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Keywords: Graded Gamma Rings and Modules, Gamma Anneids and Modu

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Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

Graded gamma rings

Emil Ili

arXiv:1501.00023v2 [math.RA] 18 Jan 2015

We introduce graded gamma rings from the most general point of view
via methods developed by Krasner and Halberstadt for Krasners general graded rings. We propose three equivalent aspects of studying
graded gamma rings. The graded Jacobson radical of a graded gamma
ring is introduced and its elementwise description is given. Also, a
relation between the graded Jacobson radical and the Jacobson radical
of a graded gamma ring is examined.

Keywords: Graded gamma rings and modules, Gamma anneids and moduloids, Jacobson radical
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 16Y99, Secondary 16W50,


Gamma rings were introduced by Nobusawa [13] as an algebraic tool for observing the relationship between the groups of homomorphisms hom(B, C)
and hom(C, B) of commutative groups B and C. Let us recall the notion of
a -ring and a -ring in the sense of Nobusawa, following [1].
If R and are abelian additive groups, then R is called a -ring if, for all
x, y, z R and , , the following conditions are satisfied:
i) xy R;
ii) (x+y)z = xz +yz, x(+)z = xz +xz, x(y +z) = xy +xz;
iii) (xy)z = x(y)z.
It is called a -ring in the sense of Nobusawa if moreover we have:
i ) x ;
ii ) (xy)z = x(y)z = x(y)z;
iii ) if xy = 0 for all x, y R, then = 0.
Later on, many mathematicians gave their contributions to the theory of
gamma rings, and mainly concerning radical theory (see e.g. [2, 3, 15, 12, 16]
and references therein). In [4] a group graded gamma ring is defined to be a
-ring R which is the direct sum of additive subgroups Rg , g K, such that
Rg Rh Rgh , for all g, h K, where K is a group. However, the following
example motivates us to generalize the previous notion. Let us suppose we

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

have graded S-modules B and C, B = xK Bx , C = xK Cx , where S
is a K-graded ring, K a group and let
R = HOMS (B, C) =
HOMS (B, C)x ,

where HOMS (B, C)x is a group of graded morphisms of degree x [14], that
is, of S-linear mappings : B C such that (Bg ) Cxg , for all g K.
Similarly, observe = HOMS (C, B). Clearly, R is a -ring. If 1 Rx ,
2 Rz and y , then 1 2 (Bg ) 1 ((Czg )) 1 (Byzg ) Cxyzg ,
and hence, 1 2 Rxyz . So, one way to expand the notion of a group
graded gamma ring is to require
Rg f Rh Rgf h ,
for all f, g, h K, if =



g . However, if we replace (1.1) with

(k K) Rg f Rh Rk ,
for all f, g, h K, the additive graduations R = gK Rg and = gK g
of R and , respectively, and the structure of a -ring R will imply operation
(generally partial) in K. Indeed, if Rg f Rh 6= {0}, then k K, for which
Rg f Rh Rk , is unique, and is arbitrary if Rg f Rh = {0}. So, if Rg f Rh 6=
{0}, we may define gf h := k. Of course, for those g, f, h K for which
Rg f Rh = {0}, this ternary operation may be defined arbitrarily in order
to make it defined everywhere on K. So, there is no need to assume anything
of K except of being a nonempty set. We do not stop here, but
L go further
by assuming
gK Rg and
= hH h . In that case, condition
(g, g K)(h H)(k K) Rg h Rg Rk


will make K a partial -ring, where = H, which of course, can be extended

to a -ring arbitrarily.
to R ,
Let us call the unique K, for which 0 6= x gK Rg belongs
the grade of x and denote it by
S (x). The gradeSof 0 6= hH h will
be denoted by d(). Sets A = gK Rg and G = hH h are called homogeneous parts of R and , respectively. Now, (1.3) may be interpreted as
(xy) = ghg , where (x) = g, d() = h, (y) = g if Rg h Rg 6= {0}, since,
we will prove that (xy) depends only on (x), d() and (y) if xy 6= 0.
There are many important examples of graded gamma rings in our sense
which are not necessarily group graded gamma rings. Among them are the
following ones.
1. Generalized matrix rings.
Let R, S be rings and V, W be an (R, S)-bimodule and a (S, R)-bimodule,
respectively. Also, let us assume that products V W to R and W V to

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

S, denoted by vw and wv for all v V and w W, are defined in such a

way that the system M = (R, V, W, S) with these products forms a Morita

Let R(M ) =
be the set of all 2 2-matrices of the form

r v
, where r R, s S, v V, w W.
w s
The set R(M ) forms a ring under the usual definitions of matrix addition
and multiplication, which is called generalized matrix ring determined by
the Morita context M.

