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Agency For Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Case Studies in Environmental Medicine Beryllium Toxicity

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity
Course: WB 1095
Original Date: May 23, 2008
Expiration Date: May 23, 2011

Table of Contents
How to Use This Course ............................................................................................ 3
Initial Check............................................................................................................ 5
What Is Beryllium and How Are People Exposed To It? .................................................. 9
What Are the Standards and Regulations for Beryllium Exposure? ................................. 11
Who Is at Risk of Exposure to Beryllium?................................................................... 14
Who Is Susceptible to Beryllium Exposure? ................................................................ 17
How Does Beryllium Induce Pathogenic Changes?....................................................... 19
Clinical Assessment ................................................................................................ 22
Clinical Assessment - Other Diagnostic Tests.............................................................. 26
How Should Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Treated and Managed? ............................ 29
Sources of Additional Information............................................................................. 32
Posttest Instructions............................................................................................... 38
Literature Cited ..................................................................................................... 44

Key Concepts

About This and

Other Case
Studies in

Beryllium produces health effects ranging from sensitization

without evidence of disease to clinically apparent pulmonary
Chronic beryllium disease may be misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis.
Immunologic tests can detect beryllium sensitization and help
clinicians differentiate between chronic beryllium disease and other
interstitial lung diseases.

This educational case study document is one in a series of selfinstructional publications designed to increase the primary care
providers knowledge of hazardous substances in the environment and
to promote the adoption of medical practices that aid in the evaluation
and care of potentially exposed patients. The complete series of Case
Studies in Environmental Medicine is located on the ATSDR Web site at
URL: In addition, the downloadable PDF
version of this educational series and other environmental medicine
materials provides content in an electronic, printable format, especially
for those who may lack adequate Internet service.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

How to Apply for

and Receive
Education Credit

See Internet address for more information

about continuing medical education credits, continuing nursing
education credits, and other continuing education units.


We gratefully acknowledge the work that the medical writers,

editors, and reviewers have provided to produce this educational
resource. Listed below are those who have contributed to
development of this version of the Case Study in Environmental
ATSDR Authors: Kim Gehle, MD, MPH
CDC/ATSDR Planners: Valerie J. Curry, MS; John Doyle, MPA;
Bruce J. Fowler, Ph.D.; Kimberly Gehle, MD; Sharon L. Hall, Ph.D.;
Michael Hatcher, DrPH; Kimberly Jenkins, BA; Ronald T. Jolly;
Delene Roberts, MSA; Oscar Tarrago, MD, MPH, CHES; Brian
Tencza, MS; Pamela Tucker, MD
CDC/ATSDR Commenters: Dan Middleton, MD,
Contributors: Robert Johnson MD


Peer Reviewers: Lisa A. Maier, MD, FCCP, MSPH, ; Lisa Barker,

Peggy Mroz
The state of knowledge regarding the treatment of patients
potentially exposed to hazardous substances in the environment is
constantly evolving and is often uncertain. In this educational
monograph, ATSDR has made diligent effort to ensure the accuracy
and currency of the information presented, but makes no claim that
the document comprehensively addresses all possible situations
related to this substance. This monograph is intended as an
educational resource for physicians and other health professionals in
assessing the condition and managing the treatment of patients
potentially exposed to hazardous substances. It is not, however, a
substitute for the professional judgment of a health care provider.
The document must be interpreted in light of specific information
regarding the patient and in conjunction with other sources of
Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry or the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine
Environmental Medicine and Educational Services Branch

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

How to Use This Course



The goal of Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (CSEM) is to increase

the primary care providers knowledge of hazardous substances in the
environment and to help in evaluation and treating of potentially exposed
patients. This CSEM focuses on beryllium toxicity.
Two versions of the Beryllium Toxicity CSEM are available.


The HTML version offers interactive exercises and prescriptive feedback

to the user.
To make the most effective use of this course:


Key Points
Progress Check

The online version (

provides the content through the Internet.
The downloadable PDF version provides content in an electronic,
printable format, especially for those who may lack adequate
Internet service.

Take the Initial Check to assess your current knowledge about

beryllium toxicity.
Read the title, learning objectives, text, and key points in each
Complete the progress check exercises at the end of each section
and check your answers.
Complete and submit your assessment and posttest response
online if you wish to obtain continuing education credit. Continuing
education certificates can be printed immediately upon

This course is designed to help you learn efficiently. Topics are clearly
labeled so that you can skip sections or quickly scan sections you are
already familiar with. This labeling will also allow you to use this training
material as a handy reference. To help you identify and absorb important
content quickly, each section is structured as follows:
Serves as a focus question that you should be able to answer after
completing the section
Describes specific content addressed in each section and focuses your
attention on important points
Provides the information you need to answer the focus question(s) and
achieve the learning objectives
Highlights important issues and helps you review
Enables you to test yourself to determine whether you have mastered
the learning objectives
Provide feedback to ensure you understand the content and can locate
information in the text

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Upon completion of the Beryllium Toxicity CSEM, you should be able to

Content Area
Exposure Pathways

Standards and

Populations at Risk

Health Effects

Clinical Assessment

Treatment and

Beryllium Toxicity

Describe berylliums properties.
Describe how people are exposed to beryllium.
Describe the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limit (PEL)
for beryllium.
Describe the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) regulation for beryllium emissions in air .
Identify the populations most heavily exposed to
Identify who is at risk of exposure to beryllium in the
Name a marker of genetic susceptibility to beryllium
Describe two mechanisms of injury resulting from
beryllium exposure.
Describe the health conditions associated with beryllium
Describe chest radiograph findings associated with
beryllium-related diseases.
Describe pulmonary function test findings associated
with beryllium-related diseases.
Identify other tests that can assist with diagnosis of
beryllium-related diseases.
Identify what patients should be treated .
Identify the primary drug for treatment of chronic
beryllium disease (CBD).
Describe possible sequelae of chronic beryllium disease.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

Initial Check
Case Study

This Initial Check will help you assess your current knowledge about
beryllium toxicity. Read the case study below, and then answer the
questions that follow.
A 14-year-old daughter of a dental technician has a cough, is
wheezing, and has a low-grade fever.
The patient has developed a troublesome cough and sometimes at night
cannot catch her breath. Her cough has recently worsened, with an
increase in sputum production and chest discomfort. Last night she had a
particularly rough time, but she had no wheezing or fever. Chart review
reveals no known history of asthma or allergies. The patients height and
weight are appropriate for her age. Her two siblings, aged 6 and 12
years, are in good health. History of previous illness reveals three
episodes of otitis media as a young child, but no other significant illness.
She has no history of eczema or food intolerance.
In response to your questions, the mother tells you that her husband, a
dental technician, has been diagnosed with sarcoidosis. He recently had
flu-like symptoms similar to those of his daughter, including fatigue,
nasal congestion, sneezing, and cough. Although her husband, who
smokes cigarettes, has had a cough for several years, the mother states
that her daughter developed symptoms a few days after her husbands
latest bout. She wonders if her husbands sarcoidosis could have been
transmitted to their daughter.

Initial Check

Examination reveals a cheerful girl in no acute distress. Her temperature

today is 100F, respiratory rate is 24 breaths per minute, without
retractions or audible wheezing, and her pulse is 90 beats per minute
and regular. Significant findings include a mildly inflamed pharynx and
anterior cervical lymph nodes that are slightly enlarged and mildly
tender. Tympanic membranes are clear. Auscultation of the lungs reveals
mild and diffuse expiratory wheezing with occasional rhonchi. Results of
cardiac and abdominal examinations are normal. Chest radiograph shows
minimal peribronchial thickening, but it is otherwise normal.
1. Construct a problem list and a differential diagnosis for the daughter.
2. What further questions might you ask about the father?
3. What is the most likely diagnosis for the daughter?
4. Could the father pass beryllium to other family members by contact
or by coughing or sneezing?
5. What organ systems should be evaluated if beryllium exposure is
6. What steps would you take to evaluate the condition of the daughter
in the case study?
7. What steps will be necessary to evaluate her fathers condition?
8. The fathers blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT)
test was abnormal. It was repeated and was again abnormal,
consistent with beryllium sensitization. What is appropriate treatment
of the fathers condition?

