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RSA 2015 - Wind - Simulator

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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2015

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional

wind simulator validation brief


Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2015 software incorporates a new wind simulation tool that enables
users to test their designs in a virtual wind tunnel. Utilizing an intuitive user interface, designers can quickly and easily
apply wind flows to a structure and get nearly instant results to either visualize surface pressures or generate wind
loads to be used in further design and analysis. To accomplish this, the tool incorporates computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) into a streamlined workflow practical for design-phase analysis. The following document includes details and
results of a validation study comparing results from the softwares wind simulation to physical results obtained from
wind tunnel testing.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................3
The designers wind simulator ........................................................................................................................................3
Virtual wind tunnel validation ......................................................................................................................................4
Wind tunnel test..............................................................................................................................................................5
Specific validation objectives ..........................................................................................................................................7
Validation results .........................................................................................................................................................8
How accurately are flow effects simulated?....................................................................................................................8
What is the effect of simulation duration? .....................................................................................................................11
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................14
Appendix A Pressure tap locations .......................................................................................................................15

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

In the course of a building project, designers must consider
the impact of wind. Whether simply determining design loads
or trying to optimize the aerodynamic effects of the building
structure and surroundings, wind analysis can pose a
Although detailed codes and standards exist for determining
minimum requirements, their provisions are limited to
generalized conditions. Projects that venture from the basic
parameters of these standards often require wind tunnel
testing. In fact, many codes recognize the need for testing to
provide more accurate design evaluation in areas where
generalized standards may be inadequate.

Image from Getty Images

In fact, wind tunnel testing is a key step in the process of the design and analysis of a building, whether it is
required due to height or geometric and/or environmental complexity or simply to optimize the cost and safety of
the project. However, testing is expensive and interpreting results can be time-consuming. Due to these
challenges, it can be impractical to use a testing tool in the design development phase of a project; yet, that is
where an understanding of wind effects can have significant benefit and impact to the projects design solution.
So what about simulation? Computational fluid dynamics can be used to provide very detailed analysis of the fluid
flow induced by wind. However, CFD analyses are characteristically complex and typically require software
outside of the scope of the design engineers expertise or workflow.

The designers wind simulator

Ideally, a designer could easily apply wind scenarios while developing design concepts and details. The ability to
envision how the airflow translates to positive and negative pressure forces could help designers identify
problems or opportunities early on. Translating those pressures to design loads would give the benefit of
supporting structural analysis of the design.
This is the concept behind the wind simulation tool
introduced in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis
Professional 2015. The tool offers designers a quick and
easy method of testing the effects of wind on their structure.
By simply inputting the wind direction and speed (as a
constant velocity or as a boundary layer profile) or pressure,
users can obtain rapid results on surface pressures and
resulting structural loads. Changes can be made and results
rerun in a matter of minutes, enabling the investigation of
numerous scenarios.
But what kind of accuracy can a user expect? How closely
does the virtual wind tunnel approximate the results of a real
physical test? The following provides details and results of a
validation study conducted by Autodesk.
Figure 1. Robot Structural Analysis 2015 softwares wind
simulation tool.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Virtual wind tunnel validation

To prove the ability of the wind simulator to quickly and accurately estimate the results of wind exposure, a validation
study was conducted to compare simulation results to a scale-model wind tunnel test. A scale-model wind tunnel test
was chosen because such tests have been shown to be quite accurate in predicting full-scale wind measurements
and, as mentioned earlier, such tests are often used in practice to determine or verify wind loads.
A thorough wind tunnel test battery and corresponding Robot Structural Analysis 2015 simulations were completed to
compare measured and simulated surface pressures.
To demonstrate the benefit of the virtual wind tunnel in assisting with complex structures within a typical workflow, the
validation study observed two complementary objectives:

Complex geometryA high-rise building (HRB) of atypical geometry (not standard code shapes) was
chosen. The model incorporated strategic features, including multiple towers of staggered height, gable
roofs, and a pedestal building base.

Simple workflowThe wind tunnel test was conducted using standard processes and the simulation was
performed using standard workflows available to users of Robot Structural Analysis 2015.

The goal of the study was to evaluate the level of accuracy that could be expected during a typical application. The
physical and simulated tests are summarized below and described in greater detail in the sections that follow.



Commercial Wind Tunnel

Robot Structural Analysis Wind



1:200 scale model

Full-scale STL model

Wind Tunnel

3 m wide x 14 m long

320 m wide x 200 m high

Wind Profile

(600 m wide x 200 m high full scale)

TC 1.5 and TC 3.0 boundary layer


profile for 20 m/s at 81 m building height

Test Orientation

Tested exposure every 15 degrees for


24 total different directions

Data Collection

511 pressure taps on building exterior


*Model construction and measurements performed by Windtech Consultants, Sydney, Australia.

