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Pro-E Interview Questions and Answers PDF

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The document discusses Pro/ENGINEER interview questions and their answers.

Six common assumptions the sketcher will make are horizontal/vertical, equal length/radius/diameter, colinearity, 90 and 180 degree arcs, points on same horizontal/vertical, points on other entities, tangency, symmetry, and parallel/perpendicular lines.

One side extrudes only one specified direction from the sketching plane, while both sides extrudes both sides of the sketching plane.



Pro/ENGINEER Interview Questions:

1. What is the difference between object reference and geometric associativity?
A .Object reference is a data management term that has to do with the way one object
references another. Geometric associativity has to do with how a parts geometry can be
changed from the part or drawing.
2. What are the file extensions given to sketches, parts, assemblies, drawings?
A.Sketches - .sec, Parts- .prt, Assemblies- .asm, Drawings- .drw
3. How should you create a new part or assembly? Why?
A.You should always create a new part or assembly using the copy from option in the new
dialog box and copy a start part. This ensures the proper layer setup, saved views, datum
planes, parameters, etc.
4. What is the use of file?
A. The file contains configuration options which control the behavior of
Pro/ENGINEER. This file also contains user macros which are called map keys.
5. What is a trail file?
A. The trail file is a record of every menu pick and screen pick and keyboard input during an
entire session of pro/engineer. This file can be retrieved and edited and replayed to retrieve
work lost during an unexpected failure of a session.
6. What is the meaning of "store back"?
A. 'Store back' refers to the behavior in which an object is stored back to the directory from
where it was opened not necessarily the current working directory.
7. What is the difference between File -> Erase and File -> Delete?
A. File erase removes the object from the ram of the computer and file delete removes the
object from the disk or hard drive of the computer.
8. What is the difference between File -> Save and File -> Backup?
A. File save stores the object in the directory where it was opened from and file backup
copies the object to the specified directory using the same name.
9. After performing a File, Save As, what is the current object?
A. After performing a file save as command the current object is not a new object it is the
old object.
10. If I use Window in Pro/Engineer and Close without saving my model, have I lost my
A. No.
11. Name six common assumptions the sketcher will make.
A. Six common assupmption the sketcher will make are as follows - Horizontal and vertical,
equal length lines, equal radius or diameter, co-linearity, 90 and 180 degree arcs, points on
the same horizontal or vertical, points on other entities, tangency, symmetry, parallel and
perpendicular lines. :: Connecting The unwired ::


12. What is the difference between One Side and Both Sides in extrusion?
A. One-side extrudes only one specified direction from the sketching plane. Both sides
extrudes both sides of the sketching planes.
13. How do you change dimensions of a feature?
A. Modify > pick the feature > pick the dimension > enter the new value > select regenerate.
14. What is the model tree?
A. The model tree is a graphical representation of the features and/or components in the
15. Define "Parametric Feature Based Modeling" ?
A. Parametric means driven by parameters. Feature based means you define a series of
instructions (features) to tell the system your design intent. Modeling means creating
computer images coupled with geometric information defining a part or assembly.
16. What is datum planes created on the fly?
A. The datum plane created on the fly means it was created when you were in the middle of
creating something else and it goes away after the thing you really wanted was created. These
are created using the 'make datum' command.
17. List five uses of datum planes.
A. Five uses of datam plane are as follows - Sketching plane, reference plane, dimension and
alignment references, geometric tolerancing, creating cross sections.
18. List three uses of datum axes.
A. Three uses of datum axes are as follow - Dimension and alignment references, centerlines
on drawings, geometric tolerancing, coaxial hole.
19. List two uses of a datum coordinate system.
A.. Datum coordinate system is used While exporting to iges and stl.
20. Name a feature that can both add and remove material.
A. Rounds and chamfers are the features which can both add or remove the material.
21. When do feature relation evaluate?
A. . When the feature regenerates.
22. What is a constraint relation in Pro/Engineer?
A . A constraint relation is used to put limits on parameters (usually dimensions) based
design intent and/or manufacturing limitations.
23. Name four types ofparameters ?
A. Integer, real number, string, yes_no.
24. What is a logic statement?
A. Logic statements are a series of relations that test parameter values and performs actions
based on the results of the test.
25. Why should you comment relations? :: Connecting The unwired ::


