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Comunicação Sensor 6613 Telaire

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Telaire T6613/T6615 Series

Development Kit
User Manual

The T6613/6615
development kit is a
tool designed for
evaluating the
performance of the
T6613/6615 CO2
sensor. In addition, this
kit can be useful in
developing software
and/or firmware for
use in communication
with the T6613/6615 sensor.
The T6613/6615 Development Kit provides a graphical interface to
display and record CO2 measurements from the T6613/6615. The
software also allows for calibration of the sensor with respect to known
stable CO2 reference gas. The kit contains a USB drive preloaded with
the necessary software. The sensor uses a special USB cable provided to
connect to a PC; it is NOT intended for use as a standard USB cable.
This kit is intended for use by engineers and technicians who have a
general understanding of electronics integration and/or communication;
it is not intended as an end product. Although the included T6613/6615
CO2 sensor is a production PCB, it is not recommended to install it into a
final product for resale.
Key features include:

Installing the T6613/6615 CO2 Sensor

and Software
The T6613/6615 development kit contains:

One non-standard USB cable for communication with T6613/6615


Do not attempt to use this cable as a standard USB cable.

One T6613/6615 CO2 sensor

One 2 GB USB Flash drive with eCO2View software, drivers, user
manual, software protocol and code samples.

Hardware Installation
The T6613/6615 CO2 OEM module is a sensor on a printed circuit board
and should be treated as carefully as any other printed circuit board.
Take appropriate precautions to prevent damage from electrostatic
discharge, mechanical stresses, and thermal abuse during installation.
Please refer to ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999 for more information on
preventing ESD damage, and to IPC-610 Rev D for more information on
proper electronic assembly practices.

Software Requirements and Installation

Accuracy specification of 75 ppm with ABC Logic

The software that comes with the T6613/6615 Development Kit has only
been tested on Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2.
While the software should work on all versions of Windows XP or later,
this cannot be guaranteed.

Operates on standard 5.0 VDC UART communication compatible

with most microcontrollers


Tsunami-Lite software protocol for integration into existing software

No external cables - powered from a standard USB port

Small profile of sensor allows for easy integration into any system.

CO2 data logging and data export capability

Single point calibration

Install the software before plugging the device into

the USB port. This will allow the software and USBserial drivers to be available before the device is
connected for the first time. If the device is plugged
in before the software is installed, it is recommended
that you unplug the device and restart the PC. Once
the PC has been successfully restarted, you can
install the software and plug the device in again.

Complete software protocol documentation

Binary files to load commands to the sensor with any terminal

USB Flash drive with all necessary software for operation and

Advanced Sensors

The software comes on media that has an autorun.inf file in the root
directory. This file instructs the operating system to automatically load
all the files required. Insert the media into the PC and wait for the setup
program to start. Note that if you are using a Flash drive, you might first
be presented with the dialog box shown in Figure 1 on the next page. In
this case, select Install T6613/6615 Development Kit and click OK to
begin the installation process.

September 2014
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Installing the Device Drivers

A third party vendor supplies the device drivers for the USB
communications software. The Setup Wizard should automatically load
their driver installation software. However, if the software has to be
loaded manually, then you can find that installation program in the
default installation directory under the subdirectory VCP Driver. Run the
program by double-clicking on the icon CDM 2.04.06.exe.
During either manual or automatic loading, a DOS box will open and
display the process. Note that during the automatic installation process,
the document viewer might hide this DOS box if the check box View
Documentation was checked.

Figure 1: Removable Media Dialog

The Setup Wizard (Figure 2 below) should appear after several seconds.
If it does not, go to the root directory on the supplied media and run

Figure 4: Device Driver DOS Installation

Installing the Hardware

Once the software has been loaded, you can plug the device into any
available USB port and run the application software. First, plug the 4-pin
receptacle into the 4-pin header on the T6613/6615 CO2 sensor (Figure 5
below). Next, plug the USB cable into the PC (Figure 6 below).

Figure 2: Setup Wizard Window

The Setup Wizard presents a number of dialogs. Amphenol Advanced
Sensors suggests that the user accept the default values.
After the application software is loaded, the final dialog appears. Unless
you want to load the device drivers manually, check the box Load the
VCP device drivers In the event the device drivers are already
loaded, this checkbox should be unchecked. The software loads both the
device driver manual installation program and documentation into the
default directory, and they are available after installation.