R 0
Note that R(M ) is a graded -ring in our sense if we put =

0 0

0 0
R 0
0 V
0 0
. Indeed, if R1 =
, R2 =
, R3 =
0 S
0 0
0 0
W 0

0 0
R4 =
, then R(M ) = R1 R2 R3 R4 and = R1 R4 , and
0 S
for all i, j {1, 2, 3, 4} and k {1, 4} there exists l {1, 2, 3, 4} such that
Ri Rk Rj Rl .
2. Semidirect sums of rings.
If R is a ring which contains a subring S and ideal I such that R = S I,
then R is called the semidirect sum of S and I (see e.g. [7]).
Let R1 = S and R2 = I. Then, by putting = S, we get that R = R1 R2 is
a graded -ring since RSR R, R2 R2 = ISI I = R2 , R2 R1 = ISS
I = R2 , R1 R2 = SSI I = R2 , R1 R1 = SSS S = R1 .
In particular, the Dorroh extension may be regarded as a graded gamma
ring in our sense.
Theory we are about to establish covers the theory of ordinary -rings and
of group graded -rings. Also, as -rings generalize the concept of a ring,
graded -rings will provide a generalization of a graded ring. Before observing graded -rings, we deal with preliminaries regarding Krasners definition
of a graduation. If R is a graded -ring, A the homogeneous part of R and
G the homogeneous part of , we prove that a -ring R is determined by
A and G. We also define and give an elementwise description of the graded
Jacobson radical of a graded -ring R in terms of G and A. Finally, the
comparison of the graded Jacobson and the Jacobson radical of a graded
-ring is given.

On Krasners graduations

Our notion of a graded gamma ring is inspired by the notion of a graduation

due to Krasner [9], the origin of which goes back to [8]. In this section, we
gather up all notions and results due to Krasner which are essential for
the rest of the article. More on this theory can be found in [10] or [11].
Throughout this section, G denotes a multiplicative group with the neutral

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

element 1 and is a nonempty set.

Definition 2.1. Every mapping
: Sg(G), () = G ( ),


such that G =
G , where Sg(G) is the set of all subgroups of G, is
called a graduation. A group with a graduation is called a graded group. A
graduation is called strict if G 6= {1}, for all . If = { | G 6=
{1}}, then = | is a strict graduation of G and is called a strict kernel
of graduation (2.1). Elements are called grades S
and the corresponding
G are called homogeneous components. The set H = G (= G
if G 6= {1}) is called the homogeneous part of a graded group G and elements
x H are called homogeneous. The unique for which 1 6= x H
belongs to G is called the grade of x and is denoted by (x).
Element 1 generally speaking does not have a grade and \ are
called empty grades. However, we may associate a grade from \ to 1,
which we denote by 0 and call it a zero grade. If = {0}, and if we
put (1) = 0, the graduation is called proper. Throughout this paper we
assume all graduations to be proper.
Let G be a graded group with graduation (2.1) and let
: Sg(G), ( ) = G ( )


be another graduation of G. We say that graduations (2.1) and (2.2) are

equivalent if there exists a bijective mapping : such that () =
(()), for every . These graduations are weakly equivalent if their
strict kernels are equivalent. It is clear that strict graduations are determined up to an equivalence by the set {G | }, while graduations are
determined up to a weak equivalence by {G | }. The homogeneous
part H of a graded group G, together with the group structure of G, determines a graduation of G up to a weak equivalence, for if 1 6= a, b H
and a G , then b G if and only if ab H, which is to say that the
set {G(a) := {x H | ax H} | a H = H \ {1}} coincides with the
set {G | }. So, it is natural to define a graded group G from the
so-called semihomogeneous aspect as an ordered pair (G, H), where H G
is the homogeneous part with respect to some graduation of G. However, in
order to do that, the following characterization of that homogeneous part is
Theorem 2.2. A nonempty subset H of a group G is the homogeneous
part of G with respect to some graduation of G if and only if the following
conditions are satisfied:
i) 1 H;

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

ii) x H x1 H;
iii) x, y, z, xy, yz H y 6= 1 xz H;
iv) x, y H xy
/ H xy = yx;
v) H generates G;
vi) If n 2 and if the elements x1 , . . . , xn H are such that for all
i, j {1, . . . , n}, i 6= j, xi xj
/ H, then x1 . . . xn 6= 1.
Multiplicative operation on G induces a partial operation in H. Namely, if
x, y H, then xy is defined in H if and only if xy G is the element from
H, and in that case the result is the same and we write it the same way. If
this situation occurs, we say that elements x, y are composable (addible in
case of an additive operation) and we write x#y. Clearly, x#y if and only
if x, y come from the same subgroup G(a) = {x H | ax H}, a H .
In case when H with the induced operation from G is given, we may reconstruct G up to H-isomorphism. Indeed, if a H , then G(a) may be
defined as G(a) = {x H | a#x}. G is then the direct sum of different
subgroups G(a) and H is obviously the homogeneous part of G. The group
G which is obtained in this way is called the
L linearization of the structure
(H, ) and we denote it by H. Hence, H = aH G(a).
There is a natural idea now to define the graded group from the so called
homogeneous aspect using the corresponding homogeneous part, at least up
to isomorphism. We need to characterize the structure (H, ), which is the
homogeneous part of some graded group, with operation induced from that
group. This characterization is the subject of the following theorem.
Theorem 2.3. The structure (H, ) is the homogeneous part of some graded
group G, with operation induced from that group, if and only if the following
conditions hold:
i) (1 H)(x H) x#1 x1 = x;
ii) (x H) x#x;
iii) (x, y, z H) x#y y#z y 6= 1 x#z;
iv) For all a H for which a 6= 1, H(a) = {x H | a#x} is a group.
Definition 2.4. The structure (H, ) which satisfies conditions of Theorem
2.3 is called a homogroupoid.
Let H be a homogroupoid and the set of groups H(a) = {x H | ax
H}, a H = H \ {1}, and let us denote elements of by , , , . . . . If
, we denote by H() or by G or by H the corresponding group
H(a) which defines . Hence, if a H , then we define its grade as (a) :=

