce status reports on printers, the queues
associated with them, and on individual users.
A command that is used to query print jobs in Linux.
A program that is a popular Linux print client.
A command that is used to remove a print job.
A command used to list the files in a directory.
A command for managing modules that lists the modules that are currently loaded.
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mail forwarder
A mail process that sends the mail to the server and does nothing else.
mail queue
In Linux, a directory that stores messages for later delivery when the first attempt fails.
mail transfer agent
See MTA.
mail user agent
A program for managing e-mail.
mailer daemon
A program activated by an e-mail that bounces. It ascertains why the mail can't be delivered and reports
the reason to the sender.
1. A command that instructs the compiler to use a set of rules drawn up by the programmer.
2. The program that provides sequence control when compiling source code. Its configuration file, the
Makefile, contains information about dependencies between individual files.
make bzImage
A command that compiles a compressed kernel image file. It is one of three commands that are used to
compile a new kernel. See also make clean and make dep.
make clean
A command that removes any old object files and temporary files created during previous compilations. It
is one of three commands that are used to compile a new kernel. See also make dep and make
make dep
In Linux, a command that builds the dependency list. It is one of three commands that are used to
compile a new kernel. See also make clean and make bzImage.
make install
A command that places the compiled binaries in the correct location after the make utility has run.
make targets
A particular case of the make command instructing the compiler to use a section of the makefile.
A file that contains the commands required to compile source code into its final executable form.

A command used to call up information about system commands.
map installer
A program that installs and configures the boot loader. It does this by reading the configuration file
containing information such as the location of the kernel and the default boot disk.
Acronym for Messaging Application Program Interface, a Microsoft program that allows mail to be
exchanged between different e-mail applications. MAPI works from a dynamic link library (DLL) that
consists of a set of C language functions. Microsoft applications that use MAPI include Outlook, the
Exchange client, and Schedule.
1. The process by which items in a stored set of data are linked to related items in hardware or in another,
differently encoded set of data.
2. In UNIX and Linux, the translation process that changes virtual addresses into real addresses.
A filter that only accepts certain values. It can also mean the permissions set for a file or directory.
master boot record
The first sector of the hard disk that takes control of the boot process for a short while. It holds the
partitioning information of the disk.
See master boot record.
MD5 Checksum
A 128-bit number, used by RPM to express a package's content mathematically. RPM creates an MD5
checksum for every file and package and stores these in its database. Any changes can then be detected
by comparing the current number against that stored in the database.
Abbreviation for mail delivery agent, a program that transfers an e-mail from the receiving MTA to the
recipient's mailbox.
A program that offers a text-based menu that is navigated using the arrow keys. It offers colored text and
lists options.
A symbol that has a specific meaning to an operating system, for example wildcards.
Acronym for Management Information Base, a database object that contains information associated with a
networked device.
Acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a specification that supports eight-bit character sets
and multipart files and that allows users to send and receive e-mails consisting of audio, video, and
graphics files.
A Linux utility that creates a boot floppy.
A command used to create a new directory.
A program used to format partitions so they will hold Linux files.
A command that is used to make filesystems.
A command for managing modules that provides information on currently loaded modules.

A command for managing modules that checks for dependencies in the module database and loads any
modules that might be needed before loading the requested module.
In Linux and UNIX, a device driver that can be added to or removed from memory while the system is
running. A module can either be sourced externally or it can form part of the official kernel sources. It is
usually easier to debug than a static kernel driver. Certain modules will work only when they are backed up
by functions provided by other modules or other parts of the kernel. Modules are also referred to as
loadable device drivers.
A file that contains NIC configuration settings.
A command used to display the contents of a file one page at a time.
A standard GUI interface that is often installed across a network so all workstations will have the same
general appearance.
A process that adds a device to the filesystem.
mount point
The point in a directory at which a file or filesystem is made available to that directory.
Abbreviation for mail transfer agent, a program that transfers e-mails over the Internet.
Abbreviation for mail user agent, a program that allows users to create and receive e-mail as well as
display, file, and print them in their mailboxes.
The term for two-way communication between multiple sites on the Internet.
A command used to change the name or location of a file.
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named pipe
Also known as a FIFO, an actual file in a UNIX or Linux filesystem that is used to pass information
between processes.
The process of resolving name-based Internet addresses into numeric IP addresses.
Acronym for Network Address translation, a process which allows computers on a local network to be
given an Internet address.
An address range used to determine the network that an IP address belongs to.
network address
A string of numbers that identifies an element in a network.
Network Address translation
See NAT.
network class
The highest level at which an IP address is organized. There are five such levels, A through E, and each
level has a specific purpose.
network daemon

