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Chapter 10 - Test Bank

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Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

Chapter 10
Cash and Financial Investments
True / False Questions

1. The auditors should count small petty cash funds at year-end to make sure that balance is
not understated on the financial statements.
True False

2. Control over the receipt of cash sales is best achieved when two or more employees
participate in each transaction.
True False

3. Mailroom personnel of a company should prepare a control listing of incoming cash

receipts and deposit them intact daily.
True False

4. Signed checks should be returned to the cash disbursements clerk for mailing.
True False

5. Lapping of accounts receivable by an employee is not possible when there is adequate

segregation of duties with respect to cash disbursements.
True False

6. Confirmations for cash balances should be mailed only to the financial institutions with
which the client has a cash balance at year-end.
True False

7. A proof of cash is an audit procedure that is performed on almost every engagement.

True False


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

8. A compensating balance agreement always requires that cash be reclassified as a

noncurrent asset.
True False

9. Verification of cash and other liquid assets on the same date may prevent substitution of
one form of asset for another.
True False

10. For investments in securities accounted for by the equity method, the auditors are
primarily concerned with verifying the fair value of the investments.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

11. An auditor's analytical procedures have revealed that the accounts receivable of a client
have doubled since the end of the prior year. However, the allowance for doubtful accounts, as
a percentage of accounts receivable remained about the same. Which of the following client
explanations most likely would satisfy the auditor?
A. Credit standards were liberalized in the current year.
B. Twice as many accounts receivable were written off in the prior year as compared to this
C. A greater percentage of accounts were currently listed in the "more than 90 days overdue"
category than in the prior year.
D. The client opened a second retail outlet in the current year and its credit sales
approximately equaled the older, established outlet.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

12. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") at year-end, an auditor

will generally be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded deposit made at the bank at the end of the month.
B. A second payment of an account payable which had already been paid in full two months
C. An embezzlement of cash receipts not recorded in the cash receipts journal before they
had been deposited into the bank.
D. A receivable collected that had previously been written off as uncollectible.

13. Kiting would least likely be detected by:

A. Analyzing details of large cash deposits around year end.
B. Comparing customer remittance advices with recorded disbursements in the cash
disbursements journal.
C. Preparing a four-column bank reconciliation for all major cash accounts.
D. Preparing a schedule of interbank transfers by using the client's records and bank
statements around year end.

14. Your client left the cash receipts journal open after year-end for an extra day and included
January 1 cash receipts in the 12/31/XX totals. All of those cash receipts were due to cash
sales. Assuming the client uses a periodic inventory system with a 12/31/XX count of the
physical inventory, which of the following is most likely to be true relating to the year XX
financial statements?
A. Sales are understated.
B. Accounts receivable are understated.
C. Inventory is overstated.
D. Net income is overstated.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

15. An internal control questionnaire indicates that an approved receiving report is required to
accompany every check request for payment of merchandise. Which of the following
procedures provides the best evidence on operating effectiveness?
A. Select and examine receiving reports and test whether the related canceled checks are
dated no earlier than the receiving reports.
B. Select and examine receiving reports and test whether the related canceled checks are dated
no later than the receiving reports.
C. Select and examine canceled checks and test whether the related receiving reports are dated
no earlier than the checks.
D. Select and examine canceled checks and test whether the related receiving reports are
dated no later than the checks.

16. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") at year-end, an auditor

will generally not be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded deposit made at the bank at the end of the month.
B. A second payment of an account payable which had already been paid in full two months
C. An unrecorded check cashed during that month.
D. A bank charge during the month not recorded on the books.

17. Which procedure is an auditor most likely to use to detect a check outstanding at year-end
that was not recorded as outstanding on the year-end bank reconciliation?
A. Prepare a bank transfer schedule using the client's cash receipts and cash disbursements
B. Receive a cutoff statement directly from the client's bank.
C. Prepare a four column bank reconciliation using the year-end bank statement.
D. Confirm the year end balance using the standard form to confirm account balance
information with financial institutions.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

18. An auditor may obtain information on the December 31 month-end balance per bank in
which of the following?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

19. An auditor may obtain information on the December 31 month-end balance per bank in
which of the following?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

20. Which of the following is correct concerning "window dressing" for cash?
A. A segregation of duties within the cash function effectively eliminates its occurrence.
B. It generally involves manipulation of inventory.
C. It is illegal, and an audit is designed to provide reasonable assurance of its detection.
D. Many forms of it require no action by the auditors.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

21. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Cash is important to the audit process because of its vulnerability to misappropriation,
despite the fact that the balance at the balance sheet date may be immaterial.
B. Payroll cash account balances kept on an imprest basis are more easily controlled than
others not so kept.
C. Confirmation of cash should only be performed as of the balance statement date because
the auditor expresses an opinion as of that date.
D. Reviewing interbank transfers is important to the auditor because of the possibility that the
client may be engaged in kiting.