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

if a H() = G , and so, writing H(a) has

as writing
L the same meaning
H((a)). Thus, the linearization H of H is H = H if we put
= {0}, where 0 corresponds to a trivial subgroup {1}; (1) = 0.
These situations will occur in the sequel, and after this discussion, these
should not cause any confusion.
Definition 2.5. A subgroup S of aLgraded group G = G is called a
homogeneous subgroup of G if S = S G .
Definition 2.6. A nonempty subset K of a homogroupoid H is called a
subhomogroupoid if K is the homogeneous part of a homogeneous subgroup
of H.

A subhomogroupoid K of a homogroupoid H is normal if each addibility group K(a) of K is normal subgroup of H(a), where a H . If K is
a normal subhomogroupoid of H, then the homogeneous part of H/K is
aH H(a)/H(a) K.
Definition 2.7. A homomorphism f : G G of graded groups with
homogeneous parts H and H , respectively, is called quasihomogeneous if
f (H) H . A quasihomogeneous homomorphism f is called a homogeneous
homomorphism if for x, y H with f (x) 6= 1 , f (y) 6= 1 , we have
(f (x)) = (f (y)) (x) = (y).
The homogeneous counterpart of the above definition follows.
Definition 2.8. Let H and H be homogroupoids. The mapping f : H
H is called quasihomomorphism if x#y implies f (x)#f (y) and f (xy) =
f (x)f (y), x, y H. A quasihomomorphism is called homomorphism if the
composability of nonidentity images implies the composability of the originals.
As we have seen, homogroupoids are homogeneous parts of graded groups
with induced partial operation. Analogously, an anneid and a moduloid
represent homogeneous parts of a Krasner graded ring and a graded module, respectively, with induced operations. A ring R is called graded if
(R, +) is a commutative graded group in the above sense with graduation
R : Sg(R, +), R () = R , and if for all , , R R R , for
some , while a right R-module M is graded if R is a graded ring
and M a commutative graded group with graduation M : D Sg(M, +),
M (d) = Md , and if for all and d D there exists t D such that
Md R Mt . As an example of a Krasner graded ring one can take for
instance every group graded ring in the usual sense. However, there are
important types of rings which are graded in Krasners sense, but not necessarily group graded, such as the already mentioned ideal extension.
If M and M are A-moduloids, than the mapping f : M M is called

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

quasihomomorphism if for all x, y M, a A, f (xa) = f (x)a and if x#y

implies f (x)#f (y) and f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y). A quasihomomorphism is
called homomorphism if moreover we have that the addibility of nonzero images implies the addibility of originals. A right A-moduloid M is called right
regular if the mapping a xa (x M ) from A to M is a homomorphism.
An A-moduloid M is called small [5] if it is regular and if there exists w
such that M = M (w)A.

Graded -rings


Nonhomogeneous aspect

Let R be a -ring in the sense of Nobusawa and let R and be graded groups
in theLsense of Krasner with graduations R : Sg(R,L
+), R () = R ,
R = R , and : D Sg(, +), (d) = d , = dD d , respectively. Also, let A be the homogeneous part of R and G the homogeneous
part of . If the following conditions are satisfied:
(, )(d D)( ) R d R R ,


(s, t D)( )(d D) s R t d ,


then R is called a graded -ring of Nobusawa of type (, D), where and

D are sets. R is called a graded -ring of type (, D) if R is observed as a
-ring and if only (3.1) is satisfied.
Lemma 3.1. The condition (3.1) is satisfied if and only if the following
conditions hold:
i) AGA A;
ii) If x, y A and G with xy 6= 0, then (xy) depends only on
(x), (y) and d(),
where (x) and d() D denote grades of x A and G, respectively.
Proof. Clearly, (3.1) follows from i) and ii). Conversely, suppose that (3.1)
holds and let us prove that AGA A. Let x, y A and G. Then there
exist , and d D such that x R , y R and d which implies
xy R d R , and by (3.1) there exists such that R d R R A,
and so AGA A and i) holds. Actually, i) implies ii). Indeed, assume that
i) holds and let x, y, z, u A, G, (x) = (z), (y) = (u), xy 6= 0,
zy 6= 0, xu 6= 0, zu 6= 0. Then x + z A, y + u A, and hence,
(x + z)y A, that is, xy + zy A, that is (xy) = (zy). Similarly,
(xy) = (xu). If x, x , y, y A, G, (x) = (x ), (y) = (y ), xy 6=
0, x y 6= 0, then (xy) = (x y ). If G is such that d() = d() and