Figure 5: T6613/6615 CO2 Sensor with 4 Pin Header

Figure 6: T6613/6615 CO2 Sensor Connected to USB Cable

Figure 3: Completing the Software Installation

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Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

The iterated communications port balloon shown in Figure 10 above

may or may not be displayed. However, it is important to find out to
which serial port the USB driver has iterated. If you are unsure which
COM port is associated with the USB port, you can find that information
in the Hardware tab in the Systems Properties dialog.
1. From the Start Menu, select the Control Panel, and from there select
the System icon (Figure 12 below).

Figure 7: T6613/6615 Hardware Setup

On Windows XP systems, New Hardware Found balloons will appear
on the screen (Figures 8, 9, 10 and 11 below).

Figure 12: Start Menu Control Panel

2. Select the System Properties icon (Figure 13 below).

Figure 8: New Hardware Found USB Serial Converter

Figure 9: New Hardware Found -- USB Serial Port

Figure 13: Control Panel System Properties Icon

3. From the System Properties box (Figure 14 below), select the
Hardware tab.

Figure 10: New Hardware Found Iterated Serial Port

Figure 11: New Hardware Found Ready to Use

Figure 14: System Properties Window

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Page 3

4. Click on the Device Manager button (Figure 15 below).

If you are running this application for the first time, an error message
appears that the communications port is not available. Continue running
the application. In the eCO2View Settings menu (Figure 18 below),
change the settings to the communications port to which the USB serial
port driver iterated (Figure 19 below).

Figure 15: Hardware Tab

Figure 18: eCO2View Settings Menu

Figure 16: Device Manager Window

The USB software generally iterates to the next available open serial
port: in Figure 16 above, port 7.

Running the Development Software

Figure 19: Serial Communications Port Window

After you click OK, you must click the Start Graphing button to
continue logging data. This may take several seconds, but eventually you
should see data streaming to the graph area of the application (as shown
in Figure 20 below).

The Setup Wizard installs a shortcut on the users desktop and a group in
the Start Menu. From the Start Menu (Figure 17 below), select
eCO2View from the T6613/6615 Development Kit option to start the

Figure 17: Start Menu Development Software

Page 4

Figure 20: Running eCO2View Application

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Uninstalling the Software

To uninstalling the application software, go to the Start Menu and select
T6613/6615 Development Kit, Version 1.0 (Figure 21 below) and then
Clicking Uninstall deletes all of the files that were created in the
installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Telaire\T6613 (or T6615)
Development Kit). If any files remain, simply delete any files left in the
installation directory and the directories themselves.

Uninstalling the Device Drivers

The automated uninstall process does not uninstall the USB Serial Port
device drivers. You must uninstall them manually in a straightforward
procedure. From the Start Menu, select the Control Panel icon and then
select the Add or Remove Programs icon (Figure 21 below).

Developing an Application with the T6613/

6615 CO2 Sensor
Simulating the Environment
The T6613/6615 CO2 sensor has many different applications, so having
a repeatable way to test the sensor under all conditions is vital to
successful system integration. Although there are many different tests
that one could conduct in order to verify or test the full functionality of
any product, some critical issues are required in any application:

A clean 5.0 5% VDC power supply capable of sourcing up to 200

mA peak, 35 mA average

Reliable UART communications at 5.0V levels with the T6613/6615

Although the T6613/6615 is designed to withstand a large amount of
RF exposure, it is still important to keep the sensor as far away as
possible from antennas, transceivers and high voltage electronics that
can radiate high levels of RF energy. This could degrade performance
and give misguiding results.

If any of the above points are not met, inaccurate readings or even
damage to the sensor can occur. When simulating the environment, you
should remember several factors when developing a test to fully
encompass the reality of an application. Some of these factors include:

Temperature range of operation

Exposure to external chemical stimulus (combustion, corrosive

chemicals, miscellaneous compounds found in gas under test, etc)

Any mechanical vibration or stresses applied to the sensor

Figure 21: Add or Remove Programs Icon

You must remove two programs, both called Windows Driver Package
FTDI CMD Driver Package. Each is responsible for a different aspect
of the USB Serial Port device driver. Click the Change/Remove button
for both programs.

Exposure to external electrical stimulus (RF radiation, ground

currents, etc...)

Start up and warm up time of system

ABC Logic, Automatic Background

Calibration System
Figure 22: Removing First Windows Driver Package

Figure 23: Removing Second Windows Driver Package

You have removed the device drivers.

