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Interactions Among Plants and Evolution: Essay Review

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Journal of Ecology 2011, 99, 729740

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01802.x


Interactions among plants and evolution

Andrea S. Thorpe1*, Erik T. Aschehoug2, Daniel Z. Atwater2 and Ragan M. Callaway2

Conservation Research Program, Institute for Applied Ecology, PO Box 2855, Corvallis, OR 97339-2855, USA; and
Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA

1. Interactions among plants and their consumers, pollinators and dispersers are central to evolutionary theory, but interactions among plants themselves have received much less attention. Thus
focusing more attention on the evolutionary role of plantplant interactions may provide greater
insight into the processes that organize communities.
2. Here, we integrate divergent themes in the literature in an effort to provide a synthesis of empirical evidence and ideas about how plant interactions may affect evolution and how evolution may
affect plant interactions.
3. First, we discuss the idea of niche partitioning evolving through competitive interactions among
plants, the idea of niche construction evolving through facilitative interactions, and the connections
between these ideas and more recent research on diversity and ecosystem function and trait-based
community organization.
4. We then review how a history of coexistence within a region might affect competitive outcomes
and explore the mechanisms by which plants exert selective forces on each other. Next, we consider
recent research on invasions suggesting that plant interactions can reect regional evolutionary trajectories. Finally, we place these lines of research into the context of extended phenotypes and the
geographic mosaic of co-evolution.
5. Synthesis. Our synthesis of separate lines of inquiry is a step towards understanding the
evolutionary importance of interactions among plants, and suggests that the evolutionary
consequences of interactions contribute to communities that are more than assemblages of independent populations.
Key-words: co-evolution, competition, evolution, extended phenotype, facilitation, niche,
plantplant interactions, selection
it may be argued, therefore, that the essential qualities
that determine the ecology of a species may only be
detected by studying the reaction of its individuals to their
John Harper, 1964

Understanding the nature of interactions among plants and
their consumers, pollinators and dispersers has been vital to
evolutionary theory, but interactions among plants themselves have received much less attention. Here, we integrate
divergent themes in the literature including experiments testing evolution, niche theory, exotic invasions, extended phenotypes and the nature of geographic mosaics in a synthesis of

*Correspondence author. E-mail:

how plant interactions might affect evolution and how evolution may affect plant interactions. Ecologists have extensively
studied the reaction of individuals to their neighbours (Harper 1964), arguably more than most other aspects of plant
ecology, but there have been minimal efforts to tie these reactions to evolution, and even fewer efforts to understand interactions that might lead to evolution and thus a rethinking of
fundamental community theory (e.g. Lortie et al. 2004). For
example, it can be argued that the the local community is an
epiphenomenon [of populations] that has relatively little
explanatory power in ecology and evolutionary biology
(Ricklefs 2008). However, this epiphenomenon perspective
must be reconciled with the ubiquitous viewpoint that species
interacting at the scale of local communities drives selection
and thus speciation, and the very existence of the species
pools on which regional and global analyses are based
(Brooker et al. 2009; Kursar et al. 2009). Here, our fundamental goal is to explore the potential of community-scale
interactions among plant species to result in evolution.

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Between 1979 and 1991, Roy Turkington, Lonnie Aarssen
and their colleagues experimentally demonstrated that interactions between grass and legume species were affected by the
community history of the populations from which individual
plants were collected (Turkington, Cavers & Aarssen 1977;
Aarssen, Turkington & Cavers 1979; Turkington 1979; Turkington & Cavers 1979; Turkington & Harper 1979; Turkington & Mehrhoff 1991). Their work raised the possibility that
interactions among plant species generate continuous co-evolution maintaining balanced competitive abilities (Aarssen &
Turkington 1985b), that has the potential to result in a balanced, harmonious and dynamic stability within that community (Turkington 1979). If co-evolution among plant
competitors contributes to harmonious community stability,
then plant communities are certainly more than just overlapping populations of species (Gleason 1926). Research on
plantconsumer, plantpollinator and plantdisperser interactions has been central to understanding the complex mutualistic and co-dependent interactions among species that structure
communities. However, with some notable exceptions, interactions among plants have not been emphasized as processes that
contribute to selection and evolution (Bronstein 2009).
Why have plant interactions attracted so little interest from
evolutionary biologists? Or put another way, why have ecologists interested in plant interactions so seldom emphasized
how these interactions might drive evolution? We can think of
three inter-related possibilities. First, in natural communities,
individual plants interact with many other species at the same
time, and even a single individual may be interacting with multiple other species at any given moment. This creates dilute or
diffuse (Wilson & Keddy 1986) interactions which may
strongly modify interactions among any two species (Callaway
& Pennings 2000; Metlen 2010), thus making it difcult to
envision interactions that are consistent enough among the
same taxa to allow evolution. The problem of diffuseness
may be exacerbated by inconsistent spatial relationships
among interacting plant species. For example, a plant species
may interact with 10 different neighbours (very diffuse) or two
different neighbours (not very diffuse) depending on conditions. The same plant species may always interact with the
same 10 neighbours (highly spatially consistent) or a different
set of 10 neighbours (highly spatially inconsistent) in each community in which it is found. We present a hypothetical gradient
of selection intensity depending on the diffuseness and spatial
consistency of interactions in Fig. 1.
A second possibility related to, and perhaps derived from,
the logistical problems of quantifying interactions among plant
species in groups, is theory for how plant communities assemble in the absence of disturbance and in a homogeneous environment. One theory poses that plant communities are
competitively transitive in nature (Keddy, Twolan-Strutt &
Wisheu 1994). In other words, all species in a given pool, or
community, can be ranked in a simple linear competitive hierarchy. This strict pecking order that results from hierarchical
competitive abilities provides a predictive tool for community
organization, but produces a model that does not possess
asymmetric (i.e. rockpaperscissors) interactions and there-

Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram for where selection derived from plant

plant interactions might be expected to be intense or weak. The darker the shade, the more intense natural selection is hypothesized to
be. We have also speculated on where key conceptual ideas or key
studies might be located along the gradient of selection intensity.

fore leaves little room for strong reciprocal selective forces.