A. You should comment relations so that other users can understand what you are trying to
accomplish with the relations.
26. What does sort relations do?
A. Sorts the relations in case of circular references within the relations.
27. Can you add motion to a part in Pro/Engineer?
A. Yes.
28. How do you add a model parameter in a drawing note?
A. Use ampersand and then the parameter name (&material).
29. What is the difference between " Move" and "Move Text" ?
A. Move allows you to move the selected item anywhere. Move text allows you to move the
selected item only parallel to the elbow.
30. Name the four types of tolerance formats available in Pro/Engineer?
A. Nominal (no tolerance shown), plus/minus, plus/minus symmetric, limits.
31. Which of the tolerance formats should you not use?
A. Plus/minus (because manufacturing people want the model at the mean size not the
nominal size).
32. What is a drawing symbol?
A . A symbol is a collection of draft entities that are stored together for reuse on other
33. Can a drawing reference more than one assembly?
A. Yes.
34. Can a Pro/Engineer drawing be opened in AutoCAD?
A. No. (Yes, but only after translation to dxf or iges or dwg).
35. Can the units of a part be changed without changing the size of the part?
A. Yes.
36. What are the steps required to get just one components default datum planes displayed in
an assembly?
A. Using layers, blank the layer containing the default datum planes, pick the plus sign next
to that layer in the layer display dialog box and then pick the component that you want to see
the planes in and then pick the show icon.
37. Why the above mentioned steps should be carried out?
A. To be sure that when creating a feature, you are using the datum planes in that part so that
you dont make unwanted external references (parent/child relationships).
38. What does save status in the layer menu do?
A. Save status permanently sets the layer displays status of the model so that when the model
is saved and opened again the layer display is still set that way. :: Connecting The unwired ::


39. What function in layers should you not use?

A. It is normally recommended that beginners not use the isolate function in layer display.
40. When copying a feature, what is the difference between dependent and independent in
A. Dependent means that the copy feature will change when the original feature is changed.
Independent means that the new feature will not change when you change the original
41. What is different about a feature that has a dependent copy?
A. When redefining a feature that has a dependent copy, the alignment function in the
sketcher is not available.
42. How do you make a dependent copy feature independent from its original feature?
A. Use modify, make independent.
43. What is the pro_group_dir for in Pro/Engineer?
A. This configuration option is used to tell the system where you are keeping your udfs.
44. What should you do if creating features that are to be included in a user defined feature?
A. Limit the number of parents. If multiple features are to be included in the udf, they should
share as many parents as possible to reduce the number of prompts required to place the udf
into another part.
45. In family tables, what is a generic and what is an instance?
A. In Pro/Engineer the generic is the original model. The instances are created by the system
based on the combination of the generic and the table.
46. What type of view should be the first view added to a drawing ?
A. General, and you must orient it using save views from the model.
47. Why should you use Display Mode on drawing views?
A. Because by default, drawing views get their hidden line removal from the environment.
Each users environment may be different thus causing the drawing views to look different
when another user opens the drawing.
48. What is a show dimension?
A. A dimension from the model.
49. If you erase a dimension, is it gone forever?
A. No.
50. Why is it a good idea to start drawings early in the part design?
A. Because its easier to show the dimensions from the model a few features at a time. Start
the drawing early and have the drawing process be a parallel process with creating the part. In
other words, create a couple features, go to the drawing, show the dimensions from the
feature on the drawing, go back to the model, create a couple more features, show those
dimensions on the drawing, etc.
51. What is the best way to show dimensions? :: Connecting The unwired ::


A. Use preview and pick the features from the model tree.
52. How are the default number of decimal places and default tolerance values determined for
parts and assemblies?
A. They are built into the start part and start assembly.
53. List four types of assembly constraints.
A. Mate, align, insert, orient.
54. Why should you put assembly components on a layer?
A. So you can see to add new components to the assembly. Layers do not care about
parent/child relationships.
55. How do you get a list of all the features in a model?
A. Use info > feature list.

