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Reading Strategies Employed by Elt Learners at The Advanced Level

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The Reading Matrix

Vol. 5, No. 1, April 2005


Dr.Kemalettin Yiiter*
Dr.Arif Saroban** Tuba Grses***
This article is designed to identify what strategies good readers employ in pre-, during- and post
reading stages in classroom language learning. This study is a replica of the study conducted by
Saroban (2002) in which the setting was EFL upper-intermediate preparatory school of English at
Hacettepe University. The underlying reason of this study is to see if there would be any difference
in strategy use by both good and poor ELT readers at advanced level through the Three Phase
Approach in reading. The preparatory ELT students at Atatrk University were administered an
inventory of strategy use. The data were analyzed through a percentage study. It was found in the
study that good readers differed in some strategies (S1, S3, S4 in pre-reading stage, S7, S10, S13,
S21, S22, S23 in during-reading stage and S35, S38 and S39 in post-reading stage) whereas the EFL
good learners did not differ in pre-reading stage, but differed in both while-reading stage (S11, S17,
S21, S31 and S32) and post-reading stage (S36 and S38). As can be seen, there are surprising
results in both groups. Therefore, it can be said that the two groups, namely the ELT and EFL
learners, may have different reading strategies depending upon their needs and interests. This study
will, therefore, improve the view and focus of language teachers on the use of reading strategies of
good readers through the Three Phase Approach.
Reading is a psycholinguistic process in that it starts with a linguistic surface representation
encoded by a writer and ends with meaning which the reader constructs (Goodman, 1971, p.127).
There is also an important interaction between language, thought and students background
knowledge (schema). That is why, language teachers should enhance students ability to read with
Without comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. To achieve this,
teachers should aid learners in understanding and developing reading strategies such those in the
Three Phase Approach and processes as well as schema theory which plays an significant role
especially in pre-reading stage. This stage will later give rise to the rest two strategies.
Schema Theory
This theory focuses on the learners background (existing) knowledge. The readers
background knowledge is the readers previously acquired knowledge. It is also stated that the
organization of readers past experiences directly influences the comprehension and retention of

materials in a passage (Johnson, 1982, p.504). Thus, readers understand a text by analyzing the text
according to their schema.
Since prior knowledge is essential for the comprehension of new information, teachers
should help learners build schemata and make connections between ideas with the help of
discussions, songs, role-plays, illustrations and visual aids.
According to the schema theory, comprehending a text is an interactive process. This
process can be divided into three parts.
A. Bottom-up Process: In bottom-up processing, reading is a matter of decoding a series of
written symbols. The readers are expected to get the meaning by recognizing letters and words.
Nevertheless, the students sometimes could not comprehend the text they read (Nuttall, 1996, p.5).
Thus, bottom-up processing is inadequate for clarifying the reading process.
B. Top-down Process: This process emphasizes the reconstruction of meaning rather than
the decoding of linguistic form. The interaction of the reader and the text is the main aim of the
process. As the top-down process bases on schema theory, the reader brings to this interaction his
knowledge of the subject at hand, knowledge of and expectations about how language works,
motivation, interest and attitudes towards the text and the content it contains (Nunan, 1985, p.44).
Instead of decoding each symbol or word, the reader should form hypotheses about the possible
identification of text elements.
C. Interactive Process: Interactive process gives importance to previous knowledge and
prediction as well as accurate processing of the actual words of the text. According to this process,
clues are taken from the page by the eye and transmitted to the brain. Then, the brain tries to match
existing knowledge to the data to facilitate the further processing of new information. On the basis
of this previous experience, predictions are made about the content of the text (Celce-Murcia, 1991,
Reading Activities through a Three Phase Approach
In this part activities and goals in three stages of reading will be examined.
Pre-reading Stage
1. to activate the students knowledge of the subject,
2. to provide any language preparation that might be needed for coping with the passage,
3. to motivate the learners to want to read the text,
4. to help the students feel confident that they have prior knowledge about the text (Frager, 1993,
5. to promote students engagement and interest by providing them with means to preview and
anticipate the text,
6. to comment on the visuals,
7. to draw students attention on the new vocabulary (Saroban 2001, p.77),
8. to set the scene,
9. to talk about the title,
During-reading Stage
1. set ways for students to interact with text by providing directions and questions (Kang, 1994,
2. to help understand the writers purpose and intention,
3. to help understand the text structure and the logical organization in a reading passage,

