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Apr 2015 REALity

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Realistic Equal Active for Life

Real Women of Canada

Volume XXXIV Issue No. 4 April 2015

The Ugliness of Child Sexual Abuse: Bill C-26

Some individuals are extraordinary. They give unstintingly

of their love, care and service to others. Examples include
Mother Teresa, with her compassion for the neglected and
forgotten, and Jean Vanier, with his love and devotion for the
developmentally disabled. Its reassuring to know that there
are such good people in our midst.
There are others, however, who live out their lives hurting
or destroying those who have the misfortune to fall in their
path. Examples of these, the lowest of human beings, are those
individuals who sexually abuse helpless children in order to
feed their personal fantasies and for sexual gratification.These
predators leave in ruin the lives of innocent children whose
childhoods are destroyed. This, however, is irrelevant to the
predators in pursuit of their own pleasure.
The internet has exacerbated the availability of disgusting
photographs of sexual acts with children. Police around the
world constantly play catch-up, trying to seek out and stop
this terrible harm to children.
Unfortunately, when these perverts are caught, far too
many judges in Canada have handed down sentences for such
heinous crimes that are mere slaps on the wrist, dismissing
these crimes as though they are simply a matter only of boys
will be boys. This occurred, for example in 1999, when Mr.
Justice Duncan Shaw of the BC Supreme Court concluded
that the 67 year old accused, Robin Sharpe, was not guilty
of child pornography in regard to his written works because
the child pornography law infringed on Mr. Sharpes freedom
of expression and conscience. Judge Shaw went on to state
that a persons right to explore material depicting children
as vehicles of sexual gratification was an essential part of
that persons intimate and private life, which should be given
considerable weight.
And, even though Mr. Sharpe had in his possession over
500 photographs of child pornography, which he had taken
himself while visiting in Asia, Mr. Justice Shaw sentenced Mr.
Sharpe to a minimal sentence of four months house arrest for
violating the child pornography law.The house arrest consisted
of Mr. Sharpe remaining in his apartment for four months,
under electronic monitoring between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
He was ordered not to contact anyone under 18 years of
age and was denied access to the Internet, except with the

permission of his parole officer. The Crown prosecutor had

argued for at least 10 to 12 months imprisonment.
Some judges, such as Duncan Shaw, cannot be trusted
to give sentences in keeping with the crime. Such judges
are more concerned about the accused than the victim.
They seem to believe that the accused can be rehabilitated
if provided with counselling, compassion and a minimum
sentence. Such liberal judges live in a world of unreality.
BILL C-26: Tougher Penalties for Child
Predators Act
The Conservative government has introduced Bill C-26 in
order to address the problem of lenient judges in regard to
sexual offences against children. The proposed bill provides
for the following:
(a) increase mandatory minimum penalties and maximum
penalties for certain sexual offences against children;
(b) increase maximum penalties for violations of prohibition
orders, probation orders and peace bonds for child
(c) require courts to impose, in certain cases, consecutive
sentences on offenders who commit a number of sexual
offences against children, rather than allowing these
sentences for many charges to run concurrently;


The Ugliness of child Sexual Abuse:

bill c-26 ............................................................. Page 1
Protection Racket by
Homosexual activists .............................. Page 2
A Welcome Twist on the Twisted
Transgender Bill ......................................... Page 3
The Emptying Out of Canada ........................ Page 4
Ontario Sex Education Blasted
on all Sides ..................................................... Page 5

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(d) ensure that a judge who imposes a sentence considers

evidence that the offence was committed while the
offender violated the terms of his release from prison;
(e) amend the Canada Evidence Act to ensure that spouses
of the accused can be a witness against his/her spouse in
child pornography cases.
(f) provide that there be reporting obligations of sex
offenders who travel outside Canada, and provide for
a High Risk Child Sex Offender Database to establish
an accessible database that contains information for the
public that had only previously been available to the
police. This database is to include the names of those
who are found guilty of sexual offences against children
and who are at high risk of repeating sexual crimes
against children.
This is all well and good since these provisions will
provide more protection for children.
Defence Lawyer Clayton Ruby Opposes
Bill C-26
It is interesting, however, that one of the leading defence
lawyers in Canada, Clayton Ruby, was referenced by NDP
opponents of Bill C-26 in the House of Commons. Mr.
Ruby is currently defending the former Ontario Deputy
Minister of Education, Benjamin Levin, who was responsible
for the controversial and age inappropriate sex education
curriculum in Ontario. Mr. Ruby claimed the consecutive

