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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety.3

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Drug Safety 2005; 28 (10): 851-870



2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Clarification of Terminology in
Drug Safety
Jeffrey K. Aronson1 and Robin E. Ferner2

Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, UK

West Midlands Centre for Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting, City Hospital, Birmingham, UK


Nomenclature surrounding drug safety needs to be clear and unambiguous, so

that patients, prescribers, manufacturers, and regulators can all understand each
other. In particular, it needs to make it clear how adverse events and drug therapy
are related to one another, how they are best classified, and their frequency,
intensity and seriousness.
In this article, we therefore discuss and define terms used in the field of drug
safety, particularly terms that are sometimes misunderstood or misused, including
medicinal product, pharmaceutical formulation, excipient, adverse event (or experience) and adverse drug reaction (or effect). We also discuss terms used to define
the seriousness, intensity, and risk of adverse reactions, and their classification.
Instead of creating definitions from scratch, as is commonly done, we have
taken the novel approach of critically examining definitions that have been
proposed or widely used and have formulated new or modified definitions based
on a logical appraisal of their merits and demerits. We hope that these definitions
will lead to discussion that will allow a corpus of satisfactory definitions to be
widely agreed.

There is a large variety of names in medical

publications for the untoward symptoms that follow
the use of drugsin England they are sometimes
called unpleasant symptoms translated from
Louis Lewin, Die Nebenwirkungen der Arzneimittel
Consistent terminology is essential to good communication. This is especially true in the field of
drug safety, because although the surveillance and
reporting of adverse drug reactions cross international boundaries, the common language is English,
the use of which is fraught with difficulty, even for
native speakers.
In this article we discuss terms that are used in
the field of drug safety, particularly terms that are
sometimes misunderstood or misused, in the hope
that a proper understanding of the genesis and the

standardised use of these terms will improve communications in the field.

We have taken a novel approach to the problem
of definition, by commenting on competing definitions. Where there is a satisfactory definition, we
have argued for its adoption. When there is not, we
have discussed the problems and have logically
identified the reasons for the definitions that we
have proposed, using published examples from
clinical practice. For example, take the term adverse drug event, a term that has gained some
popularity. We show that the term is problematic
and illustrate the problem with a Venn diagram.
Some have argued that primary consensus is necessary to achieve good definition. We disagree.
Many of the definitions that have been proposed in
this field have been fabricated by committees and
many of them are unsatisfactory. When they have


Aronson & Ferner

been published they have been handed down as ex

cathedra statements, without any indication of the
thought processes that have gone into producing
them. As others have pointed out, because disagreement on such committees is rife, consensus in
healthcare is reached only on bland generalities
that represent the lowest common denominator of
debate and are embalmed as truths.[1] Nevertheless,
we invite comments about our proposed definitions
and we hope that ensuing discussions will result in
the acceptance of definitions that have been through
a rigorous process of formulation.
The importance of good definitions is illustrated
by the difficulties that clinical academics are likely
to face under the constraints of the new directive
from the European Commission (2001/20/EC),
known as the Clinical Trials Directive. In this document the definitions of terms such as clinical trial,
non-interventional trial, and investigational medicinal product have been constructed in order to
meet specific regulatory desiderata, rather than in an
attempt to be clear about what these things really
are. The problems that these definitions will cause
have not yet been fully explored.[2]
1. Terms that Describe Medicines
and Formulations
1.1 Medicinal Product

The term medicinal product was defined in an

EU directive (2001/83/EC) as: (i) any substance or
combination of substances presented as having
properties for treating or preventing disease in
human beings; or (ii) any substance or combination
of substances which may be used in or administered
to human beings either with a view to restoring,
correcting or modifying physiological functions by
exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis.
The meaning of substance here is further defined as including any matter, irrespective of origin
human, animal, vegetable, or chemical. Other definitions, such as those used in Australia and New
Zealand, are similar and often refer to the EU definition. However, the EU definition omits some important uses of medicinal products, including their use
as placebos.
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Confusingly, the term investigational medicinal

product has been defined in relation to clinical trials
for the purposes of the Clinical Trials Directive
mentioned above as being: a pharmaceutical form
of an active substance or placebo being tested or
used as a reference in a clinical trial, including
products already with a marketing authorisation but
used or assembled (formulated or packaged) in a
way different from the authorised form, or when
used for an unauthorised indication, or when used to
gain further information about the authorised form.
However, this definition was constructed with a
specific purpose in mind, that of regulating the
performance of clinical trials; hence, the reference
to market authorisation. This is clearly unsatisfactory for the general purposes of definition.[2] It
would have been better if the subclass of investigational medicinal products had been defined in terms
of a more general definition of the class of all
medicinal products.
Therefore, we propose the following definition,
which describes what a medicinal product is and
what it does:
A medicinal product is one that contains a compound with proven biological effects, plus excipients, or excipients only; it may also contain contaminants. The active compound is usually a drug or
prodrug but may be a cellular element. A medicinal
product is one that is intended to be taken by or
administered to a person or animal for one or more
of the following reasons: (i) as a placebo; (ii) to
prevent a disease; (iii) to make a diagnosis; (iv) to
test for the possibility of an adverse effect; (v) to
modify a physiological, biochemical, or anatomical
function or abnormality; (vi) to replace a missing
factor; (vii) to ameliorate a symptom; (viii) to treat a
disease; and/or (ix) to induce anaesthesia.
The following are notes about this definition.
The term medicine, or the more old-fashioned
term medicament, are acceptable synonyms for
medicinal product. However, although the term
drug is often used colloquially to mean a medicinal product (as in adverse drug reaction), it is
important to remember the distinction between
the drug itself (the active component) and the
whole product. For definitive regulatory or legislative purposes the more precise term medicinal
product is preferable.
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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety

The term pharmaceutical product is sometimes

used, but this excludes some biological products
that are not made pharmaceutically.
A compound with proven biological effects includes chemical compounds, either drugs or
prodrugs (which themselves may have no pharmacological activity), racemic mixtures, stereoisomers that may have only adverse effects, or
compounds that are used for diagnostic purposes
(such as contrast media used by radiologists,
including ultrasonographers). This term also includes cellular elements, such as inactivated or
attenuated viruses for immunisation, blood products (such as erythrocytes), viruses for gene therapy, and embryonic stem cells.
Contaminants includes chemical and biological
The definition does not include food additives.
The definition does not include medicinal products when they are used to probe systems, such as
the use of phenylephrine to study baroreceptor
reflexes. This is important, because it excludes
such products from the terms of the EC Directive
on Clinical Trials referred to earlier in this section.[3]
1.2 Pharmaceutical Formulation