Much of the empirical evidence supporting the dominance of
competitive hierarchies is derived from experiments in which
each member of a community is grown in competition with
a phytometer species in the glasshouse (Keddy, Gaudet &
Fraser 2000; Fraser & Keddy 2005; Storkey, Moss & Cussans
2010). The problems with this approach are numerous.
As community members are not grown in competition with
one another (only with the phytometer species), it is impossible
to assess whether a highly ranked competitor could be outcompeted by a lower-ranked competitor. Thus, this approach
eliminates any potential for spatial niche partitioning, a fundamental determinant of coexistence (Parrish & Bazzaz 1976).
The phytometer approach also assumes that facilitative (Callaway 2007) or indirect interactions (Miller 1994; Levine 1999;
Callaway & Pennings 2000) do not inuence community structure. Lastly, this approach relies on the competitive response of
community members to a phytometer species, a component of
competition that may be poorly understood (Wang et al.
A third barrier may be the general individualistic paradigm
for the nature of plant communities. As Lortie et al. (2004) discuss in detail, plant interactions as drivers of evolution do not
mesh seamlessly with individualistic community theory. In
other words, if local interactions can affect the genotypes of
interacting plant species, then communities cannot be organized only by the uctuating and fortuitous immigration of
plants and an equally uctuating and variable environment
(Gleason 1926). Although many plant ecologists now agree
that communities are not wholly individualistic (e.g. Lortie
et al. 2004), the underlying assumptions implicit in this theory

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may have contributed to an historical under-emphasis of the
importance of plantplant interactions as drivers of evolution.
Here, we re-examine ideas that arose with Turkington and
Aarssen and build on these ideas by synthesizing several lines
of current research that shed new light on plant interactions,
communities and evolution. These lines are not focused only
on studies of direct plantplant interactions but also include
niche theory, biogeographical studies of invasive plants,
extended phenotypes (e.g. Whitham et al. 2006) and the geographic mosaic of co-evolution (e.g. Thompson 2005). We
present these conceptually overlapping lines of thought in separate sections, but with the hope of synthesizing these contributions to understanding the evolutionary consequences of
interactions among plants.


As noted above, Turkington and colleagues conducted a series

of innovative experiments indicating that a history (sometimes
a very short history) of coexistence among plant species
affected the outcome of interactions among the same species.
Their results have strong implications for how rapid evolution
may lead to greater niche partitioning among coexisting species. First, old eld plant communities demonstrated speciesspecic positive and negative associations between grasses and
legumes that often persisted over several seasons (Turkington,
Cavers & Aarssen 1977; also see Aarssen, Turkington & Cavers 1979; Turkington & Cavers 1979). Other authors had previously observed relationships between grass and legumes and
attributed them to differences in nutritional requirements, but
plants in Turkingtons old elds showed highly species-specic
interaction outcomes. Each legume species was positively associated with at least one grass species and no two legumes had
the same grassneighbour relationship. Such disproportionate
spatial arrangements among particular species may partially
overcome the problem of diffuse interactions described above
(i.e. the interactions between taxa may be consistent enough to
allow evolution; Fig. 1). Survival (Turkington 1979) and biomass (Evans et al. 1985) were both higher when legumes were
transplanted back into swards of the grass species from which
they had been sampled. Different grass neighbours have also
been shown to cause local selection on the genetic structure of
Trifolium repens (Turkington & Harper 1979) and different
strains of a grass elicited different growth responses and phenotypes from a single clone of T. repens (Hill 1977, in Aarssen,
Turkington & Cavers 1979; see also Turkington & Mehrhoff
1991). This effect strengthened as the time of coexistence
increased (Turkington 1979). Trends in species interactions
could be detected after 13 years and clear differentiation into
species-specic pairs occurred within 10 years.
Turkington and his colleagues work may be the most complete exploration of how interactions among plants might
affect their evolution, but similar research supports the general
notion that plants may evolve in response to their competitive
neighbourhood, an idea that is developed further in
Thompsons (2005) idea of the geographic mosaic of co-evolution. Martin & Harding (1981) collected seeds of Erodium

cicutarium (L.) LHer. ex Aiton (Geraniaceae) and E. obtusiplicatum (Godr.) Thell. from co-occurring and widely separated populations. When seeds from co-occurring populations
were planted together, the total seed output and reproductive
rates of the two species were higher than when individuals from
distant populations were grown together. Many of these early
studies preceded knowledge about the potential importance of
maternal effects; incorporation of maternal effects in future
research on interactions among familiar and unfamiliar
genotypes would be an important step forward.