minimum sentences required under the Tougher Penalties

for Child Predators Act did not leave room for considering
the individual offender and the circumstances surrounding
the offence for which he is charged. He described Bill C-26
as shallow symbolism. Its hardly symbolism when a sexual
offender can be sent to jail to serve sentences for each sexual
offence he has perpetrated. Mr. Rubys real problem, however,
is that Bill C-26 will make it harder for defence lawyers, such
as himself, to avoid conviction for such offences by his clients.
That is, under Bill C-26, Mr. Ruby and other defence lawyers
will no longer be able to use the court system to plea bargain
for their clients, as Mr. Ruby did in the Benjamin Levin case.
Levin was charged with seven offences, but under Rubys plea
bargain, four of the charges were dropped in return for Mr.
Levin pleading guilty for just three of the offences.
Once Bill C-26 is passed into law, the good old days of
extensive plea bargaining by lawyers will be avoided. Mandatory
minimum sentences imposed under this bill will prevent
lenient sentencing, which has been so generously provided by
liberal judges in the past, i.e., a suspended sentence, probation
or a house arrest sentence will no longer be handed down
to child predators. That is, no longer will child predators,
such as Mr. Levin, be given a lenient sentence because of the
supportive letters he has requested from his friends in high
places to tell the judge what a fine fellow he is, apart from
the minor problem of his sex abuse of minors. The lawyers
retained by accused child abusers will no longer be able to
keep their clients out of jail, and society will be much safer. q

A Protection Racket by Homosexual Activists

There is something deeply puzzling about businesses

and well-known corporations jumping on the homosexual
bandwagon, giving their vocal approval and generous financial
support to the homosexual organizations and their campaigns.
The mainstream media of course totally accepts the
homosexual agenda, as being only reasonable and just. No
exceptions allowed, no independent views or religious or
conscientious rights allowed to interfere with the promotion
of and acceptance of homosexuality.
There may be more involved with this phenomenon than
meets the eye. As the homosexual campaigns have achieved
more success, the activists have become markedly more
aggressive and demanding. They insist not only that their
agenda be tolerated, but that it must be totally accepted
as normal behaviour. In fact, homosexual activists are now
insisting on full control of thought, word and action in society
on all matters concerning homosexuals. This is the new form
of totalitarian control.
There seems to be little pull back by others to these
outrageous demands, except by some churches and pro-family
organizations, which have, despite harassment and legal sanctions,
remained resolute under relentless pressure to conform.
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Real Women of Canada

What is going on that so many have capitulated to the

demands of this tiny minority? Why are businesses supporting
the homosexual agenda?
In some instances, it may be based on a fundamental
belief in the homosexual cause.
That is, some executives in corporations are true believers
in the homosexual agenda, e.g., some billionaire Republicans,
who had previously donated to the Republican 2012 Presidential
campaign are now giving huge donations to the venomous
Washington based homosexual Human Rights Campaign
because they now believe in so-called gay equality. But this
doesnt explain why Starbucks or McDonalds, for example,
endorse homosexual rights. Why do businesses, who, after all,
are in existence to make money for their shareholders, take
sides favouring homosexuality? What is in it for them? Why do
they risk alienating those who are offended by the homosexual
agenda? The latters money is after all, just as important and
more abundant than the minority homosexuals money.
It is quite possible that corporations are paying protection
money to homosexual groups in order to protect their businesses
from harassment, bad publicity and legal charges against them for
some trumped-up discriminatory practices. In short, they are being

blackmailed by aggressive homosexual activists. In order to be

allowed to be left in peace to operate their businesses, it seems
they may be buying protection from hostile homosexual activists.
On the other hand, some corporations may have just
signed up with the sexual left. Christian employees in these
corporations should be on their guard. The sexual leftists in
the company will do what they can to get rid of them.
The Bank of Montreal (BMO)
One of the corporations in Canada that has been taken
over by the sexual left is the BMO. On October 9, 2014
BMO announced a policy of requiring law firms with which it
does business to henceforth disclose the diversity statistics
of their associates, partners and management committee, or
the BMO will drop legal vendors who are not supportive to
BMOs commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The Delusion of BMO
BMO also wrote a letter, dated March 23, 2014, to the
Federation of Law Societies and the Law Society of Upper
Canada encouraging them to refuse to accredit the future law
graduates of Trinity Western University, a Christian university
located in Langley B. C. BMO states that the core values of
Canadians support its position [on homosexuality]. Why
does this financial institution think it is able to determine just
what are core Canadian values? Why does BMO think it can
promote such harsh discriminatory policies against Christians
in the name of alleged diversity? Doesnt BMO realize that
Christians, too, form a large and important part of Canadas
diversity? BMO, however, claims that the corporation is
more than just a financial institution, but instead as people
and partners who understand and reflect their [customers]
values, priorities and goals of Canadians. What nonsense.
BMO has taken leave of its senses. What gives BMO the
authority to adjudicate Canadian values? By trying to do so it
has exposed itself as a bigoted and intolerant institution.
BMO is not alone in their mischief. Seventy-two major
Canadian corporations, led by BMO, have established a group
called Legal Leaders for Diversity (LLD) to promote diversity
in the workplace and create a more inclusive profession for
LGBT lawyers and staff. These corporations include Sobeys,
Ford, MNP, Kelloggs, Deloitte, RBC, UPS, and many others

