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Creating a Master Plan for

Greenhouse Operations
A. J. Both, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Controlled Environment Agriculture

You have heard the expression Change is inevitable. Unfortunately, sometimes people are
unhappy after a change, such as renovating an
existing greenhouse, because they ended up
spending as much money as they would have by
building an entirely new facility, but without gaining the full benefits of a new facility. Creating a
business master plan may help prevent such disappointments.
Changes in the greenhouse industry during the past
decades have increased greenhouse construction
and operation costs significantly. This makes it
necessary to carefully plan the overall design of the
facilities in order to avoid costly retrofits at a later
stage. A comprehensive master plan is required that
reflects how the owner/operator intends the completed facility to function. A key component of the
plan is the careful integration of all the systems and
buildings comprising the entire greenhouse operation.
For financial reasons, it is often not possible to include
all the desired systems and installations in the initial
construction of the facility. However, the overall
plan should provide for these systems and installations so that they can be added at a later date without
trouble or unnecessary additional costs (e.g., from
the onset, install a sufficiently large water supply line
that can accommodate the planned future expansion
of the greenhouse facility).

It is generally a good idea to establish priorities and

not to compromise when implementing a design plan.
The priorities and systems selected to be included in
the first installation should always be options that
provide the greatest returns. Additional systems can
be added at a later date.
There are many items to consider when formulating
a facilitys master plan, especially because it is part
of an organizational master plan. It is generally
easier to add a greenhouse than to develop an overall
business goal and a plan to achieve it. Technical,
horticultural, and business management skills are
required for the successful operation of greenhouse
facilities. Excellence in only one area cannot guarantee overall business success.

The Business Plan

A business plan is an important part of an overall
master plan. Expansion or improvement of facilities
always implies added costs and the expansion must
be considered with the profitability and overall organizational plan in mind.
A business plan usually contains several components
including plans addressing human resources (labor),
marketing, production, and finances. The following
list may serve as a guideline for developing a successful business plan. Developing a business plan is
an iterative process that may have to be repeated on
an annual basis to adjust for unforeseen circumstances.

Look at the past (what worked, what didnt).

Irrigation and fertigation systems, e.g., drip

irrigation, ebb and flood floors.

List your goals (e.g., more or new crops,


Availability of utilities, including water, electricity, and heating fuel.

Plant production systems, e.g., rolling

benches, hanging baskets.

Materials handling systems, e.g., soil mixing, pot fillers, conveyor belts.

Labor (availability and salary structure).

Get specific (fill in the details).

Develop steps (what steps are required?).

Estimate costs involved.

Estimate time commitments.

Estimate labor requirements.

Prioritize (rate in order of importance).

Write an action plan (make a schedule for

your plan).

Reality check (is your plan too ambitious?).

Get consensus (talk to co-workers, family,


Requirements for a Greenhouse

Production System
There are many components of a greenhouse production system. Table 1 shows some of the inputs
and outputs that need to be considered when planning
a greenhouse production system. Each of the items
mentioned needs to be considered. Evaluating the
greenhouse as an integrated system can help prevent
potential problems.
Table 1. Greenhouse inputs and outputs important for facility design.

Greenhouse Design
There are many items to consider when contemplating the location and design of a greenhouse. These
include, but are not limited to, the following:

Site selection and access.

Greenhouse orientation for optimum light


Structural strength to handle weather conditions, including wind and snow.



Seeds, cuttings, plugs,


Finished plant material

Growing media

(Plant) Waste

Energy (heating fuel

and electricity)

Heat (loss to air and

conduction to subsoil)


Stray light from

supplemental lighting

Suitable greenhouse glazing materials, including plastic film, rigid plastic panels, glass.

Carbon dioxide




Energy conservation considerations, e.g.,

double-layer glazing, curtain systems.



Environmental control systems, e.g., heating, ventilation, lighting, CO2 enrichment.

