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Prestressed Concrete UIT RGPV Previous Papers

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Prestressed Concrete 2014 01.

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Prestressed Concrete Prestressed Concrete CE 2014 01.jpg
Prestressed Concrete Prestressed Concrete CE 2014 02.jpg
Prestressed Concrete 2012 02.jpg
Prestressed Concrete 2012 01 .jpg


Koll Numlxi


MK (C K-ll Sem.) KXAMINA IION, May-June, 2014

I'lT (Aulunumnut) KfiPX


lime 3.00 tars.

Maximum Marltv 100

Note: - I.Attempt any five question*. AH questions earry equal marks.

2. Assume suitable data, if found mitsinj:.
3. Use of relevant code (IS: 1343-1980) is allowed.

What arc different types of pro-stressing system? Discuss advantages of a

prestressed member as compared to a RCC member
(b) Discuss losses in pretensioning and post tensioning system in detail?

(a) Describe concordant profile. What

is geometrical condition of concordancy?

(b) A prestressed concrete beam of section 150 mm wide by 320 mm deep is

used over an effective span of 6 m to support a UDL of 4 kN/m. which
Includes the self weight of the beam. The beam is prestresscd by a steel cable
'earn ing a force of 200 kN and loaned at an eccentricity of 50 mm. Determine
the location of thrust-line in the beam and plot its position at quarter and

central span sections.

3. A continuous prestressed concrete beam ABC (AB=BC=10 m) has a uniform

rectangular cross-section with a width of 1 50 mm and depth of 350 mm. The
cable carrying an effective prc-strcssing force of 400 KN is parallel to the axis of
beam and located at 100 mm from the soffit.
Determine the secondary and resultant moment at the central
support B.
If the beam supports an imposed load of 1.5 KN/m. calculate the
resultant stresses at top and bottom of the beam at B. assume
density of concrete as 24 KN/m3.
Locate the resultant line of thurst through beam AB.

I>ciign a Prc-tensioncd roof purlin to mm! the data below:

Effective span -20 m

Applied load
Load factors


5 KN/m

For dead load -14

For Live load 1.6
Concrete cube strength. U- 50 N/mm:
Cube strength at transfer. f 30 N mm"
Tensile strength of concrete, ft- 1 7 \ mm*
Modulus of dasttctty of concrete Fc =34 KN/mm2
Loss Ratio.

Permissible stresses

At transfer Compressive stress, fa - 15 N/ram*

Tensile stress. f--l N mm"
At working load Compressive stress, fc 17 N mm
Tensile stress, U-ON mm'
7 mm high-tensile steel vsires having an ultimate tensile strength, fpu
N mm' are available for use

of shear cracks? Discuss failure due

What are different
(b) Discuss Strain Compatibility Method.





shear cracks.

Describeejugjjfc jnd Rowes Method

(1)) Discuss BonJ Stresses in Prc-tensioning and Post-tensioning.

simple flat slab 12m x 9m is supported by four columns so placed as to form a

symmetrical rectangular grid, 7m x 6m The cantilevers formed are 2.5 and 1.5 m
in the long and short directions of the slab. The live load on the slab is 1 kN/ m\
Pre-stressing cables consisting of four wires of 5 mm carrying an effective force
of 100 kN are available for use. Design the no. of cablcs required and arrange
them suitably in the twx) principle directions.

Write notes on any four of the following:


- )


Crack Width in PrestresseH Members.


End Zone Reinforcement

Effects of tendon profile on Deflections.
Pressure line or thurst line



Theorem of Three Moments


End of the Question Paper


iv... i mjnM
riu sum ssi n i <%< *


. m

Maximum Mark* HKi

Min 1' Marks Hi

I'imcr-Thrtse III.ura
Notes:- ( i/ Attempt any IIVI|u.


hi; All

ihitsi mi*Minn bui cntentinl may hi

1 1so a! IS coi le i* permitted


0. ( I )

- 2N

questions carry equal marks, nil) Any

assumed suitably and should be staled

What is the neccssil) ol using hiffli strength concrete and high tensile steel in
prcstrcsscd concrete ?
(b) A simply supported preslressed concrete beam ol cross-section 400 mm \ mhi
mm covers a span of 10 m. Ii is subjected to an uniformi) distributed load ol 0
kN/m in addition to its self- weight and is prcstrcsscd with a force of 1 MO k\
with a prestressing cable ol parabolic prolile. Ihe cable is anchored at the
centre of gravity of the cross section at support scction and has a dip of 1 60 mm
at the middle cross section. Analyze the beam for the effects of prestressing and
the loads at mid cross section, using the philosophy of stress concept.