who have agreed to 17 ways of promoting this radical, secular

agenda which shows little tolerance for Christians and others
who do not support the homosexual agenda.
This absurd policy lacks business sense. Businesses
operate in order to make a profit: business is business.
Undoubtedly, there are homosexual networks in many
companies forcing their policies on businesses. But common
sense indicates that businesses keep away from controversial
issues and just keep their shareholders content, hopefully
increasing the value of their investment.
Considering that BMO has missed three of its four goals or
financial targets this year, it should stick with its financial concerns.
This failure hasnt stopped BMO from increasing the salary of
its CEO, William Downe, from a mere $9.48 million in 2013 to
$9.94 million in 2014. What kind of business is BMO anyway?
Well, its a large opportunistic institution trying to tie its
brand to the highly controversial social issue of homosexuality.
It is inappropriate for a financial institution to insert itself in
such issues as homosexuality. With its concern to provide a
politically correct voice in the national conversation, BMO is
alienating some of its customers. It cant be to increase business.
Exxon Mobile, scores absolute lowest in the annual ranking of
homosexual friendly corporations, listed by the anti-Christian
US Human Rights Campaign. Exxon Mobile is one of the most
profitable corporations the world has known, making profits
north of $45 billion a year: thats profits, not sales.
Please write to BMO objecting to its obnoxious
campaign against Christians and others who do not agree
with the homosexual agenda.
BMO Financial Group
Corporate Communications
100 King Street West, 28th Floor
Toronto, ON M5X 1A1
Tel: (416) 867-6785
Mr. William Downe
BMO President & CEO,
BMO Board of Directors

a welcome twist to the twisted

transgender bill

The controversial transgender bill (Bill C-279) met

sensible resistance in the Senate when Senator Donald
Plett, a member of the Senate Committee on Legal and
Constitutional Affairs, brought forward amendments to the
bill which were passed by the Committee.
His amendments removed the definition of gender
identity which provided that gender identity meant a

persons deeply felt internal or individual experience of

gender. That is, one need only feel what his/her gender is
in order to assume that gender. Another of his amendments
was to prohibit a transgender from using segregated
facilities, such as washrooms, change rooms, crisis centres,
womens shelters, shower facilities, change rooms, etc. The
purpose of this amendment was to protect women and
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children from sexual predators having access to womens

premises by pretending they belonged to the female gender.
It also applies to transgender women wishing to use male
premises. Supporters of the transgender bill claim that
sexual predators dont take advantage of this provision. They
are either seriously uninformed or they are just denying the
truth. Predatory behaviour has, in fact, occurred in many of
the jurisdictions which have passed a transgender law. That
is, women and children have been harassed, sexually assaulted
and physically intimidated by sex abusers because of the
provision allowing their access to such facilities.
Homosexual NDP MP Randall Garrison, who introduced
the Transgender Bill (C-279), was infuriated by Senator Pletts
amendments. He claims that these amendments mean that

he and his supporters can no longer support the bill which he

states is now discriminatory legislation. That is unfortunate.
Any amendments made by the Senate will have to
be returned to the House of Commons for debate and
approval and, if passed there, will be returned to the Senate
for final approval.
Parliament, however, will recess by the middle of June and,
since an election is expected to take place on October 19, it
will not sit again until after the election. Consequently, with
only a few Parliamentary weeks left before the June recess, it
is thought unlikely that this bill will be passed. Rather, it will
simply die on the Order Paper.
One hopes so, as this will prevent harm to women and
children. q

the emptying out of canada

It is time that Canada comes to grips

with the problem of a rapidly declining
population, and implements some of the
worthwhile initiatives.