Disease and pest



equipment used, and the overall physical arrangement possible on the site. These variables determine
bay width and length, gutter height, type of glazing,
type of ventilation, etc. Use of supplemental lighting,
shade/energy curtains, and production of hanging
baskets can determine gutter height. In addition,
irrigation booms may require additional vertical

A site survey that includes a topographical map is

important so that there are no surprises with runoff,
quantities of required back fill, road access, or local
zoning regulations. The elevations shown on the map
should have a minimum of 1-foot contour intervals.
The site plan should accurately show the property
and indicate current buildings, roads, and locations of
all utilities. Locations of streams, ponds, and dedicated wetlands are important for runoff considerations as well as the permitting process. If a retail
operation is part of the design plan, then more care is
needed in planning to satisfy building code, public
safety, and zoning regulations. NRAES 51, Produce
Handling for Direct Marketing and NRAES 52,
Facilities for Roadside Markets, contain good
planning information for retail operations. Key to
good planning is to arrange the sales area so that
employee and plant material movement do not intersect and interrupt normal customer movement and
traffic patterns. When considering sales areas within
greenhouse structures, building code and zoning
regulations will have an effect on the design of the
facility. A prudent check by the engineer involved in
the construction of the facility with the local building
code and zoning officials is advised. Retail operations allowing public access are often subject to
particular scrutiny by local building code officials.

Ventilation and Cooling System

Ventilation systems can be either mechanical or
natural (i.e., without the use of fans to move air
through the greenhouse). The use of natural ventilation is mostly determined by the average wind conditions at the site. When there is virtually no wind, air
circulation depends primarily on the buoyancy of
hotter air in the greenhouse rising out of the ventilation outlets (roof vents) and drawing air in through the
ventilation inlets (side vents). Natural ventilation
using side and roof vents is a popular choice, as is the
novel open-roof greenhouse design, but their appropriateness depends on the crops being grown, local
weather conditions, and grower preferences.
Heating System
The heating system should be selected based on the
crops being grown, heating uniformity criteria, fuel
availability and cost, and grower preferences. The
initial installation cost is important but should not be
the most important consideration. Uniform crop
growth is very important for most production systems, and the heating and ventilation systems have a
major impact on producing uniform crops. Heating
systems that give good temperature uniformity are
preferred (e.g., circulating hot-water heating systems, floor and bench heating systems). Forced hot
air systems generally have lower initial costs but
decreased heating efficiency and less satisfactory
uniformity will generally reduce long-term profitability.

Key Components of the

Greenhouse Facility
Permanent greenhouse facilities are often constructed with a solid concrete foundation. Structural
foundation footers and/or walls must extend below
the frost line and perimeter walls should be insulated
to prevent unnecessary heat loss to the outside
environment bordering the greenhouse perimeter.
Main interior concrete walkways should be at least
4 inches thick and 10 feet wide to accommodate
vehicular traffic.

Thermal Screens or Curtain Systems

A thermal screen that doubles as a shade screen is
often one of the best investments a grower can make.
The design of the greenhouse structure must be able
to accommodate a thermal screen (i.e., enough

The type of greenhouse structure should be based on

the crops to be grown, the growing system used, the
level of automation, the amount and location of

Growing Systems

space is needed between the top of the plant canopy

and the greenhouse roof to accommodate the operation of a thermal/shade screen). If the installation
cannot be included at the start of a greenhouse
construction project, the design must include provisions for it to be added without expensive modification or alteration to the greenhouse at a later date. It
is important to also consider the possible future addition
of supplemental lighting and/or movable irrigation
systems when deciding on the initial greenhouse
height. Some greenhouse operations had to be reconstructed one or more times over their life to accommodate improvements and the marginal cost of several
extra feet of height in initial construction is modest.

Efficient use of greenhouse space is a major consideration for growers. Being able to fill and empty the
greenhouse efficiently and quickly is very important.
Here, mechanization can help. The bedding plant
industry is a good example of the importance of
mechanization. Each piece of equipment is part of a
system used to achieve the desired goal of efficient
movement at reduced time commitment, effort, and
cost. Figure 1 illustrates different greenhouse layouts, each realizing different space and labor efficiencies. Speedy removal of the crop from the
greenhouse may require the use of an overhead conveyance to bring the plant material to a main walkway.