Plants in a community interact directly and indirectly via different mechanisms, and the results of these interactions have
the potential to produce evolutionary responses in plants as
well as in other community members. The simplest interactions
among plants are direct interactions, such as facilitation,
resource competition and allelopathy.
Resource competition has strong effects on community
composition and thus may be an important component of the
selective environment experienced by plants. Because resource
requirements among species vary, the nature of the selective
forces experienced by plants could vary with different neighbouring species. Parrish & Bazzaz (1976) found that resource
partitioning, as estimated from spatial overlap among root systems, was higher in stable prairie communities with a long
community history than in early successional old-eld communities composed of species without a common history. Aarssen
& Turkington (1985a) found that associations between species
were less stable in younger than in older communities. They
suggested that in communities where resources were limiting,
plants with a history of coexistence may develop balanced
competitive abilities for limiting resources, niche differentiation not related to horizontal space, or some combination of
the two. Later, Turkington (1990) found that both the root
architecture and site of origin of grass species had signicant
effects on the growth and form of T. repens, supporting the
idea that selection for niche-based spatial partitioning may be
Recently, Leger (2008) found evidence for selection in the
North American native perennial grass Elymus multisetus
M.E. Jones (Poaceae) caused by competitive interactions with
the invasive annual grass, Bromus tectorum L. (Poaceae).
Elymus multisetus individuals that were collected from invaded
sites (experienced individuals) experienced smaller decreases
in growth when grown in competition with B. tectorum compared to individuals from uninvaded sites (na ve individuals).
In addition, experienced E. multisetus responded more quickly
to watering and grew more quickly than na ve individuals. One
of the competitive advantages of B. tectorum is its ability to
pre-empt resources by germinating early in the season. Leger
suggested that this selected for earlier growth in E. multisetus,
allowing it to compete against B. tectorum.
Facilitation may also drive evolutionary responses (Callaway 2007; Bronstein 2009). Verdu & Valiente-Banuet (2008)

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found that generalist facilitators of other species in an arid
environment created dense and highly connected interaction
networks. These networks made facilitation-shaped communities strongly resistant to extinction events, suggesting that facilitation has substantial potential to affect the evolution of
beneciary species. Similarly, Valiente-Banuet et al. (2006)
provided evidence that many plant species from the Tertiary
appear to have been maintained in modern Mediterranean-climate communities by the facilitative effects of species that
arose in the Quaternary. These interdependent interactions
among plants provide a mechanism for stabilizing selection
and the conservation of ecological traits over evolutionary
There is evidence that indirect interactions, mediated by soil
microbes, also play a role in local adaptive relationships
among plants. Luscher, Connolly & Jacquard (1992) found
that root sterilization reduced the strength, but did not eliminate the specicity in interactions between Lolium perenne and
T. repens. More specically, Chanway, Holl & Turkington
(1989) found that genotypes of Rhizobium leguminosarum that
coexisted with both L. perenne and T. repens enhanced the
yield increases observed in interactions between familiar
genotypes, as described above. Similarly, Bacillus polymyxa, a
growth-promoting soil microbe, had stronger positive effects
on species-specic interactions among T. repens and L. perenne
if ecotypes of all species had originally coexisted together in the
eld (Chanway, Holl & Turkington 1988, also see Chanway,
Holl & Turkington 1990). Therefore, both adaptation by
plants and changes in the associated microbial communities
appeared to be involved in the familiarization of neighbours.
Chemicals produced by plants may also drive evolution in
their neighbours. Ehlers & Thompson (2004) and Grndahl &
Ehlers (2008) examined the potential of species-specic biochemistry to drive adaptation among plant species. Ehlers and
Thompson collected Bromus erectus Huds. (Poaceae) seeds
from plants growing in close association with Thymus vulgaris
L. (Lamiaceae) from three phenolic populations and three
non-phenolic populations. In a reciprocal transplant experiment, Bromus originally from soils beneath non-phenolic
chemotypes performed signicantly better on their home soil
than on soil beneath phenolic chemotypes. This response to
local chemotypes was observed only for soil collected directly
underneath Thymus plants and not for soil collected near Thymus plants, but away from the effect of Thymus canopies. In
contrast to Bromus of non-phenolic origin, seeds collected
from Bromus associated with phenolic Thymus chemotypes
showed no pattern in response to soil type. These differences in
selective pressure have the potential to create different genetic
strains in Bromus, similar to the selective forces seen in some
edaphic communities, such as the evolution of serpentine-tolerant and intolerant ecotypes (e.g. Kruckeberg 1984).
Grndahl & Ehlers (2008) found that some of the neighbours of Thymus pulegioides L. (Lamiaceae) and T. serpyllum
auct. non L. appeared to be adapting to specic terpenes
produced by Thymus. Plants that came from sites where they
co-occurred naturally with carvacrol (a terpene)-producing
Thymus also performed better on soil treated with carvacrol.

Jensen & Ehlers (2010) found the genetic variation in both

Thymus-na ve and Thymus-experienced populations for
responses to carvacrol, but importantly, the response varied
among na ve and experienced individuals within a species. As
shown before, plants from experienced populations performed
better than na ve plants on carvacrol soil, but also produced
more seed families possessing an adaptive response to carvacrol than na ve populations. Apparently Thymus can act as a
selective agent on other species, by favouring genotypes which
respond best to its allelopathic effects. Similar results have
been found with the effects of chemicals produced by Pinus
sylvestris L. (Pinaceae) on the neighbouring plant community
(Iason et al. 2005).
In the following sections, we further explore current themes
in the study of plant community ecology, including the niche,
the importance of biogeography, the extended phenotype and
the geographic mosaic of co-evolution. We synthesize these
themes and discuss how each contributes a unique perspective
to our understanding of how interactions among plants may
lead to evolution.

