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Sustainable Construction and Design 2011


F. Van den Abeele1, M. Di Biagio2 and L. Amlung3

OCAS N.V., J.F. Kennedylaan 3, 9060 Zelzate, Belgium

Centro Sviluppo Materiali, Rome, Italy
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

One of the major challenges in the design of ultra high grade (X100) gas pipelines is the identification of a
reliable crack propagation strategy. Recent research results have shown that the newly developed high
strength and large diameter gas pipelines, when operated at severe conditions, may not be able to arrest a
running ductile crack through pipe material properties. Hence, the use of crack arrestors is required in the
design of safe and reliable pipeline systems.
A conventional crack arrestor can be a high toughness pipe insert, or a local joint with higher wall thickness.
According to experimental results of full-scale burst tests, composite crack arrestors are one of the most
promising technologies. Such crack arrestors are made of fibre reinforced plastics which provide the pipe
with an additional hoop constraint. In this paper, numerical tools to simulate crack initiation, propagation
and arrest in composite crack arrestors are introduced.
First, the in-use behaviour of composite crack arrestors is evaluated by means of large scale tensile tests
and four point bending experiments. The ability of different stress based orthotropic failure measures to
predict the onset of material degradation is compared. Then, computational fracture mechanics is applied to
simulate ductile crack propagation in high pressure gas pipelines, and the corresponding crack growth in
the composite arrestor. The combination of numerical simulation and experimental research allows deriving
design guidelines for composite crack arrestors.
Keywords crack arrestors, toughness modelling, pipeline materials, fibre reinforced plastics, integrity


The occurrence of a longitudinal crack propagating along a gas pipeline is a catastrophic event, which
involves both economic losses and environmental damage. Hence, the fracture propagation control is an
essential strategy to ensure pipeline integrity. Fracture control is a tough task, since it requires knowledge
of the interaction between the dynamic forces driving crack growth, and the resistance forces opposing
fracture propagation.
While brittle fracture control is typically achieved by ensuring that the pipeline is operated well above the
Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature, the ductile fracture propagation can be avoided (or at least limited)
by increasing the minimum specified toughness of the pipeline steel. However, for ultra high pipeline grades
( X100), the identification of a reliable crack propagation strategy is not longer straightforward. Indeed,
despite excellent toughness values at lab scale (Charpy upper shelf energy and Battelle shear fracture
area), one can no longer rely on pipe body arrest [1-3]. As a result, additional mechanical devices such as
crack arrestors have to be mounted on the pipeline in order to stop a running ductile crack.
According to experimental results of full-scale burst tests, it is argued [4] that the most promising materials

Steel sleeve arrestors, in particular tight sleeves, which are placed around the main linepipe with a
close fitting connection

Composite arrestors, made of fibre reinforced plastics which provide the pipe with an additional
hoop constraint.

Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

In an accompanying paper [5], the requirements for material selection, testing and modelling were reviewed
for the design of crack arrestors for ultra high grade gas transmission pipelines. For composite arrestors,
uni-directional glass fibre reinforced epoxy was identified as the best balance between mechanical
properties and cost considerations. Traditional mechanical characterization was performed to determine the
orthotropic properties: both tensile tests, compression tests and three rail shear tests were conducted in
fibre direction and in transverse direction. The in-plane elastic properties were determined by a dynamic
identification technique using resonant frequencies as well. The elastic properties, obtained with this non
destructive testing method, are homogenised over the plate surface, and hence suitable as averaged input
values in finite element models for composite structures. Several micromechanical mixture rules to
calculate the elastic constants of the unidirectional laminate were proposed in [6]. The Hashin model, which
has been derived for unidirectional reinforced composites, shows the best agreement with the experimental
In this paper, numerical techniques to simulate subsequent crack initiation, propagation and arrest are
introduced. First, the in-use behaviour of composite crack arrestors is evaluated by means of large scale
tensile tests and four point bending experiments. The ability of different stress based orthotropic failure
measures to predict the onset of material degradation is compared. Then, computational fracture
mechanics is applied to simulate ductile crack propagation in high pressure gas pipelines, and the
corresponding crack growth in the composite arrestor. For the finite element simulations of the composite
crack arrestor, the initial material properties obtained in [5] and listed in Table 1 are used.
Table 1: Stiffness and strength values used in the finite element simulations


