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Contrast Training

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Journal of Experimental Sciences Vol.

1, Issue 12, Pages 01-12 [2010]

Regular Article

Effect of complex and contrast resistance and plyometric training on

selected strength and power parameters
G. Rajamohan1*, P. Kanagasabai1, Suthakar Krishnaswamy1, Annida Balakrishnan2
1Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Annamalai University, Chidambaram 608 002. Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of Biochemistry, Sathyabama University Dental College and Hospital, Chennai -117.Tamil Nadu, India

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a complex
training program, a combined practice of weight training and
plyometrics, and contrast resistance and plyometric training on
selected strength and power parameters in young healthy athletes.
Thirty young male athletes, aged 1921 years old, from the
Department Of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Annamalai
University were selected as subjects. They were grouped into two
with fifteen members of each. Group 1 served with complex training
program and Group 2 with contrast training program. Experimental
training was given for 3 months duration (4 days/week). Selected
strength such as leg strength, back strength, muscular strength,
strength endurance and power parameters includes explosive power
in terms of vertical and horizontal distances were assessed using
appropriate test items. Data were collected before and after training
period and statistical analysis was done using paired T- test
significantly effective at 0.05 level of confidence. Hence our results
support the use of contrast training to improve the upper and lower
body explosivity levels in young players. In conclusion, this study
showed that more strength conditioning is needed during the sport
practice season. Furthermore, we also conclude that contrast
training is a useful working tool for coaches, innovative in this
strength-training domain, equally contributing to a better timeefficient training.
Keywords: Complex training, Contrast resistance and plyometric
training, Strength power


Complex training involves the completion of a resistance exercise

prior to a plyometric exercise. A classic example is to perform
vertical jumps or depth jumps after the completion of a back squat
exercise. The term complex training is credited to Verkhoshansky et
al. (1973). It is postulated that the resistance exercise will have a
performance enhancing effect on the plyometric activity (Ebben and
Watts, 1998), resulting in increased power output, increased
performance outcome and enhanced efficiency of the SSC behavior.
Complex training is widely used in the practical setting and is a
popular training modality. A number of reviews have been written
on complex training (Docherty et al., 2004; Ebben, 2002; Ebben and
Watts, 1998; Jeffreys, 2008).
Research has found the complex training can be beneficial to
athletic performance (Comyns et al., 2007; Evans et al., 2000;
Gllich and Schmidtbleicher, 1996; Young et al., 1998), while the
opposite has also been reported (Jones and Less, 2003; Scott and
Docherty, 2004). A possible explanation for this contradiction in
findings is that many variables have an influence on the research
outcomes and thus the efficiency of complex training, such as the
magnitude and mode of the preload exercise as well as the rest
interval between the preload and the plyometric components of
complex training. In addition, the gender, training status, training
age, strength levels of the participant may influence the potentiating
benefits of complex training (Docherty et al., 2004; Robbins 2005).
Contrast training enhances power workout quality but only if
youre already quite strong. When athletes carry out strengthtraining workouts designed to improve their power, they often
choose to work with relatively light resistances, which permit more
explosive movements. However, they often alternate light loads with
heavy ones, because heavy resistance seems to create a greater
activation and preparation for maximal effort in subsequent
explosive movements. Some exercise experts have claimed that the
power gains associated with programmes combining heavy and light

* Corresponding Author, Email:

resistance can be as much as three times greater than with

resistance.(Owen Anderson, 2010).
Although there has been general agreement that combining highresistance work with lighter, quicker movements during training
produces optimal gains in power, there has been some debate about
exactly how the two types of strength training should be combined
within workouts. There are basically two schools of thought:
proponents of complex training believe that various sets of groups
(complexes) of exercises should be performed in such a way that
several sets of heavy-resistance exercise are followed by several
sets of lighter-resistance; proponents of contrast training, on the
other hand, suggest that heavy and light exercises should be
alternated, set for set, with a lightning-fast, light-resistance set
always following a heavy one. To this contra version, the present
study was carried out in young male athletes to evaluate the effect
of complex and contrast resistance and plyometric training on
selected strength and power parameters.


