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Rob T 308 Lecture 18

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ROBT 308

Industrial Automation
Lecture 18
Data manipulation instructions (part b)
Math Instructions
17 March 2015, Tuesday

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

Todays Topics

File arithmetic and logic (FAL) instruction

File copy (COP) instruction and the fill file (FLL)
Data comparison instructions
Data Manipulation Programs

Numerical Data I/O Interfaces

Closed loop Control
Math Instructions (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
File Arithmetic Operations
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

A file is a group of related consecutive words in

the data table that have a defined start and end
and are used to store information.
Moving data using file instructions

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

SLC 500 word and file addressing.

Address #N7:30 represents the starting address of
a group of consecutive words in integer file 7.

The length is eight words, which is determined by the

instruction where the file address is used.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

The file arithmetic and

logic (FAL) instruction is
used to copy data from
one file to another and to
do file math and file logic.
Control word uses four control bits: enable bit, done bit, error bit,
and unload bit.
Length represents the file length in words.
Position points to the word being operated on.
Mode (All, Numeric or Incremental) represents the number of file
elements operated on per program scan.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

Destination is the address at which the processor stores the

result of the operation.

Expression contains addresses, program constants, and operators

that specify the source of data and the operations to be
performed. The expression entered determines the function of
the FAL instruction.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

File-to-file copy function program using the FAL


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File-to-word copy function using the FAL


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

Word-to-file copy function using the FAL


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015

Copying recipes and storing values for timer


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The file copy (COP) instruction and the fill file (FLL)
instruction are high-speed instructions that operate
more quickly than the same operation with the FAL

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


There is no control element to monitor and data

conversion does not take place, so the source and
destination should be the same file types.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Using the FLL instruction to change all the data in

a file to zero.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Data Compare Instructions

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Data compare instructions are input instructions

used to compare numerical values.

These instructions compare the data stored in two or more

words (or registers) and make decisions based on the program
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Comparison instructions are used to test pairs of

values to determine if a rung is true.

LIM (Limit test) Tests whether one value is within the limit
range of two other values.
MEQ (Masked Comparison for Equal) Tests portions of two
values to see whether they are equal.
Compares 16-bit data of a source address to 16-bit data at a
reference address through a mask.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


EQU (Equal) Tests whether two values are equal.

NEQ (Not Equal) Tests whether one value is not equal to a
second value.
LES (Less Than) Tests whether one value is less than a
second value.
GRT (Greater Than) Tests whether one value is greater than
a second value.
LEQ (Less Than or Equal) Tests whether one value is less
than or equal to a second value.
GEQ (Greater Than or Equal) Tests whether one value is
greater than or equal to a second value.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The equal (EQU) instruction rung compares the

value of source A to that of source B.

When source A is equal to source B, the instruction is logically

true and PL1 is switched ON.
When source A is not equal to source B, the instruction is logically
false and PL1 is switched OFF.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The not equal (NEQ) instruction is logically true

when source A is not equal to source B, otherwise
it is logically false.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The greater than (GRT) instruction is logically

true when source A is greater than source B,
otherwise it is logically false.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The less than (LES) instruction is logically true when

source A is less than source B, otherwise it is
logically false.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The greater than or equal (GEQ) instruction is

logically true when source A is greater than or
equal to source B, otherwise it is logically false.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The less than or equal (LEQ) instruction is logically

true when source A is less than or equal to source
B, otherwise it is logically false.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The limit test (LIM) instruction is used to test

whether values are within or outside the
specified range.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The low limit is less than the high limit.

Instruction is true for test values 25 through 50.

Instruction is false for test values less than 25 or greater than 50.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The low limit is greater than the high limit.

Instruction is true for test values of 50 and less than 50 and for
test values of 100 and greater than 100.
Instruction is false for test values greater than 50 and less than
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The masked comparison for equal (MEQ)

instruction compares a value from a source
address with data at a compare address and
allows portions of the data to be masked.

The MEQ instruction can be used to compare the correct position of

up to 16 limit switches when the source contains the limit switch
address and the compare stores their desired states.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


MEQ instruction rung.

When the data at the source address match the data at the
compare address bit-by-bit (less masked bits), the instruction is
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Data Manipulation
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Hardwired relay-operated, time-delay circuit.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Equivalent programmed time-delay circuit.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Timer program implemented using the EQU


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Counter program implemented using the LES


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Vessel filling
The receiving vessel has its weight
monitored continuously by the PLC
program as it fills.
When the weight reaches a preset
value, the flow is cut off.
Should the system leak additional material into the vessel, the
total weight of the material could rise above the preset value
causing an equal instruction, if used, to go false and the vessel to
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Numerical Data I/O

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Multibit interfaces allow a

group of bits to be input or
output as a unit.
Each one of the switches provides four
binary digits at its output that
correspond to the decimal number
selected on the switch.