22. The auditors use a bank cutoff statement to compare:

A. Deposits in transit on the year-end cash general ledger account to deposits in the cash
receipts journal.
B. Checks dated prior to year-end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank
C. Deposits listed on the cutoff statement to disbursements in the cash disbursements journal.
D. Checks dated subsequent to year-end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank

23. A practical and effective audit procedure for the detection of lapping is:
A. Preparing an interbank transfer schedule.
B. Comparing recorded cash receipts in detail against items making up the bank deposit as
shown on duplicate deposit slips validated by the bank.
C. Tracing recorded cash receipts to postings in customers' ledger cards.
D. Preparing a proof of cash.

24. Which of the following is not a control that generally is established over cash
A. Separating cash handling from recordkeeping.
B. Centralizing the receipt of cash.
C. Depositing each day's receipts intact.
D. Obtaining a receipt for every disbursement.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

25. Which of the following controls would be most likely to reduce the risk of diversion of
customer receipts by a company's employees?
A. A bank lockbox system.
B. Approval of all disbursements by an individual independent of cash receipts.
C. Monthly bank cutoff statements.
D. Prenumbered remittance advices.

26. Which of the following is not a control that generally is established over cash receipts?
A. To prevent abstraction of cash, a control listing of cash receipts should be prepared by
mailroom personnel.
B. To insure accurate posting, the accounts receivable clerk should post the customers'
receipts from customers' checks.
C. To insure accuracy of the accounts receivable records, the records should be reconciled
monthly to the accounts receivable controlling account.
D. To prevent theft of cash, receipts should be deposited daily.

27. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") for the last month of the
year, an auditor will generally be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded check written at the beginning of the month which was cashed during the
period covered by the reconciliation.
B. A cash sale which was not recorded on the books and was stolen by a bookkeeper.
C. An embezzlement of unrecorded cash receipts on receivables before they had been
deposited into the bank.
D. A credit sale which has been recorded twice in the sales journal.

28. In October, three months before year-end, the bookkeeper erroneously recorded the receipt
of a one year bank loan with a debit to cash and a credit to miscellaneous revenue. The most
effective method for detecting this type of error is:
A. Foot the cash receipts journal for October.
B. Send a bank confirmation as of year-end.
C. Prepare a bank reconciliation as of year-end.
D. Prepare a bank transfer schedule as of year-end.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

29. Jones embezzled $10,000 from his company's account in Bank A. At year-end he hid the
shortage by making a deposit on December 31 in Bank A, drawn on Bank B. He has not
recorded the transaction on the books. This is an example of:
A. Lapping.
B. Kiting.
C. Effective cash management.
D. Related party transactions.

30. Jones embezzled $10,000 from his company's account in Bank A. At year-end he hid the
shortage by making a deposit on December 31 in Bank A, drawn on Bank B. He has not
recorded the transaction on the books. Which of the following is most likely to be effective in
detecting this fraud?
A. Bank confirmation.
B. Bank transfer schedule prepared using only the cash receipts and cash disbursements
C. Comparison of bank cutoff statement to the cash receipts and disbursements records.
D. Receivable confirmation.

31. Which of the following is not a universal rule for achieving internal control over cash?
A. Separate recordkeeping from accounting for cash to the extent possible.
B. Deposit each day's cash receipts intact.
C. Separate cash handling from recordkeeping.
D. Have monthly bank reconciliations prepared by employees not responsible for the issuance
of checks.

32. Which of the following is not a control over cash disbursements?

A. Disbursements should be made by check.
B. A check protecting machine should be used.
C. Documents supporting the payment of a disbursement should be canceled by the person
preparing the check to prevent reuse.
D. Voided checks should be defaced and filed with paid checks.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

33. Which of the following is the best audit procedure for the detection of lapping?
A. Comparison of postings of cash receipts to accounts with the details of cash deposits.
B. Confirmation of the cash balance.
C. Reconciliation of the cash account balances.
D. Preparing a proof of cash.

34. Which of the following manipulations of cash transactions would overstate the cash
balance on the financial statements?
A. Understatement of outstanding checks.
B. Overstatement of outstanding checks.
C. Understatement of deposits in transit.
D. Overstatement of bank services charges.

35. Which of the following is not confirmed on the standard form used for cash balances at
financial institutions?
A. Cash checking account balances.
B. Cash savings account balances.
C. Loans payable.
D. Securities held for the client by the financial institution.

36. Internal control over marketable securities is enhanced when:

A. Securities are held by the cashier.
B. Securities are registered in the name of the custodian.
C. Detailed records of securities are maintained by the custodian of the securities.
D. Securities are held under joint control of two or more officials.

37. In a manufacturing company which one of the following audit procedures would give the
least assurance of the existence of the assets in the general ledger balance of investment in
stocks and bonds at the audit date?
A. Confirmation from the broker.
B. Inspection of year-end brokers' statements.
C. Vouching all changes during the year to brokers' advises and statements.
D. Examination of paid checks issued in payment of securities purchased.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

38. The Standard Form to Confirm Account Balances with Financial Institutions includes
information on all of the following except:
A. Date due of a direct liability.
B. The principal amount paid on a direct liability.
C. Description of collateral for a direct liability.
D. The interest rate of a direct liability.