The niche
The exceptionally rich body of ecological literature on the
niche is based in part on the idea that competition can drive
the evolution of niche differentiation, thus allowing species to
coexist (Silvertown 2004; Vellend 2006; Levine & HilleRisLambers 2009). This literature is too large to review here, but
decades ago, niche divergence among coexisting animals,
plants and their pollinators, and within plant communities,
was attributed to evolution (MacArthur 1958; MacArthur &
Levins 1967; Levin & Anderson 1970; Putwain & Harper 1972;
Pickett & Bazzaz 1976). Whether niche partitioning is the
result of competition-driven evolution or an ecological sorting
process of species that derive their different niches from other
selective pressures is hard to know (see Ackerly 2003), but the
fundamental niche is a mean phenotype of a population, a trait
that can evolve by natural selection (Holt & Gaines 1992). If
niche evolution occurs through competition among neighbours, this must be despite highly diffuse and spatially inconsistent interactions (Fig. 1). The potential for niche
partitioning to be derived, at least in part, from the effects of
competition on evolution is fundamental to general niche theory, and an evolutionary perspective on niche partitioning has
contributed tremendously to some of the most important
developments in plant ecology.
The positive correlation between community diversity and
ecosystem functioning is one such development. Tilman &
Downing (1995) conducted a long-term study of grasslands
showing that plant primary productivity was more stable during and after drought in communities with high species richness than in communities with low species richness. Tilman,
Wedin & Knops (1996), Tilman et al. (1997) further tested the
idea that more diverse ecosystems are more stable (see Elton
1958), more productive and more fully utilize available
resources by experimentally manipulating plant species diversity in plots. They found that functional composition and

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functional diversity in experimental plots were the primary
factors that explained productivity and nitrogen content in
plants. Similar relationships between diversity and ecosystem
function have been found in subsequent experiments (Hector
et al. 2001; Cardinale et al. 2007; Hooper et al. 2005; Marquard et al. 2009). The strong implication of these results is that
different species used different subsets of the total resource
pool i.e. different species occupied different niches.
Soon after the positive diversityecosystem function relationships were shown for productivity and stability, others
found that new species colonized species-rich communities far
less easily than species-poor communities. For example, Fargione, Brown & Tilman (2003) added seeds of 27 grassland species (previously not in the experimental system) to plots in
grassland and found that the strongest inhibitory effect of the
functional group previously occupying the plots was on new
colonizers in the same functional group. This supported the
prediction of niche theory that established species should more
strongly inhibit colonizers that are more similar to themselves
(also see Fargione & Tilman 2005). Crutsinger, Souza & Sanders (2007) found that experimentally determined high intraspecic diversity of Solidago altissima was negatively correlated
with the biomass of colonizing species. Others have found that
species and functional diversity resist exotic invasions and their
impacts (Zavaleta & Hulvey 2004; Maron & Marler 2007,
At scales much larger than communities of interacting species, positive diversityecosystem function relationships may
not hold (Stohlgren, Barnett & Kartesz 2003; Gilbert & Lechowicz 2005). However, at the scale of communities of interacting species there are a number of non-mutually exclusive
hypotheses for the mechanisms driving the general relationship
(Knops et al. 1999; Huston et al. 2001; Cardinale et al. 2007).
The primary hypothesis for positive diversityecosystem function relationships has been niche complementarity, the idea
that different species or functional groups occupy niches different enough from each other to more fully utilize resources or
space, increasing and stabilizing productivity, and making it
more difcult for other species to enter the community (Fargione et al. 2007). Facilitation is sometimes included within ideas
about complementarity (Cardinale et al. 2007), but more
importantly, we do not yet know whether complementarity is
produced by interactions causing evolutionary shifts in niche
space (and thus coexistence and more complete resource use)
or by sorting of the existing species pool.
A second key development in ecology related to niche theory
is the use of functional trait and phylogenetic analyses to synthesize ecology and evolution in the context of communities
(Ackerly, Schwilk & Webb 2006; McGill et al. 2006). Traitbased approaches to studying community organization are
also rooted in the idea that niche differentiation can arise from
adaptive evolution through interactions among plants, and of
course other organisms, although others have pointed out that
some functional traits and aspects of the niche can be highly
conserved and thus perhaps only weakly selected upon
(Valiente-Banuet & Verdu 2007; Peterson, Soberon & Sanchez-Cordero 1999). A large number of studies have taken

