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San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

November 20 09 Version - Updates and errata will be published as necessar y


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines


stormwater designn guidelines


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

City of San Francisco

Gavin Newsom, Mayor
Astrid Haryati, Director of City Greening

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

Ed Harrington, General Manager
Tommy T. Moala, Assistant General Manager
Jon Loiacano, Principal Engineer

Port of San Francisco

Monique Moyer, Executive Director
Ed Byrne, Chief Harbor Engineer
Byron Rhett, Deputy Director, Planning and Development


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines team would like to thank the Phase I cities that have gone before us and have
graciously shared their wisdom, their support, and the many valuable lessons they have learned. We are particularly grateful for the
examples set by the counties of Contra Costa and Santa Clara, California and the Cities of Emeryville, California; Portland, Oregon;
and Seattle, Washington.

City of San Francisco

Hydroconsult Engineers, Inc

David Beaupre
Rosey Jencks
Sarah Minick
John Mundy
Arleen Navarret

Beth Goldstein, PE
Mathew Johnston
Brent Johnson
Leslie Webster

Project Interns
Hayley Diamond
Alicia Omlid
Katie Pilat
Brooke Ray Smith

Community Design + Architecture

Timothy Rood AICP, LEED
Greg Pasquali
Jonah Chiarenza

Sustainable Watershed Designs

Scott Durbin

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

E xe c ut ive Su m m a r y

I nt ro duc t ion

R e g u l ator y C onte x t

The Clean Water Act

The General Permit
The Maximum Extent Practicable Treatment Standard
Pollutants of Concern
Synergy with other Regulations and Initiatives
San Francisco Building Code Requirements
References and Resources

Sa n Fr a nci sc o C onte x t


The Urban Watershed

Managing Stormwater in San Francisco
References and Resources

Mu lt i-Pu r pose De sig n


Integrating LID into San Franciscos Urban Landscape

References and Resources

Por t Pl a n A pprova l
The Development Review Process
Multi-Parcel Projects
References and Resources




San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

SF PUC Pl a n A pprova l


San Francisco Green Building Ordinance

Performance Measures
Plan Approval Process
References and Resources

Inspec t ion & En forc ement


T he Stor mw ater C ont rol Pl a n


Characterize existing conditions

Identify design and development goals
Develop a site plan
Develop a site design
Select and locate source controls
Select and Locate Treatment BMPs
Case Study: Berlin Treatment Train
Size Treatment BMPs
Check against Design Goals and Modify if Necessary
Develop an Operations and Maintenance Plan
Compile the Stormwater Control Plan
References and Resources

A ppend ic e s

(online at or

Appendix A: Stormwater BMP Fact Sheets
Appendix B: BMP Sizing Calculators
Appendix C: Stormwater Control Plan Template
Appendix D: Vegetation Palette



Executive Summary

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Stormwater management is a critical municipal responsibility that has a direct

impact on public health and safety, surface water quality, and wildlife habitat.

Like many California municipal agencies, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
(SFPUC) and the Port of San Francisco administer Stormwater Management Programs
developed in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act and a State of California
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.
NPDES permits for stormwater specify a suite of activities that municipalities must
undertake to reduce pollution in stormwater runo. One of these is the development,
implementation, and enforcement of a program to reduce pollutants in stormwater runo
from new development and redevelopment projects. This eort is commonly referred to as
a post-construction stormwater control program.
In February 2007, Port and SFPUC sta initiated a community planning eort to
develop a regulatory guidance document that fullls state and federal requirements for
post-construction stormwater runo control. The San Francisco Stormwater Design
Guidelines (Guidelines) represent the culmination of this eort. The Guidelines describe
an engineering, planning, and regulatory framework for designing new infrastructure in

Executive Summary

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

a manner that reduces or eliminates pollutants commonly found in urban runo. The
Guidelines are designed to work within the context of existing San Francisco regulations
and policies, and are consistent with the Citys and Ports Building Code and Planning
Code requirements.
The Guidelines are currently directed primarily to San Franciscos separate storm sewer
areas, which include the Port of San Francisco, Hunters Point Shipyard, Mission Bay,
Treasure Island, Candlestick Point, and areas that discharge to inland receiving waters such
as Lake Merced. However, the thresholds presented here and the general strategies described
to achieve compliance also apply to combined sewer areas. While the thresholds and
strategies are the same for both combined and separate sewers, the performance measures
are dierent. For information about requirements in combined sewer areas, see page 62.

Low Impact Design

In keeping with San Franciscos policy goals for promoting sustainable development, the
Guidelines encourage the use of Low Impact Design (LID) to comply with stormwater
management requirements. LID applies decentralized, site strategies to manage the quantity
and quality of stormwater runo. LID integrates stormwater into the urban environment
to achieve multiple goals. It reduces stormwater pollution, restores natural hydrologic
function to San Franciscos watersheds, provides wildlife habitat, and contributes to the
gradual creation of a greener city. LID can be integrated into all development types, from
public open spaces and recreational areas to high-density housing and industrial areas.

Master-planned or Multi-Parcel Projects

Linked bioretention cells are a central part of the design for

the Glashaus development in Emeryville, CA.

Executive Summary

Many future projects in San Francisco will be located in large redevelopment areas and will
include construction of signicant horizontal infrastructure and open space in addition
to subdivided parcels and individual buildings. Master-planned projects, such as Treasure
Island, Hunters Point Shipyard, and the Ports Sea Wall Lot 337, can make use of larger
LID strategies that provide superior treatment, wildlife habitat, recreational amenities, and
other benets that may not be possible with smaller projects. Constructed wetlands and
large-scale rainwater harvesting are just a few examples of LID strategies presented in these
Guidelines that are ideally suited to large projects.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Using the Stormwater Design Guidelines

The Guidelines are intended to lead developers, engineers,
and architects through a planning and design process
that incorporates stormwater controls into site design.
The Guidelines provide a policy overview, describe the
regulatory context for post-construction stormwater
control requirements, and explain how these requirements
will be incorporated into San Franciscos planning and
permit review process.
The Guidelines introduce the stormwater performance
measures that must be achieved for project approval and
provide detailed instructions for developing a Stormwater
Control Plan (SCP), a document which will allow city
sta to assess compliance. A worked example illustrates
how to complete each step in the design process, and
a template for the SCP is included at the end of the
document. The Guidelines include compliance strategies,
a decision tree to assist in the selection of stormwater
controls, and spreadsheets for sizing stormwater controls.
The requirements outlined in the Guidelines are of a
technical nature and most project applicants will require
the assistance of a qualied civil engineer, architect, or
landscape architect in order to comply.
Every applicant seeking a building permit or every project
that requires compliance with California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) process on or after January 1, 2010
for a new or redevelopment project over 5,000 square feet
must complete a SCP showing that they have incorporated
appropriate stormwater controls into their project and
have met the stormwater performance measures described
in these Guidelines. SFPUC and Port permit stas will
review SCP submittals for adequacy.

Native plants in bloom in the swales at the Sunset Circle parking lot, an LID feature that
protects the water quality of Lake Merced.

Executive Summary


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

San Franciscos location adjacent to the Pacic Coast and San Francisco Bay, the largest
estuary on the west coast of the United States, gives the City signicant environmental,
social, and economic advantages; it also confers unique responsibilities for water quality
protection upon the City and its citizens.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and the Port of San Francisco
(Port) have partnered to create the San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines (Guidelines)
for San Franciscos developers, designers, engineers, and the general public. The Guidelines
are designed to help project applicants implement permanent post-construction stormwater
controls. Water quality regulations under the federal Clean Water Act require such controls
for new and redevelopment projects in areas served by municipal separate storm sewer
systems (MS4s).
While water quality protection is the fundamental driver behind stormwater management,
well-designed stormwater controls oer many ancillary benets. These Guidelines encourage
innovative and multi-purpose design solutions for meeting stormwater requirements in
San Franciscos urban setting. In addition to protecting water quality, well-designed multipurpose solutions will contribute to attractive civic spaces, open spaces, and streetscapes.
They will also protect and enhance wildlife habitat and have the potential to eectively
integrate stormwater management into the redevelopment of historic sites.


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

By implementing the stormwater management strategies articulated in this document,

each project applicant will contribute to the incremental restoration of the health of the
Citys watersheds, protect the Bay and Ocean, and build a greener San Francisco. Patrick
Condon, Chair in Landscape and Livable Environments at the University of British
Columbia, underscores the contribution that each site can make to a region: What the
cell is to the body, the site is to the region. And just as the health of the body is dependent
on the health of the individual cells that make it up, so too is the ecological and economic
health of the region dependent on the sites that comprise it.
The Guidelines function as both policy document and design tool. They explain the
environmental and regulatory drivers behind stormwater management, demonstrate the
concepts that inform the design of stormwater controls, describe the benets that green
stormwater infrastructure bring to San Francisco, and take project applicants through
the process of creating a Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) to comply with stormwater
regulations. The Guidelines are specic to San Franciscos environment; they reect the
citys density, climate, diversity of land uses, and varying topography.


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines


Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the foundation for stormwater regulation
across the country. State, regional, and municipal laws and policies under the CWA help to
ensure that San Franciscos stormwater requirements are appropriate to the citys geography,
climate, and development patterns.

The Clean Water Act

In 1972, Congress passed the Clean Water Act (CWA) to regulate the discharge of
pollutants to receiving waters such as oceans, bays, rivers and lakes. Under the CWA,
waste discharges from industrial and municipal sources are regulated through the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program. Approximately 90%
of San Francisco is served by a combined sewer system (see map on page 10) that conveys
both sewage and stormwater for treatment to three sewage treatment plants before being
discharged to receiving water. Discharges from the treatment plants are subject to the
requirements of NPDES permits.
Stormwater runo, now recognized by the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) as a leading contributor to water quality degradation in the United States,
was unregulated until 1987 when section 402(p) was added to the CWA. Section 402(p)
established a two-phase plan to regulate polluted stormwater runo under NPDES. The
Phase I permits, nalized in 1990, regulate municipal separate storm sewer systems
(MS4s) serving populations of 100,000 or more. Stormwater discharges associated with
certain types of industrial facilities and construction sites greater than ve acres are also

Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Note: Map currently undergoing annual review. An updated version will be available in Janurary 2010.

regulated under Phase I. Phase II permits, nalized in

2000, regulate MS4s serving populations of 100,000 or
The California State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) serves as the implementing agency for NPDES
regulations. In 2003, the SWRCB issued the General
Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small Municipal
Storm Sewer Systems (General Permit) to regulate small
MS4s. San Franciscos MS4 areas cover approximately
10% of the City and serve fewer than 100,000 people.
They are therefore subject to Phase II requirements in the
General Permit.

The General Permit

To comply with NPDES Phase II regulations, the General
Permit requires agencies holding the Phase II NPDES
Permit (SFPUC and Port) to develop Stormwater
Management Plans (SWMPs) describing the measures that
will be implemented to reduce pollution in stormwater
runo in the MS4 areas.

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

The Port of San Francisco
Redevelopment areas (various owners)
Figure 1. Separate storm sewer areas and jurisdictions

Best Management Practices

Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are measures or programs used to
reduce pollution in stormwater runo. The EPA denes a BMP as a technique, measure
or structural control that is used for a given set of conditions to manage the quantity
and improve the quality of stormwater runo in the most cost-eective manner.


Regulatory Context

The General Permit requires Permittees to implement four

measures for post-construction stormwater management
in new and redevelopment projects located in areas served
by separate sewers:
1. Develop, implement, and enforce a program to
address stormwater runoff from new and redevelopment projects to ensure that controls are in place
to prevent or minimize water quality impacts;
2. Develop and implement stormwater management
strategies, including a combination of structural
and/or non-structural best management practices
(BMPs) appropriate for the community;

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

3. Use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism

to control post-construction runoff from new and
redevelopment projects to the extent allowable
under the law; and,
4. Ensure the adequate long-term operation and
maintenance of BMPs.
Under the General Permit, Permittees have two options for
adopting the post-construction stormwater management
requirements listed above. The rst is to use the minimum
design standards listed in Attachment 4 of the Phase II
General Permit as a framework for administering postconstruction control programs (http://www.waterboards.
attachment4.pdf ).
The second option for compliance is for Permittees
to develop a functionally equivalent program that is
acceptable to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water
Quality Control Board (RWQCB). The Port and the
SFPUC have chosen to pursue the latter option by
implementing these Guidelines, which are largely based
on the C.3 Provision of the San Francisco Bay Area Phase
I stormwater permits. The C.3 requirements are similar to
those in the General Permit, but require more eort on
the part of the Permittee to develop a post-construction
control program suitable for its climate, geography and
development patterns.
Eective January 1, 2010, these Guidelines will apply
to all projects greater than 5,000 square feet in the City
of San Francisco. The Guidelines do not apply to those
projects that have received 1) building permits and/or 2)
discretionary approvals by the San Francisco Planning
Department, the San Francisco Department of Building

Project Type

Excluded Projects

Commercial, industrial or
residential development

Projects with fewer than 5,000 square feet of

developed area that are not part of a larger
common plan of development.
Construction of one single family home that is not
part of a larger common plan of development and
is fewer than 5,000 square feet, with the
incorporation of appropriate source control
measures, and using landscaping to appropriately
treat runoff from impervious surfaces.
Interior remodels and routine maintenance and
repair, such as roof replacement, exterior painting,
utility trenching and repair, pier apron repair and
pile replacement, pavement resurfacing, repaving
and structural section rehabilitation within the
existing footprint.

Single family residential


Redevelopment and repair


Parking lots

Parking lots of fewer than 5,000 square feet.

Table 1. Projects excluded from Stormwater Design Guidelines requirements

All project sites with an area greater than 5,000 square feet must incorporate postconstruction stormwater controls that meet the performance measures set forth in these
Guidelines, including minimizing the sources of stormwater pollutants (see Source
Controls, beginning on page 75) and treating a specied ow or volume of stormwater
(see Treatment BMPs, beginning on page ).

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

diminishing returns:
extraordinary effort yields
little increased benet
treatment to the MEP

Inspection, the Port of San Francisco Planning Division, or the Port Building Department
by January 1, 2010. All new project applications, incomplete project applications, and
amendments received thereafter will be subject to these Guidelines. Table 1 lists the types
of projects that are excluded from the Guidelines.
The RWQCB monitors San Franciscos implementation of General Permit requirements.
The Port and the SFPUC must submit ongoing reports on their respective development
review eorts, the number and type of projects reviewed, and the stormwater control
measures included in the projects. To assess the eectiveness of stormwater control
measures, the Port and SFPUC must dene criteria for compliance. The RWQCB and
the EPA require that stormwater control measures be designed to reduce pollution in
stormwater runo to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP).

water quality benet

increase in effort
yields increased water
quality benet

The Maximum Extent Practicable Treatment Standard

MS4 permits require stormwater management strategies to reduce the discharge of
pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, including management practices, control
techniques and system, design and engineering methods.

