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Gas Line Velocity

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Gas line sizing

The pressure drop in gas lines is typically low in gas-producing facilities because the piping
segment lengths are short. The pressure drop has a more significant impact upon longer segments
such as gas-gathering pipelines, transmission pipelines, or relief or vent piping.
The velocity in gas lines should be less than 60 to 80 ft/sec (18 to 24m/s) to minimize noise and
allow for corrosion inhibition. A lower velocity of 50 ft/sec should be used in the presence of
known corrosives such as CO2. The minimum gas velocity should be between 10 and 15 ft/sec,
which minimizes liquid fallout.
Gas velocity is expressed in Eq. 6 as
(Eq. 6)


gas velocity, ft/sec,

gas-flow rate, MMscf/D,
gas flowing temperature, R,
flowing pressure, psia,
compressibility factor, dimensionless,

pipe ID in.

Multiphase line sizing

The minimum fluid velocity in multiphase systems must be relatively high to keep the liquids
moving and prevent or minimize slugging. The recommended minimum velocity is 10 to 15
ft/sec. The maximum recommended velocity is 60 ft/sec to inhibit noise and 50 ft/sec for CO2
corrosion inhibition.
In two-phase flow, it is possible that liquid droplets in the flow stream will impact on the wall of
the pipe causing erosion of the products of corrosion. This is called erosion/corrosion. Erosion of
the pipe wall itself could occur if solid particles, particularly sand, are entrained in the flow
stream. The following guidelines from API RP14E[5] should be used to protect against
Calculate the erosional velocity of the mixture with Eq. 7.

(Eq. 7)
where C = empirical constant. M is the average density of the mixture at flowing conditions. It

can be calculated from

(Eq. 8)

= specific gravity of the liquid (relative to water),

= specific gravity of the gas relative to air.

Industry experience to date indicates that for solids-free fluids, values of C = 100 for continuous
service and C = 125 for intermittent service are conservative. For solids-free fluids where
corrosion is not anticipated or when corrosion is controlled by inhibition or by employing
corrosion-resistant alloys, values of C = 150 to 200 may be used for continuous service; values
up to 250 have been used successfully for intermittent service. If solids production is anticipated,
fluid velocities should be significantly reduced. Different values of C may be used where specific
application studies have shown them to be appropriate.
Where solids and/or corrosive contaminants are present or where c values higher than 100 for
continuous service are used, periodic surveys to assess pipe wall thickness should be considered.
The design of any piping system where solids are anticipated should consider the installation of
sand probes, cushion flow tees, and a minimum of 3 ft of straight piping downstream of choke
Once a design velocity is chosen, to determine the pipe size, Eq. 9 can be used.

(Eq. 9)


pipe ID, in.,

compressibility factor, dimensionless,
gas/liquid ratio, ft3/bbl,
flowing pressure, psia,
gas/liquid flowing temperature, R,
maximum allowable velocity, ft/sec,

liquid-flow rate, B/D.

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