E2 = E3

" 12 = " 13

" 23

G 12 = G 13

G 23

44 200 MPa

11 400 MPa



4 420 MPa

5 027 MPa





700 MPa

7.2 MPa

588 MPa

42 MPa

30.1 MPa

30.1 MPa


When a pipeline is being installed, the crack arrestor can be subjected to tensile loads and bending
stresses. In addition, during the operational life of the pipeline system, the composite crack arrestor is
exposed to environmental loads, low temperatures, external damage, fatigue, ...
In order to evaluate the in-service behaviour of composite arrestors, an extensive testing program was
undertaken, including three and four point bending experiments and tensile tests at different temperatures.
In addition, low cycle fatigue and ageing were studied as well. For these experiments, the behaviour of a
unidirectional reinforced crack arrestor was compared with an arrestor with a winding pattern including
inclined fibres, contributing to the axial reinforcement. The winding patterns are compared on Figure 1.

Figure 1: Different winding patterns for the composite crack arrestors


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Sustainable Construction and Design 2011


Tensile tests
Tensile tests were performed on a medium scale S235 steel pipe (with length L = 4 m, outer diameter
D = 220 mm and wall thickness t = 3.2 mm). The length of the composite crack arrestor was L a = 660
mm, and the thickness of the windings was t a = 4.8 mm. The tensile test setup is shown on Figure 2.
For the quasi-static tensile tests at lower temperatures (-30C), a local cooling box is installed around
the crack arrestor.

Figure 2: Tensile test setup for room temperature (left) and lower temperatures (right)
In order to enable a proper introduction of the load to the pipe, the ends were furnished with flanges,
which were fasted to a clamping support, like shown on Figure 3. During the experiment, the applied
force and the piston displacement were measured. In addition, several strain gauges (shown on
Figure 3) were attached to the steel pipe and the composite crack arrestor to monitor local

Figure 3: Clamping support (left) and strain gauge arrangement (right)

On Figure 4, typical load-displacement curves for the tensile tests are shown. The blue curve shows
the response of a unidirectional reinforced crack arrestor at room temperature, while the red curve
corresponds to the same crack arrestor tested at lower (-30C) temperature. The hysteresis in this
red curve indicates unloading during the experiment, in order to allow visual examination of the
composite surface.
For the unidirectional crack arrestor, failure is initiated in the first third of the test period. The strain
measurements on the crack arrestor surface indicate failure at a critical failure strain # c $ 0.08%,
which is in very close agreement with the coupon testing reported in [7].
The strain gauge measurements reveal that the crack arrestor material fails when the tensile strength
in transverse direction is reached. In some experiments, an increase in hoop strain could be
observed, which might indicate the end of contraction due to debonding.
The blue curve on Figure 4 corresponds to the tensile test at room temperature for a crack arrestor
with an inclined winding pattern. Here, unidirectional reinforcement is combined with layers of %20


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Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

Figure 4: Load-deflection curves for static tensile tests on crack arrestors

Thanks to this axial reinforcement, the inclined winding pattern has a higher resistance to pure tensile
loading. The higher strain capacity of the inclined rovings is demonstrated in Figure 5 as well, where
the signals of the axial strain gauges are compared with the unidirectional crack arrestor. For the
unidirectional reinforcement, failure of the epoxy resin initiated at stress levels close to the yielding
point of the parent pipe.

Figure 5: Comparison of axial strains on unidirectional crack arrestor and inclined winding pattern
Although the strain gauges clearly indicated composite material failure, no macroscopic damage
could be observed after the experiments. Dye penetrant testing revealed the exact location of the
cracks due to tensile loading. On Figure 6, the results of such a dye penetrant inspection are shown.
The tested specimen is shown before (left) and after (right) a developer has been applied to reveal
the penetrant, and hence the location of the surface-breaking cracks.


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Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

Figure 6: Dye penetrant testing without (left) and with (right) developer to reveal material damage

Bending experiments
Four point bending tests were performed to assess the response of the composite crack arrestors to
combined loading. The experimental setup is shown on Figure 7: the sample is subjected to four point
bending, and the load is applied adjacent to the crack arrestor. The applied load and the piston
displacement are measured, and strain gauges are applied to monitor local deformations.