Figure 2. As the maximum extent practicable (MEP)
standard is approached, additional investment in BMPs
yields reduced benet.


Regulatory Context

Treatment to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) can be achieved by applying the
BMPs that are most eective at treating pollutants in stormwater runo. The SWRCB has
said of the MEP standard that there must be a serious attempt to comply, and practical
solutions may not be lightly rejected. The SWRCB also states that if project applicants
implement only a few of the least expensive stormwater BMPs, it is likely that the MEP
standard has not been met. If, on the other hand, a project applicant implements all
applicable and eective BMPs except those shown to be technically infeasible, or those
whose cost would exceed any benet to be derived, then the project applicant would have
achieved treatment to the MEP. As technology and design innovation improve, stormwater
BMPs become more eective. The denition of MEP continually evolves with the eld
to encourage innovation and improved water quality protection. Because of this, some
end-of-pipe strategies such as vortex separators, which were considered to meet the MEP
standard ten years ago, are no longer accepted as such. Similarly, in cases where just one
BMP may have gained project approval in the past, today there are many cases where
multiple BMPs will be required in order to achieve treatment to the MEP.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Pollutants of Concern
Because stormwater runs o of diverse sites, it mobilizes many kinds of pollutants. The
following list summarizes the main categories of pollutants found in stormwater, their
sources, and their environmental consequences.
Gross pollutants mobilized by stormwater include litter, plant debris and oatable
materials. Gross pollutants often harbor other pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides,
and bacteria. They also pose their own environmental impacts; they degrade wildlife
habitat, water quality, the aesthetic quality of waterways, and are a strangling and choking
hazard to wildlife.
Sediment is a common component of stormwater runo that degrades aquatic habitat
and can be detrimental to aquatic life by interfering with photosynthesis, respiration,
growth, reproduction, and oxygen exchange. Construction sites, roadways, rooftops, and
areas with loose topsoil are major sources of sediment. Sediment is a vehicle for many
other pollutants such as trace metals and hydrocarbons. Over half the trace metal load
carried in stormwater is associated with sediment. Because of this, sediment removal
is a good indicator for reduction of a broader range of pollutants. For the purpose of
developing stormwater controls, engineers and designers must consider both coarse and
ne (suspended) sediments.

Oils and gross pollutants pose a signicant threat not only to

water quality but also to bay area wildlife.

Oil and grease include a wide range of organic compounds, some of which are derived
from animal and vegetable products, others from petroleum products. Sources of oil and
grease include leaks and breaks in mechanical systems, spills, restaurant waste, waste oil
disposal, and the cleaning and maintenance of vehicles and mechanical equipment.
Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous are typically used as fertilizers for parks and
golf courses and are often found in stormwater runo. They can promote excessive and
accelerated growth of aquatic vegetation, such as algae, resulting in low dissolved oxygen.
Un-ionized ammonia, a form of nitrogen, can be toxic to sh. In San Francisco, nutrients
carried in runo are a signicant concern for enclosed freshwater bodies such as Lake
Merced, more so than they are for the San Francisco Bay and Pacic Ocean.
Stormwater runo transports trash to local water bodies,
where it creates an aesthetic nuisance, harms wildlife, and
pollutes receiving waters.

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and insecticides) are often detected in

stormwater at toxic levels, even when they have been applied in accordance with label
instructions. As pesticide use has increased, so have concerns about their adverse eects on
the environment and human health. Accumulation of these compounds in simple aquatic
organisms, such as plankton, provides an avenue for biomagnication through the food
web, potentially resulting in elevated levels of toxins in organisms that feed on them, such
as sh and birds.
Organics can be found in stormwater in low concentrations. They include synthetic
compounds associated with adhesives, cleaners, sealants, and solvents that are widely used
and are often stored and disposed of improperly.
Bacteria can enter stormwater via sources such as animal excrement, decay of organic
materials, and combined sewer discharges. High levels of bacteria in stormwater runo can
lead to beach closures and shing advisories.
Dissolved metals including lead, zinc, cadmium, copper, chromium, and nickel are
mobilized by stormwater when it runs o of surfaces such as galvanized metal, paint,
automobiles, and preserved wood, whose surfaces corrode, ake, dissolve, decay, or leach.
Metals are toxic to aquatic organisms, can bioaccumulate in sh and other animals, and
have the potential to contaminate drinking water supplies.
PCBs and Mercury are legacy contaminants that are found in low concentrations in soils
associated with historically industrialized areas. San Francisco Bay is listed by the USEPA
as an impaired water body for these contaminants. Control of PCBs and mercury will
be implemented through design measures that limit the mobilization of these pollutants
in contaminated soils.

Synergy with other Regulations and Initiatives

The Guidelines are designed to work with San Franciscos existing and emerging regulatory
programs and policies. For example, development along the San Francisco waterfront
is subject to policies adopted by the Port of San Francisco and the San Francisco Bay
Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC); the Guidelines are consistent
with these policies. Federal, state, and local regulations most relevant to the Guidelines are
shown in Table 2 at the end of this section.


Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

There are three initiatives underway in San Francisco that

directly aect stormwater management in the City and
that propose policies parallel to those presented in these
Guidelines: the Sewer System Master Plan, the Better Streets
Plan, and the Green Building Ordinance. These mutuallysupportive eorts are consistent with the stormwater
management goals and requirements put forward here.
The SFPUCs Sewer System Master Plan (Master Plan) is
a comprehensive plan that charts a long-term vision and
strategy for the management of the Citys wastewater and
stormwater. The Master Plan is intended to maximize
system reliability and exibility and to lay a path for capital
investment and management of the Citys infrastructure
for the next 30 years. The Master Plan presents Low
Impact Design (LID) as a major tool for addressing the
Citys drainage management needs. LID is an innovative
stormwater management approach that is modeled after
nature: it advocates managing runo at its source using
decentralized micro-scale facilities. The Master Plan
contains protocols for using LID in ongoing repair and
replacement projects as a part of its overhaul of drainage

ct D
m pa
Interaction will result in a
similar LID feel citywide and
seamless transition between
the waterfront and city

esign Efforts in San Fran


Design Guidelines
Port of SF & SFPUC
Separate Sewer Areas

Interaction will foster a similar

LID approach for separate
and combined sewer areas

Better Streets

Sewer System
Master Plan

Planning Department
Streets and Sidewalks

Combined Sewer Areas

All efforts share LID as their core approach

Interaction will help

better manage street runoff
and sewer flooding using LID

Figure 3. LID is the common thread linking a number of major planning eorts currently
underway in San Francisco.

The Better Streets Plan is a collaborative eort between

the SFPUC, the Planning Department, the Public
Works Department, the Citys transit agencies, and other
relevant agencies, to create a unied set of standards,
guidelines, and implementation strategies that will govern
how the City designs, builds, and maintains the public
rights-of-way. The goal of the Better Streets Plan is to
update applicable standards to improve pedestrian safety,
enhance landscaping, and identify innovative methods for
reducing stormwater runo from the streets and sidewalks
to create a more attractive and sustainable public realm in
San Francisco.

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The Green Building Ordinance is a third initiative that will work in tandem with the
Guidelines. The ordinance expands the scope of green building standards to apply not
only to public buildings but also to private development and redevelopment projects in
San Francisco. The task force was charged with creating building requirements that would
foster environmentally sensitive design and sustainability in new development projects. As
a part of this eort, SFPUC and Port sta developed stormwater management performance
standards for new and redevelopment projects over 5,000 square feet. The Ordinance
references the Guidelines and provides the regulatory authority to implement stormwater
management requirements in combined sewer areas.

San Francisco Building Code Requirements

Projects that are implementing the Guidelines will also be subject to review by the San
Francisco Department of Building Inspection (DBI) or the Port Building Department.
Both DBI and the Port administer building codes that include provisions for managing
drainage for new construction. Section 306.2 of the San Francisco Plumbing Code and
Section 1506.1 of the San Francisco Building Code were amended on June 28, 2005 to
allow roofs and other building areas to drain to locations other than the combined sewer.
The 2005 amendments anticipated LID strategies such as downspout disconnection and
rainwater harvesting, which are described in the Guidelines.
They now read as follows:
Plumbing Code, Section 306.2: Roofs, inner courts, vent shafts, light well, or

similar areas having rainwater drains shall discharge directly into a building drain
or sewer, or to an approved alternate location based on approved geotechnical and
engineering designs.
Building Code, Section 1506.1: All storm or casual water from roof areas which
total more than 200 square feet shall drain or be conveyed directly to the building
drain or storm drain or to an approved alternate location based on approved geotechnical and engineering design. Such drainage shall not be directed to flow onto
adjacent property or over public sidewalks. Building projections not exceeding 12
inches in width are exempt from drainage requirements without area limitations.
A cistern at Mills College in Oakland, CA is a stormwater
BMP and a design element. Photo: Ingrid Severson


Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

In the amended codes listed above, approved alternate

location is the key phrase that allows for downspout
disconnection and encompasses all properly designed
stormwater management facilities, including rain barrels
or cisterns.
In 2008, the SFPUC, DBI, and the Department of Public
Health (DPH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) for Rainwater Harvesting Systems. The MOU
records a technology-based agreement between the three
agencies, which concludes that project applicants can safely
harvest rainwater and use it for non-potable applications
such as toilet ushing, irrigation, and vehicle washing
without treating it to potable standards. More detailed
specications and permitting requirements for rainwater
harvesting can be found on the Rainwater Harvesting
fact sheet in Appendix A.

An interior roof drain discharges to a vegetated swale in Emeryville, CA. This properly
designed and permitted stormwater facility is an example of an approved alternate location
for stormwater discharge.

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Regulatory Context

Administered By


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Phase II General Permit

California Regional Water Quality Control

Board (RWQCB)

Requires municipalities to develop programs to control runoff pollution from both new and
redevelopment projects. The Guidelines provide standards and guidance to implement the
requirements of the Phase II Municipal General Permit.

NPDES Industrial Permits


Requires facilities subject to the requirements of the Industrial Permit to implement BMPs to
prevent or reduce pollution in stormwater runoff. Newly constructed industrial facilities over
5,000 square feet must implement post-construction controls per requirements of the
Guidelines .

Federal Clean Water Act 401 Certification


The RWQCB must certify that construction projects taking place in or over federal and state
water bodies do not negatively impact water quality. The Guidelines will help project
proponents comply with post-construction stormwater control requirements often included as
conditions of 401 certification.

303(d) Impaired Water Bodies - Clean Water Act - Total

Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program


San Francisco Bay and other water bodies are impaired by pollutants such as mercury and
PCBs. TMDLs require pollutant sources to reduce levels of pollutant loading associated with
water quality impairment. Stormwater treatment control selection should consider TMDL
pollutant removal.

Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of

Historic Properties

National Park Service/California State

Office of Historic Preservation

In order to qualify for Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credits, construction within designated Historic
Districts must avoid or minimize changes that would adversely affect an historic resource's
character defining features. Stormwater management measures selected for a given project
must comply with these standards as applicable.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

California Code of Regulations Title 24

San Francisco Department of Building

Inspection (DBI)
San Francisco Department of Public
Works (SFDPW)

The ADA establishes requirements for accessibility to places of public accommodation and
commercial facilities by individuals with disabilities. Stormwater management measures
described in the Guidelines must accommodate ADA requirements, including curb ramp
standards promulgated through SFDPW Order No. 175,387. Treatment controls located in the
public right-of-way must comply with ADA architectural guidelines.

San Francisco Planning Department

A process to review new and redevelopment projects for potential impacts to the environment
and, as necessary, propose mitigation measures to substantially lessen the project's significant
environmental effects. The Guidelines include measures that will substantially reduce water
quality and hydrological impacts associated with new and redevelopment projects.

San Francisco Bay Basin Plan


Designates the beneficial uses and water quality objectives designed to protect those beneficial
uses for state waters in the San Francisco Bay Region. Stormwater management measures
described in the Guidelines promote restoration and maintenance of beneficial uses for waters
in and around San Francisco.

San Francisco Bay Sea Port Plan and San Francisco

Special Area Plan Maritime Commerce, Land Use and
Public Access

San Francisco Bay Conservation and

Development Commission (BCDC)

Policies that guide BCDC regulation within 100 feet of the shoreline edge, including most of the
Port's piers. Policies are geared to limiting Bay fill, protecting water quality, and encouraging
maximum feasible public access that does not impact commercial maritime activities.
Wherever practical projects should retain or restore native vegetation buffer zones, rather than
hardscape shoreline development. Applicable to waterfront development within 100' of the
shoreline. Stormwater management measures described in the Guidelines are consistent with
BCDC policy goals.


California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)


Table 2. Relevant jurisdictions, codes, and ordinances


Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines


Administered By


San Francisco Public Works Code

San Francisco Department of Public

Works - Bureau of Streets and Mapping

SFDPW-BSM permits and approves all work in the public right-of-way, streets and sidewalks
(including paper streets). Permits tree-lawns and planting strips. Permits sidewalk, curb and
gutter, pavement, or any other facilities in the public right-of-way improvements. Stormwater
management measures described in the Guidelines must satisfy Public Works Code
requirements for design and construction within the public right-of-way.

San Francisco Public Works Code

San Francisco Department of Public

Works - Bureau of Hydraulics

San Francisco Department of Public Works - Bureau of Engineering provides technical review
on behalf on the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), and designs and
contracts sewer improvements. Stormwater management measures described in the
Guidelines must comply with engineering standards administered by San Francisco Department
of Public Works - Bureau of Hydraulics.

San Francisco Better Streets Master Plan

Mayor's Office of Greening, San Francisco Guides design and construction within the public right-of -way and streets. Stormwater
Planning Department, DPW, Municipal
management measures proposed in the Guidelines are consistent with those considered in the
Transportation Agency, and the SFPUC
Better Streets Plan . For design standards applicable to stormwater, the Guidelines will take


Waterfront Land Use Plan - Waterfront Design and Access Port of San Francisco

Guides the physical form of the waterfront revitalization envisioned in the Port Waterfront Land
Use Plan; provides guidance on public access and waterfront accessibility, planting (both the
presence and type of vegetation), protection and preservation of historic resources; and defines
distinct geographic areas wherein specific design criteria apply.

Recycled Water Policy

San Francisco Department of Public

Health (DPH)

Recycled water must be treated to Title 22 standards, which differ according to the proposed
use of the water.

Rainwater Harvesting Policy

Department of Building Inspection (DBI),

SFPUC, and the DPH

Rain barrels less than 100 gallons may be installed without a permit if they are used for
irrigation and not connected to indoor or outdoor plumbing. Permits must be obtained from DBI
for rainwater harvesting systems over 100 gallons that are connected to indoor or outdoor
plumbing and are used for irrigation or toilet flushing. Rainwater harvesting systems for indoor
uses other than toilet flushing must obtain permits from DBI and DPH.

Greywater Policy

DBI and the DPH

Untreated greywater may be used for subsurface irrigation. For all other uses, greywater must
be treated to Title 22 standards, which differ according to the proposed use of the water.