100 ft
2 feet bench
6.5 feet
3 feet aisle
6 feet
2 feet bench
1.5 feet aisle

1 by 6.5 feet bench

3.5 feet fixed bench

3.5 feet rolling bench
3.5 feet rolling bench
3.5 feet rolling bench
2.5 feet temporary aisle
3.5 feet fixed bench
3 feet aisle

9 feet growing area

2 feet aisle
9 feet growing area
Figure 1. Examples of different space utilizations for three different growing system designs in a 20 by 100 foot greenhouse. From
top to bottom: peninsular benches (71% efficient), rolling longitudinal benches (84% efficient), and growing on the floor (90%

Environmental Control System

Nutrient Management for Greenhouses, provides

additional useful information.

Quality analog and digital (computer) systems are

available that accurately sense and control both
aerial and media (soil) conditions. Common measurements include air, canopy, and root-zone temperatures, sunlight (often measured as photosynthetically active radiation), relative humidity of the
greenhouse air, aerial carbon dioxide concentration, electrical conductivity and pH of the nutrient
solution and/or media. In addition, measurements
such as ventilation window position, ventilation fan
runtime, operation of pumps, position of mixing
valves, nutrient solution volume, etc., are used to
keep track of equipment operation. Computerized
control systems have the advantage of recording
data for subsequent use in evaluating plant performance or identifying problems with the mechanical
aspects of the growing system.

Utilities Installations
The installation and availability of common utilities
(water, electricity, natural gas) is of utmost importance, particularly when considering adequate capacity for future expansion. Following appropriate
electrical installation practices (i.e., adhere to electrical codes, hire licensed electricians, have all
work properly inspected) throughout the greenhouse operation can prevent future safety and
operational problems as well as maintenance and
breakdown situations. Each critical electrical
component should have provision for a connection
to an emergency generation system, preferably to
be installed when the greenhouse is constructed.
The emergency system should have enough capacity to operate all control systems, boilers and circulators in the heating system, and at least the first
stage of fan ventilation systems.

Adequate Water Supply

In siting a greenhouse, consideration must be given to
the availability of water. Is there an adequate water
supply? And what is the water quality? Does it make
sense to capture the runoff from the roof and store it
for irrigation? In some areas of New Jersey water
availability may be a limiting factor for greenhouse
establishment and production. All users of agricultural or horticultural water that exceed a usage of
100,000 gallons per day must obtain an agricultural
certification for the privilege of diverting water from
ground or surface sources. The Rutgers Cooperative
Research and Extension agricultural agent in your
county can assist in determining water use requirements for your operation and the application process
for certification.

A Suggested Master Plan for the

Construction of a 4-Acre
Greenhouse Facility
Figure 2 illustrates a possible four-phase approach
to constructing a 4-acre greenhouse facility. The
selection of equipment and facilities to operate the
greenhouse is a major and sometimes challenging
decision. For instance, should one consider a
transportable bench system be installed first before
a superior heating system? Consider the situation
that would occur with a greenhouse with transportable benches, but a non-uniform heating system.
The produced crop will then not be uniform
throughout the greenhouse at harvest time. The
result is the challenge of moving transportable
benches to the headhouse while some of the crop
is ready, some almost ready, and the remainder at
various other stages. How do you handle the crop?
Several paths of product travel will have to be
established. This situation will result in extra labor,
eliminating the anticipated advantage of the transportable bench system. A transportable bench
system must deliver 9095% uniformity to the
headhouse for the materials handling system to

Irrigation Systems
Irrigation systems vary in design and layout. Automation is a major consideration. Thus, a greenhouse
design should be chosen that allows for (future)
installations of automated control and autonomously
operated equipment. The fertilizer injection system
must be compatible with the installed irrigation system
and backflow prevention devices need to be installed
to comply with the law. NRAES 56, Water and

a transportable bench system should be considered.

Uniform environmental control is a prerequisite to

function optimally. The answer to the hypothetical

questions raised above is, of course, that first there
has to be an excellent heating system installed before


9 bays
24 each

Zone 1



Zone 2


9 bays
24 each

Zone 1

Zone 2


Center isle, 20 wide



Zone 3


Zone 4

9 bays
24 each


Zone 1



Zone 2


Zone 3

Zone 4

9 bays
24 each

Zone 1

Zone 2


Center isle, 20 wide


Zone 3

Center isle, 20 wide


Zone 4

Zone 3

Zone 4

Figure 2. Phased construction of a 4-acre greenhouse facility. Phase 1: Office, Headhouse 1 and Zone 1, Phase 2: Zone 2, Phase
3: Central walkway, Headhouse 2, and Zone 3, Phase 4: Zone 4.


type of growing structures, necessary and desired

equipment, and the impact the expansion might
have on neighbors bordering your property. The
checklist (Table 2) and the included references
contain additional information helpful in preparing a
master plan for greenhouse operators who are
considering erecting new facilities or renovating
current ones.