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Initial Check


Beryllium Toxicity

The patients problem list includes productive cough, wheeze, and

low-grade fever. The most likely causes to consider for this patients
condition are reactive airway disease, asthma, an infectious process
(viral or bacterial bronchitis, sinusitis, or pneumonia), and chemical
irritation (cigarette smoke or air pollution). Considerations in
younger patients might also include bronchiectasis, congenital
abnormalities, foreign-body aspiration, and cystic fibrosis.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Evaluated?


Initially, you would want to know the fathers general state of health,
his full work history, smoking habits, and history of respiratory
problems. You may also wish to explore his hobbies and home
environment. As a dental laboratory technician, the father may be at
risk of exposure to beryllium (during casting and grinding of alloys
used in dental prostheses), as well as to mercury (during mixing of
dental amalgams). Chronic cough is a common symptom of chronic
beryllium disease, which can be misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis unless
an immunological test specific to beryllium sensitization is used.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Evaluated?


Asthma or bronchitis would both be high on your list. Wheezing, if

present, could be a complication of bronchitis, or it could be a new
onset of asthma triggered by infection or exacerbated by smoke from
her fathers cigarettes. Workers who cast or grind beryllium can
bring the dust home on their hair, skin, and clothes, from which
members of their households may be exposed. Such exposed
household members have developed chronic beryllium disease.
Based on her acute signs and symptoms, it is unlikely that the
patient has a beryllium-related disease. However, if she visits her
fathers workplace, or if he does not change work clothes before
leaving the workplace, she should be considered at risk.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Evaluated?

4. No evidence suggests that beryllium sensitization or disease can be

passed on by body fluids, coughing, or sneezing. However, beryllium
exposure of family members can occur via contaminated clothes. To
ensure that beryllium is not brought home from the workplace
through beryllium-contaminated clothes and skin, you should discuss
with the father proper workplace hygiene, including changing clothes
and showering before leaving the workplace.
The information for this answer comes from section Who Is At Risk
of Beryllium Exposure?

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

Chronic beryllium disease manifests mainly in the lungs as a

granulomatous interstitial pneumonitis. The skin should also be
evaluated because beryllium can lead to dermatitis, ulceration,
granuloma formation, and poor wound healing.
The information for this answer comes from section What Other
Tests Can Assist With Diagnosis of Beryllium-Related Disease?


For the daughter, initial evaluation should include a careful history,

thorough physical examination, and a chest radiograph. The history
suggests the presence of an infectious process or asthma. Screening
blood work or peak flow rates might be considered at this time,
depending on the severity of symptoms. If her respiratory symptoms
become chronic, she should be re-evaluated and possibly referred to
a specialist. A blood BeLPT might be considered if you highly suspect
beryllium exposure.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Evaluated?


Due to proven beryllium exposure, the father is a candidate for a

more complete evaluation for beryllium toxicity. Referral to a
pulmonologist familiar with the workup of chronic beryllium disease
would be appropriate at this time. An abnormal BeLPT would indicate
a good likelihood that his pulmonary abnormalities are due to
beryllium exposure.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Evaluated?


The father has beryllium sensitization based on two abnormal blood

Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Tests. The first therapeutic effort
should be to remove him from further exposure to beryllium. Another
important step for symptom relief may be to help the patient stop
Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage and biopsy may be
performed by the pulmonologists to establish a diagnosis of chronic
beryllium disease. The following baseline tests are often performed:

chest radiograph,
pulmonary function tests,
carbon monoxide diffusion, and
exercise physiology with arterial blood gases.

The patients health should be followed on a regular basis to monitor

declines in physiology and development of symptoms.
If appropriate, corticosteroid therapy may be instituted by the
pulmonary physician managing this patient. The father should be reevaluated periodically to assess his response to corticosteroids, and

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

to taper the dose to the minimum needed to control symptoms and

maintain physiologic improvement. He should also be monitored for
potential long-term steroid side effects.
Because the father may represent a sentinel case, the local health
department should be notified. To prevent further exposures, the
patients workplace should be evaluated. Notification of the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration or a patient request
for a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
health hazard evaluation may be warranted.
The information for this answer comes from section How Should
Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Treated?

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

What Is Beryllium and How Are People Exposed To It?


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

What Is

describe berylliums properties, and

describe how people are exposed to beryllium.

Pure beryllium, one of the lightest metals known, is a hard, grayish

material obtained from the minerals bertrandite and beryl. Gem-quality
beryl is known as either aquamarine or emerald.
Beryllium has unique properties such as strength, electrical and thermal
conductivity, and resistance to corrosion (Stonehouse and Zenczak 1991)
which makes the use of the metal and its oxide attractive in a wide range
of technological applications (Weston et al. 2005).

How Are
Exposed to

Key Points

Although beryllium is a naturally occurring substance, the major source

of its emission into the environment is the combustion of fossil fuels
(primarily coal), which releases beryllium-containing particulates and fly
ash into the atmosphere. Beryllium is relatively water insoluble and
adsorbs tightly to soil therefore, it is not often a drinking water
contaminant. It has been found in various foodstuffs, but
bioaccumulation in the food chain is not significant (Taylor et al. 2003;
Kolanz et al. 2001).
Most exposures to beryllium that cause disease are related to some
aspect of beryllium processing. Because of its unique properties,
beryllium is used in many high-technology consumer and commercial
products. The major pathway for human exposure is through airborne
particles of beryllium metal, alloys, oxides, and ceramics (Kolanz 2001).
Beryllium particles are inhaled into the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
Exposures not directly related to inhalation of workplace air, such as
hand-to-mouth exposure, dermal contact with ultrafine particles, and
resuspension following deposition of beryllium dust onto clothing may
also occur (Kolanz et al. 2001; Deubner et al. 2001; Tinkle et al. 2003).
Some individuals exposed to beryllium develop sensitization and are
at risk of developing chronic beryllium disease (CBD).

CBD is primarily an occupational lung disease, but it has been

reported in household contacts of beryllium workers and individuals
living near beryllium facilities.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

1. The following are true regarding beryllium except

A. Beryllium is one of the heaviest metals known.
B. Pure beryllium is a naturally occurring hard, grayish material
obtained from the mineral rocks bertrandite and beryl.
C. The major source of its emission into the environment is
combustion of fossil fuels.
D. Beryllium is relatively water insoluble and adsorbs tightly to soils.
To review relevant content, see What Is Beryllium? in this section.
2. The major pathway for beryllium exposure is

eating contaminated food

inhaling airborne particles
drinking tap water
using a microwave oven.

To review relevant content, see How Are People Exposed to Beryllium?

in this section.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

What Are the Standards and Regulations for Beryllium Exposure?


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to



describe the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

permissible exposure limit (PEL) for beryllium, and
describe the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation
for beryllium emissions in air.

Table 1 shows standards and regulations for beryllium. The

occupational exposure limit of 2.0 micrograms per cubic meter (g /m3)
of air for an 8-hour work shift for beryllium has been used in the
workplace since the late 1940s. However, recent research has shown
that the 2.0 g/m3 standard is not protective (For example, see the
ACGIH standards). Ongoing and planned research is anticipated to
support the development of one or more scientifically sound standards
for the different chemical forms of beryllium (Paustenbach et al. 2001).
The health data currently available support further reductions in
exposure levels to help minimize the incidence of chronic beryllium
disease (Wambach and Tuggle 2000). Additional international, national,
and state regulations and guidelines regarding beryllium in air, water,
and other media are summarized in Table 8-1 of the 2002 ATSDR
Toxicological Profile on Beryllium
The OSHA regulation for beryllium and its compounds is an 8-hour timeweighted average (TWA) of 2 micrograms (as beryllium) per cubic meter
of air (2 g/m3).
An employee should not be exposed to a concentration of beryllium and
beryllium compounds exceeding 5 g/m3.
The 30-minute maximum peak level is 25 g/m3.