trait-based approaches to understanding how adaptation

might shape plant niches (Mooney & Dunn 1970; Enquist,
Brown & West 1998; Cavender-Barrs et al. 2004; Angert et al.
Most efforts by far have been directed at understanding
niche partitioning in the context of competition. However,
recent studies suggest that more newly evolved plant taxa have
preserved the regeneration niches of species with ancient lineages through facilitation (Valiente-Banuet et al. 2006). Valiente-Banuet & Verdu (2007) also found that regeneration
niches are strongly conserved across evolutionary history and
that nurse species facilitated distantly related species and
increased the phylogenetic diversity of communities. This
niche construction (Keller 2003) and the consistent pattern of
stronger facilitative interactions among distantly related benefactors and beneciaries (also see Valiente-Banuet & Verdu
2008) raise the idea that selection may act on beneciaries so
that their niche diverges from that of their nurses. Buttereld
& Briggs (2011) also found that the functional traits of a large
number of seedlings and mature plants in deserts corresponded
with their roles as benefactors or beneciaries. The evolutionary role of niche construction may be in part the product of
reciprocal interacting processes of natural selection and niche
construction (Day, Laland & Odling-Smee 2003).
Whether or not niche partitioning (complementarity) and
niche construction derive from natural selection is a key aspect
of this review. Whittaker (1965) argued that the evolution of
both niche and habitat differentiation permits many species to
exist together in communities as partial competitors, but the
direct evidence for this is scant. The diversityecosystem function effects produced by genotypic diversity within a species, as
described by Crutsinger, Souza & Sanders (2007), strongly suggests that niche differentiation is selected for. Parrish & Bazzaz
(1976) measured niche overlap among the root zones of six species of successional old-eld annuals to that among the roots
of species in a mature prairie community and found much
greater niche overlap among the successional species. They
noted that competition may be more important in determining
the evolution of niche partitioning among the prairie species,
perhaps because of a longer history of coexistence. Stinchcombe & Schmitt (2006) studied the potential for oak trees to
affect natural selection of Impatiens capensis through leaf litter
deposition. Using a quantitative genetic experimental
approach, they found that leaf litter signicantly affected selection on germination timing and hypocotyl length, demonstrating the potential for oaks to drive the ecological and
evolutionary dynamics of other species. Johnson et al. (2008)
demonstrated the potential for adaptive evolution in response
to selection by competitors in Oenothera biennis, and thus the
potential for competitors to evolve towards niche partitioning.
Vellend (2006) used models of competition among genotypes
and species to show a strong positive effect of intraspecic
genotypic diversity on species diversity. These models indicated that directional selection on niches depended on the initial niche similarity between species, but that competition has a
great deal of potential as a selective agent on the niche. These
and other studies (e.g. Donohue 2003, 2004; Dudley & File

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2007) provide evidence that interactions among co-occurring
plant species may affect the evolution of their niches.
Other meta approaches have demonstrated problems for
the idea that niche differentiation at the scale of interacting
plant species can explain coexistence. In classic niche theory,
environmental heterogeneity and species diversity should be
positively correlated more niches should result in more species. If niche differentiation is crucial for minimizing competition (see Levine & HilleRisLambers 2009) or more fully
utilizing resources, as is assumed for positive diversity-ecosystem function relationships and trait-based community
organization, then the scale at which heterogeneity and species
diversity correlate should be quite small; small enough to realistically incorporate interactions among the species. However,
not all studies support this perspective. Tamme et al. (2010)
conducted meta-regressions for 19 experimental and observational studies of the relationship between environmental
heterogeneity and plant species diversity and found a strong
relationship between spatial scale and heterogeneitydiversity
correlations. However, at very small spatial scales (<1.0 m2)
this relationship was neutral to negative. Thus, plant species
clearly had niche preferences at the scale of forests, grasslands
or wetlands, but there was no evidence that these preferences
occurred at the small scales necessary for competition-driven
niche partitioning among plant species.
Evolution driven by competition is fundamental to niche
theory for all organisms, including plants. However, for plants
there have been very few explicitly focused studies of interaction-driven evolution in the context of niche partitioning.
Studies that link niche theory with experimental manipulation
of selection will contribute a great deal to our understanding of
plant communities.

The effect of biogeography on plant

T.A. Rabotnov (1982), an ecologist at Moscow State University, proposed a decidedly non-individualistic evolutionary
approach to the study of allelopathy (see Callaway & Hierro
2005). He argued that plants could evolve in response to the
chemicals exuded from the roots or washed from the leaves of
their neighbours, and that some exotic species might have far
stronger effects on plants encountered in new ranges because
they lack adaptations to deal with such chemicals. Rabotnov
speculated that allelopathically neutral or allelopathically
homeostatic conditions are more likely in communities with
long histories of coexistence. In other words, plants and
microbes in communities that have coexisted for a long time
(see Bascompte, Jordano & Olesen 2006) may adapt to the
chemicals produced by their neighbours much like they rapidly
adapt to herbicides and other chemicals. Rabotnov extrapolated from this speculation to the idea that disturbed homeostasis may occur when interactions take place among species
without an evolutionary history.
Invasion by exotic plant species has provided hundreds of
natural experiments with which we can test the ideas that plant
interactions can drive evolution, and that a co-evolutionary

