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Paper Planes: Department of CSE, TOCE

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Paper planes

Computer graphics is concerned with all aspects of producing pictures or images using a
computer. The development of computer graphics has made computers easier to interact with
and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data. Developments in computer
graphics have had a profound impact on many types of media and have revolutionized the
animation and video game industry.
The field began humbly almost 50 years ago, with the display of a few lines on a cathode
ray tube(CRT).We can create images by computer that are indistinguishable from
photographs of real objects.

The phrase Computer Graphics was coined in 1960 by William Fetter, a graphic designer
for Boeing. The field of computer graphics developed with the emergence of computer
graphics hardware. The term computer graphics includes almost everything on computers that
is not text or sound. Today almost every computer can do some graphics, and people have
even come to expect to control their computer through icons and pictures rather than just by
typing. Although the term often refers to three-dimensional computer graphics, it also
encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing. OpenGL is an operating
system and hardware platform independent graphics library designed to be easily portable yet
rapidly executable.

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We think of computer graphics as drawing pictures on computers, also called rendering. The
pictures can be photographs, drawings, movies, or simulations -- pictures of things which do
not yet exist and maybe could never exist or they may be pictures from places we cannot see
directly, such as medical images from inside your body.
The areas where computer graphics is widely used is in massive multiplier games that can
involve tens of thousands of concurrent participants, to train pilots with simulated airplanes,
feature-length movies made entirely by computers have been successful both critically and
financially. Although computer graphics is a vast field that encompasses almost any graphical
aspect, we are mainly interested in the generation of images of 3-dimensional scenes.
Computer imagery has applications for film special effects, simulation and training, games,
medical imagery, flying logos, etc


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OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a standard specification defining a cross-language,
cross- platform API for writing applications that produce 2D and 3D computer graphics.
OpenGL was developed by Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) in 1992 and is widely used in CAD,
virtual reality, scientific visualization, information visualization, and flight simulation.
OpenGL is managed by the non-profit technology consortium, the Khronos group.

OpenGL serves two main purposes:

To hide the complexities of interfacing with different 3D accelerators, by presenting

the programmer with a single, uniform API.

To hide the differing capabilities of hardware platforms, by requiring that all

implementations support the full OpenGL feature set (using software emulation if

OpenGL's basic operation is to accept primitives such as points, lines and polygons, and
convert them into pixels. Most OpenGL commands either issue primitives to the graphics
pipeline, or configure how the pipeline processes these primitives.

GLUT-Open GL Utility Kit

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GLUT is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing
OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface
(API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL
programming. GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that
works across all PC and workstation OS platforms.
GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs. While GLUT
is well-suited to learning OpenGL and developing simple OpenGL applications, GLUT is not
a full-featured toolkit so large applications requiring sophisticated user interfaces are better
off using native window system toolkits. GLUT is simple, easy, and small.
The GLUT library has both C and C++ (same as C), FORTRAN, and Ada programming
bindings. The GLUT source code distribution is portable to nearly all OpenGL
implementations and platforms. The current version is 3.7. Additional releases of the library
are not anticipated. GLUT is not open source.
Most of our applications will be designed to access OpenGL directly through functions in
three libraries. Functions in the main GL library have names that begin with the letters gl and
are stored in a library usually referred as GL.The second is the OpenGL Utility Library
(GLU). This library uses only GL functions but contains code for creating common objects
and simplifying viewing.
To interface with the window system and to get input from external devices into our
programs, we need atleast one library. For the X window systemws, it is wall etc
GLUT will use GLX and X libraries.


In our application, we use four header files: glut.h ,stdio.h,unistd.h and math.h

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In glut.h header we use,





















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System requirements are intended to communicate in precise way, the functions that the
system must provide. To reduce ambiguity, they may be written in a structured form of
natural language supplemented by tables and system models.

The physical components required are:

Processor - Pentium Pro

2.0 GHz CPU

Memory - 128MB RAM

40 GB Hard Disk Drive

Mouse or other pointing device


The softwares used in building this program are as specified:

Operating system - Windows XP

Microsoft Visual C++ editor.

Compiler - C++ Compiler.