A program, usually initiated at system startup, which runs in the background and listens and responds to
requests at a specific port. The network daemon's job is to provide a specific networking service such as
Telnet or FTP.
Network File System
See NFS.
Network Information Service
See NIS.
network interface card
See NIC.
network ports
Logical rather than physical connections that transfer information into and out of a machine.
An abbreviation for Network File System, a file system that allows users to access files on remote hosts
as if they were local.
An abbreviation for network interface card, a hardware device that allows a computer to communicate with
a network.
A command that sets the priority of a process and decides how much CPU time it is allocated.
nice value
A value indicating a program's scheduling priority, with -20 being the highest and 19 being the lowest. The
default value is 10.
Acronym for Network Information Service, a method of providing key information such as passwords, login
names, home directories, and group names available to all machines on the network via a network lookup
service consisting of databases and processes.
A command that adds line numbers to a file.
A daemon that acts as name server for Samba, providing relevant information when requested. It must be
running to use Samba. See also smbd.
Abbreviation for network management station, a client program that uses the SNMP protocol to
communicate with server programs that reside on networked devices.
A system variable that determines whether files can be overwritten by new files of the same name.
Noclobber is off by default, which means files may be overwritten.
The term for video cards that rely entirely on the host computer for processing capabilities.
non-destructive partitioning
Partitioning that creates new partitions from existing ones without deleting data. See also destructive
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A base-8 numeric system.
A command that dumps files.

Abbreviation for object identifier, a number that identifies a particular data set or parameter in an MIB.
A standard GUI interface, developed by Sun, which is often installed across a network so all workstations
will have the same general appearance.
open source
Any source code of a program or operating system that is made freely available to all developers for use,
modification, and distribution. Central to the open-source rationale is the concept of peer review of code,
which eliminates bugs on a cooperative basis and results in a more useful product for everyone.
An instruction that changes the implementation or behavior of a command.
An IBM operating system developed for use in PCs.
A user with complete access rights to a file.
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A self-contained, self-installing set of files and programs.
package management
A type of software tool that makes it easier to update system components.
A unit of data transmitted over a network.
Acronym for pluggable authentication modules, a system that allows you to implement authentication
methods independently of the application requiring authentication.
parent process
The process within which a new process is created. The new process is called the child process ; the old
process becomes the parent.
A reserved part of a disk or memory that is set aside for some purpose. All hard disks must be partitioned
before installing an operating system, even if the entire disk space is to be left as a single partition. The
partitioning process tells the operating system how the disk space is to be used. See also primary
partition, extended partition, and logical partition.
1. A command that creates password entry information for users.
2. A file that contains password entry information for a specified username.
A file used to upgrade a program to a newer version. It is generated with the diff command, which creates
a file containing the differences between the new and old versions.
1. Collection of directories defined by the PATH environment variable, within which the shell looks for
commands (also known as the search path).
2. A complete filename specified relative to the root directory (also known as a pathname).
A collection of characters, including wildcards, which constitutes a search term.

