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Morrow Park Transfer Agreement

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City of Peterborough

Media Release
April 23, 2015
Peterborough, ON -Mayor Daryl Bennett and Ryan Moore, First Vice President of the Peterborough
Agricultural Society Board, are pleased to announce the City and Society have reached
a tentative agreement to resolve the long-standing impasse regarding interpretation and
application of the Morrow Park Transfer Agreement.
The City is the owner of Morrow Park under the terms of the Transfer Agreement which
also sets out various rights and obligations the City and Society have with respect to the
property. The City and the Society have for many years disagreed on the interpretation
or application of certain parts of the Transfer Agreement. During 2014, an arbitration
proceeding was initiated to finally resolve their differences.
In December of 2014, however, the Society expressed a desire to enter into confidential
discussions to put the arbitration on hold and find a solution to the impasse. Society
Board members Ryan Moore, Debra Post and Patrick Martin represented the Board,
and Mayor Bennett and Chief Administrative Officer, Brian Horton, represented the City
throughout the pursuing discussions.
Those discussions have led to a benchmark Interim Agreement that commits the City to
providing transitional funding to the Society to support its 2015 and 2016 Exhibitions,
clear up the Societys payables and allow the Society to undertake a strategic planning
process during 2015. In exchange, the Society commits to work toward developing a
new Final Agreement by May 31, 2016 to replace the existing Transfer Agreement and
the Society provides further commitments that will be binding on the parties whether or
not a new Agreement is ultimately signed by them.
This is a milestone moment, Bennett and Moore said. We have put the past behind us
and are focusing on the future to ensure the Societys and Citys objectives can be met
in a spirit of new co-operation.

The Society has endorsed the Interim Agreement, and a report to seek Council approval
will be presented to a Special Committee of the Whole meeting Monday April 27, 2015.
It is expected to be ratified later the same evening during the Council meeting.
This information is also available on the City of Peterborough website at

30 -

For further information please contact the undersigned:

Brian Horton
Chief Administrative Officer
City of Peterborough
500 George Street North
Peterborough, ON
K9H 3R9
Telephone: 705-742-7777 ext. 1810
Fax: 705-749-6687

Report CAO15-013 dated April 27, 2015

Agricultural Society / City Interim Agreement re the Morrow Park
Transfer Agreement


Members of the Committee of the Whole


Brian W. Horton, Chief Administrative Officer

Meeting Date:

April 27, 2015


Report CAO15-013
Agricultural Society / City Interim Agreement re the Morrow Park
Transfer Agreement

A report to recommend approval of an Interim Agreement between the City and the
Peterborough Agricultural Society regarding the Morrow Park Transfer Agreement.

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CAO15-013 dated April 27,
2015 of the Chief Administrative Officer, as follows:

That the Interim Agreement between the City of Peterborough and the Peterborough
Agricultural Society, appended to report CAO15-013 as Appendix A, re the Morrow
Park Transfer Agreement be approved and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to
execute the Interim Agreement.


That the total $105,000 grant payable to the Agricultural Society in 2015, as set out in
the Interim Agreement, be charged to the 2015 General Contingency.

Report CAO15-013 Agricultural Society / City Interim Agreement

re Morrow Park Trust

Page 2

Budget and Financial Implications

The 2015 General Contingency provision will have a $491,147 uncommitted balance after
the $105,000 transfer. If certain conditions, as set out in the Interim Agreement, are met by
the Agricultural Society, the City will provide $50,000 to the Agricultural Society to support
the 2016 Exhibition.

Arbitration process initiated during 2014 re Morrow Park Transfer Agreement
The City is the owner of Morrow Park (the Property) under the terms of an agreement dated
August 15, 1983 (the Transfer Agreement).
Under that Transfer Agreement, the Agricultural Society (the Society) and the City have
various rights and obligations with respect to the Property.
The City and the Society have for many years disagreed on the interpretation or application
of certain parts of the Transfer Agreement. During 2014, an arbitration proceeding was
initiated to finally resolve their differences.

Society requested a meeting to discuss how to avoid arbitration

In late November of 2014, some Society members requested a meeting with the Mayor and
Chief Administrative Officer to discuss the issues and how arbitration could be avoided.
The meeting was held December 9, 2014. At that meeting, it was decided that the City and
the Society should endeavor to put the past behind and hold the arbitration process in
abeyance, to allow the Society to undertake a strategic planning process to determine how
best to advance the Societys objectives under its statutory mandate, and to work towards
developing a New Agreement to replace the Transfer Agreement.
The CAO agreed to develop a document that captured the intent of the December 9, 2014

Interim Agreement Reached

Since the December 9, 2014 meeting, ongoing written and verbal communications have
occurred between the parties. It was determined early in the discussions that for the sake of
expediency, it would be best to develop an Interim Agreement whereby the City commits to
providing transitional funding to the Society to support its 2015 and 2016 Exhibitions, clear up

