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Street Crimes Are Commonplace in Pakistan

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Street crimes are commonplace in Pakistan.

Almost everyone has a story to tell about

having a purse or a wallet stolen; everyday street crimes appear in the news headlines.
They usually only occur in the big cities, where there are homeless street-people. An
analysis of the official data compiled by the Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC)
reveals that, on an average, 124 mobile phones are snatched/stolen every day. In the
preceding year, the figure had stood at 76. The growing trend of cellphone snatching and
theft in Karachi reflects the failure of the police in containing the crime. Despite the IMEI
mechanism having been activated to get the handsets jammed by the concerned cellular
companies, there has been a little or no improvement in the overall situation.
The major causes are unemployment and illiteracy but there are some other factors too like
lawlessness, fundamentalism, backwardness and double standards prevailing in the society.
The government should take steps to control these street crimes in Pakistan to make
Pakistan a peaceful country

Types of crimes

Drug crimes. The drugcrime category encompasses a range of offenses

connected with the use, transportation, purchase, and sale of illegal drugs.
Street crime. The most common forms of predatory crimerape, robbery,
assault, burglary, larceny, and auto theftoccur most frequently on urban streets.

Racial minority citizens account for a disproportionately high number of the

arrests for street crimes.
Organized crime. The term organized crime refers to the unlawful activities of

members of criminal organizations that supply illegal goods and services.

Political crime. The politicalcrime category contains both crimes by the
government and crimes against the government. Political goals motivate political

Victimless crime. Consensual acts (in which people are willing participants) and
violations in which only the perpetrator is hurt, such as the personal use of illegal
drugs, are called victimless crimes.

Whitecollar crime. Whitecollar crimes are offenses that persons commit while
acting in their legitimate jobs and professions. Whitecollar criminals behave in
unethical ways for selfgain (for example, embezzlement) or for the benefit of a
business (for example, corporate pricefixing). Victims of whitecollar crime
include the economy, employers, consumers, and the environment.

In ordinary language, the term crime denotes an unlawful act punishable by a state.[1] The term
"crime" does not, in modern criminal law, have any simple and universally accepted definition,

though statutory definitions have been provided for certain purposes.[3] The most popular view is

that crime is a category created by law; in other words, something is a crime if declared as such by
the relevant and applicable law.[2] One proposed definition is that a crime or offence (or criminal
offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual or individuals but also to a community, society
or the state ("a public wrong"). Such acts are forbidden and punishable by law.[1][4]
The notion that acts such as murder, rape and theft are to be prohibited exists worldwide.[5] What
precisely is a criminal offence is defined by criminal law of each country. While many have a
catalogue of crimes called thecriminal code, in some common law countries no such comprehensive
statute exists.
The state (government) has the power to severely restrict one's liberty for committing a crime.
In modern societies, there are procedures to which investigations and trials must adhere. If
found guilty, an offender may besentenced to a form of reparation such as a community sentence,
or, depending on the nature of their offence, to undergo imprisonment, life imprisonment or, in
some jurisdictions, execution.

Usually, to be classified as a crime, the "act of doing something criminal" (actus reus) must
with certain exceptions be accompanied by the "intention to do something criminal" (mens rea).[4]
While every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime. Breaches
of private law (torts and breaches of contract) are not automatically punished by the state, but can
be enforced through civil procedure.

What Are the Different Types of Crimes?

Crimes are defined by criminal law, which refers to a body of federal and state rules that
prohibit behavior the government deems harmful to society. If one engages in such
behavior, they may be guilty of a crime and prosecuted in criminal court.

Personal Crimes Vs Property Crimes

Types of crimes come in two categories, personal crimes and property crimes. Although there are
just two major categories, different states may have laws that deal with variations of the offenses that
fall under the two types of crimes. In addition to this, some crimes may fall into both categories. For
instance, there may be a violent robbery that not only includes a theft of property, but also involves
injury of an individual. while the crime is being committed. The types of crimes under each category
can sometimes also be divided into sub-categories as well.

Personal crimes
Personal crimes are crimes that are perpetrated against an individual. These can include assault,
battery, false imprisonment, kidnapping, homicide, and rape. Homicide also covers a range of
categories, which include first degree murder, second degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, and
vehicular homicide. Rape also involves a number of categories, which can include statutory rape,
sexual assault and many other types of sexual offenses. Personal crimes can also be further divided
into violent and non-violent crimes.


False Imprisonment


Homicide crimes such as first and second degree, murder, and involuntary
manslaughter, and vehicular homicide

Rape, statutory rape, sexual assault and other offenses of a sexual nature.