Acronym for Peripheral Component Interconnect, a bus standard designed by Intel. It allows data to be
transmitted between the CPU and peripheral devices at throughput rates of 133 MBps and upwards, it
supports 32-bit and 64-bit data paths, and it works in conjunction with the ISA bus. It also offers Plug and
Play support.
Acronym for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, an organization that has
developed standards governing attachments for peripheral devices. These attachments are referred to as
PC cards. They come in three different widths and are the size of a credit card.
An abbreviation for the version of the Korn shell used by Linux. See also bash and csh.
Peripheral Component Interconnect
See PCI.
The element of a file that determines which users may access or change it.
Abbreviation for Pretty Good Privacy, a public key cryptography system used by RPM to verify package
An abbreviation for Pine Composer, a screen-oriented text editor that offers basic text editing, paragraph
justification, searching, block cut and block paste, spell checking, and a file browser.
An abbreviation for process identifier, the unique number given to each process when it is executed.
Pine Composer
See pico.
A networking utility that tests whether a specific IP address can be reached. It is primarily used to verify
Internet connections.
A process that takes the output of one program or command and connects it to the input of another. This
allows a series of commands to be linked in the same command line.
plug and play
A method used to auto-configure devices.
pluggable authentication modules
See PAM.
A query to SNMP agents sent out by an NMS.
Acronym for Post Office Protocol, a mail collection and storage protocol.
Acronym for Post Office Protocol version 3, a retrieval protocol that is primarily used for offline message
access. It transfers mail from the destination server to a user's mailbox. When the user downloads a
message, it is stored locally and deleted from the server.
A logical connection point to the network.
Portable Operating System Interface
A daemon on an NFS server that can ignore all requests except those from approved clients.
Acronym for Portable Operating System Interface, a standard that defines a common set of interfaces for
UNIX operating systems. Linux is intended to be a POSIX-compliant operating system.

Acronym for power-on self test, a series of tests carried out by the BIOS during the boot-up process.
These tests ensure that the machine's hardware devices are working properly.
Post Office Protocol
See POP and POP3.
A page descriptor language specifically created by Adobe Systems Inc. for high-end laser printers
designed to handle the Adobe PostScript format. It offers high-quality output because the language can
scale the output according to the printing needs.
Abbreviation for Point-to-Point Protocol, the most common protocol for transferring data packages across
a serial link. PPP links machines in a peer-to-peer relationship there is no real difference between one
linked machine and another. The machine that initiates the connection is called the client and the machine
that it is linked to is called the server.
primary partition
The first division of a hard drive. Due to a limit on the size of the partition table, the maximum number of
primary partitions that can be created on a hard disk is four.
print job
An item sent for printing, such as a file, together with the associated instructions to the printer that can be
stored in a print queue before actually being printed.
print queue
Print jobs are stored sequentially in a special buffer for each printer. The printer removes and prints the
print job at the top of the queue until the queue is cleared.
print spool
A file containing all of the documents that are waiting to be printed.
In Linux, a device that prints the characters onto the page.
printer filter
A program that changes the data in a file before it is printed.
A value that defines the level of detail to be maintained in the log file.
priority number
A number that describes how important a process is and determines how much CPU time will be allocated
to it.
A single program that is executed within its own virtual address space.
process identifier
See PID.
A file that contains the environmental preferences and access rights of a user.
A set of agreed rules governing a standard activity, for example the TCP/IP and PPP protocols which allow
different computers to communicate.
A command that searches the /proc filesystem to display information about processes.
A command that uses a tree structure to display all of the processes and the relationships between parent
and child processes. See also child process, parent process.
A command that enables shadowing.
A command that displays the name of the present working directory on the terminal screen.

A command that removes shadowing.

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An ordered list of jobs waiting to be printed.
The amount of disk space in a partition that is made available to a group or user.
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RAM disk
A disk drive simulated in memory.
read/write head
The mechanism that allows data to be written to or read from a magnetic storage medium, such as a hard
disk or a tape. In hard disks, each platter has a read/write head for each side.
The name of a file containing library code. The realname consists of the soname plus the minor version
number and, optionally, a release number.
recursive command
A command that is executed in all subdirectories of a directory, instead of just the current directory, as is
more usual.
Red Hat
A widely used distribution of Linux that has pioneered package management with its RPM.
Red Hat Package Manager
See RPM.
A process that allows the output of a command to be sent to a location other than its default location.
regular expression
A type of character string, conforming to a particular syntax that is used to expand the parameters in
pattern-matching searches. It does this by including special characters that function as wildcards. For
example, enclosing a search string in square bracket symbols makes the search engine match any one of
the characters in the enclosed string.
Remote Procedure Calls
See RPC.
A command that lets the user change the priority of a process by altering the nice number.
A command that analyzes and reports on each user's use of their quota.
A directive that allows users to pass an I/O address into the kernel. This prevents that memory address
from being probed for a device by making the kernel think one has already been found.
RFC 931
A connection-based authentication server protocol for TCP networks that provides a mechanism by which
a text string identifying the owner of a specified TCP connection can be returned to a server requesting
that information.