Plumbing and Connections


The Plumbing Inspection Division (PID) of DBI is responsible for assuring, through permitting
and inspection, the proper functioning for installations of drainage, water, gas, and other
mechanical systems covered in the Plumbing and Mechanical Codes. These inspections are
carried out in buildings that are newly constructed, remodeled, or repaired. Stormwater
management measures must be implemented in a manner that satisfies DBI requirements.

San Francisco Planning Code, Article 10

San Francisco Planning Department,

Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
and the City Planning Commission

Exterior alterations to San Francisco properties that are designated local landmarks will be
reviewed for consistency with requirements set forth in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards
for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Stormwater management measures described in the
Guidelines must comply with Article 10 and the Secretary Standards.

San Francisco Health Code, Article 22A


The Maher Ordinance regulates construction and post-construction activities for properties
constructed on fill materials adjacent to the historic Bay shoreline. Much of the waterfront and
other areas in San Francisco are subject to the Maher Ordinance. Soil and groundwater in
areas of the San Francisco Waterfront subject to the Maher Ordinance may contain pollutants
that preclude the use of stormwater treatment controls using infiltration.

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

References and Resources

Clean Water Act Section 402(p). 17 November 2008
Port of San Francisco. 2007. The Port of San Francisco Waterfront Design and Access
Port of San Francisco. 2007. The Port of San Francisco Waterfront Land Use Plan.
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. 1996, amended 2007.
San Francisco Bay Area Seaport Plan.
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. 1975, amended
2000. San Francisco Waterfront Special Area Plan.
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. 2007. Shoreline
PlantsA Landscape Guide for the San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. 2007. Shoreline
SpacesPublic Access Design Guidelines for San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco Building and Public Works Codes. 17 November 2008 <http://www.>.
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection. 2008. Green Building Ordinance.
20 November 2008 <>.
San Francisco General Plan. 17 November 2008
State Water Resources Control Board Order Number 2003-0005-DWQ.
17 November 2008 <
U.S. Green Building Council. 2006. LEED for New Construction Version 2.2.
Washington, DC: U.S. Green Building Council. 17 November 2008 <>.


Regulatory Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Boardwalks provide access across waterfront bioretention facilities in Seattle, WA.

Regulatory Context


San Francisco Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Before San Francisco developed into the thriving city it is today, it consisted of a diverse
range of habitats including oak woodlands, native grasslands, riparian areas, wetlands,
and sand dunes. Streams and lakes conveyed and captured rainwater. Wetlands lined
the Bay and functioned as natural ltering systems and as buers from major storms.
Rainwater inltrated into the soil, replenishing groundwater supplies and contributing to
stream base ow.

The Urban Watershed

Watershed function
Today, impervious surfaces such as buildings, streets, and parking lots have covered most
of the City, preventing rainfall inltration. Over time, creeks were buried and connected
to the sewers, and wetlands were lled. Instead of percolating into soils, runo now travels
over impervious surfaces, mobilizes pollutants like oil and debris, and washes them into the
sewer system or receiving water bodiescreeks, lakes, San Francisco Bay, and the Pacic
Ocean. During heavy rain events, stormwater runo can contribute to localized ooding,
combined sewer discharges, and the degradation of surface water quality. Moreover, the
decrease in inltration resulting from paved surfaces contributes to groundwater depletion.
LID can help to mitigate these adverse eects. With every project contributing incremental
improvements, San Francisco can work toward restoring natural hydrologic function in its
urban watersheds.

San Francisco Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

San Francisco is roughly divided into two major
drainages: the eastern and western basins (see Figure 4).
These are comprised of eight major sub-basins containing
diverse urban neighborhoods with a range of residential,
commercial, and industrial land uses, open spaces, and
natural areas. Each sub-basin is underlain with unique
topography, hydrology, soils, vegetation and water
resources that create opportunities and challenges for
drainage and stormwater management.







Figure 4. San Franciscos topography divides the Westside Basins from the Eastside Basins.

San Francisco has a temperate Mediterranean climate,

with dry summers and rainy winters (see Figure 5). In a
typical year, San Francisco receives less than an inch total
of rain from May through September and an average of
20 inches of rain between November and March. Rainfall
is not distributed evenly across the City. It ranges from
approximately 22 inches in the south, to 20 inches along
the western edge and northeastern quadrant, to 18 inches
in the extreme northeast. Like all Mediterranean climates,
San Francisco experiences periods of drought punctuated
by intense winter rains, often resulting in water scarcity in
the summer and ooding in the winters.















Figure 5. Average monthly rainfall for San Francisco.

Source: National Weather Service Gage, Federal Oce Building, July 1907 to June 1978


San Francisco Context

The potential for stormwater to inltrate varies

dramatically by location. Inltration may be limited in
areas that have steep slopes, shallow depth to bedrock
or to the water table, clay soils, contaminated soils, or
are built on bay mud and ll over former creeks and
wetlands. However, in many areas of the City, particularly
in the western basins, soils are generally sandy and have
the potential to provide excellent inltration rates and
pollution removal. Where inltration is limited, a wide
array of stormwater management strategies that do not
depend upon inltration can be implemented.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

San Franciscos Stormwater Infrastructure

While the creation of these Guidelines is driven primarily by regulatory requirements for
the Citys separate sewer areas, the majority of San Francisco (90%) is served by a combined
sewer system (see Figure 6). The stormwater management goals for areas served by separate
storm sewers are dierent from those for areas served by the combined sewer system. Despite
this, many of the fundamental design concepts for stormwater management apply to both
areas, and as such, the Guidelines can be used as a tool in both the separate and combined
sewer areas of San Francisco. Using landscape-based stormwater infrastructure will enhance
and diversify the functions of both the separate and combined systems.
Approximately 10% of the City is served by a separate storm sewer system or is lacking
stormwater infrastructure; in most of these areas stormwater ows directly to receiving waters
without treatment. In the separate storm sewer areas, the primary reason for implementing
post-construction controls is to improve stormwater quality before it reaches a receiving
water body. These controls are aimed at removing specic pollutants of concern and treating
what is known as the rst ush. The rst ush is the dirtiest runo, usually generated
during the beginning of a rain event; it mobilizes the majority of the pollutants and debris
that have accumulated on impervious surfaces since the last rain.
A combined sewer system conveys wastewater and stormwater in the same set of pipes. The
combined ows receive treatment at wastewater treatment plants before being discharged
to the Bay and Ocean. Conventional separate storm sewer systems provide no stormwater
treatment, while combined sewer systems treat most urban runo to secondary standards,
including the rst ush and most additional stormwater runo. However, when the capacity
of the system is exceeded by large storm events, localized ooding and combined sewer
discharges (CSDs) can occur. In the event of a CSD, the system discharges a mixture of partially
treated sanitary euent and stormwater to receiving water bodies. While these discharges are
dilute (typically consisting of roughly six percent sewage and 94 percent stormwater), they
can cause public health concerns and lead to beach or Bay access closures.
The primary reason for implementing LID measures in a combined sewer system is to reduce
and delay the volumes and peak ows of stormwater reaching the sewer system. Volume
reductions and peak ow desynchronization can help reduce the number of CSDs, reduce
ooding, and protect water quality. Post-construction controls in the combined system can
also improve the capacity and eciency of the Citys treatment facilities.

Figure 6. Combined sewer systems (top) serve 90%

of San Francisco. Separate sewer systems (bottom)
serve 10%. Image: modied from King County
Wastewater Management Division

San Francisco Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Managing Stormwater in San Francisco

Low Impact Design
To lessen the impacts of urbanization on stormwater quality and peak ows, cities around
the world are taking advantage of Low Impact Design (LID), which promotes the use
of ecological and landscaped-based systems to manage stormwater. LID aims to mimic
pre-development drainage patterns and hydrologic processes by increasing retention,
detention, inltration, and treatment of stormwater runo at its source. This decentralized
approach not only treats stormwater at its source and facilitates the best and highest use of
stormwater; it also allows greater adaptability to changing environmental conditions than
do centralized conveyance systems.
LID strategies direct runo to BMPs such as ow-through planters, swales and rain
gardens. These BMPs capture, lter, and slow stormwater runo, thereby improving
stormwater quality and reducing the quantity of runo. Strategic placement of BMPs helps
to ameliorate the negative water quality and ecosystem impacts of impervious surfaces.
LID also emphasizes the integration of stormwater management with urban planning
and design and promotes a comprehensive, watershed-based approach to stormwater
Figure 7 shows how LID can be incorporated into an urban setting like San Francisco
without compromising its character and livability. Vegetated roofs and landscaped areas
minimize the amount of stormwater runo. BMPs are incorporated into the fabric of the
city, doubling as recreational areas, wildlife habitat, and landscaping. These measures may
increase initial capital costs (approximately 3%), but they bring multiple benets to the
site and the city: not only do they protect water quality and provide open space, they may
also decrease downstream stormwater infrastructure costs because they lessen stormwater
ows and volumes.

Figure 7. Low Impact Design seeks to reduce runo and

restore hydrologic function through eective site planning,
increased permeability, and landscape-based BMPs.


San Francisco Context

The most eective application of LID is a comprehensive approach that includes site design,
source controls, and treatment controls. Careful site design can minimize the impacts of
stormwater runo from the outset. The more that stormwater management is integrated
into the design process, the easier it is to create a successful and multi-purpose stormwater
management strategy for a given site. The following pages list a set of goals to guide site

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Mint Plaza, San Francisco, CA is an example of how LID can be integrated into an ultra-urban setting. The design includes rain gardens, permeable paving,
and a subsurface inltration gallery.

San Francisco Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Figure 8. Site Design Goals

1. Do no harm: preserve and protect existing waterways, wetlands,
and vegetation.
Creeks and wetlands are natural drainage features that can dene the character and aesthetic value
of a site. Moreover, they are already designed to convey and treat stormwater. Trees and ground
cover act as natural stormwater management measures. They capture rainwater in their foliage, slow
its progress through the landscape, and facilitate its inltration into the soil.

2. Preserve natural drainage patterns and topography and use them to

inform design.
Existing topography and drainage networks can be used as a framework around which to organize
development. Changing the topography of a site through grading signicantly increases the chances
of diminishing water quality by delivering sediment to receiving waters; it also increases project

3. Think of stormwater as a resource, not a waste product.

Stormwater has traditionally been viewed as a nuisance to be eliminated. It is actually an untapped
resource that can oset potable water use for irrigation, toilet ushing, cooling towers, and many
other applications. It also oers opportunities to create interesting and site-specic designs using
water features, rain-irrigated landscapes, and educational elements.


San Francisco Context

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

4. Minimize and disconnect impervious surfaces.

Minimizing and disconnecting impervious surfaces allows designers to treat relatively small volumes
of runo from multiple surfaces on a site, rather than treating relatively large volumes of stormwater
that have mobilized diverse pollutants from impervious surfaces across an entire site. Disconnecting
impervious surfaces and directing runo to BMPs can be thought of as creating an obstacle course
for stormwater; it increases the time needed for runo to travel from its source to its discharge
point, thereby increasing opportunities for treatment, ow reduction, and volume reduction.

5. Treat stormwater at its source.

Treating stormwater pollutants at their source can reduce the need to treat multiple pollutants or
higher pollutant loads further downstream in the drainage area. Treating at the source can result in
smaller, less costly and more eective stormwater treatment facilities.

6. Use treatment trains to maximize pollutant removal.

In most scenarios, treatment to the MEP cannot always be achieved with a single BMP. In most
cases, a series of linked BMPs called a treatment train must be used to maximize pollutant removal.
Like a series of ever-ner sieves, treatment trains clean stormwater by running it through a series of
BMPs, each designed to remove specic pollutants, from large pieces of trash, to suspended solids,
to dissolved pollutants.

7. Design the flow path of stormwater on a site all the way from first contact to
discharge point.
It is important to delineate the path of travel of stormwater from its rst surface contact (where it
changes from rain to stormwater runo) to its nal discharge point after treatment. All BMPs must
have an approved overow discharge location for storm ows that exceed the design criteria and in
case of clogging.

San Francisco Context


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

During the site design process, designers should identify

potential sources of stormwater pollution and select
appropriate source controls to minimize their impacts.
Source controls are stormwater management measures
that prevent pollutants from entering stormwater runo.
Source controls can be design measures, such as enclosing
trash areas to prevent trash from contacting stormwater;
materials choices, such as using non-toxic roong materials
to prevent runo from entraining pollutants from roof
contact; and operational procedures, such as sweeping
streets. See page 81 of the Guidelines for a description of
how to select and locate source controls.

The Ekostaden residential development in Malmo, Sweden, channels all stormwater runo
through BMP treatment features such as bioswales, ponds, and wetlands as shown here.
Photo: Brooke Ray Smith


San Francisco Context

Site design strategies and source control measures minimize

the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater runo
from a site. However, it is impossible to eliminate all
surfaces that will contribute runo. Treatment controls
must therefore be implemented to accommodate the
remaining runo from the site. Treatment controls are
permanent stormwater facilities such as vegetated swales or
ow-through planters that are designed to receive and treat
runo from the site. Treatment control BMPs are typically
designed to accomplish one or more of the following ve
stormwater treatment strategies: inltration, detention,
bioltration, harvesting or retention, or bioretention. Each
of these treatment strategies is described in Appendix A.
Inltration is typically the easiest and most cost-eective
strategy for managing stormwater but, in areas where
this is not feasible, designers can use a combination of
the other four strategies. See page 83 of the Guidelines for
a description of how to select, locate, and size treatment

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

References and Resources

Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA). 1995. Blueprint
for a Clean Bay: Best Management Practices to Prevent Pollution from
Construction-related Activities. Oakland: BASMAA.
Bayview Hunters Point Mothers Environmental Health & Justice Committee. 2004.
Pollution, Health, Environmental Racism and Injustice: A Toxic Inventory of
Bayview Hunters Point, San Francisco.
Build It Green. 17 November 2008 <>.
Center for Watershed Protection. 17 November 2008 <>.
Contra Costa County Public Works Watershed Program. 17 November 2008
Contra Costa Clean Water Program. 2008. Stormwater C.3 Guidebook, 4th Edition.
17 November 2008 <>.
Literacy for Environmental Justice. Living Classroom. 17 November 2008
National Weather Service. 17 November 2008 <>.
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection. 2008. Green Building Ordinance.
20 November 2008 <>.
San Francisco Planning Department. 2008. Better Streets Plan Draft. 17 November 2008
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. 2008. S.F. Sewer System Master Plan.
17 November 2008 <>.
U.S. Green Building Council. 2006. LEED for New Construction Version 2.2.
Washington, DC: U.S. Green Building Council. <>.

San Francisco Context


Multi-Purpose Design

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Low Impact Design can be integrated into the site design process in a way that protects
water quality, contributes to the quality of the site design, and meets the stormwater
performance measures required by the Port and SFPUC.

