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FLIRT4FREE - CZ, S.r.o.,: Contract

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with its registered address at Vodikova 791/41, Nov Msto, 110 00 Praha 1, the Czech Republic
CRN: 03620271
entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Praha,
Section C, Insert no. 235036
with its corporate agent Ms. Helena Lukov acting on its behalf
Bank connection: account no.: 6048880008 kept by PPF Banka, a.s. in Praha
(hereinafter referred to as the "Provider"only)

on one side

Diana-Nicoleta Cosma,
with her registered address at Principala nr.182, 517240 Alba Iulia, Romania
Date of birth: 29 March 1993
Bank connection: account no.: RO02BRDE010SV38384050100 kept by BRD

(hereinafter referred to as the "studio"only)

on the other side

entered on the day, month, and year mentioned below
into this:

Art. I


The Provider states and the Studio covenants that is the authorized representative of the company VS Media Inc.
with its registered office at 266 72 California, Agoura Road, Calabasas, CA 91302, the United States of America
(hereinafter "VS Media" only).
The two Parties hereto state that they are aware of the fact that the business activities of VS Media are conference
interconnection of erotic video recordings via Internet.
Based on its agreement with VS Media, the Provider shall enable, during the life of the contract, the Studio to
broadcast erotic programmes of the Studio in the form of paid access of end users to this on-line broadcast of the
Studio on the website (hereinafter the "website" only) which is owned by VS Media.


The Studio states that pursuant to the Romanian laws, it has a due and valid licence to run business in the sphere
regulated hereby and expressly and irrevocably releases the Provider from all obligations and liabilities towards
third persons should its statement be untrue. The Study is obliged to assure this business licence in the sphere
regulated hereby at its own expenses throughout the life hereof.

Art. II
Terms and Definitions
1. "End User" means:
A user of the Internet computer network who, having paid the membership fee to the VS Media account, is
on-line interconnected via the Internet through a technical equipment of the Studio on the web site of VS
Media or its contractors with a natural person who is in a legal relationship with the Studio performing an
erotic show for this end user.
2. "Erotic Show" means:
Video performance of a natural person of focused erotically, performed by the natural person who is in
legal relationship with the Studio at his/her own cost and televised or recorded otherwise by Studios
technical equipment and transmitted by computer network on-line interconnected via Internet with the end
user for whom and based on whose wish the natural person performs the erotic show.
In the erotic show and any part of it, it is banned and prohibited to make any performance with human
disrespect and violence elements. The banned performances include, without limitation, performances
showing or comprising video or verbal intercourse with a child, animal, or other sexual pathologic
elements, particularly any exposure of violence, mainly torture or its indications, either sadistic or
masochistic, and urination or defecation or vomiting, and erotic performances are banned in the menstrual
periods and apparent pregnancy.
3. "Natural Person Performing Erotic Show" means:
A person of 18 years of age or older who, based on his/her legal relationship (agreement, contract, either
oral or written) with the Studio performs erotic show for the end user in the Studio premises and with/on its
technical equipment.

Art. III
Subject matter of the Contract
Under the conditions agreed upon in this Contract and throughout the period of life hereof, the Provider covenants to
enable and provide the Studio access to transmission of VS Media on the "" site for the purpose of
transmission of erotic performance of the Studio for the end users. The Provider shall enable the Studio access to the VS
Media web site on an agreed base which means that the Studio shall be enable to transmit on the web site at the time
mutually agreed in writing by the two Parties hereto.
The Provider covenants to remit the Studio the payments of the end users for transmission of the Studio via web sites
remitted by the end users to the VS Media account itself under conditions agreed by and between the Parties hereto.