NIOSH recommends that beryllium be treated as a potential human

carcinogen and advises a 10-hour TWA not to exceed 0.5 g/m3.
Beryllium has been designated a hazardous air pollutant under the Clean
Air Act. According to EPA regulations, beryllium emissions from
stationary sources cannot exceed 10 g (0.022 lbs) over a 24-hour
Ambient air concentrations averaged over a 30-day period near
stationary sources must not exceed 0.01 g/m3.
The EPA advisory for beryllium in water is less than 68 nanograms per
liter (ng/L) for consumption of 2 L of ambient water per day.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
Table 1. Standards and Regulations
Air: workplace
Conference of

National Institute
for Occupational
Safety and
Health (NIOSH)

Air: workplace

for Beryllium
2 g/m
0.05 g/m3
0.2 g/m3
0.5 g/m3

Beryllium Toxicity

Advisory; TLV-TWA*
Notice of Intended Change,
2007; TLV-TWA*
Notice of Intended Change,
2007: STEL
Advisory; 10-hour TWA;

Regulation; PEL as TWA
Air: workplace
2 g/m3
Safety and
5 g/m
Regulation; Ceiling
25 g/m3
Regulation; STEL
30-minute maximum peak
Air emissions
10 g/24 hours
Agency (EPA)
TLV-TWA (threshold limit value-time-weighted average): time-weighted average
concentration to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed for a normal workday
and a 40-hour workweek.

PEL (permissible exposure limit): highest level of beryllium in air to which a worker may
be exposed, averaged over an 8-hour workday.

**REL (recommended exposure limit): TWA indicates a time-weighted average

concentration for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweek.

STEL (short-term exposure limit): usually determined by a 15-minute sampling period.

g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter; g = grams

Key Points

OSHAs current 8-hour TWA for beryllium is 2 g/m3. Research

shows that this level may not be protective.
The EPA regulation for beryllium emissions in air is 10 g in a 24hour period.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
Progress Check

Beryllium Toxicity

3. It is a federal (OSHA) regulation that workers not be exposed to

more than 2 g/m3 of beryllium in air

Averaged over an 8-hour workday.

At any time during the day.
If they have underlying lung disease.
If they are not wearing a paper dust mask.

To review relevant content, see Standards and Regulations for

Beryllium in this section.
4. The OSHA regulation of 2 g/m3 is

Relatively new.
Not meant to be strictly enforced.
Lower than the NIOSH advisory level.
Unchanged since the 1940s and may not be protective.

To review relevant content, see Introduction in this section.

5. The EPA regulation for beryllium emissions in air is


g in a 24-hour period.
g in a 24-hour period.
g averaged over an 8-hour workday.
g averaged over an 8-hour workday.

To review relevant content, see Environmental Standards and

Table 1 in this section.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

Who Is at Risk of Exposure to Beryllium?


Upon completion of this section, you will able to

Overview of
Risk of


In What
Might Workers
Be Exposed to

identify the populations most heavily exposed to beryllium, and

identify who is at risk of exposure to beryllium in the home.

Beryllium disease was first noted in the 1930s in Europe. In the 1940s,
reports of disease related to beryllium surfaced among workers exposed
to beryllium-containing phosphors in the fluorescent lamp industry and
the nuclear weapons industry (Kress and Crispell 1944). Industry
standards and environmental controls for beryllium were initially
established in the late 1940s.
At least 134,000 current U.S. workers are estimated to be exposed to
beryllium, though precise numbers for the total number of workers
exposed to beryllium are unavailable (Henneberger et al. 2004). This
count does not include former workers, contract workers, and
construction workers exposed in beryllium using facilities. Outside the
United States, more and more industries are being identified with current
or former beryllium exposure (Newman et al. 2005; Glazer and Newman
Risk to workers depends considerably on their work tasks. For example,
machinists in both ceramics and nuclear weapons manufacture have
been found to have an increased risk of developing sensitization. This is
probably due to small respirable particles of beryllium (<10 microns) that
may be better able to deposit deep in the lungs. Other studies have
shown that laboratory workers and construction workers in berylliumusing facilities are also at increased risk. However, numerous individuals
with apparently trivial exposure, such as security guards, secretaries,
and bystanders, have also developed disease. This suggests that a linear
dose response may be absent. Inhaling metallic beryllium, beryllium
oxide, beryllium-copper and other alloys, or beryllium salts are the major
exposure risks leading to disease (Martyny et al. 2000; Sawyer et al.
2002; Willis and Florig 2002).
Industries and occupations with potential beryllium exposure include

automotive parts,
construction trades,
dental supplies and prosthesis manufacture,
industrial ceramics,
laboratory workers,
metal recycling,
mining of beryl ore (beryl ore extraction),
nuclear weapons,
precision machine shops,
tool and die manufacture, and

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Disease (CBD)

Key Points


Beryllium Toxicity

Beryllium sensitization (BeS) is found in 1% - 16% of exposed workers

tested with the blood Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Test (Saltini et
al. 2001; Henneberger et al. 2001). Individuals may have BeS without
disease, which is not associated with any symptoms or clinical
abnormalities in pulmonary function tests or chest radiography. These
individuals have a risk of developing chronic beryllium disease (CBD) in
the future at a rate of 6% to 8% per year (Newman et al. 2005). In
addition to total beryllium mass, factors such as chemical composition,
particle size, number, and surface area may influence bioavailability of
beryllium and contribute to risk of sensitization and disease
(Henneberger et al. 2001; Stefaniak et al. 2004; Deubner et al. 2001).
CBD is typically considered only when there is known work exposure;
however, CBD has also occurred in occupational and environmental
settings where exposure was unexpected (Middleton 1998). Many
individuals have developed BeS and CBD working in areas where air
concentrations are found to be below the recommended workplace
exposure limits (Maier 2001). Sensitization and disease has been
reported in security guards, secretaries, and custodial staff who work at
facilities using beryllium (Frome et al. 2003). CBD due to secondary
contamination has been caused by exposure to beryllium from a workers
clothing (Newman and Kreiss 1992). BeS and CBD have been diagnosed
among individuals living near beryllium-using facilities from which they
received high exposures in the past.
Anyone working with or around beryllium metal, ceramics, alloys, or
salts is at risk of developing beryllium sensitization or disease from
inhaling small particles.
Very low concentrations of beryllium in air can cause sensitization
and disease.
People living near a plant that uses beryllium and families of workers
have developed CBD.
6. Of the following, who is likely to be at risk of beryllium exposure?

Dental supplies and prosthetics worker.

Industrial ceramics fabricator.
Machinist in the aerospace industry.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see In What Industries Might Workers Be

Exposed to Beryllium? in this section.
7. Important factors determining sensitization to beryllium containing
particles after exposure may include

Total mass of particles.

Size and number of particles.
Particle surface area.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Beryllium Sensitization in this section.

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

8. A workers family members may be exposed to beryllium by


Sharing utensils with the worker.

Kissing the worker.
Gathering and washing the workers dirty clothes.
Living beneath high-voltage power lines.

To review relevant content, see How Are People Exposed to Beryllium

in the previous section and Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) in this

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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

Who Is Susceptible to Beryllium Exposure?


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

Overview of

The Genetics
of Beryllium
and Disease

Key Points

name a marker of genetic susceptibility to beryllium exposure.