[SET 1] Questions:

1. There are two menu options called Clip.

a. Where are each of these options found?
b. Explain the use for each Clip command.
2. What does the menu option Unrelated do?
3. What is an Ear?
4. What does the menu option Dim Bound do?
5. What is a Blend Vertex?
6. What is ceil used for?
7. What is floor used for?
8. What is Instantiate used for?
9. What is a Cosmetic?
10. What is trajpar?
ANSWERS(SET-1) :: Connecting The unwired ::


1. Actually there are three clip commands. One is view clipping which is Z plane clipping.
The second is in drawing mode under detail, used to clip dimension leaders. The third is
under feature suppress (or delete) which is used to suppress (or delete) the selected feature
and all subsequent features in the model.
2. Unrelated is found in feature suppress. This option allows suppression of all features
except parents and children of the selected feature.
3. An ear is a tweak feature that allows bending and unbending in part mode.
4. Dim Bounds allows you to drive the model to the limits of the tolerance range (upper,
lower, middle, or nominal).
5. A blend vertex adds one additional vertex to the sketch, for example, when blending
between a rectangle and a triangle a blend vertex is required on the triangle section so that the
sections have the same number of vertices.
6. Ceil is used when evaluating numbers in relations. It returns the next highest integer.
7. Floor is used when evaluating numbers in relations. It returns the next lowest integer.
8. Instantiate is used to automatically make instances of the model when using pro/program.
9. A cosmetic thread is a special surface feature that is used to define threads in models. It is
only a cosmetic feature and does not affect mass properties. On drawings these features
display like you normally want them to for a threaded hole. Other cosmetics include
cosmetic sketches which are similar to datum curves in that they do not add mass to the
10. Trajpar is a special system parameter in the variable section sweep feature that
evaluates from zero to one over the length of the trajectory.


1. What is the difference between object reference and geometric associativity?
2. What are the file extensions given to parts? assemblies? drawings? sketches?
3. How should you create a new part or assembly? Why?
4. What is the file used for? :: Connecting The unwired ::


5. What is a trail file?

6. What does store back mean?
7. What is the difference between File, Erase and File, Delete?
8. What is the difference between File, Save and File, Backup?
9. After performing a File, Save As, what is the current object?
10. If I use Window, Close without saving my model, have I lost my work?
11. If I use File, Erase without saving my model, have I lost my work?
12. What is a feature?
13. (True or False) All features have parents. Explain.
14. (True or False) All features have children. Explain.
15. (True or False) Parent child relationships are bad. Explain.
16. Can parent child relationships be broken?
17. What is the mouse button sequence to query select an object that is under another object?
18. What is a reference plane? What does #Default do?
19. What does a sketch point do?
20. What do a construction circle and a sketch centerline do?
21. Name six common assumptions the sketcher will make.
22. What is the difference between #One Side and #Both Sides?
23. How do you change dimensions of a feature?
24. What is the model tree?
25. Define Parametric Feature Based Modeling.
26. What is different about datum planes created on the fly?
27. List five uses for datum planes.
28. List three uses for datum axes.
29. List two uses for a datum coordinate system. :: Connecting The unwired ::