39. The auditors should insist that a representative of the client be present during the physical
examination of securities in order to:
A. Lend authority of the auditor's directives.
B. Detect forged securities.
C. Coordinate the return of all securities to proper locations.
D. Acknowledge the receipt of securities returned.

40. The auditors' count of the client's cash should be coordinated to coincide with the:
A. Consideration of the internal controls with respect to cash.
B. Close of business on the balance sheet date.
C. Count of investment securities.
D. Count of inventories.

41. The auditors compare information on canceled checks with information contained in the
cash disbursement journal. The objective of this test is to determine that:
A. Recorded cash disbursement transactions are properly authorized.
B. Proper cash purchase discounts have been recorded.
C. Cash disbursements are for goods and services actually received.
D. No discrepancies exist between the data on the checks and the data in the journal.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

42. Jones was engaged to audit the financial statements of Gamma Corporation for the year
ended June 30, 200X. Having completed an examination of the investment securities, which
of the following is the best method of verifying the accuracy of recorded dividend income?
A. Tracing recorded dividend income to cash receipts records and validated deposit slips.
B. Utilizing analytical techniques and statistical sampling.
C. Comparing recorded dividends with amounts appearing on federal information form 1099s.
D. Comparing recorded dividends with a standard financial reporting service's record of

43. Which of the following is one of the better auditing techniques that might be used by an
auditor to detect kiting?
A. Review composition of authenticated deposit slips.
B. Review subsequent bank statements and canceled checks received directly from the banks.
C. Prepare a schedule of bank transfers.
D. Prepare year-end bank reconciliations.

44. Which one of the following would the auditor consider to be an incompatible operation if
the cashier receives remittances from the mailroom?
A. The cashier prepares the daily deposit.
B. The cashier makes the daily deposit at a local bank.
C. The cashier posts the receipts to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
D. The cashier endorses the checks.

45. As one of the year-end audit procedures, the auditor instructed the client's personnel to
prepare a confirmation request for a bank account that had been closed during the year. After
the client's treasurer has signed the request, it was mailed by the assistant treasurer. What is
the major flaw in this audit procedure?
A. The confirmation request was signed by the treasurer.
B. Sending the request was meaningless because the account was closed before the year end.
C. The request was mailed by the assistant treasurer.
D. The CPA did not sign the confirmation request before it was mailed.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

46. On receiving the bank cutoff statement, the auditor should trace:
A. Deposits in transit on the year-end bank reconciliation to deposits in the cash receipts
B. Checks dated prior to year end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank
C. Deposits listed on the cutoff statement to deposits in the cash receipts journal.
D. Checks dated subsequent to year end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank

47. To gather evidence regarding the balance per bank in a bank reconciliation, an auditor
could examine all of the following except:
A. Cutoff bank statement.
B. Year-end bank statement.
C. Bank confirmation.
D. General ledger.

48. Contact with banks for the purpose of opening company bank accounts should normally
be the responsibility of the corporate:
A. Board of Directors.
B. Treasurer.
C. Controller.
D. Executive Committee.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

49. Which of the following cash transfers is most likely to result in a misstatement of cash at
December 31, 19X7?

A. Transfer A
B. Transfer B
C. Transfer C
D. Transfer D

50. For purposes of an audit of financial statements, electronic confirmation of cash balances:
A. Is acceptable when properly controlled.
B. Is acceptable, but only when combined with a non-electronic approach.
C. Is only acceptable for immaterial accounts.
D. Is not acceptable.

51. Properly designed internal control will permit the same employee to:
A. Receive and deposit checks, and also approve write-offs of customer accounts.
B. Approve vouchers for payment, and also receive and deposit cash.
C. Reconcile the bank statements, and also receive and deposit cash.
D. Sign checks, and also cancel supporting documents.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

52. Which of the following procedures in the cash disbursements cycle should not be
performed by the accounts payable department?
A. Comparing the vendor's invoice with the receiving report.
B. Canceling supporting documentation after payment.
C. Verifying the mathematical accuracy of the vendor's invoice.
D. Preparing the check for signature by an authorized person.

53. The Parmalat fraud case involved:

A. A fraudulent cash confirmation.
B. Kiting of funds between banks in India and banks in Pakistan.
C. A bank reconciliation performed by the client that systematically understated cash.
D. Major unrecorded disbursements for equipment.

54. Banks may process electronic "substitute checks" in place of customer written hard copy
checks due to the:
A. Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act.
B. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's Standard No. 2.
C. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
D. Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

55. When a client engages in transactions involving derivatives, the auditor should:
A. Develop an understanding of the economic substance of each derivative.
B. Confirm with the client's broker whether the derivatives are for trading purposes.
C. Notify the audit committee about the risks involved in derivative transactions.
D. Add an explanatory paragraph to the auditor's report describing the risks associated with
each derivative.