**Pressure measurements impacted by simulation resolution.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Wind tunnel test

Study model
A 1:200 scale model of the study building was created
combining CAD modeling and 3D printing to ensure that a
high level of detail and dimensional and positional accuracy
of sensors were achieved.
Wind tunnel
Testing was conducted by Windtech Consultants
( in their boundary layer wind tunnel.
The tunnel has a 3 m wide working section and a fetch
length of 14 m. The facility has shown excellent correlation
with benchmark, full-scale data. Test procedures are guided
by provisions set forth in the Australasian Wind Engineering
Society Quality Assurance Manual (AWES-QAM-1-2001)
and ASCE-7-10, Chapter C31.

Figure 2. Wind tunnel and modelview from northwest.

Wind profile
Testing was conducted using wind velocity and turbulence intensity profiles from two different terrain categories per
ISO4254:2008 (wind actions on structures)TC 1.5 (relatively flatdeserts and plains) and TC 3.0 (suburban and
forest terrain)and were based on a 20 m/s hourly mean wind speed at a building height of 81 m.
Wind direction was achieved by rotating the model. Tests were conducted every 15 degrees, resulting in 24 tests for
each terrain category.

Data collection
The model was instrumented with 511 pressure
sensors, including 114 on the roof surfaces. A
view of the pressure tap location on the north
elevation and roof are shown here for example.
Larger diagrams for each face can be found in
Appendix A.
The measurement sample time corresponded to
a full-scale sample time of approximately 68

Figure 3. Layout of pressure sensorsroof surfaces (left) and

north elevation (right). Larger images can be found in Appendix A.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

For purposes of comparison, the wind tunnel test was duplicated in the simulation to the most practical degree
possible while keeping within the typical workflow of the Robot Structural Analysis user.
Study model
A CAD model (STL) of the full-scale building was used for the simulation. The building dimensions are 84 m wide and
81 m high.

Figure 4. Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis with building model and wind simulation input window

Virtual wind tunnel

The dimensions of the wind tunnel were set to be large enough (compared to the model) to avoid edge effects at all
wind directions. Tunnel size is set automatically and is large in relation to the building, typically 4 x width, 4 x length,
and 2.5 x height of the building.

Wind profile
The software user interface enables the user to input a velocity profile to simulate a boundary layer wind flow. As
such, velocity profiles were entered and applied to correlate with the TC 1.5 and TC 3.0 terrain categories that were
selected for the wind tunnel test and were similarly based on a 20 m/s hourly mean at a reference building height of
81 m.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Figure 5. The terrain category 1.5 wind profile was translated into several points used to input a velocity profile into the Robot
Structural Analysis wind simulation tool.

As with the physical test, wind direction was incremented every 15 degrees for a total of 24 simulations for each
terrain category.

Data collection
In practice, the wind tunnel simulator in Robot Structural Analysis provides the user with a visualization of surface
pressure contours and produces resultant wind loads for purposes of structural analysis. For direct comparison
against the physical wind tunnel data, pressure data was extracted at specific coordinates to match the placement of
the pressure taps on the physical model.
Simulations were run for approximately 70 seconds (simulated time) to evaluate effects of the transient solver on

Specific validation objectives

The result of the aforementioned physical test and simulations resulted in a generous amount of data with which to
evaluate various aspects of the tool. To begin, the following specific studies are presented:

How accurately are flow effects simulated? Measurements were examined for an example case to
evaluate the accuracy of the simulation in predicting flow patterns and pressure levels.

What is the effect of simulation duration? The wind tunnel simulator is a transient solver. Results were
examined to determine accuracy of results over time and the efficacy or influence of setting the deviation

How does the error vary over time? What appears to be the optimal time to run a simulation?

What is the influence on results?

The results of these studies would give users an idea of the level of accuracy to be expected during a typical
application and an understanding of how the deviation parameter affects results.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Validation results
How accurately are flow effects simulated?
To begin, we examine in general how a single case performs. Wind at the east face was selected to investigate wind
flow around back to back towers. In this case, we consider a simulation in which the simulation is run until the default
load deviation factor of 0.5% is reachedin this case, 12.89 seconds.

Tower 2

Tower 1

Figure 6. Results for 20 m/s wind at building east face for Robot Structural Analysis wind simulator (left) and Windtech wind tunnel

The above figures show a comparison of mean surface pressure contours for the Robot Structural Analysis simulation
(left) and wind tunnel results (right) for wind from the east direction. (Note that the color assignments of the contour
plots are reversed between the two.) It can be observed that the geometric flow patterns of the wind, as represented
by the pressure contours, are generally similarpresenting similar areas of positive and negative (suction) pressure
on the building surface.

Windward surfaces (east face) Area 1: It can be seen in both towers that the front surface exhibits nearly
constant pressure with a slightly lower pressure in the bottom corners. The second tower exhibits the highest
mean pressure near the top while showing a low pressure zone near the left bottom corner of the base.
North face Area 2: Both simulation and wind tunnel results show a zone of low pressure (flow
detachment) at the front of tower 1 and the front of tower 2 that is higher than tower 1 where air has gone
over tower 1, hit tower 2s east face and is going around, creating an area of low pressure on the side as
Roof surfaces Areas 3 and 4: Tower 1 shows an area of low or negative pressure on the forward edge
and higher pressure toward the rear edge. Pressure on the roof of tower 2 is low relative to the east face of
the tower as revealed by experiment.