Figure 7: Four point bending setup (left) and strain gauge arrangement (right)
Typical results for bending tests at ambient and lower (-30C) temperatures are shown on Figure 8,
where the applied load is shown as a function of the measured piston displacement.

Figure 8: Load-deflection curves for quasi-static four point bending tests


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

Again, the additional inclined rovings provide additional strength as compared to the unidirectional
reinforced crack arrestor. For the UD arrestor, strain gauge measurements revealed that failure
occurred at a critical strain # c $ 0.1%. The measured signals from the transverse strain gauges are
shown on Figure 9. The onset of a circumferential crack in the composite material was captured with
a camera, and is clearly shown in this picture as well.

Figure 9: Transverse strain gauge measurements and circumferential crack initiation


Cyclic bending tests

In order to investigate the influence of low cycle fatigue (induced by cyclic stresses e.g. caused by an
earthquake), cyclic four point bending tests were performed. The load input is based on the
recommended test procedure [8] of the ECCS. In this case, an increasing alternating load, staring in
the elastic range and moving into the plastic range, is applied. This load-time history is shown on
Figure 10, together with the corresponding strain gauge measurements on the crack arrestor surface.

Figure 10: Load time history (left) and strain gauge signals (right) for cyclic four point bending tests
The ends of the test specimens were fixed using bolts, and the load was applied through half-shell
shaped supports. The resulting load-deflection curve for a cyclic four point bending test is shown on
Figure 11, indicating that the maximum bending force is slightly higher than in the static bending
tests. For the unidirectional reinforced crack arrestors, failure of the epoxy resin similar to the failure
mode for the monotonic experiments- could be observed. The onset of composite material failure is
clearly captured by the strain gauges, like shown on Figure 10. Crack closure during the compressive
stress cycles contributes to an increased failure strain. During the cyclic bending tests, no separation
between the steel pipe and the composite crack arrestor could be observed, indicating that monotonic
load assumptions are justified to design composite crack arrestors to withstand ultra low cycle fatigue


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Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

Figure 11: Load-deflection curve for a cyclic four point bending test


Orthotropic (plane stress) failure measures are indications of composite material degradation, where a
sound material has an index I F = 0.0 and a failed material has an index I F = 1.0. The orthotropic linear
elastic behaviour can be extended with a failure envelope, according to different criteria. In [6], the ability of
different orthotropic failure measures was presented, and their ability to describe failure for composite crack
arrestors was evaluated. The criterion of Hashin [9] and Rotem [10] was identified as the best failure
measure for unidirectional reinforced composites.
To predict damage initiation, Hashin and Rotem propose four different criteria to distinguish between matrix
and fibre failure in tension and compression. For fibre rupture in tension (& 11 > 0), they suggest

(& ) '2 *'2

F + - 11 . * 12 2 13 , 1
/ XT 0

(Eq. 01)


( & ) '2 *'2

F + - 11 . * 12 2 13 , 1
/ XC 0

(Eq. 02)

is proposed for fibre buckling/kinking in compression (& 11 < 0). The initiation criterion for matrix cracking
under transverse tension and shearing (& 22 + & 33 > 0) reads

( & * & 33 ) ' 23
1 & 22 & 33
M + - 11
/ YT

(Eq. 03)

and compressive matrix damage (& 22 + & 33 < 0) is described by

M +

& 22 * & 33 4 ( YC )


5 2& 22 * & 33 32 & 2 1 & &

' 122 * ' 132
22 33
. 1 17 *
4T 2
68 / 2 T 0

(Eq. 04)

These failure measures are used to define the internal variables that characterize fibre damage

:; F T ; &11 0
df + < C
; &11 , 0
;= F


(Eq. 05)

Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

matrix damage

:; F T ; &11 0
df + < C
; &11 , 0
;= F

(Eq. 06)

and shear damage




ds + 1 1 1 1 F T 1 1 F C 1 1 M T 1 1 M C
respectively, where the effective stress tensor

4 1
61 1 d
D+6 0
6 0

& + D &
1 1 dm

(Eq. 07)

is computed from the damage operator

0 7
0 7
1 7
1 1 ds 9

(Eq. 08)