Property crimes
Property crimes are crimes that are categorized as offenses against property. This includes theft,
robbery, burglary, arson, embezzlement, forgery, false pretenses, and receipt of stolen goods. It
should be noted that there is a difference between theft and robbery. Theft, also known as larceny,
covers stealing of an item or items. For instance, someone that steals clothing from a retail store.
Robbery on the other hand covers theft of an item or items that uses force in the undertaking of the
crime. For instance, someone stealing clothing from a retail store while holding the workers at
gunpoint. Property crimes can also be divided into crimes against real property such as a house, or
crimes against the habitation. A crime against a residence is considered a crime against property
because a house has monetary value. On the other hand, a habitation is considered a home, not
simply a house. Basically, this is broken down into the use of the structure. There is a difference
between a house that is uninhabited, a home where people live, and a summer residence that is
hardly used.

Larceny (theft)

Robbery (theft by force) Note: this is also considered a personal crime since
it results in physical and mental harm.

Burglary (penalties for burglary)




False pretenses

Receipt of stolen goods.

Crimes Against Morality

Crimes against morality are also called victimless crimes because there is not
complainant, or victim. Prostitution, illegal gambling, and illegal drug use are all examples of
victimless crimes.
White-Collar Crime

White-collar crimes are crimes that committed by people of high social status
who commit their crimes in the context of their occupation. This includes embezzling
(stealing money from ones employer), insider trading, and tax evasion and other
violations of income tax laws.White-collar crimes generally generate less concern in the
public mind than other typescrime, however in terms of total dollars, white-collar crimes are
even more consequential for society. Nonetheless, these crimes are generally the least
investigated and least prosecuted.

Organized Crime

Organized crime is crime committed by structured groups typically involving the

distribution of illegal goods and services to others. Many people think of the Mafia when
they think of organized crime, but the term can refer to any group that exercises control
over large illegal enterprises (such as the drug trade, illegal gambling, prostitution,
weapons smuggling, or money laundering).
A key sociological concept in the study or organized crime is that these industries are
organized along the same lines as legitimate businesses and take on a corporate form.
There are typically senior partners who control the business profits, workers who
manage and work for the business, and clients who buy the goods and services that the
organization provides.
Street Crime
The most common forms of predatory crimerape, robbery, assault, burglary,
larceny, and auto theftoccur most frequently on urban streets. Racial minority citizens
account for a disproportionately high number of the arrests for street crimes.

A Sociological Look at Crime

Arrest data show a clear pattern of arrests in terms of race, gender, and class. For
instance, as mentioned above, young, urban, poor, and racial minorities generally
commit personal and property crimes more so than other demographic groups. To
sociologists, the question posed by this data is whether this reflects actual differences in
committing crimes among different groups or whether this reflects differential treatment
by the criminal justice system. Studies show that the answer here is both. Certain
groups are in fact more likely to commit crimes than others because crime is linked to
patterns of inequality in the United States. However, the process of prosecution in
the criminal justice system is also significantly related to patterns of race, class, and
gender inequality. We see this in the official arrest statistics, in treatment by the police,
in sentencing patterns, and in studies of imprisonment. References BarCharts, Inc. (2000). Sociology: The Basic
Principles of Sociology for Introductory Courses. Boca Raton, FL: Bar Charts, Inc. Andersen, M.L. and Taylor, H.F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials. Belmont, CA: Thomson

Street Crime
When you think of crime, you most likely think of street crime. Street crime is any criminal offense
that typically takes place or originates in a public place. There are many different types of street
crime. Some types are violent, and some are non-violent. For example, crimes against persons are
all crimes involving bodily harm, the threat of bodily harm or other actions committed against the will
of the victim. Assault, battery, sexual assault, homicide, domestic violence and robbery are crimes
against persons.
Let's say Polly is walking through a parking lot on her way home from a play. Peter walks up from
behind her and grabs her purse off her shoulder, knocking her to the ground. Peter then runs away
with the purse. Polly is the victim of a robbery and has just experienced a crime against persons.
Now let's say Polly returns to the parking lot after the play to find that her car has been stolen. This is
a crime against property. Crimes against property are all crimes involving the theft of or damage to
property. Crimes against property don't involve bodily harm or the threat of bodily harm to a victim.
Crimes against property include burglary, arson, auto theft, shoplifting and vandalism.
Other types of street crime include drug crimes, which are all crimes involving the manufacturing,
possession, use or sale of illegal substances. Drug manufacturing and trafficking are popular
activities of street gangs. Gang activity often involves property crimes and personal crimes. Statistics
kept through the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI show that most street criminals are:




Racial minorities


Types Of Street
The major types of street crime are as follows:
car theft
shop robbery
fighting / gangs

It is the crime of taking or attempting to take anything of value by force or threat of force or
by putting the victim in fear. At common law, robbery is defined as taking the property of another,
with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear.
Precise definitions of the offence may vary between jurisdictions. Robbery is differentiated from
other forms of theft (such as burglary,shoplifting or car theft) by its inherently violent nature (a violent
crime); whereas many lesser forms of theft are punished as misdemeanors, robbery is always
a felony for this reason.[where?] Under English law, most forms of theft are triable either way, whereas
robbery is triable only on indictment.

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