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The Local News - August 15, 2009

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August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960 • VOL. 18 NO.



The Weak That Was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5
On the Vine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8
Mike Grumet Insurance News . . . . . . .Page 15
Wes on Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23
Hindsight with Moe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25
Sports with Kobritz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28
SERVING HUNTINGTON BEACH & NORTH WEST ORANGE COUNTY, CA ~5901 WARNER AVENUE, #429 • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 The Cross Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27


Chimayo is back 9-15-09


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Party City Color TK 714.465.9960
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Expires 8/31/09 Expires 8/31/09 Expires 8/31/09

Party City Huntington Beach

2 16100 Beach Boulevard • Beach and 405 (Edinger) • Next to AAA Auto Club 714-375-5383
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• Two New Chef’s
• Exciting Menu
• Same Great
Irish Pub
• New Happy Hour
Mon - Fri 4pm - 7pm
$2.50 Bud/Coors Light
$1 Off Imports
$4 Tall Wells
$3 Glass of Wine
1/2 Off Appetizers

Bonus Days
• Wednesdays:
Ladies Night
• Thursdays:
7pm Pub Trivia
Live Entertainment
9pm Comedy Show August:
8/14 Jared from Knockout
• Fri-Sat-Sun 8/15 Dom Fury
8/21 Mike Dena
Mon-Tue 8/22 Bolas Wey
Live Music Starting @ 9pm 8/28 Crybaby Josh Cross
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

8/29 Dom Fury

• Sat & Sun:
$6 Bottomless Mimosas
O p e n i n
Now esa
Have Your Next Costa M
Party at Gallaghers
VIP Service Plus Food & Drink Specials
for more details 714.465.9960

Pub and Grill
300 Pacific Coast Hwy. Ste. 113
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
entrance on Walnut St. between
Main St. and 3rd St.

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On the road in Surf City

The Local News
By Chris MacDonald, a Columnist for The Local News

Thanks For The Memories

Papa Joe's Pizza

414 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, Ca 92648
(Just North of the HB Pier, Next to Strand)
Good Selection and Reasonable Prices: Left To Right: Simone Kotsch, Melissa, Huntington Beach Econonic
Beer & Wine Development Department Employee Nova Punongbayan, Huntington Beach
International Surfing Museum Founder Natalie Kotsch and Chris MacDonald
• CATERING n Saturday July 24, I HB Economic Development
Pizza - Subs - Burgers
Lasagna - Pasta - Salads
O Celebrated my 28th Birthday
Party with a group of friends,
including Huntington Beach
Department Project Manager Nova
Punongabayan, HB Seacliff Resident
Anthony Ursano & others.
International Surfing Museum Founder Thanks to all of my friends for
Natalie Kotsch, HBISM Board coming and to my parent's for putting

Call: 714-969-2533 Member Randy "Moondog" Lyford,

HB Tree Society President Jean Nagy,
together such a fun party. My dad read
a proclamation from HB Mayor Keith
HB Tree Society Vice President Bohr, honoring me for all the
Fax: 714-969-7383 Shirley Knopf, Former HB Allied Arts volunteer work I enjoy doing with
Board President Bill Anderson & his others to help Huntington Beach be
•FREE DELIVERY ZONE: Sculptor Wife, Ausma (from Latvia), the best possible place to work, live
Newland to Golden West, PCH to Garfield HB Downtown Business Improvement and play.
District Executive Director Connie Thanks Keith, and Thanks to all
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. -7 days a week Pedenko and her assistant, Karen of you readers, who volunteer too.
Gabelhouse, Edison High School Together, we can make a difference.
• Specials Foundation Member Kelly Radetich, We couldn't live in a better city!
Monday & Wednesday Specials:
4 to 6:30 p.m. Generous portion of Pasta Marinara, Johnny Rockets Comes To
Dinner Salad (your choice of dressings), Garlic Bread, Downtown Huntington Beach
Fountain Beverage: $6.95. Refills FREE!

•All Day:
Every Day... 2 Large Slices of Pizza,
Fountain Beverage: $5.50 714.465.9960

•Happy Hour:
Monday - Friday, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
2 half slices pepperoni/cheese pizza
w/pint of domestic beer: $6.50
Plus: $2 domestic, $3 premium beers

•Delivery Specials Every Day:

12", 14" and 16" Pizzas, buy two Pizza's and save; 5, 10
& 25 piece Buffalo Wings (Mild, Hot & BBQ; Family Meal
Packages priced right for the times!
*Extra 10% off entire bill with use of cash to pay bill.
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Lindsay Weaver (Left) Wanda Weaver (Right) Behind Them Chris MacDonald
n August 3rd, 2009 Johnny It's exciting to have Johnny

O Rockets had a special

Huntington Beach Chamber
Of Commerce Ribbon Cutting
Rockets Downtown, with its fun
1950's atmosphere. My thanks to
Linda Martin, Huntington Beach
Ceremony to welcome it's new store Chamber Of Commerce Vice President
at: 120 5th Street (corner of 5th and of Membership for inviting me to the
PCH) At The Strand in Downtown event. I'd also like to Thank
Huntington Beach. The colorful new Huntington Beach City Treasurer
restaurant, which offers an incredible Shari Freidenrich for coming to give
view of the Pier, features scrumptuous the Restaurant her support.
Hamburgers, Chili, French Fries, Johnny Rockets is open Monday
Onion Rings and the best Milkshakes Through Sunday from 11:00AM To
you'll encounter. I met Owners 11:00PM. If you have questions you
Lindsay and Wanda Weaver and can call: (714) 960-9011. Now come
• Dough and Sauces Made on site. wished them much success. and try Johnny Rocket's, It's A Blast!
• ALL Deli cut Meats.
*Meet: Bart Simpson pg 21
*Meet: Lucy & Ethel pg. 21

Digital Copy: • visit

The Weak That Was
America: Home of the Free because of the Brave

45 Lessons I Have Learned...

o celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or 34. God loves you
T lessons life taught me: joyful. because of who God is,
not because of anything
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you Dave Garofalo
stronger. you did or didn't do. Publisher
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But 35. Don't audit life.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
the second one is up to you and no one lse. Show up and make the most of it now.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, 36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
don't take no for an answer. 37. Your children get only one childhood.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to
fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting
Today is special. everywhere.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
purple. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you
9. Save for retirement starting with your first
24. The most important sex organ is the brain. need.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 42. The best is yet to come.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the
five years, will this matter?' up.
27. Always choose life. 44. Yield.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
28. Forgive everyone for everything. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no
idea what their journey is all about. 29. What other people think of you is none of your It's estimated 93% share these thoughts. If you are
business. one of the 7% who will, share this with the title '7%'...
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. I'm in the 7%. Friends are the family that we choose
in it.
for ourselves.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
don't worry; God never blinks. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain
Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 33. Believe in miracles.

On the 1st Day GOD Created DOG...

n the first day, God created the dog and said: 'Sit all day by the door of And God agreed again.

O your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I
will give you a life span of twenty years.'
The dog said: 'That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten
On the fourth day, God created man and said:
'Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you
twenty years.'
years and I'll give you back the other ten?' But man said: 'Only twenty years? Could you possibly
So God agreed. give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the
On the second day, God created the monkey and said: monkey gave back, and the ten the dog gave back; that
'Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, makes eighty, okay?'
I'll give you a twenty-year life span.' 'Okay,' said God, 'You asked for it.'
The monkey said: 'Monkey tricks for twenty years? So that is why for our first twenty years
That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For
back ten like the Dog did?' the next forty years we slave in the sun to
And God agreed.. support our family. For the next ten
On the third day, God created the cow and said: years we do monkey tricks to entertain
'You must go into the field with the farmer all day the grandchildren. And for the last ten
long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give years we sit on the front porch and bark
milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will at everyone.
give you a life span of sixty years.' Life has now been explained to you.
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

The cow said: 'That's kind There is no need to

of a tough life you want me to thank me for this
live for sixty years. How about valuable information.
twenty and I'll give back the I'm doing it as my
other forty?' public service...

F ro m P r e s i d e n t t o P u b l i c Wo r ks
President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Huntington Beach, CA 92647 City Clerk Genealogy 990-5946
Web Site: Washington, DC 20500 714-843-4966 fax:843-6375 714-536-5227 fax:714-374-1557 Banning Ave. Branch: 375-5005
E-mail: Governor Coast Community City Treasurer Graham St. Branch: 375-5006 Arnold Schwarzenegger College District 714-536-5200 fax:714-374-1603 Main St. Branch: 375-5071
Phone: (202) 456-1414 969-445-2841 714-432-5898 Community Services Planning 714.465.9960

Fax: (202) 456-2461 U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D) Huntington Beach Union High 714-374-1654 fax:714-536-5486 714-536-5271 fax 714-374-1648
Address: 202-224-3553 School District Economic Development Police Emergencies 911
The White House U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) 714-903.7000 714-536-5582 fax:714-375-5087 714-960-8811 fax 714-536-5605
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 310-914-7300 • 202-224-3841 Ocean View School District Fire Emergencies 911 Police Chief: 536-5903
Washington, DC 20500 U.S. Congressman 714-847-2551 Office 714-536-5411 Jail Unit: 536-5694
Comments: 202-456-1111 Dana Rohrabacher (R) City Council Office fax 714-374-1551 Investigation Office: 536-5951
Switchboard: 202-456-1414 45th District 714-536-5553 fax:714-536-5233 Stations Include: Traffic Office: 536-5665
FAX: 202-456-2461 714-960-6483 • 202-225-2415 City Administrator’s Office Bushard, Gothard, Heil, Lake,
Public Information HBTV-3
Vice President of the United States State Senator Tom Harmon 714-536-5202 fax:714-536-5233 Magnolia, Murdy, Warner
714-536-5577 fax 714-536-5233
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., 950 South Coast Drive, Ste. 240 Administrative Services Library
Public Works
E-mail: Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-536-5228 fax:714-374-1571 Central 714-842-4481 714-957-4555 fax:714-957-4560 Building & Safety fax 714-375-5180 714-536-5431 fax 714-374-1573
Phone: (202) 456-1414 Assemblyman Jim Silva 714-536-5241 fax:714-374-1647 Children’s Services 375-5107 The Local News
Fax: (202) 456-2461 67th District Office City Attorney Media 375-5108 714-465-9960
Address: 17011 Beach Blvd., Suite 570 714-536-5555 fax:714-374-1590 References 842-4481
Mandatory August
Vaccinations? ia
Digital Copy: • visit