The T6613/6615 family of modules can be shipped with ABC Logic ON

or OFF. ABC Logic is designed to work in environments where the
measured CO2 level drops to outdoor levels at least three times in a 14day period. For example, in a typical office, school, theater, etc., people
are the main source of CO2 in a building. When people go home at night,
the indoor CO2 level will drop to the outdoor CO2 level, which is
typically 380 to 400 ppm. The ABC Logic system records the lowest
reading every 24-hour period for analysis. If a statistical difference is
seen in the baseline readings, a calibration factor is applied to all
subsequent sensor readings. The ABC Logic system typically takes three
weeks of continuous run-time before making corrections. Please refer to for more information about the ABC
Logic system.
ABC Logic should be turned OFF in applications that do not routinely
see background levels such as in greenhouses where CO2 levels are kept
elevated to promote plant growth. ABC Logic should also be turned OFF
in any situation (i.e., calibration) where a gas of a concentration of less
than 400 ppm is exposed to the sensor for a long period of time. In these
situations, ABC Logic will create accuracy issues because it will try and
make unnecessary adjustments. The 6613 module can be ordered with
ABC Logic OFF. With ABC Logic OFF, Amphenol Advanced Sensors
suggests that you check the sensors calibration annually, and more often
for harsh environments with high or low temperature, humidity, and/or

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Page 5


During testing and development, it is recommended to turn the

ABC Logic OFF. This can be easily done from the eCO2View
program, under the ABC_Logic menu. Otherwise, after long
term operation, the sensor will try to add correction values,
which could prolong testing and corrupt logged data.

Sensor Pin Out:

The connector for the sensor is designated connector J1. The pin out is:

Pin Number

Pin Name

Pin Description

Single Point Calibration


UART Transmit

A single point calibration will set what the sensor believes is a single
concentration of CO2, and will shift each measurement correspondingly.
The CO2 concentration in an open area outdoors, free of any obstruction,
is typically around 380 to 400 ppm. This can serve as a reasonable single
point calibration concentration. There are alternative calibration
techniques. The first alternative is to soak the sensor in a known
premixed concentration of gas and then execute the single point
calibration sequence. If gas is being used, ensure the sensor readings are
stable to 10 ppm. The second alternative is to use the Telaire 7001
Reference sensor as a value for a single point calibration. To initial a
single point calibration, open eCO2View. Under the Calibration menu,
select Single Point Cal. A warning will appear specifying the proper
condition for calibration. After verifying all the condition are met for
calibration, select OK. A window similar to Figure 24 below appears:


UART Receive


Input Voltage 5 VDC


Input Voltage 5 VDC






Analog Output
0-4 VDC ~ 0-2000 PPM CO2


No Connect


No Connect


No Connect


No Connect


No Connect



UART Transmit



UART Receive




Figure 24: eCO2View Single Point Calibration Menu

Now enter the concentration of CO2 to which you wish to single point
calibrate the sensor. Click Start Single Pt Cal. The process takes
approximately two minutes to complete. When calibration is complete,
click the Close button. The sensor will continue logging data. Feeding
the correct sequence of bytes can also initiate the calibration. Please see
the next page for single point calibration code command.

Power and Input/Output Considerations

When embedding the T6613/6615 CO2 sensor, you must take into
account the power supply requirements and sensor pin outs.

Power Supply Requirements

Pin Description:
TX - UART transmit pin
RX - UART receive pin
V+ - Positive voltage supply
GND - Ground
AVOUT - Analog voltage output of
0-4V based on CO2 ppm
N/C - No Connection
Figure 25: T6613/6615 Pin Out

The T6613/6615 requires a regulated 5.0 5% VDC supply. Large

amounts of ripple voltage (100 mV+) on a supply can affect the sensor
measurement. The average current draw for the sensor is 35 mA, with a
peak current draw of 130 mA when the lamp is first activated. The
quiescent current of the sensor is 8 mA. Be sure not to reverse the
polarity on the power supply, as there is no protection in place to keep
from destroying the electronics. While the input and output pins have
ESD protection, you must still take care when installing a sensor, or
when handling a sensor with any cables attached.

Page 6

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Communication with the T6613/6615

The T6613/6615 CO2 sensor has a whole syntax of commands for added
versatility in applications. The document CO2_sensor_UART_Protocol Customer_rev3.pdf, included with this media, provides a full description
of the command protocol for the T6613/6615. In this file is a description
of the frame size and packet formatting, and full details on the different
serial commands for the T6613/6615.

Commonly Used Commands

For convenience, here are some commonly used commands when
talking to the T6613/6615.
Loopback: This command is used strictly for testing. The data_bytes
(up to 16 bytes) following the 0x00 command are echoed
back in the response packet.