LID is the multi-purpose integration of infrastructure, architecture, and landscape and

can be a catalyst for design innovation in all three disciplines. LID can integrate water
quality protection with improvements to the public realm, create and enhance urban
wildlife habitat, promote responsible use of water, and advance environmental education
and watershed stewardship.
Traditional urban design goals can also be achieved through the implementation of
stormwater BMPs. Stormwater facilities can enhance the aesthetics of the built environment,
increase pedestrian safety, calm trac, make streets and public spaces greener, and provide
structure, texture, and identity to the Citys streets and other public spaces.
Stormwater BMPs bring designers a diverse palette of paving surfaces, vegetation, and
drainage strategies, and also a new purpose that can inform design: to improve water
quality and restore ecological function.
Open space is a valuable amenity in San Francisco, now the second densest city in the
nation. LID measures can double as civic spaces, open spaces and recreational areas: a
constructed wetland lters stormwater and could be the center of a neighborhood nature

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

area; a vegetated roof that reduces stormwater discharge can also be a gathering area. At
Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany, stormwater management strategies include rainwater
harvesting for non-potable uses such as toilet ushing and re safety, vegetated treatment
modules, and water features. Stormwater management forms the centerpiece of this major
civic space.
LID can also contribute to San Franciscos urban ecosystem by enhancing existing wildlife
habitats and creating new ones. San Franciscos trees are concentrated in its parks, not on
its streets; the city has roughly 40% fewer street trees per mile than the national average
and many of its tree lawns and tree wells have been paved over. Expanding the Citys urban
forest with careful attention to species selection would simultaneously address stormwater
issues, increase wildlife habitat, improve air quality, and create a network of green corridors
that would contribute to the aesthetics and health of the Citys neighborhoods. Habitat
can also be created by implementing stormwater BMPs on the roofs and walls of buildings.
In London, England, and Basel, Switzerland, vegetated roofs are being used to provide
patches of foraging, breeding, and nesting habitat for endangered wildlife. See Appendix
D for a vegetation palette listing climate appropriate plants and their habitat value.
Rain gardens and a creek daylighting project are the
centerpieces of open space adjacent to the Headwaters
development in Portland, OR.

A community in Germany integrates LID into the parking.


Multi-Purpose Design

Integrating LID into the streetscape yields a more attractive pedestrian realm through the
inclusion of vegetated curb extensions, sidewalk planters, street trees, pervious surfaces, and
other stormwater BMPs that add attractive, pedestrian-scale details. These elements can
simultaneously achieve stormwater management goals and improve streets for pedestrians
and local residents by encouraging walking, reducing noise, and calming trac. They
can improve neighborhood aesthetics, safety, quality of life, and even property values. In
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a stormwater management project on Crown Street eliminated
curbs, added clustered parking, and designed inltration areas underneath the parking.
The narrow street and clustered parking allows more space to be dedicated to bioltration
areas and plantings, which create a lush and pleasant streetscape.
Stormwater is also a valuable water resource. Using stormwater on-site rather than
releasing it downstream decreases demand for potable water and can protect receiving
waters by reducing runo rates, volumes, and pollutant loads. Rain barrels and cisterns
collect stormwater and store it for later use in irrigation and toilet ushing, uses that
unnecessarily burden potable water supplies. Stormwater can even contribute to future
potable water supplies, by recharging underground aquifers. In Cambria, California, a
two-million gallon cistern beneath an athletic eld harvests rainwater from the Cambria

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Elementary School site. The water is sucient for yearround irrigation of the multiple athletic elds.
LID can also be a useful tool for environmental
education when it is integrated into school curricula,
public outreach, or interpretive signs. LID concepts can
be presented at many dierent levels of complexity, from
an introduction to watersheds to an explanation of the
hydrologic cycle and environmental stewardship. LID
concepts touch upon numerous disciplines, including
biology, ecology, watershed planning, engineering, design,
and resource management. The Eco-Center at Herons
Head Park in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood
is an environmental education center for local students of
all ages. Educational programs at the Eco-Center focus
on habitat conservation and community stewardship.
A collaboration between Literacy for Environmental
Justice, the Port of San Francisco, and the San Francisco
Department of the Environment, the Eco-Center includes
a vegetated roof, rainwater harvesting, photovoltaic panels,
solar hot water generation, native planting, and other
LID features. At the time of writing these Guidelines, this
project was under construction.
Lastly, LID can help the design and development
community achieve environmental performance
measures, which aim to minimize the environmental
impacts of development and provide high quality, healthy
environments. In San Francisco, both Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), a green
building rating system developed by the U.S. Green
Building Council, and the GreenPoint Rated system, a
rating system developed by the non-prot Build It Green,
are being used to assess the environmental quality of
site and building design. In both systems, stormwater
management facilities can earn points toward certication.

Environmental Justice
Over the past decade, increased attention has been given to the disproportionate impact
of environmental pollution on socio-economically disadvantaged communities. The
USEPA denes environmental justice as the fair treatment of people of all races,
cultures and income, regarding the development of environmental laws, regulations and
policies. This issue is of concern in many areas of San Francisco, and in particular the
Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood, former home to Hunters Point Shipyard, the
only federal Superfund site in San Francisco.
The Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood contains over 100 browneld sites.
The residents of the primarily African-American neighborhood have borne the
environmental and health impacts of these browneld sites. The Guidelines proposes
LID measures that can eectively manage stormwater runo at the Shipyard and other
areas of Bayview-Hunters Point, while at the same time improving the quality and
safety of neighborhoods by providing attractive landscape features, trac calming
measures, and a safer pedestrian realm.

A vegetated roof and other LID features at the Eco-Center at Herons Head Park help
illustrate sustainable design practices to students in San Franciscos Bayview-Hunters Point

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

LEED Category



Stormwater quantity control
Stormwater quality control
Protect or restore habitat
Maximize open space
Urban heat island effect - non-roof
Urban heat island effect roof


Water efficient landscaping - reduce by 50%

Water efficient landscaping - no potable water use or no
Innovative wastewater technologies
Water use reduction - 20% reduction
Water use reduction - 30% reduction
Total stormwater-related credits


In Southern California, Santa Monicas Main Library

used an innovative stormwater management design to
help achieve its water-saving goals and receive a LEED
Gold rating: a 225,000-gallon cistern under the building
stores stormwater for irrigation of both landscaping at the
library and adjacent street plantings.
Many of the LEED certication systems include credits
that explicitly address stormwater. In LEED for New
Construction, these credits are in the Sustainable Sites
category (see Table 3). Implementing LID measures such
as habitat enhancement, reduction of impervious surfaces,

Table 3. LEED credits related to stormwater in LEED-NC Version 2.2.

The Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park is targeting LEED Platinum certication and includes a 2.5 acre vegetated roof.
Photo: Rana Creek - Living Architecture


Multi-Purpose Design

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

vegetated roofs, and rainwater harvesting can also help

project applicants earn credits in other areas.


The GreenPoint Rated system includes many measures

that are related to stormwater, although it does not propose
any quantitative performance measures for stormwater
management (Table 4). Stormwater-related points can be
earned in the areas of site design, landscaping, exterior
nishing, and innovation in the water category. To be
considered GreenPoint Rated, a home must achieve 50
total points, with a minimum number of points in each
of the ve environmental categories (Community, Energy
Eciency, Indoor Air Quality, Water Conservation and
Resource Conservation). Single family projects require
at least eight points earned in the water category, while
multifamily projects require at least three points earned
in the water category. The GreenPoint Rating system
specically encourages rainwater harvesting and water
ecient landscaping.



Protect soil & existing plants & trees

1 (Community)

Specify drought-tolerant California natives, Mediterranean

or other appropriate species

1 (Water)


Mulch all planting beds to a depth of 2 inches or greater

as per local ordinance

1 (Water)

A.7.d.ii. Amend with 1 inch of compost or as per soil analysis to

1 (Water)

reach 3.5 % soil organic matter

A.7.e.i. Specify smart (weather-based) irrigation controllers

A.7.e.ii. Specify drip, bubblers, or low-flow sprinklers for all non-

1 (Water)
1 (Water)

turf landscape areas

Group plants by water needs (hydrozones)

1 (Water)

Cool site through permeable paving (minimum of 30% of

A portion of the low-slope roof area is covered by a
vegetated or "green" roof (25% or greater)

1 (Community)


Use captured rainwater for landscape irrigation or to flush

5% of toilets and/or urinals

4 (Water)


Provide O & M manual to building maintenance staff

1 (Energy)


Provide O & M manual to occupants

1 (Energy)


Total points:
Single Family


1 (Community)
1 (Water)
1 (Water)


Protect topsoil from erosion & reuse after construction


Limit & delineate construction footprint for maximum



No invasive species listed by Cal-IPC are planted

1 (Water)

75% of plants are California natives or Mediterranean

species or other appropriate species

3 (Water)


Plant shade trees


Group plants by water needs (hydrozoning)

3 (Water)
2 (Water)


System uses only low-flow drip, bubblers or low-flow


2 (Water)


System has smart (weather-based) controllers

3 (Water)
3 (Water)


Mulch all planting beds to the greater of 2 inches or local

water ordinance requirement

Incorporate 2 inches of compost in the top 6-12 inches of


Total points:

2 (Water)

Table 4. GreenPoint Rated credits related to stormwater

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Integrating LID into

San Franciscos Urban Landscape
The illustrations on the following pages show how LID
can be integrated into San Franciscos diverse land uses to
both protect water quality and contribute to the character of a given location. The gures illustrate stormwater
management strategies appropriate for each of the following land uses:
High-density Residential
Low-density Residential
Mixed Use
Open Space and Natural Areas
Piers over Water
Former Shipyards

If stormwater is clean enough, it can be used to ll swimming pools.

Photo: Bassin Takis in Paris, KMD Architects


Multi-Purpose Design

The gures are not meant to provide a comprehensive list

of stormwater design solutions that are possible in San
Francisco. Rather, they oer ideas and examples of the
benets that result from the implementation of multipurpose LID.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

A creek daylighting project in Zurich, Switzerland protects and improves water quality, by keeping it out of the sewer, and transforms the streetscape.

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines





Multi-Purpose Design


Figure 9. High-density Residential

In San Francisco, high-density residential development is classied as 40 or more living units per acre. Some
dening characteristics of high-density residential are zero-lot line development, reduced, public open space,
and high levels of imperviousness. In this context, the greatest opportunities for stormwater management
reside in replacing impervious surfaces with pervious surfaces and adding green space to roofs and interior
courtyards. Ample roof space with relatively low pollutant loads provides opportunities for eco-roofs and
rainwater harvesting. Interior courtyards can accommodate landscape-based BMPs, permeable paving, and
subsurface treatment or capture systems. Sidewalks and streets adjacent to high-density residential development
are often the nearest public open spaces available to residents. As such, they are ideal places to site stormwater
management BMPs that also improve streetscape aesthetics and provide wildlife habitat, such as bioltration
areas, street trees, green walls, and bioretention bulbouts. All of these measures help to manage stormwater
runo; they also reduce the volumes of stormwater generated by the site in the rst place.

Downspout Discharges to Vegetated Roof to Reduce Runo

Vegetated Roof to Reduce Runo

Green Wall to Slow Runo

Downspout Connected to Dry Well

PermeablePaving in Pedestrian Areas

Rain Garden for Bio-Inltration

Bio-Retention Planter with Curb Cuts

Downspout Connected to Large-Scale Cistern for Rainwater Harvesting

High-density Residential

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines




Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 10. Low-density Residential

In San Francisco, low-density residential development refers to 24 living units per acre or fewer. Low-density
residential parcels typically include open space in the form of yards and setbacks, wider sidewalks than those
found in high-density residential, and rooftops that are more likely to be under the control of a single owner.
Low-density residential parcels therefore tend to both generate less stormwater and have more space in which
to manage stormwater than high-density areas. Diverse parcel sizes and shapes, along with variability in
building footprints, provide opportunities for site-specic stormwater management designs.

Rain Garden for Bio-Inltration

Downspout Connected to a Rain Barrel

Cistern to Store Rainwater for Irrigation

Vegetated Roof to Reduce Runo

Inltration Trench

Permeable Paving

Bio-Retention Planter with Curb Cuts

Low-density Residential

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines




Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 11. Mixed Use

Many new, redevelopment, and inll projects in San Francisco include mixed-use areas. Mixed use development
fosters a high level of activity throughout the day, resulting in an active public realm. Roofs, public plazas,
setbacks, parking lots, and the public right-of-way are all spaces that can double as LID measures that
improve the quality of the public realm and achieve stormwater management goals. Of these spaces, roofs
generally have the lowest pollutant loads while streets have the highest. The commercial elements of mixed
use development sometimes require special attention. For example, restaurants and light industrial activities
will need to implement source controls targeting grease, litter, and other food wastes.

Vegetated Roofs to Reduce Runo

Permeable Paving in Pedestrian Areas

Permeable Paving in Parking Areas

Swales in Parking Lots

Cistern to Store Rainwater for Toilet Flushing

Bio-Retention Planter with Curb Cuts

Green Wall to Slow Runo

Dry Well

Mixed Use

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines




Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 12. Industrial

Industrial land uses in San Francisco are concentrated in the Bayside watersheds. Because industrial areas
often contain potentially polluting activities coupled with large impervious areas, treating stormwater onsite in these areas is essential. Industrial land use is generally characterized by large, low-density structures
that provide ample space for treatment measures. Stormwater management strategies in industrial areas can
serve not only to protect water quality but also to provide high quality rest areas for workers, act as a buer
for adjacent land uses, and maintain public access to waterfront open space where appropriate. Pollutants
associated with industrial activities chemical waste storage, for example require special source control
strategies such as hydraulic isolation and treatment in areas where polluting activities occur.

Swales in Parking Lots

Cisterns to Store Rainwater for Vehicle Washing

Flow-through Planters to Improve Water Quality

Vortex/Swirl Separator or Media Filter

Vegetated Buer Strip


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines



Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 13. Open Space

San Franciscos open spaces provide space for passive and active recreation, wildlife habitat, and environmental education. Open space areas also contribute to air and water quality protection. Some open space
areas, most notably Lake Merced, include water bodies whose health and function depend upon protection
from adjacent polluting activities. To that end, stormwater BMPs can be sited on less sensitive open spaces
to protect the more sensitive core areas. Open spaces can often accommodate larger stormwater treatment
trains that integrate stormwater management with other ecological functions. Because of this, stormwater
management in open spaces can make signicant contributions toward restoring natural hydrology and
ecosystem health. Open spaces that are opportunity sites for LID include parks, recreational areas, school
playelds, and natural areas.