Graphics Library - glut.h

Open GL 2.0

glLoadIdentity ():-Sets the current transformation matrix to an identity matrix.
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glPushMatrix ():
glPopMatrix ():-Pushes to and pops from matrix stack corresponding to the current matrix

glMatrixMode (GLenum mode):-Specifies which matrix will be affected by subsequent


glRotate[fd](TYPE angle,TYPE dx,TYPE dy,TYPE dz):- Multiplies the current
matrix that rotates, objects the angle parameter and specifies the angle of rotation in degrees.

glTranslate[fd](TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z):-Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix

that moves an object by the given x,y,z values.

glutPostRedisplay();-Requests that the display callback be executed after the current

callback returns.

glutDisplayFunc(void (*func)(void)):-Registers the display function func that is

executed after the callback returns.

glutKeyboardFunc(void *f(char key,int width,int height)):- Registers the keyboard

function f. the callback function returns the ASCII code of the key pressed and the position of
the mouse.

glFlush():- Forces any buffered OpenGL commands to execute.

glutSolidSphere( TYPE radius, TYPE slices, TYPE stack):- Draws a solid sphere of
given radius.

glutSwapBuffers():- Swaps front and back buffers.

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glEnable (GLenum features):glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST):- This function enables depth test for hidden surface


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Step 1:Start.
Step 2: Standard GLUT initialization.
Step 3:Set the display mode.
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Step 4:Create the Window.

Step 5:Display function callback.
Step 6:Activating the Keyboard.
Step 7:Callback to the visibility function.
Step 8:Create the menu with options to add a plane, removing a plane, motion on/off and to
Step 9:Clear the depth buffer.
Step 10: Clear the background color.
Step11: Set the matrix to Projection mode.
Step 12: Call glFrustum function.
Step 13: Set the matrix to Modelview mode.
Step 14: Add three planes initially by calling add_plane() function thrice.
Step 15: Enter to event processing loop by calling glutMainLoop() function.

User Defined Functions:
animate(): This function calls another function tick() and initializes glutPostRedisplay().
draw(): This function paints the background from black to blue shade color with smooth
shade. It also draws the plane with right and left wings ,tip and other properties.

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function makes use of keyboard keys,space key is used for a unit

moment of planes and Esc key is used to exit from output window.

main(): This function initializes the standard GLUT library along with callbacks to all the
other user defined functions through display callback. Here is where the program starts

menu(): This function creates a user friendly menu on the output window. It can be
implemented using mouse. It has four options, to add a plane, to remove a plane, to start/stop
the motion of the planes and to quit.

add_plane(): This function adds a plane if the total planes count is not greater then 15. The
color and speed of the plane is set randomly. Color of the planes may be either of Red, White,
Green, Magenta, Yellow or Cyan.

remove_plane(): This function removes a plane if there is/are any. It removes the
previously added plane. It is independent of the movement of planes.

tick(): This function calls tick_per_plane() function for all the planes.
tick_per_plane(): This function sets the angle for the plane moment. It also specifies the
movement of planes in X, Y and Z axes, i.e; in three dimension.

Testing process started with the testing of individual program units such as functions or

These were then integrated into sub-systems and systems, and interactions of

these units were tested.

Testing involves verification and validation.
Validation: Are we building the right product?
Verification: Are we building the product right?
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The ultimate goal of the verification and validation process is to establish confidence
that the software system is fit for purpose.

The level of required confidence depends on

the systems purpose, the expectations of the system users and the current marketing
environment for the system:
Software functions, User expectations, Marketing environment.With the verification and
validation process, there are two complementary approaches to the system checking and
Software inspections or peer reviews analyses and check system representations such as
the requirements document, design diagrams, and the program source code. Software testing
involves running an implementation of the software with test data
There are two distinct types of testing that may be used at different stages in the software
Validation testing is intended to show that the software is what the customer wants-that it
meets its requirements. Defect testing is intended to reveal defects in the system rather than to
simulate its operational use





To add a plane

Planes count


increased by 1

To remove a plane

Planes count


decrease by 1

To make the plane

Planes started


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moving randomly


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Showing menu to add plane

Showing menu to remove plane

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Showing menu to motion off

Showing menu to Quit

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We started with modest aim with no prior experience in any programming projects as this, but
ended up in learning many things, fine tuning the programming skills and getting into the real
world of software development with an exposure to corporate environment. During the
development of any software of significant utility, we are forced with the tradeoff between
speed of execution and amount of memory consumed. This is simple interactive
application. It is extremely user friendly and has the features, which makes simple graphics
project. It has an open source and no security features has been included. The user is free to
alter the code for feature enhancement. Checking and verification of all possible types of the
functions are taken care. Care was taken to avoid bugs. Bugs may be reported to creator as
the need.

Future Enhancement:
The future enhancement of paper planes project is to have bigger planes, to have 3D view of
the plane, to get the shadow of each planes and to rotate each plane in opposite direction as
well as reverse direction.


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1. Interactive Computer Graphics - A top down approach with OpenGL.

-Edward Angel, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2008

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