Report CAO15-013 Agricultural Society / City Interim Agreement

re Morrow Park Trust

Page 3

the Societys payables and to allow the Society to undertake a strategic planning process
during 2015. In exchange, the Society commits to work toward developing a new, final
agreement by May 31, 2016 to replace the existing Transfer Agreement (failing which the
parties will proceed with the arbitration process) and the Society provides further
commitments that will be binding on the parties whether or not a New Agreement is ultimately
signed by them and whether or not the arbitration proceeds.
The resulting recommended Interim Agreement is attached to this report as Appendix A.
The Society provided written confirmation on April 20, 2015 that it will sign the Interim
Under the Interim Agreement, the City will provide the Society with $21,666 upon signing to
clear up the Societys payables outstanding from 2014, and $58,334 (payable in two
instalments) to support the 2015 Exhibition. In addition, the Agreement stipulates the City will
provide a special $25,000 grant to the Society to assist it in developing a Strategic Plan with
the assistance of City staff. That Plan must be completed no later than February 28, 2016. If
a number of further conditions are met, the City will provide a further $50,000 grant to the
Society to support the 2016 Exhibition.
In exchange for the monetary contributions, the Interim Agreement includes the following
provisions that are binding on the parties, regardless of whether a New Agreement is
negotiated and signed by the parties:

There will be no motorized events at the Property starting in 2017.

Part II of the Transfer Agreement and Schedule C to the Transfer Agreement (the
Site Plan) and all references to Schedule C in the Transfer Agreement will have no
further force and effect.

The City will be free to use and develop 60% of that portion of the Property located
west of Roger Neilson Way for parks and recreation purposes for the benefit of the
general community. (The City has committed to keep the remaining 40% of that
portion of the Property as open space, subject to what might be negotiated and
included in the New Agreement.)

Committee Recommendations to be approved at April 27, 2015 Council meeting

Given the Societys need to clear up its 2014 payables and to finalize the 2015 Exhibition
plans, the Committee of the Whole Recommendations stemming from this report will be
placed on the April 27, 2015 Council agenda for final approval.

Report CAO15-013 Agricultural Society / City Interim Agreement

re Morrow Park Trust

Page 4

Society representatives will be attending the Committee of the Whole and Council meetings.

Submitted by,

Brian W. Horton
Chief Administrative Officer
Brian W. Horton
Chief Administrative Officer
Phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1810
Fax 705-749-6687
Appendix A Interim Agreement

Report CAO15-013
Appendix A
The Corporation of the City of Peterborough
(the City)
The Peterborough Agricultural Society
(the Society)


The City is the owner of certain lands and buildings known as Morrow Park (the
Property), in the City of Peterborough, Ontario.


Under the terms of an agreement dated August 15, 1983 (the Transfer Agreement), the
Society and the City have various rights and obligations with respect to the Property.


A disagreement has arisen between the City and the Society with respect to the
interpretation or application of the Transfer Agreement and their respective rights and
obligations under the Agreement.


In accordance with the terms of the Transfer Agreement, the City and the Society have
initiated an arbitration proceeding to resolve their differences and Stephen Morrison has
been appointed as the arbitrator.


The City and the Society have also undertaken direct discussions in an effort to resolve
their differences without the cost to both parties of proceeding with the arbitration.


The City and the Society have now agreed in principle to enter into a new agreement to
replace the Transfer Agreement that will govern their respective rights and obligations
with respect to the Property in the future (the New Agreement) and have agreed upon
a process to negotiate the specific terms of that New Agreement.


As part of that process the City and the Society have agreed upon certain items as a
sign of good faith, which items are intended to be and will be binding upon both the City
and the Society, whether or not a New Agreement is ultimately signed by them and
whether or not the arbitration proceeds.


For certainty, the City and the Society have reduced to writing in this Interim Agreement
the terms that will be binding upon them both and the process that they will follow for
negotiation of the New Agreement.

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Report CAO15-013
Appendix A
Non-Financial Support for 2015 Peterborough Exhibition

In 2015, the City will provide to the Society the same level of non-financial support for
the Peterborough Exhibition as the City provided in 2014.

Financial Support in 2015


In 2015, the City will provide financial support to the Society by way of one-time
conditional grant(s), to a maximum of $80,000. When this Interim Agreement has been
duly signed by authorized representatives of the City and the Society, the grant(s) will be
paid in installments and applied in accordance with the specified conditions, as set out
(a) A grant of $17,260.32 will be paid by the City to the Society, on condition that the funds
must be used to pay the outstanding balance owing for prize money from the 2014
Exhibition, as set out in a Statement of Outstanding Prize Monies provided by the
Society. The Society will provide the City with proof that the payments have been made.
(b) A grant of $4,405.52 will be paid by the City to the Society, on condition that the funds
must be used to pay the Societys outstanding liabilities relating to the 2014
Peterborough Exhibition listed in a Statement of Accounts Payable provided by the
Society. The Society will provide the City with proof that the payments have been made.
(c) A grant of $29,167.08 will be paid by the City to the Society in two equal installments of
$14,583.54 each, as follows:

