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New Enhancement Algorithm for Fingerprint Images

Byung-Gyu Kim, Han-Ju Kim and Dong-Jo Park

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 305-701
Tel) +82428693438 Fax) +82428693410
Email ),
In this paper, an improved algorithm for enhancement
of fingerprint image is proposed on the basis of the image
normalization and Gabor filter. Firstly, the adaptive normalization based on block processing is suggested for improvement of fingerprint images. An input image is partitioned into sub-blocks with the size of K L at first and
the region of interest (ROI) of the fingerprint image is acquired. The parameters for the image normalization are
adaptively determined according to the statistics of each
block. By utilizing these parameters, the block image is
normalized for the next process. Secondly, a new technique
for selection of two important parameters of Gabor filter is
devised. These parameters are the ridge direction and the
ridge frequency. In this study, the ridge direction of a block
image is determined by the probabilistic approach unlike
other works. With this ridge direction, the ridge frequency
is selected by utilizing the directional projection. The proposed algorithms are tested with NIST fingerprint images
and show significant improvement in the experiments.


Many kinds of enhancement methods for fingerprint image have been proposed in the literatures [1]-[7]. Most of
them are based on image binarization, while some others
enhance images directly from gray scale images [1]-[6]. In
the approach for the gray scale images, the enhancement algorithm includes the following main steps [2] as shown in
Fig. 1: 1) Normalization, 2) Local orientation estimation,
3) Local frequency estimation, and 4) Filtering by a bank of
the designed filters.
In the normalization step, an input fingerprint image is
normalized to decrease the dynamic range of the gray scale
between ridges and valleys of the image in order to facilitate
the processing of the following steps. And the orientation
image is estimated from the normalized fingerprint image
by employing the gradient information. In the next step, the
frequency image is computed from the normalized image
and the estimated orientation image. A bank of pre-tuned
filters is applied to the ridge and valley pixels in the normalized fingerprint image to obtain an enhanced fingerprint
image in the last step. In general, Gabor filter is employed
for enhancement of the fingerprint image.
Inp ut image

Fingerprints are today the most widely used biometric

features for personal verification. Most automatic fingerprints verification systems are based on minutiae pattern
matching [1]-[6]. Minutiae are the local discontinuities in
the fingerprint pattern which represent terminations and bifurcations.
To obtain the minutiae from a given fingerprint image
which is captured from directly scanning sensor or digitization of an inked fingerprint, a ridge structure should be
extracted at first. As the quality of the acquired images,
the ridge structures in the fingerprint images are not always
well defined. Therefore, some enhancement processes as
preprocessing are necessary to get more reliable feature ex-

No rmalizatio n
O rientatio n
Lo cal freq uency
estimatio n

Enhanced image

F iltering

Figure 1. Block of the fingerprint image enhancement

In this paper, we suggest a new method for selection of
two important parameters of Gabor filter for enhancement

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of the fingerprint image. To get the enhanced fingerprint image, the original input image is partitioned into sub-blocks
with the size of K L and normalized with the local property for the next process. Unlike other works which employed the average method of the gradient image, we devise
a probabilistic approach for determination of the ridge direction. Also, the ridge frequency is obtained by employing
the directional projection with the acquired ridge direction.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the
adaptive image normalization, which is based on the block
processing, is explained in brief. Also, new method for selection of two important parameters of Gabor filter is proposed in Section 2. For the performance validation of the
proposed algorithm, the proposed algorithm is tested with
NIST fingerprint images in Section 3. Finally, we will draw
conclusion for this work in Section 4.


The Proposed Algorithm for Enhancement

of Fingerprint Image

where 1 and 2 are the weighting factors which reprei

sent the degree of contribution of the variation term, M

and V ARi are the computed mean and variance of the ith
block, respectively.
The second terms in the right side of the above equations are the variations which are considered as the local
properties of the ith block. As these terms contribute to the
desired parameters, the desired parameters are changed according to local properties of the current block.
Figure 2 shows the result of the adaptive image normalization based on block processing. Figure 2 present the result when 1 = 2 = 0.5 and M0d = 100 and V AR0d = 50.
As shown in Fig 2(a), we can see that the fingerprint image
is not uniform due to some causes. As shown in the result,
the proposed algorithm that utilizes the block based processing can improve the original image by using the devised
adaptive normalization method. This is due to the consideration of the local properties.