andatory injections of as “a shocking misuse of funds …and
untested, potentially toxic an evil political maneuver”. (Swine
(H1N1) “swine flu” vaccine Flu Expose’, E.L. McBean, Ph.D.,
E 2009
on American citizens is strongly N.D.) and said today’s “hysteria” over sa/documents/preparedness-plan2009-
condemned by the Constitution Party. the swine flu is again, another attempt 2010.pdf.)
The fastest-growing third party by government to overstep its Essentially those who refuse the
joined with a rapidly expanding a u t h o r i t y . live virus swine flu vaccination may
network of liberty-minded Americans (http://www.informationclearinghouse be held indefinitely in quarantine
committed to protecting individual .info/article22507.htm ). Georgia camps because the so-called swine flu
civil liberties and Constitutional Congressman Larry McDonald of pandemic has been, (by many
guarantees of freedom to life and Georgia, also a medical doctor, said in accounts unnecessarily) classified as a
liberty as defined in the Fourth the same book, “I think the swine flu Level 6 Pandemic (http://www.who.
Amendment to the Constitution which program is a tailor-made hoax that int/pmnch/ media/membernews
states...”The right of the people to be finds its roots in frightening the /2009/20090611_who/en/) allowing
secure in their persons...”. international law to override
( h t t p : / / w w w .
I became confused when I heard the United States Constitution
to justify American martial
/xconst_ Am4.html ) the word "service" used with these law and detention for those
“It comes down to agencies. who refuse the vaccine.
AWARD WINNING STAFF the most fundamental of
all freedoms. If Internal Revenue 'Service' (http://www.who. int/csr/
REX GERLACH & JIM HORTON resources/publications/
(EMERITUS) government can force •U.S. Postal 'Service' i n f l u e n z a /
potentially dangerous •Telephone 'Service' FluCheck6web.pdf).
substances into our bodies
SALES: ACCOUNT MANAGER: what, then, can’t •Cable TV 'Service' All liberty-loving
Americans should shudder at
KEVIN GAROFALO government do to us?” •Civil 'Service' the WHO directives which
MARKETING COORDINATOR & asked Constitution Party State, City, County & Public 'Service' state: “During a pandemic, it
CITY EDITOR: National Committee
Chairman Jim Clymer. Customer 'Service' may be necessary to overrule
NANCY GRAY existing legislation or
GRAPHIC DESIGN: “Whether mandated This is not what I thought (individual) human rights.
MARKETING COORDINATOR & CITY EDITOR: by the federal 'service' meant. Examples are the enforcement
government, the
PHOTOGRAPHY & FREELANCE: individual states such as But today, I overheard two farmers of quarantine (overruling
individual freedom of
ONALD Massachusetts or talking, and one of them said he had movement), use of privately
ORRAINE LARA : i n t e r n a t i o n a l hired a bull to 'service' a few cows. owned buildings for hospitals,
WES BANNISTER, CINDY CROSS, organizations like the
World Health BAM!!! It all came into focus. Now I off-license use of drugs,
MOE KANOUDI, JORDAN KORBRITZ compulsory vaccination or
& A. MURPHY Organization (WHO) or understand what it all means to us... implementation of emergency
the United Nations (U.N.) You are now as enlightened as I am. shifts in essential services.
forcing potentially These decisions need a legal
dangerous chemicals on a framework to ensure transparent
free people is tyranny”, Clymer added. American people . . . I believe that a assessment and justification of the
Health researcher Bill Sardi writes, full investigation of those in charge measures that are being considered,
“There is a cozy relationship here where should be launched . . . and if it turns and to ensure coherence with
the World Health Organization out to be a dishonest promotion, international legislation (International
prematurely declares a pandemic which everyone responsible should be Health Regulations).
coerces more than 80 governments to removed from their jobs.” The Constitution Party points out
purchase flu vaccines and then public The Constitution Party’s Clymer that according to the Centers for
health authorities invoke mandatory flu expressed concern regarding the Disease Control’s own website, the
vaccination programs for school illegitimate authority of the WHO over symptoms associated with H1N1
children and become the free sales American citizens as well as news the (swine flu) are similar to seasonal
agents for the vaccine makers. The Pentagon was planning to use military influenza and the fear mongering
vaccine makers then funnel profits back troops to team up with the Federal regarding this flu is not warranted by
to the politicians in the form of political Emergency Management Agency forensic evidence that H1N1 is the
contributions which are veiled (FEMA) during a swine flu outbreak. potentially devastating plague the
kickbacks.” “ Americans should be gravely hyperbole purports it to be. In 714.465.9960

The US Departments of Health concerned when all the pieces are put addition, the Constitution Party
and Homeland Security declared a together. We have a strain of flu which advises all Americans to research the
national public health emergency in has produced mild symptoms so far, safety of swine flu vaccines, taking
April when several people were and yet it appears there’s a well- note of adjuvant ingredients
“diagnosed” with swine flu. Schools orchestrated world-wide effort to put (additives) and live virus components
were closed, people were quarantined, draconian measures in place for a which have been shown to cause or
and pharmaceutical companies were “pandemic”. What is particularly have caused illness in the past.
awarded billion dollar contracts to concerning is the World Health The founder and CEO of Classen
manufacture vaccines. There will be Organization’s "recommendations" Immunotherapies, Dr. Bart Classen, told
limited time for testing before the which would impact citizens of the Congress in 1999 that a prior mandatory
vaccines are given to all school United States in case a pandemic vaccination program had
children this fall. devastating effects:
Secretary of Health and
Human Services Kathleen "Life is not about waiting "The government's
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

immunization policies are

Sebelius recently signed a for the storms to pass... driven by politics and not by
document that grants it's about learning how science....employees of the US
immunity to swine flu
vaccine makers.
to dance in the rain." Public Health Service....
Be kinder than necessary,
appear to be furthering their
In addition, legislation careers by acting as
passed by Congress in 2004 because... Everyone you propaganda officers to
(The BioShield Act), and the
meet is fighting some kind support political agendas. In
465-9960 Emergency
Authorization Act allows for
of battle. one case....employees of a
foreign government, who
the use of drugs not tested Have A joyful Day...!! were funded and working
and approved by the FDA. closely with the US Public
Congressman Ron Paul, a emergency is declared. Health Service, submitted false data
physician, pointed to the Swine Flu ( h t t p : / / w w . w h o . i n t to a major medical journal. The true
Vaccination Program of 1976 - which /ihr/finalversion9Nov07.pdf and data indicated the vaccine was
resulted in the deaths of more than 25 dangerous; however, the false data"
6 not from the flu but from the vaccine - a / r e g - c o n f - indicated no risk.
Bob “The Greek” Boler

Digital Copy: • visit

*Meet: Christian Amanpour (CNN) pg 21

n Thursday July 23rd, 2009 the 16th Annual Surfing Walk Of Fame Ceremony Boys), Chris MacDonald a community participant, Greg Furlong Award Winning

O occurred in front of Jack’s Surfboards in Downtown Huntington Beach on Cameraman, Matt Liffreing from HBTV 3, Ron Grunzweig who is a member of The
Main Street at Pacific Coast Highway.
Former Huntington Beach Mayor Don MacAllister
Seal Beach Chamber Of Commerce and many more.
Thanks to The Walk Of Fame Members For
and Local Surf Legend PT “Peter Townend” were doing this yearly event. They Are: Don MacAllister,
the Mc’s of this event which had hundreds of Mike Adams, Gary Sahagen, Bob Pace, Ron
spectators watching as The OC Register Honored Abdelfattah (Owner Of Jacks’ Surfboards), Lewis
Surfers Of The Year which were: Joe Aaron, Harrison, Gary Pitts, Dave Dominguez, Sharon
Courtney Conlogue, Andrew Doheny and Brett Marshall, Chuck Linnen, John VanOffellen, Peter
Simpson. Townend And Eric Charlonne.
Also inducted into the Walk Of Fame were: Sponsors included Nixon, Dukes Huntington
Jackie Baxter (Local Hero), Duke Boyd (Surf Beach, HB International Surfing Museum, OC
Culture), Mark Martinson (Surfing Champion), Register, and Jacks Surfboards.
Wendy Botha (Woman Of The Year), Hawaii If you haven’t seen the Surfing Walk Of Fame,
Senator Fred Hemmings (Surf Pioneer) . There’s An Exhibit at The Huntington Beach
On hand applauding the honorees were International Surfing Museum on it. You can also
Huntington Beach Mayor Keith Bohr, Huntington look at the walk. Just walk on main street towards
Beach City Council Members Joe Carchio and Gil the beach on the right hand side and you’ll see the
Coerper, Huntington Beach City Manager Fred stars. You can now become a member of the Surfing
Wilson, Huntington Beach Economic Development Walk Of Fame.
Director Stanley Smalewitz, Former Huntington Bob "The Greek" Bolen of HUNTINGTON BEACH Purchase your membership at:
Beach Mayor Ralph Bauer, Huntington Beach REALTY/Surfboards By "The Greek" and Hawaii Senator It’s all good.
International Surfing Museum Founder Natalie Fred Hemmings. Here’s to good surf.
Kotsch, Chris Farmer (Who Played with The Beach
By Chris MacDonald, a Columnist for The Local News

Local Dollars Local Dollars

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Page 8
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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Page 14 Page 13 Page 15

Luggatti's Italian Grill

210 5th Street, H.B. Avila's El Ranchito Open 7 days • Ask about Delivery
Tommy Pastrami 714.536.8846 318 Main Street, H.B. Ruby Palace
Talbert & Beach, H.B. 714.960.9696 18330 Beach Blvd (N. of Ellis)
714.848.4567 714.848.6088 714.465.9960

Catering•Take Out•Deliveries
-Fund Raising Opportunities-
Shades Restaurant & Bar OC Taco House Nonna Lucci’s
Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort Page 20
5942 Edinger Ave, H.B. 19913 Beach Blvd, H.B.
21100 Pac. Coast Hwy, H.B. 714.840.8226 714.536.1160 Page 20 Flight Bistro
714.965.1194 Page 20 8082 Adams Ave, H.B.

Page 10

Page 9 Bravo Avo Caffe Gazelle

Baci Italian Restaurant 7391 Warner Ave, H.B. 16041 Bolsa Chica Road Silvera's
18748 Beach Blvd, H.B. 714.841.7585 Huntington Beach 126 Main Street, H.B.
714.965.1194 Page 12 714.846.2694 Page 22 714.969.9000 7
Jeannie Posey,
On the Vine a.k.a hbwinemaven
Digital Copy: • visit

*Meet: Rachael Ray pg 21

like strawberry and raspberry or darker fruits like mouth after you swallow or spit, is the final act of
black currant and blackberry. Are there other non- the wine. Does it linger beautifully on your palate,
fruit scents like spices, pepper, earth, and stones enticing you to take another sip or does it cut off
(often described as minerals)? Do you detect any short, or even worse does it leave a strange, bitter
wood or toasty aromas from wood aging? Are there or otherwise unsavory flavor in your mouth?
Wine any off aromas that are musty, moldy or otherwise
off-putting? A great wine has a beautiful blend of
All of these characteristics make up the
tasting experience that is wine. While paying
Characteristics seductive aromas that all balance together nicely,
without any strange aromas that distract you.
attention to these things may bring attention to
faults or flaws of some wines, they will help you
• Appearance • Mouth (Flavor) to appreciate a great wine all the
The appearance of a wine is the first thing you Finally, the wine characteristic that more. And you can then
see after pouring a glass, but many tasters, both culminates the wine tasting describe why you think it is
novices and experienced, ignore it completely. experience, the climax and great to your fellow tasters.
First and foremost, you want to know if the wine is denoument all wrapped into one,
red or white, or rosé (a pink to salmon colored the mouth. After the nose has
wine, also sometimes called blush). Beyond that, enticed you, it is the mouth that
pay attention to the hue of the wine, is it a light red, should realize the promise of that
is it purple or black. Also, how dense is it, almost nose. For starters, pay attention
clear or is it opaque. Holding the glass in front of a to the attack, how the wine hits
white background in a brightly lit room helps to see your palate, the first impression.
these things. Also pay attention to the clarity, is it Is it powerful or intense? Or is it
limpid and clean or is there any haze or particulate slow to build or even flabby and
matter in the wine. Of note, the "legs" of a wine are lacking spirit? Next, pay
not necessarily associated with quality, they are attention to the specific wine
often just a reflection of the amount of alcohol, characteristics, the flavors you
residual sugar and overall viscosity of the wine. taste. Are they in line with what
• Nose (Aroma) you detected in the nose or
The nose of a wine can be one of the most different? Again, how would you
enticing wine characteristics. Even before putting describe them? Are they simple
the glass to your lips you can be swept away by a or is it a complex melange of
beautiful bouquet of aromas that entice you to take different flavors? Now pay
a sip. Swirl the wine gently in the glass to aerate it attention to the feel and texture of
and volatilize the aromatic compounds, making it the wine in your mouth, the
easier to smell. Then put your nose deep in the mouthfeel as we call it. Is it
glass and take a deep sniff. Pay attention both to rough and angular or smooth and
the intensity of the aroma as well as its particular seductive? Silky or velvety?
components. Try to describe what you smell in Chewy or light and ethereal?
terms of other smells you know. Is it fruity? If so, Finally, the finish, the aftertaste
what types of fruits, melons, apple, pear, red fruits of the wine that lingers in your