Swales in Parking Lots and Roadways

Swales to Buer Open Space from Development

Constructed Wetlands to Buer Open Space from Development

Cistern to Store Rainwater for Irrigation

Street Drains to Wetland via Swirl Separator; Trash Area Drains to Sewer via Swirl Separator

Vegetated Roof to Reduce Runo

Vegetated Slope to Reduce Erosion/Sedimentation

Open Space

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines




Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 14. Piers Over Water

Piers over water are common along San Franciscos waterfront. They are frequently the site of redevelopment
projects seeking to adaptively reuse attractive and unique historic properties. Development on piers over
water includes a wide variety of land uses, including commercial, recreational, industrial, and maritime
uses. Because runo from piers over water often ows directly to the Bay without the benet of dedicated
conveyance structures, stormwater management on piers over water requires creative infrastructure solutions.
Limited space, cultural and historic preservation requirements, and public access goals all impose additional
design constraints. The transition between piers and streetscape may provide opportunities for landscapebased stormwater management strategies that may not be feasible on the piers themselves. In some cases,
media ltration devices may be the only feasible option for certain aspects of pier redevelopment.

Rain Gardens in the Streetscape

Cistern for Rainwater Harvesting

Detention Pond

Vegetated Pontoons for Bioltration*

Above Ground Planter for Bioltration

Trench Drains for Conveyance

Vortex/Swirl Separator or Media Filter

Piers Over Water

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

* See the Emerging Technologies factsheet in Appendix C for more about vegetated pontoons.

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines



Multi-Purpose Design

Figure 15. Former Shipyards

A number of San Franciscos redevelopment areas are former shipyards. Former shipyards have a variety
of challenging conditions associated with them, such as a high water table, uncompacted ll, and legacy
pollutants from historic shipyard activities. Historic pollution can limit the feasibility of certain LID measures,
and those LID measures that are implemented will often require engineered liners to prevent mobilization
of subsurface contaminants. Despite these challenges, redevelopment of former shipyards oers signicant
opportunities for innovative and comprehensive stormwater management because it often requires building
new infrastructure systems.

Vegetated Roofs to Reduce Runo

Cisterns to Harvest Rainwater for Heating and Cooling

Rain Gardens for Bioltration

Constructed Wetland to Buer Water from Urban Development

Urban Stormwater Plaza/Detention Pond

Former Shipyards

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

References and Resources

Beatley, Timothy. 2000. Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. Washington,
DC: Island Press.
California Code of Regulations Sections 15000-15387 and Appendices A-K. Guidelines
for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act.
Dramstad, Wenche E., James D. Olson and Richard T.T. Forman. 1996. Landscape
Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning. Washington,
DC: Island Press.
Dunnett, Nigel and Noel Kingsbury. 2004. Planting Green Roofs and Living Walls.
Portland: Timber Press, Inc.
Dreiseitl, Herbert and Dieter Grau. 2005. New Waterscapes. Basel: Birkhauser.
Ferguson, Bruce. 1998. Introduction to Stormwater: Concept, Purpose, Design. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Governors Oce of Planning and Research. 2001. A Citizens Guide to Planning,
January 2001 Edition, Governor Gray Davis.
Margolis, Liat and Alexander Robinson. 2007. Living Systems. Basel: Birkhauser.
Metro. 2002. Green Streets. Portland: Metro.
2006 Clean Water Act 303(d) List of Water Quality Limited Segments.


Multi-Purpose Design

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Purpose Design


Port Plan Approval

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

To ensure consistent implementation of LID in new and redevelopment projects in San

Franciscos separate sewer areas, the Port requires all projects disturbing 5,000 square feet or
more to comply with stormwater performance measures in order to gain plan approval.

Project applicants subject to these Guidelines will be required to complete a Stormwater

Control Plan (SCP) to demonstrate that they have met San Franciscos stormwater
requirements. The requirements are performance-based and are very similar to those used
in other Bay Area Cities. The stormwater performance measures for projects served by
separate storm sewer systems under Port jurisdiction require the capture and treatment
The flow of stormwater runoff resulting from a rain event equal to at least 0.2 inch

per hour intensity; or

Eighty percent or more of the annual stormwater runoff volume, determined from
unit basin storage volume curves for San Francisco.
Project applicants developing or redeveloping properties subject to these performance
measures must complete a SCP for project approval. The SCP will allow the Port, the
SFPUC, and the Planning Department to certify compliance with these requirements.
The contents of the SCP are described in the next section, and a SCP template is provided
in Appendix C.
Project applicants must also ensure compliance with other stormwater regulations that
may apply to their project. For instance, construction sites greater than 1 acre are generally
required to seek coverage under the California Statewide General Permit for Stormwater
Discharges Associated with Construction Activities. Specic types of commercial and
industrial operations must seek coverage under the California Statewide General Permit for
Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities.

Port Requirement
All qualifying projects in the separate storm
sewer area that disturb 5,000 square feet or
more of the ground plane are required to
capture and treat rainfall from a 0.2-inch per
hour event or eighty percent or more of the
annual stormwater runo volume, determined
from unit basin storage volume curves for
San Francisco. Disturbed area includes
any movement of earth, or a change in the
existing soil cover or the existing topography.
Land disturbing activities include, but are
not limited to, clearing, grading, filling,
excavation, or addition or replacement of
impervious surface.

Port Plan Approval


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines


Planning Permit

Stormwater Control



Operations and
Maintenance Plans for
Stormwater BMPs

Conditions of

Port or Planning
Commission Approvals


The Development Review Process

The Port has integrated SCP review into its existing development review processes. A
simplied diagram for a typical development review process is shown in Figure 16.
The SCP must be submitted along with the development application for Planning Review.
Planning Department sta will often request that applicants provide a preliminary site
layout, preliminary landscaping plan, elevation drawings, or other illustrations for review
at a pre-submittal meeting. Project applicants will also discuss their preliminary SCP at the
pre-submittal meeting. At this stage project applicants should bring a drainage plan with
proposed locations for BMPs.

Most projects subject to the requirements of these Guidelines will also require some level of
CEQA review. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental review
imposes both procedural and substantive requirements for environmental protection.
CEQA requires local jurisdictions to identify and evaluate the environmental impacts
of their actions, including zoning decisions and discretionary land-use approvals. The
CEQA process provides decision-makers and members of the public with information
about potentially adverse environmental impacts and requires implementation of feasible
alternatives and mitigation measures in order to reduce those impacts.
CEQA is intended to minimize the environmental impacts of development activities,
which is consistent with the objectives of these Guidelines. The basic purposes of CEQA
are to:
Inform decision-makers and the public about the potential significant environmen-

Plan Check


Figure 16. The SCP submittal and plan approval process.


Port Plan Approval

tal effects of proposed activities.

Prevent significant, avoidable damage to the environment by requiring changes in
projects through the use of alternatives or mitigation measures when the governmental agency finds the changes to be feasible.
Disclose to the public the reasons why a governmental agency approved the project
in the manner the agency chose if significant environmental effects are involved.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The CEQA Initial Study Checklist

The Phase II General Permit requires local municipalities to evaluate water quality eects
and identify appropriate mitigation measures when conducting environmental review of
proposed projects. This eort can be integrated into the completion of the CEQA Initial
Study Checklist. The CEQA Initial Study Checklist is used to determine whether a given
project will have signicant impacts on the environment.
The San Francisco Planning Departments Initial Study Checklist contains questions
that link potentially signicant project impacts to requirements under the CWA and the
California Water Code:
Question 14.a: Would the project violate any water quality standards or waste

discharge requirements? This question evaluates a projects compliance with

water quality standards and considers the projects potential effect on water bodies
on the Section 303(d) list.
Question 14.d: Would the project substantially alter the existing drainage
pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a
stream or river, in a manner that would result in substantial erosion or siltation
on- or off-site? This question investigates the potential effects of increased runoff
peak flows and durations.
Question 14.e: Would the project create or contribute runoff water which
would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems
or provide substantial new sources of polluted runoff? This question evaluates
the potential impacts of pollutants in runoff and increased stormwater flows to the
collection system.
Question 14.f: Would the project otherwise substantially degrade water quality? This question is the most tightly linked to the Guidelines. The intent of these
Guidelines is to ensure that projects do not degrade water quality.
Port, SFPUC, and City Planning sta will work with project applicants to ensure that the
CEQA Initial Study Checklist clearly articulates potential impacts that the project may
have on the quantity and quality of stormwater runo. BMPs required by the Guidelines
will reduce stormwater impacts by controlling sources of pollution, reducing site
imperviousness, and providing for treatment facilities that retain, detain, or treat runo.

Port Plan Approval


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The CEQA process is generally administered in several steps:

1. Review of the CEQA checklist to determine the appropriate level of review.
2. Issuance of a Categorical Exemption for projects exempt from CEQA review.
3. Preparation of an Initial Study to characterize the environmental eects of the project.
4. Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Negative Declaration.
In cases where a higher level of environmental review is required for project approval,
such as a Mitigated Negative Declaration or an EIR, the CEQA process may require the
consideration of project alternatives. Because the nal project conguration is uncertain,
it may not be possible to complete a SCP prior to CEQA approval. In such cases, a
preliminary SCP would be required to be completed once the project conguration is
nalized. The SCP must be completed and approved before the applicant begins nal
design drawings for the project.
If CEQA approval for a project includes mitigation measures, project applicants will be
required to participate in a mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP).
CEQA requires the MMRP to ensure compliance with adopted mitigation measures
during project implementation. The MMRP species the required actions and monitoring
that are required for each mitigation measure recommended in the EIR. The requirements
for the construction and maintenance of stormwater BMPs described in the SCP can be
used in the MMRP for EIRs and Mitigated Negative Declarations.
The San Francisco Planning Department prepares CEQA documents for proposed City
projects. If the CEQA analysis determines that a project would have a signicant or
potentially signicant impact on hydrology and water quality, then the project would
be required to administer mitigation measures that would reduce the impact to less than
signicant, or the City would need to make Findings of Overriding Considerations.
Project applicants must meet the stormwater performance measures described in these Guidelines
to avoid negative impacts to water quality. By doing so, they may avoid triggering CEQA
mitigation requirements. Projects receiving a Categorical Exemption or Negative Declaration
under CEQA are still required to submit a complete SCP in order to gain project approval.


Port Plan Approval

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Multi-Parcel Projects
While compliance with the Guidelines is required for all new and redevelopment projects
greater than 5,000 square feet, master-planned and multi-parcel projects oer the greatest
opportunity for regional LID elements (i.e., stormwater facilities serving more than
one parcel) such as treatment wetlands, water features, and wet ponds. The Port and
SFPUC will work with project applicants who are proposing large projects to develop a
comprehensive Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) that integrates stormwater management
approaches across multiple parcels.
Requirements for a comprehensive SCP and associated Operations and Maintenance Plan
will follow the methodology for preparation of an SCP, as discussed in later sections of the
Guidelines. During CEQA review for large projects, greater emphasis will be placed on the
relationship between overall stormwater infrastructure development and the development
of specic parcels. Please contact Port sta to initiate this process.

References and Resources

Fulton, William and Paul Shigley. 2005. Guide to California Planning. Point Arena:
Solano Press Books.
Governors Oce of Planning and Research. 2005. California Planning Guide: An
Introduction to Planning in California. <
U.S. Green Building Council. 2006. LEED for New Construction Version 2.2.
Washington, DC: U.S. Green Building Council. <>.

Port Plan Approval


SFPUC Plan Approval

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

To ensure consistent implementation of LID in new and redevelopment projects in San

Francisco, the SFPUC requires all projects disturbing 5,000 square feet or more to comply
with stormwater performance measures in order to gain plan approval.

In separate sewer areas under SFPUC jurisdiction, applicants proposing new or

redevelopment projects that either a) disturb 5,000 square feet or more of the ground
plane, or b) are subject to San Franciscos Green Building Ordinance, are required to:
Capture and treat the rainfall from a design storm of 0.75 inch using acceptable

best management practices (BMPs); and

Complete a Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) demonstrating how the project will
capture and treat rainfall from the 0.75-inch design storm.

SFPUC Requirement
Developments or redevelopments disturbing
5,000 square feet or more of the ground
surface are required to manage stormwater
on-site. Land disturbing activities include, but
are not limited to, clearing, grading, filling,
excavation, or addition or replacement of
impervious surface.

This performance measure is equivalent to LEED Sustainable Sites Credit 6.2 titled
Stormwater Design: Quality Control. The rainfall depth of 0.75 inch is the LEED-based
performance measure for semi-arid watersheds.

In separate sewer areas, applicants must

achieve LEED SS6.2 and demonstrate
compliance in a SCP.

In combined sewer areas under SFPUC jurisdiction, applicants will be required to reduce
the flow rate and volume of stormwater going into the combined system by achieving
LEED Sustainable Sites Credit 6.1 titled Stormwater Design: Quantity Control.

In combined sewer areas, applicants must

achieve LEED SS6.1 and demonstrate
compliance in a SCP.

The SCP requirement will allow the SFPUC, the Department of Building Inspection
(DBI), and the Planning Department to verify compliance with stormwater requirements.
The Guidelines chapter entitled, The Stormwater Control Plan, describes the required
contents of a SCP and also provides sizing instructions for stormwater treatment BMPs to
comply with this requirement. A SCP template is provided in Appendix C.

SFPUC Plan Approval


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

How does LEED Credit SS6.2

compare to the General Permit
San Franciscos GBO adopts performance measures
drawn from LEED, a nationally-recognized
standard. Analysis indicates that the performance
measure listed in LEED 6.2 is roughly equivalent
to the performance measures listed in the General
Permit, with LEED 6.2 being slightly more stringent
(by about 2%). The proposal to use LEED-based
performance measures was approved by the RWQCB
on December 19, 2008.