56. A company's decision to use the fair value option for valuation of marketable securities is
most likely to affects which of the following assertions the most?
A. Completeness.
B. Existence.
C. Fairness.
D. Presentation and Disclosure.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

57. An auditor compares annual revenues and expenses with similar amounts from the prior
year and investigates all changes exceeding 10%. This procedure most likely could indicate
A. Fourth quarter payroll taxes were properly accrued and recorded, but were not paid until
early in the subsequent year.
B. Unrealized gains from increases in the value of available-for-sale securities were recorded
in the income account for trading securities.
C. The annual provision for uncollectible accounts expense was inadequate because of
worsening economic conditions.
D. Notice of an increase in property tax rates was received by management, but was not
recorded until early in the subsequent year.

58. Which of the following is correct relating to kiting?

A. It is ordinarily used to understate cash.
B. It is more difficult to accomplish in an electronic environment as contrasted to a nonelectronic environment.
C. It is a lapping approach performed using receivable accounts.
D. It is seldom, if ever, used.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

Essay Questions

59. You are working on the Bemco audit. Assume that the questions below are unrelated. Bill
Wedman, another staff member, has given you the following list of what he refers to as
"internal control deficiencies" and has asked you to review each point and make sure that you
agree that each is an internal control deficiency.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

60. Flemco has made a series of transfers between bank accounts near year-end, some through
inter-bank wired transfers and some through checks. You have audited the wired transfers and
agree that they have been properly stated and now have the following schedule of transfers
between cash accounts made using checks. You may assume that dates per bank are correct,
and that dates per books are the dates the transactions were recorded in the books.

Analyze each of the above transfers and determine whether you believe each causes total cash
to most likely be correct, overstated, or understated as of year-end.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

61. Listed below are four interbank cash transfers, indicated by the letters a, b, c and d, of a
client for late December 20X1, and early January 20X2. Your answer choice for the next two
questions should be selected from this list.

For each of transfers a through d indicate whether cash is understated, unaffected, or

overstated by the transfer and provide a brief example of what could cause the situation in
which cash is either understated or overstated.

62. In the audit of a client's financial statements, the auditors must be concerned with the
possibility that client personnel might be engaged in kiting or lapping.
a. Define lapping and describe an audit procedure that might detect lapping.
b. Define kiting and describe an audit procedure that might detect kiting.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

63. Since financial investments are assets with a high degree of inherent risk, companies must
establish effective internal control over their investments.
a. Describe the functions that should be segregated to provide good internal control over
financial investments.
b. Describe two other internal control policies that should be established for financial

64. In many financial statements audits, auditing financial investments involves complex tasks
requiring specialized skill and knowledge.
a. List three audit tasks related to the audit of financial investments that may require
specialized skill or knowledge.
b. Define the term "financial derivative."
c. List the two general purposes that a client might acquire a financial derivative.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

Chapter 10 Cash and Financial Investments Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. The auditors should count small petty cash funds at year-end to make sure that balance is
not understated on the financial statements.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

2. Control over the receipt of cash sales is best achieved when two or more employees
participate in each transaction.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

3. Mailroom personnel of a company should prepare a control listing of incoming cash

receipts and deposit them intact daily.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

4. Signed checks should be returned to the cash disbursements clerk for mailing.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

5. Lapping of accounts receivable by an employee is not possible when there is adequate

segregation of duties with respect to cash disbursements.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-04 Use the understanding of the client and its environment to consider inherent risks (including fraud risks) related
to receivables and revenue.
Topic: Audit of Cash

6. Confirmations for cash balances should be mailed only to the financial institutions with
which the client has a cash balance at year-end.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

7. A proof of cash is an audit procedure that is performed on almost every engagement.


AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

8. A compensating balance agreement always requires that cash be reclassified as a

noncurrent asset.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

9. Verification of cash and other liquid assets on the same date may prevent substitution of
one form of asset for another.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

10. For investments in securities accounted for by the equity method, the auditors are
primarily concerned with verifying the fair value of the investments.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

Multiple Choice Questions

11. An auditor's analytical procedures have revealed that the accounts receivable of a client
have doubled since the end of the prior year. However, the allowance for doubtful accounts, as
a percentage of accounts receivable remained about the same. Which of the following client
explanations most likely would satisfy the auditor?
A. Credit standards were liberalized in the current year.
B. Twice as many accounts receivable were written off in the prior year as compared to this
C. A greater percentage of accounts were currently listed in the "more than 90 days overdue"
category than in the prior year.
D. The client opened a second retail outlet in the current year and its credit sales
approximately equaled the older, established outlet.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

12. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") at year-end, an auditor

will generally be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded deposit made at the bank at the end of the month.
B. A second payment of an account payable which had already been paid in full two months
C. An embezzlement of cash receipts not recorded in the cash receipts journal before they
had been deposited into the bank.
D. A receivable collected that had previously been written off as uncollectible.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

13. Kiting would least likely be detected by:

A. Analyzing details of large cash deposits around year end.
B. Comparing customer remittance advices with recorded disbursements in the cash
disbursements journal.
C. Preparing a four-column bank reconciliation for all major cash accounts.
D. Preparing a schedule of interbank transfers by using the client's records and bank
statements around year end.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