FF FE 04 00 11 22 33

FF FA 03 11 22 33

Read a status byte from the sensor. The status byte indicates
whether the sensor is functioning, and is measuring PPM
concentrations. The response is a single byte, <status>, of bit
flags. (Note: bit 0 is the LSB.)

Bit 0: Error
Bit 1: Warm up Mode
Bit 2: Calibration
Bit 3: Idle Mode
Bits 4 - 6: (internal)
Bit 7: Self-Test Mode
If a given status bit is 1, the sensor is in that mode. If a status bit is 0,
the sensor is not in that mode.

FF FE 01 B6
FF FA 01 00 (Normal Mode)
FF FA 01 02 (Warm-up)
FF FA 01 04 (Calibration)

Verify Single Pt PPM equals 600 (= 0x0258):

This is the second step in a single point calibration. This
command will verify a Set Single Pt PPM command,
and is a recommended step every time the sensor is to be

FF FE 02 02 11
FF FA 02 02 58

Single Point Calibration Command:

This command tells the sensor to start a single point
calibration. Before sending this command, the sensor
should be soaking in uniform calibration gas, and a Set
Single PT PPM and Verify Single PT PPM command
should have successfully been done. The <ACK>
response indicates that the calibration request has been
received. To verify that the calibration has started, wait
least one dsp cycle length and then send command
Status to see if the calibration bit is set. When the
calibration is finished, the calibration bit in the status
byte is cleared. A Read PPM command should be
executed after the single point calibration process is
complete to verify successful calibration.

FF FE 01 9B
FF FA 00 (ACK)

Set Altitude equal 500 Feet (500 = 0x01F4):

Set/Write the elevation in feet above sea level, a required
operating parameter for the sensor. Elevation is normally
expressed in increments of 500 feet from 0 to 5000 feet.
Response is an <ACK>, a response data-packet with the
length byte set to zero and no data bytes. This command
should be followed by a Verify Altitude Command to
ensure the expected value was written.

FF FE 04 03 0F 01 F4


FF FA 00 (ACK)

Verify Altitude equals 500 Feet:

This command tells the sensor to output the current
setting for the altitude that is stored in Flash memory.

Read PPM: Read the gas ppm as measured by the sensor. Response is a
2-byte binary value giving the ppm.


FF FE 02 02 0F


FF FE 02 02 03


FF FA 02 01 F4


FF FA 02 02 8A (for PPM = 650 = 0x028A)

Set Single Pt PPM equal 600 (= 0x0258):

This is the first step to doing a single point calibration. This
command tells the sensor what the current measurement of
CO2 should be reading.

FF FE 04 03 11 02 58
FF FA 00 (ACK)

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Page 7

Using HyperTerminal and Binary Files

UART Read and Update Elevation

You can upload individual commands to the sensor in many different

ways. Any RS-232 communication monitor tool can send hexadecimal
commands to the sensor, and also monitor the replies. The software
includes a set of binary files, containing the commands for single
instructions. The table below lists the name of the file, and its associated

In this set of interchanges, you first read the sensors elevation parameter
and find it is set at 1000 ft. Then you change the elevation setting to
2500 ft. Then you read back the new elevation setting and verify that it is
set to 2500 ft.

File Name

Command Description


Send loopback command


Return current ppm measurement


Set sensor altitude to 500 feet


Set single point ppm to 600 ppm


Initiate a single point calibration


Return the status register


Verify current altitude at 500 feet


Verify single point equals 600 command

HyperTerminal, included in this development kit, allows easy uploading

of commands. Please see Appendix C for file upload instructions. An
RS-232 debug tool or monitor is required to verify communication with
the sensor, and also for general-purpose development work. Amphenol
Advanced Sensors recommends LookRS232 (http://

Appendix A: Basic Code Examples

The following examples illustrate request and response packets with the
UART Tsunami-Lite Communication Protocol. Requests and responses
are expressed in hexadecimal bytes. The <command> portion of a
request and the <response_data> are in bold type.


Req 1> FF FE 02 02 0F

In request 1, 02 0F is

Resp1>.FF FA 02 03 E8

In the first response, 03 E8 is the

elevation, 1000 ft (1000 =

Req 2> FF FE 04 03 0F 09

In request 2, 03 0F is CMD_UPDATE, ELEVATION, and 09 C4

is the elevation, 2500 ft (2500 =

Resp2> FF FA 00

The second response is an <ACK>,

since the length is 0x00.