4. to clarify and comprehend the text content,
5. to help students use inferencing and judging,
6. to help students discover cross-cultural differences in reading,
7. to survey the general information,
8. to look for specific information,
9. to find the answers of questions given at the beginning of the text (pre-reading questions),
Post-reading Stage
1. to make connections,
2. to extend the reading experience,
3. to review the first two stages,
4. to lead students to a deeper analysis of the text, Saroban (2001, p.78) lists the goals of postreading as in the following:
5. to outline,
6. to use classroom games,
7. to use the focus words or structures in a controlled writing situation (summarizing),
8. to answer some of the comprehension questions and the critical questions,
9. to be able to use what has already been learnt,
The aim of this study is to determine what strategies good ELT readers employ in pre-,
during-, and post reading stages of instruction in classroom language learning.
This study was conducted to find out the difference in the strategy use by both good and
poor readers at advanced level. To do this, an inventory on reading strategies was developed as
identified below and administered to the prep students of ELT at Atatrk University. To get
information about the case, the following students were consulted.
The subjects of this study consisted of 123 preparatory students for language studies in
English at Atatrk University during 2001-2002 academic year. They were given a placement test
prior to their preparatory language studies by the department and took a one-year intensive English
language instruction.
Research Questions
In this study answers to the following questions were sought.
1. What strategies do good ELT readers mostly employ through;
a. pre-reading stage
b. during-reading stage
c. post- reading stage
2. What strategies do good readers differ from poor readers through;
a. pre-reading stage
b. during-reading stage
c. post-reading stage
To determine the sort of reading strategies of both good and poor readers at proficiency
level, a reading strategy inventory (see Appendix 1) adopted from Varaprasad (1997, p.24) and

designed by the researcher was administered to those subjects. The inventory included strategy
types for the three reading stages during instruction.

pre-reading stage (Saroban, 2001, p.43)

Predicting/ guessing
Commenting on the illustrations
Teaching new vocabulary
Setting the scene
During-reading stage
This stage consists of such issues as;

a. Annotating: This part focuses on content and language of the text. To do this,
students are asked if they use the strategy of underlining, questioning and
organizing information to understand the text.
b. Analyzing: It includes analyzing arguments in the text, analyzing characters,
the setting, the focusing on the use of words and other aspects of language use
such as connectors, etc.
3. Post-reading stage
In this stage students are asked if they use such strategies as;

commenting, and

Students were given a final (achievement) test which consisted of grammar, writing,
vocabulary and reading. The reading section of the achievement test was used to determine the good
and poor readers. This section was graded 30 over 100. According to the requirement of the
department, the students who got 70 and over were considered good readers and the others between
0 and 60 were considered poor readers.
The data were analyzed through a percentage study to determine the differences in terms of
strategies employed by these two different readers. To clarify the issue the following figure was
prepared (Figure 1). Other figures were used to comment on the strategy use.
The students were given a strategy inventory in which they were asked to respond on pre-,
during- and post reading strategies. As a result of the answers given by the two groups, the students
differed in (Figure 1).