A pharmaceutical formulation, also called a dosage form, is the form in which a medicinal product
is presented, for example as a tablet, capsule, elixir,
solution for injection, transdermal formulation,
cream, or ointment. The commonly used term,
preparation, is ambiguous, since it can refer to the
pure substance itself (for example, as prepared from
a plant) as well as the formulation.
When formulations are classified according to
the time over which the active substance is made
available to the body, two broad categories can be
distinguished: immediate-release formulations and
modified-release formulations. Other terms that are
subsumed by the term modified-release include
sustained-release, slow-release, long-release, controlled-release, timed-release, prolonged-release,
and delayed-release.
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1.3 Excipient

An excipient can be defined as any material,

other than the therapeutically active substances, present in a pharmaceutical formulation. Excipients
provide bulk, assist in the manufacture of a formulation (for example, by reducing the stickiness of a
powder), control the rate at which a tablet disintegrates, provide a protective coating, inhibit degradation of the active substance during storage, mask the
taste of a medicine, provide colouring, and control
the rate of release of the medicine. They can cause
adverse effects.
2. General Terms Used in Describing
Adverse Drug Reactions
2.1 Adverse Reaction and Adverse Effect

The terms adverse reaction and adverse effect

refer to the same phenomenon, but an adverse effect
is seen from the point of view of the drug, whereas
an adverse reaction is seen from the point of view of
the patient. The drug causes an effect, whereas the
patient has a reaction. The term adverse effect is
preferable to other terms that are commonly used in
a general sense. These include toxic effect or side
effect, which mean something different (see section
3.2). Unwanted effect is a synonym for adverse
effect; however, the definition of adverse drug reaction that we propose excludes very minor unwanted effects.
Adverse effects are either suspected or attributed.
If they are attributed to a medicinal product the
attribution should ideally be accompanied by a statement of the degree of probability of the attribution
(see section 6).
2.2 Adverse Event

The term adverse drug effect (or reaction) must

be distinguished from the term adverse event (or
experience). An adverse drug effect is an adverse
outcome that can be attributed, with some degree of
probability, to an action of a drug. An adverse event
is an adverse outcome that occurs while a patient is
taking a drug or at some time afterwards but that
may or may not be attributable to it. All adverse
drug effects are adverse events, but not all adverse
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events are adverse drug effects. This distinction is

important in clinical trials, in which not all events
are necessarily drug induced. In describing adverse
outcomes as events rather than (drug-induced) effects, investigators acknowledge that it is not always
possible to attribute causality.
We propose the following definition of an adverse event, based on previous definitions:[4,5]
An adverse event is any abnormal sign, symptom, laboratory test, syndromic combination of such
abnormalities, untoward or unplanned occurrence
(e.g. an accident or unplanned pregnancy), or any
unexpected deterioration in a concurrent illness.
The term adverse drug event is sometimes used
but is confusing for the following reasons. If the
cause of an adverse event is not known it remains an
(unattributed) adverse event; if the cause is thought
to be a drug the adverse event becomes a suspected
adverse drug effect; and if the cause is attributed to a
medicinal product, the adverse event can be described as an adverse drug effect, often with a stated
degree of probability (e.g. probable or possible). But
to say adverse drug event implies that the drug has
been implicated, which in turn means that the event
is described as an adverse drug effect, either suspected or attributed.
The term adverse drug event has been defined
as an injury resulting from medical intervention
related to a drug[6] in order to encompass harms that
arise from medication errors as well as conventional
adverse drug reactions. If the term were confined to
this usage there would be no problem. However,
ambiguity arises from its wider use. This can be seen
in figure 1, a Venn diagram that shows the relation
between adverse events, adverse drug reactions, and
medication errors. Adverse drug events, as defined
by Bates et al.,[6] would encompass adverse drug
reactions, whether caused by errors or not, and harm
other than adverse drug reactions caused by medication errors (i.e. the areas marked 2, 3 and 4 in figure
1). The confusion that this can cause is illustrated by
the advice given in a paper about adverse drug
reactions, entitled Adverse drug event, in which it
was stated that adverse events should be reported
on yellow [cards], which refers to the UK regulatory agencys reporting system.[7] Apart from the
confusion between adverse events associated with
drug therapy and adverse drug reactions, it is sus 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Aronson & Ferner

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = all adverse events

in people taking medicines
1. Adverse events that are not
reactions to the medicines
2 + 3 = all ADRs
2. ADRs (not from errors)

3. ADRs (from
4. Medication errors
that cause harms
that are not ADRs

5. Medication errors
that dont cause
adverse events
3 + 4 + 5 = all medication errors
Fig. 1. A Venn diagram showing the relation between adverse
events, adverse drug reactions, and medication errors; adverse
drug events, as defined by Bates et al.,[6] would encompass areas
2 + 3 + 4. ADRs = adverse drug reactions.

pected adverse reactions that should be reported, not

all adverse events.
2.3 Definition of Adverse Drug Reaction

The WHOs definition of an adverse drug reaction is a response to a drug that is noxious and
unintended and occurs at doses normally used in
man for the prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy of
disease, or for modification of physiological function.[8]
This definition has been widely accepted but has
defects. One obvious defect is that adverse effects
can occur at doses other than those that are used in
the way that the definition describes, for example
after a test dose. Furthermore, the use of the word
noxious excludes adverse effects that may be inconvenient but not harmful.
Laurence[9] has suggested the following definition that specifically excludes minor unwanted reactions (for example, a slight dryness of the mouth),
effects that he says should not be dignified with the
designation adverse effect: a harmful or signifiDrug Safety 2005; 28 (10)

Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety

cantly unpleasant effect caused by a drug at doses

intended for therapeutic effect (or prophylaxis or
diagnosis), which warrants reduction of dose or
withdrawal of the drug and/or foretells hazard from
future administration.
However, these definitions (and others reviewed
elsewhere[10]) exclude error as a source of adverse
effects.[11] Moreover, they exclude reactions due to
contaminants (for example, in herbal medicines) or
supposedly inactive excipients in a pharmaceutical
formulation. Others, therefore, in the context of
adverse events, have used the definition of an injury resulting from medical intervention related to a
drug.[6] But further problems arise from this definition; for instance, the words injury and medical
are ambiguous and there is no reason why an intervention should necessarily be medical to cause an
adverse effect.
The following definition of an adverse drug reaction, slightly modified from a previous version,[12]
obviates these difficulties:
An appreciably harmful or unpleasant reaction,
resulting from an intervention related to the use of a
medicinal product; adverse effects usually predict
hazard from future administration and warrant prevention, or specific treatment, or alteration of the
dosage regimen, or withdrawal of the product.
The following are notes about this definition.
Appreciably rules out completely trivial effects
but includes anything that the patient detects,
which may seem trivial to the doctor but not to
the patient. It is better than significantly, since
the latter courts ambiguity between clinical and
statistical significance.
Intervention: an adverse effect can result from
the intervention itself rather than the medicinal
product (for example, a haematoma from an intramuscular injection); an intervention need not
be deliberate. The omission of the word medical removes any implication about who conducts
the intervention, for example it might be a doctor,
nurse, or herbalist.
Medicinal product includes inactive excipients
and contaminants, as previously defined.
Usually predict hazard: usually because there
are occasional exceptions, for example first-dose
hypotension from an ACE inhibitor does not
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necessarily predict hypotension during subsequent therapy.