Q. (2) A cylindrical prcstrcsscd concrete water tank of internal diameter 30 m is

required to store water over a depth of 7.5 m. I he permissible compressive stress
in concrete ai transfer is I N/mm and the minimum compressive stress undci
tv<)/ frcnuurc

i* I N/irmi

Ihe /.. i.niu i%




with an initial stress ol 1000 N/inm2 are available for circumferential winding
and I reyssinct cables made up of 12 wires of 8 mm diameter stressed to 1200
N/mm are to be used for vertical prestressing. Design the tank walls assuming
the base us fixed. The cube strcng iof concrete is 40 N/mm .

Q. (3) Design a rectangular beam spanning an effective span of 10 m. The uniformls

distributed load on the beam is 10 kN/m. Die allowable concrete stresses arc 13
N/mnr in compression and 1.4 N/mm in tension Assume prestressing wires of 5
mm diameter with 1600 N/mm ultimate strength. Tendons may be assumed to be

Q. (4)

A post-tensioncd bonded f-scct on has a llange with width 800 mm and

thickness 250 mm. Ihickncss of the web is 200 mm The area of high tensile
steel located at an effective ;epth of 1200 mm is 4000 mm2, ito
characteristic strength ol steel -nci the cubc strength of concrete arc f. cm


N/mm* and 40 N/mm2 respectively. he effective prestress alter all losses is

900 N/mm2 and the ratio of yield stress to the tensile strength ol steel is



F<Tirruic the uftiauar

*f xp'lhTv anouT mode*<




beams -****>< to Nd*


<> I

nf thr I-ntxli'ti u%irir IH \\4 t I'MIO

d in |wct>i lion.r.i.

" U"'

be v"" * h"f"1 "" *

Mc of presumed member*


in the


rtrd ""I""* ''

<b) The end block of a posj-usjsiaocd bridge girder u 600mm wide by 1 200 mm
deep. Two cables, each compn -to 97 high-tensile wires of 7 mm diameicr,

arc iDclmj uMug square aoch*/-pJac* of tide length 400 mm with their
centre* Ujicd J ffiiTi ma nn'imfcc iip nd hMm edges of Um Nan Ihr
racking tor in each cable w 4#0 IN lK*Mgn a suitable anchor aye /unc
reinforcement itinj! Ic-4I5 graoe IIYSII bun conforming o IS |M1 IWU)

code pruvisiom.
(J (6)

A prestressed concrete beam wilh 11 cros*-*cctiin 120 mm wide and *00 mm

deep is used to support a uniformly distributed live load of kN/m over .111
effective span of 6 m. The beam is prestressed by a straight cable carrying an
etTectise prestressing force of ISO IN at a constant eccentricity of 50 rnm Given
the modulus of rupture 5 N/mm2, area <>l the cable * 200 mmJ
Ec " 38 kN
and modular ratio = 6, estimate the deflection of the beam at the following stages
<i) uotkmg load (ii> cracking load


Q. (7) A


beam hasing a rect jutu .r MCGtjpD IpQ mm vsidcJind



M (Xiraholk.

ofak c**ryit.v au inin.J tun.* tf?40

JDf) mm dccj* u
Hie cnble hni

an eccentricity of 50 mm at the centre of span and is concentric at the supports II

the span of the beam is 10 m and the live load is 2 kN/m. estimate the short term
detkrtioo at the centre of span. Assume E* 36 kN/mm and creep coefficient tp
= 2, loss of prestress 20% of the initial stress after 6 months Estimate the long
term deflection at the centre of span at this stage, assuming that the dead and live
loads are simultaneous! s applied after the release of prestress Compare this long


deflection uith that of Lin simplified method

Q. (8) Write short notes on following

(i) Losses of prestress
(ii) Prestressed Concrete vt Reinforced Concrete,
(iii> Post-Tensioning S> stems.