1. Pre-reading stage: The poor and good readers differ in the following three strategies:
a. find answers to given questions based on the text (S1:good readers 83%, poor readers
b. predict the continuing text (S3: good readers 61%, poor readers 39%),
c. the reason the author is writing about the topic (S4:good readers 73%, poor readers 27%)


Figure 2. Strategy Difference Between Good and Poor Readers in Pre-reading Stage
As seen in Figure 2, finding answers to given questions based on the text, predicting and
figuring out the authors aim in the reading material contribute to the overall understanding of the
text. These strategies are the most preferable ones employed by good readers, which means that
what students already know is a major determinant of what they will learn. Therefore, it is crucial to
help students recall previously learned subject matter or general information from personal
experience that relates to a new reading text and that leads to comprehending.
Another surprising result in this stage is that poor readers are not able to brainstorm ideas
about the meaning of the title or an illustration and discuss what they know. As the poor readers do
not use the pre-reading strategies effectively, they do not make connections on their own which
causes them lack of guessing the continuing text, answering the questions and catching on the
authors reason to write the text. There is no doubt that poor readers should be spent time on
encouraging to use their background knowledge and should be highlighted the cultural or unknown
concepts inherent in the reading text by foreign language teachers.
2. During- reading stage: The difference in some of the strategies during this stage are as
a. read through the passage and underline difficult words and phrases, while getting a
general idea of the whole passage. Next, I try to figure out the meanings of these
words and phrases from context, and if necessary, look them up in a dictionary or
another relevant book, encyclopedia, etc. (S7: good readers 95%, poor readers 5%)
b. what point the writer is attempting to establish (S10: good readers 92%, poor readers
c. what reasons or evidence the writer gives for this claim (S13: good readers 91%,
poor readers 9%)
d. repeated descriptions (S21: good readers 76%, poor readers 24 %)
e. consistent ways of characterizing people or events (S22:good readers 82%, poor
readers 18%)
f. repeated words and phrases, examples or illustrations (S23: good readers 80%, poor
readers 20%)

As observed in figure 3, there are different strategy uses by good and poor readers in during
reading stage. It is clear that good readers try to read and react to content and language of the text
by annotating and analyzing. As efficient readers focus on certain kinds of descriptions, words,
phrases, examples and illustrations, they understand the purpose and the message conveyed by
author. By employing these strategies, good readers find ways to interpret the message and
characterize people and events in the written text. When getting the meaning of text, good readers
have no obstacle to guess the meaning of unknown words and expressions.

Figure 3. Strategy Difference between Good and Poor Readers in During-reading Stage
On the other hand, less able readers do not utilize the structural cues, often found in text
purposefully. According to the figure 3, poor readers have also difficulty in figuring out the
meaning of new words as they do not employ underlining, questioning and outlining to analyze the
written text. They usually misunderstand or misinterpret the clues to grasp the message. Moreover,
this surprising result may indicate that words are not enough alone to be a strategic reader. Readers
should also employ the strategy of arguments and others to decode the encoded message.
3. Post-reading stage: During post reading stage the two groups seem to differ only in three
strategy use:
a. summarizing (S35:good readers 77%, poor readers 23 %)
b. commenting (S38:good readers 77 %, poor readers 23 %)
c. reflecting (S39:good readers 65%, poor readers 45%)


Figure 4. Strategy Difference between Good and Poor Readers in Post-reading Stage
As is seen in figure 4, good readers usually summarize, employ reflecting and try to
comment on the encoded message by the author to extend their understanding the text as a whole.
Therefore, it can be said that the strategies such as summarizing, reflecting and commenting play a
key role in developing ones interpretation and understanding a written text. These strategies also
contribute to the integration of the skills in a coherent manner so that the reading session is not
simply isolated.
Reading must be defined as a process of building meaning (Anderson, 1985, p.637). In
other words, reading is an active, participatory process in which readers make use of what they
already know, are sensitive to the variety of contexts that affect meaning and think about and think
through the authors ideas (Matthews, 1993, p.500). That is why, the three phase approach reading
strategies (pre-, during-, post-reading) are used to improve reading comprehension as well as
efficiency in reading. By using these strategies, students will be good and mature readers.
Furthermore, those strategies help readers to process the text actively, to monitor their
comprehension, and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and to other parts of
the texts.
It is another fact that effective teaching of reading depends on a teacher who is enthusiastic
about reading. Additionally, teachers are sources of ideas for developing reading strategies. To do
this, teachers should prepare students to reach a deeper level of understanding in reading process.
They should help students to read understand the texts easily by the help of the strategies in three
phase approach in reading. Learning the three phase approach, therefore, gains importance in
reading skill.
It is the teachers task to teach students how to use strategies, approaches, and techniques in
their exact place in reading classroom. Then, students meet their needs and goals by using strategies
in pre, during and post reading. It is also clear that there are superficial differences in
comprehending a text in pre-, during-, post reading of good and poor students. As a result, students