Canada is facing a dark future with its decreasing birth

rate. Our fertility rate is far below the replacement level of 2.1
children per woman of reproductive age. Instead, the fertility
rate in the last census in 2011 was 1.61 children per woman.
Every single province in Canada has a birth rate well below
replacement level. The only exception is Nunavut which has
a birth rate of 2.97 children per woman of reproductive age.
Good for them!
The government is doing what it can by increasing the
immigration rate this year in order to counteract population
decline caused by our dismal birth rate. However, this is not
a permanent solution, as immigrant families in the second
generation take on the practices of native born Canadians
in that they reduce their family to one or, perhaps, two
children only.
No one can put their finger on exactly why Canadian,
American and European women are reluctant to have
children. It could be that in the last few years a larger number
of women have been entering professional high-paying
positions and as a result have delayed child bearing. Also,
the vast majority of women who are in the paid workforce
cannot cope with managing larger families as well as their
paid work. Further, some women are making the choice
to live an affluent lifestyle, and become accustomed to it,
unencumbered by the responsibilities of motherhood. They
prefer a tranquil life with tangible, physical comforts, without
the responsibilities of parenting and childrearing.
Whatever the reasons, the declining birth rate in Canada
is already affecting our social benefits programs.
For example, the Old Age Security Benefit (OAS) now
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Real Women of Canada

costs more than $46 billion each year and is one of the largest
and most expensive of our federal programs. This is because
everyone over the age of 65 is entitled to the monthly OAS
cheque of $563.74 indexed to inflation, with low income
seniors entitled to additional support from the Guaranteed
Income Supplement starting at age sixty. Some of this pension
is clawed back for higher income retirees. This small monthly
payment is not much help for lower income retirees who
have inadequate savings to supplement it.
Although Canada has an aging population, there are fewer
taxpayers to support the OAS payments. In the 1970s, there
were seven workers for each old age pensioner. Today, there
are roughly four taxpayers for each old age pensioner. In 15
years, the ratio is expected to fall to just 2:1.
This decline in taxpayers available to pay for our social
programs has been exacerbated by unrestricted abortion
which destroys future taxpayers at a rate of over 100,000
each year. They are destroyed mostly for no reason other
than that they are inconvenient to the lives of their parents.
The number of plumbers, carpenters, nurses, lawyers and
physicians in the future who will be paying taxes can no
longer be relied on. They decrease in number each year.
The scale of the problem is so enormous that the
Conservative Government has needed to deal with at least
part of the problem. Its solution was spelled out in the
2012 budget, when it introduced a new policy to take effect
between the years 2023 and 2029, to the effect that the age
of OAS eligibility will increase from 65 to age 67.
This is a helpful policy, but it is also a discouraging policy
for low income Canadians with limited income from other
sources, as they will not be able to receive OAS when they
had anticipated.
Other solutions must be found to this problem of a
declining population. It may be that France has found some
answers to the problem. It has aggressively enacted policies to
support women who want to have children, but who still wish

to keep their paid employment.The French policies have led to

an astonishing increase in the French birth rate so that France
now has the second highest birth rate in Europe, after Ireland.
What are these pro-family policies that have turned
the situation around in France? One of the most important
policies is providing flexibility for women who want to
continue working while still having children. For example,
the length of paid maternity leave increases with the more
children one has. The government has also been extremely
generous in providing a large number of child care options for
parents, such as covering the cost of part-time nannies, and

providing subsidized private day care and company day care,

as well as increasing public day care.The French Government
also provides special advantages for large families (3 or more
children) by providing free train and subway service, free
access to museums and other government facilities.
The French Government has shrewdly provided
families with both more time and more money. These
incentives have proven successful. It is time that Canada
comes to grips with the problem of a rapidly declining
population, and implements some of the worthwhile
initiatives undertaken in France. q

ontario sex education blasted on all sides

Ontarios Premier, Kathleen Wynne, thought that with

her majority government, she could bring in her cherished sex
education curriculum without difficulty. She was mistaken.
At first, she dismissed objections to her programme
by shouting homophobes at the objectors (she is an
acknowledged lesbian). The Deputy Minister of Education,
Benjamin Levin, who was responsible in 2010 for the
development of the highly controversial sex education
programme, which is much the same as the 2015 curriculum,
pleaded guilty on March 3rd, 2015 to charges of sex abuse
of children. His sex education programme includes
age inappropriate information such as gender identity,
homosexuality and same sex marriage in grade III. In grade
VI children are taught about anal and oral sex, and the joys
and the satisfaction of masturbation. Such topics imposed on
innocent children may satisfy Premier Wynnes and Benjamin
Levins own distorted views on sexuality, but not that of many
parents who are not in agreement with this promotion of
and grooming of children for sex at such young ages.
When parental concerns about Levins involvement
with the curriculum was raised, Ms. Wynne and her
current Education Minister, Liz Sandals, maintained that the
former Deputy Minister of Education and convicted child
predator, Benjamin Levin, was not involved in developing the
controversial sex education curriculum. Documentation
indicates otherwise. Further, despite Wynne and Sandals
denials, further documents obtained under the Access to
Information Act have disclosed that Levin remained closely
involved with the Ontario Ministry of Education, right up
until the charges were laid against him in 2013. Lies and more
lies by these untrustworthy politicians.
Parents from ethnic backgrounds, Chinese, Sikh and Arab
Canadians, among others, have raised strong objections to
the Ontario curriculum. This is undermining Wynnes political
support in these communities. The ethnic newspapers have
written continuously about the programme as being offensive
to their ethnic groups. Members of Ms. Wynnes own Liberal
caucus in the Legislature, Harinder Malhi, and Harinder Takhar
have raised objections to the curriculum.
What is happening is that Canadians from a wide variety