history may be important to the nature of communities. If

interactions over long periods of time among plants within a
community drive natural selection in the direction of coexistence (Rabotnovs homeostasis), and the arrival of new plants
disrupt this homeostasis, then it is quite reasonable to think
that interactions among plants may affect the evolution of
plants. Importantly, because invaders can create near monocultures over large distances, these systems have the potential
to represent very low diffuseness of interactions and low spatial
inconsistency, a context in which intense selection might occur
(Fig. 1).
Collectively, plants produce a diverse array of over 100 000
different secondary metabolites, many of which appear to be
species- or genus-specic (Flores 1999). This diversity is likely
due to selection for the acquisition of resources, herbivory,
microbial interactions and interactions with other plants.
Recent experiments raise the possibility that some invaders
may exude allelochemicals that are relatively ineffective against
neighbours in natural communities, but highly inhibitory to
plants in invaded communities. This has been dubbed the
novel weapons hypothesis (Callaway & Aschehoug 2000;
Callaway & Ridenour 2004).
In France, the natural regeneration of two spruces, the
native, Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Pinaceae; old neighbour), and
the exotic, P. mariana (Mill.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. (new
neighbour) was inhibited in the presence of the dominant
understorey plant, Vaccinium myrtillus L. (Ericaceae; Mallik &
Pellissier 2000). In eld plots, only 2% of the P. abies and none
of the P. mariana seeds germinated when the humus of
V. myrtillus was present. When the humus was removed, germination of P. abies improved to 27%, but that of P. mariana
improved to only 15%. Fresh leaves, leaf leachate, humus and
humus leachate all decreased the growth of roots of P. mariana
more than that of P. abies. Thus, while V. myrtillus appeared
to have an allelopathic effect on both Picea species, the negative effect was strongest on the species with which it did not
share an evolutionary history.
Prati & Bosdorf (2004) tested the allelopathic effects of Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande (Brassicaceae; garlic mustard), an aggressive invader of the understorey of
forests in North America, on two congeneric species that cooccur with Alliaria in the eld; the North American Geum laciniatum Murray (Rosaceae: new neighbour) and the European G. urbanum L. (old neighbour). North American
populations of Alliaria signicantly reduced the germination
of North American G. laciniatum seeds, but they had no effect
on European G. urbanum seeds. In contrast, native European
Alliaria reduced seed germination of both North American
G. laciniatum and European G. urbanum in similar proportions. Contrasting inhibitory effects between Alliaria populations from Europe and North America on European
G. urbanum suggest that North American Alliaria had lost its
negative effects on a former neighbour.
Callaway & Aschehoug (2000) compared the growth of the
invasive Centaurea diffusa Lam. (Asteraceae) with three North
American and three Eurasian bunchgrasses that had been
matched for genus (or historically congeneric), morphology

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Plant interactions and evolution 735

and size. Centaurea diffusa had much stronger negative effects
on the growth of the North American (new) neighbours compared to the Eurasian (old) neighbours. However, when activated carbon, (which adsorbs to and deactivates many organic
chemicals) was added, the effect of C. diffusa on the three
North American species was greatly reduced. Similar results
were obtained in a microcosm experiment when North American and Eurasian plant communities were grown in either
North American or Eurasian soils; Eurasian communities were
much more resistant to invasion by C. diffusa than North
American communities (Vivanco et al. 2004). These results are
conceptually in line with Rabotnovs and Turkington ideas,
and suggest that a long history among plant species may allow
chemical tolerance to evolve, promoting coexistence. In contrast, the lack of an evolutionary history may make species susceptible to the chemical signatures of neighbours.
Results similar to those with C. diffusa have also been demonstrated with Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (Gugler)
Hayek (nee C. maculosa Lam.), which exudes the allelochemical, ()-catechin, from its roots (Blair et al. 2005, 2006; Tharayil & Triebwasser 2010). A number of early reports of high
levels of catechin exudation from C. stoebe roots have not been
repeatable (see Stermitz, Hufbauer & Vivanco 2009), and thus
whether or not the invader consistently exudes enough of the
chemical to be ecologically relevant is an open question (see
Blair et al. 2006; Perry et al. 2007; Duke et al. 2009), but the
phytotoxic effects of very low levels of forms of catechin have
been demonstrated in vitro, in sand culture, in controlled experiments with eld soils, and in the eld (Perry et al. 2005;
Simoes et al. 2008; Inderjit et al. 2008a,b; Pollock et al. 2009
and citations within). In other experiments catechin has not
demonstrated phytotoxic effects (Blair et al. 2005; Inderjit
et al. 2008a; Duke et al. 2009). The inhibitory effect of
()-catechin on other plants varies substantially among species
native to the invaded range (Perry et al. 2005; Thelen et al.
2005), and several experiments have found that ()-catechin
has more inhibitory effects on North American species than on
European species (Inderjit et al. 2008b; He et al. 2009; Thorpe
et al. 2009). These patterns suggest that a history of coexistence, or lack thereof, may be important for structuring
communities, which further supports the conclusions of
Turkington and colleagues.
Biogeographical differences in the effects of allelopathic
chemicals circumstantially suggest they have roles as drivers of
evolution. However, direct evidence from invasive species
research indicates that the allelochemicals of an invader can be
a strong selective force on native plants. Specically, populations of native grasses that have experienced invasion by
C. stoebe appear to have evolved a degree of resistance to the
allelopathic effects of C. stoebe (Callaway et al. 2005). Centaurea stoebe suppressed the growth of clones of na ve grasses
(from uninvaded grasslands) more than clones of experienced
grasses (from highly invaded grasslands). These effects were
passed on to the next generation. When grown in competition
with C. stoebe, Festuca idahoensis Elmer (Poaceae) and Stipa
occidentalis Thurb. (Poaceae) that were grown from seed of
na ve maternal plants were smaller than those grown from seed