14. Your client left the cash receipts journal open after year-end for an extra day and included
January 1 cash receipts in the 12/31/XX totals. All of those cash receipts were due to cash
sales. Assuming the client uses a periodic inventory system with a 12/31/XX count of the
physical inventory, which of the following is most likely to be true relating to the year XX
financial statements?
A. Sales are understated.
B. Accounts receivable are understated.
C. Inventory is overstated.
D. Net income is overstated.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

15. An internal control questionnaire indicates that an approved receiving report is required to
accompany every check request for payment of merchandise. Which of the following
procedures provides the best evidence on operating effectiveness?
A. Select and examine receiving reports and test whether the related canceled checks are
dated no earlier than the receiving reports.
B. Select and examine receiving reports and test whether the related canceled checks are dated
no later than the receiving reports.
C. Select and examine canceled checks and test whether the related receiving reports are dated
no earlier than the checks.
D. Select and examine canceled checks and test whether the related receiving reports are
dated no later than the checks.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

16. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") at year-end, an auditor

will generally not be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded deposit made at the bank at the end of the month.
B. A second payment of an account payable which had already been paid in full two months
C. An unrecorded check cashed during that month.
D. A bank charge during the month not recorded on the books.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

17. Which procedure is an auditor most likely to use to detect a check outstanding at year-end
that was not recorded as outstanding on the year-end bank reconciliation?
A. Prepare a bank transfer schedule using the client's cash receipts and cash disbursements
B. Receive a cutoff statement directly from the client's bank.
C. Prepare a four column bank reconciliation using the year-end bank statement.
D. Confirm the year end balance using the standard form to confirm account balance
information with financial institutions.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

18. An auditor may obtain information on the December 31 month-end balance per bank in
which of the following?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

19. An auditor may obtain information on the December 31 month-end balance per bank in
which of the following?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

20. Which of the following is correct concerning "window dressing" for cash?
A. A segregation of duties within the cash function effectively eliminates its occurrence.
B. It generally involves manipulation of inventory.
C. It is illegal, and an audit is designed to provide reasonable assurance of its detection.
D. Many forms of it require no action by the auditors.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

21. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Cash is important to the audit process because of its vulnerability to misappropriation,
despite the fact that the balance at the balance sheet date may be immaterial.
B. Payroll cash account balances kept on an imprest basis are more easily controlled than
others not so kept.
C. Confirmation of cash should only be performed as of the balance statement date because
the auditor expresses an opinion as of that date.
D. Reviewing interbank transfers is important to the auditor because of the possibility that the
client may be engaged in kiting.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

22. The auditors use a bank cutoff statement to compare:

A. Deposits in transit on the year-end cash general ledger account to deposits in the cash
receipts journal.
B. Checks dated prior to year-end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank
C. Deposits listed on the cutoff statement to disbursements in the cash disbursements journal.
D. Checks dated subsequent to year-end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

23. A practical and effective audit procedure for the detection of lapping is:
A. Preparing an interbank transfer schedule.
B. Comparing recorded cash receipts in detail against items making up the bank deposit as
shown on duplicate deposit slips validated by the bank.
C. Tracing recorded cash receipts to postings in customers' ledger cards.
D. Preparing a proof of cash.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

24. Which of the following is not a control that generally is established over cash
A. Separating cash handling from recordkeeping.
B. Centralizing the receipt of cash.
C. Depositing each day's receipts intact.
D. Obtaining a receipt for every disbursement.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

25. Which of the following controls would be most likely to reduce the risk of diversion of
customer receipts by a company's employees?
A. A bank lockbox system.
B. Approval of all disbursements by an individual independent of cash receipts.
C. Monthly bank cutoff statements.
D. Prenumbered remittance advices.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

26. Which of the following is not a control that generally is established over cash receipts?
A. To prevent abstraction of cash, a control listing of cash receipts should be prepared by
mailroom personnel.
B. To insure accurate posting, the accounts receivable clerk should post the customers'
receipts from customers' checks.
C. To insure accuracy of the accounts receivable records, the records should be reconciled
monthly to the accounts receivable controlling account.
D. To prevent theft of cash, receipts should be deposited daily.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

27. By preparing a four-column bank reconciliation ("proof of cash") for the last month of the
year, an auditor will generally be able to detect:
A. An unrecorded check written at the beginning of the month which was cashed during the
period covered by the reconciliation.
B. A cash sale which was not recorded on the books and was stolen by a bookkeeper.
C. An embezzlement of unrecorded cash receipts on receivables before they had been
deposited into the bank.
D. A credit sale which has been recorded twice in the sales journal.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

28. In October, three months before year-end, the bookkeeper erroneously recorded the receipt
of a one year bank loan with a debit to cash and a credit to miscellaneous revenue. The most
effective method for detecting this type of error is:
A. Foot the cash receipts journal for October.
B. Send a bank confirmation as of year-end.
C. Prepare a bank reconciliation as of year-end.
D. Prepare a bank transfer schedule as of year-end.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

29. Jones embezzled $10,000 from his company's account in Bank A. At year-end he hid the
shortage by making a deposit on December 31 in Bank A, drawn on Bank B. He has not
recorded the transaction on the books. This is an example of:
A. Lapping.
B. Kiting.
C. Effective cash management.
D. Related party transactions.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