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

xy 6= 0, x y 6= 0, then (xy) = (x y ), and hence (xy) = (x y ),

and so ii) holds.
The following lemma can be proved similarly.
Lemma 3.2. The condition (3.2) is satisfied if and only if the following
conditions hold:
i) GAG G;
ii) If , G and x A with x 6= 0, then d(x) depends only on
d(), d() and (x),
where (x) and d() D denote grades of x A and G, respectively.
These lemmas allow us to define ternary operations D and
D D D. Let R be a graded -ring of Nobusawa of type (, D). Let
us prove that from condition (3.1) is unique if R d R 6= {0}. Suppose that
there is another such that R d R R . Then R d R R R =
{0} which implies R d R = {0}, contrary to assumption. Hence from
(3.1) is unique. A similar argument shows that d D from (3.2) is unique
if s R t 6= {0}. Thus for , and d D such that R d R 6= {0} we
may define d to be that unique for which R d R R . In that
case we say that , d and are composable. However, since we assume that
the graduations in hand are proper, we also define d = 0 if R d R = {0}.
We similarly define the composability of s, and t.
Example 3.3. Every graded ring R =
R in Kransers sense is a
graded -ring if we put = R. Indeed, let , , . Then, if R R R 6=
{0}, we have
R R R = (R R )R R R R ,
for some , according to the definition of a graded ring. If, however,
R R R = {0}, then R R R R , for every .


Semihomogeneous aspect

Let R be a graded -ring of Nobusawa of type (, D). Then A and G satisfy

known conditions for homogeneous parts of graded groups (see Theorem
2.2). According to previous lemmas, there are two more conditions, namely,
AGA A and GAG G. Conversely, if all of these conditions for A R
and G are satisfied, then we know that A and G are homogeneous parts
of graded groups R and of type and D, respectively, with graduations
R : A Sg(R, +), R (a) = A(a) = {x A | a + x A}, : G
Sg(, +), () = G() = { G | + G}, and by previous lemmas,
R is a graded -ring of Nobusawa of type (, D). Hence, we may define a

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

graded -ring of Nobusawa from the semihomogeneous point of view as a

quadruple (R, , A, G), where R is a -ring, and A R, G nonempty
subsets such that:
i) 0 A;
ii) x A x A;
iii) x, y, z, x + y, y + z A y 6= 0 x + z A;
iv) A generates R;
v) If n 2 and if elements x1 , . . . , xn A are such that for all i, j
{1, . . . , n}, i 6= j, xi + xj
/ A, then x1 + + xn 6= 0;
vi) AGA A;
i ) 0 G;
ii ) G G;
iii ) , , , + , + G 6= 0 + G;
iv ) G generates ;
v ) If n 2 and if elements 1 , . . . , n G are such that for all i, j
{1, . . . , n}, i 6= j, i + j
/ G, then 1 + + n 6= 0;
vi ) GAG G.
Remark 3.4. Here, we denoted neutral elements of R and by the same
symbol, 0, but there is no fear of confusion.


Homogeneous aspect

Let R be a graded -ring of Nobusawa, A the homogeneous part of R, G the

homogeneous part of . Observe the restriction of addition of R on A, and
similarly of addition of on G. Also, let us restrict operations RR R
and R on A G A A and G A G G, respectively. Then restricted additions on A and G are partial operations since
sum of two nonzero homogeneous elements does not have to be a homogeneous element. On the other hand, according to lemmas 3.1 and 3.2,
ternary operations A G A A and G A G G are everywhere
defined. We then call A a G-anneid of Nobusawa or a gamma anneid of
Nobusawa. If R were only a -ring, we would obtain a structure called a
G-anneid or a gamma anneid. Notice that if A is a G-anneid, then A and
G are commutative homogroupoids. The set of addibility groups of A will
be denoted by , while the set of addibility groups of G will be denoted
by D . The corresponding linearizations A and G of A and G, respectively,


Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

are hence A = aA A(a) and dD Gd = G G(),
Lrespec {0} and D = D {0}, A =
tively. Naturally,

and G = dD Gd .
Remark 3.5. Gamma anneid could also be called a gamma ringoid but we
kept the term which resembles the original notion of the homogeneous part
of a graded ring in Krasners sense, the anneid.
The following theorem gives us the characterization of gamma anneids.
Theorem 3.6. Let A and G be commutative homogroupoids. Then A is a
G-anneid of Nobusawa if and only if:
i) (x, y A)( G) xy A;
ii) (, G)(x A) x G;
iii) (a, a , b, b A)(, G) a#a ab#a b (a + a )b = ab +
a b, # ab#a b a( + )b = ab + a b, b#b ab#ab
a(b + b ) = ab + ab ;
iv) (a, b, c A)(, G) (ab)c = a(bc) = a(b)c ab = 0
= 0.
Proof. It is clear that the givenLconditions are necessary. Now,
L suppose that
i) iv) hold. Let R = A =

