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Development of Telecommunication

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1791 Obtained permission The Chappe Brothers France
to set up a signaling
system so they could
send messages to
each other
1791-1872 the creator of a single Samuel Finley Breese United States of
wire telegraph system, Morse was America
1816-1892 Siemens invented a Ernst Werner von Germany
telegraph that used a Siemens
needle to point to the
right letter
1858 begins to sell electric Burglar Alarm - Edwin Boston U.S.A
burglar alarms T. Holmes
1867 communications are Cyrus Field
established with the
successful laying of
the first telegraph
1870 invents multiplex Thomas Edison U.S.A
1875 First word transmitted
by telephonr
March 1876 Invented the Alexander Graham Boston, Massachusetts
Telephone bell
1881 The conversation U.S.A
under ground cable 34
1884 Patent for T.V using Paul Nipkow Germany
selenium cell and a
mechanical scanning
1884 Conversation by Hard-Down Copper From Boston / New
overhead line York
1887 electromagnetic Heinrich Hertz Germany
waves exist
1888 Produced radio waves Heinrich Hertz Germany
1891 Invention of 1,000 line
switch with disc bank
having ten concentric
rows of line contacts.
“Telephone Exchance”
1893 An early form of
broadcasting was
1894 Invention of gear- Laporte, Indiana U.S.S
driven switch with
"zither" (piano wire)
line banks.
1895 The radio was Guglielmo Marconi Italy
1896 Patents wireless Guglielmo Marconi Italy
1900 installs loading coils Michael Pupin
1901 First use of “slip
1904 nvents the two- John Ambrose Fleming U.S.A
element "Fleming
1905 Invented directive Guglielmo Marconi U.S.A
horizontal antenna
1906 Inventeion of the Lee deForest
vacuum tube
1907 Invention of small dial
and two-wire system
eliminating ground at
subscriber’s station.
1909 Development of Marconi/ Karl San Francisco
wireless telegraphy. Ferdinand Braun
1910 develops theory for Peter DeBye Holland
optical waveguides.
1911 Formation of Emgland
Automatic Telephone
Manufacturing Co., Ltd
1912 Automatic Switches
used as traffic
distributors in manual
1914 The last pole of the
telephone line is
placed in Wendover,
Utah, on the Nevada-
Utah state line.
1915 Vacuum tube New York
amplifiers used the
first time in coast-to-
coast telco circuits
1915 First transmission of Arlingtom Va. Paris
speech across the
Atlantic by
1918 develops a receiving Edwin Armstrong `
circuit - the
1920 World's first Los Angeles
radiotelephone service
1921 The first regular
commercial radio
broadcasts begin
when AM station KDKA
of Pittsburgh delivers
results of the Harding-
Cox election to its
June 7, 1923 Radio broadcasting
networks had their
beginning with a hook-
up of four radio
stations by long
distance telephone
1925 demonstrate TV using Baird/ Jenkis Scotland
neon bulbs and
mechanical scanning
1926 Introduction of the Adopted from Japan
Type 24 Dial –
modern, quiet-
running, long-life
calling device
1927 First public AMERICA
demonstration of
television by Bell
System engineers, by
wire and radio.
1928 files patents on Zworikyn
electronic scanning TV
using the iconoscope.
1931 AT&T inaugurates the
Exchange Service
1935 The first around-the-
world telephone
conversation takes
place. (
1937 Invention of coaxial U.S.A
cable is announced at
a joint meeting of the
American Physical
Society and the IRE
(April 30)
1957 Soviet Union launches U.S.A
Sputnik, humanity's
first artificial satellite,
on October 5
1974 A Protocol for Packet Vinton Cerf and Robert U.S.A
Network Kahn
1972 First Email Messsage
1984: First cellular Phone Martin Cooper AMERICA
1994 American government
releases control of
internet and WWW is
born - making
communication at

1998 he World Wide Web is

born, marking the
beginning of the
Internet as we know it
today. Most Americans
get Internet
connections through
their phone lines
2000 The "Web Phone"
combines a traditional
telephone with an LCD
touch-screen and a
retractable keyboard
to let customers surf
the Internet, check e-
mail, make phone
calls and check voice
mail from a single

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