A command used to remove empty directories.

A command for managing modules that allows the user to remove modules that are currently unused.
1. A term used to describe the top directory in a filesystem.
2. The superuser or system administrator account. A person logged in under this account has unrestricted
access to the system.
A process that involves closing and renaming a log file while immediately creating another, so that the files
stay at a manageable size but the details of the process aren't lost.
routing table
A table that contains information that determines the path or route that a packet is sent.
An abbreviation for Remote Procedure Calls, requests issued by a client machine that invoke one of a
range of services offered on a remote server machine.
Abbreviation for Red Hat Package Manager, a manager that assists with the tasks of building, installing,
upgrading, uninstalling, verifying, and querying Linux packages. It maintains a database of all packages
installed on a Linux system.
RSA cryptography
A popular public-key cryptography system developed by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
Adleman in 1997.
See execute.
A variable that determines the running state of the operating system and so determines which sets of
services are available. A definition in the inittab file determines the default runlevel for the system.
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A system of tools that allows Linux to implement the SMB protocol.
An element of the kernel that manages the access of processes to the CPU.
Acronym for small computer systems interface, a set of standard electronic interfaces that allows operating
systems to communicate with up to 16 peripheral devices. All devices are connected by cable and
controlled by a SCSI host adapter.
The smallest unit of a hard disk that the operating system can access. Hard disk storage space is divided
into concentric circles called tracks. Each track contains many sectors.
Secure Shell
See ssh.
Approaches that minimize the risk of data compromise. Restrictions may affect users, hosts, or network
A command that allows a set of text editing instructions to be created and applied to a file in one step.

An SMTP-based MTA, developed by Eric Allman, responsible for transferring e-mail. It also functions as a
daemon, queues undeliverable messages, intercepts aliases, and rewrites addresses. Sendmail's
operation is reliant on its main configuration file
Server Message Block
See SMB.
A command that delivers a list of environment variables and their values in the form name=value.
set group ID
set user ID
Abbreviation for set group ID, a permission bit in a UNIX or Linux program that, when set, enables the
program to run with group permissions, even if the person running the program is not a member of that
A password-protection system that stores passwords in a more secure location than the /etc/passwd file.
shadow password
An encrypted password that is not stored in the /etc/passwd file. Instead, it is held in a shadow file that is
not world-readable.
shared libraries
A collection of functions that is stored on the system and can be used by any program.
A type of software that is available for trial use before purchase. Ongoing use of shareware must be paid
for. It is often distributed as a limited version with some features disabled, or only operating for a trial
period. See also freeware.
A program that uses a command line as an interface between a user and an operating system.
shell script
A type of executable file that contains multiple shell commands. Scripts allow the sequence of
commands to be invoked when the name of the script is entered at the command prompt.
A command that is used to shut down safely. It stops any new users from logging on and sends a
message to all the users on the system that the system is shutting down.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol
Acronym for Serial Line Internet Protocol, a dial-in protocol.
A command that is more secure version of the locate command. Its database stores permission
information, so that users can list only the files they have legitimate access to.
small computer systems interface
smart host
In Linux and UNIX systems, a central mail-processing server used by the sendmail mail transfer agent.
Client machines rely on this server to deliver messages to hosts at remote sites. Mail coming from this
gateway appears to originate from a single host, rather than from multiple clients.
Abbreviation for Server Message Block, a protocol used by operating systems to share resources.

