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Softail Oil Change

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Softail Oil Change

From time to time I see question on the forum regarding doing an oil change on a Harley and more
specifically about doing a scavenging oil change on a Softail. Since there didn't seem to be a good thread
on doing an oil change with pictures, I thought I would write something up. This oil change was done on
a 2001 Fat Boy. So, some of the tools and procedure may be different for your specific application.

Motorcycle lift
1/4" Allen head socket or long Allen head tool (for engine oil and transmission oil drain plugs)
3/8" Allen head socket or Allen head tool (transmission oil fill plug)
3/8" drive ratchet wrench
6" long 3/8" drive extension
3/8" drive universal joint (may or may not need depending on bike location on lift)
1/4" drive ratchet wrench
T27 Torx head socket or torx head tool (primary cover screws)
T40 Torx head socket or torx head tool (primary oil drain plug)
Oil filter wrench
Oil catch tool for filter (optional)
Oil drain pan (preferably 2)
3/8" Fuel / Oil line removal tool (Scavenging oil change ONLY)
Clear tygon tubing (Scavenging oil change ONLY)

Oil for engine (3-4 quarts)
Oil for transmission (~ 1 quart)
Oil for primary (~ 1 quart)
O-rings for transmission and engine oil drain plugs (available from dealer for about $1 each)
Primary cover o-ring
Thread sealant for primary oil drain plug

Softail Oil Change

1. First raise the bike on a motorcycle lift. My bike was significantly lowered by a previous owner.
In order to get a motorcycle jack to slide under the bike, I first have to ride the front and rear
wheels up on a 2x6 to get enough clearance for the jack (Figure 1).

Figure 1.
2. Next, remove the engine oil (oil tank) fill plug. This will make draining the oil tank go a little
faster. (Figure 2)

Figure 2.

Softail Oil Change

3. The oil drain plug for the oil tank is located under the bike on the frame cross-member just in
front of the rear wheels. Do NOT remove the drain plug directly on the bottom of the engine
crankcase. Place an oil pan underneath the oil tank drain plug and remove the plug. (Figure 3/4)

Figure 3.
On my bike the oil tank drain plug uses a 1/4" Allen head socket or Allen head tool. However, this may
be different on your bike.

Figure 4.

Softail Oil Change

4. Inspect the magnetic plug insert on the drain plug for metal shavings. It is normal to find a small
amount of fine powdery material on the plug. However, larger slivers of metal similar to wood
splinters could be indicative of a more serious problem that should be investigated. (Figure 5)

Figure 5.
Install a new o-ring on the oil tank drain plug and after the oil has stopped draining, install the
drain plug.
5. If you have a second drain pan available, remove the oil filter. Generally, removing the oil filter
is going to make a huge mess. However, you can improvise a tool to divert the oil away from the
engine and to the drain pan thus minimizing the mess. I made mine out of an old 2-liter soda
bottle with the bottom cut off and a slot to get the oil filter wrench to the oil filter. Pretty much
anything that will divert the oil away from the engine and still allow you to get the filter off will
work. (Figure 6, 7, and 8)

Softail Oil Change

Figure 6

Figure 7.

Softail Oil Change

Figure 8.
When you replace the oil filter, make sure that you lubricate the rubber seal on the new filter
with engine oil. This will prevent the filter from binding against the engine case and make for
easier filter removal during the next oil change.
6. The next step is to drain the transmission oil. First, remove the transmission oil fill plug. This will
make the transmission oil drain faster and ensures that you don't get caught with no oil in the
tranny should the fill plug be difficult to remove. On my bike, to remove the plug I needed a 3/8"
Allen head socket or Allen head tool. I use a 3/8" drive universal joint and 6" extension along
with a 3/8" Allen head socket to clear the rear exhaust pipe while removing the plug. (Figure 10 not yet available)

Softail Oil Change

7. The transmission drain plug on a Softail is located between the shocks on the bottom of the
tranny. On my bike it too uses a 1/4" Allen head socket or Allen head tool. I will say that it's
almost impossible to remove the plug without an Allen head socket and 6" extension. However,
you may be able to remove it with a long Allen key and a pair of Vice grips (to turn the key).
Depending on how the bike is located on the motorcycle lift, the back ramp on the lift may
interfere with removal of the transmission drain plug. It may be necessary to relocate the bike
on the lift or use a universal joint with the socket to remove the plug. Place a drain pan
underneath the bike and remove the transmission drain plug. (Figure 11)

Figure 11.
Inspect the transmission oil drain plug for metal shavings just like you did with the engine oil
plug. Like the engine oil drain plug, it is normal to find a small amount of powdery material on
the plug. After all the transmission oil is drained install a new o-ring on the drain plug and install
the transmission oil drain plug.