30. Name a feature that can both add and remove material.
31. What is the minimum number of surfaces you must remove when adding a shell feature?
32. What is the minimum number of sections you must sketch when adding a blend feature?
33. What is the difference between a straight and smooth blend feature?
34. What is the first section of a sweep feature called?
35. What does the start point and direction arrow do in a blend feature?
36. What does a blend vertex do?
37. Why is alignment not always necessary when creating the cross section of a sweep
38. What are the three types of dimensional patterns?
39. What is the requirement for a feature to be patterned?
40. Which of the three types of dimensional patterns regenerates fastest?
41. What is a reference pattern?
42. How do you control the number of turns in a helical sweep feature?
43. How do you add a mapkey to a pull-down menu?
44. How do you add an icon to a toolbar?
45. What is the Intent Manager?
46. List three uses for datum curves.
47. How do you start a new drawing?
48. What text should not be edited in the drawing title block?
49. How do you change the tolerance values in the drawing title block?
50. If a drawing view is added with the no scale option, does it really have no scale?
51. What type of view must the first view added to a drawing be?
52. Why should you use #Disp Mode on drawing views?
53. What is a shown dimension?
54. If you erase a dimension, is it gone forever? :: Connecting The unwired ::


55. Why is it a good idea to start drawings early in the part design?
56. What is the best way to show dimensions?
57. How are the default number of decimal places and default tolerance values determined for
parts and assemblies?
58. List four types of assembly constraints.
59. Why should you put assembly components on a layer?
60. How do you get a list of all the features in a model?
61. Name three things about a feature that you can not redefine.
62. Name three things about a feature that you can redefine.
63. Can a feature be reordered before any of its parents?
64. Explain the difference between insert mode and suppressing features.
65. List three reasons to suppress features.
66. Can a feature with children be suppressed?
67. Explain parent/child relationships.
68. What is Component Display?
69. How do you find parent/child relationships?
70. How do you add color to a model?
71. What are the steps required to get just one components default datum planes displayed in
an assembly?
72. Why would you do this?
73. What does save status in the layer menu do?
74. What function in layers should you not use?
75. When copying a feature, what is the difference between dependent and independent?
76. What is different about a feature that has a dependent copy?
77. How do you make a dependent copy feature independent from its original feature?
78. What is the pro_group_dir for? :: Connecting The unwired ::


79. What should you do if creating features that are to be included in a user defined feature?
80. In family tables, what is a generic and what is an instance?
81. Why should you name features?
82. What is a cosmetic thread and why is it used?
83. How do you create an opposite hand (mirror image) part?
84. How do you get a bill of materials list of the components in an assembly?
85. How do you modify a mate offset dimension?
86. When do you use two equal signs in a relation?
87. When do you use one equal sign in a relation?
88. What does ceil 10.2 evaluate to?
89. What does floor 25.8 evaluate to?
90. When do part relations evaluate?
91. When do feature relation evaluate?
92. What is a constraint relation?
93. Name four types of parameters.
94. What is a logic statement?
95. Why should you comment relations?
96. What does sort relations do?
97. Can you add motion to a part?
98. How do you add a model parameter in a drawing note?
99. What is the difference between #Move and #Move Text?
100. Name the four types of tolerance formats?
101. Which of the tolerance formats should you not use?
102. What is a drawing symbol?
103. Can a drawing reference more than one assembly?

10 :: Connecting The unwired ::


104. Can a Pro/ENGINEER drawing be opened in AutoCAD?

105. Can the units of a part be changed without changing the size of the part?

1. Object reference is a data management term that has to do with the way one object
references another. Geometric associativity has to do with how a parts geometry can be
changed from the part or drawing.
2. Parts: .prt Assemblies: .asm Drawings: .drw Sketches: .sec
3. You should always create a new part or assembly using the copy from option in the new
dialog box and copy a start part. This ensures the proper layer setup, saved views, datum
planes, parameters, etc.
4. The file contains configuration options which control the behavior of
pro/engineer. This file also contains user macros which are called mapkeys.
5. The trail file is a record of every menu pick and screen pick and keyboard input during an
entire session of pro/engineer. This file can be retrieved and edited and replayed to retrieve
work lost during an unexpected failure of a session.
6. Store back refers to the behavior in which an object is stored back to the directory from
where it was opened not necessarily the current working directory.
7. File erase removes the object from the ram of the computer and file delete removes the
object from the disk or hard drive of the computer.
8. File save stores the object in the directory where it was opened from and file backup copies
the object to the specified directory using the same name.
9. After performing a file save as command the current object is not a new object it is the old
10. No.
11. Yes.
12. A feature is a geometric definition of part of the model.
13. True, with the exception of the three default datum planes. All features reference other
features for their definition thus creating parent/child relationships.
14. False. Example, rounds and chamfers should not have children.
15. False. Parent/child relationships are bad if you are not aware of how they are created.