The damage initiation criteria (Eq. 01) - (Eq. 04) according to Hashin are implemented in a finite element
model of the four point bending tests reported in the previous section. The pipe is modelled as a
deformable solid, with three elements through the thickness to accurately capture the bending stresses.
The unidirectional reinforced epoxy is modelled as an orthotropic composite material, with the elastic
properties of Table 1. The total problem size was 48 678 elements and 212 052 degrees of freedom. In
Figure 12, the four point bending simulation is compared with the experimental curve, indicating that the
tensile matrix cracking criterion M = 1 is capable of predicting the onset of damage in the composite crack

Figure 12: Four point bending simulation with the Hashin tensile matrix cracking criterion


For the simulation of ductile crack propagation in high pressure gas pipelines, the PICPRO (Pipe Crack
Propagation) code, developed by CSM and the University of Rome [11-12] was used. The model uses an
explicit integration algorithm based on a central difference scheme. As a result, it is able to take both
steady-state and transient fracture propagation conditions into account during the analysis, including abrupt
changes of constraint characteristics such as those which occur in the vicinity of crack arrestors.
The code also accounts for local strain rate effects [12], soil constraint effects [13] and decompression of
the gas flowing through the fracture breach according to the actual gas composition, pressure and
temperature. Material ductility is described by a Fracture Process Zone, which is explained in [14-15].


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

A special feature of PICPRO is the integration of a numerical model which accounts for the presence of a
crack arrestor mounted on the pipeline, and the resulting effect on a running shear fracture. An interaction
algorithm is used to simulate the constraint effect exerted by the crack arrestor, and a modified gas
decompression curve is used to account for the dynamic effect of the crack arrestor. The Hashin
progressive damage model is used to predict crack propagation in the composite material.
The finite element code simulates dynamic ductile fracture propagation in a high pressure gas pipeline by
estimating the arrest/propagation condition on the basis of an equilibrium between the fracture driving force
(calculated by the PICPRO code itself) and the resistance force of the material under consideration (i.e. the
toughness of the linepipe steel and the additional constraint of the composite crack arrestor).

Figure 13: Flowchart for finite element simulation of crack propagation

When simulating crack arrestors, evaluating the effect of abrupt changes in constraint conditions (e.g.
thickness variations of the composite crack arrestor for different winding patterns) is important to accurately
predict the fracture propagation and/or arrest. The flowchart on Figure 13 shows the finite element
procedure followed by the PICPRO program. An initial crack speed is imposed on the steel pipe, based on
experimental data [15]. Just before the crack enters the crack arrestor, the specific energy consumed for
fracture advance is evaluated and stored as a measure of the inherent pipe fracture resistance related to
the initial imposed crack speed. From this point on, crack advance is governed by the free propagation
algorithm [14]. When the fracture enters the crack arrestor, the variation in the external constraint will cause
deceleration and, if the crack arrestor is properly designed, arrest. In the next section, the versatility of this
numerical tool to design composite crack arrestors is demonstrated.


The combination of numerical simulation and experimental research allows deriving design guidelines for
composite crack arrestors. In this section, the Hashin damage model for the composite material is
combined with the PICPRO code to simulate ductile crack propagation, which enables to design fit for
purpose composite crack arrestors. First, the numerical tools are applied to calculate the optimum
dimensions (thickness and length) of a composite crack arrestor for a small-scale pipe. Then, the method is
extended to predict crack arrest in a full-scale burst test of a 36 natural gas pipeline.

Design of crack arrestor thickness

The finite element model is first applied to simulate a running shear fracture in a small-scale X100
pipe (diameter 75 mm, wall thickness 1.5 mm) for different crack arrestor geometries. The
diameter/wall thickness range is 50, which lays within the typical range of pipes for gas
transportation. The crack arrestor length was 150 mm, and a burial depth of 35 mm is considered to
provide the pipe with a more realistic backfill constraint action. The arrestor is located at a distance of
0.8 meters from the crack initiation site. The simulations have been performed using air as
pressurizing medium and by imposing the burst pressure at a value corresponding to 80% of X100
specified minimum yield stress.