Req 3> FF FE 02 0F 02

The third request and response are

formatted like the first, reading
back the new elevation setting,
2500 ft.

Resp3> FF FA 02 09 C4

UART Error Simulation with Recovery

In this set of interchanges, you first verify that the sensor is operating
normally. Then you send a command that forces the sensor into an error
state. The sensor automatically recovers by resetting itself, and going
into Warm-up Mode. You then send the command to skip warm-up, thus
putting the sensor back into the normal state.

Req 1> FF FE 01 B6


Resp1> FF FA 01 00

Resp1: status byte is 0x00. Sensor is in

normal mode, measuring gas PPM.

Req 2> FF FE 01 95

Req 2: CMD_HALT. Puts sensor in

error mode.

Resp2> FF FA 00

Resp2: <ACK>

Req> FF FE 02 02 03

In the request 02 03 is CMD_READ

Req 3> FF FE 01 B6


Resp> FF FA 02 02 50

The response 05 50 gives the gas

PPM as 592 PPM (592 = 0x0250).

Resp3> FF FA 01 02

Resp3: status byte is 0x02. Bit 1 high

indicates sensor is in warm-up mode.
(If CMD_STATUS is sent quickly
enough, the sensor may respond with
0x01, indicating the brief error state
prior to reset, or may not respond at all
due to resetting)

Req 4> FF FE 01 91


Resp4> FF FA 00

Resp4: <ACK>

Req 5> FF FE 01 B6


Resp5> FF FA 01 00

Resp5: status byte is 0x00. Sensor is in

normal mode, measuring gas PPM.

UART CMD_STATUS to Verify Normal Operation

Req> FF FE 01 B6

In the request, B6 is CMD_STATUS

Resp> FF FA 01 00

In the response, 00 is the status byte.

The zero value indicates that the sensor is in normal mode where it is measuring gas PPM. It is not in warm-up
mode, it is not in calibration mode,
and it is not in an error condition.
Further examples of CMD_STATUS
appear below.

Page 8

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Appendix B: Top Level BOM of T6613/6615

Development Kit

Appendix C: HyperTerminal File Upload Procedure

1. Open the file in the T6613/6615 Development Kit
installation directory
2. Click on the File menu, then click New Connection.
3. Enter the name of the connection (e.g., T6613/6615 CO2 Sensor
4. Select the appropriate COM port. In applications where a USB
interface with a Virtual COM port is used, please check the Ports
(COM and LPT) menu under the Device Manager for the correct
COM port number. To access the Device Manager, follow the
procedure on page 3.
5. Set the COM port settings per the following:

7. Select the desired binary file to transfer. The binary files included
are located in the folder named bin.
8. Click Open.
Clicking Open will send the desired command to the unit. The
HyperTerminal wont receive anything from the sensor, but the
command has been sent and the sensor has preformed the desired
operation. For a full description of the protocol, please see
CO2_sensor_UART_Protocol - Customer_rev3.pdf.

Warranty Repairs
Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc. will repair Telaire product that fails to
meet the terms provided for in the Return and Warranty Policy
Statement (See, period
shall start from date of manufacture and be based on product category
and type of equipment as specified in Table 1: Product Warranty
Periods. For all warranty repairs, Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc. will
bear all product repair parts, labor, and standard ground shipping
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:

Bits per second = 19200

Data bits = 8
Parity = None
Stop bits = 1
Flow control = None
6. Next, under the Transfers menu, click on Send Text File

Telaire T6613/T6615 Series Development Kit

Page 9

Customer Support Centers

Technical Support:
Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc.
St Marys Center
967 Windfall Road
St Marys, Pennsylvania 15857
T: +1 814-834-9140
F: +1 814-781-7969

Sales and Services
Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc.
St Marys Center
967 Windfall Road
St Marys, Pennsylvania 15857
T: +1 814-834-9140
F: +1 814-781-7969
Sales and Service:
Amphenol Thermometrics (U.K.) Limited
Crown Industrial Estate Priorswood Road
Taunton, TA2 8QY, UK
T: +44 1823-335-200

Amphenol (Changzhou)
Connector Systems
305 Room, 5D
Jintong Industrial Park
Wujin, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
T:+86 519 8831 8080 ext. 50087
F:+86 519 8831 2601

Sales and Service
Amphenol TFC DO Brazil LTDA
Rodovia Governador Adhemar
Pereira de Barros KM 121,5 S/N
13098-396 Campinas
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Advanced Sensors

2014 Amphenol Thermometrics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Technical content subject to change without notice.

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