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BIO 235 Human Physiology Syllabus

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BIO 235 Human Physiology

Spring 2015 Syllabus

MW 6:00pm 7:50pm; Section 1 (34057)
Room 24C-1228
Instructor: Ms. Rachel Sanchez
Office: Building 8, room 33B (ground floor)
Phone: 909-869-3575
Office hours: M 2:00 3:00pm, T 10:00 11:00am, W 1:00 2:00pm, Th 11:00am 12:00pm or
by appointment
Course Website: Blackboard

Course description:
BIO 235/235L provides an introduction to human physiology by covering nervous, muscular,
cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive and endocrine physiology. Emphasis will be
placed on the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of these systems, and how
these systems are integrated in human physiology. The laboratory component of this course
will reinforce the topics discussed in lecture and introduce some of the laboratory techniques
and equipment used in the acquisition of physiological data.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the lecture portion of this course, students will be able to
describe, identify, and/or explain:
The various physiological organ-systems and their importance to the integrative functions
of the human body.
Body fluid compartments and the ionic composition of body fluids.
Movement of water and solutes between the fluid compartments.
The concept of homeostasis, including set point, negative and positive feedback, and
compensatory responses.
Structure of biological membranes. Function of biological membranes including the role of
membrane proteins in catalysis, recognition, and transport.
Intracellular and extracellular communication systems.
Organization structural and functional organization of the nervous system, including the
central and peripheral nervous systems, the autonomic nervous system, and the enteric
nervous system.
The resting membrane potential.
The action potential, action potential propagation along the axon.
Chemical messenger molecules of the nervous system, including classical and nonclassical neurotransmitters.
Synaptic neurotransmission.
Basic principles of sensory physiology.
Structure and function of skeletal muscle, including excitation-contraction coupling, sliding
filament mechanism, force generation, and isometric versus isotonic contractions.
Structure/function of the cardiovascular system, including the mechanical and electrical
properties of cardiac muscle, as well as excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.
Reflex regulation of blood pressure.
Structure/function of the respiratory system, including lung volumes, gas exchange, and
gas transport in blood.

Regulation of ventilation.
Structure and functions of smooth muscle, including excitation-contraction coupling in
smooth muscle.
Principles of hormone action, including structure, mechanism of release from endocrine
cell, mode of transport in blood, mechanism of action in target cells, and systemic effects of
important hormones.
Functions of the endocrine system with focus on classic endocrine glands, including the
hypothalamus and the pituitary glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands,
endocrine pancreas.
The renin-angiotensin-system.
Structure/functions of the nephrons - glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption,
secretion, and excretion.
Transport of water, ions, and organic molecular across the tubular epithelia.
Renal clearance and urinary concentrating mechanisms.
Motility, secretion, digestion, absorption in the gastrointestinal system.
Upon successful completion of the laboratory portion of this course, the students will be able
to describe, identify, explain, perform, and/or measure:
Red and white blood cell counts, differential white blood cell counts, and blood typing.
Nerve conduction velocity, and reaction times.
Knee jerk reflex response.
Electromyogram (EMG).
Cardiac cycle and the electrocardiogram (ECG).
Systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure.
Galvanic skin resistance and the polygraph.

Course Policies:
BIO 115/BIO 115L or BIO 121/BIO 121L, BIO 122/BIO 122L, and BIO 123/BIO 123L
Required Materials
Text or eBook: Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H. and Strang, K.T. (2014) Vanders Human
Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, 13th Edition. McGraw-Hill,
New York, NY.
ISBN 978-0-07-337830-5
Both the text and eBook are available through the Bronco Bookstore.
Access to Blackboard. Main form of communication of announcements,
powerpoints, etc.
Scantrons: 3 #882 forms (100 questions, 50 on each side); 6 #815 Quiz strips
4 pts x 5 = 20
Midterm Exam 1
75 pts
Midterm Exam 2
75 pts
will be required to
Midterm Exam 3
75 pts
three midterm
6 Quizzes (10 pts
exams. These
60 pts
questions will be a


305 pts

combination of
True/False, Multiple
choice, and matching questions. These tests will require you to bring
a #882 scantron form. I will not give make-up exams unless you can
give me proof of an emergency (Ex. Doctors note, funeral directors
note, etc). There is no cumulative final exam!



There are 6 quizzes similar in format to the midterm questions. There

will be no make-up quizzes.
Attendance is mandatory! I will take roll on 5 random occasions
throughout the quarter; each worth 4 points. You are responsible for
getting any missed material from one of your classmates if you miss a

Extra Credit:
There may be some extra credit opportunities on exams and quizzes;
other than that there will be no extra credit opportunities.

Grading Scale
This grading scale is fixed and there will be no curve.
A = 92-100%
C+ = 7879.9%
A- = 90-91.9%
C = 72B+ = 88-89.9%
B = 82-87.9%
C- = 70B- = 80-81.9%
D+ = 6869.9%
D = 6067.9%
F = <59.9%

General Rules:

1. Attendance is mandatory, excessive absences will lead to you being dropped from
the class.
2. Please be on time to all lectures and labs, if tardiness becomes an issue you may
be dropped from the class.
3. Arrive to class prepared by doing any readings required and bringing all required
materials for lecture and lab.
4. You are responsible for any announcements made in class as to changes to the
syllabus, exam/quiz information, etc so listen carefully when these
announcements are made. I was not in class is not an excuse, please get this
information from other students!
5. Please check blackboard daily for PowerPoints, grades, other files, as well as
important announcements and changes to the syllabus or schedule.
6. If you become disruptive to myself or other students you will be asked to leave
class and if it persists you will be dropped from the class.
7. Cell phones should be put away and turned to silent. You may not take cell phone
calls in class. If you have a unique situation please discuss it with the instructor
ahead of time so that accommodations can be made by the instructor.
8. During all tests (exams and quizzes) all personal belongings (Backpacks, purses,
sweaters, laptops, phones, etc) are to be placed out of reach with no visible
notes of any kind. If you are caught using any items other than writing utensils
and test forms without instructor permission during a test you will receive a zero
for that exam.