G G()






xi ,
P i
y and
d , respectively, where xi , y A = {x A | x = 0 (x 6=
0 (x) = )}, d Gd = { G | = 0 ( 6= 0 d() = d)},
d =
xi = y = 0 and
P0 for all but finitely many and d, respectively. Now
put x
y := d xi d y . Then
x1 + x
2 )
y =
(x1 + x2 )


x1 d y +


x2 d y

= x
y + x
We analogously prove the other properties which make R a graded -ring
of Nobusawa.
Hence, given a G-anneid A, R = A, and = G, R is a graded -ring of type
(, D), where, = {0} is the set of grades of R, and D = D {0}
the set of grades of . Let us recall once again, elements of are denoted
by , , , . . . , but is actually comprised of addibility groups A(a) = {x
A | a + x A}, a 6= 0. The grade (a) of 0 6= a A is defined to be
the element which denotes A(a). Conversely, given , the
corresponding addibility group will be denoted by A(a) if (a) = , or it will

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


be denoted by A() or by A . So, when there is no danger of confusion, the

grade of an element and the element will be denoted the same way. We also
keep this convention for the set of grades of .
Example 3.7. Let M and M be small moduloids over an anneid, and let
A = hom(M, M ) and G = hom(M , M ) be sets of homomorphisms from
M to M and from M to M, respectively. Without the assumption that M
and M are small, we would not know whether A and G are homogroupoids.
However, since M and M are small, both A and G are homogroupoids
according to [5]. Take f, g A and h G. Then, for all x M, we
have g(x) M , h(g(x)) M and finally, f (h(g(x))) M . Thus, we have
f hg A. It is easy to verify that A is a G-anneid.
We have seen three aspects of graded gamma rings which are mutually equivalent. In the rest of the article we chose to work in the frame of the homogeneous aspect. It is justified, since in proving some results concerning
homogeneous objects, we need not to think whether some nonhomogeneous
elements are really necessary.

Graded -modules

Let R be a graded -ring of type (, D), V a graded additive abelian group

of type V and let V be a right R-module (as defined in [15]). Also, M
will be denoting the homogeneous part of V, A the homogeneous part of R
and G the homogeneous part of .
Definition 4.1. V is called a graded right R-module if
( V )(d D)( )( V ) V d R V .


As in the case of graded -rings, the following lemma holds.

Lemma 4.2. The condition (4.1) is satisfied if and only if the following
conditions hold:
i) M GA M ;
ii) If w M, , x A with wx 6= 0, then (wx) depends only on
(w), d(), and (x).
We proceed by giving the notion of a graded gamma module from the homogeneous aspect.
Definition 4.3. The ordered pair (M, A), where M is an abelian homogroupoid
and A a G-anneid, is called an AG-moduloid (right) if the mapping (w, , x)
wx (w M, G, x A) has the following properties:
i) x#y wx#wy w(x + y) = wx + wy;

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


ii) w#w wx#w x (w + w )x = wx + w x;

iii) w(xy) = (wx)y,
for all w, w M, , G and x, y A.
We may define external multiplication of grades as follows. If V ,
d D and , then d := V if {0} =
6 V d R V and d = 0
Remark 4.4. Notice that every G-anneid A may be observed as an AGmoduloid.

Homomorphisms and factor structures

Throughout this section, A denotes a G-anneid and M an AG-moduloid.

Definition 5.1. A nonempty subset N of an AG-moduloid M is called a
submoduloid of M if:
i) (x, y N ) x#y x y N ;
ii) (x N )( G)(a A) xa N.
A submoduloid of an AG-moduloid A is called a right ideal of a G-anneid
A. We similarly define a left ideal and an ideal (two-sided) of A.
Definition 5.2. An ordered triple (, , ) is called a quasihomomorphism
of AG-moduloids M and M if:
i) : M M is a quasihomomorphism;
ii) : G G is a quasiisomorphism;
iii) : A A is a quasiisomorphism;
iv) (ma) = (m)()(a) (m M, G, a A).
It is called a homomorphism if , , are moreover homomorphisms.
Definition 5.3. An ordered pair (, ) is called a quasihomomorphism of
G-anneids A and A if:
i) : A A is a quasihomomorphism;
ii) : G G is a quasiisomorphism;
iii) (ab) = (a)()(b) (a, b A, G).
It is called a homomorphism if and are morover homomorphisms.


Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings

For future purposes, let us mention that, generally, when we write nj=1 aj ,
where aj are elements of a G-anneid A, it is assumed that aj are mutually
If I and J are right (left, two-sided) ideals of a G-anneid A, then we define
I + J to be the set of all x A such that x = a + b, where a I, b J. It
is easy to verify that I + J is also a right (left, two-sided) ideal of A. It is
also an easy exercise to prove that the intersection of right (left, two-sided)
ideals of A is again a right (left, two-sided) ideal of A.
The smallest right ideal which contains an element a of a G-anneid A is
called the principal right ideal generated by a and is denoted by |ai. The
principal left ha| and the ideal hai generated by a are defined similarly.
Like in the case of gamma rings, it is clear that |ai = Za + aGA, ha| =
Za + AGa, and hai = Za + aGA + AGa + AGaGA.
If I is an ideal of a G-anneid A, then A/I is a G-anneid if we put
(a + I)(b + I) = ab + I,

(a + I, b + I A/I)

and we call this G-anneid a factor G-anneid.