GBO Project Thresholds

Midsize Residential
(5+ units and < 75 feet
height to highest occupied oor)
High-Rise Residential
(5+ units and > or = 75 feet
height to highest occupied oor)
Mid-Size Commercial Ofce
Building of a B Occupancy
(>5,000 SF and <25,000 SF)
New Large Commercial Ofce
Building of a B Occupancy
(>25,000 SF)

Table 5. Projects required to achieve stormwater points

under the Green Buliding Ordinance


SFPUC Plan Approval

The Green Building Ordinance

On November 3, 2008, the City of San Franciscos Building Code was amended to include
Chapter 13C, Green Building Requirements, known as the Green Building Ordinance
(GBO). The code requires certain types of new and redevelopment projects constructed
in San Francisco to meet green building standards developed by San Franciscos Green
Building Task Force. Many of the standards are based on LEED, a green building rating
system developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Projects that
fall into one of four building categories listed in Table 5 must comply with the GBO by
obtaining specified levels of LEED certification. For the full text of the GBO, go to http://
The GBO requires projects to obtain LEEDs Sustainable Sites credit entitled Stormwater
Design: Quantity Control (SS6.1) or Stormwater Design: Quality Control (SS6.2),
depending on whether the site is in a separate or combined sewer area.
For the full text of Credits SS6.1 and SS6.2, see pages 75-87 of the LEED for New
Construction and Major Renovation Reference Guide, Version 2.2.
The GBO refers to both LEED and these Guidelines in Section 1304C.0.3:
Stormwater management shall meet the Best Management Practices and Stormwater Design
Guidelines of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and shall meet or exceed the
applicable LEED SS 6.1 and 6.2 guidelines.
The applicable LEED credit for separate sewer areas is SS6.2. while the applicable
LEED credit for combined sewer areas is SS6.1. SFPUC staff is currently in the process
of modeling the impacts of SS6.1 on the combined sewer area and developing calculators
for SS6.1. Until this modeling is completed, applicants with questions about projects in
the combined sewer should contact SFPUC staff for direction.
Projects subject to stormwater requirements under the GBO that do not disturb 5,000
square feet of the ground surface must achieve LEED Certification and achieve either
LEED SS6.1 or LEED SS6.2, but need not submit a Stormwater Control Plan. Only
projects disturbing 5,000 square feet or more need to submit a SCP.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The Development Review Process

The SFPUC has integrated the review of SCPs with the
Citys development review process. All projects disturbing
5,000 square feet or more must submit a SCP. A diagram
showing how the SCP fits into a typical development
review process is shown in Figure 17.
Project applicants must also ensure compliance with all
stormwater regulations that may apply to their projects.
For instance, construction sites greater than 1 acre are
generally required to seek coverage under the California
Statewide General Permit for Stormwater Discharges
Associated with Construction Activities. Specific types
of commercial and industrial operations must seek
coverage under the California Statewide General Permit
for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial
Permit applicants that are also subject to the GBO will be
required to receive third-party verification by the Green
Building Certification Institute (GBCI), USGBCs official
accreditation and certification body; or by the projects
Green Building Compliance Professional of Record. The
building permit application must include a complete
LEED checklist, as stipulated in Administrative Bulletin
for Chapter 13C (AB-093), which outlines administrative
procedures for meeting green building requirements (see The
LEED Version 2.2 checklist includes Credits SS6.1 and
SS6.2, and applicants must indicate their intent to comply
in order to receive a building permit.

Projects that
enter via Planning

(Planning gives applicant
stormwater management

Planning intake
(Planning directs applicant
to submit SCP to SFPUC)

Projects that
enter via DBI
File Building Permit
Application with DBI
(include complete LEED
checklist if subject to GBO with
intent to achieve
credit 6.1 or 6.2)

Submit Draft SCP

and O&M Plan to
SFPUC for review
and approval

Planning sets of
conditions of approval

CEQA clearance

Issue site or
full permit

Planning review

Require addendum

Submit Final SCP

and O&M Plan to
SFPUC for review
and approval

Planning Department (Planning)

Department of Building Inspection (DBI)
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)
BMP - Best Management Practice
CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act
GBO - Green Building Ordinance
O&M - Operations and Maintenance
SCP - Stormwater Control Plan

SFPUC provides
detailed BMP design
review and certifies

Record Maintenance
Agreement (NSR)

Figure 17. The Stormwater Control Plan submittal and approval process

SFPUC Plan Approval


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

References and Resources

Build It Green. 17 November 2008 <>.
CASQA 2003 Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook New Development
and Redevelopment. <>.
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection. 2008. Green Building Ordinance.
20 November 2008 <>.
San Francisco General Plan. 17 November 2008
State Water Resources Control Board Order Number 2003-0005-DWQ.
17 November 2008 <
U.S. Green Building Council. 2006. LEED for New Construction Version 2.2.
Washington, DC: U.S. Green Building Council. <>.

LID measures like the stormwater wetland in Portlands

Tanner Springs Park treat polluted street runo, thereby
minimizing negative impacts to water quality.


SFPUC Plan Approval

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The Western Harbor, located in Malmo, Sweden, conveys and treats stormwater by implementing both parcel and block-scale surface systems that direct runo
to vegetation and ponds, which double as amenities throughout the neighborhood. Habitat value is enhanced through the use of various vegetation types.
Photo: Andres Power

SFPUC Plan Approval


Inspection & Enforcement

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The SFPUC and the Port require periodic inspections to ensure that BMPs are properly
maintained and continue to provide eective stormwater treatment.

Once stormwater management facilities are incorporated into new development and
redevelopment projects, the SFPUC and Port require periodic inspections to ensure that they
are properly maintained and continue to provide eective stormwater treatment. There are
three types of inspections under this operation and maintenance verication program: postconstruction building permit inspections, annual self-certication inspections conducted
by the property owner, and tri-annual inspections conducted by the Port or the SFPUC,
depending on who has jurisdiction on the site. The Port and the SFPUC will also inspect
BMPs in response to complaints or emergencies. If maintenance requirements identied
through inspections are not completed in accordance with the protocols described in this
chapter, the SFPUC or the Port will enact enforcement procedures.

Inspection & Enforcement


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Post-construction inspections
The Port or the SFPUC will inspect stormwater BMPs
upon completion of construction. These inspections will
be based on a standardized inspection checklist. Inspection
sta will conrm that stormwater facilities are built in
conformance with approved plans.

Start: Construction

SFPUC / Port

If problems:
SFPUC / Port
issues notice to
owner stating what
needs to be
corrected and

End: No problems,
SFPUC / Port

Owner corrects,
notifies SFPUC /
Port to schedule

SFPUC / Port

Problems not
corrected by

Enforcement (see
Enforcement flow
chart) +
No Certificate of
Occupancy until
BMPs completed

Figure 18. Post-construction inspections.


Inspection & Enforcement

owner action
Port / SFPUC

End: Problems
SFPUC / Port

If there are issues that require follow-up, the Port or the

SFPUC will send the property owner a notice stating what
corrective action needs to be taken and the timeframe
for corrective action. The deadline will be between 24
hours and 30 days from the date of the notice, depending
on the severity of the problem. The property owner is
responsible for correcting these issues and scheduling a
follow-up inspection by the Port or the SFPUC. If the
issues are rectied by the time of the follow-up inspection,
the Certicate of Occupancy will be issued. A diagram
showing the post-construction inspection process is shown
in Figure 18.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Annual self-certification
Once BMPs are successfully built, the Port or the SFPUC
will send self-certication inspection reminders to
property owners at all sites with stormwater BMPs. The
reminder will include a submittal deadline and a blank selfcertication checklist. The property owner will perform
the self-certication inspection and digitally submit the
completed checklist and maintenance logs from that year
to the SFPUC Collection System Division or to the Port.
With this submittal, the property owner will propose
either approval or maintenance they will perform if there
are outstanding issues that have not been resolved by the
submittal date. The Port or the SFPUC will either approve
the submittal and renew the certicate of compliance or
contact the property owner to schedule an inspection.

Start: Port / SFPUC sends

self-certification inspection
(SCI) reminder

No SCI documents
submitted by

Owner conducts
annual SCI

Port / SFPUC
issues notice that
SCI deadline has
passed; contacts
owner to schedule
agency inspection;
Issues fine to
cover inspection
costs + penalty

Owner submits
SCI checklist and
maintenance logs
to Port / SFPUC.
Proposes approval
or correction and
agency inspection

If a Port or SFPUC inspection is necessary, the property

owner must be present and provide annual maintenance
logs. If the issues are rectied by the time of the inspection,
the certicate of compliance will be renewed.
For sites at which the property owner does not submit
self-certication documents, the Port or the SFPUC will
send a notice stating that the deadline has passed and will
contact the property owner to schedule an inspection.
The notice will include a fee to cover the cost of the
inspection plus a penalty. If the inspection indicates that
there no maintenance issues requiring follow-up action,
the certicate of compliance will be renewed. A diagram
showing the annual self-certification process is shown in
Figure 19.


Port / SFPUC

End: No problems,
Port / SFPUC

proposed or no
SCI documents:
Port / SFPUC

End: No problems,
Port / SFPUC

Problems not

owner action
Port / SFPUC

Enforcement (see
Enforcement flow

Figure 19. Annual self-certication inspections.

Inspection & Enforcement


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Tri-annual Port / SFPUC inspections

Start: SFPUC /
Port sends
inspection notice
with inspection
date and time

SFPUC / Port
inspection, owner
present and
maintenance logs

End: No problems,
SFPUC / Port

If problems:
SFPUC / Port
issues notice to
owner stating what
needs to be
corrected and

Owner corrects,
notifies SFPUC /
Port to schedule

Problems not
corrected by

Enforcement (see
Enforcement flow

SFPUC / Port

owner action
Port / SFPUC

Figure 20. Tri-annual Port / SFPUC inspections.


Inspection & Enforcement

End: Problems
SFPUC / Port

Every third year, the Port or the SFPUC will inspect

stormwater BMPs. The agency with jurisdiction on
the project site will send inspection notices to property
owners at sites due for inspection. The notice will include
a proposed inspection date and time and a phone number
to call should the proposed date not work for the property
owner. The property owner must be present and provide
annual maintenance logs. If the inspection indicates that
there no maintenance issues requiring follow-up action,
the certicate of compliance will be renewed.
If there are issues that require follow-up, the Port or the
SFPUC will send the property owner a notice stating
what corrective action needs to be taken and the deadline.
The deadline will be between 24 hours and 30 days
from the date of the notice, depending on the severity
of the problem. The property owner is responsible for
rectifying the issues and scheduling a follow-up inspection
by the Port or the SFPUC within the time allotted. If
the inspection indicates that the issues are rectied, the
certicate of compliance will be renewed. A diagram
showing the tri-annual Port or SFPUC inspection process
is shown in Figure 20.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

For all three types of inspections, if the property owner is
unresponsive or if maintenance issues are not rectied by
prescribed deadlines, the Port or the SFPUC will carry out
an enforcement action. If an enforcement action becomes
necessary, the Port or the SFPUC will issue a warning with
a 15-day deadline for the property owner to take corrective
action and schedule a follow-up inspection. The warning
will include a fee to cover the cost of the inspection plus
a penalty. If the inspection indicates that maintenance
issues requiring follow-up action have been rectied, the
annual certicate of compliance will be renewed. If there
are outstanding issues requiring maintenance action or if
the owner is unresponsive, the Port or the SFPUC will
issue a notice of violation stating that the property owner
will be ned. Fines will be levied based upon Article 4.1
of the San Francisco Public Works Code.
If the issues have not been rectied by the end of 25
days, the Port or the SFPUC will perform the required
maintenance and will bill the owner for the ne plus the
cost of the work. If the owner does not pay the ne and
the bill within 30 days, the Port or the SFPUC have the
option to initiate lien proceedings against the property.
A diagram showing the enforcement process is shown in
Figure 21.

Port / SFPUC
issues warning
and final deadline

Owner corrects,
notifies Port /
schedule follow-up

Port / SFPUC

End: Problems
corrected, Port /
SFPUC approves

Problems not
corrected by final

Port / SFPUC
issues notice of
violation and fine

If problems not
corrected, Port /
SFPUC corrects

Port / SFPUC
sends owner bill
for correction work

End: Owner pays

fine and bill

Owner does not


End: Port / SFPUC

puts lien on

owner action
Port / SFPUC

Figure 21. Enforcement.

Inspection & Enforcement


The Stormwater
Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

The Port and SFPUC require submittal of a Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) with every
development application for discretionary planning approval in San Francisco for all
projects disturbing 5,000 square feet or more of the ground plane.

The Port and SFPUC require the submission of a Stormwater Control Plan (SCP). The SCP will allow the
Port, the SFPUC, and the Planning Department to review projects that are subject to the Guidelines and ensure
compliance with them. SCPs must be reviewed and stamped by a California licensed landscape architect, architect,
or engineer.
Project applicants must complete each of the following elements in their SCPs to be eligible for project approval:
1. Characterize existing site conditions


2. Identify design and development goals

The Stormwater
Control Plan (SCP)
must be reviewed and
stamped by a licensed
landscape architect,
architect, or engineer.

3. Develop a site plan

4. Develop a site design
5. Select and locate source controls
6. Select and locate treatment BMPs
7. Size treatment BMPs
8. Check against design goals and modify as necessary
9. Develop an operations and maintenance plan
10. Compile the Stormwater Control Plan
Although the elements of the SCP are presented as a series of steps, in practice they should be iterative. For example,
although site design comes before BMP sizing in the SCP checklist, BMP sizing results may require designers to
make changes to the original site design. The following section provides an overview of each element of the SCP,
illustrated by a conceptual drawing. An example of a completed SCP is included in Appendix C.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Step 1
Characterize existing conditions
The stormwater management approach available to a given
site is largely dictated by existing site conditions. Soil types,
topography and drainage, vegetation types, wildlife habitat,
proximity to receiving waters, existing structures, adjacent land
uses, and historical and cultural features are all factors that
project proponents should consider prior to initiating design of
stormwater BMPs. A comprehensive checklist of site conditions
that should be evaluated during the site analysis phase can be
found in the SCP (Appendix C).
Jurisdictional concerns can inuence a site as much as physical
conditions. For example, parcels within 100 feet of the San
Francisco Bay shoreline are subject to San Francisco Bay
Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) policies
governing public access, circulation, and landscaping. Alterations
to structures along most of the San Francisco Northern
Waterfront are subject to the requirements of a National Historic
Register District. Some properties may have deed restrictions
establishing requirements for the management of residual soil
and groundwater pollution. Port, SFPUC, and City Planning
sta will work with project applicants to identify jurisdictional
issues that are relevant to the site.
Characterizing existing conditions helps to dene the
opportunities and constraints that will shape the site design.
Opportunities include existing drainage patterns and vegetation,
oddly congured or otherwise unbuildable parcels, easements,
and landscape amenities, including open spaces that can serve
as locations for BMPs. Dierences in elevation across the site


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

and existing low-lying areas present opportunities to implement

BMPs that reduce or eliminate the need for pumping or other
mechanical conveyance, a savings in both installation and longterm operation costs.
Constraints might include impermeable soils, a high water table,
contaminated soils, geotechnical instability, existing utilities,
and historic and cultural resources. Site-specic percolation tests
and other geotechnical investigations by a certied engineer will
be needed to ensure the most eective design solutions.

Step 2
Identify design and development goals
Every project applicant will begin the design process with a set
of goals that will impact stormwater management requirements
for the site. The program, density, and intensity of land use on
a site present both opportunities and constraints for stormwater
management. A project applicant intending to build a mixed-use
development with high-density housing in the Bayview-Hunters
Point neighborhood will approach the design process dierently
from a project applicant seeking to develop an industrial facility
on a waterfront pier. The former might use stormwater to dene
the character of the public realm and create water features in
community open spaces. The latter might use stormwater in
cooling towers and wash-down areas to oset potable water use.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Step 3
Develop a site plan
Using the evaluation of existing conditions, along with the
design and development goals, project applicants can begin to
see how their project will integrate with or alter the hydrology
of the site. The site plan should delineate the proposed land uses
and major post-development drainage basins and should show,
at the conceptual level, how water will move across the site.

Step 4
Develop a site design
Page 28 of this document introduced seven goals to guide the
integration of stormwater management into site design. This
section identies strategies to achieve each goal.

Goal 1: Preserve and protect creeks, wetlands, and

existing vegetation and other wildlife habitat.
Incorporate creeks, wetlands, and existing vegetation into

the site design (See Appendix D for appropriate vegetation).