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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Digital Copy: • visit
*Meet: Fran Drescher pg 21

Save the Date: Senior Saturday

he Huntington Beach Council on Aging is proud to announce its 21st Annual professionals, elder law attorneys and many other business and organizations. Many

T “Senior Saturday Community Festival,” to be held at Pier Plaza in downtown

Huntington Beach, on Saturday, September 12, 2009, from 9 a.m.
– 2 p.m. Admission is free.
exhibitors will be offering free health screenings and giving away goodies and
Pier Plaza is located adjacent
Approximately 75 sponsor to the Huntington Beach Pier at the
booths’ will be at the event offering intersection of Main St. and Pacific
information, products and services Coast Highway. There will be a free
geared toward seniors. This is an shuttle service running every 15
excellent opportunity for seniors minutes from City Hall and Rodgers
and their families to spend a Seniors’ Center. City Hall is located
Saturday by the Pier while at 2000 Main Street and the Senior
gathering pertinent information Center is located at 1706 Orange
amid a festive atmosphere. Ave. Free parking at both shuttle
In addition to the sponsor locations.
booths, there will be a $2 The Council on Aging is a
breakfast, $2 lunch, free non-profit organization that
entertainment and many prize supports programs and services for
drawings throughout the day. Huntington Beach Seniors through
Exhibitors will include health professionals, banking and investment the Michael E. Rodgers Seniors’ Center and the Huntington Beach Senior Outreach.
representatives, realtors, dentists, physical therapists, Office on Aging, home health For more information, please call the Michael E. Rodgers Seniors’ Center at
agencies, senior living communities, physical fitness (714) 536-9387.
m Availab
anquet R
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Baci Ristorante is not affiliated with any other
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*Meet: Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies) pg 21

Food & Sex

Digital Copy: • visit

Sex & Food

Provided by Men's Health boost your arousal, turning you on and
he article you are about to read causing your body to send off scents

T is based on the simple notion

that (a) men like food and (b)
men like sex,
and signals that make you more
desirable to women."
Try it

e w so (c) next time

N enu wouldn't it be
great if you
you're in a bar.
Grab the celery
M c o u l d from your
actually eat brother-in-
your way to law's Bloody
more fun in Mary and
t h e munch away.
bedroom? " T h e
Grunt if pheromones
you agree. Or take effect
maybe just sharpen your knife and immediately, so you should notice
fork. With help from nutritionists and the women around you paying
the latest research, we've discovered more attention to you right away,"
10 superfoods that can help you at says Dr. Hirsch.
every age and stage of your sex life -- And if you strike out? "Celery is
whether it's seducing women in your a low-calorie, high-fiber food, so you
20s, producing Mini-Me's in your 30s, can eat as much as you want and not
For Dinner
or inducing your equipment to keep regret it later," says Ward.
working in your 40s and beyond. •Vanilla Ice Cream - The
Four Two "Whether you've got a stamina- benefit: Bowl her over with
rses busting deficiency, clogged arteries your endurance.
that are limiting bloodflow, or a When it comes to sex, ice cream
problem producing high-quality is endurance food: It has high levels of
sperm, some simple changes to your calcium and phosphorus, two minerals
diet could help alleviate the that build your muscles' energy
condition," says Elizabeth Ward, reserves and boost your libido. All
R.D., a Boston-based nutrition that calcium (200 milligrams in the
consultant. Meaning: Tweak your diet typical bowl) can also make your
today and you could be having the orgasms more powerful, since the
best sex of your life tomorrow . . . and muscles that control ejaculation need
every day for the rest of your life. calcium in order to spasm and contract
•Eggs - The benefit: Be a less properly, says Sarah Brewer, M.B.,
excitable boy. author of "Increase Your Sex Drive".
It's your third date with the J.Lo Just choose vanilla over Cherry
y look-alike from the Laundromat, Garcia. A study conducted at
r ida ight nt
F N e and the anxiety's high. Will she Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment
a te inm come back to your place for the spin and Research Foundation found that
L rta )
te (DJ cycle? To calm your nerves, not to when men smell the scent of vanilla, it
En mention other body parts when you relaxes them, reducing anxiety and
hit the bedroom, try taking things inhibitions. (Break out the Incredible
easy -- or over easy, with a plateful Hulk costume!)
of eggs on the morning of your big •Brazil Nuts - The benefit:
date. Scrambled, poached, or hard- Shape up your swimmers.
boiled, eggs are a good source of B Cigarette smoke, air pollution,
vitamins, a key nutrient for keeping and other toxins in the air can damage
your sex drive roaring and your your sperm, altering the DNA inside
mind stress-free. your cells and possibly increasing 714.465.9960

"Whenever you're feeling your child's risk of birth defects. Your

anxious, jittery, or stressed out, B best bet for fighting these pollutants?
vitamins are the first thing your body Call in the Brazilians. Brazil nuts are
runs out of," says Paul Lachance, a top source of selenium, a vitamin
Sa Ph.D., director of the Nutraceutical that helps keep sperm cells healthy
tur Institute at Rutgers University. Keep while also helping the little buggers
Ba day your levels high and your body will swim faster. When researchers in the
1-4 d laugh at stress, helping you stay
calmer in the bedroom and reducing
United Kingdom had men with
fertility problems increase their
your risk of performance anxiety and selenium intake, the men produced
premature ejaculation. hardier, more viable sperm cells.
•Celery - The benefit: Stop "Brazil nuts are also a good
stalking, start seducing. source of vitamin E, an antioxidant
It's stringy and tastes like that helps protect sperm cells against
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

crunchy water, but celery is the free-radical damage," says Keith

swizzle stick that can stir up your sex Ayoob, R.D., a spokesman for the
life. Every stalk of the stuff is packed American Dietetic Association.
with androstenone and androstenol, The benefit: Boost your sperm
two pheromones that can help you count when it counts.
attract women the way trailer parks It doesn't sound sexy, but ounce
attract tornadoes. (Don't worry, these for ounce there are few better sources of
(714) 969-9000 steroids are different from the steroid fertility-boosting vitamin A than liver.
androstenedione.) Studies show that men who get plenty
~Call for reservations~ "When you chew a stalk of of A each day have higher sperm counts
celery, you release androstenone and and perform better sexually than men androstenol odor molecules into your who don't. "When your body's low on
mouth. They then travel up the back of A, your sperm production goes down
126 Main Street your throat to your nose," says Alan dramatically," says Lachance.

in Downtown HB Hirsch, M.D., author of Scentsational Liver is also an excellent source
Sex. "Once there, the pheromones Continued on page 11
More Food... More Sex... *Meet: Joan Rivers pg 21
Continued from page 10 "They're also packed with compounds that help relax niacin, a vitamin that's essential for the secretion
of zinc. Your body expels 5 milligrams of zinc -- a your blood vessels, improving circulation." of histamine -- a chemical your body needs in
third of your daily requirement -- every time you The benefit of lower cholesterol and better order to trigger explosive sneezes and orgasms.
ejaculate, so a single amorous weekend could leave bloodflow? More blood to the penis and stronger God bless you.
your body's zinc reserves running on empty. erections as you grow older. For maximum potency •Steak - The benefit: Keep your
•Peaches - The benefit: Really and performance, Camire recommends eating a relationship sizzling.
shake her tree. serving of blueberries (fresh or blended into a drink) Sparks can dwindle after you've been with the
Oranges get the good press as a vitamin C at least three or four times a week. same person for a decade or two. An easy way to
source, but frozen peaches are the keener choice. And •Breakfast Cereal - The benefit: Put some reignite the relationship? Visit your favorite steak
that's important if you're looking to add some snap, crackle, and pop into your sex life. house and sup on some lean sirloin. "The protein in
deductions to your 1040. "Men who don't take in Too tired for sex? Check the label on your the meat will naturally boost levels of dopamine and
enough vitamin C produce lower-quality sperm," says morning cereal and make sure you're norepinephrine, two chemicals in the brain that
Althea Zanecosky, R.D., a nutritionist in Philadelphia. eating a brand loaded with heighten sensitivity during sex," says Ward.
University of Texas researchers found that men thiamin and riboflavin. Your steak's also stuffed with zinc -- a
who consumed at least 200 milligrams of vitamin C a Both vitamins help mineral that boosts libido by reducing your
day had higher sperm counts than men who took in you use energy body's production of a hormone called
less. Vitamin C also keeps your sperm from prolactin, which may interfere with
clumping, so your boys have a better chance of arousal.
reaching her egg, says Marc Goldstein, M.D., director And best of all, eating red meat can
of the Cornell Center for Male Reproductive help boost your testosterone level while
Medicine. limiting your body's production of SHBG (sex
Keep a bag of frozen peach slices -- they have hormone binding globulin) -- a substance that
more C than fresh ones do -- in your freezer to dump prevents blood flow to the penis and reduces male
in smoothies or add to your morning cereal. A single sexual stamina.
cup of the fruit has more than twice your daily •Chocolate - The benefit: At long last, you're
vitamin C requirement. efficiently, so a sensitive guy.
•Blueberries - The benefit: Get some you'll stop falling After your steak, finish the evening with a
erection protection. asleep in the recliner while watching couple of pieces of dark chocolate. The cocoa in
Forget Viagra. Mother Nature's original blue "Everybody Loves Raymond." chocolate contains methylxanthines, stimulants
potency capsule may do even more for you. "Thiamin and riboflavin are also vital for the that increase your body's sensitivity -- ensuring
"Blueberries are one of the best foods for older men nervous system to function properly," says Ayoob. that your skin registers even the slightest touch or
with erectile problems," says Mary Ellen Camire, Better nerve function translates into more stimulation movement against it.
Ph.D., a professor of food science at the University of and pleasure during sex. "As you get older, your body Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, a
Maine. "They're loaded with soluble fiber, which has a harder time absorbing the vitamins that keep chemical that can give you a slight natural high.
helps push excess cholesterol through your digestive your nervous system operating at its peak, so you "For many people, the feeling is similar to the
system before it can be broken down, absorbed, and often need to increase your intake," says Lachance. sensations you experience when you first fall in
deposited along the walls of your arteries," she says. Fortified breads and cereals are also high in love," says Ward.