30. Jones embezzled $10,000 from his company's account in Bank A. At year-end he hid the
shortage by making a deposit on December 31 in Bank A, drawn on Bank B. He has not
recorded the transaction on the books. Which of the following is most likely to be effective in
detecting this fraud?
A. Bank confirmation.
B. Bank transfer schedule prepared using only the cash receipts and cash disbursements
C. Comparison of bank cutoff statement to the cash receipts and disbursements records.
D. Receivable confirmation.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

31. Which of the following is not a universal rule for achieving internal control over cash?
A. Separate recordkeeping from accounting for cash to the extent possible.
B. Deposit each day's cash receipts intact.
C. Separate cash handling from recordkeeping.
D. Have monthly bank reconciliations prepared by employees not responsible for the issuance
of checks.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

32. Which of the following is not a control over cash disbursements?

A. Disbursements should be made by check.
B. A check protecting machine should be used.
C. Documents supporting the payment of a disbursement should be canceled by the person
preparing the check to prevent reuse.
D. Voided checks should be defaced and filed with paid checks.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash

33. Which of the following is the best audit procedure for the detection of lapping?
A. Comparison of postings of cash receipts to accounts with the details of cash deposits.
B. Confirmation of the cash balance.
C. Reconciliation of the cash account balances.
D. Preparing a proof of cash.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

34. Which of the following manipulations of cash transactions would overstate the cash
balance on the financial statements?
A. Understatement of outstanding checks.
B. Overstatement of outstanding checks.
C. Understatement of deposits in transit.
D. Overstatement of bank services charges.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

35. Which of the following is not confirmed on the standard form used for cash balances at
financial institutions?
A. Cash checking account balances.
B. Cash savings account balances.
C. Loans payable.
D. Securities held for the client by the financial institution.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

36. Internal control over marketable securities is enhanced when:

A. Securities are held by the cashier.
B. Securities are registered in the name of the custodian.
C. Detailed records of securities are maintained by the custodian of the securities.
D. Securities are held under joint control of two or more officials.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-09 Describe typical internal controls over the business processes related to financial investments.
Topic: Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

37. In a manufacturing company which one of the following audit procedures would give the
least assurance of the existence of the assets in the general ledger balance of investment in
stocks and bonds at the audit date?
A. Confirmation from the broker.
B. Inspection of year-end brokers' statements.
C. Vouching all changes during the year to brokers' advises and statements.
D. Examination of paid checks issued in payment of securities purchased.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

38. The Standard Form to Confirm Account Balances with Financial Institutions includes
information on all of the following except:
A. Date due of a direct liability.
B. The principal amount paid on a direct liability.
C. Description of collateral for a direct liability.
D. The interest rate of a direct liability.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

39. The auditors should insist that a representative of the client be present during the physical
examination of securities in order to:
A. Lend authority of the auditor's directives.
B. Detect forged securities.
C. Coordinate the return of all securities to proper locations.
D. Acknowledge the receipt of securities returned.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

40. The auditors' count of the client's cash should be coordinated to coincide with the:
A. Consideration of the internal controls with respect to cash.
B. Close of business on the balance sheet date.
C. Count of investment securities.
D. Count of inventories.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

41. The auditors compare information on canceled checks with information contained in the
cash disbursement journal. The objective of this test is to determine that:
A. Recorded cash disbursement transactions are properly authorized.
B. Proper cash purchase discounts have been recorded.
C. Cash disbursements are for goods and services actually received.
D. No discrepancies exist between the data on the checks and the data in the journal.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

42. Jones was engaged to audit the financial statements of Gamma Corporation for the year
ended June 30, 200X. Having completed an examination of the investment securities, which
of the following is the best method of verifying the accuracy of recorded dividend income?
A. Tracing recorded dividend income to cash receipts records and validated deposit slips.
B. Utilizing analytical techniques and statistical sampling.
C. Comparing recorded dividends with amounts appearing on federal information form 1099s.
D. Comparing recorded dividends with a standard financial reporting service's record of

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

43. Which of the following is one of the better auditing techniques that might be used by an
auditor to detect kiting?
A. Review composition of authenticated deposit slips.
B. Review subsequent bank statements and canceled checks received directly from the banks.
C. Prepare a schedule of bank transfers.
D. Prepare year-end bank reconciliations.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash

44. Which one of the following would the auditor consider to be an incompatible operation if
the cashier receives remittances from the mailroom?
A. The cashier prepares the daily deposit.
B. The cashier makes the daily deposit at a local bank.
C. The cashier posts the receipts to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
D. The cashier endorses the checks.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

45. As one of the year-end audit procedures, the auditor instructed the client's personnel to
prepare a confirmation request for a bank account that had been closed during the year. After
the client's treasurer has signed the request, it was mailed by the assistant treasurer. What is
the major flaw in this audit procedure?
A. The confirmation request was signed by the treasurer.
B. Sending the request was meaningless because the account was closed before the year end.
C. The request was mailed by the assistant treasurer.
D. The CPA did not sign the confirmation request before it was mailed.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash

