Substation Grounding
Substation Grounding
Substation Grounding
GPR (Ground Potential Rise) and the touch and step voltages
will be small. For a large substation or power plant, the
distance between the fault location and the transformer neutral
point can be quite large. As a result, high potential differences
due to this large circulating current may exist within the
grounding grid.
A question often arises regarding the fault location
yielding the worst case (in the sense of having the largest earth
current): is it on the high voltage side or on the low voltage
side? As discussed above, remote fault contributions usually
result in more earth current than local fault contributions.
Obviously, in the above example, the 66 kV bus fault in the
substation is the worst case because all the fault current
contributions are from remote sources. While the total fault
current for a fault on the 4 kV bus is much larger, it is from
local sources. It should be pointed out that for a fault on the
low voltage side, a line fault should be considered to
determine the worst case because the local fault current is very
large. A line fault is a fault along a power line outside the
substation. In this case, a phase conductor is shorted to a
neutral conductor outside the substation. The resulting fault
current flows into the tower footings and the neutral conductor
and then returns to the transformer banks in the substations, as
shown in Fig. 4. For such a case, the current flowing into the
grounding grid from the earth can be large, potentially larger
than for a fault on the high voltage side.
Step-up transformers in a power plant are mostly -Y
transformers with the low voltage side -connected. When a
fault occurs at the high voltage switchyard adjacent to the
power plant, the fault currents from the step-up transformers
are local contributions, while the fault currents from the high
voltage lines are remote contributions. Fig. 5 shows a singleline diagram depicting the short-circuit currents of a system in
a power plant for a fault on the high voltage side. In order to
see the fault current on each phase more clearly, Fig. 6 shows
the three phase circuit together with the main power
transformer with the fault current flowing in each phase
identified. It can be seen that the total fault current from both
the remote source (SS Substation) and the local source (Main
Power Transformer) is 21.90<-85.20 kA, out of which 9.88<92.20 kA is flowing into the neutral of the transformer. This
current, 9.88<-92.20 kA, is the circulating current between the
fault location and the transformer neutral location and should
be modeled when evaluating the grounding system
perception that only lines connected directly to the faulted bus
are relevant. Fig. 7 indicates that the total fault current for a
500 kV bus fault is 11808 A, with 4974 A from remote
sources and 6857 A from the local transformer bank. The way
the fault current contribution from the transformer bank is
treated has a significant effect on the final grounding analysis.
A common approach is to treat this current as a local
contribution. This is based on the thinking that since the
transformer bank is local, the fault current contribution must
be local. Another approach is to take this current as a remote
contribution and apply a similar split factor as for the other
transmission lines. This approach is often regarded as
conservative. In fact, both approaches are inappropriate: the
first approach can be too optimistic and even the second one
may not necessarily be conservative. In Fig. 7 the 230 kV zero
sequence currents are also shown. The total remote fault
current contribution from all the 230 kV lines is 8808 A. It is
this current that has to be considered in the fault current
distribution calculations because this current will ultimately
return to its sources through the earth and the overhead ground
wires. Since the remote fault contribution from the 500 kV
lines is 4974 A, the total fault current used for the grounding
study should be 13782 A. It is surprising to see that this
current is actually greater than the total fault current for a 500
kV bus fault at the fault location. Now we can see that when
the 6857 A from the transformer bank is taken as a local fault
current contribution and the remote contributions from the 230
kV lines are ignored, the grounding analysis will be based on a
much smaller fault current than the actual value. Even when
the 6857 A from the transformer bank is taken as a remote
fault current contribution, the grounding analysis is still based
on a smaller current because the 8808 A remote fault current
contribution from the 230 kV lines is larger than 6857 A from
the transformer bank.
Fig. 8 is similar to Fig. 7 but for a 230 kV bus fault. It can
be seen that the remote fault current contribution from the 230
kV lines is 13044 A and the fault current contribution from the
transformer bank is 16076 A. In the fault current distribution
calculation, the remote fault current contribution from the 500
kV lines must be included. In this case, if the fault current
contribution from the transformer bank is modeled as a remote
contribution, the grounding analysis based on the fault current
distribution calculation will be very conservative, resulting in
over design. If it is treated as a local contribution and the 500
kV line currents are omitted, the grounding analysis will be
As mentioned before, one question that often arises in
grounding analysis is to determine the worst case fault: on the
high voltage side or on the low voltage side. Unfortunately
there is no simple answer. Take the present case as an
example. The low voltage side fault (230 kV) is probably the
worst case because the total remote fault current is 15448 A
compared to 13768 A for a 500 kV bus fault. In general,
however, fault current split calculations should be carried out
for faults on both voltage levels to determine the maximum
earth current, which corresponds to the worst case for
grounding analysis.
Fig. 7 One-line diagram of a system including a 500 kV / 230 kV autotransformer with a delta tertiary: fault on the 500 kV bus.
Fig. 8 One-line diagram of a system including a 500 kV / 230 kV autotransformer with a delta tertiary: fault on the 230 kV bus.
Dr. Jinxi Ma (M'91, SM'00) was born in Shandong, P. R. China. He
received the B.Sc. degree from Shandong University, P. R. China, and the
M.Sc. degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, both
in electrical engineering, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He received the
Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada in 1991.