Arbor’s Ste ak & Se afood Restaurant

6060 Warner Ave. - (714) 842-5111
• New Owner • New Management • New Attitude
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Ste ak & Se afood Restaurant
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Happy hour:
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Drink prices all night • Happy Hour Food Prices till 7:00
Tuesday Thru Saturday
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Early Bird Dining 4:30 - 6:00 Daily
Tuesday & Wednesday - Karaoke 7:30 - 11:30
Thursday - Live Music 7pm Friday & Saturday - Live Music 9pm
Sunday - Jazz Band 6:00-10:00 11
*Meet: Elly May Clampett (Beverly Hillbillies) pg 21
A. Murphy on Life
Digital Copy: • visit

The Civil Rights Movement is Dead

f the recent tabloid-type depiction of the non- old. His wife fears she and her four children will be parliament plans to omit stoning from the Islamic

I incident between Professor Gates and Police Sgt. destitute so she refuses. The husband weaves a penal code “In the interest of the country”. The global
Crowley has not sickened you then
all hope may indeed be lost. The
The Medical Association has weighed in on the new Health
popularity of this film may have played
a role in this decision.
American journalists apparently have The world's concern over the
such power of persuasion that the care proposals. human rights violations in Iran was
skilled orator who is our president brought to the attention of the U.N. by
spoke “stupidly” based on their The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, in
misguided attempts to inform us. What advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists 2008 through a report detailing
was depicted as a blatant and had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought stoning, amputations, and juvenile
despicable racial bias on behalf of a the Administration had a lot of nerve. executions. Ironically in 2006 Iran
police officer was in fact nothing more expressed an interest in the U.N.
than an obnoxious and ungrateful The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconcep- Human Rights Council, a body within
civilian perpetuating his own hateful tion. Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted. the U.N. that promotes and protects
agenda and race propaganda. The real Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians human rights around the globe. Its
victim is the innocent woman who said, "Oh, Grow up!" request was responded to by Hillel
attempted to aid a neighbor by calling Neuer, Executive Director, with the
the police over a perceived break-in. The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the following comment “Iran is probably
She now has legal council representing Radiologists could see right through it. Surgeons decided to the last country that should have
her. That will make you think twice, wash their hands of the whole thing. The Internists thought it submitted a candidacy for the Human
huh? was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, "This Rights Council.” With that said why
If you would like to escape the do they still have a seat in the U.N.?
puts a whole new face on the matter...."
Jon and Kate minus Jon saga and if you Oh, Yeah, because the U.N. is
really don't care what type of beer The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the valueless.
Professor Gates or Obama or Crowley Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea. The If you would like to contemplate
are drinking, then you just may have an something of substance and use your
Anesthesiologists thought it was a gas, and the Cardiologists did-
intellect. If you do care about those money, if nothing else, to expose the
issues you may want to expand your n't have the heart to say no. In the end, the Proctologists won evil that is being done in Iran visit the
viewing preferences. The recent out, leaving the entire decision up to Edwards Westpark 8 located at 3755
release of the film The Stoning of the Fannie -Mae's in Washington. Alton Parkway, Irvine, 949-622-8609.
Soraya M is a reminder that we in the Showtimes are 12:20, 3:30, 7:00, and
United States have very little to actually 9:40. This is a powerful film that won't
complain about. And the false claim of human rights religious cleric and his wife's employer into a plot to leave you speechless!
violations on behalf of Professor Gates, as evidenced accuse her of adultery. This crime is punishable by
by the Good Samaritan's comments, is proof of our stoning. Soraya's only ally is her aunt Zahra
ridiculously accusatory society. (Academy Award nominee Shohreh Aghdashloo of Have a subject you would
The Stoning of Soraya M is a true story that took The House of Sand and Fog). Her courage to share
place in 1986 and is based on the book by French- this story with a passing journalist has brought this like to know more about?
Iranian journalist Freidoune Sahebjam (1933-2008). atrocity to worldview. This film is a brutal account
Soraya has been married for 20 years to a man that of a barbaric act that is still being practiced today. Ask A. Murphy at:
now wants a divorce so he may marry a fourteen year According to commission head Ali Shahroki, Iran's
Worth trying - See coupons pg. 7 L AY. . .LAUG

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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Digital Copy: • visit
*Meet: Reba McEntire pg 21

Local L

g  T r a d i t i o n s

Beach Buggy! ~ Seal Beach ~ Boating:

SS BENFOLD DDG-65 is the 15th Arleigh Burke-class Guided

he Beach Buggy is currently rollin’ through your
neighborhood! The City of Seal Beach is proud to
offer this new service of transportation for Seal
U Missile Destroyer in the United States Navy. She was named in
honor of Hospitalman
3rd class Edward Clyde
Beach residents. Get on the bus, leave the driving to us! Benfold and joined the Pacific
The Beach Buggy is absolutely FREE! Check us out on Fleet on 30 March 1996 when
the web at parksandrec/ she was commisioned for duty.
beachbuggy.html. See below for times & locations: The Aegis shield denotes
DDG-65's capabilities. The lion
Buggy Stop Pick Up Pick Up Drop Off Drop Off
and shield with cross embodies
Centex Homes 10am 12pm 2:55pm 4:30pm HM3 Benfold's courage and
Heather Park 10:10am 12:10pm 2:45pm 4:25pm medical service. The red above
Bluebell Park 10:20am 12:20pm 2:40pm 4:15pm blue background denotes his Seal Beach City Manager Dave Carmany
Edison Park 10:30am 12:30pm 2:30pm 4:05pm service in Korea. The and HB City Councilman Gil Coerpe
McGaugh School 10:45am 12:45pm 2:15pm 3:50pm
reversed star denotes the
Medal of Honor, the crossed Navy and Marine swords signify cooperation
Marina Park 10:55am 12:55pm 2:05pm 3:40pm
and strength, the Mameluke signifies Benfold's service with the First Marine
Seal Beach Pier 11:05am 1:05pm 2:00pm 3:30pm Division. The halberds signify vigilance, resolve, and battle preparedness.

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of HB The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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Ask our g! Friday ~ Saturday ~ Sunday
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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960 Digital Copy: • visit
*Meet: Daisy (Granny) Moses (Beverly Hillbillies) pg 21
Making Insurance Understandable

Digital Copy: • visit

Are You Buying Your Largest Asset From A Total Stranger?
et’s face it. Considering • The Internet doesn’t know when you quit smoking or and you need to insure against the loss of future revenue

L life insurance is about as

much fun as watching
paint dry and grass grow. Add
scuba diving and need to apply for a rate reduction in
future premiums.
• The Internet can’t know the day you die and attend the
if that employee dies.
• For your business, the Internet doesn’t know that you
can finally afford to insure yourself against a disabling
to that the overwhelming funeral and assure your survivors that money is on the injury or sickness.
number of inexperienced or way. • The Internet doesn’t know you want to pass your
Mike Grumet unprofessional agents and it’s • The Internet doesn’t know when you had a baby and business onto a family member and need insurance for
no wonder some consumers need to modify your insurance. continuation planning.
are agent adverse. • The Internet doesn’t know when you sold your house In summary, while there are around 2000
The value of the death benefit most people buy is and increased your mortgage and need to update your insurance companies and rates are available for many
the largest asset they own. Think about it! Usually your insurance. over the Internet, it is important not to treat life
insurance policy death benefit is several hundreds of • The Internet doesn’t know when you got insurance like a commodity. A good agent doesn’t cost
thousands of dollars greater than your mortgage or the divorced and need to change your beneficiary. you any money and provides a lifetime of advice and
value of your home. If not, call an agent now! If that is • The Internet doesn’t know when you lost your job and service that you will never receive from the Internet. A
the case, why buy it from a stranger…the Internet? need help with the loss of benefits including company good agent sees you every few years for review. In
If you are new to town or don’t have someone you provided life insurance. addition, if your agent is in your community, you will
know or trust, ask for referrals. Find out if the agent is • The Internet doesn’t know, as you’re getting older you see them often at youth sporting events, fund-raising
locked into one company or can shop around for you. might need to consider other insurance like long-term events, chamber functions, etc. It makes conversation
Ask them who they usually place business with and care. about important changes easier to occur.
why. Don’t be afraid to interview two or three agents. • The Internet doesn’t know that your children finished I suggest you review your insurance every five
There are financial facts and opinions. Each agent college and you don’t need as much insurance. years if there isn’t any life changing events like:
brings different knowledge and opinions to the table. • The Internet doesn’t call you to obtain a new policy Births, job changes or loss, new home purchase,
Try to find one that seems to be the most knowledgeable and extend the length of time you have coverage. divorce, etc. If you do have a life change, contact your
and listens to your needs. Some agents are one-product • The Internet doesn’t call you when your carrier has a agent immediately.
agents. For example, they may push just term insurance significant change in their financial credibility.
or just whole life insurance. Your financial needs at • The Internet doesn’t do fact-finding and suggest wills For a complimentary review or second
death and your family’s circumstances, while similar to and living trust when needed. opinion of your insurance policy, feel free to
many, are unique. There is no one solution that fits • The Internet doesn’t refer you to trustworthy and
every person’s needs. knowledgeable mortgage brokers, CPA’s, attorneys, etc contact Mike Grumet at Mike Grumet
Once the sale is made over the Internet, there is no that might be needed for your financial security. Insurance Services, Inc. He is an independent
reason for you to be contacted again ever. With that in • For business owners, the Internet doesn’t know your
mind, here are 20 reasons why you don’t want to buy company tripled in value and you need to update your agent and has served the Huntington Beach
your largest asset over the Internet. buysell agreement and insurance funding. community since 1992. His offices are located
• The Internet does not live in your community. • For your business, the Internet doesn’t know you have
at: 16541 Gothard St., Suite 202, Huntington
• The Internet is not accountable for lack of service an estate tax problem because the value of your
when you need it. business has grown dramatically. Beach, CA 92647. You can make an
• The Internet doesn’t know when your health gets • For your business, the Internet doesn’t know that a appointment by calling 714 698-6453.
much worse and need to change your insurance strategy. long time employee has become KEY to your operation
He is a licensed agent, Ca Lic # OB00162.

The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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Economic conditions demand creativity for consumers and local businesses. We combine
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4. Issue: Today, residents need incentives to purchase products and services.
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their ability to retain existing and develop new customers. Merchants need to
understand the needs of the consumer and market their products intensely.
*Meet: Jeannie (I Dream of Jeannie) pg 21

From the Editors

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of E/The
e a r window frames; weather-stripping air leaks around Once you’ve exhausted ways to save energy and

D EarthTalk
: What are
some simple low cost
windows and doors; and replacing incandescent light
bulbs with more efficient compact fluorescent (CFL)
water around the house as it is, you might consider
taking larger steps to boost efficiency more. According
to Harvey Sachs of the American Council for an Energy
improvements I can do to my home to make it greener? Sutton recommends doing an energy audit to Efficient Economy, installing or upgrading insulation is
- Stefan Lonce, via email identify all the areas a sure-fire way to save money over time, as your
According to consumer around the house where heating and cooling equipment won’t have to work so
advocate Remar Sutton, there are simple, low-cost hard maintaining the desired temperature of your
many ways to save energy and improvements can make a home’s interior. Planting shade trees around your
other resources around the home difference. Your local home’s exterior will help reduce the need for air
without spending a lot of money. utility may offer a free or conditioning in summer and, if they’re deciduous,
And taking action sooner rather low-cost audit, or you can they’ll let sunlight through in the winter.
than later will lead to ongoing do-it-yourself via the Also, says Sachs, upgrading to more energy
savings on utility bills, so a little online calculator at the efficient appliances—preferably those brandishing the
cash outlay now will more than U.S. Department of federal government’s EnergySTAR seal of approval—
pay for itself in the long run. Energy’s Home Energy should more than make up for any cost premiums with
On the energy front, turning Saver website. the energy savings they’ll bring going forward.
your thermostat up in summer and Beyond energy Replacing older single pane windows with new more
down in winter is one often savings alone, Sutton efficient double or even triple pane varieties can
overlooked way to reduce usage offers a wealth of tips on significantly reduce home energy usage and
and cost. “For each degree you how to reduce water heating/cooling bills as well. Be sure to get professional
raise or lower your thermostat, usage around the house as help when installing insulation or new windows, as
you can save anywhere from one well: Wash and dry only improper installation can negate the benefits you’re
to five percent on your cooling or full loads of laundry and trying to obtain.
heating bills depending on where only wash full loads of CONTACTS: DOE Home Energy Saver Website,
you live,” Sutton reports, adding dishes; fix leaky faucets; American Council for
that programmable thermostats and toilets; install an Energy Efficient Economy,;
can help greatly to maximize aerating low-flow EnergySTAR,
efficiency and cut out waste. showerheads and faucets; The information contained in this column does not
Other ways to save energy turn off the faucet while necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.
include: lowering the hot water brushing teeth and SEND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS TO:
heater’s thermostat; getting shaving; and take EarthTalk, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881;
heating and cooling equipment short(er) showers and Read past columns at:
tuned once a year; insulating hot avoid baths altogether. By /archives.php. EarthTalk
water pipes and hot water storage tanks; caulking taking some or all of these measures, you can run a is now a book! Details and order information at:
cracks and gaps on walls, including around door and much greener home without spending much at all.