The BCD input module allows the

processor to accept the 4-bit digital
codes and input their data into
specific register or word locations.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The seven-segment LED display

is a typical Binary Coded
Decimal output device.
It displays a decimal number that
corresponds to the BCD value it receives
at its input.

The BCD output module is used to

output data from a specific register or
word location.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Program for monitoring the setting of a

thumbwheel switch.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Analog modules convert analog signals to 16-bit

digital signals (input) or 16-bit digital signals to
analog values (output).

An analog I/O will allow

monitoring and control of
analog voltages and currents.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The analog output interface module receives

numerical data from the processor.

These data are then translated into a proportional

voltage or current to control an analog field
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Closed loop Control

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


In open-loop control, no feedback loop is

employed and system variations which cause the
output to deviate from the desired value are not
detected or corrected.

A closed-loop system utilizes feedback to

measure the actual system operating parameter
being controlled.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


PLC closed-loop control system.

Adjustments are
made continuously
by the PLC until the
difference between
the desired and
actual output is as
small as is practical.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


With on/off PLC control the output is either on

or off.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Proportional controls are designed to eliminate the

hunting or cycling associated with on/off control.
Proportional control
allows the control
element to take
positions between
on and off.
The PLC analog output module controls the amount of fluid flow by
adjusting the percentage of valve opening.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is

the most sophisticated and widely used type of
process control.

PID controllers produce outputs that depend on the magnitude, duration, and
rate of change of the system error signal.
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


PID control loop

Operating information from the machine is called the process variable or

Input from the operator that tells the controller the desired operating point is
called the set-point .
The difference between the set-point and the process variable is called the
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Programmable controllers are either equipped

with PID I/O modules that produce PID control or
have sufficient mathematical functions of their
own to allow PID control to be carried out.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Math Instructions
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The PLCs math functions capability allows it to

perform arithmetic functions on values.

Addition - The capability to add one piece of data to another.

Subtraction - The capability to subtract one piece of data from
Multiplication - The capability to multiply one piece of data by
Division - The capability to divide one piece of data by another.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


When the CPT (compute)

instruction is executed, then
copy, arithmetic, logical, or
conversion operation residing
in the expression field of this
instruction is performed and
the result is sent to the

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Addition Instruction
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The ADD instruction performs the addition of two

values stored in the referenced memory locations.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Counter program that uses the ADD instruction.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The arithmetic status bits

for the SLC 500 are found in
word 0, bits 0 to 3 of the
processor status file S2.

Carry (C) - Address S2:0/0, is set to 1 when there is a carry in the

ADD instruction or a borrow in the SUB instruction.
Overflow (O) -Address S2:0/1, is set to 1 when the result is too
large to fit in the destination register.
Zero (Z) - Address S2:0/2, is set to 1 when the result of the subtract
instruction is zero.
Sign (S) - Address S2:0/3, is set to 1 when the result is a negative

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Subtraction Instruction
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The subtract instruction subtracts source B from

source A and stores the result in the destination.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Vessel overfill alarm program.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Multiplication Instruction
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The multiply instruction multiplies two values and

stores the result in the destination address.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


MUL instruction program used to calculate the

product of two sources.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


used as part
of a

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Division Instruction
Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The division instruction divides the value in source

A by the value in source B and stores the result in
the destination address.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


DIV instruction used to calculate the value that

results from dividing source A by source B.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Program for
temperature to

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Other Word-Level Math

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Square root instruction.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The negate (NEG) instruction changes the sign of

the source value from positive to negative.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The clear (CLR) instruction sets all bits of a word to


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The convert to BCD (TOD) instruction is used to

convert 16-bit integers into binary-coded decimal
(BCD) values.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The scale data (SCL) instruction is used to allow

very large or very small numbers to be enlarged
or reduced by the rate value.
The number 100 stored at the
source address, N7:0, is multiplied
by 25,000, divided by 10,000, and
added to 127.

The result, 377, is placed in the destination address, N7:1.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


File Arithmetic Operations

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The file arithmetic and logic (FAL) instruction can

combine an arithmetic operation with file transfer.

The file add function

of the FAL instruction
is used to perform
addition operations on
multiple words.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The file subtract function of the FAL

instruction is used to perform subtraction
operations on multiple words.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The file multiplication function of the FAL

instruction is used to perform multiplication
operations on multiple words.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


The file divide function of the FAL

instruction is used to perform division
operations on multiple words.

Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


Industrial Automation (ROBT308) - Spring 2015


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