Thirty male athletes were selected randomly as subjects from

Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Annamalai
University, They were young and healthy and their age ranges
between 19 to 21 years. Selected subjects were divided into two
groups with fifteen members of each. Group 1: served as complex
training group and
Group 2: served as contrast resistance and plyometric training
group. Experimental training program was performed for 4 days
/week for 3months.
Training Program
Complex training
This involves performing sets of weight training exercises before
sets of related plyometric exercises - eg three sets of 10 half squats,
before three sets of 10 jump squats. Such combinations of sets are
known as 'complexes (Docherty et al., 2004).
Contrast training
Contrast Training is a workout comprising of one set of a resistance
exercise followed by one set of a matched plyometric exercise. For
instance, squats followed by squat jumps or bench press followed by
plyometric push-ups. This involves alternating sets of first weights
then plyometric exercises - eg one set of 10 half squats followed by
one set of 10 jump squats, repeated over three sets. (Docherty et
al., 2004; Yuri Elkaim etal., 2010).
Selected variables included are strength parameters- leg strength,
back strength, muscular and strength endurance. Power parameters
include explosive power in terms of vertical distances and explosive
powers in terms of horizontal distances were measured. For testing
the leg and back strength dynamometers were used, for muscular
strength pushups are used, for strength endurance sit-ups will be
administered, for explosive power in terms of vertical distances are
tested by sergeant jump and for explosive power in terms of
horizontal distances are measured by standing board jump.
Statistical analysis
The data will be collected before and after the different strength
training programme performed by the experimental subjects.
Strength and power variables were assessed before and after 3
months of resistance training practices. The data were collected and
analyzed using paired T- test There differences was considered to

ISSN: 2218-1768

J Exp Sci Vol. 1, Issue 12, Pages 01-12 [2010]

be significant when p<0.05. Results
improvement was seen in contrast training.





Table -1: Effect of complex and contrast training on leg and back strength, muscular strength and strength endurance in athletes




















Data represents mean SD from 15 subjects in each group.

Group comparison: Group 2 with 1.
(The table value required for significance at0.05 level of confidence with df 14 is 1.761 respectively)
There is a significant relationship among paired groups. p<0.05
Table-2 Effect of complex and contrast training on explosive power in terms of vertical and horizontal distances in athletes

Explosive power in
vertical distances

Complex training



Explosive power in
horizontal distances

Contrast training




Data represents mean SD from 15 subjects in each group.

Group comparison: Group2 with 1.
(The table value required for significance at0.05 level of confidence with df 14 is 1.761 respectively)
There is a significant relationship among paired groups.p<0.05

Table 1 and 2 shows the effect of complex and contrast training on

leg, back strength, muscular strength, strength endurance and
explosive power in terms of (vertical and horizontal distances) in
The levels of strength and power parameters in contrast training
group was found to be effect when compared to complex training
group. The results show the significant relationship between paired

Resulted data produced better effect in contrast trained athletes
gained in strength and power parameters. As it turned out, in our
study, the complex workout produced worse jump-squats during the
first set of jump-squatting than the traditional and contrast
workouts, possibly due to a fatigue effect associated with the prior
completion of three sets of heavy-load 3RM half-squats.
As mentioned, heavy-load exercise may facilitate explosive
movements, but it cannot do so if the heavy-load work is extensive
enough to induce significant muscular fatigue. In a related study
carried out by Verkhoshansky (1973), novice track-and-field athletes
who utilised heavy loads before carrying out speed-strength
exercises achieved less improvement in explosive strength over the
course of a 12-week training programme than those who put the
explosive work before the heavy loads.
Interestingly enough, the difference in power performance during
the different squat-training methods in the Australian study
depended on the athletes strength levels, so the 11 subjects were
median-split (with the median athlete thrown out) into two
groups, with the five athletes with the highest 1RM values in one
group and the five with the lowest in the other. 1RM averaged
116kg for the low-strength groups and 139kg for the high-strength
athletes. After this split, statistical analysis revealed that the higherstrength group achieved a greater improvement in jump-squat
performance with the contrast workout than with the traditional
method, but no such difference was observed in the lower-strength
athletes. In our study, we found that alternate sets of training
improved the strength and explosive power than complex training. It
is also said that contrast training worked well with the strong
athletes but not the weaker ones. Thus, if one is attempting to
construct a contrast workout in order to enhance power
development, it is very important that quite high resistances be used
for the slower, heavy-load interludes.


The present study revealed the beneficial effect of contrast training.

It is also concluded that this type of training is much useful for
athletes to prepare for their competition.


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Owen Anderson
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Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN.(2010). What is Contrast Training and
how can it help you?

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