A daemon that handles notifications between the Samba server and the network, and manages
authentication and data sharing. It must be running to use Samba. See also nmdb.
Abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for transporting messages over the Internet. It
listens at port 25 and the initial transfer occurs between the e-mail client and e-mail server(s). SMTP relies
on another protocol to retrieve messages from the server.
A configuration utility that is used for sound cards. It finds and autoconfigures all installed PCI and ISA
plug-and-play sound cards that are installed on a system.
Abbreviation for Simple Network Management Protocol a communication protocol that allows remote
management of networked devices.
Sockets are pieces of software used for communication between applications and network protocols in a
TCP/IP network. Sockets are created and used with the sockets' API.
soft limit
The maximum amount of disk space that a user is supposed to use. The hard limit represents the actual
maximum available, but once the soft limit is passed, the user will be told to reduce the space they use.
A library filename used to determine compatibility between different versions of the library. When programs
list the shared libraries that they need, they use the soname.
A command that arranges the lines of text in a file according to the text's ASCII value.
sound card
A peripheral device that attaches to a slot on a motherboard and allows the computer to receive, process,
and output sounds.
A command that splits a file by line or byte count.
A program for placing printing jobs in a queue and removing them. Some spoolers provide facilities for
managing the queue, including the order of jobs.
1. An abbreviation for Secure Shell, an application that allows users to execute commands on a remote
machine across an untrusted network.
2. A protocol that runs on the application layer of the TCP/IP stack.
A data structure where items are removed in the reverse order to which they were added.
stack space
The area of memory taken up by the stack.
standard error
Abbreviated to stderr, a data stream that collects error messages from all processes. These messages can
be sent to a file or other output, but the default output is the video display. Standard error is usually file
descriptor 2.
standard input
Abbreviated to stdin, a data stream that sends data to all processes. The default data source is the
keyboard, but another source such as a file can be used instead. Standard input is usually file descriptor
standard output
Abbreviated to stdout, a data stream that collects output from all processes. This output can be sent to a
file or other output, but the default output is the video display. Standard output is usually file descriptor 1.
A script file that executes the xinit command.

static file
A file that contains data that doesn't change without system administrator intervention. Examples of static
files include system configuration files, libraries, and binary files.
statically linked program
A program that's compiled to have its own copy of library routines.
status line
In vi, the line at the bottom of the screen that vi uses to display vi commands, error messages, and other
status messages as editing progresses.
See standard error.
See standard input.
See standard output.
sticky bit
An enhanced security bit that allows file owners to give ordinary users full read or write access to their
directories, but prevents them from removing or renaming files within those directories.
A data-transfer connection between an application and a device.
A command that allows a user to access the root account or other user accounts from the user's current
A discrete part of a network. On TCP/IP networks, the IP address of a node on a common subnet has the
same prefix as the IP addresses of other nodes on the subnet.
subnet mask
A type of IP address used to determine what subnet an address belongs to.
A term that describes the division of the host part of an IP address, as defined by the default network
mask, into two or more subnets.
An acronym for set user ID, a permission bit in a UNIX or Linux program that, when set, enables the
program to run with the owner's permissions regardless of who is actually running it.
A system-wide sweep to check for instances of SUID or SGID permissions that may be used by
unauthorized users to gain root access.
A program that monitors the other daemons.
A utility, available under most Linux distributions, that attempts to determine the video card's chipset.
An account that provides unlimited access to all files and commands on the system.
A version of Linux that targets users who need an entry-level introduction to Linux.
Abbreviation for Super Video Graphics Array, a range of graphics display standards that were established
by VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association). It supports a palette of up to 16 million colours,
though the actual number of displayed colours is limited by the amount of available video memory. SVGA
offers a maximum resolution of 1600 by 1200 pixels. The minimum display quality defined by SVGA is 256
colours at 800 by 600 pixels.
swap space