If N is an AG-submoduloid of an AG-moduloid M, then we define a factor
AG-moduloid M/N similarly.
Definition 5.4. An AG-moduloid M is called regular if for all x M,
0 6= xa#xb 6= 0 implies # and a#b. A gamma anneid A is called
right regular (left regular ) if it is regular as a right AG-moduloid (left AGmoduloid). A gamma anneid is called regular if it is both left and right

The Jacobson radical of a gamma anneid

Jacobson radicals of -rings are extensively treated (see e.g. [3] and [15]),
and here, we will introduce and observe these radicals for gamma anneids by
following the concepts and results obtained for rings in [6] and for anneids in
[5] and in the final section we will obtain the relations among those radicals.
All results can be easily translated to graded gamma rings.
Let M be an AG-moduloid, N an AG-submoduloid and let S be a subset of
M. If we define the set (N : S) to be the set of a A such that SGa N,
then (N : S) is a right ideal of A. Indeed, let b, b (N : S), b#b , , G,
a A and s S. Then SG(bb ) = SGbSGb N and (sb)a N a
Lemma 6.1. If M is a regular AG-moduloid and x M, G, then
A/(0 : x)
= xA, where (0 : x) = {a A | xa = 0}.
Proof. Let : A xA be the mapping defined with (a) = xa, : G
G and : A A identities. Obviously, (, , ) is a homomorphism and
ker = (0 : x) .

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Definition 6.2. An AG-moduloid M is called irreducible if M GA is nonzero

and if M has no nontrivial submoduloids.
Definition 6.3. A
ducible regular and
largely primitive if
(whether regular or

G-anneid A is called primitive if there exists an irrefaithful AG-moduloid M ((0 : M ) = {0}). It is called
there exists an irreducible and faithful AG-moduloid

Definition 6.4. An ideal I of a G-anneid A is called primitive (largely

primitive) if a G-anneid A/I is primitive (largely primitive).
Definition 6.5. The Jacobson radical (large Jacobson radical) J(A) of a
G-anneid A is the intersection of annihilators of all irreducible regular AGmoduloids (irreducible AG-moduloids). A G-anneid A is called semisimple
if J(A) = {0}.
As in the case of rings, one may prove the following theorem.
Theorem 6.6. The Jacobson radical of a gamma anneid is the intersection
of its primitive ideals.
Definition 6.7. An AG-moduloid M is called -strictly cyclic if there exists
an element x M such that xA = M, where G. Such an element x is
called an -strict generator of M. If xA = M for every G, then M is
called strictly cyclic and x is called a strict generator of M.
Definition 6.8. A right ideal I of a G-anneid A is called modular if there
exist elements u A and G such that for all a A, a and ua are
congruent modulo I. Such an element u is called an -left identity modulo
Definition 6.9. Let A be a G-anneid, and D sets of grades corresponding
to A and G, respectively. An element is called an -idempotent, for
0 6= G, if
d() = ,
where d() D is the grade of . It is called idempotent if it is -idempotent
for all G.
Remark 6.10. To say that u is an -left identity modulo I, is the same as to
say that for all a A, either a and ua belong to I, or a#ua, a ua I.
If moreover u I, we have that I = A. Note also that if I is a proper ideal,
then (u) is an -idempotent, that is, (u) = (u)d()(u). Indeed, u
/ I
implies u#uu and uuu I. Hence, uu
/ I and in particular, uu 6= 0.
Theorem 6.11. If M is a strictly cyclic regular AG-moduloid, then M
A/I, where I is a right modular ideal of a G-anneid A. If I is a right modular
ideal of a G-anneid A, then I = (0 : x) , where x is an -strict generator
of an AG-moduloid M (regular or not).

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Proof. Let M be a strictly cyclic regular AG-moduloid with a strict generator x. Since M = xA
= A/(0 : x) , we only need to prove that (0 : x)
is modular. Since x xA and since M is regular, there exists a A such
that x = xa. Let b A. Then xb = (xa)b. If xb = x(ab) = 0, then
both b and ab belong to (0 : x) . If xb = x(ab) 6= 0, then, since M
is regular, b#ab and hence x(b ab) = 0, so b ab (0 : x) . Thus,
(0 : x) is modular.
Conversely, if I is a right modular ideal of a G-anneid A with a as an
-left identity modulo I, then a + I is an -strict generator of A/I and
I = (0 : a + I) .
Corollary 6.12. If I is a right modular ideal of A, then I contains (I : A).
Following propositions can be proved by similar arguments given for the
case of rings [6].
Proposition 6.13. Every right modular ideal is contained in a maximal
right ideal.
Proposition 6.14. An AG-moduloid M is irreducible if and only if:
a) M 6= {0};
b) Every nonzero element of M is a strict generator of M.
Proposition 6.15. A regular AG-moduloid M is irreducible if and only if
= A/I for some right modular maximal ideal I of A.
Corollary 6.16. Every primitive ideal J of a G-anneid A has the form
(I : A) for some right modular maximal ideal I of A. Conversely, if I is
a right modular maximal ideal of a G-anneid A, then (I : A) is a large
primitive ideal (primitive if A is right regular).
Theorem 6.17. The Jacobson radical of a right regular G-anneid is the
intersection of its right modular maximal ideals.