Develop setbacks that protect creeks, wetlands, and sensitive wildlife habitats and also provide usable open space
for the public.
Concentrate development in already developed areas.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Encourage high-density, transit-accessible development.

Encourage clean-up and reuse of brownfield sites.
Look at each site as an opportunity to protect, enhance, or

create wildlife habitat.

Goal 2: Preserve natural drainage patterns and topography and incorporate them into site design.
Daylight historic watercourses and make them a central

element of site design.

Design stormwater BMPs to take advantage of existing
slopes and drainage paths.
Minimize re-grading and soil impacts.
Prioritize the use of infiltration-based BMPs where soils,
groundwater, and geology allow.

Goal 3: Minimize and disconnect impervious surfaces.

Design compact, multi-story structures, as allowed by ap

plicable zoning regulations.

Cluster buildings to reduce the length of streets and
driveways, minimize land disturbance, and protect natural
Design narrow streets and driveways, as allowed by the
local jurisdiction.
Use landscape and permeable paving materials rather than
traditional hardscape. Plazas, sidewalks, driveways, streets,
parking areas, and patios can be constructed from materials such as crushed aggregate, decomposed granite, turf
block, unit pavers, porous asphalt, or pervious concrete.
Install vegetated roofs to reduce runoff from buildings.
Minimize parking lot footprints and impacts by building
structured parking with alternative roof uses and designing compact parking spaces and space-efficient circulation

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Drain runoff from impervious areas to pervious areas. In cases where infiltration is

not appropriate, landscape features can serve as treatment and conveyance structures and can be fitted with an underdrain to allow for discharge to the municipal
storm sewer system or receiving waters.

Goal 4: Design the flow path of stormwater on a site all the way from the
first contact to the discharge point.
Identify the location where stormwater will first enter a site. For example, the first

point of contact is often a roof. How will the water travel from the roof to a BMP?
In the event that the BMP overflows, where will it discharge?
Identify an approved discharge location (downstream conveyance system, another BMP
or receiving water body) to accommodate flows beyond the capacity of each BMP.
Design and clearly identify an overflow conveyance system to accommodate flows
beyond the BMPs treatment capacity and up to a 100-year storm. All BMPs must
have an approved discharge location.

Goal 5: Treat stormwater as a resource, not a waste product.

Capture stormwater for irrigation, toilet flushing, cooling towers, vehicle wash-

down areas, and other non-potable applications.

Design multi-purpose BMPs that not only manage stormwater but also improve
streetscape and public space design.
Use stormwater for design inspiration.
Incorporate environmental education and interpretation into LID where appropriate.

Goal 6: Treat stormwater at its source.

Stormwater treatment facilities enhance public spaces in
Portlands South Waterfront redevelopment area.

From the Site to the City

LID is implemented site by site, but each site should
be considered in the context of its watershed-wide
goals. Over time, incremental improvements will add
up to long-term water quality protection for the Bay
and Ocean, the restoration of hydrologic function in
San Franciscos watersheds, and city-wide greening.


The Stormwater Control Plan

Identify pollutants of concern and their sources early in the design process and

install source control measures where appropriate.

Aim for ubiquitous infiltration of stormwater on site.
Place treatment BMPs as close to the source of runoff as possible.

Goal 7: Use treatment trains to address a broad array of pollutants.

Combine stormwater BMPs that target different pollutants to create a treatment

train. This strategy ensures higher levels of treatment and reduces the required size
of each BMP in the treatment train.
Pretreatment BMPs, such as sediment forebays, help reduce maintenance costs and
improve the overall performance of stormwater BMPs.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Step 5
Select and locate source controls
Everyday activities such as recycling, trash disposal, and vehicle
and equipment washing generate pollutants such as trash,
sediments, oil and grease, nutrients, pesticides, and metals
that can be mobilized by stormwater runo and carried to
receiving waters. These pollutants can be minimized by applying
source control BMPs. Source control BMPs prevent pollutant
generation and discharge by controlling pollution at its source,
or, at a minimum, limiting pollutant exposure to stormwater.
Source control BMPs include both structural features and
operational practices. Typical structural source control BMPs
involve covering, berming, or hydraulically isolating a potential
pollutant source area.
Operational source control measures include routine pavement
sweeping and substituting traditional materials with those that
are less toxic; for example, replacing traditional anodized chain
link fencing with vinyl coated fencing.
Specic requirements for land uses and activities that will need to
implement source control measures are found in Attachment 4
of the Phase II General Permit (
pdf ). The Fact Sheets (Appendix A) include a list of resources
for source control measures. Form A of the SCP (Appendix C)
guides the project proponent through the source control BMP
selection process.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Source Control Requirement

The following uses and activities are required to
implement specic source control measures as
specied in Attachment 4 of the Phase II General
Permit (
100,000 sq. ft. commercial developments

Hydraulic Isolation
Hydraulic isolation is the practice of separating one drainage area from surrounding areas
such that uids cannot pass between them. This can be done using grading or constructed
barriers. Hydraulic isolation allows designers to treat runo and waste from the isolated
area according to the specic pollutants found there. In some cases, hydraulically isolated
areas can be connected to the sanitary sewer system rather than the storm sewer system.
Vehicle wash racks and trash compactor areas are examples of areas that can be hydraulically
isolated to protect surrounding areas from the soap, grease, oil, sediments, trash and other
pollutants associated with those activities.

Retail gasoline outlets

Automotive repair shops

Integrated Pest Management

Parking lots

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an ecological approach to suppressing pests. IPM

uses information on the life cycle of pests, along with multiple pest control techniques,
to keep pests at acceptable levels in an economical and environmentally safe way. IPM
focuses on monitoring and preventing pests and using low-risk pest control techniques.
Because pest problems are often symptomatic of ecological imbalances, the goal is to plan
and manage ecosystems to prevent organisms from becoming pests in the rst place. This
means developing landscape plans that focus on the use of native or Mediterranean plant
species suited to San Franciscos climate and soil conditions (Appendix D). IPM principles
help to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides; thereby reducing the risk that stormwater
runo will mobilize pesticides and carry them to collection systems or receiving water

A drain adjacent to a trash compactor is connected to the

sanitary sewer system. A concrete berm surrounding the trash
storage area hydraulically isolates stormwater runo in this
area from the rest of the site.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Step 6
Select and Locate Treatment BMPs
Site design and source control make signicant contributions to
eective stormwater management. But achieving treatment to
the MEP also requires the implementation of treatment control
BMPs. The selection of stormwater treatment BMPs is guided
by existing site conditions, design and development goals, and
the pollutants of concern for the site.
The two-step BMP selection process outlined here will help
project applicants to identify a suite of site-specic treatment
BMPs. The rst step is to use the BMP Decision Tree (see Figure
22), to identify BMPs that are suitable for a given site. The
second step is to narrow the list of suitable BMPs to the ones
that target the pollutants of concern that have been identied
for a given site.

The BMP Decision Tree

The BMP Decision Tree will help project applicants use sitespecic information to select the BMPs that are most appropriate
given the conditions at their site. BMPs that are not suitable will
be eliminated from consideration.
The BMP Decision Tree prompts the project applicant to consider
specic site characteristics that aect BMP design. The answers
narrow the eld of appropriate BMPs. On-site percolation tests
and geotechnical investigations must be done during the site
analysis to determine whether inltration-based BMPs are feasible
for the site (for instance, is there adequate depth to groundwater,
which for most sites will be 10 feet). However, inltration-

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

based BMPs need not always be eliminated based upon

this information. Rather, a modied design solution can
make a BMP feasible. Vegetated swales can be used for
stormwater treatment in areas with poor inltration or
contaminated soils provided that they are lined with an
impermeable liner, underdrained, and constructed with
clean import soil. See the BMP Fact Sheets in Appendix A
for information on liners and underdrains.
Steep slopes can limit the range of appropriate BMPs for
a given site because they can cause high ow rates and
instability. Terracing the site is one design solution that
could allow the implementation of slope-dependent BMPs
on a steep site. Check dams can also be used to mitigate
problems caused by steep slopes.
El Monte Sagrado Spa in Taos, New Mexico uses wetlands to treat stormwater so that it can
be used to ll spa pools.

After all of the information has been evaluated, the BMP

Decision Tree will indicate one of three outcomes for a
given site:
All BMPs are feasible;
A subset of BMPs is feasible for unconditional

implementation; or
A subset of BMPs is feasible with conditions.

The resulting list of BMPs can then be evaluated for their

eectiveness in treating the pollutants of concern for the
project. Project applicants should include the results of
the Decision Tree process in their SCP.

Permeable pavement can be integrated into a variety of hardscapes such as roads and
sidewalks, plazas, terraces and patios.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Is there a use for

stormwater at or near
the site?


Estimate demand

Is demand greater than

the target volume?


Install cistern alone or

with other BMPs



Install cistern and select

additional measures

Is infiltration feasible?

Is there adequate
depth to groundwater
if underdrained?



Do not use
Infiltration Measures


Include underdrain/liner

Can the site be terraced?

Is the slope > 10%?




Do not use:
Pervious Pavement
Infiltration Trench/Basin
Wet Pond/Wetlands
Vegetated Swale

Include underdrain/liner

Is the slope 5 - 10%?

Can the site be terraced?


Do not use:
Vegetated Swale
Buffer Strips


Include underdrain/liner

All other measures

are available

Figure 22. Stormwater BMP Decision Tree

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Match BMPs with Pollutants of Concern

Table 6 includes a list of pollutants typically found in stormwater runo and their
association with common San Francisco land uses. Project applicants can use the table
to screen for likely pollutants of concern, but identifying the specic commercial and
industrial activities proposed for a site provides a better indication of which pollutants to
target. For example, a restaurant would need to include BMPs to prevent oil and grease
from contacting stormwater, and roadways in any project bring up concerns about metals,
oil and grease, and sediments.
After project applicants consult Table 6 to anticipate the pollutants of concern for their
proposed land uses, they can use Table 7 to identify BMPs that both treat pollutants of
concern and are deemed appropriate for the physical site conditions by the BMP Decision
Tree. To learn more about each BMP listed in the table, see the BMP Fact Sheets in
Appendix A.

Land Use Type




and Grease


High Density Residential

Low Density Residential
Mixed Use
Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
Open Space
Piers Over Water
Former Shipyards

Weirs (top) and cascades (bottom) make street-side

bioretention possible on steep slopes in Seattle, WA.

The Stormwater Control Plan

Table 6. Typical pollutants associated with common San Francisco land uses


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Treatment Control




and Grease




Dry Well
Infiltration Basin
Infiltration Trench
Permeable Pavement

Constructed Wetland
Detention Pond
Detention Vault
Wet Pond

Flow-through Planter
Rain Garden


Vegetated Buffer Strip

Vegetated Swale
Media Filter
Sand Filter
Vegetated Rock Filter
Swirl Separator
Water Quality Inlet
Drain Insert

Rainwater Harvesting*



Requires Pre-treatment

*Rainwater Harvesting does not provide stormwater treatment. However, it prevents polluted stormwater from reaching receiving water bodies.

Table 7. BMPs that capture or treat pollutants typically found in stormwater runo.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Treatment Trains
A single treatment BMP may not adequately treat the
entire range of pollutants from its contributing watershed,
especially in large developments involving diverse
activities. For example, some treatment BMPs are designed
to remove ne suspended sediment but may not be able to
remove dissolved metals. Because of this, a combination
of several BMPs in succession may be needed to treat all
of the pollutants on a given site.
A combination of BMPs, constructed in a series to target
specic pollutants, is called a treatment train. Treatment
trains not only improve water quality, they also improve
the long-term eciency and reduce the maintenance
requirements for each treatment BMP involved in the
train. Heavy sediments and trash can negatively impact
BMP performance, thus silt traps and sediment forebays
are commonly used as a rst step in the treatment process.
In the same way that pre-rinsing dirty dishes increases the
ecacy and eciency of a dishwasher, removing sediment
prior to inltration of stormwater will improve the longterm capacity of the underlying soils to inltrate water by
preventing sediment from clogging pore spaces that allow
the movement of water through the soil.
Common treatment train congurations include:
Silt trap  Swale  Wetland
Cistern  Rain garden
Retention basin  Sand filter
Vegetated strip  Infiltration trench


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Case Study: Berlin Treatment Train

The design for Potsdamer Platz, one of Berlins most
important public squares, includes a stormwater
treatment train that uses multiple stormwater
management strategies (indoor use, storage,
bioltration, and outdoor use) to control both the
quality and the volume of stormwater on-site. The roofs
of the development, some of which are vegetated roofs
and some of which are traditional, harvest rainwater
to be used in the buildings for toilet ushing and
irrigation. During large storm events, ve underground
cisterns store rainwater and then release it slowly into
a series of pools and planted biotopes for ltration.
In the summer months, additional lters can be added
to remove algae. Treated rainwater then ows through
a very popular outdoor waterscape where employees
and visitors gather. Like San Francisco, Berlin has an
average annual rainfall of 21 inches.

Treatment Train Principles

Think of each element in a treatment train as a separate
functional unit.
Before adding additional elements to a treatment train,
analyze their performance relative to previous BMPs
in the train. If the expected water quality benets are
limited, the increase in cost may outweigh the benets.
Do not alter or remove design measures used to reduce
the size of stormwater treatment measures without
a corresponding resizing of associated stormwater
treatment BMPs, otherwise the capacity of the BMPs
will be exceeded.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Step 7
Size Treatment BMPs
After selecting a suite of treatment BMPs that are appropriate for
the site conditions and target the pollutants of concern, project
applicants will need to size these BMPs to achieve the required
stormwater performance standards. This section explains how
to size treatment BMPs, but project applicants can also use the
automated electronic sizing spreadsheets provided in Appendix
B, which can also be found on the SFPUC and Port websites
at and While the Port and
SFPUC do not require the use of the sizing spreadsheets for BMP
design, project applicants must complete Table 1 of the electronic
sizing spreadsheet in Appendix B to document drainage parcels
and design ow rates and volumes. This information is required
in the SCP.
The performance measures discussed in this section aim to
protect the water quality of receiving water bodies. They meet
all regulatory requirements and are the foundation of the BMP
sizing spreadsheet. For information about how the performance
measures were developed, please see the resources at the end of
this section.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

A rain garden at Glencoe Elementary in Portland, Oregon reduces stormwater ows to Portlands collection system.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines


Port Requirements

Sizing Design Criteria

Treatment Control


Dry Well
Infiltration Basin
Infiltration Trench
Permeable Pavement


(a) The ow of stormwater runo resulting from a rain

event equal to at least 0.2 inch per hour intensity; or

Constructed Wetland
Detention Pond
Detention Vault
Wet Pond


Flow-through Planter
Rain Garden


Vegetated Buffer Strip

Vegetated Swale
Media Filter
Sand Filter
Vegetated Rock Filter
Swirl Separator
Water Quality Inlet
Drain Insert


Rainwater Harvesting

Table 8. Treatment control measures and sizing methods

Stormwater performance measures for areas in the

separate sewers operated by the Port require the capture
and treatment of:

(b) Eighty percent or more of the annual stormwater

runo volume, determined from unit basin storage volume
capture curves for San Francisco (see Figure 23).
(if infiltrating)

Performance measure (a) should be used for sizing owbased BMPs, such as vegetated swales or ow-through
planters. These are BMPs whose primary mode of pollutant
removal depends on the ow rate of runo through
the BMP. Performance measure (b) should be used for
sizing volume-based BMPs, such as inltration basins or
detention basins. These are BMPs whose primary mode of

The Ports stormwater performance measures for
areas served by separate storm sewers require the
capture and treatment of:
(a) The ow of stormwater runo resulting from
a rain event equal to at least 0.2 inch per hour
intensity; or
(b) Eighty percent or more of the annual stormwater
runo volume determined from design rainfall
capture curves for San Francisco. The maximum
drawn-down time for stormwater captured during a
rain event is 48 hours.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

pollutant removal depends on the volumetric capacity of the BMP. These performance
measures are adapted from the General Permit.
Project applicants should determine which sizing criteria apply to each BMP and size the
facility accordingly. Many BMPs can be designed to attain both ow-based and volumebased stormwater management goals, but they are most often categorized as one or the
other (see Table 8).