Alteration implies either a reduction or an increase in the total dose; for example, if we accept
that a loss of effect of a drug is an adverse
effect,[13] an increase in dose might be the appropriate treatment.
Dosage regimen: it may be desirable to alter not
the dose itself but the formulation, frequency, or
duration of treatment.
3. Terms Used in Classifying Adverse
Drug Reactions

The history of the classification of adverse drug

reactions is summarised in table I.
3.1 The Alphabetic Classification of Adverse
Drug Reactions

In 1977, Rawlins and Thompson[17] suggested a

division into two types of adverse drug reaction,
which they called A and B. Rawlins later listed the
clinical features of the two types, stating that type A
reactions were predictable and dose dependent and
that type B reactions were not,[26] an approach that
had been prefigured by Wayne in 1958,[14] Levine in
1973,[15] and Wade and Beeley in 1976.[16] A little
later, perhaps appreciating that it was difficult to
remember which type of reaction was A and which
was B, Rawlins and Thompson invented a mnemonic; they called type A reactions augmented and
type B bizarre.[18]
Some of the problems posed by classification
into type A and type B reactions become clear when
the definitions given by Rawlins and Thomas[27] are
carefully examined. Type A reactions, they wrote,
are the result of an exaggerated, but otherwise
normal, pharmacological action of a drug given in
the usual therapeutic doses they are usually dosedependent and type B reactions are totally aberrant effects that are not to be expected from the
known pharmacological actions of a drug when given in the usual therapeutic doses to a patient whose
body handles the drug in the normal way.
There are some difficulties with these definitions.
First, type A reactions are said to be usually dosedependent, implying that some may not be.
However, if type A reactions result from an exaggerDrug Safety 2005; 28 (10)


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Table I. The history of classifications of adverse drug reactions based on dose relatedness and time course
Author(s), date

Classification based on dose relatedness

Wayne,[14] 1958

Distinguishes predictable effects (toxic effects related to the

Classification based on time course

main action of the drug or to its side effects) and

unpredictable effects (not related to the main or subsidiary
pharmacological action of a drug)
Levine,[15] 1973

Distinguishes dose-related (toxic and idiosyncratic) reactions

Distinguishes acute, subacute, and chronic toxic

from non-dose-related (allergic) reactions


Wade and Beeley,[16] 1976

Distinguish dose-related and non-dose-related effects

Distinguish long-term and teratogenic effects

Rawlins and Thompson,[17] 1977

Propose two types of reactions: type A and type B (see

definitions in section 3.1)

Rawlins and Thompson,[18] 1981

Add a mnemonic: type A reactions = augmented , type B

reactions = bizarre

Grahame-Smith and Aronson,[19] 1984

Classify types A and B as dose-related and non-dose-related

Add two time-related categories: long-term and delayed

Hoigne et al.,[20] 1990

Distinguish acute, subacute, and latent allergic reactions

Park et al.,[21] 1992

Label the categories of Grahame-Smith and Aronson[19]

as: C (long-term) and D (delayed)

Laurence and Bennett,[22] 1992

Split type C into two types: type C (continuous) and type

E (end of use)

Ferner and Mann,[23] 1997

Distinguish five different patterns of time course that are

useful in diagnosing adverse reactions
Add a sixth category: F for failure

Aronson,[24] 2002

Adds a seventh category: G for genetic/genomic

Aronson and Ferner,[25] 2003

Distinguish three types of dose-related reactions: toxic,

Distinguish time-dependent and time-independent

collateral and hypersusceptibility reactions

reactions, with important subtypes

Aronson & Ferner

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Hartigan-Go and Wong,[13] 2000

Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety

ation of the normal pharmacological action, they

should depend on dose. In fact, we argue that all
adverse reactions are dose related. Secondly, it is not
clear what is meant by a normal pharmacological
action. The term implies that there may be, under
some circumstances, abnormal pharmacological actions. By normal they may mean the action that is
usually associated with a therapeutic effect, but even
that is problematic (see section 3.2). Thirdly, it is
possible for a type A reaction to result from a
normal pharmacological action, without its being
exaggerated. For example, -adrenoceptor antagonists (-blockers) produce their therapeutic effect in
benign prostatic hyperplasia by a degree of antagonism that in vascular smooth muscle is sufficient to
cause hypotension, yet hypotension induced by an
-blocker would presumably be classified as a type
A reaction.
Fourthly, the definition of type B reactions does
not specify whether they are or are not dose dependent. Indeed, although reactions under this heading
are generally regarded as being non-dose dependent,[26] nothing about the definition quoted previously restricts type B reactions in this way. For
example, dose-dependent nausea and vomiting due
to erythromycin could be classified as a type A
reaction as defined, because it is dose related, or as a
type B reaction as defined, since its mechanism is
neither known nor predictable from its antibacterial
(i.e. normal) action. In other words, it is not clear
whether erythromycin-induced nausea should be
classified as type A or type B according to the
definitions. This is clearly unsatisfactory and highlights another difficulty that an adverse reaction
that is at first classified as being of type B might
have to be reclassified as being of type A when its
pharmacological basis and dose relation become
known. Finally, not all adverse reactions can be
comfortably accommodated within this classification. For example, corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis depends not only on dose but also on duration of therapy, and tumours induced by chemotherapy with alkylating agents depend on dose but are
greatly delayed. These distinctions have implications for drug development and the management
(monitoring, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment)
of adverse reactions.
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Nevertheless, the A/B classification has persisted