Using the pressure data obtained through the validation exercise, a closer comparison can be made between the
simulation and wind tunnel experiments for each of the 511 data points. Results for this specific case are summarized
as follows:

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Windward surface (east face) Area 1

The windward surface exhibits very good similarity with a few specific exceptions.
The simulation vs. experiment plot below shows pressure is overestimated on the
portion of the second tower that is obstructed by the shorter tower. The low
spikes correspond to the top left corner locations of each tower and suggest
areas where the simulation overestimates the detachment of the wind flow at
those localized areas.

Sides (north face) Area 2

The north face results also exhibit very good correlation and conservatism.
There are a couple of spots (A and C) where the simulation overestimates
flow detachment at the leading edge and the resulting suction there, and
spots (B and D) where the pressure is artificially high. The simulator is
consistently conservative in prediction of positive pressure and negative
(suction) pressure.

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Roof surfaces (Areas 3 and 4)

A plot of the pressure sensors on the roof surfacesincluding the towers and pedestal buildingis shown below. The
comparison with wind tunnel measurements shows again that the general flow pattern is consistent, with the
exception of high pressure predicted at the leading edge of tower 2. Internal testing has shown that pressure spikes
can be removed by mesh refinement. However, this is at a significant computation cost, which belies the rapid,
designer-focused nature of the wind simulation tool. As such, mesh resolution is fixed for the wind simulator.

It is also observed that on the tower roofs, the simulation tends to over
predict the impacts of air flow over the slanted roofs. As air flows over
the slant of tower 1, the pressure on the leading edge is overestimated
while the lift of the airand the resulting negative pressureon the
back edge of the roof is also overestimated. This same behavior is
observed on the roof of tower 2.
The simulation is reasonably accurate on the mid-height roofs and on
the pedestal building to the right of the towers, but under predicts the
negative pressure on the roof caused by the turbulent air between the

Figure 7. Visualization of flow lines for subject



Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

What is the effect of simulation duration?

As mentioned earlier, for ease of use, the Robot Structural Analysis wind
simulator has simplified user inputs and controls. One of the simulation controls
available to the user is setting a deviation factor for the generated loads. This
sets the simulation to run until the deviation in the calculated pressure loads
convergesor reaches the difference set by the user.
So how long should a simulation run, and is there a benefit to setting a factor tighter than the default 0.5%?

Figure 8. Wind simulation results for deviation factor of 0.5% (default) and 0.2%.

To answer this, results were examined for 12.89 seconds (the time convergence was reached for DF=0.5%) and 24.3
seconds (the time convergence was reached for DF=0.2% ). The plots below show the results for each duration
compared to experimental results. The following conclusions are made.

WindwardIt can be seen that for the windward face of the structure, the results are quite similar, with the
longer simulation time showing slightly more accurate results in the wake area behind tower 1.
Side FacesAs shown for the north face, the results are quite similar with the shorter simulation showing
more favorable results at lower heights (AAxx through AExx sensors).
Roof SurfacesFor the roof surfaces, results are very similar, trading accuracy in various areas. In general,
the longer simulation appears to reduce the degree to which the simulation overestimates the effect of the
airflow over the slanted roofs as discussed earlier.


Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

LeewardThe leeward face of the structure shows mixed results. Again, the
longer simulation seems to improve results for pressure measured in the
turbulent flow between the two towers as well as the lower area behind
tower 2, suggesting the wake is better simulated with time. The exception
shown by the highlighted segmentsis the area at the edge of the rear slant
of the roof on tower 2. In this area, the results were more accurate earlier in
the simulation.


Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool


Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

The Robot Structural Analysis wind simulation tool has been developed to provide building designers with quick and
easy access to wind tunnel simulation, providing insight into air flow behavior and estimates of design loads resulting
from wind. The above examples provide an examination of how the wind simulation tool can perform these functions
in a typical application.
It is observed that the simulation performs well at capturing the geometric flow patterns of the air for moderately
complex building shapes. Quantitatively, the simulation performs reasonably well at estimating the mean surface
pressure resulting from the simulated wind with results giving conservative estimates for pressurespositive and
negativeresulting from flow effects such as detachment (suction) and reattachment.
With this, the wind simulator can prove to be a very useful tool in
providing nearly instant assessments of wind performance in the
early concept and design detail phase of a building project. It can
support code-based analytical analysis in developing design loads
and performing preliminary structural analysis. Finally, the tool can
serve as a practical means of performing trade studies and
test/model optimization before time and money is invested in scalemodel wind tunnel testing that is often required of complex building


Robot Structural Analysis wind simulation

Perform rapid, early-phase trade
Support code-based calculations for
complex geometries or terrain
Optimize physical wind tunnel testing

Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Appendix A Pressure tap locations

The following diagrams provide the layout of the 511 pressure sensors and correspond to measurements taken for
both the scale model used for wind tunnel testing and the virtual model used in simulation.


Figure 9. Layout of pressure sensors on roof surface.


Validation brief for the Robot Structural Analysis Professional wind simulation tool

Figure 10. Layout of pressure sensors on south building elevation (left) and north building elevation (right).

Figure 11. Layout of pressure sensors on east and west building elevation.

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