The first installment will be paid on or before May 1, 2015, on condition that the
Society has delivered to the Director of Community Services a list of all activities
planned for the 2015 Peterborough Exhibition, including a breakdown showing which
activities will be operated by the Society and which will be operated by third parties,
along with the names and contact information for all third party operators; and

ii) The second installment will be paid on or before June 15, 2015, on condition that the
Society has delivered to the Director of Community Services copies of certificates of
insurance confirming that insurance coverage satisfactory to the City is in place for
the 2015 Peterborough Exhibition and copies of the policy or policies of insurance.
(d) A grant of $29,167.08 will be paid by the City to the Society when the Society has
delivered to the Director of Community Services a copy of the Societys Financial
Statements for their fiscal year ending October 31, 2015.

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Report CAO15-013
Appendix A
Special Grant for 2015 to Develop Strategic Plan

In addition to the grants identified in paragraph 10 above, in 2015 the City will provide to
the Society a special grant to a maximum amount of $25,000.00 (the Special Grant),
on condition that:
(a) The Special Grant will be used by the Society for the sole purpose of retaining a
consultant or consultants to assist the Society in developing a strategic plan for
advancement of its objects, including but not limited to its future operation of the annual
Peterborough Exhibition (the Strategic Plan). The City will assist the Society in
developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) and related documents to secure a
consultant or consultants;
(b) A Steering Committee for the strategic planning project of not less than four and not
more than six individuals, comprised of members of the Societys Board of Directors and
at least two City staff appointed by the City, is authorized and charged with the
responsibility to:

oversee development of the RFP,

ii) evaluate submissions received as part of the strategic planning process, and
iii) provide direction to the consultant(s) as the Strategic Plan is developed;
iv) recommend the completed Strategic Plan to the Societys Board of Directors and to
City Council for final approval;
(c) The RFP must stipulate that the objective of the planning process is to develop a
Strategic Plan that is economically viable and that acknowledges that there will be no
motorized events at the Peterborough Exhibition after the 2016 Exhibition;
(d) The strategic planning process must include consultations with the City, community
members and other stakeholders, with at least two public meetings held in the City of
Peterborough. The City will provide facilities for the community and stakeholder
meetings required for the development of the Strategic Plan;
(e) The Strategic Plan must include an assessment by the Society and the consultant or
consultants of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints of the various
long term goals or objectives of the plans identified and considered in the planning
process and the short-term action items required to realize and implement selected
goals and objectives; and
(f) The strategic planning process must be completed and the Strategic Plan must be
delivered to the Citys Director of Community Services on or before February 28, 2016.

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Report CAO15-013
Appendix A
Financial Support for 2016 Exhibition

The City will provide financial support to the Society by way of one-time conditional
grant(s) to a maximum of $50,000 to be used for the sole purpose of paying the
Societys expenses incurred in relation to its operation of the 2016 Peterborough
Exhibition, on condition that:
(a) The Society has delivered to the Director of Community Services a copy of the Societys
Financial Statements for their fiscal year ending October 31, 2015;
(b) The Society has delivered to the Director of Community Services a copy of the Societys
budget for the 2016 Peterborough Exhibition;
(c) The Strategic Plan has been completed and delivered to the Citys Director of
Community Services on or before February 28, 2016; and
(d) A New Agreement has been signed by the City and the Society on or before May 31,

Other Binding Commitments


For certainty, in addition to the foregoing terms, the City and the Society agree and
acknowledge that the following provisions are binding on them, whether or not a New
Agreement is ultimately signed by them and whether or not the arbitration proceeds:
(a) Commencing in 2017, there will be no motorized events at the Property by the Society or
in conjunction with the Societys use of the Property;
(b) Part II of the Transfer Agreement and Schedule C to the Transfer Agreement (the Site
Plan) and all references to Schedule C in the Transfer Agreement will have no further
force and effect. Subject to clause 13(c) below, the City is entitled to implement a
program of rehabilitation and improvement to develop the Property as the City sees fit, in
its sole discretion, for parks and recreation purposes for the benefit of the general
community. All future use by the Society of the Property will be on an as is basis as the
Property exists from time to time, subject to the condition that the Societys use will not
cause damage to the Property, including improvements to the Property;
(c) The City will keep as open space an area of its choosing comprising not less than 40%
percent of the area of that portion of the Property located west of Roger Neilson Way.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City will not demolish any buildings that currently
exist on the property prior to May 31, 2016 except the Day Car Centre, located at the
north-west corner of the property.
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Report CAO15-013
Appendix A
Deadline for Negotiation of New Agreement

If a New Agreement has not been signed by the City and the Society on or before May
31, 2016, they will resume the arbitration process, but subject to the binding provisions
of this Interim Agreement.

To evidence their agreement, the parties have signed this Interim Agreement on the date set out

Date ________________________________

The Corporation of the City of Peterborough


City Clerk

Agricultural Society




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