and partly in response to the problems it poses has
been extended during the 25 years since it was first
proposed (table I). First, Grahame-Smith and Aronson[19] modified it by formally replacing the labels
type A and type B with the labels dose-related
and non-dose related. They also added two timerelated categories, long-term and delayed, which
others subsequently labelled as types C and D.[21]
Some further divided type C (long term) into type C
(continuous) and type E (end of use, i.e. withdrawal).[22] Subsequently, sixth and seventh categories, F
for failure and G for genetic/genomic, have been
However, although it solves some of the
problems of the original A/B classification, the extended classification has other major problems. For
example, there is an overlap among the categories.
This overlap takes two forms. First, despite the fact
that it is logical to distinguish short-term reactions
(types A and B) from long-term reactions (types C
and E) or delayed reactions (type D), types A and B
have been respectively classified as dose related or
not, while the dose relatedness of the other types has
not been considered. Furthermore, the sixth category, F for failure, is not a mechanistic category but an
outcome that could arise from reactions in at least
some of the other categories. The seventh category,
G for genetic/genomic, refers to one form of susceptibility that is more or less important in all types of
adverse reactions. This illustrates the seductiveness
of the mnemotechnics associated with the alphabetic
classification; one could readily add other categories
along these lines, such as H for hypersensitivity, but
doing so would not resolve the problems.
Rawlins and Thomas[27] have suggested that there
is no need to introduce categories beyond the two
originally proposed in 1977, arguing that additional
classes [do not] assist in understanding either the
mechanisms of adverse drug reactions or their management. If the original classification into two
types, A and B, subsumed all types of adverse
reactions, we would agree. However, some adverse
reactions are not well classified in this way and we
also argue that the distinction between dose-related
and non-dose-related reactions, as originally defined, is a false one. Furthermore, the extended
classification, which tackles some of the deficienDrug Safety 2005; 28 (10)


Aronson & Ferner

cies of the A/B classification, introduces other

problems and is also unsatisfactory.
3.2 Dose Relatedness of Adverse
Drug Reactions

The A/B classification assumes that there are

adverse effects that are not dose related. However, it
is a basic pharmacological principle that effects of
drugs involve interactions between chemical entities
and are, therefore, subject to chemical laws, including the law of mass action. This implies that all drug
effects, beneficial or adverse, including immunological reactions, are dose related; indeed, many well
known immunological reactions are demonstrably
dose or concentration related, such as:
in response to changing pollen
hay fever
response to hepatitis B vac the immunogenic
doses of
desensitisation by the use of increasing
antigen (e.g. cephalosporins);[30]
type IV hypersensitivity skin reactions.[31]
For example, both the induction and subsequent
amplification of skin hypersensitivity to dinitrochlorobenzene increase linearly with the logarithm of the sensitising dose, as does the response to
a subsequent challenge.[31] The hydralazine-induced, lupus-like syndrome, whose mechanism is
not understood but may be immunological, is also
dose related.[32] The use of a test dose (e.g. of
antitetanus antiserum) to establish the likelihood of
immediate type hypersensitivity implies that it also
depends on dose, since the test dose is high enough
to cause the reaction but low enough to limit its
As mentioned earlier, type B reactions are defined as totally aberrant effects that are not to be
expected from the known pharmacological actions
of a drug when given in the usual therapeutic doses.
If all adverse reactions are dose related, the labelling
of some reactions as non-dose dependent[26] is misleading, and this definition implies that it is the dose
or concentration at which an adverse effect occurs
that defines it to be of either type A or B, i.e. not the
dose relatedness of the effect but the position of the
dose-response curve. However, the concept of a
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

usual therapeutic dose is also flawed, for several

in responsiveness
There is often wide variability
to a given dose of a drug.[33]
For some drugs, doses vary according to indication, for example the effective dosage of vitamin
D in dietary deficiency is 10 g/day, compared
with 2500 g/day in renal osteodystrophy. The
effective dosage of clonidine in preventing migraine may be as low as 100 g/day, compared
with up to 1200 g/day in hypertension. The
usual dosage of bromocriptine in cyclic benign
breast disease is 5 mg/day, compared with up to
40 mg/day in Parkinsons disease.
Dose responsiveness can change from time to
time, even in the same individual, for example if
there is tolerance; this is most obvious in opioid
It is sometimes argued that the doses required for
pharmacological effects are orders of magnitude
greater than those required for immunological effects, so that a distinction can be made on those
grounds. But that is not true. For example, the dose
of Botulinum toxin needed to treat torticollis is of the
order of 25pg per muscle and a daily dose of 250ng
of alfacalcidol can be sufficient to treat vitamin D
deficiency. By comparison, doses of the order of
micrograms are used as immunising antigens. For
example, Haemophilus influenzae b vaccine contains 10g of antigen per dose, hepatitis B vaccine
contains 20g per dose and typhoid vaccine 25g
per dose. Even in molar terms there are wide variations in these doses.
For this reason we have proposed classifying
adverse effects by the concentration at which they
occur relative to the therapeutic concentration in an
individual,[25] as follows.
Toxic effects: adverse effects that occur at
supratherapeutic concentrations.
Collateral effects: effects that occur at standard
therapeutic concentrations.
Hypersusceptibility reactions: reactions that occur at subtherapeutic doses in susceptible patients.
This is illustrated in figure 2 and summarised in
table II.
A toxic effect is one that occurs as an exaggeration of the desired therapeutic effect. For example,
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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety






avoids implications about whether the mechanism is

immunological (also see section 3.4 on susceptibility to adverse effects).
3.3 Time Relatedness of Adverse
Drug Reactions

To concentrate simply on the dose relatedness of

adverse effects is to ignore another important aspect,
their time relatedness. In an earlier paper[25] we
have distinguished time-dependent effects from
time-independent effects.
3.3.1 Time-Independent Reactions

Log dose
Fig. 2. A schematic representation of a log concentration-response
or dose-response curve that shows the concentrations or doses at
which toxic, collateral, and hypersusceptibility reactions occur.

syncope due to a nitrate is a toxic effect it occurs

by the same mechanism as the therapeutic effect
Collateral effects generally occur in a tissue other
than that in which the therapeutic action is sought,
although not necessarily in another organ. They can
occur either: (i) through the same pharmacological
effect as the one whereby the therapeutic action is
produced (for example, colour vision disturbance
from sildenafil); or (ii) through a distinct pharmacological effect (for example, a dry mouth due to an
anticholinergic effect of a tricyclic antidepressant).
We use the term collateral effects for adverse
effects that occur at standard therapeutic concentrations, because the term side effects is often colloquially used to refer to all adverse effects. Furthermore, a WHO definition says ambiguously that a
side effect is related to the pharmacological properties of the drug.[10] In addition, side effects can be
beneficial, and some authors have defined side effect as being any unintended effect of medicinal
therapy, whether good or bad. Because of the potential confusion, it may be best not to use the term
side effect at all. The term adverse drug effect (or
reaction) encompasses all types of deleterious effects; it makes no assumptions about mechanism,
evokes no ambiguity, and avoids the risk of misclassification.
Hypersusceptibility reactions can be immune related or not and the term hypersusceptibility
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Time-independent reactions occur at any time

during a course of therapy, independent of the duration of the course. They typically occur:
when the amount of drug being administered
changes by a pharmaceutical mechanism (e.g. by
altered availability from a pharmaceutical formulation);
when the concentration of the drug at the site of
action changes by a pharmacokinetic mechanism
(e.g. digoxin toxicity when renal function worsens);
when the pharmacological response is altered by
a pharmacodynamic mechanism without a
change in concentration at the site of action (e.g.
digoxin toxicity in association with potassium
When such a reaction occurs, the delay before it
occurs may be affected by the pharmacokinetics of
the drug, but that is not an aspect of its time dependency as it is defined here.
3.3.2 Time-Dependent Reactions