A good master plan has many components. Considerable thought and evaluation has to be made
before the plan is completed and before the intended program of growth and expansion is undertaken. The important issues include a business
plan, a site evaluation, an evaluation of the desired

Blackout system (photoperiod control)

Table 2. Greenhouse design and construction


Heating Systems


Hot air unit heater

Hot air furnace
Hot water unit heater
Poly-tube distribution system
Hot water boiler
Perimeter hot water distribution system
Overhead hot water distribution system
Bench heating system (hot water)
Floor heating system (hot water)
Radiant heating
Steam heating

Site Preparation
Drainage (from roof and interior drains, including
sewage drains)
Digging holes for foundation posts
Potable water
Irrigation water
Natural gas
Propane storage tank
Fuel oil storage tank
Sewage system

Irrigation Systems
Hand watering
Overhead sprinkler system
Irrigation boom (movable)
Flood floor
Drip irrigation
Capillary mat

Greenhouse Foundation
Soil-bearing capacity
Perimeter (knee) wall
Concrete floors/walkways
Roof drainage

Liquid fertilizer injection system
Slow release fertilizer

Greenhouse Structure (includes glazing)

End walls

CO2 Injection Units

Pure (vaporized liquid) CO2 distribution system
CO2 burners
Flue gas CO2 extraction system

Ventilation and Cooling Systems

Mechanical ventilation
Natural ventilation
Exhaust fans
Evaporative cooling pad
Fog cooling system
Horizontal airflow fans
Roof sprinkler system

Greenhouse Lighting
Supplemental lighting system
Photoperiod lighting system
Walkway and security lighting
Growing Systems
Greenhouse floor
Fixed tables or benches
Rolling tables
Mobile or transportable tables
Hanging basket systems

Curtain Systems
White wash
External curtains
Internal curtains
Energy retention

Environmental Control Systems

Analog control
Computer control
Alarm systems
Electrical Installations
Service entrance equipment
Distribution panels
Control panels
Interface panels
Main operating voltage
Low voltage lines (for equipment control)
Stand-by power generator

P.O. Box 4557, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852. 82 pp.
3. Bartok, J.W. 2000. Greenhouses for
Homeowners and Gardeners. NRAES 137,
Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering
Service. P.O. Box 4557, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852. 200 pp.
4. Bartsch, J.A. and R. Kline. 1992. Produce
Handling for Direct Marketing. NRAES 51,
Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering
Service. P.O. Box 4557, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852. 26 pp.

Miscellaneous Equipment Installations

Site Finishing (including landscaping)

1. Adrich, R.A. and J.W. Bartok. 1994. Greenhouse Engineering. NRAES 33, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service.
P.O. Box 4557, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852. 212 pp.
2. Bartok, J.W. 2001. Energy Conservation for
Commercial Greenhouses. NRAES 3, Natural
Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service.

5. Brumfield, R. 2004. Greenhouse Cost Accounting.

6. Selders, A. et al. 1992. Facilities for Roadside
Markets, NRAES 52, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service. P.O. Box 4557,
Ithaca, N.Y. 14852. 32 pp.
7. Weiler, T.C. and M. Sailus (eds.). 1996.
Water and Nutrient Management for Greenhouses. NRAES 56, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service. P.O. Box
4557, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852.
102 pp.

This publication is based on a version previously developed by Extension Specialist, Emeritus, William J. Roberts.

2005 by Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension, (NJAES), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Desktop publishing by Rutgers' Cook College Resource Center

Revised: June 2005


Distributed in cooperation with U.S. Department of Agriculture in furtherance of the Acts of Congress on May 8 and June 30, 1914. Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension works in
agriculture, family and community health sciences, and 4-H youth development. Dr. Karyn Malinowski, Director of Extension. Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension provides
information and educational services to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family
status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Rutgers Cooperative Research & Extension is an Equal Opportunity Program Provider and Employer.

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