The area on a hard disk, either in the form of a swap file or a dedicated partition, that enables the loaded
applications and data to exceed the capacity of the physical RAM. The process involves swapping
temporarily inactive portions of code, known as pages or segments, from the main memory to the hard
The process that copies pages containing addresses into main memory. See also swap space.
A type of link that exists between files that have each have a different inode but all refer to a single original
A command that activates or instructs the syslog daemon.
system commands
Types of program that are run by typing the command name.
system log
A log that contains a record of system activity.
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A command that prints a file in reverse file order.
A command that displays the end of a file.
An archive utility that has a text-based interface.
The most common method of packaging source code. Using options, tar can also be used to work with
archives without the need for gunzip.
A software package consisting of a compressed tar archive. The file extensions for tarballs are .tar.gz or
.tgz. See also tarfile.
A single file containing the entire directory tree structure for a downloaded, open source software
Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol, a communication standard that works in conjunction with the
Internet Protocol to connect hosts on the Internet and transmit data over networks. It is connectionoriented and is the de facto Internet protocol.
TCP Wrappers
In UNIX and Linux, programs that provide access control for service daemons by monitoring and filtering
incoming network service requests. Optional features provided by this network security tool include
logging, client username lookups with the RFC 931 protocol, and protection against hostname and IP
address spoofing.
Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol, the suite of communications protocols
used to connect computers on the Internet.
A redirection process that sends the output of a command to another location, while continuing to display
it at the default location.
teletype terminal

An early communications terminal, manufactured by the Teletype Corporation.

A program used to access machines remotely.
A unit of computer data storage capacity equivalent to a thousand gigabytes.
A command that is commonly used in Linux shell scripts to check the properties of integers, command
output, and files. It is commonly used as an argument in an if statement. It compares values and tests the
status of files.
A utility that helps check Samba configuration files to ensure that the file is internally correct.
text editor
A program that allows users to manipulate text files. Common examples in Linux include vi, emacs, and
text stream
A line of single characters that displays on screen.
A collection of settings that create a unified desktop environment, including appearances and features.
See process.
A method by which all active processes share the CPU between them rather than waiting for each process
to finish before the next one starts.
A command that shows which processes are using the most CPU time.
A command that changes the data attributes of a file.
A utility that traces the route a packet travels from the user's computer and over the Internet to specified
Asynchronous information sent from an SNMP agent to an NMS.
Trojan horse
A damaging program that is disguised as an ordinary application.
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Abbreviation for Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, the chip that controls a computer's
interface with its attached serial devices.
Abbreviation for User Datagram Protocol, the main connectionless protocol that is used within the TCP/IP
suite. Because UDP does not send and receive data packets in a sequential manner, it is generally used
to send small units of data that require little reassembling.
Abbreviation for user identification number, a number Linux uses to track users.
A command that places limits on the resources that the Bash shell and its users can access.

A filter that determines which permission bits will not be set on file creation.
A command that is used to unmount filesystems after use.
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
A multiuser, multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s and written completely in the C
language. Linux is derived from UNIX.
A command used to remove a device from the filesystem.
A command that removes a variable or function from the shell.
A loop command that executes specified code as long as the condition specified in the command returns a
false or not zero return. It is the negative form of the while command. See also for command.
A command that updates the slocate database.
Abbreviation for uninterruptible power supply, a hardware device used to protect sensitive computers from
fluctuations and interruptions in the power supply.
A term that indicates the direction of data. Data is described as moving from the application to the output
device, so upstream is in the direction of the application.
User Datagram Protocol
See UDP.
user space
The area of the Linux architecture that runs user programs and with which the user will interact, as
opposed to the kernel space, which handles the low-level processes.
A command that adds new user accounts to the Linux system.
A command that deletes user accounts from the Linux system.
A command that modifies user accounts to the Linux system.
A command that defines how much disk space will be made available to a user.
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A symbolic entity that is used to represent a value. In programming, variables are used to avoid having to
hard-code values and to allow the same code to be run using different values without needing to modify
the code itself.
vertical refresh rate
Also known as the vertical scan rate, or frame rate, a measure of the maximum number of frames that can
be displayed on a monitor in a second, expressed in Hertz (Hz).
Abbreviation for Video Graphics Array, the minimum standard for PC video display. On most monitors,
VGA's 640x480 pixel resolution has been upgraded to the SuperVGA standard.