11 :: Connecting The unwired ::


16. Yes, using Redefine or Reroute.

17. Right, left to pick, right as many times as you need to to get the thing you want, middle to
except the thing you want, middle again for done select.
18. The reference plane gives the sketching plane its orientation. Using default, the system
picks the reference plane for you and does not create a parent/child relationship.
19. A sketch point is used as a construction entity to help constrain a sketch.
20. A construction circle and a sketched center line are used to help define your design intent.
21. Horizontal and vertical, equal length lines, equal radius or diameter, co-linearity, 90 and
180 degree arcs, points on the same horizontal or vertical, points on other entities, tangency,
symmetry, parallel and perpendicular lines.
22. One-side extrudes only one specified direction from the sketching plane. Both sides
extrudes both sides of the sketching planes.
23. Modify, pick the feature, pick the dimension, enter the new value, pick regenerate.
24. The model tree is a graphical representation of the features and or components in the
25. Parametric means driven by parameters. Feature based means you define a series of
instructions (features) to tell the system your design intent. Modeling means creating
computer images coupled with geometric information defining a part or assembly.
26. The datum plane created on the fly means it was created when you were in the middle of
creating something else and it goes away after the thing you really wanted was created. These
are created using the make datum command.
27. Sketching plane, reference plane, dimension and alignment references, geometric
tolerancing, creating cross sections.
28. Dimension and alignment references, centerlines on drawings, geometric tolerancing,
coaxial hole.
29. When exporting to iges and stl.
30. Rounds and chamfers.
31. One.
32. Two.
33. Straight extrudes with straight segments between the sections. Smooth extrudes with the
best fit arc between three or more sections.
34. Trajectory.

12 :: Connecting The unwired ::


35. The start point determines where the system starts counting the vertices in the section.
The direction arrow indicates the direction in which the system counts the vertices around the
36. A blend vertex adds one additional vertex to the sketch, for example, when blending
between a rectangle and a triangle a blend vertex is required on the triangle section so that the
sections have the same number of vertices.
37. Because the system draws two sketcher centerlines, and if you sketch close enough to the
centerlines, the system will assume alignment.
38. Identical, varying, general.
39. The feature must have a locating dimension.
40. Identical.
41. A pattern that follows another pattern.
42. You cant, directly. The number of turns is the length of the trajectory divided by the
43. Use utilities, customized screen and pick the menus tab, then pick the menu, then pick the
mapkey, then pick the arrow, then pick ok.
44. Use Utilities, Customize Screen, and pick the Commands tab. Select in the categories
panel and then drag the icons to the toolbars.
45. The new sketcher where the section is always regenerated.
46. To create a layout. To define an area on the part that is not really a solid feature, for
example, where to apply a label to the part. To develop kinematic mechanisms.
47. Use file new, be sure to pick browse, and select the name of the model you want to make
the drawing of.
48. The tolerances, the scale, the number of sheets, just about everything except your name
and the date, because they are all driven by parameters coming from the part.
49. Change the tolerances in the part which can be displayed using the environment menu
under utilities.
50. No, it uses the sheet scale.
51. General, and you must orient it using save views from the model.
52. Because by default, drawing views get their hidden line removal from the environment.
Each users environment may be different thus causing the drawing views to look different
when another user opens the drawing.