46. On receiving the bank cutoff statement, the auditor should trace:
A. Deposits in transit on the year-end bank reconciliation to deposits in the cash receipts
B. Checks dated prior to year end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank
C. Deposits listed on the cutoff statement to deposits in the cash receipts journal.
D. Checks dated subsequent to year end to the outstanding checks listed on the year-end bank

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

47. To gather evidence regarding the balance per bank in a bank reconciliation, an auditor
could examine all of the following except:
A. Cutoff bank statement.
B. Year-end bank statement.
C. Bank confirmation.
D. General ledger.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash

48. Contact with banks for the purpose of opening company bank accounts should normally
be the responsibility of the corporate:
A. Board of Directors.
B. Treasurer.
C. Controller.
D. Executive Committee.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

49. Which of the following cash transfers is most likely to result in a misstatement of cash at
December 31, 19X7?

A. Transfer A
B. Transfer B
C. Transfer C
D. Transfer D

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Cash

50. For purposes of an audit of financial statements, electronic confirmation of cash balances:
A. Is acceptable when properly controlled.
B. Is acceptable, but only when combined with a non-electronic approach.
C. Is only acceptable for immaterial accounts.
D. Is not acceptable.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

51. Properly designed internal control will permit the same employee to:
A. Receive and deposit checks, and also approve write-offs of customer accounts.
B. Approve vouchers for payment, and also receive and deposit cash.
C. Reconcile the bank statements, and also receive and deposit cash.
D. Sign checks, and also cancel supporting documents.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Cash

52. Which of the following procedures in the cash disbursements cycle should not be
performed by the accounts payable department?
A. Comparing the vendor's invoice with the receiving report.
B. Canceling supporting documentation after payment.
C. Verifying the mathematical accuracy of the vendor's invoice.
D. Preparing the check for signature by an authorized person.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

53. The Parmalat fraud case involved:

A. A fraudulent cash confirmation.
B. Kiting of funds between banks in India and banks in Pakistan.
C. A bank reconciliation performed by the client that systematically understated cash.
D. Major unrecorded disbursements for equipment.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

54. Banks may process electronic "substitute checks" in place of customer written hard copy
checks due to the:
A. Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act.
B. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's Standard No. 2.
C. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
D. Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

55. When a client engages in transactions involving derivatives, the auditor should:
A. Develop an understanding of the economic substance of each derivative.
B. Confirm with the client's broker whether the derivatives are for trading purposes.
C. Notify the audit committee about the risks involved in derivative transactions.
D. Add an explanatory paragraph to the auditor's report describing the risks associated with
each derivative.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments

56. A company's decision to use the fair value option for valuation of marketable securities is
most likely to affects which of the following assertions the most?
A. Completeness.
B. Existence.
C. Fairness.
D. Presentation and Disclosure.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

57. An auditor compares annual revenues and expenses with similar amounts from the prior
year and investigates all changes exceeding 10%. This procedure most likely could indicate
A. Fourth quarter payroll taxes were properly accrued and recorded, but were not paid until
early in the subsequent year.
B. Unrealized gains from increases in the value of available-for-sale securities were recorded
in the income account for trading securities.
C. The annual provision for uncollectible accounts expense was inadequate because of
worsening economic conditions.
D. Notice of an increase in property tax rates was received by management, but was not
recorded until early in the subsequent year.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-08 Identify the auditors' objectives in the audit of financial investments.
Source: AICPA
Topic: Financial Investments

58. Which of the following is correct relating to kiting?

A. It is ordinarily used to understate cash.
B. It is more difficult to accomplish in an electronic environment as contrasted to a nonelectronic environment.
C. It is a lapping approach performed using receivable accounts.
D. It is seldom, if ever, used.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

Essay Questions

59. You are working on the Bemco audit. Assume that the questions below are unrelated. Bill
Wedman, another staff member, has given you the following list of what he refers to as
"internal control deficiencies" and has asked you to review each point and make sure that you
agree that each is an internal control deficiency.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

1. Agree. Voided checks should be so marked (defaced) and retained so as to allow one to
know that they have been voided and are not outstanding.
2. Disagree. One expects separate sequences of numbers of the various accounts, as one
overall sequence for various bank accounts is, at best, unwieldy; establishing control over
each sequence is generally adequate.
3. Agree. Since the purchasing department employees approve purchases they should also
sign checks.
4. Disagree. Checks should not be made payable to cash as they may be cashed by anyone
properly or improperly.
5. Agree. The authorized signers disburse funds and effective oversight of those
disbursements requires account reconciliation by another individual.
6. Disagree. Cash receipts should be so prelisted.
7. Disagree. A policy of restrictively endorsing such receipts (e.g., endorsing the checks as
"pay only to Bemco") is a control, not a control deficiency.
8. Disagree. The person signing the check should be the person who perforates (defaces) the
checks so as to eliminate the possibility of that support being used again to improperly
support another disbursement.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-03 Explain the nature of the cash receipts and disbursements cycles; and describe the fundamental controls over the
business rocesses related to cash.
Topic: Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

60. Flemco has made a series of transfers between bank accounts near year-end, some through
inter-bank wired transfers and some through checks. You have audited the wired transfers and
agree that they have been properly stated and now have the following schedule of transfers
between cash accounts made using checks. You may assume that dates per bank are correct,
and that dates per books are the dates the transactions were recorded in the books.