Softail Oil Change

8. Next, remove the primary (derby) cover. This is normally held in place by five (5) screws that
require a T27 Torx head tool to remove. It essential to make sure that your Torx bit is in good
condition. The derby cover screws typically take a lot of force to initially break free. If your Torx
head tool is in poor condition, you'll end up stripping the heads on the screws. If that happens,
you'll have to drill the heads off of the screws to remove the cover. Apparently this is a fairly
common occurrence because the derby cover screws are one of the few parts my local Harley
dealer keeps in stock. (Figure 12)

Figure 12.
9. Locate the primary drain plug on the bottom of the primary housing, place a drain pan under the
primary, and remove the plug. On my bike, this requires a T40 Torx head tool. (Figure 13)

Softail Oil Change

Figure 13.
After all of the primary oil has drained, apply a thread sealant to the primary drain plug and
install the plug. I use a Teflon tape sealant on the threads but, a liquid sealant will work also.
10. Next, refill the bike with the appropriate oil for each location. If you ask for opinions on what oil
to use, you'll get about a million different choices. Here's what I recommend:
Engine Oil / Oil Tank - 20W50 Synthetic
Transmission - 75W90 Synthetic
Primary - 20W50 Non-Synthetic (recommend by folks who installed my 6-speed gear set)
Again, this is just what I use. Folks have use many other (different) oils than this with equal
success. My only hard and fast recommendation is that you use synthetic oil in the engine.
Unlike most automobile engines, the oil in a Harley engine can sometimes see temperatures of
250F or higher. Most non-synthetic oils will start to experience some viscosity breakdown
above 180F and significant breakdown above 240F. One of the primary reasons synthetic oil
was developed was because of oil breakdown related failures of aircraft engines during WWII.
Beyond that, the key is not WHAT oil you choose but rather making sure that you change your
oil and filter religiously at regular intervals. It is my opinion that you should never go more than
7500 miles on an oil change (regardless of what type oil you're running). Personally, I change
mine every 5000 miles.
I will say that I did use 15W40 non-synthetic oil in my engine during break-in after engine
modifications. However, I wasn't running the engine like I normally would (i.e. beating it like it
owes me money) so the oil temperatures never got all that high.

Softail Oil Change

11. For this oil change, I started by refilling the primary first. You'll need a flashlight to see down in
the bottom of the primary housing. Before you start filling, look into the housing to see what it
looks like with no oil in it. Your reference point is going to be the bottom of the clutch disc hub.
When you fill, you're going to fill until the oil level just reaches the bottom of the hub. I use a
funnel with a small diameter tip to fill the primary. Normally, it takes right at 1 quart to fill the
primary. For me on this oil change, it took slightly over a quart to reach the bottom of the clutch
hub. I'm not saying I recommend it but, I know folks that simply add a quart of oil to the primary
and button it up without ever checking the level. And, I've never heard anyone complain that it
resulted in a problem.
12. After you've filled the primary housing, it's time to install the primary cover. Harley recommends
replacing the primary cover o-ring (the huge one) every time the cover is removed. I'm usually
too lazy to drive to the dealer to get a new o-ring so, I normally replace it every other oil change.
To date, I've had zero problems with the primary cover leaking (knock on wood). When you
tighten the primary cover screws, make sure you tighten them in an alternating pattern. First
tighten all of the screws finger tight. Then, tighten one screw fully. You don't need to torque
them too tight (not even one grunt tight). For the next screw, choose the one that's furthest
away from the screw you just tightened. Repeat this until you have all five screws tight.
13. Next, fill the transmission with the appropriate oil. The Harley service manual says it will take
20-24 oz. On mine it's closer to 20 oz. You'll just have to fill until you've used a little less than a
full quart, check the level and adjust accordingly.
14. Now it's almost time to fill the oil tank. Before we do, let's talk for a second about doing a
scavenging oil change. A lot of folks, especially those doing their first oil change, are unaware
that due to the design of the oiling system, if you simply drain and refill the oil tank and change
the filter, there is still dirty oil left in the engine. That's because they use a dry sump system and
a two stage oil pump (for lack of a better term). The primary stage of the oil pump supplies all of
the engine's oil needs. The second stage (scavenging stage) draws oil from the sump and returns
it back to the oil tank. At any given time, there's only a very small amount of oil in the sump.
Hence the term "dry sump".
When you drain the oil tank and change the oil filter, some dirty oil still remains in the
scavenging part of the oil system. Also, if you have an external oil cooler, there is dirty oil left in
there that doesn't get removed by just draining the oil tank.
As a result, some folks will choose to do a scavenging oil change to remove all of the dirty oil.
Because the amount of oil left in the scavenging system is small, a scavenging oil change is not
required. In fact, the procedure for performing a scavenging oil change is not even described in
the Harley service manual. Personally, I always do a scavenging oil change and I'll describe it
here but, it's optional and completely up to you as to whether you want to do one.