Time-dependent reactions are of six subtypes:

rapid, first dose, early, intermediate, late, and
Rapid reactions: Rapid reactions occur when a
drug is administered too rapidly, for example the red
man syndrome with vancomycin.[34] They are typically toxic reactions.
First-dose reactions: First-dose reactions occur
after the first dose of a course of treatment and not
necessarily thereafter. They are typically hypersusceptibility reactions. Examples include hypotension
after the first dose of an ACE inhibitor[35] and type I
allergic reactions. In the latter, the reaction is observed after the first dose of a course, whether or not
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Table II. The dose, time, and susceptibility (DoTS) classification of adverse drug reactions (ADRs)[22]
ADR characteristic



A. Dose-related (concentration-related) reactions

Type of reaction
Toxic reactions
Occur at supratherapeutic

Syncope due to nitrates; digitalis


Reduce the dose or withdraw therapy

(i) Through the same pharmacological

effect as the therapeutic action

Colour vision disturbance from


Generally unavoidable; tolerate, treat, or withdraw

(ii) Through a distinct pharmacological


A dry mouth due to an anticholinergic

effect of a tricyclic antidepressant

Collateral reactions
Occur at standard therapeutic

Hypersusceptibility reactions
Occur at subtherapeutic concentrations Penicillin allergy
in susceptible patients


B. Time-related effects
Type of reaction
Time independent
Due to a change in dose or
concentration (pharmaceutical effects)

Toxicity due to increased systemic


Beware of changing formulations of some drugs (e.g.

modified-release formulations of lithium)

Due to a change in dose or

Digoxin toxicity due to renal
concentration (pharmacokinetic effects) insufficiency

Forewarn the patient; monitor carefully throughout

treatment; alter dose when pharmacokinetics change
(e.g. renal insufficiency); avoid interacting drugs

Occurs without a change in dose

(pharmacodynamic effects)

Digitalis toxicity due to hypokalaemia

Forewarn the patient; monitor carefully throughout

treatment; avoid precipitating (pharmacodynamic)
factors; avoid interacting drugs

Red man syndrome (vancomycin)

Administer slowly

Time dependent
Rapid (due to rapid administration)

Hypertension (digitalis)
Hypotension (iodipamide)
First dose (of a course)

Hypotension (1 adrenoceptor
antagonists and ACE inhibitors)

Take special precautions for the first dose

Type I hypersensitivity reactions

Careful history taking; if a reaction occurs, avoid reexposure; counsel the patient

Early (abates with repeated exposure)

Adverse reactions that involve

tolerance (e.g. nitrate-induced

Monitor during the early stages; give appropriate

reassurance; expect adverse effects if strategies to
avoid tolerance are adopted

Intermediate (risk increases at first,

then diminishes)

Venous thromboembolism
(antipsychotic drugs)

Monitoring not needed after the high-risk period

unless susceptibility changes; withdraw drug if a
reaction develops

Hypersensitivity reactions type II,

type III and type IV
Late (risk increases with time)

Osteoporosis (corticosteroids)

Assess baseline function; forewarn the patient;

monitor periodically during prolonged treatment

Tardive dyskinesia (dopamine receptor


Continued next page

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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety


Table II. Contd

ADR characteristic



Retinopathy (chloroquine)
Tissue phospholipid deposition


Withdrawal syndromes: opioids,

benzodiazepines, hypertension
(clonidine and methyldopa),
myocardial infarction (-adrenoceptor

Withdraw slowly; forewarn the patient; replace with a

longer-acting drug if withdrawal is not possible

Carcinogenesis (ciclosporin,

Avoid or screen; counsel or forewarn the patient

Teratogenesis (thalidomide)
C. Susceptibility factors
Source of susceptibility


Screen for abnormalities; avoid specific drugs

Suxamethonium chloride (succinylcholine) sensitivity

Malignant hyperthermia
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) isozyme

Neonates (chloramphenicol)

Adjust doses according to age

Elderly people (hypnosedatives)


Alcohol intoxication

Use different doses in men and women

Mefloquine, neuropsychiatric effects

ACE inhibitors, cough
Lupus-like syndrome
Physiology altered

Phenytoin in pregnancy

Alter dose or avoid

Exogenous factors

Drug interactions

Alter dose or avoid co-administration

Interactions with food (e.g. grapefruit

juice with drugs cleared by CYP3A4)

Renal insufficiency (e.g. lithium)

Screen for abnormalities; avoid specific drugs; use

reduced doses

Hepatic cirrhosis (e.g. morphine)

there has been a record of previous exposure 30%

of those who develop anaphylaxis with penicillin
have no such record.[36] We regard a previous sensitising exposure as causing a change in susceptibility (see section 3.4).
Early reactions: Early reactions occur early in
treatment then abate with continuing treatment.
They are typically collateral effects. These are reactions to which patients develop tolerance (e.g.
nitrate-induced headache).
Intermediate reactions: Intermediate reactions
occur after some delay; however, during longerterm therapy the risk falls. If after a certain time
there is no reaction, there is little or no risk that it
will occur later. They can be collateral or hypersus 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

ceptibility reactions. Examples are allergic reactions

of type II (e.g. thrombocytopenia due to quinine),
type III (e.g. interstitial nephritis with penicillins),
and type IV (e.g. cutaneous allergy due to antihistamines), and the ampicillin/amoxicillin pseudoallergic rash.[37] Non-allergic reactions of this type include the increased risk of neutropenia with
carbimazole[38] and of venous thromboembolism
with antipsychotic drugs.[39] We believe that intermediate reactions occur in populations of individuals with different susceptibilities. Those at high risk
have the reaction and stop taking the drug. Those at
low risk do not have the reaction and can be regarded as healthy survivors. Thus, the population risk
appears to fall with time.
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Late reactions (including withdrawal reactions): Late reactions occur rarely or not at all at
first, but the risk increases with continued or repeated exposure. They are typically collateral effects.
Examples include many of the adverse effects of
glucocorticoids and tardive dyskinesia with
dopamine receptor antagonists. Withdrawal reactions are late reactions that occur when, after prolonged treatment, a drug is withdrawn or its effective dose is reduced. They include opiate and
benzodiazepine withdrawal syndromes, hypertension after withdrawal of clonidine or methyldopa,
and acute myocardial infarction after -adrenoceptor antagonist (-blocker) withdrawal.
Delayed reactions: Delayed reactions are observed some time after exposure, even if the drug is
withdrawn before the reaction appears. They are
typically collateral reactions. Examples are carcinogenesis (e.g. vaginal adenocarcinoma in women
whose mothers took diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy) and teratogenesis (e.g. phocomelia due to
3.4 Susceptibility to Adverse Drug Reactions