ord able
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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

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*Meet: Elvira - Mistress of the Dark pg 21

Wes on Water

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and other
social issues
Power to the People... No, Power to the
Public Agency that has the Power...
ot only is would require that OCWD cut back on production requests a cut back, OCWD will save $1,000,000

N water
s h o r t
supply, so is
in at their reclaimed water manufacturing facility, for water it is not going to make at the twice its
sales price, but it will
received the additional
electrical bonus of $716,000 for
power. The agreeing to do it!
electrical generators have requested that major Better yet, it will
users, like the Orange County Water District, receive the $716,000
prepare plans for cutbacks in their power usage, even if a cut back is not
especially during “peak hours.” A reasonable called for! A true win,
request and one that is being looked at seriously win contract for
by most public agencies and Municipalities OCWD! Who said the
State wide. turnip truck is still
Last week, however, OCWD authorized leaving town on a
the issuance of an RFP (Request for Proposals) regular basis?
to the power suppliers that is a unique work of Let’s see, turn in
art. It agrees that power usage can be reduced your clunker…we’ll
but it asks that the power companies pay the give you $4,500…oh
agency, in advance, for those times when they you are going to buy an
will cut back. But the RFP is unique in other import…OK…so
ways as well. It asks that the power companies See I told the Dam -we'll own what…it feels good. Is
pay their money up front and, even if there is no GWRS.It would the water and you can wear your funny suit! this going to be how
cut back, to forfeit the advanced funds. reduce the annual we do the Healthcare
How much money are we talking about at output by roughly 4000 acre feet, about 5% of the package too… you pay us to pay them to pay you!
OCWD? In the case of the RFP, $716,000 for the plant’s annual production. The information contained in this column does not
year! But more important, if the power company The cost of the water from GWRS, estimated, necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.
does request a cut back, the RFP says that OCWD is $500 per acre foot. That is water that would Wes Banister is a former HB Mayor, Director and past
will not be obligated to comply. Even if it does not otherwise be sent to Anaheim for percolation into president Orange County Water District, Former
cut back, OCWD keeps the money advanced by the groundwater basin for use by the local water Chairman Metropolitan Water District of Southern
the power companies. agencies, including Huntington Beach. OCWD California, President of the Joint Powers Insurance
But going into this even deeper makes it an sells the groundwater for $250 per acre foot! Authority, Member Board of Governors California FAIR
even more interesting case study. The cut back So, in this scenario, if the power company Plan, a terrible golfer, classic fisherman and profound
American. Email:

Prehistoric Catch a Kiwanian... Catch a Fish

Kiwanis Club of Huntington Harbour's 1st Annual

Beer! Catch a Fish...

by Sara Bonisteel Help a Child
Fishing Tournament
alk about a cold swig of history. Beer made from a

T yeast 45 million years old will soon be hitting taps

in California.
Northern California microbrewer Stumptown Help homeless kids in our own backyard.
Brewery is already selling two brews made with the yeast,
August 28th & 29th 2009
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

extracted from a prehistoric piece of amber found in

Burma. But as early as next month, Fossil Fuels Brewing
Co. plans to distribute two others made with the yeast on Tax Deductible Entry Fee starting at $65.00
a larger scale. Huntington Harbour Chapter
Kiwanis of Huntington Harbour works with Marina High School,
Huntington Beach High School, and Harbour View Elementary School to
help children in need. We provide school supplies, clothing, and food to
disadvantaged children right in our own backyards.
To further our efforts, we've planned our first annual CATCH A FISH HELPA CHILD charity fishing tournament
with prizes, awards, drawings, and a silent auction. This will be a basic IGFA rules "all tackle" tournament. First place
award for the largest all tackle halibut, largest all tackle white sea bass, and largest all tackle lingcod.
Fishing begins at 12:01 a.m. August 28, and continues till 5 p.m., August 29.
Tournament Channel is 78-please keep communication to a minimum. All fish must be photographed, and have
a weigh slip. You must RSVP before you fish for award eligibility. Tax deductible cost is a $65 entry free per person,
payable in advance, without banquet attendance. $75 includes banquet dinner. Banquet only cost is $30. **Drink
tickets for banquet available in advance at $15 for 3 tickets, or $30 for 7 tickets. Will not be sold at the event. 714.465.9960

Awards banquet to be held Sunday, August 30 at 3 p.m., at Seagate Yacht Club Clubhouse at
Bonaire Circle and Edinger.
Corporate sponsorship is $1,000 and includes submission fee for up to 6 members of your organization or
company plus banquet event. Gold sponsorship is $500 and includes fees for 4 members of your organization or
company. Please contact Parvaneh Carter to register for the Corporate or Gold sponsorship.
ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 25. For more information e mail Parvaneh Carter at or call 714-883-5683.

# Tournament Entries not attending banquet ______________ X $65 = ______________

# Tournament Entries attending banquet ______________ X $75 = ______________
# banquet attendees not entering Tournament ______________ X $30 = ______________
# of 3 Drink Tickets ______________ X $15 = ______________
# of 7 Drink Tickets ______________ X $30 = ______________
TOTAL ______________

Please send your tax-deductible entry via either: PayPal Payment to:
Stumptown's XPort. Photo: Steve Kocino/flickr
Mail To: Parvaneh Carter 16033 Bolsa Chica Ave. #104-630, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 23
HB Firefighters
Digital Copy: • visit

s the city celebrates its centennial, the

A Huntington Beach Fire Department also

acknowledges its 100th years of
service. During this year’s HB Fourth of
July parade, the Huntington Beach
Firefighters Association (HBFA) honored
two of its most dedicated members as co-
firefighters of the year for 2009.
This year’s honorees include Firefighter
/ Paramedic Don Boland and Fire Engineer
Andre Clarizio. The honorees rode in the
parade aboard the California State Firefighter’s
Association’s (CSFA) 1903 American steam
powered fire apparatus drawn by three Clydesdale
horses. Article and photos by Brian Springer, HBFD.

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FDR 970
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Board Member California Hospice Foundation
Faith Church Street Address City Telephone Website
All Saints Church
Apostolic Church
18082 Bushard St
8221 Newman Ave
(714) 963-3801
(714) 843-6191
Assemblies Of God Fountain Spring Church 6462 Industry Way Ste B Westmn. (714) 934-8581 www.Fountainspring.Org MONDAY - FRIDAY
Assemblies Of God His Place Christain Fellowship 7751 Glencoe Ave H.B. (714) 375-5886 www.Hisplace.Com/Hpcf/
Assemblies Of God Cornerstone Christian Fellowship 17575 Euclid St F.V. (714) 962-5412 www.Cornerstonefv.Com $2.00 OFF COCKTAIL
Calvary Baptist Church
Central Baptist Church
8281 Garfield Ave
7661 Warner Ave
(714) 962-6860
(714) 848-5511
www.Cbc-Hb.Org $3.00 IMPORT DRAFTS
Hillcrest Missionary Baptist
H.B. Baptist Church
8221 Newman Ave
8121 Ellis Ave
(714) 841-1003
(714) 842-0975
Baptist Seabreeze Community Church 19891 Beach Blvd Ste 139 H.B. (714) 969-7622 www.Seabreezechurch.Com August Line Up:
Baptist Shorelife Church 4952 Warner Ave Ste 320 H.B. (714) 799-5433 www.Shorelife.Org
Baptist Warner Baptist Church 7360 Warner Ave H.B. (714) 847-7050 www.Warnerbc.Com 8/1 . . . . . . . . .Da Kooks
Baptist Coastal Community Fellowship 10460 Slater Ave F.V. (714) 963-9708 www.Coastalcommunityfellowship.Com
Baptist Beachpoint Church 17415 Magnolia St F.V. (714) 847-3573 www.Firsthbfv.Com 8/6 . . . . . . . . .Jam Night
Baptist First Chinese Baptist 16835 Brookhurst St F.V. (714) 964-6899 www.Fcbcfv.Org
Baptist Huntington Valley Baptist 9779 Starfish Ave F.V. (714) 968-2248 www.Huntingtonvalleybaptistchurch.Com 8/7 . . . . . . . .Kenny Hale
Baptist-Southern Shoreline Baptist Church 10350 Ellis Ave F.V. (714) 968-4222 www.Shorelinebaptist.Org
Baptist-Southern Turning Point Christian PO Box 8367 F.V. (714) 757-8723 www.Tpcf.Org
8/8 . . . . . . . .Party Jones
Calvary Chapels Calvary Chapel H.B. 7800 Edinger Ave H.B. (714) 891-9495 www.Cchb.Org
Calvary Chapels Calvary Chapel Beachside 19400 Beach Blvd Ste 26 H.B. (714) 465-3000 www.Calvarybeachside.Com
8/13 . . . . . . . .Jam Night
Catholic Roman St. Bonaventure Church 16400 Springdale St H.B. (714) 846-3359 www.Stbonaventure.Org 8/14 . . . . . . . .Sling Shot
Catholic Roman St. Mary's By The Sea 321 10th St H.B. (714) 536-6913 -
Catholic Roman St. Vincent De Paul 8345 Talbert Ave H.B. (714) 842-3000 www.Svdphb.Org 8/15 . . . .Mumbo Jumbo
Catholic Roman Saints Simon & Jude 20444 Magnolia St H.B. (714) 962-3333 www.Ssj.Org
Catholic Roman Holy Spirit Catholic Church 17270 Ward St F.V. (714) 963-1811 www.Hsccfv.Com 8/20 . . . . . . . .Jam Night
Christian First Christian Church 1207 Main St H.B. (714) 536-2589 www.Fcchb.Com
Christian Stonebridge Christian Church 5555 McFadden Ave H.B. (714) 897-3583 www.Stonebridgecc.Org 8/21 . .Robby Armstrong
Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist 810 Olive Ave. H.B. (714) 536-9707 -
Church Of Christ Church Of Christ 301 Huntington St H.B. (714) 536-7212 www.Hbchurchofchrist.Com 8/22 . . . . . . .Soul Shock
Church Of God Living Waters Of Christian Fellowship 9801 Talbert Ave F.V. (714) 963-8131 Http://www.Lwcf-Cog.Org/
LDS 1st Ward Huntington Beach 8702 Atlanta Ave H.B. (714) 960-6886 www.Lds.Org
8/27 . . . . . . . .Jam Night
LDS 2nd Ward Huntington Beach 5402 Heil Ave H.B. (714) 960-6886 www.Lds.Org 8/28 . . . . . . .Soundcake
LDS 3rd Ward Huntington Beach 19191 17th St H.B. (714) 846-9247 www.Lds.Org
LDS 4th Ward Huntington Beach 8702 Atlanta Ave H.B. (714) 960-3335 www.Lds.Org 8/29 . . . . . .Warner Drive
LDS 5th Ward Huntington Beach 6531 McFadden Ave H.B. (714) 891-4568 www.Lds.Org
LDS 6th Ward Huntington Beach 5402 Heil Ave H.B. (714) 840-5989 www.Lds.Org Thursdays Jam Night 714.465.9960