with good versus poor reading skills demonstrate distinct cognitive behaviors in the three phase of
reading process.
In conclusion as the foreign language teachers have responsibility for students, some
recommendations will be made on teaching reading through the three phase approach. To do this,
each phase will be handled separately.
Pre-reading Stage
It is an undeniable fact that the pre-reading phase has various goals and advantages for both
teachers and learners. It is good for teachers as a guide. If teachers know what to do at the beginning
of a reading lesson, they can easily handle the lesson and students. As for students, they can be
mature readers if the techniques, key points and rationale of this phase are taught perfectly.
This strategy also helps students develop a purpose for reading as a part of the pre-reading
phase of the reading process. In developing and using of initiating question, teachers have the power
to overcome the three most common complaints of poor readers. These are boredom, the inability to
concentrate, and the failure to recall what was just read. If the students use the right kind of
question, they create their own interest in what is being read. If they try to select question, they
force themselves to concentrate. Finally, if students classify information in the attempt to answer
their question, they will be using the principle of association to acquire new information and will be
able to remember the information for a much longer period of time (Simpson, 1991, p.166).
Additionally, students should also be guided to find answers to given questions based on the
text, to give their personal opinion about the topic and predict the continuing text by their teachers
(Varaprasad, 1997, p.24). Some of the useful questions that the teacher can ask are: what
knowledge, ideas or opinions might be learners already have on the text topic, and how can this
knowledge be drawn out and used? Why should anyone want to use this text, and can the same or
similar reasons be generated in the learners?
As a result, the techniques in pre-reading stage should be used by both teachers and students
in a reading classroom which are listed;
- Visuals (e.g. diagrams, maps, photographs) drawing up of lists, or the setting or
answering of questions (oral or written) may all play a part the pre-reading (Gebhard, 1993, p.56 ).
- In the contextualization step, learners are provided with information about the situation
and the nature of the text (e.g. a travel brochure). This gives learners a context from which they can
relate to past experiences they have encountered with this type of text.
- In anticipation step, students identify what they might expect to find in this type of text.
In this technique, the students guess based on past experience.
- Rather than explain every possible unknown word and the structure in the text, the
teachers should ensure that the learners would be able to tackle the text task without being totally
frustrated with language difficulties.
- Discussions can be used to activate what students know and enhance their knowledge of
the subject.
- Another activity to involve poor readers to work with good readers for their
improvement can be to compose mixed groups to complete diagrams or maps, making lists, and
taking notes to develop their reading comprehension (Saroban, 2001, p.43). This may lead to
further individual effective reading habits.


During-reading Stage
The second stage of the reading process is called during reading. During reading exercises
help students develop reading strategies, improve their control of the second language and decode
problematic text passages (Barnett, 1989, p.102). In this stage, texts are brought into the classroom
or are reproduced in a textbook. These texts are then used for various forms of analyses such as
asking students to provide answers to multiple choice questions, true or false statements or
particular questions. Shortly, this phase gives attention to the text, rather than the learners ideas
prior to reading.
This stage also requires the teachers guidance to ensure that students assume an active
questioning approach to the material (Celce-Murcia, 1991, p.203). The simplest technique for this
purpose is to provide the students questions to direct their attention to the major ideas to the text.
Moreover, there are questions that the teacher can ask himself as a guide to during-reading work
listed as;

What is the function of this text?

How is the text organized or developed?

What content or information is to be extracted from the text?

What language may be learned from the text?