of experienced maternal plants. Activated carbon eliminated

these differences, suggesting that allelopathy might contribute
to these effects. The difference in response between na ve and
experienced grasses was also reected in the effect of the
grasses on the growth of C. stoebe. Plants grown from seed of
experienced maternal lines decreased the growth of C. stoebe
by 31% relative to controls, whereas plants grown from the
seeds of na ve maternal lines had no effect on the growth of
C. stoebe. These results suggest that in invaded populations,
there has been selection for plants with traits that confer resistance to C. stoebe.
In a similar case, Mealor, Hild & Shaw (2004; also see Mealor & Hild 2006) investigated the potential of competition from
Acroptilon repens (L.) DC to select on the genetic characteristics of Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth and
Sporobolus airoides (Torr.), two native grasses. They found
that experienced populations were genetically different from
na ve populations. More recently, Mealor & Hild (2007)
found that remnant S. airoides displayed a consistent positive
response to long-term coexistence with the invader, suggesting
that A. repens had a selective effect on S. airoides.
Biogeographical variation in the effects of novel plant chemistry has also been shown for arbuscular mycorrhizae. Alliaria
petiolata has far stronger inhibitory effects on mycorrhizae in
invaded North American soils than on mycorrhizae in European soils where A. petiolata is native (Callaway et al. 2008).
This antifungal effect appears to be due to specic avonoid
fractions in A. petiolata extracts. Furthermore, suppression of
North American mycorrhizal fungi by A. petiolata corresponded with inhibition of North American plant species that
rely on these arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, whereas congeneric
European plants were only weakly affected.

Genes to ecosystems, the extended phenotype

In the previous sections, we have provided examples of how
characteristics of dominant species can drive interactions leading to heritable change in neighbouring species. Here, we consider how these types of interactions may lead to associations
that Whitham et al. (2003) called the extended phenotype
(also see Dawkins 1982). The extended phenotype of a species
is the environment that is created by the species. It can vary
within a species as the result of relatively small genotypic differences, but these small genetic differences can have strong
effects on the way that genotypes interact with other organisms. Because of the large number of species involved in interactions determined by extended phenotypes, we hypothesize
that such interactions will be diffuse, but because extended
phenotype interactions are often determined by biochemistry,
we propose that these interactions will be quite spatially consistent; e.g. among the same relatively large groups of species
(Fig. 1).
The majority of studies of extended phenotypes have
focused on the effects of genetic variation within a species on
soil characteristics (Schweitzer et al. 2004) and or the trophic
structure of herbivore communities (e.g. Whitham et al. 1999;
Bangert et al. 2005). For example, differences in soil chemistry

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736 A. S. Thorpe et al.

can provide a mechanism by which the extended phenotype of
a dominant plant species alters plant communities; in other
words the effects of plant-mediated variation in soil characteristics may result in differences in plant communities (e.g. Iason
et al. 2005; Ehlers & Thompson 2004; Whitham et al. 2006
and references therein). Specic changes in soil microbial communities inuenced by plants could also be seen as extended
phenotypes. These changes can have predictable effects on the
performance of other plants, generating feedback processes in
the community (Petermann et al. 2008).
Genetically-based differences in the production of biochemicals and subsequent effects on different ecosystem components
have been observed for several species. Treseder & Vitousek
(2001) compared allozyme diversity of functional enzymes in
Metrosideros polymorpha Gaudich. (Myrtaceae) along a fertility gradient and grew seedlings collected from each population
in a common garden with reciprocal nutrient treatments. They
found that small differences in allelic diversity led to differences
in plant traits such as root and leaf litter chemistry, which, in
turn resulted in positive feedbacks that may inuence nutrient
cycling and the surrounding plant community. As noted
above, Ehlers & Thompson (2004) found that at least some of
the patterns observed in Thymus vulgaris communities
appeared to be due to differences in the production of biochemicals by different Thymus chemotypes. The chemical
diversity of the mixture of the 11 monoterpenes within Pinus
individuals explained one-fth of the variation in the species
richness of understorey plants (driven by vascular plants)
underneath individual trees (Iason et al. 2005). Although the
mechanism driving this relationship was not studied, it may act
through locally variable (between-tree variation) inhibition of
decomposition and nitrogen mineralization, by inhibiting
germination, seedling growth, survival through allelopathy
and or a combination of these direct and indirect effects.
The mechanisms by which the extended phenotype of a
dominant species alters ecosystem and community structure
are the same kinds of indirect and direct interactions that drive
evolution in neighbouring species and that play roles in community evolution and the geographic matrix of co-evolution.
The kinds of interactions between plants that are the focus of
this article t within the denition of an extended phenotype
an individuals genotype affects ecosystem processes and community structure. Conversely, extended phenotypes provide
examples of how interactions among plant species can drive

Co-evolution and the geographic mosaic

John Thompson (2005, 2006) developed a powerful synthesis
of the literature by showing that particular environments (different abiotic conditions, densities of interaction partners, etc.)
promote co-evolutionary interactions between species while
others do not. As a result, spatial variation in the environment
does not necessarily eliminate the potential for interactions
among species to drive evolution, but instead may lead to predictable variation in evolution. Locations where conditions
promote evolution are called co-evolutionary hotspots, and