Beryllium sensitization (BeS) is found in a wide range of exposed workers

(1%16%) in beryllium-related industry (Saltini et al. 2001). Individual
susceptibility to sensitization and exposure circumstances are both
important in developing chronic beryllium disease (CBD) (Kreiss et al.
1993). In CBD, a susceptible person develops a cell-mediated, delayed
hypersensitivity reaction after beryllium exposure (Tinkle et al. 1999).
This hypersensitivity leads to a spectrum of immune abnormalities and
the eventual pathological changes of CBD (Dotti et al. 2004).
Specific genes have been identified as candidates that convey increased
risk of BeS and/or CBD in persons exposed to beryllium (Richeldi et al.
1993; Richeldi et al. 1997; Wang et al. 1999; Wang et al. 2001; Saltini
et al. 2001; Rossman et al. 2002; Maier et al. 2003; McCanlies et al.
2004; McCanlies et al. 2003; Weston et al. 2005; McCanlies et al. 2007;
Dotti et al. 2004; Sato et al. 2007). The strongest association has been
found with a human leukocyte antigen gene (HLA-DP1), but this is
complicated because this gene has more than 120 variants. The easiest
concept is that variants coding for a glutamate (glutamic acid, also
known as a supratypic marker) in the 69th position (Glu69) are at high
risk, between 2 and 20 fold (McCanlies et al. 2003; Weston et al. 2005).
However, the exact genetic risk level is not known because too few cases
have been studied and other factors, exposure levels (gene environment
interactions) and genes not yet studied in CBD (e.g., cytokines), may be
involved. Thus, further efforts are needed to explore these factors
(Richeldi et al. 1997; Weston et al. 2005). Current wisdom is that HLADP1 variants that are Glu69 positive each present a different degree of
risk for BeS and CBD in persons exposed to beryllium.
In the case of the Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha gene (TNF-) a number
of studies have been performed, but no clear result has emerged. TNF-
is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that when stimulated, results in
inflammation. It has been implicated in arthritis and other immunological
dysfunctional conditions. Since CBD has an inflammatory component,
TNF- is a logical candidate CBD susceptibility gene. Again, based on
current knowledge a more rigorous study design needs to be developed
and implemented before this gene can be implicated in or eliminated
from the list of genetic risk factors for BeS and CBD in persons exposed
to beryllium (Saltini et al. 2001; McCanlies et al. 2007; Dotti et al. 2004;
Sato et al. 2007).
In BeS and CBD, a susceptible person develops a cell-mediated,
delayed hypersensitivity reaction after beryllium exposure.
Both individual susceptibility and exposure circumstances are
important in developing CBD.

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Beryllium Toxicity

9. The HLA-DP1 genes with the supratypic marker Glu69 may lead to
an increased risk to those exposed to beryllium by as much as

No increased risk.

To review relevant content, see The Genetics of Beryllium Sensitization

and Disease in this section.
10. Genetic susceptibility screening is uniformly performed in the
beryllium industry.
A. True.
B. False.
To review relevant content, see The Genetics of Beryllium Sensitization
and Disease in this section.

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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

How Does Beryllium Induce Pathogenic Changes?


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

Acute versus

describe two mechanisms of injury resulting from beryllium

exposure, and
describe the health conditions associated with beryllium exposure.

Two distinct mechanisms of injury can result from beryllium exposure.

In acute disease, high levels of beryllium exposure can result in
inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract and airways,
bronchiolitis, pulmonary edema, and chemical pneumonitis. (Kim 2004).
Acute beryllium disease occurs less commonly than chronic beryllium
disease (CBD).
CBD, sometimes called berylliosis, is primarily a pulmonary disorder in
which granulomatous inflammation develops after exposure and
subsequent sensitization to beryllium. The lungs and thoracic lymph
nodes are the primary sites involved. In addition, beryllium exposure
can cause skin disease. Rarely, CBD can involve the liver, myocardium,
salivary glands, and bones (Glazer and Newman 2003).
The terms acute and chronic, used to describe beryllium disease, refer
to disease processes rather than types of exposure. Acute beryllium
disease manifests as an acute chemical pneumonitis, whereas CBD is
typically a progressive pulmonary granulomatous lung disease (Sawyer
et al. 2002). Table 2 shows possible human health effects of beryllium

Table 2. Possible human health effects of beryllium exposure (ATSDR, 2002)

Target Organ
Respiratory Tract


Acute pneumonitis
Chronic beryllium disease
Lung cancer
Pulmonary hypertension*


Contact dermatitis
Subcutaneous granulomatous nodules
Delayed wound healing

Lymphatic/ Hematologic

Hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy*

Beryllium sensitization

*Occurs in association with chronic beryllium disease.

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Beryllium Toxicity

Effects: Acute

Acute beryllium lung disease has been almost completely eliminated in

the United States through use of exposure controls. Acute disease
manifests as inflammation of the upper or lower respiratory tract or
both. The most serious complication is chemical pneumonitis. Acute
disease appears suddenly after short exposure to high concentrations or
progresses slowly after longer exposure to lower concentrations.
Pneumonitis or bronchitis induced by inhaling beryllium is histologically
identical to these diseases when caused by other pulmonary irritants
(Kress and Crispell 1944).

Effects: Chronic

CBD (also known as berylliosis) continues to occur in industries where

beryllium and its alloys are processed, smelted, fabricated, and
machinedresulting in respirable beryllium particles. CBD is a disorder
in which a delayed type IV hypersensitivity response to a persistent
antigen (beryllium) leads to noncaseating granuloma formation (Tinkle
et al. 1999). This interstitial mononuclear cell inflammation and
granuloma formation are the primary processes that occur in the lungs
and airways of beryllium exposed workers (Sawyer et al. 2002). The
most common manifestation is chronic interstitial pneumonitis with
infiltration of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and plasma cells (Saltini and
Amicosante 2001).
Beryllium sensitization (BeS) and CBD can occur within 50 days of first
exposure in modern industry. Some cases of CBD, however, do not
develop until 30 - 40 years after exposure has ceased. On average, CBD
usually takes at least 6 - 15 years after exposure to develop into
clinically significant respiratory disease (Glazer and Newman 2003;
Newman et al. 2001).

Dermal Effects


Beryllium-containing particles that lodge in a workers skin can cause

BeS, and lead to ulcerations and delayed wound healing. Biopsy reveals
noncaseating granulomas at the site of injury (Berlin et al. 2003).
Soluble beryllium compounds may cause contact dermatitis.
Conjunctivitis, periorbital edema, or upper respiratory tract involvement
may occur along with facial contact dermatitis. The use of berylliumcontaining dental prostheses can cause the equivalent of oral contact
dermatitis and hand lesions in individuals making oral prostheses
(Grimaudo 2001).
The National Toxicology Program (1999, 2002) lists beryllium and
certain beryllium compounds (beryllium-aluminum alloy, beryllium
chloride, beryllium fluoride, beryllium hydroxide, beryllium oxide,
beryllium phosphate, beryllium sulfate, beryllium zinc silicate, and beryl
ore) as substances reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer (1993, 2001) has classified
beryllium and beryllium compounds in Group 1, carcinogenic to humans,
and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifies inhaled
beryllium in Group B1, a probably human carcinogen (IRIS 2002).
(Sanderson et al. 2001, ATSDR 2002).
Epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk of lung cancer
among beryllium-exposed workers and among workers with acute and
CBD. The excess incidence of lung cancer was more pronounced among

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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

those with acute beryllium disease (SMR = 2.32) than among those with
CBD (SMR = 1.57) (Steenland and Ward 1991). Increased lung cancer
among workers with higher beryllium exposures and lack of evidence for
confounding by cigarette smoking, provide further evidence that
beryllium is a human lung carcinogen (Sanderson et al. 2001).
Some researchers have disputed reported increased risk of lung cancer
in beryllium workers in published epidemiologic studies (Levy et al.
2002). In addition, mutation and chromosomal aberration assays have
yielded somewhat contradictory results. Only a limited number of
studies have addressed the underlying mechanisms of the
carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of beryllium.

Key Points

Progress Check

It is likely that the different chemical forms of beryllium have different

effects on mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, causing some confusion as
to mechanisms of carcinogenesis and the cancer risk to humans
(Gordon and Bowser 2003).
The most common histology in CBD is granulomatous inflammation
on lung biopsy.
Skin contact with beryllium can cause ulceration and subcutaneous
Epidemiological studies have shown an increased risk of lung cancer
among beryllium-exposed workers and among workers with acute
and CBD.
11. The major cause of morbidity and mortality from CBD in the United
States is thought to be

Noncaseating granuloma formation in the lung.

Coronary artery disease.
None of the above.

To review relevant content, see Respiratory Effects in this section.

12. Beryllium is a known human carcinogen.
A. True.
B. False.
To review relevant content, see Carcinogenic Effects in this

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Beryllium Toxicity

Clinical Assessment

Upon completion of this section, you will be able to


History and

Signs and

describe chest radiograph findings associated with beryllium-related

diseases, and
identify pulmonary function test findings associated with berylliumrelated diseases.