Adaptive Image Normalization Based on Local Property

The input fingerprint images which are obtained from

sensors may have imperfections or poor quality due to
non-uniformity of the ink intensity or non-uniform contact
with the sensor by users. To cope with this problem,
an adaptive normalization algorithm based on the local
property of the given fingerprint image is proposed. For a
given fingerprint image I which is defined as an N M
matrix and I(i, j) represents the intensity of the pixel at the
ith row and jth column, Hong and Jain have employed the
following normalization processing [2]:
G(i, j) =

M + V AR0 (I(i,j)M )2 , I(i, j) > M ,
M V AR0 (I(i,j)M )2 , otherwise,

where M0 and V AR0 are the desired mean and variance

values, M and V AR are the computed mean and variance
of the given image.
For the estimated initial M0d and V AR0d , M0d and
V AR0d are varied to adapt for the local properties of the
current block. Let Mid and V ARid be the desired parameters for normalization of the i-th block in the fingerprint
image, the updating equations are written as followings:

i M d ),
M0d + 1 (M

V ARid

i V ARd ), (3)
V AR0d + 2 (V AR




Figure 2. Result for the image normalization of NISTf05: (a) Original image, (b) Adaptive normalization based
on block processing


Automatic Selection of Parameters for Gabor


After the normalization process for fingerprint images,

the filtering process is executed by employing some filters.
Gabor filter is usually used to enhance the normalized images [2]. Gabor filter for enhancement of fingerprint images
can be written as following:

1 x2
h(x, y : , f ) = exp{ [ 2 + 2 ]} cos(2f x )
2 x


where is the orientation of the Gabor filter, f is the frequency, x and y are the space constants of the Gaussian
envelope along x and y axes, respectively.
To make use of Gabor filter, two important parameters
must be tuned. These are and f in Eq. (4). This study

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proposes an automatic selection technique of and f for

Gabor filter.

Selection of Ridge Direction

Most methods, which utilize the ridge direction to design a filter, use the minimum square adjustment algorithm
or the gradient-based averaging algorithm [1, 2] to implement , easily. But, these algorithms are sensitive to noise.
Thus, we try to make a probabilistic approach in this study.
Firstly, a gradient image is generated to compute the angle of the ridge at each pixel. For a probabilistic approach
to obtain the ridge direction, the range of angle of the ridge
is given as [90o +90o ]. In this range, the angle is
quantized by an equi-interval q to compute the distribution
of the angle or direction of the ridge.
Then, the distribution of the direction of the ridge is generated by the nearest neighbor level concept as following:
Arg minl{90o ,90o +qo ,90o +2qo , ,+90o } |i l|,


where i is the computed angle at ith pixel.

For example, if i is the nearest to the angle level
90o + n q o , then the frequency of the angle level
90o + n q o increases by unit one. In this research, the
quantization level is set to q = 2o . By using the constructed
distribution of the angle p(i ), the best direction of the ridge
can be selected by the maximum likelihood criterion as following:
= Arg maxi {p(i )}.

Figure 3. Scheme for the direction projection

Simulation Results

To verify the proposed algorithm, we have used fingerprint image from the database of NIST Fingerprint Image
Groups. The NIST images derived from digitized inked fingerprints, each consisting of 512 480 pixels, in 8-bits gray
scale. For processing the block unit, the size of the partitioned block is selected 24 24 in this work.
Figure 4 shows the estimation results of the ridge direction in NIST Fingerprint image. Although the noisy clut-


In the previous works, the corrupted angle components

can affect on the final estimation of the ridge direction.
However, the proposed method for estimation of the ridge
direction selects the dominant direction in the distribution
of the angle. Therefore, some corrupted direction components do not influence the final estimation of the ridge direction.

Selection of Ridge Frequency f

For estimation of the ridge frequency, the estimated direction of the ridge is employed. Since the direction of the
ridge is given in priori, the ridge image is projected onto the
perpendicular axis of the given ridge direction. The projection data can provide the frequency of the ridge lines in the
current block.
Figure 3 shows the scheme for the directional projection
to estimate the frequency of the ridge. It can be seen that
the waveform from the projection data can give the information of the ridge frequency. By utilizing this waveform,
the frequency of the ridge lines is determined for each block
image, adaptively.





Figure 4. Results of the estimated ridge direction: (left

column)-The previous methods, (right column)-The proposed method
ter is attached to true ridge, we can see that the proposed
method gives subjectively the better results of the ridge direction than the previous method.
In Fig. 5, the results for the directional projection illustrate to determine the ridge frequency f . From the results,

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Perpendicular axis






Figure 5. Result of a sample block image-1: (a) Flow

image, (b) The distribution of projected data

the frequency of the ridge lines can be easily selected.

Finally, the enhanced fingerprint images are displayed
in Fig. 6. As shown in the result, it can be known that the
proposed enhancement algorithm produces very reliable results.


In this study, a new enhancement algorithm for fingerprint images is proposed by utilizing the adaptation for the
properties of the local regions and the automatic selection
of parameters for Gabor filter. By taking the local property
into account, the adaptive normalization process could ensure the reliable fingerprint texture region of the given fingerprint image, although the image has a poor quality.
To obtain the final enhanced image by employing Gabor
filter, the automatic selection technique for two important
parameters of filter is devised. As shown in experiments,
the proposed algorithms are very useful for enhancing the
fingerprint images.

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Figure 6. Final results of the NIST images: (left column)Original images, (right column)-The enhanced images

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1051-4651/02 $17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

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