Structure of the Jacobson radical of a regular

gamma anneid

Let A be a regular G-anneid and J(A) its Jacobson radical.

Lemma 7.1. If I is a proper right modular ideal of A, all left identities
modulo I have the same grade.
Proof. Let a be an -identity and b a -identity modulo I. Hence, for all
x A, we have x+I = ax+I = bx+I. If x
/ I, ax+I = bx+I 6= 0+I,
which implies ax#bx, and since A is regular, a#b and #.

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Definition 7.2. The grade of all left identities modulo I is called the grade
of I.
Let e be an element whose grade (e) is an -idempotent of , that
is, (e)d()(e) = (e). Notice that A(e) is then an {}-ring. Indeed, let
x, y A(e). Then x#e, y#e and e#ee, hence, xy#e (see Lemma 3.1).
For the sake of simplicity, we will denote (e) also by e in the sequel.
Theorem 7.3. Let A be a regular G-anneid and e an -idempotent of .
To every right modular maximal ideal I of A with grade e, let us assign
Ie = I A(e). Also, to every right maximal ideal S of A(e), let us assign the
set S of elements x A such that xGA A(e) S. This establishes a one
to one correspondence between the set of right modular maximal ideals of A
with grade e and the set of right modular maximal ideals of A(e).
Proof. We will follow the arguments used for anneids in [5]. Let S be a right
modular maximal ideal of A(e) and let u be an -left identity modulo S. It
is clear that S is a right ideal of A. Let s S, a A, G, and assume
that 0 6= sa A(e). Then
ed()e = e = (sa) = (s)d()(a).
Since (s) = e, and since A is regular, it follows that (a) = e. Hence,
sa S, which means that S S A(e). Conversely, let x S A(e)
be such that x
/ S. Since S is maximal, we have A(e) = S + |xi, and
so u = s + nx + xa, where s S, n Z, G, a A. Since xa,
xx xGA A(e) S and ux = sx + nxx + xax, we have ux S,
and since u is an -identity modulo S, x S. Thus, S A(e) S. We have
proved that S A(e) = S.
Let a A be
Next we want to prove that u is an -left identity modulo S.

such that a S. It suffices to show that ua S. Let b A and G such

that 0 6= (ua)b A(e). Since A is regular, ab A(e), and since a S,

we have ab S which implies u(ab) S. Assume now that a

/ S. Then
there exist b A and G such that ab belongs to A(e) but not to S.
Since ab u(ab) S, u(ab)
/ S and in particular, u(ab) 6= 0. Since
ab#u(ab), by regularity of A we have a#ua. If x A and G are
elements such that 0 6= (a ua)x A(e), ax A(e), hence we have

(a ua)x S which implies a ua S.

Then B A(e)
Now, let B be a proper right ideal which contains S.
A(e) is
S A(e) = S. Since B is proper and u an -left identity modulo S,

not a subset of B. Hence, B A(e) = S. Now it is easy to verify that B = S.

Let I be a right modular maximal ideal of A of grade e and let u be an -left
identity modulo I. It is easy to verify that Ie = I A(e) is a right ideal of
A(e), u an -left identity modulo Ie , and that I = Ie .

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Theorem 7.4. The Jacobson radical of a regular G-anneid A consists of

elements x A such that xGA A(e) J(A(e)), for every -idempotent
e .
Proof. According to previous theorem, x A is in the intersection of all right
modular maximal ideals of A with grade e if and only if x S for every right
modular maximal ideal S of A(e), that is, if xGA A(e) S J(A(e)).
Definition 7.5. An element z of a G-anneid A is called -right quasiregular or shortly -rqr if there exists no proper right ideal of A such that
z is an -left identity modulo that ideal. If z is -right quasi-regular for
all G, then z is called right quasi-regular. It is clear how to define a
left quasi-regular element. An element is called quasi-regular if it is both
left and right quasi-regular. A right ideal of A is called quasi-regular if all
its elements are right quasi-regular. We similarly define left and two-sided
quasi-regular ideals.
Proposition 7.6. Let A be a regular G-anneid. An element z A is -rqr
(rqr) if and only if one of the following is satisfied:
i) (z) is not an -idempotent of (for all G);
ii) e = (z) is an -idempotent of (for all G) and z is an -right
quasi-regular element (right quasi-regular element) of an {}-ring A(e)
(-ring A(e)).
Proof. If i) holds, then z is -rqr according to Remark 6.10. If e = (z) is
an -idempotent of , it is enough to prove that then z is -rqr in A if
and only if it is -rqr in A(e), but this follows from Theorem 7.3.
By classical means one may prove the following corollary.
Corollary 7.7. If I is a right quasi-regular ideal of a G-anneid A, then
every element z I is quasi-regular.
Proposition 7.8. The Jacobson radical of a regular G-anneid A is a quasiregular ideal which contains all right quasi-regular ideals of A.
Proof. Let z J(A) and let us assume that z is an -left identity modulo
I, where I is a proper right ideal of A. Without loss of generality we may
assume that I is maximal. Since J(A) is an intersection of all of its right
modular maximal ideals, it follows that z I, which would mean that I is
not a proper ideal.
Suppose now that I is a right quasi-regular ideal of A and z I. Also,
let M be a regular irreducible AG-moduloid and z
/ (0 : M ). Then there
exist elements x M and G such that xz 6= 0. Hence, xz is a strict
generator of M and so there exist a A and G such that x = (xz)a.