The remainder of this case study focuses on a diagnostic approach in

chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Although the primary care physician can
do the initial visit, history, physical, and basic lab evaluation, positive or
suspicious findings warrant referral to a pulmonologist for more definitive
evaluation and treatment.
If beryllium exposure is suspected, the respiratory tract and skin should
be examined carefully.
Initial evaluation of a patient with a history of beryllium exposure should
include a thorough occupational and environmental history, medical
history, and physical examination. During the medical history and
physical examination, particular attention should be focused on the skin
and respiratory tract (Rossman 2001; Newman et al. 1996).
Patients with CBD may exhibit a wide spectrum of physical signs and
symptoms. Patients with beryllium sensitization (BeS) exhibit no signs or
symptoms related to this cell-mediated immune response, except for an
abnormal blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT). Some
patients with CBD identified through workforce medical surveillance with
the BeLPT are asymptomatic with only granulomatous inflammation in
the lung or an abnormal BeLPT in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Patients
with CBD may present with a variety of respiratory and systemic
symptoms, such as:

nonproductive cough,
exertional dyspnea,
weight loss,
fever, and

The earliest clinical signs are scattered bibasilar crackles and wheezing.
As the disease progresses, lymphadenopathy may develop, along with
cyanosis, digital clubbing, and other signs of chronic lung disease (Glazer
and Newman 2003).
Beryllium can cause contact dermatitis. If beryllium penetrates the
patient's skin or enters open cuts, ulceration or subcutaneous tender
nodules can be seen, especially on exposed areas of skin. Cutaneous
granulomas can eventually appear. Although rare, cutaneous granulomas
can also be a manifestation of the systemic process of CBD, not
necessarily related to direct dermal contamination (Berlin et al. 2003).

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Beryllium Toxicity

The differential diagnosis for interstitial and granulomatous lung disease

is involved and exhaustive. Conditions that may resemble CBD include

fungal disease,
hypersensitivity pneumonitis,
lymphangitic spread of carcinoma,
pulmonary hemosiderosis,
silicosis, and
tuberculosis (Muller-Quernheim 2005).

Of these, the clinical features of sarcoidosis are most similar to the

characteristics of CBD (Table 3). Although each disease possesses
characteristic clinical features, no feature has proved adequately
sensitive and specific to be pathognomonic. CBD does not usually have
extrapulmonary manifestations. Furthermore, CBD is progressive and
often requires lifelong corticosteroid therapy to slow its course (Glazer
and Newman 2003; Fireman et al. 2003; Verma et al. 2003). Early stage
CBD may present similar to asthma with cough, wheezing, shortness of
breath, and with obstructive changes on pulmonary function testing.
Table 3. Comparison of clinical features of sarcoidosis and chronic beryllium
disease (CBD)
Hilar adenopathy
Less common*
Erythema nodosum
Common in acute stage
Parotid involvement
May be present
Bone changes
Present in chronic stage
Response to therapy
*About 30% to 40% of patients with CBD exhibit hilar adenopathy.

CBD is often managed well with corticosteroids, but some patients do not respond to this
treatment and experience progressive fibrosis.

Initial laboratory evaluation for a patient with a history of beryllium

exposure may include: (Glazer and Newman 2003; Newman et al. 1996).

Chest radiographoften normal, but can reveal diffuse infiltrates and

hilar adenopathy if CBD is present. Infiltrates may be nodular or
diffusely linear. Hilar adenopathy, noted eventually in 30% to 40% of
patients, is usually mild, bilateral, and associated with parenchymal
Pulmonary function testsusually normal on initial evaluation but
may demonstrate a lower forced vital capacity, and lower diffusion
capacity for carbon monoxide. Restriction, obstruction, or a mixed
pattern may be evident on pulmonary function tests.
Arterial blood gas (ABG) can provide an early sign to distinguish
beryllium sensitized individuals from those with CBD. Pulse oximetry
is not an adequate substitute for ABGs (Lundgren et al. 2001).
Measures of gas exchange on ABG testing may reveal lower partial
pressure of oxygen (PaO2) at rest, and a higher arterial-alveolar

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How Does the

BeLPT Work?


Reliability and

Key Points

Beryllium Toxicity

gradient at rest if CBD is present (Maier et al. 2003). These

abnormalities may be more prominent with exercise.
Complete blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
elevated ESR and hematocrit (due to hypoxemia).

The BeLPT is an in vitro immunologic test that can detect individuals who are
sensitized to beryllium and are at risk of progressing to CBD (Stange et al. 2004). The
BeLPT has revolutionized the approach to the diagnosis, screening, and surveillance of
beryllium health effects. The test is based on the development of a beryllium-specific,
cell-mediated immune response. The BeLPT has allowed us to define early health
effects of beryllium, including BeS, and CBD at an early stage (Maier 2001).
This test is performed in only a small number of specialized laboratories. The Where
Can I Find More Information? section lists some laboratories that perform this test in
the United States. Use of trade names and commercial sources is for
identification only and does not imply endorsement by the Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry or the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
The clinical significance of the BeLPT was described, and a standard
protocol developed, in the late 1980s (Frome et al. 2003; Kreiss et al.
1989). In the BeLPT, a patients mononuclear cells are collected from
blood or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and then cultured in vitro with and
without beryllium salts. Cell proliferation is measured by the
incorporation of tritiated thymidine in dividing cells. The berylliumspecific cellular immune response is then quantified and reported as a
stimulation index, which is the ratio of the counts per minute of
radioactivity in the cells stimulated by beryllium salts divided by the
counts per minute for that persons cells that have not been stimulated
with any beryllium (Barna et al. 2003).
Results may be reported as abnormal, uninterpretable, or negative. Two
or more abnormal results constitute possible sensitization of the patient
and warrant further work-up by a pulmonologist.
As in other immunologic tests, occasionally results are uninterpretable or
may not be perfectly reproducible (Newman 1996). Inter - and intralaboratory disagreement in results may exist between and within
laboratories that conduct this test (Bobka et al. 1997; Deubner et al.
2001). Nonetheless, the BeLPT is the best available assay and is
efficacious in medical surveillance of beryllium-exposed individuals.
The sensitivity of the BeLPT is estimated at 68%, with a specificity of
nearly 97% (Stange et al. 2004). (Confirmation of an abnormal result is
recommended to assure appropriate referral for CBD medical evaluation.)
The positive predictive value of the BeLPT is comparable to other widely
accepted medical tests and is better than other screening tools, including
pulmonary function testing, the chest radiograph, and the symptom
questionnaire (Glazer and Newman 2003; Stange et al. 2004).
CBD is often misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis.
The BeLPT provides a specific test to diagnose BeS and CBD.

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Beryllium Toxicity

13. Initial clinical evaluation for a patient with a history of beryllium

exposure might include

Chest radiograph.
Pulmonary function tests.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Initial Laboratory Evaluation in this

14. Possible chest radiograph findings associated with beryllium-related
diseases may include

Nodular diffuse infiltrates.

Diffusely linear infiltrates.
Hilar adenopathy.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Initial Laboratory Evaluation in this

15. Possible pulmonary function test findings associated with berylliumrelated diseases may include
A. Lower forced vital capacity and diffusion capacity for carbon
B. Restrictive pattern.
C. Obstructive pattern.
D. All of the above.
To review relevant content, see Initial Laboratory Evaluation in this
16. The BeLPT is an in vitro immunologic test that verifies your patient
has CBD
A. True.
B. False.
To review relevant content, see BeLPT in this section.