(Jv) Design of PrestrcMcd Concrete blabs




Design a frv tciXiiuocU rii PMTilD lU"

,bc hcl*

bfTcctivc span * 20 m
Applied Uwd- 5 KN/m

Io*d lidflOL

For dead load 1 4

For Live load = 1 .6

Concrete cube strength, fa 50 N ram*

Cube strength at transfer. in -30 Nmm*
Iensile strength of concrete, ft 1 .7 N mm"

Modulus of elasticity of concrete Be -34 KN mm

Loss Ratio, t) 0 8

Permissible stresses

At transfer Compressive stress, fa 15 N/mm2

Tensile stress. f--I N'mm'

At working load: Compressive stress. &- I7Nmm''
Tensile stress. fr-0 N'mm2
7 mm high-tensile steel wires having an ultimate tensile strength,
N/nWare available for use



What are different types of shear cracks? Discuss failure due to shear cracks.
))What are advantages of continuous member? Discuss methods of achieving


Dcscnhc /idinski and Rowe's Method.

<b) The end Nock of a post tensioned beam is 80 mm wide abd 160 mm deep. A
2 1 g pre-stressing wire. 7 mm in diameter, stressed to 1 200 N/mm2 has to be

anchored against the end block at the centre. The anchorage plate is 50 mm x 50
m. T he wire bears on the plate through a cone of 20 mm diameter. Given the
permissible stress in concrete at transfer, fa as 20 and the permissible shear in
steel as **4.5 N'mm2, Determine the thickness of the anchorage plate,

7. A simple flat slab 12m x 9m is supported by four columns so placed as to form a

(Z 5" 3>3 symmetrical rectangular grid, 7m x 6m. The cantilevers formed are 2.5 and 1.5 m in
the long and short directions of the slab. The live load on the slab is 1 kN/
Prestrcssing cables consisting of four wires of 5 mm carry ing an effective force of 100
kN are available for use. Design the no. of cables required and arrange them
suitably in the two principle directions.


Write notes on the fol!owing( any four):

Prestressed Concrete Pavements.
Crack Width in Prestressed Members.
Bond Stresses in Post-tcnsioning
Long-Term Deflection Cracked Members
Cracking Moment

End of the Quest*00 Paper-

Examination, May-June 2012

M. Icch-ll Scm

(Structural InKintfrlnR)

F.lectivc-I, Prcitreucd

CE-5203 (B)

1 ""H1 3.00
Maximum Marks-

<"US,i"nS Carr> "'

relevant code*' " 1343-1980) U allowed.

2. Auim-

ii. ofr




is pressure line or thurst line? Discuss its importance.

(b) An unsymmetrical I section beam is used to
support an imposed load of 2 kN/m
over a span ot 8 m. The sectional details arc top flange, 300 mm wide and 60
the the
A S web 80 bottom flange. 100 mm wide and 60 mm thick; thickness ofspan,
mm; overall depth of the beam 400 mm. at the centre of the
effective prcstressing force of 100 kN is located at 50 mm
beam for the following load conditions:
(i) Prestress *- self weight
(ii) Prestress + self weight* live load

A prestressed concrete beam, 200 mm wide and 300 mm deep, is prestressed with
wires (area * 320 mm ) located at a constant eccentricity of 50 mm and carrying an

initial stress of 1000 N/mml Hie span of the beam is 10 m Calculate the
q | Rerccntageioss
of stress in wires if (a) The beam is pretensioned, and (b) the beam

is post-tensioned. using the following data.

Es 210 kN/mm:. and Ec 35kN/mm2
Relaxation of steel stress 5 % of('the initial stress
Shrinkage of concrete 300 x 1 0 for pre-tensioning
and 200 x 10' for post -tensioning
Slip at anchorage 1 mm. Creep Coefficient 1 .6
Fractional coefficient for wave effect 0.001 5 per m

3. A continuous prcslKSKd concrctc beam ABC (AB BC 10 m) has a

fCCtangu>f CfQM-iection with a width of 400 mm and depth of 650 mm. The
beam is prestressed by concordant cablc having a cross sectional area of 1200
mm1, located 50 mm from the soffit at mid-span points and 50 mm from top of
beam at B. If the beam supports two concentrated load of 200 KN each at midspan points, determine the load factor against collapse assuming
I I.istic distribution of moments.
Complete redistribution of moments.

Q /'tCl*

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