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14S UMHS Frequently Asked Questions

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Fre q u e n t ly As ke d Qu e s t io n s

1 . How m u ch d o e s it co s t t o a t t e n d UMHS?
The tuition for the standard program basic science terms is $10,600 per semester.
The tuition for the EBS program terms is $8,480 per semester.
Tuition for Clinical Science semesters is $13,000 per semester.
2 . How m a n y s e m e s t e rs w ill I a t t e n d ?
The M.D. degree program consists of five academic years divided into 10
semesters of 15-16 weeks each. The entire 10 semester program can be
completed in four calendar years. The actual number of terms you must
attend will depend on your registration each term. EBS students will have an
extra term on the St Kitts Campus.
3 . How m u ch d o e s it co s t t o live a t t h e s ch oo l?
Students generally spend anywhere from $6,000 to $8,000 per semester on living
expenses. The amount of money spent varies by the life style choices of each
student. For example, a shared apartment can cost a student from $500 to $1,500
per month.
4 . Wh a t d o e s t h e t e rm Es t im a t e Co s t o f At t e n d a n ce m e a n ?
The Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) is a tool used by the school to offer a
general idea of how much a student should expect to spend for a specific period of
time. It includes tuition, which is set; as well as the living expenses which can vary.
Living Expenses included are: Room, Board (Food), Transportation, Books, Fees, and
Miscellaneous expenses. The Financial Aid Planning Guide on the schools website
describes our Estimated Cost of Attendance Budgets in further detail.
5 . Wh a t s e rvice s d oe s t h e fin a n cia l a id o ffice o ffe r t h e s t u d e n t s ?
Our financial aid office is available to help students before and after they matriculate
to determine how much money they will need to attend the school; how much they
can get from scholarship and loan programs, and how much personal funds they will
need to contribute.
We also offer budgeting and credit repair counseling.
6 . Wh a t s ch o la rs h ip o p p o rt u n it ie s e xis t fo r s t u d e n t s a t UMHS?
UMHS has small partial tuition scholarship programs. Some of these programs are
strictly merit based and others are based on merit and financial need. All incoming
students are automatically reviewed for merit based scholarship awards.
Many organizations and communities located in physician shortage areas offer
scholarships to attend medical school. Students can research and apply for these
types of support on-line. Church and private local organizations are also good
sources of scholarship information.

Revised 3/3/14

7 . Wh a t lo a n s a re a va ila b le t o s t u d e n t s a t UMHS?
U.S. Students can apply for a Sallie Mae Smart Options Loan for any amount up to
their full COA or their current enrollment period.
Canadian Private Education Loan programs from both Royal Bank of Canada and
National Bank of Canada are available to Canadian citizens and Canadian
permanent residents. These loans are credit based and will require a cosigner.
8 . Wh a t g o ve rn m e n t lo a n p ro g ra m s a re a va ila b le t o s t u d e n t s a t UMHS?
The financial aid staff works with students who seek eligibility and applications
from their governments education office. However, in most cases, the home country
does not fund students studying abroad.
As a medical school located outside of the U.S., UMHS is not eligible to participate in
the US governments student loan programs at this time.
As a medical school located outside of Canada, UMHS is not eligible to participate in
the Canadian Student Loan Programs at this time.

Wh e n s h o u ld I a p p ly fo r fin a n cia l a id ?
You should wait until you have received your acceptance letter from the admissions
department to apply for any credit based student loans.

1 0 . Ho w ca n I fin d ou t m o re a b ou t Fin a n cia l Aid a t UMHS?

You can call the Financial Aid Office, and talk to a counselor, weekdays between
9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Our email address is: . We have also
created informational documents which are on the UMHS web. The Estimated Cost of
Attendance and Planning Guide are particularly helpful to incoming students when
making plans to fund their education.
1 1 . Do I h a ve t o s u b m it a $ 2 0 0 d e p o s it , o r ca n I w a it fo r m y fin a n cia l a id ?
You must submit the deposit to reserve your seat in the class. The deposit will be
applied to your billing account and will offset your tuition charges.
1 1 . My Sa llie m a e lo a n is a p p ro ve d , w h a t h a p p e n s n o w ?
Once your loan is fully approved, the financial aid office will certify it to be
Loans are disbursed on a semester by semester basis, to the school. Disbursements
are generally scheduled about 10 days prior to term starts, when possible. Sallie
Mae policies may affect disbursement dates.
Disbursements are received by Bursar and applied to your student billing account
like a payment. If you have borrowed more than your balance due, the payment
will generate a negative balance and now you are due change. This change will
be delivered to you at or after registration in the form of a refund check.
Please note that it can take up to two weeks from disbursement date for refund
checks to be processed, mailed and delivered to you.

Revised 3/3/14

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