Art. IV
Rights and Duties of the Parties








The Provider covenants to provide the Studio access to its transmission of erotic performances on the VS Media
"web site" throughout the life hereof. The Studio shall be allowed to transmit on the web site at the time mutually
agreed in writing by the two Parties.
The Studio shall provide, at its own expenses and costs and exclusively for its own benefit any equipment
necessary for the access to the web site from the remote place of transmission (transmitting place). To give an
example, this may include computers, camcorders connected to computers, and Internet connection able to
transmit data at the rate of 512 kbps or more. The Studio shall be exclusively obliged to ensure that any equipment
bought or otherwise acquired in support of its activity shall be compatible with the web site.
The Studio shall be obliged to provide for the performance of erotic shows, at its own discretion and exclusively
at its own costs and for its own benefit, among others, any furniture, posts, and material used as accessories or
decoration of the transmitting place, and among others all clothes and instruments and tools used by the natural
persons hired by the Studio and performing the erotic shows.
The Studio is aware that this Contract does not constitute in any way any joint venture between the Parties and
that there is no labour or other relation between the Provider and the Studio or between the Studio and VS Media
other than that stipulated hereby.
Neither the Provider not VS Media shall be responsible for any liabilities of the Studio or for breach of the law by
the Studio or persons hired by it.
The Studio states that it is aware of all relevant laws, regulations and directions that may apply to its transmission
and performance as intended hereby, and particularly that it is aware of the fact that the following acts are
generally considered obscene, vulgar and pornographic whether they are actual or affected, and are banned in
connection with erotic shows performed by natural persons hired by the Studio and performing erotic shows via
web site: sodomy, urination, defecation, incest, sadomasochism, or strapping and slaving in sexual context
(representing rape, torture, cruelty, etc.), any presence or representation of juveniles engaged in intimate physical
contacts or sexual situations, including, without limitation, their nakedness, whether actual or affected. The Studio
is aware of the fact that the preceding list of situations is not comprehensive and that other situations may be
regarded obscene, vulgar, and pornographic, and banned.
The Studio covenants that its use of web site shall be in accordance with all laws or any regulations, decrees,
rules, directions, or other acts of governmental institutions and administrative bodies.
The Studio states that each and every erotic show shall be performed by an adult natural person older than 18
years of age, and therefore the Studio covenants to acquire and submit evidence of the name and age of any
natural person performing the erotic show before transmission of any erotic show, in a form acceptable for the
Provider, and to record and file all such records for the case of a justified inspection by government bodies and
institutions, Provider, or a third person engaged by it. The Studio covenants not to engage anyone in any erotic
show with explicitly sexual behaviour in the relation with the use of the web sites until it obtains all documents of
the name and age of such natural person to perform erotic show.
The Studio shall not make use of the web site for the purpose of publicity of third persons\' web site or services.
The Studio covenants hereby to indemnify the Provider or VS Media and hold them harmless in any case of
actions, claims, disputes and costs or expenses related thereto resulting from the Studios failure to meet such
directions and requirements. In addition, the Provider reserves the right to withdraw herefrom immediately should
the Studio obligations shown in this Article be broken.
The Studio recognizes, covenants and is aware that it shall use the web site at its own risk absolutely. The Studio
assumes, bar none, all responsibility for any consequences and/or damage that may result from its use of the web
site, including actual bodily harm or loss of property or equipment. The Studio covenants to indemnify, hold
harmless and prevent damage to VS Media or Provider for and from any obligations, losses and/or damages that
may result from the use of the web site by the Studio and erotic shows related.

Art. V

The Studio shall obtain a basic rate USD 0.025 per each credit of private performance of the erotic show
transmitted by the Studio that will be viewed by the end user.
The Provider shall remit the payment as shown in paragraph 1 to the Studio (to its account) every other Friday for
a two-week period of time ending on preceding Sunday, e.g. on Friday 4 April 2003, the Studio shall be paid for
all minutes realised between 06:00:00 (CET) Monday morning 17 March 2003 and 05:59:59 (CET) Monday
morning 31 March 2003. Subsequent payment shall be made on 18 April 2003 for the subsequent two-week

Art. VI
Contract Duration



This Contract shall become valid and effective as of the date of its signature and has been concluded for one (1)
year period.
Either Party reserves the right to terminate this Contract by written notice at any time for any reason, whether the
reason is shown or not. In case of notice on the part of the Studio, any sums due to and belonging to the Studio
shall be due within thirty days from the moment the Provider is served the written notice.
The withdrawal notice for the two Parties shall be five (5) days and shall start on the day following the day on
which the notice is served. The Studio covenants to stop transmitting erotic shows on the "web site" of VS Media
as of the date of termination hereof.
The Studio covenants that, should it be unsatisfied with the Contract or any provision hereof, arrangement,
condition, rule, principle, direction, or practices of the Provider or VS Media in operation of the web site, its only
and exclusive remedy (legal remedy) is to terminate this Contract and cease to use the web site. In no case the
Provider or VS Media shall be responsible to the Studio for loss of use, income or profit or any other general,
special, accidental (accompanying/incidental/related) or subsequent (resulting) losses, whether foreseeable or not.

Art. VII
The Studio shall not be entitled to assign this Contract or any rights and duties herefrom or any part thereof to a third
person without previous consent of the Provider. Assignment of the rights and duties shall mean also sale of the
company or any part of it.

Failure to insist on or dispensing with fulfilment of any provision contained herein, or of any right or privilege granted
based hereupon shall not establish nor be construed as a waiver of such provision or any other provision hereof, and
conditions shall remain valid and effective in extenso. No waiver of right based on any breach of any provision hereof
shall be deemed waiver of right from any continuing or subsequent breach of the same provision. The rights and
remedies of either Party as stipulated hereby shall be cumulative with any other rights or measures or remedies enabled
by law or justice.

Art. IX
Common and Final Provisions




Any amendment, alteration, modification, or change hereof must be made in writing and signed by the two Parties
This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic. All disputes
arising herefrom and in relation hereto shall be decided definitely by an Arbitration Court at the Economic
Chamber of the CR and Agrarian Chamber of the CR pursuant to its rules and regulations by three arbitrators.
The Parties covenant, represent and undertake that this Contract is a full and fully binding arrangement between
the Parties.
Any notices, applications, requirements, and other advices required or intended based hereupon shall be made in
writing and deemed properly handed over and served if duly delivered or deposited at the post office on the 15th
day after the sending by prepaid registered mail and/or delivered by e-mail.
Should any one or more provisions hereof or of any arrangement concluded based hereupon be determined illegal
or unenforceable, all other provisions hereof, and the one different provision concluded hereupon, shall be
effective separately from the provision(s) determined illegal or unenforceable, and shall remain unaffected
This Contract has been executed and signed in duplicate having the same validity. By signing the Contract, each
Party confirms takeover of one of them by the Parties of the signed original copy hereof.

In Prague on __________________

In Alba Iulia on 16 February 2015

For the Provider

For the Studio, s.r.o.
Helena Lukov
corporate agent

Diana-Nicoleta Cosma

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