9. Students are not allowed to use common materials during the exam without
instructor permission. For example you may not use the same calculator as
another student unless the instructor gives permission.
Talking to other students during an exam will not be tolerated for any reason,
all communication on exam days will be between the student and instructor, never
between students. If you are caught talking to another student for any
reason the instructor may dismiss you from the exam and give you a zero
for that exam.
After exam and grades are given back to you, you have 1 week to look over
them and discuss any issues you have with the exam score or exam questions.
After this one week review period the grades submitted in blackboard are
Exam and quiz make-ups will only be allowed for documented medical and
family emergencies (notes are required before a make-up can be given). If you
miss an exam or quiz due to family/medical emergency you must contact me
within 1 day of the exam day to discuss documentation and make-up details. If
you do not contact me within 1 day you will receive a zero for that exam.

Lecture Schedule:

Lecture Topic

M 3/30
W 4/1

Adds and Drops/Syllabus

Intro to Physiology

M 4/6

Neural Tissue and The Resting Membrane

Potential/ Graded potentials and Action

W 4/8

The Nervous System: Synaptic

Neurotransmission/ Nervous Organization and
Basic Sensory Physiology
Quiz 1

M 4/13

The Endocrine System: Intro to the Endocrine

System/ Humorally Controlled Glands

W 4/15

The Endocrine System: Hormonally Controlled

Quiz 2

M 4/20

Midterm Exam 1

W 4/22

Skeletal Muscle: Muscle Structure

M 4/27

Skeletal Muscle: Molecular Mechanisms of

Required Reading(13th
Chap. 1 Pg. 1-16
Ch. 6 Section A (6.1-6.4) Pg.
Ch. 6 Section B (6.5-6.6) Pg.
Ch. 4 Pg. 106 Table 4-1
Ch. 6 Section B (6.7) Pg. 150159
Ch. 6 Section C (6.9-6.13)Pg.
160 -172
Ch. 6 Section D (6.15-6.18) Pg.
Ch. 7 Section A (7.1-7.2)Pg.
Ch. 11 Section A(11.1-11.6) Pg.
Ch. 11 Section F (11.20-11.21)
Pg. 353-356
Ch. 16 Section A (16.2 only) Pg.
Ch. 11 Section B (11.8) Pg. 333339
Ch. 11 Section C (11.9-11.11)
Pg. 340-342
Ch. 11 Section D (11.13-11.14,
11.16) Pg. 344-346, 348
Ch. 11 Section E (11.17-11.19)
Pg. 349-352

All Lecture/Reading Material

from 4/1 to 4/15
Ch. 9 Section A (9.1) Pg. 257261
Ch. 9 Section A (9.2) Pg. 262-

Contraction/Muscle Mechanics

W 4/29

Cardiovascular Physiology: Heart Circulation and

Cardiac Muscle Contractions
Quiz 3

M 5/4

Cardiovascular Physiology: Cardiac Output and

ANS Action/ Blood Flow and Reflex Blood
Pressure Regulation

W 5/6
M 5/11

Respiratory Physiology: Lung Anatomy /

Ventilation / Lung Volumes
Quiz 4
Respiratory Physiology: Gas
Exchange/Transport/Regulation of Ventilation

W 5/13

Midterm Exam 2

M 5/18

Renal Physiology: Renal Anatomy and GFR/

Reabsorption/Secretion/Urine Concentration

W 5/20
M 5/25
W 5/27

Renal Physiology: Renin-Angiotensin System/

Digestive Physiology: Smooth Muscle Contraction
and Digestive Motility
Quiz 5
Memorial Day Academic Holiday
Digestive Physiology: Digestive Enzymes/
Absorption Mechanisms

Reproductive physiology Male and Female

M 6/1

Quiz 6

W 6/3

Basic Principles of Sensory Physiology (if time


M 6/8

Midterm Exam 3

W 6/10


Ch. 9 Section A (9.3-9.6 to
Control of Muscle Tension)
Pg. 269-279
Ch. 12 Section A (12.1-12.2) Pg.
Ch. 12 Section B (12.3-12.5) Pg.
Ch. 9 Section B (9.10) Pg. 292295
Ch. 12 Section B (12.6) Pg. 381385
Ch. 12 Section C (12.8-12.11)
Pg. 387-403
Ch. 12 Section D (12.13-12.15)
Pg. 407-414
Ch. 13 (13.1-13.2) Pg. 446-461
Ch. 12 (13.3-13.7) Pg. 461-480

All Lecture/Reading Material

from 4/22 to 5/11
Ch. 14 Section A (14.1-14.3) Pg.
Ch. 14 Section B (14.6-14.15)
Pg. 506-522
Ch. 14 Section B (14.6-14.15)
Pg. 506-522 Ch. 9 Section B
(9.8-9.9) Pg. 286-292
Ch. 15 (15.1-15.5) Pg. 533-562
Ch. 15 (15.1-15.5) Pg. 533-562
Ch. 17 Section A (17.1-17.2,
17.4) Pg. 602-612, Skip section
17.4 Pg. 605-609
Ch. 17 Section B (17.5-17.8)
Ch. 17 Section C (17.12-17.15)
Pg. 622-631

All Lecture/Reading Material

from 5/18 to 6/3

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