Softail Oil Change

15. If you're going to perform a scavenging oil change, proceed to the next step.
If you're NOT performing a scavenging oil change, fill the oil tank to just below the oil tank filler
neck. Install the filler cap/dipstick, start the engine and run it until the engine oil is at normal
operating temperature. You'll normally need to run the engine at least 5-10 minutes at idle to
get the oil up to normal operating temperature. Stop the engine and check the oil level making
sure it is within the band on the dipstick. Adjust the oil level as necessary until it is within the
band. The service manual or the owner's manual will specify whether you should check the oil
with the bike on the kickstand or standing upright. However, if you're dipstick is hinged (i.e.
flops around when you pull the dipstick) you check the oil with the bike on the kickstand. If the
dipstick comes straight out of the filler cap and is not hinged, you check the oil level with the
bike upright.
16. If you're performing a scavenging oil change, fill the oil tank to just below the oil tank filler neck.
Then you'll need to disconnect the scavenging return line from the oil tank. First, slide the oil
line collar away from the oil tank. (Figure 14 and 15)

Figure 14.

Softail Oil Change

Figure 15.
Insert a 3/8" Fuel/Oil line removal tool around the oil line into the space between the plastic
insert fitting and the oil line. (Figure 16 and 17)

Figure 16.

Softail Oil Change

Figure 17.
While holding the Oil line removal tool against the oil tank with one hand, use the other hand to
pull the oil line out of the oil tank. After you have pulled outward on the line about 1", the collar
on the oil line with hit that back of the removal tool. You can then stop holding the tool and pull
the line the rest of the way out of the oil tank. (Figure 18)

Figure 18.

Softail Oil Change

Connect a piece of clear tubing to the end of the oil line and route it to your oil drain pan. If you
don't use a hose clamp to hold the tubing on the oil line it will likely blow off and create a huge
mess. Start the engine. When you first start the engine the oil going through the tube into the
drain pan will be dirty. When you see it change to clean oil, you can stop the engine. If the oil
isn't clean before the oil level in the tank drops several inches, stop the engine, refill the oil tank,
and restart the engine. Repeat this until you get clean oil out of the scavenging line.
After you get clean oil out of the scavenging line, stop the engine and reconnect the scavenging
line to the oil tank. Add oil to the tank until the level is just below the oil tank filler neck. Install
the filler cap/dipstick, start the engine and run it until the engine oil is at normal operating
temperature. You'll normally need to run the engine at least 5-10 minutes at idle to get the oil
up to normal operating temperature. Stop the engine and check the oil level making sure it is
within the band on the dipstick. Adjust the oil level as necessary until it is within the band. A
service manual or the owner's manual will specify whether you should check the oil with the
bike on the kickstand or standing upright. However, if you're dipstick is hinged (i.e. flops around
when you pull the dipstick) you check the oil with the bike on the kickstand. If the dipstick
comes straight out of the filler cap and is not hinged, you check the oil level with the bike
17. If possible, after you've changed the oil, take it for a ride (preferably 15 minutes or longer) and
then check for oil leaks.

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