Analyze each of the above transfers and determine whether you believe each causes total cash
to most likely be correct, overstated, or understated as of year-end.

1. Understated. The entry is recorded as having been disbursed on December 31, yet it is not
recorded as a deposit on the books until January 3. Accordingly, the cash is recorded in
neither account as of year-end.
2. Correct. An example here is a check written in the Valley account on December 31, and
deposited on that same day in the Midburg bank account. Valley bank will not record it as a
disbursement until it is presented for payment several days later.
3. Overstated. Because the entry is recorded as deposited on the books on 12/31, but not
recorded as a cash disbursement in the books until January 2, at December 31 the cash is
recorded on the books in both accounts.
4. Overstated. The cash is recorded as a deposit per the bank on 12/30, but the receipt and
disbursement is not recorded until January 3 on the books. In essence, this type of treatment
may be used to hide a shortage in cash (perhaps due to embezzlement of cash).
5. Correct. An example here is recording a transfer, and processing this transfer through the
mailaccordingly, both banks receive the information later.


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash

61. Listed below are four interbank cash transfers, indicated by the letters a, b, c and d, of a
client for late December 20X1, and early January 20X2. Your answer choice for the next two
questions should be selected from this list.

For each of transfers a through d indicate whether cash is understated, unaffected, or

overstated by the transfer and provide a brief example of what could cause the situation in
which cash is either understated or overstated.
a. Unaffected.
b. Unaffected.
c. Understated. Although there are a number of possible situations, one is that in which a
check is written on the disbursing bank on the last day of December with a credit to cash, and
an associated debit to some expense account so as to decrease reported profits (and taxes) for
the year.
d. Overstated. One situation is that in which an employee has misappropriated funds during
the year, and draw a check transferring funds to the account with the shortage so as to cover
the shortage. As of December 31, the shortage is replaced, with no reduction as yet recorded
in the account on which it is drawn.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

62. In the audit of a client's financial statements, the auditors must be concerned with the
possibility that client personnel might be engaged in kiting or lapping.
a. Define lapping and describe an audit procedure that might detect lapping.
b. Define kiting and describe an audit procedure that might detect kiting.
a. Lapping is the concealment of a cash shortage by delaying the recording of cash receipts. It
involves posting receipts to the wrong account.
Procedures for detecting lapping include (only one required):
Details of cash receipts may be compared to postings to the accounts receivable subsidiary
records, preferably on a surprise basis.
Confirmation of accounts receivable.
b. Kiting is manipulation causing an amount of cash to be included simultaneously in the
balance of two or more bank accounts.
To detect kiting the auditors prepare and verify a schedule of bank transfers.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Risk Analysis
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-06 Assess the risks of material misstatement of receivables and revenue and design further audit procedures;
including tests of controls and substantive procedures; to address the risks.
Topic: Audit of Cash


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

63. Since financial investments are assets with a high degree of inherent risk, companies must
establish effective internal control over their investments.
a. Describe the functions that should be segregated to provide good internal control over
financial investments.
b. Describe two other internal control policies that should be established for financial
a. The functions that should be segregated with respect to financial investments are:
1. Authorization of purchases and sales,
2. Custody of the securities, and
3. Maintaining records of investments.
b. Other internal controls include (only two required):
Establishing formal investment policies.
Maintaining a complete detailed record of investments and revenue from investments.
Registration of securities in the name of the company.
Periodic physical inspection.
Joint control over securities, or use of an independent custodian.
Preparation of a budget of investment revenue.
Determination of appropriate accounting by competent personnel.

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 10-08 Identify the auditors' objectives in the audit of financial investments.
Topic: Financial Investments


Chapter 10 - Cash and Financial Investments

64. In many financial statements audits, auditing financial investments involves complex tasks
requiring specialized skill and knowledge.
a. List three audit tasks related to the audit of financial investments that may require
specialized skill or knowledge.
b. Define the term "financial derivative."
c. List the two general purposes that a client might acquire a financial derivative.
a. Audit tasks requiring specialized skill or knowledge (only three required):
Identifying controls at service organizations that provide financial services for the client.
Obtaining an understanding of information systems for securities and derivatives that are
highly dependent on computer technology.
Applying complex accounting principles.
Understanding the methods of determining fair values of financial investments'.
Assessing inherent risk and control risk for assertions about derivatives used for hedging.
b. Derivatives are financial instruments that "derive" their value form other financial
instruments, underlying assets, or indices.
c. Clients engage in financial derivative transactions for two major purposes:
Hedging--to hedge changes in value of an existing asset or liability or of a prospective
future transaction.
Speculating--to bet on the change in value of another financial instrument, an asset, or an

AACSB: Analytic
AICPA BB: Industry
AICPA FN: Measurement
Bloom's: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 10-10 Describe tests of controls and substantive procedures used to audit financial investments.
Topic: Audit of Financial Investments


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