LDS 7th Ward Huntington Beach 19191 17th St H.B. (714) 842-7200 www.Lds.Org
LDS 8th Ward Huntington Beach 8702 Atlanta Ave H.B. (714) 969-2452 www.Lds.Org
LDS 9th Ward Huntington Beach 5402 Heil Ave H.B. (714) 840-8366 www.Lds.Org
LDS 1st Ward Fountain Valley 17500 Bushard St F.V. (714) 962-4962 www.Lds.Org
LDS 2nd Ward Fountain Valley 17500 Bushard St F.V. (714) 847-2765 www.Lds.Org
Congregational Empty Cross Of Salvation Samoan 17791 Newland St H.B. (714) 848-0162 -
Episcopal St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church 18631 Chapel Ln H.B. (714) 962-7512 www.Stwilfridschurch.Org
Evangelical Free Evangelical Free Church Of HB 1912 Florida St H.B. (714) 536-1439 www.Efchb.Org
Family Bible Robinwood Church 5172 McFadden Ave H.B. (714) 421-8130
Foursquare Gospel Hope Chapel HB 715 Lake St H.B. (714) 536-1614 www.Hopechapelhb.Org
Foursquare Gospel Coastland Foursquare Church 19891 Beach Blvd Fl 2 H.B. (714) 969-1190 www.Coastland.Org Adult
Foursquare Gospel Ohana Fellowship PO Box 5125 H.B. (714) 378-3950 www.Ohanachristianfellowship.Com
Interdenominational Harbour Community Church 8200 Ellis Ave H.B. (714) 536-5019 www.Harbourcommchurch.Org
Huntington Beach
Jewish Synagogue Congregation B'nai Tzedek 9669 Talbert Ave F.V. (714) 963-4611 www.Cbtfv.Org
Lutheran Faith Lutheran Church 8200 Ellis Ave H.B. (714) 962-5571 www.Faithhb.Org Adult School
Lutheran Grace Luthern Church 6931 Edinger Ave H.B. (714) 897-0361 www.Gracehb.Org
Lutheran Lutheran Church Of Resurrection 9812 Hamilton Ave H.B. (714) 962-5005 www.Resurrectionlutheran.Net Program for
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Lutheran Redeemer Lutheran Church 16351 Springdale St H.B. (714) 846-6330 www.Redeemer-Lutheran.Net Older Adults
Lutheran King Of Glory Lutheran Church 10280 Slater Ave F.V. (714) 963-5649 www.Kogchurch.Org
Nazarene Huntington Beach Community Church 8101 Slater Ave H.B. (714) 847-3050 www.Hbcc.Org
Non-Denominational Beach Cities Community Church 9872 Hamilton Ave H.B. (714) 698-0668 www.Beachcities.Org
FREE to Seniors 55+
Non-Denominational Community Bible Church 401 6th St H.B. (714) 536-4255 www.Cbchb.Com
Non-Denominational Coastview Christian Fellowship 5102 Argosy Ave H.B. (714) 895-7979 www.Coastview.Org Offering low-
Non-Denominational God's House 1905 Main St H.B. (714) 596-7700 www.Godshousehb.Com
Non-Denominational Hope Chapel Orange Coast 16843 Pine Cir F.V. (714) 378-0733 www.Hopeoc.Org
cost Medical
Non-Denominational Pacific Coast Community Church 17581 Newland St H.B. (714) 847-5070 - Assisting
Non-Denominational Pierpoint Community Church 1706 Orange Ave H.B. (714) 843-9665 www.Pierpointchurch.Com
Non-Denominational Seaside Community Church 9300 Indianapolis Ave H.B. (714) 968-9884 www.Seasidehb.Org Classes.
Non-Denominational Pacific Christian Fellowship 8091 22nd St Westmn. (714) 751-5514 -
Orthodox Jewish Congregational Adat Israel 5052 Warner Ave H.B. (714) 846-2285 Front & Back Office
Presbyterian Christ Presbyterian Church 20112 Magnolia St H.B. (714) 968-4940 www.Cpchb.Org Just Call
Presbyterian St. Peter's By The Sea 16871 Bolsa Chica St H.B. (714) 846-6641 www.Stpeters.Presbychurch.Org
Religious Science Church Of Religious Science 7641 Talbert Ave H.B. (714) 596-0900 www.Hbcrschurch.Org
(714) 847-2873
United Methodist Community United Methodist Church 6652 Heil Ave H.B. (714) 842-4461 www.Cumchb.Org for more information.
United Methodist First United Methodist Church 2721 Delaware St H.B. (714) 536-3537 www.Gbgm-Umc.Org/Firstca004
24 United Methodist Fountain Valley United Methodist Church 18225 Bushard St F.V. (714) 962-2593 www.Gbgm-Umc.Org/Fvumc School
*Meet: Edith Bunker (All In The Family) pg 21

Digital Copy: • visit

Questions & Answers From the Mailbag 714.536.6300
Moe News Than You Can Handle:
Main Street Eyewear Looks at Life
Moe Kanoudi Through Designer Glasses

Asylum: No Mercy - a Dozen Insults

nsults are American as apple pie. Triumph the Insult on the heads of enemies. In America, we might say, itheadh an diabhal an cat"

I Comic Dog, Don Rickles, even the great Mark

Twain, who once described a person as "endowed
with a stupidity which by the least little stretch would
"Damn you!" but we like the more descriptive version
from the Igbo language. Poland has a similar curse,
"Niech cie piorun trza_nie!" or, "May a thunderbolt hit
8. "You have a pretty green hat."
This seemingly polite expression is actually one of the
strongest insults in Chinese. It's used by men to insult
go around the globe four times and tie," are all part of you!" In Igbo: "Egbe gbarie kwa gi isi" other men by implying their wives are cheating on
the great American put-down tradition. them. Supposedly, the colloquialism dates
But a new book called "Uglier Than a back to the Tang Dynasty, when male brothel
Monkey's Armpit," by language experts workers wore green hats. Fine, but what do
Stephen Dodson and Dr. Robert you do if you sincerely want to compliment
Vanderplank, shows that other countries like someone on their green hat? In Chinese: "Ni
to curse just as much as our saltiest sailors, you piaoliang de lü maozi"
cab drivers and construction workers. 9. "She has an ass like a
This invaluable compendium of
brewer's trolley!"
colorful insults from the around the world
reveals that, although we have different ways Germans love to curse, and it doesn't get
of putting down our fellow countrymen, much more German than a fat joke comparing
insults are universal, even if some are lost in someone's butt to a beer wagon. The language
translation. Below are a few we liked best. also lends itself well to name-calling, as in
sitzpinkler, "A man who pees sitting down."
1. "A dog has licked your mouth!"
In German: "Die hat einen Arch wie ein
In Poland, as in other countries, animals are Brauereigaul"
commonly used in insults. This fairly severe
10. "Son of a donkey!"
invective basically means, "Go to hell." For a
more adorable Polish put-down, try calling Donkeys, like dogs and monkeys, turn up a
someone a Motyla noga -- a "butterfly's leg". lot in insults around the globe. The Swedes
To say it in Polish: "A pies ci mord liza!" might say of someone who can't make up his
mind, he's like "a donkey between two stacks
2. "Child of pudding"
of hay." ("åsnan mellan två hötappar.") In
This insult from Turkey is used to describe a Spain, you might say of someone who can't
person who's had life too easy. Just watch see the point of something, "You see less than
whom you say this to in Istanbul. As Dodson three people on a donkey." ("Ves menos que
and Vanderplank warn in the book, "Insulting tres en un burro.") And like the Persians, the
the wrong person at the wrong time and Turks also say "Son of a donkey!" ("E so lu e
place, however inadvertently or ek") when they're extremely angry. What does
unintentionally, could cost you your life" in everyone have against donkeys?
Turkey. Too bad. Being a "child of pudding"
11. "Scum of soy paste!"
sounds pretty delicious to us.
In Turkish: "Muhallebi çocu u" The Japanese, God bless 'em, are an
exceedingly polite society, so their insults
3. "You are the kindest of all
tend to lack the bite of traditional Western
people with the softest of knees." put-downs. Take, for example, their version
Here's an example in which the author of an of the "Yo Mama" joke: "Omae no kaachan,
insult was actually put to death. The 10- debeso!" or "Your mother's navel is an outtie!"
century Arabic poet al-Mutanabbi recited this 6. "Go comb a monkey!" Oh, no he di'nt! In Japanese: "Misokkasu"
satirical poem to a thief who tried to rob him. The In Portugal, it's very common for men to insult each 12. "That coat looks likes as if it's been
"softest of knees" expression, apparently an allusion to other in everyday conversation. Their Spanish pulled out of a cow's mouth."
being homosexual, so offended the bandit that he killed neighbors are quick with a put-down and have been
al-Mutanabbi on the spot. In Arabic: "Ya atyab el nas Our favorite insults by far come from the Czechs,
known to use monkeys in insults as well, as in the titular whose quaint rural idioms harken back to a simpler
nafsan we alyan al nas rukba" "You are uglier than a monkey's armpit." ("Eres más fea time. "He has the IQ of rustling grass" ("Má IQ ustící
4. "Fart-chicken!" que los sabacos de un mono.") We also enjoy the vivid trávy"), you might say of someone who is notoriously
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Flatulence is a fairly ubiquitous topic in insults around Portuguese declaration, "Havia de te nascer um stupid. A woman who mistakenly thinks she looks good
the world, especially in Iceland, where bodily functions pinheiro no cu!" or "May a big pine tree grow out of might be told, "You look like a scarecrow for putting in
rule vulgar conversation. If you want to insult your ass!" In Portuguese: "Vai pentear macaco!" a cabbage field." ("Vypadá jako stra ák do zelí.") And a
someone's manhood in Iceland, you could say they have 7. "May the cat eat you and may the person who looks lost or stupid might be snapped out of
"ta skegglingur," which literally means "dried horse
devil eat the cat!" his daze with "You look like a cherub who's lost his
dung for a beard." In Icelandic: "Prumphænsn" soap in the bath." ("Kouká jako andelí ek, kdy mu
This Scottish insult wins points for including both an
5. "May thunder blast your head." uplavalo mejdlo.") In Czech: "Ten kabát, jako kdy to
animal and the devil in one powerful put-down.
In Africa, many of the insults seek to invoke calamity In Scots Gaelic: "Gun itheadh an cat thu agus gun kráve huby vytáhne"

Scot Bailey Dog Used as Shark Bait!

cot Bailey, a resident of Huntington Beach, By Maryann Mott for National Geographic News through its snout (see photo), at an SPA (Société

S Calif., has been admitted to Concordia

University, St. Paul for the fall 2009 semester.
ive and dead dogs and cats are being used as shark
bait by amateur fishers on the French-controlled
Protectrice des Animaux, or Animal Protective Society)
clinic in Réunion's capital, St.-Denis. 714.465.9960

