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Jefferson Vs Jackson Chart Answers

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Jeffersonian & Jacksonian Democracy Comparison


Jeffersonian Democracy

Jacksonian Democracy

To what extent was universal
white manhood suffrage
Which citizens were considered
eligible for office holding?

Believed property requirement was a test of

character that man of initiative should be able
to meet

Property requirements for voting had been


Believed the educated elite should rule,

although he proposed education for all to
prepare poorer individuals for public office

Believed all men were qualified to hold office

and that political positions should be rotated

How were candidates for

president chosen?

Candidates were chosen by caucuses of

political leaders

Nominating conventions were introduced

during Jacksons time

In what way did Jackson expand
the concepts of the chosen
How did each man view

Yeoman farmer as the chosen class

Jackson included planters, farmers, laborers,

and mechanics in chosen class

Originally feared the consequences of


Accepted industry as essential to American


How did the Charles River

Bridge v. Warren Bridge decision
affect the access to corporate
charters prevalent in Jeffersons
What was each mans attitude
toward the Bank of the United
What was each mans attitude
toward slavery?
What was each mans attitude
toward equality for women &
American Indians
How did each man view

In Js time corporate charters were granted to

favorites of state legislators & often implied
monopoly rights to a business

Roger Taney, Jacksons appointee as Chief

Justice of the Supreme Court, ruled in Charles
River Bridge decision that corporate charters
should be available to all who chose to risk
starting a business
Jackson saw Bank as a monopoly of the rich

How did each hope to remove

obstacles to upward social

To what extent was separation of
church and state accomplished in
each period?

Both disapproved originally at least,

disagreed with a loose interpretation of the
elastic clause
Owned slaves, saw slavery as an evil that time
would eradicate

Owned slaves, but seemed little interested in


Neither man saw women or American Indians

as equals

Had a particularly negative attitude toward

Native Americans

An educated man himself, believed education

was necessary for office-holding and for
preparing citizens for participation in a
Education & ambition were keys to success;
however, he was never able to build support
for his proposed system of public education

Had little education & believed education was

relatively unimportant

Most state constitutions had eliminated

established churches after the Revolution;

Ended the Bank & with it, control over credit,

CRB decision opened opportunities for
individuals to get corporate charters & thus
rise on both economic and social ladders.
Jackson, a self-made man, believed his
economic progress had accounted for his own
upward social mobility & others could follow
his example
Massachusetts, the last state to maintain an
established church, ended the practice in 1834

War of 1812



James Madison


Impressment of sailors
Freedom of the seas threatened.
U.S. hoped to gain Canada from England
War Hawks Pressure

Important Military Events

England burned Washington

Plattsburg battle
Battle of the Thames
Siege of Baltimore
New Orleans




No resolution of original disputes

No territory gained for either side


War promoted American nationalism and patriotism

Crushed Indian resistance in South and West
Federalist Party died
Industrialization began in New England
Era of Good Feelings began

You should be able to:

Explain Jeffersons Revolution of 1800 and discuss his goals as president
Explain the causes of the War of 1812
Understand the outcomes of the War of 1812 and the development of American nationalism
Describe the development of the American national economy
Explain how the decisions of the Marshall Court reinforced nationalism
Describe and explain the growth of the new Democracy that occurred in the wake of the
War of 1812
Discuss the ways in which the rise of the common man led to the development of mass
Describe the winners and loser (including Native Americans) in the Jacksonian age

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