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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

Clinical Assessment - Other Diagnostic Tests


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

with Lavage
and Biopsy

Other Tests

Suspected chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is a clinical indication for

bronchoscopy. The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from a patient with
CBD typically reveals evidence of lung inflammation, indicated by an
elevated white blood cell count with an increased number of
lymphocytes. Cells from bronchoalveolar lavage should be tested with
the beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT) as previously
described in the Clinical Assessment section. Lung histopathology
reveals interstitial infiltration with mononuclear cells, well-defined
noncaseating granulomas (sometimes with multinucleated giant cells and
calcific inclusions), and varying degrees of pulmonary fibrosis (Meyer
1994). The granulomas are primarily found in the interstitium and
bronchial submucosa.
Besides the BeLPT, several other tests for beryllium sensitization (BeS)
or CBD severity have been used, or have been proposed for use. Their
ultimate utility is yet to be determined and requires additional research.


identify other tests that can assist with diagnosis of beryllium-related


Patch testing: Patch testing for BeS has been used in the past.
However, beryllium patch testing fell out of favor, in part because of
a potential risk of inducing sensitization and a theoretical risk of
aggravating underlying disease.
Flow cytometric assays (immuno-BeLPT): T-lymphocyte flow
cytometry may provide a sensitive alternative to the traditional
BeLPT. It offers a test for sensitization without the use of radioactivity
and may prove to be easier to standardize for clinical use (Farris et
al. 2000; Milovanova et al. 2004).
Beryllium stimulated serum neopterin: Neopterin may be a
useful diagnostic adjunct in the noninvasive assessment of CBD.
Elevated levels differentiate CBD from BeS (Maier et al. 2003).
ELISPOT analysis: The frequency of beryllium-specific T cells in the
blood of beryllium-exposed subjects is measured using ELISPOT
analysis and may be a useful biomarker that helps discriminate
between BeS and progression to CBD (Pott et al. 2005).

Further laboratory evaluation for a patient with a positive initial workup

for CBD is performed to determine disease progression. Additional tests
include (Glazer and Newman 2003; Newman et al. 1996).

Repeat chest radiographs. The chest radiograph is usually normal

in early disease. Later, it may reveal diffuse, bilateral, small opacities
predominantly in the middle and upper lung fields, which are similar
to the findings in sarcoidosis. The chest radiograph is insensitive for
the detection of CBD, so high resolution CT scan (HRCT) may be
required. Approximately one third of patients have enlarged hilar or
mediastinal lymph nodes. In more advanced cases, honeycombing
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Beryllium Toxicity

may be seen. Importantly, the HRCT may not show evidence of CBD
in many cases identified by BeLPT screening (Meyer 1994).

Approach to
the Workup of

Repeat pulmonary function and gas exchange tests. The most

sensitive physiologic test for the detection of CBD is the
cardiopulmonary exercise capacity test (Pappas and Newman 1993).
The exercise capacity test reveals gas exchange or ventilatory
abnormalities, including an elevation in the dead space-to-tidal
volume ratio, in most patients with CBD. Exercise test specificity is
improved when an indwelling arterial catheter is used (Lundgren et
al. 2001). For many patients with CBD, results of resting pulmonary
function tests, including spirometry values, lung volumes, and carbon
monoxide-diffusing capacity (DLCO), are normal but resting and
exercise arterial blood gas levels indicate hypoxemia. Most
symptomatic patients have resting pulmonary function abnormalities;
however, there is no classic pattern, and normal function may be
seen. Of those with pulmonary function abnormalities, one third of
patients present with an obstructive pattern, one fourth with a
restrictive pattern of decreased lung volumes, one third with an
isolated decreased DLCO, and the remainder have a mixed pattern of
obstruction and restriction with varying amounts of gas exchange
abnormality (Newman and Maier 2001). In many patients, disease
progresses from an obstructive pattern to a mixed pattern and finally
to a purely restrictive pattern as it worsens (Newman 1998).

Experts in the evaluation and management of suspected CBD have

recommended a two-pronged approach:
1. bronchoscopy to establish a definitive diagnosis and,
2. other testing to evaluate the clinical severity.
The clinician must maintain a high degree of suspicion when evaluating
any patient who has had direct or indirect beryllium exposure, especially
if the patient has respiratory symptoms or diffuse lung disease. It is
important not to prejudge the significance of someones beryllium
exposure level, since seemingly trivial exposures may result in disease
(Glazer and Newman 2003).
Current diagnostic criteria for CBD require evidence of both BeS and
disease (inflammation and granuloma formation) (Newman and Maier
2001). Therefore, once you suspect CBD, the next step is to perform a
blood BeLPT. Most clinicians require two positive blood BeLPT results to
define sensitization. Patients with positive blood BeLPT results ideally
should undergo bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and
transbronchial biopsy to look for evidence of pathology, which confirms
the diagnosis. In situations where an individual is unable to undergo
bronchoscopy for medical reasons, chest radiograph or chest computed
tomography (CT) abnormalities consistent with CBD may be used as
substitute supporting evidence of granulomatous inflammation. If the
clinical suspicion remains high despite negative results on blood BeLPTs,
consider referral to a pulmonologist with experience in the diagnosis and

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Beryllium Toxicity

treatment of CBD for further evaluation (Newman 1996).

Key Points

Many patients identified as sensitized to beryllium have CBD at the time

of initial evaluation even if they are asymptomatic and have normal chest
radiographs and resting pulmonary function (Henneberger et al. 2001).
In CBD patients, further testing is warranted, including pulmonary
function tests, measurement of DLCO, and exercise capacity testing
(preferably with an arterial blood gas analysis) to assess severity of
disease. Results from these tests serve as a baseline for future
monitoring and as a guide for treatment decisions (Glazer and Newman
The clinician must maintain a high degree of suspicion when
evaluating any patient who has had direct or indirect beryllium
exposure, especially if the patient has respiratory symptoms or
diffuse lung disease.
Experts in the evaluation and management of suspected CBD have
recommended a two-pronged approach: bronchoscopy to establish a
definitive diagnosis and other testing to evaluate the clinical severity.
Current diagnostic criteria for CBD require evidence of both BeS and
disease (inflammation and granuloma formation).
Patients with positive blood BeLPT results ideally should undergo
bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and transbronchial
biopsy to look for evidence of pathology, which confirms the
If the clinical suspicion remains high despite negative results on blood
BeLPTs, consider referral to a pulmonologist with experience in the
diagnosis and treatment of CBD for further evaluation.
Further laboratory evaluation for a patient with a positive initial
workup for CBD is performed to determine disease progression.

17. Patients with positive blood BeLPT results typically undergo


Transbronchial biopsy.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Overall Approach to the Workup of CBD

in this section.

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Beryllium Toxicity

How Should Patients Exposed to Beryllium Be Treated and Managed?


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to

identify what patients should be treated,

identify the primary drug for treatment of chronic beryllium disease
(CBD), and
describe possible sequelae of CBD.


Although CBD is treatable, there is no cure for CBD. The goal of

treatment is to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Who Should
Be Treated?

For patients with impairing CBD, corticosteroid therapy continues to be

the primary treatment modality (Glazer and Newman 2003). Patients
who are sensitized to beryllium but do not yet have the disease do not
need any treatment. However, they do need regular exams to detect
early signs of disease, as well as early and aggressive treatment of
respiratory infections. Patients who have early beryllium disease but do
not yet have symptoms may not require treatment. However, they need
to be medically monitored. Some people who are detected at the early
stages may go many years without needing treatment. Patients with
beryllium disease who have abnormal or deteriorating pulmonary
functions are usually treated with prednisone.

Indications for

Indications for treatment include


Monitoring the

severe disabling cough or dyspnea,

evidence of decline on resting pulmonary function tests,
worsening gas exchange abnormalities on exercise testing, or
signs of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale (Lundgren et al.
2001; Maier 2002).

Patients with evidence of early lung damage are treated with 40 mg of

prednisone on a daily or alternate day regimen for 6 months. Prednisone
is tapered by no more than 10 mg every other month to the lowest dose
possible without evidence of renewed disease activity. Treatment with
prednisone often stabilizes the disease and improves symptoms. Disease
activity is monitored by the same tests that demonstrated deterioration.
The lowest dose of prednisone that prevents disease progression should
be maintained (Rossman 1996; Maier et al. 2001).
Unfortunately, lifelong therapy is usually required, since the disease
recrudesces with reduction of the corticosteroid dose. Oral methotrexate
and azathioprine have been used as corticosteroid-sparing agents by
some clinicians (Glazer and Newman 2003; Muller-Quernheim et al.
1999). Before initiating corticosteroid therapy, a baseline chest
radiograph, high resolution CT, complete pulmonary function tests
(including lung volumes, spirometry, and diffusing capacity), and
exercise testing, with arterial blood gas measurements, should be
performed. Patients should be monitored for therapy-induced side effects
on an ongoing basis.