What may the reader infer or deduce from the text?

What reading styles may be practiced? (Saroban, 2001, p.43)

Teachers should select or devise appropriate exercises according to the answers of these
The other useful techniques used in during-reading are considered as annotating and
analyzing. The technique of annotating is essential to reading because it focuses the readers
attention on the content and language of the text. There are three effective ways of annotating called
as underlining, questioning and outlining. After the students understand the writers ideas by
outlining, the students next should be guided to analyze arguments and language. As a result, during
reading stage should begin with a general understanding of the text, and then move to smaller units
such as words, sentences or paragraphs.
Post-reading Stage
Stage three of the reading process is called post-reading. During this stage, teachers give
students ways to express their ideas of what they have read. Like pre and during reading stages, post
reading stage has also advantages and aims which are given in previous chapters. Additionally, a lot
of different techniques and strategies are applied to help students in reading comprehension. The
aim of these techniques and strategies is to extend the understanding obtained from texts at the pre
and during reading stages into writing tasks, such as summarizing, evaluating, synthesizing,
commenting and reflecting.
Teachers may get the idea in post reading work by asking themselves the following
- Do the learners know of a similar situation to that presented in the text?


Does the text present a situation that calls for recommendations?

Does the text present a situation that invites completion? (Saroban, 2001, p.44)

Depending on the answers to these questions, the teacher can decide what to do.
Obviously, the three-phase approach cannot be applied mechanically on every occasion. The
teacher may curtail one or more of the stages if it is not necessary. For example, if the students
know a lot about the text, it may not be necessary to spend much time on pre-reading stage. Shortly,
the advantage of the three phase approach is:
First, it motivates students by making use of their background knowledge.
Secondly, it combines reading skill with other skills such as writing, speaking and listening
in a coherent manner (Saroban, 2001, p.68).
Thirdly, it embodies students mind to be a good and strategic learner by the help of critical
In conclusion, the primary responsibilities of teachers are to train students to determine their
own goals and strategies and how to utilize all these reading strategies according to their levels,
interests and needs. If the students know what they are doing and the benefits, they are going to
enhance their efficiency of reading comprehension to become independent which is the aim of the
foreign language teachers in a reading environment.

Anderson, R.C.(1985).Becoming a Nation of Readers: The Report of the Commission on Reading.
IL: Center for the Study of Reading.
Barnett, M.(1989). More than Meets the Eye, Foreign Language Reading: Theory and Practice.
Language in Education Series 73, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, Center for Applied Linguistics
ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics,102.
Celce-Murcia, M.(1991).Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. USA: Heinle &
Heinle Publishers.
Frager, A. (1993). Affective Dimensions of Content Area Reading. Journal of Reading, 36, July,
Gebhard, J. (1993). Successful Comprehension: What Teachers can do before Students Read.
English Teaching Forum, 21, June, 56.
Goodman, K.(1971). Reading: A Psycholinguistic Guessing Game. Journal of the Reading
Specialist, 4, p. 127.
Johnson, P.(1982). Effects on Reading Comprehension of Building Background Knowledge.
TESOL Quarterly, 16, p. 504.
Kang, W.(1994). Helping Second Language Readers Learn from Content Area Text through
Collaboration and Support. Journal of Reading, March, p. 649.
Matthews, S.(1993). Helping College Tutors Define Reading and Mold Active Learners. Journal
of Reading, 8.
Nunan, D.(1985). Content Familiarity and the Perception of Textual Relationships in Second
Language Reading. RELC, 16, October, p. 44.
Nuttall, C.(1996).Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Oxford: Macmillan.
Saroban, A. (2001).The Teaching of Language Skills. Ankara: Hacettepe Ta.
Saroban, A. (2002). Strategies of Successful Readers through the Three-Phase Approach. The
Reading Matrix, 2 (3), September Issue.
Simpson, M.(1991). Readers, Teachers and Learners. NewYork:Macmillan.
Varaprasad, C. (1997). Some Classroom Strategies. English Teaching Forum, 24.