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Thus, x(za) = xzaza. By regularity we have that e = (za) is a

-idempotent of . Hence, za is a -right quasi-regular in A(e). By [15],
we know that there exists t A(e) such that za + t (za)t = 0, which
implies 0 = x x(za) (x x(za))t = x x(za + t (za)t) = x.
Hence, z J(A).
Corollary 7.9. The Jacobson radical and the left Jacobson radical of a
regular G-anneid are equal.
Corollary 7.10. The Jacobson radical of a G-anneid A consists of all elements x A such that xa is right quasi-regular element for all G,
a A.
Proposition 7.11. If A is a regular G-anneid and e a -idempotent of ,
then J(A(e)) = J(A) A(e).
Proof. It is clear that J(A) A(e) is a quasi-regular ideal of A(e), hence
J(A) A(e) J(A(e)). Conversely, if z J(A(e)), assume that z
/ J(A).
Then there exist x A, = (x), and G such that (zx) is an
idempotent f of and zx
/ J(A(f )). Using the regularity, it is easy to
verify that e, and f are mutually distinct. Like in the case of rings, if we
observe a -ring B and a set I of elements b B such that BbB = {0},
then I is an ideal of B. Moreover, III = {0}, and hence I J(B). In our
case, zx
/ J(A(f )), and hence there exist t A(f ) and G such that
tzx 6= 0, which implies (f d()e)d() = f d()(ed()) = f d()f = f =
ed() 6= 0, and then regularity implies f d()e = e = ed()e, hence f = e,
again by regularity.
Proposition 7.12. Let A be a regular G-anneid and I a right ideal of A.
Then J(I) = {x I | xGI J(A)}.
Proof. Let K = {x I | xGI J(A)} and x K, G, a I. We claim
that xa is right quasi-regular in I. According to Proposition 7.6, we may
assume that (xa)(xa) 6= 0 and addible with xa, for all G, since
every nilpotent element is right quasi-regular (nilpotent element is defined as
in the case of ordinary gamma rings). Hence, e = (xa) is an idempotent
of and xa J(A) is right quasi-regular in A(e). This means that there
exists z A(e) such that xa + z (xa)z = 0 for all G, and hence,
z I. Thus, xa is rqr in I, and according to Corollary 7.10, x J(I).
Hence, K J(I). Conversely, it suffices to show that J(I)GI J(A), and
since J(I)GI is a right ideal of A, it is enough to prove that every x J(I)GI
is rqr in A. Again, we may assume that xx 6= 0 and addible with x, for all
G. Then e = (x) is an idempotent of . Element x is rqr in I(e), and
hence for all G, there exists y I(e) such that x + y xy = 0, and
hence, x is rqr in A.
Corollary 7.13. For an ideal I of a regular G-anneid A, J(I) = I J(A).

Emil Ilic-Georgijevic, Graded gamma rings


Relation between the large Jacobson radical and

the Jacobson radical

Let A be a G-anneid and R the corresponding graded -ring. In the next

proposition we give some connections between the Jacobson radical of A, the
large Jacobson radical of A, and the Jacobson radical of R. By the Jacobson
radical of R we mean the notion as defined in [3].
Proposition 8.1. If J(A) is the Jacobson radical of A, Jl (A) the large
Jacobson radical of A and J(R) the Jacobson radical of R, then:
i) Jl (A) = J(R) A;
ii) Jl (A) J(A).
Proof. i) Every simple R-module V can be viewed as an irreducible AGmoduloid, and hence Jl (A) J(R). Thus, Jl (A) J(R) A. Conversely,
suppose a J(R) A. It is enough to prove that a (0 : M ) if M is
an irreducible AG-moduloid. Assume that a
/ (0 : M ). Then there exist
x M, G and a A such that xa 6= 0. Since M is an irreducible
AG-moduloid, xa is a strict generator and it follows that M = xaR, for
all . Let m R be such that x = xam. Then, for all y R and
we have xy = xamy, and particularly, x(y amy) = 0, that
is y amy (0 : x) . Since a J(R), am also belongs to J(R). For
all there exists z R such that am + z amz = 0 which implies
z amz = am, and since y amy (0 : x) , for all y R, we have
am (0 : x) . Thus, x = xam = 0, a contradiction.
ii) It is obvious that Jl (A) J(A).

The author would like to express his deepest gratitude to Academician Professor Mirjana Vukovic who introduced him to the theory of general graded

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Emil Ilic-Georgijevic
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sarajevo
Patriotske lige 30, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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