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Sequelae and

Importance of
Detection and



Beryllium Toxicity

Adjuvant therapy with bronchodilators, diuretics, and oxygen should be

considered as well. Supplemental oxygen may be necessary to correct
hypoxemia associated with CBD. Right ventricular failure and its
complications are late-stage sequelae. Pneumothorax can occur (Glazer
and Newman 2003; Rossman 1996). Supportive therapy may also
include pulmonary rehabilitation to maintain muscle strength and tone,
vaccinations to prevent influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia, and
antibiotics for acute infections.
Pulmonary fibrosis, which is common in long-term disease, is poorly
responsive to corticosteroids. As with chronic lung disease of other
etiologies, one should evaluate for bacterial respiratory infections and
should treat infections promptly with antibiotics when indicated,
especially for those on immunosuppressive therapy. Patients should be
immunized against Pneumococcus and influenza and counseled to avoid
exposures to other substances that cause lung injury, including cigarette
smoke (Glazer and Newman 2003; Rossman 1996). Right ventricular
failure and its complications are late-stage sequelae.
In contrast to most occupationally related lung disease, the early
detection of CBD is useful for several reasons. First, measures can be put
in place to limit further beryllium exposure. Secondly, treatment can lead
not only to regression of the signs and symptoms, but also should
prevent further progression of the disease. The management of CBD is
based on the hypothesis that suppression of the hypersensitivity reaction
(the granulomatous process) will prevent the development of fibrosis.
However, once fibrosis has developed, therapy cannot reverse the
damage (Rossman 1996).
Primary preventive measures include skin protection and minimizing
airborne exposures to prevent sensitization. Because beryllium
sensitization (BeS) and CBD are immune-mediated processes, future
exposures should be minimized for all affected patients and all workers.
Some reports suggest that removal from exposure has lead to clinical
improvement in select patients (Glazer and Newman 2003; Glazer and
Newman 2004; Sood et al. 2004). It appears that BeS can occur after a
short period of exposure, but beryllium disease may require a longer
latency and/or period of exposure (Henneberger et al. 2001). The lack of
a clear dose response for the development of CBD implies that early
identification of sensitization and removal from exposure may reduce the
development of CBD (Judd et al. 2003; Kelleher et al. 2001).
Primary preventive measures such as avoiding skin contact with
beryllium to prevent sensitization are key. Careful irrigation and
debridement are recommended for wounds potentially contaminated with
beryllium. Beryllium particles imbedded in the skin often must be
removed before skin wounds will heal. Complete excision is curative for
beryllium-contaminated injury sites that demonstrate delayed healing,
ulceration, and granuloma formation. The main treatment for contact
dermatitis associated with beryllium salt exposure is cessation of
exposure (Berlin et al. 2003).

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Key Points


Beryllium Toxicity

Primary preventive measures such as skin protection from and

minimizing airborne exposures to beryllium are key to preventing
Primary prevention is far superior to medical treatment of CBD.
Corticosteroid therapy is the primary treatment modality for CBD.

18. Indications for CBD treatment include which of the following?


Evidence of decline on resting pulmonary function tests.

Worsening gas exchange abnormalities on exercise testing.
Signs of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Indications for Treatment this section.

19. The primary drug for CBD treatment is

MAO inhibitors.

To review relevant content, see Treatment with Prednisone in this

20. What are possible sequelae or complications of CBD?

Right ventricular heart failure.

Pulmonary fibrosis.
All of the above.

To review relevant content, see Adjuvant Therapy and Possible

Sequelae and Management Considerations in this section.

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Sources of Additional Information


Please refer to the following Web resources for more information on the
adverse effects of beryllium, the treatment of beryllium - associated
diseases, and management of persons exposed to beryllium.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (


For chemical, emergency situations

CDC Emergency Response: 770-488-7100 and request the

ATSDR Duty Officer

For chemical, non-emergency situations

800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY 888-232-6348 - 24

Please Note: ATSDR cannot respond to questions about individual

medical cases, provide second opinions or make specific
recommendations regarding therapy. Those issues should be
addressed directly with your health care provider.
o ATSDR Minimal Risk Levels ( )
o ATSDR ToxFAQs - Beryllium: (
o ATSDR Toxicological profile for beryllium.
( Atlanta: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services; 2002, September.
o ATSDR Toxic Substances and Health Brush Wellman Facility, Elmore,
OH (

EPA Air Toxics - Beryllium: (

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Pocket
Guide to Chemical Hazards ( U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. Cincinnati, Ohio. February, 2004.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH
Safety and Health Topic Beryllium.
National Jewish Medical Center, 1-800-222-LUNG (1-800-222-5864)
OSHA Safety and Health Topic - Beryllium.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Toxicological Review of Beryllium
and Compounds ( In support of
summary information on IRIS. National Center for Environmental
Assessment, Washington, DC. 1998.

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Please refer to the following Web resources for general information on

environmental health.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Taking an Exposure History CSEM
To view the complete library of CSEMs
Exposure History Form
ATSDR Division of Regional Operations.


Through the working relationships they have established with

EPA, other federal and state agencies, individual citizens, and
community groups, regional representatives are able to
maintain current and historic knowledge of the sites and issues
in their regions.
ATSDR's Regional Offices, along with the states and territories
that they cover as well as contact information, can be found at

ATSDR State Cooperative Agreement Program


The Cooperative Agreement Program provides essential

support in communities nationwide to fulfill the mission of the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
The program funds 30 states and one tribal government to
develop and strengthen their abilities to evaluate and respond
to environmental public health issues.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)(


The CDC works to protect public health and the safety of people,
by providing information to enhance health decisions, and
promotes health through partnerships with state health
departments and other organizations.
The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying
disease prevention and control (especially infectious diseases),
environmental health, occupational safety and health, health
promotion, prevention and education activities designed to
improve the health of the people of the United States.
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)

NCEH works to prevent illness, disability, and death from

interactions between people and the environment. It is
especially committed to safeguarding the health of

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populations that are particularly vulnerable to certain

environmental hazards - children, the elderly, and people with

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)


NIOSH is part of CDC and was established to help assure safe

and healthful working conditions for working men and women
by providing research, information, education, and training in
the field of occupational safety and health.

National Institute of Health (NIH) (


NCEH seeks to achieve its mission through science, service,

and leadership.

A part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

NIH is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting
medical research.

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine


ACOEM is the nation's largest medical society dedicated to

promoting the health of workers through preventive medicine,
clinical care, research, and education.

Its members are a dynamic group of physicians encompassing

specialists in a variety of medical practices is united via the
College to develop positions and policies on vital issues relevant to
the practice of preventive medicine both within and outside of the

American College of Medical Toxicologists (ACMT) (


ACMT is a professional, nonprofit association of physicians with

recognized expertise in medical toxicology.

The College is dedicated to advancing the science and practice of

medical toxicology through a variety of activities.

American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM)


ACPM is the national professional society for physicians

committed to disease prevention and health promotion.
ACPM's 2,000 members are engaged in preventive medicine
practice, teaching and research.

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Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC)

AOEC is a network of more than 60 clinics and more than 250

individuals committed to improving the practice of occupational
and environmental medicine through information sharing and
collaborative research.

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs)

Beryllium Toxicity

Each PEHSU is based at an academic center and is a

collaboration between the pediatric clinic and the (AOEC)
occupational and environmental clinic at each site.
The PEHSU's have been developed to provide education and
consultation for health professionals, public health professionals
and others about the topic of children's environmental health.
The PEHSU staff is available for consultation about potential
pediatric environmental health concerns affecting both the child
and the family. Health care professionals may contact their
regional PEHSU site for clinical advice.