Bailey was awarded the Concordia Opportunity grant. island of Réunion, according to animal-welfare Unlike most of the hooked animals, the dog was
This achievement provides a total of $2,500 in funds. organizations and local authorities. someone's pet, according to Saliha Hadj-Djilani, a
Concordia University, St. Paul is a The small volcanic island off Africa's east coast is reporter for the Thirty Million Friends Foundation's TV
comprehensive, private university of the Lutheran bursting with stray dogs—upward of 150,000, says Reha program. The dog had apparently escaped its captors and
Church-Missouri Synod and one of 10 schools that Hutin, president of the Paris-based Fondation 30 Millions was taken to the SPA by a concerned citizen. Fully
comprise the Concordia University System. d'Amis (the Thirty Million Friends Foundation). recovered, the animal is now home with its owners.
Established in 1893, Concordia offers more than 40 Hutin sent a film crew to Réunion this summer to The other two cases uncovered by Thirty Million
liberal arts majors, including business administration, obtain proof that live animals were being used as shark Friends were strays. They now live in France with new
education, fine arts, the sciences and church bait. The goal was to expose the practice on the animal owners.
professions. Concordia is a regional leader in rights group's weekly television show. It didn't take long The foundation plans to finance a sterilization
accelerated, cohort-delivered, undergraduate degree- for the film crew to find three separate cases, she said. A program on the island to reduce the stray overpopulation.
completion and master's degrees in business videotape and photographs show the dogs with multiple But the job won't be easy. Hutin said many locals view the
administration, organizational management, criminal hooks sunk deep into their paws and snouts. strays as vermin. "There's no value to the life of a dog
justice and human services. Concordia is the only "From then on everyone started to take the whole there," she said. Stephanie Roche of the Brigitte Bardot
private university in Minnesota to offer NCAA story seriously and realized it was true," Hutin said. Foundation, another animal-welfare group in Paris,
Division II athletics for men and women. On the Net: A veterinarian successfully treated one of the confirmed that live animals are used as bait on Réunion. canines, a six-month-old dog with a large fishhook But, she said, it is not a common practice. 25
Eli Manning: 6-years, $97.5 Million
Digital Copy: • visit

By Dave Goldberg Super Bowl XLII win, capped by an electric 83- Manning-to-Plaxico Burress touchdown pass with
li Manning has been rewarded for his Super yard drive late in the fourth quarter that 37 seconds left. The drive also featured Manning's

*Meet: Sarah Palin pg 21

Bowl victory in 2008 with what sources say culminated escape from a sure sack to complete a third-down
is a six-year, $97.5 million contract in a pass, on which David Tyree made one of the most-
extension (with an average annual salary of heralded catches ever, pinning the ball against his
more than $15 million) that will make him helmet as he was
one of the highest paid players in hit by Rodney
NFL history. Harrison.
The contract, which Manning
would be added to the was the first
nearly $10 million pick in the
Manning will make this 2004 draft by
year, is expected to be San Diego,
signed later today. even after he
While the 28-year-old insisted he
Manning is not typically regarded didn't want to
as one of the top-five quarterbacks play for the
in football -- his brother Peyton, Tom Chargers. The
Brady, Ben Roethlisberger and several Giants then
others have better numbers -- he has been one used the fourth
of the best in pressure situations. pick to take Philip Rivers and traded him to the
His most notable accomplishment came in a Chargers with draft picks for Manning.

Speed Bump!
don't know about you, but this

I would slow me down!

People slow down and try to
"straddle" the hole, then breath a
sign of relief they completely
cleared it! This is actually a speed
control device that is in use. And
it is much cheaper than speed
cameras. Pretty clever!!!
Especially if moved around each
day. Isn't art wonderful?

(714) 846-1237
5944 Warner Avenue at Springdale in Huntington Beach
Open Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm & Saturdays 9am - 5pm 714.465.9960
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

Cindy Cross
*Meet: Martha Stewart pg 21

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It’s 10:00. Do you know where your tax dollars are?
ast time around, I published some rather interesting That does not include anything but the room. Every programs and projects at no expense to the

L expenditures from the massive “stimulus” package. I

had to painstakingly research these items on the very
user-unfriendly website, and encouraged
single other item, except chairs and tables, comes with an taxpayers. Certainly, under the city, it could
extra charge. become a real jewel and fetch top dollar.
And, how much money does the HHYC rake in to (I’m sure the bridge players can meet in
readers to do the same. offset their $1890 per month rent? someone’s livingroom).
Well, guess what? The site has completely changed. It In August, the private rentals add up to over $10,000 – Why should a private membership club have access to
is now administered by a company called “ONVIA” and has and that’s just for the room. a money making property like this
been scaled back to reflect only those items that reflect Oh, sure there are with so little return to the city- and
construction-type projects. “requirements” for the taxpayers who own it?
So, as much as I’d like to continue to give you a look at maintenance and And, secondly, where is
your tax dollars at work in each column, apparently Big Brother improvements to the the sweetheart deal for all the
has a different idea of what you should and should not know. property, but the contract other organizations in town?
I also mentioned in the last column the recent renewal (available on Why not a cash cow like this for
of a thirty year lease of city owned property at Warner and under Rotary or Kiwanis or the
Pacific Coast Highway, commonly referred to as “the the Consent Calendar items Chamber of Commerce?
Huntington Harbour Yacht Club.” of the July 20, 2009 To allow one very limited
The city rents this highly valuable piece of property to meeting) gives the HHYC organization a virtual hand into
a private club for the princely sum of $22,680 per year - credit against their rent for the pocket of taxpayers is not
$1890 per month. It goes up slightly after a couple of years, these expenditures. only shocking, it’s almost
but this has to be the sweetheart deals of all sweetheart deals. The city also agrees immoral. (A very reliable
Not only is this private organization – The Huntington to market the facility – but source also informs me that
Harbour Yacht Club - virtually handed prime real estate, they the rental fees still go solely they even charge the
are allowed to earn income from it – and absolutely none of this to the yacht clubbers. Huntington Harbour
income reverts back to the taxpayers who own the property. Mayor Keith Bohr, Philharmonic $6,000 each year
Can you imagine? who has been troubled by to use “their” docks for the
A private club, whose only contribution to the “public this arrangement for several years, acknowledged frustration annual “Cruise of Lights,” which definitely qualifies as
good” is holding sailing clubs and safety lessons (because, you with the situation that resulted from a lease that was “written a signature city event with benefits to the public and a
know, there are never enough wealthy young sailors out there), very poorly, from a City viewpoint anyway, (giving the genuine charitable cause (music in our schools).
virtually has use of a public owned property for a song? HHYC) a 30 year lease with a 30 year option that they could I realize it’s a done deal and there’s nothing I, or
A look at their calendar (posted on their website, unilaterally choose to exercise.” Even getting the lease to anyone else, can do about this travesty, but I think it’s highlights some interesting members-only reflect an increase from $11,000 a year, “wasn't easy,” Bohr worth at least a pout.
events like Sunday brunches at 10:00 a.m., Dancercise on stated. “In fact it was a bit like pulling teeth.” The information contained in this column does not
Monday mornings and Bridge on Mondays and Thursdays. “But I think staff did a commendable job of getting the necessarily reflect the opinion of The Local News.
There’s something called “Bar and Dinner” on a couple of HHYC's current leadership to come around to seeing that they
Friday nights, and of course, no calendar would be complete needed to do a much better job of maximizing the use of the Cindy Cross has been a columnist
without the monthly “Birthday Dinner,” celebrating those Yacht Club facility as an asset for both their members as well or contributor for three other newspapers
members born under the sign of Leo. as the community at large to utilize for events,” he added. and is an active community volunteer. Her
And, then there are the rentals. The most disturbing aspects of this situation are column will appear in each issue of The
Fees for Saturdays and Sundays between 10 a.m. and 3 twofold: First, imagine the money the city is losing by not Local News. E-Mail Cindy at
p.m. will set you back $1500; evening events cost $2,150. having custody of this facility. Rental space in this town is

Fridays are a bit cheaper at $1,000 for earlier in the day limited to say the least, but rental space on the water?
and $1500 at night, while Tuesday through Thursday The city could be making far more than $10,000 per month
afternoon rentals are a mere $600, and evenings $1,000. off this site – money that could be used to fund a vast array of

Open For Lunch from 11-3

The Local News, August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960

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*Meet: Sharon Osbourne pg 21

Forget Kobritz
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About it! Sports
ou can guilty as his sources. Revealing names won’t tell us all the players who

add my
voice to
Don’t think leaking evidence under seal is a
crime? Tell it to Troy Ellerman,
Victor Conte’s attorney
cheated and which ones didn’t. It won’t tell us
who was clean pre or post ’03. Nor will it tell
us who was taking
demanding the who leaked undetectable drugs or drugs
By Jordan Kobritz release of the list. information from the that players weren’t tested
But my list isn’t “The List,” the one containing grand jury hearing on for, like HGH.
the names of 104 players – seven of whom have the BALCO Forget The List. The list I
already been outed - who tested positive for investigation to want to see is the one with the
performance-enhancing drugs in baseball’s ’03 reporters from the San names of all the lawyers who
survey. I don’t care who’s on that list, nor, by all Francisco Chronicle. are spilling their guts to the
accounts, does the general public. The only people Armed with that Times, violating their oath of
who care about the names on The List are media information, The office (lawyers are officers of
folks, some of whom, like The New York Times’ Chronicle reporters the court), breaking the law,
Michael Schmidt, go to extraordinary lengths - published a book and selling out the honest and
including willfully violating the law - to satisfy detailing Barry law-abiding members of their
their own curiosity. Bonds’ PED use. profession. I want to see that
The 25-year-old Schmidt is the reporter who Much like Schmidt, list published in The New York
broke the news last week that Manny Ramirez and they were lauded as Times. And I want to see the
David Ortiz were on The List (Schmidt revealed heroes by their people on that list get what
earlier this year that Sammy Sosa was also on The peers. Ellerman, on they deserve.
List). The Times cited “lawyers with knowledge the other hand, The information contained in this
of the results” as sources for the story and went on received a 30-month column does not necessarily reflect
to say “the lawyers spoke anonymously because the prison sentence for the opinion of The Local News.
testing information is under seal by court order.” his crime. Jordan Kobritz is a former attorney,
What the Times didn’t report is that it’s a Disclosure of the CPA, and Minor League Baseball
crime to divulge information under court seal. remaining players on team owner. He is an Assistant
In fact, as outgoing MLBPA executive director The List, which would Professor of Sport Management at
Donald Fehr stated through a spokesman, it’s require court approval, Eastern New Mexico University,
teaches the Business of Sports at
also a crime “to actively pursue information that would be a meaningless
the University of Wyoming, and is a contributing
may not lawfully be disclosed because it is exercise in voyeurism. None of the players on The author to the Business of Sports Network. Jordan can
under court seal.” Which makes Schmidt as List will be subject to legal or baseball sanctions. be reached at jkobritz@

HEALT 714.465.9960
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

*Meet: Lisa Douglas (Green Acres) pg 21

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C it y Ta k es a Tu rner fo r
Cool Summ
er th e Bet te r
Nights 200
8 pm
Open 4 to
Thursdays in
August 20
Open 4-8 p
0 pm
8:30 to 9:3
August 27 hipley -
re t h e S k ies above S rs
g e C o un t y Astronome Co ngratulat ions to Tim
Tur ne r from Community
The Oran re nearby pla
nets re ce ivi ng th e M ayor’s Aw
ard. Tim has work ed for th
Se rv ice s for
lp u s e xp lo ! e cit y since 1974.
will he
t e m s lig ht years away Tim is th e Be ach Op erat
ion s Crew leade r wh o wo
and star sy s is wi th th e gravey ard cre w rk s dil ige nt ly
d ev e n in g hours for th as su ring th at th e be ach
Extend e each day. is cle an an d safe
issed event
not-to-be m Tim has be en a de dic at
ed and hard work ing em
wi lling to “do more wi th ploye e, wh o is
les s.”Ye ars ag o, wh en th
thro ugh budget re duct ion e cit y was go ing
s, Tim impleme nted th e wi
program, which he co nt nt er Adop t a Be ach
Post Your re co gnize d for his se rv
inues to co ordin ate to da
ice by th e OC Tou rism
y. Tim has be en
Exce lle nce and has re ce ive Co uncil for Se rv ice
Announcement of Commerce Public Safe ty
d th e Go od Samarit an Aw
Awards Lunch. He is a de dic
ard at th e Ch am be r
and care s ab ou t th e be ac ated hard work er
Here! Mich elle, and has two so
h and ou r community. He
ns and a daughter. He re ce
is ma rr ied to his wi fe
ive d th e award on
July 20, 2009 at th e Cit y Community Se rv ice s st af
Co uncil Mee ting. He is sh ow
f and M ayor Ke ith Bohr.
n wi th his fami ly,