Dr. Kemalettin Yiiter is a professor at the division of ELT at Atatrk University.
He has been teaching different ELT and Literature courses at the department. He has
articles published in both national and international journals and presented papers in both
national and international conferences.
Dr.Saroban Arif Saroban is an assistant professor at the department of ELT at
Hacettepe University in Turkey. He is interested in teaching English as a Foreign
Language and has recently authored a book on the teaching of language skills including
such language elements as the teaching of vocabulary, grammar, translation and
pronunciation. He has published in both national and international publications and
presented papers in national and international conferences. He is currently conducting inclassroom studies and teaching ELT courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate
Mrs. Tuba Grses is an English language instructor at the faculty of education in
Rize which is an extention campus of Karadeniz Technical University. She has been
teaching English as a foreign language for about five years.
Appendix A
Below is an inventory to see what sort of strategies you often prefer to employ in reading. Please
write "Y" for "YES" and "N" for "NO" in the blanks provided on the left-hand side of each item.
Thank you very much for your contributions.
A. Strategies for the pre-reading stage
In pre-reading activities, I try to;
-------1. find answers to given questions based on the text,
-------2. give their personal opinion about the topic,
-------3. predict the continuing text.
In critical pre-reading activities, I try to question;
--------4. the reason the author is writing about the topic,
--------5. the whole range of ways to write a particular text,
--------6. the generating of their own list of questions.
B. Strategies for the reading stage
At this stage I try to read and react to content and language in a text by

1. Annotating
I try to focus on the content and language of the text. As I read, I try to
--------7. read through the passage and underline difficult words and phrases, while getting a
general idea of the whole passage. Next, I try to figure out the meanings of these words
and phrases from context, and if necessary, look them up in a dictionary or another
relevant book, encyclopedia, etc.
--------8. read the text again and solve doubts by questioning.
--------9. focus on the most important ideas of a text, separating what is central from what is
peripheral. I try to see how information is organized and supported in a text.
2. Analyzing
I try to see
-------10. What point the writer is attempting to establish,
-------11. What is being asserted as true,
-------12. Why I should accept this claim as true,
-------13. What reasons or evidence the writer gives for this claim,
-------14. On what basis I should accept this claim, I seriously think about what I am reading.
This means that I;
-------15. do not believe everything I read,
-------16. question everything that doesn't make sense to me,
-------17. analyze arguments,
-------18. discount arguments based on faulty reasoning,
-------19. have good reasons for believing some things and not believing others
Language: One way of analyzing language I believe is to look for patterns or repetitions of any
kind such as:
-------20. repetitions or patterns of recurring images;
-------21. repeated descriptions;
-------22. consistent ways of characterizing people or events;
-------23. repeated words and phrases, examples or illustrations;
-------24. reliance on particular writing strategies;
-------25. use of opposites/opposing ideas to reveal contrasting perspectives;
-------26. use of figurative language to reflect the authors attitudes, tone, and feelings.
Moreover, I try to see if
-------27. the author writes emotionally,
-------28. s/he uses sentiment, name calling, or other emotional means to make his/ her point,
-------29. The use of inclusive and exclusive pronouns to represent self, subject, reader, etc.;

-------30. The way nouns function, and the reasons for their selection;
-------31. The kinds of verbs used: action verbs, verbs denoting mental processes etc.;
-------32. Why the writer uses them, the purpose they serve, the meaning they convey;
-------33. The use of modal verbs, what they convey about the writer's attitude and mood:
affirmative, negative, imperative, or interrogative;
-------34. The use of connectors, not just to convey ideas, but also to convey the writer's stand
or position on the matter.
C. Strategies for the post-reading stage
To extend my understanding obtained from texts at the pre-reading and while-reading stages
into writing tasks,
I usually make use of such techniques as;
--------35. summarizing,
--------36. evaluating,
--------37. synthesizing,
--------38. commenting, and
--------39. reflecting.

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