Flow-Based Sizing
The Rational Method: Q=CiA
Q = ow in ft3/second
C = composite runo coecient
(composite C-factor)

Flow-based Sizing

i = rainfall intensity in inch/hour

(0.2 inch/hr recommended)

The recommended method for hydraulically sizing ow-based treatment BMPs is the
Uniform Intensity Approach and is used in conjunction with the Rational Method for
estimating stormwater ows. It is also described in the CASQA 2003 Stormwater Best
Management Practice Handbook New Development and Redevelopment. Automated
electronic sizing spreadsheets can be found at and, and
are described in Appendix B. The Rational Method is used as follows:
1. Identify each drainage management area on the site. A drainage management area is
a discrete area or subwatershed. The runo from each drainage management area will drain
its own treatment control BMP(s). The steps below should be applied to each drainage
management area.

A = drainage area in acres

Typical Range



0.7 - 0.95



0.8 - 0.95


Type of Surface


0.7 - 0.85


2. Determine the area in acres (A) of the drainage management area that drains to the
proposed BMP(s).


0.75 - 0.9


Pervious Concrete

0.1 - 0.3


3. Assign a Runo Coecient, or C-factor, to each land surface in the drainage

management area. The C-factor describes the percentage of runo generated by dierent
types of surfaces during rain events. Surfaces that produce higher volumes of runo, such
as concrete, have relatively higher C-factors, while surfaces that produce lower volumes of
runo, such as landscaped areas, have relatively lower C-factors. Table 9 lists established
C-factor values for each land surface.

Pervious Asphalt

0.1 - 0.3


Paving Stones

0.1 - 0.7


Grass Pavers/Turf Blocks

0.15 - 0.6


Lawns and Grass:

sandy soil, slope <2%
sandy soil, slope >7%
heavy soil, slope <2%
heavy soil, slope >7%

0.05 - 0.1
0.15 - 0.2
0.13 - 0.17
0.25 - 0.35
0.15 - 0.3


Crushed Aggregate

0.15 - 0.3


4. Calculate the Composite C-factor (C), a weighted average of all the C-factors for all
the surfaces in the drainage management area. Multiply each C-factor by the area of the
surface it applies to. Add the results and divide by the total site area.

Table 9. Typical runo coecients

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines




% Capture



Runoff Coefficient = 0.25

Runoff Coefficient = 0.50


Runoff Coefficient = 0.75

Runoff Coefficient = 1.00






Unit Basin Storage Volume (inches)

Figure 23. Composite runo coecients and unit basin storage volume for 80 percent capture with 48-hour drawdown


The Stormwater Control Plan



San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

5. Use a design rainfall intensity (i) of 0.2 inch per hour. This intensity represents twice
the 85th percentile hourly depth, which can be derived by ranking the hourly depth of
rainfall from storms over the period of record. The General Permit species that, for water
quality protection, the design rainfall intensity be equal to or greater than twice the 85th
percentile hourly depth.

Volume-Based Sizing
BMP Capture Volume =
BMP Drainage Area x Unit Basin Storage Volume

Q = CiA yields the design ow rate (Q), in cubic feet per second, that a BMP must
accommodate to meet the performance measures. For more information on sizing owbased treatment BMPs, see the Fact Sheets in Appendix A and the sizing spreadsheets in
Appendix B.

Volume-based Sizing
The recommended method for hydraulically sizing volume-based stormwater treatment
BMPs is based upon a goal of 80% annual stormwater volume capture within a 48-hour
draw-down period. This method is further described in CASQAs 2003 Stormwater Best
Management Practice Handbook New Development and Redevelopment, which is
available at

BMP Capture Volume = the volume of water that

the BMP must capture to achieve compliance with
the volume-based performance measures.
BMP Drainage Area = the contributing drainage
area for the BMP.
Unit Basin Storage Volume = the depth of
rainfall, in inches, that is related to a percentage of
annual runo capture. It is determined for various
runo coecients from historical rainfall records.

The following steps explain how to calculate each variable.

1. Identify each drainage management area on the site. A drainage management area is
a discrete area or subwatershed. The runo from each drainage management area will drain
its own treatment control BMP(s). The steps below should be applied to each drainage
management area.
2. Determine the area in acres (A) of the drainage management area that drains to the
proposed BMP.
3. Calculate the Composite C-factor for the drainage management area using the method
described in steps 3 and 4 of the ow-based sizing section.
4. Use the composite C-factor to interpolate a Unit Basin Storage Volume value (in
inches) from the unit basin storage volume curves in Figure 23. Interpolate between the
reference C values as necessary to determine a Unit Basin Storage value. A 48-hour drawdown time is recommended, unless soils at the site are coarse.

Rainwater harvesting is a volume-based BMP that can

be used to collect water for various types of industrial
operations, resulting in reduced utility costs.

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

5. Calculate the BMP Capture Volume by multiplying the BMP Drainage Management
Area by the Unit Basin Storage Volume. Convert to cubic feet for easy interpretation.
The BMP Capture Volume is the volume needed to meet regulatory standards for
stormwater treatment. This or a larger volume must be used for BMP design. The BMP
Capture Volume must be recorded and submitted in the SCP. The BMP Fact Sheets in
Appendix A and sizing spreadsheets in Appendix B also contain information pertinent to
sizing volume-based treatment BMPs.

SFPUC Requirements
BMP Sizing

Stormwater performance measures for areas in the separate sewers under the jurisdiction of
the SFPUC require the capture and treatment of rainfall from a 0.75-inch design storm,
which is equivalent to LEED Sustainable Sites Credit 6.2.

V = volume in ft3

To meet the SFPUC performance measure and earn LEED Credit SS6.2, use the following

C = composite runo coecient

(composite C-factor)

V = CAd, where V = Volume of water in cubic feet, A = size of the drainage management
area in square feet, C = runo coecient, and d = rainfall depth in inches.

A = drainage area in square feet

d = design rainfall depth in inches
(use 0.75 inch)

1. Determine the area in square feet (A) of the drainage management area, also known
as a subwatershed, that drains to the proposed BMP.
2. Calculate the Composite C-factor (C) for the drainage management area using the
method described in steps 3 and 4 of the ow-based sizing section.
3. Use 0.75 inch as the design rainfall depth (d) for the facility. This design rainfall
depth corresponds to LEED Credit SS6.2 for semi-arid watersheds.
5. Calculate the Volume by multiplying C, A, and d. Divide by 12 to convert to cubic
feet. The maximum allowable draw-down time is 48 hours.
The BMP must capture a volume of water equal to or greater than the volume calculated
using the equation above to meet regulatory standards for stormwater treatment. The
volume that the BMP will capture must be recorded and submitted in the SCP. The


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

BMP Fact Sheets in Appendix A and the sizing spreadsheets

in Appendix B also contain information pertinent to sizing
volume-based treatment BMPs.
Project applicants in combined sewer areas under SFPUC
jurisdiction must achieve LEED SS6.1 to reduce the ow and
volume of stormwater into the collection system. SFPUC sta
is in the process of creating additional guidance for achieving
SS6.1. In the meantime project applicants are encouraged to
consult LEED for New Construction Version 2.2 and contact
Urban Watershed Management Program sta if necessary.

Step 8
Check against Design Goals and Modify
if Necessary
After site design, source control, BMP selection, and BMP sizing
are completed, project applicants should review the original
design goals and evaluate whether they have been achieved. If
not, an iterative design process that may include BMP relocation
or resizing can ensure that the project achieves its design and
development goals and complies with stormwater treatment
At this stage in the design process, there is a general understanding
of how the runo will move across the site, source control
measures have been identied and located, treatment controls
have been selected based on site conditions and pollutants of
concern, and target water quality volumes and ow rates have
been calculated. The next task is to locate and size the actual
treatment controls. Sizing tools for each treatment control are

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

included with the Fact Sheets in Appendix B, and are available

electronically at and

Step 9
Develop an Operations and
Maintenance Plan
Treatment and control facilities must be regularly maintained
to ensure that they continue to provide eective treatment and
do not harbor mosquitoes, cause ooding, or otherwise create
a nuisance. Improper maintenance is one of the most common
reasons for BMP underperformance and failure.
The General Permit requires that project applicants provide
verication of maintenance provisions through such means
as may be appropriate, including, but not limited to legal
agreements, covenants, CEQA mitigation requirements and/or
Conditional Use Permits. Stormwater facilities installed as part of
new development or redevelopment projects will be incorporated
into both the Ports and SFPUCs operation and maintenance
verication program. An operations and maintenance plan is
a required element of the SCP. To develop an operations and
maintenance program for new facilities, follow these steps:
1. Identify who will own or have operational responsibility for the facility. In the case of Port facilities, operational responsibility will be assigned through lease and
development agreements. In the case of privately owned
facilities regulated by the SFPUC the property owner will
be responsible for operations and maintenance.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

2. Identify applicable maintenance requirements for each stormwater control at

the facility and list the requirements into the SCP. The SCP must identify any title
transfers, lease provisions, or maintenance agreements that will be executed before
construction is complete.
3. Develop an Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) for the site incorporating detailed requirements for each treatment and control BMP at the facility.
The O&M Plan must be submitted before the building permit is finalized and
a certificate of occupancy is issued. Any necessary agreements must be executed
concurrent with submittal of the O&M Plan.
4. Maintain the facilities from the time of construction until ownership or lease is
formally transferred.
5. Formally transfer operation and maintenance responsibilities to any new owner,
occupant or lessee. The transfer will require the new owner, occupant, or lessee
to maintain facilities in perpetuity and comply with Port and SFPUC selfinspection, reporting, and verification requirements.

Mulching is an important part of BMP maintenance.

Designing to Minimize Maintenance

Streamlined maintenance and maximized performance can be achieved by considering the
following design features:
Use pretreatment systems to remove coarse sediment and litter, particularly for infil-

tration systems. Pretreatment systems can also reduce the velocity of flows entering
the treatment BMP, reducing wear on the BMP and extending its useful life.
Use deeper rooted vegetation in conjunction with infiltration BMPs. Good root
structure helps to maintain soil porosity and reduces the maintenance needs of the
BMP. For a list of recommended vegetation species, see Appendix D.
Whenever possible, select BMPs that do not require slow-release control structures.
Such structures can clog and require periodic inspection and maintenance.
Stormwater facilities that are above-ground are more likely to be visible and therefore receive maintenance.
Regular inspections are required in order to maintain the eectiveness of treatment control
BMPs. Inspection and maintenance activities can be divided into two functions:

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

1. Scheduled routine inspection and maintenance, and

2. Non-routine repair and maintenance.
Routine inspection can reveal potential problems with BMP operations and help to ensure
the highest level of pollutant removal. Routine maintenance refers to activities performed
on a regular basis to keep the BMP in good working order. These activities are generally
not complicated (sediment removal, landscape work, etc.) and can be performed by most
facility maintenance sta. Typical maintenance activities are described in each of the BMP
Fact Sheets included in Appendix A.

Step 10
Compile the Stormwater Control Plan
A Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) with exhibits as described in the SCP template
(Appendix C) must be submitted to the Port or SFPUC as part of the planning approval
process. The completed SCP must include the following information:
Information on Project Owner/Developer and Design Team
Project location
Project description
A site plan showing proposed project
Any soils or geotechnical reports necessary to complete stormwater design
Site analysis for locating and sizing BMPs
A site drainage plan showing direction of stormwater flow to the point where it

enters the storm sewer system or receiving waters

Stormwater sizing calculations
A post-construction O&M Plan
Refer to Appendix C for a template of an SCP.


The Stormwater Control Plan

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

References and Resources

Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA). 1999. Start at the
Source: A Design Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection. Oakland: BASMAA.
California Stormwater Quality Associations (CASQA) Stormwater Best Management
Practices Handbook.
CASQA 2003 Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbook New Development
and Redevelopment. <>.
City of Emeryville. 2008. Stormwater Guidelines and Requirements. 17 November 2008
Contra Costa Clean Water Program. 2008. Stormwater C.3 Guidebook, 4th Edition.
17 November 2008 <>.
Dunne, Thomas and Luna B. Leopold. 1978. Water in Environmental Planning. San
Francisco: W.H. Freeman.
Gary R. Minton. July/August 2006 . Stormwater Treatment TrainsDont Get Run
Over. Stormwater Magazine.
IPM Access. Introduction to Integrated Pest Management for Urban Landscapes.
NPDES General Permit Attachment 4.
Philadelphia Water Department Oce of Watersheds. 2008. City of Philadelphia
Stormwater Management Guidance Manual. 17 November 2008
Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. 2008. 2008 Stormwater Management
Manual. 17 November 2008 <

The Stormwater Control Plan


San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

Roesner, L.A., Burgess, E.H. and J.A. Aldrich. May 20-22, 1991. The Hydrology of
Urban Runo Water Quality Management, presented at the ASCE Water
Resources Planning and Management Conference, New Orleans.
Seattle Public Utilities. 2008. Stormwater Management Plan. 17 November 2008
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection. 2008. Green Building Ordinance.
20 November 2008 <>.
State Water Resources Control Board Order Number 2003-0005-DWQ.
17 November 2008 <
Treadwell and Rollo/Watershed Resources Collaboration Group. April 2002. Southern
Waterfront Stormwater Management Study for Port of San Francisco Southern
Waterfront Pier 70 to Pier 96.
U.S. Green Building Council. 2006. LEED for New Construction Version 2.2.
Washington, DC: U.S. Green Building Council. <>.

San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines

November 2009 Version - Updates and errata will be published as necessary


The Stormwater Control Plan

Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our childrens lifetime.
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.
- Luna Leopold

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