A program used to edit text.
Abbreviation for vi improved, an improved version of the Linux vi editor.
virtual memory
Memory that is created by swap space. Temporarily inactive portions of code are stored in virtual memory
in the swap space to increase RAM capacity.
A utility that allows you to lock access to a session or sessions on a computer running Linux. This provides
the capability to allow multiple users access without compromising the security of other sessions.
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A command that displays the number of words, lines, or characters in a file.
A command that is used to get a short description of a command's function.
A command that is used to discover a command's location, if the command being searched exists on the
command path.
A command that searches for a program in the directories defined by the PATH environment variable.
A loop command that continuously executes specified code as long as the condition specified in the
command is met. See also until and for commands.
A command that displays a listing of all the users logged into the Linux system.
A special symbol that stands for any character, used by an operating system as a means of identifying and
processing multiple files. Wildcards are also used by many text editors to help identify text strings. See
regular expression.
An area of the screen that displays a particular application program.
window manager
A client program that controls how windows in the X Window System are presented to users and enables
users to interact with them. It also manages other client programs.
A software-based modem developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system that uses the
motherboard chipset rather than electronics on the modem itself to carry out much of the modem's
hardware functions.
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In UNIX, Linux, and other UNIX-like systems, a widely used contraction for X Window System.
X client

In Linux, any application that sends valid requests to create a window for instance, or display an image
to an X server. X clients are network-transparent it doesn't matter if they run on local or remote
X consortium
A group of software producers that maintain the standards for and issue releases of the X Window
X Display Manager
See xdm.
X font server
Abbreviated to xfs, a service that provides a mechanism for an X server to communicate with a font
renderer, usually running on a remote machine.
X protocol
A language used by X servers and X clients for communication.
X server
Software in the X Window System or XFree86 for UNIX, Linux, and other UNIX-like systems that runs on
the local machine and manages a single screen, keyboard, and mouse. The X server is responsible for
displaying drawing requests initiated by the X client on the local screen.
X Window System
Commonly abbreviated to X, a hardware-independent graphical windowing environment for UNIX and
A version of the X Window System, which is one of the major UNIX standards.
A command substitution process that takes the output of a number of programs or commands and
connects them with a pipe to the input of another. It's commonly used to carry out the same command on
a series of files.
A graphical program that supplies help and extra information on a multitude of options. It uses the X
Windowing System.
In the Red Hat distribution of Linux, a graphical utility used to configure the X Window System. It offers a
series of menu options chosen via the keyboard.
Acronym for X Display Manager, the program that is responsible for organizing the display area and
painting graphics in the X Window System.
The configuration file that contains all the information required to configure XFree86 correctly. It's an
ASCII text file, divided into 12 sections, some of which are optional.
A graphical utility for Linux with buttons, radio buttons, and sliders, used to configure XFree86. It's
available with popular distributions such as Caldera and Debian, but is not distributed with Red Hat.
A freely distributable port of the X Window System Release 6, Version 11 for Intel-based chips. XFree86
enables graphical applications to run on PCs using Linux, and can be thought of as the framework on
which all the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) stand.
See X font server.
The command used to start X Window System.
A utility that locks the x display and requires the user to enter a password or the root password for re-entry.
When it's running, all new server connections are refused.

A GUI utility used to display information about system commands.
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A dead process that can't be killed in the normal way.
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A special symbol that is added to the end of a command and means that the command will be run in the
A special symbol that stands for the current directory.
A special symbol that stands for the parent directory of the current directory.
A directory used to store user commands.
A file used to store information about the devices and filesystems used by Linux. The information in
/etc/fstab is used at boot time and whenever listed filesystems are mounted. See also device and
A directory used to store system administration commands.
A directory used to store user commands.
A special symbol that indicates a command is continuing onto a second line.
A command that recalls the last entered command and substitutes the old text with new text.
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