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Feminist Essay

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Feminist essay

In this essay I will be identifying what feminism is and how it has affected
society and is also replicated in film on a large scale. I will be discussing how
women are represented and made to seem through the eyes of media. My
feminist analysis will be based on the film Case 39 (2009)
Firstly, gender inequality has had a long-lasting existence, affecting things
commonly known as jobs where male workers are generally given an
increase in pay than women. Stereotypical judgments have been made on
women where they are perceived to be weak and vulnerable. These
perspectives have are greatly demonstrated through the use of film, where
camera shots are used to illustrate the authority of men and weakness over
women. Overall feminism has been used to push forward the idea of gender
inequality and lower stereotypes therefore the main intention of the
feminism film genre is to show that women are being equally represented.
In the film Case 39 we are made to identify three significant females. The
first is of the little girl Lilith. Where at the start of the film a medium shot is
shown of her in her bedroom, the door is opened projecting a white light
upon her pale complexion. The white light as she is presented in the light of
innocence and purity, conveying the vulnerability of a young girl. The mis en
scene displays a darkened room where nothing but the bright light is
projected on her face and is surrounded by darkness.
We are then made to identify with her parents where a medium shot is
displayed of her parents looking though the bedroom. The father of the little
girl is first to open the door with his wife crouched down beside him. Here the
wife is made to seem weaker than the male as she is crouched down and
shielded behind him showing some elements of the conventions of
structuralism horror films where it is male driven. Where the male character
takes the leading role to obtain survival, as the father is seen opening the
door to the little girls room, being in control of the situation. The lighting is
projected from the back of the parents, creating shadowing darkness on their
faces which suggest that this child is in danger.
We are then made to identify with the third female. Where we are shown a
low angle show of the social worker in an office location. The manager
deposits another work file for the female employee to look into. The low
angle shot demonstrates authority of the male and their significance within

the work place. Previously before the audience was shown the amount of
control the male had in his house with his wife and now the audience is
made to witness a vulnerability manipulation as she is given more cases to
look into.
This links to society as a whole due to the fact that in some places, the male
workers are paid a fraction more than women. The mise en scene displays an
office setting divided into small cubical of work stations with limited space.
The social workers hair colour is bland stereotypically the colour used in the
Final Girl. This shade conveys vulnerability and weakness and elements of
naivety, innocence and purity due to its colour consistence (From the low
angle view we are made to identify this.)
The other female is brunette, perceived to be the braver bolder kind of
women; here the audience is juxtaposed with the different characters. The
social work is clear representation of women with a voice and actively
supporting the feminist movement. As shot reverse shots are used in and
between conversations wanting to plough deeper into the case. Dolly shots
are shown of her walking having the camera follow her movement. This
demonstrates her equality within the role of a male figure, whereas the
brunette female where her character has been juxtaposed with the social
worker, she is displayed to be submissive in following the demands of her
husband the medium shot of her crouch down beside him. Showing the
change of levels in relation to hierarchy of the male being more superior to
the women. She represents the role of the house wife her face lifeless and
distraught from distress or possibly abuse as some women are subjected to
this. Overall some of the aspects of the film have significant relations to the
society of today where they are continuously being prejudged due to their
feminine qualities, therefore the use of feminism in the film to some extent is
able to make justifications of the significant role of women handling
situations independently and staring the leading role.

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