The risk of an adverse reaction differs among

different members of an exposed population, and
this is partly determined by differing susceptibility.
Susceptibility in this context is the capacity to have
an adverse reaction. As discussed in section 3.2 we
define hypersusceptibility reactions as adverse reactions that occur at subtherapeutic doses in susceptible patients. Although reasons for hypersusceptibility may be unknown, there are several recognised
types.[25] These include:
genetic factors
physiological factors (e.g. pregnancy)
endogenous factors (e.g. other drugs and foods)
Hypersusceptibility is a general term that can be
used to describe increased susceptibility to an adverse reaction, whatever the mechanism. Several
other terms have been used, including idiosyncrasy,
intolerance, and hypersensitivity. Widely different
definitions of these terms can be found in different
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

3.4.1 Idiosyncrasy

Idiosyncrasy has been defined as:

an individuals hypersensitivity to a drug or other
substance that is ingested or inhaled, or that otherwise comes into contact with the body;[40]
a response that is qualitatively different from that
normally seen, generally due to a single gene
an individuals hypersensitivity to a drug or other
substance that is ingested or inhaled or otherwise
comes into contact with the body;[41]
a response that is qualitatively different from that
normally seen, generally due to a single gene
an inherent qualitatively abnormal reaction;[42,43]
an abnormal susceptibility to some drug, protein
or other agent that is peculiar to the individual.[44]
However, it is wrong to equate idiosyncrasy and
hypersensitivity, which has a distinct meaning (see
sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.3), and not all forms of reactions that are termed idiosyncratic are due to single
gene disorders. For example, although some authors
describe type B reactions as idiosyncratic,[21] others
have argued that this is not appropriate,[43] which is a
position with which we agree. Furthermore, the
juxtaposition of the terms susceptibility and peculiar to an individual is tautologous in this context.
We believe that the term idiosyncrasy has no useful
place in descriptions of adverse drug reactions. Idiosyncrasy is merely an ill-defined expression of unusually increased susceptibility. Individual susceptibility should be the touchstone.

3.4.2 Intolerance

Intolerance has been defined as:

a greater than expected quantitative response to a
dose of a drug an individual with a nonallergic qualitatively abnormal response has an
sensitivity, as to a drug.[44]
However, the term tolerance has a specific
pharmacological meaning, namely diminished sensitivity to a drug resulting from previous exposure to
that drug or a related drug (cross-tolerance).[9] The
term intolerance also suggests that a patient is
unable to tolerate an adverse effect, which is not
necessarily so, and it adds nothing beyond what is
implied in the term adverse reaction. Intolerance is

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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety

also sometimes confusingly equated with hypersensitivity. We believe that the term intolerance has
no useful place in descriptions of adverse reactions
to medicinal products, although it may have a role in
describing adverse reactions to foods.[45]
3.4.3 Hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity has been defined as:

an allergic reaction to a drug or other stimulus;[9]
a qualitatively normal response that occurs at a
lower dose or concentration of the drug than
a state of altered reactivity in which the body
reacts with an exaggerated or inappropriate immune response to what is perceived to be a foreign substance;[44]
[a reaction that is] characterised by the fact that a
marked adverse bodily response may be evoked
by some specific substance or agent that (in similar amounts) has no such effect on most individuals.[41]
In the context of adverse drug reactions, the term
hypersensitivity may be best restricted to hypersusceptibility reactions of immunological origin, i.e.
classical type 1 immune reactions.
The dose, time, and susceptibility (DoTS) classification of adverse drug reactions, based on the dose
(or concentration) at which effects occur, the time
course of the effect, and the susceptibility of the
patient, is outlined in table II.

4. The Seriousness of an Adverse

Drug Reaction
In the UK, the Committee on Safety of Medicines
asks that prescribers report all suspected adverse
reactions to new and some intensely monitored
medicines (marked in the British National Formulary with an inverted black triangle) and all serious
suspected reactions to established medicines. It is,
therefore, important to define what is meant by a
serious adverse reaction. Combining previous definitions,[10] we propose the following definition:
Any untoward medical occurrence that at any
dose: (i) results in death; or (ii) is life threatening; or
(iii) requires or prolongs hospital admission; or (iv)
results in significant disability/incapacity; or (v) requires medical or surgical intervention to preclude
permanent impairment of a body function or perma 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


nent damage to a body structure; or (vi) is a cancer

or a congenital anomaly; or (vii) is any medical
event that would be regarded as serious if it had not
responded to acute treatment.
5. The Intensity of an Adverse
Drug Reaction
The seriousness of an adverse drug reaction discussed in section 4 is a measure of the extent to
which the reaction can or does cause harm. In contrast, the intensity (severity) of an adverse drug
reaction is a measure of the extent to which the
adverse effect develops in an individual. For example, ventricular tachycardia or hepatic impairment of
any severity is serious, while discoloration of the
urine by rifampicin, even if very pronounced (i.e.
intense or severe), is not serious. Severity and seriousness are, therefore, different concepts. A severe
reaction need not be serious.
The terms trivial, mild, moderate, and severe are often used to describe the intensity of an
adverse reaction. However, there are no satisfactory
definitions of these terms and using any one of them
to describe a particular adverse reaction implies a
value judgement, which may differ from patient to
patient and from prescriber to prescriber. To illustrate this, the following ranges of definitions from
different sources can be considered.[9,46-48]
Trivial: nuisance value only.
Mild: some interference with patient function;
slightly bothersome; symptoms do not alter patients normal functioning.
Moderate: symptoms are marked, but involvement of vital organ systems is moderate; bothersome, interferes with activities; symptoms produce some degree of impairment to function but
are not hazardous, uncomfortable, or embarrassing.
Severe: fatal or life threatening; lowers the patients life expectancy and there is severe impairment of a vital organ system, even if transient;
prevents regular activities; symptoms definitely
hazardous to well being; significant impairment
of function or incapacitation.
None of these definitions is satisfactory, not least
because of the difficulty of objective quantification.
Furthermore, some of the terms used to define seDrug Safety 2005; 28 (10)


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Table III. A proposed classification of the intensity of an adverse drug reaction, based on the need to change the dosage regimen of the
offending drug and the treatability of the reaction