13 :: Connecting The unwired ::


53. A dimension from the model.

54. No.
55. Because its easier to show the dimensions from the model a few features at a time. Start
the drawing early and have the drawing process be a parallel process with creating the part. In
other words, create a couple features, go to the drawing, show the dimensions from the
feature on the drawing, go back to the model, create a couple more features, show those
dimensions on the drawing, etc.
56. Use preview and pick the features from the model tree.
57. They are built into the start part and start assembly.
58. Mate, align, insert, orient.
59. So you can see to add new components to the assembly. Layers do not care about
parent/child relationships.
60. Use info feature list.
61. The class (solid, datum, and surface), the type (protrusions or cut), the form (extrude,
revolve, sweep, and blend).
62. Everything in the dialog box (attributes (one-sided, both sides), sketch, direction, material
side, depth, etc.).
63. No, never.
64. Insert mode allows you to add features to the model before existing features and have the
existing features move down in the model tree. Suppress removes features temporarily, but
when they resume, they come back to their original position in the model tree.
65. To simplify the model, to speed regeneration. To try different design iterations (what-if
scenarios). To reduce file size for transfers thru email or floppy disks, etc.
66. Yes, if you are willing to suppress the children as well.
67. Features reference the parents for definition. Example, the sketching plane of an extruded
protrusion is its first parent. The protrusion is the child of the sketching plane, etc.
68. Component display is used to show components in an assembly in different display
modes. (Wireframe, hidden line, no hidden, shaded, or not shown at all).
69. Use info, global, reference viewer.
70. Use view, model setup, color appearances.

14 :: Connecting The unwired ::


71. Using layers, blank the layer containing the default datum planes, pick the plus sign next
to that layer in the layer display dialog box and then pick the component that you want to see
the planes in and then pick the show icon.
72. To be sure that when creating a feature, you are using the datum planes in that part so that
you dont make unwanted external references (parent/child relationships).
73. Save status permanently sets the layer displays status of the model so that when the model
is saved and opened again the layer display is still set that way.
74. It is normally recommended that beginners not use the isolate function in layer display.
75. Dependent means that the copy feature will change when the original feature is changed.
Independent means that the new feature will not change when you change the original
76. When redefining a feature that has a dependent copy, the alignment function in the
sketcher is not available.
77. Use modify, make independent.
78. This configuration option is used to tell the system where you are keeping your udfs.
79. Limit the number of parents. If multiple features are to be included in the udf, they should
share as many parents as possible to reduce the number of prompts required to place the udf
into another part.
80. The generic is the original model. The instances are created by the system based on the
combination of the generic and the table.
81. Features added to family tables should be named so that when you are looking at the
family table you can tell what feature is in the table.
82. A cosmetic thread is a special surface feature that is used to define threads in models. It is
only a cosmetic feature and does not affect mass properties. On drawings these features
display like you normally want them to for a threaded hole.
83. Create an assembly without datum planes. Assemble the part that you want to make a
mirror of. Pick component, create, part, mirror. Enter a name for the new part, pick ok, and
select a datum plane in the part for the mirror plane.
84. Use info bom.
85. Pick modify, pick the component, pick the dimension, enter a value, pick regenerate,
86. When testing for equality.
87. When setting equality (making one thing equal to another).

15 :: Connecting The unwired ::


88. 11
89. 25
90. At the beginning of regeneration before any features are regenerated.
91. When the feature regenerates.
92. A constraint relation is used to put limits on parameters (usually dimensions) based
design intent and/or manufacturing limitations.
93. Integer, real number, string, yes_no.
94. Logic statements are a series of relations that test parameter values and performs actions
based on the results of the test.
95. You should comment relations so that other users can understand what you are trying to
accomplish with the relations.
96. Sorts the relations in case of circular references within the relations.
97. Yes.
98. Use ampersand and then the parameter name (&material).
99. Move allows you to move the selected item anywhere. Move text allows you to move the
selected item only parallel to the elbow.
100. Nominal (no tolerance shown), plus/minus, plus/minus symmetric, limits.
101. Plus/minus (because manufacturing people want the model at the mean size not the
nominal size).
102. A symbol is a collection of draft entities that are stored together for reuse on other
103. Yes.
104. No. (Yes, but only after translation to dxf or iges or dwg).
105. Yes.