of ethnic groups, among others, have joined together with

social conservatives to reject the curriculum.
Rejection of a sex education curriculum, however, is
not just an Ontario phenomenon, but it is occurring worldwide. Millions of people see sex education programmes
as an attack on their culture which they believe serves as
protection for their children against permissive sex. Further,
there is little or no evidence that these programmes actually
reduce teen pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases,
so what is to be actually gained by these programmes in the
first place, parents are asking?
On the subject of sex, parents have their own values
which they wish to convey to their own children. This is
a fundamental matter for them. Schools are not qualified
to set the standards for society and religions on sexuality.
When they try to do so, the schools learn the hard way, it is a
mistake to foist the programmes on a diverse public.
Premier Kathleen Wynne has had a well-deserved rude
awakening in this regard.
Demonstrations and many petitions are keeping up the
pressure on Ms.Wynne to withdraw the offensive curriculum. q

Birds and Bees by Steve Nease Posted online at York Region Media Group.

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notice of annual general meeting

When: Friday, June 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: North York Central Library

5120 Yonge St Toronto Ontario M2N 5N9

ROOM 2/3
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Topic: The Crushing of Religious Freedoms in Canada
Speaker: Damian Goddard
Recently appearing as a news anchor on Sun
News Network, Goddard has spent much of his career
covering sports for Rogers Sportnet, Leafs TV, Raptors
NBA TV, The Score, and the CBC. He now has a spot
as a talk show host on NewsTalk 1010(CFRB).
In 2011, Damian tweeted his support of the
traditional and true meaning of marriage from
his home computer. The following day was fired
from Rogers Sportsnet for voicing his view on
marriage, despite his being one of the networks
lead sports anchors.
Please write down the date and plan to attend REAL
Womens Annual Meeting and Mr. Goddards talk.
Refreshments will be provided.

1. To receive the financial statements of the Corporation
for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, together
with the reports of the directors and auditors thereon;

message board
Action Item: Write letter to BMO. See article Protection
Racket by Homosexual Activists
Action Item: Write to your MP and Prime Minister
Stephen Harper to offer your support of Bill C-26:
Tougher Penalties for Child Protection Act. See article:
The Ugliness of Child Sexual Abuse
Action Item: Write to your MP and Prime Minister
Stephen Harper to encourage them to introduce
legislation to encourage larger families, as has
been done in France. See Article: The Emptying Out
of Canada.
Feel free to use any of the information contained in
REALity when writing letters to elected officials, or
letters to the Editor. We want the information to get
out there. You do not need permission from REAL
Women to use anything you read in REALity. Thank you
for spreading the word.

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Real Women of Canada

Members may obtain a copy of the Financial

Statement available at
REAL Women of Canadas Ottawa Office.
2. Appointment of Auditor;
3. To elect a Board of Directors;
Only those who subscribe to our objectives and have
been members in good standing of the Corporation
for at least 60 days prior to this meeting shall have the
right to vote and/or run for office.
4. To hear and vote on resolutions from voting members;
Resolutions must be submitted in writing prior
to the Annual Meeting by May 25, 2015 and
approved by the Resolutions Committee.
Please send such resolutions to:
REAL Women of Canada,
Resolutions Committee,
BOX 8813 Station T,
Ottawa ON K1G 3J1 by mail or
fax: 613-236-7203 or
5. To transact such further or other business as
may properly come before the meeting or any
adjournment or adjournments thereof.
Pauline Guzik
Pauline Guzik
National President


Please make a contribution to join our work
to defend & protect life & the family
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Contributions, unfortunately, are not tax deductible.

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City ___________________________________________________
Province ____________ Postal Code _______________________
Tel _______________ Email _______________________________
Send online at or by mail. Thank you.

REALity is a publication of REAL Women of Canada

PO Box 8813 Station T Ottawa ON K1G 3J1 Tel 613-236-4001 Fax 613-236-7203

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