Change in dosage regimen of the offending drug

Treatability of the reaction

No change in dosage regimen required

A. No treatment required
B. Relieved or partly relieved by treatment
C. Not relieved by treatment

Altered dosage regimen required or desirable

A. No other treatment required

B. Relieved or partly relieved by treatment
C. Not relieved by treatment

Withdrawal required or desirable

A. No other treatment required

B. Relieved or partly relieved by treatment
C. Not relieved by treatment

vere actually mean serious. However, there are

two types of classification that are more useful: one
based on whether a change in the dosage regimen of
the offending drug is required[49] and one based on
the extent to which the adverse reaction is treatable.[47] Based on these two ideas we propose a
grading of intensity (severity) that avoids terms such
as mild, moderate, and severe (table III). In this
classification, the response to treatment of the adverse effect, if treatment is required, can be assessed
before or after any change in dosage regimen of the
offending drug, but that should be stated.
6. Defining the Causal Probability of
Adverse Drug Reactions
When an adverse event has been attributed to a
drug, it is helpful to state the causal probability
(sometimes called the causality). Two questions
arise: how likely is it that the drug can cause the
adverse effect (the general problem) and, if it can,
how likely is it that it was the cause in this case (the
specific problem)?
6.1 Causal Probability of a Single Report

There are no satisfactory definitions of the terms

that are used in stating causal probabilities in single
cases, and different proposed systems use different
collections of terms of varying complexity, such as:
definite, probable, and possible;[49]
probable, possible, conditional, and
definite, [50]
certain, probable/likely, possible, unlikely, conditional/unclassified, and unassessable/unclassifiable.[51]
2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

However, for practical purposes, it is usually

impossible in specific cases to definitively demonstrate a causal association between a drug and an
adverse event, not least because demonstration requires repeated exposure to the drug, which is precluded by serious adverse effects. Words such as
definite and certain are therefore too absolute.
The word unlikely is also unhelpful, since it attributes an adverse effect to a drug while at the same
time implying that the attribution is doubtful. We
prefer not to use these terms at all and propose terms
such as probable, possible, and unclassifiable, as in
the following system.[52]
Probable (category A).
Possible (category B).
Unclassified (category O).
However, the definitions of probable and possible given by the proponents of this classification
involve vague terms such as assume, accept the
possibility, uncertain, and doubtful. The definition of unclassifiable is simpler: a reaction is termed
unclassifiable if there is insufficient evidence to
assign a probability or if there are conflicting
data.[52] However, if it is not possible to know how
to assign a probability it will be equally impossible
to decide unclassifiability. Although attempts have
been made to overcome the difficulties by using
decision algorithms[5,53-57] and Bayesian techniques,[55,56] such methods have major limitations.[58]
The extent of this problem is illustrated by the
degree of variability in the meanings that people
attribute to words that are used to express probability. For example, the following mean percentage
(standard deviation) chances were assigned to the
words probable and possible in one study:[59]
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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety


Probable: 77 (12).
Possible: 43 (21).
In the same study highly variable percentages
were also assigned to different degrees of probability.
High probability: 87 (7).
Moderate probability: 61 (15).
Low probability: 17 (20).
Furthermore, in other studies widely different
percentages (standard deviations) were assigned to
the same words.[60] For example, the term possible
was assigned a chance of 43% (21) in one study[59]
and 27% (17) in another.[60] It is therefore better to
communicate probabilities in percentages (e.g. 5%)
or the corresponding fractions (0.05). The problem
of communicating such information to non-professionals has not been solved, but techniques include
comparisons with other risks (e.g. the annual risk of
dying in a road accident is 1 in 8000, by murder is 1
in 100 000, or by lightning is 1 in 10 000 000),[61]
visual analogues,[62] and other forms of analogy,[63]
such as tossing a coin to illustrate a 50% chance or
considering the relative chances of injuring yourself
by jumping from different storeys in a building.
6.2 Causal Probability of a Drug/Adverse
Effect Association Based on Series of Reports

Risk can be defined as the probability that a

particular adverse outcome occurs during a given
quantum of exposure to hazard.[64] Quantum here
refers to such variables as the duration of exposure
or the amount of drug given. In some cases the risk
of an adverse reaction in the general population (i.e.
its causal probability in the general sense) can be
calculated. For example, in a randomised placebocontrolled trial the incidence of a particular adverse

event in those taking the drug can be compared with

the incidence in those taking the placebo, and the
probability of the association can be calculated.
When enough data from homogeneous trials are
available a systematic review can do the same.
Based on data of this sort, one can calculate the
number needed to harm from the inverse of the
absolute risk.[24] For example, if an adverse event
occurs in 5% of those who take a drug for 1 year and
3% of those who take placebo, the absolute risk of
harm due to the drug is 2% and the number needed
to harm is 100/2 or 50. In other words, if you treat 50
people with the drug for 1 year, on average one more
will experience the adverse event than if you had
used a placebo; confidence intervals about that estimate can also be calculated.
Methods are also being developed for assessing
the probability that an observable event is one of the
adverse effects of a drug on the basis of a series of
individual reports of an apparent association, including Bayesian techniques for application to databases
of anecdotal reports.[65-67] The Bayesian Confidence
Propagation Neural Network method has been tested as a tool for finding new adverse drug reactions in
the Uppsala database. It has a positive predictive
value of slightly under 50% but a negative predictive value of approximately 85%.[68]
Some insight into how other methods might be
devised comes from analysing how the frequency of
an adverse event in patients taking a drug and the
background frequency of the same event together
determine the ease of proving the possible association[69] (table IV). For example, if a drug is associated with an adverse event that is otherwise rare, there
is a high likelihood that the event is an adverse effect
and in such cases a few anecdotal reports would be

Table IV. The relation between the frequency of an adverse event in patients taking a drug and the background frequency of the same event
together in determining the ease of proving the possible association
Incidence of an event in
patients taking the drug

Background incidence
of the event


Ease of proving the association



Phocomelia due to thalidomide

Easy: clinical observation



Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and

Reyes syndrome

Less easy: clinical observation



ACE inhibitors and cough

Difficult: large observational study


Moderately common

HRT and breast carcinoma

Very difficult: large trial

None known


HRT = hormone replacement therapy.

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enough to substantiate a likely association. An example is the attribution of Fanconi syndrome to outdated tetracyclines.[70] At the other end of the spectrum, if a drug is uncommonly associated with an
adverse event that is otherwise common, anecdotal
reports will not be helpful in establishing the association. In such cases large trials or observational
studies are required. Of course, this is a purely
qualitative analysis and it is not clear if a useful
comparable quantitative version could be developed. But if it were, it would have to be based on
actual frequencies of events rather than verbal expressions of such frequencies, which are unreliable
(see section 7).
7. Defining the Frequency of Adverse
Drug Reactions
Risks and frequencies of adverse effects are often
discussed at the same time. However, although the
risk of an adverse effect in a population is the same
as its frequency in that population, the risk in an
individual need not be. It is possible for an individual, because of some susceptibility, to have a high
risk of an adverse effect that has a low frequency in
the population. It is, therefore, best to separate noTable V. Interpretation of words used to indicate frequencies

Interpretation (range of
mean percentages)





Almost always












More often than not









Not infrequently









On occasion












Very rare(ly)



Almost never








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tions of individual risk and population risk or frequency.