FAQ Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics

1. What is Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics?
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics is an add-on option to Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism
Design which allows designers to simulate real-world dynamic behaviour with gravity, force
motors, springs, dampers, impact, and more.

16 :: Connecting The unwired ::


2. Why would a I need Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics? Isnt Pro/ENGINEER

Mechanism Design enough?
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics lets designers see how a mechanism moves, whether
there is interference and what the space claim envelope looks like, but it doesnt reveal how
fast the mechanism will operate or what forces are generated. In many situations, desired
operation of a mechanism depends largely on the speed and the forces generated between its
components designers need Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics to simulate this.
3. Will Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics let me calculate reaction forces and
acceleration of parts of within my mechanism?
Yes. Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics provides full dynamic simulation including
consideration of gravity, inertia and applied forces. Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics
reports resulting forces generated by the operation of the mechanism through graphs,
tabulated data, and/or animated vectors.
4. Whats the difference between Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics and
Pro/MECHANICA Motion will eventually be replaced by Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism
Dynamics (in conjunction with Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Design). Pro/ENGINEER
Mechanism Dynamics is generally faster, easier to use, and fully integrated with
Pro/ENGINEER workflow and data. Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics does not use the
Pro/MECHANICA Motion solver and does not require a C compiler.
5. Does Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics have the same functionality as
Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics has more functionality than Motion in some aspects
of mechanism dynamics simulation, but in other aspects, Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism
Dynamics will not initially contain all functionality currently offered in Motion (such as
custom loads). The plan is to rapidly develop Pro/ENGINEER Mechanism Dynamics to
include all popular Motion functionality.

Why do I get a trailfile out of sequence error?

There can be a number of reasons why running the benchmark crashes Pro/E or gets a trailfile
out of sequence error:
1. You ran the wrong trailfile version.
Make sure to select the trailfile appropiate to your Pro/E version.
2. You did not start Pro/E from the Benchmark directory.
Follow the instructions exactly. Open a command-shell (Run: cmd) and change dir to
the directory where the benchmark is located (with cd). Then in the command shell
type your command to start Pro/E. If you dont know your startcommand try
proewildfire (for Wildfire) or proe1 (for Wildfire 2.0).
3. You did not remove your own Pro/E configuration files.
Remove the, config.sup,, and prodev.dat. files
from the text directory in the loadpoint of Pro/E (e.g. c:\Progam
Files\proewildfire\text) and from your HOME directory. Windows users should also
verify there are no configuration files in the root directory c:\.

17 :: Connecting The unwired ::


In the Help -> Technical Support Info you can check which config files are read upon
4. The v4.0 trailfiles did not account for the license dialogbox which you can get at
startup of Pro/E Wildfire. This makes the trailfile crash. The trailfiles in the v4.2
zipfile will skip this dialogue and continue.

Why are my overall results much slower than a comparable system?

There can be a number of reasons why your results are too slow.
1. The most common reason is a configuration issue.
First start with the solutions entered above (Why do I get a trailfile out of sequence
Other reasons might be.
2. You could be using a different OS version with different patches or service packs or
graphics driver. Try the latest driver of your vendor.
3. You might be using a license from a license server over a slow connection.
4. You might be running the benchmark on a networked drive.

Why doesnt my high-end graphics card perform all that better?

Check the version of your graphics driver. Is it too old or too new perhaps?
This benchmark has been designed to perform on high-end systems as well as lowend systems. In order to make the test runable on the low-end systems the benchmark
had to be carefull not to use any graphcis task which was too graphics intensive.
Otherwise the low-end systems got exceptional slow results or couldnt run the
benchmark at all.
I also want this benchmark to run in its fastest mode as possible.
Some graphics features of high-end graphics cards only gets visible when you use
advanced graphics options of Pro/E. I tend to leave those options off as much as
E.G. Users with high-end graphics cards can turn on shaded edges if they like and
wont notice any real performance drop, but at some point they will, like when they
open large assemblies or very large parts.
So take my advice and leave those edges off

Thank you.

18 :: Connecting The unwired ::

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