LIKE I T THIN - L Veggie Brooklyn Special $18.50 Spinach, Tomatoes, Anchovies,
The Artichoke $16.00 A hefty offering of pepperoni, Artichoke & Pineapples
Mozzarella, parmesan, plump sausage, onions, black olives, fresh Party Pack
artichoke hearts, fresh garlic, lightly mushroom, sliced green peppers & Any 2 Pies w/12 Hot Wings or 12
dressed w/ our perfectly seasoned fresh garlic BBQ Wings & 12 Garlic Knots & (2)
tomato sauce (white pizza) LaRocco’s Special $17.50 2 Liter Soda $45.00
The Chef’s Special $16.00 Covered w/ pepperoni, meatballs, Everyday Specials
Traditional cheese, w/ fresh sliced fresh mushroom & fresh garlic Any 1 Pie/Free Garlic Knots
tomatoes, seasoned w/ oregano & The Works $18.50 Any 2nd Pies/Free (2) 16oz Drinks
parmesan Mouth-watering portions of Any 3rd Pie/Free 2 Liter Soda

La Rocco’s Whitestone
Delicious ricotta cheese,
$16.00 pepperoni, sausage, meatball,
mushroom, onion, sliced green
Mon - Cheese Pie
Tue - Pepperoni Pie

Pizzeria mozzarella, parmesan & fresh garlic

(white pizza)
pepper & black olives
Bronx Special $17.50
Wed - Bronx Pie $16.00
Thurs - Calzone w/2 Top. $ 8.00
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

The Brent Special $17.00 A hardy offering of meatball, Catering Menu (Please Call)
“A Slice of New York” Artichoke, mushrooms, basil with sausage, & pepperoni Full Tray: Garlic Knots $20.00
garlic oil sauce (white pizza) Pika Pie $17.00 1/2 Tray: Garlic Knots $12.00
in Surf City USA House Specialties Covered w/ Canadian Bacon &
Full Tray: Hot/BBQ Wings $55.00
The Manhattan $16.00 Pineapples
• The Best thin pizza slice in H.B. House Salad 1/2 Tray: Hot/BBQ Wings $30.00
Sprinkled w/ savory pesto &
• Our Special Recipe comes straight topped w/ fresh marinated roasted Garden fresh House Salad $3.00 Full Tray: Salad $30.00
from New York! red peppers Baby mix greens, vine ripe 1/2 Tray: Salad $15.00
• We make our dough with bottled water. Puttanesca $17.00 tomatoes, sweet red onions, 12 Homemade Cookies $5.00
• We sell Pizza-By-The-Slice. Featuring plump artichoke hearts, kalamata olives topped 12 Homemade Brownies $12.00
• Delivery within 5 miles. sliced black olives dressed w/mozzarella cheese & your choice Drinks
• Open Daily from 11 a.m. til’ we w/pecorino romano, mozzarella, of dressing 16oz Soda $1.50
run out of dough. fresh basil,& special garlic oil sauce. Calzone $7.95 32oz Soda $2.00
Spinach Pomodora $17.00 Add’l Calzone Filling $0.50 Can Soda $0.75
The Crust A spectacular blend of fresh Surf City Specials 2 Liter Coke & Pepsi/Diet $2.50
Our secret is in the dough. Our time spinach leaves,cherry tomatoes, Any 2 slices & 16oz soda OR 714.465.9960

Lg Water $2.25
honored recipe for our famous thin pecorino romano, mozzarella, fresh any 1 slice w/ Garden Salad & Sm Water $1.25
crust Neopolitan has been perfected basil w/our special garlic oil sauce. 16oz soda $5.50 Monster $2.00
over the years. Paul’s Special $16.00 6 Garlic Knots $1.50 Red Bull $2.50
The Sauce Special garlic oil sauce, fresh Hot Wings / BBQ Wings Rock Star $2.00
Our sauce is light, yet spicy-sweet chopped basil, parmesan, 6 Wings $3.75 Green Tea $1.50
with just the right herbs and spices. mozzarella, topped w/ fresh sliced 12 Wings $7.00 Propel Water $1.50
The Toppings tomatoes (white pizza) 18 Wings $11.00 Gatorade $1.50
Every day we start with the freshest & Cheese $14.25 Additional Toppings $1.50 Apple Juice $0.75
finest vegetables and meats. No Our famous cheese pizza; A true Pepperoni, Sausage, Meatball, Desserts
preservatives. No additives.....just fresh, New York’s Selection Canadian Bacon, Mushroom, Green “Ice Cream” Price Varies
natural foods, bursting with flavor. Pepperoni $15.75 Pepper, Roasted Red Pepper, Pesto, “Homemade Cookies” $0.75
~~~~ Our next favorite pizza!!! Black Olives, Onions, Jalapenos, “Homemade Brownies” $1.00
We only have one size pie - 18” “Don’t
even think about asking for pineapple 101 Main Street, Suite 112, Huntington Beach, CA 92648
or chicken, cause’ that ain’t pizza”
Across from HB Pier, Corner of Main & PCH, ~ 714.374.2555 29
*Meet: Ellen DeGeneres pg 21

HB Fire Chief Announces Retirement

Digital Copy: • visit

ire Chief Duane Olson announced today University of California, Irvine and a teaching Orange County Fire Chief's Association,

F that he will be retiring from the City of

Huntington Beach on December 17,
2009. Chief Olson has been the Fire
credential in fire science and administration. National Fire Protection Association,
He holds State certifications as a Chief Officer, International Association of Fire Chiefs, and
the Orange County -Cities Hazardous
Chief since 2003. Materials Emergency Response
“My career with the City of Authority and the Orange County's
Huntington Beach Fire Department Health Care Agency's Emergency
has been challenging and Medical Care Committee. He has
rewarding,” stated Chief Olson. “I served as Past President of the Orange
have been fortunate to be able to County Fire Chief's Association,
spend more than 39 years with the Chair of the Metro-Cities Joint
City. We have accomplished many Powers Agreement and currently
goals and I am very proud of the serves as a Board Member with
achievements of the Fire Huntington Beach Hospital.
Department.” “Chief Olson has been a valuable
Some of the accomplishments of member of the City's Executive Team,”
the Fire Department under Chief stated City Administrator Fred Wilson.
Olson include: “It will be a challenge to replace him
• Upgraded the Department to an and he will be sorely missed.”
ISO Class 1 status City Administrator Wilson
• Developed an Organizational indicated that a nationwide recruitment
Team Concept will be conducted to find a new Fire
• Sustained quality customer Chief and he hopes to have the position
service in light of budget retraints filled by the first of the year.
• Built relationships both internally During his last months with the
and externally Fire Department, Chief Olson stated
• Created an open environment he had several goals he hopes to
through collaboration and accomplish. They include:
cooperation • Developing an approved plan for
Fire Chief Olson began his career the consolidation of Fountain
as a lifeguard with the City in 1970; Valley and Huntington Beach fire
his fire service career with departments.
Huntington Beach in 1974 as a • Finalizing plans to relocate Fire
Firefighter. He climbed to the ranks Station- 8 Heil to Graham and
of Firefighter Paramedic, Fire Production
Protections Specialist, Fire Captain, Deputy Fire Prevention Officer, and Fire Officer with • Completing the Fire Departments plan
Fire Marshal, Battalion Chief, Fire Marshal the California Fire Service Testing and for modernization of Fire Apparatus
and Division Chief. Educational System. He is a graduate of the • Finalizing the Department's three year
Fire Chief Olson earned his Master's National Fire Academy's Executive Fire Strategic Plan
Degree in Public Administration from the Officer Program. A retirement celebration is being planned
California State University, Fullerton in 1976. Duane Olson is a member of several to honor Chief Duane Olson for his many
He has a Bachelor's Degree from the professional organizations including the years of service.

City of Huntington Beach & Beach Blvd. of Cars:

Consider This:
Buying vehicles in Huntington Beach brings needed money to our City… 714.465.9960

Buying in HB: Buying Somewhere Else:

Cost of vehicle - $30,000 Cost of vehicle - $30,000
Money directly to HB $300 Money directly to HB $0
Consider: Our community uses money it
receives throughsales tax to help pay for critical
services. This money, some $17 million total
each year, goes in the General Fund. It is used
for Operating Expenses, Public Safety, Capital
Improvements in our neighborhoods, filling
The Local News, August 15-31, 2009

potholes, trimming trees and fixing streets.

Let's put the $300 in perspective…
With $300 Our City could…
Fill 5 potholes at $65 each.
Trim 7 trees at $48 each.
Replace 1 street light fixture at $280.
Please consider for all your purchases:

Buy in Huntington Beach When You Can
*Meet: Whoopie Goldberg pg 21

Digital Copy: • visit

Marshall’s to HB Historic Video
Close Circuit
he discount department retailer, Marshalls, will be resident will enjoy. The last 100 years comes to life in the

he discount department retailer, Marshalls,

T opening a new store in the Seal Beach shops at
Rossmoor. The new Marshalls
will be occupying the store location
film produced by the City, Surf City Centennial: 100 Years
in Huntington Beach. It shows the
City’s roots including its Native

T will be opening a new store in the Seal

Beach shops at Rossmoor. The new
Marshalls will be occupying the store location
recently vacated by Circuit City in The
Shops at Rossmoor Center at 12305 Seal
Beach Boulevard.
“This is great news. We welcome
American discovery, its founding in
1909 by Henry Huntington, the oil
boom of the 1920’s and the beginnings
of surfing with Duke Kahanamoku.
recently vacated by Circuit City in The Shops at Marshalls to Seal Beach, and look The book, Ebb and Flow, presented by
Rossmoor Center at 12305 Seal Beach Boulevard. forward to helping them get this store the City’s Historic Resources Board, is
“This is great news. We welcome Marshalls open in time for the holiday shopping a printed version of the amazing
to Seal Beach, and look forward to helping them season” said Mayor Gordon Shanks. historical
get this store open in time for the holiday Marshalls offers brand name clothing exhibit featured in February at the
shopping season” said Mayor Gordon Shanks. and shoes up to 60% less than shoppers Huntington Beach Art Center.
Marshalls offers brand name clothing and shoes expect to find in department and The Ebb and Flow book is available for
up to 60% less than shoppers expect to find in specialty stores. Contractors are a $10 donation and the DVD is a $5
department and specialty stores. Contractors are currently working on demolition and donation. Both are available at the City
renovation of the location. Marshalls is Clerk’s office in City Hall, California
currently working on demolition and renovation
expected to open in November 2009.Whether you’re a Greetings on Main Street, The Surf City Store on the pier,
of the location. Marshalls is expected to open in
history buff or just love the City, a history of Huntington HB Car Wash at Beach and Garfield and California
November 2009. Beach book and video are now available that every Seashell Co. at 5 Points Plaza.

The Local News, August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960

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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960

Now 888-548-5527
18255 Beach Boulevard
Huntington Beach, California
All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document
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The Local News, August 15-31, 2009 714.465.9960 Digital Copy: • visit

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