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

Figure 14: Predicted crack speed diagrams for t a = 1.5 mm (left) and t a = 3.0 mm (right)
For a composite reinforcement with a thickness of 1.5 mm (i.e. equal to the pipe wall thickness), no
crack arrest is predicted. As shown in the crack speed diagram of Figure 14, the crack is initially
imposed to propagate at a speed of 250 m/s, for an internal pressure of 220 bar. When entering the
composite crack arrestor, the fracture speed is predicted to slow down to ca. 70 m/s, but propagates
further with an increasing speed. The composite reinforcement is predicted to be totally destroyed
and proves ineffective in arresting the fracture. When increasing the thickness of the crack arrestor to
3.0 mm, the simulated fracture is effectively slowed down and crack arrest is predicted.

Design of crack arrestor length

Similar simulations can be performed to calculate the optimum crack arrestor length. For an internal
pressure of 200 bar and a composite thickness of 2.0 mm, the performance of a long crack arrestor
(L = 150 mm) is compared to the behaviour of a short crack arrestor (L = 37.5 mm) on Figure 15.

Figure 15: Predicted crack speed diagrams for L a = 37.5 mm (left) and L a = 150 mm (right)
Although the crack speed is considerably decreased in the short arrestor, by virtue of the constraint
action exerted by the composite windings, the crack arrestor length is not sufficient to stop the
running fracture. When the length is increased to 150 mm, crack arrest is achieved within 35 mm.
The composite material damage predicted by the finite element analysis is compared in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Predicted composite material damage for L a = 37.5 mm (left) and L a = 150 mm (right)


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011


Crack arrestor design for full-scale burst test

As a final validation, one of the full-scale burst tests performed during the Demopipe [16] project is
simulated. The parameters for the experiment are summarized in Table 2. The composite crack
arrestor, made out of unidirectional glass fibre reinforced epoxy, is shown on Figure 17 before and
after the experiment.
Table 2: Data for the Demopipe full-scale burst test
Outer diameter



Wall thickness



Burial depth








Yield Stress



Tensile strength




Pressurizing medium
Burst pressure

natural gas






1 600










Ultimate strength
Ultimate strain
Crack speed

arrest within 0.5 m

Figure 17: Demopipe composite crack arrestor before and after full-scale burst test [16]


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011

With the settings listed in Table 2, the full-scale burst test was simulated using the PICPRO code and
the Hashin damage model. The results are shown in Figure 18: the Critical Crack Tip Opening Angle
(CTOA C ) is predicted as 5.4. The imposed crack speed of 135 m/s is slowed down rapidly, and the
crack is arrested within 250 mm in the composite crack arrestor. The results of the simulation show a
fairly good agreement with the experimental observations, endorsing the use of finite element
analysis in the design of crack arrestors for high pressure gas pipelines.

Figure 18: Simulated crack speed diagram for the Demopipe full-scale burst test


Design considerations for crack arrestors used in ultra high grade gas transmission pipelines were
reviewed. In [5], unidirectional glass fibre reinforced epoxy was identified as the most promising material for
the manufacture of composite crack arrestors. An extensive experimental program was presented to
measure the elastic properties of the composite materials. The results from traditional mechanical
characterization and non destructive testing were compared. Micromechanical modelling of unidirectional
reinforced plastics revealed that the Hashin model is best fit to calculate the stiffness matrix, based on the
properties of the fibre reinforcement and the reson.
In this paper, the in-use behaviour of composite crack arrestors was evaluated by means of quasi-static
tensile tests and (both monotonic and cyclic) four point bending experiments. The Hashin damage model
was applied to predict the onset of composite material degradation. Finite element simulations confirmed
that the tensile matrix cracking criterion can accurately predict damage initiation.
In order to assess the ability of composite crack arrestors to stop a running fracture in a high pressure gas
pipeline, numerical simulations were performed. The combination of experimental data and finite element
analysis allows deriving design guidelines for composite crack arrestors. The design methodology was
validated by comparing numerical predictions with the results of a full-scale burst test.


The research results, presented in this paper, were obtained in the scope of the LINESPEC project on
Special Components and Strain Based Requirements for High Strength High Pressure Pipeline
Applications. This project is funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the project partners BP, SZMF, Corus, ISQ, RWTH and
the Soete Lab (UGent).


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

Sustainable Construction and Design 2011



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21440 EN, 2003


Copyright 2011 by Laboratory Soete

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