Poison Control Center


The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) may

be contacted for questions about poisons and poisonings. The
web site provides information about poison centers and poison
prevention. AAPCC does not provide information about treatment
or diagnosis of poisoning or research information for student

American Association of Poison Control Centers (1-800-222-1222


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Beryllium Toxicity

Glazer CS, Newman LS. 2003. Chronic beryllium disease: dont miss the
diagnosis. J Respir Dis 24(8):35763.
Maier L, Newman LS. 1998. Beryllium disease. In: Rom WN (ed.),
Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 3rd Edition. Boston: Little,
Brown, and Company. pp. 102135.
Newman LS, Lloyd J, Daniloff E. 1996. The natural history of beryllium
sensitization and chronic beryllium disease. Environ Health Perspect
104(Suppl 5):93743.
Rossman MD. 2001. Chronic beryllium disease: a hypersensitivity
disorder. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 16(5): 6158.
Sawyer RT, Maier LA, Kittle LA, Newman LS. 2002. Chronic beryllium
disease: a model interaction between innate and acquired immunity. Int
Immunopharmacol 2(2-3): 24961.
Stange AW, Furman FJ, Hilmas DE. 2004. The Beryllium Lymphocyte
Proliferation Test: Relevant Issues in Beryllium Health Surveillance. Am J
Ind Med 46: 45362.

That Run the

(Note: Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification

only and does not imply endorsement by the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry or the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.)

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Department of Clinical
Pathology, L40
National Jewish Center for
and Respiratory Medicine
Cellular Immunology Tests
Pulmonary Division and
Environmental Medicine

9500 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44195-0001

Ph: (216) 444-2200 or 1-800223-2273, ext 48844 or

Fax: (216) 445-8160

1400 Jackson Street

Denver, CO 80206

Ph: (303) 398-1344

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Hospital of the University of

Pulmonary Immunology

421 Curie Boulevard

Philadelphia, PA 191044283

Ph: (215) 573-9906

Fax: (215) 349-5172

Specialty Laboratories, Inc.


2211 Michigan Avenue

Santa Monica, CA 904043900

Ph: (310) 828-6543 or 1-800421-4449

Other CSEMs

Case Studies in Environmental Medicine: Beryllium Toxicity is one

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Beryllium Toxicity

To complete the assessment and posttest, go to

and follow the instructions on that page.
You can immediately print your continuing education certificate from
your personal transcript online. No fees are charged.
Click on the correct answers. There may be more than one correct
answer for each question.
1. The following are true regarding beryllium except
A. Beryllium is one of the heaviest metals known.
B. Pure beryllium is a naturally occurring hard, grayish material
obtained from mineral rocks bertrandite and beryl.
C. The major source of its emission into the environment is
combustion of fossil fuels.
D. Beryllium is relatively water insoluble and adsorbs tightly to soils.
2. Which of the following activities are potential sources of beryllium

Fabricating aircraft/satellite structural components.

Washing the clothes of a machinist.
Applying fertilizers.
Traveling in an airplane.
Grinding dental prostheses.

3. A workers family members may be exposed to beryllium by


Sharing utensils with the worker.

Kissing the worker.
Gathering and washing the workers dirty clothes.
Living beneath high-voltage power lines.

4. It is a federal (OSHA) regulation that workers not be exposed to more

than 2 g/m3 of beryllium in air

Averaged over an 8-hour workday.

At any time during the day.
If they have underlying lung disease.
If they are not wearing a paper dust mask.

5. The EPA regulation for beryllium emissions in air is



micrograms in a 24-hour period.

grams in a 24-hour period.
grams averaged over an 8-hour workday.
micrograms averaged over an 8-hour workday.

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Beryllium Toxicity

6. Which of the following statements are true?

A. Ingestion of beryllium is associated with high rates of chronic
beryllium disease.
B. Beryllium is classified by some agencies as a known carcinogen in
C. Some individuals have a genetic susceptibility to beryllium
sensitization or disease.
D. Skin contact with ultrafine beryllium particles may cause disease.
E. People who have chronic beryllium disease should be considered
7. Which of the following are correct?
A. In beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease, a
susceptible person develops a cell-mediated, delayed
hypersensitivity reaction after beryllium exposure.
B. Both individual susceptibility and exposure circumstances are
important in developing chronic beryllium disease.
C. The HLA-DP1 genes with the supratypic marker Glu69 may lead
to an increased risk for those exposed to beryllium.
D. All of the above.
8. Possible chest radiograph findings associated with berylliumrelated
diseases may include

Nodular diffuse infiltrates.

Diffusely linear infiltrates.
Hilar adenopathy
All of the above.

9. Which of the following statements are true?

A. Acute and chronic beryllium disease results from the same
physiologic mechanism.
B. Acute beryllium disease can progress to chronic beryllium disease.
C. The distinguishing feature of acute beryllium disease is the
presence of granulomas.
D. Today, acute beryllium disease is a rare occurrence in the
E. Chronic beryllium disease predominantly affects the lungs and
10. Exposure to beryllium may result in which of the following conditions?

Contact dermatitis.
Ulcerative granulomas.
Interstitial pneumonitis.

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Beryllium Toxicity

11. Which of the following statements are true?

A. The period between initial beryllium exposure and detectable
disease can be less than one year.
B. Sarcoidosis and chronic beryllium disease have certain
manifestations that are similar.
C. Pulmonary function tests and a chest radiograph can be used to
distinguish a patient with sarcoidosis from one with chronic
beryllium disease.
D. Cutaneous granulomas result from beryllium inhalation only.
E. Most patients with chronic beryllium disease require steroid
therapy for less than one year.
12. Tests that may be used to distinguish beryllium sensitization from
CBD include

Pulmonary function tests.

Chest radiography.
Blood BeLPT.
Diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide.
Arterial-alveolar gradient at rest.

13. Tests that may be used to distinguish sarcoidosis from chronic

beryllium disease include

Pulmonary function tests.

Blood BeLPT.
Bronchoalveolar lavage BeLPT.
Serum alpha fetoprotein level.
None of the above.

14. Proper treatment and management of chronic beryllium disease might


Pneumococcal immunization.
Influenza immunization.
Corticosteroid therapy.
Excision of beryllium-contaminated cutaneous sites.

15. Indications for CBD treatment include which of the following?


Evidence of decline on resting pulmonary function tests.

Worsening gas exchange abnormalities on exercise testing.
Signs of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale.
All of the above.

16. What are possible sequelae or complications of CBD?


Right ventricular heart failure.

Pulmonary fibrosis.
All of the above.

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Beryllium Toxicity


To review content relevant to the posttest questions, see:


Location of Relevant Content and Learning Objective

Where is beryllium found?

Describe beryllium properties

How are people exposed to beryllium?

Describe how people are exposed to beryllium

Who is at risk of exposure to beryllium?

Identify the populations most heavily exposed to beryllium

Who is at risk of exposure to beryllium?


Identify who is at risk of exposure to beryllium in the home

What are standards and regulations for beryllium exposure?


Describe the OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for Beryllium

What are standards and regulations for beryllium exposure?


Describe the EPA regulation for Beryllium emissions in air

Who is susceptible to beryllium exposure?

Name a marker of genetic susceptibility to beryllium exposure

How does beryllium induce pathogenic changes?

Describe health conditions associated with beryllium exposure

Who is susceptible to beryllium exposure

Name a marker of genetic susceptibility to beryllium exposure

How does beryllium induce pathogenic changes?

Describe two mechanisms of injury resulting from beryllium exposure

Clinical assessment

Describe chest radiograph findings associated with beryllium-related


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Case Studies in Environmental Medicine

Beryllium Toxicity

How does beryllium induce pathogenic changes?


Describe two mechanisms of injury resulting from beryllium exposure

Describe health conditions associated with beryllium exposure

How does beryllium induce pathogenic changes?


Describe health conditions associated with beryllium exposure

Clinical assessment


Describe pulmonary function test findings associated with beryllium-related

Describe chest radiograph findings associated with berylliumrelated

Clinical assessment


Describe pulmonary function test findings associated with beryllium-related

Describe chest radiograph findings associated with berylliumrelated

Clinical assessment other diagnostic tests

Identify other tests that can assist with diagnosis of beryllium-related


Clinical assessment other diagnostic tests


Identify other tests that can assist with diagnosis of beryllium related

How should patients exposed to beryllium be treated and managed?


Identify the primary drug for treatment of chronic beryllium disease (CBD)

How should patients exposed to beryllium be treated and managed?


Identify what patients should be treated

How should patients exposed to beryllium be treated and managed?


List possible sequelae of chronic beryllium disease

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Beryllium Toxicity

Literature Cited

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