Many attempts have been made to quantify the
expressions, such as common(ly) and rare(ly),
that are used to denote frequencies of events in
populations. Some of the results of such investigations are shown in table V, from which it is clear that
none of the terms that are used can be assigned a
specific frequency. The data in this table are simply
the ranges of means from different studies. In most
cases the variability around those means was even
greater in individual studies than the range of means
shown in the table.
Many factors influence the interpretations of
words such as these. Consider, for example, the
expression rare(ly). In one study, recently qualified doctors (interns) assigned to rarely a mean
estimate of 5.2% and consultants (attending physicians) assigned a mean estimate of 8.7%;[73] age and
experience may have affected these judgements. In
another study, 59% of the doctors thought that rare
meant <1 in 1000 when it referred to adverse effects
of -adrenoceptor antagonists, but 62% of the same
doctors thought that it meant between 1 in 100 and 1
in 1000 when it referred to the adverse effects of
antihistamines.[75] The severity or seriousness of the
expected adverse effect presumably influenced
these judgements.
Thus, in professional communications, frequencies should be stated in numbers (e.g. 1 in 1000).
However, an arbitrary verbal scale of population
risks/frequencies has been suggested (table VI)[76]
and is a useful shorthand.
8. Definitions of Specific
Adverse Reactions
In addition to definitions of general terms, adverse effects themselves (for example, anaphylaxis,
apnoea, and tachyarrhythmia) require specific definitions. Several dictionaries have been developed to
deal with this problem and others have been incorporated into them. They are:
ADROIT: the Adverse Drug Reactions On-line
Information Tracking medical dictionary;[77]
COSTART: Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of
Adverse Reaction Terms;
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Clarification of Terminology in Drug Safety


Table VI. A verbal scale for describing frequencies, with some examples of causes of deaths that have those frequencies (reproduced from
Calman,[76] with permission from BMJ Publishing Group)
Verbal description of frequency

Numerical estimate of frequency

Examples of causes of death with that frequency


>1 : 100

Gastrointestinal adverse effects of antibacterials


1 : 1001 : 1000

Smoking 10 cigarettes/day


1 : 10001 : 10 000

Influenza, road accident

Very low

1 : 10 0001 : 100 000



1 : 100 0001 : 1 000 000

Polio immunisation


<1 : 1 000 000

Struck by lightning

WHO-ART: the WHO Adverse Reaction Terminology;[78]

ICD: the International Classification of Disease,
now in its 10th edition (ICD-10);
SNOMED: the Systematized Nomenclature
Human and Veterinary Medicine;[79]
a series of papers by the Council for International
Organisations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS),
started in 1992[80] and published fully in 1999;[81]
MedDRA:[82]Medical Dictionary for Regulatory
Constant updating of such dictionaries is necessary. For example, the term anaphylactoid reaction, as defined by the CIOMS,[80] has been superseded in a proposed new classification of allergic
drug reactions[83] in which anaphylactic drug reactions are defined as allergic and non-allergic anaphylactic reactions, the former being further subdivided according to whether they are IgE mediated or
not. This classification implies that the term anaphylactoid reaction should be replaced by the term
non-allergic anaphylactic reaction.
A detailed discussion of these dictionaries is beyond our scope here. For further information, see
Stephens et al.[10]
9. The Balance of Benefit and Harm in
Drug Therapy
Drugs are prescribed because of their potential
benefit to the patient, but in every case this is

accompanied by a risk of harm; before prescribing

the potential benefits should ideally be weighed
against the potential harm. This is commonly described as assessing the benefit to risk ratio.
However, a benefit is an actual outcome, while a
risk is a chance of an outcome[84] and the two are
It is therefore better to relate benefit to harm.
Furthermore, since it is generally not possible to
derive measures of benefit and harm that can be
combined into an arithmetic ratio, it is better to talk
about the balance of benefit and harm or the benefitharm balance. More specifically, the benefit-harm
balance is a function of the seriousness of the problem to be treated, the efficacy and safety of the drug
to be used, and the efficacy and safety of other
available drugs. This is illustrated in table VII.
Measures of the benefit-harm balance include the
number needed to treat and number needed to
harm[24] and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs)
gained through benefit compared with QALYs lost
through harm.[85,86]
10. Signals
A signal in pharmacovigilance has been defined
as reported information on a possible causal relation between an adverse event and a drug, the relation being previously unknown or incompletely documented.[87] It is a hint that an association may be
causal and requires formal investigation. A signal

Table VII. The factors that contribute to an assessment of the benefit-harm balance in drug therapy. A drug that fulfills the criteria in the top
line has a very high benefit-harm balance, while one that fulfills the criteria in the bottom line has a very low benefit-harm balance. Most
drugs lie somewhere between the two extremes
Seriousness of the

Efficacy of the

Adverse reactions

Other drugs







Life threatening






Very high







Very low

2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Benefit-harm balance

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Aronson & Ferner

might be reported in a single report to a regulatory or

monitoring authority, in an anecdotal report in a
journal, or in a report of one or more events in a
clinical trial. However, a single report may constitute noise, i.e. an observed but non-causal association, and several reports may be required before a
causal signal can be distinguished from noise
through proper investigation. An example of an
inappropriate signal was the report that Debendox
(Bendectin) was teratogenic,[88] an association that
was subsequently disproved in large studies.[89] For
this reason, a note to the above definition of a signal
states that usually more than a single report is
required to generate a [causal] signal, depending on
the seriousness of the event and the quality of the
The term signal generation that is sometimes
used is inappropriate. Signals are detected and reported, not generated. Or rather, they are generated
by giving medicines to people, not by sifting data.
11. Conclusion
The nomenclature surrounding drug safety needs
to be clear and unambiguous, so that patients,
prescribers, manufacturers and regulators can all
understand each other. In particular, it needs to
make clear how adverse events and drug therapy are
related to one another, how they are best classified,
and their frequency, intensity, and seriousness.
Medication errors, which can lead to adverse drug
reactions, require their own clear definitions and
mechanistic classification.
In this article, instead of creating definitions from
scratch as is commonly done, we have taken the
novel approach of critically examining definitions
that have been proposed or widely used and have
formulated new or modified definitions based on a
logical appraisal of their merits and demerits. We
hope that these definitions will lead to discussion
that will allow a corpus of satisfactory definitions to
be widely agreed.
No sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this study. The authors have no conflicts of interest
that are directly relevant to the content of this study.

2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

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Correspondence and offprints: Dr Jeffrey K. Aronson, University Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Radcliffe
Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HE, UK.

Drug Safety 2005; 28 (10)

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