coldspots are locations where conditions do not promote coevolution. A major contribution of the geographic mosaic
model is that it provides a framework for understanding how
evolution might occur among organisms that vary substantially in their spatial distributions relative to each other, a
major problem for understanding how interactions among
plants affect their evolution. It is important to note than in this
review we have not focused on co-evolution, but geographic
mosaic ideas are also applicable to understanding selection on
just one interaction partner, and not necessarily reciprocal evolution by the other. The kinds of interactions explored in the
context of the geographic mosaic have been highly specialized,
thus with very low diffuseness, but by denition, these interactions are spatially inconsistent (Fig. 1).
Because plants are sessile and most plant communities contain many species, the spatial arrangement among these species
must play a key role in how interactions between plant species
affect evolution. Therefore, the geographic mosaic model may
be a particularly useful framework for understanding the evolutionary consequences of interactions among plants.
Hotspots and coldspots for plant evolution may be determined by the degree of spatial association between different
species, and thus how diffuse interactions are. If different
interaction partners select for antagonistic traits, adaptation to
neighbours will be difcult. However, if certain species cluster
in space, or if different species elicit similar interaction effects,
interactions have more potential to result in adaptation. For
example, in the old-eld community experiments of Turkington and colleagues, they found that in young communities
where spatial association among particular plant species was
low and competitive interactions were diffuse, adaptation was
not observed. Instead, species in young communities displayed
plastic responses mediated by changes in soil microbial communities (Chanway, Holl & Turkington 1989; Turkington
1996). However, in older elds consisting of larger and more
uniform patches of grass species, adaptive responses by Trifolium occurred (see Turkington 1989, 1996). These more stable
and uniform communities, in which adaptation by Trifolium
could occur, could be considered hotspots for the evolution of
Trifolium as it interacts with other plant species. The geographic mosaic provides a context in which we can explore
evolutionary dynamics among particular species and genotypes present, but also in the context of variation in the distribution of these species and genotypes. Explicit integration of
geographic mosaics into future studies of plant interactions
has tremendous potential for expanding our understanding of

Factors limiting adaptation to plant

There are many conditions in which adaptation may not occur
despite strong selective forces, and understanding factors that
constrain adaptation are as important to consider as the factors that promote it. These factors include plasticity, spatial
heterogeneity in selective forces, gene ow, lack of additive
genetic variance and ecological factors.

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Plant interactions and evolution 737

Plants are highly plastic organisms. Whether adaptation in a
plastic trait can occur depends on the nature of the selective
force, the nature of the plasticity, and whether its effects on tness are consistent among different genotypes (no G E interaction). High levels of plasticity can mean that certain
genotypes are selected only in specic conditions. For example,
plants adapting to compete with one species or genotype may
lose some ability to compete with other species or genotypes
(e.g. Turkington 1979; Aarssen & Turkington 1985b; Ehlers &
Thompson 2004). In this way, an evolutionary tug-of-war can
ensue when plants are subjected to the multi-species competitive environment of communities. Lankau (2008) found that
competitive interactions between Brassica nigra and other
unrelated species in the community favoured a genotype of
B. nigra that produced high levels of sinigrin, a putative allelopathic agent. However, high levels of sinigrin did not confer
competitive advantage among conspecics, but instead
resulted in lower tness (Lankau & Strauss 2008), setting the
stage for strong trade-offs for a highly heritable trait that
affects how B. nigra interacts within communities. This suggests that the evolutionary consequences of plantplant interactions may be highly context- and competitor-specic and
that diversity of genotype may be important for coexistence
among competitors (Hughes et al. 2008).
Extremely strong competition may also reduce rates of
adaptation in a spatially heterogeneous selective landscape by
reducing the tness of a particular neighbour effectively to
zero. In this case, adaptive alleles may not increase in frequency. Gene ow between two populations of plants, one in
sympatry with the strong competitor and the other not, may
even result in the extinction of the sympatric population, rather
than in adaptation (Case & Taper 2000). This process may be
important in systems with invasive species forming dense
monocultures and causing substantial losses in reproduction
by native plants.
Finally, ecological factors may play an important role in the
rate and direction of responses to selection caused by competing plants. For example, Lau (2006) found that adaptation by
Lotus wrangelianus Fisch. & C.A. Mey. (Fabaceae; an annual
herb) to Medicago polymorpha L. (an invasive annual herb)
could only be observed when Hypera brunneipennis (an exotic,
shared herbivore) was excluded from the experimental plots.
The causes of this are unclear but the data suggest that ecological factors can change the consequences of the interaction
between Lotus and Medicago in ways that could inuence the
ability of one to adapt to the presence of the other. As we progress in our exploration of how interactions among plants
affect their evolution, we will gain insight into the factors that
drive evolution and those that limit evolution.

Our goal for this synthesis of studies of interactions among
plant species that generate continuous co-evolution maintaining balanced competitive abilities, niche theory, biogeographical studies of invasive plants, extended phenotypes, and
concepts arising from the geographical mosaic of co-evolution,

is to take a step toward considering how interactions among

plants might drive important evolutionary changes. If such
evolution is common, plant communities are not random
assemblages of species, and not all communities appear to be
assembled following the same rules (see Lortie et al. 2006). In
addition to challenging current perspectives on the nature of
plant communities, emerging evidence for plantplant interactions as drivers of evolution has important implications for
applied ecology as we attempt to manage and restore systems
that are both resistant and resilient to ongoing stresses, including invasive species and climate change. Our understanding of
the importance of plant interactions and evolution can be
greatly enhanced by addressing information gaps we have
noted (e.g. Bronstein 2009) and by explicitly considering
potential evolutionary outcomes within the context of traditional research on plant interactions. By looking for parallel
themes within various research areas, we can greatly improve
our understanding of the structure and long-term dynamics of
plant communities.

We thank the Handling Editor and two anonymous referees for their valuable
contributions to this article. Funding was provided by the NSF, DoD SERDP,
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the University of Montana Sponsored
Research Ofce.

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Received 20 May 2010; accepted 19 January 2011
Handling Editor: Judith Bronstein

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Ecology  2011 British Ecological Society, Journal of Ecology, 99, 729740

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